Bedtime Story The Magic Feather

Bedtime Story The Magic Feather

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to draw. She had a special feather that she used as a pen. She could draw anything she wanted with the feather, and it would come to life.

One night, before going to bed, Lily decided to draw a fairy. She took out her magic feather and drew a small figure with wings and a dress. She gave her a name: Flora. As soon as she finished, the fairy flew out of the paper and smiled at Lily.

“Hello, I’m Flora. Thank you for creating me. You have a wonderful gift,” the fairy said.

“Hello, Flora. I’m Lily. I’m so happy to meet you. You’re my first fairy friend,” Lily said.

“I’m happy to meet you too, Lily. Do you want to go on an adventure with me?” Flora asked.

“An adventure? Where?” Lily asked.

“Anywhere you want. Just draw it with your magic feather, and we’ll go there,” Flora said.

Lily thought for a moment. She had always wanted to see the ocean. She had never been to the beach before. She quickly drew a picture of the sea, with waves and sand and shells. She also drew a boat and some fish.

“Wow, that’s amazing. Let’s go,” Flora said. She grabbed Lily’s hand and flew into the picture. Lily felt a breeze on her face and heard the sound of water. She opened her eyes and saw that they were on a boat, sailing on the ocean.

“This is so cool. Look at the fish. They’re so colorful,” Lily said.

“Yes, they are. And look, there’s a dolphin. Do you want to swim with it?” Flora asked.

“Yes, please,” Lily said.

They jumped into the water and swam with the dolphin. It was friendly and playful. It splashed them with its tail and made funny noises. Lily and Flora laughed and had fun.

They spent some time exploring the ocean, seeing different creatures and plants. They also collected some shells and starfish. They put them in a basket that Lily drew with her feather.

After a while, they decided to go back to the boat. They dried themselves with a towel that Lily drew. They ate some snacks that Lily drew. They watched the sunset and the stars.

“That was the best adventure ever. Thank you, Flora,” Lily said.

“Thank you, Lily. You’re a very kind and creative girl. I’m glad we’re friends,” Flora said.

They hugged each other and smiled.

Lily felt sleepy. She yawned and stretched. She drew a pillow and a blanket with her feather. She lay down on the boat and covered herself.

“Good night, Flora,” Lily said.

“Good night, Lily,” Flora said.

They closed their eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, Lily woke up in her bed. She looked around and saw that everything was normal. She wondered if it was all a dream. She reached for her magic feather, but it was gone. Instead, she found a note on her bedside table. It read:

“Dear Lily,

I had to go back to the fairy world, but I wanted to say goodbye and thank you. You gave me a wonderful night, and I’ll never forget you. You’re a very special girl, and I hope you keep drawing and dreaming. Maybe we’ll meet again someday. Until then, I’ll always be your fairy friend.

Love, Flora”

Lily smiled and felt a warm feeling in her heart. She touched the note and felt something under it. She lifted it and saw a small feather. It was Flora’s feather. She had left it for her as a gift.

Lily held the feather and felt a spark. She knew it was magic. She knew she could still draw anything she wanted with it. She knew she could still have adventures.

She got up and ran to her drawing table. She took out a piece of paper and started to draw. She drew a castle, a dragon, a knight, and a princess. She gave them names and stories. She drew with joy and excitement.

She knew that Flora was watching over her. She knew that Flora was proud of her. She knew that Flora was her friend.

The End

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