Is there pure friendship between boys and girls?

Are there pure friendships between boys and girls?

I have a ‘brother’ who is 5 years older than me, but I never call him brother.

To irritate him, I’ll go and sit in front of him with a lollipop in my mouth and lick it and give him all sorts of hard time, but he’ll actually give me back my own little pudding and smile dotingly at me.

I’m so sick of nice kids without a dark side, it just makes me even more useless than I am.

It’s horrible, and it must be a small step in the long term plan he’s using to corrupt me.

My brother was forced to be ‘picked up’ by my mom.

When he was 4 years old he was led through the door by my mom, not letting an adult touch anything in his backpack, and looking at him with the utmost ferocity.

My sister-in-law advised my mom that the child was old enough to know better and shouldn’t be picked up.

Li Manning said, what can be done, my best friend died for no apparent reason, not even left a word of people are gone.

This child is also poor, we went to his home, he was locked up alone in the house to eat cold bread gnawing 3 days, face dirty to see the appearance of the crotch in front of that a large piece of the plate knot to live, wet dry, dry and wet, no less suffering.

Li Manning is my mom.

When my brother brought home to be washed and cleaned, Li Manning immediately marveled, how could there be such a beautiful-looking child under the sky! It’s a real find! Such a beautiful boy, no matter whether it is picked up as a son-in-law or as a son, it is a good thing to have a long face ah.

However, my mom didn’t know what kind of abyss was hidden behind this beautiful skin.

1, when I was in elementary school, I discovered something completely opposite to what I knew.

That is, my brother Wan Zhi was almost perfect in everyone’s eyes.

He is exceptionally good-looking, or a small man when he walks down the street will attract a group of girls can not leave his eyes; he is warm and caring, will take the initiative to help his mother to do household chores, where he picked up a broken book of massage science to learn a few times every day to my mother’s shoulders; IQ high scary, I did not see him how to work hard, but the academic performance back to the whole year first; especially polite, every time you see the neighbor’s Uncle and aunt every time you see the neighbor’s family are active caller, mom missed the phone he took a small sticker to write clear caller information and so on mom home to deal with; handle things with more than the age of maturity and indifference, never rely on their own beauty and cheating little girls feelings, a bunch of love letters in the drawer in front of the whole family burned, do not have to worry about their own early love adult.

The most amazing thing is that from the first day Wan Zhi arrived at my house, he clamored for my mom to teach him how to read.

My mom had never seen such a proactive and studious child, so she enthusiastically and frantically taught him. In addition, Wan Zhi was so gifted and had such a strong memory that he was able to do some regular basic reading on his own at the age of 5.

Li Manning said that every time the parent-teacher conference, it feels like a split personality.

In my brother’s class, it was the successful people who offered advice.

In my class, it’s a parade of negative materials.

Although I have no talent for learning, I think I’m much better at recognizing good people and bad people than those who only look at the surface.

Regardless of how others were mesmerized by my brother, I knew that my brother was not a harmless person with a good academic record.

I have proof.

Or rather, I had.

  1. When I was a child, I got up one night to go to the bathroom, and when I turned over, I realized that there was light under my brother’s blanket.

When he saw me get up suddenly, he turned off the flashlight in a hurry and tried to put something away in a panic, who knew that something metallic fell on the ground in the darkness and made a crunching sound.

It just happened to land on the edge of my feet, glittering with a cold, chilling light in the moonlight.

I was stunned at first and tried to bend down to pick it up, but was pulled back by my brother on the top bunk.

He warned me grimly, “Don’t tell mom and dad, or I’ll put you in a sack and throw you in the garbage dump!” When I was a child, due to dark skin, people grow taller and thinner than my peers, plus learn what not, back to the bottom of the exam, so simply acted as a little children’s big sister, the knife I did not play a lot, so that cold light is what I naturally know better than the man himself.

A white rabbit with good character and academic performance will hide a knife at the head of his bed?

A good student with no dark side in his heart would play with knives when the whole family is asleep?

If he didn’t play with it, did the knife come down in the middle of the night by itself?

I don’t believe it, and neither does the knife.

Anyway, a clear logic is that if he doesn’t have a ghost in his heart, why did he threaten me?

He must be hiding something shameful! During the school year, I always got horrible warnings from my parents after I broke someone’s head.

But I don’t think that all those warnings together were as scary as my brother’s one.

My mom and dad were just trying to get me to behave through verbal intimidation.

My brother, on the other hand, I think he’s the kind of person who can really talk the talk and walk the walk.

Seeing my face pale with fear, Manji suddenly sighed and asked me to come over, and just as I stood up and wondered what ‘come over’ really meant, Manji suddenly put something cool and wow on my neck.


“I exclaimed.

Wan Zhi gave me a “shh”: “Keep your voice down, it’s a jade tablet, to keep you safe, don’t take it off at any time.

“Heh, that’s too funny, isn’t it?

The person who just threatened to put me in a sack and throw me in the garbage dump gave me a jade tablet to keep me safe?

I thank you for that, as long as you don’t lay a deadly hand on me, then I’m sure I’ll be safe and sound.

His uncertainty and joyfulness, his unconditional good behavior in front of adults and his loneliness at school, made every smile he made when he looked at me a kind of shady remoteness and evilness that only the people involved understood.

I secretly fear him and secretly hate him.

Because ever since he came to my house, my dad and my mom’s fights have never been uninterrupted.

Because Manji’s mom, Bichun, is known as a “bitch” in the neighborhood.

She had been a princess in a karaoke bar for half her life, and when she accidentally had Wan Zhi with someone, she thought that she had saved up all her life and had to have something to look forward to, so she gave birth to him.

My mother was the magazine’s factual section of the main author, she has long heard of their elementary school classmates Bichun engaged in a special industry, they wriggled with her to explain the intention, I did not expect Bichun is a quick person, the two agreed to a fee, they will be their own red wine and green history of eroticism one by one to my mother to hear.

My mom listened to the more sad, and even empathy with Bichun, see her alone with a child strange hard, every now and then wrapped dumplings wontons to send her over.

The closer the two of them got, the more awkward my dad became.

In addition, my mom has been married to him for more than two years and has not yet produced a child, he is even picking on the nose and eyes to find quarrels with her.

It wasn’t until Bichun hanged herself from the big European chandelier in the living room, and Li Manning brought home a dirty 4-year-old boy, that my dad hit Li Manning for the first time.

In his words, it was Manny Lee who hit his bottom.

“What do you want?

That bastard didn’t leave a dime for this bastard. What are you going to raise?

You want to use my money to raise someone else’s son?

Don’t even think about it!” My father looked through Bichun’s belongings and couldn’t find a penny, so he flipped out on the spot.

The only thing he didn’t notice was that Manji had a dirty SpongeBob SquarePants backpack on him when he arrived.

Only, Wan Zhi backpack things do not allow adults to touch, the eyes are extremely ferocious.

Mom and Dad thought it must be filled with the kids’ favorite broken toys, so they didn’t give him a hard time.

My mom told him to put down his backpack and wash his hands and come over to eat, but he didn’t move, so my mom went to help him, and he screamed and bit my mom’s wrist.

My dad wanted to beat him with a belt, but my mom stopped him with tears in her eyes.

“Let’s forget it, since we wanted it but didn’t get it, let’s just treat this kid like our own son. Besides, he happens to have the same last name as yours, so you can figure out if it’s God’s will.

“Wan Zhi was born with his mother’s name, but he happens to have the same last name as my father.

Once my dad heard what was going on here, he went out for a smoke without saying a word.

He resigned himself to his fate unwillingly.

For a long time after that, my dad was discussing with my mom, where did Wan Bichun’s money go?

Why did she suddenly hang herself?

Did she hang herself because she was cheated out of her money?

Suicide isn’t murder. You should have time to prepare for the aftermath before committing suicide, right?

Shouldn’t she at least have a will before she died?

Not to mention leaving a 4 year old child behind?

Can you really do that?

Anyway, my dad didn’t believe in it. He was mainly unwilling to help raise a child for no reason without getting a penny.

For a long time, it was hard for my dad to accept that he had added such a big son for nothing.

Most men care about their blood, and the more my dad did nothing, the more he cared.

In addition, Wan Zhi’s temperament in my father’s opinion is extremely odd, life on the study on the character can not be wrong, but is unusually cold to my father, he would call my mother called mom, called my father, called him, called you, or simply use language skills to avoid, do not call.

The two people quarrel to the second year, my mom gave birth to me, named Wan Hui.

After that, my dad was in a good mood for a while, in addition to buying cigarettes and alcohol for himself, and occasionally brought me back some jelly, lollipops and the like.

Only, he only bought one at a time, no Wan Zhi’s.

So, at that time, I instead felt that there was nothing wrong with Mom and Dad adopting such a brother home.

At least, he let me understand what is the biological daughter should be favored.

Whenever Wan Zhi was at this time, he didn’t raise his head, and one pen was frantically calculating problems in his notebook.

In order to stimulate him, I will deliberately hold a lollipop in his mouth to sit in front of him and lick, let me wonder, he will not be greedy, nor will he grab, will also take out of his schoolbag from his reward book with classmates in exchange for a small pudding, a brain are stuffed into my pocket, spoiled at me quietly smile.

Hey, he’s not even jealous of me, and he’s learned to return the favor at a young age?

I’m so sick of nice kids without a dark side, it just makes me even more useless than I am.

It’s horrible, this must be one small step in the long term plan he’s using to corrupt me.

I deliberately ripped open the jelly skin in front of him, letting the juice inside spill onto Manji’s homework notebook, at which point Manji would stop counting and rest his chin on his hands, staring at me in a quiet death stare until that familiar cold glint flashed in his eyes again, and only then did I put away my villainous bad intentions and give him a blank stare to exit.

Unfortunately, the calm and rich little fun of the Er Yu I guile did not last too long time, my home collapsed.

4, read freshman summer vacation, my father unprecedentedly with our whole family quietly ate a hot pot, the whole did not swear, not because of the drink crazy, but also unprecedentedly patted my shoulder to my heart stuffed 500 dollars.

The next day my mom packed a few big bags and called a small side to pull them away on the pretext of taking my brother and I out on a trip.

Of course I knew it wasn’t a trip.

I wasn’t a 3-5 year old kid anymore.

This clanking racket was more like fleeing a famine.

Seeing me frozen by the van and not saying anything, Manji dragged me downstairs to the convenience store to buy two bottles of Fanta.

“Your dad’s got someone on the outside, and after they divorced, our mom was swept off her feet.

Look, when he talks to me, it’s always about mom and dad.”

“Mom and Dad got divorced because of you, the unwanted child!” I blamed Wan Zhi with scarlet eyes.

Wan Zhi smiled coldly and said, “Do you think you’re wanted?

Your father favored you so much, but didn’t he also not want you?

“I have long been accustomed to this side of his everything high up the virtue, red eyes with Fanta rinsed mouth, grunt two mouths, then take with foam Fanta sprayed him all over the body, and then a person drilled into the back of the van, silently waiting for this smoke as soon as possible to end.

In fact, I quite do not understand, Li Manning dry what what not to fight, but to fight for custody of the two of us.

Usually adults are not divorced two children a person to share a well?

I’d rather she gave me up, for a little money, for a house to settle, than she ding ding ding ding all alone dragging the two of us through the hard life better.

In fact, my father at first also hypocritically asked her, or Wan Hui with me forget, you a person with two, remarriage is not convenient.

At that time, Li Manning shouted at the top of her voice as if she were crazy: “I will never remarry.

I only want Wan Zhi and Wan Hui to be together forever.

“Li Manning used to argue with my father with her mouth covered and her voice lowered, but that time, she was a little emotional collapse, so excited that I was playing a game in the house and the house is mopping the floor of the Wan Zhi at the same time to stop the action of the hands, fixedly looking at each other, and then I do vomit to the Wan Zhi, the Wan Zhi red-faced to continue mopping the floor as the end of the relief of the embarrassment of the sudden cue into the CP.

Lee Manning is so weird, shouldn’t she have said, I just want to be with Man Ji and Man Hye forever?

Why did she say, I want to be with Man Ji forever?

Such a slip of the tongue, hanging up the voice to say to the parties involved, too bizarre, right! 5, that night, my mother took me and Wan Zhi to live in a set of old house of my great-aunt’s family, my great-aunt to my mother to collect some rent symbolically.

“If I don’t charge you some, you won’t be able to live comfortably.

“My great-aunt, with a rich face, twisted her fat waist to help my mom take a few trips, and was extremely considerate and kind in her words.

Her cousin, who was as tall as she was, followed behind her, coming in and out, going out and coming in, empty-handed, like an unweaned brat – after all these years, he was still the same stupid, bad boy who still had to pretend to be a good boy in front of his family.

The only time I ever got beaten up by Li Manning was because of this beastly cousin.

That year, my cousin was caught stealing the teacher’s money at school, kneeling on the ground, begging the teacher not to tell his parents that he would bring the money back tomorrow to return to the teacher, he cried and naive and pitiful, that changed his ways in the appearance of a grandson so that the teacher’s heart was soft, promised him that the next time there will be no repetition.

But my cousin simply can not take out that money, long ago asked him to buy a Sony Walkman.

So that night, he begged my sister-in-law to come to my house, saying that he misses his sister and sister-in-law.

Cousin and my father a bad behavior, do not recognize Wan Zhi I am my family.

Wan Zhi also do not want to see him, know that he wants to come, holding a basketball down to play basketball, out of sight, out of mind, he did not want to argue with his cousin in front of his mother to make his mother down.

It is that day, aunt and Li Manning to go to the market to buy food, I brought back Li Manning let me buy duck necks from the school gate, a door, found that the door is covered, tiptoe into the door, a glance found my mom’s house door is open.

I gripped the broom at the door and decisively pushed the door in, just in time to see my cousin stuffing something into his pants pocket – Li Manning’s jewelry box was open.

“Take it out!” I recognized at once that my cousin’s hands were not clean.

“Take what?

” As soon as he saw it was me, he actually relaxed for a moment, and had the nerve to be nonchalant and sly.

I went up to take it back, but was fat and strong cousin kicked over to the ground, followed by a rounded big ear thunderbolt called up, at that time to me called confused.

In vain, I take the big sister as self-proclaimed to go out everywhere to cause trouble, but it turns out that in front of the male-female disparity of strength, I simply can’t even beat a dead fat man who has not been weaned.

“Keep your mouth shut, if you tell me, I’ll tell your mom that your dad is having an affair with another woman.” My neck was cold, the whole person immediately stunned, this animal said is true or not?

How did he know about my dad’s affairs?

I thought Wan Zhi and I were the only ones who knew.

In fact, my father in the outside of those flower thing, the whole world knows, should also include Li Manning, but I always thought as long as everyone does not mention to Li Manning, then she can be as if she did not know.

This bad seed knows how to pin me down too well.

He knows that although I look like a big-headed and fearless person, in fact, the most fearful thing in my heart is that Li Manning will be hurt.

Cousin while I’m in a daze, a hood off my neck jade plate, smilingly examined up: “This is worth money?

Is it real or fake?

“I instinctively want to go back, but by this flexible fat man dodged backward, and backhanded the gold chain just tumbled into my hand.

At this time the door opened, my cousin in my dumbfounded moment, the public falsely accused me.

6, he said I stole to take the sister-in-law’s gold chain, was caught by him in public, he pulled me not to let me go, I broke free and hit the corner of the table – he did not have to go through the brain to use this funny way to round my face by he hit out of the wound.

Joke! Would I steal from my own mother?

That’s the kind of bad seed with a big brain that makes up things with more holes than brains.

But as soon as my sister-in-law saw this scene, her first reaction was to rush over to her baby son’s body and head and pull – she was afraid that her son had suffered.

I was enraged by the selfishness of these two women and cursed their family as pigs with no human heart.

Li Manning took a look at the injury on my face, and immediately knew that it couldn’t have been an injury from hitting the corner of the table, but still kicked me in the ass.

Just now my cousin hit me I did not say a word, but also thought about how to prima donna to find an opportunity to counterattack.

But Li Manning gave me a kick, I immediately cried out, still sitting on the ground crying, howling like a wolf cub.

At this time Wan Zhi came back, he was first shocked by the scene, after that scarlet eyes looked around at all the suspects who made me cry, and then with a cold face, pulled me up from the ground and carried me on his back for a long, long walk in the neighborhood.

Wan Zhi said, mom beat me, not because she did not believe me, but because I should not bring the great aunt a piece of scolding, because I and Wan Zhi is still small, Li Manning with children and work do not want to lose, to hire a nanny and can not afford it, can only be too busy to care for the children when the work of the aunt to help care for the aunt, in the eyes of Li Manning, aunt more conscience than my father, or more useful, she felt that she owed the aunt.

I don’t want to listen to all these twists and turns, I only recognize Li Manning and I did this same thing.

That day I wiped my tears and snot all over his shirt, and this always clean Wan Zhi didn’t even have any trace of dislike, and even bought me a bunch of lollipops with his own pocket money.

When I received the lollipop, I realized that he had tears in his eyes.

It was so strange. He wasn’t the one who got beaten up, why was he crying?

But what made me wonder even more was that after I was bullied that time, my cousin didn’t come to my house for a long time, and every time my sister-in-law came over, she didn’t bring him with her.

Later, I once heard my sister-in-law sitting on the sofa, crying and complaining to Li Manning, saying that her baby son was hit by a basketball in the eye socket at school, congested, and the swelling just subsided, and then a couple of days later, he was hit in the eye socket again by a basketball that came from nowhere.

My sister-in-law went to the school to make a fuss, but the school gave the conclusion that it was accidental, and the classmate who ‘missed’ apologized.

Moreover, because each time it was a different student in a different place, the students who hit him did not know his cousin, so it is not logical to say that there was a conspiracy.

If you say it was accidental, but cousin’s eye socket basically had to be hit every now and then.

For a long time, cousin was staring at a pair of black, swollen eyeballs sneaking around holding a pig’s head.

Hey, retribution comes so fast, it’s like a tornado.

7, After the stuff was moved, I rubbed my eyes and went to my room for a lunch break.

Aunt and mom like a normal family gathering, did not show a trace of sadness, but also in unison together to cook a large table, bright and loud laughter, the atmosphere is like a housewarming general joyful.

I even suspect that Li Manning does not love my father, so this is quite good in turn.

Wan Zhi was scrubbing the dishes and mopping the floor – no matter what time of the day it was, he was always on track to fill the role of the know-it-all and well-behaved.

After a while, my great-aunt and mom were going downstairs for a walk and asked if I wanted to join them, but I waved my hand, decisively rebuffing this kind of entertainment, which is a particular favorite of middle-aged and older women.

Hearing wave after wave of door slamming, I thought the people were gone, so I wantonly lay on the bed and swiped up my cell phone, suddenly a brown bear-like tall shadow flashed into the room, I was scared of a jolt to sit up straight, and fixed my eyes to see – it was this bad kind of cousin again.

He had been quiet for a while, but when he saw that I was the only one left in the house, he couldn’t hold back the bad water in his stomach again.

“What are you doing here?

“I lowered my voice and glared at him.

“Why are you whispering?

Auntie and my mom went downstairs to walk in the park, and Manji went downstairs with the garbage bags, so there’s no one left in the house, except for us.

“The perverted and villainous lecherous smile appeared on his fat face again.

“What are you doing?

“I shrank back, and my hands were already groping for the pillow, ready to find a weapon to use.

“I heard from my aunt that you got a scholarship this year?

Lend me some, I’m short on cash these days.

“Get lost!” Cousin ripped me off the bed and slapped me in the face, screaming, “Give it to me, hurry up!

“I had heard from my mom that my cousin was addicted to online gambling and had taken out an online loan, but I had no idea that he could be so crazy about the little money I was holding, and had no regard for how I would end up when my mom and the others came back and beat me up like this.

When my cousin saw that I had no intention of giving in, he grabbed the lamp on my nightstand and was about to smash it down on my head.

Just as I instinctively put my hands to protect the top of my head, the behemoth in front of me suddenly fell to the ground in response.

8, Wan Zhi gathered me into his arms and put his forehead against mine, stroking my back over and over again with tears in his eyes.

The cold and slow touch of those fingertips felt like a poisonous tongue snaking along the spine.

I saw him dragging my cousin out of my room like a dead pig, and using a sack to put the man in and tie up the opening, and the whole thing recoiled with even more fear than just now.

He really knows how to use a sack to put people in?

My goodness, he really did more than just terrorize me back then.

“Manji, did you kill someone?

” I asked him cautiously.

Wan Zhi cleaned his hands and snapped back to me, his eyes glaring at me with a blank stare.

“Call me brother.

“9, that day, my sister-in-law came back, found in the sack bag in the ghost howling cousin.

As soon as she untied the sack bag, my cousin cried his eyes out.

She did not know the cause of the incident, but as soon as she saw me and Wan Zhi are not at home, his son alone in the sack bag screaming like a pig, she could guess who did it.

My mom kept apologizing from the sidelines.

My cousin rubbed the back of his head and howled, “Mom, it hurts, my head hurts.

“My great-aunt was so distressed that she took my cousin’s big fat head into her arms and cried out in a singsong voice, “My poor boy, we kindly lent the house to someone else, but they didn’t appreciate it and beat us instead, is there any justice in heaven? My mom called Wan Zhi and me a few times but we couldn’t get through, so she awkwardly poured a glass of water for them, “Danyong (cousin’s name), tell me why they beat you up!

“Although my mom eventually quit her job a few years ago in order to take care of the two of us, and has been a full-time housewife for some years, she at least at first ate the pencil meal, her brain is still bright, she certainly knows that cousin Dayong would not be beaten so badly for no reason.

But who cares about these rights and wrongs, her precious son was beaten to a pig’s head by his sister’s wild brother, no matter what the reason was, she wouldn’t feel that it was her son’s fault.

“Li Manning, are you talking like a human being?

At first I said this wild seed don’t bring it home, you don’t listen, now you brought it back, husband was lost by him, not to mention, but also hurt my baby son, you don’t deal with this matter clearly, move out from my house before it’s too late.” Li Manning’s neck was cold.

“Li Manning’s neck is cold, she can’t imagine that such cold and heartless words are actually from her own sister’s mouth.

“Sis, I don’t know where I can go with my two kids, so I’ll move out as soon as I can find a place to live,” my mom said.

“My mom was abashed, for the sake of this trip to move, she and money and sweat busy all day, if now and immediately move out, she did not know how to explain to the two children, physical strength and energy is not allowed.

  1. “Manji, when you get into trouble, you pull me out and run away, what are you going to make mommy do?

“Wan Zhi pulled me into a real estate development project, a person from the promotional platform to pull out the brochure left to see, right to see, and then ran to the sandbox that a period of scrutiny.

The salesgirl, seeing his young face, is still a student, so she didn’t sell to him like a chicken, but skillfully organized her sexy V-neck, and sweetly held up a cell phone and handed it to him.

Hey, every time you go out with Wan Zhi, you will inevitably meet a young lady who wants to add his WeChat.

Wan Zhi uncharacteristically did not stall away, but did not hesitate to add the sales lady, and even handed out a bright and sunny smile, and made the lady’s eyes almost to stick in his tightly fitting shirt.

When Wan Zhi heard me call out to him anxiously here, he stopped flirting with the young lady and lightly wandered over to my side.

He took the booklet in his hand and flipped through it haphazardly twice, and without looking up, he said, “Why are you shouting so loudly, jealous?

“When I heard this, I almost died on the spot: “Me?


What are you talking about?

You’re my brother.

“Now you admit I’m your brother?”

“What are you so proud of?

You’re just a name.

“So there’s nothing wrong with you being jealous of me, is there?”

” I was made to go down on the spot by Wan Zhi’s one set of words after another, I rubbed my temples with my fingers and forced myself to calm down, “Wan Zhi, we’d better go back, Auntie is already a difficult person, and now we’re still in a foster home, we’re not children anymore, if we don’t help solve the problem, and then we’ve been out for such a long time, mom can’t cope with it on her own at all!” Wan Zhi slowly looked at me, a trace of contemptuous and indifferent smile slipped across her good-looking face: ”Yo, when did Wan Hui really have wisdom?

You know to think about mom, who was the one who fought and killed all day long at school, causing mom to go to school again and again to apologize to people?

“Heh! You’re just going to say one thing and then you’re going to say another! What kind of hero is that? “If you won’t come back, I will. Someone has to solve the problem.” I grumbled.

“I grumbled and got up.

Wan Zhi a pull me, slowly and methodically said: “Do you really know what it means to solve the problem?

“11, Wan Zhi, the devil, pressed the doorbell himself and pushed me in.

At this time, the sad comrade Li Manning in order to create a sad atmosphere, even did not open the lights.

Li Manning turned her head in the direction of the door and faintly said, “Come on, you two talk about it piece by piece.

” “It’s okay, mom, I just see that guy Dayong owes a beating.

“As soon as Wan Zhi saw that he was also exposed, he had to slowly move himself to my side, and took the lead in blocking me with such an absurd reason before I opened my mouth to make a statement.

Seeing me looking at him with a surprised face, he added indifferently, “He messed with my things in the house.

“My mom nodded convincingly, gently consoled: “Xiao Zhi ah, this mom understands, but you can not be so heavy-handed ah, the head of the boss a bag, after all, he is my own sister’s only son, and besides, we are now the situation is not also special.

“My mom while appeasing, while looking at the strange surrounding, eyes laxly spread out, nose a sour, turn his head to the side.

This scene made me finally realize that Li Manning did not leave her marriage unharmed, she was ultimately sad.

Seeing that we were both silent, Li Manning pointed to that one room with her chin and said, “Go to sleep.

” I obediently pushed open the door, only to be surprised to find, my mom, this room is set up with two double beds, I skeptically twisted my head, Yin Yang revolt: “Mom! How to sleep in this house!” “You go too.

” My mom gestured towards Wan Zhi, whacked her neck, got up and was about to head to her own house.

“Mom! This is appropriate! We’re both older, I’m a freshman and my brother’s in grad school, and we’re still sleeping in the same room.

“I was so excited that my voice went out of tune, like a hard-mouthed duck being gripped by a merciless human.

My mom twisted her head around and was about to have a fit, but Wan Zhi immediately pushed my shoulder and went into the house.

“It’s not like you haven’t slept before, so why are you screaming.

“He unlocked the door and took off his jacket, saying faintly.

“When I was a kid, I slept in a bunk bed because I was forced to.

” I retorted vigorously.

Wan Zhi lifted his eyebrows and looked at me, the corner of his mouth a bad smile: “Now is not also the conditions forced.

“I mean, even if the temporary transition room isn’t enough, I can still make do and sleep with my mom, there’s always a lot of inconvenience in the two of us sharing the same room.

“I don’t mind, go ahead.”

“I blankly glanced at Wan Zhi, holding the quilt on the bed by the window to go to my mom’s house, but when I got to the door, I braked under my feet.

Li Manning how poisonous people ah, I was forced to ask to sleep in a separate room with her when I was three years old, I said I was afraid, she said brother will protect you, go on, she always disliked me sleep at night to take the feet to her stomach stabbing, she has been sleeping poorly, a large amount of hair loss, but a little bit of noise and quiet, she should wake up at any time, woke up and then fall asleep, it is extraordinarily difficult to sleep on the first night, the next day, the temper will be big, I can not find my father! The next day, the temper is very big, can not find my father to fight, just take the loopholes of me to take the anger.

My perfectionist brother Wan Zhi, always in the battlefield without a word to laugh, never helped me more than a plea for words.


What kind of life is this for me?

“Yoo-hoo, what are you doing back here?

“Boys clean themselves up so valiantly, what a strange species.

In the time it took me to walk back and forth with the quilt in my arms, Manji had already brushed his teeth and washed his face, and was able to lie under the covers and sarcastically talk to me with ease.

“I don’t want you to care, anyway, this isn’t your house or mine, everyone mind their own business.

“I gouged him out fiercely, and threw the quilt on Wan Zhi’s bed in a bad mood.

“What do you mean?

You’re going to sleep with me?

“Wan Zhi was shocked by my action, but he was still pretending to be calm.

“Go away, I’m going to sleep in the bed by the window,” I said.

“After I put down the quilt, I put my hands in an expulsive gesture, like forcing a duck to jump into a pond.

Wan Zhi “pfft” laughed, “Why?

I’ve slept on this bed until it’s hot enough for you to change it, on purpose?

“This is my red face, in fact, this kind of operation I often did when I was a child, Wan Zhi wash fast, once he washed up, I asked him to help me warm the blanket, and when the blanket is hot, I will drive him back to the upper bunk, this time Wan Zhi will light my melon gently flick, or tug my ponytail, good behavior rolled back to their own bunk.

“What’s up?

You’re blushing like a monkey’s ass.

” He saw me freeze and deliberately provoked.

“Why did you just lie to mom?

I’m obviously the victim, is it embarrassing to tell her?

” I finally found a breakthrough to turn the situation around.

12, Wan Ji contemplated for a moment and said, “So do you think my mom is ashamed?

‘ Seeing that I couldn’t react for a moment, he further emphasized, “I mean, the mother who gave birth to me.

‘ A chill ran down my neck, the muscles in my entire body tensed up, and the sweaty hairs in my ears stood up at the roots, Wan Zhi had never mentioned his own biological mom to me since he was a child.

Although he is not biological this matter, my mother has never hidden from anyone, he knew since childhood, I also know, but he has always been on this matter to shut up, if the mouth on the relatives without lightweight dinner table jokingly teasing him, Xiaozhi, want to think about your own mother?

Wan Zhi at this time will quickly bowl of rice raked up, and then said nothing to go back to his room.

I think he wanted to curse very much, but his perfectionist ego wouldn’t allow him to lose his manners in front of his mom.

At this time, Li Manning would change her face, slam down her chopsticks, pull a face, and say without a word, “If you want to eat, eat properly, if you don’t know how to speak, you can not speak.

The relative, embarrassed, hastened to ease the atmosphere: I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding.

Nevertheless, in a few days, the news would come that the relative had fallen on his hip bone and could not get out of bed.

Therefore, I always feel that under the perfect skin of Manji, there must be some evil superpower hidden.

Like that jade tablet that was taken by my cousin when I was a child, which returned to the bottom of my pillow one night for no apparent reason, and my cousin inexplicably had his eye socket swollen by various basketballs in his turn at school.

It’s so evil.

The mere fact of hating anyone can bring down anyone for no reason at all.

And at the moment, it was precisely such a taboo topic that Manji initiated to me.

I didn’t know how to answer, fearing that if I answered wrongly, I’d suffer the curse that this Wan Ji guy has like a god’s help for nothing.

“That’s different.

“I still think it’s not fair to me for Manji to put me in the same category of being abused by my cousin and his own mother being in a special trade.

With Manji’s intelligence, of course he knew what I was thinking.

“You think you’re more innocent than that mom of mine, right?

“Seeing that I didn’t nod or say anything, he sneered, “Do you know why I was in such a hurry to recognize words so early?

“He let out a long sigh and continued, “Because I wanted to read the letter my mom left me.

“Said, he got up and opened the suitcase that he hadn’t had time to pack, took out the SpongeBob SquarePants backpack with faded colors and cotton lint from the inside, unzipped it, and a letter wrapped in a kraft envelope was presented in Wan Zhi’s hand.

“To be precise, this is my mom’s suicide note.

My mom, Bichun, wasn’t born an unclean woman, it’s just that she owes it all to your dad.

“When I heard this, I was shocked… Is the plot about to start?

Is it possible that Wan Ji is my half-brother?

“What are you thinking?

I don’t have any blood relationship with you!” Seeing my pale face, Wan Zhi instantly guessed my off-color speculation.

The letter kept spinning in his palm, and everything Manji had on hand when he was thinking.

Sometimes it’s a pen, sometimes it’s a thousand paper cranes, and at the moment, it’s a yellowed letter.

“My mom’s first blind date was your dad.

Your dad and my mom tried dating for a few days at first, and for a while my mom thought it was going pretty well, but then all of a sudden one day your dad told the matchmaker that it wasn’t working out.

He didn’t say why at first, then my mom went to him, he took the initiative to go to the matchmaker to tell the reason, when he went into the village, he bumped into Li Manning riding his bicycle back, the student look, pure, pure, see people staring at their own blush, and the spunky, dropout of my mom is not the same at all, your father was moved.

He wanted to chase your mom, but he also found out that my mom and your mom were classmates in elementary school and knew each other from early on, and he was especially worried that if my mom said anything to your mom, it would ruin his good deed.

So your father did a superb thing, in order to block my mother’s mouth, he could not see the woman, introduced to a male colleague he is not familiar with, my mother was angry, heart a cross, agreed to him.

I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m sure I’ll be able to do it, and I’ll be able to do it.

But not long after, my mom found that this boyfriend not only in and out of some occasions, and also particularly ‘generous’ to introduce her to some big bosses, my mom does not from that boyfriend on the hands to beat people, once directly to a boss to the home, to my mom destroyed, threatened my mom once said out, will be my mom’s nude photos posted to the bulletin board up.

” Wan Zhi said here, the whole person began to shiver, eyes looked at me as if covered with a layer of fog.

“You’re not wrong, it’s that Dayong trash, it’s those smelly men who are humiliated.

But even if you let Li Manning know, she can’t handle these things, right now we don’t even have a place to stay, and then let her hard to go to provide us with a place to stay in her own sister’s face?

Forget it, don’t give her a hard time, brother will take care of everything for you.


“I wanted to call Wan Zhi, but when I saw his red eyes, I suddenly changed my mind.

Wan Zhi as if by this “brother” zapped as if the angry gaze showed a trace of tenderness.

13, “You actually hate mom too, right?

I mean, our mom.

Without her, maybe your mom wouldn’t have been pushed into the hands of that scumbag.

“I mumbled, as if I had done something wrong.

“No, it had nothing to do with Manny Lee.

Even if there is no Li Manning, your father will also look at Zhang Manning Wang Manning, but all in all, it will not be Bichun …… also blame Bichun himself stupid …… but what I hate the most is that a man, why can he introduce a scum that he doesn’t really know to a woman he doesn’t like?

You can not like her, you can move on.

But you can’t do something so irresponsible and shitty just because you’re trying to figure out a carrot.

Your father ruined my mom.

“Is that what your mom wrote in her suicide note?”

“She didn’t blame anyone, she just wrote down a little bit of why she took this step on the day I was born, and it was probably the best way she could think of to explain everything.

” “Brother, so your mom killed herself because of my dad?

” “Yes …… it is.

Bichun said, your father one day took a few buddies to KTV to play, see the fish out of that a slip of women have Bichun, he said in front of the face of those men cheeky, he can not dare to want this, there are shadows, you who love to want who want it, but also reached out to my mom to the arms of those men pushed a hand.

The men laughed and said, “This woman is obviously quite handsome ah, why not, you do not want a few of our brothers to take turns.

It seems to be an old acquaintance, right? I’ve seen you a few times in the neighborhood, so it will be convenient for you to arrange a visit during your wife’s lunch break, right?

The old acquaintance can do the annual card?

At least to be cheaper well …… Bichun immediately crashed out, she can not stand this, she had thought that the broken cans and then a few years of crime, to the son to marry a daughter-in-law of the money are saved up to find a place where no one knows to restart their lives.

As a result, she bought a new house, just a month or so after living in it, was touched by a man in the same neighborhood.

It’s so hard to start over.

There are always people with bad intentions to reveal her scars, she did not want her son to live under her dirty shadow, went back to drink at night, drank until he vomited, and his legs were weak, but he still had to drink, the more he drank, the more difficult it was to drink, so he stuffed everything he could leave for Wan Zhi into the SpongeBob SquarePants backpack she gave him on Wan Zhi’s first birthday, ripped open the bags of snacks in the house, and opened a few bags of steamed buns from the refrigerator, and dumped them all in one head on the bed, and then unplugged the water dispenser-she was afraid that Wan Zhi would be scalded by the boiling water when he was thirsty and had to get some water to drink-before finally locking Wan Zhi in his bedroom and going to the living room alone to hang himself.

She taught him in her letter not to trust anyone easily, and to always remember to hide a fruit knife under his pillow when he sleeps.

So unsure of everything, he finally spilled his guts.

“Then if you had realized it a few days later, wouldn’t you have been starved to death?

” I listened to Wan Ji’s description of the contents of the suicide note, and the whole person was terrified afterward.

“She did all she could, the rest is a bet on Li Manning’s inability to do anything.

“Is there no one else in your family?

“She’s been in this business for a long time and has broken up with her family. She’s been out of touch for so many years, so she can’t get in touch with them.

“Brother, why are you suddenly willing to talk to me about this?

Did you read and understand the contents of the suicide note long ago, why wait until now to say.

“Because …… forget it, I’ll tell you later, it’s too late, go to sleep, there are big things to do tomorrow.

“14, the next morning, Wan Zhi is no trace, the bed was made without a single wrinkle, the quilt folded as if it had never been proffered.

I rubbed my head in a daze, recalling everything last night, feeling particularly unreal.

From the living room came the sound of people chatting in high and low voices.

“Manning ah, you see Dayong was smashed into this ghost, the money spent a lot, but every day told me that dizziness, the key is to leave a scar on the head, can be broken, originally we are a talented young man ……” is the voice of the aunt.

The first time I saw this, it was a very good time for me to go to the hospital.

You say this pig-headed baby son a table talent?

This should be the worst time that the word “talented” has been insulted.

“I’m really out of money. I’ve already transferred the money I had left in my hand last time, so I really don’t have any more money in my hand.

I really don’t have any money in my hand.” What?

Li Manning also gave money to his family?

Are you crazy?

She came over to me to blackmail me, but she didn’t get it, she even hit me first, and now she has the face to come to the house to ask for money endlessly?

I wore slippers and rushed out, after a night of messy arch, my hair more and more spirited, scribbling with some of the stubborn spirit of defiance, and my sweatshirt with small slippers with the image, quite a scolding shrew running to the market of the sad.

“Dead pig! Stop daydreaming, okay?

You’re really a good piglet with a rectum through the brain ah, be reasonable, right?

You started it, didn’t you?

Even if you call the police, it’s still an assault, so why are you acting like a victim?

Your parents should have spent those three minutes walking around, why did they give birth to such a pest? My sister-in-law was stunned.

Just the tip of the iceberg of my cursing power was enough to make my great-aunt so angry that her canopy was floating in the sky.

“Huihui! You’re a little girl with such a poisonous mouth, you won’t be able to get married in the future.” “That’s better.

It’s better that way, so that you won’t be like you, marrying a scum and giving birth to such a useless piece of shit.” “How can you scold my mom?

“How can you scold my mom?” My cousin, who was playing with my goldfish like a dilettante, finally lost his temper and decided to speak up for his mom.

My sister-in-law stood up in a huff, wagging her finger and howling, “You don’t have a nest, your whole family deserved to be abandoned, a bunch of unlucky and uneducated things, get out of my house now! My sister-in-law’s face turned green, and she dragged her precious son to leave.

My cousin, seeing that he couldn’t get the money, held up a big thick arm and tried to make a move towards me again.

KAM! This time and again! I really think I shouted to kill so many years practiced in vain, right?

I deftly ducked, a big mouth to the girl pumped on, ah, that palm, that called a hot ah! My sister-in-law looked stupid, rushed up to tear me: “You dare to hit my son, my son from childhood to the age of one finger I did not want to touch, you dare to hit him! I’ll tear you apart, you rotten bastard! My mom immediately used her best leg sweep.

My great-aunt was knocked to the ground in one fell swoop, and my great-aunt covered her incisors and wailed.

“You, all of you! Move out by tomorrow!” My great-aunt used her final killer move.

My mom was dumbfounded that this woman was going to give in right away and trembled as she went to pick up the woman she had just put down.

“No need, move now.

” Wan Zhi pushed the door in and said this faintly.

“What are you talking about?

Moving so many things to a hotel at once?

It will take three to five days to re-rent a suitable apartment!” I was so shocked by Wan Zhi’s bravado and weight lifting that I almost fell in place.

“Don’t worry, we have an apartment.

” Wan Zhi gave me a hand, then slowly walked over to his cousin and said with an indifferent face, “If you don’t want to die, get out now.

” I looked at Wan Zhi blankly and was surprised to find that he also had a jade tablet hanging around his neck, strikingly similar to the one around my neck.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the heavy feeling around my neck was still very real, I would have suspected that Wan Zhi had stolen back the jade tablet he had given me at some point.

15, Wan Zhi is really a madman, only one day’s work, full payment to buy a set of well-decorated existing house with a yard.

His mother left him more than a suicide note, there was a bank card opened to Wan Zhi early in the morning, the suicide note has a password, Bichun’s life before the results of the struggle all in the head.

Bichun told him in the suicide note, less than eighteen years old, do not move this card, and do not let anyone know that there is this card, otherwise you do not know whether others are really good for you, or false good for you.

Wan Zhi is a person who is extremely capable of keeping secrets, and he does it without a drop of water.

The salesgirl said sweetly, the procedures can not be done so quickly, not in a hurry to pay the full amount, you can first order.

Wan Zhi said, not important, those can take their time, I have to pay the full amount now, but there is a requirement, the key to me first, I have to live in today.

The sales lady which has seen such a strange and handsome cool buyers, WeChat voice daddy whine hurriedly agreed, in order to thank him so fast, but also issued a dinner invitation.

“Then you’re afraid that it’s not almost time, change clothes and hurry to go.

“I tilted my head while organizing the things in the suitcase while taunting him.

“Maybe I don’t have to go.

“Manji responded lightly.


What’s going on?

You’re just going to sleep with me instead?

“I regretted saying it as soon as it came out. I just wanted to flirt, but as soon as my mom came in with a big box and looked at the two of us, the atmosphere became weird, as if the whole house smelled a unique scent.

“Let’s make dumplings tonight, no need to buy vinegar.

“My mom smiled evilly, her words were eerie.


I thought we ran out of vinegar at home.

“I’m sick in the head, and I’m still stupid enough to ask, so I really want to smack myself in the mouth.

“What mom means is that you’re just right for dipping dumplings in.

“Wan Zhi is very smart, and really knows how to make up for it.

I blushed and pushed my mom into the master bedroom of my new house, asking furtively.

“Mom, you’re not really going to betray your ethics and sell your daughter for a house like this, are you?

“What are you talking about? You’re talking nonsense. Xiaozhi is the one I picked up. She’s neither your mother nor your father, so how can she be abandoning her ethics and morals?

“Mom! You’re not serious, are you?” “Joke! What do you think I wanted for my eldest son?

It’s because he’s pretty, and if he’s blind enough to fall in love with my daughter in the future, won’t that make everyone happy?

“Li Manning, what if your daughter isn’t born?”

Let’s not talk about anything else, but if I do marry Wan Zhi, won’t it be awkward for you to change your name in the future?

“What’s wrong with me? I’ll still have to call me mom.” “Kam!” 16. My mom glanced at my neck and teased: “The love token has been worn for so many years, so I can’t just say I’m going back on it.

“The neck of the jade plate suddenly cold, I hurried to explain:” Li Manning, can not be good nonsense, this thing is Wan Zhi threatened me to wear, do not wear to be put in a sack bag.

“Li Manning impatiently waved his hand at me: “You save it, on your stupid lack of like, to culture no culture, to brain no brain, Wan Zhi if you are willing to want you that is really blind only line, do you really do not know that in ancient times, the jade plate is given to each other as a token of love?

You two that is the dragon and phoenix jade plate, you a phoenix, he a dragon, Wan Zhi to the home of the first day, I put this pair of your grandmother gave me the thing personally to give him.

The day I saw one hanging around your neck, I knew that Man-chi was really blind.

“KAM! You’re my real mom! You’re my real mom! You’re my real mom! You’re the first one to give it to an outsider when Grandma has a treasure to pass down!” Hearing my foul language, Li Manning slapped me on the back, “Don’t spit ivory out of a dog’s mouth, who’s an outsider?

Who knew that I would give birth to such a crazy girl like you?

What you should be worried about is what if your brother doesn’t like you?

While I was so angry that my face was twisted into a twisted rope, Wan Zhi’s voice came from the living room, “Mom, can I borrow your presbyopia glasses?” “Why do you need them?

“What do you need presbyopes for?

There’s nothing wrong with your eyes.

“My mom instinctively disliked me.

“I’m blind.

I’m blind.” Wan Zhi you …… I probed my head to peek into the living room, but was gripped out by Wan Zhi.

“You hit too hard, right?

“Let’s go.

” He smiled handsomely like a person with no problem, and even went so far as to stretch out his big, white, good-looking hand to use a head-butt on me! “Where to?

“I scratched my head, trying to avoid it.

“I told the sales girl that I bought a wedding house, she didn’t believe me, and said that she would bring her wife to eat with her.

“I …… what do you mean by this?

“Wan Zhi laughed and shook his head, came up and pulled my hand to go out:” stupid girl, brother blind, lead the way.

“Then he closed his eyes and blindly led me with one hand and touched up the door handle with the other.

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