What kind of girl is so charming?

What kind of girl is deep?

My neighbor, her husband ran away for three days, guessing that there is someone outside, she is not anxious, but also happy.

Recently, her husband had bad luck, the police went to her house, and she didn’t seem to be surprised at all.

Pork price reduction is also to twenty more than a city catty, the price of pork bone is a little better.

Lai Jingqiao carefully flipped two pieces of pork bone, looked at half a day before choosing one of them.

The butcher’s aunty weighed and packed the bones as if she was afraid that the oil on the bones would stain her delicate white fingers.

“Thank you!” Lai Ching Qiao smiled with curved eyes and a friendly demeanor.

Pork bones with corn and carrots in hot pot is nutritious and tasty, and after a walk around the market, both her hands are full, “Buying so many vegetables!” A somewhat older security guard smiled and opened the door for Jing Qiao, “Cooking yourself?

“Anna Qiao did not respond, smiling and nodding her thanks to the security guard.

This is the city’s most expensive real estate, each unit is equipped with a fixed nanny room in the layout, the hostesses are busy with their careers, busy maintaining themselves, busy dating and playing cards, the kitchen is handed over to the nannies, but Anna Qiao always felt that the person who can master the kitchen is the hostess.

“Sister Li is back! The elevator door only opened, a beautiful to exquisite woman and Jing Qiao walked a opposite, compared to those noblewomen, this woman’s face collagen Ming more than people jealous, “Yo, buy so many dishes, your brother-in-law good fortune! The woman joked and walked away.

Jing Qiao into the elevator, turned to look at the back of the woman left, delicate figure with a beige Parker coat, left arm because of the handbag, pulling the sleeve and reveal a section of the wrist.

A limited edition bracelet flashed with dazzling light.

When the elevator closed, Jing Qiao could still smell the scent left by the woman, the taste was somewhat familiar.

“It’s good to be young.

” Jing Qiao sighed from the bottom of her heart, and the corner of her lips, which always maintained a smile, curved into a nice arc.

That woman is the downstairs neighbor of Jing Qiao’s house, named Cao Nanxi, or maybe not called by this name, just that she always loves to call herself by her English name.

At her age can live alone in such a place, compared to other people with half a lifetime of struggle for a layer of flat, really is considered the elite of the elite, not to mention that she is still so young …… Jing Qiao’s home lives on the sixteenth floor, the room pattern is not different from the other units, only the nanny’s room and another room was opened, used to do the checkroom and storage room, cluttered things are put here, so that the other rooms are extraordinarily neat.

Only the male owner, Shen Xian Si’s housecoat was messily thrown on the handrail of the stairs leading to the attic.

The sound of wires pressing over pulleys came from the attic; it was Shen Xian Si working out.

Once a man is over forty, there will be an inexplicable sense of crisis, always want to do something to retain time, fitness is a good choice, better than the young drink every day to find the north.

Anna Qiao casually picked up those clothes, put a few pieces of handkerchief paper in her pocket and a few small shopping tickets into the grocery tray, threw the clothes into the washing machine, and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, tonight’s dishes were quite plentiful, because their only daughter Yuki arrived home tonight.

As the pork bones danced merrily in the casserole, Shen Xian Si entered the kitchen, bearing the distinctive scent of men’s body wash.

“Kiki’s on a diet, she’s going to complain again if you do this much.

” Shen Xian Si stood behind Jing Qiao, his chin resting on her shoulder, his eyes fixed on the green vegetables stirring in the pot.

“Who said it was for her?

When I get off work, I will casually go back to the hospital to help you sign up for a physical examination, and if you eat this good meal today, you will have to be light for a few days or else the indicators won’t be allowed.

” Jing Qiao said while putting the green vegetables into the plate.

“Physical examination again?

Didn’t we just have a checkup last year?

” Xian Si impatiently hid to the side.

“Last year’s indicators were not so good. Didn’t the expert tell you to have regular checkups?

“When Jing Qiao was about to say more, Xian Si’s cell phone rang, and he looked at it and frowned.

“The company can’t survive without me!” he said. He said, grabbed the cell phone and went to the study.

Looking at Shen Xian Si’s back, Jing Qiao had a moment of daze, suddenly remembered something, opened a small cupboard full of all kinds of seasonings, picked out a small seasoning bottle, sprinkle a little into the soup pot.

The phone lightly vibrated twice, WeChat squeezed in two messages: one was from Yuki, saying that she would soon arrive home; the other had no text, but a photo of a young man biting the corner of the white undershirt on his body, revealing his bronzed eight-pack abs.

Yuki sipped her favorite corn and pork bone soup while carefully watching her parents. It had been a long time since the last cold war, and this time their ‘reconciliation’ had come sooner and lasted longer than she had expected.

In Yuki’s earlier memories, she and her mother seemed to be the only ones in the house, and her father was like a code name that she didn’t see more than a few times a year.

Then the family house got bigger and bigger, and her father was home more and more often, but he and her mother were always fighting, either in a cold war or for months at a time, when it was common for neither one of them to pay attention to the other.

Yuki has no way to judge who is right and who is wrong in the world of adults, but her mother will take care of the family no matter what, to take care of her well, since childhood to transport to school, college entrance exams, apply for volunteering, to send her to the university to report are all taken care of by her mother, her father in her, there is just this person, and nothing else.

So no matter how the parents, Yuki always stand on the side of the mother, but I do not know if it is not too much to see her mother’s stoicism, she rejected marriage from the bottom of her bones, is already a junior girl, has never been in love, every time she saw the pursuit of her face of those male classmates, she will think of her father’s face that is always hanging with a double-chinned face.

At the dinner table, Shen Xian Si briefly asked his daughter about her grades, Yuki perfunctory a few sentences, she would like to be like other girls and her father affectionate as from the last life of the young lovers, but unfortunately can see her father every day when she is not a few days from the college entrance exams, and since then has been living in the school, so there is no way for them to become a “young lover”, strangers are still more or less.

Before dinner was finished, Shen Xian Si’s cell phone rang again, he picked up the phone, turned around and went back into the study, and in less than two minutes, came out again with his jacket.

“He was still going back to the office at this late hour.

” Jing Qiao asked.

“Don’t mention it, it’s all your stupid idea to hire a team of managers, I spent so much money for nothing.

I’m going back to take a look.

I’ll go back and take a look.” Shen Xian Si had already changed his shoes and pushed the door out in a huff as he spoke.

Yuki bit her chopsticks and looked at the empty doorway for a while, then suddenly said, “Mom, is my dad seeing someone else?

” “Don’t talk nonsense!” Anna Qiao whispered to her daughter, “Your dad has worked so hard, but it’s all because he’s saving for you!” Yuki pouted, “Who knows who he’s saving for.

He’s a boss, and you believe him when he goes back to the office at night to work overtime?

Mom, you’re too easy to fool. I’m really afraid that he’ll sell you and you’ll still be counting the money for him.” “Little heartless, eat up.

“Jing Qiao to the daughter’s bowl to clip a piece of meat, “last time you said you want to change a laptop, I help you to buy a good, good configuration, just a little expensive, you ah, what do you want to have anything, not all because you have a good father, otherwise on my salary you wait to go ……” Jing Qiao did not finish the sentence, her daughter has been happy to run back to their own room, through the door she heard her daughter happy, she was very happy. She heard her daughter’s happy cheers through the door.

Anna Qiao’s lips unconsciously raised slightly, the best sound in the world is about the daughter’s laughter.

She listened for a while, got up and started to clean up the dishes.

The pocket of her apron shook lightly, and Jing Qiao pulled out her cell phone, unconsciously looking toward the door of her daughter’s room before turning to the kitchen.

“I miss you.

” The message was from someone with the memo ‘little boy’.

“I miss you too.

” Anna Qiao replied to him.

“Can I meet you tonight?

I can’t do anything right now, I’m going crazy!” I told you that my daughter is coming home tonight and I can’t go out.” “But I miss you!

“But I miss you!” A series of “kiss” emoticons were sent along with the message.

“Don’t break our agreement, okay?

” A ‘crying face’ was sent, “Then I’ll come to you tomorrow.

I have to see you before I go crazy.

“Okay, be good, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

” Anna Qiao put away her cell phone and continued her unfinished chores.

The shimmering illumination of the park opened, Anna Qiao glanced out the window, through the shimmering light to see in the temporary parking spot parked Shen Xian Si’s car, walking so urgently have to wait for the company to pick up the car, Anna Qiao shook his head.

3 Jing Qiao work in the city of a tertiary hospital, but she does not belong to any department of the hospital, but is responsible for the hospice center.

Her patients are people who can see their own graves, and Anna Qiao’s job is to make them minimize their pain in their dying days, both physically and mentally.

The care center had a separate courtyard, where thick ginkgo trees fell in patches of yellow leaves, and a young man sat on a bench with his hands wrapped around a thermos, as if trying to protect this extremely important breakfast with his body heat.

“Why are you sitting here?

Aren’t you cold?

” Anna Qiao’s white overalls were covered with a cashmere shawl.

The young man was originally dumbfounded looking at the ginkgo biloba on the ground, heard Anna Qiao’s voice jumped up, the joy on his face is beyond words, he would have liked to open his arms to hug up, but Anna Qiao’s place of work, he can not bring her trouble.

“This …… is for you!” The man held a thermos in both hands, and sent it to Anna Qiao like a treasure, “I hand-packed ravioli.

” Anna Qiao did not pick up, looked up at the man’s face, what kind of luck would it take for her to meet a man who cooks for himself, or such a young, such a handsome man.

In fact, it was a bit of a stretch to say it was a man, Lu Xu had just finished his internship.

Anna Qiao and his acquaintance is not an accident, Lu Xu is a medical device company’s sales representative, he asked people to contact Anna Qiao, hope that the care center can use their company’s latest auxiliary medical equipment.

The hospital’s procurement is out of Anna Qiao’s hands, but she is a member of the procurement evaluation team, and at the evaluation meeting, she argued that this kind of auxiliary equipment is not very necessary, but will increase medical costs.

Care center fees are not low, try not to increase the additional burden of the patient’s family.

When Lu Xu’s sales order fell through, he angrily came to see Jing Qiao, but he fainted before he could say anything.

Anna Qiao helped him do a simple checkup, injected him with glucose at her own expense, and even bought him a boxed lunch after he woke up, telling him that he should eat regularly, or else hypoglycemia will kill him.

After that, Lu Xu would come to the care center to look for Jing Qiao from time to time, like a child, seriously reported that he had worked hard, had eaten well, and recently went to the gym, his internship expired, the company was ready to hire him, but he did not want to stay in the company, feeling that there is no future.

Anna Qiao is not disgusted with this lively big boy, and will occasionally give a few words of advice from the “past”.

As the two of them gradually came into contact with each other, Jing Qiao realized that although there was a difference in age between them, there were many similarities, such as the books they loved to read, the food they loved to eat, the taste of coffee they loved to drink, and even their habits of thinking for others.

Often, the world of adults do not need to speak clearly, of course, Jing Qiao knows Lu Xu’s heart, but the adult’s reason is always greater than the feelings.

Her several polite hints did not work, so she had to tell Lu Xu clearly, word for word, that it is impossible between them.

After a few days, Lu Xu did not appear again, but on Jing Qiao’s birthday, Lu Xu dressed in white motorcycle clothing, riding the same type of motorcycle as Andy Lau in the “Days of Love”, regardless of the passers-by surprised gaze, holding a large bouquet of flowers to pick her up.

Jing Qiao was originally out of the door while talking on the phone, see him like this, so shocked that even the phone dropped.

The strong wind caressed Jing Qiao’s legs as she sat behind Lu Xu, remembering that her first dream in her teenage years was to leave everything behind and run away with her beloved Waldi, just like Jojo.

Jing Qiao wrapped her arms around her “Wah Di” and rested her head on his shoulder. The wind was so strong that it blew away all adult sanity.

“When can we be together openly and honestly?

” Watching Jing Qiao eating wontons with her head down, Lu Xu couldn’t help but speak, “Are you reluctant to leave him because he’s rich?

‘ Jing Qiao looked at Lu Xu without a trace of exasperation in her gaze, ”When I met Shen Xian Si, he was still setting up street stalls by the side of the road and was chased around by city police.

When we got married the house was rented, it was a penthouse, and on the day of the wedding it rained and the house leaked like hell.

“So you don’t care about money, so leave him and let’s be together, okay?

I’ll work hard too, I’m still young, I’ll be as rich as him in the future, believe me!” Lu Xu said with conviction. Lu Xu said with conviction.

Ching Qiao smiled and raised her hand to touch Lu Xu’s young face: “Fool, when you reach my age, you will know, don’t fantasize about the future, the sky is the limit for the future.

“The future is determined by the sky.” “Take age as a matter of concern again! Lu Xu frowned, just to say, Jing Qiao body cell phone rang, the nurse’s voice came urgently: “Director Li, yesterday’s new patient is emotionally unstable, and now on the roof of the building to commit suicide ……” Jing Qiao busy look up to the roof, and really a small figure in the sway, Jing Qiao left Lu Xu flew away like a fly! ……4 “You do not come over!” The girl screamed excitedly, the center’s security guards, doctors and nurses surrounded a small half circle, “I’m only nineteen years old, I studied for more than ten years before I got into the university, and you guys are saying that I’m going to die.

I’m only nineteen years old, I studied for more than ten years before going to college, and you guys are saying I’m going to die.” Jing Qiao squeezed out from the crowd, “Don’t get excited, I’m your attending physician, Lai Jing Qiao, I don’t know who said you’re going to die, but I can responsibly tell you that people who come here are not waiting to die, they are here to live a dignified life.

Everyone is running with the God of Death, some people have been running for two or three years, and some have been running for five years. Qu Xinyi, you haven’t even made the slightest effort, so who are you to yell at me in here! Lu Xu followed Jing Qiao to run up the stairs, originally just listening quietly behind the crowd, until Jing Qiao said that name, he was unable to react for a moment, thinking that he had misheard, until Jing Qiao said that name again.

Memories little by little occupied Lu Xu’s mind nerves, senior year, a girl called “Qu Xinyi” jumped down from the school building, landed right in front of him, the girl’s eyes open, the corner of the mouth a gurgling gush of blood, he still do not dare to think of it again, he adored the first girl just like this died in front of him.

Anna Qiao successfully distracted the attention of the patients, a security guard stepped forward and successfully pounced on her.

Jing Qiao heaved a sigh of relief and waved her hand for the onlookers to disperse before she noticed the motionless Lu Xu.

The care center has a psychological counseling room, Jing Qiao to Lu Xu poured a cup of hot water, let him lie on the long sofa.

The work of psychological counseling Anna Qiao is still experienced, she had a sentence with him chatting until he calmed down, and then mentioned the same called “Qu Xinyi” girl, she committed suicide, died in front of Lu Xu.

Anna Qiao’s voice was gentle and calm, who did not have a little hurt when they were young?

Time is the best medicine, it will smooth out most of the wounds, and those that leave scars that can’t be erased for life are called youth.

Lu Xu found this woman’s words early in the morning is very into the ear, can let a person’s mood relief, talk with her, the heart is not so painful, tense nerves unconsciously relaxed, gradually closed his eyes.

As if a long dream, when Lu Xu woke up, the time is nearly midnight.

Anna Qiao can not bear to wake him up, but also ready to drive him home.

Lu Xu is not assured that Anna Qiao a person to drive at night, and then care center in the east of the city, where he lives in the west of the city, tossed back, can not sleep for two hours to get ready for work, Lu Xu intends to be in the vicinity of the hotel will be one night, and then go directly to work.

Jing Qiao sent Lu Xu to the hotel, watched him do a good job of registration, before leaving with peace of mind.

She didn’t take two steps before she heard Lu Xu calling her from behind.

“What’s up?

“Anna Qiao turned back, still with her usual smile.

Lu Xu just looked at her and didn’t say anything.

“Don’t be paranoid!” Jing Qiao smiled at him, clenched her right hand into a fist, made a ‘cheer’ gesture and turned to leave, Lu Xu stood in the same place for a while before turning to leave.

The next morning, Jing Qiao in the checkup received Lu Xu WeChat, about her evening dinner together, not waiting for her to reply to the letter received Shen Xian Si’s phone, wanting her to go home immediately.

Shen Xian Si’s tone is a bit anxious, Anna Qiao busy and colleagues to change the off-duty rush back.

Although walking in a hurry, Anna Qiao into the door but also did not forget to respond to the security guard’s greetings, waiting for the elevator also did not forget to wait for the elevator with the same upstairs neighbors to call.

Neighbor surnamed Chen, is a full-time wife, every day in addition to beauty and health, is a variety of gossip.

As soon as she saw Jing Qiao approaching, she was busy pulling her back.

Mrs. Chen’s first few years of menopause, Anna Qiao looked for the hospital’s Chinese medicine practitioner to give her a prescription, and it toned her up well, so Mrs. Chen automatically included Anna Qiao in her team of girlfriends.

“Lai, I’m telling you, that woman downstairs, she’s not a thing.

“Mrs. Chen said in a low voice.

“Downstairs …… you say Cao ……” Jing Qiao suddenly covered the mouth, look around no one, and look to Mrs. Chen.

The elevator door opened, Mrs. Chen intimately pulled her in.

“If not her, who else?

I don’t believe it when she says she’s a decent person,” Mrs. Chen said with a grunt.

I don’t believe it,” Mrs. Chen said with a grunt.

Jing Qiao didn’t show much interest: “She works in a foreign company, her income is not low, besides, this house is rented, don’t talk nonsense.

“I’m talking nonsense?

“Mrs. Chen’s voice rose a few degrees, “Let me tell you, it’s true that she’s not married, isn’t it?

I saw her go to the pharmacy to buy folic acid with my own eyes. You don’t know what folic acid is for, do you?

“Anna sighed with a smile, “So this is the thing?

I suggested that she buy it.

Last time I mentioned that an elder in her family had breast cancer, she was a bit worried about herself, so I suggested that she take some folic acid, which has a preventive effect.

“Folic acid prevents breast cancer?

Why didn’t you say so earlier?

“Mrs. Chen instantly threw the gossip to one side, “We have a distant aunt died of breast cancer last year, I here old uneasy ……” The elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor, Jing Qiao said with a smile, “just to solve the heart of suspicion, you don’t have to be too concerned.

“The words did not fall, the elevator has carried Mrs. Chen and another health gossip to the seventeenth floor.

5 Shen Xian Si was sitting upright in the living room, and there were several documents on the polished coffee table.

“What’s the matter?

What’s the hurry?

” Jing Qiao said as she put down her backpack and jacket.

There were two cups of green tea on the coffee table, one cup was placed in front of Shen Xian Si, Anna Qiao sat on the single sofa according to the position of the other cup: “Old Shen, what’s the matter?

“Shen Xian Si solemnly looked at Jing Qiao: “In fact, there is nothing else, the last time you said you want a divorce, I have already considered a good, if you can, we will sign the word today, a good get together and good riddance.

“Anna Qiao froze, back to half a day before remembering that the last time they quarreled, she was furious and said a divorce, but Shen Xian Si did not agree at that time.

In fact, they used to quarrel or cold war will also bring up divorce, but that was just words of anger.

They hadn’t quarreled for a year, and Jing Qiao didn’t expect Shen Xian Si to suddenly bring it up.

However, the old couple will not talk about this matter like young people, Anna Qiao picked up the divorce agreement on the coffee table and briefly read it, and then looked up at Shen Xian Si: “No alimony, just transfer this floor to the name of Qiqi?

” “Qiqi is twenty years old, what more do you need alimony, this building will be her dowry.

If you can sign the agreement smoothly, I can give you another sum of money, but it can’t be written in the agreement.

“Shen Xian Si said expressionlessly.

“What about the company?

After we get married ……」「Don’t hit the company! Shen Xian Si was furious, “What have you done for the company to contribute?

Who are you to take away my heart and soul.

I don’t want to tear my face off, so let’s all save face.” “The company is your blood.

“The company is your blood, the family is my blood, your blood can not be divided away, then who will compensate for my blood?

“Jing Qiao tried her best to restrain her agitation.

“Your blood?

“Shen Xian Si laughed coldly, “Your blood has been destroyed by yourself long time ago, what kind of compensation is there to mention to me.

“He impatiently threw his cell phone on the coffee table.

Jing Qiao picked it up and looked at it, it was a photo of her and Lu Xu standing at the front desk of the hotel to register.

“I know exactly what kind of relationship you have with this kid and how long it’s been.

” Shen Xian Si proudly looked to a stunned Anna Qiao, “I do not sound out, is to give you some face, you agree to sign, this matter has nothing to do with me, do not agree to let’s go to the civil lawsuit procedure, by then Qiqi, your hospital, your friends and family will know.

If you don’t want to hold your head up, that’s fine with me.

“Old Shen, listen to my explanation.

“Jing Qiao is a bit flustered.

“I won’t listen.

“Shen Xian Si smiled coldly and picked up the cup of tea, “Li Jing Qiao, signing is your only choice.

“Anna Qiao bit her lip and nodded her head, seemingly enlightened:” This person will not be your arrangement, right?

“You can’t talk nonsense about this.

” Shen Xian Si said so, but his expression proved everything.

“It’s my own stupidity, I admit, but it’s come to this point, to face or money I have to think about it.

I’ll give you an answer tomorrow morning.

”Jing Qiao tried to stay calm, copied up the two agreements and got up to leave, if she stayed with this man for one more second, she would probably suffocate immediately.

Shen Xian Si calmly watched his wife leave, with his understanding of Jing Qiao, compared to face and money, she would definitely choose the former.

Lu Xu knew that he shouldn’t show up at the restaurant again, his companion passed the photos to Shen Xian Si, and at the same time received Shen Xian Si’s money transfer, their ‘work’ was over.

But he still came, and after splitting the money with his companion he sat alone in the corner of the restaurant.

He wanted to see Lai Jing Qiao again, even if he would be slapped hard by this woman.

It wasn’t the first time he had done this kind of thing, and he had never been fond of those women he had cheated, however, Jing Qiao seemed to be extraordinarily different, her smile was always so serene and gentle, and her words could always calm people’s moods, especially yesterday, when she had saved that girl called “Qu Xin Yi”, as if she had made Lu Xu’s heart redeemed as well.

An inexplicable feeling made Lu Xu couldn’t convince himself that he wanted to see Jing Qiao one last time, and he even had an impulse to take her and fly away without a care in the world, just like Wah Di in the movie.

“There he is!” Three women rushed into the restaurant and swarmed to Lu Xu with six hands.

Lu Xu didn’t expect these three people to appear here, he couldn’t dodge in time and was pushed into the corner, six legs kicked at him randomly, out of nowhere a soy sauce bottle was thrown out and smashed right on the corner of Lu Xu’s forehead, blood mixed with black soy sauce dripped all over his face.

“What are you doing!” A familiar voice resounded overhead, a pair of strong hands pulled the women away one by one, “Stop it! You’re lynching me, I’m calling the police!” The three women couldn’t help but stop their hands, first looking at Lu Xu who was holding his head with both hands, and then looking at Jing Qiao who was filming them with her cell phone.

The oldest woman said, “He’s your lover, isn’t he?

You’ve been tricked! This is a fairy dance. They tricked you into going out with him so that you can divorce your husband and you’ll be the one at fault, getting nothing from your family! We are all victims!” The three of them wanted to fight again.

“Intentional injury can be criminalized!” Jing Qiao blocked in front of Lu Xu, glaring at the three women, “He made a bureau, is his wrong, but you, you into the bureau is voluntary.

” “You …… why are you so stupid!” A woman pointed at Jing Qiao’s nose, “Speak for the liar, I tell you, no need for you to report to the police, we have already reported it, and then we can’t let this liar run away!” “He didn’t ask you for any money, he didn’t get any benefits from you, even if the police intervene, it’s hard to convict him.

“Anna Qiao said calmly, “But the injuries you inflicted on him are all on his body, so conviction is a matter of minutes.

“The three women could not even beat Jing Qiao together, fortunately the police came quickly and took them all away.

From the police out has been close to midnight, everything as Jing Qiao said, Lu Xu did not get a penny from the women, and their ex-husbands obviously will not identify Lu Xu is hired.

Lu Xu gave up the examination of injuries, the women left in a huff.

Jing Qiao bought some iodine gauze from a small drugstore down the street, then took Lu Xu into a small hotel.

6 “This is the second time we’ve ‘gotten a room’.

“Jing Qiao bitterly smiled as she helped Lu Xu wipe his face clean and disinfected and bandaged the wound, without saying another word.

Lu Xu sat on the bed, peeked at her, lowered his head again, and only after half a day did he say, “I’m sorry.

” Jing Qiao still maintains a smile, only Lu Xu can see the tears in her eyes: ”Didn’t I say?

You just set up a game, it was my voluntary to enter the game.

When you take a bath later, wear a shower cap, the wound can’t get wet.

If there are symptoms of nausea and want to vomit must tell me.

The day after tomorrow …… I don t know where you are, no matter where you are, don t forget to change the medicine, or the wound will be inflamed.

” Lu Xu can no longer hold back, a hold tightly Jing Qiao waist, buried his face deeply into her body, whimpering cries slowly came out.

Jing Qiao gently put the cotton pads that had wiped away the blood, and gently patted her hands on Lu Xu’s back, like an elder sister comforting her younger brother who had done something wrong.

When Jing Qiao woke up, it was already dawn.

Last night she slept with Lu Xu in her clothes, Lu Xu said too many words of apology, but also said that he was hired by Shen Xian Si the whole process, and repeatedly guaranteed that if Jing Qiao’s divorce has to go through the civil lawsuit procedure, he will definitely tell the truth, so that Shen Xian Si will be the party at fault.

“Don’t be silly, do this you are guilty of the crime, you are not alone, there are companions, you involve them, they will not let you go, and besides this will destroy yourself.

You are still young, the future is still long, after we separate, you do not do this kind of thing again, find a decent job, find a person who loves you, and also worthy of your love to live a good life.

” This is Jing Qiao last night to say the last words, she was too tired, said and fell asleep.

Before leaving the inn, Jing Qiao took a shower in the humble bathroom, hot water spraying out of the rusty rosette head to wash her body.

Because many of the patients at the care center had contagious diseases, she bathed every day after work, but never as ritualistically as she did now.

Her cell phone suddenly rang, and Anna Qiao opened her eyes, staring blankly at the eerily glowing screen for a moment before remembering to answer it.

“Is this Shen Xian Si’s family?

This is the 120 emergency center, Shen Xian Si had a car accident, the situation is not optimistic, please immediately ……” Jing Qiao rushed to the hospital, Shen Xian Si is still in the emergency, two men in uniform outside the operating room to find her, told her what happened, nine o’clock in the morning, in front of Shen Xian Si’s company, a racing motorcycle crashed straight into Shen Xian Si, the rider wearing a retro white motorcycle, the rider wearing a vintage white car, the rider wearing a vintage white car. The rider was wearing a vintage white racing suit, and the perpetrator had already surrendered.

According to his own confession, his name is Lu Xu, and Shen Xian Si is a hiring relationship, because Shen did not honor the payment and hate.

“Ms. Lai, do you know Lu Xu?

” a police officer asked.

Jing Qiao nodded, “He’s a pharmaceutical representative and often comes to our center.

The young man is quite nice, not like such a violent person.

”We have investigated, he is not a medical representative.” the policeman looked at Jing Qiao.

“The police looked at Jing Qiao’s gaze was full of sympathy, “They are a gang of people, specializing in cheating middle-aged women, in order to let them cheat within the marriage, to become the party at fault, so that they can not be divorced to take away the family’s property, to put it bluntly, is the ‘fairy jump’.

“Anna Qiao can not help but step back:” You are saying that the old Shen he …… police comrades, you must be mistaken, my husband is not this kind of person.

” police helplessly shook his head, like Anna Qiao this age of the woman they have seen too much, many people were cheated to nothing left, but still refused to wake up.

They didn’t come to do the work of persuasion to wake up, they just came to look at Shen Xian Si’s situation, but looking at the situation, there was no way to make a statement.

The man being resuscitated inside was the victim, but he was also the instigator, inexplicably reminding people of the heavenly cycle.

“The suspect is now under control, so, if the patient is out of danger, please notify us, we will come to make a statement at the right time.

“Watching the departure of the police, Jing Qiao sighed out heavily, took out two copies of the agreement from her backpack, and right in front of the door of the operating room, tore it to shreds bit by bit.

7 Shen Xian Si was paralyzed, recovered a life from the operating room, woke up unconscious from the neck down.

Anna Qiao in the hospital bedside guard for a month, people thin out of shape.

Regardless of how Shen Xian Si how to make trouble, how bad language, she heard nothing, and repeatedly asked the attending physician, again for Shen Xian Si surgical treatment, even if there is a ray of hope, she will not give up.

“You don’t have to be like this.

“This is one of the few days after Shen Xian Si was paralyzed that he didn’t lose his temper, Jing Qiao shook up the hospital bed for him to lean on for a while, “There’s nothing between us anymore, isn’t there?

“I’m still your wife even before I signed the divorce papers, and it’s my responsibility to take care of you.

“I’m still your wife before I signed the divorce papers, and it’s my responsibility to take care of you.” Jing Qiao said while peeling an apple, “Don’t be discouraged, oh yes, I got back your previous medical report, the indicators are normal, only the viable sperm rate is very low, that is, infertility, but it’s okay, our Qiqi is already so old.

” Jing Qiao said, shaking the examination report in front of Shen Xian Si, proving that she did not tell lies.

Shen Xian Si’s eyes suddenly widened twice.

Jing Qiao did not seem to detect his limited change in expression and continued, ”Therefore, the child in Cao Nanxi’s stomach is not yours.”

”As soon as the words left his mouth, Shen Xian Si’s features almost twisted.

“I know exactly how long you’ve been together and what you’ve done.

”Jing Qiao peeled the apple into a slice, ”She really likes the perfume I bought you, right?

That stuff is limited edition and frighteningly expensive, she shouldn’t spray it every time afterward, so that I even know everything about the days you guys cheated on each other.

” Jing Qiao found a small shopping ticket in Shen Xian Si’s trench coat jacket, the very same luxury bracelet on Cao Nanxi’s wrist.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to sell the downstairs floor of our house.

” Jing Qiao spoke, always maintaining her characteristic smile, as if she was doing a psychological counseling for the patient, “I was going to say that she is pregnant with your child, it is normal to give a floor, since the child is not yours, and you have such a thing, we still have more cash money on hand is good, the doctor said, after that, there will be two more arrangements for major surgery to see the effect.

” Shen Xian Si almost couldn’t believe it looked at Jing Qiao, as if he didn’t recognize her: “You …… you ……” “With your character, that house should not fall under Cao Nanxi’s name, and can’t fall under our name, that would let me find out, then …… in your parents’ name, right?

” Jing Qiao arranged the apple slices and put them on the small table cabinet, got up and wore a jacket, “I’ll go and tell them, now you need cash money in this situation, they will definitely not stop me from selling the house, what do you think?

” Shen Xian Si was too shocked to speak.

“So I let you do not be discouraged, to eat more fruits, vitamins are very important, you see the patient next door, in bed for only a year, bedsores rotting exposed bones, but does not hurt, is too stinky.

“Anna Qiao said while shaking down the hospital bed.

Shen Xian Si finally realized what is wrong, desperately want to say something, but his eyes just astringent want to tears, he had to close, the last bit of remaining consciousness let him remember, these days he has been emotionally agitated, so the doctor in the daily medication added some sedative ingredients.

Jing Qiao put on her coat, glanced at Shen Xian Si sleeping in the hospital bed and turned to leave.

Leaving only the gradually oxidized apple slices at the bedside, no matter who saw it would feel that it was prepared by an impeccable wife for her husband, only that he had been in a tantrum and refused to eat it.

Qu Xinyi waited for Jing Qiao at the back door of the care center. A month ago, Jing Qiao approached her, saying that she wanted to compete for a higher position and needed to have outstanding deeds, and she wanted Qu Xinyi to cooperate with her by pretending to be a patient who had jumped off a building so that she could be ‘heroic and resourceful’ in saving people’s lives.

Xinyi is a child who grew up loving drama, this performance is nothing to her, and as the head of the care center, getting the girl admitted to the hospital is nothing to Jingqiao either.

Xinyi got the pay they had agreed upon and begged Jing Qiao to think of her when she had a similar job.

Anna Qiao wanted to tell her that her talent as a performer should be utilized in more exciting ways, but after some thought, she didn’t say anything.

Not every young person would accept the words of experience from those who have been there.

Like Lu Xu, who was locked up in the detention center, I heard that the police transferred him to the prosecutor’s office for the crime of “serious injury”, and that he would not be able to escape from the ten to eight years of imprisonment.

Jing Qiao did not want him to end up like this, but the three victims she found were not the worst, there was a woman who had her child custody taken away for the same reason and committed suicide because she couldn’t stand the finger-pointing of the people around her.

How can people do wrong and not be punished?

Early past the age of believing in fairy tales, Jing Qiao refused Lu Xu confession of the day to find someone to check the bottom of this young man.

In this era of highly publicized information, ordinary people don’t have any secrets to speak of, so Lu Xu’s past history of dropping out of high school due to his first girlfriend’s suicide was easy to find out.

His public social account, email address, communication account and payment receipt details, some overlapping information combined, the social network became extraordinarily clear.

Lu Xu and Shen Xian Si shared a common WeChat friend.

Shen Xian Si has always disliked these modern means of communication, until he realizes that this chat work can also be used to transfer money.

Jing Qiao checked his WeChat address book while he was in the shower, and he had transferred money to a certain newly added friend.

And Lu Xu’s WeChat shows that this friend has transferred money to him again.

A little boy who was pursuing her was transferring money closely with a certain best friend, and it just so happened that this best friend had a silver money relationship with Shen Xian Si, Anna Qiao could figure out what was happening even if she was stupid enough to understand.

Plus, Cao Nanxi always had the boobs to play those little tricks in front of her, the scent on her body, the jewelry on her hands, and even made a point of running to ask her how best to take folic acid.

Maybe she is still young, so she doesn’t know, for the matter of cheating, unless the wife doesn’t want to know, she won’t not know.

Seeing so many people performing in front of their eyes every day, Jing Qiao’s plan has gradually matured, persuading Shen Xian Si to hire a team of managers to take care of the company, so as to free up time to take care of herself is the beginning of her plan.

How hard can it be for a person in charge of the kitchen to add some “spermicidal” ingredients to the soup?

Anyway, it’s all temporary, once the medication stops, Shen Xian Si will be a “normal” man again.

Half a year later, Shen Xian Si was finally discharged from the hospital. After several major surgeries, his condition remained unchanged, leaving only a few distorted surgical scars on his back.

The house on the fifteenth floor was sold, and Cao Nanxi had a miscarriage the day she was kicked out.

None of the housewives in the entire building pitied her because none of them were sure if the unfortunate child was the bane left by the man of their house.

Yuki came home as often as before, she was going to help Jing Qiao share some of the burden, but Jing Qiao told her to make sure she took care of her studies first, and to work harder than ever.

Dad is now in this state, Yuki sooner or later to shoulder the responsibility of the company, Dad is not easy to start a business, Yuki to be a daughter who can keep the business in order to live up to their expectations.

Shen Xian Si’s parents came to visit a few times, except for the inevitable atrophy of muscles all over his body, their son was well taken care of by Jing Qiao.

The only thing is that their son’s temper is getting weirder and weirder, always scolding his daughter-in-law for harming him, full of obscenities, Jing Qiao never talk back, where else can you find such a good wife?

Shen’s parents had to apologize to their daughter-in-law for their son.

Back and forth a few times, Jing Qiao advised them to relax, and less visits in the future, Shen Xian Si is sick and inevitably anxious, when he adapted to this life, everything will be fine.

Family and friends, neighbors and neighbors to see a time and then did not come a second time, because the most obvious place in the Shen family stood two large medical sterilizer.

Jing Qiao works in a care center, how to care for people with serious infectious diseases she has more experience than anyone else.

Moreover, Shen Xian Si is not clean outside, the circle of friends are spread all over the world, that right now he has any other disease in addition to paralysis, we all unspoken.

Most housewives feel that Shen Xian Si is deserved, and most men envy him for having such an unswerving wife.

This tossed another small half a year, Shen Xian Si finally figured out, no matter how much he messed up, the rest of his life can only be like this, he was even deprived of the right to die.

Jing Qiao was a good woman who repaid her grudges with kindness in everyone’s eyes, and no one would believe his words, but he still had things he hadn’t figured out.

“Why don’t you just let me die?

” a snowy day, Anna Qiao pushed him to the window, accompanied by curls of tea together looking out the window, Shen Xian Si has not lost his temper for a long time, “for you, it is just a needle or a pillow thing.

Are you afraid that I’ve left a will, and that if I die, you’ll have nothing?

“There’s room behind me, but I want to turn back.”

Shen Xian Si, how can someone as conceited as you think of leaving yourself a backward move?

” Jing Qiao added a cup of tea to herself, “You will die when you deserve to die, before that, I have to protect our daughter, so I will not do things that violate the law.

“”Hmph, you didn’t break the law when you asked Lu Xu to kill me?

“”I never asked him to kill you, I guessed that he would hurt you, stab you once, maybe twice, and then I would still have to take care of you, and it would make everyone think that you are sick.

I’m not the one at fault, you can’t afford to give me a piece of the company, and nothing is going to work out the way you want it to.

“You really have a way, at your age, you can still make that kid really fall in love with you, but using someone who loves you, isn’t that despicable?

“Shen Xian Si barely turned his head to glare at Jing Qiao.

Jing Qiao let out a light laugh: ”Ahem, I didn’t expect these two words to come out of your mouth.

Then I will say it.

The love in this world in the end is just hearts for hearts.

Who is young did not for the love of defiance, he did everything is just a punishment for making mistakes, I, when I was young, my family did not allow me to interact with the man who pushed the ground, will suffer for life, I would rather turn my back on my family also want to be with him, he started a business a few ups and downs, I am carrying a belly was blocked by the debtors in the hospital did not dare to come out.

I was afraid to come out of the hospital with my belly in my hands.” “People didn’t want to go to the care center because there were several patients with advanced AIDS there.

But I volunteered to go there because there is a subsidy on top of my salary, and I have to support my children and make ends meet.

“Anna Qiao took a sip of tea, “The price of that child’s defiance was only eight years in prison, but the price of mine was my whole life.

“Remember when we went out to set up stalls in the winter, freezing and jumping around, when we always sang a song to ‘accompany the dance’, sweet honey, you smiled sweetly, as if the flowers bloomed in the spring breeze, bloomed in the spring breeze ……” “Don’t sing ……” “Where?

Where have I seen you before……” “I told you to stop singing!” The thin singing voice slowly filled the empty room.

“Don’t sing, don’t sing ……” Shen Xian Si’s head shook back and forth desperately, looking like a puppet that would break its strings at any time, without any power.

Jing Qiao hummed while taking out a sedative injection from the drawer, skillfully sticking it into Shen Xian Si’s vein, this injection will make him quiet.

Shen Xian Si’s eyes gradually lax, hazy as if back to the years when he could run and jump, he was penniless, but he was able to dance happily in the snow with that beautiful girl.

“Your smile is so familiar, I can t remember …… for a moment.”

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