How trustworthy is women’s intuition?

How trustworthy are women’s intuition?

One night in November, while I was traveling, my husband sent me a picture of himself after a shower.

In the photo, he was topless and the camera was pointed at the mirror on the vanity.

While he was showing off his body to me, I was keenly aware that my little black bottle had changed places, from the top of the shelf to the bottom.

What was he doing with a girl’s skincare product when he was a grown man?

I suspected that there was a woman in the house, but it was impossible to rush back at that time, and I didn’t want to start a panic, and, what if I guessed wrong?

In mid-December, I traveled again and intentionally came back early to see him not at home, so I called him, he said and buddies in the bar, I went directly to the bar we often go to.

He was indeed with his buddies, sitting in a booth by the window, his buddies were cranking it up, and he was cuddling and nibbling with his ‘best sister’! Standing behind the wine rack foyer in the entryway, listening to them loudly cajoling, I was shaking with anger, all my cells screaming: go for it, go for it! Tear this bunch of assholes apart!1 My husband’s name is Zhang Di, and he was my first love.

I’m not the kind of girl who is very beautiful. Before Zhang Di, no one had ever chased me.

When Zhang Di chased me, I surface reserved, but inside with a small celebration and gratitude, only pretending to hesitate for a night to agree.

He wasn’t a handsome boy either.

I thought it was safer to be ugly and not flaunt it outside.

We were soon together.

I was so nice to him, I knew he had a girl of the month, his first love, and I’d seen pictures of her, and she did look better than me.

It was the one he was nibbling on! For more than a year, the white moonlight and her nth boyfriend broke up, looking for Zhang Di crying.

Zhang Di this ten thousand years of spare tire, every day please eat and drink to comfort her, although I heart uncomfortable, but Zhang Di swear, told me to believe that his character, that white moonlight is now just his “sister”.

White moonlight is a mouth a “sister-in-law”, a moment of admiration for my talent, a moment to praise me is the industry elite, a moment to say that I have the art of Royal husband, said Zhang Di on how much better …… rainbow farts one after another, boasted that I believe in the truth.

In addition, the white moonlight is really beautiful, and Zhang Di stood together, live a flower in the cow dung, gradually, I lose guard against them.

Last month when the license, Bai Yueguang also specially invited us to dinner, wishing us a white head to old age, saying that the most fortunate thing is to know me as a sister-in-law through Zhang Di! Nowadays …… what is this?

! After I calmed down, I took out my cell phone and “snapped” the scene of them hugging and nibbling.

Everything has to talk about evidence, even if the divorce, even if it goes to court, who claims who gives evidence, I have to present something.

Coming out of this bar, I went to the next bar, found a spot where I could see this side of the door, and ordered a whiskey on the rocks.

An hour or so later, that pair of dogs and men hugged and got into the same cab, I followed, actually saw them back to my and Zhang Di’s residence! This is the house we bought specifically for our wedding, and we just moved in less than six months ago.

This was a naked insult! I sat in the cab, nails deep into the meat, eyes staring raw pain, the mind is full of rushing up to hand tear bitch, or catch adultery in bed scene …… However, reason tells me: this time hand tear, the result is no more than a simple divorce, no half damage to them, and even possible, these two people united to beat me up! These days, the social news version, the original mate to catch adultery, the husband together with the junior to the original mate to beat up the matter is not less?

“Miss, are you getting off?


“I reported the name of a nearby hotel, I need to think about what to do next, what is their weakness.

A few minutes later, Zhang Di’s call came through.

I looked at the word ‘Husband’ on the caller ID and remembered the suitcase I left in the living room when I came back, I quickly rubbed my face and took a deep breath before picking up the phone – “Honey, where are you?

Are you back?

I just got back from the bar, I’m drunk.

” His voice was full of exhaustion, faking it.

“I’m back at the paper, there’s a problem with the feature, everyone’s working overtime, I don’t know what time I’ll be busy!” I held back my nausea, my tone grumpy, “Hey, let’s not talk about it, it’s annoying! This work is not over yet!” I’ll wait for you,” Zhang Di hung up.

“Zhang Di hung up the phone.

I smiled coldly.

Waiting for me?


You want to sleep with the white moonlight?

How many times has this happened before?

They were shocked to see the suitcases when they came in just now, weren’t they?

I bought the house! I bought the house, why should I be the one to sleep in the hotel?

Why should I be the one to sleep in a hotel? I want them to pay me back for all the grievances I’ve suffered today! That night, I was completely sleepless, and I kept calculating ……3 Early the next morning, I was washing up.

Zhang Di called me, meat asked me to work done?

He said that he was heartbroken and loved me, and told me to hurry home and rest after I was busy.

I rolled my eyes in the mirror and itched to ask him, “Have you washed the sheets?

Has the room been ventilated?

The smell is still there”, hold back and then replied, “just finished, and colleagues to eat a breakfast on the return.

“At 10:00 a.m., I returned to the neighborhood.

The first thing to do is not to go home, but to the neighborhood management office.

I lied that my home had been burglarized and asked for the CCTV of our floor.

The little sister of the property management knew me, took me to the monitoring room, but also specially even a computer for me.

I had already made a list of the last six months of business trips on the first night, and sat in front of the computer to find them one by one.

Those two people, really shameless, every time before entering the door, they have already hugged and nibbled.

Our neighborhood surveillance video retention time is three months, I was in the three-month time period, looking for four video of them hugging and chewing into the door.

Paralyzed, to screw to screw outside! I took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, and quickly used a small USB flash drive to copy those segments down.

[The second thing before going home.

The] battlefield was cleaned up, all the windows that could be opened were opened, the bedding was neatly folded, and there was no trash in the trash can halfway through the day.

My suitcase was packed, dirty clothes thrown in the washing machine, clean clothes hanging in the closet.

If I hadn’t witnessed what happened last night, I’m afraid I would have continued to think that I had found a man who truly loved and was considerate of me.

I sat on the couch, casually picked up the iPad that was sitting on the arm of the couch, and [opened WeChat].

This man, because he likes to ‘eat chicken’ (play the game ‘Peace Elite’), WeChat is always logged in.

I first looked at his [Chat Records] with White Moonlight.

The deletion is not clean, but very smart, the words do not have any ambiguity, that is, the time and place of the normal dinner date, and all I will attend.

I snorted coldly, open [“me” – “payment” – “wallet” – “bill”], the so-called a hundred secrets and one slip, above every expense from WeChat out of the clear.

Sending red envelopes is a daily routine, big and small.

Then there is the hotel, looking at the time and price should be the bell room; the love store, I do not know what to buy; and shopping malls, florists, dessert stores of the numerous expenses …… these two people, quite frequent.

I didn’t take a screenshot, but took a picture with my cell phone so as not to leave a mark on my iPad.

It was the last thing to do [open the speculation software].

I am a financial reporter, and a lot of big shots in the circle are familiar, and I have made a lot of money after them in the past few years, especially in the stock market.

I taught Zhang Di how to speculate in the stock market.

His account passwords are all I applied for, he did not change the password to facilitate my occasional help him operate, I pulled the running account out of the phone to record a video.

He and I didn’t have a wedding, but legally, it was a real couple.

I don’t want his money, but I don’t want my money to be counted by him either! It’s good to talk about pre-marital property, but it’s not really good to talk about these six months after the wedding.

With these two running water is different, we each manage our own finances, the vast majority of his income in the stock market, the other part, WeChat payment bill shows clearly, spent on the white moonlight it! It’s funny, I’ve been with him for two years, and the expenses of living together basically cost me money.

I’m not the kind of person who has a boyfriend, you have to let the boyfriend to support me, my family’s family education is: [women’s economic independence, the marriage is the bottom.

】 And real life, many times is: 【Men spend money on who will love who a little more, men heartache money, will be heartbroken women.

]4 3 p.m., Zhang Di called me.

One is to ask me if I rested well, and the other is to ask me to have dinner outside in the evening, saying that I have worked hard on my “business trip + overtime” and that I need to be treated well.

“Who else is there?

“I asked, pretending to be casual.

“Just yesterday I had a drink with my brothers, so I’m not calling them today.

“Zhang Di thought for a moment, “Zhou Yue said she hadn’t seen you for a long time.

“Zhou Yue is the white moonlight.

I’ve got a gift for her.” I smiled and said, “You’re welcome to join us.

“I smiled and said, “You can’t say anything in advance, or the surprise will be gone!” Zhang Di agreed and asked me why I didn’t buy him a gift.

I despised him in my heart, but the smile on my lips didn’t diminish: “Of course I did, I’ll give it to you tonight! It’s your favorite.

“Zhang Di kissed him twice on the other side of the microphone.

I used to enjoy such intimate gestures, but now I just feel disgusted.

Zhang Di told me to rest for a while, see you tonight.

How dare I rest?

Every cell in my body was burning with the fire inside me.

I “shoo” stand up, first to “run the public security mouth” of the girlfriend called a phone, in a few words to say things, I need to listen to, asked her in addition to a treasure, where else can buy, immediately immediately want.

She said Electronic City and gave me the name of a store.

I said thank you.

Girlfriend “hey” called me: “Shengnan, I can remind you, listening to this matter is illegal, with this way to obtain evidence, the court does not accept.

“I know, once caught, the circumstances are minor, the Public Security Administration Law, less than 5 days of detention or a fine of less than 500 yuan, and heavy on the Criminal Law.

” I said, “Do not worry, will not spread, not to mention stupid to do evidence, I will be very careful not to be found, I just want to see Zhang Di in the end is a man or a ghost! My girlfriend reminded me again to be careful: a fine is a small matter, leaving a record is a big matter.

I “hmm”, flew to take a shower, change clothes, and put on makeup ……5 The place to eat hot pot is the one we often go to.

I gave White Moonlight a brand A lipstick, and with a handmade lipstick, the monitor is affixed to the bottom of the inner tube of the handmade lipstick.

I told her that the handmade lipstick was handmade by me, and when I traveled, I had half a day to spare, so I learned to make a few in the store.

Bai Yueguang hugged my arm, rubbed and rubbed, a strong praise I can do, not only can speculate, but also handy, even lipstick can do.

As for the A brand lipstick, she obviously preferred it, her eyes glittered, saying that she just didn’t have that color number, and praising me for being open and atmospheric.

Zhang Di watched from the side and pretended to be jealous, saying that I treat White Moonlight better than I treat him.

“That is natural, I am better looking than you!” Bai Yueguang glanced at him petulantly, “If Sister Shengnan was a boy, I would definitely take the initiative to pursue her!” Zhang Di smiled and ordered, ticking off the menu.

I glanced a few times.

How can I say this?

A lot of details, when one person trusts another person, will not be found; but when the trust collapses, every detail is suspicious.

When Zhang Di hooked the dishes, the first ones he hooked were White Moonlight’s favorites, then his favorites, and finally the ones I loved.

I cursed myself for being stupid once upon a time, an existence like White Moonlight shouldn’t be taken lightly at all.

Halfway through the hot pot, Zhang Di and Bai Yueguang had a conversation and asked me what I gained from this business trip.

The New Year is approaching, is there any good stock recommendation?

This is the daily topic, every time and a group of them dinner, the most talked about is the stock, basically I told them to buy what they buy, they buy what, but also basically can earn.

This time, I did not immediately answer.

I said to study it, buy a common, and the market is flat meaningless, have to find a bull, hard to earn a sum of money.

The two men smiled.

I am also smiling.

I am not a good man, don t expect me to help you guys make money after being green.6 The gift to Zhang Di was a L family money clip, which was more than two grades higher than his previous money clip.

“I thought you just remembered Zhou Yue, see you treat her better than me.

” Zhang Di sat next to me, beautifully swapping various cards from the old money clip to the new one.

“How could I?

” I peeled the orange, thinking that I TM really guilty before, mouth smiling, “but not for your face, to be frank, also want to give you a fight.

I just want to tell her, without her, you are just as good, and can live a better life!” Zhang Di was sitting a little behind me, and I could clearly feel him looking at me.

If it was before, I would have thought that he was touched by me again, but now, I just felt ridiculous.

What he was thinking was “fool”! There is no such thing as being touched or being touched in this world. Most of the time, what we think is touched is just self-touched.

“Shengnan, you’re so good to me!” He hugged me from behind.

I felt sick and dirty.

I’m not a germaphobe. Before I was a friend, it didn’t matter to me how many women he had, but now that we’re a couple and he’s screwing around, I feel dirty.

I gave him half of the peeled orange and urged him to eat it and go take a shower.

He may have misunderstood, three or two bites of the orange finished, said “immediately immediately wash fragrant, for the wife”, I smiled, slowly and methodically finished the other half of the orange, and then stuffed the pre-prepared wiretap into the money clip.

Now the money clip, in addition to ID card often use, social security card occasionally use, other kinds of cards, bank cards or VIP card also be, not used twice a year, basically is a decoration.

I’m not worried that he will find, even if found, do not recognize is, again, I only intend to eavesdrop for a few days, and when the listener is out of power, randomly find an opportunity to lose the listener.

7The software for the listener is not on the cell phone I use every day.

When I bought the listener on the first day, I bought a second-hand cell phone by the way, looking for the same city express delivery to the newspaper, the recipient is me.

At that time, I never dreamed – the moment I put on the listener, it is the same as pushing down the first dominoes, after that, each domino falls, as if to open a Pandora’s box.

The evil of human nature, like the dragon in the abyss.

Chapter 2 life is dominoes express placed in the newspaper office doorman, I took out the phone, can not wait to come to the small office, put on the headphones.

Surprisingly, White Moonlight actually has a boyfriend, and just so coincidentally, last night, she went to her boyfriend’s place and gave him the lipstick I gave her.

After that there was a big ‘mmmmmmmmmm’ with a pause for chatting.

White Moonlight asks her boyfriend “when he’s going to bring her home” and complains that she’s “never met any of her boyfriend’s friends”.

The boyfriend said frankly that “the family will not agree”, said that the white moonlight is not worthy of him, and also said that like his kind of family, must find a family of the right kind.

I laughed unkindly.

The goddess who was held in the palm of Zhang Di’s hand, in the eyes of the second generation of rich people, it is also an unseemly.

The listener has a positioning, I glanced at the location on the phone, the other side of the city is very famous in a high-grade district, living in people who are not rich or expensive.

The white moonlight cried: “What do you take me for?

I don’t think I’ve ever thought of you as a friend of mine.

I’m dedicated to you, but I didn’t expect you to be such a person! I want to break up!” The rich second generation hurriedly coaxed: “Now is the period of entrepreneurship, outsiders look like scenery, in fact, the annual revenue is only a few million, and compared with the family business, but only one hair.

“He also said that when the business is done, Moonlight is the only woman who shares the same pain and wants to send her a Maserati as a bride price! Maserati! I admit, I am sour, the world loves green tea.

“Your company, when are you going to get up?

“The white moonlight pampering asked.

“Soon, soon, waiting for the wind.

Once the wind is blowing, even pigs can fly to the sky!” The second generation of rich people said, and then a whole lot of best wishes for the future.

At the center of it all is one word: blockchain.

Unfortunately, because of Bitcoin, I have learned about blockchain, and also interviewed domestic blockchain companies, more or less understand a little.

The set of rhetoric of the second generation of rich people, neither gold, nor differentiated advantages, and even the financial concept of ambiguity.

I suspect that the white moonlight has been cheated.

These days, the rich second generation, the family generally attach importance to education, whether it is learning or insight, are much higher than ordinary people, the possibility of entrepreneurship in the field of ineptitude is really too small.

8 The lipstick stays with the rich second generation, and the listener likewise stays there.

I cut the line to Zhang Di’s side, and as soon as he got into the car, he dialed White Moonlight’s phone.

Car Bluetooth.

I listened to the two men’s conversation clearly – “Ugly, every morning I wake up startled, thinking I’m sleeping next to a ghost! Yue’er, your husband relies on you to wash his eyes every day to survive …… The thought of having to live with a witch for a few more years makes my hair tingle, what if I can’t make it?

“I’ll see you at the usual place at noon?”

” White Moonlight ate and laughed, “…… Think of the ugly money, and several houses, good boy, you endure …… I will treat you well later!” Zhang Di “hmm”, tone frivolous, “You know what I like.

” The white moonlight voice is so delicate that it is almost dripping out of water, “Know …… that it is annoying …… that the two people have been teasing.

The fire in the location of my heart, like a volcano, spurted madly! The eyes also hurt like hell.

This is the man I’m going to marry …… with a mouthful of bitches and claiming to be someone else’s husband! My self-respect was stepped into the mud hard at this moment and rubbed repeatedly!9 I called my best friend who ran the public security port, and a few minutes later, she knocked on my office door.

When she opened the door, she was startled: “Why are your eyes red like this?

…… What happened to Zhang Di again?

” I handed her the headset and tuned out the segment in the car.

She was equally furious, cursing “asshole, garbage, scum” and asking me what I was going to do.

What am I going to do?

This is not a simple marriage gui], [think I’m ugly], Zhang Di clearly said that “only a few years of life”, the white moonlight is a direct reminder of him, in order to money and house! That is to say: this marriage was originally a reckoning! My house! My savings! My stock speculation vision! Even my parents’ property! Mom and Dad only have me as a daughter, we have three houses in the old family, two of which are written in my name, and the several houses they are talking about should include these two! I stared at my best friend, who was a few years older than me, and half gritted my teeth, “Sister, help me!” 10 My eyes were so angry and bloodshot that the whites of my eyes were almost invisible, truly horrible.

I ran to the hospital to prescribe a lot of drugs, and then logically became a patient, not to fulfill the obligations of a wife, and sleep on his back every day.

Zhang Di save to see my face, but he is also a very strong desire, the night can not get rid of, every day to find the white moonlight.

Moonlight is very busy, one person to deal with two men.

Sleeping with her is not a problem. The real trouble is that she has to work hard to make herself worthy of the ‘rich second generation’.

She is short of money, lots and lots of money.

She asked Zhang Di more than once also asked me, when can I pick out the bull stock, the best every day stop.

She wanted to cash in a large sum of money before the year, capital injection “rich second generation” of the company, and then take advantage of the New Year, as a partner, but also as a girlfriend, and rich second generation home to meet parents.

Of course, these words could not be given to Zhang Di.

She gave Zhang Di’s version is: the thought of Zhang Di and I married heartache …… she wanted to make a hard money, not for the money to commit themselves …… want Zhang Di early divorce, they are good early name together.

Zhang Di is very touched, that afternoon did not work, and white moonlight in the hotel to hang out, but also call me, said the evening overtime very late back.

I huh da.

Among several people, the busiest is the “rich second generation”.

That is a real “sea king”, in addition to Zhou Yue, there are several ABCD girlfriends.

He is smarter than Zhang Di.

The persona is high, “rich second generation”, “family business”, “entrepreneurial elite”, live in a mansion and drive a luxury car, good at saying sweet words, and generous, as far as I heard in the monitor, every time to send out, either the top skincare products or luxury brands of bags.

His girlfriends have a common goal: to go home to see their parents in the New Year.

Unfortunately, the timing is not favorable! Rich second generation a moment to expand the size of the company, a moment the company tax evasion was investigated, a moment intended to invest in land …… In short, the capital turnover is not working, this time if you bring your girlfriend home, will be criticized.

Some of the girlfriends proposed to the company’s capital injection, become a shareholder, and some directly lend money to the rich second-generation.

The rich second generation promised all the women who intend to get money for him, to bring them home in the New Year, and to be together against all odds! My girlfriend and I looked at each other and said three words in unison: “Kill the pig dish! 11 “Pig-killing Plate” is a name given by the fraud gang itself.

The girls are “pigs”, the persona and the relationship is “pig feed”, the relationship process is the “pig farming” process, and the final scam to get money is to “kill the pigs”.

The rich kid intends to kill pigs in bulk.

My girlfriend and I first reaction is [alarm], many years of journalism, especially her running public security mouth, the sense of justice is heavier than ordinary people.

The second reaction is that we can [use the “rich second generation” to take revenge on Bai Yue Guang and Zhang Di].

Whether to choose A or B, my girlfriend and I were in a dilemma.

As in a previous episode of “Oddball”: “The art museum is on fire, a famous painting and a cat, only one can be saved, who do you save?

” The famous painting is a distant wail, those we didn’t see, the presumed victim is a distant wail.

We finally [chose to be selfish], redesigned every step of the revenge, and included the “killing plate” as an important part of the revenge.

I swear, in my life, I’ve never done anything so cool!12 As the saying goes, “To take, you must first give”.

I carefully picked five short-term stocks and recommended them to Zhang Di and Bai Yueguang, and then I invested all the money in my account in front of them.

“Sister-in-law, you are really rich!” Bai Yueguang looked at the money in my account, his eyes were full of envy, “I want to know you earlier.

“It’s useless to know me earlier!” I smiled and said, “When I first bought stocks, I lost so much money that I lost my pants! If you wanted to follow me at that time, you wouldn’t have cursed me every day, and it’s only in the past two years when the environment was good that I made some money.

“Before that, it was called paying tuition! Zhang Di a hand on my shoulder, said proudly, “our suite of down payment, is Shengnan speculation in the stock market to earn.

“The first thing I want to do is to get rid of it, don’t keep it for New Year’s Eve.

The two nodded like a chicken pecking, especially Bai Yueguang, a pair of eyes bright and bright.

For her, the time is just right.

I took this opportunity to express some envy for Bai Yueguang’s face value, saying that she was beautiful and smart, and that she would definitely be able to marry into a wealthy family in the future.

“How difficult it is to be in a wealthy family!” There was a hidden smugness in Bai Yueguang’s eyes, with a look of “a sure thing, a secret”.

“Besides, marrying into a rich family is not as exciting as becoming a rich family,” she said.

” Bai Yueguang glanced at Zhang Di and flattered, “Sister-in-law is only good like this, Brother Di is really lucky to have married you!” I shook my head, “My kind, I’m not even considered middle class,” and then gave her a few stories of ordinary girls marrying into the rich family.

Many people struggle for a lifetime to afford to buy a house, many people entangled for a long time still can not afford to buy the bag, for the rich family, that is the difference between like and do not like, there is no need to calculate, they are not sensitive to money.

White Moonlight is full of envy.

Her greatest weakness is ‘money’, just as my greatest weakness is ‘lack of love’.

I told her that she should keep her eyes open when looking for a boyfriend and once she meets a good one, she should take advantage of it.

Bai Yueguang envisioned the future life, the bottom of the eyes are all firm light, Zhang Di’s mouth obviously collapsed, in order to cover up the emotions, specifically called a bottle of beer.

“What are you talking about?

“Zhang Di can not help, elbow hit me.

“Aren’t you concerned about your sister?

” I slanted a glance at him.

“I just heard yesterday that one of our high school classmates, class 5, looks very ordinary, played a boyfriend in college, the family business.

After graduation, her boyfriend went into business and she invested money with him, and now she’s rich! Their class held a reunion, all the expenses she alone all inclusive.

I heard that she drives a Cayenne, the worst car in the family.

“Moonlight has a seed in her heart to marry into a rich family, I’m just watering it and fertilizing it.

“That’s because people have good eyes, will invest!” Zhang Di said.

“Then you have to find a powerful boyfriend first, from a young age, there are many more opportunities than grassroots like us!” I retorted.

Zhang Di can not say me, but only resentful: “day to day just know money! I skimmed my lips, knowing that it’s too late: “Hey, I’m just nagging, envious of the rich people’s lives.

Yue’er, this marriage ah, money is secondary, gentle and considerate is the most important, you see your brother Dee is good, you have to look for his character in the future, can not be wrong! Bai Yueguang laughed, looked at me, looked at Zhang Di.

I guess she must be laughing at me inside, how can a man who asks her out for a pao date twice in three days be nice to me?

The so-called tenderness and consideration, everything is fake.

I This is the catalyst I poured on her: ordinary people will cheat just as much, so why not find a rich man!13 After the stock market crash in 2015, the domestic stock market slowly got up again.

By 2019, the market was already a structural bull market, and after the special epidemic, the market was even better.

I chose those few also really competed, rising better than the general market for several days in a row.

I pinched a week, one after another thrown, thrown before specifically to the white moonlight and Zhang Di said: do not be greedy, as soon as possible to throw, should have recently adjusted.

Those two people, buy when listening to me, this moment see earn more, where to sell?

Especially the white moonlight, she is earning the capital of marrying into a rich family, but also earning the capital of investing in her boyfriend’s business.

The next few days, I urged Zhang Di every day to sell the stock.

Those two made countless phone calls, and even learned to analyze the K line, and finally, after three consecutive days of green, complained and regretted to dump all the stocks.

Very good.

With all the stocks dumped, we have the most cash on hand.

“Sister-in-law, let me ask you something, do you know anything about blockchain?

“Zhou Yue called me.

“I don’t know much about it.

“I replied, “I just know it’s really cool. You know about Bitcoin, right?

The most important element of Bitcoin is the blockchain, so if you’re free, you can learn about it. Why?

“My friend is doing this.

“I’ve heard that it’s very profitable, and that it’s the next windfall,” said Zhou Yue.

“Your friend is very good! He’s got to be one of the best in the financial world.” I smiled and said, “If you have a chance, introduce me to them, so that I can also hold a big leg!” “Hey, you have such a great friend, just ask him about financial issues in the future! In front of that kind of bull, I’m just a half a pot of water.

“And if you have the chance, beg him to take you flying!” Zhou Yue shrugged it off, “I don’t know him very well either”.

I laughed, anyway, the hook is already very deep, did not continue the topic, very consistent with my usual “not to impose” persona.

Chapter 3 I became my ex-husband’s vermilion sand mole 14 rich second generation side of the listener has long been out of power, Zhang Di money clip in that, I secretly charged once.

I am not clear about the interaction between the white moonlight and the rich second generation, but I am clear about the movement of Zhang Di and the white moonlight.

Ten thousand, say fast for six months, slow for a year, 2 points of interest.

The aunt s house is next to the scenic spot, there is land, and I want to expand the house and then transform it into a B&B.

Zhang Di first hesitated, could not withstand Bai Yueguang softly.

White Moonlight reason is very good: First, a month of 2 cents interest, a year is 24% interest, very high, the key is acquaintances, no risk! Secondly, do not need to look up to others, let people think that rely on women to make money! Third, she also invested 150,000 dollars, and smashed all her savings into it.

Fourth, “If Ugly finds out about us, think about it, will she still help you make money?

You don’t know how to speculate in the stock market. If she casually digs a hole, you’ll lose blood!” Fifth, “When you get divorced, you’ll be a second-hand man. At that time, even if you get the ugly girl’s money and house, do you think our family will agree?

My dad and my aunt have a good relationship, you help my aunt’s family now, only in the future will someone give you a good word” …… I don’t know which one of Bai Yueguang impressed him, but I do know that Zhang Di made a request: “In the future, husband, when I want you, you have to be there right away!” Bai Yueguang said poutingly, “Isn’t it the same now?

One phone call from you, and I’m here on my ass! Hubby, how many rounds do you want to fight today?

“The sound of “mmmm ah ah ah” soon came from the monitor, I pulled out my ears, I’ve heard this kind of sound too many times, it’s quite annoying.

That night, I took advantage of Zhang Di’s bath, took out the listener from his wallet, threw it into another bathroom toilet, and flushed it away with a “wow”.

This thing, although convenient to use, is ultimately a time bomb.

15 A few days before the Spring Festival, the stock market went crazy, rushing hard.

As far as the eye can see, a red.

I urged Zhang Di and his brothers to buy buy buy, brothers earn can be happy, a mouthful of “Shengnan sister V5”.

Zhang Di while perfunctory me “buy buy”, while secretly showing meat pain expression, I pretended not to see, but also every day to show him the K line, lamented earned dead! I think he has already given the money to the white moonlight, so I want to log in to his account to see.

Coincidentally, the password was changed! This is to prevent me from knowing that I have no money.

I pretended not to know and happily discussed the wedding details with the wedding company.

“Honey, do you think one camera will be enough?” I frowned.

“I frowned and pretended to be dissatisfied, “A small swing arm under the stage will follow us, but there will be very little footage of our parents and guests.

” “That’s definitely not enough!” Zhang Di immediately said, “For something as important as a wedding, we need at least two!” “I think so too!” I said, “Our handsome best man and beautiful bridesmaids need cameras too!” The three best men are his brothers, one of the three bridesmaids is Moonlight, and the other two are friends from my hometown.

The best friend who runs the public security department is the [scene chief dispatcher].

Everything was ready.

Wedding day.

From make-up to pick up the bride and then to the hotel, the program is not at all chaotic.

My mom cried and laughed, saying that I’ve grown up and finally got married off, and urging Zhang Di to treat me well in the future.

Zhang Di said “Mom, don’t worry”.

Zhang Di’s parents also kept telling my parents, “Don’t worry, dear father and mother.

If Shengnan marries into my family, we will definitely treat her as our own daughter, and if Zhang Di wrongs her in the future, we will break his legs! I held my mom’s hand and said to Zhang Di’s parents, “Mom, don’t worry! Zhang Di is down-to-earth and treats me well.

“The parents were relieved.

16 The guests arrived one by one.

Zhang Di and I stood at the front door to welcome the guests. When it was almost 12 o’clock, I left the hotel foyer on the pretext that I had to make up, and then hid in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and waiting.

Everything was arranged.

Five minutes later, my best friend “happened” to come out to check on me, and when she saw that I wasn’t there, she asked Moonlight to meet me in the lounge.

White Moonlight’s bridesmaid’s dress, which had been tampered with a bit before, wasn’t very flattering, and the invisible underwear wasn’t very good at gathering, making it look a bit empty at the chest.

Throughout the morning, she had to adjust it from time to time, and her beautiful breasts were a major point of attraction for her.

She specially brought a red crystal necklace, after each adjustment, the career line is particularly charming, Zhang Di several times toward her chest glances.

At this moment, she went to the lounge, she would definitely adjust her underwear again, according to her narcissistic level, she would 100% appreciate herself over and over again.

A few minutes later, the wedding ceremony is about to start, no need to girlfriends out of the way, naturally, someone told Zhang Di to find me.

My girlfriend told the photographer to secretly follow the shooting, synchronized to the big screen in the ballroom to do highlights …… received a text message from my girlfriend, three words: “to the hall.

” 17 I know got it, and it is the two sets of programs we prepared, the most need for luck, the best effect of a set.

There was a projection at the wedding site, and the warm-up video played the wedding photo of Zhang Di and me.

At the moment, on the projection were two people who were kissing passionately.

The man’s back to the camera, from the back and dress alone, properly is the hero of the wedding groom, the heroine’s face is blocked, only revealed the corner of the dress is white.

Everyone thought it was the bride, everyone stared at the screen, the host excitedly asked the guests: “The groom can’t wait to kiss the bride, should we interrupt them?

Should we ask someone to ……” He didn’t finish his sentence, his eyes passed through the heavy crowd and landed on me in shock.

Dressed to the nines, I stood at the entrance to the ballroom.

The guests saw the host’s ghostly expression and followed him towards me.

A large beam of chasing light hit me as my best friend stood next to the chaser.

I stared at the big screen, wide-eyed and stunned.

According to the script, I should still be shedding tears, but I just couldn’t cry, having brainstormed the scene a million times.

Except for the fact that it was clear, it was still clear.

I shook my body, pretending to be devastated and wobbly, and guests close to me came to my aid.

Over in the lounge, the cameraman didn’t know what was happening over here, the camera kept moving forward, and after more than ten seconds, the faces of those two people appeared abruptly on the screen.

Zhou Yue’s eyes were mesmerized, kissing Zhang Di, Zhang Di’s hand was placed on the white moonlight chest, revealing a large piece of white.

“How come it’s you guys?

” The cameraman was surprised.

Only then did the two come back to their senses, Bai Yueguang screamed, a push toward the camera, the camera shook violently, followed by Zhang Di’s parents rushed in.

In the shaky camera, Zhang Di’s mother slapped Bai Yueguang in the face, screaming “bitch”! Zhang Di’s father was short-tempered, kicking at Zhang Di again and again.

The room soldiers on and the screen quickly goes dark.

The large ballroom was silent, some people were taking video, others looked at me sympathetically.

I took a breath, acted out my ‘courage’ and carried my dress towards the lounge.

In the room – “Just be a fucking human being!” Zhang Di’s father flew over and ‘thumped’ a kick on Zhang Di’s calf, the sound, I felt pain when I heard it.

“Shengnan is such a nice girl, how can you face her like this?

Your parents’ face has been disgraced by you!” Zhang Di screamed in pain, with a terrified face, saying repeatedly that it was Zhou Yue who seduced him.

Zhou Yue’s hair was scattered and she was curled up on the ground, calling, her face was black and white, her makeup was smeared.

I stood in the doorway.

“It’s so ugly!” I frowned and looked at Zhang Di, “Even if you don’t care about my face, think about your parents! With so many friends and family watching, are you really looking for excitement?

Let’s get a divorce, we can’t live like this!” Zhang Di’s parents wanted to salvage the situation, one kicked Zhang Di harder, one left and right, and then slapped Bai Yueguang twice, and ran to me, saying Zhang Di would never dare to do it again.

I didn’t say a word, but only looked down on Zhang Di with pity.

I understood him.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, his neck flared, “Divorce is divorce! What else can you do besides making a few stinking dollars?

When the Civil Affairs Bureau goes to work, I will divorce right away! I’ll leave my home right away! I don’t want a penny from you, Li Shengnan!” As he spoke, he walked to Zhou Yue, leaned down and hugged her, declaring that she was the love of his life! At this point, a few of his buddies who had been watching the whole thing spoke up – “Dizi, you’ve gone too far with this!” “You usually play outside, we brothers turn a blind eye! At the wedding, how do you want Shengnan to behave in the future?

Why don’t you apologize quickly? Sister Shengnan will forgive you!” “That’s right! And don’t talk so nicely about leaving the family! In the years you’ve been with Shengnan, she’s paid for every drink and meal you’ve had.

“She’s made us a lot of money in the past two years in the stock market! She bought the house and the furniture for your home, didn’t she?

You spent all your money on this woman!” “You can’t have no conscience! …… These people said while looking at my face.

I understand in a second, is the result of weighing the pros and cons of the loss, years ago I told them to throw away the stock, said that after the year to wait for the opportunity to re-enter, they are afraid of the absence of the master of the army, after the year can not make money, busy to please me.

Zhang Di’s parents’ face is even darker, “daughter-in-law earns money for son’s use” this kind of thing, it’s okay to talk about it at home, once it’s said by outsiders, it’s incredibly humiliating! “I’m a useless thing! Why did I give birth to such a scum like you?

I’m sorry!” Zhang Di’s father twisted his head, neither had the face to redeem himself, but also acquiesced in Zhang Di’s departure.

A good show, how can it end so soon?

My afterglow looked toward my best friend, and she blinked, indicating that she received it.

A few seconds later, someone in the crowd shouted, “Oh my God, who transmitted the video just now to the D sound?

” The crowd took out their cell phones and when they found the video, their jaws dropped and they whispered, “The airplay is horrible! It’s going up so fast!” “It’s a scolding. …… It really deserves it!” “This is the rhythm of the hot search!” “This woman is going to be a hit! Who would dare to marry this woman?

” …… Zhang Di did not react much, only like a shrunken head turtle, did not say a word, half flopped on Zhou Yue, in a protective posture.

However, Zhou Yue didn’t seem to need his protection too much, and when she heard “who would dare to marry her in the future”, she pushed Zhang Di away and rushed towards the crowd, grabbing a cell phone that was playing a video.

With just one glance, her face was even whiter than it was a moment ago, and she staggered back a step, her eyes in shock.

That video, taken from the angle of the banquet hall, had the contents of the big screen, as well as the reactions of the bride and the guests.

Except – the plays were swiped, the comments were swiped, and it cost me a bit of money.

The heavy hitters are the comments, and the bars carry the beat.

There were those who called the scummy man and bitchy woman; those who said that the woman was their ex-girlfriend, that money is the most important thing, and that whoever has money is with whoever; and those who sent a string of horrified emojis after [I’m going to go! That is not what month?

! My buddy said a few days ago that he would take her to meet his parents! How did he get involved with someone else?

[Moon! “Moon!” Zhang Di shouted.

Zhou Yue as if she hadn’t heard, backed up a few steps, and then glared fiercely at Zhang Di before shivering and pulling out her cell phone, walking to the corner of the room, “Lin Shao, I’m Yue’er, that video on the Internet, I can explain it …… I was forced to …… I’m only acquainted with the bride, I don’t know the The groom …… You explain it to your aunt and uncle! I am not that kind of person.

” This is the turn of Zhang Di s color changed greatly, and he looked at Zhou Yue incredulously.

Surrounding the crowd, before there are a few “accident”, now is completely and utterly watching the show: the groom wedding day cheating bridesmaids, just announced that the bridesmaids are the love of their lives, immediately be hit in the face, the bridesmaids actually have a prospective fiancé! “…… When will you take me back?

…… What?

Wait for the notice?

…… What about my 400,000+ dollars?

I’m not voting …… Hey, Lin Shao! Mr. Lin!” Zhou Yue paralyzed on the ground, hysterical hissing.

Zhang Di pounced over, double grabbed Zhou Yue shoulders, eyes red: “What more than 400,000?

What 400,000? Didn’t you say you were going to fix your aunt’s house?

Who is that Lin Shao just now?

” Zhang Di’s brothers also surrounded, have asked where is the money?

Where’s the money?

Where’s the money? Later, Zhang Di’s brothers called the police.

A good wedding ended with 110 on the scene.

Zhou Yue, Zhang Di, and Zhang Di’s gang of buddies to the police station to record statements.

Zhang’s father and mother in the hotel aftermath, one is to pay the money for the banquet, the wedding company’s money, the second is to return the guests’ gifts.

19 White Moonlight’s dream of luxury is shattered.

The first is to pay for the banquet and the wedding company, and the second is to return the guests’ gift money.

Zhang Di in the police station on the hand to beat Bai Yueguang, or the police stopped, only did not come down hard.

The police stopped them, so they didn’t hit her hard.

Zhang Di’s brothers ran to me that evening, one by one in front of my face, Zhang Di and Bai Yueguang scolded a lot, and then asked me, the future of financial matters how to do?

I replied: “Professional things to professional people, buy funds, after the year usually have a good start.

“That group of people happy to buy funds to go.

20 Money is really important.

On the day of the divorce, Zhang Di did not care about face, holding a rose at the entrance of the government hall on one knee, begging to get back together.

“Shengnan, I was confused at first! The person I really love is you! Let’s start over, okay?

“I know I’m wrong! Give me a chance, I’ll make it up to you with my whole life!” After I flatly refused, he got up and started talking about money.

“Ten thousand, you have to return it to me!” “Sorry, no refunds.

” I put my hands in my pockets, “You can file a lawsuit, you cheated on me first, and I have enough evidence to prove that you cheated on me.

” Zhang Di gritted his teeth, and then fill out the divorce agreement, involving the division of property, he actually proposed that the house has his share, after all, after the marriage there is a little bit of time in the joint monthly payments.

I sneer, swish on the paper to write [the house belongs to the woman, there is no other common property], and then sign the big name.

“I still say, you can file a lawsuit, but I remind you, the probability of you winning is 0. The litigation fee is also money.

“Zhang Di had no choice but to sign his name, and the marriage was considered divorced.

Later – Zhang Di lost his job.

Because the video really fire, wedding day cheating, they all saw the whole company.

The company’s personnel approached him to talk, hoping that he would voluntarily resign.

White Moonlight was even scolded online to the point where he didn’t dare to go out, and he lost his job as well.

As for Zhang Di’s group of brothers, meh, anyone who speculates in stocks or buys funds knows that there was no open door after the Chinese New Year in 2021, and a group of people lost a lot of money.

Later – I heard that Zhang Di quite regret, every day to pour sorrow on wine, and white moonlight after the breakup, every day chattering that this where is the white moonlight, which is clearly white rice, or others eat the rest of the white rice …… I smiled and smiled, the heart is only two words: deserve it!PS: Some people ask me: Zhang Di and the white moonlight has always said that I am ugly, in the end, how ugly I am?

I think it’s okay, not make-up in the lower middle, make-up and then dress up, how can also pull to pass the line above.

Another person asked me what was the second option for the wedding scene.

Remember that video that was taken outside the bar?

And the one I copied from the property management surveillance.

I edited a copy of it with the intention of playing it at the wedding site.

However, if I play that one, I’ll know at a glance that I did it, and it’s far less unexpected than catching the adulterer at the wedding site.P.PS: Me: “Can the pig farmer catch it?

“BFF: “Yes! But it will take time.

” BFF: “By that time, even if the money can be recovered, there is only a small portion left ……” (end of full text)

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