Do you regret marrying your current wife?

Do you regret marrying your current wife?

I always thought my wife loved me, the lovey-dovey kind.

Until I accidentally found out that she has a group called “Naked Agents”, my worldview collapsed.

I’m not afraid of laughing when I say this, I’ve been a maternal solo for 30 years and have never been a real man.

During college the male to female ratio in my class was 10:1, and since I was more honest, I wasn’t very competitive; after I entered society, it was even less so.

It wasn’t until I met Tingting that I finally branched out.

Tingting graduated from top2 university with a master’s degree, light makeup can’t hide the fact that she has a girl-next-door temperament of the base, a pair of bulingbuling big eyes flashing with the light of the spirit.

During our relationship, I realized that she was different from those sultry bitches out there.

Do not make, not pretentious, Valentine’s Day received a string of sugar gourds can be happy half a day; will not ask the boyfriend to survive a strong desire to be what kind of experience, do not stagger, and even in the crowd often shy, my soul was hooked away by her.

I feel like winning the lottery, meeting her is equivalent to using up all the luck in this life.

I asked her what she liked about me.

She said she liked that I was honest, that men are so bad nowadays that honesty is the best quality.

I was so excited that I gathered courage and kissed her fiercely, and she blushed again.

Seeing that she did not object and angry, I thought, I am not far from becoming a real man.

On a summer afternoon, I had just finished my shower and wrapped up my towel when Tingting came to me.

Heaven and earth, it was just a coincidence, I had no idea that she would come to my house looking for me.

When Tingting entered the door and saw me, the corners of her mouth turned up and her eyes kept looking up and down.

I subconsciously wrapped my hands around my chest, the domineering image I had once fantasized about, surprisingly disappeared without a trace at this moment, I didn’t even dare to raise my head to look at Ting Ting’s eyes.

Ting Ting curled up and walked over to me, her fingers were as slender as tender catkins, and she gently lifted my chin.

I looked at her demeanor with a playful nature and breathed raggedly without argument.

Afterwards, Tingting’s fingertips wrapped around my neck, and the index finger of her right hand continuously circled my shoulder.

At this moment, I suddenly realized that men would only pitch their tents in two situations, one being when they go out for a picnic, and the other being when a woman’s fingertips are circling their shoulders.

It was too much to tense up.

I gasped and yelled down, “You’re playing with fire!” Tingting was completely not intimidated by my momentum, provocatively turning her finger east to hit the west, the autumn waves flowed, and her mouth recited what “a trace of crisp through the double buds, half a point of spring hidden small musk umbilicus ……” line, I keep decent again that’s the biggest indecency, and also the biggest disrespect to you.

Immediately after that, I deeply decent back, also completed to her respect.

What makes a Sage Moment a Sage Moment is clarity of mind.

I eyed Tina, pouring me a glass of cool white water after my exertions, and couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion.

Ting Ting was one hundred percent my heavenly fairy! I blurted out, “Let’s get married.

” Tingting thought for a moment and asked, “And then what?

“And then I want you to grow a little person in your belly.

“I hate it.

“Do you promise?

“I have one condition.

“I’ll agree to anything you say.”

“Bark like a dog.

“Woof woof! ……” Don’t tell me to learn how to bark like a dog, I can bark like this every day, it’s a perfect match.

Since then, Tina has changed my WeChat and phone notes to “dog”.

I think, now life is so stressful, if you can lie in the tenderness every day, learn the dog bark is nothing.

  1. I never thought that after marriage, Tingting changed.

I always feel that something is not right, but when I think back to our daily life, I can’t tell you exactly what went wrong.

I secretly recorded what we did every day.

About a month or so later, I looked back at the diary I had written down, and my feelings became even more complicated.

September 3rd, Tingting bit me, it hurt, she said she didn’t mean it, but told me to remember, to think of her when I saw the wound, and to love her forever.

September 5, Tingting asked me to go to a shopping mall to deliver something to her, and it was not particularly urgent, I got lost in the underground garage.

I was ten minutes late, Tingting cold face, scolded me, I explained that I was lost, she was even more angry, let me have a disease to go to the doctor, what excuse?

September 7, we woke up to noon, I said I want to eat hot and sour noodles takeout, Tingting suddenly changed face, said I know how to eat garbage, no taste.

I was puzzled, occasionally eat a hot and sour noodles, as far as it?

But she repeatedly emphasized that I was garbage, and made me say the words “I am garbage” myself.

I was humiliated, but I said it to avoid a fight.

On September 10th, I had just finished taking a shower when Tina held up a handful of data cables in various colors and asked me which one I preferred.

I said it works just fine …… then she took out a pink one and smoked it on my back in a flash of lightning! On September 13th, the small company I started on my own, took home a patent award.

It didn’t have much practical significance, but I was happy nonetheless.

I shared the good news with Tingting, but she complained about my incompetence, saying what was there to brag about?

That I didn’t have an ounce of talent and relied on luck, and forced me to admit that I got the award all by luck, as well as the fact that I was showing off just because I was a dirtbag.

On September 19th, I came home from work and saw Tingting alone on the couch depressed, as if she had just cried.

I asked her what was wrong, and she said she dreamed that I ran away with the company’s administrative girl and didn’t want her.

I cried and laughed, all kinds of swearing and swearing that I only love Tingting one in this life, she still won’t let go.

I asked her how she could believe me, and she told me to fire the little administrative girl or get a divorce.

I promised.

September 20, shopping mall together, Tingting fancy a pair of red high heels, heel high and thin! I saw that they were pretty, so I bought them.

That night, she wore them again to show off and accidentally stepped on my feet, which hurt me a lot.

On September 21st, I limped out of the house, and on the street, I saw the high heels and loved them and was afraid of them.

September 23, Tingting offered to play a game with me, that is, every time I tell her one of my inner secrets, she will send me a “universal card”, that is, she agreed to any request I made.

Looking at the beautiful silhouette in front of me, I told a dozen in one breath, from childhood to adulthood, I can think of, not enough for outsiders to say the secret tray out.

I obtained ten “universal card”, used one that night.

She said the rest of the nine, the right of interpretation belongs to her.

I thought, so cool, it’s okay for all the interpretive rights of my life to go to you! September 25th, a very happy day! The company’s finance fought for a reasonable way to avoid taxes, and I can save a lot of money every month.

I bought a necklace for Tina, who was very happy and asked me how I did it, as well as her friend’s company who happened to be having a headache with reasonable tax avoidance and asked me for information.

Anyway, she was happy.

On September 29th, I asked Tingting to come back home with me to see my parents and spend the holiday together.

She got angry and said that my mom is not her mom, so she won’t go.

I said all married, that is a family …… She, however, said, when we got married I did not even take the initiative to propose to add her name to the house book, I simply did not take her as a family …… Evening, she was suddenly in a better mood, and we did some more to prevent global aging small contribution to the prevention of global aging.

September 30, we went to the property registration center and added Tingting’s name.

October 1, she still insisted not to go home, see me persuade the anxious, pushed me down on the bed …… Afterwards, I drove home alone.

After returning home, it is inevitable that there will be a reunion of classmates.

Luo Xiaoyu coaxed: “the holidays also do not know to bring back the daughter-in-law, and even married did not let us see the bride, all day to send photos gluttony us, what is the use of ah?

“I nodded sadly, not knowing how to answer.

Later, Luo Xiaoyu’s sentence, let me alert, he said that I am now with the ancient eunuchs like, look at the not like a person, look at the not like a person face, listen to the not like a person’s voice, check the not close to the feelings …… I looked in the mirror, carefully scrutinized up myself, found that he was right.

I thought, Tingting may not be my heavenly fairy, I have to control her, all this is what I am used to.

That must be it.

  1. When low self-esteem becomes a habit, it’s hard to raise your head again.

When I saw Tingting again, I was so happy to see her with a smile in her eyes that I couldn’t lose my temper at all.

Although her degradation of my personality and destruction of my body remained the same, I seemed to have fallen in love with this feeling, and was both in love and fear of her.

A cheap bastard?

Isn’t that what it says about me?

I felt myself getting deeper and deeper into it, and the demands Tina made became more and more excessive, but I fell in love with the feeling of pain, both physically and mentally.

She began to treat me as if I was not there, sometimes not returning home once a week.

This was because she made a clear request to me not to interfere with her freedom and not to pry into everything about her life and work.

I knew that as a couple this was unreasonable and unconscionable, but I don’t know why, but I just agreed.

In a late night, I tossed and turned in bed and could not sleep, then, Tingting suddenly came back.

She smelled of alcohol, her almond eyes were misty, and after seeing me she spat out her little tongue, rolled it into a circle, and spit out a bubble.

She then fell into my arms, looking like she was already drunk.

I helped her onto the bed and helped her out of her clothes, her cell phone slipping out of her pocket.

Looking at her already snoring on the bed, I ghosted her and unlocked her phone with her index finger.

My heart was beating wildly, after all, I had agreed long ago not to look at each other’s cell phones no matter what.

I couldn’t care less, I always felt that this cell phone was hiding some secrets against me.

Sure enough! A muted WeChat group, named Naked Agents, constantly refreshed with messages.

I clicked on this group’s profile and found that all eight people in here were female avatars.

They were chatting feverishly in the group, and I kept scrolling forward through the historical messages, the more I looked, the more alarmed I became.

After about twenty minutes or so of reading, it dawned on me that this was an organization.

They had all thought about marrying into the rich family, but eventually realized that the real rich family are not stupid, even if some of the second generation are stupid, the elders in their families are not stupid.

This line does not work, they simply give up, take the seduction of the middle class route, the target group is the high income, the social range of the small part of the honest men.

First of all, they will charm them to lose themselves, and then in the name of marriage, cheating half or more real estate, and then divorced to profit.

I opened the group information again, found the group announcement shocking, it is clearly written: Freud on the cause of masochism has such an explanation: if a person falls into a kind of pain that can not be escaped, to the point of unbearable, will regard this pain as happiness, in this way to seek relief – in this way, his values are reversed.

Wasn’t I the one whose values were being reversed by Ting Ting?

I was so angry that I wanted to wake her up and ask her a question, but looking at the peaceful way she slept, I felt a twinge of intolerance inside me.

My tears stayed uncontrollably.

At that moment, another message popped up on her cell phone, again in the no-disturb mode.

The person who sent the message was named “Pill Scum”, I looked up the history of messages and found that “Pill Scum” was the only one talking to herself.

The content was nothing more than “You lied to me so badly” “Why are you ignoring me” “Call me back please ……” Without exception, Tingting never responded.

I went to the balcony and smoked a cigarette, calmed down, and silently memorized the micro-signal of the “drug scum”.

Showdown divorce?

Or keep your belongings and continue to be willing to be cheap?

I am lost.

  1. A sleepless night.

The next morning, Tingting woke up and smiled sweetly at me.

I don’t know how to face this face in front of me, delicate, innocent, churlish, sinister, as if how to describe it is not specific enough.

I pretended to be calm and got dressed, pretended to go out to work, and said goodbye to Tingting.

After leaving the house, I was at a breakfast place, launching a swift attack on the doughnuts, soy milk and tea eggs.

Humiliation, indignation, covetousness, several emotions alternately cycled through my mind.

I made up my mind, took out my cell phone, and added the WeChat of 『Pharmaceutical Scum』.

In a sea of people, perhaps only this man, can understand my state of mind.

Two hours later, the drug scum passed my friend application.

I opened the door, indicating that I was Tingting’s husband, and wanted to ask him to meet.

He was also dry, directly told me an address: People’s Hospital inpatient department 8th floor, the third room on the left hand.


Who in their right mind would go to a hospital?

He’s not a liar, is he?

Associated with the three words of medicine dregs, also right, medicine dregs is often hospitalized.

The moment I pushed open the door of the ward, only to see the innermost bed, a middle-aged big brother just like me waving.

I quickly walked up and was about to shush him when he interrupted me.

“Go out and talk.

” Pill crumbs trudged out of bed and left the ward block with me.

We found a secluded place and Pill Scum lit a cigarette, looking like he was stuck in a painful memory.

According to Pill Scum, she was hospitalized thanks to Tingting.

Back then, she was deeply attracted by Tingting’s looks, personality and education.

After they got married, Tingting used the same way she dealt with me, or rather, used the same way she dealt with the drug scum to deal with me.

When the drug scum by Tingting cheated all the assets, Tingting filed for divorce.

At that time, the drug scum has been completely inseparable from Tingting, a hundred pleas, Tingting are indifferent.

Speaking here, the dregs of the tears blurred, stretching out his left wrist to show me, said: “Look at this scar, this is my first suicide, unsuccessful.

Later I also jumped into the river once, the ability to hold my breath was too poor, also unsuccessful.

And this time, I swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills, which was discovered by my landlord too timely, and sent me to the hospital to have my stomach pumped ……” “As for that bro?

” Although I said so on my mouth, but I thought of if Tingting left me, I also a little do not want to live.

The drug dregs sneered and said: “Brother, you are still saved now, not completely controlled by her, I advise you to stop in time, before you are not cheated by her, hurry to divorce.

” I bowed my head and did not say anything.

Pill crumbs continued: “I slit my wrists and was saved that time, I thought about it in a painful way, and recalled the days I spent with Tingting, and realized that there was still a photo of her TOP2 university certificate in my phone.

I went to look it up and there was no such person.

Her real degree is college, and she’s a total fraud!” Doesn’t matter, I thought to myself.

It’s all come down to this, do I still care about her education?

As if he could see my disbelief, the drug dregs sneered again and said, “Guess what she’ll do to you next?

“I’d like to hear it.

” “If she hasn’t changed her routine, you should knuckle down next.

She’ll pretend to be pregnant in the name of love, and then she’ll force you to do it in a pathetic way so that you’ll feel guilty while you can’t get away from her anymore.

Then she’ll make you willingly transfer the house and property to her without any reservation, and then, divorce.

“My heart set off a shock wave, feeling a sharp pain in the lower half of my body.

It’s okay to cheat me out of my money, but it’s not okay to cut me off from my grandchildren! My mom is still waiting for her grandchildren.

If she does, I’ll divorce her right away and make her cough up my half of the estate.”

“I gritted my teeth.

Pill crumbs shook his head and said, “Don’t tease brother.

The best thing for you to do is to divorce her immediately and stop fighting her.

She is the reincarnation of Daji, you are not a thousand years of fox, can not fight her, hurry up to stop the loss, otherwise you can only be born in trouble, die in peace.

Tingting’s ex-husband, my ex, jumped off a building.

“It dawned on me inwardly that, although I didn’t want to admit it, I knew inwardly that I probably couldn’t fight Tingting indeed.

“What if she doesn’t want to divorce me?

“Do you have any friends who are richer than you, and almost as stupid as you are?

“Crazy, am I stupid?

Even though I don’t like to hear it, I still think of my classmate, Luo Xiaoyu.

If I hadn’t helped him, he wouldn’t have gotten enough credits.

Although he’s not very good at anything, he’ll do anything for his friends.

Besides, if he helps me, he only needs to show his face and make a scene, there’s no loss to him, and I’ll treat him to some food and drink and have some fun and then it’s over.

Thinking of this, I told Luo Xiaoyu’s family and personal situation to the medicine dregs.

Medicine Dregs suggested to me that I just need to have Luo Xiaoyu appear in front of Tingting, who will herself take him as her next prey.

Then let me and Luo Xiaoyu discuss it in advance, and let them quickly cut off their relationship after I successfully divorce.

My mind was in turmoil, not knowing whether to take immediate action.

  1. Late night.

I went home with a breath of alcohol.

Tingting didn’t go to bed first, but sat on the sofa waiting for me.

She smiled gently at me and said, “Don’t drink so much in the future, it’s not good for your health.

“After that, she brought me a glass of warm water.

Immediately afterward, she said, “I have some good news for you.

“She picked up a pregnancy test from the table and handed it to me.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at it.

It showed two bars.

“You’re pregnant?

” I asked incredulously.

Tina nodded shyly.

I felt the sky spinning, the pill scum was honest.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, looked at myself in the mirror and suppressed my fury.

I walked out pretending to be excited, hell I don’t know if my fake smile was worse than a ghost.

“That’s great wife, I got a little too excited!” I pressed my head against Tina’s stomach as if I was listening to the little life inside her.

“I hope they’re twins.

” Tina said without thinking.


“So I don’t have to suffer twice.”

“And then I’ll get my tubes tied?

” Tingting smiled sheepishly, “You’re bad. …… Hubby, you’re so good to me. …… “Bad?

Bad means I want to go all the way and never look back?


Good means that I took the initiative to get a ligature for her sake.

In any case, I had figured out what she meant, and she did want me to get sterilized.

I pretended to be happy, but my heart was bleeding.

I put Tingting to bed and looked at the dark ceiling, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

What about mentioning divorce directly?

Or should I follow the method of the drug scum and let my classmates assist me in a smooth divorce?

A doubt flashed into my mind, what if Tingting is really pregnant?

Thinking of this, I went into the bathroom and drained the toilet, followed by cutting off the spout.

I then placed an order for two new pregnancy tests, specifying that they be delivered first thing in the morning.

Yes, wait until tomorrow morning, when Tina finished using the restroom, and I immediately scooped out her fresh …… and soaked the pregnancy tests for a few minutes to see if she was pregnant or not.

Early the next morning, Tingting was on time for her convenience.

She exclaimed that the toilet was broken, and I sneered inwardly and walked over and said, “Baby, let me take a look!” I unlocked the bathroom door, pinched my nose, used my own toothbrush cup to scoop out the yellowish liquid, and soaked the pregnancy test stick into it……. Five minutes later, both pregnancy tests showed that there was no pregnancy! I did not move, will run out of pregnancy test stick into the pocket, made up my mind, must contact Luo Xiaoyu.

  1. I called Luo Xiaoyu to my city and told him what happened to me.

Luo Xiaoyu listened with great interest, and finally said no, because friends’ wives are not to be deceived, and evil wives are not to be deceived.

Looking at his righteous look, I was touched and distressed, not knowing what to do.

Finally, Luo Xiaoyu proposed to go to the bar, play one night and go back home.

I can not raise any interest, but he came to all come, I have to give up my life with the gentleman.

Luo Xiaoyu in our hometown is the family business, probably his father saw through him is a waste, so he arranged to hang a bank idle, will be his competitive sister Luo Xiaoyue sent abroad to study.

For this kind of non-competitive second generation, do not cause trouble, do not gamble and do not shop, is a great success.

So Luo Xiaoyu rare indulgence, bouncing in the bar, bouncing special high.

I sat in the window seat of the card seat, completely unable to raise a trace of interest.

At this time, Tingting called me over and asked why I did not go home.

I directly confessed, in the bar, entertaining classmates, a stupid second-generation classmates.

Tingting came on, and so did I.

She repeatedly said she wanted to come over, and I repeatedly said no, because ‘kids’.

Tina came anyway.

I sneered inwardly and then brainstormed a big scene.

She ‘fell in love’ with Luo Xiaoyu, and then Luo Xiaoyu was dealt with by her as she dealt with me.

Who could stand up to this?

Even if you can’t, you have to! Luo Xiaoyu didn’t disappoint me, when he saw Tingting for the first time, he froze.

While we were in the bathroom, he was full of alcohol and told me in a serious tone, “Don’t blame your brother for not being a man, just blame your sister-in-law for being too charming.

” I feigned anger, but in my heart there was a surge of joy, followed by a wave of sadness.

I’ll leave this hot potato to you. I hope Tingting falls in love with you.

At three in the morning, Tingting and Luo Xiaoyu were already hitting it off.

In fact, I know in my heart, Tingting’s words, or chatting style, will never allow any occasion to be cold, she is the leader of the drinking game.

But Luo Xiaoyu does not know, he feels Tingting is his soulmate.

And I, just like a light bulb between them.

At 5:00 a.m., Luo Xiaoyu, who is a very good drinker, has already drank so much that he took a step and spit out a mouthful, but his mind still seems to be sober.

“We’ll get together next time, bro, I’ll send you two home!” Looking at Luo Xiaoyu’s Porsche, Tingting directly stopped him and said, “You’ve been drinking, you can’t drive.

”That’s awesome! After spending so much time with you, can I not know?

You obviously looked at Luo Xiaoyu’s Porsche, but you didn’t change your face, and you had to urge people not to drink and drive.

Luo Xiaoyu seemed to be embarrassed and insisted on driving us.

But the two seat Porsche, it can t carry three people ah …… I took the strength of alcohol and said, “You send Tingting home, I will take a taxi …… myself” The two of them looked at each other, and it is true that there is a little bit of dog and man.

Tingting’s brain is indeed enough, despite my repeated encouragement to let Luo Xiaoyu send her back, directly called the chauffeur, sent Luo Xiaoyu back to the hotel.

7 true love or not, playacting or not, Luo Xiaoyu seems to really fall in love with Tingting.

After Luo Xiaoyu woke up, not directly home, but called me, said willing to share my worries, between friends, help me clear the obstacles incumbent upon me.

I repeatedly urged him, sister-in-law is not a good person, be careful to draw fire.

Luo Xiaoyu promised a hundred times, saying that he knows in his heart.

Whatever, since he promised, I should also make the cut with Tingting.

In my head, half of it is indignation, half of it is reluctance.

Thinking of my little brother who has been with me for seven times, if he becomes a silver spear and wax head with a golden exterior, or even loses the ability to reproduce, I don’t agree, and I’m sure he doesn’t either, it’s time for a showdown.

I came home and saw Tingting folding clothes, looking like a good wife and mother.

I summoned up my courage, took out a brand new pregnancy test, handed it to her and said, “Now, immediately, go take a test.

“You’re sick, aren’t you?

“You don’t dare, do you?

Don’t you dare?

“Ting Ting put down her clothes and said with murderous intent in her eyes, “You doubt me?

“If you haven’t done anything wrong, go and take the test for me!” You’re insulting me, I’m not going.”

” I sneered and continued to ask, “What kind of organization is Naked Agent?

And who are the drug slags?

”Tingting got angry and directly snatched my cell phone, smashed it hard on the ground and yelled, ”You peeked at my cell phone?

What kind of thing are you ……」I made my first move of strong resistance, picking up a cup on the table and smashing it on the ground as well.

Tingting looked at me incredulously, and then, grabbing my clothes, pushed me toward the door, shouting as she did so, “Get out of here!” I don’t know why her small body has so much strength, I was pushed out of the door by her, only to hear a bang, the door closed.

Get lost, who’s afraid?

But on second thought, this is my house, who am I to roll?

I clenched my fists and slammed the door with force, slamming it to the heavens.

Tingting opened the door, put her arms around her chest, blocked the doorway, and asked, “What do you want?

” “Divorce!” “Come in.

” I did not expect that Tingting agreed to the divorce very quickly.

At this point, it was a little different from the prediction of the drug slag.

She hadn’t milked me dry yet, so how could she stop so easily?

Tingting’s next move threw me for a loop, as she directly took out a divorce agreement in duplicate and told me, “You’re netting a divorce, I’ll sign it right away.

” Justified and convinced.

“Tingting, I admit it, this house added your name, let’s do it according to the law, one half, please let me go, OK?

“Tingting is still calm, and even reveals a hint of elegance in her calmness, she said: “I am also a reasonable person, you can compensate me for another one million cash.

Let’s get along.

“On what grounds?

”Tingting took out a document from her pocket and waved it in front of my eyes.

I fixed my eyes on it and saw that it was exactly the so-called reasonable tax avoidance information that I had given her some time ago.

Tingting looked at me with a blank face and continued, “You know, my uncle is in the tax system, what are the consequences of tax evasion?

Your small company is just getting up and running, so you can see what you can do about it.

“Tingting finished, stuffed the document into her bag, and turned her head to leave.

The sound of high heel shoes, as if stepping on my heart.

  1. Now that the cards have been dealt, Tingting doesn’t bother to act out anymore.

She can’t come home once every ten days and half a month, and she won’t divorce me, at least not until I agree to a million-dollar cash payout.

My life is like the walking dead, longing to see her and hating her and myself.

Although I kept in touch with Luo Xiaoyu, his replies to my messages were getting slower and less focused.

Until one day, I found that he posted a friend circle of a beach trip in Southeast Asia.

I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional, but his photo revealed a white toe with a pure black nail cap.

I zoomed in and carefully observed the shape and the crescent ring, and I was 100% sure that this was Tingting’s foot …… after all, it was too familiar! Seeing this, my tears flowed down again without argument.

After a cry on the beer, I sent a message to Luo Xiaoyu: quickly stimulate her to divorce me, buy a big diamond ring to propose to her, money I pay, as long as she hurried to divorce me, do not cash, I admit! In addition, you pay attention to safety.

After half a day, Luo Xiaoyu gave me back an OK expression.

I do not know what method Luo Xiaoyu used, Tingting quickly contacted me, in addition to that half of the house, she did not want anything.

After the divorce certificate, we found a secluded place.

Tingting looked at me, red eyes, said: “In fact, I quite reluctant to let you go, you are I have seen, the best man for me …… Hey, what’s the use of saying this, I will miss you ……” Damn, I actually some emotional …… I pinched the root of my thigh and forced myself to wake up.

I sneered and said decisively, “It’s better to never see each other, I bah!” After saying that, I turned around and left.

Walking home, I had mixed feelings, and thought to myself, shouldn’t I thank Pill Scum?

So, I sent him a message: I have been successfully divorced, if it is not convenient for me to visit you.

Never expected, he returned to me five words: congratulations, stupid x.

What do you want to scold me for?

After all, we are not familiar to that point.

Just as I edited a good message to send over, found that the other party refused to receive.

This person is sick, right?

What is the meaning of pulling me black?

Must be jealous, jealous of my timely stop loss, jealous of my smooth ashore.

Well, anyway, it’s just a casual acquaintance, my circle of friends is not more than one of you, less than one of you is not less.

I found out Luo Xiaoyu’s contact information, sent him a voice: drink a little tonight?

This time he replied quickly: wait for me a few days, then come to drink my wedding wine! Wedding wine?

Who the hell are you drinking with?

Who are you drinking with?

Who the hell are you drinking with?

9 A week later, Luo Xiaoyu came to me with his head hanging down.

This grandson, I couldn’t get in touch with him a few days ago, but now he came to me.

“Where’s your wedding wine?

” Luo Xiaoyu heard me ask this, sighed and gulped himself a bottle of beer.

According to Luo Xiaoyu, he had never loved a woman as much as he loved Tingting in his life.

Originally intended to help me successfully divorce, they went their separate ways, I did not expect, Luo Xiaoyu fell into Tingting’s tenderness can not be extricated.

Tingting herself did not mention, Luo Xiaoyu gave her two million dollars, said the money for the engagement.

Tingting naturally smiled.

When Luo Xiaoyu wanted to pick up Tingting to register, Tingting didn’t go.

Ting Ting tells Luo Xiaoyu in a serious tone that she is not a good person.

Luo Xiaoyu said that he knew, and told him and I conspired how to quickly divorce the matter, the whole story.

Tingting was not surprised, much less angry, after hearing this.

She stated that she already knew that this was a conspiracy between Luo Xiaoyu and me.

Luo Xiaoyu’s brain wasn’t enough, and asked Tingting why she was so cooperative since she knew it already.

Tingting soaked up the tray and came out extremely open.

She stated that the drug slag was her own person, and her WeChat was intentionally shown to me for the sole purpose of forcing me to mention divorce, and then by the way, she asked me to help her look for her next prey, which is Luo Xiaoyu.

When Luo Xiaoyu really wanted to marry her, she backtracked.

Because in Tingting’s opinion, Luo Xiaoyu is good at cheating, the elders of Luo Xiaoyu’s family are not good at cheating, and it would be nice to make some money and see it through.

She does not want to become a mansion daughter in law, to be an independent woman …… Hearing Tingting say this, Luo Xiaoyu loves her more, independent women who do not love it.

A bunch of question marks in my head, stroked several times, did not stroke clear.

I asked Luo Xiaoyu: “She is not greedy enough! That took such a big turn, cheated you out of 2 million dollars, what does she want ah?

She directly extort me not also enough?

“Luo Xiaoyu disdain: “You ah, Figure, people Tingting that is the old man, it is said that before forcing others too hard, jumped off a building.

In case you are pushed too hard, you also jump off the building how to do?

The risk is not worth it.

So I don’t even want your cash anymore.

“So Ting Ting is still a person of nature?” “That’s right!

“That’s right!” How can you live with yourself if you don’t marry her for 10,000 dollars?

“I can’t! But I can’t help it, she videotaped me wearing little toy handcuffs, and if I dare to take it back, she’ll send the video to my whole family and the leaders of my bank…….” It’s awesome! I don’t know what to say.

We drank mulled wine, the more I think the more suffocated.

I threw the bottle of wine, stood up, and squarely said: “Although you are not a very righteous person, but I can not, things because of me, I want your money and video back!” “Don’t tease the brother …… I have recognized, what’s it got to do with you?

” Shit, what’s all this ……10 The next day at noon, I woke up from my hangover.

Luo Xiaoyu was still sleeping like a dead pig.

I was going to dress myself up in high spirits and then go to Tingting to negotiate to get Luo Xiaoyu’s money back.

Even though I knew that the probability of success was not high, I was inclined to force it! The roar of the hair dryer woke up Luo Xiaoyu, who was sleeping, and he opened his bleary eyes and asked me what I was going to do, and I said that I was going to find Tingting to settle the score.

Luo Xiaoyu forcibly unplugged the power supply of my hair dryer, moved to persuade me not to go.

I disregarded his dissuasion and resolutely wanted to go.

Luo Xiaoyu let out a sneer and said, “You want to find her back, right?

Tingting has really seen through you, she’s right, you’ve been completely taken down by her, even if she doesn’t come back to you, you’ll crawl like a dog to find her!” What?


What the hell does that mean?

What the hell does that mean?

Am I that cheap?

At this time, Luo Xiaoyu’s phone rang again, just now he has refused several times.

“Who is it?

“My sister.

“Then answer it!” Luo Xiaoyu was helpless and picked up the phone.

Afterwards, his face turned into a pig liver color.

While Luo Xiaoyu’s sister, Luo Xiaoyue, was on her way here, Luo Xiaoyu told me roughly what was on the phone.

Tingting took their video and made a copy and sent it to Luo Xiaoyue, which means that Tingting wanted to eat more than one fish, and she was going to extort a million dollars from Luo Xiaoyu’s family or else publicize the video.

Luo Xiaoyue had wanted to bring her to justice directly, but considering that even if she did obtain justice, there was a possibility that the video would be leaked, it was not cost-effective, so she hurriedly looked for her brother to find out the specifics.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Xiaoyu hadn’t gone to work for a long time, promising that the bank’s deposit business had a gap, his father was so furious that he had a heart attack, so he had to send Luo Xiaoyue out to look around for him.

Luo Xiaoyue, the legal beauty, looks a little haggard, but wrapped in a professional outfit, she has a different flavor.

It is not good to lie in front of the lawyer.

I will be the cause and effect of this matter, originally told her once.

Luo Xiaoyue was silent.

She has also encountered a slag man, so she has great sympathy for all vulnerable groups in male-female relationships.

After a long time, Luo Xiaoyue suddenly raised her head, stared into my eyes, and asked, “I’ve come up with a way to get the money back from Tingting, are you willing to cooperate?

” “Of course I am willing! Only your brother is not willing.

“I don’t care about him.

As long as you are willing.

Come here.

“Luo Xiaoyue whispered in my ear, and I shook my head.

It wasn’t that I didn’t agree, but I didn’t understand.

In any case, our purposes are the same, and I’m done listening to her command.

11 After taking care of the prep work with Luo Xiaoyue, I approached Tingting alone.

We made an appointment at the street park, and the moment I saw her, I went straight to my knees.

Tingting didn’t seem surprised by my actions, instead she wrapped her arms around her chest, and without urging me to get up, she looked at me condescendingly.

I used my knees to take two steps forward, pulled her lace little skirt, said: “Please, you have to leave me ……” Tingting contemptuously laughed, said: “I know you can’t let go of me, but I’m no longer interested in you, know each other a little bit, and don’t want to force you to be too hard, go, don’t look for me in the future.

”Hearing her say that, I had a burst of abdominal slander.

Since retaliation, getting things done is the only purpose.

I begged and pleaded, and promised to transfer the other house, and even my company, to Tingting, and she finally agreed to give me a chance.

According to the prior agreement, I wrote down a guarantee that I was voluntarily gifting the property and company to Tingting, put my handprint on it, and then we went to remarry.

Tingting was not blinded by the immediate benefits, she took out her cell phone, turned on the video function, aimed at me, and asked me to say the contents of the guarantee to the camera …… very humiliating.

But I still did as I was told.

Two months later, the two sets of formalities for the transfer of the house and the company were completed.

In order to show absolute loyalty, I personally to the bank loan 3 million, in the name of the acquisition of the company’s small patents, in the name of the company account now Tingting as a legal person.

Then state, with the name of this company, and then buy a suite, equal to Tingting all.

Tingting was very happy, kissed me.

On the way to “remarriage”, I suddenly remembered, transferred to Tingting’s company, there is a small shareholder is my mom, if so, even if Tingting as a legal person, take the company’s money to buy a house, this property rights attribution can not be completely counted Tingting.

Wan, first transferred to my other shell company, and then take out the money, directly to Tingting.

When Tingting heard this, she brightened up and graciously accepted.

In exchange, I asked her to destroy all the video footage with Luo Xiaoyu, and she readily agreed.

A week later.

Tingting and I walked to the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, I stopped in my tracks and said condescendingly, “I’m not going to tie the knot, so you go by yourself!” Tingting was dumbfounded, and looking at her dumbfounded look, I felt soothed inside.

That’s right.

The way Luo Xiaoyue told me was that she quickly registered a ‘fake marriage’ with me, and then asked me to go back to Tingting and tempt her back by transferring the house and company to her.

Given that Luo Xiaoyue and I already had a marriage license, according to Chinese marriage law, one party to a marriage has no right of execution.

So it was only a matter of time before I approached Tingting to get the gifted property back.

On the other hand, I transferred the company to Tingting and used the loan to purchase that patent, where the patent is only I know.

Then I asked Tingting to return the 3 million dollars for the goods on the grounds that I didn’t receive the goods.

As Tingting received this company, she as the legal representative, the emergence of the loan is responsible for.

Under Luo Xiaoyue’s maneuvering, Tingting’s compensation for the 3 million loan has been the nail in the coffin.

In these few months, I fell in love with Luo Xiaoyue, the legal beauty, and always felt that she could bring me back to a normal life, but I also knew that we were just a fake marriage.

It was all over.

Luo Xiaoyue returned to her hometown.

Luo Xiaoyue is also returning to her life.

I carefully asked Luo Xiaoyue, “Can we not get divorced?

” She spread a smile and said, “What bad intentions can a man who is easily deceived have?

In the pile of stinky men, you are considered to be the one I am more optimistic about.

‘ My heart is blossoming! Looking at their backs as they temporarily left, Tingting’s shadow and Luo Xiaoyue’s back seemed to merge together.

I felt a trance.

But no matter what, I firmly believed: my spring has arrived.

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Next March 27, 2024


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