Is there pure friendship between men and women?

Is there pure friendship between men and women?

That day, my best friend of the opposite sex got drunk, and according to her request, I carried her to bed.

1 Early in the morning, Li Qiaoqiao wrapped in the quilt from the bed, looking at the underwear and panties lost a floor, look calm and light a cigarette.

After smoking, getting off the floor, and getting dressed, she even looked back at me.

“Tan Cheng Yu, don’t give me a chance to get up!” Accompanying the words were my dark blue pants.

I pulled my panties on under the covers as if I was on the verge of amnesty, not realizing that it was followed by her cold and icy words.

“Tan Cheng Yu, listen carefully.

“If a third person finds out, I’ll have your life.

“2 I like Li Qiaoqiao.

I’ve liked her since I was in college.

I admit, at the beginning and her friends, indeed with a bit of non-thinking, but somehow, this non-thinking slowly turned into the “brotherhood” of the liver and gall bladder.

Don’t ask me, I don’t know which link in the middle went wrong.

So much so that my roommate, Wang You, commented that in terms of relationships, I’m just an embroidered pillow.

“If you’re chasing a girl, you have to be shameless. First you hold hands, then you kiss, and after that, you get on base.

“Wang You, the self-proclaimed emotional guru, taught me, “You have more guts, and Li Qiaoqiao have children.

“Get out.

“I’m as good as gold.

Li Qiaoqiao is not that kind of girl, I know it very well.

She is from Heilongjiang, with a bit of untamed in her bones.

If she really wants to do something, you don’t even have to say anything, tell her to go out for a drink, and she’ll just say “go”.

If she doesn’t want to do things, you say the mouth, even if the God of heaven came also can’t help.

After graduation, we went our separate ways, but we were able to keep in touch with each other.

This day is Wang You wedding, she and I went back to Shenyang, I would have been late for the plane, but she had to wait for me to come back to drink some wine.

I can’t drink as much as her, but I didn’t expect this time, she got drunk first.

A lot of things happened after graduation, she liked her leader.

That married scumbag, three times over, cheated her out of her first time.

The routine is exactly the same as what Wang Yu said.

“Tan Cheng Yu, tell me, why am I so stupid that I still think about him even though he cheated me?

“Tan Cheng Yu, aren’t you men all bad?

“Tan Chengyu, speak up, Tan Chengyu.”

“She used the strength of alcohol to play crazy drunkenness, and her whole body hung on my body like a wombat.

I didn’t dare to look at her, she was so close to me, with fragrant breath, the fresh scent emanating from her hair, and tantalizingly full red lips.

Then JoJo Lee cupped my face in her hands.

“Tan Cheng Yu, do you want to sleep with me?

” At the time of the wedding, Wang You manfully stood in the gilded hall, rushing to the beautiful bride slowly kneeling on one knee, accompanied by the deafening wedding march, surprisingly, I also gave birth to a trace of the undeservedly touched.

Next to me, Li Qiaoqiao cried like a tearful person.

“You’re not the one who got married, why bother?

“You’re a cold-blooded animal, aren’t you?

“Li Qiaoqiao punched me.

“Watching Wang You get married, I felt so relieved that my eldest son had finally gotten married,” she said.


“Unconscientious eldest child, this analogy is really exquisite.

I looked at her silently, obviously after last night’s relationship, this morning we still had a heart to heart, gagging as we once did.

It was obviously business as usual, but I felt a little bad inside.

Before leaving, I sent her to the airport, the whole time we did not say a word.

When I was about to board the plane, I finally couldn’t hold back and pulled back her luggage with my hand.

I wanted to say to her: come with me, I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life.

But before I could say anything, Li Qiaoqiao gave me a warm smile.

“Pull your big man, is this how you send your mom off?

“I ……” “You what you.

“Li Qiaoqiao ripped back to the baggage.

“Get out of here, my most trusted friend. I’ll see you around.

I’ll see you around.” “My most trusted friend.

I froze.

She pulled the baggage through the security checkpoint, head did not return, this “friend”, ultimately blocked my mouth.

Li Qiaoqiao, who is the cold-blooded animal, I liked you for six years ah!3 “I heard that you and Li Qiaoqiao slept together?

“How the hell do you know that?

“Nonsense, not only do I know, all the students who attended the wedding know.

“Wang Yu’s voice was filled with gloating.

Everyone saw you carry Li Qiaoqiao back to her room, do you think they’re stupid or blind.”

A chill ran down my spine.”

Well, I can already start picking out ways to die.

“Dude, get her while the iron is hot!” Wang Yu said excitedly on the other end of the line.

“This is your chance, you’ll never get it again!” “I’ll think about it.

I bet 500 bucks on you.” “Think about it, my ass, I bet 500 bucks on you.

Hey, don’t hang up, don’t hang up ah you ……” I took a long breath.

These days, I’m not not trying to contact Li Qiaoqiao, but the chat process is always “in the middle of the road collapse”, the message is sent, she did not reply.

The explanation was always the same – “Busy at work.

“I searched the internet for many explanations about this situation, and the answer was the same – “Keeping a spare tire.

“She will not keep a spare tire, I firmly believe.

Li Qiaoqiao’s face value belongs to the type of benevolence: those who think it looks good will think it’s amazing; those who think it’s average will think it’s especially average.

I am the former.

But even so, in college, the pursuit of Li Qiaoqiao people are not a few.

There are driving a Cadillac official second generation, gold and jade outside the student body president, the assistant guide, but without exception, were Li Qiaoqiao rejected, the most tragic student president, but also by Li Qiaoqiao held down in the south door of the school and beat a meal.

Li Qiaoqiao often put her arm around my shoulder, “I don’t look for you also don’t look for, we two are really revolutionary friendship.

“I’m a fool, what bullshit revolutionary friendship, that’s because I like you.

I spit out in my heart.

But also because of this kind of cowardice, I seem to have not had a decent confession.

Only a few times after drinking, I insinuated hints.

“Sister Qiao, you’re single and I’m single, why don’t you and I make up?” I thought this was something girls could understand.

“I think this is a girl can understand the hint, is my initiative to throw the olive branch, but I did not expect Li Qiaoqiao reaction is extremely strong.

“Let’s make do, why should we? I’ll never settle!” Li Qiaoqiao again splashed.

“Tan Chengyu, are you looking down on me, are you looking down on me?


“Good man, I’ve been punched in the face again.

I hesitated for a long time, but finally made a decision, no matter what, I should be brave for myself.

Li Qiaoqiao is in Zhengzhou.

Then I’ll go to Zhengzhou.

I dialed the leader’s phone.

“Leader, before you said in Zhengzhou Division is missing a department manager, now still counts?…… “4 I go to Zhengzhou this matter, deliberately did not tell Li Qiaoqiao in advance.

I wanted to land at Xinzheng Airport and make a call with a big grin.

“Hey, Li Qiaoqiao, I’ve arrived in Zhengzhou, why don’t you treat me to dinner?” I believe that at that moment, Li Qiaoqiao was in the middle of her journey.

“I believe that at that moment, Li Qiaoqiao must have been so happy that she could not be more.

But the fact is a little out of my expectation.

“You …… have arrived in Zhengzhou?

Why don’t you say …… in advance,” Li Qiaoqiao words some blame, she stammered for a long time.

“I have something today, how about …… another day?

“Li Qiaoqiao, you are not excessive, I came a long way over, you even receive the dust also refused?

“Also …… not refused.

” Li Qiaoqiao voice is getting lower and lower, finally she sighed.

I’ll send you the location of the hotel,” she said.

” a small child, I finished luggage to the hotel, I thought this is my and Li Qiaoqiao’s private dinner, but I did not expect, the private room sitting 3 people.

Li Qiaoqiao rose generously, patted me on the shoulder.

“Good for you, making a surprise attack!” I smiled slightly awkwardly.

“These are ……” “What about this pretty girl, called Lan Lan, good looking, is our company’s newly recruited graduates, the other one ……” Li Qiaoqiao eyes flickered a little.

“He is Wu Weixiong.

“The first time I saw him, he was a good man.

I’m not sure if you’re a good person, but I’m a good person, and I’m a good person.

My body instantly a little soft, a sense of powerlessness from the soles of my feet to my brain, I force Li Qiaoqiao dragged out of the room.

“Are you crazy?

Have you forgotten how he lied to you?

You’re still contacting him?

” always windy Li Qiaoqiao surprisingly also no words, she lowered her head, cupped her hands.

“Neither …… nor back together, is to eat a meal together.

“You are really amusing.

“I hate iron and steel point her head.

Enemies meet, the eyes red, I naturally can not lose face, things have come to this point, can only be hard to hold on.

I changed my expression to make myself look calm and collected, and led Li Qiaoqiao into the room, Li Qiaoqiao and I sat next to each other, Lan Lan and Wu Weixiong were on the opposite side.

Only then did I have the time to take a closer look at the scummy man in front of me.

The man looked less than 30, his eyebrows were neatly repaired, he was wearing a black leather jacket, and on the bridge of his nose there was a pair of brown retro glasses that were a must for scumbags.

The man looked very civilized, probably this was the legendary civilized scum.

“Tan Cheng Yu, right?

I’ve often heard Li Qiaoqiao mention you, I’ll give you a toast.

” Wu Wei Xiong smiled and got up, I looked at him with a smile but not a laugh.

“Brother Wu! Aigoo, I’ve heard so much about you, what’s your profession?


The kind with two feet?


“Li Qiaoqiao kicked me under the table.

I gritted my teeth and followed through, so I didn’t scream out.

Wu Wei Xiong’s face twitched, but quickly returned to normal.

“It seems that Brother Tan has some misunderstandings about me, so in that case, I’ll punish myself with a drink.

“The atmosphere of the next party was very delicate, the always talkative Li Qiaoqiao instead closed her mouth, but it was Wu Weixiong and Lan Lan who kept chatting about some company anecdotes, while I belonged to the assassin hidden in the dark, every time we talked soundly, I would make up for the two stabs.

“Mr. Wu is so attractive, usually many girls like him, right?” “Mr. Wu’s schedule is really good.

“Mr. Wu has a good time schedule, he is a master of time management,” he said.

“Mr. Wu is able to handle both work and emotions, brilliant, brilliant.

“Of course, this scumbag is not a good guy either, he is not a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, he is a good fighter, I have to be impressed.

After dinner, Lan Lan proposed to go to sing a song together, I have nothing else to do, so I accepted, to the KTV, by using the effort to go to the toilet, Li Qiaoqiao pulled me aside.

“Don’t take it so personally, okay?


I’m targeting him?

I’m not.

“You’re still saying no?

I’m gonna get mad at you if you keep doing that.

“I froze.

JoJo Lee’s fussed expression was unbelievable to me.

After six years of friendship, you’re going to flip out on me for a guy who hurt you?

“Fine, do what you want.

” I whisked my sleeves away and returned to the KTV room, only this time the seating formation had changed, Barb and I were next to each other, and Li Qiaoqiao and Wu Weixiong sat together.

Singing on the way, they sometimes whisper, sometimes talk and laugh, my heart burning with jealousy.

On the contrary, Lan Lan beside me was very attentive to me.

“I heard from Ms. Qiaoqiao that your family owns a villa, is it true?” “What’s your job now?

“What’s your job now?

Are you a department manager at such a young age?

“I responded to all these questions in a casual manner, but my eyes always stayed on the couple beside me, even though they hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary yet, the affection between their eyes couldn’t be fooled.

I interrupted their rhythm with frequent toasts to Wu Wei Xiong, who eventually reacted to something and tapped me on the shoulder.

“Going out for a smoke?

“Let’s go.

” We both silently came to the door, he helped me to light the fire.

“I know what you think, but don’t worry, I’ll treat her right this time.” “What do you promise?

“What kind of promise are you making.

” I looked at him with a sneer.

“I know you like Li Qiaoqiao, we are all men, no one can hide anything from anyone.

” He gave me a contemptuous look, like the rider of a racehorse who wins the championship.

“But she’s mine.

“That’s not necessarily true.

“I’m not going to give in.

“We’ll see.

” He put out his cigarette early and walked back into the room.

When he returned to the room, he wrapped his arms around Li Qiaoqiao, who shook slightly, but did not break free.

At that moment, I felt my heart dripping blood.

I retaliated by grabbing Arashi’s hand, and Arashi let out a cry of surprise as her body fell obediently into my arms …… I wanted Li Qiaoqiao to look this way to see what I called ‘childish defiance’.

But, she didn’t.

Her eyes, never lingered on my body.

My heart was like a knife.

I began to drink blindly, trying to use alcohol to anesthetize themselves, the crowd to see the situation is also a cup to accompany a cup, until it has been 2:00 a.m., we helped each other out of the KTV.

“I’ll take you back.

I’ll take you home,” said Mr. Wu Wei Xiong to JoJo Lee.

“Don’t even think about it.

” I pushed Wu Wei Xiong away, my finger almost pointing at the tip of his nose.

“I won’t let you take her back, even if I have to say anything today.

“Get out of my way!” Wu Wei Xiong also got on his head, he pulled my collar with one hand, and the other hand was ready to pull Li Qiao Qiao, we were pulling like this frantically.

Just then, Li Qiaoqiao spoke up.

“Tan Cheng Yu, let go of him.

“Wu Wei Xiong, you send me back.

” I looked at Li Qiaoqiao, her face was like water, her eyes were full of determination, like a commander on high, her voice was not loud, but it was unquestionable.

She really didn’t drink too much, she was the best drinker among us.

I watched Wu Weixiong send her to the car, after that, the furious Lan Lan also took a taxi away by herself, leaving me alone in the cold wind.

Next to the KTV is a tavern, I stumbled in, I ordered a table of wine, pouring alcohol like water into my stomach, I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t, it felt like I had stuffed a black garlic in my throat like a hard, aggrieved.

About the follow-up of this incident, I always believe that Li Qiaoqiao a year later and my statement.

Just sent back to the hotel, but did nothing.

5 After that drunken stupor, I rarely saw Li JoJo.

I woke up in the hospital, because I drank too much, I drank into alcohol poisoning, and did not pay attention during the drinking process, was pickpocket stole the cell phone and wallet.

My medical expenses were paid on my behalf by the marketing manager of the bar who led me in, his name is Xiao Cong, my first good buddy in this city.

He took me to buy a new cell phone, changed my cell phone card, and the first time I opened my cell phone, it was full of messages sent to me by Li Qiaoqiao.

“Are you okay?

“Why don’t you reply?

Are you home yet?

“You should have said to me in advance, you see this does not make it really embarrassing, next time, I will ask you to make amends individually to apologize, right?

“I locked my cell phone with a cold snort.

Li Qiaoqiao let me a cavity of lonely courage and go all out, all turned into a joke.

“Dude, you’re in love, huh?

“Xiao Cong patted me on the shoulder.

“It’s not worth it, buddy. You’re tall and handsome, and there are plenty of girls out there.

“I didn’t pick up on it.

“Thank you, buddy. I can’t thank you enough. If you need me in the future, just give me a word.

“No matter what, we can’t abuse our own bodies, right?” Xiao Cong was right.

“Xiao Cong is right, I shouldn’t dwell on the past anymore.

It’s time to let go of this six-year obsession.

I didn’t ask the leadership to change my job, perhaps because of the love affair is not satisfied with the cause of success, I have been working smoothly, and the bonus has been followed by a lot of.

Leisure, I went to Xiao Cong’s bar stroll, in fact, in addition to Li Qiaoqiao, I personally is still very market, there are always single girls take all kinds of opportunities and I hitched a ride, but on the doorstep, I let the girl took a taxi away, even Xiao Cong also even said pity.

Even Xiao Cong said it was a pity. “You don’t want it, you can give it to me, it’s such a waste.

“Strangely enough, my relationship with Lan Lan skyrocketed after that, and we often met for dinner, and our relationship went through the roof.

She and I confessed a few times, all were pushed back by me playing Taiji.

As for the reason …… I myself can not say clearly.

But since then, I have not seen Li Qiaoqiao.

About Li Qiaoqiao’s news, most of them are Lan Lan told me, said that the two of them in pairs, the days are very nourishing.

I touched my heart, and it didn’t seem to hurt as much.

This day, I was arranged to go to Kaifeng, Henan Province on business, evening, want to go to Kaifeng Wanda around and around, just in front of the door of Kaifeng Wanda, I saw Wu Weixiong, at his side, is a I have never met a big wave plus a big wave of the girl.

I did not want to be nosy, but somehow, hands and feet and uncontrolled.

I rushed up and smashed him hard.

“Scum, you give me death!” Rao Wu Weixiong is tall, but the reason is three times cowardly, he received a few punches and did not fight back, fell to sit on the ground.

“Can you stand up to Li Qiaoqiao?

Can you stand up to her?” Wu Wei Xiong laughed, he spat.

“I’ve had enough of that girl, I’ll let you have her.” “Fuck you!

“Fuck you!” My fists became more fierce, he also returned the favor, we fought so fiercely that even the security guards did not dare to intervene.

At the end of the fight, or by the police station police mediation, we have their own damage, but also did not involve any economic loss.

Near the door of the police station, swollen Wu Weixiong pointed at me.

“You kid have guts.

“You wait for me, I won’t let you go.

I’ll see you through.” “I’ll see you through.

“I arched my hand at him.

After he left, I also dragged a wound back to the hotel, looking at the dark starless night outside, suddenly want to cry.

Tan Chengyu, Tan Chengyu, is it worth it?

That night, I stayed up all night.

6 In the department’s full cooperation, the department has completed another big case, the department’s smallest female employee Ying Ying said must let me treat hi a little bit, I excused myself not to come out of the company’s door, was going to take a taxi, a person stood in front of my eyes.

It was Li Qiaoqiao.

Her eyes were full of bloodshot and her face was haggard, when she saw me come out, she tried her best to grin.

I’ll buy you dinner today.” “I’m afraid I can’t, it’s a departmental meeting today.

“I’m afraid I can’t, it’s a departmental dinner today.”

“I apologized and pointed to the department members beside me.

“Oh …… well, some other time then.

“Li Qiaoqiao smiled again, then turned around and left.

Looking at her single back, my chest unconsciously hurt again, I resolutely said to the department, and then ran to Li Qiaoqiao side, Ying Ying angry in place straight stomping feet.

Later I heard the department old Zhang and I said, Ying Ying scolded me all the way home that day.

“Let’s go, I’m not done with you if it’s not good.

” I yanked her arm.

Li Qiaoqiao froze for a moment, then disliked me.

“I’ll have the hand-cooked pancake with roasted cold noodles.

“Then I’ll have the tops, with sausage and egg.”

“After dinner, we skipped around the pedestrian street of Erqi Square, and we reminisced a lot about what we used to do.

The first time I drank was with her, the first time I smoked was with her, the first time I skipped class and went online was with her, and the first time I traveled with the opposite sex was with her.

Of course, I helped her cheat on her exams; I helped her write her homework; I helped her solve her problems when she met difficult boys; I even helped her clean up her dorm room sometimes.

“Do you remember?

We went to Phuket Beach in Thailand on our graduation trip.

“She had her hands behind her back and the evening breeze whipped through her hair.

“You don’t know how to swim, so I gave you a swimming ring and took you to swim in the sea. The sea was really clear, so I just cared about playing by myself, and then a big wave came, and when I turned my head, you disappeared.

“I was scared to death, frantically ran over, only saw your Pacific Circle, I shouted your name like crazy, touching underwater, simply anxious to cry out.

” “As it turned out, I was building castles by the beach.

“I snapped and laughed twice.

“And you lost your bathing suit because you were swimming so fast.

“How dare you?

“So what?

It’s not as good as looking at it. I might as well look at my own.


“JoJo Lee punched me in the face.

It was our graduation trip. After much deliberation, we decided to go to Thailand. I’ll never forget the image of JoJo Lee standing topless in the ocean, crying and shouting my name.

Just for this, I will love this girl for the rest of my life.

Next to Karon Beach, there was a small, unassuming bar called “seeU”, where there was a program where people who came together had to write a message to each other, and the note would be displayed in the bar three years later.

The bar was unassuming and few people participated, but JoJo Lee and I were so excited that we wrote a message to each other.

I wrote: You don’t know, I actually like you.

As for her, she laughed non-stop after writing it and didn’t show it to me at the end.

When I asked her about it on the way today, she still didn’t say anything.

“If you have a chance to read it yourself, look, it’s been two years already, right?

“I’m so busy at work, I don’t have time.” “Then it’s my fault.

” “Then you can’t blame me ……” Li Qiaoqiao stopped, she quietly listened to the Erqi Tower ringing the whole clock, and then slammed down on my ear.

“Be my boyfriend?

” I froze.

“What are you talking about?

“Don’t say it twice.

” She gave me a blank look.

I froze for a moment and gently took her hand.

“JoJo Lee, don’t regret it.

” A week later, Li Qiaoqiao and I lived together.

In the name of finding the feeling of love, but in reality – her rent was due.

Maybe it is a friend turned, we have a kind of other new couples do not have a sense of familiarity, knit brows smile know each other behind the deep meaning, she put a fart I know to pull what flavor of shit.

But this lack of mystery in a relationship …… does make me feel that it’s no different from being friends.

We lived together for a month and never had sex.

It’s not that I didn’t try, it’s just that as soon as I pounced on her in bed at night, she looked at me, and before long, she would burst out laughing, and she laughed at this, and laughed my desire away.

Li Qiaoqiao said she really can not control, let me hold back.

This day home, Li Qiaoqiao and do the battered leeks and eggs piled up in front of my eyes.

“Sister, how many times have I said, the kitchen I come down, you can not spoil the farmers uncle’s hard output?

“Hey, I’m telling you, I don’t even do it at home, so be thankful!” I put on my apron and laughed bitterly, “What would you like to eat?

“She sat down obediently at the table.

“Chicken with mushrooms.

“Just as I was pouring the oil into the pot, there was a knock at the door, Li Qiaoqiao bumbled to open the door, and as soon as I opened the door, the person was shocked.

It was Arashi.

Arashi saw Li JoJo and froze as well.

It was like both parties were instantly Q’d by Galen, and silence was the converse of the night.

“What are you doing here?

” both said in unison, and then both drifted their eyes eerily to me.

Heaven and earth, I spread my hands.

“I’m not sure.

” Arashi took a long breath and took off her shoes and entered the room.

“Well, Sungwoo, it’s messier than the last time I was here.

“Auntie, I can’t wait to jump into the frying pan in front of me.

JoJo Lee was not to be outdone.

“Ah, then you may not be able to come here anymore. There’s a mistress in this house.


Tan Cheng Yu, aren’t these the clothes I gave you, and they’re still hanging here?

” Lan Lan didn’t pick up on it and walked to the balcony where the clothes were drying.

“You still look good in this white color.

” Li Qiaoqiao glared at me, her teeth to negotiate sparks.

Both sides of the back and forth for a few rounds, I made the meal, trembling to bring the meal in front of the two, they picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to pick up the meal, I sat uneasily on the side, chopsticks do not dare to move.

I sat uneasily, not daring to move my chopsticks. “Eat, Cheng Yu, come on, have some meat.

” Lan Lan came up and gave me a piece.

“Come on, have some of mine.

“Li Qiaoqiao also took a piece.

You have a piece, I have a piece, you have a piece, I have a piece.

Half of the chicken in the whole pot was in my bowl.

I looked at the two with a leathery smile.

“I’m not too hungry today.

” “Eat!” The two of them roared in unison.

“Roger that.

” I sank into my bowl with a vengeance.

After finishing the meal, Arashi left my house contentedly.

“Qiao Qiao, you have to keep a close eye on him, don’t let Brother Cheng Yu get away if you’re not careful.

“Don’t worry, that won’t happen.

“After all, you were the one who didn’t want Brother Chengyu back then, Sister Qiaoqiao is really a good horse that still eats the grass that comes back.

” After saying this, Li Qiaoqiao’s face directly turned green.

After Lan Lan left, Li Qiaoqiao began to torture me, and I confessed everything truthfully.

When Li Qiaoqiao wasn’t single, I did retaliate by having a flirtation period with Lan Lan, and to be fair, Lan Lan was indeed prettier, with bigger boobs and a better body than Li Qiaoqiao, but I just wasn’t as attracted to Lan Lan as I was to Li Qiaoqiao, so we neither established a relationship, nor did we ever go to bed.

“So have you guys ever kissed?

” “Li Qiaoqiao, not so ……” “I ask you, have you guys kissed yet!” Li Qiaoqiao got angry, she slapped the table and stood up.

“Don’t be cheeky with me, yes or no?” I looked at her, and suddenly my heart went out to her.

” I looked at her, and suddenly there was a trace of dissatisfaction in my heart as well.

“Yes, why?

“Well, hello!” JoJo Lee with a sobbing voice.

“I’m packing now, I’m leaving!” I watched her move, my heart unconsciously became bleak.

What’s wrong with me …… me kissing?

What did I say when she was flirting with Wu Wei Xiong?

The thought of Wu Wei Xiong was like touching my sensitive nerves, and the person instantly ached uncontrollably.

I rushed over and grabbed Li Qiaoqiao’s hand.

“Li Qiaoqiao, only the officials are allowed to set fire, not the people, are they?

“You slept with Wu Wei Xiong so many times, I forgive you, but now that I’m here, I kissed someone else, you want to get angry with me?” “Li Qiao Qiao, be a good person.

“JoJo Lee, you can’t be too double standard!” Li Qiaoqiao froze, we have been together for so long, it seems like I have never lost my temper with her.

I’ve never lost my temper with her in all the time we’ve been together. “You think I’m dirty?

” Li Qiaoqiao seemed to have figured something out and suddenly burst into laughter.

“Okay, then don’t forget that you’ve slept with me too, you’ve slept with me too!” “I didn’t!” I didn’t!” “How dare you say you didn’t?

On the day of Wang You’s wedding ……” “I’m telling you, you were drunk that day.

“I slept with you all night that day,” she said.

“Li Qiaoqiao was dumbfounded.

You still like Wu Wei Xiong, don’t you?” I laughed maniacally.

“I laughed like a madman.

“What am I?

JoJo Lee, let me ask you, I’m just a substitute for Wu WeiXiong, right?

Even you slept with me because you wanted to see who is the best between me and Wu Wei Xiong, right?

Don’t play with me anymore. Don’t play with me anymore.” “You know who is the best in the world?

“You know what Wu Wei Xiong and I said, he said, let you let me play, Li Qiao Qiao, you are a plaything in the eyes of others …… But this month, we have done once?

You haven’t given it to me once.

“Li Qiaoqiao, I’ve had enough, you go, you now give me to go, I can’t afford to mess with still can’t hide?

I don’t need you to get mad at me because of one kiss!” I was hysterical, but Li Qiaoqiao was silent.

She casually loaded some clothes.

“Tan Cheng-Yu, okay, you’re the best.

“I’m telling you, we’re through.”

“I carried JoJo Lee back to my room that day.

There was no denying that drunk Li Qiaoqiao was even more beautiful, her eyelashes were long, her nose was straight, and the fuzz on her face was a drunken peach color.

I kissed her on the mouth.

Li Qiaoqiao opened her eyes and looked at me.

“Tan Cheng Yu, do you know what you’re doing?

“I know.

” “It’s good that you know.

” She closed her eyes again.

I undressed her and myself, looking at her sheep-like skin, I suddenly stopped what I was doing.

“JoJo Lee, have you ever liked me.

” JoJo Lee opened her eyes in a daze.

“There’s a kind of friend that you don’t want to bring into a relationship.

” I looked at her quietly and then lay down beside her.

I wrapped my arms around her.

Li Qiaoqiao, if you want me to be your lover, then I won’t hesitate to do so.

Li Qiaoqiao, if you just want me to be a lifelong friend, then I’ll be there to the end.

Thinking back to that night, I was like a different day, and now, everything is untraceable.

9 JoJo Lee eventually moved out of my apartment.

She said she wanted some quiet time on her own and wanted us to make a good choice for each other.

From her point of view, she hadn’t gotten out of Wu Weixiong’s shadow yet, and that would be unfair to me. In addition, she couldn’t seem to accept the physical contact between Lan Lan and me, and she hadn’t expected such a drastic reaction.

I don’t know which factor is proportionally greater between the two, but I still respect her choice.

During the days when Li Qiaoqiao wasn’t in the apartment, to be honest, I did miss her a bit.

Thinking about her cooking battered meals, thinking about her placing her washed feet on my face, thinking about her dragging me to watch those brain-dead variety shows, thinking about her arranging the living room as an internet cafe and letting me play Chess Smash with her …… All in all, once she left, it seemed like this room was filled with her shadows everywhere, and even the chicken stewed mushrooms that I made didn’t seem to smell as good.

Lan Lan has approached me a few times, and I clearly rejected her this time.

“I just like Li Qiaoqiao, don’t try in vain, what happened in the past, it was me who did wrong.

” She cried and scolded me for being an asshole and ignored me after that.

Ying Ying of the department, seeing no hope, also tied the knot with another male colleague in the unit.

Everyone was moving in a better direction, except me.

I tried to contact Li Qiaoqiao, but Li Qiaoqiao refused to answer, and then directly pulled my WeChat and phone black.

I wanted to go to the company to find Li Qiaoqiao, and found that Li Qiaoqiao has even resigned.

I finally lost Li Qiaoqiao in the sea of people.

That night, I drank some mulled wine alone and walked home alone.

On the way back, I always feel something is wrong, I feel that there are always shadowed footsteps behind me.

When I got home, a voice sounded behind me.

“Dude, is that Tan Cheng Yu?


“You’ve got guts.

” Seven or eight strong men surrounded me.

The leader of the group pulled a throwing stick out of his bag.

“I’ll teach you a lesson today. Don’t mess with the wrong people.

“In an instant, a cold sweat sobered me up.

In this city, I have only one enemy.

Wu Wei Xiong.

“Are you one of Wu Wei Xiong’s men?

“I tried to keep myself calm.

“Brothers, greetings!” I turned around and ran away, but I was unexpectedly grabbed by the person behind me, my suit was torn right off, my back was violently struck by a stick, and there was a sudden sweetness in my throat, and I fell straight to the ground.

I desperately tried to protect my forehead with my hands, but I received a heavy blow to my stomach and back, and I tried to fight back, my feet kept stomping hard, and surprisingly, it even allowed me to kick a few people.

But the fact that I was acting like this enraged the punks even more, and they pushed harder on their feet.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout.

“Get out of my way, Tan Cheng Yu, are you alright?

!” I saw the visitor through a blood blurred eyes.

Li Qiaoqiao was holding a suitcase in her hand and madly rushed into the crowd, she was so rampant that she actually startled a group of men.

History and the present overlapped, and it was as if I saw the Li Qiaoqiao who had risked everything to save me on that beach.

“Tan Cheng Yu, stand up!” “Tan Cheng-Yu, don’t play dead!” “Tan Cheng-Yu, didn’t you say you like me?

Come on, as long as you stand up, I’ll marry you now!” She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but I didn’t have an ounce of strength left in me.

The sound of the police car in the distance became louder and louder, and my consciousness became more and more blurred.

Until finally, reflected in my eyes, is Li Qiaoqiao pear blossom with rain face ……10 I woke up thinking I would see Li Qiaoqiao.

But I was wrong, Li Qiaoqiao is a woman who makes people never expect.

“The injury is basically stabilized, mild concussion, left wrist fracture, right wrist bone fracture, the other are some traumatic injuries.

“Thank you, doctor.

“I was out of breath.

“Was it a girl who brought me here?” “The police brought you here.

“The one who brought you here is a policeman.

“The doctor said helplessly.

“Get some rest. The police will be looking for you later.” “Okay.


“I finished my statement step by step, and basically described the assailant’s face, and then lay back down in the hospital room again.

I had nothing to do in the hospital bed, so I started flipping through the books beside the hospital bed, when suddenly, a letter fell out of the pages of the book.

“From Tan Cheng Yu himself.

” I touched the warmth of the letter and instinctively felt that it was written to me by Li Qiaoqiao.

I gently opened the letter and read it word by word, and when I finished, my heart was relieved.

In any case, the south of the sky and the north of the sea.

Li Qiaoqiao, Tan Chengyu wishes you happiness.

11 “to Tan Chengyu big children see this letter, I have left the city, hey, you do not ask me where to go, ask me will not tell you, anyway, we both WeChat phone has been pulled black, you want to find, that can not be found.

So, don’t try in vain.

To be honest, if I do boys, it is expected to become a scum, may be affected by the family, my freshness comes fast, go fast, you do not think that I do not fall in love in four years of college, is not like people, hey, in fact, like too many people, and do not want to have a brain all, this is my heart.

Hahaha is not really very scum, hey I know very scum well.

But for you, Tan Chengyu, my feelings are different.

I am very solemn and solemn to tell you, Tan Chengyu, I liked you.

Since when?

Maybe it was when you asked me for WeChat at your first military training?

Maybe it was when you got too much of my sake at the South Gate sushi restaurant?

Maybe it was when you gave me too much homework and helped me cheat on tests?

Anyway, I can’t say.

I cherish this relationship, yet I’m afraid of losing it.

I want to be with you, but I am afraid to be together, we are too familiar, so familiar that there is no sense of strangeness, no mystery, naturally, there is no freshness.

So I thought that our best relationship would be to be good friends for life.

But it’s not what I had hoped for, since the incident that exceeded the boundaries of friendship, the matter of being friends may not work anymore.

You won’t treat me as a friend, and I won’t …… look at you as I once did.

My relationship with you seems to have only two endings: together, and never together.

As for the answer to these two relationships, let’s leave it to fate.

Let us first in each other’s lives, disappear for a period of time, to experience experience different wonderful, change a few different ways of living, let us as far as possible to become that mutually unrecognizable self, and then go to decide, meet or forget.

Next year, May 13th, is the day of the public secret of the small bar of Kata, let’s make a date there, if we can meet each other there, then we will be together, if we can’t meet each other, then we will forget each other in the river and lake, right?

But please believe.

Li Qiaoqiao never fooled Tan Chengyu.

Li Qiaoqiao has never cared about Tan Chengyu.

Li Qiaoqiao, will also bless Tan Chengyu forever.

Here’s the salute.

I feel extremely guilty that I got you beaten up, JoJo Lee.

“The first thing you need to know is how much you like me, and how much you like me.

Li Qiaoqiao: stupid, of course I know, in this life, if there is fate, we will be a couple, if there is no fate, we will be mother and son! “Hehe, must have peeked at my note while I was in the restroom.

“I can’t help but laugh.

“Mother and son, you’re dreaming, if I want to be your father, I’ll be your father.

“To be fair, this year, I changed a lot, my preferred music changed from classical to electro, I liked to play games and watch variety shows, even the muscles on my body became more angular in the gym.

I sat in this bar all morning just waiting for a girl.

Even I, myself, wasn’t sure if I could wait.

I wandered around the bar until the owner got impatient, and he seemed to remember me from three years ago, when a couple of Chinese guys, who had been drinking with him in this bar, finally got drunk on the white wine that JoJo Lee had shipped in.


” “Shewillcomesoon.” As soon as I finished, the owner was shocked.

With nothing else to do, I stood in front of the public board, looking at the words left by other couples, and just then – “Savadika! Konkunka!!!Excuseme!!!Make way for Boots Boots-” a woman with a visor on her head barreled across the board and squeezed me aside, then scribbled away at the note with a marker.

“Hey, what are you doing?

Why are you so rude?

” I fixed my eyes on Li Qiaoqiao’s note and put a check mark on the word destiny.

“You ……” “This handsome man?

How to call ah?

” She gently removed her sun hat, her sly dark color shining under her black sunglasses.

She was wearing that bikini I knew so well, her body tanned from a sheep’s fat color to a wheat color.

“I’m JoJo Lee, and you are?

” I burst into tears of laughter for a split second.

“Hello JoJo Lee.

“My name is Tan Sung Woo.”

“If it’s just like the first time you saw me, everything will be just right.

Everything will be just right.

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