If Ne Zha and the Monkey King join the Avengers, what level of power will they be at?

If Ne Zha and the Monkey King join the Avengers what level of power will they be at? The Monkey King swung his golden rod toward Team America.

Steve Rogers, who was running at full speed, looked back and saw an iron rod sweeping from behind with the force of a thousand pounds.

Rogers busy Zhenjin shield in front of his body, the sound of gold and iron intertwined roar, the United States team as a baseball was hit by a fly, in the air to draw a parabola of nearly a hundred meters before landing, and continuous rolling dragged out dozens of meters of traces, until it hit the wall of a building to stop completely.

Rogers sprayed out a mouthful of blood, feeling that all the bones in his body seemed to have shattered, and the vibranium shield also fell away from his body.

A rare surprise and confusion appeared in his eyes.

This strange monkey in front of him, holding an iron rod and wearing a tiger-striped leather skirt around its waist, was less than one meter four in height, and appeared to be small, thin, and unbeatable in every aspect, but it exuded an extremely terrifying sense of oppression on its body.

Regardless of its strength, speed, agility or combat experience, it was on the level of a god.

No, he knew some gods, this monkey could definitely crush Loki with ease, Valkyrie was no match, perhaps the pre-fattening Saul was able to defeat it single-handedly, after all, the Saul of that time was even able to defeat that purple monster.

Cough, cough! Team America coughed violently a few times, his eyes a little lax.

No matter what, he had accomplished his mission, successfully luring this monkey from the populated city center to the remote and uninhabited abandoned factory area.

Regardless of how many mostly intense battles took place here, no civilians would be harmed.

It was a creed he had held fast to all his life.

The next step was up to them.

The monkey 2 hundred meters away took a gentle step, erasing the distance between the two in an instant.

But the monkey didn’t attack Rogers, who had fallen to the ground and was unable to fight back, but instead walked to his side, picked up the vibranium shield, and scrutinized it carefully.

The monkey secretly sighed in his heart: “It is really a good weapon, after I ate a stick but only added a pothole.

This yellow-haired buttocks ghost is not cowardly, is he not a child who stole the Old Lord’s treasure and went to the mortal world privately?

“The monkeys are scrutinizing the sinking ship, suddenly from the diagonal stab leaped out of a black red-haired woman.

That woman’s hands are extremely fast, while the monkey is not prepared, has been a vertical leap riding on the monkey, bee waist a turn legs have been clamped on the other side of the neck.

If the average man was hit by this thighs clamping people, must be immediately under the surge of blood, confusion, unable to fight again.

But the demon monkey is the heaven and earth aura born from the stubborn stone, which knows what pity.

Then, with a shake of his waist, he threw the beautiful woman ten meters away.

“I’m going to be the one who is going to be the best! Eat my old Sun’s stick! The monkeys were lifting the stick to hit, but suddenly felt that there was a constraint at the bend of his arm, as if he was being pulled by something.

When he looked at his right arm, he saw a bunch of dense and sticky spider silks on it.

Demon monkey right arm swung hard, a burst of steel rolling creaking sound instantly came.

It turns out that the other end of the spider silk is connected to a giant crane, which is now smashing against the demon monkey face to face.

Demon monkey slightly move body method to avoid the crane, but see the crane after a fierce leap out of a figure, the figure of the red shirt and blue pants, head wearing a painted spider web hood, it is Spider-Man Peter Parker is also.

The red figure did not wait for the monkey to react, in the air to control the shape, and even sprayed the spider silk, in the blink of an eye will be wrapped up like a cocoon monkey chrysalis.

This spider silk is exceptionally tough, even if there are ten thousand pounds of force only rely on brute force for a moment will not want to break free.

The monkey said in his heart: “So it is the relatives of that group of spider spirits, who want to take revenge for his sisters.

This is the ability, but also think that I look down on my old Sun.

“Although the spider silk wrapped up impermeable, the monkey is not busy, the heart of the silent chanting away from the word skill, suddenly a hot air from the mouth, instantly turned into a real fire, in an instant will be surrounded by the spider silk burned to a clean.

But when the monkeys just see the opponent in front of the appearance of the far away suddenly there is the sound of breaking the air whistling came.

Tilting his head up, a green dot appeared in the blue sky and white sun, and the green dot turned into a green giant in an instant from far and near.

The green giant pulled back his right arm, and blasted that millstone-sized fist at the demon monkey with all his might.

Bang!!! The punch that fell from the sky just now triggered a miniature earthquake to the surroundings, and the scene was filled with smoke and dust, with sand covering the sky.

Not a moment later, the dust settled, and the heroes saw a ring of deep craters more than ten meters in circumference appearing around them with Hulk as the center.

Hulk still maintained the posture of swinging his fist forward, but his eyes revealed uncontainable surprise and horror.

The monkey opposite him had most of his legs inserted into the soil, his body slightly leaning forward, his left arm straight out, only the size of a normal person’s palm, the monkey’s palm five fingers open, steadily against the green giant fist that was even bigger than his own body.

Hulk fought his whole body strength, that fist but it is difficult to have an inch.

At this moment, the expression on the monkey’s face was even more irritating, that was the cunning, mocking, contemptuous smile that belonged to monkeys.

This smile seemed to say: “Didn’t you eat?

Is that all you can do?

“Faced with such a provocative expression, Hulk instantly became enraged and completely threw away his senses.

The green monster pulled back his arms and roared, his body seemingly growing even larger.

He, or rather it, furiously swung punch after punch, each punch causing the earth to crumble and rocks to fly.

The speed of the swinging fist became faster and faster, and in the end, only the blurred remnants of two giant arms could be seen.

But that monkey …… that monkey actually swung those two arms that looked unusually thin and thin in front of this huge green monster at the same speed.

What was even more mind-blowing was that those two ridiculously tiny monkey claws actually received every full force blast from the giant fist.

And it, no, it should be Him, seemed to have not used its true power yet.

“Long!” That Monkey King let out a loud shout, and the iron rod that was attached to his waist then grew with the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became as thick as that green giant’s body.

The length of the iron rod also leapt out rapidly, fixing the green giant at the head of the rod.

Rumble! This iron rod against the Hulk through three buildings in a row, in a piece of steel masonry collapsed in the roar of the Hulk was buried in the rubble.

In this way Peter Parker constantly in the demon monkey around the body of the rapid meandering, shooting spider silk, trying to interrupt the opponent’s attack.

But all the spider silk before they can get close to the monkey king’s mouth spit real fire all melt away.

The Monkey King’s eyes flashed red, targeting the annoying little bug in front of him.

Peter Parker heart snow bright, know in front of this monkey is the Hulk’s full attack can not hurt the slightest bit of the horror of the existence, and has the ability to restrain the flame of the spider silk, their own fight with him must have no chance of winning, and even certain death.

But if the Avengers all retreat and give up, who should the ordinary people in the world put their hopes on?

“The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

“Silently reciting these words, his eyes suddenly became firm, determined to do his best to fight with his opponent until the last moment.

3 Suddenly, a corner of the sky shone brightly, and a dozen miniature missiles trailed their trails straight towards the demon monkey.

That Monkey King’s feet hit the ground and leaped high to avoid the attack, the missile swarm failed to hit, then arced in the air and ran towards the target again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The miniature missiles exploded consecutively, and the nitrified material loaded inside instantly burst into flames, completely engulfing the Monkey King.

After the fire went out, the monkey king’s hair and clothes were all charred and black, but his skin was still intact.

“Jarvis, five seconds, find this little monkey’s weakness and kick its ass.

” A sexy middle-aged man’s voice came out with a slightly flirtatious tone.

The Monkey King looked through the wisps of smoke and saw a guy with gold and red armor and four fiery feet floating not far from the sky.

Heart secretly angry: “This flying iron skin monster cannonball is really powerful, fast catching up with the Laojun’s six ding divine fire.

It’s a pity that I met your grandpa Sun today, it’s your destiny.

“The Monkey King disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Iron Man.

The Monkey King swung his iron rod across the waist of his opponent, so fast that even the AI was unable to react.

The steel armor was broken by the iron rod, but inside the armor, only many mechanical parts flew out, and there was no sign of the living person.

“No good, we’ve been tricked! A strong sense of danger rose in the Monkey King’s heart.

At this moment, directly above the Monkey King’s back, a huge steel mech as tall as a three-story building was waiting for its chance.

Suddenly, the two shoulders of the steel mecha flashed continuously, and hundreds of micro missiles flew out rapidly, surrounding the Monkey King from all directions.

The Monkey King danced his iron rod like a windmill, shattering all the incoming missiles.

But those missiles did not explode violently after being shattered, but spewed out yellow-green rolling smoke from the rupture place, and the smoke spreading in all directions soon engulfed the Monkey King in it.

At the same time, an electronic voice without emotional ups and downs sounded inside the giant steel mech: “Through scanning and analysis, the target’s body is not composed of protein, but an unknown metal.

The density and hardness of this metal is higher than that of vibranium, and some of its qualities are similar to those of the Infinity Gems, so it’s possible that it’s also a substance that was born at the beginning of the universe.

With our current firepower, it will be difficult to cause substantial damage to its body.

“Hearing this, the middle-aged man inside the mech frowned slightly, but then Jarvis continued, “However, when scanning the target’s eyes, we found that his vitreous reflexes are abnormal, and his symptoms are similar to glaucoma.

The target’s cornea has multiple fine scars on it, presumably it has been severely injured many times, so it should be the weak point.

It is difficult for missile weapons to break through the target’s defenses, and the best plan is a smoke and gas attack.

“That monkey king from the mid-air head to the ground, at this time he seems to return to the fire cloud cave before, as if again in the red child spit out the sea of fire, that a smoke and fire baked and even took one of his life.

Now the encounter is not as serious as at first, but still eyeballs if burning, headache.

The rats two hairy hands cover the eye sockets rolled on the ground, two traces of blood flowed out from between the fingers, mumbling words, as if he had already lost his mind.

Iron Man saw that the attack worked in his heart, immediately shot out more than a hundred poisonous smoke bombs will fall to the ground of the monkey king re-wrapped in it.

Do not give the opponent a chance to catch his breath, hundreds of mini-missiles have been discharged, with a tearing air whistle straight to the face of the Monkey King.

At this moment, the ground poisonous smoke suddenly dispersed, an agile figure jumped up, with a kind of human eyeballs difficult to capture the speed of the missiles rushed out of the encirclement, almost instantly arrived in front of the huge mech, shiny metal shell mapped out a pair of scarlet bloodshot eyes canthus, murderous steam.

The monkey’s mouth was still opening and closing, creating a flowing air shield around its body.

Water Avoidance Technique.

Although the monkey king has the cultivation of heaven and earth, but once in the water, only constantly recite the water avoidance skill to be able to move freely.

This water avoidance skill can avoid water and smoke, just now when the monkey king fell to the ground, he had already recited the water avoidance skill to prevent the second attack.

“Tie! Eat my old grandson’s stick! The Monkey King raised his iron rod and smashed it straight at the mech’s face.

The steel mecha’s reaction was also incredibly fast, it had already half-turned its body in a split second, but it was half a step too slow in the end.

Hiss–chatter! In the toothache-inducing metal tearing sound, the mech’s left arm was cut off by the iron bar.

The Monkey King used his strength to flip forward in a circle, and then the iron bar smashed into the mech from the top to the bottom with the momentum of ten thousand pounds.

Mecha again emergency dodge but still too late, right arm was cut down again.

Along with the two mechanical arms were also lost several propulsion engines, if the monkey attacked again, the mech would be unable to avoid.

4 At this moment, tons of rubble on the ground was violently lifted by a strange force, the Hulk’s body covered with mud and lime broke free, only to see him crouch down slightly, and then leaped up, lightning-like jump into the air, swinging his arm, a punch hit the Monkey King.

Due to being in the air, the Monkey King was sent flying a thousand meters away from this punch, and continuously crashed into more than ten buildings before stopping the momentum.

Taking advantage of this brief respite, Iron Man rushes to summon Veronica, who is in near-Earth orbit.

A bright light flashed outside the atmosphere, and a set of repair modules flew in rapidly under the propulsion of rockets, and finally attached to the giant mech, transforming into two brand-new mechanical arms.

And behind it, more bright lights were also speeding up.

The Monkey King had suffered two losses in a row, how could he give up, in a flash he rose up in the clouds, and fought with the giant and the armor to one place again.

At this time, Spider-Man Peter Parker from the side to see clearly, that the monkey needs to recite the mantra in order to maintain the body around the air cover, no time to go to the fire, so the use of their own agility characteristics, swimming in the Monkey King around, waiting for the opportunity to spit the spider silk, constraints on the target.

For a while, the sand flying stones away, the ground cracked mountains, the monkey king divided into three heads and six arms, a mouthful of chanting, a mouthful of fire, a mouthful of shouting, solo battle against the three generals of the United States, but still have the upper hand.

Monkey King dodged around to the back of the mech, the iron rod swept violently across the mech, the mech was unable to avoid, the body was cut off at the waist.

Although Veronica patch in three seconds will repair the wound as new, but according to this, in less than half an hour Veronica inside the resources will also be exhausted, which let the man for the first time have the feeling of constraints.

That monkey king is fighting sex up, suddenly in front of the eyes of a void, beside the gold and red mecha and green giants all disappeared, turned into a god position lotus platform and its sitting on the sky immortal Buddha.

Looking at the hypocritical faces of the gods, the Monkey King was instantly filled with righteous indignation, and swung his iron rod to smash his head.

At that moment, a golden palm filled with divine light flew from the west and covered him, which then turned into a big mountain and pressed him into the mortal world.

He exerted all his strength, and saw that he was about to break free from the five-fingered mountain, but at this time the sky and a spell flying in the mountain top.

On the talisman “Om Mani Padme Hum” six words big bright mantra of Buddha’s light, will be firmly pressed again at the bottom of the mountain.

It was five hundred years of spring, fall, winter and summer until the monk appeared and removed the seal of Buddha on top of the mountain for him, and only then did he regain his freedom.

Facing this pale mountain silhouette and endless sunset, he felt disheartened.

He just wanted to put down the iron rod and go back to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits and never come out again.

However, just at this moment, the monkey king’s eyes again red light bright, his surrounding scene in an instant like glass shards broken and collapsed.

In front of him Cangshan sunset has disappeared, but there is an exotic woman with red clothes and golden hair.

In her hands she was maneuvering two clusters of scarlet, exerting influence on him.

The Scarlet Witch was shocked to see that monkey get out of the illusion she created so quickly.

That Monkey King laughed scornfully at the sight, “Snort, a mere blindfold, how can I hide it from my fiery eyes!” Suddenly, the monkey king’s feet a circle of light light, the circle of light quickly outward, tearing a black hole with strong suction, instantly the monkey king sucked into it, only two monkey paws are still dead grasping the edge.

Caught in the black hole of the monkey king first felt the absolute cold, and then fixed his eyes to see, found in front of the darkness and little light, all things are floating in the air, and his feet position is a silver planet covered with ring-shaped giant pits.

That halo quickly narrowed, but due to the Monkey King’s two hands blocking completely unable to close.

The Monkey King’s two bladders violently compared, with a vast strange force, the aura was actually re-torn open a gap, the Monkey King pressed and propped up, and drilled back through the gap.

Monkey King just stood still, only to see the Scarlet Witch body floating in the air beside a curly hair and beard, wearing a red cape of middle-aged man, is Dr. Strange.

The renaissance two generals originally planned to let the Scarlet Witch create a mental illusion to control the target, and then Dr. Strange then rely on the portal to directly transport the monkey to the moon around the space.

But what they didn’t expect was that the monkey actually got rid of the illusion so quickly, and was able to tear the portal with his hands, struggling back from space.

Surprise flickered, Dr. Strange did not hesitate, and flew high into the air, using the form of Ekorn instantly split into hundreds of split bodies, each split body hand holds a flickering sacred light Setorak scarlet necklace.

In a flash, all the chains of light were thrown out together, binding them to the Monkey King.

The Monkey King was not panicked, instead he laughed in his heart, “Daring to compete with my old grandson’s split body method, this curly-haired old Taoist is really showing off his skills and does not know what he is doing.

“Speaking, the monkey king from the body to pull down a handful of hair, to the mouth a blow, the hair to the wind to see the growth, a change into thousands of monkey soldiers, a few wow chaotic screaming to the restoration of all the members of the United surging.

Infinity of the monkey mountain ape sea instantly submerged everything, even if the members of the United States is strong, cooperate with the tacit understanding, the hair of the body transformed into a body outside the strength of the body is also far from the difference, but can not withstand the number of monkeys is really too much, but also a tough and intrepid, the United States a few can only cope with the left and right dwarf, woeful in a few points of the comical.

Hulk just grabbed a few monkeys from the back, there are more monkeys along the calf pickpocket underpants climbing up, nearly pulled down the Marvel Universe’s first artifact grip.

Iron Man’s palm shoots out energy beams, Scarlet Witch bursts out the power of scarlet instantly please open two pieces of empty space, but swiftly was filled by the monkeys that came after.

At this time, Dr. Strange’s eyes put on green light, through the gaze of the soul to find the real body of the Monkey King, and thought to himself: “This monkey’s body surface is indestructible, physical attacks are almost impossible to cause damage to him, and to subdue him requires soul-level strikes.

That’s right, to defeat magic with magic!” Dr. Strange made up his mind, and immediately went straight to the Monkey King with his spirit out of his body.

Halfway to the monkey king, Dr. Strange suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked back fiercely, only to see that his physical body had been half-squatting on the ground at some time, and was scratching his ears, just like a monkey.

That monkey-like Dr. Strange in their own body fumbling, suddenly touched the neck tied to the red cloak, the hands then unlocked the cloak in the palm of the hand to be torn.

In response, the red cloak rose up and wrapped Dr. Strange’s hands and head tightly around him.

Dr. Strange’s spirit body, floating in mid-air, saw that something bad was happening and flew back to his original body, but just before he returned to his original body, his eyes were suddenly darkened, and his vision was blocked by the hovering cloak.

Dr. Strange hastily removed the cloak, suddenly a hideous monkey face grimacing in front of himself.

Dr. Strange shrugged in shock, almost screamed out, and flew backward more than a hundred meters to pull away.

The monkey did not pursue, but instead danced and laughed in place.

After a period of chaos, the Federation finally will be a group of monkey soldiers all clean, the heroes of their respective positions, facing the Monkey King stood in a row, each expression of solemn, solemn momentum.

Even the Monkey King was infected at this time, as if the air resonated with a piece of intense and majestic music melody, sounding like “sharpening scissors to grab a kitchen knife! In a flash, all the heroes ran, ran, jumped or flew towards the Monkey King.

The Anti-Hulk Armor’s palm glowed brightly, and two energy beams shot out. The Monkey King dodged to the side, but a scarlet aura suddenly attacked his body, controlling it.

The Monkey King’s eyes flashed scarlet, breaking through the scarlet encirclement, but in the snap of a finger, a huge spider web came at him, binding him firmly from head to toe.

Monkey King mouth a cavity of fire sprayed out, not yet burned out the spider, the top of the head and a halo expansion, a portal open, Hulk Hulk jumped down from it, came to the Monkey King unfolded behind the giant arm, a will be dead dead waist hold.

Hulk was fully embraced, coupled with the spider silk from the side of the control, the Monkey King for a moment actually difficult to break free.

Seizing this moment, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man and Dr. Strange flew high into the sky, Crimson Power, Energy Ray and Bossart’s Thunder were activated together, bringing a terrifying and incomparable destructive aura to bombard the Monkey King.

Suddenly, the golden light in Hulk’s arms flourished, and a terrifying impact exploded, instantly lifting him several hundred meters into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, smashing a deep pit several meters in circumference.

Just now in order to hoop the monkey king, the hulk would have borne half of the power of the three combined attack, again by this golden light a bomb, and passed out.

The green giant in the pit gradually shrinks in size, and eventually becomes the appearance of Bruce Banner.

On the other hand, after the golden light converged, the Monkey King appeared.

At this time, his body was scorched black, skin chapped, as if he had just come out of the alchemy furnace in general.

The monkey king originally thought that these people are just some unseen Hu Bang small demon, teach them a lesson, let them long memory is just.

But who knows that this group of monsters do not know what is good and bad, and even take out a fight for their lives.

“I can’t blame my old grandson for being black-hearted and ruthless!” The Monkey King raised his head sharply, killing intent steaming in his eyes.

Almost instantly, the Monkey King flashed to the front of the anti-Hulk mech, even the stick with a person together through the steel body, the roaring sound of the explosion and the sky of fire will be completely engulfed in the huge battle armor.

And in the flames popped up a reddish flashing gold, very metal streamlined beauty of the figure, it is the Mark 85 nano-battle armor.

However, the Monkey King did not give this battle armor, which was a collection of the world’s greatest achievements in technology, a chance to make an appearance.

A sprint appeared in the front of the armor, Iron Man hastily turned his right arm into a shield in front of his body.

Bang! The sound of gold and iron boomed loudly, the iron rod in the Monkey King’s hand pierced through the nano-shield, directly shattering the inverted triangular energy core in front of the opponent’s chest.

Mark 85 lost momentum and fell down.

The Monkey King was about to pursue the attack, the rear suddenly shot two strands of spider silk, he did not dodge this time, but a turn with the iron rod twisted the spider silk to the back of a violent fling.

Peter Parker, who was crouching on the top of a tall building, could not let go of his hand, but rose up in the air and flew uncontrollably upwards.

When Spider-Man “flew” to the front, the Monkey King used the head of the rod to point at the left chest of the other party, and shouted: “Long! The iron rod then grew wildly and pushed Spider-Man towards the ground.

If this scenario landing, Spider-Man Peter Parker will be crushed into pieces, but just before the landing, the iron bar suddenly deviated from the body, smashed a dozen-meter-deep crater in his side.

And although Spider-Man got rid of the iron rod pressure top disaster, but still from the mid-air to very high acceleration fall on the ground, although not to broken bones, but still back broken tendons folded, and then can not get up.

But why the iron rod in the hands of the Monkey King has deviated, only because Dr. Strange used the scarlet necklace of Setorak to bind the Monkey King’s arms in time, which saved Spider-Man’s life.

Between the bursts of light, the Monkey King broke the chains, and then transformed into a golden eagle, rushing towards Dr. Strange at a speed faster than that of a fighter jet.

The Cloak of Levitation flew up and blocked the route, wrapping the Golden Eagle in its entirety.

The Monkey King didn’t dwell on it, he directly went out of his body and crossed over the cloak, pulling his right arm to blast Dr. Strange with a punch on his left chest.

Dr. Strange felt a loud buzzing in his head, and his soul was shattered, he lost consciousness and fell down.

Hovering cloak was anxious to protect his master, immediately let go of the “golden eagle”, swooped down to support his master and gently lowered to the ground.

The Scarlet Witch saw that the monkey had knocked down all the members of the team one by one in an instant, and now she was the only one left.

An uncontrollable fear and anger poured out along with endless scarlet light.

This ocean of terrifying energy that was enough to destroy a city rushed towards the Monkey King like a tidal wave after a tidal wave.

The Monkey King himself transformed into a golden light and plunged headlong into the scarlet ocean.

The golden and red aura burned all over the world, as if two different kinds of hot flames were burning the clouds and roasting the sky at the same time.

After a short while, the Crimson Witch spewed out a large mouth of blood, her body fell softly to the ground, even the strength to sit up had been lost.

Behind her, a golden light landed, the monkey king body hair almost carbonized, just now some chapped skin was torn out of a long thin wound, but the sinews and bones of the key places are not damaged.

At the far end of the battlefield on a mountain peak, a black man wearing a black trench coat, left eye with an eyepatch stood silently.

Suddenly there was an urgent and hasty shout in his ear, “The Avengers have failed, go get Captain Marvel!” 6 “Mom mess with Fark!” The black man cursed lowly out of habit, then took out an old cell phone from within his coat pocket that had long since become obsolete, and his thick fingers firmly pressed the send button.

On the other side, the Monkey King looked at the Avengers, who had been beaten by himself and fell to the ground, and raised his iron rod, but hesitated to drop it.

He saw that although these people were all seriously injured and had no power to fight back, they all had resolute eyes and looked at death without any greed for life.

“They are also a group of good men.

“The Monkey King secretly sighed: “If I hadn’t somehow appeared here, and they attacked me for no reason, I might have been able to make friends with them.

It’s just that, although these small demons are dressed in strange clothes and look odd, they don’t seem to be a scourge on earth.

I’ll let them live, just let them live.

“After I became a Buddha, I have been talking more and more like that monk.

“The Monkey King laughed to himself and wanted to leave to find his way back.

In the blink of an eye, the monkey king looked up and saw a big man with countless pure white lightning bolts around his body flying towards his side.

The big man wearing winged helmet, wearing a red cloak, round waist, tiger eyes and yellow beard, his right hand holding the Thor’s axe, the axe blade of electric snakes running around.

It was none other than the once Lord of Asgard, Thor, the God of Thunder.

“When did Thunder God become handsome?

Just this body size and eight rings have a comparison.

“The Monkey King was about to take a closer look, when he suddenly saw the other party open his arms and throw the Thunder God Axe in his hand with all his might.

Thor’s axe brought an unspeakable pressure straight towards the Monkey King, and in a flash, countless violent thunder and lightning exploded together, completely engulfing the Monkey King.

Thor originally with the Galaxy Guardian line passing through the edge of the solar system, suddenly felt the Earth side of the energy anomalous outbreak, so don’t leave the Guardian, came to the Earth to check the situation.

But just now, he saw a group of members of the Reunion collapsed on the ground, and the only one standing is a strange monkey, the heart can not help but be alarmed, so just started to use the once against the exterminator’s kill move.

This time he aimed for the head! After a loud bang comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion, a mushroom cloud actually rose from the scene.

At this time, a gale, blowing away the stacks of clouds, only to see the ground was blown open a few hundred meters wide, more than ten meters deep pit.

In the center of the huge pit, the Monkey King appeared, and the iron rod in his hand and the Thunder God axe were actually twisted together with each other.

The Thunder God axe fell to the ground with a bang, and the blade of the axe had knocked out a gap, and a thin crack appeared on the nine-turned polished steel.

“What kind of divine weapon is this axe?

It was able to damage my Golden Hoop Rod.

“The Monkey King was surprised and easily picked up the Thunder God Axe and brought it to his eyes, but before he could take a closer look, the axe violently broke free and returned to Saul’s hands.

As soon as Thor threw Thor’s axe, he turned around and moved the injured members of the Reunion out of the blast area together with the levitation cape.

At this moment, he held the flying Thor’s axe, and his heart was also shocked beyond words: ”This monkey actually managed to block my full force blow, and he can still pick up the Thor’s axe! Between Saul’s thoughts, the Monkey King’s figure in the distance abruptly disappeared, and almost simultaneously reappeared behind Saul.

An iron rod smashed straight at the back of Saul’s head.

However, the iron rod only hit a remnant shadow.

The real Thor had already flown thousands of meters in the air.

“Tie! Where are you going to run!” The Monkey King shouted angrily and chased after him with the speed of a shadow.

One thunderclap after another boomed loudly in the sky, and one after another sound of gold and iron clashing that was even more terrifying than the thunderclaps resounded in every corner of the sky and the earth.

The two real gods were engaged in battle at speeds that were hard to catch with the naked eye, with only the occasional bright lightning and bursts of golden light proving their existence.

Thor raised his Thunder God Axe, and a thick bolt of lightning fell out of nowhere, hitting the Monkey King squarely.

However, the Monkey King was not affected in the slightest, and charged straight over with tiny electric snakes running all over his body.

Saul’s heart was filled with boundless doubt and fear.

This monkey seemed to be naturally immune to lightning, and even the strongest lightning bombardment couldn’t hurt him one bit.

This eliminated Saul’s most powerful means of attack, and he could only engage in close combat with him.

Whether it is strength or speed, the monkey has an absolute advantage.

Saul several times intentionally reveal the cracks, want to lure the monkey into the trap, he will take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

But after many attempts, the monkey did not fall for it, and seemed to have more than normal combat experience and dangerous intuition.

This monkey was calm, cunning and versatile in battle, forcing the enemy to the brink of extinction step by step.

It was like a born fighter god of war.

Saul hurriedly crossed his body to avoid the impact, and then his hand rose up and axe fell, cutting down on the Monkey King’s body.

The hacked monkey king turned into a hair, and a new monkey king reappeared behind Saul, raising his iron rod and sweeping.

Saul expected, bend down to avoid the iron rod, then a turn to raise the axe on the squatters, the monkey king will be cut open.

But in an instant, the monkey king also turned into a hair.

Suddenly, Saul felt the sky darkened, and there seemed to be infinite pressure coming from above his head.

He looked up, only to see a thousand meters long and a hundred meters wide golden and red iron bar has already covered the sky, and smashed down towards himself like a mountain.

He just wanted to turn into lightning to leap out of the iron rod’s coverage area, but the two hairs beside his body suddenly changed back to the monkey shape and wrapped him up.

Thor was unable to get out of the way, so he had to raise his arms and set up his divine axe to receive this huge rod.

7 with a brilliant dazzling pure white light eruption, that is like a giant pillar, enough to cut down the mountain peaks of the nine turns of the political iron was actually bounced away, fell aside, crushed countless deserted buildings abandoned, leaving thick plow marks on the ground.

At this time, Saul was frozen in place, only feeling tingling all over his body, dizziness and sweetness in his mouth.

Poof! Saul sprayed a large mouthful of blood, with the axe on the ground to hold up the body.

In his bloodshot eyes, the monkey’s figure was reflected again.

As early as at the beginning of the battle, the monkey king has already realized that the strength of this enemy is much higher than those before, although he still has the upper hand but can not be completed in a moment instantaneous kill.

So they will be patient, step by step, and gradually turn the advantage into a victory, the opponent into a desperate situation, and ultimately the Qiankun strike, laying the groundwork for victory.

This is the battle instinct that has been honed over thousands of years of fighting.

Monkey king moved forward, just want to a stick results in front of this guy.

Suddenly, the sky exploded with light, as if a second sun had lit up.

At the center of the “miniature sun” was a blonde woman in a tight-fitting battle suit.

The woman’s eyes were like stars and her face was like a god.

It was just like Captain Marvel Carol.

The miniature sun with the storm that swept everything rushed towards, with the monkey king’s ability it was difficult to dodge, and was hit squarely.

The energy storm that made the world lose color did not explode, but instead collapsed inward, pouring all the energy without a trace of omission onto the Monkey King, only a hero of the universe level can control the energy so freely.

In an instant the divine light engulfed everything, leaving the world in pure white.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the Monkey King was still standing in the same place, only that the originally healed wounds burst open again, turning into a long, thin, hideous blood scar.

There were a few more cracks on the Ruyi Golden Hoop Cudgel, and the sacred and pure golden light on the body of the Cudgel dimmed quite a bit.

“I can’t believe it hasn’t fallen yet!” Captain Marvel’s astonishment was overflowing.

Since receiving Nick Fury’s distress signal, Captain Marvel had rushed to Earth without stopping.

She had just entered near-Earth orbit when she saw the monkey raise a thousand-meter stick and slam it into Thor, who did everything in his power to deflect the attack.

So she quickly realized the seriousness of the situation, did not do any test, directly half of its own cosmic energy aimed at the monkey poured out, if not Captain Marvel is trying to control the scope of the outburst, these energies are enough to wipe out the entire continent of all living beings.

However, the monkey that took all of the energy attack was still able to stand, and although its skin was cracked, it still did not suffer any fatal injuries.

Without the slightest hesitation, Captain Marvel swooped down again in the air, not giving his enemy a moment’s respite.

Monkey King dodged sideways, took the opportunity to step on the somersault clouds, flying into the sky, Carol in hot pursuit, and in the blink of an eye is again a fierce battle.

On the ground, Saul saw Captain Marvel and the monkey battle, also re-energized, flinging the divine axe, to join the battle.

For a time, heaven and earth changed color, sea water tossed, mountain after mountain collapsed, wave after wave of turbid waves in the sky.

The three gods fought from the surface of the Pacific Ocean to the top of the Himalayas, and from the grasslands of East Africa to the valley of the Amazon River.

After circling the earth a few times, they actually returned to the airspace above the original abandoned factory.

Monkey King at this time the back has been transformed into three heads and eight arms, but in the God of Thunder and Captain Marvel left and right under the attack still appears to be left and right, and gradually fell into the wind.

“These two monsters are not low in power, so I’m afraid we can’t take advantage of them by attacking them head on, so we have to think of some ways to win.

“The Monkey King’s eyes turned, and a plan came to him.

The Monkey King’s eight arms exerted force at the same time, instantly pulling up a thirty-story building and flinging it towards the Thunder God.

After that, the Monkey King raised his iron rod and with a loud shout, he sent Captain Marvel flying.

The Captain Marvel was not willing to give in, and then his body burst with radiant light, hissed and swung his fists to kill him.

The Monkey King saw the opportunity, and suddenly turned into a golden light, and drilled into Captain Marvel’s stomach through his wide-open mouth.

Captain Marvel’s body around the light dimmed a lot, the expression of pain to cover the stomach, the body fell to the ground uncontrollably, only to feel a stomach flipping.

Carroll was busy putting his energy inward, creating a protective barrier inside his stomach and intestines.

The monkey head, after using his “skill”, jumped and tumbled, punched and kicked inside Captain Marvel’s stomach, and regardless of the language barrier, he shouted, “If you want me to go out, you can call me Grandpa Sun, Grandpa Sun,” and the monkey head shouted, “If you want me to go out, you can call me Grandpa Sun, Grandpa Sun, Grandpa Sun.

“That monkey head in the belly of Captain Marvel is having a good time, suddenly saw the side of the stomach wall floated on a transparent barrier, will be separated from the other side of the stomach and intestines.

The Monkey King could not help but instantly wield his iron rod towards the barrier.

Dang dang dang! Under the constant pounding of the nine-turned steel, the barrier shook and trembled violently, and cracks appeared within a moment.

At this moment, Captain Marvel fell to her knees, her hand covering her stomach, her expression extremely painful.

She neither dared to over-excite her energy inward – it would trigger a self-explosion – nor could she allow that monkey to beat herself to a pulp.

For a moment, she was actually unable to do anything, falling into deep despair.

Bang! With a muffled sound, the energy barrier in Captain Marvel’s body completely shattered, and his soft internal organs were completely exposed to the Monkey King’s iron rod.

At the same time, Captain Marvel violently stomped on the ground and flew rapidly into space, the light around her body became more and more dazzling.

She had already made up her mind that she would use self-destruction to die with the monkey at the last moment! Just at this moment, Captain Marvel’s figure flying in mid-air suddenly gave a start, actually froze on the ground.

Because she heard another voice coming from inside her body, a voice that didn’t belong to that monkey, speaking American English.

The Monkey King also heard that voice at the same time, and was incredibly certain that it was coming from within his own belly.

The voice in American English said urgently, “Get out of Carol’s belly, or I’ll get bigger and burst your belly.

“The voice was coming from Ant-Man Scott.

Scott has been in solitary confinement since his final battle with the Exterminator’s army when his sentence was increased for violating the home confinement order, so he didn’t arrive in time for the Avengers’ operation.

Afterwards, he observed a huge burst of energy near the abandoned factory and sensed that the situation was not good, so he managed to remove the monitoring ankle bracelet and put on the Ant-Man suit to rush to the scene.

When he arrived at the abandoned factory, he saw Captain Marvel and Thor fighting with a three-headed, eight-armed monkey with an iron bar, and he couldn’t intervene at all.

After observing for a long time, he finally found an opportunity to take advantage of the monkey’s open mouth and yell, Ant-Man, who had already become smaller, made a running leap to fall directly into the monkey’s mouth, and slid down his throat into the other party’s stomach.

Almost at the same time, the Monkey King also turned into golden light and drilled into Captain Marvel’s stomach.

“Oh no! After releasing the geese for the rest of my life, I got pecked in the eye by the geese.

“The Monkey King was about to burst through Captain Marvel’s body as his stomach ached with anger.

However, in this instant, Captain Marvel had already regathered his energy and constructed a protective barrier in his body again, restricting the Monkey King’s growing body.

The Monkey King thought that this monster could enter his body silently, his magic power must be not low, he should also be careful, so he re-emerged from Captain Marvel’s mouth.

The monkey king just landed on the ground will be transformed into a normal size, upside down to lift the iron bar to their own stomach, and then the trend of a vomit outward, ants will be along with a lot of gastric fluid and food residue was sprayed out together.

After the anthropoid was vomited out, he also returned to normal size, and the Monkey King could not help but raise the iron bar to smash it down.

At that moment, another voice came from the distance, causing the Monkey King to freeze his iron bar in mid-air.

A deep male voice shouted in Chinese, “Are you the Great Sage of Qi Tian Da Sheng, Sun Wukong?

“The Monkey King suddenly froze and looked at the voice, only to see a fat man with black hair and yellow skin on the side of Dr. Strange, who had just fallen to the ground unconscious.

In his hands, two wheels of light coalesced, emitting a gentle aura that healed wounds and soothed the soul.

This person was none other than Dr. Strange’s assistant, Mr. Wang, the librarian of the Supreme Sanctuary.

“You can speak human?

” asked the Monkey King in surprise.

“You can communicate with this monkey?

” asked Captain Marvel and Thor in unison with the same surprise and confusion.

“Are you really the Monkey King?

How did you come to be here?

” King froze visibly and looked at the Monkey King and asked a question in Chinese without answering.

Then he turned his head back to Captain Marvel and Saul and answered in English, “He is the Monkey King, speaking Chinese.

The Monkey King is the most familiar god in Chinese mythology.

“Seeing that someone in a foreign land still knows his name, the Monkey King was secretly pleased, and his tone then softened, “I don’t know how I got here.

At that time, I and my children were playing on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits, and suddenly a little one came to report that there was a strange whirlpool on the waterfall of the Water Curtain Cave.

I went to take a look, only to see that the water curtain has a millstone-sized, slowly turning water vortex.

The vortex was sunken inward, reflecting some blurred light and shadow from time to time.

Monkey monkeys and grandchildren are afraid not to go forward, I do not know what is odd, so I flew close to the center of the water vortex with the golden rod to touch a little.

But the rod just pasted on, the center of the vortex suddenly gave birth to a strange force, will I sucked in.

When I came back to God, the light in front of me has been a change, Huaguo Mountain all gone, all around the four sides of the high-rise, a squeaking wow screaming iron car to me, but a thousand pounds of small iron car can not help me, I hand on the pick over a few.

After that, the yellow-haired monster with the shield led me here and set up an ambush to attack me.

Hmph, but some dirty talent, and then a hundred thousand I will not be afraid! Between that great saint’s words, Wang and the recovered Dr. Strange used healing spells to heal most of the injured heroes.

At the same time, in the sky, a little bit of star flame flashes, a dozen small propellers each fly to the ear of the heroes of the United Federation, turned into a suspended headset.

This is Iron Man woke up after commanding Veronica to send the translation earphone, this earphone can real-time translation of all the current languages on earth as well as hundreds of ancient languages.

What that Monkey King had said was arrogant and rude, but it generally cleared things up.

After receiving treatment, Captain America slowly stood up, endured the pain and said to Thor, Captain Marvel and other heroes: “At the beginning, we received a report that there was a water waveform spatial and temporal disturbance above the central avenue, and in the center of the disturbance leaped out of a small monkey holding a stick with unparalleled strength, destroying many vehicles, causing great confusion in the city center, requiring the United Federation of Reconstruction to deal with the situation.

This is basically the same as what he said, so it seems that we fought for nothing, and it was all a misunderstanding.


You’ve forced me into such a situation and you’re done with a misunderstanding?

” Monkey King looked at his own skin hair was prairie black burnt, can not help but heart anger again, said angrily.

“Then what else do you want?

“Thunder God and Captain Marvel did not give in, the two of them immediately flashed in the eyes, once again into the battle state.

“The Great Sage, don’t be angry, don’t be angry.

Seeing that the atmosphere had become tense again, King hurriedly took a step forward to mediate between the three, saying, “Everyone calm down, the most important thing now is to find out the reason why the space-time ripples appeared, and figure out why the space-time ripples can connect our universe with the universe where Sun Da Sheng is.” “Right, we must put down the fight.

“Right, we must put aside our quarrels and work together to investigate the truth of this matter.

“Captain America’s words were so righteous that the three god-like existences all disengaged themselves from fighting, and everyone began to think about the clues that might be related to this event.

“The space-time ripple state you described is very much like a portal.

“Dr. Strange clenched his right hand in front of his mouth, his blue eyes were far away and deep, like Sherlock Holmes, he made an analysis, “This monkey, er, the Monkey King was sucked in as soon as he touched the space-time ripples and came to our universe, which means that not only does it connect the two universes, but it also has the tendency to make the two universes attract and merge with each other.

This is a phenomenon that has never even been recorded in the Sanctuary Library.

“That reminds me of something.

” Spider Jr. raised his hand after listening to Dr. Strange’s analysis, and in the gazes thrown his way, he spoke in a not-so-slow voice, “Do you remember a city-wide blackout about a few years ago?

The official explanation was that the city’s power grid was down for maintenance, but that wasn’t the case.

That blackout came from a rich man named Jin Jin, because he lost his beloved wife and daughter in a car accident years ago, so he spent a lot of money to fund physical science research after he made a fortune, trying to resurrect his wife and daughter by turning back time, but there was never any progress.

“Until one year, a mad scientist named Dr. Octopus found him and told him that he could open the time portal of parallel universes, so that the New York City in the universe where his wife and daughter did not die could be reunited with reality, thus achieving the purpose of reunion.

But the consequence of this is that the whole of New York will face destruction due to a temporal tremor.

Luckily, though, they inadvertently summoned Spider-Man from multiple parallel universes in the course of their experiments, and you wouldn’t believe it, some of the parallel universe Spider-Man’s are actually little girls, or even a pig! Uh, back on topic, a few of us Spider-Men teamed up together to sabotage Jin and attempted to fuse the two universes of New York City’s evil plan, at the cost of that citywide blackout.

“Well, I’d say that was pretty similar to this one, so maybe there’s some connection to Jin and this thing.

” In the crowd’s obvious impatience, Spider Jr. finally finished his speech and finished the story.

The crowd fell silent again, after a while, Captain America opened his mouth to break the silence and said, “It seems that Jin is the only clue now, so does anyone know where he is now?

“All I know is that he made a lot of connections after he was arrested and didn’t stay in jail long before he was bailed out and then he went completely missing.

” Spider Jr. spread his hands helplessly, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Iron Man habitually raised his hand and stroked his chin to let out a pure magnetic voice, like another Sherlock Holmes, said: “I do have some clues about Jin’s whereabouts.

A few years ago, when I was doing an arms deal with a third world country, I made friends with an arms smuggling company based on a Pacific island.

The owner of this company is the head of the local gangsters, but after my secret investigation, I found out that the financier and the real controller of the local gangsters is actually Jin Jin.

I know the coordinates of this arms smuggling company, so maybe we can start here and find out Kim Jong’s whereabouts and the clues to this incident.

“For the time being, it seems that this is the only way.

” Captain America frowned deeply, deeply displeased with Iron Man’s words revealing arms smuggling, privacy investigations, and gangster dealings.

But it had to be said, sometimes those shadowlands did provide access to the quickest, most efficient and most secretive sources of information.

Whether guarding the world should be done with pure liberal justice or whether a compromise should be reached with the government or even the gray areas is a disagreement that Captain America and Iron Man have never been able to reconcile.

And during the discussion between the members of the Reunion, Sun Wukong froze in place with a confused look on his face.

Although through the translator he was able to understand every word that the other party said, but what space-time ripples, parallel universes, smuggling companies a string of unfamiliar words and phrases heard him as if falling into a fog.

However, through the words he could understand, he still roughly understood that this matter might be related to a person named Jin Jin, and that Jin Jin might be on some island in some ocean.

See the people and not speak, the monkey head hurriedly said: “Since we know the location, still freeze why, quickly rush to find that gold and the lair is, you still want to leave my old grandson in this New Year not.

“Sun Wukong’s words broke the delicate silence, Iron Man then presented the coordinates of the island, and said lightly: “The appearance of space-time ripples and a monkey on the streets of the city center has already spread on the Internet, and if this is really the work of Jin Jin, then once he gets the information he will definitely hide even more covertly, eliminating all the clues.

So now it’s not too late, I suggest that the ones who can fly first join me to that island to investigate the situation and look for clues, while the captain temporarily leads the rest of the people to deal with the disaster scene and wait for the follow-up news.

” The crowd nodded in agreement.

Although Captain Marvel and Thor are not members of the Reunion now, but seeing that this matter involves the parallel universe level, may have a bearing on the safety and security of the galaxy or even the universe, so they also joined the team, and accompanied together.

Thus, the ground flashed with gold, white, or blue light, and Iron Man led Sun Wukong, Captain Marvel, and Thor to soar up, disappearing into the sky in no time.

Dr. Strange did not follow because he had to shelter the Sanctuary.

9 Inside the Supreme Sanctuary, a door connecting to the multiverse shook fiercely behind it, rattling as if there were countless horrible monsters frantically knocking and pounding, wanting to shatter the boundary and break into this universe.

Suddenly, along with a crunching sound like the shattering of space and time, a gap opened up in the void in front of the many doors, in which countless sticky and strange black shadows gushed out like spewing oil.

As soon as those black shadows landed on the ground, they changed into all sorts of demonic elves, declaring and screaming strangely as they began to destroy and kill each other in all directions.

At this time, a red thunderstorm exploded out of nowhere, instantly sweeping away both the formed and unformed monsters and black shadows.

At the door of the Supreme Sanctuary room, Dr. Strange reined in the Bossart’s Thunder.

Without giving the rift a chance to spew out black shadows again, he and Wang urged their magic to close the gap in time and space.

Until the gap in time and space completely disappeared, Dr. Strange breathed a little sigh of relief and said slowly to King beside him, “This gap in time and space does not belong to any of the parallel universes related to our universe, so it seems that there is a deeper reason for what happened this time.

”Above a certain isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, four rays of light, gold, red, blue and white, suddenly appeared, and the hundreds of mercenaries in the island’s fortress cast their gazes over in unison.

A blue light flashed, and countless thin electric snakes leaped along the electronic machinery among the mercenaries, electrocuting all of them in no time.

The four rays of light successively fell to the ground and took human form, slowly walking towards the square building standing in the center of the island.

Iron Man line of four people came to the center of the island building in front, only to see this building is about five meters high, silver gray, square shape, the surface reflects a solid hard metal luster, as if a huge version of the universe cube, all the attacks from the outside can not hurt it a little.

Thor pulls open his arm and swings out the Thor’s axe with force, only to hear a deafening Langran loud sound, the building wall and the Thor’s axe bursts out between the bright sparks, the whole island shook a little with it.

However, when the flames ended, the wall hit by the Thunder God Axe was only slightly dented, not damaged.

“What the hell is this?

It’s actually so hard.

“Thor asked, puzzled.

Iron Man scanned the entire wall, and after analyzing it, concluded that the building should be made of vibranium material more than 50 centimeters thick, and that destroying the building would require at least the blasting power equivalent to a 100 billion ton nuclear bomb.

Seeing both Thor and Iron Man’s gazes on himself, Captain Marvel raised his right eyebrow and said softly, “I would be able to exert this level of explosive force, but then this island along with the nearby waters would suffer destruction.

And we can’t be sure that Jin and is in here right now, maybe there’s a trap buried in this metal box.

“Carroll’s words just fell, suddenly everyone’s feet a tremor, in front of the vibro-gold fortress in the middle of the gap, vibro-gold steel plate slowly sliding downward, pulling open a to the entrance.

The crowd gazed at the entrance, only to see that the interior of the entrance was a spacious and bright office.

At the other end, directly opposite the entrance was a desk much larger than normal size, and behind the desk was a swivel chair of the same proportions.

There was a huge figure sitting in that wide chair, and at the moment the figure’s back was to the doorway, so that only the back of a very shiny, flabby cascade of flesh could be seen.

With the entrance fully open, the huge figure slowly turned around, only to see his fat head, body like a small mountain, under the clean and neat suit is difficult to hide the bulging gnarled horrifying muscles.

This person is exactly what Iron Man and his party are looking for, known as the strongest ordinary people on earth Jin and.

Iron Man and his party of four successively stepped inside the fortress, with their terrifying god level strength, they did not have to worry about being trapped by this vibranium fortress at all.

And right at this moment, Jin and, who was originally sitting in an oversized office chair, stood up abruptly, and with an extremely complicated look crossed over the three people of the Reunion in front of them and landed on Sun Wukong, who was at the end of the group and appeared to be at a loss.

Sun Wukong noticed this strange gaze, instantly pulled out the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick from his ear, thinking that this guy in front of him had a fierce face with cross-flesh, and was by no means a good person.

All things are better to wait to beat him down.

But before the monkey king shot, Jin and suddenly covered his face and cried bitterly, two lines of turbid tears in his fat face gurgling down, forming two tiny rivers.

And in the intervals of continuous choking, actually heard him say in Chinese: “Monkey, Monkey, you can finally come! “Bajie?

You are the Eight Preceptors! How did you come to this place?

“Sun Wukong’s eyes were wide open, his eyes were full of dismay and disbelief.

At this moment, the three people in the center only felt a chill down their spine, Jin Jin actually knew Sun Wukong, and seemed to have a very shallow relationship.

Could it be that Jin Jin also traveled here and came from the same universe as the Monkey King?

When did Jin Zhen traveled here?

One question after another floated up in the hearts of the three of them, waiting for the man in front of them, who was as strong as a small mountain, to answer.

“Monkey, it’s a long story.

“Jin and sighed, and sat back on the boss chair slowly spoke: “That day I was enjoying the Buddha altar on the fruit offerings, suddenly, the Buddha altar appeared in the middle of a golden ball, the ball like a vortex general will be sucked into all the things around.

I could barely resist it at first, but when I ran out of strength, I plunged into it.

As soon as I touched the golden orb, I felt the sky spinning, and then I came back to my senses and arrived here.

“After I came here, I realized that I was not injured, but I had lost all my magic power, and I was left with only a brute strength, and my face had changed back to what it looked like when I was the Marshal of the Heavenly Peng.

It took me a long time to learn the language and understand the world here.

It was only later that I figured out that this place is called America and is protected by a group of superheroes with magical powers – they call them superpowers.

While learning about the place, I started doing some small business to make a living.

I didn’t realize that the United States was the right place to do business, and my business got bigger and bigger along the way. After my company went public, I suddenly felt tired and homesick, and although the world of flowers here is nice, it’s not my hometown after all.

“I began to look for people who were like me while researching ways to go back.

In my search for companions, I specifically asked someone to monitor abnormal transcendent events around the world, and I found several incidents of beast-headed or snake-bodied people suddenly appearing in cities.

I suspected that there might be a few of these demons or mountain gods that had traveled from their homeland.

But none of them took on human form and were quickly removed by the arriving Reunion teams.

And while searching for a way to travel back I realized that the golden orb that brought me here resembled a wormhole in the physical realm, and splurged on that realm, scouring it for tons of oddballs and mad scientists to help me build a portal to send me back to my hometown.

Of course, when I told even my closest people about the purpose of doing this, I only said that it was to reunite with my wife and daughter, who died in a car accident.

“But!” InuYasha raised both of his thick eyebrows.

Resentfully looking at the Iron Man in front of him, he fiercely said, “But whenever the experiment made a breakthrough, the Avengers Alliance and that bug son of his came to obstruct it, destroying my plan again and again, and now more than ten years have passed, and I’ve almost forgotten even my native accent.

Monkey, you’re finally here, quickly beat them up, let’s go back together.

“So it’s the Monkey King that you summoned through the Time Ripple Portal to be your rescuer?

“Although he has entered the room, Iron Man still did not open the face armor, his hand on the jaw quietly listened to the words of the former Piggyback now Jin and quickly searched for relevant information to ask.

“Monkey, you are not specifically to save me?

” Piggy’s fat face now and the four people in front of him the same confused question.

I ran into a vortex in front of the Water Curtain Cave on Mount Huaguo and came over here,” Sun Wukong explained.

” Sun Wukong explained.

After a few seconds of silence, InuYasha’s gaze shifted from the Monkey King back to Iron Man and said with disappointment, “I did once have the idea of taking the initiative to open a portal and summoning my Big Brother to help me, but I didn’t have the chance to realize it.

After my last plan was ruined by the Spider-Men, my company was severely damaged, and all that’s left is the arms trading company on this island.

At the same time, Dr. Octopus also disappeared, and I no longer have the ability to open the time portal.

This time, I learned through the Internet media that a war broke out between the Reunion and a monkey in an abandoned factory in New York City, and I decided that it was Big Brother, thinking that it was possible for you to find this place, so I came here to wait.

“The portal wasn’t opened by Jin and the only clue so far is broken.

The fact that Jin Jin is actually a traveled InuYasha makes the whole thing even more tricky and confusing.

According to him, the connection between these two universes had been going on for at least a decade, and who had the ability to establish a channel between two completely unrelated universes?

This was something that no god could do.

“So has anyone talked to you about space-time teleportation or anything like that for a while now?

” Iron Man asked tentatively.

He instinctively felt that the two crossings of InuYasha and the Monkey King were not based on the same reason, so he chose to put down the incident of InuYasha’s crossing first, and mainly explored the reason of the Monkey King’s crossing.

“Wait, it seems like someone has talked to me about something similar, but then again, it seems like they haven’t.

Ah!” InuYasha’s body suddenly slumped down onto the desk, pressing his hands on his bald head with an extremely painful expression and shouting, “My head, my head hurts! As if, as if it won’t let me remember the relevant things.

‘ As soon as Piggyback’s words left his mouth, his head instantly puffed up like a balloon and seemed to be about to explode.

Seeing this, Captain Marvel took one step and flashed in front of InuYasha, pressed his hands on the other party’s growing head and poured cosmic energy into it, temporarily suppressing the internal energy that was going to burst InuYasha’s head.

InuYasha immediately fainted unconscious.

The three of them and the Monkey King looked at each other, a weird, thrilling and inexplicable fear gradually attacked the whole body.

10 Inside the Supreme Sanctuary in New York, USA.

Dr. Strange used various spells to heal the fat man lying in front of him.

This afternoon, Iron Man and his entourage suddenly came to the Supreme Sanctuary, Dr. Strange saw that the monkey who was only 1 meter 4 was carrying a big fat man who was half a ton.

Iron Man briefly described the general story, and Dr. Strange hurriedly let the crowd into the sanctuary and told Sun Wukong to put the unconscious InuYasha on a magic healing bed that resembled an operating table.

This was a magic bed that Strange had made according to his own habits, and this bed possessed the function of purifying and soothing, as well as amplifying the effects of all healing spells.

Upon closer inspection, Dr. Strange discovered that a curse had been branded into Inuyasha’s consciousness.

This curse would normally cover up a certain memory of what had happened, and once the consciousness touched this covered memory, the curse would instantly explode, causing the cursed person to explode inside the skull and die.

Such a cunning and vicious means is very rare, and one can not help but wonder what secrets are contained in the memory that this person is trying to cover up.

Dr. Strange used all kinds of purification and healing spells recorded in the magic books, and with the constant supply of cosmic energy from Captain Marvel, it took an afternoon to completely remove the curse brand from InuYasha’s consciousness.

During the healing process, Iron Man and the others did not leave, but stayed in the hall waiting for the results.

During this period of time that monkey head from time to time look around, see even feel strange, can not help but hairy hands and feet touch and touch, and sometimes break something, make Iron Man and Thor cried and laughed.

Mr. Wang is always in the core of the sanctuary to guard the increasingly agitated multiverse door, no time to appear.

InuYasha slowly opened his eyes, only to feel a splitting headache, but the feeling that there was an energy inside his skull that was going to burst his head had disappeared.

InuYasha collected his spirit, gradually adjusted to the pain after looking around, and found a group of people surrounding him, here there is the Monkey King, but also Spider-Man and the members of the Reunion, who have always been against him.

“How does Shidai feel?

Do you remember anything?

” Seeing that InuYasha had woken up, the Monkey King inquired with concern.

As soon as the Monkey King asked, Porky Pig instantly felt that certain memories within his mind that had been covered up surged out, converging into a picture and a voice.

“Brother Monkey, I, I remember.

” Porky Pig’s lips trembled a little as he said, “That was a man with a ram’s horn headdress, wearing a green cloak and an unusually evil smile.

Half a year ago he appeared in my Zhenjin Fortress in some unknown way and demanded the design drawings of the mega time travel device from me, I was completely unable to lie or hide when I was confronted with his face, so I could only honestly take out the drawings and hand them over to him.

Then he nudged me with the tip of the scepter in his hand and I forgot the memory until just now when I remembered it again.

“Did he tell you his name?

” Thor heard this and his mind vaguely recalled someone, but it definitely couldn’t have been him.

InuYasha looked over at the questioning Thor and suddenly frowned, his eyes losing focus as he mumbled, “He said he could be called the God of Fire, the God of Lies, and the God of Mischief.

Or,” InuYasha gulped, and after a pause added, “Loki, God of Evil.

”11 It’s really Loki, he’s actually still alive.” Shocked expressions surfaced on the faces of all the superheroes present except the Monkey King.

All of them turned their attention to Thor, as if to seek a definite answer.

“Loki must be dead.

“Thor’s voice thundered, seemingly evoking some extremely sad past, “I personally saw him killed by the Exterminator, and I also buried him with my own hands, so it’s absolutely impossible for him to come back to life again.

Unless ……” “Unless this Loki doesn’t come from our universe.

” Iron Man added to Thor’s unfinished words.

At this point the sadness in Thor’s eyes shifted more into confusion and surprise, and the attention of the crowd turned to Iron Man’s side.

“Since the Monkey King and Porky Pig can travel from completely unrelated time and space, it’s not surprising that Loki from a parallel universe would come to this universe for some reason.

“Iron Man held his jaw in thought and said, “This also reminds me of something.

“What is it?

“Thor asked suspiciously.

Iron Man gazed at the crowd and said lightly, “It was when we were preparing for the ‘Endgame’ and traveling back to 2012 to steal the Infinity Stones in New York.

I saw that universe’s Loki take advantage of the chaos and jumped away from it, and now that I connect the dots, the whole thing seems like it could have something to do with that escaped Loki.

” There was a moment of silence from the crowd, if it really was the work of another universe’s Loki, then this incident has involved three universes and completely different timelines.

Things were getting more and more complicated and difficult to understand.

After nearly a minute, Dr. Strange returned to Inuyasha and asked, “What kind of drawings did you give Loki?

” “It’s a drawing of a Titan-class space-time portal.

“InuYasha frowned and pondered for a second, and slowly replied, “The Titan-class space-time portal requires 12 teleportation base stations to be set up in outer space around the Earth, and when these 12 base stations are operating at the same time, the manipulator can open the space-time portal anywhere in the solar system, at any place.

” “And what is the farthest distance these base stations can teleport?

” asked Captain Marvel, using this question to determine the scope of her next search.

“The exact figure has not been precisely measured, theoretically it is possible to teleport as long as it is within the solar system.

” After hearing Inuyasha’s words the crowd was silent once again, the solar system even with the most conservative Neptune as the boundary has a diameter of about 9 billion kilometers, searching for the twelve base stations that have been purposely hidden within this vastness of space is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

「But ……」 just as everyone was hesitating and pondering on countermeasures, InuYasha once again spoke out, “I have hidden a signal transmitter in the design of the drawings, and if he builds the portal exactly according to my drawings, the manipulator’s location will be sent to my vibranium fortress.

Although the signal is encrypted through layers and layers of encryption, given a day’s time I can definitely decipher the exact coordinates of the portal opener.

“”You nerd!”” Sun Wukong went forward and grabbed Piggy’s ears, which were no longer fan-shaped but still fat, and laughed and snapped, “You don’t know how to finish your sentence in one breath, causing us to think hard for a long time.

“Sun Wukong cursed in his mouth, hand also did not stop, will have half a ton of weight of pig eight ring as a baggage skin like a grip to the back, walked to the door a somersault flip out, landed on the Pacific Ocean island back in front of the Zhenjin Fortress.

That monkey only piggy back down, suddenly feel the wind ringing in the ears, look sideways, the original is surprised that the captain also just landed.

The Monkey King walked over and looked at Captain Marvel with his head held high and said, “After this matter is resolved, I will definitely compete with you in terms of footwork.

“Captain Marvel raised his right eyebrow and said with a smile, “I’d like to accompany you.

“Captain Marvel looked back to the end of the sky, only to see two points of light in the far distance flying rapidly, soon appeared Iron Man and Thor’s figure.

The four of them escorted Porky Pig into the Zhenjin Fortress and then discussed for a while. In order to prevent Loki from attacking Porky Pig, they decided that Captain Marvel would stay inside the fortress to protect Porky Pig.

Instead, Iron Man leads Son Goku and Thor to Wakanda to utilize the future technology there to repair the cracks that have appeared in the duo’s weapons.

Above the desolate and rugged African land, a layer of energy barrier suddenly opens up, revealing a prosperous city and fantastic technology inside that is worlds away from the outside world.

The trio flew all the way to Princess Suri’s technological institute, and after a briefing, Iron Man and his team met with Princess Suri herself.

After indicating their intentions, Su Rui let the Monkey King and Thor put their respective weapons on the repair table, after a busy night, Su Rui utilized vibranium combined with nanotechnology to patch up the two weapons.

The Monkey King picked up the Golden Hoop Stick and danced once, and felt that it was as easy to use as it was in the beginning, so he bowed and said thank you.

After Thor and Iron Man thanked him, the three of them left directly without stopping.

Along the way, all the people I saw were wearing black veils.

“Why do I feel that Su Rui has become so quiet?

“Thor looked at Iron Man and said in a casual conversation.

Iron Man sighed and said slowly, “Now that the King of Wakanda has passed away and the new Black Panther has not yet been elected, all forces are fighting for the throne.

As the princess of Wakanda, Su Rui is naturally in the center of the vortex, and she is working hard for the future of Wakanda.

In a short time, Wakanda will inevitably have a violent turmoil, we outsiders can only wait and see what happens.

‘ As soon as Iron Man’s words left his mouth, another message suddenly came to his ear.

InuYasha’s voice said, “Loki’s coordinates have been found.

“12 Inside the basement of Hydra headquarters.

A man with a ram’s horn headdress, wearing a green robe and cape, holding a scepter of the mind was sitting in the middle of a phalanx, chanting under his breath, the man’s face was very evil, as if he was in control of the power to confuse people’s hearts, and it was none other than the Evil God Loki.

He recited incantations while reviewing his entire plan in his mind.

This Loki came from a parallel universe adjacent to this one.

He was originally unaware of the existence of parallel universes, but during that New York battle in 2012, he discovered that there were actually two Iron Man and Captain America fighting on the battlefield at the same time, and the unfamiliar one seemed to be so afraid of being recognized that there was an accident, allowing him to take advantage of the accident to successfully jump out of the way after he was defeated and captured.

After escaping, Loki secretly tracked the strange pair of Iron Man and Captain America, and found that they passed through a portal and their breath disappeared from that universe completely.

Loki planned to go back to the Exterminator to borrow some more soldiers and ships to make a comeback.

However, when he finally meets with the Exterminator, he realizes that the Exterminator is gathering all of his main fleet and appears to be preparing to launch a massive expedition.

In response to Loki’s request, the Exterminator replied with a single word: “Loser.

“This deeply pierced Loki’s dignity and made him even more curious about where the Exterminator was headed.

So he utilized his own ability and followed the Exterminator’s army to this universe.

Because he was not a member of the Exterminator’s army, he did not turn into ashes in the “Final Battle”.

Moreover, through a series of investigations in this universe, he obtained some crucial information.

Loki discovered that there was a 9-year time difference in the timeline of this universe compared to his own.

A lot of things happened in those 9 years, and the most shocking to Loki was none other than the death of his father and the unraveling of Hela.

His own stupid brother had actually destroyed Asgard in order to defeat Hela and awaken Surtur, leaving countless Asgardian subjects as interstellar refugees.

What surprised him even more was that his own universe didn’t try to stop it, which couldn’t help but make him suspect that this was a stupid universe, so much so that even his own universe had become so stupid.

In order to stop his own universe from repeating the mistakes of the Stupid Universe, Loki begins a series of actions.

He first used the timing of the Reunion’s return of the Infinity Stones to return to his own universe and regain the Cosmic Cube and the Scepter of the Mind.

He then took control of most of the remnants of the Exterminator’s forces as their heir when they were falling apart without a leader, and used them to march to Asgard, stripping Odin of his godly powers and expelling Thor, the God of Thunder.

He officially ascended to the throne of Asgard.

However, although Loki learned his lesson and did not banish Odin’s divine power to Earth, but with the disappearance of Odin’s authority, Hela is breaking free from the seal faster and faster, Loki knows how terrible Hela who uses Asgard as a source of power really is, and also knows how cruel the means of this dear sister to deal with her family, at this moment, he suddenly feels that the method of destroying Asgard of his own stupid brother is not so foolish.

But he is not his own limbs developed simple-minded stupid brother, he is the god of fraud and mischief Loki.

Since he couldn’t defeat Hela, who possessed Asgard, and he couldn’t destroy Asgard, he separated Hela and Asgard into two universes.

Loki’s plan was to teleport the entire planet of Asgard to this parallel universe.

But the amount of energy needed to realize the cosmic relocation of the entire planet is beyond imagination, and it must be accomplished with the power of one of the supreme beings in the universe.

In order to realize this bold plan, Loki turned around and found the headquarters of Hydra, and through Hydra contacted the Inhuman originator Hive, and with the promise of helping him get out of the trap after the success, he exchanged from Hive where to be able to communicate with a supreme deity of the ritual spell.

This supreme deity was called the Planet Devourer.

In the communication spell, the Planet Devourer stated that he could help Loki fulfill his heart’s desire, but the price was that Loki needed to sacrifice a delicious life-filled planet to Him.

The sacrifice ceremony only required setting up a Titan-class space-time portal within the solar system, then setting up a spell formation on the sacrificed planet, and reciting the three-part honorific name pointing to the Planet Devourer, He could then descend in His own right, and immediately fulfill Loki’s wish once he had enjoyed the sacrifice.

After hearing this price, the corners of Loki’s mouth hooked up slightly, revealing an unusually evil smile.

A delicious planet full of life, Earth undoubtedly fit this standard perfectly.

In this way, he could both borrow the Earth to realize an exchange with the Planet Devourer and also use the Planet Devourer’s hand to get rid of this annoying planet.

Those meddling superheroes would be as small as ants in front of this supreme being of the universe, powerless to fight back.

After half a year of stealthy preparations, with the help of Hydra, Loki finally installed the 12 base stations needed for the Titan-class space-time portal in all corners of the solar system.

He then set up the spell formation underneath the heavily protected Hydra headquarters yesterday and recited the directional three-part honorific name.

“Ancient existence that is as old as time.

“The supreme god who has the power to challenge the Heavenly Court (Life Court).”

“The surviving freeloader of the created universe.”

“Loki finished his chanting and waited in peace for the Swallow Star to descend.

Ten minutes passed and the sensors did not respond.

Twenty minutes passed, and the sensors remained silent as if they were broken.

In thirty minutes, the sensor finally showed that in the center of the busy streets of New York, a being had passed through a space-time portal and arrived on Earth.

But just as Loki was about to maneuver the Space Gem to escape as soon as possible before the destruction of the Earth, his eyes suddenly stared at the video imaging of the sensor, unable to move away.

That being that passed through the portal was actually a short monkey that wasn’t even 1 meter 4 in height.

The ceremony had failed.

Who was that monkey?

It doesn’t matter, Loki said to himself.

Why this ritual didn’t point to the Planet Devourer, and summoning that monkey was the key.

After a meticulous review, Loki realized that the problem should be in the three-part Exalted Name, it was the Exalted Name that didn’t completely lock on to the Planet Devourer, and that was why it wrongly pointed to that monkey.

Having found the crux of the problem, Loki changed the three-segmented honorific name on his own with his knowledge of the Planet Devourer, so that the honorific name could definitely point to the Star Swallower alone.

However, the 12 base stations supporting the Titan-class space-time portal needed at least 20 hours of cool-down time after operating once, which had to make Loki press on once again, and continued to wait for a day underground at Hydra’s headquarters.

Right now, just after the 20 hours had passed, Loki immediately sat back down in the center of the spell formation and recited the improved three-part Zun name.

At the same time as Loki recited his name, the sky outside the HYDRA base exploded into light, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Thor and Thor were the first to arrive with Sun Wukong, and behind them were the members of the Reunion who had arrived on the stealthy space motherships, the Galactic Guardians who had arrived belatedly, and the Iron Legion led by War Machine.

“A great being older than the universe!” The Monkey King transformed into the size of a mountain peak and raised his iron rod in his hand and slammed it downward, instantly shattering the outer energy barrier of the Hydra base.

Behind them, the Air and Space Motherships and the Iron Legion surged in, battling with the Intelligent Armor and alien mercenaries inside the barrier.

“The supreme god who feeds on planets!” Each of the superheroes erupted with their own divine power, clearing the enemies in front of them, but new enemies continued to emerge from the Hydra base, as if they were endless, holding all the heroes in place.

At this time, an unparalleled explosion resounded through the world, Iron Man and War Machine led the Iron Legion with unlimited firepower to temporarily block the exit channel, for the rest of the people to create a time to attack the dragon.

The heroes understood and without a moment’s hesitation, together with the Monkey King, they headed straight for Loki’s location underground.

“The sole survivor of the founding universe! Boom! The roof of the basement where Loki was located collapsed, and the Monkey King, Captain Marvel and other superheroes were glowing with divine light, gazing firmly at Loki in front of them.

“Loki, it’s over.

“Thor stepped forward, wanting to put an end to his brother’s evil plan with his own hands as he had done countless times before, and bring him home to be punished.

Even if this brother was from another parallel universe.

“Hahahahahahahahahaha!” Loki suddenly burst into maniacal laughter, “That’s right, it’s over! The portal has opened and the Planet Devourer is about to descend to devour Earth! The Asgard that you destroyed with your own hands will return to the universe, and glory belongs to Asgard!” 13 In a burst of hysterical laughter, Loki’s figure steeply and transparently disappeared, utilizing the Space Gem to leap out of the Earth.

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble slightly, and dust and debris began to float upwards.

The Reunion members fighting on the ground and the Hydra organization stopped moving at the same time, and Peter Parker’s spider-sense picked up a premonition of danger like an oceanic tsunami.

This was an existence more terrifying than the army of the Exterminators! The sky suddenly darkened, and people couldn’t help but tilt their heads to look up, only to see a huge and peerless head filling half of the sky, directly blocking out the sun and dimming the world.

That head possessed a silver-white face and bright red headdress, and it was none other than the Planet Devourer, one of the universe’s five Great Creation Gods.

As the Planet Devourer’s body continued to poke out from the portal, gradually, the sky and field of vision could no longer accommodate His incomparably large body, and people all over the world could only observe one of His shoulders, two of His eyes, or half of His arm depending on the region in which He was located.

The supreme being in space slowly opened his mouth, which like a black hole created a gravitational pull that sucked in everything around him.

The earth’s atmosphere began to dissipate, the land began to loosen, the ocean raised thousands of meters of waves, all the volcanoes almost erupted together, and the poles of the magnetic field began to reverse uncontrollably.

At this rate, the planet would be completely destroyed and disintegrated in less than half a day.

The first to react was Veronica in near-Earth orbit, whose existence was designed to respond to major dangerous events that threatened the Earth.

Veronica was the first to mobilize the thirteen space-based cannons located in orbit around the world’s satellites, aiming all of them at the right eye of the Planet Eater.

Thirteen dazzling and eye-catching energy lasers in the universe lit up at the same time, hitting the same spot where the pupil of the Planet Swallower’s right eye was located in unison.

However, when the dazzling light receded, the Planet Devourer’s eye, which was glowing with divine light, had not suffered a trace of damage, but had instead become a few points brighter than before.

Planet devourer then cast his eyes to the 13 sky-based cannons in the near-Earth orbit, under the gaze of that solemn God’s majesty, the 13 sky-based cannons were like ice in the sunshine that quickly melted and dissolved, and soon turned into 13 piles of rotten mud floating in the universe.

Just at this time, a red and a blue two eye-catching light suddenly flew out of the earth’s atmosphere, straight to the swallow star.

These two rays of light is Captain Marvel and the God of Thunder Thor, the two of them each stimulate all the energy in the body convergence in the axe blade and fist end, in the silent environment of the space, two strands of horror enough to destroy the sky and the earth energy stimulated, hit the planet devourer’s forehead.

In the deathly silence, a tiny crack opened in the forehead of the Planet Devourer, but it was closed in an instant, and his divine appearance became more and more radiant.

“Do you like attacking my mask so much?

“A grand and solemn voice in the sky resounded directly into everyone’s mind with pure energy, and that grand voice continued, “I am one of the creator gods of this universe, and my body is composed of pure energy.

Any energy belonging to this universe cannot harm me in the slightest, but will instead be absorbed by me and become part of me.

Children, stop your futile struggles and become my food, in my body you will have eternity.

” The voice spoke creepy words, but its tone was like a loving father admonishing a disobedient child.

As he spoke, the Planet Devourer covered his face with his hands and removed his entire white face, Captain Marvel and Thor in space as well as everyone on Earth couldn’t help but open their mouths wide when they saw the true face of the Planet Devourer underneath the white face, and their eyes revealed an unparalleled amount of amazement and horror.

Some people even directly fell to the side of the road due to shock.

It was a huge purple face, with many folds of skin at the chin that were even thicker and deeper than the Rift Valley of East Africa, with child-like purity and clarity in its eyes, as well as king-like incomparable majesty, and even more lunatic-like paranoia and fervor.

Exterminator! The crowd was unable to accept such a reality for a moment, so much so that they all paused and fell into a brief moment of confusion and stupefaction.


Surprised why I didn’t die, surprised why I became the Supreme God of the Universe?

” The Exterminator’s grandiose voice simultaneously resounded in the minds of every human on Earth.

“No! No way! I was aiming for the head!” In extreme panic, Thor was already somewhat incoherent.

Although his words had no sound in space, with a single thought, the Exterminator, who possessed the might of the creator god, could read his mind.

“There’s no need to blame yourself, you did kill that me.

“The Exterminator said as if he was catching up with an old friend after a long time, “But how could I be so stupid as to put myself into a desperate situation?

A long time ago, I have already saved all of my genes and consciousness in all corners of the universe, as long as my old body is destroyed, there will be a new me to be awakened.

“The Exterminator paused for a moment, looked at the crowd’s astonished expression and smiled, “But the two failures in the two universes educated me, when I was really very wrong.

Wiping out half of the life in the universe would restore the status quo ante in just a few decades, and even if the universe were to return to the singularity and be reborn, the new universe that would be birthed would be much the same.

So I learned my lesson and decided to carry out my original plan, which I had shelved for more than a decade, to merge two unrelated universes into one! Only by doing so can we collide and create a new universe with infinite possibilities.” “But connecting two unrelated universes is not the only way.

“But connecting two unrelated universes requires an unimaginable amount of energy, and even a single creator god wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Dr. Strange had also flown into outer space at that moment, but having lost the Time Gem, he did not have the ability to “negotiate”, and could only send out the question in his mind through his thoughts.

“It’s true that the energy of one creator god is not enough, but the energy of eight is enough to connect two universes.

“Eight Gods of Creation?

After Dr. Strange became the Supreme Mage, he knew a lot of secrets about the history of the gods of the universe, and as far as he knew, there were only five gods of creation in the universe, and even counting the legendary Court of Life, there were only six.

OAA and OBA, the two great gods that transcended the universe, although their power was limitless, were sealed to each other, and their respective powers were unable to directly affect reality.

Then who are the remaining two?

Exterminator look at Dr. Strange frowned deeply, has long seen through its thoughts, but did not answer positively, just smiled and said: “I informed the plan to the eight gods, because of their respective interests, they chose to help me to complete the plan, only the stubborn Planet Eater Garland expressed opposition.

He said that he had already witnessed the demise of a universe and didn’t want to destroy the universe he created with his own hands.

So in order for the plan to go smoothly, Garland was removed, and I inherited the energy and authority of the Planet Devourer and became the new creator god, the Exterminator Star Swallower.

“No one can stop the will of the gods.

It’s just that before the plan is completed, I want revenge! You humans who have hindered my plans three times, you small, dirty, humble ants, I will devour your flesh along with your souls for eternity!” During the time that the Exterminator was speaking these words, Captain Marvel, Thor, Dr. Strange, and Iron Man delivered all-out saturation strikes to all parts of the Exterminator’s body, but none of this hurt the Exterminator in the slightest, and He continued to finish the whole thing slowly and methodically and pronounced the death penalty of the Earth at the end.

The exterminator once again opened the black hole mouth, sucked the Earth’s atmosphere and matter a little bit into the mouth.

The Iron Legion poured out all the fire, long ago overdrawn energy Captain Marvel and Thor also stopped charging, two lines of muddy tears gurgling out, floating in the death-like silence of the universe.

They used up all the cards but still can do nothing, can only watch the enemy in front of them will be a little bit eaten up by the earth to destroy.

For the first time, the will of the Avengers was completely broken.

Just when the 7 billion people on Earth are all disheartened and waiting to die, a dazzling golden light violently rushed out of the atmosphere, and went straight to the open abyssal mouth of the exterminator.

At the same time, the exterminator’s mind exploded a sharp and loud voice: “Where are the demons! Eat my old Sun’s stick!” 14 Sun Wukong originally thought that the battle between the Reunion heroes and that giant was an internal conflict between the Hu Demons of this place, and that he was not in a position to intervene.

However, that same loud voice resounded in his head just now, and he realized that the giant demon on the dome was trying to devour all the living beings in the world.

This kind of devil is really even more unforgivable than the three monsters of the Lion’s Hump Ridge, so with a foot on the ground, he rose up in the air and headed straight for that purple-faced devil.

“Long!” With a thought, Sun Wukong’s Ruyi Golden Hoop Cudgel instantly skyrocketed, becoming the size of the Exterminator’s face plate.

He swung his right arm forward violently, and with it, the heaven-defying Nine Revolutions Political Steel swept across from right to left, striking the right side of the Exterminator’s cheek with a single blow.

The Exterminator’s head involuntarily tilted to the left, his body also shifted a little, and that huge black hole mouth instinctively closed up.

When the Exterminator turned his head again, a trace of blood floated up from the right corner of his mouth.

Sun Wukong’s attack had worked! The hope of being alive once again rose in the hearts of all the Earthlings who witnessed this scene, and they gazed intently at the monkey as if they were making a pilgrimage to the Savior.

And in that split second, both Dr. Strange and Iron Man analyzed the reason why Sun Wukong was able to break the defense.

The Exterminator had inherited the Planet Devourer’s ability and dimension, and the Planet Devourer was one of the creator gods of this universe, and all the energies in this universe were theoretically one with Him, so even more attacks could not harm him in the slightest.

However, the Monkey King did not belong to this universe, and his attacks were not based on the energies within this universe, so his attacks were able to harm the Exterminator.

“Where did that monkey come from? The Exterminator’s grand and angry voice once again exploded in everyone’s mind.

He then turned his gaze to the ridiculously small monkey, and the Monkey King’s body that was being watched instantly collapsed and melted into a single hair.

The Monkey King’s main body flashed to the left side of the Exterminator extending his iron rod and smashing it towards the back of his opponent’s head.

But this time the exterminator has been prepared, the left hand will hold the iron, and then stretch out and the African continent equal amount of the giant palm, has incredible speed will be the Monkey King in the palm of his hand.

The corner of the exterminator slightly hooked, open the huge palm, but there is no monkey figure, only a hair.

The real Monkey King appeared in the back of the exterminator, said under the heart: “your palm is big, just than that RuLai is still far from it.

“As he spoke, the Monkey King’s body and the iron rod flew together, and once again raised the iron rod and smashed it against the top of the Mieba’s head.

This is a horrible battle involving the supreme power of the universe, both sides of every contact collision is accompanied by a huge gravitational change and strong energy impact, the whole earth in both sides of the scattered energy in the aftermath of the tremble, as if at any time may be collapsed and disintegrated.

Iron Man could see that the Earth would not be able to hold out for a few more rounds, so he said to the Monkey King through the headset, “We have to lure the enemy to the Kuiper belt.

“Where is the Kuiper Belt?”

“Before the Monkey King could say anything, Dr. Strange had already sent the coordinates of the Kuiper Belt to him through his mind.

However, how could the Exterminator give up, taking advantage of the Monkey King’s momentary pause in communicating with the bystanders, he clutched him into his palm, and with his other hand, he fiercely clenched his fist and blasted directly at the Earth.

This pestering monkey had already consumed all of His patience.

When it was too late, Captain Marvel dashed to the giant fist, exhausted all his energy, and used his body as a shield to take this destructive blow for Earth.

Captain Marvel’s blood spurted out of his mouth, and all his bones and muscles were broken, falling softly into the atmosphere.

At this moment, the exterminator clenched palm was a stream of golden light illuminating the entire galaxy exploded, the spread of the huge palm stood a golden stone monkey of divine glory.

See him dressed in locks gold armor, head wearing phoenix wings purple gold crown, foot lotus root silk step cloud shoes, just like that year is the big trouble in the Palace of Heaven alone battle 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals of the Great Sage of Qi Tian! The Great Sage plucked a handful of hairs to his mouth and blew out a mouthful of immortal gas, and those hairs changed into millions of Great Sages in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the body and the face of the Reunion melee is different, each body has the same appearance with the body of the Great Sage attire and skills and magical powers, but this kind of detachment is extremely consuming mana, must be a desperate situation before you make use of.

Although in the space close to absolute zero degrees, maintain the body outside the body of the Great Sage forehead has been slightly sweat.

He drove ten million of his bodies into the size of a mountain range, and each of his arms and legs were connected to each other, forming a super-long “chain” that stretched infinitely, binding the Exterminator’s waist and arms.

Only to see the ten million Great Saints’ feet bursting with golden light (originally should be condensed into somersault clouds, but space can’t condense clouds, so only golden light), and exerted force in the same direction at the same time.

The exterminator only felt the sky spinning, space and time suffered a distortion.

And then back to God when the original Earth and Thor, Iron Man people have disappeared, the sun in the far distance as if a powerless incandescent bulb, surrounded by a piece of stardust floating, black night.

Quartet many asteroids silent broken.

It turns out that in the instant just now, that the great saint with its split has brought the exterminator to the edge of the solar system Kuiper belt.

The Exterminator erupted with the might of a creator god and burned and melted the split bodies on the surface of his body.

He wanted to utilize his ability to leap directly back to the vicinity of the Earth, but suddenly he felt his own energy uncontrollably and wildly dispersing outwards.

Energy Blackspace! Iron Man and Dr. Strange had set up hundreds of thousands of small magical portals that could be opened remotely within the asteroid clusters of the Kuiper Belt in order to prevent the solar system from being attacked at the level of the gods, each of which was connected to Ton618, the largest black hole in the universe.

Once all these portals are opened, they will turn into hundreds of thousands of horrible mouths with 66 billion times the mass of the sun, and no energy can escape their devouring, not even the gods! Moreover, since Sun Wukong’s mana system does not come from the energy base of this universe, the impact of black holes on Sun Wukong is much smaller than that of Star Swallower, whose body is made up of all the energy of this universe.

However, even though hundreds of thousands of super black holes were as terrifying as they were, they still couldn’t completely restrict the Exterminator.

Only to see the exterminator fist blasted out, the boundary barrier between the energy black field instantly broken, at this time only need to fly out of the range of energy black field can get rid of the influence.

Extermination of energy toward the edge of the black field, see has reached the exit, extermination of the corner of his mouth hooked, thinking that this Avengers Alliance invited as a savior of the monkeys but also so.

Just at this moment, a huge hairy hand stopped in front of the Exterminator, blocking the blasted open exit.

The hairy hand pinched the Exterminator’s waist, and the Exterminator struggled to break free.

When the Exterminator turned his head to look, only to see that just now was burnt and melted the Great Sage’s split body all towards the center of the body, while the Great Sage’s body is geometrically taller and bigger, within a moment of the body will exceed the Exterminator’s. The Exterminator’s body is now in the center of the body.

At this moment, the Exterminator was like a puppet in the hands of an adult in front of him.

The Great Sage’s magnificent voice exploded in the mind of the Exterminator, “I never know where the limit of this Heavenly Law is, and it just so happens that this place is big enough, so let me give it a try! As the voice exploded, the Great Sage’s body continued to giganticize, countless cosmic dust swirling around his waist, a pair of scarlet bloodshot eyes resembling the sun and the moon in the sky, and in the end, the Star Swallower of the Exterminator was just like an ant in front of him.

“Set!” The Great Sage stretched out his index finger and used the Fixing Technique on the Exterminator.

He could have instantly moved to avoid the fixing spell, however, under the weakening of the black field of energy, he was half a beat slower in the end.

The body suddenly stiffened and was fixed in place.

The Exterminator’s heart was so bright that he knew that life and death were only a matter of moments away.

He frantically burst out the greatness of the creator god, only half a second to break free from the binding.

However, in this half second, the Jupiter-sized Qi Tian Da Sheng swung his rod with a sweeping energy towards the Destroyer.

“Death to the demon!” 15 Almost simultaneously, everyone on Earth felt the sky darken for a moment, followed by a sudden burst of light on the side of the dome, illuminating night into day and day into a sea of silver.

The energy of millions of supernova outbursts rippled from the edges of the Kuiper Belt, shattering the entire black field boundary in one fell swoop.

The aftermath of the shockwave rushed across the solar system towards the Earth, and Dr. Strange’s hovering cloak immediately flew out of the atmosphere and turned into a big curtain, wrapping the Earth and the moon in it.

The horrible shock wave tore the cloak, and from the rupture of the gap through the cloak of the aftermath of the impact on the Princess Su Rui set up for the Earth’s energy barrier, the barrier after a period of violent trembling, and finally the last aftermath of the wave will be eliminated into thin air.

In the Kuiper belt at the edge of the solar system, the Monkey King had already changed back to his normal size, and was struggling to lift his right hand to put the Golden Hoop Stick back into his ear.

The full force of the attack just now had almost exhausted all of his physical strength, and at this moment, he was almost out of strength to even lift up the Golden Band Cudgel.

Not far away from the Monkey King, the Exterminator was floating in the universe on his back, half of his body had been shattered and turned into pure energy as the explosion just now dispersed to all parts of the universe.

At this moment, the Exterminator only had half of his head left connected to his broken left arm and his mangled chest and abdomen.

However, he was not completely dead.

Although he had already lost his ability to move, his tenacious will was still supporting the last ounce of life of this universe tyrant.

With a breath of air, Sun Wukong gradually drifted towards the exterminator’s position, ready to deal him a fatal blow.

And in the process of approaching, Sun Wukong’s unusually pale voice due to his weakness came from the Exterminator’s mind.

“I still lost, to a monkey.

”Although the Exterminator’s voice resounded in the Monkey King’s mind, it was as if he was muttering, “I’ve learned about you and know how powerful you are.

That’s why I intentionally tried to avoid you in my plan to fuse the universes, but you still came here by mistake, perhaps this is destiny.

“The exterminator’s eyes revealed inexpressible sadness, said: “In fact, you and I are very similar, are not accustomed to the established rules of the world, want to rely on all the skills to change the fate of the heavens, but in the end, or to live into their own once the most hated appearance.

But even if you kill me, it’s useless, the Universe Fusion Machine has already been opened, even if you lose me, the power of the remaining seven gods is barely enough to fuse the two universes.

When that happens, all the living beings in both universes will be destroyed.

“Is there no method at all?

” Sun Wukong’s thoughts echoed in the Exterminator’s mind.

“You’re having such a hard time dealing with one of me, let alone seven gods.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that I have diverted a lot of my energy to maintain the operation of the Cosmic Fusion, it wouldn’t have been so easy for you to defeat me.

Now that a man is about to die, his words are good, so I’ll tell you frankly, it’s impossible to stop the fusion of the universes, unless ……” The exterminator’s voice was so weak that it was almost impossible to hear.

“Unless what?

“Sun Wukong’s heart is eager, while recovering a little strength, an acceleration to catch up to the side of the exterminator, with the intention of once again asked heavily: “Unless what?

“”Unless ……” the exterminator’s eyes had already dimmed suddenly burst into the light, eye canthus, crazy shout almost howling resounded in the Monkey King’s mind: “Unless you and the Earth are buried with me–! The remnants of the Exterminator’s body collapsed violently, instantly coalescing into a hot ball of light.

Without giving the Monkey King any time to react, the ball of light exploded! The vast majority of its energy was aimed at Earth.

When it was too late, the Monkey King realized that something bad was going to happen, and immediately used up his last ounce of physical strength to use his Dharma Heaven and Earth, dodging between the energy and the Earth, and blocking most of the self-destructing energy with his body.

However, this process left the Monkey King time is too short, the law of heaven like ground is not fully deployed, resulting in still a small share of energy from his waist through, straight to the Earth.

The remaining matter after the Exterminator’s self-detonation disintegrated into a shred of sludge, which drifted away completely in the universe.

And behind that muck, the figure of the Monkey King was presented.

At this time, his eyes were hollow, his face was as gray as death, a hideous and horrible hole was broken open between his chest and abdomen, and the muscles that were ten thousand times harder than vibranium were also blown apart, floating in the void.

The breath of life was completely gone from this body, and he was just moving forward in space with inertia, like a piece of dust that had never lived.

Suddenly, a portal opened in the path of that Sun Wukong’s remnant body as it floated forward, and Sun Wukong’s body slammed headfirst into the portal, followed by a spatial transformation, and lay down on an ‘operating table’ that was flickering with all sorts of healing rays within the Supreme Sanctuary.

Dr. Strange’s brow furrowed as he looked at the hideous, gruesome wounds on Sun Wukong’s body.

He was completely dead, and no amount of healing would help.

The only way to save him now was to go down to Hell to find his soul, but Hell was the land of that infamous demon Mephisto, and it was bound to be extremely dangerous.

Dr. Strange hesitated for nearly a minute, and finally decided to take the risk of going down to hell to look for the monkey who had saved the earth.

Just as Dr. Strange made up his mind and was about to start his journey to hell, the Monkey King’s body suddenly glowed with golden light, and the hideous wound between his chest and abdomen was instantly covered by pure true fire.

When the true fire burned out, the original wound had disappeared, and the flesh, sinews and bones were all intact.

The Monkey King’s face gradually took on a blood color, and his hair also regained its luster.


“Sun Wukong slowly sighed out a breath, his eyes gradually opened, looking at the stunned Dr. Strange in front of him, he softly said, “How did I get here?

‘ Watching the Monkey King come back to life, Dr. Strange was shocked and delighted, and hurriedly put on the translation headset and told what he knew.

Finally, with puzzlement, he inquired if the Monkey King knew how he was resurrected.

“I have seventy-two changes, so I also have seventy-two lives.

Counting the time of the Red Child and this time, I still have seventy lives left.

“Sun Wukong got up and sat on the edge of the bed, and saw that not far away from him was Captain Marvel lying on another healing bed, and reached out to ask, “How is she?

“She is only temporarily unconscious due to energy overdraft, she is recuperating on the treatment bed for a while, she will be fine when her energy recovers.” Dr. Strange said.

“As soon as Dr. Strange’s words left his mouth, he and the Monkey King simultaneously looked up at the sky outside the window, sensing a strong danger approaching.

Sun Wukong then remembered that there was another wave of energy that had just bypassed him and was coming towards Earth.

He was just about to make a move, but he was half a beat slower due to his body’s initial healing.

That energy had shattered the extraterrestrial barrier with a single blow, and its momentum had not decreased at all, bringing a terrifying destructive force straight down on the roof of the Supreme Sanctuary.

Boom! With the Supreme Sanctuary as the center of all buildings within a radius of ten kilometers were razed to the ground by this horrible energy, Dr. Strange and King only had time to teleport the unconscious Captain Marvel and the weakened Monkey King to the safe area underneath the Reunion Building in this instant.

The parallel universes in the Supreme Sanctuary, which were already in a state of agitation, burst open in the explosion, and endless distorted black shadows rushed into the sky like a volcano erupting, and then turned into a black rainstorm that rained down on every corner of the city.

Once those “black rain” landed on the ground, they turned into all kinds of twisted and deformed monster spirits.

Among them, two black shadows grew into human form, but one of them had a golden horn and the other had a silver horn on top of its head.

The golden horn said to the silver horn, “Sage brother, we have finally got rid of that old Niubizi Taoist again, and we can occupy the mountain and live happily! On the other side, there were three black shadows that grew into a lion, an elephant and a bird with three animal heads.

The elephant-headed monster laughed at both sides and said, “Hahahahahaha! Big brother, third brother, this place seems to be very populated, so we won’t have to worry about not having meat to eat in the next three to five years.

“16 In a moment, New York City was filled with goblins and ghosts.

Those twisted, ugly, evil beings greedily pounced on every object with breath around them, they tore and gnawed at everything in front of them, the whole city screamed and wailed, and the original international capital turned into a hell of a human being in the blink of an eye.

In the midst of the chaos, the Avengers are out in full force.

War Machine led the Iron Legion to escort King to the shattered parallel universe connection point, using unlimited firepower to suppress the erupting Black Shadow and buy King time to cast a spell to temporarily seal the temporal wound.

The rest of the heroes were divided into groups by Captain America and Iron Man to target the leader of the demon swarm for decapitation.

On one side, Spider-Man is fighting seven Spider-Goblins, while on the other side, Team America, Hawkeye, Star-Lord, and Nebula are attacking the Bull Demon King with hammers and shields.

On this side, the ten-storey high Ant-Man and the Tou-Long Giant Crocodile are fighting to the death; on the other side, the Scarlet Witch and the Mouse Spirit Jade Fox are battling with the Illusion Method.

In the midst of this melee, there suddenly came a long whistle, and it turned out to be the Roc Monster who shouted, “I smelled the Monkey King’s odor, and he’s hiding in the ground over there.

We have not eaten a lot of his suffering, today on the strength of many people, let’s go to tear the monkey head, there are grudges of revenge, there are revenge of revenge! All the demons heard this and didn’t fight, immediately turned around to get away, and all of them surged towards the ruins of Avenger Mansion.

Inside the basement of the Avenger’s Mansion, Sun Wukong watched the demons coming towards him and wanted to go out to fight with them.

But as soon as he turned around his arm was clutched by Dr. Strange.

“What are you doing?

“The Monkey King said anxiously, “I am not a person who is afraid of death, how can I stand by and do nothing when the demons are causing trouble on earth?

Let go of me, or I’ll beat you up as well!” “You have a more important mission and responsibility.

“Dr. Strange’s serious look and clear gaze immediately calmed the Monkey King down.

“What else do I have to do?

” asked the Monkey King, puzzled.

“I need you to go to the Divine Realm,” Dr. Strange paused for a moment and then continued, “Now that the cosmic connection point has been completely shattered, the temporary seal will not be of much use.

The fusion of the two universes has begun, and it’s not something we can resist.

The only way to stop the fusion of the two universes from destroying them is to rely on the will of the Gods of Creation.

The Gods of Creation reside in the Divine Realm, which only exists in the realm of concepts, and I have a secret method that can open a portal to the Divine Realm, but life in this universe can only enter the Divine Realm with the permission of the Gods of Creation, or else they will be completely crushed by the infinite energy as soon as they set foot in the Divine Realm.

And you don’t belong to this universe, only you can enter the Divine Realm.

You’re the only one who can enter the Divine Realm.

“”What can I do if I go in?

Listening to that purple-headed monster, isn’t the present situation the idea of those laboring gods of creation?

” Sun Wukong pointed out the problem.

Dr. Strange was silent for a long time, but finally sighed and said, “Yes, I don’t understand why the Gods of Creation would want to destroy the universe that they created, but there is only a glimmer of hope to turn the situation around.

So no matter what, you have to find a way to enter the Divine Realm and persuade them to stop this plan.” “I’m the least capable of doing that.

“”I’m the worst at persuading people.

The Monkey King bared his soul and turned his head, “Then I’ll go out and kill a few demons first, and then I’ll come back after you’ve opened this door,” he said.

“No way.”

“Dr. Strange said categorically, “With my ability, I can only maintain the Divine Realm Portal for 0.01 seconds, so you must be by my side at all times ready for the portal to open.

“Thumbs up, you’re in a hurry.”

“Sun Wukong was pacing back and forth in the room, neither going out nor staying, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this time, a warm palm on the shoulder of the Monkey King, the Monkey King turned around and saw that Captain Marvel had awakened at some point and was standing behind him.

Captain Marvel smiled and said, “Stay.

You just guarded Earth, now it’s Earth’s turn to guard you.

Remember, behind you is the entire universe.

” “How long will it take to open the Gate of God’s Domain?

” Captain Marvel asked again to Dr. Strange.

“Fifteen minutes.

“Dr. Strange had already sat down in the middle of the spell to get ready.


“Captain Marvel agreed, and turned back to the Monkey King with a wink of his right eye, then the light added body, rushed out of the basement to the mid-air burst of dazzling cosmic energy, will be the first batch of ghosts and monsters rushed to the front of the demon instantly evaporated.

The King took this opportunity to open a portal, displacing the heroes spread out across the city as well as the armies of Wakanda’s various races to the immediate vicinity of the Avengers Mansion.

Falcon crossed the portal on his flying wings and circled the battlefield.

His view slowly unfolded, only to see Iron Man, Thor, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch each standing in a corner of the battlefield, Captain America holding a hammer and leading all the Avengers to meet the enemy head-on, Suri commanding the Wakandan clans’ army in formation to wait for them, and the Galactic Guardians traveling back and forth waiting for an opportunity to receive them.

The sky was blocked by a large number of steel mecha’s curtain of bullets, impermeable.

Outside of them was an endless sea of monsters and mountains and deafening cries of demons and ghosts.

The heroes and warriors formed a circle with the Avengers Mansion as the center, each with a resolute expression and a stern gaze.

A majestic symphony seemed to play from the void, and all the heroes and warriors took up the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the monstrous tide of demons with cries of life.

Humans! Charge! 17 real duel began, one side of the backlog of indignation thousand years of bone-deep resentment, one side carries the guardian of the world’s j firm determination, both sides immediately entered a white-hot state after the engagement, a moment of the sea of blood churning, killing sound shocked the heavens.

In the earth allied forces in a steady and orderly, hierarchical attack, the formation of disorganized demon army gradually can not withstand, retreated a few hundred meters away.

Just when the Earth alliance army was ready to pursue the attack, the roc monster gave a wink to the green ox spirit in the chaotic army, and the green ox spirit then took off the vajra facet from his arm, and threw it out to the sky with great force.

Only to see a white circle of silver light flashing, all the heroes and warriors of the Earth Alliance Army felt that the weapons in their hands were attracted by a strong force, and they wanted to leave their bodies.

Wow! In a flash, Hawkeye’s bow and arrow, Nebula’s dagger, and Captain America’s shield, along with the Wakanda Battle Formation’s curved swords and spears, and all colors of handheld firearms flew into the silver ring.

Only two weapons were unaffected by the adamantium cuts: the Iron Legion’s built-in weapons, which were not part of the normal concept of weaponry because they were integrated with themselves.

The other is the Thor axe held by Thor and the Thor hammer in the hands of Captain America, these two pieces of artifacts, if not selfless and upright people use, even if there is the power to destroy the earth, it is difficult to move the slightest bit.

When most of the weapons were taken away by adamantium, the formation of the Earth alliance army was disturbed, and the monster army took advantage of the situation to counterattack back.

Fortunately, the Iron Legion was unaffected, and suppressed the first wave of counterattack with a dense barrage.

At this time, among the demon group and flashed out a red boy, the boy clenched fist fierce knocking his nose, until two nosebleeds out, and suddenly tilted his head back and opened his mouth, spraying scorching heavenly flames.

This is the red child’s samadhi fire, even though the steel legion is made of advanced alloy, encountering this samadhi fire is also like a straw man puppet general burning and melting.

This fire burned away nearly half of the steel legion, the bullet screen defense formation was instantly opened a gap.

Not waiting for the rest of the mechs to fill the gap, suddenly saw two mountain-like green lions and white elephants had stepped into the formation.

The green lion opened the huge mouth of the city gate that had once scared off 100,000 heavenly soldiers, devouring a hundred or so people in one go.

The white elephant, on the other hand, waved its trunk and strangled all the living beings in front of it.

At this time, the Nine Spirit Saints also took advantage of the situation, turned into a hurricane will Galaxy Guard six people and Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Winter Soldier and rolled up, thrown out of a hundred miles away.

Seeing the earth alliance army by these two giant things stepped on the square inch big mess, the defense line momentarily have the danger of collapse.

At this moment, a dense firepower not weaker than that of the Iron Legion erupted violently, and countless nitro bombs and explosive bombs were poured onto these two giants.

The Green Lion and White Elephant were beaten to a pulp, and had no choice but to retreat back beyond the defense line.

When the people looked up, only to see a behemoth in the air gradually appeared, it turned out to be S.H.I.E.L.D.’s sky mothership.

Nick Fury stood on the front of the ship, appeared in the form of Skrulls, said with an evil smile: “Who says only humans charge?

“After saying that, the Skrulls transformed into the God of Thunder and entered the battlefield, but because he was not a super Skrull, he could only imitate the lightning ability of the God of Thunder, and his power was not as good as that of the God of Thunder.

As soon as the reinforcements from this side entered the battlefield, the neighing of a horse came from the corner of the sky on the other side.

It was Valkyrie riding the eight-legged Heavenly Horse, a symbol of Asgard’s leadership, and leading 800 warriors of the Hall of Spirits to come to help.

The arrival of these two reinforcements boosted the morale of Earth’s allied forces, not only reorganizing their formation, but also taking advantage of the situation to encircle the demon army and wipe out many of them.

Just when the Iron Legion and the Sky Mothership were gathering fire together to drive away the demon soldiers, the sky suddenly darkened, and a pair of huge golden wings that covered the sky enveloped the Earth alliance army in the sky.

The golden-winged roc waved its wings, and a raging hurricane rose up from the ground, blowing the eight hundred warriors riding the heavenly horses to the ground.

Immediately after the roc forward claws, a clamp on the sky mother ship, the sky mother ship instantly open full power but still can not break free.

In the bone-chilling sound of metal tearing, that a pair of huge claws are enough to crush mountain peaks gradually embedded into the mother ship hull, with the golden-winged roc claws a mistake, the whole sky mother ship was torn off and exploded.

This process was so swift that the Iron Legion only had time to launch a few missiles.

But all of them deviated from their orbits under the influence of the gusts of wind under the roc’s wings.

After destroying the Sky Mothership, the Roc Bird wanted to ride out the victory and destroy the Earth Coalition’s air power in one fell swoop.

At that moment, a light exploded from far and near, Captain Marvel glowing cosmic energy flew across the sky, and the roc monster battle to a place.

After losing the air barrier of the Sky Mothership, the defense line once again broke through the gap, but when the Green Lion once again jumped up, pouncing on the crowd, suddenly his body in the air stalled, and it was difficult to move forward by half.

Green lion looked back, only to see a green giant body back, such as tug-of-war like dead tug of the lion’s tail.

Green lion monster giant tail flung, the green giant thrown into the air, the green giant in the air to adjust the shape, pull swing arm, from the sky, a fist hit the giant lion waist beam.

The old monster grunted and prostrated on the ground, unable to rise again.

Hulk just landed and stood, a long trunk suddenly attacked, will be tightly wrapped around him from bottom to top.

The trunk was so powerful that even the Hulk couldn’t break his arm out of it.

Hulk in a hurry to see the end of the trunk on the side of the face, and then turned his head and opened his mouth to bite the trunk.

The six-tusked old elephant ate the pain, the trunk could not help but loosen, the Hulk took the opportunity to break free from the bondage, but the mouth did not open.

Hulk jumped up and jumped on the back of the elephant, his mouth biting the trunk, pulling open his arms to the back of the head of the old elephant is a berserk output.

Boom! Six tusked old elephant fell to the ground, tusks broken two, fainted.

This side subdued the Green Lion and White Elephant, Hulk rushed to attack the Golden Horn and Silver Horn again.

The Silver Horned King reached out and offered a gold rope, instantly binding Hulk to death, and the Golden Horned King took the opportunity to leap onto his back.

Hulk suddenly felt on the back of tons of force press down, even if it is their own can not support, was pressed to the ground.

Hulk at this time on the body pressed a big mountain, mountain four U.S. presidential avatar in plain sight.

Originally, the Golden Horn King in the leap to the back of the moment will be performed to move the mountain art, will be moved to the Hulk Rushmore mountain on the back.

This mountain after spells, even if the hulk has the power of crushing mountains and rocks will be difficult to break free.

The Golden Horn and the Silver Horn originally had two magic treasures, the Purple Gold Gourd and the Jade Vase, but because of the language barrier and the lack of response, the power of these two magic treasures could not be utilized.

On the other hand, Thor, the God of Thunder, was very powerful on the battlefield, firstly, he killed the Tou Dragon Spirit and Inspiration King who are not good at land battle, and then he chopped off three heads of the Nine Headed Lion when it turned into a storm, and now he is fighting with Yellow Eyebrows Old Man to a place.

Thor’s hand rose and fell with his axe, and the violent lightning split the wolf-tooth stick in the hands of the Yellow-browed Old Ancestor into two pieces.

The old monster transformed into wind and disappeared, Saul chased after him.

At this moment, two pieces of gold cymbals from the left and right of Saul violently closed, will be covered into it.

The old yellow-browed ancestor opened his mouth and laughed, “Hahaha, the yellow-bearded child still ate my plan to lure the enemy.

“Suddenly, the Yellow-browed Old Ancestor’s smile froze on his face.

He heard the sound of gold and iron friction coming from inside the golden cymbal, and then the golden cymbal as a whole began to tremble violently.

It turned out that when the golden cymbal was closing, Saul had placed the Thunder God Axe between the edges of the golden cymbal, so that the golden cymbal was not completely closed.

Only to hear a loud bang, Saul was covered in green and blue electric light exploded the golden cymbal.

The yellow-browed old ancestor and hastily sacrificed the human seed bag, a strong suction will be Saul sucked into the bag.

Saul will be divine energy convergence in the axe end, aimed at the seed bag shouted, threw the Thunder God axe with all his might.

Two pieces of magic treasure artifacts suddenly collided, in a burst of shining heaven and earth in the light of the interlacing, the seed bag was blown into pieces, Thor axe also rolled edge broken.

But just as the Thunder God Axe left his hand, the two golden cymbals closed again, trapping Thor completely within them.

After the Thunder God Axe flew back, it did not see its owner, and on the surface of the golden cymbals, a burst of ear-piercing sound of gold and iron friction was produced.

Saul also in the golden cymbal burst of energy to bombard the cymbal wall, but this Maitreya Buddha’s treasure has always been immovable, as solid as a mountain.

Thor’s axe circled around several more times, and eventually, helpless, flew back to Captain America’s hands.

Between the earth and space in the troposphere, Captain Marvel and the golden-winged roc’s battle is also carried out to the final stage.

The golden-winged roc’s feathers have been burned by Captain Marvel’s cosmic energy, and its two sharp claws have also added many scars on Captain Marvel’s body.

Captain Marvel flashed around to the back of the roc monster, grabbed the wings with one hand, pressed the shoulder with the other, and with both bladders fiercely stronger, he actually tore off half of the roc’s wings.

The roc bird lost power, the body suddenly fell, Captain Marvel rushed to catch up to the front, to give it a fatal blow.

Just at this time, the roc monster from the arms of the yin and yang two qi bottle, will be surprised captain directly into the bottle.

The roc monster had wanted to use this magic treasure, but helplessly, the speed of Captain Marvel, the position of the changeable even the bottle is difficult to target.

This time, Captain Surprise was eager to get the result of the golden-winged roc, and rushed in a straight line, which gave it a chance to use the magic treasure.

Captain Marvel entered the bottle, and because she was protected by cosmic energy, the yin and yang two qi couldn’t hurt her a bit.

However, no matter how powerful Captain Marvel’s cosmic energy was, it was like a clay ox entering the sea, and was canceled out by the Yin Yang Qi.

In the blink of an eye, three of the five main combatants of the Earth Alliance had been lost, and now only Iron Man and Scarlet Witch were left to struggle.

Wanda mobilized the Crimson Power to invite away a group of demon soldiers. At this moment, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and her physical strength had reached its limit.

In the group of demons, Princess Iron Fan and the Golden Horn King converged and took out their respective banana fans and swung them together towards the Earth alliance.

The Golden Horn King’s banana fan is used by the Supreme Lord to fan the Eight Trigrams Furnace, which can raise the fire of the most rigid and the most Yang; Princess Iron Fan’s banana fan is made by the Iron Fan Fairy, which can scrape out the wind of the most Yin and the most soft.

Two fan up, yin and yang, wind help fire, fire borrow wind power.

The flames swept towards the Earth allied forces.

Wanda exhausted the last ounce of strength, boundless scarlet rows of waves surging up, the two horrifying red storms mingled and fought against each other, and ultimately canceled each other out and dispersed into nothingness.

Scarlet Witch resisted this destructive attack, but she herself fainted due to overdraft.

Seemingly never-ending sea of demons and monsters attacked one after another, and although the allied forces of Earth fought to the death, they were finally outnumbered and collapsed.

At this point, the only heroes still capable of fighting were Iron Man, War Machine, the hammer and axe-wielding Captain America, and Mr. Wang.

“Go!” Iron Man’s voice shouted out this word with determination.

Everyone instantly understood the meaning of this word.

Captain America was still fighting, not willing to give up.

Mr. Wong knew that he was in a desperate situation, so he bit his lips and opened a portal with tears in his eyes.

The portal opened and moved forward rapidly, enveloping Captain America, War Machine, the wounded on the ground, and Wang himself, and teleported away.

At this moment, only Iron Man was left on the battlefield facing countless ghosts and monsters.

Iron Man slowly opened his face armor up, and there was no real person inside, only a holographic avatar of Tony Stark.

“Do I have to sacrifice myself to save the planet once a year?

” said Stark teasingly, “Jarvis, are you ready?

“Always ready.

” Stark chest inverted triangle light suddenly bright, a million tons of nuclear bomb equivalent energy from his body openly inspired, the horror of the explosion engulfed dozens of kilometers of all the demons and monsters, all the small monsters almost in this violent explosion was burned to ashes.

However, there were still a few old demons who survived this catastrophe either with their magic power or with their magic treasures.

At this moment, the ceremony to open the Divine Realm Portal has also entered the final stage.

Dr. Strange was sitting in the middle of the formation, reciting words under his breath.

At this moment, the Levitation Cloak took a six-colored pendant from Dr. Strange’s neck and handed it over to the Monkey King.

“This amulet is made by collecting the fragments of the six Cosmic Jewels, it may be able to help you when you arrive in the Divine Realm.

” Dr. Strange said with a thought transmission.

The Monkey King took the amulet in his hands, and with a turn of his spiritual eyes, he already knew the function and usage of the amulet.

As the power of the explosion outside dissipated, a group of old demons and giants, each with their own power, surged into the ground floor of Avengers Mansion.

Only to see the Monkey King transforming into a golden light and drilling into the Divine Realm teleportation portal.

Before the monsters could obstruct the way, Dr. Strange had already triggered the ambush of Bossart’s Thunder inside the house.

The fierce orange-red thunderstorm exploded, sending the already injured demons tumbling to the ground.

Dr. Strange took advantage of the chaos to open the portal again and took a step inside.

When the portal was about to close, a voice floated out from inside, “Dormammu, I’m here to make a deal with you again.

“18 Sun Wukong entered the divine realm, only to feel a chaos around him, boundless, that is, there is no difference between the direction, and there is no difference between up and down, surrounded by incomprehensible conceptual torrents and storms of consciousness.

I do not know how long, those floods and storms gradually cohesion, into a large color floating clouds, and then the color blocks again collapsed, into a quality of the figurative entity.

Sun Wukong floated in mid-air, watching the entity in front of him slowly split into seven figures.

Among them, five figures appeared on the left, some of their bodies were both vast universes, encompassing all the matter of this universe; some wore a black robe that wrapped around their bony bodies and corrupted auras; some had separate heads and bodies, with three faces, and their eyes revealed an awe-inspiring divine might that transcended reality.

Somehow, as soon as Sun Wukong’s gaze was cast, five terms exploded in his mind.

Eternity, Endlessness, Annihilation, Death, and Court of Life.

These were precisely the five remaining supreme existences of this universe at the level of Creation Gods.

And to the right of Sun Wukong, two other figures were outlined.

One of them was shining with Buddha’s light and had a dignified appearance.

There was a smile on the edge of his mouth and his wonderful eyes were slightly dark.

Sitting peacefully on the lotus platform, there seems to be protrusions around the top of the head, and it is not clear whether it is a sarcoma or a bun.

Another immortal style, beyond the world.

White beard and navel, two ears hanging shoulder.

Hand holding a duster, sitting on a futon.

These two are just like the Buddha Shakyamuni and Taoist ancestor Taishang Laojun.

After these seven, there is a giant golden sphere slowly rotating under the infusion of the seven divine forces, as if every time it turns around, the two universes are brought closer by one point.

The Universe Fuser.

Seeing this scene, the Monkey King was not overly surprised, and with a turn of his spiritual eyes, he instead figured out many of the tricks of the trade.

Fusion of the universe is not trivial, about the three worlds and nine heavens, hundreds of millions of living beings, how can this Buddha Daozun do not know.

Just now in that time and space rift crossing over only demons but no gods and goddesses, must also be these two saints intentionally.

However, Sun Wukong did not know why Buddha Rulai and Supreme Lord Taishang were here to help with the fusion of the universes, and what their purpose was behind it.

“Why do you want to merge the universes?

“Sun Wukong asked directly in front of the gods.

Before Daozun Buddha could say anything, he only heard Eternity on the side directly instill his thoughts into Sun Wukong’s mind.

A magnificent voice resounded, “Because to become stronger.

‘ Sun Wukong looked askance and asked coldly, ”You are already the Supreme of the Universe, how much stronger do you have to get?

“Facing this pathetically weak monkey in front of him, this God of Creation didn’t care to hide anything more, so he said contemptuously, “The universe seems to be eternal and indestructible, but in reality, each cosmic era has its own fixed lifespan.

Like any life or civilization, after birth, development and growth, the universe will enter a period of decay until it finally collapses into a cosmic egg, waiting to explode again and create a new universe.

The current universe has already entered the decay period, and the power of our creator god is also affected by this, inevitably weakening gradually until it finally dies with the universe.

Even if we are lucky enough to escape this collapse, there will be a next time, and a next time.

After all, compared to eternity, even the longest period of time is just a moment.

“Now we’ve come up with a way to do it once and for all, and that is to fuse two completely unrelated universes.

After the fusion of the two universes, all the rules of the universe will be rewritten, and the unimaginable energy generated by the collision of the two universes will also help us to further elevate the realm and reach true eternal immortality.

This is also thanks to the ideas provided by that lunatic, the Exterminator.

In order to experiment the feasibility of the plan, we did a test some time ago, pulling the Pure Altar Messenger into this universe first, and the results of the experiment were very good, so we officially started the plan to fuse the universes.

Although your arrival was a small accident, you can’t change anything at this point.

“After listening to these words, Sun Wukong withdrew his gaze and looked directly at Rulai Buddha and Taishang Laojun, saying, “As Dao Zun and Buddha, you are already extremely powerful, but why are you willing to be a grafting garment for others?

“You really do not know.

“Rulai Buddha’s voice was like a chime, and he preached to dispel the confusion, “Now our world has entered the era of the Last Dharma, and the world is too busy enjoying the pleasures of this world to recognize the Mahayana Wonderful Dharma.

The evils of the world, the stupidity of all beings, and the karma of all things cannot be resolved by the Thunder Sound Sutra, and the only way to turn around is to jump out of the cycle of reincarnation and reach Nirvana.

The God of Creation of your land has promised that when the universe is rebuilt, all civilizations will adopt Buddhism as the correct religion, and this will fulfill the grand wish of universal enlightenment.

“Is there no one in the Heavenly Court who would object to such a thing?

“Sun Wukong’s eyes were already bloodshot after hearing this, and he gritted his teeth and said.

“The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother have a deep understanding of the Heaven and Earth Way, and they have no objections to this.

“The Supreme Lord Lao’s immortal voice was so loud and clear that he said, “As for Li Jing, Nezha, Yang Jian, Guan Yu and the others, their cultivation is still shallow, and they are still confined to human affairs, so they are not allowed to follow the right way of the Dao, and if they are told about it, it will lead to disagreements.

After the fusion of the universes, they will have their own divine positions.

“Sun Wukong shouted: “You claim to be universal, the right way.

Do you know that after the fusion of the universe, hundreds of millions of living beings will be reduced to pieces? Eternal shook his head and said in a low voice, “For the ultimate goal, there must be some sacrifices.

“The Elder Lord Taishang lightly swung his dust and sighed, “Heaven and earth are not kind, and they take everything as ruminants.

“The two trees of Brahmaputra, one withers and the other flourishes.

There is neither life nor death, neither death nor life.

“Rudraksha Buddha recited the Buddha’s announcement and said to Sun Wukong: “Dou Sheng Si Buddha, after the integration of the universe, you are still sitting on the Lotus Terrace.

“Hair your mother’s fart!” The Monkey King could no longer hold back and cursed: “Where would the immortals come from without mortals, and where would the Buddha come from without all living beings?

He is full of Buddhism and Taoism, but he is just a man-eater like that demon.

Screw the Buddha, I am the Great Sage of Qi Tian!” Rulai Buddha’s voice echoed: “You need to know, although we are bound by the cosmic fusion device, if we want to get rid of you, it’s still as easy as a slap in the face.

“The Great Sage didn’t reply, and instantly took out the nine-turned polished steel from his ear, and made the Heaven and Earth.

But the Great Sage was surprised to find that no matter how big he got, even if he turned on the Heavenly Magic to its limit, he was just like a mole cricket in front of the seven Gods of Creation.

Sun Wukong plucked a handful of hairs to his mouth and blew it out, and ten million extra-bodies with the same ability and magical power as the Great Sage’s own body appeared, and immediately attacked the seven gods.

At this time, only to see the Supreme Lord waved his duster, a heaven-opening greatness swept across, will all the body outside the body swept away.

While the incarnations were destroyed and the eyes were dazzled, the Great Sage’s real body violently rushed towards the golden ball behind the Seven Gods.

The Great Sage’s heart was bright, knowing that the fusion of the universes all depended on this golden sphere, and as long as he destroyed it, he would be able to accomplish his goal.

The Monkey King was extremely fast, and the five Marvel Gods reacted even faster, unleashing their divine power in the blink of an eye.

Endless creation energy swept, the Great Sage layers wrapped.

This time is not compared to the Bagua furnace in the Sundance can be hidden, and the five gods of creation inspired by the cosmic energy than the six ding divine fire is even more than ever, even if the Monkey King has an invincible golden body, in the face of such a horror of the might of the body and spirit will also be dissolved, body and spirit all perish!

“The sea of bitterness is endless, turn back is the shore.

At this time, you still know the way back, you are still the Buddha.

“Today is the only day to die, no more words!” The Great Sage was already in a place of desperation, but he still cursed, with an imposing demeanor.

The Genesis Energy was gradually tightening, and it was approaching his side.

In a flash, the six-colored pendant in front of the Monkey King’s chest erupted with light, from which surging dark corrosive energy spread out to form a barrier to protect the Great Sage’s body, shielding the endless Genesis energy from the outside.

And that dark barrier slowly came a hoarse voice full of evil depravity: “Long time no see.

“The Eternals immediately recognized that this voice came from their nemesis, the Dark Dimension’s Lord Dormammu.

It turned out that the amulet that Dr. Strange had given to the Monkey King was an energy transmitter.

Utilizing the characteristics of the Infinity Gem itself, it could allow energy from the outside world to be transmitted into the Divine Realm and attached to the Monkey King’s body.

Dormammu’s strength had increased greatly since his complete fusion with the Dark Dimension, and he already had quasi-creation level abilities.

However, even so, Dormammu was still fundamentally different from the true Five Great Creation Gods and the Court of Life, so for many years he could only live in a corner of the Dark Dimension.

If the plan of the Creation Gods to merge the universes succeeds, their strength will be greatly increased as never before, and then the first target of the Creation Gods after upgrading their realms will be Dormammu and his Dark Dimension, which the Creation Gods have been coveting for a long time.

And when that happens, Dormammu will be powerless.

So no matter what, Dormammu must participate in the camp against the fusion of universes.

Dr. Strange made Dormammu agree to cooperate with him by stating the advantages and disadvantages.

“How can that be?

“The gods of Eternity were shocked and said, “You are only a quasi-creation level, how can you stop the joint attack of the five of us?


” Dormammu let out a series of weird sardonic laughs and hissed again, “It’s true that the Dark Dimension alone isn’t enough to fight against you guys, but now I’m mastering the energies of two universes!” It turned out that the amulet made of that Infinity Gem fragment not only had the function of transmitting the energy of the outside world into the Divine Realm, but also had the ability to conduct the sound in the Divine Realm to the outside universe like a bug.

Dormammu had already used the Dark Dimension to broadcast the conversation between the Monkey King and the Seven Gods to all parts of the universe.

Dr. Strange had also used the Dark Dimension’s ability to transcend space to open a portal that could gather the energy of the entire universe, calling on all civilizations to contribute their own power.

After hearing the conversation in the Divine Realm, S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA temporarily put aside their former enmity, and the Kree and Skrulls also interrupted their war, and all of them began to input energy into the giant portal.

The entire civilization of the universe was united for the first time in history, and they had never been so united and united as they were.

Only because of this, the entire universe had a common enemy and a common goal – to prevent the fusion of the universes from happening! On the other side of the world, when the Earth allied forces were fighting with the demon army, Inu Bajie carried a large bag of portable portals and took advantage of the chaos to pass through the space-time rift and returned to the Western Universe.

At this time, all the people from the 36 heavens down to the 18 layers of hell had already known about the scheming of the Supreme Lord Laojun and Buddha Rulai.

All of the gods, Buddhas, immortals and saints who could not bear to see the people suffer and even the ghosts, monsters and demons who were afraid that they would become fragments, all of them poured their mana into the darkness dimension connected to the portal, and then empowered Sun Wukong’s body through the darkness dimension.

The eyes of the Monkey King, who possessed the energy of two universes, instantly exploded with boundless blinding light, and because of the influence of the Darkness Dimension, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of demonic black shadows, and his unspeakable destructive power shocked all the living beings in the universe, including the Seven Gods.

Heaven and earth are unkind?

Then let’s kill this heaven! Qi Tian Da Sheng violently swung his Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod and smashed it straight towards the Cosmic Fusion Device! Shock flickered away as the Seven Gods came back to their senses, and not caring about anything else, they all exerted their full power and shot out to meet the Great Sage of Qi Tian.

The two grand energies spanning the universe suddenly collided, and reality, concepts, time, and space all seemed to twist and merge and fall apart under these two great forces.

Both universes shook and trembled as a result, not knowing what to do.

After the dazzling flashes of divine radiance that filled the universe, the Divine Realm collapsed, turning into a pile of conceptual torrents that dispersed in all directions.

However, the Seven Gods were still seated in their original positions, and Sun Wukong’s body had been burned into a piece of charcoal, the pendant on his chest shattering with a thud and transforming into dots of stars.

Behind the Seven Gods, the Universe Fusion Device, although severely damaged, as if it would completely fall apart with just one more touch, was still slowly rotating, continuing the process of fusing the universes.

At this time, the two universes had already begun to initially merge, the Xuan Gui Yu Heng in the Heavenly Palace of the Journey to the West world suddenly appeared in the Marvel Universe, and suddenly collided with the neighboring planets of Ursa Major.

Their gravitational changes and energy eruptions caused a chain reaction that threw the entire galaxy into chaos.

At this rate, it won’t be long before both universes are on the brink of destruction.

In the ruins of the Divine Realm where the Cosmic Fusion Device was located, the piece of “coke” in front of the Seven Gods suddenly rose up in hot flames, and in the midst of the nirvana flames, a Spirit Monkey leaped out.

After being reborn, the Monkey King instantly transformed into a ray of golden light, taking advantage of the time when the Seven Gods were greatly injured and had to transmit energy to maintain the operation of the Cosmic Fusion Device, he directly crossed over the Seven Gods and rushed towards the golden ball that was shaking and shattering.

However, when the Monkey King was only a few meters away from the Cosmic Fusion Device, a golden palm suddenly fell on top of his head, and the five fingers of that palm opened up into a huge mountain, which firmly pressed the Monkey King underneath.

Sun Wukong struggled, the mountain crumbled, and he was about to break free from it.

At this time, Rulai once again sacrificed six words big bright mantra pasted on the top of the mountain peak, that has been disintegrated mountain once again adhesion, strong as the beginning.

Two thousand years ago, it was this mountain and this spell that trapped the Monkey King for 500 years, and now it is this mountain and this spell that pressed him at the last moment to a position only a few meters away from the target.

The seven gods breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, concluding that there was no one left to stop this plan.

However, right at this moment, that Five Fingers Mountain began to tremble violently.

Because of the Great Brightness Mantra, the Five Fingers Mountain did not crumble, but rather the entire foot of the mountain was pulled off the ground.

The Monkey King first braced his limbs on the ground, then bent his back and stood up with the Five Fingers Mountain on his back, moving inch by inch towards the Cosmic Fusion.

“How can Thou carry the Five Fingered Mountain on Thy back!” For the first time, consternation and trepidation appeared in Kṛṣṇa’s tone.

“Because at that time I only had myself behind me, whereas today I have billions of trillion living beings from two universes behind me.

‘ Before Sun Wukong could finish his sentence, he had already been engulfed by creation energy.

The Creation Gods had to stop the Monkey King from destroying the Universe Fusion Device even at the risk of overdrawing their energy and falling off their realms.

Surrounded by the stirring creation energy, Sun Wukong’s body was thwarted again and again, and again and again, he was reborn and returned in the flames.

He advanced with difficulty and determination, even if the cost was his life that could have lasted forever, because he had a belief in his heart that even the God of Creation couldn’t destroy – guarding the living.

Amidst the attacks that were enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, the Monkey King’s Ruyi Golden Hoop melted, his skin and hair dissolved, leaving only an iron bone to hold up the bright red flesh and blood.

Finally, he came to the front of the Cosmic Fusion, and he turned his body into flames for the last time, slamming headfirst into the golden ball.

A shockwave that reverberated through the universe spread out violently, and in the cosmic big bang-like release of energy that golden ball shattered, collapsing into an incomparably huge black hole that sucked in everything that didn’t belong to this universe.

Buddha Rulai and the Supreme Lord of the Earth were still fighting with their magic power at first, but later they realized that the situation was over, and then they sighed long and woefully and went back to the Great Thunder Sound Temple and the Palace of the Doodles through the black hole.

At the same time, the space-time rift on the ruins of the Earth’s Supreme Sanctuary also swelled violently, turning into a vortex that swept heaven and earth, and all the demons and devils in New York City were sucked into it together in a howl of unwillingness and despair.

The yin and yang two air bottles and golden cymbals were also all opened, releasing the heroes that belonged to this universe such as Captain Marvel and Thor, the God of Thunder.

A few hundred meters away from the space-time vortex, a portal opened and Wang stepped out from it, followed by Scarlet Witch, Captain America and Ant-Man and other battlefield casualties.

They had already been healed by King, and were rushing back here to prevent accidents.

At this time there are several figures running in the distance, it is Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Winter Soldier and all nine of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Spider-Man swinging spider silk came to the captain of the United States to talk about the process, the original nine of them were nine spirit of the saint thrown flying, spider-man immediately with the spider silk will be sticking together, is about to fall to the ground in the mountains and forests spread a spider web will be stable to catch the crowd.

Their party was not injured, just surveyed the surrounding found to have been thrown out of a few hundred miles away, and none of the nine people will fly instantaneous superpower, so can only dry run back.

Between jokes, all the demons basically put into the space-time vortex.

At this time, from the Reunion Building underground floating out a hair, slowly fell in the palm of Captain Marvel.

The hair transformed into a small monkey, said with a smile: “Originally, I wanted to compete with you in footwork, but now it seems that things are not going to work out.

But fortunately, after all, did not let them succeed.

And you this fight is really from the great mess after my old grandson played the most enjoyable ah, you also want to take care of, guard this side of the people, do not forget, behind you are countless people.

Well, let’s not change the green mountain, green water flows forever, have the fate to meet again.

I, Lao Sun, will go.

“After that little monkey finished his words, he turned into a hair and gently flew into the gradually shrinking space-time vortex.

After the hair flew into the space-time vortex, it completely closed down, leaving behind only a sky of dust and a piece of rubble to prove that all the events of the past two days were not a dream.

The sound of rumbling machinery came as the personnel of the post-war cleanup company owned by Tony Industries slowly arrived to clean up the battlefield, and the evacuated residents and people crowded back into the city, where they began to discuss plans to rebuild their homes and their outlooks on the future of their lives, with a tired but hopeful gleam in their eyes, as they had done countless times in the past.

Subtitles, don’t rush off, there’s an egg at the end of the movie.

Producer: Diao YunyiDirector: Diao YunyiScreenwriter: Diao YunyiLogistics: Diao YunyiMomDriver: Diao YunyiDadOriginal Script: Wu Cheng’enStan LeeManga Marvel StudiosMusic: Self-brainstorming “Cloud Palace Xunyin “Avengers Theme Song “Kyushu Tong “Black Myth of GokuBoss Battle oboe songSecurity: dogSpecial thanks: know all for this novelLikes, likes, favorites, comments, appreciations, retweets Guys Egg 1 Inside the ruins of a palace deep in the universe, a hibernation capsule slowly opens, in which sits up a naked giant covered in purple.

“Failed again!” The purple giant said indignantly, “It seems that I alone am not enough to accomplish great things, and it will take an army of Exterminators to complete the plan.

“Egg 2: In the middle of the eerie, green, decaying hell, a giant demonic head appeared and smiled grimly, “I’m Mephisto, little monkey, do you want to make a deal with me?

“Are you the King of Hell?

You are the King of Hell in this world? Quickly eliminate the dead books with me and send your grandpa Sun back to the world of the living.

” “Can, no problem, as long as you are willing to pay the soul, you can get …… get …… ah! You quickly come down from my corner, don’t pull my ear!”

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