What did the body really look like?

What did the bodies really look like?

In seven years as a prison guard, the creepiest thing I’ve ever encountered was when two bodies were found in a prisoner’s home.

One large and one small, the sex of the larger one was indistinguishable, and the smaller one was an underdeveloped baby.

As the investigation went deeper, the news that the baby was a “Yin fetus” spread around the bureau……. It also started when a drug dealer’s sister came to visit the prison.

In the summer of 2020, Li Zhen listened to her brother, who was serving a prison sentence, and surprisingly, really searched under the bed in the attic of her old self-built house, and found a huge black suitcase.

Her brother, Li Mingli, told her on the phone to ‘dispose’ of the stuff.

She understood what her brother meant.

Ever since she was a little girl, every time her brother did something bad, he would use this almost pleading tone to ask her to help cover up the aftermath.

She always went soft.

In fact, she could just drag this box directly to the river behind the village and throw it away, but it was too heavy.

She decided to open it first to see what was hidden inside.

For this decision, she later regretted it for a long, long time.

The box was opened.

Li Zhen only took one look, and was so frightened that she took two steps backward, fell to the ground, and screamed loudly! –Inside the box in front of her, there were two corpses in plastic wrap.

It is not accurate to say that they are corpses.

Accurately speaking, is a multi-layer plastic wrap wrapped, has long been rotting and deteriorating a mess of indescribable flesh and bone, vaguely visible flesh and bone curled up posture.

The stench was overwhelming, and the originally transparent plastic wrap was covered with long-dried dark green pus, with occasional remnants of what looked like air-dried bacon-like human tissue.

The bleak white bones could not be seen in the body’s former appearance, and even could not recognize men and women.

The only thing that could be seen clearly was that apart from a whole curled up adult corpse, there was a very small, as if not yet fully developed, fetal cadaver underneath ‘its’ legs and buttocks.

Li Zhen almost fainted, I do not know where the strength came from, climbed up and screamed out of the door, never dare to look back for more than a glance.

  1. After receiving Li Zhen’s report, the police rushed to the scene and were shocked.

The body in the box is too challenging the physiological limits of human senses, a young policewoman, just look at two eyes after holding the wall to the side of the vomit for a long time.

The police rushed the body to the forensic center for identification, while urgently contacting the prison, ready to bring Li Mingli back for retrial.

All drug-addicted inmates are collectively known as “rehabilitated inmates” in prison, and are held in the “old, sick, and disabled special ward” where I am located.

As one of the sergeants of the ward and a former internal affairs officer, I was assigned by the prison to escort Li Mingli and to cooperate with my colleagues in the public security department to carry out the relevant investigations.

Li Mingli sat in the police car and didn’t say much along the way.

I don’t know him very well, I only remember that he is a third time in the prison, has many years of drug history, usually silent, never argue with other inmates, like a transparent person, in the prison area has no sense of existence.

When the files were handed over, I talked to the public security officer in charge of this case, Lao He, for a while.

He said, at present, some difficult to do, the body preliminary detection, has been at least dead for more than 10 years of time, a high degree of corruption, DNA degradation is very serious, the first time to send over the rib cartilage failed to detect the genotype, and now re-sent a long bone to the test, but for the moment, the deceased bone calcification is high, the inhibition of the content of the high, the test process is very high difficulty.

I can only nod my head and say: “What do we need to do here in the prison, we will certainly cooperate fully.

Lao He shook his head: “It’s not certain yet, we have to interrogate him for the first time and then talk about it, to see if this prisoner is difficult.” “The evidence is conclusive, in his case, he’s not a good person.

“The evidence is solid, the body found under his bed, and he asked his sister to throw it away, and then difficult, it is not already a mountain of evidence?

“I didn’t think so.

Lao He gave me a deep look.

“It’s not that simple.

“3. Sure enough, the first arraignment was over, and the result was far beyond my expectations.

Li Mingli confessed to hiding the body in the box, but he said that the body in the box, he didn’t kill, but paid a high price to buy it back.

That thing is not an ordinary corpse, but a “hanging head” in the southwest, also known as “compulsion female”.

At that time, he went to buy drugs and met two locals.

They got high together and they asked him if he had just gotten divorced, and if he had been unlucky lately, and if he was leaking a lot of money.

They had just met and didn’t know each other well, but the words immediately struck a chord in his heart.

Li Mingli nodded his head and said yes.

Two people laughed sorrowfully a few times, said he was recently “dirty things” to haunt, Yin Qi heavy and scary, if not disposed of, the loss of property is not light, life to lose are not unusual.

Li Mingli is from the northern countryside, and is a believer in these gods and ghosts, so when he heard this, he fell on his face and begged the master to save him.

The two men asked him if he could get a body, preferably a female body, fresh, dead not more than three days.

Li Mingli was shocked and waved his hands, saying that he could not get this thing.

The two men shook their heads and said there was nothing they could do.

They said that they were originally to refine the “corpse compulsion”, planting poppies to sell drugs is an addition.

On the spot, they smeared a little white powder on their hands, mysteriously asked Li Mingli, do you know why their goods, the flavor is so positive.

Li Mingli reacted violently, stammered and asked, is it because their poppies, is planted in the …… two people suddenly laughed, said he guessed well, people grow out of the body is the most fresh, the most on the flavor.

Li Mingli heard this, and is afraid, and awe, kowtowed again and again, please these two “masters” to save his life.

In the end, the two men seemed unable to withstand Li Mingli’s pleas and told him to go home and wait for news.

After a week or so, the two men came to his door and mysteriously slipped him a suitcase.

Li Mingli asked what was inside.

The two people told him, here is loaded with their compulsion to refine a female corpse, very spiritual, so that Li Mingli do not open, otherwise the compulsion climbed out, will be drilled into his seven orifices, eat clean his flesh and blood.

Box do not see the sun, do not see water, hidden in the deepest part of the bed, every day pillow sleep.

When the pillow full half a month, dreaming to see a strange woman to talk to him, this thing will be accomplished.

The “hanging head” in the box will recognize him as the master, help him as a ghost, and bless him.

In the end, they charged Li Mingli more than 20,000 dollars for the box, and said that they were half-selling and half-giving it away to see if he was destined to save his life.

“Do you believe it?

“I asked Lao He when we were having dinner.

“I don’t fucking believe it.

“Lao He skimmed his mouth, “is a piece of difficult to gnaw bones, today he spoke that behavior, I know, the old oil, the next work, I guess it will be busy for a while.

“I rarely cooperate with the work of the public security organs, their business is also very curious, so immediately took the position, what to do, he despite orders.

Lao He said that the first and foremost step now is to line up Li Mingli’s interpersonal relationships, both inside and outside of prison.

In view of the body death time is too long, may also need to line up to 10 years ago his first two prison file material, try to see if you can and forensic identification side of the two-pronged approach, as soon as possible to determine the identity of the deceased.

Only know who exactly is in the box, to pry open the mouth of Li Mingli.

  1. Li Mingli’s network of relationships, said complex and complex, said simple, but also again simple.

He was born in 1978, elementary school education level, parents at home, there is a sister, is the alarm Li Zhen.

Li Zhen and Li Mingli’s relationship, in fact, is not good.

In her opinion, Li Mingli has long been spoiled by his patriarchal parents.

40 years old, drug abuse, theft, provoking trouble, the light of the prison on three occasions, half a lifetime did not live into a personal style.

Now the old family house is facing demolition, the parents in the home splashing and rolling, saying that the old house is left to the biological son, even if the demolition, the compensation money must be given to the son.

If Li Zhen did not go to prison to talk to his brother about this matter, it is intentionally want to covet their old couple’s coffins.

This is why Li Zhen came a long way to visit the prison.

Li Mingli has been in prison for three years on charges of drug trafficking and was sentenced to seven years.

In the reception room, Li Zhen through the glass, saw Li Mingli wearing blue and white prison clothes.

Looking at the stubble on Li Mingli’s face and his overly old face due to drug use, her heart did not sympathize, but inexplicably a trace of vengeance like pain.

Li Zhen and Li Mingli briefly introduced the demolition of the family’s old house, and conveyed the meaning of the family’s old couple.

To Li Zhen’s surprise, Li Mingli did not ask more questions about the house or compensation.

Just when Li Zhen was ready to put down the microphone in his hand, Li Mingli as if he remembered something, as if nothing had happened, added: “By the way, the attic south of the house under the bed of the things that can not be used, you deal with it, are some miscellaneous, do not need to be organized, thrown away.

“After leaving from the prison, Li Zhen thought of his brother’s words, did not go home first, but back to the old mansion, up to the attic, began to turn under the bed.

What I didn’t expect to turn up were two corpses.

Back to his younger brother, Li Mingli, he began to contact drugs in 1996, drug use more than 20 years, is a no-nonsense old drug addict.

He worked and sold drugs for a living, basically no serious friends, in addition to his parents, even relatives avoided him.

Most of the time, he lives alone.

But at the same time, he came into contact with the drug trafficking industry chain, gangs and gangs of evil forces are extremely complex, but anyone who can inquire about him and call him brother and brother, either has also come in, or is simply a roving criminal wanted by the police, want to dig out from the mouths of these people the origins of a corpse more than a dozen years ago, how easy it is?

I agreed with Lao He that he would first bring a few people to start the investigation from Li Mingli’s family.

I was responsible for reporting to the prison leadership, organizing manpower to check the prison files and prisoners who knew him well, to see if there was a breakthrough that could be unearthed.

About Li Mingli’s information, in fact, is not much, he is three times in prison, respectively in 1998, 2003 and 2017, three times in prison, the charges were theft, provocation and intentional injury, and this time the drug trafficking.

The first two incarcerations were not carried out in our prison, but this time when he was incarcerated, all the previous materials were combined, and we repeatedly reviewed them nearly 10 times without missing a single line, but we also did not find any possible clues about the body at all.

As for the prisoners’ confessions, other prisoners in the cell block claimed that Li Mingli was usually quiet and seldom communicated with them, not even one that could be considered a friend, and that they didn’t know any of Li Mingli’s personal affairs.

The prison investigation has reached a stalemate, and Lao He has also encountered obstacles.

Li Mingli’s parents are both agitated, claiming that their son would never kill anyone, while his sister Li Zhen is stumped.

In addition to their close relationship, Li Mingli has an ex-wife who has been divorced for nearly 20 years.

Lao He they found this ex-wife, but the ex-wife said, the two divorced because Li Mingli idle all day long, gambling, drinking, and come back to beat her.

They have no children, less than two years of marriage is divorced, she does not know any situation after the divorce Li Mingli, please police do not come back to disturb her life now.

Just when we were at a loss, there at the Forensic Identification Center, there was good news.

The DNA test of the 5. adult corpse hadn’t yet yielded results, but the stillborn fetus, was tested first.

According to the report, complete DNA typing was successfully detected on the bones of the fetus.

Although not directly compared to the data in the DNA database, but with Li Mingli’s DNA sampling comparison test found that it is parent-child relationship.

In other words, the aborted fetus, is Li Mingli’s biological son.

–But how could a corpse give birth to a dead baby that was related to Li Mingli?

The moment I saw the result, my mind violently flashed back to the horror stories I had read as a child.

In ancient times, there was the marriage of the dead. Some poor families, who couldn’t afford to marry a living daughter-in-law, found the family of a dead girl, put together some silver money, and married the dead girl, and even caved in.

There is a family, married to a dead girl, placed in the home, but a few months later, but found that the female body’s stomach is more and more bulging, as if pregnant in October, swollen up high.

The family was afraid, they wanted to rebury the body, into the ground, but before they had time to move the body, but heard the body’s stomach, like rats grinding their teeth like the sound of stealing gnawing.

They thought that there are rats drilled into the stomach of the corpse, built a nest, so that the stomach so bulging, so bold, pick up a broom, began to beat the corpse, want to drive the rats from the inside out.

As a result, I didn’t expect that after two taps, the sound of a baby crying came from inside.

Not long after, the female corpse’s stomach, surprisingly, was bitten out of a hole.

Inside, a baby lying there, hand still grasping the female corpse stomach flesh, small mouth small mouth nibbling …… this cause me great childhood shadow of the story, the title is called – “Yin fetal”.

  1. Lao He naturally never believe in these messy things.

(I don’t believe in it either, but I can’t help but think about it in my head.

) With the forensic identification results, he directly set the direction of the follow-up investigation, the deceased must be a heterosexual partner who had an intimate relationship with Li Mingli.

With the report in hand, Lao He arraigned Li Mingli for the second time.

In fact, during our investigation, the public security has not relaxed the interrogation of Li Mingli, but Li Mingli’s mouth is very strict, either a whole day does not speak, or bite the bullet and say that the body is he bought back.

There is no conclusive evidence, the public security also take him no way.

Lao He this time, is aimed at exposing him to go.

He did not say two words, directly in front of Li Mingli’s face, the appraisal report slapped on the table in front of him.

Li Mingli did not move, not even moving his eyelids.

Lao He leaned on the back of the chair with his arms folded, his eyes like a knife cut in the face of Li Mingli, said: “The identification report came out, the child in the box, is your own son, what do you say?

“Li Mingli lowered his head, half of his face buried in the shadow, his body motionless, like a stone sculpture covered with dust.

“Still want to play deaf and dumb?

Now the evidence is clear, the dead child is your son, Li Mingli! The corpse is your girlfriend! What else do you want to deny?

“Lao He stared at Li Mingli with a stern voice, as if he were an angry lion.

After a long moment of silence, Li Mingli suddenly opened his mouth, “Give me a cigarette.

“If you’ve explained everything, I’ll let you smoke enough today.

“Smoke first.

“Li Mingli said these two words and closed his mouth tightly.

Lao He stared at him for two seconds, beckoned, a young police officer at the door turned to leave, after a while, brought half a pack of cigarettes.

Lao He drew out one, to Li Mingli in his mouth, personally lighted him, said: “This one, after smoking, you explain the situation, you easy, we also close the case off, we do not give anyone to add to the blockage.

“Li Mingli did not nod his head, did not shake his head, so muffled smoking, the interrogation room for a time can hear the needle, only Li Mingli’s breathing and tobacco ignited the faint sound of burnt rolls.

After a few moments, Lao He seemed a little impatient.

“Can you talk now?

” His face sank like water, and he knocked on the corner of the table disgruntledly.

Li Mingli took a deep breath, casually spat out the remaining half of the butt of the cigarette roll, his voice hoarse, slowly said, “…… That corpse, I bought it back.

“Lao He heavy slap on the table, the whole person stood up violently:” Li Mingli, you fucking trick me?

“I really bought it.

“You bought back a corpse with your own son in its belly?

“Lao He laughed in anger.

Li Mingli didn’t laugh, he slowly raised his head, leaning forward slightly, his forehead veins bulging, I could even see the corners of his eyes were covered with reddish blood, he just looked at Lao He, and said one word by one word, “What I bought back is only a woman’s corpse.

There’s no child at all.

“What did you buy a woman’s body for?

“”What else can I do, of course it is …… hehehe ……” He licked his lips, as if he wanted to laugh, but also as if he was too nervous to laugh, and his eyes showed a lewd meaning.

Lao He could not help but fall silent.

“I lay her under the bed, and when I can’t sleep at night, I take her out.

” “Afterward I pack her up again and stuff her in a suitcase.

As you know, I’m the only one …… in the house,” his gasps grew louder and his eyes grew redder, like some kind of twisted beastly creature, hissing from the depths of his throat.

“It was just such a ‘toy’ that I let my sister take care of …… it.

And now you tell me …… that she has given birth to a child?

Or is it my own child?

” 7. Almost overnight, the story that the body of the woman Li Mingli was hiding had given him a ‘nether child’ spread through the bureau.

Of course, everyone did not believe in it, for example, I swore that it was a feudal superstition and could not have happened, and that it was purely a lie by Li Mingli, and at the same time, during the dinner time, I colorfully told several big sisters in the office about the various legends about the marriage of the dead and the fetus of the dead, which scared them and made them yell.

So much so that after work at night, when I drove back to the dormitory from the trail by myself, I felt a chill down my neck, and my heart was so weak.

–For this, I was criticized by the prison leadership, who said that the story had spread from the public security to the prison, and that the source of the rumor was that I had started a rumor in someone else’s unit, telling a bunch of ghost stories to scare the lesbians, which had seriously tarnished the positive image of our prison system.

When the leader scolded me, spittle flying: “I knew it as soon as I heard, this shit in addition to your kid, no one else can do it, you do not give me sophistry! I nodded my head as if pounding garlic, and apologized again and again.

But do not believe it, as long as the real identity of the body a day to find out, Li Mingli bit the bullet and said he did not kill, the body is from the southwest region to buy back the “toy”.

Lao He is the heart of the fire, think Li Mingli not only full of lies, but also made up this kind of ghost to humiliate his intelligence, but then come to the fire are useless, the body is too long dead, the coroner’s Office of the delayed identification of the results of what no evidence, he can only be with Li Mingli there to dry consumption, try to pry from his mouth to the words.

In the case once again into a stalemate, and is this incredible stalemate, we did not expect, to solve the case brought a decisive progress, but also the prison.

The prison before the year incarcerated Li Mingli.

At that time, one of the deputy supervisors in charge of him, after learning about the situation, took the initiative to call us and provided an unexpected piece of information.

He said that he had spoken to Li Mingli when he was admitted to the prison at that time, and that Li Mingli had said that, after intentionally injuring someone, he had fled the scene and, instead of hiding back at home for fear of getting his parents into trouble, he had hidden at his then-girlfriend’s house.

That is, he had had a girlfriend in 2002 or so, after his divorce and before he went to prison for the second time.

  1. Based on this clue, the police immediately began to investigate, in 2003, what Lee Myung-ri had done before he went to prison.

The investigation came out quickly, and the report showed that he had just been released from jail at that time, less than two years later, and instead of going back to his hometown, he went to work in a city next door.

The police found Li Mingli’s residence before his arrest, which was a very dilapidated rental house in the old city, and when the police turned around and found the landlord, the landlord even had an impression of Li Mingli, saying that he had indeed rented a room in his own place for one or two years in 2001 and 2002.

Li Mingli is not living alone, there is indeed a girl, and he shared the rent.

But things have gone on for so long, the landlord does not remember what the girl’s name, what she looks like.

So finding out the identity of that girl became the most critical issue.

Lao He went to Li Mingli’s parents’ home once again.

Li Mingli’s parents are still the same, either crying, or to drive away the old He, denied that their son in the divorce also had a girlfriend, claiming that the police to beat into a trick, his son is wrongly accused.

Lao He noticed that in Li Mingli parents, Li Mingli’s sister Li Zhen, standing in the corner, did not say a word, extraordinarily silent.

After two days, Lao He found an opportunity to interview Li Zhen alone.

Li Zhen obviously know something, but very hesitant to say.

Lao He to know the pros and cons, repeatedly do a few hours of ideological work, and finally finally impressed Li Zhen, let her speak out.

She said that her brother did date a girlfriend after his first incarceration.

But she did not know when her brother and his girlfriend broke up, because later Li Mingli second prison, she never heard of the girl, and Li Mingli released, and then did not mention the girl, so she defaulted to the two in the second prison Li Mingli broke up, after so many years, before a moment did not think about that.

Lao He quickly asked, do you know what the girl’s name.

Li Zhen said heard his brother said, the girl called Wang Xue.

Lao He immediately based on this clue, began to track down, not long, the results came out.

In 2008 and 2010, there was a family, that is, in the city of Li Mingli working, respectively, two police, claiming that their daughter Wang Xue disappeared, but there is no clue, then the police as a missing person treatment, recorded, did not continue to pursue the matter.

In order to determine whether the two Wang Xue is the same person, Lao He hoofed it, and led the people to the home of the alarm.

Asked, the family very sure to tell Lao He, their daughter, is Li Mingli’s ex-girlfriend.

About 2001, Wang Xue in the social mixing, accidentally met Li Mingli, who had just been released from prison.

The two soon got together, and Wang Xue’s family was strongly opposed to their relationship.

Wang Xue already had a bad relationship with her family, and after a lot of fuss, she completely left home, cut off relations with her family, and moved to live with Li Mingli.

Wang Xue’s parents have three children, Wang Xue is the second, there is an older brother on top, Wang Xue grew up with bad grades, but also do not like the family, the parents were angry, did not stop her, as if they had never had this daughter.

The results did not expect, to 2003, Li Mingli because of drunken fighting with people, stabbing people with beer bottle fragments again in prison, and even before going to prison, but also by Wang Xue brought home to hide for a period of time.

Wang Xue’s parents after learning the truth, furious, ordered his daughter and Li Mingli cut off relations, Wang Xue under the excitement, once again ran away from home, but also changed the cell phone number and contact information, only every one or two years to give his brother a phone call to report a peace.

Wang Xue’s brother said she last called back in 2006.

After another two years, Wang Xue had no news, as if evaporated.

Wang Xue’s parents then worried, in the Spring Festival of 2008, went to the police once, and then nothing.

Another two years later, the police again, or can not find people, which died this heart.

This 10 years down, the whole family in fact has long defaulted Wang Xue has not been alive.

But now hear the news that may have found the body of Wang Xue, Wang Xue’s parents showed great excitement.

They said that when their daughter disappeared, they also suspected Li Mingli, but, for one thing, Li Mingli three years in prison, 2006 was released, and the daughter has long been away from home, two Wang Xue said on the phone with his brother, she and Li Mingli has long been no contact, and they later looked for Li Mingli, Li Mingli is also this statement, they did not think in this direction, just as the daughter is with the family The girl is not willing to go home because she is gambling with her family.

After obtaining consent, Lao He took the blood samples of Wang Xue’s parents and brought them back to the forensic center to compare the DNA of the dead baby with that of the deceased.

The results came out, the match was a perfect fit, the dead man in the box, is Wang Xue himself.

  1. In front of the iron evidence, Li Mingli long speechless.

Lao He repeatedly interrogated him several times, the last time, finally broke through his psychological defense.

Li Mingli admitted that he killed his then girlfriend Wang Xue in a momentary lapse of judgment in 2007.

Li Mingli said, at that time, he completed his sentence out, did not expect Wang Xue is still waiting for him, the two people soon rekindled the old love, live together again.

Li Mingli did not have a formal job, rely on the outside fooling around to earn some money, the family’s expenses basically rely on Wang Xue odd jobs to earn back.

At the time of the incident, Wang Xue was already more than 7 months pregnant.

That night, Li Mingli drug addiction, took the last of the family’s living expenses, to go out to buy drugs, Wang Xue disagreed, dead to discourage, but has almost lost his mind Li Mingli, hard by strangling Wang Xue’s neck and hit the back of the head, she knocked her down to the ground, and then took the money and left home.

In the middle of the night, after he returned from his drug-taking, he found that he was greeted by a cold body on the ground.

In order to cover up his crime, Li Mingli the next day to go to a faraway place, looking for a shopping mall to buy a big box back, and then the body of Wang Xue wrapped in layers of plastic wrap, stuffed into the box, looking for two so-called friends, to help him to drive a car with the suitcase, back to his hometown together.

Li Mingli said, in fact, what he said at the beginning, are true.

He really met two southwestern locals when he was on drugs, and really heard them say this exorcism method, but their bodies were sold too expensive, he did not have the money to buy.

So after killing Wang Xue, he remembered this method, originally he wanted to just throw the body into the river, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a waste, anyway, there were ready-made corpses, so why not just try it?

What’s more, when he thought about it, in Wang Xue’s stomach, she was still carrying his child, which was considered a bloodline.

According to those two southwesterners, it was good ‘material’.

In fact, he was not willing to let Wang Xue get pregnant and give birth to a child, he did not have any feelings for the child, but instead he felt that it was too much of a waste of money to raise a child, it was just Wang Xue’s insistence on having a child.

For him, it was a blessing in disguise.

Instead of doing anything about it, he actually stuffed the suitcase directly under the bed, looking forward to the day when he dreamed of Wang Xue in his dreams.

He said, this is Wang Xue’s life, when alive, to give him children to do housework, dead, also have to make money for him to exorcise the evil spirits, as a human being and a ghost, can not be avoided.

The only thing he really doesn’t know is why the bodies in the box turned out to be two.

Whether it was when he killed Wang Xue, or when he wrapped the body, it was clear that there was only Wang Xue alone, and the child was not born at all.

Later, or Lao He told me that the cause of this situation, may be after the death of labor.

I want to ask more detailed, but he waved his hand, a look of a difficult to say, not willing to talk to me again, let me go back to the Internet to check, however, he suggested that I still do not get to the bottom of the good.

I said, pestered for half a day, he sighed, told me, after death, the abdominal cavity hoarded crazy breeding bacteria, will produce a large number of corruption gas, and these gases will make the human body expand dramatically, forming the so-called “giant view”.

They have been handling cases for many years and have long gotten used to seeing it, but for people like us who have little experience, one look at it can make us vomit out our overnight meal.

As for delivery after death, is one of the more special cases, when the deceased is pregnant, the corrupt gas squeezes the uterus, the original belly of the unformed fetus, hard to push out a little bit.

The whole process is too frightening and horrifying. In ancient times, when someone witnessed this scene, the story of the “netherworldly fetus” of “giving birth to a child after death” was spread.

  1. Since then, I have never seen Li Mingli.

I heard that he was finally sentenced to life imprisonment because of the seriousness and nature of the murder, as well as the hiding of the body, and instead of continuing in our prison, he changed the place where he served his sentence.

His parents went to make trouble a few times, from the Public Security Bureau to the court, claiming that their son is innocent, honest since childhood, it must be Wang Xue that dead woman, hooked up with his son, only to scourge his son into this, that woman died is not wrong, wrong is their poor son.

Later, when they heard that Li Mingli may be sentenced to death or life, simply fell directly to the ground, while rolling in tears, while threatening suicide, trying to force the court to acquit their son.

The court did not have time to pay attention to them, because when they said that Wang Xue is a bitch deserved to die, aside Wang Xue’s parents and brother rushed over in a rage, almost tore their mouths, but fortunately there are bailiffs to stop, so as not to let the scene of a major casualty accident.

Finally, this farce to the police enforcement, sent back to their hometown, ordered not to go back to make trouble, or else detained or even sentenced to deal with the end.

After that, they didn’t dare to make trouble outside.

The only thing they can do is to keep on, never-ending in the home, shouting, using all the most vicious words to abuse their own daughter Li Zhen.

They said that she had sent her own brother to prison with her own hands, and that she was not a human being, but an evil spirit who had lost her humanity.

I think, with such parents, Li Mingli will go on such a path is not surprising at all.

Perhaps Li Zhen is the only one in this family who still has humanity.


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