Are there any texts where the heroine is beautiful and valiant?

Is there any text with a beautiful and valiant heroine?

Lu Chen’s white moonlight is back.

The good days of his foxy friends taunting me have come to an end.

I laughed.

Everyone thinks I want to marry into a rich family.

They didn’t understand that I could become a rich family without relying on a man.

1 I realized that I was used as a stand-in for Lu Chen, and it was still a losing start.

Lu Chen’s white moonlight, Su Yiyi, came back and brought a two-year-old boy with her.

She came to the room with a killer app and wanted to talk to me.

Talk about what?

How to get my ass out of here?

“Sorry, Luk Sum is not here, you can go out and wait for him.

” Su Yiyi, who resembles me by seven or eight points and dresses even more plainly to the extreme, was dumbfounded and should not have expected me to reject her outright.

She was like a salmon, swimming against the current, not afraid to die, pickpocketed the door, then glared at me: ”On what grounds do you drive us out, who do you think you are! If it wasn’t for this face, would Lu Chen be with you?

It’s just a stand-in, he loves me!” “Is that so?

Last night he even said he loved me.

” I snorted, my whole body blocking the doorway.

He did say that last night, in bed, and more than once.

Just goes to prove the saying that a man’s body and mind can be connected and separated at any time.

“Shameless! Shameless third party, seducing him while I was away, and now that I’m back with my son, you’d better put yourself in your place.

“A two year old is learning to talk, don’t teach her a lesson.”

” I pushed her away and used my mouth to signal her to shut up, her son was right next to her.

Su Yiyi didn’t answer, instead she fell backward in an exaggerated manner.

I swear that the force was at best a light touch, and then this scene appeared: a scrawny woman holding a child, falling to the ground and crying in pain.

Adults cry, the child also cried, the louder the cry, the more miserable.

Immediately followed by the sound of wheels rubbing the ground from far and near.

Lu Chen came back, at his fastest speed, and he didn’t even look my way, directly embracing the mother and child into his arms.

I was an outsider, watching their family of three reunite after a long time.

In the end, the mother and son managed to make their entrance.

Lu Chen brought them back and looked at me with cold eyes, full of reproach.

Their family of three sat on the sofa, with me on the opposite side, trial-like.

“Sam, you must not blame Ms. Lin, she should be misunderstood, not intentionally drive us away …… I came back with no other intention, I don t want to destroy your relationship, it is the child who has been crying for his father, I just want to look at you from afar and leave …….” Su Yiyi hiding in Lu Chen’s arms crying like a piece of rag soaked with water, leaching and pulling people upset.

Lu Chen is different, he is very heartbroken, especially when he saw the child, too surprised at the first sight of the child, apparently did not know of his existence before, and then, he took the child into his lap, carefully coaxed.

Su Yi Yi smiled at me, as provocative as possible.

I also smiled, at the beginning, I knew I would lose.

A woman raised a child alone for two years suddenly appeared, what can be the reason?

As long as there is a child around, not many men will not feel guilty.

What she wants is Lu Chen’s guilt, and she wants to live the life of a mother with a child in the Lu family.

I just didn’t expect Lu Chen’s face to turn so fast.

Yesterday night we were still together, and even set up where to go on vacation …… Heh, man.

I no longer have any chips to keep him.

If you can’t hold the sand, you raise it, no problem.

2 “Lin Xi, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you for this.

” Lu Chen looks handsome and elegant and gentle, but when he opens his mouth, all he sprays is a knife with a cold light.

Now the main body is back, but also with a killer, basically nothing about me as a double.

Unfortunately, my heart has been fed to the dogs.

I have never been a pretentious person, since the man can not stay, there is no need to compensate also do not want.

Now I want is very simple, as long as the compensation in place, he let me when to go, how far to go, immediately arranged.

Lu Chen called the driver and looked at me with a sullen face, “Send Lin Xi to the apartment in the city.

”As shrewd as he is, how could he let two rival women live under the same roof.

“So is Mr. Lu still coming over tonight?

” I asked, also letting myself die at last.

I saw Su Yiyi nervously wrapped her arms around Lu Chen’s arm, afraid of being snatched away as if, Lu Chen gently patted her back to pacify, smiling gently, a look I’ve never seen before.

My assistant will go over and explain some things,” Lu Chen looked at me.

” Lu Chen looked at me, eyes deep, seems to be considering what.


” I smiled faintly and elegantly turned to leave.

Lu Chen is a decent person, talk to stay three, words to this point I do not need to get to the bottom of this, the assistant tonight past must be to do the aftermath of the work.

…… At night, the assistant brought good news.

As expected, the house, the car and the money as a lot, very generous, fully in line with his style of behavior.

If I can live peacefully like an ordinary person, the next life is enough.

But I’m not.

Sitting on my ass is not my style, I want to let money make money.

Lu Chen’s best friends are already laughing at my shattered dreams of luxury.

Who says a woman can’t be beautiful without a man?

Lu Chen treats me as Su Yiyi’s double.

Then I’m sorry, he’s looking the other way.

Because, I can never be a woman who is simply dependent on a man.

…… Next, I looked after several investment projects, running around all day but still encountered trouble.

The other party asked me to meet to talk about, the location was selected in a five-star box, I wore a very flavorful, long hair, skirt swaying, with a touch of red lips, stunning.

The moment I pushed open the door of the box, I froze.

“Miss Lin, let me explain, this project is my responsibility, but behind the big boss is Mr. Lu, to the two of you friendship, it is better to talk directly.

” The swarthy-eyed manager said and left, not forgetting to fawningly close the door of the box.

Lu Chen sat on the sofa in a dark suit, scrutinizing me as if I were a piece of merchandise.

“You came out to talk about the project dressed like this?

” he sneered.

It’s none of your business if I’m naked! I disliked him in my mind.

“Lack of money?

” Lu Chen wrinkled his brow and asked again.

He took out a blank check and placed it on the coffee table.

“What do you mean?

” I wondered, was he a money scatterer?

Spreading money around for fun.

“I don’t want you trying to get to me in any way, understand?

” he said arrogantly.

He was misunderstanding so much.

I really wanted to poke his nice peach blossom eyes, why is this person so annoying! “Mr. Lu, firstly, I didn’t know that this project is yours, if I knew that I definitely wouldn’t have touched it.

Secondly, I am very clear about my identity now, I used to be a good understudy and now I am a good ex.

Thirdly, we’ve already paid for the money and goods, I don’t like to eat grass again.

” I slammed the door and went out.

This time dignity overcame reason and didn’t take the check, which later hurt my heart for a long time.

3 Early the next morning, I was woken up by a phone call from my good girlfriend Gao Xinxin.

I and Gao Xinxin’s family situation is not as good as the Lu family, but it is still quite well-off, coupled with each other’s family style is good, the three views match, so junior high school began to become best friends, and even girlfriends.

Her brother Gao Ming and Lu Chen are good friends.

The reason why I and Lu Chen know, but also her brother Gao Ming to the introduction.

Gao Xinxin knows the most about me and Lu Chen.

“Xixi, I heard that Su Yiyi brought back a son, so you’ve become a mistress?

“I was amused by Gao Xinxin’s comment. The only thing I’m glad about now is that I haven’t gone all the way to marry Lu Chen.

Without waiting for me to say anything, Gao Xinxin excitedly continued: “This morning I stole my brother’s cell phone to transfer money, and I saw that their group was laughing at you as a chicken that can’t lay eggs! “You accompanied Lu Chen for so long, by what that woman once you come back you have to get out of the way ah ……” Gao Xinxin’s voice is particularly loud, so that I instantly awake, pinching the stack of property transfer books placed on the bedside, my heart does not ripple.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t suffer.

“If you don’t count that little twist in your heart, in fact, with Lu Chen these years, I did earn.

These years, I followed him, and I learned a lot.

I ate his family’s “fish” and figured out his “fishing”, this sleep really wasn’t in vain.

Being from the finance department, I viewed Lu Chen from an absolutely different perspective than Su Yiyi.

Su Yi Yi is more interested in Lu Chen’s money.

What I care about is his person, his talent.

Lu Chen is a typical oldmoney, the gold content on him is definitely not less than an MBA high class.

Moreover, it’s still a 24-hour, year-round kind of thing.

I followed him to learn to deal with the world, changed a lot of their own childish outlook, he took me to feel the business sea floating, gave me the books will never teach the practical experience.

This era has long changed, as long as you can get money, women are sometimes harder than men.

Lu Chen helped me to save the process of casting stones, directly to the most core points all marked out for me.

A free professor by day, a hard-selling cowboy by night.

I’ve made a fortune, okay?

All of Lu Chen’s foxy friends thought that I loved him unbearably and had to marry a rich family, but the truth is, apart from my boyfriend, in my heart, he was a good finance university.

I “went” every night.

At this university, I learned my trade, graduated, and got my degree.

I am a firm believer that the best people who do well at prestigious schools are always the students who graduate, not the professors who stay in school.

“Aren’t you sad? Can you really let go?

” Gao Xinxin is still a bit worried about me.

“Don’t worry, I’m single and beautiful, what kind of man can’t I find, and I don’t want him to be the one with a child?

“In the end, what Su Yiyi has is just a bastard.

As for Luk Sum’s gang of friends, they can go wherever they like.

Because I’m too busy making money to worry about anything else.

4 With my last mistake in mind, I deliberately avoided industries that were associated with the Lu family.

With my perseverance, I found a few new projects and I boldly invested my money in them.

Previously, under Lu Chen’s care, I had felt the excitement of instantly earning millions in the stock market, so my heart was always a little itchy.

I have made fast money, my heart is also secretly more, always want to be a little faster to reach the height of my heart desire.

Therefore, after I captured an inside information, I invested a large sum of money.

But to my surprise, the bear market came, and my money fell to my mom.

The stock market was trapped, subsequent investments couldn’t keep up, and several partners gave me ultimatums.

I have no choice but to embark on the road of socializing once again.

On this day, I asked around and finally got a good opportunity. I was about to enter the box, but I bumped into the person I didn’t want to see.

“Mom and Dad, this poo-like stuff is so delicious!” A tender childish voice drew me in, and I saw Lu Chen and Su Yi Yi, as well as their two sons.

In the face of his son’s words, Lu Chen didn’t respond, he just frowned.

Lu Chen was so conceited that he couldn’t stand any vulgar and indecent words, so I could imagine that when he heard his son’s unimpressive words at this moment, his heart must have felt like he had eaten a turd.

I snorted in my heart.

Serves you right, that’s your damn taste.

“Lindsay, why are you here too?

Here for dinner?

”I was thinking of staggering, but I didn’t expect Su Yiyi to spot me right away, and along with her voice, Lu Chen’s gaze followed me.

“I’m here to talk business.

“I wanted to leave after saying that, but Su Yi Yi was like a piece of dog skin plaster, directly sticking up.

「You lied, isn’t this a restaurant that only couples can come to, did you come to talk business with your boyfriend?

Lin Xi, just admit it, you deliberately chased after us because you knew we came for dinner!” Su Yi Yi’s face was full of sorrow, using her inferiority complex speculation to press a trumped up charge on me.

At this time, my cell phone rang, and I received a message that the other party had changed their appointment.

It was really bad luck.

Lu Chen also looked at me with a deepened gaze, seemingly pondering whether I had come with a ‘boyfriend’ or not, he was such an egotistical and selfish man, and with his pride, I’m afraid he couldn’t accept that I’d befriended a new love so soon after being dumped.

“Lindsay, I know you’re feeling bad about breaking up with Sam, but a girl has to learn to love herself.

” I laughed.


She has the nerve to lecture me like that when she’s unmarried and pregnant?

I rubbed fire in my heart, looked Lin Xi up and down, and finally, my eyes fell on the child on her side.

“This thing is called Yun Wei-Na, not poo.

” My hand stroked the child’s head and kindly reminded.

Su Yiyi’s origin is low class, or else she wouldn’t have been called to be driven abroad to study, but she can manage to get pregnant and give birth to a child and hide it until now, it is also considered to be a means.

Subsequently, I smiled with deep emotion: “Dragon born of dragon, phoenix born of phoenix, the son of a mouse will hit the hole, in the end, what kind of goods, only to see the poop as the norm ah.

“She Su Yiyi is shameless, I naturally will not give her to stay.

Su Yiyi was scolded by me blushing, but not in a hurry to get angry, that a look of aggrieved to cry look disgusting, Lu Chen also followed the face becomes cold, while I, the smile on the face but more brilliant.

Because, only just begun.

Immediately after, I continued to speak: “Some people want to mother and son, in fact, has it ever occurred to you that perhaps people can stay only the seed, simply do not want to raise it in the soil.

I deliberately emphasized the word “soil”.

Su Yiyi was not able to get into the eyes of the Lu family, forced to break up with Lu Chen, forcing her to only in the matter of pregnancy, and today, she thought she could really marry into the family?

At least for this, I do not think so.

As expected, my blunt words made Su Yiyi’s eyes red in an instant.

“Sam, look at Lin Xi, she’s so vicious!” She pulled Lu Chen, wanting to earn back a breath for herself, and the child began to howl when she saw her own mother crying.

This was a high class restaurant, and the clamor from this side quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Looking at Lu Chen’s rapidly darkening face, I smiled.

I’m afraid Lu Chen has never been so humiliated in his life.

And I didn’t care about it at all.

This was what he deserved.

5 Sure enough, the next second.

Lu Chen chided, “That’s enough.

”Except that this rebuke was not to me, but to Su Yiyi and his son.

Su Yiyi did not expect Lu Chen would be so furious, immediately recognize the wisdom of not crying, but also quickly coaxed his son, just that a pitiful look at me, but unfortunately, now Lu Chen’s mind is obviously not in her, but in me.

“Who did you come here to eat with today?

“……” I did not expect Lu Chen will actually question me this question, really is a selfish and conceited man, all fucking break up, what is his business?

I laughed, smiling with style.

“Mr. Lu, perhaps you should learn to be a qualified ex.

“After a pause, in Lu Chen’s somewhat puzzled gaze, I added word for word: “with the same dead.

” Lu Chen’s expression turned cold, while I was very cozy.

“Apologize to Yi Yi.

” Lu Chen wrinkled his eyebrows, obviously do not want to continue to entangle with me, decisively took out his boyfriend power.

Heh …… apologize?

Su Yiyi she worthy?

Looking at Su Yi Yi’s instantly smug appearance, I shrugged my shoulders, and finally looked at the crowd of onlookers, and suddenly had an idea.

“OK, I apologize.

” Lu Chen’s face eased a bit.

Su Yiyi, on the other hand, was even more amused.

And I smiled very brightly, it’s true that I’m the one who knows me, it was too late for Lu Chen to stop me from opening my mouth, because in the next second, I looked at the crowd of onlookers and opened my mouth word by word.

“I’m sorry, Miss Su Yiyi, I shouldn’t have said that you’re a black land, because you’re just unmarried and pregnant, don’t love yourself, and now you’re just thinking about marrying into a rich family with a mother’s son, I should learn from that love of brains, persistence enough, and dare to pay spirit in you!” Su Yi Yi completely changed her face, she looked at the crowd in panic, wanting to explain, while I didn’t give her a chance.

“But I’m sorry, I can’t do your spirit, because I don’t want to be beaten to death by my mom.

“My upbringing would never allow me to do such a thing.

As expected, along with me finishing my sentence, the crowd muttered and looked at Su Yiyi and her son with changed gazes.

I took the initiative to approach Su Yiyi and lowered my voice, “By the way, don’t think that losing Lu Chen will do any damage to me, because, compared to a man who doesn’t love me, I prefer pink RMB, and the quality of recycling garbage on your body is something that I also appreciate.

“After I finished, I left in style, without a trace.

Lu Chen is a person who wants to face, this matter he is not in the right, if you continue to make trouble with me, the one who suffers is him.

As expected, he didn’t stop me again, but held back his anger for the aftermath, and didn’t have time to pay attention to Su Yiyi and her son.

6 After returning home, although I verbally won the battle.

But I must admit that the recent losses were not small, and paid for my youth and impulsiveness.

However, I didn’t give up that easily.

I reconsolidated my funds.

The situation is worrisome, so I have to be solid in every next step.

A good partner might be a good choice.

Although my advocacy is alone beautiful, but does not exclude the encounter of excellent partners can be strong, twice the result with half the effort.

All people have weaknesses.

Lu Chen is not surprised.

His half-brother Lu Li is his soft spot.

Speaking of which, Lu Chen’s position in the Lu family is not stable, when Mrs. Lu died of illness, Lu Chen’s father raised outside the Lu Li mother and son took over.

Lu Li’s age is two years older than Lu Chen, to be precise, is Lu Chen’s older brother.

But Lu Chen is not willing to accept the existence of this brother, the reason why these years this hard work, and even at first not against his father’s will and Su Yiyi broke up, but also because of this.

Lu Li …… My red lips lightly opened, slowly read out these two words, a flash in my mind was when the first time and Lu Li in Lu Chen villa intersected the scene.

On that day, Lu Chen’s birthday, the bad taste between men is naturally women.

So, when I inadvertently gave Lu Chen advice on the company’s business, Lu Chen’s fox friend deliberately disgusted me in front of Lu Chen.

Probably means that I am just a woman who wants to marry a rich family, nothing but good skin, I have to do the thing is to be meek can, the implication is that let me be a vase.

I laughed, then I wanted to retort, but Lu Li was faster.

He had a reasoned and unassuming way of telling the crowd that anyone who is born of a woman has no reason to disrespect a woman.

Lu Li’s appearance, so that Lu Chen completely no good mood, especially to see Lu Li in public to protect me, do not give his group of fox friends step down, Lu Chen naturally find an opportunity to Lu Li all kinds of humiliation.

For a while, Lu Chen’s friends have followed the low Lu Li, in order to coax Lu Chen happy.

To be honest, that day, Lu Li’s remarks about respecting women made me very appreciative, I seemed to be drinking fruit tea, but in fact, I was waiting for his counterattack with ears open.

And in fact, Lu Li took it all in.

That kind of feeling is like Lu Chen a strong want to diarrhea fire, and Lu Li is not a little on the ignition, but the mood is smooth and light, hard to let Lu Chen’s fire death can not go out, suffocated more difficult.

It is precisely for this reason that I appreciate his rare and valuable, can endure.

Those who do great things do not stick to the small details.

I did not hesitate, immediately dialed the phone that existed in the cell phone.

The phone was quickly answered, and a nice male voice came over, “Hello.

“Lu Li, I want to cooperate with you.” I got straight to the point, expressing my desire to work with you.

“I opened the door to express my demand, when I was about to introduce myself, I heard Lu Li on the other end of the phone said seriously: “Good.

I was surprised: “You don’t ask me who I am?” “Lin Xi, I’ll be waiting for you.

“Lindsay, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” “” I smiled.

“”……” I smiled, it seems that my future partner and I have a 100% understanding.

7The next day, Lu Li and I met at the café.

He was dressed in casual clothes, very calm and relaxed, such Lu Li, so that people can not detect half a bit of oppression, but the fact is, this is a dormant lion ah.

“I ordered your favorite coffee.

“It’s been a few days since I last saw Lu Li, and he doesn’t seem to have changed much. To be honest, Lu Li’s and Lu Chen’s features are three times alike, and compared to Lu Chen, Lu Li looks more like his father, so that’s why Lu Chen is so afraid of Lu Li.

“Thank you.

” I picked up the cup and took a sip, Fine Ground Blue Mountain, it is really what I like.

Either he had deliberately inquired about it, or he was attentive enough.

Either way, it was a good start.

What we’re going to do next is going to require a “life-long” friendship, and it’s going to be really hard to do without some tacit understanding.

“I’ll get right to the point, Mr. Lu, I need your financial support, and I can help you take care of projects you’re not comfortable with, but I’m going to take 30% of the money after it’s done.

“Lu Li is a sleeping lion, he hibernated for so long, never just to eat a mouthful of leftovers that Lu Chen does not want.

What he probably really wants is the Lu family.

If he successfully squeezes out Lu Chen and becomes the future helmsman of the Lu family, will he still worry about my money then?

This is my wishful thinking, while I gain profit, I also want to make Lu Chen’s backyard lose fire.

Lu Li smiled in silence and looked at me with a slight nod.

Only after a long time did he finally give a meaningful response.

“As you wish.

“…… After determining the alliance, I am confident, the first project, is Lu Chen’s most haunting “St. Laurent Square”.

The location of that piece of land is excellent, he has been staring at it for a long time, but the seller just won’t make a move.

The seller’s name was Yao Qi, and she was a well-to-do businesswoman, but her parents were in a plane crash, and she was forced to take over the business while she was still in school. She was too young and inexperienced, and her business soon ran into difficulties.

She was too young and inexperienced, and her business soon ran into difficulties. Lu Chen had no choice but to retreat, and contacted all the major banks to avoid lending money to Yao Qi.

He wanted to “lean on the other side to death” first, so that he could then take it into his pocket, but I did not expect Yao Qi is a soft but not hard master, dead or alive will not let go.

I eliminated the potholes that Lu Chen had stepped on, and one day, I deliberately created an encounter at Yao Qi’s horse farm, leaving a very good impression on her.

A few times down the line, she even asked her secretary to write down my number, just when I thought I was getting better, Yao Qi’s secretary didn’t follow up.

I was a bit flustered and annoyed, but Lu Li comforted me with a smile, “Rushing is not a good deal, we’ll just wait for her to come.

We’ll just wait for her to come,” he said lightly, while pouring me a cup of osmanthus tea.

The autumn wind is gloomy, and osmanthus blossoms are fragrant.

I’ve always loved Chinese osmanthus, but Lu Chen always said that all women should love roses.

I have to say, Lu Li seems to really understand women.

Or rather, understands me very well?

As soon as this thought came out, inexplicable emotions tumbled in the bottom of my heart.

“What’s wrong, not feeling well?

”My strange appearance attracted his attention, Lu Li sat down beside me.

Looking closer, I realized that he wasn’t actually that similar to Lu Chen, his eyebrows were more intense and his eyes were deeper, I turned my head away from him and continued to steer the conversation back to business.

“Will Yao Qi really come to see me voluntarily?

” Seriously, I took Lu Li’s words as comfort.

“It’s not me, it’s us.

“Lu Li’s accent, falling on the last two words, was unconsciously convincing.

I was suddenly so glad that it was Lu Chen that I was enamored with in the first place, not Lu Li.

Such a man is really too dangerous.

8 Not more than a few days later, I received a call from Lu Li, who had organized the bureau and that Yao Qi would definitely attend.

I hurriedly dressed up, and even took important documents, but I just walked out of the door, was stopped by Lu Li: “I am to take you to have fun, bring these useless why?

“He took away the bag of papers in my hand and pulled me into his car.

Lu Li sent me to a VIP beauty salon, the owner looked at Lu Li, and glanced at me, seemingly understanding a smile.

After a bit of primping, I changed out of the suit I was wearing and transformed into a vintage and beautiful party celebrity.

Next, Lu Li’s car drove away from the city and entered a small villa in the far suburbs.

The gated courtyard of the villa was already decorated, with celebratory flower baskets that read “Peach and Plum” and “Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.” neatly arranged.

“Today is the golden wedding anniversary of the vice president of Jiaotong University.

“After entering the villa, one after another, people came up to greet Lu Li, their attitudes were all very enthusiastic, and they either admired Lu Li as “I’ve heard a lot about you” or deeply missed him from the bottom of their hearts.

There were even some people who kept looking at Lu Li from the corners, talking wildly about him.

So, Lu Li was a big shot, wasn’t he?

“Ms. Lin, are you an alumnus too?

“Yao Qi, who I hadn’t been able to meet, was the first to spot me and greeted me.

I was stunned, and then I heard Lu Li greet me familiarly, “Sister, she’s with me.

“Ah, so she’s a friend of Lucky’s.” Yao Qi started to talk to Lu Li.

“Yao Qi began to talk to Lu Li, and the sense of familiarity between them was completely different from when they were facing me.

Now I realized that she was just being polite to me.

After catching up, Lu Li said, “In fact, letting go is also a kind of ownership. Sister, your battlefield shouldn’t be in Saint Laurent.

“This art gallery in Holland will be auctioned off next month, but if the first installment of the loan interest is completed by the end of this month, you can still retain the right to operate the gallery.

“Lu Li opened his folding cell phone and handed the square screen to Yao Qi’s hand.

Yao Qi’s eyes began to glow with the image on the screen, and she couldn’t hide her joy and desire.

Just like a boss who recognizes that the customer will not pay back the price, at this time, my heart has been stable.

Lu Li with Yao Qi said more and more, Yao Qi’s eyes are almost planted in the screen above, he said that the offer ah, program ah, in fact, I already know by heart, do not have to listen to, simply recite.

But my eyes also began to unconsciously follow Lu Li, long ago some fluttering.

“Thank you, Lai, really, after all this time, you’re the only one who understands me.

“In the midst of the euphoria, Yao Qi officially set a date for the signing of the contract.

On the way back, for some reason, I suddenly came up with a sentence.

“Has this schoolmate ever dated you?

” Lu Li shook his head as an answer.

“It seems like Mr. Lu does know a lot about women!” 「Is this a compliment?

I’ll take it then.

“While waiting for the traffic light, Lu Li gave me a sideways glance.

“It’s not just a compliment, it’s simply admiration.

“I blew up rainbow farts from the bottom of my heart. If I said that I had a little bit of luck before, I was really convinced this time.

Lu Li’s connections, emotional intelligence, far beyond my knowledge.

People are speculating Lu Chen and Lu Li’s family property dispute in the end who will die, but today I understand a truth in advance.

Lu Chen is simply not worthy of being Lu Li’s opponent.

“Well, if it’s admiration, why don’t you accompany me for some entertainment tonight?

“Lu Li continued to drive the car, I was a bit flustered, but on second thought, the man’s entertainment, nothing more than those, when he went in to enjoy, I was at the door to pay the bill.

Afterglow has swept a glance at Lu Li, I began to try to guess each other’s preferences.

He looks good, and his body looks dominant.

“Don’t make wild guesses, just ask if you’re curious.

“Did you already know how to handle Yao Qi?” I blushed.

“I blushed, the little flowery thoughts in my heart just couldn’t make it to the stage, so I had to start asking about business matters in a hypocritical way.

“She loves art, and artists can’t afford to be covered in the stench of copper, so it would be hard for her to give up her favorite thing.

“I admire Lu Li’s precision more and more.

Killing a man to kill his heart and warming his dreams, this is a master.

The car didn’t stop at the place I imagined, but at the entrance of a LEGO flagship store in the downtown area.

“Come on down.

” He parked the car extremely skillfully and took out another electronic key from the armrest box.

The roll-up door was opened, and he actually took me directly into the store, and I froze as I saw him picking out the items with great interest.

Feelings in the middle of the night, he actually want to play puzzle blocks?

Soon, he picked a box, sitting on the soft carpet, Lu Li seriously flipped through the instructions, organizing one bag after another.

At this time, he took off his suit jacket, removed the bow tie, undid the sleeve studs and pulled up the sleeves, his throat knot was obvious, the slightly undone collar poked down, and you could even see his parallel collarbones.

I have to say, he looked so charged up right now.

I wasn’t idle either, picking up a bag and helping him finish putting it together.

Lu Li’s hands were still busy, but his mouth began to mumble about the past.

“When I was a kid, I envied those who played this game. It wasn’t because the models looked good, it was because the kids who played with them had company,” I said.

“I was stunned, Lu Li should be talking about his father’s company.

The next second, he murmured and laughed, “Actually, I don’t have much to complain about myself, it’s just my mom who is complaining.

‘ I was unsure until I heard Lu Li’s explanation.

Originally, Lu Li’s mother is not his father raised outside the lover, Lu Li’s mother is also a scholarly family origin, just when the family and business Lu family can not be compared, so the love affair naturally ended, but Lu Li’s mother is pregnant.

Later, the natural thing is vulgar, Lu Li’s father for the family business married Lu Chen’s mother, life gave the name, did not give love.

Until Lu Chen’s mom died, Lu Li’s dad couldn’t wait to pick up the mother and son back …… those teeth of the sad past, now being Lu Li said, but even bland as if it were someone else’s business in general.

“I originally thought that Lu Chen was the proud son of heaven and had everything, but now it seems that he doesn’t have much of a brain.

“He put down the Lego in his hand and looked at me with a torch-like gaze.

I was stunned, what does not have much brain …… mean?

The next second, Lu Li smiled and asked, “Lin Xi, good looking?

“”…… Pretty good looking.

” His side face is handsome in the light, it is my favorite profile.

「Heh, I’m asking about the model I put together.

” Lu Li hooked his lips and smiled, and also raised the half-finished product done in his hand.

Oooh, I’ve been tricked.

…… Lu Li quickly finished putting together the model and gave it to me.

When I returned home downstairs, I was already squinting, until the familiar bell rang, I woke up from my nap.

Lu Li was a little close to me for some reason, and I got up so fast that my hair hooked directly onto the lapel pin of his jacket.

“Don’t move, you’ll tear your hair.

“Lu Li’s voice was very gentle, and I could feel his long fingers carefully pulling my hair.

My head against his chest, only need a slight gasp, can complete breathe his smell, in this a little cold night actually called me a trace of warmth.


” He stopped the movement in his hands, and I raised my head.

Lu Li’s hand, however, did not leave my bearing, but took a step closer.

He helped me unbuckle my seatbelt, making sure I was intact and away from my restraints, before he pressed the car’s center lock.

Lu Li’s thoughtfulness made me blush inexplicably, then said goodnight and got out of the car, watching him drive away.

My cell phone kept vibrating, and just as I was about to turn it off, I heard the owner’s voice ringing behind me.

“It’s only been a few days, and you dare not answer the phone?

”I turned around and saw Lu Chen standing behind me with an iron-colored face, even his bite muscles were vaguely fighting.

He was angry, or the extremely serious kind.

“Lu Chen, haven’t I told you before, a good ex should be as good as dead.

” Not bothering to give him face, I raised the phone in my hand and snickered at his ego.

“Lindsay, you didn’t used to be like this.

“Lu Chen never understood that the ones before were not submissive, just a moment of tenderness that rose out of fondness.

He was so stupid and arrogant.

I didn’t bother to defend myself, but Lu Chen was furious, desperately tugging on my hand, not letting me go: ”Who are you bad with, but actually with that bastard Lu Li, are you deliberately trying to disgust me?

“His narcissism really exceeded the bottom line of my cognition.

You can disgust me, but don’t disgust Lu Li.” He heard me speak for Lu Li.

“Hearing me speak for Lu Li, Lu Chen became even angrier.

“I’ve been waiting for you in the car for three hours. If he had nothing to do with you, would he have stared at you for half a day while you were asleep?

If he had nothing to do with you, would he have stared at you for half a day when you were asleep, and if he woke up, would he have taken you in his arms?

“If it wasn’t for Lu Chen’s rant, I wouldn’t have realized that Lu Li’s behavior seemed a bit out of character.

“Yeah, I’m hooking up with him, does it have anything to do with you?

Lu Li is more handsome than you, smarter than you, he’s better than you in every way! Unlike you, you don’t even know that you have a son outside for two years, and you’re still a white moonlight, you’re just a fool who’s being toyed with by Su Yiyi.

“After I got high, I took advantage of Lu Chen’s inattentiveness, and used my knee to ruthlessly push against his sensitive parts, and successfully got away.

Tonight’s Lu Chen really made me sick.

10 I quickly closed the door when I got home, fearing that Lu Chen would catch up.

As a result, when I just arrived home, my cell phone rang, I thought it was Lu Chen’s and was ready to hang up directly, after seeing the two words Lu Li, I immediately connected it.

“I can’t imagine that I’m so good in your mind.

“What I just said to Lu Chen, how does Lu Li know?

Unless …… I immediately ran to the balcony, I saw Lu Li’s long body at the moment leaning against the side of his car, posture casual.

“You didn’t leave.

” I used a tone of certainty.

“I wanted to be a hero, but unfortunately, someone didn’t give me the chance.

” “……” I took him as a compliment.

Until this moment, I didn’t realize that I was actually a voice control.

Lu Li’s voice was so good that I didn’t want to hang up.

“Oh yeah, let me ask you something.

” Suddenly, he changed his gentle tone from earlier and asked seriously, “Are you sorry for being with me?

” Although I understood that the “together” he said was only a camp alliance, my face unexpectedly turned a little red.

“Of course not, moreover, I am sure that Lu Chen’s life will definitely become more and more difficult, Su Yi Yi is not a light.

“I didn’t expect that the speculation in my heart was exactly the same as Lu Li.

Lu Chen laughed, and before saying goodnight, he said something interesting.

“So sometimes for a man, choosing the right woman is more important than choosing the right business.

” How come my face got redder and hotter after hearing that?

A week after ……, Gao Xinxin excitedly asked me out.

Once we met, she couldn’t hide her excitement and told me about Lu Chen and Su Yi Yi.

Su Yiyi wants to be a mother and a son, but Lu Chen’s father simply refuses to nod.

She went to make trouble all day long, and even got a small number into the Lu family’s WeChat group, and began to crazy in the baby.

“The first thing you should know is that Uncle Lu’s face is going to be green, and I’ve heard that he’s so angry that he’s vomiting bitter bile chicken pox out of his mouth.

“Lu Chen’s father had his gallbladder removed before, and his health has not been very good.

Just then, my WeChat also rang, it was a message from Lu Li, a handover contract that has come into effect, St. Ronan Plaza has officially changed hands.

The corners of my already upturned mouth picked up even higher.

It seems that this time, Lu Chen is indeed adding insult to injury.

…… In the next short week, the Lu family is already a situation that is going to turn the world upside down, first it was the project led by Lu Chen that was mined and faced accountability.

Then Lu Chen wanted to leave the child, expelled Su Yi Yi, anti-Su Yi Yi alarm, to the Public Security Bureau.

Lu Chen’s grandfather, who has been out sick, was forced to fly back from Switzerland.

If you don’t want to say, it’s still the old Lu who is powerful! Directly spent two million with Su Yi Yi to buy the child, otherwise, the child will not recognize.

Because the old man’s attitude is clear, Su Yiyi can only nod under the balance.

“I heard, when pregnant Su Yiyi used a lot of means, she did a Hong Kong and Macao pass, specially went to Hong Kong to play the ovulation needle, but also went to open a lot of Chinese medicine of the child soup, and even secretly to Lu Chen’s food added to the seadog pills …… “As the most faithful eaters of the masses, Gao Xinxin almost every day to me to send the latest revelations.

This Lu family matter, for me, was like catching up on a drama.

I shook my head until Elder Lu’s return meant something.

Su Yiyi’s farce seemed to be coming to an end, but the other biggest battle seemed to be just about to officially begin.

11 On a rainy afternoon, I dressed in a solemn and decent manner and went alone to the Lu family’s old mansion on the far outskirts of the city.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?

” Elder Lu was over 80 years old and still in high spirits.

I respectfully called out, but the old man looked at me with a playful expression: “According to reason, you have to call me grandpa, but, from Lu Chen here, or Lu Li there?

”The old man’s words couldn’t be heard in tone, and I didn’t dare to return.

Indeed, Lu Chen and I had a period of time, and I didn’t want to hide it.

As for Lu Li, to this day, there hasn’t been an explicit promise between us.

It seems like we all understand, but none of us has taken the initiative to speak up.

“I’ll take care of that mother and son.

” The old man’s face was murderous, and I was somewhat subdued.

“Our Lu family, is a family that wants face, we can’t tolerate the matter of illegitimate children, likewise, it’s ugly for brothers to fight to the death over a woman.

“He looked at me and seemed to be waiting for a word from me.

“I’m standing for Lu Li.

“I tilted my head up and said what was on my mind.

“Aren’t you afraid of losing the bet?

” Elder glanced at me, but received an even firmer reply from me.

“Of course I won’t lose, because the most valuable thing in the Lu family is Lu Li.

” Half a moment later, the old master laughed.

“That brat has a good eye, hundreds of millions of family property can not see the person, but you a little girl to pinch, turn around and tell him, the money can not want, I am still his own grandfather, let him have time to remember to go to Switzerland to see me.

“Later, I realized that the old man’s heart recognized the heir, has always been Lu Li.

When I was leaving, the old man called out to me, “And you, remember to come along.

“After that, the old man turned his head and left.

“Hmph, is not just look handsome point it, froze to hook away ……” the old master with not too big and not small voice muttered, happy I can not help but laugh.

…… back to my own home, Lu Li has been squatting at the door waiting for a long time.

“Ms. Lin, I want to apply for a job as a soft rice eater, do you think I’m suitable?

” He was smiling brightly at the moment, handsome and owed a punch.

I laughed: “Reason?

“This is for you.

‘ Lu Li gave me a file, I opened it and froze.

“Why is Plaza St. Laurent being transferred to my name.

‘ That’s a business worth over a billion dollars in the future, is he crazy to give his entire fortune to me alone.

If I don’t make you a rich woman, how can I eat your soft rice?”

“Listening to Lu Li’s serious “nonsense”, I couldn’t get angry.

It seems that being beautiful alone is not enough.

In the future, I’ll have to be doubly more beautiful.

I laughed, and in the next instant, Lu Li hugged me tightly in his arms, his voice low and nice.

“Lin Xi, before I met you, I never thought of fighting with Lu Chen for anything, until that day when I saw you at his birthday banquet, I told myself that it’s time to fight for the woman I like.

” I reddened my eyes and slowly raised my hand around Lu Li’s robust waist and tightened it.

“Mr. Lu, good eye for choosing women, your soft rice, I approved, the term is for life.

“That day, the sun was so nice.

Lu Li and I were officially together!

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