How horrible can relationships be in a college girl’s dorm room?

How horrible can relationships be in a college girl’s dorm room?

1 In my junior year of college, I had an abortion.

I rented a house off campus to recuperate.

I still went to class every day, but I couldn’t listen to much, and when I closed my eyes, it was the unformed fetus.

The doctor reassured me that at this stage, it wasn’t quite a life.

I don’t know if that’s true or not.

But, it just felt.

I had abandoned my child.

The father of the child is my senior.

He was an irrelevant passerby since he was with another woman.

I had just had an abortion at that time and didn’t tell anyone.

Lying in the dormitory, it was so hard that I was dying.

Physically, mentally, all over.

My roommate was on the phone, smiling and laughing, and on the other end of the line was the father of my dead child.

She was calling me specifically to hear …… what to take care of after the surgery, and no one could teach me.

I downloaded some recipes from the Internet, and also made an appointment for on-line counseling with a psychiatrist.

But, nothing works, all night long insomnia, as soon as I close my eyes, I feel a pair of children’s eyes, in the dark, peering at me.

Not fear, yes, self-blame and powerlessness.

Late one night, 2am.

I had a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and struggled to get up to go to the hospital for a checkup.

On my way downstairs, I saw a middle-aged man, feeding stray cats.

He was my next door neighbor.

I wanted to ask him for help, but, instead, saw an unbelievable scene.

The feral cat, eating what he fed it, shook its limbs and fell to the ground.

At his feet, there was a mouthful of sacks.

Inside, several fainting cats.

I hesitated and didn’t say anything.

Forcing back the sharp pain in my lower abdomen, I hobbled out of there.

I lay in the hospital all night.

The lining of my uterus had fallen out and there was a lot of blood, but nothing serious, and I took some medicine and got much better.

At dawn, I took the medicine prescribed by the hospital and went back to the neighborhood.

When I passed by a corner, I realized that some people had gathered.

A child was screaming and the mother was covering the child’s eyes.

There weren’t many people gathered during office hours, so I glanced over.

It was a burlap bag, oozing blood.

A security guard, with a branch, rattled the opening of the sack.

There, inside, were all the broken pieces of a cat, shapeless, a bloody mess.

2 I think I discovered the uncle next door, an unspeakable fetish.

However, I really don’t have the strength to think about these things.

Returning home, lying on the bed, I almost immediately passed out.

Only, at that time, I didn’t know that abusing wildcats was just him practicing.

What he really wanted to abuse was people.


3 Speaking of which, I noticed this older man when I first moved here.

Mid to late forties, with a holey muscular body.

Wearing a pair of sunglasses on weekdays, he went out and up and down the stairs with a metal stick in his hand, tapping it on the ground to identify obstacles.

He was a blind man, a, strange blind man.

Even with the guide stick, he walked, faster than any normal person.

I figured it out later – he should have lived in this building for a long time, and in his head, had the entire topography of the place.

What really terrorized me, though, was the next thing that happened.

4 I woke up, and it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Tired, I got up, went out to class, and was about to go downstairs.

In the hallway, there was a kid, clutching a rock in his hand, looking around for something.


The sound of a door opening.

The blind uncle opened the door of his house, his guide stick tapping on the ground, carrying the garbage out the door.

The kid, full of anger, did his best to actually throw the stone at him! The rock, which was hard, flew towards his head.

This time, even an adult, I am afraid that his head will be broken.

I was just about to raise my voice to warn.

But to my dismay, he, dodged it! I almost thought I was blind, but truly saw, he jerked his head sideways, the stone hit the iron door behind him, “BANG!” There was a loud, buzzing sound, and a big chunk of the iron was dented in.

The kid was completely dumbfounded.

Immediately afterward, I saw a scene beyond imagination.

He sidled his ears as if to distinguish some sound.

The kid, panicked, ran, trying to escape.

The next second, the blind uncle, like a silent beast, sprinted.

The speed was so fast that I could barely see his movements.

He rushed behind the child, who was very fat, but was easily scooped up by one of his hands.

The child was still shaking in mid-air several times due to inertia.

The muscles on his body were horribly thick.

“Let go of me! You killed my cat! You’re going to die!” The child cursed as he struggled.

He grabbed the child’s collar and hung him in the air.

Listening to the curses, his face became more gloomy, and he slowly lifted the child up high, the child was strangled by the collar, and because of suffocation, he couldn’t make any sound.

In front of him, is the window of the building.

Half of the child’s body, has been suspended outside the window.

Here, is the fifth floor.

As soon as he let go, the child was afraid that he would directly fall downstairs! 「Hey ……」 I couldn’t help but stop him with my voice.

He froze for a moment, then withdrew his arm and lowered the child.

The child kept coughing and he patted the child’s head.

“Be naughty again and I’ll tell your parents.

” The kid looked back at him with fear and ran off in a panic.

In the hallway, only the blind man and I were left.

The summer cicadas were clamoring and shaking the sky.

5 “You …… are not blind?

” I hesitated and asked him.

He was silent for a while and took off his sunglasses.

Showed in front of my eyes, is a large area of light red eye white.

As well as, a diseased and shriveled lens.

Like a broken glass ball.

I’ve heard of this kind of lesion.

Basically, total blindness.

I said I was sorry and turned around, ready to go downstairs as well.

“Cats, they abandon their young.

” Suddenly, he said.

I turned back, and he was still standing there, on the floor, was the garbage bag he had knocked over.

Inside, there were some bloody cat hairs.

“Not every cat …… is like this?

” “The ones that have abandoned their pups have a special smell to them.

” He smiled strangely.

The headless words made me a little uneasy.

6 I went downstairs, the child had already run away.

In the summer heat, I remembered something with hindsight, and chills ran down my spine.

He knew every corner of the building.

He had lifted the kid to the window with the real intention of throwing him out.

What I saw was the scene of his attempted murder.


Between classes, I was in the hallway, dialing the police.

Suddenly, there was a bump.

The phone fell out with a heavy thud.

A few girls, laughing and joking, walked away.

They were my roommates.

One of them was the woman who slept with the father.

They heard the commotion, but didn’t look back.

Whether it was unintentional or intentional, I don’t think we need to ask.

“Ah!” Suddenly the girl screamed in pain.

A boy with disheveled hair and squinting sleepless eyes slammed into her shoulder.

She rubbed her arm and gave the boy an indignant look.

“Sorry about that.

” He said, “I’m not walking straight.

” She swallowed back the words she wanted to curse.

8 The boy handed me back my cell phone and I opened it to see that the screen was a little out of whack and it still worked.

“I saw you in the neighborhood.

” He stuck his pockets in, rambling.

His name was Lu Yu, my classmate.

He seldom came to class and was a loner.

Our paths crossed at the end of the semester, when he would ask me to highlight the key points.

He was talking to himself, and I realized that he also lived in that neighborhood.

And, had lived there since freshman year.

“The doctor said I have some problems here, bipolar or something.

” He pointed to his head, “I had to move out.

“What about you?

“he asked me.

I couldn’t answer.

He knew better than to press the issue.

He laid his arms on the railing and looked out in silence.

“If you can’t make it back to the dormitory, you should move early.

” he told me, coldly.


” I stared.

“That blind guy next door to you, I’ve met him a few times, he smells weird.

” “I should say patient’s intuition, he here ……” he pointed to his head, “the problem is much more serious than me.

” “You live alone, be careful.

“9 That evening, I returned home.

When I opened the door, I saw, unexpectedly, that the door next door was open and empty.

The blind man had disappeared.

Some neighbors were talking.

After inquiring around, I realized that during the day, the kid’s parents had come to his door to settle the score.

But the door of his house was open, and no one was there.

He’s been missing all day.

I returned home.

I guessed that he might be hiding from the parents.

Or maybe, he moved away.

No matter what, I don’t need to see this blind man anymore, so my heart is much more stable.

It was very windy outside, and I packed up the clothes on the balcony.

The awning of a house was blowing and rattling.

The stormy night is coming.

10 I remembered what Lu Yu had said and unlocked the living room door.

That night, probably because of all the bad rest I had gotten during this time, I slept exceptionally well.

A thunderstorm was coming, the air was muggy, and the barometric pressure was very low.

Late at night, I was once again awakened by a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, my head was groggy and I was weak.

I struggled to turn over, not even having the strength to get out of bed.

It was pitch black.

Suddenly, I heard a ding-dong sound.

I turned my head and it was a thermos from the living room.

It fell to the floor and rolled to the bedroom door.

The silver-colored thermos refracted the late-night moonlight.

Through the moonlight, I saw the most terrifying scene in my life, in my life.

A hand, probing to the door, picked up the thermos.

11 That hand, picked up the thermos, and then retracted and disappeared by the door.

In the dead, dark living room, there was the sound of light footsteps.

As well as, the thermos, was put back on the table movement.

The hairs on my body exploded in sweat.

Someone, was in my house.

Someone, who doesn’t speak.

12 Who is it?

!!! Whoever it was, one thought flashed frantically through my brain: I was, now, in danger! Careful not to make any noise, I picked up my cell phone and tried to call the police.

But I picked it up only to realize that, probably because I had dropped it in the afternoon, no matter how I tapped it, it wouldn’t open the screen.

Suddenly the bedroom, as a whole, lit up.

The thunderstorm clouds that had been pent up for the whole day, at this moment, furiously flashed up a huge thunder.

Thunder rumbled.

I instantly realized what I was going to do.

Using the sound of thunder to cover my movements, as fast as I could, I unlocked the bedroom door! At least, the time it took the man to break down the door was long enough for me to yell out the window for help! It had to be quick!13 Getting out of bed, padding and sprinting, my hand, about to reach the door.

My heart was beating wildly.

At that moment, I realized that I had forgotten one thing.

The sound of thunder, at the same time, obscured the sound of the man’s footsteps.

A bolt of lightning streaked across the window.

It lit up the whole bedroom.

I saw a pale man, standing in the doorway.

It was him.

The blind man who lived next door to me.

13 Trying to close the door, it was too late.

He had already stepped inside the door, right in front of me.

With one hand, he touched the wall and walked along it.

In his other hand, he grasped a meat cleaver.

On top of that, there was a small discharge of blood trough.

I even stopped breathing, and the immense fear of it, made me stay there completely.

The sound of thunder diminished.

He sidled his ears, ears, toward the space inside the bedroom.

He moved forward noiselessly.

I dared not make any noise, the smallest margin, sidestepped, extremely slowly.

My back, wet with sweat, leaned gently against the wall.

He, and I were on the wrong side of each other.

I didn’t dare to breathe at all, for fear of making any sound.

He walked silently towards my bed and came to the head of it.

It was at this point that I noticed the strangeness.

He, pausing for a moment, lifted his foot and stepped over the small trash can on the floor.

It was strange, he was obviously blind.

Why …… would he know the topography of my house?

Moreover, I obviously locked the door, how did he get in …… Suddenly, I remembered the neighbors talking, he disappeared for a whole day.

In an instant, a chill ran down my spine.

He wasn’t missing.

He was hiding in my house.

My eyes widened in horror as I stared at his silhouette.

He raised the gouging knife high in the air, the muscles in his arms, the veins popping eerily.

There was a violent thumping sound.

That was where I had just been lying.

That knife, plunged down with force.

Even the floor seemed to vibrate.

That knife, empty.

He lifted his head suspiciously and turned his ear sideways.

He was listening.

I leaned against the wall, in the dark, not daring to make any movement.

In my head, I clearly remembered that the kid had fled not two steps, and he pounced instantly on the sound, like a vicious tiger.

If I make a sound, I’m dead.

15 How long has it been?

Time flows away minute by minute.

The dark bedroom was deathly silent.

His hand fumbled on the bed for a while and straightened up.

Suddenly, he placed the tip of the knife, and gently disliked the wall.

He, began to move along the wall.

He, was looking for me.

16 I couldn’t stop my legs from going weak, and I knew that I had to be calm at a time like this.

But fear overcame everything, and my mind went blank.

Outside the window, there was a sudden huge flash of white light.

Another huge thunder boomed.

The thunder sobered me up a little, and my brain, like a violent grasp for a life-saver.

The voice! As long as he couldn’t hear it, he was a blind man after all! The thunder was still rumbling.

Without hesitation, I moved at once, padding on my toes, and exited the bedroom.

The tip of his knife cut through the wall I had just leaned against.

The thunder was already far away, and I stopped in a cold sweat.

Lucky for me, tonight was the night of the thunderstorm.

17 The thunder had completely diminished and disappeared.

It was still an aisle away, from the living room.

I knew that I only had to wait for one more thunder.

With the cover of the thunder, I could escape.

I want to escape! But …… he stopped too.

His hand, touched the wall.

On it, there was sweat that I had stuck on it.

My legs, couldn’t stop trembling.

Bean sweat, from the forehead across.

I was totally unaware of it, and only heard it crashing on the floor.

In this dead night, it shattered crisply.

For a moment, there was only one thought in my head.

“Run!” 18 I stepped on the ground with my bare feet and rushed frantically towards the living room.

The sharp pain in my lower abdomen seemed to disappear.

I knew that this was my survival instinct at work.

Every organ, every muscle, was working frantically to keep me alive.

There was a sound approaching.

I sidestepped almost instinctively.

The knife came from behind and grazed my shirt.

I lost my balance and fell to the ground, tumbling out.

Subconsciously, I touched my stomach, there was no wound, just a graze on my shirt.

He lunged at me again.

I didn’t have time to catch my breath, scrambling to my feet.

It was right in front of me, the gate was right in front of me! I shouted defiantly that there was a burglar! while rushing towards the door.

It was like a gale rolling in.

My hand just reached the doorknob.

I felt a huge force clamp down on my throat.

My throat was pinched so hard that I couldn’t make any more sound.


Consciousness gradually blurred.

I was dragged backward and watched helplessly as the doorknob moved farther and farther away from me.

19 I awoke from my stupor, and in the darkness, was his back.

Here …… is the bathroom of my house.

My limbs, all tied.

Between the upper and lower jaws, a circle of cloth is strangled, strangled deeply.

In the mouth, there is the smell of blood.

The sound of tiny noises.

I slowly adjusted to seeing in the dark.

The blind man, on the floor, with a plastic sheet.

I’d seen it in movies, that way, to facilitate the disposal of blood.

I struggled in terror, my mouth strangled, making only whimpering slurred sounds.

He heard me waking up.

Moving over, he lowered his head, sniffing something softly.

“I smelled this the first day I saw you.

” he said.


“It’s your fault.

” he murmured.

‘You smell like you’ve abandoned a pup.’

‘ I shook my head desperately, trying to back away, but I couldn’t move.

The knife in his hand, aimed at my stomach, the sharp stabbing pain through my clothes.

“You’re just a cat, you’re not human.

” “You’re just a bigger cat ……” Help …… Help me …… I cried helplessly.

In the living room, there were suddenly several knocks on the door.

20 “At home or not.

” The careless voice was Lu Yu.

That blind man, like a statue, fell into absolute silence.

My pupils shrunk slightly.

I knew that this was the only chance I had if I wanted to survive.

I frantically struggled up, any movement, so that Lu Yu could hear any movement would do! However, that blind man pressed down on my body with one hand.

My weak struggles and muffled cries were weak and unheard through the door.

Finally, I struggled and felt my backside, leaning against the toilet.

A launching point was found.

With all the strength I could muster, I pushed against him hard, slamming into his calf.

He lost his balance and staggered down toward the sink.

But a violent glare.

It made me completely desperate.

A huge thunderclap that rang through the sky.

He crashed into the sink, and the cosmetics on the sink fell.

Those movements that were made were completely covered up by the roaring thunder.

21 The thunder rumbled away.

Outside the living room, there was no longer the sound of Lu Yu.

The blind man braced himself.

I saw on his face, a weird smile.

There’s no one left to save me.

22 “Boom!” Suddenly, outside the living room, the sound of a slamming door.

It was Lu Yu kicking the door with his foot, with anger.

Bipolar disorder.

I’ve never liked this disease so much.

The sound of kicking the door continued.

The blind man, did not speak.

He stood up in silence, placed his hands on the wall and walked along it.

He went in the direction of the living room, carrying a knife.

23 Lu Yu.

I hadn’t crossed paths with him much, except, for the scratching at the end of each semester.

The rumor I’d heard about him was that he’d punched a roommate.

Because that roommate made up a yellow story about some girl, he broke that roommate’s nose without saying a word.

That girl, wasn’t it me.

The rumor is so old, I can’t remember.

But I didn’t want anything to happen to him.

I struggled, shifting myself on the floor.

Gasping for breath, I finally poked my head out the door.

A pair of rain-soaked shoes stopped in front of me.

Lifting my head, it was Lu Yu.

24 On Lu Yu’s body, there were no traces of a fight.

On his face, there was only shock and bewilderment.

It s not right …… Since it was the blind man who opened the door for him, why, that blind man has lost his sight.

I looked ahead, creeped out.

In the living room, the open door, gradually closed.

Revealing the figure that the blind man had been hiding behind the door.

He had deliberately let Lu Yu in.

I struggled desperately, signaling Lu Yu.

He reacted instantly and made a turn.

The blind man had already rushed over, and the knife slashed into his abdomen.

25 The blade was less than a few centimeters from Lu Yu’s abdomen.

The blind man’s hand was clutched tightly by Lu Yu.

I could hear the muscles of the two people, trembling because of the tautness.

Suddenly, Lu Yu tilted his head up, and then, heavily hit the blind man’s nose.

The blow finally dislodged the blind man’s hand.

The knife fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Without stopping, Lu Yu yanked the blind man towards himself, the blind man’s lower abdomen, right into his knee.

Lu Yu’s face was full of violence, like a maddened beast.

A series of knee strikes, each with a muffled sound.

But suddenly, the blind man reached out and grabbed Lu Yu’s neck.

Lu Yu lost his balance and was pushed by the blind man’s brute force, hitting his head hard against the wall.

Lu Yu shook his body and barely managed to stand.

Yet again, he was instantly grabbed by the head and hit one after another.

26 A lot of blood, splattered on the floor in front of me.

I frantically twisted my body, and finally, my fingers, reached the knife that fell on the floor.

The knife was aimed at the rope and rubbed hard.

Several times, the tip of the knife grazed the skin, sharp pain.

Faster, faster! Suddenly, I felt my entire wrist loosen.

With a hard yank, I wrenched the rope from my hand.

I sat up and slit the ropes around my ankles as hard as I could.

Staggering to my feet, I tried to help.

I looked up, but all I saw was Lu Yu’s body, unconscious and weak, falling to the ground.

The blind man, covered in blood, stood there.

He turned his ears sideways.

The sound of me staggering to my feet, he heard.

He knew where I was.

I gripped the knife in my hand.

27 Suddenly, he lurched forward.

My heart almost beat wildly until it exploded, and the knife, in my hand, lurched forward.

He didn’t duck.

I saw him raise an arm, and the sharp blade, under inertia, went straight into his arm.

I felt like I had been hit head-on by a car, and my whole body fell out and tumbled to the ground.

My ears buzzed.

I raised my head with difficulty as he pulled out the knife on his arm, dripping with the blood streaming from his arm, and walked towards me.

Not far away, Lu Yu fell to the ground, blood gushing under his head, nowhere to be seen.

I watched in despair as the blind man, came closer and closer.

It was over.

28 “Mom, are you sorry?

” Suddenly, he said.


A huge bolt of lightning exploded in the sky.

As if it had completely blown apart the shaky cumulus clouds, the furious rainstorm roared down.

The downstairs awning was rattled by the torrential rain.

The blind man, visibly froze.

Almost at the same time, my heart raced.

The sound of rain.

It’s coming!29 He grabbed his knife and lunged wildly toward me.

I got up with all my strength and rolled to avoid it.

The knife stabbed down hard, but it just knocked against the ground and crumbled into a gaping hole.

Without hesitation, he immediately took the knife and swung it in a sweeping motion.

However, the blade cut through nothing but air.

I was sweating profusely, and through the sound of the rain, I had already ducked away.

The torrential rain was still pouring.

Barefoot and padding, I exit the aisle to the living room.

30 The blind man, with his ears turned sideways.

The torrential rain poured down with nothing but endless noise.

He tapped his ear hard, but only in vain.

He could hear nothing.

Without sound, he was just blind.

31 I glanced at the gate, less than two steps away.

Now, rush out, knock on every door, wake up every sleeping person.

He’d be totally screwed.

32 My hand reached the doorknob.


” Suddenly, he said.

“I’m going to count to three.

” he said.

He dropped to his knees, grabbed Lu Yu’s head, and aimed the knife at Lu Yu’s neck.

He turned his ears sideways, listening.

“Let me hear your voice.

” The tip of the knife dug into the skin of Lu Yu’s neck and oozed blood.

Lu Yu was unconscious, one finger, faintly throbbing.



“……33 “I’m here.

” I said.

He laughed.


“I’m here!” He turned his ear sideways and got my bearings.

“Move away from the door.

” “Okay.

” I promised him and took a few hard steps.

“You’re just stepping in place.

” He turned wary.

At this distance now, I could have opened the door and rushed out.

However, the knife in Lu Yu …… his hand entered a little bit more of Lu Yu’s skin.

I gritted my teeth and took a few steps back.

The rainstorm is still cathartic, and the manic noise that fills the room.

“Put on your shoes.

” “What?

” “Put on your shoes, near the basement, heels.

” I realized, he wanted to make sure, he could hear my footsteps.

I had no choice but to bend down and pick up my shoes and put them on.

Again, on the floor, taking a few steps, for him to hear.

“I’m far enough away from the door to let him go.

” “Not enough.

” He said, “The table.


“Take the table in the living room and push it to the door.”

“Okay ……” I followed his instructions and pushed the table, which creaked and blocked the door.

Now, the only way out was blocked.

The only thing I could pray for was that the noisy commotion would wake the occupants downstairs.

He straightened up and stumbled.

Frowning, he covered his lower abdomen.

I saw some blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, which he swallowed back.

It was probably a few of Lu Yu’s knee strikes from earlier that had hit his organs.

“If you call for help, he won’t survive.

” he said.

He grabbed one of Lu Yu’s hands and dragged it across the floor towards me.

He was cautious.

The injured organs and the need to drag an adult body made him walk slowly.

Presumably, he expected that I was completely out of options.

I glanced at Lu Yu.

His face was pale, and he was being dragged, on the ground, dragging out long trails of blood.

My fingernails, pinched the flesh of my palms.

Forcing myself to be calm.

Brain running desperately.

I want to live.

I want to take Lu Yu and escape together.


“The blind man’s voice.

“Why did you abandon me?

” I froze.

What the hell did he mean when he kept saying these weird things?

He questioned, dragging Lu Yu, towards me.

“Why did you stick cigarettes in my eyes.

“Why never come back to see me.

“Gradually, I understood.

He was once a child abandoned by his mother.

“I’m sorry. ……” “I don’t want to hear you say sorry, I want to hear you scream.


“A violent flash of light and a thunderclap broke through the sky.

He didn’t know.

It was the thunder I was waiting for! The heels, which I hadn’t quite gotten into, had been quietly removed from my spot.

The thunder exploded.

I stomped hard into the ground, toward him, and sprinted wildly.

The thunder muffled all sound.

He felt the oncoming wind and subconsciously tried to raise his arms, but it was too late.

“Dang!” In my hand, I grabbed the thermos.

Almost with all my strength, I slammed it heavily on the location of his lower abdomen.

There, was his injured organ.

He was brought down by my inertia and fell heavily.

I also lost my balance, and one of my knees knocked into the ground, hurting into my bones.

As he struggled to get up, I pounced, grabbed the thermos, aimed it at his lower abdomen, and slammed it down hard again; in the darkness, it was as if a pair of children’s eyes were peering at me.

Strangely enough, at this time, what I remember is Lu Yu.

[In the afternoon, the broken cell phone.

] [He said: you live alone, be careful.

] [The thermos cup is raised and falls heavily.

Once, twice; [In the corridor in the afternoon, Lu Yu turns to go and suddenly turns back.

]【He said: you don’t think nonsense, then you won’t lose sleep.

]【How do you know ……】【He pointed to his head and smiled: patient’s intuition.

]At the last blow, even the floor seemed to vibrate.

The thermos cup dislodged and fell out; [Outside the corridor, cumulus clouds rolled in.

Lu Yu rambles on, sticking his pockets in.

][In a low voice, I told him that when I closed my eyes, in the darkness, there was a pair of children’s eyes, peering at me.

][That sight pierced me through the heart.

][An la.

He was silent for a long time, and said this: the child sees that you blame yourself, and does not blame you.

]Thunderstorm night at home.

I was completely dislocated, shaking my body, nearly collapsed.

The blind man underneath me, unmoving, large mouthfuls of blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

The pair of diseased eyes, probably from many years ago, had lost their focus.

37 I was weak and panting helplessly.


” Suddenly, my wrist, was grabbed.

The blind man, grabbing my wrist.

I tried to break away, but I could no longer exert any strength.

I was yanked by him and fell on top of him.

Neck, it felt like it was being held in a big hand.

But he, like me, had no strength left.

That hand, merely strangled my neck painfully.

After a long time, he let go of his hand.

His limp fingers, unwillingly, lifted and touched my eyes.

It was damp.

I heard him, in a weak voice, questioning me.

“Mother …… is it your sweat, or are you crying.

” “It’s tears.

” I didn’t deny it.

He slowly dropped his hand and his whole body, weakly, spread out on the floor.

“Thank you.

” he said.

38 …… I found his cell phone in Lu Yu’s pocket and called the police.

By the time the police came to the door, the rainstorm had subsided a lot.

Lu Yu was sent to the ambulance, he is still alive, only, brain trauma, a moment will not wake up.

I was taken back to the police station and did many rounds of statements.

The blind man, whose organs were severely ruptured, had a night’s surgery to save his life.

There were many more things and charges waiting for him.

A few days later, the policeman who took my statement, told me the result of the investigation.

That blind man, at a very young age, had healthy eyes.

His mom, when he was very young, left with a businessman.

He kept chasing him out, crying and screaming.

His mom, in a fit of desperation, locked him up in his old house.

She blinded him with a lighted cigarette.

That woman, with her empty skin, was not well educated.

She just thought that this way, the kid would never be able to haunt him again.

She did, and then the boy survived, grew up, tried to find her, but there was no trace of her.

That’s probably why, growing up, he began to hate, all women who had abandoned their children.

Another thing, the policeman who gave me a statement, told me.

He took statements from the neighbors, too.

That night of the thunderstorm, several families, to varying degrees, heard movement coming from my house.

But the rainstorm slammed into the awning and muffled the sounds that followed, so that, they didn’t pay much attention to it.

In other words, that night, without resistance, I would not have been able to wait for help.

Without resistance, I would not have survived.

39 A few weeks later, I got a call from Lu Yu.

He woke up, only, seriously injured, within a month, could not get out of bed.

However, I was no better, bandaged and wounded.

We asked about each other’s condition.

“Why did you come to my house that day?

” coldly, I asked.

“Because I had a seizure, I couldn’t sleep and wanted to talk to someone.

” No wonder, he always talks to me about intuition among patients.

「Then later, you started kicking the door ……」「One of the symptoms of bipolar disorder is the tendency to fantasize.

“What kind of fantasies?

“Fantasies that you were in danger.”

“I heard him chuckle on the other end of the line, “I thought I was still in a fantasy when I walked in the door and saw you tied up there.

” “Get a good cure for what ails you.

” I was on the porch, chatting with him in one way or another.

The railing, washed by the rainstorm, was much cleaner than before.

I suddenly felt that there were familiar footsteps and turned around.

It was that roommate of mine, and the man she had slept with.

They were holding hands, and the man was rubbing his arm in pain as I turned and bumped into him.

He looked a little flustered, and like he didn’t know why I suddenly had so much strength.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know where I’m going,” I said, patting his shoulder.

” I patted him on the shoulder, “Now, later, all the time.

” I typed and walked away, making a date with Lu Yu to see him after class. -end Egg: Before and After Thunderstorm Night 1 There was one thing that I told Lu Yu when I got to the hospital.

Another reason why I moved out.

“It’s being ostracized, right?

” Before I could say anything, Lu Yu spoke the answer for me.

He was eating an apple I peeled, lying on the hospital bed like a young lord.

The bandaged kind, though.

“How do you know again.

“Fuck, you’re the only one in the dorm who keeps to himself. Am I blind?”

“2 That was before the night of the thunderstorm.

I had just had an abortion and didn’t tell anyone.

I was lying in the dormitory, so sick I was going to die.

Physically and mentally.

The roommate, talking on the phone, smiling and laughing, on the other end of the line, was the father of my dead child.

She was calling me specifically.

She wants to kick me out, I know it.

And the reason, you say?

Probably because I’ve never dared to resist.

There’s something addictive about bullying.

During that time, her tactics intensified.

Late at night, I came back from the floor’s public restroom, and found the dormitory door locked from the inside, alone, only in the downstairs bench, sitting until dawn; and in the drawer, suddenly appeared lizard corpses; thermos cups, finished hot water, the bottom of the cups have lizard severed limbs.

After vomiting, fighting fear from the bottom of my heart.

…… I moved out, saying it was for a retreat, but in fact it was to hide.

Cowardice in the bone, only want to get to hide.

3 until, the night of the thunderstorm.

That night, the rainstorm had been raining.

My home, the ground, the wall, everywhere is blood.

Lu Yu was unconscious on the floor, and the blind man didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

I was the only one still awake.

There was still some time before the police came to my door, and I sat on the floor, hijacked, gasping for breath, looking at the two of them.

Then I heard a voice, coming from the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, on the bed, the broken cell phone, the screen lit up.

It finally turned on, a disordered display, but still able to make out the image on it.

There was a message, a few hours ago, from that housemate of mine.

On her social media account, she posted a picture of her ennui.

The text read, “He said he finally met the right person.

” and a snickering emoji.

Etched a few people, which, among others, included me.

I guess she was hoping to hurt me again, to make me hurt, to make me feel inferior, to make me suffer.

Except, on that night, I stood in my blood-stained home.

Looking at the heartfelt words, thinking about the logic behind her.

Inside, it was peaceful.

For the first time, I felt that it was quite childish and ridiculous.

5 I peeled an apple for Lu Yu, and he listened to me.

“By the way, that house of yours, you can’t live in it.

” he said.

“Well, I’m going to move back to the dormitory.

“When it was time to visit, I put down my apple and said goodbye to Lu Yu.


“He suddenly called out to me, “Why don’t you come stay at my place?

“I was stunned.

Is he worried about me?

“It’s okay.

“I smiled, “Now, it’s the girls who are afraid of me.

“I’ll go and have a chat with the guy …… Well, during my manic episodes ……” he rambled on, “But then, people, well, they always have to be in happy environments… .” “You’re a manic-depressive, don’t tell me to be happy, right?

” I picked up my bag to leave.

His eyes, always on me.

I sighed.

“…… Where are the keys to your house?

” “Doorway, fire cabinet, bottom crevice.

“How long do you want me to stay?

“I don’t know, it could be a long time.

“Lu Yu said, “When I get out of the hospital, I’ll take care of you.


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