Is there really a perfect crime in the world?

Is there really a perfect crime in the world?

Twelve years ago, when I was still in the CID, I saw a crime that was very close to perfect.

The person who completely broke it was a police cadet trainee who had just recently joined the force.

After that incident, I’ve been incredibly glad for one thing – he was a cop.

A rainstorm had collapsed a suburban hill, revealing a red shoe, and the subsequent discovery of the unmarked body of a woman, so gruesomely dead that the man who had reported the crime was scared out of his wits.

The body was hidden in a short forest, more than twenty meters from the dirt road.

Heavy rain destroyed the trace evidence on the body, coupled with the muddy road, unable to extract footprints, can be collected clues are very limited.

The female body was wearing a maternity cotton dress, her clothes and pants were covered with blood, and she fell to the ground in a big shape, leaving obvious strangulation marks on her neck.

Cao team said, “excuse me”, open the hem of the clothes, we can see that the body’s stomach was cut open vertically by a sharp knife, the fetus in the abdomen has been lost! I was shocked to see this tragic scene, even in early spring.

It was Yang who was calmer than expected.

After the investigation, there is no murder weapon left at the scene, and there is no information that can prove the identity of the body.

Twelve years ago is not as developed as now, fingerprints, DNA records and eye in the sky system are not perfect, can only use the local method – identify the characteristics of the body, check the missing person report records.

The female corpse is around thirty years old, with a white face, obviously an indoor worker.

Cotton jacket pocket has a small ticket washed, only barely recognized the purchase of dog skin cream, six tablets in a box; there is another polyvinyl alcohol drops, has been used half.

With only this much information, it was difficult to identify the body.

But Xiao Yang mentioned, “Brother He, could it be the accountant?

“He pointed to the polyvinyl alcohol and explained.

He pointed to the polyvinyl alcohol and explained, “This is a kind of artificial tears, usually used to improve dry eyes.

Dogskin plasters can reduce swelling and pain, invigorate blood circulation and dispel dampness, but pregnant women should avoid applying them to the waist and abdomen, and if the victim buys them for self-medication, they will only apply them to the hands and feet or the shoulders and neck.

Forensics, I was in her right hand tiger’s mouth and cuffs, smelled a very faint odor of safflower oil.

” Xiao Yang concluded that at the victim’s age, who also suffered from dry eyes, cervical spondylosis and tenosynovitis, it was highly probable that she was an accountant.

“Of course,” he added, “it’s just a guess.

”Xiao Yang’s guess is too bold, the disease can not be confirmed, based on this to infer the identity of the female corpse, it is easy to interfere with the case idea.

I felt that he had observed something else, but he didn’t say it in full, obviously leaving the door open.

To our surprise, four days later, an old woman reported that she could not contact her daughter-in-law.

The missing person’s name was Miao Qing, twenty-eight years old and 36 weeks pregnant.

Occupation – accountant of a real estate group.

Almost simultaneously, the abandoned baby was found 3 kilometers away from the crime scene.

The child was born prematurely, the body was thin and shriveled, wrapped in a cotton and linen sheet, and the body was clean and dry.

After DNA comparison, it is Miao Qing lost female fetus! Notify the old lady to recognize the body, Miao Qing’s husband just rushed back from the field.

He is a small contractor, took the job in the county, after the Spring Festival went to the project site, only and his wife through two phone calls.

Originally, the old woman was ready to move to the city after the holidays to take care of her daughter-in-law in labor, but her partner accidentally broke her back.

By the time she took care of things at home, she could no longer contact Miao Qing.

Miao Qing’s husband is eight years older than her, born with the black face of a hard laborer, a pair of hands covered with calluses and scars.

He looked down and covered his face, his fingers full of tears.

“What’s wrong?

The New Year is good, I just went out to do a job, how come back to the person is gone?

The doll is also gone. …… What’s going on?

“The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you’ll be able to do it.

A question, heavy hit in the heart of all people.

The autopsy report shows that Miao Qing died on the night of March 8, 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., hands on the upper arm has a large bruise, took sleeping pills before death, the cause of death for mechanical asphyxiation.

The murder weapon was not a hard object such as a rope or belt, but more like a soft fabric like a scarf or a long towel.

There were undigested strawberries in Miao Qing’s stomach, and Xiao Yang and I took the crime scene as the center of the circle and radiated the surrounding area, 6 kilometers away, and mapped out a newly built strawberry orchard.

The owner said after seeing the photos, the day of the murder, Miao Qing was with two other people driving to play, one is a lame man, the other is also a pregnant woman.

The two pregnant women almost the whole conversation, the man saddle, and picking strawberries, and handing water, it seems to be happy.

After six o’clock, the three left without dinner.

Team Cao knocked on the blackboard, which was plastered with Post-it notes, “These two men must be Miao Qing’s friends, why did you leave her alone in the countryside?

Did something happen and Miao Qing asked to get out of the car?

Or did they conspire to kill her?

“Regardless of who the murderer is, the first priority is to find those two people.

Miu’s cell phone was lost, her husband was busy at the construction site, so he wasn’t familiar with his wife’s social circle, so we had to start with the real estate group and check out the men and women who were close to her.

Soon, the target was locked on a young couple.

The man’s name is Li Guangji, thirty-one years old, real estate consultant, and Miao Qing belongs to the same company different project department.

Because of the work relationship, the two have frequent contact.

According to coworkers, Li Guangji is a big warm man, know that Miao Qing has dry eyes, but also sent her a bottle of eye drops.

The woman is called Yao Ting, twenty-eight years old, currently idle at home.

Li Guangji was born into a poor family, while Yao Ting is a scholarly family.

The two are in the same school, Li Guangji two years older than Yao Ting, once served as deputy minister of the Youth League Committee, much favored by the girl.

Yao Ting grew up in a favorable environment, simple and romantic, and was very fascinated by Li Guangji.

When Yang and I came to the door, only Li Guangji was at home.

He was cooking with a limp and his right hand wrapped in gauze.

When he opened the door, he carried a cold kitchen knife in his hand, almost scaring me with a jolt.

Let us into the house, Li Guangji went back to the kitchen, and brought the door closed.

I didn’t say anything polite, and asked him straight out about his schedule for March 8th.

Li Guangji was a good-looking man, perhaps because of his profession, he smiled kindly: “For Women’s Day, I’m taking Tingting and Xiaomiao to the strawberry farm.

I took Tingting and Miao to the Strawberry Garden. The departure time was about 1:00 p.m. That day, the traffic was especially bad, so I drove to the place at 3:00 p.m. and played until the sun went down.

“I asked, “Did you go back to the city together?

“Li Guangji, however, shook his head: “Xiao Miao was separated from us.

Originally we were going to go to the farmhouse for dinner, but I suddenly received a call to work overtime, it was a big order, the customer rushed to sign the contract, I had to rush to the project to summarize the materials.

Xiao Miao didn’t want to delay my work, so she said she would take a taxi back herself and let Tingting me and Ting go first.

“I frowned: “Miao Qing is a pregnant woman, are you comfortable leaving her alone in the suburbs?

”Li Guangji smiled a little awkwardly, ”I know it’s not very polite, but Miao’s home and the project are in two districts, so I can’t take her.

And there’s a big road not far from where she got off, so taking a taxi isn’t very troublesome.

I’m in a hurry to leave, so I won’t be polite to her.

“After putting down Miao Qing, Li Guangji sent Yao Ting into the city, Yao Ting went home by herself while he drove to the project and was busy until nearly ten o’clock.

Considering that accompanying clients may drink, Li Guangji didn’t drive, but took a taxi with the materials to the agreed nightclub, and got drunk until the early morning.

Worried about going home and waking up Yao Ting, he got a room at a nearby hotel and slept until dawn before driving home the next day.

“Who knows, Tingting thought I went to spend the day drinking,” Li Guangji a bitter face, “there were indeed a few ladies that day, but I really did not do anything, just clothes rubbed a bit of perfume flavor.

Tingting grabbed and did not let go, and I had a big fight, and in a fit of anger with the luggage back to her mother’s home, and now have not been coaxed well.

“The words here, the clues seem to be broken.

Xiao Yang suddenly said, “Mr. Li is good at keeping flowers?

“Li Guangji and I were both stunned.

He reacted faster than I did, and with a glance at the flowers beside the coffee table, he said it was just a hobby.

When I entered, I noticed that there were a few pots of flowers and two empty flower pots next to the coffee table, among which a monarch orchid was particularly eye-catching, with a reddish bud on its fat leaves, and the soil was fresh and moist, apparently having just been changed.

Xiao Yang nodded his head with an unspoken meaning: “Monarch orchids don’t flower easily, and this one must have been carefully tended for several years since the buds are so beautiful.

“I was about to interrupt when I heard him add a sentence.

I just wanted to interrupt, when he added: “If you’ve kept it so well, you should know that you can’t change the pot during the bud stage, right?

” A sentence that instinctively gave me goosebumps.

I immediately remembered that Miao Qing’s husband had mentioned that Miao Qing had a silk scarf, which was warm in winter and cool in summer, inexpensive, and she usually liked to wear it.

After her death, the silk scarf disappeared.

Without waiting for Li Guangji to react, I probed and stirred up the soil, and indeed turned up a handful of fibers that had not been completely burned out! At the same time, Xiao Yang got up and headed for the kitchen.

Li Guangji couldn’t care about me, miso popped up, blocked in front of Xiao Yang, how can he not let him enter, saying that just now in the frying, the hood is broken, the kitchen is full of grease and smoke.

I put on my gloves and instructed Yang to break in.

Li Guangji where is the police cadet’s opponent, three or two strokes let Yang pressed back to the sofa.

I pointed at him and let out a cry of “Honestly”, which made him shiver.

A few minutes later, Yang presented a set of kitchen knives.

The knives were well maintained and polished, except for the missing boning knife.

Xiao Yang looked at me, I looked at Li Guangji, the latter’s face green, did not say a word.

It is not difficult to bring Li Guangji back to the police force, but it is not so easy to ask Yao Ting to assist in the investigation.

Yao Ting’s father, Yao Changyuan, was a university professor, and her mother, Meng Huiqin, owned a women’s aesthetics organization, which was not a wealthy family, but not small in terms of energy.

When Yao Changyuan learned that we had come to his door because of Li Guangji, he simply shrugged it off.

Meng Huiqin was polishing a family portrait of the three members of the Yao family.

She had a slightly better attitude, explaining that Yao Ting had been in a bad mood lately and had been unable to sleep all night, and that she had just taken some medicine and lay down, still resting.

I asked Meng Huiqin to tell Yao Ting to get up, Yao Changyuan suddenly slammed the newspaper in his hand: “Do you want my daughter to assist in the investigation now or what?

If it is to assist, just wait for her to have a good sleep; if it is to arrest, bring out the detention warrant!” Meng Huiqin was busy rounding up the situation, please let us wait for half an hour, so that Yao Ting can get enough energy.

This is not too much to ask, Yao Ting is at home and pregnant, Xiao Yang and I will guard the entrances and exits, not afraid of any trouble.

Ordering the nanny to make tea, Meng Huiqin removed the clutter on the low table and invited us to take our seats.

I swept a glance at the box of pills she had moved away, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It was a box of Valium tablets, also known as Diazepam, which was mainly used to treat anxiety disorders and various functional neuroses, and was especially effective in treating anxiety insomnia.

I subconsciously spoke, “Yao Ting is taking this?

” Meng Huiqin froze, then nodded her head.

Xiao Yang cleared the fog, “Ms. Yao is not pregnant?

‘ Meng Huiqin was even more confused: ”Is Tingting …… pregnant?

“Xiao Yang and I looked at each other, and the alarm bells went off.

Diazepam is a prohibited drug in pregnancy, the boss of the strawberry garden can recognize Yao Ting as a pregnant woman, she must have been pregnant, Meng Huiqin absolutely impossible to give her to eat this! The first thing I learned was that Yao Ting had gotten a license to work with Li Guangji behind her back as soon as she graduated from school.

For this matter, Yao Changyuan almost cut off the parent-child relationship with her.

But not long after, Yao Ting is pregnant.

Meng Huiqin can’t bear to see her daughter suffer, persuaded Yao Changyuan to put aside his prejudices, and gave the two young people a banquet, but also sent the down payment of the house and a car as a dowry.

Who ever thought, Yao Ting pregnant five months, the two went out to travel, Li Guangji drunk driving accident, resulting in Yao Ting miscarriage, he also injured the lower body, right leg part of the nerve necrosis.

At home for more than a year, Li Guangji or fall sick, civil servants also smashed the iron rice bowl.

After five years, the two did not conceive a child.

I realized why Yao Changyuan’s attitude was so bad: he didn’t want anything to happen to his daughter because of Li Guangji.

This idea was realized when I saw Yao Ting.

The woman who was assisted downstairs by Meng Huiqin, slender, pale, long hair lined with a palm face, especially charming.

She topped with a pair of black circles under her eyes, wearing a white dress, soft as if the wind can be scraped away.

Looking at that marvelous figure, even a fool would know: she definitely could not be pregnant! Yao Ting’s appearance, let the case into a heavy fog.

Why did she pretend to be pregnant on March 8th?

I sensitively realized that the answer to the question could be related to Miao Qing’s death! In view of Yao Ting’s poor spirits, Meng Huiqin offered to accompany her.

When I returned to the team, I saw an ambulance speeding out with its lights flashing, and I stopped one of my men to ask what was going on.

He sighed: “The deceased Miao Qing’s family came, want to take the body of the little granddaughter buried, Cao team led them to identify the body, the old lady took a look at the child that way, guilty of high blood pressure, fainted on the spot, Lin forensic let immediately send ……” “What?

“The words of my colleague were not finished, but Yao Ting opened her mouth.

I turned around to look, this girl stared straight at the colleague who spoke, her face was white, her body was shaking.

“Dead, dead?

”Without waiting for us to react, she unexpectedly fainted with both eyes rolled back! Xiao Yang was quick to catch her, and we rushed her to the infirmary.

Thanks to Yao Ting’s youth, I would have had to run out of the police station to get an ambulance.

After settling Yao Ting, I rushed back to the observation room with a head full of sweat.

Once I pushed the door, Cao team black face holding tight arms, through a single glass, eyeballing the interrogation room.

I took two steps closer and realized that Li Guangji was actually chatting with the interrogators about “what type of house is suitable for raising children?

! The interrogation room was in full swing, but the observation room was like a freezing cellar.

I stared in disbelief, “Team Cao, what’s the situation?

‘ Team Cao’s face stank like he’d eaten a green fly: “Can’t you tell?

You’ve got someone to set it up.

‘ When Xiao Yang and I rushed to Yao’s house, all the physical evidence related to Li Guangji had been handed over for identification.

While waiting for the results, colleagues with the old methods and Li Guangji close, nagging, chatting, trying to find new clues.

Who would not have thought that the tactics that have always worked, planted in a real estate consultant.

He quickly grasped the initiative, perfectly avoided the case, and led the conversation in a completely new direction.

Team Cao didn’t alert his fellow officers, just to see how far this guy could maneuver.

”He enjoys it,” Yang approached the one-way mirror and looked at the eloquent Lee Kwang-gil, ”enjoying the thrill of manipulating the whole situation, which makes him feel that he’s the only one who’s winning.

‘ Team Cao nodded, ‘So young, I didn’t expect him to be so difficult to deal with.

‘ Calling out his fellow officers, Team Cao began to ‘hang’ Lee Kwang-gil out to dry.

The latter relaxed his body and leaned back into his chair, turning his head to look into the one-way mirror with an odd smile.

It’s hard for me to tell what’s hidden in that smile, except that he’s overly calm.

If the little episode in the interrogation room only made people feel that Lee Kwang-gil was ‘difficult to handle’, the preliminary identification results of the physical evidence raised ‘difficult’ to ‘troublesome’: the fibers found in the potted plant were a cotton and linen blend, commonly used to make large square towels.

However, it was burned beyond recognition and no valid information could be extracted.

The missing boning knife was recovered from the neighborhood dump, with the blade missing a corner and three sets of fingerprints on the handle.

After sampling and comparison, belonged to Li Guangji, Yao Changyuan and Meng Huiqin.

But the knife was cleaned cleanly, leaving no DNA belonging to Miao Qing.

As for the white Toyota Vic in Li Guangji’s name, it was meticulously cleaned and built all new.

Although a hair belonging to Miao Qing was found under the footrest of the back seat, no luminal reaction could be measured in the car.

All evidence, no evidence.

However, on the night of March 8, Li Guangji had up to several hours of ‘blank time’! Li Guangji responsible for the property is still in development, the site only a marketing center, not to mention the security staff, not even monitoring, can not judge the time he drove into.

A few days ago, Li Guangji’s computer hard disk was damaged, the data can not be recovered, also can not determine the time he used the computer.

Only in the morning of March 9, around 10 o’clock, neighbors saw Li Guangji drove into the community parking lot.

The night of the crime, from 6:30 to 10:30, no one knows what Li Guangji was doing.

Faced with a table of physical evidence, Cao team worried about the temples jumping.

“It’s impossible. It’s impossible that there’s not a single trace left.

“I went through the report again and again, my mind was full of Miao Qing’s husband’s face full of tears, “so obvious silk scarf, murder weapon, time loophole, how can not catch Li Guangji?

“I closed my eyes and tried to recreate the situation on the night of the murder.

On that day, Li Guangji first sent Yao Ting back to the city and then went to see Miao Qing.

Perhaps they had agreed to talk, or perhaps Li Guangji had contacted Miao Qing on short notice. Whatever the reason, they met again in the northern suburbs.

Miao Qing and Li Guangji have no financial disputes, but it is impossible to determine whether there are emotional disputes.

Miao Qing’s husband has been away for many years, and Li Guangji’s ability to speak well and be a warm man has clearly won Miao Qing’s favor, and his married status has lowered Miao Qing’s guard.

The car accident five years ago probably caused either Li Guangji or Yao Ting to lose their fertility, and whoever it was affected Li Guangji’s attitude toward pregnant women.

In order to marry Li Guangji, Yao Ting was able to sever her paternity with Yao Changyuan.

In order to make him laugh, it is not impossible to pretend to be a pregnant woman to increase the couple’s interest.

But the fake pregnant woman can’t compare to the real one.

Miao Qing got into Li Guangji’s car, drank a drink with drugs and fell asleep.

Li Guangji may just want to take away Miao Qing to sodomize her, if he is sterile, the semen can not be checked for DNA, as long as he is careful, he can not leave any evidence.

But because of physical reasons or insufficient drugs, Miao Qing woke up early.

The two had an argument, and in the heat of the moment, Li Guangji strangled Miao Qing with a silk scarf.

The shock of death reminds Li Guangji of the car accident that killed nine people and the powerlessness of being controlled by fate.

He found a secluded spot to dump the body, set up Miao Qing’s upper arm, transferred the body to the short forest, took out the boning knife in case of emergency, and a cruel, but exciting image came to his mind.

As Yang said, Li Guangji enjoyed the thrill of manipulating the whole situation.

Five years ago, the car accident took away his and Yao Ting’s child, as well as the future of the ‘family of three’.

Five years later, on that fateful night, he had the chance to regain control of the situation.

Cesarean sectioning the fetus and holding the child’s life in his hands allowed Li Guangji to regain his misplaced self-confidence.

He wrapped the child, who was still alive, in a silk scarf, left the northern suburbs, changed out of his blood-stained clothes, and brought the materials he had long ago assembled to the nightclub to give himself a clever alibi.

From Yao Ting’s reaction, she doesn’t know that Miao Qing is dead, but seeing Li Guangji bring home a bloody child, she realizes that something is wrong.

The two have a huge fight and Yao Ting hides back at her mother’s house.

She doesn’t know whether she should expose her husband or not, and is tormented by fear and anxiety day and night, having to sleep by taking pills.

And Li Guangji was home alone, with plenty of time to process the evidence.

I snapped my eyes open and grabbed the photos of Miao Qing and the dead baby, “No matter what we missed, the breakthrough must be in Yao Ting, I’ll go to the infirmary!” Xiao Yang, however, said, “I want to talk to Li Guangji.

“Although Cao team was there, it wasn’t my turn to disagree, but I was so anxious at that moment that I choked out, “You’re too inexperienced, you know that bastard is a meat eater, and you’re still sending him into his mouth?

If he knows we don’t have any evidence in our hands, it’ll be even more troublesome for the next trial.” Xiao Yang didn’t get annoyed, but just said: “I want to know why he did it.” “Why else?

“Why else?

He’s a psychopath.

Team Cao, please take care of this, don’t let the high school student cause trouble for us.

“After that, I didn’t bother to wait for Cao to take a stand and turned my head to the infirmary.

Yao Ting had already woken up and was being accompanied by Meng Huiqin as she answered questions from the female police officers.

I switched shifts with my colleague, brought a chair and sat down next to Yao Ting, and cut to the chase: “Tell me what really happened on March 8th.

“Yao Ting, with red eyes, bowed her head and didn’t answer.

Meng Huiqin was about to open her mouth, but I raised my hand to signal her to shut up and slapped the photo in front of Yao Ting’s eyes.

The two lifeless faces appeared in Yao Ting’s eyes, and she screamed and jumped into Meng Huiqin’s arms.

Meng Huiqin was furious and asked me how I could do that, but I just looked at Yao Ting.

“Miao Qing’s due date is today. Originally, she was supposed to wait nervously and happily with her husband and mother-in-law for her baby to be born.

She gave the baby a nickname – ‘DuoDuo’, many blessings, many lives, many colors.

But for now, Miao Qing and the baby are lying in the closet.

It’s 15 degrees below zero, the coldest part of the city’s winter doesn’t even get to that.

“Meng Huiqin pacified Yao Ting, arguing that this has nothing to do with her daughter, and asked me not to harass the patient.

I ignored her and pointed to the photo, amplifying, “Miao Qing is your age, loves children as much as you do, and loves strawberries as much as you do.

You still have countless times to eat strawberries, but her life is forever fixed at twenty-eight years old.

I just want to know what happened on the day she died in peace!” Yao Ting shuddered and looked back at me, her eyes red as if she had let a brush scrub them, “I …… we …… we went to the strawberry patch and played until the sun set.

“I asked, “What happened after that?

” “Originally we were going to go to the farmhouse for dinner, but Ji suddenly received an overtime call, the customer urged him to sign the contract, he had to rush to the project to summarize the materials …… Miao Qing did not want to delay Ji’s work, said she could take a taxi to go by herself, and we parted ways.

” Yao Ting asked questions, but I always feel a little unnatural, and asked her what happened next.

Yao Ting said that after dropping off Miao Qing, Li Guangji drove her into the city and she went home on her own, while Li Guangji drove to the project site and came home the next day.

She found that Li Guangji’s body in addition to the smell of alcohol, there is a woman’s perfume, convinced that Li Guangji spend the whole night, and he had a big fight with him, and in a fit of anger with the luggage back to her mother’s home.

It’s exactly the same as Li Guangji’s confession.

I increased the horsepower and asked a second time with emotion.

It’s still exactly the same.

But it shouldn’t be exactly the same.

Under normal circumstances, people’s focus and emphasis on an event is bound to be different because of their life experiences and personalities.

So when describing the same thing, even if the general idea was the same, the details would be different.

However, Yao Ting’s and Li Guangji’s confessions were almost identical, except for a few inconsistencies! An ominous feeling rose in me: Li Guangji and Yao Ting had exchanged confessions.

When and under what circumstances did they agree?

Just as I was trying to cut through the fake pregnancy and draw out Li Guangji’s perverted feelings for the pregnant woman, the female police officer from before led two of her brethren to push in the door and directly handcuffed Yao Ting.

Not only Meng Huiqin and Yao Ting, even I froze, busy pulling the policewoman back to the side and asking what was going on.

The policewoman gave Yao Ting a meaningful look, “She is the murderer, Li Guangji has been protecting her.

“A bolt from the blue! I rushed back to the observation room with great strides, the only person in the room was Team Cao, who raised his chin at the one-way mirror.

“Yang Rui asked it out.

‘ I turned my head to see that the interrogation room was strewn with photos, most of which were of unrelated people left behind during the investigation of Miao Qing’s social relations, except for one that stood out: it was a photo of the scene of the female victim whose throat had been slit in another case.

The photos are blood splattered and gruesome.

Li Guangji lowered his head, two hands clasped together, knuckles white.

Cao team said, I rushed to the infirmary, he agreed to let Xiao Yang and Li Guangji talk, but must wear a communication device, the whole time listening to the command.

Xiao Yang asked for a stack of photos to enter the interrogation room, Li Guangji noticed his ‘special equipment’ at a glance.

For Li Guangji, he played the old police, to cope with Xiao Yang in no time.

The first thing that Xiao Yang did was to give Li Guangji the first set.

After chatting for a couple of sentences, Li Guangji knew that Yang just graduated from the police academy, he smiled on his face, but let Yang do not need to be nervous, said that he will cooperate with the investigation.

Xiao Yang then one by one to show Li Guangji photos, ask him and their relationship.

The whole process was boring and lasted nearly five minutes.

Team Cao didn’t hold back and informed Xiao Yang to cut to the chase, he froze and started fumbling around looking for the photos.

And all of these actions were in the eyes of Li Guangji.

Yang turned over the photos of the dead woman and asked “do you recognize Miao Qing” while showing them to Li Guangji.

Perhaps he had completely relaxed his vigilance against the “rash youth” Xiao Yang, or perhaps he was dazzled by the photo, Li Guangji only scanned the photo, his face changed dramatically, and he immediately turned his eyes away, unwilling to look at it again.

Cao team also reacted to what Yang wanted to do: Li Guangji did not know how Miao Qing died, and showed a normal strong rejection of the corpse.

A ring breaks, a ring breaks.

Xiao Yang handed a stack of photos to Li Guangji, and at the top was the misidentified death scene photo: “You gave us a seemingly seamless story, and now, I’m giving you one back.

“Xiao Yang’s ‘story’ overturned all my previous assumptions.

On Sunday, you received a call to work overtime and separated from Miao Qing in the northern suburbs.

But it wasn’t Miao Qing who took the cab, it was you.

As a warm man, you would have left the car for the two women to go to the farmhouse for dinner, and took a taxi to the company to work overtime.

After the social gathering, you slept in the hotel for the night, only to return home the next morning, only to see an extremely grotesque image – Yao Ting holding a newborn baby girl.

“Due to Yao Ting’s dependence on you, many people think that you arranged for her to pretend to be pregnant, but in fact, it is not.

After the car accident, you have not been able to conceive a child, and whichever one of you had the problem – I tend to be you, of course – made Yao Ting become more and more obsessed with conception, and even faking a pregnancy.

Perhaps to take care of her mental state, or perhaps out of guilt, you acquiesced to her ‘unreasonable behavior’ and pampered her until you saw a child of unknown origin.

“This kind of case is not rare, there have been a few cases in Europe, America and East Asia, where women with fake pregnancies who want to get a real child and enjoy the process of its birth will prey on pregnant women.

Maybe you didn’t know about these cases, but you were clear that Yao Ting wasn’t pregnant, and you saw the blood-stained clothes and the knife, and you immediately drove to the northern suburbs, trying to save Miao Qing.

But we had already set up a cordon, you couldn’t get in.

“When you got home, you looked at Miao Qing’s bag left in the car, remembered that she and her husband were separated and seldom communicated, and realized that we needed to take time to confirm the identity of the body.

And this time gap is enough for you to carry out a brilliant plan.

“Confronted with his mentally unstable wife, Li Guangji was convinced that only he could solve this heavenly trouble.

He immediately arranged for Yao Ting to go back to her mother’s home, and matched the statements with the three members of the Yao family, and then proceeded to falsify the “physical evidence”.

Li Guangji burned the blood-stained silk scarf wrapped around the baby and buried it in a flower pot.

He also used the reason of “arguing with his wife” to break the window glass of the car in a fit of anger. After hurting his hand, he drove the bloodstained car into a repair shop, reasonably requesting a major cleaning and destroying the bloodstained objects such as seat covers and steering wheel covers.

At the same time, breaking the computer hard disk, clearing the traces of the night’s work, looking for an opportunity to throw Miao Qing’s bag and the aborted child.

Li Guangji knew very well that if he left the child with Yao Ting, there would be trouble, so he found a reason to take the child away.

The baby girl was born prematurely and was already weak, and without professional treatment, she was on the verge of death at the time.

However, Yao Ting was unaware of this and was convinced that Li Guangji would take care of their child until she heard that the child was dead and fainted under the fear.

Li Guangji did all this to mislead the police and make himself the first suspect.

But all of the physical evidence does not prove that Lee Kwang-gil killed anyone.

As long as the whole family bites on the confession, the likelihood of him being convicted is very low.

Xiao Yang sipped his water and looked at the blue-faced Li Guangji and said, “The link I appreciate the most is that you bought a boning knife exactly like the murder weapon on the internet, printed your fingerprints on it, and then chopped the missing blade and discarded it.

Even if we find the knife, it’s impossible to detect Miao Qing’s DNA.” “You ” Li Guangji said.

“”You ……” Li Guangji suddenly laughed, “Comrade, your imagination is breathtaking, I don’t understand how you can make up such an appalling crime with a touch of your upper and lower mouth?

Do you have any evidence?


” Xiao Yang put down his cup and smiled as well, “I appreciate your plan to buy the knife, not because of how skillfully this fake evidence was done, but the account number you placed the order from, belongs to Meng Huiqin.

” Team Cao said, as soon as Xiao Yang said this, Li Guangji’s face instantly lost its blood color.

“You’re smart enough to know that if you buy with your own number, sooner or later you’ll be found out, so you used Meng Huiqin’s identity and applied for a new account.

You also knew that it was risky for both you and the Yao family to discard the bloody clothes and murder weapon.

I have to commend this step as a beautiful one, you left the cleaned bloody clothes and the real murder weapon at Yao’s house, and instructed Yao Changyuan and Meng Huiqin to receive the goods, and then on the grounds that the goods were not the right ones – wrapped the murder weapon in the clothes, and sent it back to the merchant!” Xiao Yang told Li Guangji that we have sent someone to intercept the package.

Once the clothes and the murder weapon are found, even if he washes them, he can still detect blood residue.

In the face of hard evidence, Li Guangji finally collapsed, waving his hand and sweeping down the photos on the table, constantly claiming that “Tingting didn’t do it on purpose,” “Tingting is just sick,” and “Tingting didn’t want to kill anyone.”…… When I heard this, my back was already covered in cold sweat.

Every criminal police officer will be based on the scene of the crime, physical evidence, human evidence, link the situation on the day of the crime, and simulate the psychology of the perpetrator.

After practicing repeatedly and accumulating a lot of experience, veteran police officers can ‘guess’ the path of the crime.

But Yang Rui, almost without experience, smoothly restored the crime process.

It was so smooth that it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Not long after Yao Ting was brought under control, Team Cao received a call from the Ministry of Transportation.

The package had been successfully intercepted, the physical evidence was handed over for identification, and the results would be given as soon as possible.

But I know that there is no need for results, Li Guangji has lost completely.

On the other hand, Yao Ting learned that the facts of the crime had been revealed, but she just grasped the baby’s photo and kept murmuring, “It’s my child …… not someone else’s, it’s my child.

“Yao Changyuan and Meng Huiqin, who were also arrested, were both disheartened and gave an account of their crimes of assisting Li Guangji and harboring Yao Ting under pressure.

I pushed open the door of the interrogation room, wanting to greet Xiao Yang to come out and rest.

I did not expect Li Guangji suddenly opened his mouth.

He stared straight at Xiao Yang, full of the unwillingness of being backfired by the plan: “Your name is Yang Rui, right?

Yang, even if you die, let me die with a clear understanding. Tell me, when did you start suspecting Tingting?

Yang thought for a moment, “The only fingerprints found on the knife were yours, Yao Changyuan’s and Meng Huiqin’s.” Li Guangji exhaled.

“Li Guangji exhaled and slammed the table angrily, “I told them long ago to make sure Tingting touched the knife, damn it, why didn’t they listen to me! I couldn’t figure it out and subconsciously glanced at Xiao Yang.

He explained, “On the day we were there, there was unfinished meat and green peppers on the cutting board, mixed up, and the kitchen knife was set aside.

People who cook a lot are unlikely to cut meat and vegetables with one knife, and their knife work is poor, so they obviously don’t cook often.

“I was enlightened.

Since Li Guangji didn’t cook often, Yao Ting should be the one cooking at home.

But the boning knife doesn’t have her fingerprints, but it has the fingerprints of the two Yao family members, so this physical evidence is very suspicious.

I just wanted to praise Xiao Yang for his meticulous observation, but he laughed out for no reason, “You’re relieved?

”It was Li Guangji who answered, “What did you say?

“”I said because you were relieved when the knife suspected Yao Ting.

‘ Xiao Yang looked at Li Guangji with interest.

From my perspective, it was as if he was looking at a wild deer that was wounded and off its feet.

“I finally understand what you’re thinking, hahahahaha ……” Xiao Yang laughed on one side and shook his head on the other, “Pathetic pride.

You think the ones who messed up this game were Yao Changyuan and Meng Huiqin?

You think that by doing so, you can stand firm in the Yao family by virtue of ‘selflessly protecting Yao Ting’?

Do you want them to not only feel guilty about you, but to regret their mistakes for the rest of their lives?

”The hunt, it continues.

Li Guangji clenched his fists, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, what remorse and guilt, are you making a movie?

” “It is you who have been singing opera, or …… making a show.

” Xiao Yang took out a few photos of Miao Qing’s body, as well as a physical evidence bag.

The bag contained half a tree bark, extracted from Li Guangji’s car tire, which had been treated as irrelevant physical evidence.

“You haven’t seen Miao Qing’s body yet, have you?

The clothes are messy, but they’ve obviously been organized.

The murderer was kind enough to restore the clothes after cutting open Miao Qing’s stomach.

The cut was rough, but the incision was made from the pubic area upwards, so as not to harm the fetus inside.

Together with the fact that Miao Qing had taken sleeping pills before her death, the murderer really didn’t want to kill anyone, but only wanted to remove the child.

Miao Qing woke up in pain in the middle of the day, the murderer did not use the knife to directly stab her to death, is worried about the mother’s death, the fetus in the abdomen lack of oxygen.

The murderer then knelt on Miao Qing’s arms, pressed down on her upper body, and tried to strangle her with a silk scarf, but accidentally missed, resulting in Miao Qing’s death.

This series of behavior is unlike what a male perpetrator would do.

”I clearly saw that the muscles on Li Guangji’s face were twitching.

He tried his best to restrain his emotions, “You suspected Tingting from the beginning?

Why ……” ”Because you jumped the gun.”

” Xiao Yang pointed to the evidence bag, “This piece of bark residue of copper humate, is a pesticide to prevent fruit tree rot disease, in addition to the use of the disease prevention period, will be used after the hailstorm, used to protect the broken branches of the smashed tree.

The neighbors saw you driving home at 10:00 a.m. on the 9th, and before that, when you rushed to Miaocheng, you ran over the branch, right?

” “This only proves that I was trying to protect Tingting ……” Xiao Yang nodded: “Yes, until you purposely put those pots of flowers next to the coffee table to get our attention.

“I said offhandedly, “Those pots of flowers were on purpose?

” Xiao Yang didn’t reply to me clearly, but just continued to rake Lee Kwang-gil over the coals.

“Even if no one knew that you couldn’t change the pots during the bud stage, you would have found a way for the police to discover the fibers in the pots because you needed to be the sole suspect so that you could portray yourself as a ‘hero’ who sacrificed his life for love.

“Xiao Yang is not a man of many words, but in the face of Li Guangji’s dying struggle, he rubbed all the suspicions together and fed them to Li Guangji’s mouth, forcing him to swallow.

“Even if you agreed to marry Yao Ting, the Yao family never treated you as one of their own, and there are family photos hanging in the house – without you.

” Xiao Yang actually felt some pity, “You guys have a bad relationship, right?

Meng Huiqin cares so much about her daughter, but she doesn’t even know about her fake pregnancy, and apparently she hardly ever moves around at all – because Yao Changyuan looks down on you.

”The three words ‘look down on’ deeply stung Li Guangji, he gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Yang as if he wanted to flay him alive.

“What makes you say he looks down on me? What makes him look down on me?

“Unmarried, I got pregnant with someone’s daughter, buy a car to buy a house rely on the in-laws, drink and drive, causing his wife to miscarry, the child died, was expelled from the public service team, thirty is still just a real estate consultant, business has to accompany customers to find a lady.

If it were up to me, I would despise you as well.

” “What did you say! Li Guangji was furious, “Do you know, that day is Tingting persuaded me to drive the car, if not for me, Tingting know that she miscarried when she committed suicide! If it wasn’t for me, Tingting would have been able to stay at home all these years?

If it wasn’t for me, Ting Ting would have been in jail. If it wasn’t for me …… I love her so much, I would have put up with his family’s scorn for her, and I would have given up my own future.” “It’s not an exaggeration, it’s an exchange.

” Xiao Yang calmly, began to pack up the photos and physical evidence bag: “The plan is successful, you are acquitted, not only can let the Yao family look at the other way, but also grasp the evidence of Yao Ting’s crime.

If Yao Changyuan despises you, he won’t dare to let Yao Ting divorce you.

“The plan failed, you know Yao Changyuan and Meng Huiqin love their daughter as their life, even if you tell them to leave fingerprints on the knife, as long as you don’t break the importance of the fingerprints, in order to protect their daughter, they will not let her touch anything related to the murder again.

The person was killed by Yao Ting, the suspicion will be borne by the Yao family, the murder weapon will be replaced by the Yao family, you have gone out of your way to protect your wife, you have earned the reputation of being a good husband, and you will not be in jail for too long.

” When the words reached here, he stopped moving and looked up at Li Guangji, revealing an almost cruel smile.

“You said, if they know that you used Yao Ting as a bargaining chip, will she still love you, and will you still be able to get the Yao family’s property?

” Li Guangji was like being hit by a heavy hammer, as if his whole body’s tendons and bones were being pulled out of his body, and all of a sudden he paralyzed in his chair.

His eyes, which used to be bright, became dull.

When I left the interrogation room with Xiao Yang, a cold wind blew in from the corridor.

I shivered for no reason and called out to him, “You knew the truth from the beginning?

” Xiao Yang looked at me and resumed his usual speechless student boy look, only nodding.

I was suddenly in a trance.

Since Xiao Yang knew everything, all he had to do was tell me and Team Cao, gather the evidence in place, and he could have been convicted straight away.

But he didn’t, he hid the criminal profiling, the copper humate, the meat and vegetables on the chopping board, and if he hadn’t needed to mobilize other departments to intercept the parcel, he probably wouldn’t have told Team Cao about the ‘return for knife’ plan.

Li Guangji used Yao Ting as leverage to trick us.

Yang Rui used us as a bargaining chip to fool Li Guangji.

I did not hold back, finally asked: “You said you want to know why Li Guangji did this, not to know the process of the crime, but to know …… why he placed the flower pot so conspicuous?

” Xiao Yang smiled: “Dignity, something quite interesting, right He.

“I don’t know if dignity is interesting.

I only know that he is enjoying the thrill of manipulating the whole situation, just like Li Guangji.

After the case was over, Team Cao and Yang Rui chatted all afternoon in the office, and no one knew what they talked about.

I took the opportunity of reporting on the progress of the case to cat in and try to catch an earful.

When I pushed open the door, Team Cao was asking, “You’re familiar with drugs?

“Yang Rui was sitting across from Cao, and answered in a way that was not intended: “For family reasons, I know a little bit about it.

“Within two minutes, I let Cao blow me out.

Afterward, I never saw Yang Rui display that kind of primitive, bloody aggressiveness, like a beast trapping its prey.

But I’ve always been glad for one thing – Yang Rui is a police officer.

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