How far can school bullying go?

How far can school bullying go?

A little sister slapped me, undressed me, insulted my grandfather, and was so angry that I sent her parents in with her.

I’ve never spared anyone! 1 “Do you know what’s wrong?

!” In the alley near the school, my classmate Meng Manting disliked me hard against the wall behind her, pinched my red and swollen face, and asked me viciously.

Before that, the two girls standing behind her had already taken turns slapping me two dozen times.

My face was on fire, but I didn’t feel pain, but shame.

I was worried that an acquaintance would pass by this alley, see my misery, and tell Grandpa.

I didn’t want Grandpa to know about my bullying.

I didn’t want Grandpa to worry.

“×Your mom, asking you!” Seeing that I didn’t answer with my head down, Meng Manting swung her arm round and slapped me again.

This time it was a bit hard, I didn’t stand still and fell to the ground.

I tried to get up, but they didn’t give me a chance.

The two female followers came over, one kneeling on my back, one picking up my school bag and smashing it hard on my head.

It hurt so much.

“I don’t know who you guys are talking about.

” I whispered.

Hearing me say that, Meng Manting sneered a bit, squatted down, and ruthlessly gripped my hair, forcing me to look into her beady eyes painted with heavy makeup.

“Xiao Zheyuan, I am talking about Xiao Zheyuan.

You stay away from him.


Little bitch.

“2 Xiao Zheyuan?

Oh, he’s the tall guy in the next class, with white skin and a big smile.

I heard he’s the school’s favorite.

Last week at the field day, my legs cramped up after the 100-meter dash, and he came over to help me stretch.

After stretching, he helped me back to my seat.

The whole time, I heard whistles from the stands.

I’m sure the whistles were mixed with Meng Manting’s hateful eyes.

Meng Manting was the boss of our class, no, I should say the entire grade.

She does not look good, but the money is generous, but also know many social “big brother”, usually always around a few girls followed in great numbers, no one in the school dares to mess with her.

To put it bluntly, Meng Manting is the kind of typical little sister.

I am this semester just transferred over, to come before I have heard of the town’s most chaotic high school.

This school brings together all the scum, the promotion rate of the city’s bottom, truant, early love, social mixing, campus violence is endless.

I don’t want to get into trouble, I just want to finish high school and get into a college as soon as possible.

But I can’t imagine that I’ve been careful and low-profile, but still can’t avoid this.

After the field day, Meng Manting mobilized her small gang to target me in class, but it was just a small fight.

It was nothing more than isolating me, being sarcastic, tearing up my homework, and pouring ink into my book bag.

I put up with it all.

They probably thought I was too calm to let her experience the ‘coolness’ of bullying, so they blocked me in a dark, muddy alley after school and moved in.

It would be a lie to say I wasn’t scared; I was shaking all over as the first of their slaps landed.

By the end of the day, it was numb.

My only thought was to end the scene quickly before my grandfather, who was coming home from selling vegetables, saw it.

Later, I was almost on the ground, with a red, swollen face, and humiliated, I promised Meng Manting.

“Okay, I know, I’ll pay attention in the future.

” Meng Manting spat at me and left in satisfaction.

3 However it didn’t end there.

The violence changed to another form and happened to me without warning.

There were many rumors spreading in the class about me.

They said that I had been dishonest and indiscreet at my last school, that I had a promiscuous private life, that I was forced to transfer to another school because of my promiscuous relationships, and that I had even aborted a child before.

During that time, as if I was a street rat, I was pointed out everywhere I went.

There was also someone who built a building for me in the school’s posting bar, posting a few pictures of me, with embarrassing and abusive messages underneath.

“Shame on you!” “Disgusting! “Dirty!” “This kind of woman is a disgrace!” “I’m not afraid of being dirty, but I’m afraid of dying.

“…… Then I don’t dare to look at the bar, and I don’t dare to walk alone, and I don’t dare to walk at night.

Even if everyone loathes me, to and from school I have the cheek to walk in the pile of people, I think no one dares to lay hands on me in the crowd.

But one day after school, someone really called my name in the bustling crowd.

“Yuan Nuo.

” I turned around and my heart went cold.

I was in deep shit.

That person, was Xiao Zheyuan.

4 Ignoring my refusal, Xiao Zheyuan brought me to a cafe near the school in front of everyone.

He ordered a table of food and drinks and pushed them in front of me.

“I don’t know what you like to eat, so I just ordered what I saw, don’t be polite.

” Xiao Zheyuan revealed a row of teeth when he smiled, neat, white to shiny teeth.

I don’t know if it’s because of those teeth, but I think his smile is especially hypocritical and stupid.

Like a fool.

This idiot probably doesn’t realize that his momentary boring and narcissistic courtship has pushed me into a dark abyss.

No, since it’s already like this, I have to take this opportunity to figure out his relationship with Meng Manting, and maybe I can find an opportunity to end the bullying.

“Are you in a relationship with Meng Man Ting from our class?


“Then you’ve talked about it before?

“Not really.”

He looked at me with his gentle but hypocritical eyes, “What’s the matter? Did Meng Manting give you trouble?” I looked down and drank my Coke.

“I looked down and sipped my Coke. I was asking him a question.

Who else in the school doesn’t know about this.

“Don’t worry Xiao Nuo, if there’s anything you can come to me, I’ll help you.” he said.

” he said, his hand suddenly reached over and tried to touch my face.

I subconsciously dodged, and his hand slipped into my hair, gently ruffled my long loose hair, looked at me mesmerized, and said, “It’s so beautiful.

It’s disgusting.”

My stomach churned and I was about to smack his hand away when a boy in a cap walked in.

That boy must be Xiao Zheyuan’s follower, he whispered something in Xiao Zheyuan’s ear, and Xiao Zheyuan excused himself as having something to do at school and left first.

I hurriedly packed my things and wanted to go home before it got dark.

I knew that Meng Manting must have heard about Xiao Zheyuan taking me for coffee, she wouldn’t let me off easily, I had to be extra careful, I had to avoid all dangers.

But sometimes the more you fear something, the more it will happen to you.

5 Even though I jogged all the way back, I was still blocked by Meng Manting in the alleyway near my home.

They didn’t say any nonsense and didn’t listen to my explanations, and as soon as they came up, they hit me.

Unlike last time, this time they obviously came prepared.

The two girls blocked me from both sides, snatched my school bag, and pressed me into the corner, leaving me nowhere to run.

Meng Manting wore an eerie cold smile as she walked towards me step by step.

I wasn’t particularly afraid of her before, but now, I was completely flustered.

In her hand, she was holding a pair of scissors! Meng Manting was a lunatic, I knew that she could do anything.

She gently scratched at my face with the scissors, and with an evil smile, she stared tightly into my eyes.

“You’re really giving your face away!” I barely dared to breathe, didn’t dare to move, and was so nervous that I couldn’t even say the words to beg for mercy.

Meng Manting suddenly laughed, “You still know you’re afraid?

Don’t worry, I won’t move your face this time.

“I was slightly relieved, but I was immediately on guard again, only to hear Meng Manting say to the girl next to her.

“Grab her by the hair.

“As I let out a cry of surprise, she reduced my long hair that I had kept for three years in a few random strokes.

I watched as my hair rustled to the ground, like a dignity that had been trampled on, miserable and helpless.

They didn’t seem satisfied and wanted to continue shaving my hair, but with a strength I didn’t know where to come from, I grabbed back my bag and ran away.

Behind me came their mocking laughter.

“Let’s see how this ugly bitch will seduce men in the future!” 6 I didn’t dare to go home, didn’t dare to let my grandfather see me like this.

I was walking aimlessly through the streets and alleys late at night, crying, when I suddenly realized that there was someone standing in front of me.

“Yuan Nuo, what’s wrong with you?

“It’s the study committee member of our class, Zhang Yao.

Before I transferred here, Zhang Yao was the target of Meng Manting’s bullying, and she had suffered what I was experiencing now.

Probably because of that, she was the only person in the whole school who was willing to talk to me, or even sympathize with me.

She brought me home and told me to wash my face.

I looked at my uneven hair in the mirror and a wave of anger and sadness welled up in me.

Why should this happen to me?

What had I done wrong?

I didn’t realize at the time that this kind of malice between children was uncaused, unjustified and unmeasured.

The school violence we suffered was dark and unresolved.

Zhang Yao was very handy, and she gently helped me to cut my short hair, which was still fresh, so that I didn’t look so wretched.

At night, the two of us lay on the floor and chatted like friends.

She must have been my first real friend since I came to this town.

Later, I often came to her house to do my homework, and we were inseparable, talking about everything.

One day, on a rainy afternoon, she suddenly told me a secret about Meng Manting.

7 “You know, Meng Manting gave her first time to Xiao Zheyuan.

It was at the White Cloud Hotel, room 302.

That’s why she cares so much about Xiao Zheyuan.

“How do you know?

“I was surprised.

“Because my sister-in-law is the owner of the White Cloud Hotel, and I happened to be there that day.

By the way, there’s more!” “What?

“I’m telling you, don’t tell anyone, or I’m dead! Meng Man-Ting will kill me!” “Yeah, I won’t tell!” “Afterward, Xiao Zheyuan said Meng Manting lied to him.

Meng Manting didn’t bleed, it wasn’t her first time.

“Zhang Yao and I lay on the floor, looking at the ceiling, digesting in silence the dark side of what shouldn’t have happened at our age.

I promised her to keep the secret for her, but what I didn’t expect was that the next day the secret spread all over the school.

8 It was said that Meng Manting’s scandal came out from the girls’ restroom, and in the time it took for one recess, it spread throughout the school.

Meng Manting was simply fuming, calling a number of people from outside the school, clamoring for that talkative ‘bitch’ to be scrapped.

I knew that she had targeted Zhang Yao.

On that day, Zhang Yao happened to take the afternoon off, so I was worried that Meng Manting would bring someone to her home to look for her, and ran out early to warn Zhang Yao.

But before I reached Zhang Yao’s house, I met Meng Man Ting.

To be precise, I was blocked by a dozen people led by Meng Manting.

Apart from a few girls from the school, there were also a few boys from the society.

The ones with tattoos, the ones with dyed hair, and the ones with horrible scars on their arms.

Even though I prided myself on being a calm person, this kind of scene was still beyond my imagination.

What exactly is she going to do to Zhang Yao?

“You’ve got it wrong, it’s definitely not Zhang Yao who told on me.

“Of course I know it wasn’t Zhang Yao.

” Meng Manting looked at me fiercely, “It’s you!” At this moment, Zhang Yao walked out from behind the crowd and stood next to Meng Man Ting, she slowly raised her head and looked at me calmly.

I suddenly understood everything at once.

What kind of empathetic friendship, what kind of friends who know everything, it was all fake.

It was all a set up by Zhang Yao.

She was trying to make Meng Manting hate me more, target me more, and then she took the opportunity to please Meng Manting, so that she could completely get rid of the situation of being bullied.

In the end, it was all about survival.

Campus is a place where the law of the jungle and the law of society are combined, and the only way to survive is to climb to the top of the food chain.

“It’s her. It’s Yuan Nuo who told me! I’ve only told Yuan Nuo about this matter!” Zhang Yao pointed at me relentlessly.

9 That was the most painful day of my life so far.

Like a lamb to be slaughtered, I was put on the altar for abuse.

They first took turns beating me, at first it was Meng Manting and two girls, slapping and kicking me …… I forget how long it took, I spat out a few mouthfuls of blood in a row, and they probably got tired of beating me, so they stopped.

Then it was a couple of boys, in the same way, only with a much heavier hand than the girls.

One kicked me in the knee and I never got up after that, only on my knees.

After a long period of pain, just when I thought it was time to finish, Meng Manting looked at me condescendingly, and after a long time coldly said, “Take her clothes off.

“I was completely scared, I began to beg for mercy, I put down all my pride, pleading with her to let me go, I will never mess with them again, and I can even quit school.

Meng Manting, however, did not care about my words at all, but smiled and discussed with a few boys behind her, who should do it.

Then, a few boys walked towards me.

I should have started crying from that time.

At first it was a low sob, and when the clothes were taken off one by one by them, I bawled holding my shoulders.

But they didn’t even give me the last bit of dignity, holding down my hands and exposing me naked in front of everyone.

And Meng Manting, in holding her cell phone, contemptuously shot the video.

The only thing I was thankful for during the whole process was that those social boys didn’t do anything to hurt me further.

Some groped me twice, some tasted my body, and all those unkind voices drowned out my cries.

Later, I covered my critical parts, half lying on the ground, watching them leave one by one.

The last to leave was Meng Manting, to my surprise, it was Xiao Zheyuan who came to pick her up.

Xiao Zheyuan walked over with that duck-tongued boy, and the two of them coldly looked at the wretched me, saying nothing.

Meng Manting wrapped her arms around Xiao Zheyuan’s arm and left with a smile.

At that time, it was too late for me to figure out what was going on, why were the two of them so close?

I used the last of my strength to organize myself and leave the scene.

10 I can’t go home, and I mustn’t let my grandfather see me as I am now.

I found a cheap motel that didn’t want ID and stayed there, took a shower, got my medication and settled in to think about what to do next.

It was now time for me to seek help.

Otherwise, what happened to me would only get harder and even more hurtful.

My first thought was for my teacher.

After the weekend, I came to school early and went to see our homeroom teacher, Mr. Xu.

Ms. Xu was a middle-aged woman with an indifferent personality, who didn’t like to offend people and seldom intervened in conflicts between students.

But I thought my situation should be different, and she had the responsibility and obligation to protect me.

I recounted to her in detail all that had happened to me, and by the end I was even crying.

I asked for her help, for her protection, and put all my hopes on her.

But she looked at me from beginning to end and said, “The injuries you have are not that serious.

” “It’s a lot better after the weekend and the medicine I put on it.

“Oh, that’s good, it’s not a big deal.

“But Mr. Xu! They also took off my clothes, and took a video of me, and ……” At this point, Mr. Xu suddenly interrupted me impatiently, tilting his head to look at me in a critical manner.

“Yuan Nuo, have you ever wondered why they only target you when you’re also a student in the same class?

“I froze.

She added, “Is the problem with you?

Why is it always you?

Look for your own reasons!” I was clearly the victim, but in her mouth I was the one causing trouble?

I angrily walked out of the teacher’s office, it was dim outside, as was my life.

But I’m not one to be broken easily.

I’m going to find a way to survive.

11 I’m going to call the police.

I went to the police station near the school, but just as I walked into the hall, I received a text message from Meng Manting.

In the text message, she sent me a URL link.

I opened the link, it was a video that was put on a posting bar.

The video showed a girl kneeling on the dirty ground, naked and crying loudly.

She purposely didn’t put out my face, but the comments below the post already guessed my identity.

At this time, Meng Manting sent me another message.

“If you call the police, I’ll let the whole world see you in your truest form.

“I fled.

Like a coward.

12 At that time, the first year of high school was almost over, and I naively thought that as long as I curbed my sharpness and learned to keep my head down, I could muddle through the remaining two years and graduate.

But the reality gave me a heavy punch.

And this punch, hit me hard on my soft underbelly, so that I have no way to endure anymore.

My soft underbelly is my grandfather.

I grew up with my grandfather in the countryside, and was picked up by my parents in elementary school and sent to the south.

A year ago, because of the college entrance examination policy, I was sent back again.

In fact, I prefer to stay by my grandfather’s side than my parents.

He is the closest person to me and the one who loves me the most.

Grandpa came to the parent-teacher conference before the end of the first year of high school.

For this parent-teacher conference, I did a lot of homework in advance, I was careful to please Meng Manting and keep a low profile, just because I was afraid that they would find trouble with Grandpa at the parent-teacher conference.

But something went wrong.

At first, my grandfather was laughed at by Meng Manting because he couldn’t find his classroom.

Grandpa didn’t know what they were laughing at and simply came over to ask for directions.

Meng Manting, however, covered her nose and taunted my grandfather with the girls around her in words.

“Can you smell it? What’s that smell?

“It stinks! It smells like cow dung and fertilizer!” “It’s so annoying. I’m sick of rural people.” “Stay away, old man!” Grandpa couldn’t believe that a few high school girls the same age as his granddaughter would say such unpleasant things, so he spoke to them in kind words.

Meng Manting looked at her grandfather with a cold smile, her eyes gradually becoming malicious.

“I’m afraid you don’t know what kind of goods your granddaughter is, do you?

” Then, as if to prove something, Meng Manting put the video of me being abused on the street in front of Grandpa.

I was waiting for Grandpa in the classroom when I heard the sound of an ambulance coming from outside.

As if I had a premonition, I staggered out the door, walked through the crowd, and saw the doctor carrying Grandpa into the ambulance.

What kind of heart-breaking pain was it that broke my strong grandfather in an instant?

To this day, I can’t even imagine the look on my grandfather’s face as he watched the video of his beloved granddaughter being abused like an animal, frame by frame.

13 While Grandpa was still in a coma, I made a decision.

A thousand times I shouldn’t have, they can bully me, but they shouldn’t mess with my grandfather.

I had to fight back! I had to take revenge! They were right before, I really wasn’t an honest student in my past school.

But whenever I was pissed off, I would retaliate back in my own way.

I picked up the brand new fruit knife from home and hid at the intersection where Meng Manting must pass by every day after school, making plans to fish out of water.

I’m going to kill her! I want to kill her! From afar, I saw Meng Manting walking towards me on Xiao Zheyuan’s arm, and was about to rush out when someone suddenly covered my mouth from behind.

That person wrapped his arms tightly around me, dragged me to a remote corner, and let go of me.

Only then did I see that he was the duck-tongued hat that was often by Xiao Zheyuan’s side.

What was he doing here?

What was he going to do?

Is he protecting them?

Should I kill him first?

“Calm down, this is something that needs to be discussed in the long run.

” he said.

Seeing that I didn’t answer, he added, “Revenge is something that has to be considered in the long run.

“How do you know I want revenge?

” Instead of answering that question, he looked at me with a pair of firm eyes and said decisively.

“I can help you.

“Why should you help me?

” He suddenly took off his ducktail hat, revealing a striking scar on the top of his head, hovering over it like a bug.

“Because I’m a victim, just like you.

“14 I realized then that his name was Qi Bin, and that the wound on his head had been inflicted by Xiao Zheyuan.

Sometimes violence among children is worse than among adults because children don’t know what’s important, are uninhibited, and are more careless.

While I was subjected to dehumanizing abuse, Qi Bin almost lost his life.

Just because he wasn’t willing to help Xiao Zheyuan cheat in the exam room, he was beaten on the head by someone from Xiao Zheyuan, and although he was eventually rescued, he was left with a lifelong scar.

Since then, he had been humiliatingly staying by Xiao Zheyuan’s side, just waiting for a chance to take revenge.

He wanted to quietly take revenge on Xiao Zheyuan after the college entrance exams were over, until he met me and changed his plans.

He thinks I’m a lot like him, paranoid, lonely, not weak enough to compromise, neither is someone who can willingly swallow pain.

So people like that are good for comrades in arms, to fight side by side.

I agree with his words.

But I strongly disagreed with delaying the revenge plan until after the college entrance exam.

“Right now, it can’t wait!” Qi Bin shook his head, “But have you thought about it, if we act now it might affect our studies.

Don’t you want to take the college entrance exam?

“Of course I do! I can’t afford to delay my future for them.

“I looked at him with certainty, “I never do anything to hurt the enemy, I am confident that I can make them pay while protecting myself.


“Yes, not only Meng Manting and Xiao Zheyuan, including Zhang Yao and Mr. Xu, all of them should get the punishment they deserve.

“After all, no one is innocent.

This was a collective sexual violence.

15 The first person to take revenge was Ms. Xu.

Her duty should have been to protect the students and stop the violence.

But she selfishly tried to avoid trouble and maintain the so-called ‘stability’ by not only turning a blind eye to a scene of violence, but even shifting the problem to the victims.

She lacks basic empathy.

She doesn’t deserve to be a teacher.

Ms. Koh had nothing to be weak about in her job, so we had to focus on her daughter.

As it happened, just as the sophomore year of high school started, I learned that her daughter was promoted to the first year of high school at our school.

It also happened that her willful and nymphomaniacal daughter had a crush on school bully Xiao Zheyuan as soon as she started high school.

This was a great opportunity that was delivered to me.

It was only through Qi Bin that I learned of the strange and monstrous romantic relationship between Meng Manting and Xiao Zheyuan.

Xiao Zheyuan did not like Meng Manting, but enjoyed the way Meng Manting went crazy with jealousy for him.

Therefore, any girl who gets involved with Xiao Zheyuan, Meng Manting will try to torture the other girl in exchange for Xiao Zheyuan’s favor.

The reason why I was bullied stemmed from this perverted game between them.

So, I took advantage of this and deliberately created an opportunity to make Mr. Xu’s daughter Meng Manting’s next target.

In fact, it is not difficult, Qi Bin told me Xiao Zheyuan’s favorite to go to a few KTV and game halls, I buy a senior girl, let her intentionally tell Teacher Xu’s daughter of these places.

One by one, Mr. Xu’s daughter and Xiao Zheyuan often “chance encounters”, closer and closer, naturally caused Meng Manting’s scruples.

On Friday afternoon during study hall, I heard Meng Manting and a few girls in the back row discussing how to deal with that “ungrateful little vixen”.

At that moment, Ms. Xu happened to walk into the classroom, and as usual, she indifferently swept a glance at the chattering girls in the back row, completely unaware of what her daughter was about to face.

But I’ll let her know.

16 After school, Meng Manting and the others were the first to leave, and they went to block Mr. Xu’s daughter as planned.

I, however, deliberately dawdled, wanting to leave at the same time as Teacher Xu, who was working overtime.

It didn’t take long for it to get dark.

In between playing with my cell phone in the corridor, I heard Teacher Xu hastily pick up a phone call in the office.

“Jiajia, what’s wrong?

Why are you crying?

Where are you?

…… Jia Jia!” The opposite party seemed to have hung up, and when Ms. Xu dialed back again, she couldn’t get through.

She hurriedly left with her bag, and kept calling.

I intentionally followed behind her and heard her calling her family and her daughter’s classmates one after another to find out where her daughter was.

When she was so anxious that she was ready to call the police, I carelessly said, “Mr. Xu, is your daughter Li Jiajia?

” Ms. Xu turned around in surprise, frowning as she sized me up: “What’s wrong?

“Is she the Li Jiajia from the first year of high school?

“Do you know Jiajia?

“I don’t, but I heard Meng Manting and the others talk about her today.”

“As soon as she heard Meng Manting’s name, a look of horror appeared on Ms. Xu’s face.

She knew only too well what would happen if she was targeted by Meng Manting, only that she had chosen to turn a blind eye to it before.

But today was different, today those violence was going to happen to her daughter.

Sometimes people are like that, they don’t care about themselves, only when disaster happens to them do they realize that they have been accomplices too.

“Do you know where they went?

“she asked me in a panic.

I pretended to be thinking back, hesitating to give an answer.

She bent down, grabbed me by the shoulders, and crackled out a big sentence: “Yuan Nuo, I’m begging you, tell me where they went! It was all the teacher’s fault before, it was me who was wrong ……” “I’m not a good teacher, I can’t apologize to you!” “You can hold a grudge against me, but Jia Jia ……” I looked at her face, which had aged even more due to her painful crying, and watched her gesture of tearfully pleading with me, and felt a lot of inner relief.

“They’re probably in the alley behind Baiyun Park.

” Ms. Xu wiped her tears and ran off in stride.

Of course, I wouldn’t let her daughter get hurt, she was innocent after all.

Qi Bin had been hiding in that neighborhood, and would have called the police in time if Meng Manting had harmed her.

But the little girl was spared from intimidation, and it was said that when Teacher Xu rushed over, his daughter was kneeling and kowtowing to Meng Manting.

Meng Manting did not let Mr. Xu’s arrival curb her anger; instead, Mr. Xu just quietly took his daughter away.

A week later, Ms. Xu resigned from her position as classroom teacher and took the initiative to transfer to a logistics position.

The reason for her transfer was said to be “gross negligence.

“Not everyone deserves to be a teacher.

17 The second person who wanted revenge was Zhang Yao.

For a violence, in addition to the abuser, bystanders and dereliction of duty, the most vicious are those who use violence against others to protect themselves.

Isn’t Liu Xin, Jiang Ge’s roommate, one of these people?

Jiang Ge took her as a friend and tried to protect her, but when danger came she was pushed out the door and became her scapegoat.

And people like Liu Xin won’t feel guilty for this kind of thing, the only thing that will make her reflect is punishment in kind.

The same goes for Zhang Yao.

It was much easier to punish Zhang Yao. During the days when we were inseparable as ‘good friends’, I once inadvertently realized that Zhang Yao also liked Xiao Zheyuan.

Not only did she collect many photos of Xiao Zheyuan, she also wrote a homoerotic sweet favorite novel of her and Xiao Zheyuan.

I asked Qi Bin to pretend to be a courier and blend into Zhang Yao’s house to steal the notebook where she wrote the novel.

I built a building in the school bar and updated part of the novel on time every day.

In the novel, the male lead uses Xiao Zheyuan’s name, and his image and identity are right on the mark, so it’s very easy to guess.

However, the identity of the female lead is slightly different from Zhang Yao, but as the novel is updated, the identity of the female lead gradually becomes clearer.

Soon, this novel caught fire in the posting bar.

Everyone in the school knew that there was a girl with a crush on Xiao Zheyuan who was writing the same novel every day, and everyone was guessing who this girl was.

Among them, it naturally included Meng Manting.

Meng Manting used all her resources to look for this girl, looking at that situation, she was bound to dismantle this “shameless nymphomaniac”.

At this moment, the one who was suffering the most was Zhang Yao.

Because she knew that with two more days of updates, her identity would be revealed.

Watching Zhang Yao mixing in Meng Manting’s small gang every day, pretending to help her find someone, but always being anxious, was a great joy.

The day before her identity was to be announced, Zhang Yao simply called in sick and didn’t come to school.

She was scared.

However, after school that day, I found her standing in front of my house, and I turned a blind eye to her.

Instead, she said to me with a sobbing voice, “Let me go.

” After she finished, she slapped herself hard.

18 I stopped and looked at her with an expressionless face.

She slapped herself again.

When I didn’t react, she kept hitting herself left and right.

As she did so, she kept crying, “I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

” I suddenly got a little soft, and it occurred to me that she had also been a victim of school violence.

She was probably just scared of being hurt, and just wanted to get rid of that fear so badly that she came up with such a despicable tactic as using me.

But, in the end, she was also a vicious person.

A pathetic and vicious person.

“Stop it.

” I finally couldn’t bear it, “The novel won’t be updated anymore.


” she asked me with a red, swollen face.

I nodded my head.

「Thank you Yuan Nuo, thank you for letting me off the hook, I will …… definitely do it in the future」「No need to do it in the future, I have something I want you to do right now.

If you do it, I’ll call it quits.

“What is it?

“Go to Meng Manting’s place and steal my video back.”

“Of course I won’t let Zhang Yao off that easily, she has to pay for her wickedness, without her false accusations, I wouldn’t have been abused like that.

Moreover, getting back the video is an important step in my next revenge plan.

Zhang Yao froze for a moment as she weighed the pros and cons.

“I promise you.

“Zhang Yao was a smart person, she knew that stealing something from Meng Man Ting’s side was a minor issue compared to having her novel exposed.

Three days later, Zhang Yao stole Meng Man Ting’s cell phone and gave it to me.

Of course, as a dripping smart person, she deleted all the other information from Meng Manting’s phone, leaving only that video.

But soon, it was said that Meng Manting learned through the surveillance that it was Zhang Yao who stole the phone.

One day, Zhang Yao came to school with a black and purple eye.

From that day on, she never showed up in Meng Manting’s little gang again.

19 Next came Meng Manting and Xiao Zheyuan.

This time, Qi Bin and I came up with a bold plan.

However, this plan was risky because the premise was that I was going to use myself as bait and actively walk into a whirlwind of danger.

Before taking action, Qi Bin and I sat down for the first time to have a quiet meal.

Strangely enough, both of us actually enjoyed a very cold Chaoshan snack, and we both loved the store’s beef meatballs.

The store was located in the middle of nowhere, and there were very few people, so we didn’t have to worry about being discovered, and we spent the afternoon there without realizing it.

I don’t know who started the conversation, but like carefree teenagers, we actually thought about the future.

“When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.

Freedom and handsome,” Qi Bin said, smiling bitterly.

” Qi Bin said, smiling bitterly and lowering his head.

He didn’t wear a duck-tongued cap that day, and the scar on the top of his head was clearly visible, reminding him that it was a dream that could never be realized.

“As for me, I’m a bit more vulgar.

I want to marry a good husband, have a string of kids, and live a life of joy and happiness every day,” I said.

“When I finished, I couldn’t help but feel sad. If my future lover knew what I was going through, I didn’t know if he would still be able to accept me and give me the life I dreamed of.

Qibin looked up at me, and eventually didn’t say anything, as he was about to say something.

I sighed: “For us, to be able to live an ordinary life is a happy thing.

‘ He nodded, “Right.

”After a brief moment of tranquility, we had to return to the harsh reality and continue with the plan.

The first step was that I would take the initiative to seduce Xiao Zheyuan.

20 And the purpose of my seducing Xiao Zheyuan was to get close to the underground casino of Xiao Zheyuan’s family.

That’s right, Xiao Zheyuan’s parents are ostensibly the richest man in town with a building materials business, but they actually run an illegal casino.

Their guests range from small businessmen and bosses in the city to bigwig leaders from abroad, and even foreign gamblers come to the casino in admiration.

This secret was found out by Qi Bin after lurking around Xiao Zheyuan for more than half a year. Xiao Zheyuan was very careful and afraid that others would know about his parents’ business hookups.

This is our chance.

According to Qi Bin, out of all the girls Xiao Zheyuan came into contact with, he still favored me.

Probably because, I was the only one who didn’t find him attractive in the slightest, just a pure douchebag.

Spoiled children tend to be attracted to those who don’t give a shit about them.

I used this favoritism, waiting for the opportunity to approach Xiao Zheyuan, at first just chatting about WeChat, and then he took the initiative to ask me to meet.

Of course I wouldn’t refuse.

I used the fear of Meng Manting bullying me as a reason to ask for each meeting location hidden more, Xiao Zheyuan agreed.

Some people’s brains are really nothing but good looking.

Soon, Xiao Zheyuan let his guard down on me and took me to their family’s underground casino.

Of course, he wouldn’t tell me that the shabby-looking factory building was the casino, but I had guessed it from his cautious attitude and the ‘guests’ that came and went.

At this point, it was time for Meng Manting to make her appearance.

I sent the address of the factory building to Qi Bin, who then deliberately and skillfully revealed the location to Meng Man Ting’s follower.

“Crap, I heard that Xiao Zheyuan and that little bitch Yuan Nuo secretly went out on a date!” “Where is it?

Where?” Meng Manting asked through gritted teeth.

“In an old factory building in the suburbs.

“Fuck, shame on you!” The show has begun.

When Meng Manting came with a group of little sisters and punks, Xiao Zheyuan and I had already left.

She got away with it, but caused a big mess.

A group of young men were clamoring to “catch the adulterer” and searched the factory building, naturally disturbing the “guests” who were gambling.

The guests are all famous and fearful of being exposed, so they left in a hurry.

The unlucky ones were Xiao Zheyuan’s parents, who not only offended a large number of gold masters, but also faced the risk of having their nest destroyed.

When they realized that the accident was caused by Xiao Zheyuan’s girlfriend’s jealousy, they naturally targeted their son.

Xiao Zheyuan’s greatest fear was his parents.

According to what Qi Bin told me later, Xiao Zheyuan was hung up and beaten by his parents, and took a week’s vacation to recover.

Xiao Zheyuan’s surface is gentle and kind, but in his bones, he is a person who has a grudge.

This account, he naturally counted on Meng Manting.

This is the plan of Qi Bin and I. We hide ourselves, take advantage of their weaknesses, and let them kill each other.

Reaping the benefits of fishing and whatnot is the most delightful.

After recuperating from his injuries, Xiao Zheyuan first asked Meng Manting to a KTV.

As soon as they met, they slapped her a dozen times.

At that time, Qi Bin was at the scene and told me everything that happened.

Meng Manting was beaten to the point where she couldn’t stand up, she sat on the ground and pleaded with Xiao Zheyuan with tears in her eyes.

“I don t know what happened in the plant, and you never told me ah, I thought you and Yuan Nuo you were going …… Zheyuan I was wrong, it was me who was impulsive, you forgive me okay?

“Because of the stupid things you do, no customers dare to come to the door, our family has lost a lot of money! Get out of here, I never want to see you again!” “But I love you, you know that!” “You make me sick!” As Xiao Zhe stepped away, Meng Manting sat on the ground, stubbornly looking at his back with tears in her eyes.

Poor woman.

A woman in love is the most blind and impulsive, not to mention that she herself is a crazy person.

Meng Manting looked at the empty door after Xiao Zheyuan left and made a desperate and bold decision.

This decision completely ruined both of them.

23 Meng Manting naively thought that as long as she helped Xiao Zheyuan solve his ‘business’ problems at home, he would forgive himself.

Because of the last drama, no one goes to the underground casino anymore.

Meng Manting’s parents are both businessmen who are well versed in black and white in the society, so she used all her parents’ resources to find a lot of gamblers who are willing to have some fun and go to Xiao Zheyuan’s family’s casino to “support the game”.

Seriously, I have to admire her energy.

But what she didn’t know was that the underground casino had already been targeted by the police.

This, naturally, also had the credit of Qi Bin and me.

Only a slight disclosure of a clue, the police followed the trail to check here.

So, when Meng Manting’s “friends and relatives” came to gamble, the police caught them red-handed.

After that, everything went smoothly.

The police raided the underground casino and arrested Xiao Zheyuan’s parents.

They also followed the gamblers and found evidence of Meng Manting’s parents’ involvement in the triads and arrested them as well.

The case of Xiao Zheyuan’s parents was more complicated because they had offended many bigwigs, and for fear of retaliation, Xiao Zheyuan dropped out of school and disappeared.

It is said that he secretly went to the southern countryside and took refuge in a relative’s house.

Meng Manting still insists on coming to school, but because of the fall of her family’s power, she is not quite the same as before.

The followers who used to obey her have suddenly become good students.

After one semester, Meng Manting was expelled for not abiding by school discipline.

I heard that she went to work in a bar, wearing heavy makeup and smoking every day, already a vicissitude of society.

24 One day, after the dust had settled from all these turmoils, I was dawdling in a study session when I suddenly received a text message from Qi Bin.

“The program is over, what’s your next plan?

” I thought about it and replied to him, “It’s not over yet.

There’s still one thing left to do.

‘ He quickly replied me, “Are you sure?

You’ve thought about it.

“I’ve thought about it.

I’m sure.

I had to do it.

I took the video of me being humiliated by the bully and gave it to the police.

25 It wasn’t easy for me, it was like showing my naked wounds to others.

Shameful, and cruel.

But if I hadn’t done that and just punished Meng Manting alone, there would have been more Meng Mantings in the future.

There will also be more victims like me.

Revenge is not an end in itself. This kind of cruel violence must be eliminated at the root.

Every child is fragile, and adolescence is sensitive. A small, seemingly harmless incident can destroy a child’s life, let alone this kind of tragic bullying.

I showed up to talk, was questioned by the police and told them in detail what happened when I was bullied.

The police went into the school to investigate and found out more cases of bullying.

Since then, the school began to receive a facelift and things got much better.

By the time Qibin and I were both in college, long after we had left our hometown, there was no legislation against bullying in schools, but public opinion had begun to pay attention to similar incidents, and there were many civic groups to help victims.

By that time, eight years had passed.

26 Now, eight years later, I live in Beijing and work as an adolescent psychologist.

I’m still considered a strong and lucky person, I survived bullying and am committed to helping more kids who suffer from bullying.

Recently I took a case to help a boy who was bullied out of his depression.

To do this, I had to interview the classmate who bullied him and had been detained in a juvenile detention center.

I went to the juvenile detention center and made an appointment to be accompanied by one of the juvenile delinquency specialists there.

It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I stood in the shade, waiting for the juvenile delinquency specialist.

Not long after, I heard someone call my name from behind me.

“Hi, Yuano.

” I turned around and saw Qi Bin after eight years.

It’s been a long time.

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