What happened to those who were mistresses or mistresses?

What happened to those who were mistresses or mistresses?

My college boyfriend, who is 31 years older than me, has a wife and children. He drives a Maserati and gives me a card with a 20 watt cash limit every month.

He drove a Maserati, gave me a card with a 20w withdrawal limit every month, and I was in his villa with a butler when other people were still living in four-bedroom dormitories.

I was 23 years old at the time, and I wanted to have a normal relationship where I could get married.

(This story is based on a true experience.) When I was in my 23rd year of life, I said to Mr. Zheng, “Let’s break up our relationship.

When I said “let’s break up”, I was not sure because I knew that I was not a “girlfriend”.

My “ex”, Mr. Cheng, was thirty-one years older than me.

He had a family, but they were all abroad, and I was never wronged in the three years I was with him.

On my 23rd birthday, Mr. Zheng was unavailable and gave me a five-digit red packet.

He sent me a voice message saying that he would be home at ten o’clock.

He said he would be home at ten o’clock, so I needed to be in his villa by that time, showered, dressed, and doing whatever he liked to do with him.

That night, however, I was preoccupied with whatever I was doing.

He saw it and asked me if I was preoccupied.

I nodded and said, “I want to get married.

“I nodded and said, “I want to get married.

I nodded and said, “Yes, let’s split up.

Member Privileges Unlocked Salt Selection Columns Worth ¥19.90 He didn’t say anything, so I knew that he had taken a leap of faith.

Before, I would have rubbed myself as softly as I could into his arms and whispered, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

But this time I didn’t.

He got up in his robe, took a bottle of wine, poured half a glass and had a drink.

“What do you have without me?

“He spoke softly, but with authority.

Yes, if it wasn’t for Mr. Zheng, I wouldn’t be here today.

I am a single parent, and coming to this city to study at a two-university was the best way out my mother could give me.

The day she sent me to school, it was the first time in her life that she took the subway and saw the towering buildings.

She said, “It’s good that you’re going to put down roots here and bring me with you.

I like this place too, there are luxury cars here, a store with bags worth tens of thousands of dollars, nostalgic cuisine and French restaurants only found in movies, and the richest people in the country.

But I can’t stay here.

My brother, who graduated from my university here, earned only 4,000 dollars a month, but the cheapest house in the city cost 40,000 dollars a square foot.

Later, when I was working part-time in a bar, I met Mr. Zheng.

He wore a Richard Mille watch, his face was older but cleanly groomed, his suits were well-fitted, his body showed signs of exercise, and although he drank, his behavior was still gentle and restrained.

He was my perfect target.

I gave Chen a big red packet and told her that if the guests at table 37 asked me to accompany them, I would be there.

That night, I sat next to Mr. Zheng, but I was always laughing and drinking with another guest.

This is how Chen taught me. She said that if you want to seduce someone, you have to leave your back to that person so that he cannot get it.

She said, “The person you are with is not the person you are flirting with.

You have to get the person you’re with drunk, and then stand in the alley in the parking lot at night, without a jacket, the colder the better, and wait for the person you want to tease to take the initiative to drive you to the car.

“That night, it was drizzling.

I waited for Mr. Zheng’s car from around midnight until three o’clock in the morning.

Later he told me that he knew I was waiting for him.

He knew I was waiting for him.

He said he doesn’t like girls who are so purposeful.

But when the rain came down, he saw that I wasn’t waiting, and his heart softened.

I was not yet 20 years old, and I was riding in a Maserati for the first time and living in a villa for the first time.

Mr. Zheng gave me a card that I could spend as much as I wanted and had a 2 million dollar withdrawal limit.

I calculated that if I spent the full amount every month, in a little over two years, I would be able to buy a small two-bedroom house in the city and bring my mother over.

But I wouldn’t do that, I couldn’t afford to be ungrateful.

From then on, I accompanied Mr. Zheng on business trips, traveled, and attended cocktail parties.

Sometimes I didn’t come back to school for weeks at a time.

Last year, I officially withdrew from school.

The doctor who stamped my name looked me up and down, and her eyes were so hot that I felt like I had been stripped of my expensive dress in an instant.

She smiled with her mouth tilted and said, “You really don’t need the credentials anymore.

I thought that my own carefulness was enough to keep this kind of life going.

There was nothing wrong with being around Mr. Cheng. I could treat him as my own “boyfriend” and enjoy the “relationship” for myself.

I continued to indulge in this fantasy until two weeks ago, when Mr. Cheng had a new lover.

A girl who is younger than me.

That’s what the butler told me.

He showed me a photo of the girl, who was taller than me but had the face of a teenager, a small star in the Decade.

The butler said, “Mr. Zheng is starting a film company this year, so there will be plenty of girls like that.

I know.” “I know.

“Also, Mr. Zheng is going abroad for about a week, so he won’t be taking you with him this time.

“As he said this, the flirtation in his voice grew stronger, “You can stay here during this time.

“That night I lay alone in the largest master bedroom of Mr. Zheng’s villa and did not sleep a wink.

Yes, Mr. Zheng was not my “boyfriend”.

Mr. Zheng is my boss.

Mr. Zheng is my boss. He and I have an employment relationship.

He can hire one, hire more, or fire me at any time without any reason.

I went into the bathroom, turned the shower on as high as it would go, and cried.

It was then that I understood Chen’s words.

“For people like us, the age of 23 is a hurdle.

“I am 23 years old this year.

I am 23 years old this year,” she said. “When you graduate from undergraduate school, you are 23 years old, and after that, you are out of shape.

You don’t have that quality anymore, no matter how hard you take care of yourself, no matter how innocent you are.

Age doesn’t fool me.

“But boarders always like the young ones.

“I think it’s because I’ve found another girl,” he laughed as he took a sip of wine, “and you’re still jealous.

“Just one drink.

Just one drink and he regained his composure. Yes, I don’t seem to matter to him at all, right?

I think I don’t matter to him at all.” “Right, you’re 23 now, and you’ve been very understanding these years.

You’ve been very understanding these years. You’re not like those girls who always want to marry me.” “Thank you, Mr. Cheng.

“Thank you, Mr. Cheng.” He sat down next to me.

“He sat down beside me and pressed his hands on my legs.

“What are your next plans?

I would like to go on a trip to …….” “Okay, since you’ve decided to go on a trip, I’d like to go on a trip.

“Okay, since you have decided to leave, go to the housekeeper’s office tomorrow to get some money and I’ll treat you to a meal tonight.

“I nodded my head.

Indeed, I needed his severance pay.

He thought for a moment, “Do you want me to make arrangements?

“I shook my head.

I shook my head. “So, you’ll still be in Shenzhen from now on, won’t you?

“Seeing that I did not reply, he added, “I don’t mean anything else, I just thought we might get together again.

“I certainly didn’t misunderstand what he meant.

I certainly did not misunderstand his meaning. What else can we get together at any time, other than getting a room?

I was silent, not refusing or outright agreeing.

“I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Sleep well, I have a meeting in the morning, don’t forget to make me breakfast.

“On the second day, I moved out of Mr. Cheng’s villa.

He gave me a huge severance package, and with the money I had saved over the years, I was able to come up with 2 million dollars, which was enough for me to live in this city for ten years.

But not enough to settle down.

This is probably the reason why Mr. Zheng said “those girls” want to marry him.

After a few years of working as an elementary school teacher, I still couldn’t stay.

I called Sister Chen and had a long conversation.

She said, “Do you really think you can settle down in a big city after a few years of being an elementary school teacher?

Don’t dream, my sister. Our bodies and faces are not worth as much as those pieces of land, so we have to continue to work hard,” she said.

“But don’t worry, you don’t have to do all the work. The most important thing to do is to find someone who can work for you and marry him.

“Ms. Chen was the manager of the bar where I worked part-time, and she always took good care of me.

She said that I did not look like a girl who would come to work in such an area, “I am a bit concerned about the way you dress like them.

“She said that she was also doing this at that time, even more than me.

In those days, when the Internet was still very slow to load pictures, there were few channels for board members to find beautiful women, so a girl of Chen’s stature became more and more precious, and board members bought her jewelry and bags and took her on trips all over the world.

But no one married her.

“You have to go ashore, as soon as possible.

“After she and Mr. Zheng parted, she said to me, “Youth is the greatest capital for people like me, and if you marry a day later, you lose a day’s worth of capital.

“But it’s not hard to get married, especially not for us.

So don’t drink here every day. I don’t have any good men here. You have to go out and catch them.” “Sister Chen told me to go on a trip abroad.

“Chen told me to travel abroad, to the U.S., or to Europe, where airfare is expensive and accommodation costs are high.

At least one group of people who were too poor could be screened out by airfare.

Then, I looked at an island in Australia called Tasmania, which is a small island with a small center.

It’s a small island with a small center.

Not only because it was romantic, but also because it was far away.

The further away I was, the more I felt that I could get away from all my past with Mr. Cheng.

In Tasmania, I met Mr. Chu.

04⸺Zhu Zhenzhe Xu Lele is the most perfect girl friend I have ever dated.

She was a girl I met during my graduation trip to Australia.

The day I met her was like a fairy tale.

There is an island in Australia called Tasmania, and the whole island is in the shape of an eclair, which is one of the most sacred places for tourists in Australia.

I had spent more than a year in Australia studying my studies, and I was too busy to fall in love, so I was looking forward to meeting someone along the way.

Luckily, there was Xu Lele in the Chinese tour I had booked.

I was sitting in the back row of the bus and watched the girl get on the bus and sit in the third row by the aisle.

The mere fact that Xu Lele took the first few steps from the bus to her seat was enough to make me smile.

She wore a light halter-top with shoulder-length hair, and a pair of tight cowboy pants, with her ankles peeking out from between the pants and her sneakers in a way that was barely big enough to hold.

Her face was pure and innocent, her eyes resembling those of Zhao Ling-chan from “The Legend of the Immortal Sword and the Chivalrous Lady” a few decades ago.

I am not a shy person, so while the crowd was still small, I said a quick two-thirds in my heart and got up to sit next to the young lady.

I talked to her for the whole bus ride around the island.

Of course, we didn’t keep talking.

I teased her and asked her basic information seemingly offhandedly, and of course, she cooperated.

She is a Southern girl, 22 years old, graduated from a 985 university in China, a bisexual, likes Japanese fireplace, and works as a politician in Shenzhen.

She just got married.

In travel, love is quick.

That evening, on this center-shaped island in Tasmania, she and I, who had known each other for less than five hours, stood at the junction of the sea and the beach and held each other’s hands.

She had changed into a white dress, a straw hat, and a small white flip-flop, and the sea lifted her skirt up, creating a slender and soft silhouette in the moonlight, like a flashback to the main characters in the end of a Japanese anime.

She was too good to be 20.

After Tasmania, we traveled to many places in Australia.

Each time, Xu Lele would organize all the schedules in advance, checking every place to visit, booking flights and hotels or hostels.

She would think about whether there was enough sleep in the itinerary and whether there was enough food in the food and drink, and she would mind if I wore my coat to bed and order me to go to bed early.

She woke up earlier than me every day.

The way she made breakfast in her nightgown was so seductive.

I thought that she was the girl I liked, someone I could be with for a lifetime.

I thought that if our relationship could be stabilized for even half a year, I would be able to propose to her.

However, the day before I returned to Japan, she suddenly said to me, “Let’s get married.

“I froze for a moment, feeling very confused and anxious, “Marriage?

Xu Lele nodded, “Marry me.” “Are you serious?

I nodded, “Marry me.” “Are you serious?

We have only known each other for 20 days.

“Seventeen days and seven hours, but I think I’m ready to marry you.

I’ll give you two months to think about it, and if you do, take me to your mother’s.” On the second day, Xu Lelei said, “I’m serious.

“On the second day, Xu Lele returned home alone.

Since she had booked all the flights and schedules, I did not have a ticket to go back to China.

For the next two months, Xu Lele did not let me see her again.

However, the less I saw her, the more I remembered the kindness she had shown me.

I remembered all the moments in our daily life together.

We went to the cliffs together to see the sunrise over the easternmost part of Australia, we posed for the poster of Titanic together, we went to the Great Barrier Reef to dive, and she kissed me with the oxygen tube 20 feet below the water, we went to a fireplace and forced me to sing in a closed cave with thousands and thousands of “starlights”.

“Sing what, sing a good song?

“I asked her.

She raised her hand and pointed, “Look at all the fireflies in their country, there is not a single one in fire, so it is not appropriate for you to sing that.

“She thought for a while, “Or what?

“She thought about it for a while, “Let’s do it for children.

“Isn’t that out of place?” “Suddenly I want to hear you sing.

“Suddenly I want to hear you sing.

“I don’t think I could have met a nicer girl than her.

After two months of waiting, we met again at the place where we had arranged to meet.

I bought a two hundred thousand dollar diamond and got down on my knees and said, “Marry me.

“She burst into tears and suddenly knelt down and hugged me so much that she couldn’t breathe.

She said sell the ring, I don’t need this.

I don’t need this. “If only you love me, I’m in love, I’m in love.

“At that time, it was the Spring Festival.

I brought Xu Lele to my family’s house in Northeast China and let her attend the family banquet.

All the people loved her.

She was beautiful, had a nice voice, and did everything in a big way.

She accompanied my mother in making dumplings and was more skillful than my mother in rolling out the dough.

At the drinking table, she didn’t drink, but she listened to all the drunken conversations with a smile on her face, and then she picked up the table, washed the dishes, and did all the household chores as if she were the head of the family.

My mother said, “If such a good looking girl can be like this, why do you want to be a woman?

My second aunt said, “Where are you going to settle down?

If you don’t have money to buy a house, ask your aunt to sponsor you! My uncle said, “Get a job and make money to support your family, such a nice wife, you can afford it.

There were also a few of my elder brothers and sisters who were jealous and hateful, but they probably loved Xu Lele with all their hearts.

It was the happiest Spring Festival I have ever had in my life.

“But when I looked at my younger siblings, I always thought they looked familiar.

“The one who spoke was my cousin, the oldest in my generation, “Where is my sister-in-law working?

“I answered for Xu Lele.

“I answered for Xu Lele.

I answered for Xu Lele, “I am also in Shenzhen, working as a general assistant.

What do you do?

Xu Lele paused and said, “Oh, I do administration.” “With a bag like this, you can make a lot of money.

“I must be making a lot of money with a bag like this.

“Cousin Xu Lele sipped her drink and said, “Zhengxing Group, Mr. Zheng, do you know him?

“06⸺ Xu Lele Zhu Zhenzhe said that I was the most beautiful girl she had ever met.

But in fact, all the beauty he sees is designed by me.

I noticed him before we got to the bus. He’s tall, clean-cut, slightly gangly, speaks fluent English, and can tell he’s well read.

His clothes are all trendy brands, and his belt is a blue and black-checked Burberry, with no obvious logo, and the price is not too expensive, so he is a young man with good aesthetics, and he is not a rich second generation, but he is not short of money either.

Sister Chen tweeted, “Don’t pick, if you are really a second rich man, you will be able to see through him at first glance.

If you are really a rich man, you will see through him at a glance. The one like him is the best person you can get.

So I waited for him to get on the bus first and watched him sit down before getting on the bus.

The first few steps on the bus I took very slowly on purpose, twisted my ankle on purpose, and then bent down and pressed my ankle with my fingers, showing off my body while pursing my lips and smiling at myself.

Both Ms. Chen and Mr. Zheng said that I look good when I smile.

After the performance, I found an empty seat and waited for him.

He took the bait quite fast.

When he stood next to me, I was deliberately surprised, then moved to the window and gave him the aisle seat.

When he sat down, it was half over.

That night, there was a sea breeze.

I deliberately changed into a tulle dress and put on light makeup that could not be seen in the evening.

As we walked together, I gently rubbed my shoulder against him.

After walking along the shoreline for a little less than a hundred yards, he took my hand.

The rest of the day went exactly as I expected.

I was able to use the good manners that I had developed over the years with Mr. Cheng, I was able to organize schedules, I was able to wash and cook, I was able to smile with my best face in response to any question, I was able to be gentle at all times, and I was able to find the right opportunity in every romantic place to do something that was worthy of my heart’s desires.

Hugs on the cliff, kisses under the water, songs by starlight …… are just tricks.

But they work.

A week later, one day, I accidentally brushed my foot against the back of a table.

The back of my foot bled. It wasn’t deep, but it bled all over the floor.

It was not a big deal, but he was so anxious that he ran out to buy medicine and came back.

When I was applying the medicine, it was a bit painful, and he turned his back for a moment, then turned around and his eyes turned red.

The time that Sister Chen asked me to wait for has come……. He has fallen in love with me.

On the second day, I booked my own ticket back to China, just one.

I said, let’s get married.

He was visibly overwhelmed, but there was surprise in his expression.

There was no mistaking that he wanted to marry me.

“I’ll give you two months to think about it, and if you do, take me to your mother’s.” “Two months?

“Two months?

“Yes, for the next two months, we’re not going to see each other.

We’re in love now, but I want you to have some time to calm down and think.

“Cool what?

I want to make it hard for him.

For two whole months, until he loses his mind.

When I finished, I started packing my bags.

I could see that he was panicking, not wanting me to stop him, but not daring to do so.

In that moment, I was really heartbroken.

I had long lost the strength to love someone, but Zhu Zhenzhe did not. He loved me with his whole being, while I kept looking at him from a cool eye and calculating him.

Two months later, he proposed to me.

I couldn’t help crying.

I said, “It’s wonderful, I’m loved.

Of course I am in love, of course I am in love, I’m in such a state, of course I am in love.

But I said that to Joo Jin Chul.

I had to make him think that I cherished his love.

But my tears aren’t fake. It’s hard on my heart. I feel so guilty.

I’m sorry, Joo Jin-chul.

I’m sorry, Joo Jin Chul. I’m a small child.

But I can’t do anything about it. …… Help me, help me this time, and I will love you for the rest of my life.

Everything was going perfectly until I arrived at Joo Jin Cheol’s house.

Until I went to Zhu Zhenzhe’s family for New Year’s Eve and saw his cousin.

I remember her. She had seen me with Mr. Zheng.

“Zhengxing Group, Mr. Zheng, do you know each other?” “No, I do not.

No.” “I don’t know him.

“Zhu Zhenzhe’s cousin nodded and went off to talk to someone else.

However, during the rest of the dinner, she would glance at me from time to time.

Her eyes were not sharp, but they were enough to make me afraid.

At the end of the dinner, Zhu Zhenzhe was drunk.

I helped him into the house and covered him with a jacket.

Then I heard someone calling me, my cousin.

She said that she was coming from the south and that she liked to drink tea, but she had no company.

“Why don’t you have a cup of tea with me to help me drink?

“All of us gathered for dinner in my great aunt’s villa, and I heard from Mr. Zhu Zhenzhe that this family was the richest in the whole family, and that the cousin in this family was also the most promising.

She was smart, educated, and had a company in Shenzhen.

She called me to the top floor of the villa.

It was a small building, decorated in an antique style, with paintings and calligraphy on the walls, and a tea table in the center, which I was told the cousin had bought herself, but her mother had never had tea here.

It’s just the two of us here,” she said.

“Cousin asked me to sit on the opposite side of the table, and then quietly boiled the water, heated the cups, and made the tea.

After a long time, she put a teacup in front of me and poured it.

“Do you remember me?

“she asked softly.

“Last July, at the charity reception at the Venice Hotel,” I said.

“I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret because I wore a backless dress and spent half the time at the reception with Mr. Zheng on my arm.

When he was slightly drunk, he would rub his hand on my back.

No one who could attend that kind of occasion could fail to see the relationship between us.

My cousin nodded.

“Zhu Zhenzhe, just a few of us are the smallest.

Don’t look at me as handsome, but actually quite honest, and never suffered any bullying.

“I nodded silently.

“We all love him, we don’t want him to suffer.” “I know.

I know.” “You don’t know.

I know.” “You don’t know, how could you know?

You’re an elementary school student, what do you know?” She stared at me, her eyes wide open.

“She stared at me, contempt in her eyes.

I was silent for a long time, thinking about how to convince her to let me continue with Zhu Zhenzhe.

But after thinking for a long time, I realized that all my skills were useless in this situation.

Yes, I can make Zhu Zhenzhe fall in love with me, but I can’t erase my own past, and I’m not qualified to make his family accept a person like that into their home……. “Cousin, Zhu Zhenzhe …… likes me very much,” she said, looking at me coldly.

“She looked at me and suddenly smiled coldly.

“Does he know that you used to be a mistress?

“I couldn’t say anything for a moment.

I couldn’t say anything for a while.” “Come on Xu Lele, don’t lie to Zhu Zhenzhe anymore, leave him, and stay away from our family.

“Zhu Zhenzhe told my family that something was going on at home, so she left my house in the first of January.

But this was not the case.

She was a mistress, and my cousin found out about her.

When my cousin told me about this, she sat with me on a sofa and kept her hand on my shoulder, as if she was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“My family doesn’t know about this, does it?” “They don’t know.

“They don’t know. They seem to like Xu Lele.” I nodded my head.

“I nodded my head.

I nodded, thinking to myself that if my family doesn’t know about this, there’s still room for redemption.

“Cousin, since my family doesn’t know about it, why don’t you pretend you don’t know about it?

“Cousin narrowed her eyes.

“Cousin, I still like her.

What are you saying?” “She has a past.

“She has a past, but who doesn’t?” “She’s a mistress.

“She’s a mistress!” Yes, she has an ex-boyfriend, maybe a little bit more handsome, maybe a little bit richer, but what’s the point?” Cousin suddenly stood up and stared at her.

“Cousin Zhu suddenly stood up, stared at me for half a day, and then poked me hard in the head with her finger.

“Zhu Zhenzhe, you’ve been bewitched by⼈, haven’t you?” In fact, I knew what my cousin was talking about.

Xu Lele told me everything when she came here.

At that time, Xu Lele stood in front of me, very calm.

But my heart felt like it was being clenched so tightly that for a few minutes, I couldn’t say a word.

I wanted to slap her. Although I had never hit a woman from childhood to adulthood, I really wanted to.

But when I raised my hand, I just pressed it against her face for a moment and then lowered it.

She gave me back the ring and said she was sorry for lying to you.

But it’s good that I don’t have to feel guilty about you anymore.

“I may have to go on to the next one, Zhu Zhenzhe, so congratulations on escaping from my demon,” Xu Lele said.

“When Xu Lele said this, her tone was particularly relaxed.

However, she kept wiping her tears with her hands.

As soon as a tear came out, I wiped it away, but it was still there.

I said, “You’re so unprofessional. Isn’t Junior supposed to be the kind of person who puts on a show but never shows any real emotion.

Why the fuck are you crying now?

She said I’ve been flirting with you for a long time, and I’m crying that my own efforts are going down the drain.

With that she picked up her cell phone and deleted my messages.

“I failed. After tonight, we won’t be seeing each other again.” I laughed.

I laughed and said, “You’re so fucking childish.

“I’m sorry. ……” “Don’t say that, it’s so evil.

“She nodded her head and said, “I’ll be there in the morning.

“When she finished, she fell silent.

It was the 30th day of the Chinese New Year and it was already late when we got home.

Mother had gone to bed early and we were silent, neither of us talking, neither of us wanting to go to sleep.

“So, what did you do to tease me, tell me?

“As painful as it was, that night, I learned the truth about everything and all of Hsu Lele’s past.

09⸺After Xu Lele returned to Shenzhen, I rented a room and stayed in for a month.

Ms. Chen came to me with a glass of wine and said, “It’s just one failure, why don’t you leave the house?

We still have to go after men.

She was right, but I don’t know why I am so depressed.

When she saw that I didn’t say anything, she sat down in front of me and looked me straight in the eye.

Suddenly she sighed and said, “Oh, so our Mr. Xu Lele has become obsessed.

“When I heard these words, I felt like I was hit by something.

Tears suddenly started to flow and I couldn’t stop them.

Yes, I didn’t even realize that I was in love with Zhu Zhenzhe.

From the time he ran downstairs like crazy to buy medicine for me?

From the time he knelt down to put a ring on my finger?

Or the time I washed his jacket and he hugged me to say thank you?

Or the tenderness in his eyes every time I was deliberately romantic?

Or perhaps it was the way he touched my face with his hand even after he knew all the truth… It turns out that I can fall in love with someone else, when I’m just barely worthy of it.

But I had already lost him.

Later, Mr. Zheng approached me, saying that he wanted to get together, and that he wanted to give me the jacket that I hadn’t been able to pack last time.

I gave him an address and told him to call the movers.

I didn’t want to see Mr. Zheng again, I didn’t want to have any contact with him.

Half a month later, I found a sales job in a luxury store.

During my years with Mr. Cheng, I had been accustomed to many big brands, and had met many rich wives, so I knew exactly how to sell things to them.

Moreover, I asked around and found that the income from this job was not low, and that if I became a store manager, I would still be able to establish myself in the city and bring my mother to the city.

After about a month, I no longer had insomnia, and I no longer had the nightmares of being exposed by Zhu Zhenzhe’s cousin, spurned by his family, and verbally abused by Zhu Zhenzhe.

Then, Chu Jin-chul came to see me.

That weekend, he knocked on my door, carrying a suitcase.

His face was clean-shaven, but he had bad black eyes.

I said, “How did you find me here?” He didn’t answer me.

He didn’t answer me, but just burst in and hugged me to death.

He said, “I still want to be with you, will you still want me?

He said, “I still want to be with you, will you still want me?

I said, “Are you stupid? Why wouldn’t I want you? ……” Why wouldn’t I want you?

10⸺ Zhu Zhenzhe “So you will still go to her?

” my cousin asked.

I looked at my cousin, “I thought about it all night, and I realized that I still like her.

“A month after Hsu Lok Lok, a woman added me on WeChat.

The verification message was: Do you still like Xu Lele?

I went through the verification process and sent a voice message to the person I was talking to.

That person didn’t answer and sent me an address directly.

That address is the room Xu Lele rented in Shenzhen.

Later I realized that the person who sent me the address was Chen, Xu Lele’s only friend in Shenzhen.

After arriving in Shenzhen, I stayed in Xu Lele’s rented room.

It was the most carefree time of my life.

I quickly found a job and started working from 9 to 6 daily.

We got off the subway together every morning, and she got off two stops before me.

In the evening, she came home earlier than I did and would prepare dinner for me. No matter how late I worked, she would wait for me to get home before she started eating, and sometimes the food had to be reheated several times.

On weekends, we went to the movies together, I went shopping with her, or she went to the gym with me to play basketball.

She would sit on the sidelines of the court and watch me with her elbows on her legs, applauding when I scored, and when I came off the court for a break, she would take out the drinks she had prepared and smile at me with narrowed eyes.

For several months, we didn’t argue, we didn’t point a finger at each other.

We lived like ordinary small couples in a big city, enjoying our lives on a budget and enjoying the fleeting moments when we didn’t have to think about the future.

Of course, I never mentioned her past again.

Nor did she say anything about marriage.

At the end of the year, Shenzhen started to get cold.

Being from the north, I had never experienced the cold here. Sometimes it was even worse in the room than outside, and no matter what kind of clothes I wore, the cold seemed to penetrate.

I came home from work that day, and after dinner I suddenly started to have a headache and a high fever, which scared Xu Lele.

She wanted to go downstairs to buy medicine.

I told her that this was not Australia and that there were takeaways.

She said no, it’s much faster for her than take-out.

Then she ran downstairs like crazy.

She was as anxious as I was back then. After ten minutes, she came back out of breath, carrying four or five kinds of medicine.

After feeding me the medicine, she would boil water and put hot water on my head, and would follow her mother’s example of applying alcohol on my body to dissipate heat.

I am not sure which of these is scientific.

Late at night, my headache stopped.

It had little to do with her method, and was probably due to the cold medicine.

But looking at her as she lay on her side beside me, asleep, I suddenly felt that it would be good to marry her.

May 17, 2016, Sunday, Xu Lele’s birthday.

I was ready to propose.

Flash mobs were popular this year, and there was a video on the Internet of a Japanese couple in which the man had hired a flash mob to propose in a café, and it took a month to prepare.

I thought it was great, but Chen said that Xu Lele would not like it.

If you really want to propose, do it quietly,” said Ms. Chen, “People like me have a dishonorable past.

If you really want to propose, do it quietly.” So I chose a Japanese-style fireplace that was Xu Lele’s favorite restaurant, located in an area that was remote and hard to find, but fortunately there were few people there.

I had been working overtime all day that day, and I wanted to take a vacation, but I didn’t dare to slack off because I thought I would have to spend the rest of the day with Xu Lele.

In the afternoon, I finished most of my work and began to think about the evening when I proposed to Xu Lele.

I sent her a text message saying that I would invite you to dinner today, and that I would wear my favorite dress and makeup that I could send to my friends.

12⸺Xu Lele’s birthday is May 17, 2016, my birthday.

When I woke up in the morning, I made a wish: I wanted to marry Joo Jin-chul.

But I knew that such a wish would be difficult to fulfill.

I had been living with him for a long time, but I had never dared to talk about marriage; I didn’t feel qualified.

It was so good that I became addicted to it, that I didn’t dare to think about the future, and that I was about to forget that I had lied to him and hurt him.

It’s wonderful, like dangerous goods.

That’s why I don’t want to put it off any longer.

If Joo Jin Cheol will leave me one day, then one more day in the present day, the “withdrawal” will be more heartbreaking.

Therefore, no matter how he reacts, I will say today, “I want to marry you.

“He can say no, he can walk away from me again.

But I have to bet on his heart and my happiness for the rest of my life.

During the day, Zhu Zhenzhe went to work late, and I tidied up the house, mopping the floors with the cleaning machine, dry cleaning the carpets, changing the sheets and sofa covers, and washing and drying them……. At 2:00 pm, the sun was shining well, and the air blowing in from the balcony made the whole house smell like liquid soap.

At this time, Zhu Zhenzhe sent me a WeChat message.

He asked me to go to a Japanese-style fireplace to celebrate my birthday.

I laughed and beeped that the restaurant was actually quite expensive.

“Are you going?

“Of course I’m going.

“I changed into the tulle skirt I had worn in Tasmania, put on a small straw hat with flowers, and wore the makeup that had charmed him.

I thought to myself, “Even if my reverse proposal doesn’t work, he probably won’t be able to change his mind if he sees me in this outfit.” But as I was about to leave the house with my head turned down, I heard a knock on the door.

13⸺ Xu Lele, “Who are you?” said a middle-aged woman.

“A middle-aged woman stood at the corner of the door, followed by several men who were very tall.

One of them suddenly asked, “Is that the bitch, sis?” He said this.

“When he said this, I immediately understood.

And then I realized that the middle-aged woman I had seen in Mr. Cheng’s cell phone was his wife abroad.

I wanted to close the door immediately, but just as the lock was about to close, the man in charge suddenly kicked it open again.

The force of the opening was so great that it knocked me to the floor.

Mrs. Zheng slowly paced the room, her high-heeled shoes thudding on the floor.

“Xu Lele, right?

I’m bringing up Zheng Xiong’s children abroad, and you’re selling your assets at home to get to the top.

“Mrs. Zheng said these words with a smile, but I could hear that she already hated me to the core.

But I’ve been separated from Mr. Cheng for a long time. Besides, I’m really not naive enough to think that I can get on top.

“I think you have misunderstood, I ……” I stood up and tried to explain, but before I could finish my sentence, I was slapped down again by the man, and half of my face hurt as if I had done a fire.

Half of my face hurt as if I had done a fire.” “I really didn’t ……” was the first slap, and a certain finger even scratched my eye, and my entire field of vision was suddenly blurred.

Immediately thereafter, without waiting for me to speak again, there were two more slaps.

I saw a drop of grease on my freshly shampooed white carpet.

I thought it was clear.

Sister Chen had told me about this situation.

This is one of the worst situations of being a mistress …… “It’s worse than being caught in the act of adultery, it’s being dragged out to stand in front of the thunder.

“When Mr. Zheng asked for my address, returned my clothes, found out who the landlord was, and threatened to pay my rent for us, none of it was for the sake of rekindling an old relationship with me.

He’s got a new girl, and he’s not in love with me anymore.

He just needed to know where I lived.

He needed me to cover for the mistresses that would come after me, and he would tell Mrs. Cheng that I was his mistress, the only mistress who wanted to get to the top, who seduced him and forced him to divorce.

What else can I explain?

I can’t explain. Mrs. Cheng is coming for me today.

According to Ms. Chen, rich middle-aged people like them seldom get divorced for real. They have a common house, common assets, and most importantly, common children, so Mrs. Zheng came here to catch the adulterer …… “just for the purpose of doing fire.

“After Mrs. Zheng has settled me, and after she has had a fight with Mr. Zheng and vented her anger, she will be able to go back overseas and help Mr. Zheng raise his next generation.

And Mr. Cheng and his wife would not be affected in any way.

Sacrificing me is enough.

“Fight, fight to the death, and Mr. Cheng will take care of you if anything goes wrong.” Just a few men swarmed around me at once. They pulled me up from the ground by my hair, took out their cell phones, and began to taunt and laugh at the same time, all the while smacking my face, tearing my skirt, and spitting water on my body……. This is the price, isn’t it?

It’s just that Joo Jin Chul is still waiting for me, and he’s waiting impatiently, isn’t he?

14⸺ Although Chen told me to keep a low profile, I couldn’t help but buy a gift box of flowers, her favorite snacks and milk tea ……, and a small trinket that I saw at a roadside store: a keychain with a thumb-sized hat with small flowers, just like she wore on that night in Tasmania. But when I got to the fireplace, I was so happy to see her.

However, when I arrived at the fireplace, Xu Lele was not there.

She was never late.

But she’s been working a lot lately, so she probably overslept on the weekend afternoon nap.

I ordered a table of sukiyaki and did not open the fire.

I was enjoying how Xu Lele would react when she saw me propose.

She’ll smile, I think. She looks good when she smiles.

14⸺ Xu Lele and the others were fighting and insulting each other all the time.

But I didn’t even listen to what they were saying.

I kept thinking to myself, “If I see Zhu Zhenzhe, how am I going to get him to marry me?

I have to tell him that I can’t change what happened in the past.

But I want to be with you so much, I want to be with you forever.

I want to be with you forever. ……⸺ Zhu Zhenzhe kept the ring he had bought for Xu Lele in his hand, rehearsing the words of his proposal over and over again in his heart.

Last time, I was a bit hasty and casually got down on my knee.

But this time, there were a lot of things I wanted to highlight.

I want to tell her that I have forgotten the past.

The most important thing is for us to be together and to continue to have a good life together.

So ……16⸺ Will Xu Lele marry me?

17⸺Will Zhu Zhenzhe marry me?

18⸺Xu Lele Those men saved the video and said they would post it on the net.

They took a cigarette break and were finally ready to leave.

At this point, I had lost almost all of my strength and could not do anything to resist.

Suddenly, Mrs. Cheng’s high-heeled shoe stepped on my hand and twisted it forcefully.

It hurt so much that I couldn’t hold back my tears.

After a lot of tears came out of my hands, Mrs. Cheng suddenly pulled out a carving knife from her Hermes bag, saying, “I’ll let you seduce a man again.

“I’ll make you hook up with a man again!” She crouched down and swung her hand so violently that I felt a coldness on my face, followed by a stinging pain, and then a warmth that spread over half of my face.

I knew what had happened……. I stood up with all my strength and glanced at myself in the floor mirror in the living room.

The scar extends from the cheek to the sideburns.

I was disfigured……. I screamed and cried out in pain, but Mrs. Zheng was laughing.

As she laughed, she lifted her daughter up.

I began to beg for mercy, holding the floor with my hands and moving backward little by little.

Mrs. Cheng followed me in a single step, and then swung the submarine. Instinctively, I raised my hands to block it, and we tore at each other, her movements becoming more and more chaotic, and her strength increasing, leaving shallow scratches on my body, which continued for quite a while, when she suddenly stopped her hands.

Immediately afterward, she screamed and began to look at me in panic while backing away.

I lowered my head in the light of her eyes, and realized that the carving knife had already pierced the opening of my chest.

Immediately afterward, I felt that my entire strength was rapidly draining away.

Hey, I can’t marry Jin-chul today.

A few minutes after Mrs. Zheng’s group disappeared, the scene in front of me suddenly began to change. …… In the blackened hallway, tens of thousands of fireflies flickered in the darkened hallway, and I could see those lights moving, converging, and changing. …… They became the turquoise blue sea, the sea of fireflies, and the sea of fireflies. They became the turquoise-blue sea, the reddish sunrise, and the very, very large month on the beach…… turned into the luminescence of Zhu Zhenzhe gazing at me.

“You want to kiss me, don’t you?

” He froze for a moment, then nodded.

I closed my eyes, but I could still feel the warmth of his approach.

It was actually quite cold on that small island, and I was underdressed, so his embrace was so comforting.

Oh, I’ve loved him ever since then.

19⸺Zhu Zhenzhe I saw Xu Lele standing outside the store, her body filthy.

She took one look at me and turned around.

I rushed out to catch up with her.

“Lok Lok!” She didn’t even dare to look back at me when I called out to her.

I caught up with her, turned her around, and held her in my arms.

“Zhenzhe, I’m ……” She still didn’t dare to look up at me, and after just a few words, she burst into tears, shaking all over.

I knew that something had happened to her, but I didn’t dare to ask, I just felt a pang of anxiety.

I said, “It’s okay, it’s okay.

She was still crying.

“Don’t hug me.

“She tried to get away from me.

“Joy …… “Don’t hug me, Jin-chul, I …… am so dirty.

“Marry me.”

” She jerked her head up to look at me and stopped struggling.

“You said …… “I said, marry me.

” half a moment.

She nodded slowly, “Yes.

“Yes?” “Yes,” she said.

“Yes,” she choked back a laugh, “yes.

“Then I will be careful, Xu Lele I tell you, just now I have been scared all day today ……” I did not finish my words, but was blocked by her kiss.

After a long time, the two of us parted.

“Zhenzhe ……” “Huh?

“I want to eat a fireplace.” 20ˠ20ˠ20

“20⸺Joo Jin-chul I woke up with a start and saw that the police were still moving back and forth in the room, surveying all the evidence.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen, fantasizing that Xu Lele would still be making breakfast for me as she did every morning.

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