How disgusting can some boys be?

How disgusting can some boys be?

I had a rich classmate in high school who followed him around every day for food and drink, and went off-campus to do things to ‘see the world’.

We later realized that he was asking for something in return for letting us ‘have a good time’……. Last month, our class president was sitting on the rooftop railing of the building, yelling something like a madman, and students packed the playground, all watching the scene.

The principal and the head of security were behind him, urging him not to do anything stupid, trying to pull him down, but Zhou Xun was so agitated that every time the principal took a step closer his body shook violently, as if he were a kite swaying in the wind, ready to fall off at any moment.

“Qin Wutao, aren’t you and Zhou Xun good friends, quickly persuade him.

” The homeroom teacher pulled Qin Wutao up the stairs, this was a safety incident, the homeroom teacher’s forehead was covered in sweat.

Qin Wutao was a tall, thin teenager with a watermelon head and a pale face, the corners of his mouth trembling slightly, as if he was very nervous.

But somehow, I feel that there is uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

“To …… how to persuade?

” Qin Wutao looked like he didn’t know what to do.

“Just like your usual chatting, persuade him not to do stupid things, have anything to say down to talk.

” The principal patted Qin Wutao’s shoulder and handed him the megaphone.

Our school is the best private high school in this area, in terms of faculty alone, it’s one of the best in the country, and as such the students enrolled are heavily polarized.

Either they are the sons of the rich and powerful, spending huge amounts of money on school choice fees to send their children in, Qin Wu Tao is one of the models, his father founded the Qinlian enterprise can be called just hand over the sky of the big plutocrats, the business involves electronics, finance, machinery, transportation, manufacturing, and many other fields, the global market value of the enterprise hundreds of billions of dollars,.

The other kind of student is like me and Zhou Xun, from the poor family small family dead reading read out, come to this school, a very large part of the reason is that the school will be exempted from the tuition fees of us top students, if the final exam results are good, you can also get a scholarship.

Some people, born to live in the clouds, traveling in a luxury car, eating imported beef, just a piece of clothing are tens of thousands of dollars.

On the other hand, there are people who are born in the mud, have to help their parents do farm work after school, eat leftovers, and have patches on their pants.

Can these two kinds of people be friends?

I doubt it.

After the start of school Qin Wutao and Zhou Xun sitting at the same table, I thought Qin Wutao is the kind of arrogant and domineering temper of the second generation of rich people, I did not expect him to be very affinity, take the initiative to find Zhou Xun after class to talk to him, but also invited him to eat lunch, school cafeteria food is good, but Zhou Xun’s family is poor, and there is a bed-ridden mother, in order to save money tend to point to the cheapest food to eat a meal of as little as six dollars, almost do not see the meat and fish.

“Is this what people eat? Is this what you usually eat?” said Qin Wutou, using chopsticks.

“Qin Wutao used chopsticks to pick the leaves on the plate, with an unbelievable face.


”Zhou Xun is an introvert, although he felt that Qin Wutou’s action was impolite, he did not say anything.


“Qin Wutou lifted the plate with such force that all the food on the plate fell to the ground, and the students next to him heard the noise and looked over.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Xun stood up, his voice a little angry, since he was a child, his parents had told him not to waste food, not to mention that six dollars of rice was not a small amount of money for him.

“Don’t be angry.

“Qin Wutao smiled at Zhou Xun and took out his phone, “I’ll buy you dinner.

“Half an hour later, a Bugatti Veyron pulled up in front of the school, causing people on the side of the road to gather around and take pictures. A man in his thirties came out of the car, carrying two suitcases, and after greeting the security guards, he walked over to the cafeteria, where Qin Wutou waved his hand at the man, who hurriedly jogged over to the table of the two men respectfully, and brought out the dishes in the suitcases.

Japanese wagyu beef, steamed seven star sea bass, stilt fisherman dessert, caviar chocolate pudding, imported grape juice drink …… large and small dinner plates filled the table.

“Eat, don’t be polite.

” Qin Wutou handed Zhou Xun the metal cutlery.

“I …… might as well order another meal.

“The tantalizing aroma penetrated his nose, and Zhou Xun swallowed, but still insisted on his principle.

“We are friends, not to mention that I also spilled your rice, you do not be embarrassed.

“Qin Wutou’s tone was particularly sincere.

In this way, Zhou Xun picks up the tableware and starts to eat, at first he just chews slowly, then he realizes the impact of the food to the taste buds, the original meat can be so tender, the cream can be so sweet, the high-class drink is so refreshing, slowly, his movements start to be rude, the knife and fork is not good to get directly into his hands to grab, devouring without any eating style.

Qin Wutao quietly watched this scene, the corner of his mouth could not help but rise.

This kind of game, he has played many times, but how can he never get tired of it.

After a month, Qin Wutou invited Zhou Xun to dinner every day, all expensive and delicious food, Zhou Xun at first would still politely decline, and then also adapted, because Qin Wutou said, they are the best of friends, between friends is to learn to share.

Until one day, Qin Wu Tao took a vacation and did not come to school, that day at noon, Zhou Xun went to the cafeteria to play a share of the same meal, yellow leaves and some green beans, just eat a mouthful, Zhou Xun wow all spit out, almost a reflex, the mouth of those things all spit out clean.

Bitter, astringent, with some unpleasant fishy flavor, this is what people eat?

Right at this moment, Zhou Xun’s back overflowed with cold sweat, like falling into an ice hole, a sense of panic seeped into every pore of his body, could it be that he was no longer able to adapt to the previous food?

2 “Zhou Xun, don’t be impulsive, look at me, can you come down and talk about what’s going on?

” Qin Wutou shouted to Zhou Xun with a megaphone.

The wind on the rooftop was very strong, Qin Wutou’s bangs were blown up by the wind and his eyes were full of sincerity.

Hearing Qin Wutou’s voice, Zhou Xun felt like he was touched by electricity, his body shook and almost lost his balance, and the students below erupted into a scream.

“Don’t come over, don’t come over!” Zhou Xun’s voice became hoarse from the exertion, like a musical instrument with broken strings.

「We’re good friends, if there’s any difficulty we’ll solve it together, okay?

Think about your parents, how are they going to live without you, think about Ms. Lin, how sad would she be if she knew that you’re so self-destructive …… ” Qin Wutou turned his back to the principal and the others, an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Xun’s pupils were put to the maximum because of his anger and fear, and he let out a loud roar, like the hissing of a wild animal when it is injured.

Qin Wutou took a week’s vacation and when he returned to school again, Zhou Xun was much more attentive to him, the class was surprised at Zhou Xun’s change, which not only came from the slimmer appearance (I guess he hadn’t eaten anything that week), but also from the metamorphosis of his personality.

Zhou Xun had always been quiet, before others greeted him, the most he could do was nod his head, like a stone, but now he was always shy and smiling, and when he spoke to Qin Wutou, he had a pleasing expression on his face.

The following midterm exams, Zhou Xun’s grades were shocking, the first in the class when he entered the school, in just over two months, he fell to outside the 30th place, Mr. Lin, who teaches math, called him to the office to talk.

Teacher Lin twenty-six years old, looks pretty youthful, is just working soon college students, she and Zhou Xun is from a small town out, know the difficulties of the noble son of the cold family, usually in the life of the study are more care of Zhou Xun, to see his declining grades a little bit of hate and not steel.

“What’s wrong with you, did you listen in class or not, how come you only scored seventy-something in math?

“Mr. Lin asked Zhou Xun with a stern face.

“I ……” Zhou Xun felt ashamed and lowered his head, unable to speak.

“You are a good seed for university, why do you give up on yourself and follow those rich kids around every day, their parents have plenty of money and they don’t worry about food and drink even if they don’t study, but what about you, what qualifications do you have to play with them, if you can’t get into university you have to go back to the countryside to pick up the soil and plough it, can you afford to be like this to your parents?

” Teacher Lin’s face was red with anger, her chest rose and fell violently.

“I know, I’ll make sure I get my grades up,” Zhou Xun said in a low voice.

” Zhou Xun said in a low voice.

Teacher Lin’s face softened a little and asked Zhou Xun to go back to the classroom. Zhou Xun had just opened the door and was about to go out when Teacher Lin asked him to wait again, taking out a bag of bread and putting it in his hand, her tone of voice showing some concern: “Eat well, you’re at the age when you’re growing your body.

” Zhou Xun felt the warmth from Mr. Lin’s palm, his heart jumped, and he left the office with a red face.

This scene, coincidentally, was seen by Qin Wutao, who was hiding in the corner of the stairs, he exhaled a mouthful of smoke, and an incomparably nefarious plan welled up in his heart.

To the time of the monthly vacation, Zhou Xun stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus, the sky is almost dark, to the long-distance bus station of the bus still did not come, Zhou Xun a little anxious, do not know today can not rush back to the countryside home.

A red limited edition Ferrari car parked in front of him, the window slowly rolled down, driving the Qin Wutao smiled at him and said: “Where to ah, I’ll send you.” “No no need.

” “No …… no need.

” Since the conversation with Ms. Lin, Zhou Xun intentionally kept a distance from this rich second generation.

“It’s almost dark, maybe there’s no car, come up.” said Qin Wutou.

” Qin Wutou said.

Zhou Xun heart a burst of apprehension, only to approach the luxury car, embarrassed that he could not find the switch to open the door, touched half a day full of bashful face stood beside the car, Qin Wutou side of the body to open the door, let him sit in the passenger seat.

“Thank you.

” Zhou Xun said softly.

“I’ll take you to a fun place.

” Qin Wutou stepped on the gas pedal, Zhou Xun’s whole body fell backward, his heart beating in his throat, I can see that Qin Wutou is used to racing, in the downtown area, those car owners are probably afraid to scratch this car can not afford to pay for it, they have to get out of the way, Qin Wutou turned the stereo up to the maximum sound, bobbing his head to the deafening gangsta rap songs.

“Just take me to the station.

” Zhou Xun said loudly.

Qin Wutou didn’t know if he heard it or not, but just kept stepping on the gas, the steering wheel spinning at an exaggerated rate.

Half an hour later, Zhou Xun threw up as soon as he got out of the car, Qin Wutou was looking at him from behind with a smile on his face, Zhou Xun straightened up after throwing up and saw that they were in front of a high-class club.

“Zhou Xun straightened up after throwing up and saw that they were in front of a high-class club.

“Zhou Xun’s heart was pounding and he felt that something bad was going to happen.

“Follow me.

“Qin Wutou ignored Zhou Xun’s question and quickly walked in.

It was already dark, and Zhou Xun looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and panicked, so he had to follow Qin Wutou inside.

This club is not a big front, but inside is a different world, just like an ancient palace, jade buildings and golden pavilions are magnificent, there are a few cranes in the rockery pool, the women are wearing revealing Chinese dresses, revealing their ditches and shoulders.

Zhou Xun only felt in a trance, as if cut off from the real world, a woman in her thirties welcomed her out, she looked like a siren with a slender figure, her body had a nice fragrance, she held Qin Wutou’s arm and whined: “Second young master, why didn’t you make a phone call before you came?

Qin Wutou pointed to Zhou Xun: “This is my friend, call all the prettiest sisters, my friend will pay for your drinks for three months if he is happy.” The woman’s eyes glazed over when she heard this.

” The woman’s eyes lit up as soon as she heard this, and she took out her cell phone and started making calls, and after only ten minutes, a long line of young girls came.

Zhou Xun was just a peasant boy, who had experienced this scene, he wanted to lower his head not to look, but something instinctive in his heart made his eyes glaze over, staring at the white lotus root-like legs of those girls, as well as the exquisite makeup on their faces.

“What do you think? Do you like any of them?

” Qin Wutao asked.

“I …… I’d better go.

The “symbolic push back, rationality of the cordon has long been shattered.

“I’m not sure why I’m so embarrassed about this, but I’m sure I’ll be able to help.

” Qin Wutou revealed a cordial smile, with a seductive tone.

Zhou Xun still stayed in place and did not dare to move, Qin Wutou pulled over two girls, one with big eyes and long hair, wearing a red cheongsam, and one with a baby face and long legs, cosplaying an animation character.

He pushed the two girls to Zhou Xun side, the girl with a petulant smile and screaming pounced on Zhou Xun body, the girl’s body fragrance and soft body, Zhou Xun faltering rationality completely crushed.

3 Early the next morning, Zhou Xun walked out of the suite, Qin Wutao was drinking tea with the pimp downstairs, saw Zhou Xun walking down the stairs, Qin Wutao beckoned Zhou Xun to sit down, and then came to his ear and asked: “How is it, is it good?

“Zhou Xun did not know how to answer, yesterday was supposed to be the day to return home to the countryside, I do not know if mom and dad are not worried.

I don’t know if my mom and dad were worried.” “What the fuck are you still pretending to be?

” Qin Wutao slapped Zhou Xun on the head, finally revealing his true colors.

“What are you doing?

” Zhou Xun’s ears buzzed from the blow, but he didn’t dare to yell out a rebuke.

Qin Wutou flung the tablet in his hand onto the table, the video on the computer was of Zhou Xun naked and messing around with two girls, Zhou Xun looked lewd in the video and when one of the girls disliked the fact that he stank a bit, he even slapped the girl and told her to shut up.

“It should be interesting if I send this video to the school.

” Qin Wutou stared straight at Zhou Xun, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

Zhou Xun was trembling, the expectant look of his parents appeared in front of him, his mom was bedridden for a long time, and before that she knitted clothes for people day and night in order to pay for his education.

Once a needle pierced the palm of the hand, actually because too tired to notice, the next day only to realize that the palm of the hand pus.

His father is an honest man, in the town to work small jobs, in order to save money at noon do not eat, and then work when he broke his leg, he is all the hope of their family.

He couldn’t afford to have a scandal like this and get kicked out of school.


‘ Zhou Xun wanted to grab the tablet: ‘Don’t send it out.’

‘ Qin Wutou raised the tablet in his hand, ”Are you in a fucking position to talk?

In the past few months, you’ve eaten my food, used my food, and played with me. I’ve treated you like a friend, but you’ve treated me like an idiot.

“No, Qin Wutao, I treat you as my friend too.”

” Zhou Xun’s lips trembled violently.

“What did you give me in return?

“In return?

“Zhou Xun was speechless.

“Am I a philanthropist, spending so much money on you for no reason, what have you done for me when you say you also consider me a friend?

” Qin Wutou’s tone teased.

“That’s right, even we women know that taking other people’s money means paying for the labor.

” The pimp next to her was fixing her lipstick in the mirror, echoing Qin Wutou’s words.

「You name it, as long as I can do it, I’ll do anything.

‘ Zhou Xun said without any airs and graces.

Impossible, even if it’s just a meal, a piece of designer clothes, one can’t afford to buy it back, like a beast stepping into a hunter’s trap, Zhou Xun was beyond chagrined at his own greed.


“Qin Wutou’s expression started to become exuberant.


” Zhou Xun agreed through gritted teeth.

“Well then, I’ll delete the video first, let’s go back to school and I’ll tell you what to do then.

‘ On Sunday, Zhou Xun called Teacher Lin and said that he wanted to get a tutorial from her to improve his math grades.

Teacher Lin was very happy, said her home address, and even went downstairs to buy fruit after hanging up the phone.

Half an hour later, Zhou Xun knocked on Ms. Lin’s door, Ms. Lin frowned and asked: “Are you sick, why do you look so bad?

‘ Zhou Xun forced a smile, ”I stayed up late yesterday doing exercise books and didn’t sleep much.”

‘ Teacher Lin took out her textbook and gave him a review of the points he had learned before, Zhou Xun felt his heart beating like thunder and clutched the pill in his pocket, Qin Wutao said that Teacher Lin had scolded him in the office before so he wanted to take a small revenge, this pill was a laxative to make her have diarrhea for a day.

“Do you understand me?

” Teacher Lin knocked on the table and pulled him back from his rambling thoughts.

“I …… am a little hungry.

” Zhou Xun stammered.

Teacher Lin gave him a look with regret and stood up to go to the kitchen to find him something to eat.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Xun secretly put the pill into Teacher Lin’s glass of water, the pill melted into the water and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Teacher Lin cooked Zhou Xun a bowl of noodles, while Zhou Xun was eating the noodles, she took a sip of water and said, “Xiao Xun, we are both from the poor countryside, we know that only through our own hard work can we change our destiny, I’ve always treated you as a younger brother, and I’ve been a bit harsh at times, but it’s all for your own good.

” Zhou Xun eyes red, nodded.

After a few moments, a flush welled up on Ms. Lin’s face and her hand pinched her arm tightly.

“I’m not feeling well, you can read by yourself.

” Ms. Lin dropped these words and hurriedly walked back to the bedroom.

Did the laxative react?

Just then, the cell phone in her bag rang, and Qin Wutao asked, “Did she take it?


“Open the door, I’m at the door.

“Zhou Xun’s head exploded. Why was Qin Wutou at the door?

He half-heartedly opened the door and saw Qin Wutou and five or six high school students with bad smiles on their faces.

“What do you …… want?

” Zhou Xun stammered and asked.

“Nothing, helping Ms. Lin with her needs.

” Qin Wutou smiled triumphantly, as if he had gotten the most wanted toy.

The high school students kicked the door open, and Ms. Lin was cowering naked on the bed, her face flushed and sweaty, and Zhou Xun finally realized that those pills weren’t laxatives at all.

As soon as those high school students flooded inside, Qin Wutao sat on the sofa, picking up a cigarette to admire the look on Zhou Xun’s face, Zhou Xun’s fingernails sunk into his flesh from the force, his features twisted in pain, he squatted on the floor to cover his ears, not wanting to hear any more sounds coming from the bedroom.

It was hell.

4 The next day, Mr. Lin sobered up and chose to commit suicide, blood flowed all over the bedroom, but the good thing is that the resuscitation in time to save a life.

After that, Mr. Lin went crazy, moving to cut his own wrists with a knife, and finally had to be sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

Zhou Xun can no longer sleep a good night, close your eyes can recall the tragic situation of that day.

The bedroom was a mess, and Ms. Lin jumped in front of him naked, biting at the back of his hand with her teeth, the hatred in her eyes like an abyss.

“Bastard, beast ……” Lin teacher s eyes were bloodshot, his voice was tragic and deafening, and this image became his lingering nightmare.

Therefore, he chose to redeem himself.

“Ms. Lin is so good to you, treating you like a brother, how can you do such a stupid thing?

I heard that she hurt herself a few more times in the mental hospital and refused to take her medication properly, so let’s go see her together, okay, and bring the group of classmates with us?

“The smile on Qin Wutou’s face was getting bigger and bigger, but no one could see it except Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun was already at the end of his tether, and his spirit was completely broken.


“Zhou Xun stared viciously at Qin Wutou, “I’ll be waiting for you in hell.

‘ The principal and the head of security rushed to grab on, but it was too late, Zhou Xun let go of his hands and fell down, high decibel screams erupted downstairs, and the hot sun poured down on everyone with a burning smell.

“Zhou Xun ……” Qin Wutou made a show of flinging himself in front of the railing, his face covered with a look of grief, and even shed two tears.

“Killing people, it turns out to be such a good thing ah?

“Qin Wutao sighed in his heart, and his tears wouldn’t stop, they were brought on by the high level of stimulation, but the teachers didn’t see it, and even comforted him with their words.

That afternoon, the class teacher held a class meeting, said two things, the first thing, the accident hope that people do not rumors, especially with the news media, if the school found that some people rumors, immediately expelled from school.

The second thing, the teacher announced that I would be the new class president and sit at the same table with Qin Wutao to take care of his studies and his “grief”.


“Qin Wutao extended his hand to me and greeted me warmly.

“Hello,” he said.

“His hand was like a piece of ice, this person was probably a cold-blooded animal, I did not move my face and put on a friendly smile.

5 “Let’s eat together at noon.

” The bell rang, students were heading to the cafeteria, Qin Wutao stood up and invited me.

“Sure, but the food in the cafeteria is too bad, let’s go out to eat.

“I quickly agreed.

“No problem.

“Qin Wutou was satisfied with my reply and picked up his cell phone to make a call.

Soon someone came to pick us up, Qin Wutou brought me to a high-class restaurant and asked his butler to clear out the people, only the two of us were left in the large space, and a wide variety of dishes were quickly served, some of which I didn’t even know what they were.

I didn’t even know what some of the dishes were. “Eat up, don’t be polite.

“Qin Wutou handed me the cutlery.

“Thank you, I’m starving to death,” I said.

“I picked up my knife and fork and started devouring, praising the food as I ate, saying that I had never eaten anything so delicious.

A smile appeared on Qin Wutou’s face, thinking that I was an easier student than he thought.

Soon we got acquainted, Qin Wutao is a generous person, every now and then to send me clothes, sneakers, limited edition watches …… I came to refuse, every time to take me out to eat and drink, I deliberately do something stupid, make him laugh.

Soon, he asked me to ‘return the favor’ to him, and I had been waiting for this moment, I needed to give him the illusion that I was a plaything in the palm of his hand, so that I could find his weaknesses when he was completely loose.

“Yin Shen, we are friends, aren’t we?

“During the study hall, Qin Wutou suddenly asked.

“Of course.

“I replied reflexively.

“If I need your help, you won’t refuse, right?

“Qin Wutou’s eyes flashed with a hint of darkness.

“As long as I can.

” I put on a righteous expression.

Qin Wutou patted me on the shoulder and began to tell me what happened to him. Half a month ago, a girl was mopping the floor in front of the classroom, and Qin Wutou stepped on the freshly mopped floor a couple of times, so the girl got angry and scolded Qin Wutou in front of the crowd, and Qin Wutou didn’t have a fit because of the teacher’s presence.

“What do you want me to do?

“You should ask her out to the small forest behind the dormitory.

“Brother Tao, what’s the point?

I have a more fun idea.

“I know his temper. He never says no to fun.

“Oh, tell me.

“Qin Wutou moved closer to me, looking interested.

I whispered my plan into his ear, and Qin Wutou’s eyes lit up when he heard it, patting me on the head and laughing, “Fuck, Yin, you’re a real genius.

“That girl is called Wang Nana, academic performance and looks good, but there is a fatal flaw, is afraid of ghosts, probably too many horror movies, never dare to walk alone at night, sleep at night to turn on the light to sleep.

After the evening study, Wang Nana waited for a cab in front of the school, and when she got in the car, the driver asked her, “Where are you going?

“Wang Nana said the place, the driver grinned, and asked a word that made her scalp numb: “Then where are your classmates going?

“What classmate?

Wang Na Na’s back went cold, she was obviously alone in the car, why would the driver ask that?

Fear spread all over her body, Wang Nana’s face turned pale with fear, but the driver stepped on the gas and stopped talking to her.

After getting out of the car, Wang Nana walked into her own neighborhood, a man who smelled of alcohol followed her, Wang Nana was a bit scared, and couldn’t help but speed up her pace, the man asked drunkenly: “How can you walk so fast when you’re carrying a person on your back?

The man asked drunkenly, “How can you walk so fast with a person on your back?

Wang Nana was stumped in place, remembering the scenes in many horror movies. Did she really encounter something unclean?

Into the elevator, just pressed the floor, the elevator slowly upward when the lights began to flicker, Wang Nana at this time is about to collapse, she crouched in the corner with her hands clasped to her chest, and the plot of those thrillers, the elevator stopped in the middle of the waist, the lights went out completely, the narrow space has become dull and quiet, you can only hear the sound of their own breathing.

Wang Nana’s tears slid down her face, her whole body was shaking, out of her sixth sense, she felt that someone was staring at her, under the faint light of her cell phone, she slowly raised her head.

Wang Nana’s mouth opened to the maximum, extreme fear made her scream frantically.

Above the elevator was a bloody face looking at her viciously.

6 The next day, Wang Nana took a long vacation and heard that she didn’t dare to step out of her room, the whole person was scared silly.

Qin Wutao was full of praise for my brilliant plan, especially when he saw the elevator camera of Wang Nana breaking down and slapping the elevator door randomly, he almost slapped his palm.

“Old Yin, you’re a fucking born scum.

” Qin Wutou complimented in his unique way.

“It’s a piece of cake.

”Looking at his excited side face, I responded as if nothing had happened.

This is something I read in a book, a Russian psychologist did this experiment, when all people deceive you and keep giving you psychological hints, your logic of life will be turned upside down.

When everyone tries to scare you, you’re bound to go crazy.

The cab driver, the drunkard, and the “evil ghost” …… hiding on the top of the elevator were all Qin Wutou’s men, but Wang Nana would never have thought that someone could do this.

After this incident, Qin Wutao put down his guard against me, treating me as his dog-headed military counselor, and letting me give him advice every time he wanted to do something bad.

There was a gym teacher who yelled at Qin Wutao during class, and he held a grudge.

I gave him the idea to find a hooker to seduce the teacher, so that the muscular man would contract a venereal disease and not be able to return to school.

There was a sales aunt in a kiosk who had offended Qin Wutao at some point, and we tied up her paralyzed man in the basement.

The mom was sweating with anxiety, looking for someone everywhere, but was urged by the foreman to come back to work or else she would be dismissed.

A poor family like hers couldn’t afford to lose the job.

Then I and other people intentionally or unintentionally revealed to that big mom, as if she had seen her man somewhere, she finally left her post and followed our clues to look for many places, but in the end, we found nothing, sitting on the ground in despair and howling.

Qin Wutao was getting more and more satisfied with me, I guess few people could satisfy his perverted habits.

One day by chance, he told me something about his family, and because of this, I finally found a way to put him to death.

Qin Wutao is not afraid of the world, in the eyes of others, he is the young master of the family, but in the eyes of his elder brother, he is nothing but a useless waste.

Qin Wenyou, the successor of their family, the boss behind a number of listed companies, the top ten outstanding young people.

Qin Wenyou wears gold-rimmed glasses, has a very civilized appearance, and speaks modestly and courteously, but just by looking at his eyes, I know that this is an even more perverted being than Qin Wutou (the relevant storyline is described in detail in the column’s sister article, “Advanced Creatures”), and what Qin Wutou did in school is nothing but child’s play in his eyes.

Qin Wutou’s father is sick abroad for a long time, so Qin Wenyou holds a parent-teacher conference in his place, giving a speech in front of the whole school. After the conference, Qin Wenyou gently says to Qin Wutou, “Tao, take me to your school to take a look around.

“Qin Wu Tao’s face was pale and his legs kept trembling, but he didn’t dare to disobey his order and walked ahead with fear and trembling.

On the way, Qin Wutou talked and laughed, looking like an easy-going and open-minded elder brother.

To the forest behind the school, Qin Wenyou pack up that hypocritical expression, a slap in the face of Qin Wutou, the force is not like a joke, Qin Wutou corners of the mouth are bleeding, Qin Wenyou than Qin Wutou taller than a head, the collar of his collar, the whole person pressed on a dead tree, Qin Wenyou asked: “You call Dad, let him come back quickly, what is the meaning?

” “No …… nothing means.

” Qin Wutao seemed to be stunned, his eyes became dull.

You know, I’m in charge of the Qin family now. If I find out that you’re playing tricks again, I’ll make you disappear even if Dad protects you.” “I’m sorry,” he said, “but I don’t know what to say.

” “Brother, I …… was wrong.

“Qin Wutao is skimming his lips, as if he will cry out at any time.

“Don’t do that.

“Qin Wenyou slap after slap, Qin Wutou’s face was pumped blood red, the left side is completely swollen: “We flow the same blood, we know what the other person.

” Qin Wenyou wiped the blood on his hand, and returned to the appearance of a good entrepreneur, walking towards the school gate with a spring in his step.

“Are you okay?

“I handed Qin Wu-Tao a piece of toilet paper.

“Fuck!” Qin Wutao frenziedly knocked the thing out of my hand and viciously looked at Qin Wenyou’s back, “I’m going to finish him off… Old Yin, help me think of a plan.

“7 My initial plan was to let Qin Wutou and his brother fight to the death, and then at the most important juncture, push behind the scenes and let his brother clean him up.

One of the key players was Qin Wutou’s driver, a young man named Yuan Gu.

“You asked me out, what’s the matter?

”Although he is wearing a high-class suit, his eyes are clear, he should not be in the same category as Qin Wenyou.

「I am in the same category as you, we are both playthings of that group of rich boys, we should help each other.

” I pour him a cup of tea and firmly believe in my judgment.

I’m not like you, I’ve followed Qin Wenyou for so long, I haven’t done a single bad thing.” He was still distrustful of me.

‘ He doesn’t trust me yet.

“That’s why you are more dangerous than me, Qin Wenyou will deal with you at any time, he will never trust you if you are not working with him.

” I stared straight at him.

“I’m just trying to make a little money to make my family comfortable.

” “Naive.

” I gave a mocking smile, “You know what they are, both of their brothers are perverts, they see everyone else as lowly animals, playing with human nature is their pleasure, if you don’t find a way to finish them off, sooner or later, you will be played alive by them.

” Wonkou lapsed into silence, and I knew that his heart was beginning to waver.

“How can I trust you to be a good man?

” he asked as a final question.

Yes, am I still a good person, after all, I have done so many heartless evil things after Qin Wu Tao.

“I’m going to take you to see someone.

” I stood up, intending to show my last card.

If you want to tangle with the devil, you have to sink in hell first.

My hands were stained with sin just to win Qin Wutou’s trust and deliver a fatal blow to him at the moment of surprise.

Nana Wang carefully opened the door and took a long breath when she saw the two of us, she took us into the bedroom and handed us two glasses of water.

“When can I go back to school?

” Wang Nana asked.

“You can’t go back to school as long as Qin Wutao is there.

” I said.

“Then I can’t stay home all the time ah ……” Wang Nana stomped her feet, anxious tears in her eyes.

“It’s almost time, just be patient.

” I smiled at her.

Yuan Gu and I are both cautious people, before meeting each other have investigated each other’s details, he should be clear about what I did, but he could not have imagined that it was all a blindfold.

Using the method of pretending to be a ghost to scare Wang Nana crazy, I secretly told Wang Nana the plan before this, so she cooperated by going crazy and screaming in the elevator.

The gym teacher who offended Qin Wutou received a text message from me before he entered the hotel, and then voluntarily resigned from the school and followed my advice to go to the men’s clinic, so that Qin Wutou could laugh wildly in the dark.

The saleswoman, her husband was locked in the basement, I secretly fed him food and water, so that he did not starve to death, and waited until Qin Wutou appreciated the howling look of the aunt, attention turned elsewhere, I then told her the correct location, and let them leave the city as soon as possible.

I had made every effort to cater to Qin Wutou’s bad taste on the one hand, and to protect the “prey” he had set his sights on on the other.

If he had followed his own methods, I’m sure those people would have ended up a hundred times worse off.

“Now, do you believe me?

“What do you want me to do?

” Wonkou put on his jacket and walked downstairs with me.

It was windy, pedestrians were in a hurry, skyscrapers and colorful electronic screens set off the city’s bustling atmosphere, and who noticed the dust that dissipated in the wind.

8 plan to carry out very smoothly, Yuan Gu collected a lot of Qin Wenyou’s criminal information, including rape, murder, body parts and other crimes enough for him to shoot ten times, I also set up a meticulous trap, let Qin Wu Tao bought a lot of Qin Wenyou’s men, to create the opportunity to let the two brothers to die together.

I just didn’t expect that Qin Wenyou was more shrewd than I thought.

Yuan Gu disappeared, if I’m not wrong, Qin Wenyou has already made a move on him.

He must be rescued. He is the key to the whole thing.”

” My plans were all messed up and I couldn’t help but panic a little.

“That kind of minor character, he might be dead by now.

“Qin Wutou smiled indifferently.

“Call Chips and the others and ask them, Tao, do you want to be stepped on by your brother for the rest of your life?

“I’ll irritate him where it hurts.

Qin Wu Tao’s face turned grim, and he started asking around about the whereabouts of Yuan Ku.

It turned out that Yuan Gu had been caught while delivering evidence to the police station, and was now beaten to within an inch of his life, and Chips said that Qin Wutou had ordered him to be done away with.

“Sink to the sea, it’s clean.

” Qin Wutao glanced at me and said into the phone.

I hurriedly got in the car and raced all the way to that place with Qin Wutou, sending people to fish Yuan Gu out after Chips and the others left by throwing him into the sea.

It took an entire night to finally save his life.

Yuan Gu struggled to open his eyes as the doctor gave him a shot in the neck, telling him not to move around and to be careful of bursting wounds.

“You’re really lucky, if we had fished you out a minute later, you would have died.

” Qin Wutou said.

“Why did you save me?

“Yuan Gu asked breathlessly.

“It’s simple, the enemy of my enemy is my companion, I’m sure you know that my brother won’t let you go, if he knows that you’re still alive, he’ll surely find someone else to deal with you, you’re not always so lucky.

“What do you want me to do?

You’ve been with him for so long, you should know some of his weaknesses. Of course, I’ll spare no effort to help you behind the scenes.” “I don’t want to get involved anymore.

“I don’t want to get involved, I’m just a nobody, I can’t fight you powerful people, please let me go.”

“Yuan Gu is just an ordinary man, I can see that he is already afraid.

“I’m not going to force you, so think about it.

” Qin Wutou stood up and took out a photo from the pocket of his school uniform and slapped it on the table.

On the photo was the corpse of a girl, her pupils were put to the maximum, and there were several oozing strangulation marks on her neck.

My head exploded, this was not done by Chips and the others, this son of a bitch Qin Wutou, actually murdered Yuan Gu’s own sister behind my back, this person has lost his heart, only wanting to intensify the conflict to the maximum.

Ignoring the wounds on his body, Yuan Gu’s entire body flung itself on the ground, letting out an angry roar, his eyes full of violence.

Covered in blood, he raised his head, and it was the expression of a demon.

All the things were in chaos, Qin Wenyou’s criminal information was released by the media, with the help of Qin Wutao, Yuan Gu hijacked Qin Wenyou to a deep forest, and carried out inhuman abuse for a week, cutting off his five fingers, locking him in the house like an animal, and giving him only half a meal every day.

And then Yuan Gu made an appalling act of revenge.

He committed suicide beside Qin Wenyou, and for the next ten days, Qin Wenyou had no food and could only endure by eating his corpse.

The unbeatable son, in this purgatory like ten days, the sanity was completely destroyed, the police arrived in disbelief, Qin Wenyou into a thin and bony savage appearance, staring at the corner of the mouth drooling, even a complete sentence can not say.

The psychiatrist concluded that Qin Wenyou mental collapse, can no longer assume legal responsibility, can only be sent to the mental hospital.

“Haha, Yin, now we’ve turned the corner.

“Qin Wutao watched the news on TV, the whole person happy crazy, shaking my arm.

The family’s fortune is now in his hands.

“Damn it.

“I cursed in my heart, but I was smiling on my face.

9 Qin Wutao dropped out of school and started to take over part of the family’s business, and for the sake of rewarding merit, he gave me an unimaginable amount of money, enough for me to live most of my life without worry.

I gritted my teeth and flung the black card into the cabinet, my fists smashing viciously against the wall, which was soon bloodstained.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the picture of the girl’s corpse came to mind.

“I’m the one who got her killed, and I’m the one who got Wonkou killed too ……” I kept confessing inside, but what’s the point?

Or I’m not smart enough, if my plan was a little better, this wouldn’t have happened.

Why is it that good people don’t get to die well, but bad people get to be lawless?

Guilt prevented me from sleeping, I put on my jacket and picked up the phone, deciding to lay down my life.

In the early morning hours, I called Qin Wutao out of the villa, he was very upset and felt that I had disturbed his beautiful dream.

“Tao, do you think it’s possible that Qin Wutou is pretending to be crazy?

” “What?

” Qin Wutou turned back violently, the corners of his eyes trembling slightly, “Can he fake it to this extent?

“Maybe, people like him will do anything to get out of a crime, the public is forgetful, in a few years he will find a way to get out again, then you will be in trouble.

“What should we do?

“Cold sweat broke out on Qin Wutao’s forehead.

We’ll go to a mental hospital and have him killed, so there’ll be no more trouble.”

“Okay, I’ll call Chips ……,” said Qin Wutao, taking out his cell phone.

Don’t.” I pressed his hand.

I pressed his hand, “Don’t tell anyone. The fewer people who know about this, the better. If it gets to your father’s ears, you won’t be able to take over the business again.”

” In the end, Qin Wutao’s brain was at this level, and at my urging, we slipped into the mental hospital.

The former young master of a wealthy family was staring blankly at the door, and his pupils didn’t even move when we walked up to him.

Qin Wutao was a bit nervous, towards Qin Wenyou he had fear engraved in his bones, he held the rope and didn’t dare to make a move.

“Old Yin, you do it.

“Qin Wutou’s fingers trembled as he handed the rope to me.

“Okay, I’ll do it.

” I gritted my teeth and punched Qin Wutou on the back of his head, before he could react, his neck was strangled by the rope, his whole face turned red.

Qin Wutou sat on the bed salivating, as if he didn’t see our fight.

Qin Wutou desperately resisted, his strength was greater than I thought, just as he was about to break free from the rope, I got wise in a hurry and shouted out, “Yuan Gu!” These two words were like a thunderbolt, Qin Wutou’s whole body went crazy, I think he couldn’t forget the pain this name brought him.

Qin Wenyou’s features were twisted, and a beast-like chewing sound came out of his mouth as he bent over to look at me, just like the posture of a wolf about to pounce on its prey.

“This man is Yuan Ku.

” I simply let go of my hand and kicked Qin Wutou in front of Qin Wenyou.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Qin Wutou let out a miserable scream, I was also shocked by the scene in front of me and backed up, only to see Qin Wanyou to be on Qin Wutou’s neck, blood was spraying out like a tap water pipe, Qin Wutou kept hitting Qin Wanyou’s head with his fists, but it was as if Qin Wanyou couldn’t notice the pain, he was just frantically biting on Qin Wutou’s neck, his teeth were as sharp as a knife blade.

Soon, Qin Wutou collapsed on the ground, his two feet twitching slightly, looking at me in disbelief before he died.

I guess he still didn’t understand why I did this to him?

After Qin Wenyou bit Qin Wutou to death, he crawled straight towards me again, fear spread to my every pore, I kept shrinking back.

Just at this moment, the security guards of the mental hospital heard the commotion and rushed to the hospital, they restrained Qin Wenyou with seven hands and eight feet, a few nurses rushed to call the police, and in a panic, it was as if I lost all the strength, and looked out of the window in a distracted manner.

The sun rises, the long dark night, finally broken by the light.

[Epilogue] “You obviously know how to do these questions, why did you deliberately write the wrong answer?

Together with these twenty points, you’ll be number one in the whole school in this exam.

“Mr. Hayashi patted me on the head and said in a complaining tone.

I don’t want to be number one, especially in this school.”


” Teacher Lin glares.

“Teacher Lin, I don’t like the atmosphere of this school, those rich and powerful sons, relying on their families to donate some money, they do wrong in this school, and the principal and teachers turn a blind eye to it, and we are just accompanying the schoolboys, the more publicity we get, the more trouble we are in, I’d rather intentionally get twenty points less.

” I ate my gum and looked at Ms. Lin’s clear face.

“Why are your thoughts so complicated?

“Teacher Lin slapped me with a feigned anger, “Yin Shen, do you blame me for persuading you to enroll in this school in the first place?

“How could I?

If you hadn’t used your salary to subsidize me, I wouldn’t have been able to finish junior high school.

“My eyes burned a little.

I don’t need you to think about that, I don’t want you to pay me back, just study hard,” Mr. Lin smiled at me.

“Ms. Lin smiled at me with some joy in her eyes.

“By the way, Ms. Lin, stay away from Zhou Xun in the future, that person has changed ……” I seriously advised her, not sure if she could understand.

“Students should help each other, his grades have slipped so much lately, we should care more about him, you also know that his family is not easy.

” Just then, Ms. Lin’s phone rang, she picked up the phone and said a few words, then turned her head to me and said, “Zhou Xun is going to come here to make up for his class, I told you, he’s essentially a good kid.

” “He’s alone?

” Without warning, a shiver ran through me, I always felt something was wrong.

“Yeah, go back, your parents might still be waiting for you on the highway, don’t let them worry.

” Ms. Lin packed a bag of fruit and handed it to me, asking me to take it back with me to eat.

I took three steps downstairs, and when I looked up, Ms. Lin was standing by the window waving at me, her smile warm in the sunlight.

That was the last image that kindness left me, and after that day, I was determined to step into the abyss.

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