What are some of the scary stories?

What are some horror stories?

I live with my best friend who loves to drink and often comes home late.

The other day I heard her calling for the door and was about to open it for her when I got a tweet from her: Don’t open the door for me! Why is it “don’t open the door for me”?

Who is at the door?

–I saw me on a website.

It was a small movie titled ‘Drunk’, with a surreptitious viewer’s point of view, and the female lead was dead drunk, her face buried in a pillow, her hair cascading like algae, and she didn’t move a muscle.

This is a crime, right?

I was about to cut it off when I accidentally glanced at the pink birthmark on the heroine’s left shoulder and was struck by lightning.

This birthmark, how come it looks exactly like mine?

The last vestige of luck disappeared when the heroine was wrenched by her shoulder and rolled over, revealing her true face.

She was me.

「Me」 rolled off the bed, her ghastly white face facing the camera, not a trace of expression could be seen, even her nose showed no sign of breathing.

“I’m dead.


Some famous ‘kind’ of website?

A dead body?

This must be a hallucination.

I rinsed my face with cold water and shivered from the cold.

I, Yi Zhao, have never been to a bar, never had a boyfriend, I grew up as a good girl, and I’ve been in college for three years now, basically never leaving campus.

How could there be such a video?

I don’t know when, the fine dense water vapor has covered the surface of the mirror of the sink.

I wiped away the water spray, and the mirror slowly revealed my face – a face of despair.

I took several steps backward in shock, my back hitting the tiled wall, a cold touch spreading along my spine to the back of my head.

No, this wasn’t me.

My face should be plump, my lips should be wearing a smile, my eyes should be bright and shining.

How could I possibly have such desperate eyes?

The man in the mirror stared at me dead in the face, shedding tears of blood.

What do you want?

I hear my teeth clench.

“Help me.

” I couldn’t hear her, but I knew what she was saying.


Are you the guy from the little movie?

Why are you taking my form?

Aren’t you dead?

“I’m you.

No, you’re not.”

I shook my head desperately.

I’m cold, my body is so cold, I’m shivering all over.

The air is heavy. I can’t breathe.

What am I going to do?

The door was pushed open and JoJo walked in on her heels, drunk and crooked, the strong smell of alcohol and perfume washing over me waking me up instantly.

JoJo was my roommate, the polar opposite of me, she was always the brightest in the crowd.

Everyone has just come out of the gray face of high school, learning to dress up not long, just learned how to conceal how to apply foundation, drawn out of the eyeliner is still crooked, eyelash clamping can not help but cry wolf, Qiao Qiao slightly angled up that makeup exquisite face, even the jaw line of the chin are perfect to the impeccable, and naturally stood out.

Her eyes were seductive, her hands and feet unconsciously carried a tantalizing aura, even when standing in the bare classroom, it still gave people the illusion of red wine and green in minutes.

To be honest, she is not the type that boys like, or rather, boys will not admit that they like this.

After all, it was the campus, and it was the pure schoolgirls that were worth honoring.

The whispers about Qiao Qiao were especially unpleasant, “I don’t know how many people have used it” “You can get laid if you pay money”.

There are many students who claim to have seen Qiaoqiao sitting in the limousine in front of the school, but not the same one, each said with a nose and eyes.

I have never listened to these gossips, I still understand the truth of the crowd, I still understand the truth of the accumulation of destruction.

I had no interactions with her, until one day, I saw her crying.

There are two kinds of girls’ crying, one is pear blossom with rain, pathetic, one is not caring about the image, snot and tears.

JoJo was the latter.

I had never seen her in such a sorry state.

The wind in early spring is cold, the azalea fuchsia flowers, she was dressed in red, half squatting, half kneeling, clenching her fists, wailing in pain, tears pouring out in large strands.

Mascara cried into two lines of black rain, ruining the thick makeup on her face, with a kind of pallor after the colorful walls were stripped by the wind and rain.

More colorful than a cuckoo, more singular than a cuckoo.

I handed her wet wipes, and she looked a little averted, a little embarrassed, but accepted my kindness.

That was the beginning of our friendship, see, how much we are like Little Ear and Lai Bara in Left Ear.

JoJo’s roommate and she are incompatible, JoJo and I moved out to share a room, the relationship soared.

Qiaoqiao even ordered a pair of girlfriends pendants, two roses tightly entwined with the letters Z and Q – the initials of our names.

Qiao Qiao was applying her makeup in the mirror, and Yoyo reminded, “Xiao Yi, you can’t try out the color numbers in the mirror.

“Color number?

I blinked in a hurry.

On the mirror were two vertical traces of lipstick, where were the tears of blood?

“I’ll take you to do your hair later, and the day after tomorrow we’ll have a dinner party with our male friends.

“I almost forgot.

Qiaoqiao introduced me to a guy the other day, with eight-pack abs, the kind that’s so handsome.

But after being scared just now, even if Li Xian asks me out, I’m still not interested.

After listening to me talk about the content of the small movie, Qiao Qiao was shocked, “The corpse is definitely an illusion, the sneak peek is possible …… You think about it, have you ever broken the movie?

“I don’t drink.

“My family is very strict, not allowed to touch alcohol.

“It’s not necessarily alcohol.

“The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem, and then you’ll be able to get rid of the problem.

When you go out with boys, do you ever get sleepy or lose consciousness?” “I never go out with boys alone.

“I never go out alone with boys.” I thought carefully.

I can’t think of any.” I was too timid.

I’m timid, plus mom and dad have told me to be careful.

JoJo frowned and pondered for half a day, “Listening to what you said, it should be a hotel secretly filming, let’s see if we can recognize the place first.

”Qiao Qiao opened that video.

The view of the sneak peek, the female lead was dead drunk, her face buried into a pillow, she looked up – a Japanese actor whose face was familiar to many people.

JoJo had a dark look on her face, “If you want to share a small movie, just say so, why are you making up a story to scare me?

”It’s impossible, how could I even recognize myself?

I identified it again and again, but it turned out that it was just an ordinary little movie, and the main character wasn’t me, let alone a dead person.

“Eat more papaya every day and try to develop, otherwise, I can’t even believe you when you say you’re wrong.

” JoJo dragged me out of the dormitory and went straight to the hairdresser.

I slowly came back to my senses when Mr. Tony had already started clicking and cutting my hair.

JoJo picked out a secondary hairstyle for me, green tea princess cut, flat bangs, flush sideburns, long black straight, especially like Yama Ai from Hell Girl, a little bit seductive in her innocence.

Qiao Qiao marveled at it, and took pictures again and again, “Xiao Yi, this also suits you too well.

”No, can’t have this hairstyle.

My body began to tremble, instinctively resisting this hairstyle, no, not resisting, fearing.

My face was pale and my teeth clacked in the cold.

I finally realized what I was afraid of, this was the hairstyle I had in the little movie.

I fished out the scissors and clicked off a big chunk of hair as JoJo and Mr. Tony looked on in shock.

What was I afraid of?

Er JoJo had a date for the evening and I was cooing pear soup on the stove waiting for her to come back and join me, oh yes, topping it off with that saucy short haircut of Zhou Dongyu.

It took three Mr. Tony’s to save me from that clicky cut.

To keep my mind from wandering, I clicked on the male group casting and chose to paralyze myself with male color.

Mika’s deep vocals made my heart pound, the naive and straight Gan Wangxing made me faint with laughter, and Zandor’s and Yoo’s shared dance was so exhilarating that I nearly knocked over the monitor.

What kept me awake was the chill, and it was cold.

It was a little too quiet.

The tenants of this building are all students, this time of the day there should be laughing and joking, talking on the phone, playing games, swiping dramas, but today there is only a dead silence.

Outside the window there is a big fog.

I opened the window, the night fog visible to the dormitory filled.

The wind is blowing, blowing the camphor tree leaves clattering, plastic bags flying rolled up to the sky.

It’s strange, can’t the wind blow the fog away?

The computer started to play the video automatically, it was that little movie again.

The main character was still me, and with short hair, my newly cut short hair.

I was shivering as if I was surrounded by a damp, sticky, heavy fog.

No, not as if, I was surrounded by thick fog.

The fog seemed to have weight, pressing down on my chest, and I couldn’t breathe.

The WeChat alert sounded, it was from JoJo, “Don’t open the door for me.

”Don’t open the door for me?

Before I could react to what Qiao Qiao meant by this sentence, the knock on the door sounded, and Qiao Qiao’s sweet and creamy voice came, “Honey, I forgot my keys, open the door.

” I looked at my cell phone and then at the door, not knowing what to do.

Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock was unusually sluggish, one at a time, like a slow-moving zombie.

“JoJo, is that you?

” I braced myself and asked aloud.

“Honey, I forgot my keys, open the door.

” JoJo replied, not a word of the previous sentence.

I heard the words clearly, there was a zippy murmur in the words, it was a recording!

JoJo, grunting and panting, jumped ahead and said, “Don’t believe her, I’ll be right back.

‘ Without waiting for me to answer, JoJo hung up.

Outside the door JoJo’s voice came again, “Honey, I forgot my keys, open the door.

“The fact that this thing couldn’t get in the door gave me a bit of courage, and I shouted, “Is that all you have to say?

!” The knocking stopped and the silence was so frightening that I kind of regretted poking her.

The voice came back again.

“Honey, the little black tube I bought on behalf of you has arrived, please pick it up for me.

“Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, help me point to it, I really don’t want to go to the high math class.” “Ah…my heart is in the right place.

I really don’t want to go to high math class.” “Ah… I’m tempted.

I’ve just flirted with a little brother, a godly man, no discounts at all, I’ll send you a picture.

“…… is the recording of my call with Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao’s cell phone calls come with a recording function, and these are the contents of our messy chats.

The line “Honey, I forgot my keys, open the door” was also from a chat not too long ago.

I’m sure only JoJo’s cell phone has these.

Then who was the person who tweeted me “Don’t open the door for me” and video called me?

“I just can’t open the door to let her know, it’s just so simple I can’t do it ……” Outside the door, JoJo played a song called “Can’t Open the Door”.

I was so nervous that my head was filled with cold sweat, not knowing whether I should trust her or not, when she suddenly played a love song as background music.

I suddenly realized what JoJo meant, she couldn’t open her mouth, she couldn’t speak! I opened a crack in the door and looked out.

She had no mouth.

Under her nose was a blank.

Mouthless JoJo pushed open the door to the room and clamped down on my hand and yanked it outward.

I struggled vigorously, but her hands were like cast iron, immovable and cold to the touch.

I screamed in fear, but no one responded, the whole dormitory building seems to be only the two of us.

I wrestled and kicked, my wrists were bruised from the vice, but I still couldn’t break free.

“You let her go!” JoJo rushed frantically, knocking Mouthless JoJo off her feet.

Qiao Qiao pulled my hand and fled towards the room, Qiao Qiao gasped for air, feeling the warmth of her palm, this kind of tense moment, I actually felt a hint of happiness, I didn’t expect Qiao Qiao to come to my rescue despite the danger.

But no mouth Qiao Qiao clamped my other hand, I screamed in pain.

My clamped hand slightly loosened, mouthless Qiaoqiao quietly in my palm into a thing, Qiaoqiao forcefully dragged me into the room, banging the door closed.

I hid my thoughts and quietly clenched my fists, guessing just what it was that Mouthless JoJo had given me.

“Didn’t I tell you not to open the door for me?

” JoJo grumbled in exasperation as she leaned her back against the door.

The door is against evil spirits, it can’t get in unless the owner invites it.

“What’s going on here?

” I have too many doubts to ask.

“I can’t tell you at once, you must trust me or we’re finished.

” JoJo looked nervous and gripped my arm so tightly that my grip was raw.

“I …… I ……” Of course I believe you, I was about to say so, the dormitory suddenly cut off the electricity, a dark.

My heart sank.

I touched out the thing that No Mouth JoJo gave me now, it is my best friend pendant with JoJo.

She couldn’t open her mouth and had to prove herself this way.

“JoJo,” I gulped, “what’s that one out there?

‘ JoJo stared at me and held out her hand, “Hold my hand.

‘ Warm, soft, worthy of SK-II’s well-maintained hands.

Qiao Qiao saw through my mind, the corner of her mouth hooked into a mocking smile, “And now what?

” The warm, soft smoothness of the fingertips instantly became cold, hard, steel-like, not unlike the mouthless JoJo outside the door.

“This, this is …… what’s going on?

” I hastily shook off JoJo’s hand and took several steps backward, looking at her nervously.

“Sounds, smells, and touch can deceive you, memories can deceive you, and emotions can deceive you even more.

” JoJo grabbed my arms fiercely, her fingers sprouting sharp claws that pierced my arms, “Say, it’s me you believe in.

‘ JoJo’s expression was manic, her features began to distort, gradually kneading into a familiar face.

My face.

Tears of blood flowed down her face.

“Say it’s me you believe in.

” I shook my head, unable to stop shaking my head.

She came to my rescue at the risk of her life and couldn’t speak, but I didn’t believe her and shut her out.

The “Creepy Thing” spotted the girlfriend’s pendant in my palm and revealed hatred in her gaze, “Anything can fool you! A broken pendant, and you believe her?

No, this is not a broken pendant, this is a testimony of JoJo’s friendship with me.” I clutched the pendant.

I clutched the pendant so tightly that my palm hurt.

“Let go!” No, I won’t let go.

“Qiao Qiao, I believe you.

” I shouted at the door, “It’s always been you I’ve trusted.

” These words seemed to give me infinite strength, and the ‘Creepy Thing’ was stunned, releasing its grip on me.

The fog began to lift.

My vision began to blur, my consciousness was drowsy, and I was still holding on to the pendant.

In the midst of the three fuchsia azalea bushes, JoJo, dressed in brilliant red, was bawling her eyes out.

In fact, that day I saw the bruises on her wrists and smelled the smell of alcohol mixed with other odors on her body.

I have little experience but it doesn’t mean I’m stupid, I could probably guess what a drunk girl would be going through and why she would be crying early in the morning.

The rumors about JoJo weren’t empty, but I’d seen the damage she’d suffered, and I believed the dark rain that washed over her tears that day.

I had a terrible headache, fragments of memories like slideshow after slideshow.

My palm hurt a little, was it cut by something?

The smell of disinfectant filled my nostrils, I should be in a hospital.

I propped open my eyelids and saw Qiao Qiao’s watering face, “Isn’t it just a broken pendant?

Don’t you want to die?

”From Qiao Qiao’s mouth, I know the truth about last night.

Sydney soup spilled and doused the gas stove, I watched the casting unknowingly gas poisoning.

I had already escaped to the dormitory door, just one step away from safety.

But the pendant was stuck in the crack of the sink, and I held on to it for dear life.

If it wasn’t for JoJo coming home early, I would have cooled off.

I looked up the information, people will have hallucinations when they are near death in the absence of oxygen.

In other words, those weird events last night have a scientific explanation.

When I returned to the dormitory, I turned on the computer, and the little movie was really normal, not me, let alone my corpse.

I looked in the mirror again and again and was convinced that she really didn’t exist.

The world returned to normal and no more paranormal events occurred.

JoJo pulls me into matching outfits, all in styles I haven’t tried before.

In her words, being pretty is all about money, and how can you be rustic when you’re getting together with your male friends?

Everything was on track, but I couldn’t forget those images.

I can’t forget the stiff bodies in the little movie, I can’t forget the blood and tears in the mirror, and I can’t forget her vicious words: “Sounds, smells, and touches can deceive you, memories can deceive you, and emotions can deceive you even more.

” What did she mean by that?

Why did she suddenly disappear?

I looked up the website account information, and there were quite a few photo thieves in there.

Toilets, hotels, bathrooms, no place is safe.

Even renting out a room, your own room, isn’t necessarily safe, one landlord installed a pinhole camera in the tenant’s shower.

If you don’t observe the abyss, how do you know that there are even pairs of unsuspecting eyes in the abyss?

I also got mixed up in the bar body pickup group.

How in the world can there be such a disgusting group?

They said they were picking up corpses, but in fact, they were more like drugging and pouring alcohol.

They wantonly show off their ‘trophies’, which are usually classmates, coworkers, relatives, or even their girlfriends.

While doing their beastly deeds, they taunted these girls and called them cheap.

I deeply perceived the malice of this world.

I talked to JoJo about this, and JoJo changed her face.

She hugged me into her arms and patted my shoulder to comfort me, “You can trust me.

” JoJo is not like me, she has seen more than me and knows the light of this world.

“It’s a good thing you’re here, or else I would have despaired of the world.

“I hugged JoJo tightly, “Let’s get together again in a couple of days, I still have some things to do.

‘ Something I have to make sure of.

Soon it was the day of the get-together with the Boy Wonder and his friends.

I did my homework, I didn’t go to out-of-the-way places, I didn’t go to pandemonium, I left the door of the box wide open, I didn’t drink anything I was advised to drink, and I changed my drink if it was out of sight for more than ten seconds.

Women’s safety was never taught in school; I learned all this from bloody cases.

But the facts told me I was overthinking it.

They chose a normal restaurant, no booze or ill-timed jokes, just thoughtful conversation about topics that girls like.

I knew that JoJo’s carefully chosen people were certainly reliable.

Seeing our best friend pendant, the male god’s face was a bit strange, “I didn’t realize you guys were so close.

“Qiaoqiao took me by the shoulders and handed me a drink with a smile, “Of course, we are the best of girlfriends.

‘ I felt a wave of dizziness as the male god drove me back.

“Stop the car.

” I called breathlessly.

The boy-god glanced at me and didn’t bother, the smile at the corner of his mouth sending chills down my spine.

I knew that my homework had been in vain, and despite my repeated caution, I had fallen into a trap.

“Stop the car!” I removed my seatbelt and fought with the last of my strength to grab the steering wheel.

It was a trick I’d learned online, too, a near-identical move that was much safer than jumping out of a window or being dragged off to an unfamiliar place.

“Do you want to die?

” The man-god was really taken aback by the insanity and pushed and kicked to get me out of the way.

With the two of us at a standstill, the car almost went over the guardrail, and the god of men rushed to apply the emergency brake, so I took the opportunity to push the door open.

Another car got in front of me and JoJo got out, pulling me in suspiciously, “What’s wrong?

“He’s drugged.

“Too late to explain too much, I took JoJo’s hand and ran towards the distance, but JoJo pulled me back, “You’re obsessed with watching the negative news these days, you’re staring at it so hard, how can they have a chance to drug it?

“Qiao Qiao is right, I have been staring at them, afraid that they have a small action, there is only one person on the scene I won’t be on the defensive.

I looked at JoJo, who was still trying to persuade me, “We’re all out here to have fun, why are we so upset?” She looked at me with her lips parted.

“Looking at her lips open and close, calm, I understand everything, “you gave me that drink, right?

” JoJo didn’t say anything.

They had already surrounded her, she didn’t need to put on a show.

She looked at me, her eyebrows all cold.


” I asked her.

Someone slapped me so hard I fell to the ground.


“My voice was hoarse as I pulled my best friend’s locket out of my pocket.

JoJo yanked off the locket and threw it into the greenbelt, “A few bucks and you’re really taking it seriously?

“JoJo was close to my ear, “Do you know how repulsive you are when you are so self-righteous and superior?

“Qiao Qiao sneered, “Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are, reading too many novels and trying to save me?

Save your breath.

”No, it’s not like that, that Qiao Qiao who cried in the azalea bush, she’s not like that.”

Looking at the strange-faced JoJo, I was left with only one question, “Was our friendship completely fake?

We had so many happy moments, were they all fake?

‘ JoJo froze, “You shouldn’t have come to comfort me the other day when I was crying.

I was ruined, what made you good?

” it turned out.

Everything was answered, I stood up straight, where was the vertigo still?

“Sounds, smells, and touch can deceive me, memories can deceive me, and emotions can deceive me even more.

” I looked solemnly at JoJo, “JoJo, I don’t trust you anymore.

‘ A familiar chill soaked into my body and I knew that it was her who had returned.

When I chose to believe JoJo that day, she disappeared and everything returned to normal.

But a question always lingered in my mind, I trusted JoJo, but was she really worth trusting?

So I postponed the get-together and spent those two days spending money and time looking around in order to get to know this BFF of mine properly.

She had befriended a lot of girls, basically well-behaved and obedient types, taking them out to ‘meet the world’ from time to time.

These girls have since gone silent.

I even found a girl who dropped out of school, a girl from the mountains, apprehensive and expectant of the city.

Unfortunately, it was JoJo who lured her into the city.

Girls are always given an earful to be careful, beware of familiar men, beware of strange men, girls are alert.

But when it comes to the same sex, when it comes to girlfriends, it’s easy for girls to let their guard down.

The male god is the hook, JoJo is the catalyst, followed closely by violence, coercion, filming, and threats.

It’s a circuit paved with the gaudy corpses of countless girls, and no one is able to get out in one piece.

The blood and tears of the girls were transformed into the exquisite cosmetics on Qiao Qiao’s face, and into her flamboyant designer bags.

Listening to the sirens getting closer and closer, the boys and JoJo panicked, I smiled.

It was time for everything to end.

Four I returned to my room.

I admit, this room carries quite a few memories of JoJo and I. We laughed and fooled around together, watched movies together, talked about men, ate stinky snail food together, and only in front of me would JoJo leave her goddess side behind and giggle with me.

I thought I was special.

Push open the window, the sunlight sprinkled thinly on the eyebrows, warm and wandering.

Gray magpies stepped among the branches and leaves of the balsam fir tree, vibrating their feathers in happiness.

It was good to be alive.

I am suddenly homesick.

I miss my mom’s braised pork, I want to accompany my dad to watch “Bright Sword” again, I want to tell them that I’m very vigilant, I protect myself, I want to …… A chill suddenly came and wrapped around my whole body, and I knew that “she” was here again.

I breezed over to the sink, looked in the mirror, and gave her a small smile.

The mirror smiled back at me.

“Are you here to save me?

” She doesn’t say anything, a faint sadness on her face.

“Who are you?

” I ask.

“I am you.

” she replied wordlessly with a mouthful of words.

I’m not, I …… had a jolt in my heart and hurriedly turned on my computer and opened that little movie again.

The heroine, whose body was rigid, was turned over to reveal her true face, which was still me.

Isn’t it already over?

I cut off a handful of hair, and the person in the little movie also had a handful of hair missing.

I draw a line on my palm with a paintbrush, and that person has an extra line on his palm.

It was as if someone had written the ending beforehand, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t change it.

I rushed to the mirror and asked loudly, “What the hell is going on here?

‘ The person in the mirror looked at me sadly, a crack appeared in her cheek, followed by another, and in the blink of an eye, broken lines filled her face.

“Thank you.

” With a barely audible sound, she dissipated into dust.

She was gone.

No one can help me anymore.

Go home.

Once the thought was born, it grew and grew.

To stay at home, to stay with my mom and dad, to stay in the room I grew up in, to never have to face a salacious reality, to never meet a horrible fate.

When I walked out of my room, it was warm, even hot, as if I had missed an entire season without realizing it.

Going home.

I looked at the scenery whizzing by outside the high-speed train window and fantasized over and over again about my mom and dad’s ecstasy when they saw me.

If I could, I would never leave them again.

I see the familiar city, I hear the friendly accent, I can even feel the air of my hometown.

But why is it that the closer I get to home, the emptier my heart becomes?

It’s as if an endless wind is whistling past my heart.

The big acacia tree in front of the house cast a heavy shade, strange, this year, the big acacia tree leaves grow really early, obviously early spring, looks like it is the summer scene.

The door is a bit decayed, dusty, strange, mom so love clean people when learned to be lazy?

It’s not like she’s sick, is it?

I quickly opened the door.

The door lock is a bit rusty, the door frame rustling down the dust choked me sneeze, here for a long time no one in and out.

My heart was full of bad feeling, rushed into the courtyard.

As far as the eye can see, a desolate.

Dad’s beloved teahouse, every day to be careful to wipe, and now it is covered with dust.

Mom carefully served a few pots of orchids, completely dry into dead grass.

I walked into the main house and saw the black and white photo in the center.

My last photo.

I was still a good girl, smiling shyly, unaware of the dirtiness of the world.

So I’ve been gone for so long.

I’m dead, and that’s the only thing that could have turned a once-warm home into such a crumbling field.


Why do I and my family have to endure this?

I see my hand slowly fading.

Am I going to disappear?

The outline of my body becomes blurry, about to melt into the air.

I float in the air and I see that little movie playing on someone’s computer with me as the heroine, Princess Cut with long straight black hair and a pink birthmark on my left shoulder.

The little movie showed me stiff and no longer breathing.

This wasn’t paranormal, this was the truth.

I know who I am.

I don’t exist.

To be precise, I am the dying obsession of Yi Zhao.

That young girl who was set up by her girlfriends and reduced to hell, she was powerless to struggle.

Her fear, pain, and despair swept over her like a tidal wave, drowning everything.

In the midst of her lifelessness, she saw the footage of the camera thief.

If she had known the ugliness of the world earlier, how good it would have been, how good …… (end)

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Next March 16, 2024


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