How do you feel when you find out your crush has a boyfriend or girlfriend?

How does it feel when you find out your crush has a boyfriend or girlfriend?

I was at my crush’s boy’s house and bumped into a girl in a towel.

She must have just gotten out of the shower, her hair still dripping and her cheeks slightly pink.

The door to the master bedroom was still open, and it was an ambiguous dimness inside.

It was hard for me not to imagine what had happened between them.

I even vaguely smelled a bit of the salty smell of bodily fluids in the air.

Xiao Huai ah Xiao Huai, the boy I’ve loved for ten years, slept with another girl today.

The ten-year-long crush, at this moment, I finally died.

  1. Xiao Huai had a car accident, his right leg was fractured and he had to lie down for at least a month.

During this period, he could not take care of himself and needed to be waited on.

In my mom’s repeated urging, I took the cooked porridge to the hospital.

Xiao Huai is really rich, living in a single room.

I can’t help but sigh.

He was reading a book, slightly raised his head when he heard the commotion, and his gaze greeted me.

Not long ago, I swore that I would not pester him again, but it was only two days ago that I appeared in front of him again, I stood in the doorway and could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

Similar words I said many times over the years, so that later, Xiao Huai to my so-called “determination” has been immune, from the initial cold anger to the later indifferent, that day I finished, I even saw from the bottom of his eyes a hint of contemptuous mockery.

In fact, it is said that many times, the real count is only three times.

Each failed compromise made him more certain that I couldn’t leave him.

But he didn’t know that every time I was really disappointed, my loss and sadness were real, and the feeling of wanting to give up was also real.

This time I was really realizing that I didn’t seem to like him as much.

I didn’t want to come originally.

But my mom said, “You have free working hours, so you can take care of Xiaohuai.

After so many years as a neighbor, Xiaohuai is also your older brother, and the two children should take care of each other outside.

“My words of refusal were still in my mouth when Xiao Huai’s mom took the phone again and asked me to take care of her son in a gentle and grateful way.

I said, “But Xiao Huai has a girlfriend.” “Girlfriend?


When did Xiao Huai have a girlfriend?

“There was surprise on the other end.

A few minutes later, my mom called me again, “Your aunt asked, Xiao Huai said he doesn’t have a girlfriend, you’re mistaken.” “” said Xiao Huai.

“”…… “He just doesn’t want to tell you guys yet.

Pour out the seafood porridge from the thermos, and in an instant the fresh aroma overflowed the entire room.

I handed the bowl to him, he looked at me and took it in silence.

After just one taste, he sensed something was wrong, “Did you buy it outside?

“I nodded and found a chair to sit down, “I came in too much of a hurry, I didn’t have time to cook it.

“Xiao Huai pursed his lips slightly.

I said, “You can eat a little first, I’ll make it for you next time.

“Xiao Huai doesn’t like to eat outside food, on the one hand, he thinks it’s not clean, and on the other hand, he dislikes the heavy flavor of the seasonings.

Seafood congee is complicated to make, just the ingredients alone need four or five, but also to deal with shrimp whiskers and shrimp threads, if it were the other way around, I indeed might have made it for him an hour or two in advance.

Not long ago, Chen Qi came.

On a three-volt day, she was sunburned with slightly pink cheeks, panting, smiling, “Xiao Huai, I brought you congee, I made it myself.

“I noticed that she was wearing a denim wrap-around skirt.

The reason that made me care so much stemmed from the first time we met, when Xiao Huai had complimented her with admiration on his face, “You’re very good at wearing skirts.

“In contrast, I wore a skirt in the same scenario, the other boys were staring at my thighs, only Xiao Huai frowned and said, “Why are you dressed so strangely for a good reason?

“Because of this comment, I rarely wear skirts until now.

After that, I thought hard about what kind of girl could be evaluated as “suitable” in Xiao Huai’s eyes.

I finally came to the conclusion that Chen Qi was very thin, with a good waist-to-hip ratio, plus a long, straight head of black hair, so any kind of skirt would look good on her.

For this reason, I lost weight diligently, starved myself to a thin face, breathless, finally thin to ninety-five pounds or less.

Jiajia painfully scolded me, “your skin is whiter than her, waist is thinner than her, breasts than her crispy quite, there is a beautiful swan neck, but no matter how men do not feel for you is not feeling, you still do not understand it?

“I understand, but I can’t help it.

The skirt she’s wearing now is very similar to the one I was disliked by Xiao Huai.

It’s short and wraps perfectly around the hip line.

Seeing what Chen Qi was wearing, Xiao Huai’s eyes did not change.

Sure enough, it’s not the skirt that’s strange, it’s just the sub-person.

“Thanks, but I just ate.

“Xiao Huai put down his bowl.

“Oh, that’s so.

“Chen Qi was a little disappointed.

I took the thermos, “That’s okay, you can warm it up for the night.

“That way I don’t have to cook it.

I opened the lid and smelled it, thinking happily.

Xiao Huai gave me a look.

They were chatting and I was sitting on the side with my head down playing with my phone.

Xiao Huai was obviously much more considerate towards Chen Qi, and even handed her a blanket to cover her legs.

I lay on the table and fell asleep without realizing it.

2.Xiao Huai does not like me, I have always been very clear.

We know each other too early, I shaved a plate inch, every day wearing a small undershirt running around in the sun tanned image in his mind deep-rooted.

Until junior high school, I was still a tomboy, so much so that to him I was always the skinny, dry neighborhood kid, even the gender was ambiguous.

Even after I grew my hair long in high school and was complimented on my developed body, his impression of me remained unchanged.

The most recent time I felt frustrated was probably when I accidentally heard him talking about me with Chen Qi, lightly teasing, “You mean Yao Gei?

Rabbits know not to eat grass in the nest.

“Yet even then, I only dared to stand silently at the door with my breakfast, adjusting my mood before pretending to enter as if nothing had happened.

I was afraid that if I pointed it out, the last bit of contact I had with him would be broken.

It was so humble that even I found it funny.

A few days ago, I bumped into Chen Qi, who was only wearing a towel, in Xiao Huai’s room.

She just came out of the bathroom, a head of hair is still dripping water, bare white smooth shoulders, face looks a lot more innocent than after makeup.

We looked at each other, her face flashed with dismay, then gave a short shriek and hid behind Xiao Huai.

The door to the master bedroom was still open, and inside was an ambiguous dimness.

I vaguely smelled a bit of the salty fishiness of bodily fluids in the air.

Xiao Huai ah Xiao Huai, the boy I’ve loved for ten years, got into bed with another girl today.

Although she looked flustered, we both knew clearly that the one in distress was actually me.

I maintained the last bit of decency and calmly handed over my cell phone, “Auntie was anxious when she couldn’t reach you, that’s why she called me.

“Xiao Huai glanced at me, not much emotion on his face, took the phone and walked aside, “Hello?

Mom I’m in.

“He doesn’t care what I think.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and lowered my gaze so that I didn’t have to meet her eyes.

This is the same girl who, over the course of a whole month, entered Xiao Huai’s house every morning and didn’t leave until six or seven o’clock in the evening, occasionally bumping into me and greeting me with a smile.

In the past, he never allowed girls to come in and out of his house, and I was an exception, but now even this only exception is gone.

Probably because of jealousy, I always feel that smile is mixed with a faint irony and show off.

Should I be glad she didn’t spend the night at his house.

I was still thinking at that time.

I didn’t expect it to hit me in the face so soon.

After talking to my mom, Xiao Huai returned the phone to me and explained, “I didn’t notice that the phone turned off automatically.

” “Uh-huh.

“I made sure I didn’t show too many facial expressions and said in my normal tone, “I’ll go back then.

“Xiao Huai stared at me for a moment, his color hard to distinguish, “Good.

“I turned around, but was stopped by Chen Qi.

She said with some embarrassment, “I drank too much wine last night, my clothes stink, I don’t even want to wear them, can I borrow a set from you?

“She curved her lips, “I think we have similar figures.

“I paused and turned back to purse out a smile, “Sure.

“I sat in the dimly lit room for a long time after I got back, I don’t really want to remember exactly how I spent that day, except that people don’t really have much of a desire to cry when they’re truly powerless.

I knew very well what it meant for a girl to take a shower in a single male’s house, and I didn’t want to speculate on what had happened between them and how it had happened, but on the contrary, the clips and images kept flooding into my head, and by the time I came back to my senses, my palms were purple from pinching myself.

Looking at the cascading nail marks on my palm, I suddenly felt sad and sorry.

I was going to let it go after that.

Even had the intention of leaving the city.

But who knows, not two days later, Xiao Huai had a car accident.

When I woke up it was already night, I raised my head in a daze and rubbed my sore arms, “Where’s Chen Qi?

“Xiao Huai seems to be in a not very good mood, short and concise, “gone.

“I was still wondering if they had a fight, when I saw Xiao Huai close the computer and pinch his brow, “Give me the urinal under the bed.

“I froze for a moment, “Oh …… good.

“Xiao Huai lifted the covers, revealing the blue and white striped hospital pants on his lower body.

I didn’t dare to look, “Do you need me to duck back?

“He seemed to smile.

“As you wish.

“3. I have to stay with the bed at night, so I look at Xiao Huai from time to time, trying to see if he has any intention of sleeping.

At eleven o’clock, Xiao Huai finally turned off the computer, “Get a hot towel over, I wipe my body.

“”Wipe your body?

“Well, after the car accident, he hadn’t bathed for at least three days.

I came out with the towel and Xiao Huai was unbuttoning his buttons.

With his pecs and abs bared, he took his top off in its entirety, his body was slightly lean but not thin, with smooth muscle lines.

If it was in the past, my face would already be red, wanting to look but not daring to look.

In the face of a favorite man, who is not a little colorful.

Xiao Huai took the towel and wiped his neck and arms.

The robust chest rose and fell slightly with his breathing.

Looking at it, I actually got a little lost in thought.

In the middle of the day, he handed me the towel, “Go wash it.


“I am like a small daughter-in-law.

When the towel was washed, he didn’t take it, “Back.

“I understood, took the towel for him to scrub carefully.

The skin under my hands was smooth and supple, very different from the delicate and soft skin of a girl.

Xiao Huai didn’t say anything until I scrubbed to his waist, and then suddenly pressed my hand.

“Is it done?

” I asked.

He glanced at me without any indication.

“Do you want to rub down there too?

” I froze after asking.

Xiao Huai also froze for a moment, looking at me with downcast eyes with complicated eyes.

Finished finished.

I felt remorse in my heart, how could I molest a man with a girlfriend, he’s definitely going to misunderstand me again.

“Otherwise, let’s find an escort?

“After I finished packing, I seriously proposed.

Xiao Huai frowned, “You think I’m troublesome?

“”Or in the future, this kind of thing, it’s better to wait for Chen Qi to come before getting it.

“I said, “After all, she is your girlfriend.

“Xiao Huai: “She is not my girlfriend.

“You’ve slept together and you’re still not your girlfriend.

Xiao Huai, when did you become such a scum.

  1. I told Jiajia about the day I bumped into Chen Qi bathing at Xiao Huai’s house.

She ground her teeth in anger, “You’re not still dead set on him at this point, are you?

”I rubbed my face, ”I am dead set on him, and originally said I would leave here and go back to Nancheng.

But didn’t Xiao Huai have a car accident?

My mom asked me to take care of him for a while.

“”Wait, I remember I have a brother who seems to be working in A city as well, I’ll ask.

“Jiajia said generously, “Let me introduce my brother to you! He’s very handsome.

“”When did you get a brother?

“”Cousin la cousin, I’ll ask him to add you on WeChat.

“A few minutes later, someone named JL sent a friend request.

After adding, neither of us spoke.

Probably not interested in me, just not good to reject it.

I didn’t worry about it and quickly forgot about it.

It will take about a week or so, and after a radiograph to double check that the fracture is not displaced, Xiao Huai can be discharged from the hospital.

During this period, Chen Qi would visit him every day.

She would bring Xiao Huai fruits and food, which saved me a lot of trouble.

Xiao Huai was very polite to her, in fact, he was polite to everyone, just not to me.

Chen Qi asked me with concern if I needed to go home and rest, she would just take care of this side.

“Can I?

“It’s true that I don’t sleep very well in the hospital, Xiao Huai sometimes has to get up, sometimes has to drink water, I always have to wake up twice a night.

She smiled sweetly, “Of course.

“Xiao Huai on the bed swept over with a deep gaze.

I picked up my bag, “Then I’ll come back at night.

“Before I left, I saw Xiao Huai’s thin lips pursed, a sign of his anger.

Freshman year he had a very serious cold, has been a high fever, and strong not willing to go to the hospital, I can not carry him, can only be in the rental house all night to guard him, trying to find ways to give him a lower temperature, boiled eyes red.

Two people alone in the field to go to school, no relatives, that night I really feel very helpless.

Fortunately, the next day, his fever subsided a lot, and he came to his senses, opened his eyes and looked at me silently.

I couldn’t help but shed the tears I had been holding back all night, and stumbled around asking him if he was hungry and what he wanted to eat.

During that time, the flu was rampant, and Xiao Huai asked me if I wasn’t afraid of being infected.

I said, “I’d rather be the one who gets sick.” Xiao Huai was silent.

“Xiao Huai was silent.

If it was me at that time, I must not be assured that Xiao Huai injured in a car accident to another girl, right.

…… “Be careful.

“Immersed in my memories, I didn’t notice that I almost ran into someone in the hospital corridor, the man’s index finger pointing at my forehead to prevent me from crashing into him, his tone didn’t have too much of a reproachful meaning.

I looked up a little confused and realized that it was a very young doctor, tall, at least a head above me, wearing a white coat, with eyebrows and a nose that were born especially superior.

He smiled at me, glanced at the ward behind me again, and crossed over to leave.

A sudden thought occurred to me.

It turns out that other boys can be so handsome.

  1. In the evening, while riding the car to the hospital, Jiajia suddenly sent me a message saying that her cousin had already visited me and thought I was cute.

I: ?

I think it’s a good idea.

I’m not sure if you’re a good person or not.


Jiajia: Wait for him to tell you, he won’t let me.

So I entered Xiao Huai’s hospital room full of doubts.

There was a man sitting on the bed, his forehead wrapped in gauze, and when he saw me, he smiled brightly, “Yao Geyi is here,” Xiao Huai said, “This is Chen Qi.

“Xiao Huai said, “This is Chen Qi’s brother, Chen Wu.

“”Hahaha you may not know me yet, but I’ve known you for a long time.

“Chen Wu stood up and greeted me.

Xiao Huai was expressionless, “He was the one who drove the car that night.

“”Ugh, I didn’t do it on purpose.

Didn’t I also get hurt too, and I even hurt my face.

“Chen Wu slapped Xiao Huai’s leg wrapped in a plaster, looked up at me and said timidly, “Yao belt you can’t blame me.

“”Alright you can go back.

“”You don’t want me to say it, then I’m really leaving.

“Chen Wu mumbled and walked out.

I took out the change of clothes that I went to Xiao Huai’s house to pick up for him, “What really happened that night?

How did you get into a car accident?

“He didn’t answer.

Xiao Huai has a cleanliness fetish, two days without washing his hair is already the limit, I went to the bathroom to hit the basin of water to give him dry cleaning, in the abundant foam between the fine massage of his scalp, Xiao Huai closed his eyes, the features of the customary handsome let a person heart.

There was a faint warmth flowing in the air, and only at this time did it make me think that perhaps he had feelings for me as well.

That affection contained habit and trust, but unfortunately not as much as I wanted to like.

After blow-drying my hair, I couldn’t help but touch it twice, his hair quality is very good, dark and shiny, soft and smooth, making me, a girl, envious.

Xiao Huai held my wrist and clutched my right hand into his palm.

I have a small bone structure, look thin, but in fact very hidden meat, Jiajia always love to embrace me, said I am soft and comfortable to hold.

I don’t know if it’s because of this, Xiao Huai likes to pinch my palm, often thoughtlessly clutching my hand to play and rub, but the palm of my hand is my sensitive parts, every time I didn’t touch a few times to make my ears burning, body temperature rising uncontrollably, and my heart is in a state of flux.

I don’t know if he realized this, in the past I liked him, although it was very difficult, but every time I endured it, and even hold a few sweet.

But this time, I pulled my hand back.

Xiao Huai’s palm was empty, and he looked up at me, his eyes a little dark.

You see, it turns out that not liking him is not that hard.

…… The next morning, when the chief physician brought a few doctors to check the room, I saw the handsome doctor from yesterday again.

He was standing behind the chief and smiled slightly when he saw me.

After routinely asking about his health, the director nodded and said that he was recovering quite well, and after instructing some precautions he left with a group of people.

The doctor was at the end of the line, looking at Xiao Huai’s medical record, “You’ll be discharged the day after tomorrow?” I said, “Uh-huh.

“I let out an “Uh-huh”.

“So soon.

“He said something vaguely, I didn’t quite catch it.

The doctor’s eyes shifted around my face and smiled, “Hello, Yao Gei, I’m Jiang Lin.

“After that he walked out.

I suddenly realized something.

Jiang Lin?


Xiao Huai asked, “Who is he?

“I froze and said, “It seems like the person Jia Jia introduced me to.

“On the day Xiao Huai was discharged from the hospital, Chen Qi also came.

I was busy doing discharge, she was there to accompany Xiao Huai whispering, the two were very close, Chen Qi also put her hand on his arm.

I sighed.

This is the sadness of licking dogs.

They were in love while I was figuring out how to reimburse the medical bills.

In the confusion, I lost Xiao Huai’s medical insurance card, anxious, fortunately ran into Jiang Lin, he accompanied me to look for all the way, and eventually found that the nurse picked up and put on the front desk, he saw me confused, personally sent me to the discharge window for the billing procedures.

Then he looked at my big bag and asked me if I wanted to help.

I was a little embarrassed, “Will it delay your time ……” He curved his lips and spoke in a nice voice, “Not if it’s you.

“Even deliberately teasing me is so cute.

Jiang Lin helped me carry my luggage to the hospital’s underground garage, and also helped Xiao Huai, who had difficulty moving, into the car, after doing this, he looked at the other two, and then turned his gaze to me, “Then I’ll go back first, and you can contact me if any problems arise in the subsequent recovery, and you can look for me if you have any questions.

“I nodded, my heart filled with gratitude, “Thank you Dr. Jiang.

“He waved his hand at me with a smile.

Since the beginning, Xiao Huai didn’t say anything.

Chen Qi asked me with a smile, “Boyfriend?

I opened the car door and remained silent for a while, “Not really.”

“Xiao Huai and I are neighbors.

Not only were we when we were kids, but we are now.

In order to be closer to him, freshly graduated, I saved money and lived in the city center, twenty miles away from my company, paying a monthly rent that accounted for one-half of my salary, and thinking every day about how I could save money for tomorrow’s meal.

It wasn’t until later that I had more income from writing that it got a little better.

Now it’s convenient to take care of him.

Xiao Huai’s words today are exceptionally few, even Chen Qi chatted with him in the car and he didn’t have too much interest, but I’ve long been accustomed to his cold appearance and didn’t care too much about it.

His bone injury isn’t serious, and he can already get down and wash himself, but he still needs to minimize his activities.

Mom asked me in the video to keep an eye on him and not to let him fall in the house by himself.

I’ve moved my laptop to his house, and I’ve already gotten serious condemnation from a large number of readers for not being able to keep up with the amount of updates I’ve been doing to take care of him for the past few days.

Can I say it’s to take care of a crush?

The kind with a girlfriend, although he won’t admit it’s his girlfriend.

They must think I’m a mistress.

Jiang Lin would chat with me on the pretext of caring for his patients, and I would use inquiring about his condition as an excuse to find him gossiping, and we didn’t understand each other.

After a long time, I wanted to go to him for a body checkup.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t a gynecologist, and I’d have to break my back to see him.

Interestingly, Chen Wu, who has recovered from his concussion, often comes over and discusses his fashion designs and finished products with Xiao Huai.

It turns out that they want to open an online store that focuses on original designs, and are still in the start-up phase, treating Xiao Huai’s home as a studio, with Chen Qi as their model.

“In fact, there is a ready-made model right here, my sister’s style is too single by herself, and some models are not suitable for her.

“Chen Wu stroked her chin and sized me up.

Xiao Huai closed his eyes and didn’t look at me, “She can’t.

“Chen Wu helplessly spread his hands towards me.

I curved my lips and didn’t say anything.

I was no longer like before when I would fall into self-doubt because of his casual comment.

At night, I was sitting on the balcony blowing in the wind, and my mom was on a video call with me.

Chatting, she suddenly and I mentioned Xiao Huai, the tone is very euphemistic, “feelings of things can not be forced, so many years, can be together early together ……” I said, “Mom I understand, I do not seem to like him so much.

“My mom froze for a moment.

This is the first time I said this sentence so calmly, in the past I was most upset most hard time, but also just red eyes crying: Xiao Huai, you really think I left you will die?

Don’t worry about it I’ll never stick to you again.

And never said, I don’t like him anymore.

Mom nodded, did not say anything.

Hanging up the video, I turned around.

Xiao Huai was standing behind me, looking at me expressionlessly.

  1. Two weeks later, Jiang Lin is finally going to date me.

On the day of the meeting, I purposely wore a dress that I thought was beautiful.

I still felt a little uncomfortable seeing Jiang Lin outside the hospital.

He took off his white coat and wore a shirt that was on the casual side, his waist was narrow and his legs were long, his temperament was clean, and an air of young talent came out, I didn’t even know that Jiajia even had such a handsome cousin.

He sized me up for a moment, “Very different from the usual style.

“I was a little nervous, “I rarely wear dresses.

“”Well, dressed like this, it’s to be worn sparingly.

“I froze and looked up at him.

He lifted his lips, his gaze gentle.

I suddenly relaxed.

For the next whole day, I finally experienced the feeling of being a girl being taken care of by her boyfriend.

Jiang Lin seemed to be especially patient with girls; it was too hot at noon, and because I casually mentioned that I wanted to drink a Peach Peach Frappuccino, he told me to wait in my seat and went to Starbucks himself to wait in line for ten minutes.

When I praised him on WeChat with Jiajia, Jiajia looked incredulous, stating that every time she said she wanted to drink milk tea cha dessert, Jiang Lin would only tell her that the sugar content was so high that it would be easy to rot her face if she ate too much of it, not to mention personally buying it for her.

“He didn’t even buy me a lollipop when I was growing up,” Jia Jia said indignantly.

“Jia Jia was indignant: “Oh, ask him later what if you get acne after drinking milk tea.

“When Jiang Lin came back, I relayed the problem one by one.

Jiang Lin handed the Frappuccino to me, sat down on the opposite chair, and calmly said, “You have normal skin, and generally speaking, it’s not easy to grow acne.

Even if it grows, it doesn’t matter, I know some things about dermatology.

“I sincerely complimented, “You’re awesome.

“He curved his lips slightly.

Jiang Lin smiled sunny and clear.

Most importantly, he had me in his eyes.

Unlike Xiao Huai who was always cold, I needed to carefully cater to his preferences and thoughts, hanging my heart in mid-air, rising and falling with his moods.

Sometimes when we talked, I would apologize for delaying him, “Doctors should be very busy.” “Yes, they are.

“”Yes, they are very busy,” he said.

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you,” he said.

“It’s been four or five days since our last appointment.

I just thought, he sent a message: want to come out to watch a movie tonight?

It turns out that a relationship where both parties have mutual feelings for each other is like this, no longer only sour commiseration, when I was still too timid to test the waters, but I found that he was also trying to get closer to me.

The movie ended late, Jiang Lin sent me home.

The car was parked outside the neighborhood, and when he got out of the car, he naturally held my hand, making my heart beat faster for a little while.

Then I froze myself.

“Which building do you live in?

” he asked.

“Building 27.

” I said, “It’s about a minute or two walk.

“He nodded, “I’ll drop you downstairs then.

“I looked at the time, it was past eleven thirty, Xiao Huai should have already gone to bed.

He just had his cast removed two days ago, and basically he doesn’t have too much of a problem moving around anymore, no longer needing me to look after him all the time.

In order to spend a little more time with Jiang Lin, I purposely took him around the neighborhood, I don’t know if he could tell, but I’m a little weak.

What’s meant to be will always come, five minutes later, we steadily parked in front of the door of my block of flats.


” I yipped.

“Yao belt.

” he called out to me before closing the distance slightly and placing his hand on my waist for a kiss.

I let out a sharp gasp when he let go of me, almost going limp in his arms, relying on the support of his arms to keep me from going limp.

His voice was a little husky, “Dicky, you’re too sensitive.

“It’s so embarrassing, my whole face is burning.

A tingle is still flooding through my tailbone on the off chance that I don’t want to die.

Obviously, I’m a little horny, but I’ve never been in love since I was born.

Jiang Lin whispered in my ear, “If you’re like this, I’ll want to kiss again.

“I buried my face in his shoulder and pretended not to understand what he was saying.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar male voice from behind me, “Yao Ge.

“I was shocked and slowly turned around, it was Xiao Huai.

Why is he still out there at this late hour?

8.Half of Xiao Huai’s face was hidden in the darkness, unable to see his expression.

I was a little embarrassed, but I still didn’t let go of Jiang Lin’s hand and stared at him for a while before saying softly, “Be safe on the road.

“Jiang Lin nodded, glanced at Xiao Huai again, and crossed to his side to leave.

I didn’t say anything, swiped my card to open the door of the unit building, and walked in.

Xiao Huai followed me into the elevator.

Being bumped into the scene of the first kiss, even if it was a stranger I would be a little embarrassed, let alone Xiao Huai who grew up with me, I didn’t know how to face him at once.

“Kissing a man you’ve only met a few times.

“After exiting the elevator, Xiao Huai said behind me with faint sarcasm, “Yao Ge, how come I didn’t know you could be so casual before.


What gives him the right to say that.

A sudden surge of anger welled up in my heart.

“Xiao Huai, I’m already an adult.

“I turned around and tried to speak to him in a calm tone, “Being in a relationship is a normal thing, not to mention that we just …… kissed.

“”It’s okay to kiss you after only knowing you for a few days, so shouldn’t you guys be sleeping together before too long?

“”So what if we go to bed?

” I was exasperated, “I may not be considered a girl in your eyes, but I am in his!” With a thud, Xiao Huai punched the wall behind me.

It was the first time I saw him so angry.

Red bloodshot filaments flared up in his never indifferent eyes, glaring at me with a deadly glare, his thin lips pursed white.

Xiao Huai ah Xiao Huai, what are you angry.

  1. The next two days, Xiao Huai closed the door.

Even Chen Wu was rejected by him.

Xiao Huai’s mother came to ask me about him again, and I gave her Chen Qi’s cell phone number, saying this is your son’s girlfriend.

Half an hour later, the door of the room was snapped, I opened the door and saw Xiao Huai full of gloom, holding up his cell phone and questioning me, “Why did you give Chen Qi’s phone number to my mom?

“I spoke calmly, “I just told her to find the person she should find.

“Xiao Huai’s throat moved.

After …… that night, Jiang Lin asked me if Xiao Huai had done anything to me after he left.

I said, “he won’t do anything, he’s just a little worried about me, after all, we grew up together, is half a sister.” Jiang Lin asked, “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do.

Jiang Lin asked, “Do you really believe that he only take you as a sister?” I was silent.

“I was silent.

But if not, then what were my years for?

“I’m not too worried about you living so close to him.

“Jiang Lin got right to the point, “Next door to my house is my friend’s house, it’s been vacant and I’m looking for a tenant this time.

“He said, “The rent will be much cheaper than the one you’re living in now, if it’s possible, do you want to consider it?

“A year ago, there was also another girl who was pursuing Xiao Huai, and learned where he lived, and went to great lengths to try to snatch the house across the street from his house from me, at that time the contract hadn’t been signed yet, and for the sake of Xiao Huai, I gritted my teeth and agreed to the landlord’s request to increase the price by twenty percent.

Later, that girl has been a thief, and harassed me several times, but also taunted that Xiao Huai will not like me anyway, so I do not occupy the pit not to shit.

I thought about it and sent a message over: Do you still want the house?

I’m going to sublet it.

The other end was surprised: Really?

You did not say that you would die in that house.

No wonder she was surprised, at that time I was so poor that I didn’t even have the money to change my underwear, and I didn’t think about changing to a cheaper house.

I tapped on the computer while replying with my voice, “Really, this house is small and expensive, I want a change of scenery.

“The other end hesitated for half a day before saying yes, “Don’t you regret it!” “But I have to make it clear to you, Xiao Huai already has a girlfriend, it might not make much sense if you move over for him.

“”Who said I want to live by myself.

“She laughed, “That Xiao Huai’s girlfriend you mentioned, I know her too.

“I froze for a moment, then realized something.

Was it Chen Qi who wanted to move in?

The next day, Xiao Huai knocked on my door once again.

I have to say, lately he’s been looking for me more often than a whole month before combined.

When the door opened, his expression was gloomy, as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw my packed luggage inside the house, he paused for a moment, “You’re moving out?” I said, “Uh-huh.

“I let out a “hmm”.

Xiao Huai didn’t say anything for a long time, I turned around, wanting to go back to continue packing, the next moment, my hand was clutched.

“Who are you moving in with?

” his voice was low, “Jiang Lin?

“I took a deep breath, “It’s none of your business, right?

“Xiao Huai almost crushed my wrists, his tone was appallingly cold, “Yao Ge, do you know what it means to live with a man?

“I frowned in pain, “I’m twenty-four years old, I can be responsible for myself.

“10. He took a step forward, “So you guys have progressed that far?

“I pursed my lips and didn’t say anything.

“What do you like about him?

“Xiao Huai, however, seemed to get even angrier as he bullied me closer, his tone so cold that it was almost sarcastic, “Just because he would make a move on you?

“I had no choice but to take a few steps back, my face reddening with annoyance.

Suddenly remembered the sophomore year of high school, when I was harboring a sour crush, I do not know whether to confess to him, so hard to accumulate a little bit of courage, but witnessed in my heart clean, no one put in the eyes of Xiao Huai, in the sycamore tree outside of the school, kissing a girl.

My world collapsed at that moment.

His hand was on the girl’s shoulder, his eyes were closed, and he looked diffident but gentle.

It was the first time I tasted the emotion called jealousy, and the first time I felt ashamed of myself.

He didn’t necessarily like that girl, more likely just a rebellious curiosity about male and female love, but that scene made me realize that he could never treat me like that.

In his eyes, I wasn’t even a woman.

If that’s the case, why should he be mad at another man for kissing me?

I looked up at him, “Yeah, I like him, I’d give him a kiss.

“In the dry summer heat, I wore a wide T-shirt with a pair of gray shorts underneath, which were barely covered by the hem of the T-shirt.

Xiao Huai grabbed my shoulders and slid his palms against my back, causing a shiver to run down my shirt.

I’m a very sensitive person, even pinching my palms would make me blush, and my breathing stopped even more at this moment.

He puts his hand on the row of buttons of my underwear and stares into my eyes, “Yao Gei, is this what you want?

“I couldn’t believe it and violently pushed him away, “Xiao Huai, you’re crazy.

“Xiao Huai looked at me in silence, his eyes became gray a little bit.

…… Things are packed up, and on the day of the move, Jiang Lin also came to help me.

Seeing him pick up my middle school photos and study them, I quickly hid them.

“Your middle school photos Jia Jia showed me.

“He curved his lips, “Well, short hair is very handsome.” “Nonsense.

“”Nonsense, would you still like me if I was like that?

“He mused, “Just keep the gender the same.

“”…… “The luggage was emptied by the movers one after another, and I took one last look around the empty room.

In the beginning, I came to this city for Xiao Huai, and now I stayed for Jiang Lin.

As we were preparing to leave, Xiao Huai’s door opened.

He had diaphanous green under his eyes, and seemed to have not rested well all night, slowly pronouncing my name, “Yao Gei.

“He didn’t care about Jiang Lin behind me and reached out to hold my wrist, “Don’t move away, can you?

“It was a rare whisper.

I can’t describe my feelings.

  1. Sitting in Jiang Lin’s car, I could see that I was in a bad mood, he thoughtfully did not say anything.

Xiao Huai’s sudden change didn’t shake me.

I just don’t understand.

Why in the world can he talk about love with other girls while asking me to stay by his side like before?

In his heart, what exactly am I considered.

Moving in next door to Jiang Lin, we worked for most of the day to put our things in order and sat down on the sofa in exhaustion.

“Are you hungry?

” I asked.

He let out an “Uh-huh.”

“How about ordering takeout?

” I was so tired I didn’t even want to move my fingers.

He looked at me askance with a smile and pulled me up from the couch and brought me into his house to cook me a bowl of pasta.

“From now on, we’re neighbors.

“It’s a lot easier to do whatever you want,” he said.

“I pretended not to understand, “What are we going to do?

“Jiang Lin looked at me and smiled without saying anything.

My mind started to think of something messy and I quickly stopped eating the noodles.

A few days later, Jia Jia asked me on the phone if her cousin treated me well and if he bullied me.

I said how could he, Jiang Lin is a good person.

Jiajia said with a grunt, he has talked about two girlfriends before, are together less than a year on the split, each full of complaints, that he is not in their minds at all, this person looks good to get along with, in fact, the most unsympathetic.

Even when he found out that one of them cheated on him, Jiang Lin was very calm.

He simply doesn’t believe in this whole relationship thing.

Jiajia said that she was relieved to see that I really put down Xiao Huai, and introduced Jiang Lin to me just to divert my attention, without thinking that we would really be together.

How much of Jiang Lin really liked me, and how much of him simply felt he needed a girlfriend, or to help Jia Jia take care of me.

I actually don’t mind.

I just really wanted a normal relationship.

I put the same passion I had for Xiao Huai into him, carefully observed his tastes and preferences, and pinched the time when he got off work to cook a table of his favorite dishes.

Jiang Lin came home, saw the food froze for a while, before washing his hands and sat down to eat in silence.

I was a little puzzled, “Is it not good?

Where do you think there is a problem, I will improve it next time.

“Jiang Lin shook his head, “It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten a dish so to my liking.

“He is very gentle and takes care of my mood.

But I always felt something was wrong.

After being with me, Jiang Lin left all his free time for me.

He would accompany me to watch movies, play games, go to the night market, or drag me, who had been weak from a long lack of exercise, to the gym and act as my free personal trainer.

I can feel that he and I as serious about this relationship.

But there is always a layer of something between us.

I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

Finally, one day, I learned that he had stayed out all night and didn’t come back until six in the morning, and I dragged my sleepy body through the night in order to catch up on the updates and cooked a bowl of steaming dumplings for him.

“What took you so long to get back to me?

“I couldn’t help but yawn, “Why didn’t you come back last night?

“He looked at the dumplings and didn’t answer me.

I thought he didn’t want to say, so I didn’t continue to ask, pulling out a chair and sitting down on the side, supporting my heavy head as I tried to finish eating with him.

“Are you this good to him as well?

” Jiang Lin asked in a low, slow tone.

I was stunned.

“Doesn’t return your messages, doesn’t come home without a single complaint, and worries that I haven’t had breakfast.

“Just the thought that that person was once treated like that makes my chest feel like it’s clogged with something,” he said.

“Jiang Lin had heard about Xiao Huai and I a few times from Jia Jia, and at that time, she only thought it was funny, where could there be such a stupid girl.

Taking relationships seriously to the point of being breathtaking.

At that time, I was just sorry, but now I’m a little jealous.

Jiang Lin looked into my eyes, “There was an emergency last night, the patient’s five fingers were seriously injured by a machine, we spent six hours performing surgery on him, and then we were busy communicating with the family behind us, so we didn’t have time to reply to you.

“He was explaining to me.

I nodded, wanting to say something, but didn’t.

“I seem to have gotten a smaller vessel.

“He tugged at the corner of his mouth, somewhat mocking himself, “and even began to unconsciously compare whether I could win over Xiao Huai in your heart or not.

“”But I really like you.

I tried to organize my words, “I feel happy when I see you, I wait for you to come home every day, and in order to stay with you for a while longer, I even want to abandon my modesty and cohabit with you.”

“I regretted the latter sentence after saying it, and pranced out of my chair.

In order to show my loyalty to Jiang Lin, I accidentally exposed the nature of my own colorful embryo.


“He held my hand, smiling, not letting me be a shrinking violet, “Want to live with me?

“”…… that to cohabitate?

” he wrapped his arms around my waist.


“Ugh, moving again.

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Previous February 27, 2024
Next March 14, 2024


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