How accurate is a girl’s sixth sense about guys?

How accurate is a girl’s sixth sense about boys?

When I went to the hospital for a checkup to prepare for pregnancy, I ran into my husband’s new assistant, who happened to be pregnant.

She saw me coming alone and offered to drive me home for me.

Strangely enough, the assistant drove very smoothly, even the parking place is a disk into, without a trace of hesitation, a look is often drive.

Her smile, which seemed gentle and generous, was actually full of provocation.

I pretended to be unaware, secretly layout, little girl, or too young! Zhou Ziming and I have been married for three years, love and affection, these two years we want to have a child, but the preparation for pregnancy for two years did not respond.

Later, I had no choice but to go to the hospital to check, the results are tubal blockage …… Although I am a bit pampered and capricious, but I have not done anything to hurt the world, how can I not conceive a child?

I don’t believe in fate and started making trips to the hospital.

Today is the day I do tubal fluids, Zhou Ziming has important work can not accompany, I can only go to the hospital by myself.

Lying on the operating table, when the medicine through my body, the lower abdomen came from the intense pain, I clenched my teeth bed tightly gripping the bed sheet, hard not to move a little, but down the operating table or can not help but cry.

It really hurts, it hurts …… in the waiting area, I shivered, took out my cell phone and called Zhou Ziming.

“ZiMing, can you come pick me up?

” My voice was trembling as I spoke.

Zhou Ziming’s helpless voice came over, “Shanshan, I can’t.

Something happened to the quality of the materials at the construction site, and it’s something Dad asked me to do, so I can’t not fulfill it.

Does it hurt a lot?

Take a rest first, it’s my fault for not scheduling it in advance.

“When we first fell in love, Dad and my brother didn’t agree, because my family’s financial situation was too good, and Zhou Ziming was just a poor boy with nothing.

It’s not easy for him to live in my house all these years, especially my dad and my brother’s orders he didn’t dare to slack off for a moment, for fear of being scolded for not doing a good job, listening to him say so, I instantly lost my resentment.

I said, “You’re busy, it doesn’t hurt much, I’ll just take a break and go home to lie down.

“Zi Ming kissed me through the phone, “Okay, I’ll make you a good meal tonight.

“Although I was disappointed, I understood ZiMing when I thought of his difficulties.

It’s just that I don’t look good leaving the hospital with my stomach covered.

“Mr. Xiao?

“At the entrance of the hospital, I was crouching on the side of the road in pain, when suddenly a woman approached me, and she looked very familiar.

  1. “Who are you?

“I didn’t recognize her.

She reached out to help me up and explained, “Mr. Xiao, I’m Mr. Zhou’s new assistant, Xiao Ma, I’ve just arrived at the company a week ago.

“Xiao Ma looked around and asked suspiciously, “Mr. Xiao, are you alone?


“I’m still in a lot of pain and don’t want to say another word.

“Mr. Xiao, let me take you home.

I’m really in pain at this time, so I’m naturally grateful to have someone to help me, “Thank you.” Pony smiled and said, “Thank you.

“Xiao Ma smiled and said, “Mr. Xiao, this is the right thing to do. I also have to thank Mr. Zhou for letting me join the company regardless of the fact that I’m pregnant, and for allowing me to take maternity leave for checkups.

“Xiao Ma said, lowering her head and stroking her still flat belly, her face full of maternal splendor.

You’re pregnant?

I was slightly stunned for a moment, who made the decision?

The assistant’s workload is so heavy, what if something happens to a pregnant woman?

To my surprise, the pony helped me into my own car.

This BMW seven series is my brother sent me when I graduated, at first it was Zhou Ziming driving, later he changed the sports car, this car is basically placed in the company, who use who drive.

Xiao Ma all the way rambling about how good the company, Zhou Ziming how good to her, with a warm smile on her face.

I was in so much pain that I spent the whole time lying in a chair with my eyes closed, and didn’t pay much attention to her.

Although groggy, but did not miss a bit of information, pony driving this car is very smooth, it seems to be a regular driver.

She drove me home, the whole time without asking where my house was, even the parking spot was a plate in, without a hint of hesitation.

It seems like she knows everything about me.

“Mr. Xiao, we’re home, do you need me to send you up?

” Pony raised a warm smile and reached out ready to help me.

I refused, “No, thank you, I’m quite embarrassed to trouble you today, you’re still pregnant.

“Mr. Xiao, you’re too kind.

I have to thank you and Mr. Zhou. Especially Mr. Zhou, he doesn’t mind that I’m pregnant, he even allows me to take time off anytime I want, he’s really a good leader.” She smiled and said goodbye.

” After that she smiled and said goodbye and drove off again.

I narrowed my eyes.

Xiao Ma’s smile seemed gentle and generous, but it was actually full of provocation.

The workload of an assistant is huge, and from time to time, they have to follow their bosses to socialize, so such a working environment would never be able to recruit a pregnant woman.

Moreover, how could a newcomer who hadn’t yet been regularized touch the boss’s car?

This pony is either a relative of Zhou Ziming, or there is something else going on! 3. I was going to get someone to check out the pony directly, but then I thought, if it is she herself who is not harboring any ill will, my checking it out like this will instead make Ziming feel that he is not being trusted, affecting the couple’s relationship.

Thinking it over again, I called my brother and asked him to help me buy food over.

In half an hour or so, my brother came to my house with a big bag of supplements, grumbling on his lips, but his hands didn’t stop opening the food for me in front of him.

“Don’t you have an aunt?

Why do you have to bother your brother?

Why does your face look so bad, eat something to make up for it.” “Thank you, brother.

“Thank you, brother.”

My brother looked around the house and frowned, “I’ll ask an aunt to come and take care of you, it’s not good enough to have only an hourly worker at home.” “No, an hourly worker is fine.

“No, an hourly worker will be fine. ZiMing doesn’t like having outsiders living in the house.

“ZiMing doesn’t like to have outsiders living in the house! Why didn’t he accompany you to the hospital today?

I don’t know what you love about him that you’d go to such lengths to give him a baby.” Every time I go to the hospital, I come back pale and weak, and my brother can’t bear to see me suffer, so I don’t know how many times he’s talked about it.

“Brother, you know, ZiMing has been working very hard all these years, he doesn’t dare to slack off on your and Dad’s orders, and he didn’t have the time to accompany me today because he didn’t finish the task Dad asked him to do.

“I grabbed my brother’s hand and pampered him, “Brother, can you persuade Dad not to be so strict with Ziming?

“My brother bristled, “He’s not in the right field, so how can the board be convinced if he doesn’t make some achievements?

Dad may be strict, but it’s for his own good.” They’ve always thought that Zhou Ziming came from a bad background and chased me for money, not love.

I pretended to be innocent, pretending that I had no intention of bringing up today’s incident, “Although ZiMing didn’t come, he sent his assistant to accompany me, and it was the assistant who sent me home.

” “How can a big man like Li Hua accompany you, is he like that?

“It’s not Li Hua, it’s a female assistant that Zi Ming just recruited, Zi Ming is really something, she’s pregnant and he still sent her to help me, what if something happens?

What?” “What?

The expression on my brother’s face was even worse, “Recruiting a pregnant woman?” “Brother , don’t you dare!

“Brother …… don’t blame ZiMing for everything, that’s the personnel department’s business, help me find the assistant’s information, I’ll solve this matter, no matter what, she helped me in the hospital today.” my brother was very efficient and returned to me.

“My brother is very efficient, back to the company immediately find someone to give me the information.

Ma Dan, Zhou Ziming’s personal assistant.

She’s not in charge of the company’s affairs, she’s only responsible for ZiMing’s outings.

And no one in the company knows that she’s pregnant, which means that she deliberately revealed the information to me today.

My hand holding the information can’t stop shaking, what does Xiao Ma mean by this?

Did the dog blood drama happen to me?

Could it be that Xiao Ma is pregnant with Zi Ming’s child and is deliberately looking for me to demonstrate?

The seeds of doubt are rapidly taking root in my heart. If this is true, what does Zhou Ziming take me for, a fool?

  1. In the evening, Zhou Ziming brought back a lot of tonic, as soon as he came back, he kissed me, kept apologizing, gave me a massage to let me relax and rest, then he went to make dinner.

I lay on the sofa and watched his busy figure in the kitchen, my gaze getting colder and colder.

Zhou Ziming was able to become the son-in-law of a wealthy family as soon as he graduated from a poor college student, all because of me.

If he really betrays me, I can bring him up to the altar, and I can also make him fall down hard! At the dinner table.

He kept pouring food into my bowl, one bite at a time, hard work, preparing for pregnancy is something he can’t help, and he feels guilty about it.

I chewed slowly and finished swallowing a mouthful, and my complexion suddenly brightened, “Right ZiMing, there’s something I almost forgot.

“What’s wrong, Shannon?

“I’m in so much pain I can’t even walk after my surgery today, thanks to your assistant, Pony.

“I was smiling, but my eyes were staring straight at Zhou Ziming, not missing every detail.

“Is that so?

” He made a perfunctory remark and buried his head to eat.

Weak hearted?

Shouldn’t the normal reaction be to ask her what she was doing there?

Why was she with me?

“Well, she’s going for a maternity checkup, and she didn’t get one in order to send me back. Give her one more day of maternity leave tomorrow so she can go for a checkup, and double her bonus this month.” “Okay.

Double her bonus this month.” “Okay.

“Zi Ming, who recruited Xiao Ma?

Did the staff know she was pregnant?

“Zhou Ziming’s expression was so obvious that he stopped chewing. He quickly stabilized his expression and shook his head at me: “This is a personnel matter, I’m not sure.

I’ll go and ask about the details tomorrow.

“No need to specifically ask, I just casually ask, pregnant, pregnant it, our regular company should give the benefits to give, but to remind personnel, when recruiting new employees must ask clearly, can not hide, otherwise her health problems, we can not afford the responsibility.” “Good.


“From the time I talked about Xiao Ma, Zhou Ziming’s expression was well hidden, but he did not clip a piece of food into my bowl again.

This whole night, he obviously had something on his mind, and what he said to me was extremely perfunctory.

Before going to bed while Zhou Ziming bath time, I gave the assistant made a phone call, let him in Zhou Ziming’s car, office are installed monitoring.

No amount of speculation is as good as seeing is believing.

If it was Xiao Ma who tried to compel Zhou Ziming, then I immediately fired her.

If it is Zhou Ziming …… this night I listened to the sound of even breathing coming from my side and had a sleepless night.

. The next day, Zhou Ziming left an hour earlier than usual, citing work.

I also got up to clean up, opened the surveillance video and waited, if there is a ghost, they will definitely reveal the cracks.

As expected, as soon as I got to work in the morning, Xiao Ma entered Zhou Ziming’s office.

The first thing Zhou Ziming did was to close the doors and windows, his face was stinky, glaring at her, “What do you want to do, actually ran to the hospital to find her, I told you not to mess with her, don’t you understand?

!” I told you not to mess with her, don’t you understand?” “Hubby, you’ve got it all wrong.

I went to the hospital yesterday for a checkup because my stomach was bleeding a little bit, and the doctor said that I needed to prescribe medication for low progesterone, otherwise I might miscarry.

I just parked the car and saw Mr. Xiao, I was afraid that she would be suspicious, so I took the initiative to greet her.” Xiao Ma said to Zhou Ziming.

“Xiaomala Zhou Ziming, aggrieved to wipe tears,” husband, these years I have been good your words, I know that everything you hard-won, I and the child’s future also rely on Xiao Shan, I will not be so stupid as to cut off their own path, really is an accident, you do not gas, okay …… “Zhou Ziming attitude eased a lot:” Remember, there is something in the future! I’m not going to be able to do that, but I’m going to be able to do it! Also, you should resign, if she finds out about our relationship, I’ll be kicked out of the company, and you’ll never be the president’s wife.” Ha! The drama has really gotten to me! Xiao Ma is really pregnant with Zhou Ziming’s child, and she still wants to be the president’s wife?

It means that he wants to take down our Xiao family, and his and Xiao Ma’s son will inherit the family fortune as soon as he is born.

Quite good …… screen, Xiao Ma cried and cried and coaxed Zhou Ziming, and the two of them couldn t wait to do the game in the office.

I can t help but take a deep breath and hold back from calling security to catch a present.

After the game, Xiao Ma asked Zhou Ziming to go to her house tonight to warm up, he agreed.

I was furious and laughed back, Zhou Ziming ah Zhou Ziming, in order to have a child, I have had a tubal imaging again and again, through the water, enema, and again and again suffered a lot of pain.

I am working hard for your heart’s desire, but you secretly pave the way for the child in someone else’s belly! Firing the little three and directly divorcing Zhou Ziming is really cheap for them.6. I saved the video and sent it to my brother.

He saw the video and exploded with anger, immediately rushed to the office to beat Zhou Ziming, was stopped by me.

I told him what I was going to do.

After hearing this, my brother frowned deeply, “If you play with him like this, the longer the time drags on, the one who will be hurt the most is you.

It doesn’t matter, you can talk to dad first, I’m afraid he’ll get agitated.” “It’s okay.

I’m afraid he’ll get emotional.” “Even if it hurts, I’ll make Zhou Ziming pay for it. He played me and my family for fools, so how can I not eat some painful lessons? My brother’s efficiency was quick, and at noon Dad brought my brother to the house to have dinner with me.

At the dinner table, my dad solemnly asked me, “Shanshan, how are you going to handle this?

“Dad, brother, I’ll take care of it, just cooperate with me in the drama, I’m still thinking about the details, I’ll let you know if I need your help.” “Well, be careful.

I’ll let you know if I need your help.” “Well, be careful, your brother and I will be your backers at all times.

“I’m glad Dad never fully trusted Zhou Ziming and didn’t give him a large stake in the company, otherwise it would be very tricky right now.

I told Dad to first dilute Zhou Ziming’s part of the shares, and then later make him obediently hand over all the shares in his hand.

…… In the afternoon, I told Zhou Ziming that I was not feeling well and asked him to come back earlier.

He promised.

Hang up my phone, he immediately told the horse to go home tonight, the horse at the end of the aggrieved, tears.

Compared to me, she is really a delicate person, generous and understanding, no wonder Zhou Ziming is so attached to her.

“Dear, go back, the baby and I will wait for you obediently.

If Xiao Shan makes you unhappy, come to me, really feel sorry for you, for me and the baby have to face an unloved person …… every day,” Xiao Ma hugged Zhou Ziming tightly, said in a resigned manner, “I blame me for not being useful, if I have her as a background, you don’t have to suffer all these grievances.

“The Oscars are not going to give her a trophy, so I’m sorry for her.

…… In the evening Zhou Ziming came back and was busy making soup for me again.

After dinner, he cleaned up and warmed up milk for me, I looked at him with a heartbroken face: “ZiMing, during this time you are tired and thin from running around at work and at home, I thought about it, why don’t we let my mother-in-law take care of me?

Every time she calls, she misses us and wants to come to see us, so she’s taking this opportunity to come and spend time with us, and when I go to the hospital, mom will be able to accompany me.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that, but I’m sure I’m going to be able to do that,” he said.

  1. My mother-in-law’s efficiency is also fast, just said last night, this afternoon received a call from her that she had arrived, I went with Zhou Ziming to pick her up.

What bad thoughts can my mother-in-law have, nothing more than the traditional thinking of the older generation, the meal has been brainwashing me, no matter how much it costs to give them the Zhou family to keep a rear.

Then urged me to go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

I listened silently, with a light smile on my face the whole time.

When the time was almost up, I told her, “Mom, I have blocked fallopian tubes, and the treatment has been ineffective, the doctor has long recommended that I do in vitro fertilization, and I can also screen my own gender, so I think I can do it to try.

“My mother-in-law was surprised and asked, “Can I have two grandchildren at once?

“I smiled and responded, “Of course, twins and triplets are both possible.

“Shanshan, it’s really a blessing to have married you!” My mother-in-law praised me for my understanding and said I was a good daughter-in-law.

Then she urgently urged Zhou Ziming to go to the hospital with me for a checkup so that we could do IVF.

Zhou Ziming of course agreed, as long as I gave birth to a child, regardless of gender, his position in my family would be completely secure.

However, I hadn’t planned to go ahead so quickly! I interjected, “Mom, there’s no need to rush, we have to register at the hospital, and good specialists have to register in advance, you can’t be sloppy with IVF, you still have to look for authoritative specialists.

“Yes mom, ShanShan will let us know when she’s done, there’s no rush in this kind of thing.

There’s no rush.” “Okay, let’s wait for Shan Shan to get the number.

“Granny was so happy at the thought of having two grandchildren that she was fantasizing about what she would do with them.

Mother and son were laughing over there, and I was listening on the sofa, but inwardly I was extremely mocking.

According to Xiao Ma’s unwilling character, she will soon be looking for her mother-in-law.

  1. Sure enough, from the third day onwards, my mother-in-law excused herself as being bored at home and wanted to go out for a walk.

I also cooperated with her, pretended not to know and let her work alone.

Madan still drove the BMW 7 series, secretly went to see my mother-in-law, but she did not know that the inside has been installed location monitoring, so moves are in my line of sight.

From that day on, my mother-in-law’s attitude changed dramatically.

Every day she would pack a separate soup in a thermos and take a taxi to the office, nominally feeding her son but actually delivering tonic soup to Madan.

I watched their ‘family’ love each other through the surveillance.

In Zhou Ziming’s office, he was talking about his mother-in-law again.

“Mom, I told you guys, the company is full of people, you come here every day to deliver soup to Madan, people will suspect after a while.” “What?

” “Suspicious of what, I’m here to find my son, Madan is your personal assistant, see I’m bored to come in and chat with me what’s wrong with that, besides, Madan is not pregnant right now, I can’t care so much, it’s still important for my big grandson!” “Mom, you’re too eager! Shanshan’s father, her brother, and herself come to the office from time to time. If things get out, I’ll lose everything, and then how can I support your grandson?

“To my mother-in-law, nothing else is more important than her eldest grandson.

She immediately compromised, “Okay, I’ll pay attention later and send the soup to Xiao Ma’s house every day, is that okay?

“Under my arrangement, Zhou Ziming and I went to do IVF preparation together.

Both parties had to undergo a physical examination, after which the report would come out in a few days.

During this period, Zhou Ziming came back later and later on the pretext that he was busy with work, and my mother-in-law spent less and less time at home.

I asked the detective to take a lot of pictures of Zhou Ziming and my mother-in-law walking with Ma Dan.

The detective asked me if I wanted to install a camera in Ma Dan’s house to learn more, I nodded, this step will be used sooner or later.

I called my dad and brother and asked them to step up their actions.

My dad had already diluted Zhou Ziming’s shares in several installments over this period of time, and coupled with the fact that I had always acted dependent on him and was actively preparing for my pregnancy, Zhou Ziming just took it as a normal business change.

At the same time, my brother began to make things difficult for Zhou Ziming in the company, moving to taunt him and trip him up a bit at work.

For example, he is from a small place, really is not able to support the bucket, only worthy of a small position, the pattern is too small, can not support the big projects, not at all sorry for his position, if not for my sake, I would have thrown him out of the house …… Zhou Ziming was aggrieved, and went home to me to complain about the pain.

I first comforted him: “Zi Ming, my father and my brother is like that, you don’t and they don’t care, they speak harshly is not one or two days.

“Do I have to put up with it all the time?

When we have a child, they’re going to look down on me in front of the child too!”  I silently went to get him a bottle of wine and poured it for him, “Hubby, we will soon have our own child.

When we do, my dad and the others won’t be like this, they’ll definitely be concerned about the child’s feelings.

“Shanshan, I really want you to get pregnant.

” Zhou Ziming drank heavily and soon became intoxicated.

“Hubby, why don’t you prove to my dad and the others that you’re capable of managing a company well, and when you’ve made your mark, they won’t give you a hard time anymore.

“”How can I prove it?

Haven’t I proved enough in the past few years?

I obviously love you as a person, but they think I love your family fortune! I love you!” Zhou Ziming kept patting his chest to show his sincerity.

I patiently coaxed him, “We have a new company that we haven’t managed yet, so I’ll talk to my dad and ask you to manage it. As long as you can make achievements in three years, and prove to them that you’re capable, of course they’ll believe that you love me.

“Zhou Ziming listened to me, and the anger in his eyes diminished, leaving only skepticism: “Can Dad give me management?

“Of course! You just have to show them that you’re not marrying me for money, and he’ll definitely agree! He’ll be impressed when you succeed, and if you and my brother join forces in the family business, the board of directors won’t dare to look down on you again.

“He was really impressed: “How do I vote?

“Transfer your shares to me, they won’t be worth much after dilution anyway, it’s a small price to pay for my father’s trust, and it’s worth it to me to give you a new company to manage!” Zhou Ziming’s expression loosened, and there was still some hesitation, I knew what he was worried about, and continued to lay down the gauntlet, “Ziming, I’ve asked the doctor, it’s not difficult to give birth to a pair of twins in vitro.

Once the children are born, no matter whether your new company is successful or not, my father will give you and the babies shares, and then we will live in harmony as a family of four, and he will definitely treat you as a family member.

“When people are angry, many things will not be seriously over the brain, Zhou Ziming just want to prove their own ability, plus I said I want to give him a pair of twins, of course, he thought his position will be completely solid, that night signed the transfer of shares agreement.

  1. The examination report came out, and of course it had long been stolen by me.

The next day at breakfast, my mother-in-law and Zhou Ziming both asked me.

“Shanshan, has the report come out?

“What’s the result? When can we have a baby?

“”That ……” I pretended to stammer, my eyes on Zhou Ziming, wanting to say something.

Zhou Ziming didn’t understand and frowned, “What’s wrong?

Did it turn out bad?

“He quickly relieved, smiled and comforted me: “It’s okay, if there is a problem, we will adjust, there will always be a child.

“What’s going on?

“My mother-in-law got anxious and reached over for the report, “Shannon, give me the report!” “It’s on the coffee table.

“Granny rushed over to get it, but she was illiterate and couldn’t read it after a few scans, so she hurriedly handed it to Zhou Ziming, “Take a look at it, what does it say.

“Zhou Ziming dropped his chopsticks on the dining room table with a snap, and his face turned pale.

My mother-in-law panicked, “Son, what’s with the look on your face, what’s the result?

“Shanshan, I think I forgot something urgent, I’ll go back to the office first!” Zhou Ziming took the report and ran.

“Eh, son ……,” my mother-in-law chased after him and disappeared, she came over to me in a hurry: “Shanshan, what exactly is written on the report, work is not as important as health, really! “Mom, ZiMing has weak sperm, this unsuccessful sperm retrieval is all dead, the report says he doesn’t have any to work with, if we want to get pregnant, we must first cure ZiMing’s disease, otherwise it’s impossible to have a baby.

” “What?

” Granny’s jaw dropped and her face was ashen.

The corner of my lips hooked up a sneer: “Mom, after all this time it turns out that it’s ZiMing’s problem that we can’t conceive a child, I’ve suffered for so long for nothing, I’ll go up first to take a breather.

” I slowly walked up the stairs, and just a few steps up the stairs I saw my mother-in-law rushing out the door in a panic.

I’m going to have a good time today.

  1. Zhou Ziming took the report and went to the office, then called Madan in.

As soon as she entered the office, Zhou Ziming threw the report in front of her and angrily yelled at her.

“You bitch, how dare you carry someone else’s seed to lie to me and make me raise a child for you!” Ma Dan picked up the report sheet and glanced at it, crying out with a wow, “Zi Ming, listen to my explanation, this child is really yours! I don’t have another man besides you! “Get lost, abort the baby and disappear from the company immediately! Zhou Ziming was furious, his voice was very loud, Ma Dan was very aggrieved and cried all the time, she had wanted to be on the top, and now she was slandered out of thin air, how could she give up.

Soon, the mother-in-law also came to the company.

If the two of them have concerns, in the company still pay attention to the impact, the mother-in-law’s accession is completely put the fire burned! She grabbed Ma Dan is a burst of crying and wailing, crying in the office, scolding her little slut, lying to his son …… The scene was a mess, and Zhou Ziming could not control it at all.

Ma Dan cried that he was innocent, claiming that he wanted to do a paternity test.

At this time, I don t need to appear, just my dad and brother.

My dad suspended him from all his duties on the spot, as well as all the cards he had on him.

As for me, all I have to do now is to play the role of an injured original spouse.

  1. Zhou Ziming’s shares were transferred to me, the new company is an empty shell, my father stopped all his cards, he in order to turn over the sword borrowed loan sharks, and now the early income is not enough to make ends meet, heavily indebted.

Of course he refused to divorce, he could not let go of my family’s life of glory and wealth, not to mention the struggle from scratch once again, within a few days to come to me.

Each time I had security send him away.

After a week of suffering, my mother-in-law herself came to my door looking for me.

I met.

“Shanshan, ZiMing he loves you, everything is all that vixen’s fault, it is she seduced ZiMing, ZiMing does not love him at all, you give him another chance, OK ……” Granny cried to me with a snotty nose and a tearful face, “ZiMing is now thinned more than ten pounds, he has had a miserable life, he especially misses you, he can’t live without you, ah Shanshan! ……” It’s not that he can’t live without me, it’s that he can’t live without money.

I immediately agreed with my mother-in-law: “Good.

“The mother-in-law stared incredulously: “Really?

“I sighed, “Mom, to be honest, I love ZiMing too, and I’ve been having a hard time these past few days, and there’s no such thing as a man who doesn’t make mistakes.

I know that.” “Right, right, right! I’ve already taught ZiMing a lesson, and he said that it won’t happen again, and that he’ll be good to you from now on.

“I looked embarrassed and spoke in a difficult voice, “But mom, there’s a tricky problem right now ……” “What is it?

“My family is very strict, Dad would never allow me to share a husband with someone else, much less let me raise someone else’s child.

Now it’s not just as simple as him cheating on his wife, Madan is still pregnant with his daughter, and I can’t accept that! Mom, I can’t help it.


” My mother-in-law’s face instantly changed.

I pretended not to hear her and continued angrily, “Yes, I asked the hospital where she went for her checkup, and ZiMing will soon have a daughter with Madan, so what does that make me? There’s no such thing as an original spouse in the whole world, I’m getting divorced from Zhou Ziming! 12. When I left, my mother-in-law was still sitting there with a heavy heart.

She took care of Madan because she thought she was pregnant with a son, but now that she knows it’s a daughter, her attitude is certainly different.

In addition, this week, she personally experienced how miserable Zhou Ziming lost Xiao family this big backer, do not have to think she will certainly make a choice.

Not long after, I received a call from my mother-in-law and turned on the recording function.

“Shanshan, mom will personally make Madan have an abortion, as long as her baby is gone, there will be no more obstacles between you and ZiMing.

” “Mom, don’t!” I pretended to be panicked and said anxiously, “Mom, that’s against the law, you can’t do anything stupid! You can’t force feelings. ZiMing and I can’t go back.

Although she’s pregnant with a daughter now, she’ll have two or three more children in the future, and she’ll definitely be able to give you a grandson.” “My daughter-in-law only has you.

“You’re the only daughter-in-law I’ve got. I won’t spare her if she tells me she’s pregnant with a daughter and says she has a son! Besides, the paternity test is still pending. Who knows if it’s Zi Ming’s seed? I’ve doubled the dosage, I can’t let her keep this bastard!” “Mom, don’t do this ……,” I dissuaded my mother-in-law with my mouth, while my eyes stared at the surveillance video.

In the surveillance video, my mother-in-law placed a double dose of medicine and served it to Ma Dan.

“Old waste of a, breakfast is not given to do, almost one o’clock only to send me lunch, my stomach is still pregnant with your Zhou family’s child, if you continue to starve your grandchildren are starving to death! Money, really is a good thing, can see a lot of people.

Xiao Ma’s attitude of starting to curse without money was completely different from her previous currying favor.

I saw my mother-in-law holding back her anger and coaxing Ma Dan to drink it all with a smile.

The medicine should kick in in about half an hour, and when I answered my mother-in-law’s phone call, I pulled Zhou Ziming’s number out of my blacklist in passing.

He quickly called.

“Shannon, you’re finally willing to answer my call.

“13. I asked Zhou Ziming to meet me in half an hour.

Ten days have not seen, Zhou Ziming eye visible haggard, vicissitudes, eyes can not see a trace of the original handsome look, see me that moment, he threw himself on his knees in front of me.

He hugged my legs, red eyes with tears and begged me: “Shanshan, I’m an asshole, I’m sorry for you to do the wrong thing, you can not look at our past love points to give me another chance?

As long as you are willing to forgive me, I can do anything! From now on, I will never do anything wrong to you again!” A belated deep love is cheaper than grass! What’s more, Zhou Ziming only came to beg me because I was rich! I sank my face and looked at him calmly, my mood had long since lost its ups and downs: “Is your repentance now because of love?

” “Shanshan, you’re the only one I love, it was Xiao Ma who took the initiative to seduce me, if I wasn’t drunk, I really wouldn’t have had a relationship with her, and as for that child it was because my family pushed me too hard, and my parents have always wanted to have a grandchild, plus you couldn’t conceive one, so …… I promise this is the first and the last time!” “So, in order to be with me, you’d rather kill the child in Madan’s stomach?

” I purposely revealed this news to him, “Zhou Ziming, that is at least a life, how can you personally kill that child just to beg for my forgiveness?

I will never be able to continue to be with you if you’re so heartless, animal!” “What?

“Zhou Ziming shook his head frantically, “Shanshan, what are you talking about?

I didn’t try to kill the kid!” I took out my cell phone call recording for him to hear.

“Your mom said herself that she drugged the kid twice to kill him, so that you and I could stay together.

I’m telling you, there’s no way in hell I’m going to forgive you in this lifetime.

“Shanshan ……” Zhou Ziming’s phone rang, I saw the screen showed it was my mother-in-law’s, he immediately picked it up: “Mom.

“ZiMing, you quickly come back to send her to the hospital to get her stomach cleaned up.” “Mom!

“Mom!” Zhou Ziming shouted angrily, “How could you do this?

“”I’m not doing this for you,……,” Zhou Ziming hung up the phone directly, he pulled me, full of sadness, “Shanshan, I know that you don’t believe me even if I say more, this matter really has nothing to do with me, although I don’t love her, I’m not so cruel, Shanshan, I’m really very hard to have you think about me so much.

If you’re willing, you can go to the hospital with me, I’ll prove my innocence.

” I held back my stomach-churning feelings and tugged my lips lightly at him, “Okay.

” I want to go, of course, not to see him “sincere”, nor to forgive him, but to see with my own eyes Ma Dan’s wretchedness, and Zhou Ziming’s downfall.

  1. When I arrived, Ma Dan covered her stomach in pain, and when she saw me and Zhou Ziming together, she angrily stood up and stumbled towards me.

She stretched out her hand and pointed angrily at me, “Bitch, did you drug me!” Zhou Ziming shielded me behind him and blocked Madan, “Stop it, Shan Shan didn’t do it, I’ll take you to the hospital first.

” “Who else could it be but this bitch, our child is a thorn in her side, a thorn in her flesh, she must have poisoned me!” Hehe, think Zhou Ziming is a treasure?

She raised her hand to slap me, I dodged and slapped her back, she was already weak and fell to the ground without standing still.

I looked down at her, looking at the red marks on her face, my eyes fell on her, “You climbed up to Zhou Ziming because he has money, and all his money comes from me, you thought the man you chose was reliable, but in fact he’s a joke! And I am the one who rules his fate!” “You bitch are just envious that I can get pregnant! You’re just a chicken that can’t lay eggs!” Madan howled madly at me at the top of her voice, “You’re a vicious woman, you deserve that you won’t be able to conceive a child in your life, you deserve that your husband is going to cheat on you, you have nothing but money!!!” I gave Ma Dan a scornful look, not wanting to waste any more saliva, “Zhou Ziming, no matter what, she’s still your woman, send her to the hospital first before we talk about our business.

“I’m not a saintly white lotus, see Ma Dan this end, I do not say happy, at least it is out of a bad breath.

  1. Madan’s child was not saved because the drug was too strong.

The first thing she did when she woke up was to call the police to say that I poisoned her. Zhou Ziming knew what was going on, he took the initiative to say to me: “Shanshan, I know that all of this is my mother’s ghost, the child’s business and you have nothing to do with it, don’t worry, I’ll be with the police to prove that you are innocent.

I laughed in my heart, but on my face I was calm: “What do you mean, you’re not going to protect your mom?” “The drug was originally given by my mom.

“The drug was originally given by my mom, and if Madan really wants to pursue the case, my mom will have to pay the corresponding legal responsibility.

“Zhou Ziming wanted to hold my hand, but I didn’t move to avoid it.

I laughed, his mom did it for his future, and he was so cavalier about it.

A mother can drug a pregnant woman, and a son doesn’t hesitate to send his mother to jail for his own future, they are truly one in the same, mother and son, and don’t deserve any sympathy at all.

If I continue my marriage with Zhou Ziming, I may be killed in the middle of the night is not known.

He looked dark and sad, with a sad and affectionate face: “Shanshan, the biggest obstacle between us is gone, I will cut off relations with Madan, we start all over again, okay?

“I was facing the ward, Zhou Ziming’s back was turned, I could see an extra shadow at the entrance of the ward, it was Madan, and he couldn’t see it.

The corners of my lips turned up, “You mean you want to break up with Madan, come back to me, and let’s start over?” He didn’t hesitate for a second.

‘ He didn’t hesitate for a second and blurted out, ”She seduced me while I was drunk, besides, I’m a weak spermatozoa and it’s impossible for me to get pregnant, how can I accept that she’s carrying someone else’s seed?

I love you and only want to be with you.

“I laughed coldly, “What if I told you that it was your seed that she was carrying?

You don’t have amblyopia at all, I lied to you with a fake report.

” Zhou Ziming was stunned, but immediately reacted and expressed his loyalty again: ”Then I won’t accept her either, she’s the kind of woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, who knows how many big spenders she’s had …… ”Zhou Ziming!” Behind him, a heart-breaking voice of anger came, “It was you who said that Xiao Shan is a chicken that won’t lay eggs, you’re only with her for the money, you only love her money, it’s me you love ……” Ma Dan rushed out of the hospital room, breaking down and crying while entangled with Zhou Zi Ming… …I exit the chaos in front of me and use my cell phone to record their clownish performance.

. I sued for divorce, and everything went through the legal process.

Madan and Zhou Ziming dog-eat-dog, things got so big that Zhou Ziming, in order to beg for my forgiveness, took the initiative to provide evidence to the police and personally sent my ex-mother-in-law to jail.

Not only did I not forgive him, but I also publicized everything he had done.

He became the target of everyone’s scorn.

Later, I heard from my friends that not only did Zhou Ziming have trouble finding a job and was ridiculed at every turn, but also that the woman he had abandoned, Ma Dan, was still haunting him.

No need for me to intervene, Madan has self-destructively spread the story of Zhou Ziming all over the city, loan sharks are also chasing the debt, he had nowhere to retreat, and finally disappeared in everyone’s sight.

After Zhou Ziming disappeared, my life gradually returned to calm.

The court’s judgment finally came down, I dissolved the marriage with him.

But not long after, Zhou Ziming called again.

“Xiao Shan, you’re so cold-blooded, I’ve been in hiding for a few months, you don’t even care about me, you’re so heartless! I smiled coldly: “I have nothing to do with your divorce already, where do you get the confidence to blame me.

“You want to get rid of me completely?

Impossible!” Zhou Ziming roared angrily, “If it wasn’t for your family looking down on me, I wouldn’t have gone to borrow from loan sharks! Now they want to kill me, you pay the debt for me and we’ll settle it, or I’ll take them to the company and make trouble with you!” “Zhou Ziming, you’re shameless! I can’t possibly pay your debt for you! You borrowed the money yourself, don’t ask my family to take the blame!” I hung up angrily, not giving him a chance to respond.

Soon, I received a debt collection call, it turned out that Zhou Ziming said that we are still married, and the other party said that they would give me three days, and if I didn’t pay it back, they would go and smash the company.

I am very clear, do not completely solve the Zhou Ziming, I can not be clear in this life.

I checked all his information.

As expected, Zhou Ziming bought a plane ticket for three days later, and while tricking people into my company, he’s going to fly out of here.

Asshole! Planning to dump this mess on me?

No way! My brother called a lawyer and a bodyguard to accompany me to meet the debt collector. The lawyer told them that Zhou Ziming’s loan was not used for conjugal life, and since Zhou Ziming and I are divorced, the money has nothing to do with me.

I videotaped the whole thing, and the debt collectors were held back by me.

When I left, I told them that Zhou Ziming was on his way to the airport.

Having been tricked, of course they wouldn’t let it go.

I immediately had my bodyguard drive the car and follow the debt collection party’s car from afar, only to see them drive straight to the airport highway …… Outside the airport, they blocked Zhou Ziming.

“What are you doing?

Let go of me!” One of them said grimly, “Zhou Ziming, dare to fool us, you really have the ability!” A few of them had enormous strength, dragging Zhou Ziming and shoving him into the car, followed by appalling and horrifying howls from inside the car.

I watched from afar through the car window as they took Zhou Ziming away.

Very well, let him sink into hell for the rest of his life.

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Previous March 23, 2024
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