What are some of the highlights of your life?

What are some of the highlights of your life?

In college, the counselor made my class pay $200 each for a mountain rock, saying it was voluntary, and the students who didn’t pay got all kinds of shoes.

The counselor went so far as to threaten us with graduation, then! One of my classmates, snapped his cup: “Do you know who my father is?

He’s my dad!” “You won’t let me graduate?

“I promise I’ll make you beg me on your knees to accept your diploma!” At that moment, my buddies and I were stunned! It’s been two years since we graduated, and I still think of this once-in-a-century wonder from time to time, so let’s call her “Ms. Qi”.

You know that kind of rock, right, the bigger ones stand in front of the campus gate, the smaller ones stand in front of the school building, and the smaller ones, the vertical ones, can also stand in the indoor.

But regardless of size, these rocks have a commonality, is – ugly.

Obviously a great natural creation, have to engage in a red paint written in large letters on it, if the word a lot, even the layout of the white are not concerned about how to look at it is ugly.

Sophomore year, our counselor wanted to buy such a stone.

In front of the college?



At that time, our college was on the second floor of the teaching building, and the so-called “college entrance” was the normal hallway with a glass door and a sign.

That’s it, and you want to add an ugly rock?



When classes were dismissed in the middle of the day, it was just like blocking the way for the crowded people.

But the counselor just wanted to buy it.

Why was it her turn to buy it and not the college’s?

Because she wanted to add to her year as a counselor.

  1. After having the idea, the counselor approached us.

That day she asked the class committee to notify everyone to stay after class at 5:30 for a class meeting.

Before class was over, the counselor arrived at the door of the classroom in force, waiting for us.

After the interviewing teacher left after class, she came in and first laid it on thick, telling us that the relationship between the campus and the students is thicker than water.

She also said, “Today, you are proud of XU, and tomorrow, XU will be proud of you.

“Everyone was just confused, what does that mean?

Then she went on to say, “When you walk out of this school, who will remember that you were once part of it?

“That’s even funnier.

I’ve never been out of the school, and I don’t see anyone remembering that I’m a member here. Ms. Qi, herself, probably doesn’t even remember my name now.

Besides, our school is not Tsinghua University or 985/211, what’s the use of me being remembered by it?

After more than half an hour of lobbying, we realized her real intention.

She wanted to customize an ugly stone and stand it at the entrance of the college, on which would be written not only the motto of our college, but also Ms. Qi her full name, as well as all the students of the journalism class of 2016.

I counted on my fingers, well, not counting punctuation spaces, 21 characters.

Another ugly-as-hell rock.

But that’s not even the point, the point is, the counselor wants us to pay for it together, 200 big ones each.

WQNMLGDDDDB ah, I inwardly a mamma miaibi is about to curse out! She wanted to make a face, the performance, why let us pay for it?

The class was speechless, but she didn’t wait for our emotions to ferment, she preempted.

Directly explained to the class president, “You follow up on this.

” And then she left?

The tone of discussion that she had when she entered the room was completely behind her, and it was as if she had sealed the deal.

After she left the classroom, everyone began to whisper, mostly …… cursing.

The class president saw the situation is not right, but also do not add fuel to the fire, pack up their beige shoulder back, first let everyone adjourned.

Waiting for the evening, the class president, however, sent a message in the class group.

The first: [Notice] about crowdfunding stone carving matters: the class 200 yuan per person, the principle of voluntarism, I hope you participate more, for the class and the college to increase the light.

The second article: [payment method] micro letter, paypal can be, hit the class president account, unified collection.

I am speechless after reading this.

Isn’t there a contradiction between “voluntary principle” and “unified collection”?

We’re all journalism students, and we’ll all be writers in the future, so are you playing this game with us now?

But since you wrote voluntary, I’ll take it as voluntary, so I didn’t hand it in, and our whole dormitory didn’t hand it in.

  1. As a result, we were put on the spot by the class president.

Two days later, the class president sent an EXCEL file in the group, named – collection details.

Click to see, statistics of the class name, did not pay 200 yuan students form are marked with a red background color, font bold, but also in the back of the comments column with a few big words – not paid.

Good guy, do not pay the roll call, but also marked red you?

Is this the “voluntary principle”?

I was as disgusted as if I had eaten a hundred flies.

This EXCEL shows that there are 58 people in the class, and only 13 of them have paid.

But who are these 13 people?

There is the class committee.

There are also three students who got national scholarships in the last school year.

Look carefully, it’s not a scholarship, it’s a bursary – a state subsidy that you can only get if your family is in poor condition.

Even more coincidentally, these three people are the class president’s dormitory roommates.

(Amazing! The school arranges dorm rooms according to family income!) This makes me sick.

In fact, there was a girl in our dormitory who was really poor, and we had seen her living conditions with our own eyes.

Her family is from a small county in Shaanxi, so let’s call her “Xiaoxi” for now.

She even borrowed tuition fees, every meal is a relatively salty vegetarian dishes and rice, do not buy any cosmetics, only a can of Vitamin E milk.

There is one small thing that makes me feel sorry for her and admire her.

Our dormitory building on the first floor of the water room has a row of washing machines, scanning code to pay for the kind of three dollars to wash a pot, we wash up to once a week, according to reason, very cheap.

But she never used it. She washed by hand every time.

Once I washed clothes on the weekend, not a few, just as she changed the sheets, I let her sheets put me here with the wash, sheets this thing how to wash by hand, the hand shall not wash broken.

It was a smooth thing to do, but she felt especially embarrassed, and then when we were not there, the dormitory heater are full of hot water as a thank you.

We lived on the sixth floor, each person two pots, she ran up and down three or four times to fill.

At that time, I was really sour in my heart, all girls of the same age, I went back to the dormitory after class to go up the stairs a trip are cursing, Xiaoxi without saying a word to do all the work.

In addition to the real poverty, her own results perennial stability in the class top five.

Just like this, but can not get a grant, even do not know about the grant enrollment.

We don’t know what the criteria for the bursary is, we don’t dare to say, we don’t dare to ask.

But after that, I was in my heart for a long time, and never go to the class president’s dormitory, which is two houses away from us.

3, after the group sent that form, no one said anything, except our counselor.

“We must learn to take a long-term view of the problem, this is a matter of 200 dollars?

The value of this matter itself is far more than 200 dollars.

You are part of a group, you must learn to contribute to the group.” “Most importantly, for you, it’s important to contribute to the group.

“Most importantly, it’ll be good for your graduation.”

“It’s like she’s saying something, but she’s not saying anything at all.

But everyone who knew understood.

Then the following week, the class president sent out several times the V1, V2, and V3 versions of the “Collection Details”, just like a debt collector.

We are just students, thinking that we still have to stay under the hands of others for two years, one after another, everyone still paid the money.

Including me.

But Xiao Xi didn’t pay, because no money is no money.

So every time her name appeared in the group, it was marked red.

She pinned her hopes on the phrase – ‘voluntary principle’ – said by the class leader.

As long as there was no explicit coercion of people, this matter could go away, right?

4, After the V3 version was sent out, there were still three people who hadn’t paid.

After the morning session the next day, the counselor came in a flurry.

As soon as he entered the door, he had a stern face.

The counselor s facial features are very scanty, with small eyes and a small mouth, favoring high cheekbones.

She usually never wore makeup, always had a low ponytail exposing her hairline, and didn’t have much of a head shape to speak of.

My parents had seen her picture when school started, and my dad, who was a police officer and usually saw a lot of people at the police station, commented that she was ‘not to be messed with’.

I thought at the time he was going too far, how can you judge a person by their looks! Nowadays I just want to slap myself.

When the counselor entered the room, she didn’t thank the 55 people who had spent real money on her show, but rather, she was disgusted with the 3 people who hadn’t paid the money.

She’s really good. She doesn’t care about the big picture, and she’s just picking on them.

Don’t be too short-sighted.” she said.

He said, “I’m going to step down from the podium and walk around the classroom twice, and when I came to the classmates who didn’t pay, I deliberately paused,” he said.

“You’re trying to take advantage of this little thing.

” The face of the widowed still look bereft, like a dead father.

“On the stone sculpture, the name of the whole class is written. If you don’t pay but want to enjoy this honor, isn’t it like asking other students to pay for you?

You’re not paying for it, but you’re enjoying the honor, so aren’t you letting the other students pay for you?” JB is really good.

At that time, I was really pissed off, and I especially wanted to open my mouth to challenge her.

But I didn’t dare to be the first one to do so, and one boy (who had already paid) couldn’t take it anymore.

“He stood up, shouted “idiot” in a low voice, picked up his bag and left.

After he left, many of us let out a sneer.

As a result, the counselor froze and didn’t hear it as a scolding.

He kept looking straight at Xiao Xi and said, “Look, some students can’t stand to see you behave like this.




How can you be a counselor with that kind of IQ?

Xiao Xi was in a completely different mood from those of us watching the show, she had been humiliated to the point where she didn’t even dare to raise her head.

“Let the other students pay for you” was a phrase she cared a lot about, feeling that she was dragging her feet.

I saw her sitting in her seat, secretly wiping her tears.

The counselor also saw it and was quite proud of herself for making someone cry.

  1. In the end, Xiao Xi still didn’t pay.

No money, just no money.

Who doesn’t want dignity, but when dignity needs to be exchanged for money, no money is no dignity.

There is another boy did not pay.

In fact, the difference of this 400 yuan, not delayed at all to buy that ugly stone, also not delayed the counselor’s lick on the plan.

But she just wouldn’t leave those two alone, feeling that their disobedience undermined her authority in the class, so she had nothing better to do than to pick a fight.

The boy didn’t care.

He was one of those “I’ve got money and I just won’t give it to you” and “I’m not used to your stinking problems”, so no matter what the counselor did to him, he completely ignored it, let’s just call him “Yang Bu”.

So, the only one left in pain is my roommate.

6, sophomore second semester, the counselor found an excuse to my roommate’s life points deducted to 0 points.

How much can you not take care of yourself to get a zero?


The result was that our dormitory had the lowest living score in the class that semester, even lower than the particularly sloppy boys’ dormitory.

I know this counselor tactic all too well.

My dad had told me before that some bottomless people who want to get back at someone specialize in harassing innocent people around the other person.

When the innocent person’s life is disturbed, he or she must go to the person in question, who then concedes, like a debt collection agency calling a friend of the person who owes the money in the middle of the night to sell a casket.

Now this college counselor of ours has come up with such a dirty trick that I can’t watch.

I was the room manager at the time and went to deal with the counselor.

At that time in the office, there were two other young counselors, a college secretary, all in the office and …… eliminate.

I am quite polite to open the mouth to ask: “Ms. Qi, we 602 dormitory life points this time quite low, want to ask what is going on, we usually in the dormitory, also did not see where very dirty.

“As a result, the counselor didn’t even look at me and didn’t answer me positively, but threw a pot of dirty water on me first.

“A girl with a lower life score than the boys’ dormitory should go back and clean it properly, not come and argue with me.

“Fuck me?

A few people in the office suddenly looked at me together, and the elimination game was no longer played, that look, as if I was a more dirty girl.

I was on fire.

“The scores are all from you, and I’d like to ask why they’re lower than the boys’ dorm?

” The counselor didn’t expect me to open up directly, and was finally willing to look me in the eye.

“The dormitory aunts have complained to me, your 602 smells too much, so whose bed sheets, haven’t been washed for a few years, and you’re still quite righteous?

Don’t you feel ashamed?

“That’s Xiao Xi.

Her bed sheets, but I put them in the washing machine together a few days ago, dirty a hair line.

My anger made me think clearly, and all the emotions I had been holding in before came out in my head today.

“Mr. Qi, you said that a dormitory manager complained to you, can we know which dormitory manager complained to you at what time on what day and month, and what time on what day and month she smelled the smell when she checked the dormitory?

What kind of odor did she smell?

Is it certain that it came from our dormitory?

If so, why didn’t she tell us about it directly, but came to you to complain about it?

If so, why didn’t you tell us before, and why did our dormitory get a perfect score in hygiene?

“I didn’t realize why my head was so bright at the time and why my mouth was so sharp, probably because I inherited it from my dad.

The counselor froze after hearing this, and could not answer my question positively at all.

Started to play the official voice.

“This student (really did not remember my name), you have to learn to face the problem correctly, there are problems, go to solve the problem, do not just avoid, shirk the responsibility.

“I’m so busy every day, I’m not obligated to remember the time and place of your trivialities, okay?

I just need to know that this thing exists.

“Also, as a housemaster, you don’t reflect on why your own dorm has a low grade, but instead you come to question me?

You’re putting the cart before the horse!” “If you can’t be the head of the dormitory, your dorm will get a new head.

“Motherfucker, the title of dormitory head has become a tool to threaten me.

In a normal school, it’s just a discussion between four people in the dormitory, but in Mr. Qi’s place, it’s a reward.

At this time, I and the counselor’s smell of gunpowder is particularly strong, the other teachers in the office have already stood up to persuade the fight.

I stared at her dead, not a word, everyone thought I was heckled by her, out as a peacemaker.

The young female counselor put down the elimination game, began to tea, said “students do not listen to the slow control, do not make yourself angry”.

Then she also looked at me and said, “This student, you go back first.

“The male counselor was pretty normal and just told me to go back first.

What a joke.

What makes them think I’m going to stop?

What did I come here for today?

I’m here today to ask for a reason! So, I step forward.

Took out my cell phone, turned on the recording, and the screen said to my beloved counselor.

“Mr. Zee, I turned on the recording, and I hope you’ll take responsibility for what you say next.

“”Now I ask you, why is our dormitory life score so low?

I hope you can give me a reason.

” Teacher Qi didn’t answer anymore, and the other few people didn’t persuade the fight either, fearing that their voices would be recorded.

”Heh, you’re not making a sound and that’s the end of it?”

I continued.

The smell is too strong, I don’t recognize the reason.

“I asked what time and place the complaint was made, and you said you were too busy to remember.

OK, that’s normal.

“Then I asked for the hostel aunt to come here, and we will have a formal communication between the three of us, are you free now?

Let’s go down to the dormitory.

“Ms. Qi completely stopped answering and turned into her deadpan stare at me.

Still no one dares to say anything.

It’s funny.

A room of adults, not even dare to put a fart.

  1. As it turned out, I was still outclassed.

I had the situation under control, but I lost on my weakness.

A few of them saw that they couldn’t beat me on the line, changed tactics, and sold me a miserable, comforting, but they didn’t give me a reason.

So I still didn’t get the real reason and was persuaded by them to go back to class.

I am now ready to eat shit with regret.

Because my soft heart directly led to more serious consequences, the grandson surnamed Qi began to give us small shoes.

In college, although counselors and class presidents have a lot of power, they are only focused on those three items.

Scholarships, grants, and party applications.

Everything about academics, grades, and GPA is up to the professors. Professors don’t have that much to do, they come and go from class, so they don’t have the time to get into conflicts with students.

As long as you don’t care about those three items, in fact, in college, these people can’t do anything to you.

But it was just that Xiao Xi cared, and she needed to get a scholarship to pay back her loan.

The bursary had already been given to the class president’s ‘poor’ roommate, leaving only the scholarship to fight for.

When it came time to select the sophomore scholarships in her junior year, Nishi was scrubbed.

I was shocked.

She had the second highest GPA in the class, and she didn’t get any of the scholarships.

Then she went to ask the class president, who told her to ask the counselor, and she went to ask the counselor again, and our beloved Ms. Qi told Xiao Xi that she was not eligible for the scholarship.

Ineligible, get it? Ineligible.

Because my roommate had a life score on her general test, and it was a zero.

It turns out that the counselor, the son of a bitch, gave her a zero life score to kill two birds with one stone, while disgusting the people around Xiao Xi to pressure her, and at the same time affecting her to get the scholarship.

And another student, one who was hovering around the 20th place in the class, even worse than me, was awarded a scholarship?

I accompanied my roommate to the office that day, and I just stood there at the broken rock in front of the college waiting for her.

Looking at the name of the counselor on the stone, I hate to take a pen to draw a bastard on the side.

When my roommate came out, her face was full of tears, so I didn’t even have to think about it, she was humiliated again.

She told me that the counselor said something to her.

“Scholarships are awarded to talented people, some people are destined to never get them, destined to never become talented.


Scholarships! You can tell by the name. It’s for studying.

My roommate has the second best grades in the world, he’s a good student, he’s disciplined, he works hard, and that’s not talent?

And the class president’s gay ass is a talent?

Or is Mr. Qi a talent himself?

How can a good national scholarship be squandered like this?

This time is really pissed me off, I can not want the scholarship, but the reason must be clear.

Don’t get into trouble, don’t be afraid of trouble.

That’s what my dad taught me.

When I first enrolled in the journalism program, in the spirit of cultivating my compassionate feelings, one day to speak out for the voiceless, now, it is the right time.

I didn’t dare to make a big noise, and only contacted a few of my classmates.

First of all, the three of us in the dormitory (except for the moody roommate), plus two boys, one was the boy who left that day after dropping a “stupid” line, let’s call him “Brother B”, and one, Yang Bu, who also didn’t pay the money.

We also came up with a code name for the operation – PLANF.

Taking the initials of the English Fuck.

I started with a drama queen and wrote an article about a sand sculpture heroine going to college, titled “Why did I meet such a strange counselor?


People read the title and thought that the counselor would be my male lead, uh …… The article focuses on the great deeds of the class president and the counselor, and the counselor’s love for stone carvings.

It was serialized simultaneously across the web.

Although I did not name names, but the last name of the counselor, the journalism department, the xx grade, the description of the school’s hardware and facilities, a few key words a combination, the netizens also guessed pretty much.

Then, Yang Bu wrote an editorial.

Once I read what he wrote, I directly sweated.

I’m afraid I can only be a net editor after I leave the campus, but he, with hard work, should be able to enter the People’s Daily directly.

For example, this line.

–Students who are “ignorant and simple” meet teachers who are “eager for quick success and quick profit,” which makes the university campus, which is supposed to cultivate a spirit of endeavor for the country, permeated with the foul air of mercenarism.

Another example is this sentence.

–Education is the fundamental solution to stop the intergenerational transmission of poverty, and it is an important bridge for the country to move towards modernization, so how can the openness and fairness of education be undermined by one’s own selfishness?

Can this be written by a “human being”?

A few of us called it a bull’s-eye.

At that time, I also blindly worry, to this piece of several names, what “university campus education chaos”, what “college education of my view”.

Yang did not all give a veto, he came up with a simple name – “Accountability”.

Another high and low.

Minimalist, but also straight to the core.

Brother B’s family has money, the computer can bring the typesetting software, which is loaded with the genuine AdobeIndesign, he gave the typesetting in one night, and he also paid out of his own pocket to find a printing store far away from the school, and printed 500 copies.

We were very puzzled, the Internet is so developed, how to return to the age of paper media?

Brother B said, this is called the first heart.

Awesome, let me, then call the bull batch.

Then take advantage of the latter part of the night, we swept the two dormitory buildings mainly covered by the students of the School of Journalism, and stuffed one in each room.

The next day, the whole college knew about it.

That wasn’t all, the entertaining spread wasn’t done yet! The other two roommates wrote a script that was also filmed as a dog-blooded skit, with the idea taken from Crooked Mouth Flunky, and posted it on B-station and Jitterbug.

Thanks to the rich B brother, also gave the purchase of Shake Plus.

The data feedback from various platforms is good.

If the teacher of the communication class knew about it, he would have to give us a full grade.

The only drawback is that we were interviewed by the school leader.

It was probably the class president’s grandson who tipped us off, because she went into our dorm room one night when she asked us to sign.

In the office, the secretary and the counselor sat at opposite ends of the room, jamming a few of us in the middle.

The counselor spoke first, baiting us with the cover of the second episode of the skit.

“Did you guys make this video?

The PR cut is pretty good, huh?

It’s probably going to score pretty high in the documentary writing class.

“None of us said anything.

“Don’t play dumb.

“We didn’t say anything.

Seeing that the hard attack was ineffective, the counselor changed her strategy and instantly softened her tone, playing a bitter drama.

Just her face, changed into a pitiful expression, also made people not sympathize.

“If you guys have a problem with me, you can just say it, why do you have to hurt me, I’m just an ordinary counselor,” she said.

I’m just an ordinary counselor.” “That’s disgusting, don’t insult the word “ordinary”.

We remained silent.

“Do you think you’re targeting me personally?

Once this happens, it won’t be my problem alone.

“You’re discrediting the college and the school.” The secretary immediately followed.

“The secretary immediately followed suit, as if they’d discussed it.

“It hasn’t been reported to the school yet, so you guys can do what you want, you still have a chance to change your ways for the time being.

“Injury to the school’s reputation, light is not graduated, heavy is …… insulting and defamatory ……” followed by a series of explicit and implicit threats, what to tell your parents, the future to find a job school recruiting will be with the company suggested not to admit us, the file on the record a mark! And so on …… well versed in “confess from the strict, resist from the lenient” road I still do not say anything, as long as they do not have solid evidence, I can not open the mouth to take the initiative to explain.

Our hobnailed meat look drove the two men to the brink, and they directly changed their faces.

The counselor directly threatened.

“Tomorrow do not have to go to class, this thing a day not account, a day do not have to appear in the classroom.

“Shit, small shoes whole big.

10, I still open brain brewing how to retort, B directly open big.

He suddenly raised his lowered head.

I was scared, not to be a traitor.

Under the watchful eyes of several of us, Brother B slowly walked to the counselor’s desk.

With his long arm stretched out, he suddenly copied the water cup on the counselor’s desk and slammed it down in the middle of the office.

The cup shattered with a loud bang, and the black goji berries soaked in it were scattered all over the place, with a few smashed because of too much strength.

All of us were shocked.

B brother crazy?

We all looked at Brother B. He skimmed his mouth and looked like he was tugging on the sky, looking disdainfully at the secretary and the counselor, his right index finger pointing squarely at the counselor.

“With you?

“You won’t let me attend class?

” The counselor involuntarily shivered, and I clearly saw a hint of fear in her eyes.

As a result, B’s next sentence scared everyone in the room.

“Do you know who my father is?

!” Brother B finished with a sneer.

We all froze, Brother B has a background?


B has a background?

The counselor and the secretary were also stunned, and didn’t answer for half a day.

“You won’t let me graduate?

” “I guarantee I’ll end up making you kneel down and beg me to accept your diploma!” If you don’t believe me, try it, Mr. Qi.”

I’ll make sure I get on my knees and beg for my diploma.” “If you don’t believe me, try it, Mr. Qi.” “Bang!

Just like last semester, he slammed the door and walked out.

The counselor and secretary didn’t expect Brother B to come up with this, and didn’t know how to continue the song.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

11, my beloved, dear, lovely brother B ah ~ you should have said that your father can cover the sky with one hand, why do we need to bother so much?

After a few of us left the office, we hurriedly bought a cup of milk tea to go to Brother B.

At that time, my legs were no longer my legs.

It was a dog’s leg.

I gave the milk tea to B brother hands, gossiping and inquiring.

Generally this kind of family background certainly can not easily tell others, I have to ask the side politely.

I did not expect B brother told us the truth bluntly.

His parents …… are …… in …… Beijing ……… …………… open Taobao store?




I almost cracked on the spot.

My thoughts, have been to the Forbidden City outside the western wall of that gada drifted, the result on the spot was extremely fast pull back.

Just now, Brother B was pretending.

It turns out that it was all just an act.

Brother B, you are indeed my brother.

At that time, after being called to the office, I turned on the recording for the whole time.

Brother B’s act of pretending to be B was recorded clearly.

The counselor and the secretary threatened us that set, also was recorded clearly.

12, counselor and secretary a few days of peace, reacted to that day B brother is just bluffing, and then called us to the office.

When Xiao Xi found out, she stopped us from going there. She didn’t want to affect everyone’s future because of her, and said, “I’m going to confess my guilt, Mr. Qi happens to hate me.

“Before Xiao Xi could finish her sentence, Brother B rejected it outright.

“Confess to what! What’s wrong with you! It’s her problem that she hates you! You’re too good to be true!” Brother B didn’t say anything wrong, but it always felt a bit strange.

In the second encounter, the fire was even more intense.

The ones who surrounded us in the middle for interrogation became three, with an extra C-suite – the Dean of the School of Journalism.

To say I wasn’t afraid was a lie.

If this old gaffer didn’t let us graduate, it would indeed be a matter of words.

A few of us cheered each other, already here, can not wimp.

It’s more dangerous to wimp out.

First, the secretary opened his mouth and went straight to the point.

“You guys, put something down, make a clarification.

“That tone of voice, high and mighty.

“Put down what?

Clarify what?

“Brother B, as expected, was back in the scene in a second.

But the secretary didn’t buy it this time, because he purposely went to check Brother B’s family history and found out that he was teased last time, so he was even more angry this time.

“Don’t play dumb for me!” Brother B tried to play hard to get again, only for the dean to speak up.

He signaled the secretary to shut up for a moment, and then began to spring on us and teach us.

“Students, I’ve read everything you’ve done, and the school has really done something wrong,” he said.

“I’m not ashamed to be a leader, but I’ll take a step forward.

The school also treasures your talents, and it is a rare good thing to take this opportunity to discover the talents of the students,” the dean said in a few words.

“The dean of the school said a few words, it is really quite good to hear.

“However, those articles and videos, not to say that they were directed at anyone, but they did bring about a considerable negative impact on the school, which you can’t deny, right?

“If the school’s reputation is ruined, will you be able to say that you graduated from this school in the future?

The same goes for the other students.

“We didn’t say anything, damn there’s no way to refute it, it’s really true.

The clerk saw that we were a little shaken, he was out of his mind again, but when he opened his mouth, the flavor was wrong again.

The bottom line is that all of this is a fabrication and a smear campaign for the sake of publicity without any real evidence.” “Now, it’s simple.

“Now, it’s very simple, we just want to solve the matter, just one request, pull down all the things you posted on.

“What kind of a secretary is that?

A human blower?

Specializing in getting people fired up?

In the end, it was the dean who closed the topic again and said the key point of today’s conversation.

“If you’re willing to clarify, the college will consider giving you graduate school.

“13,” “What do I need to clarify?

” Yang Bu, who had been calm, suddenly asked.

We knew he wouldn’t ask casually, and we were sure he wouldn’t compromise. In this case, Yang Bu was more determined than any of us.

We may be holding on by our own passion, but he is not.

He was thinking through.

Those who should admit their mistakes should admit them, and those who should fix them should fix them, and when one side compromises, what is wrong is still wrong.

That compromise means nothing.

So, my guess is that Jan is not now hedging his bets.

We don’t express it either, so let’s see what Yang doesn’t want to do.

“He needs to make it clear that this whole thing is a misunderstanding.

“That’s all you have to say?

」「Well …… and …… also …… also …… also need to recognize the mistake and express that it has brought trouble to the college school.

” “This matter is purely a misunderstanding, the five of us apologize for the trouble we have brought to the School of Journalism, is that right?

” The secretary heard, immediately looked at the dean, the dean did not move and shook his head, the secretary can only hesitate to open his mouth again.

“Can’t say it’s a misunderstanding, to say it’s …… made up by you guys because you’re dissatisfied with the management of the college.

” “That’s all?

” Yang does not a look of not caring attitude, so that the presence of the hospital leadership feel that there is a game, and resumed the good face of assiduous.

“After posting everyone will not remember you after a while, but graduate school is a tangible benefit ~” “Young people, you have to know how to make tradeoffs ~” “Now, in front of the dean, first delete all those articles and videos ……” Yang Bu rubbed his hands and opened his mouth carelessly, and choked people with a heel as soon as he opened his mouth.

“The style of the college is not correct, the three views of the teachers are distorted, many comments and analysis on the Internet, you do not care, and you can not see the root of the problem.

“Calling us here, not to solve the problem, but only to solve the person who caused the problem?

“I used to think it was the counselors alone, but now it seems to be the dean who is the cause of the problem.

“Yang does not machine gun like a condemnation, B brother heard a slap on the thigh.

“What’s the point of getting this kind of program?

What’s the point of getting this kind of study?

We still think it’s disgusting!” The three of us girls also held back our laughter, not to mention, men and women work well together, these two boys in the critical moment, really powerful.

The three leaders of the opposite side of the hospital, who usually look like dogs, are now almost green in the face.

Then, the face is really torn.

14, began to come out of the trick.

Please parents.

I and another girl in the dormitory is a local, the other three are outsiders.

My dad and the girls’ moms were called to the school, and the parents of the out-of-town classmates would call later.

My dad, I wasn’t worried about, protective of the girl.

But roommate her mom, I will …… need to pinch the sweat, a look forward to son and daughter very traditional women.

I pretended to hold the shit, out to hurry to my dad called a phone.

This came before I have to first put things with him reason once again, can not let that three grandchildren took the lead.

After listening, my dad asked me, “Did you record everything?” “Yes, I did.

“Yes, I did. I learned from you.” “Okay.

I learned from you.” “Okay.

“Then, my dad and roommate’s mom sat in the office.

  1. It was time for the showdown.

After the three of them very unobjectively elaborated on this matter with the parents, the atmosphere in the office was strange as hell.

My dad looked at the dean, the secretary, the counselor, and then at us.

My roommate’s mom also looked at the dean, the secretary, the counselor, and then at us as well.

The difference was that my dad’s eyes were – searching.

And the look in the roommate’s mom’s eyes was – reproachful.

That look, my dad probably interpreted, so he didn’t wait for his roommate’s mom to open her mouth to get started! He found a chair and pulled it over and sat down, keeping level with those three, and spoke quickly, with his usual interrogation room aura.

“What I hear you guys saying is that my daughter ‘slandered a teacher’, right?

She’s going to be fired?

” “Yes, it’s caused me a very great deal of personal distress, and it’s had a very bad effect on the school.

“The counselor said.

My dad didn’t take her up on it, but just turned to me and asked.

“So, daughter, have you slandered me?

” I balked.

“No, just plain old internet surfing.

“My dad nodded after hearing this and said to the guys with both hands spread out.

“My daughter says she didn’t.

“The counselor, anxious and in-your-face, said immediately.

“What kind of ordinary web surfing is that? The ones she posted are all over the school, and they’re having a very serious adverse effect on me.

” My dad continued the questioning.

“So did you collect the money?

Only answered collected, or not.

” The counselor was momentarily speechless, not knowing how the topic had turned so quickly.

「No ……」, thinking of the fact that there are still so many class group chats, she again had to admit, 「received it.

“My father let out a sigh of relief, “You received, and then everyone knows, with my daughter and their relationship to what a few?

“This side of the counselor felt in the set, all of a sudden anxious, but also not a little quality of the people’s teachers.

“You fart …… you …… nonsense!!!” My father immediately seized her omission of swearing and did not let go, took out the posture of the prisoner.

“You pay attention to your way of speaking, I’m here with the video on full recording, and, you don’t blindly point at me.

“The dean and the secretary took a look at this scene and hurriedly stopped it first.

Mainly to stop the counselor, after all, my father is not angry.

On the other side of the roommate’s mom was also affected by my dad’s attitude, want to hear what the college did in the end, to drive their daughter to the brink, they took the initiative to ask “What did you do to my daughter in the end?

” Parents united front.

16, originally wanted to move out of the parents to pressure our three people, and now their own smash feet.

Only the dean once again threw an olive branch, mentioned the matter of graduate school, but he said very politely, after all, the video is still on.

“The school cherishes talent, and hopes they can stay in school for a few more years and get, well, higher results.

” My dad caught on, but was unmoved, and put on a look to ask us.

“What does he mean, Dean?

Holding you back?

“No, Dad, what the dean, the secretary, and Mr. Qi mean is that if a few of us come forward to clarify and say, ‘Because we are personally dissatisfied with the school’s strict management, we made up this incident, and the five of us apologize for the trouble we caused to the School of Journalism.

‘ The college will give us graduate school, and if we don’t clarify and delete it, we won’t be allowed to attend classes.

‘ I deliberately repeated all the vague information from the three people across the room.

My dad craned his head to ask the three, “Is that what it means?

‘ The opposite side of the room nodded or not, and finally had to acknowledge what I had said.

My dad did not say anything for half a day, meaningful.

“Then how did Mr. Qi admit that he received money?

This is not inconsistent?

“When I came in just now, wasn’t that stone right there?

This parent, you saw it too.

” The roommate’s mom had to nod her head.

The dean sighed in frustration.

I guess I thought to myself, “Why is this parent so greasy?

Standing up, pulling my dad aside, is this another attempt at assiduity?

The secretary saw this, also came over, and formed a red face plus white face horns.

I didn’t hear what the dean and secretary said, their voices were too low.

But I could hear what my dad said.

He turned back, and said to me, “Turn the video off.

” Then he drew out his arm, which had been sat on by the two men, and placed it on their shoulders, patting them gently and softly.

The horns became a left embrace.

A moment to the dean’s ear, a moment to the secretary’s ear.

“They, just junior, there are still two years behind, still need your careful teaching, right.

” The secretary nodded, feeling that my father finally learned to grasp the focus, listen to the needs.

“These five kids, their future is in your hands.

‘ The dean nodded down slightly as well, finally listening.

“So I, as a parent, have to make sure they go well.

‘ Both of them nodded at the same time, it’s good that you understand.

“That’ll have to do ……” Everyone in the room’s eyes were focused on my dad’s back.

“I know where everyone lives.

” My dad tapped both hands twice, and both shoulders tightened.

“Who the wife is.

” my dad said looking over at the secretary.

“A couple of wives.

” my dad said again looking at Dean.

“If there’s any unfair treatment of any of the kids in the next two years, any flunking, or failure to graduate, we’ll just have to see each other once or twice more.

” Finishing, my dad drew back his arms and gave a step of space.

At the moment, the duo glared viciously at my dad, but didn’t dare make a sound.

“So, is this over?

Can the child go back to class?

“17, the leadership of the hospital never approached us again, and the online content continued to hang steady.

A week later, the school’s official blog was constantly Cue to, can only issue a notice as follows: Circular November 1, the school received a real-name report on our teachers suspected of violating the teacher’s morality, the school attaches great importance to the school, in accordance with the school’s “violation of discipline investigation and handling of the trial approach”, immediately start the investigation.

After investigation, but there is a violation of the actual situation of teacher morality, and the circumstances are serious, so it was dismissed.

This article, the class president also forwarded to keep the peace.

And the dean and the secretary no longer because of this matter to find us, the secretary from time to time damage us a few words, and the dean did not mention a word.

Seems to have a lot on his mind.

Still, one of us failed the class.

It was Brother B.

In writing class, the one subject that was emphasized, he failed.

Because he did it on purpose, he wanted to use the excuse that he failed the make up test to let the first place in the writing class, Xiao Xi, give him a make up lesson …… really a lot of tricks.

Later, every time we passed the college entrance, that stone sculpture finally not blocking the road.

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