What kind of person is smart?

What kind of woman is a smart woman?

I have a sister, married for three years, husband and wife love, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law peace, but just two days ago, she said she left, her husband mentioned, the reason is that the former came back, with his never met his own son.

This divorce peace to what extent?

Divorce ten minutes before the couple are still chatting about the Mid-Autumn Festival to the family to prepare the moon cakes, mention divorce a moment later, my sister arranged a divorce, quick and easy.

I advised her to be sure to go to the door to make trouble, would have been the other side of the disadvantage, but she was not panicked, did something to impress me.

Divorce, An Qin drunk and friends said: “I never want to see Song Yi.

“Unfortunately, within ten days, she met her ex-husband at a friend’s private party.

She was not drunk at the time, so the two of them smiled and nodded decently – a very decent look, and anyone who saw them would have to praise them for divorcing in a very dignified manner.

They are peaceful divorce, peaceful to what extent?

In the first ten minutes before Song Yi opened his mouth to say divorce, An Qin was still chatting with him about the Mid-Autumn Festival, she prepared mooncakes and gifts, according to the different people’s preferences will be divided into flavors, will be their own arrangements to Song Yi listen: “Your mother called yesterday, Mid-Autumn Festival that night there is a small family gathering, when the rules are many, you are not good enough to get out of the way, we will go to my mother in the morning, and then after lunch to go home, the night will rest in the ancestral home. We’ll go to my mom’s in the morning, leave for home after lunch, and stay at the ancestral home at night.

“An Qin do everything, after the marriage, she alone in the Song family’s large family interpersonal relations quickly found their own position, everyone praised her with a luscious, even his fussy and demanding to the extreme mother is also satisfied with this thousand selected daughter-in-law – this is the benefit of the door to the right family, each other is a large family of grown-ups, the children. They both grew up in large families and have their own set of means for personnel relations, which saves effort and trouble.

But he rarely lost his concentration, An Qin quickly realized that he was distracted, so he stopped talking in time, picked up the cup on the coffee table and took a sip, and then asked thoughtfully, “Are you experiencing something?

” He deliberated for a long time, then negotiated with An Qin in a calm manner, “Let’s get a divorce.

“An Qin looked up at him, calm as she also appeared very fast eyes out of focus, is the shock caused by the confusion of thought, but on the face of the face is not obvious, she quickly reacted, did not even ask him whether he was joking, his eyes eyes inch by inch in his face, as if to confirm that his words at this time is a well-considered.

She quickly got her own judgment, so she was silent for a moment and asked him, “What’s the reason?

” Song Yi felt a little difficult to say the following words, he rarely felt guilty to a person like this, but he had to say: “I’m sorry, I have a previous …… have a very favorite person, but the family does not agree …… a few days ago, I met her ……” In a few sentences, An Qin understood the cause and effect of the matter, her finger bones holding the cup were slightly white, looking at him very quickly asked: “You cheated on your wife?

” Song Yi froze for a moment, before saying: “No …… no, I just met her two days ago.

“His words said very difficult, An Qin tense shoulders slightly relaxed, listening to Song Yi continue to explain, “But An Qin, I do not know, six years ago …… six years ago when she left me, already pregnant.

” The cup in his hand missed the floor, the home is covered with a thick layer of blankets, that is after the wedding An Qin personally to pick, the water cup fell down without even making a sound, the water soaked into the carpet, but the color of a deeper piece.

She was in a trance before she heard Song Yi say, “That child …… that child is five years old this year.

” An Qin for a long time to find his voice, probably thirsty, so his throat is dry and hoarse, she began to arrange the divorce: “This matter is because of you, mom’s side -” she paused, adjusting her own wording, “your mother’s side you go to explain, my parents may also want to make things difficult for you, but I can not stop, you have to be prepared for the psychological in advance .

“Our common property is not much, there are two sets of common properties under our names, this one belongs to me, and the one in A city, which is closer to your company, belongs to you.

“I will pack your luggage in this house before tonight and hand it over to your assistant.

“Song Yi had been listening silently, and only then interrupted her to say: “I’m sorry for you, that house in A city also belongs to you, in addition to some of the bonds and funds in our hands, all of these are given to you.

” An Qin nodded in silence, their common property is not much, but neither of them is a person who cares about these things, Song Yi is only through this to alleviate his guilt, An Qin did not say anything, after a long interval before saying: “Divorce thing you go to fix it by yourself, the elders there you go to explain by yourself.

” She tiredly rubbed her temples, then said, “The elders are convinced, you sign the divorce agreement and send it to me, I will sign it and send it to you, after you get the divorce certificate, you let your assistant put it in the living room of that house in A city, I will go and get it when I have time.

”Things are so organized and clear, it’s simpler than any time Song Yi has gone through in his head, he even thought about how he should convince An Qin, but she didn’t give him a chance.

Those thoughts above seemed to exhaust her energy, so she slightly contained a smile, detached and strange, ”Mr. Song, it’s getting late, if you have something to do, go and get busy first, by the way, don’t forget to leave the house key behind.

” Song Yi stood up.

Turning around and just walking two steps, he heard An Qin behind him calling him, ”Mr. Song – don’t forget to take the mooncakes and gifts in the living room.

‘ She smiled slightly, ”I won’t be there for Mid-Autumn Festival.

”When he went out Song Yi turned back to look at the living room, An Qin’s body was lying back on the sofa, her hands covering her face, looking very thin, when Song Yi walked out of the front door, he even wondered if An Qin was crying, because her body was trembling slightly.

But his footsteps stagnated for a moment, and he still didn’t turn around.

It was probably a mistake to look at her, he thought, after all, she acted so calm and collected, but yeah, they didn’t get married because they loved each other either.

1 divorce away from the Song Yi hurt, the circle of mutual friends and An Qin gossip, Song Yi’s mother was furious, Song Yi that period of time on the face of the top of the bright slap marks, in fact, the old man to An Qin called once, hated the tone of steel: “He wants to leave on the divorce, you won’t take a little means out of it?

“The actual child is a child of the Song family.

The child belongs to the Song family, is she Zhao Jing?

I recognize the child’s entry into the Song family, but does she deserve it?

“The last and soft voice coaxed: “Qinqin, mom knows you’ve been wronged, mom will make the decision for you, you -” An Qin interrupted her words, said: “Auntie,” the opposite side of the obvious choking, An Qin continued, “Auntie, I have agreed to the divorce.

“This sentence aunt hurt the old man’s heart, she actually like An Qin, to her is also good, can be said to be when the pro-daughter pain, so the other side of the pause for half a day, a long sigh and hung up the phone.

Things made such a big deal, probably not a month, the Song family in the end is softened, Song Yi’s mother again angry, can not help that small child standing in front of the body timidly called a grandmother.

Divorce agreement is Song Yi personally sent to the An family, An Qin’s parents are decent people, is a well-known university professors, do not do abusive fighting things, angry but also a little louder, Song Yi in front of the two old people kneeling for a day, An Qin’s mother only called her back.

Song Yi is the pride of the sky, An Qin back to see him standing under the ginkgo tree in his own yard, the ups and downs of this period of time probably make him mentally and physically exhausted, but soon, he will be able to keep the clouds open to see the moon.

The ginkgo tree leaves are rustling in the branches, golden layer by layer, An Qin stood behind him and called him, he answered and turned back, An Qin even smiled a little and said: “I thought it would be good to send it to me.

‘ Song Yi was silent: ”It is always necessary to come to apologize to the two old people.

” Finished he looked at An Qin, dark eyes deep, said: “also sorry for you.

“An Qin tilted her head extremely quickly, blinked her eyes hard, then reached out her hand and said, “Okay, give me the agreement.

‘ An Qin signed it and sent it to Song Yi’s assistant, and shortly afterward, she received a text message from Song Yi saying that the divorce certificate had been placed on the foyer of the house in A city, and asked her to pick it up at any time if she needed it.

She politely replied back with a ”Got it, thanks”.

Their social circles overlap too much, even if they intend to avoid it, there are times when it is unavoidable, when they met at that private party, the two nodded and smiled, the eyes of the crowd more or less gazed at them, Song Yi also politely asked: “How have you been?

「「Thanks, very well, how about you?

”Me too.”

‘ And so it went, as if they hadn’t shared a bed for more than three years – three years, five months and six days.

Of course, those three years or so were not without a trace. During the time of their divorce, An Qin had not been feeling well, and after the divorce, she experienced a long period of insomnia, lack of appetite and vomiting, which she assumed to be gastrointestinal discomfort caused by too much fatigue and insomnia, and after the symptoms lasted for more than half a month, she went to the hospital once.

After taking the laboratory tests she sat on a bench in the garden below the hospital for the whole afternoon, the late summer sun is still very hot, she was completely exposed to the sun, but still felt cold, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself, this is really enough blood, she snorted in the bottom of her heart, but she couldn’t control her face to show a touch of pale smile.

An Qin is to take takeaway when she saw Song Yi, after the divorce she lived in the apartment she bought, Song Yi came once, he probably looked everywhere he knew, An Qin wearing slippers carrying seafood rice back, downstairs, saw Song Yi’s car, he leaned on the car door, is smoking a cigarette, three or four cigarettes thrown at his feet.

An Qin suddenly, she went to the hospital is the Song family investment, the major shareholders, after she got married in this hospital have regular medical checkups, when she went to the hospital she did not think about it at all, so Song Yi so quickly know the news is also very normal.

Song Yi is actually the most restrained and stoic person An Qin has ever seen, which probably has something to do with his upbringing, his controlling mother caused his character to be stoic and suppressed, he is very self-control, he rarely smokes cigarettes, and now that he has smoked so many cigarettes in such a short period of time, An Qin can almost feel his agitation, in the form of an emotional materialization of his face fanned out to her.

So she unconsciously stopped in her tracks, Song Yi looked up at her, then extremely quickly stubbed out his cigarette, raised his hand and waved the smell of smoke in the air, then looked at An Qin, the two of them confronted each other in silence.

After a long time, An Qin heard him ask, in a difficult tone, “This child, what are you going to do?

”They have been married for more than three years now, the two of them have been together for a long time, Song Yi is a very responsible person in his bones, if not for him filing for divorce this time, she has never known that he has someone in his heart.

He has been fulfilling the responsibilities of a husband, tolerant, considerate, steady, remembering every anniversary and her birthday, remembering her preferences and tastes, in addition to not loving her, this person is simply twenty-four filial piety model husband.

Now he stood in front of her and asked in a difficult tone, one word at a time, “You don’t want to keep this child, do you?

”Anqin didn’t know what kind of emotion and expression she was going to use to face Song Yi who asked this question, so she tried to ask back as calmly as possible, ”We’re already divorced, aren’t we?

This is my business, Mr. Song.

” Song Yi looked at her with downcast eyes, he was very tall, looking at people like this had a kind of disdainful aura, but the light from the roadside was cast over and shattered in his eyes, there seemed to be something that was churning up in his heavily colored eyes, but unfortunately it was suppressed by him.

Later recalled, the only thing that could make An Qin feel a little better, the only thing is his voice with a little raspy and low, as if he was sorry for his decision, or sad about this child who had no chance of being born, he said: “You know An Qin, this child …… Our two families if we know that the existence of the child ……” he wanted to say, An Qin instantly understand, if their two families know the existence of this child, she and Song Yi will be escorted by the two families to the Civil Affairs Bureau to remarry, especially his first love of the sad far away, and even the child, this life will not have the opportunity to cross into the door of the Song family.

The chips at both ends of the scale were clear, the trade-offs were so easy that they didn’t even require Song Yi to think too much, so he immediately drove over when he heard the news.

Divorced without a word of nonsense An Qin, by the circle of people jokes are still able to smile An Qin, see Song Yi can still maintain decent, and peaceful An Qin, finally raised his hand, that heavy slap after months, finally slapped in the face of Song Yi.

He suffered in silence.

2 she went to C city alone to do the operation, Song An both family connections are wide, A city any hospital, do such an operation will be spread to the ears of the two old people, so only go out.

Lying on the hospital bed with anesthesia, she saw the ginkgo tree outside the window, that day the wind was very big, whistling past the ginkgo tree leaves rustling down, she remembered that day with the diagnosis, in fact, she did not know what to do.

Covering the abdomen thoughtlessly after half a day, she ordered the only normal meal after the divorce, then she thought, if the child was born malnourished will not be good.

The abortion thing she dared not tell any of her close friends and relatives, covering her belly out of the hospital bed, a tall figure bent over the wall.

Song Yi knew the time and place of her surgery was normal, obviously the person who did the surgery was her, but he looked like he was in pain, one hand with a fist against the corner of the forehead, eyes closed.

An Qin had just finished her surgery shaking all over, so she was shaking at everything she looked at, and when Song Yi trembled and came over to help her, she was pushed away with a slap.

She didn’t use much strength, nor did she have any, but Song Yi stumbled and leaned against the wall before stabilizing himself, saying sorry to her with a miserable face.

She was already numb with pain and brushed past him without looking away.

It was a year later when Song Yi finally got what he wanted.

At that time she was on vacation in Australia, the people around her protected An Qin well, she was brushing her friends to see a photo shared by their mutual friend in the circle of friends, it was an invitation, the background was a bouquet of flowers, white tablecloths, probably the wedding scene, photographed with a false focus, you can see the head of the head juxtaposed with two names handwritten: Song Yi Zhao Jing.

She froze for a moment, and when she refreshed, she saw that a familiar friend commented, “Why are you posting this on your friend’s circle?

” About the fear that she saw, that circle of friends was quickly deleted – I do not know whether or not to block her to re-send.

In the evening, someone called her, she was lying on the balcony, the blue sky hanging low, her friend stammered for a long time, and finally even An Qin couldn’t listen to her anymore, so she asked bluntly: “Song Yi and his first love is a success?” Her tone was really too much.

“Her tone was too frank, no indignation and no sadness, so her best friend breathed a long sigh of relief, about thinking that Song Yi divorced her for a grassroots first love and just hurt her face, two people who married because of the match of their lives, what feelings are there?

So my best friend was shocked to start gossiping with her in a disdainful tone: “The person who can’t get on the stage, the old lady of the Song family, you are not unaware of?

That big family, the eldest son and grandson’s daughter-in-law, even the banquet only five tables.

“The day, a good friend for An Qin to fight, so the tone of voice is obviously with a gloating tone: “It is said to be the old lady of the Song family original words, come from an unknown source of women, did not cover the door quietly into the Song family even to the Song Yi face, but also want to how to make a big fanfare?

“This is considered to give face to the An family, An Qin silent, and finally hung up the phone, thinking blank, like thinking a lot of things, but also like not.

In the end, she lay down on the recliner and fell asleep, and in a daze she seemed to have had a dream.

The dream was vaguely when she had just married Song Yi, they went to Delphi together for their honeymoon, Delphi was her choice, not the optimal choice for a honeymoon, but she liked it, because in Greek legend, one day, Zeus wanted to figure out where the center of the world was, so he released a dove in each of the opposite directions, and the two doves finally met in Delphi, and both stayed on an ovoid boulder, so Zeus So Zeus decided that Delphi is the center of the world.

A very romantic city.

But a honeymoon for two people without a relationship foundation really had nothing to do with romance, and they hadn’t stopped from the time they left until they dropped their bags off at the hotel, Song Yi taking care of official business.

She and Song Yi began to contact to get married, just both elders think it is appropriate, no party mentioned feelings, An Qin good at hiding their feelings, but how decent and generous she is, but only twenty-three years old, just married girl, in Song Yi did not raise his head to deal with official business, she bet on a sentence: “you busy, I go out to stroll.

” This stroll led her astray, she lost her way at the foot of Kalambaka town, the ruins were ancient and intact, standing solemnly, a majestic sight during the day, at night, the tall and ancient stone carvings mapped their elongated reflections in the light of the setting sun, the empty space seemed to be empty, it was then that An Qin felt afraid.

She almost cried out when she called Song Yi, but Song Yi’s voice had a strange stabilizing power through the sound tube of the phone, and he asked calmly, “Where are you?

What are the landmarks around you?

” Finally he said, “Stand still and don’t move, I’ll be there soon.

After a pause, he added, “Don’t be afraid.” He came very quickly indeed.

“He came very quickly indeed, his tall silhouette against the light from the tall and simple stone carvings weaving in and out, constantly looking around, with an obvious anxious look on his face, An Qin in fact did not know what she was thinking at that moment, just a loud bang in her head, she subconsciously stretched out her hand towards Song Yi beckoned, shouting loudly: “Song Yi–” Song Yi heard the sound and raised his eyes towards her. Raising his eyes towards her, he took a long breath and relaxed with an inexplicably heartwarming look, like she knew he was worried about her, An Qin sighed quietly in the bottom of her heart at that moment, suddenly thinking out of place that this was really a romantic city.

She and Song Yi, they were like pigeons from opposite ends of the world, flying around different trajectories, yet it didn’t matter, no matter what, they would end up meeting in Delphi, from here on out.

Would it be possible that this would be the beginning of a beautiful story?

3 Their marriage, though short-lived, had to be recognized as having actually had a lot of very good memories.

Song Yi is a very strong sense of responsibility, mature and stable, in addition to busy a little, there are no other shortcomings, after marriage in order to facilitate, they do not rest much in the Song family ancestral home, the two live in the A city of the flats, but An Qin and he are both a private sphere is relatively strong, do not much like strangers to interrupt their own space, so there is no bellhop or nanny.

The things in the house are all packed by An Qin, just married and living together, she finished packing things without memory, one morning Song Yi to work, the night before the two people slept late, the morning Song Yi may have slept too much, and there is a more important morning meeting, An Qin sleepy, only to hear him come over to shake her, buzzing in her ear to ask: “An Qin, my set of black suits where did you help me put it?

And the dark blue tie?

“She was so sleepy that she couldn’t even open her eyelids and waved his hand away in vain, curling her whole body into the comforter and trying to curl her head into it as well. Song Yi seemed to be laughing, and while he was laughing, he was in a hurry, coaxing her in her ear: ”Hurry up, Anqin, I’m really running late,” he pressed himself against her ear, his breath brushing against it and tickling it, and Anqin, whose ears were the most sensitive of all, woke up as soon as he laughed, and Song Yi added: ”I’m really running late, the board of directors are all waiting. The board of directors are waiting, sleep later, good boy.

“An Qin struggled to get up confused to go to the checkroom to find clothes for him to find handed to Song Yi change, Song Yi change back, An Qin wearing pajamas leaning against the cabinet behind him, the head a little bit, has been another sleep over.

So he carried her to the bedroom bed, let her continue to sleep.

In fact, there is no sensational plot, it is this kind of homey atmosphere, for a long time will instead give birth to warmth and home fondness.

She is not the kind of conventional large families do not dip their fingers in the spring water of the big lady, she is independent-minded, graduated from a prestigious school, rare is the emotional intelligence are high, and people socialize properly, in and out of the appropriate, studying abroad when a person will also take good care of themselves, even more rare is to cook.

Song Yi was shocked when she cooked for the first time after marriage, and joked after the first taste, saying, “As a qualified husband, I thought I would have to eat these dishes and praise you, but I didn’t expect it to be so amazing.

‘ She laughed so hard that she couldn’t help but bend her eyes deeply.

Song Yi is actually also very good at cooking, sometimes she works overtime, if Song Yi comes back first, when she comes back he has already prepared the meal and waited for her, and occasionally when both of them are resting at home, they will also cook a sumptuous meal together, there is only one thing – both of them don’t like to wash the dishes.

Just married when the two people are end, if the meal is the person to do, that dishwashing is inevitably by that person to wash, etiquette is well, courteous, after a very familiar very familiar after the two people childishly play tricks on each other.

At first it was rock-paper-scissors, once the atmosphere was too good, outside the rainstorm crashing, through a layer of glass, more and more set off the house quiet and peaceful, two people ate and drank after the rock-paper-scissors, An Qin lost, collapsed on the couch after the trick, hugging pillows dead do not get up, the Song Yi over to pull her, she laughed and dodged left and right, and I don’t know how, out of turn, “I’m not washed, the other family husbands are letting their wives! The first thing you need to know is that you’re the head of A-city Song, and you’re even worrying about these little things with your own wife.

“The two of them froze as soon as the words came out of their mouths, and the blush and heat spread quickly from their cheeks to their bodies. An Qin rolled over and got up quickly, saying, “I’m going to go wash the dishes.

“Song Yi smilingly pressed her, smiled leisurely long sigh, do not know whether it is in the loss of her or why, anyway, it is also a very pleasant tone: “Forget it, I at least is the hall of the A city of Song, how would their wives calculate these small things, I’m going to go to wash, I’m going to go to wash.

“That is the first time Song Yi opened his mouth to call her wife, with a bit of a joke component, but she blushed, like early spring in March, dense in the branches of the first ripe peach on the tip of the point of the red, is the sweetest bite.

Really began to have no barrier, probably because she discovered Song Yi’s secret.

In fact, not intentionally, she and Song Yi before marriage are respectively have their own house, that time Song mother gave her an address, let her go to get a thing, she opened the door to go in when Song Yi is also in the two people four eyes, she was so shocked that she almost can not do the expression management, and Song Yi is embarrassed.

A very large layer of apartments all open, without any furniture, only layers of display cabinets, half full of hand-me-downs, half full of Lego models.

Song Yi sat on the floor in the middle of the empty place, shirt pulled up cuffs, always combed neatly hair hanging loosely between the eyebrows, flat white a few years younger, like a college student just out of childishness, his side full of Lego parts, the hands of an airplane model built one-third of the way.

An Qin froze and did not react, subconsciously asked: “Aren’t you in a meeting today?

“Always stable and mature and reliable hall A City Song seems to be a bit annoyed, face suspiciously red, said:” I finished, on the way over to see …… “An Qin could not control haha loudly laughed out, laughing both eyes are tears, and then came over to pull him, quietly said:” Go, I take you to see something.

“An Qin pulled him to his pre-wedding apartment, not as exaggerated as Song Yi, but there is also a small half room, full of Lego, Song Yi eyes almost bright, he pointed to the table on the table that a whole set of built Pirates of the Caribbean in the pirate ship model, a little bit of excitement: “I also have a whole set.

“An Qin was also very excited and said, “I saw it.

“The two of them looked at each other and saw in each other’s eyes the sympathy of soulmates.

Later, they decided who would wash the dishes by setting an alarm clock and preparing identical miniature Lego sets to see who would finish first, and the one who finished first would wash the dishes.

Song Yi’s teenage years were not very good, his father died early, Song mother’s custody of him to the point of perversion, An Qin just from the occasional daily conversation from the peep, he did not have time to play these things, in addition to the normal schoolwork, he also has a full schedule of business, stocks, funds and other courses, such as Lego, in the eyes of the mother of the Song, about the thing that makes people play with the things that are not good for the mind.

So it was just a secret between the two of them.

This unspoken little secret seemed to bring the two of them closer together.

Their marriage, getting along so well, more harmonious than any love for each other for several years into the marriage hall, also husband and wife and friends, interests are so the same, family eye pattern in the same latitude, their friends around can not help but feel: “Why are you so well-matched?

“They are so well matched, like the other half of the soul, when they are together they become one, finally complete.

How did it come to this in the end?

4 Meeting the family of three was a surprise.

At the airport where she was changing, the VIP waiting room was that big, she was casually flipping through a book, then she heard the sound of children laughing cheekily, she subconsciously looked up and froze.

Fate is too cruel, let them in this space avoid unavoidable narrow way to meet.

Song Yi was holding a little child with one hand, and a toy in the other, followed by a woman who should be called Zhao Jing, the wedding invitation, she had only seen it once and remembered the name.

Zhao Jing snuggled next to Song Yi, smiling while reaching out to tease that little child.

The standard happy family of three.

Her mind went blank, when Song Yi looked over, it was obvious that he was also stunned, the woman beside him seemed to be very sensitive, glancing suspiciously between the two of them, but fortunately both of them were decent and good at concealing their emotions, An Qin reacted first, tugging at the corners of her lips to exchange pleasantries: ”What a coincidence, Mr. Song’s family is going out traveling?

” Song Yi nodded and put the child in his hands down, it’s hard to say what kind of emotion, panic?

Panic? Guilt?


She was tired and didn’t want to analyze it, she only heard him reply in a low voice: “Yes.

” The two were like strangers who only had a nodding acquaintance, then they stopped talking, she lowered her head and pretended to read the book, but quickly put it down because her hands were shaking so much that she was afraid of being made to look funny.

It’s okay Anchin, it’s okay.

She closed her eyes to comfort herself, it’s okay, it’s just a meeting, you can do it, calm down.

Zhao Jing didn’t think so, or it was just mere pleasantries, maybe not again, who cares?

She tentatively asked An Qin, “You and Tactile know each other?

What’s your name?

” Then smiles and says, “What a coincidence.

‘ Such a temptation was so stupid that An Qin actually wanted to embarrass her, she wanted to smile back at her with malice, “My name is An Qin.

“She was sure that even if this Zhao Jing didn’t recognize her looks, she must have heard her name like a thunderbolt.

But good upbringing stopped her, not to mention the fact that this woman wasn’t actually considered to be destroying her marriage; in fact, Zhao Jing and Song Yi had known each other much earlier than she and Song Yi.

She moved her lips, and with that bit of good breeding, she gently returned to her, “Just acquaintances.

‘ Then she courteously stood up and bid them farewell, ”I’m going to the restroom, have fun.”

”She didn’t look at Song Yi for the entire time without slanting her eyes.

Maintaining the last vestiges of her decency and dignity, she straightened her back and left.

Until the moment the plane took off, the eye mask to cover her eyes tightly, she let go and trembled, VIP room hastily glanced, that child actually and Song Yi looks like, eyes and nose are like.

She once actually thought, if she and Song Yi had a child, would it be a boy or a girl?

Would it look like her or like him?

What kind of father would Song Yi be?

She used to think that she and Song Yi would be able to give their child the best education and love because although she didn’t know if Song Yi liked her or not, with his sense of responsibility, he would be a great father.

She hadn’t thought that one day after she got pregnant, he would plead with her, beg her to abort that child.

If, if that child had been born back then and was now a year old, would it be a boy or a girl?

Who would it look like?

What would the character be like?

If, if …… she actually understood Song Yi, she knew him too well, he lost his father at a young age, and knew the importance of a father in a child’s growth process, plus he was originally a sense of responsibility as heavy as that, he would not abandon that mother and child.

Sometimes, she couldn’t help but think viciously, if she had given birth to that child at that time, then who would Song Yi have chosen?

How would he have balanced it, if she had been a little more selfish.

But then she thought, if her own child was going to go and compete with other children for that little bit of fatherly love, wasn’t that too pathetic again?

How could she let herself get into that kind of spiteful situation.

Fortunately, fortunately and Song Yi’s marriage is only three years, she sometimes regret why this marriage is so short, if it is a little longer, Song Yi fell in love with her, then in the time of trade-offs, is not it slightly more difficult?

But sometimes she is grateful, fortunately it is so short, she has not had time to fall too deep, she still has the possibility of pulling out.

She was good looking, well educated, had a good personality, pursued all the right people, and most importantly there would be someone who would love her with all their heart.

She would eventually find someone to love her with all her heart.

She leaned her head against the window, in fact, could have endured, what can not be endured, as a child she received the tutelage is to endure, thought chiaroscuro, mannerisms and words, only to endure, only introverted and subtle, decent and courteous, but how can not hate it?

Pouring tears raged beneath her blindfold, and she cried out silently, in this corner where no one saw her, no one knew her wretchedness or saw her sadness.

Delphi was not the center of the world, and those two pigeons that had circled most of the globe and moved on at the moment of their meeting were not the beginning of a beautiful story.

It was just a very ordinary and unusual insignificant little episode that no one cared about, and even the regret was as light as a sigh.

Life needs more than love, it needs decency and self-respect.

–Anti-set Romance Quotes by An Qin Extra – Zhao Jing When I married Song Yi, everyone was looking at me for a joke.

However, I gritted my teeth and endured it all.

I know, this is what I should be subjected to, Song Yi because I divorced his ex-wife, so exquisite a person, the Song family everyone likes her, so look at me more and more bad eyes, cold eyes harsh, I can endure.

These years, life slapped me head-on I don’t know how many slaps, if each slap I have to go and explain some theory, these years, I took Xiao Xiao, I don’t know how many times I starved to death.

Later, many people are rumored that I am not right, deliberately gave birth to a child, and so he was big to find Song Yi forced him and the original divorce to the throne, people in front of the people to me polite and smiling face to welcome, turn their backs on the disdainful and contemptuous cursed a sentence: bah.

They are right, honestly, I myself also look down on myself.

But I can swear that the re-encounter with Song Yi is a completely undesigned accident.

I don’t know how you’d react to meeting your first love after six years, but Song Yi and I were calm. It was just a normal weekday after work for me, I hadn’t seen him for six years, and when we looked at each other, we were both just slightly stunned for a moment, and then he asked in mild surprise, “It’s you?

“I greeted him with the characteristic smile of the service industry: “Hello, Mr. Song, how can I help you?

“It’s been too long, love and hate have long faded in the rubbing of life, and we are just strangers who remember each other’s faces and names.

He was generous enough to tell me that he wanted to customize a ring for his wife, and since their wedding anniversary was in seven months, he wanted to reserve the gift in advance.

Seven months in advance to book, probably afraid of the final product does not meet the expected results, if it does not look good there is still time to prepare other gifts, he did things, always like to foolproof, so many years have passed, or has not changed.

I smiled and said, “You’re so careful, your wife will be very happy when she receives the gift.

“Diamonds this kind of thing, really the best love preservation products, gold are likely to depreciate, only it will not, always glittering, dazzling, a star once said, a carat of diamonds below the collectively referred to as broken diamonds, is worthless, visible below a carat of love is also worthless, but I know that the Song Yi is very rich, so I recommend to him diamonds collectively in more than five carats.

Definitely reflects true love.

He lowered his head and carefully selected, his eyebrows slightly knitted, very focused, I did more than two years in this counter, all kinds of people encountered a lot of people, there are shyly selecting the newlywed ring couples, there are with a delicate and fresh lover to select the ring of the rich, a throw of the money, only to pick up the most expensive to come on the line.

But only he, very focused, one by one, carefully selecting the past, and finally chose a pink diamond, he looked up and smiled at me, unobtrusive, and there is really no need to avoid between us, he said: “This is the one, she has white skin, it will be very nice to wear.

“After the selection of the cut pattern, to determine a good style to pay the deposit he was ready to leave, and I was on the same shift, Sister Wang pulled Xiaoxiao into the store, and Song Yi just met, while walking also said to me: “Zhao Jing, the child I stopped by to pick up the child for you, you do not want to make a trip later.

” Finished, I lamented in my heart.

I couldn’t see Song Yi’s expression, I could only see his back, he stiffened for a long time, then turned his head to look at me, the bright and gorgeous crystal lights of the store projected straight down, illuminating his face miserably white, he moved his lips and didn’t say anything, but I read his meaning, he wanted to talk to me.

Because Xiao Xiao and him look, really too similar.

Sister Wang helped me bring Xiao Xiao, Song Yi and I sat in the coffee shop downstairs in the mall, after a long silence between the two, he asked me bluntly, “Is it mine?

”There is no point in hiding it at this time, so I met his gaze straight on and nodded my head to him, ”Yes, it’s yours.”

“His face turned ugly little by little, and finally turned pale, and he just asked, “At that time, at that time ……” He nodded, and I looked at him with a smile on my face and didn’t say anything.

Honestly, see him like this, the heart is actually very happy, I for him, ate so many years of suffering, sometimes bite the bullet when I thought, why, why I ate so much suffering initiator but do not know anything, why?

But I fought for a breath, and then tough times, I have not gone to find him.

Now look at him this soulful look, I finally feel happy, if not the occasion is not right, I really want to laugh out and ask him a sentence: “Song Yi, you also have today?

“He followed me back to the store to pick up Xiaoxiao, who was very good and didn’t ask why this pale-faced uncle kept following us.

Xiao Xiao told me that the school was going to order uniforms for the fall, and everyone had to pay 370 RMB to the school. After that, he asked worriedly, “I asked the teacher, and she said that we have to buy the uniforms, Mom, do we have any money left?

“Since he was a little boy, his most frequent words have been: “Mom, do we have any money left?

“I wrapped my arm around him and said, “We have money.

“I don’t know how Song Yi felt when he heard this behind me. He can buy a hundreds of thousands of dollars diamond ring without blinking an eye for a minute, but his son has to worry about a 370-dollar school uniform at such a young age.

I don’t know what he thought, because he left quietly without knowing when.

1 Later, when Song Yi divorced his wife and was ready to marry me to take care of Xiaoxiao and me, everyone said that I didn’t know what tricks I had used to seduce Song Yi, but only I thought it was ridiculous.

Because I did not make means, Song Yi also did not ghost obsessed, if you really want to find a reason, that is guilt.

Because he is to me, deep guilt.

The people around Song Yi, whether it was his family, friends or partners, probably all had similar evaluations of Song Yi, stable, considerate, gentle, reliable, mature, and able to take care of people.

But I’m miserable, maybe it’s my bad luck, I didn’t meet the steady, considerate, gentle, reliable, mature, will take care of people Song Yi, I met that Song Yi, he is irritable, repressed, rebellious, arrogant, hypocritical, good at hiding, the most important thing is that the lying sex, lie, lie I’m too bitter.

Too bitter, too bitter.

My life can be divided into before I met Song Yi and after I met Song Yi, before I met Song Yi I was a self-improvement miserable person, after I met Song Yi I turned into a simple miserable person, walking broomstar Ben Xing.

I was a junior and Song Yi together, to fall in love is not in my planning, because to fall in love with this kind of thing, I can not afford to amuse the high luxury thing.

If you were me you would understand, I was thrown in front of the orphanage as a child, self-improvement all the way from the compulsory nine years of education to college, did not become a lost girl, this is how not easy a thing.

I live every day is very full, also must be full, 5:30 in the morning get up to go to the school gate queue to help classmates to buy breakfast, an early breakfast can earn 2 yuan of errand fee, this class plus outside the class about 32 students looking for me to book breakfast, so that a morning I can earn 64 yuan, lunch break I will help the female dormitory of the classmates on behalf of the courier, door-to-door delivery, before the graduation of the older sister left me a bike, a courier 1 yuan running multiple, a bicycle, a bicycle, a bicycle, a bicycle, a bicycle, a bicycle. A courier 1 yuan to run more than one, one, three, five nights, I will give a junior high school students as a tutor, two, four, six nights, I will go to the restaurant serving dishes, from 5:30 in the morning to 10:00 p.m., I in addition to study and sleep every point, are used to make money.

I know I may be quite unfortunate in other people’s eyes, but a person who has been unfortunate since childhood can’t feel it. I have books to read, I have food to eat, I have money to make money, I am self-reliant, and I feel that I am living a pretty good life.

I didn’t know that sometimes one person’s misfortune can become a bargaining chip for another person to take advantage of.

My misfortune made Song Yi pick me.

When I was serving dishes in a restaurant, there was a time when the restaurant’s big screen kept playing a variety show called “Oddball”, and once when I glanced up in between serving dishes, I heard a contestant say, “How much sugar does it take to sweeten up a person who has a lot of bitterness in his heart?

“The host of the program immediately retorted, saying, “You’re wrong, people with a lot of bitterness in their hearts need only a little sugar to sweeten them up.

Song Yi is that sugar for me.”

The first time we met was at 5:30 in the morning, I was carrying a full breakfast, my classmates actually take good care of me, they seldom order some soup and soybean milk and other breakfast, because they know that I’m not good to take, that time, the owner of the breakfast store to do the activity, each breakfast free cup of hand-ground soybean milk.

I’m a person who has been favored and taken care of by too many people, and I don’t have anything to give back, because I really don’t have any money, so these free soy milks, although insignificant, are one of the few things I can give back to them for giving me kindness, so I gritted my teeth, and prepared to take them all to the classroom.

Just in case, I split two trips, even so, when walking to the school crescent lake tied soybean milk bag still broke, more than a dozen cups of soybean milk knocked over on the ground, milky soybean milk steaming hot along the stone slate cracks meandering, in fact, already accustomed to it, but I sometimes still feel my powerlessness to fate.

That is a very frustrated and desperate emotions, in an instant together, as if my life, just like this, fate dressed up flamboyantly stood in front of me, to my face left and right to open the fan, but I can not do anything, can only stand like this, helplessly at the mercy of the beatings and kicks.

Do you think it’s topsy-turvy bad luck to this extent?

No. Fate looks at you with a smirk and says, “Eh, hey, you’re underestimating me, aren’t you?

You could be worse.

“Then I met Song Yi.

He had just returned from an all-night game, and when he met me crouching next to a pile of soymilk stains, crying silently, he asked me, “Classmate, can I help you?

“I fell into a gentle trap.

2That would be the time when he and his mother had the most trouble.

Song Yi’s father died early, his mother was very strict with him, since childhood, he never had his own time, his life, in addition to sleep, every minute was harshly planned to do things.

One thing I heard him mention was when he was in high school, he skipped his evening fund class to go to a World Cup game with the boys in his class, and when he went back the next day his mother took him to the cemetery and made him kneel at his father’s grave all day until he said I was wrong to get up and go home.

He knelt until he passed out from dehydration and never said I was wrong.

Yet this was just a very unusual routine in his life.

Life in the accumulation of pressure to explode, he went to college, and his mother had a falling out, then he, smoking, drinking, skipping classes and nights out, once I went to find him, he sat in the Internet cafe, everyone wearing headphones cursing in the game, he did not even turn on the computer, just sitting there, holding a cigarette, eyelashes drooped.

That kind of silence.

He wasn’t depraved, he just needed a depraved environment to declare war on his mother.

I was genuinely sorry for him.

The day he helped me clean up the mess and went with me to get breakfast, he said to me with a smile, “I’ve heard about you.

“I was like a hedgehog full of thorns and asked him, “What have you heard about me?

That I’m a poor man who has been treated harshly by fate?” “No,” he said, his eyes straightening.

“No,” he said, his eyes looking straight up, searching with a sense of the dust settling, but in the end he didn’t say what kind of a person I was in the “I’ve heard about you”.

So I ignored him too.

Then I don’t know where I piqued his interest in me, but he accompanied me every morning to pick up breakfast and drop it off classroom by classroom, accompanied me to pick up my delivery at lunchtime, and in the evenings drove me to my tutoring partner’s house, or to the cafeteria.

I never paid any attention to him, I was too busy to wind up in a relationship.

But one night, a very big pouring rain, I came out of the restaurant, he was standing outside the door, holding a very large black umbrella, the rain crackling on his umbrella, and then down along the edge of the umbrella, pooled in the puddles on the ground, the restaurant’s lights shattered in the middle of it, his eyebrows in the black umbrella tilted up, handsome incredibly handsome, he smiled, and said: “I knew you did not bring an umbrella, I’ve come to pick you up to go back. He smiled and said, “I knew you didn’t have an umbrella.

“Forgive me, it was the first time in my life that someone waited for me, someone picked me up, someone said, “I knew you didn’t have an umbrella.

“When I was a kid, I envied rainy days the most. When it rained, there were parents outside the school gate to pick up their children without umbrellas, but only for me, there was never anyone to pick me up. I would run all the way back in the rain, and then I would listen to the director of the orphanage complaining about why I didn’t have an umbrella again because I had to wash my clothes when they got wet, and I had to spend money on medicine when I caught a cold.

I was a nuisance.

So I looked at Song Yi that day, and my eyes blinked, and tears flowed down my face.

I actually rarely cry, really, because at a very, very young age I understood that shedding tears is useless and won’t solve anything, but I really couldn’t help it, I don’t know why, the tears just flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably like that.

This is how we got together.

He is actually very rich, I can see that the family is very good, but he will never stop me to work, or will always send me to pick me up, I have always been very grateful to him before, because he maintains what little dignity I have left, until the fourth year of college is almost graduated, he and I he wants to plan our future, want to marry me, he wants to take me, go back to see his mother.

That was the beginning of my miserable life.

3 I started stressing three months in advance in order to meet his mother and make a good impression on her.

I even spent a huge amount of money 46.87 dollars to buy a book “When you first go to your boyfriend’s house, you must pay attention to 100 things”, read nothing to remember, only remember that the book is too expensive, and Song Yi complained about it when he laughed, reached out to point on my nose, said I: “You, ah, change the name of the Grammy let’s forget it.

“I laughed stupidly.

Later on, in the splendid living room of his house, I seem to remember that I only said two words, an apprehensive and secretly expectant “Hello Auntie”, and a lost in thought and absent-minded “Goodbye Auntie”.

His mother sat on the leather sofa, only looked me up and down when she entered, and then didn’t look at me for the whole time. Song Yi kept holding my hand and introduced me to his mother, and the conversation was roughly as follows: “What do her parents do?

“She’s an orphan.

“Then why did you bring her to me?

“I’m going to marry her.

I’m going to marry her.” “…… Are you kidding me?

“It was very, very brief, probably less than ten minutes, and I felt like I was being stripped naked and thrown out on the street, but I held it together because I didn’t want to lose my temper in front of his mother.

Later, when I left his house, I asked him hastily, “Song Yi, what should I do, does your mom not like me?

“Now I think about myself is really stupid, his mother’s attitude towards me like that, I can still ask this sentence, simply stupid.

But Song Yi is very pleasant, he took my hand, the corners of his mouth is upward arc, he said: “It’s okay, I like you on the line.

“Later on a brilliant sunny day, I went to his rented house to look for him, I heard him on the phone, he said to his friend: “She was mad, when I took Zhao Jing back, I knew that she would be mad, and it was true.” The pleasure in his words was so obvious.

” The pleasure in his words was so obvious, it couldn’t be hidden, and before that, I couldn’t sleep with worry every time I thought about the way his mother treated me.

So, in his case, it was such a pleasant thing.

When we first met, he once laughed and told me that he had heard of me, but didn’t say that in the hearing, I was a kind of person.

It was only now that I understood.

I was his smoking, I was his drinking, I was his truancy, I was his sleepless nights – I was his degradation.

I was his charge to declare war with his mother.

All of my misfortunes, all of my scars, ripped open in blood and exposed to the daylight, were chips for him to use.

I knew how fate could be so kind to me after twenty years of suffering.

This was the norm of my life, I took one deep step back, telling myself how I could cry, it wasn’t the first time it had treated me this way.

And how can I cry when I have to take a two-hour bus ride to give someone a tutoring lesson later?

Do you have time to cry?

Then when I was about to graduate, Song Yi was still obsessed with marrying me, and his mother came to the restaurant where I worked once.

She didn’t order anything, fussy pointing at the menu for half a day, probably didn’t like any of it, and finally just asked for a glass of plain water, spending thirty thousand dollars to purse the restaurant for an hour to talk to me.

I sat down across from her and without giving her a chance to speak, I said, “Yes, I’m an orphan, an orphan that no one wants, and I’m so thankful that my country’s nine years of compulsory education allowed me to be guaranteed admission to high school with excellent grades in middle school.

” “I received funds from the country’s poorest subsidized students to support myself, and now that I’m an adult, I can earn my own money to support myself.

” “I bring breakfast to people in the morning, pick up deliveries at noon, tutor or serve dishes at night, and I have to study hard in between my life because I still need a scholarship.

” “Yes, Auntie, look, your son likes someone like that.

” “Oh yes, I was actually adopted when I was in junior high school, but the man of the house used to make passes at me, then I couldn’t stand it anymore and smashed a vase on his head, giving him the slip, and then the lady of the house sent me to the police station, saying that I had seduced her husband.

“If you go and check my file now, you might even find out what my record is.

” “Are you very angry now when you see that your son likes people who are poor, rude, violent, vulgar, underhanded, petty, and money-grubbing?

“Finally I slowly laughed, wiped my hands clean and stood up to look at the pale Song Yi, laughed silently, laughed hard, I silently asked him with my mouth, “Are you happy?

“Are you happy?

I tore my own vile and miserable despair in front of your mother, completing the last step of your vengeful rebellion.

Are you happy?

I should be happy, after all the tenderness, the accommodation, the warmth of your waiting and waiting for me, wasn’t it for this moment?

I let you get what you want.

4 Song Yi frantically looking for me and I apologized, our last meeting, was in the dark night, stormy, he was shut out by me, dead feet against the door, a pale face asked me: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Zhao Jing, what will it take for you to forgive me?

“I laughed and smashed him over the head with a bowl, and then I stretched out my hand toward him and said, “Give me 46.87 yuan, and I’ll forgive you.

” He was obviously stunned, blood flowing down his brain into his eyes, scarlet, he looked at me stupidly, subconsciously asked back, “What …… what?

” “$46.87 for 100 Things You Must Look Out For When You Go To Your Boyfriend’s House For The First Time, give me the money for the book, we’re done, you’re out of here.

“I don’t think he understood why I was clinging to this $46.87 when he left with his brain bleeding in the rain and in a state of disorientation, because every night that I tossed and turned in pain and couldn’t sleep, I was touching my aching heart and telling myself.

It must be that this book is too expensive, that’s why I’m tearing my heart out tossing and turning like this. 46.87 dollars, what a huge amount of money.

How long will it take for this heartache of mine to heal if I don’t want it back?

The latter thing is really nothing to say, I heard a long time later, because of my this matter, Song Yi mother made a step back, the relationship between the two stalemate for a year after the actually eased.

Fate is how to treat others, is how to treat me harshly.

Because at that time, I had already given birth to Xiaoxiao.

I was separated from Song Yi soon found himself pregnant, of course I will not give birth to this child, know that the pregnancy I bought abortion pills.

The hospital is too expensive, I can not afford to go, clinic abortion pills, on the single sold if only three dollars five a pill, I bought two pills.

Unscrupulous clinic of unscrupulous drug manufacturers, I do not know whether the drug expired, I fell red for three days, Xiao Xiao resilient solid in my uterus, the last day I lay in bed for a day of tears, and finally in the middle of the night, I decided to give birth to him.

Six years from now, Zhao Jing will surely ruthlessly curse the death of Zhao Jing who made this decision, because this decision made her live a life worse than death for the next six years.

But I forgive her, forgive that year that isolated, all alone, hasty, painful Zhao Jing, she loved Song Yi, despite the great harm that this man brought her, but those who do the drama of the good did exist, those who are heartfelt did exist, those who are warm did exist.

She was swept off her feet in a moment of love from above, in a moment of wanting to have a home of her own, something of her own, a family that would be there for her all the time, and I understand her and forgive her for that.

I really, really didn’t want to be alone anymore.

I finished defending my graduation while pregnant and was about to go into labor when I returned to my old orphanage.

The director wasn’t surprised to see me with a big belly, her gray hair trembled in the wind, and she finally let out a long sigh.

Junior high school year, I adopted me the man who wanted to rape my head crack, the dean went to the police station to ransom me, I was beaten by the man’s wife, bruised, disheveled, stood under the lights of the police station, nothing to hide, especially this woman also pulled my hair to slander me deliberately seduced her husband, I only feel ashamed, but still held his breath and did not say a word.

Until the dean came I began to cry, she will protect me behind, coyly and the woman apologized.

Finally, when I was leaving, the woman pointed at me and scolded: “unlearned little demon embryo, in the future you must be unmarried and pregnant, so that men have enough to play with and then abandoned, do not have self-respect and self-love vixen.

“What I thought at that time was: I will not, I must study hard, to get into the best school, to have the best job, earn the most money.

Seven years later, I graduated from college, returned to the orphanage with a big belly, and met the director at eye level.

It just felt like a prophecy.

This is my destiny.

I have suffered many, many hardships with Xiaoxiao.

The hardest time I lost only seventy-eight pounds, I was six-foot-seven tall, then three-year-old Xiao Xiao will his bowl of meat to my mouth, said: “Mom eat, I’m not hungry.

“Occasionally, I woke up late at night and saw him hugging my skinny arm and crying, asking me, “Mommy, why don’t you eat more, your bones are hurting me.

“All I could do was hug him and sob uncontrollably.

So when Song Yi stood in front of me and asked me what I wanted to atone for my sins, I almost smiled with malice and said to him: “I want you to divorce and give Xiaoxiao a home, can you do it?

” In fact, this is just a negative word, I just thought of him at that moment when he was picking out a wedding anniversary gift for his wife under the crystal lamp, his eyes were focused and his eyebrows were gentle, and I asked myself.

Why should he be so happy?

I worked so hard for so long in my life, was stirred up by him, and then he left in a dashing manner with his clothes not touching the water, on what grounds?

Of course Xiaoxiao is not he let me give birth to, is my own choice, people have to do for their own every decision is responsible for, this can not be blamed on his head, I’m just not willing, I am a brand-name university graduates of the outstanding students, once from my dream life so close.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

Sometimes I think: if I had never met him, if that day, I did not take that much soybean milk is good.

Obviously, it’s just a little bit closer.

I left such a long time I still know him like this, I know too much about his dead ribs, single-parent family grew up, the lack of father’s love, mandatory mother, so that he has a kind of natural sense of responsibility for the family, he would not want his children like him, although this is not the child he expects.

When he stood in front of me later and told me he was getting a divorce to give me and Xiaoxiao a home, I was only surprised that he actually had the fortitude to do so.

But after a few moments of silence, I didn’t reject him and asked you to forgive me.

In my life, I’ve been through a lot of things, and I ask myself, I’ve never apologized to anyone, but I know that I’ve apologized to Song Yi, the wife that I’ve never met.

She should have had a happy marriage.

But I can not refuse, when I gave birth to Xiaoxiao again difficult situation, I have not gone to find Song Yi, if not Song Yi happened to meet, I will not bring the child to find him in this life, this is my last dignity in front of Song Yi and his mother.

But at the time Song Yi found us, the next day he came to take Xiaoxiao to the amusement park to play, they rode roller coasters, carousel ride, Song Yi will Xiaoxiao on his shoulders, with him blowing bubbles, I saw Xiaoxiao for the first time to smile so happy …… a long time ago, I had a dream, the dream is also the same scene, Song Yi with me and Xiaoxiao in the I was freezing when I woke up the smile on my lips had not yet had time to converge, the dream was very warm, but outside the dream is a cold basement, no heating, xiao xiao in his sleep unconscious desperately to my arms, but he will not say that the cold, because he knows that this will make it difficult for me.

I could do nothing but hold him tightly.

Later on, when I was a little bit better off, I went and bought a small sun, which I could only turn on for an hour each night, because electricity was expensive, and I had an arrangement for every penny, and I couldn’t afford to pay for a second more.

But if one day, the dream can be reunited with reality, the dream playground in reality perfect reproduction, I have the opportunity to go to have a complete home, can let xiao xiao live a better life, so that he has a father, then I …… how can I refuse it.

Six years of life boiled away all my temper and arrogance, I did not forgive Song Yi, I just reconciled with him …….

The former Zhao Jing, even if she is so eager for a home, in the adoption of people lewdly touching her thighs to kiss over, as usual, can a vase face without changing the color to smash down.

In the past, even though Zhao Jing longed for the warmth of love, when Song Yi apologized to her with a pale face and said he would make it up to her for the rest of his life, she was still able to slam down a bowl to return the aggression she had suffered.

But six years later, she’s a mother.

I’m an orphan, and I want my children to grow up in a healthy, loving family.

I’ve been rubbed the wrong way by life and I can’t resist the temptation.

If I can, I just want to say sorry to Song Yi’s wife who was hurt because of me.

It doesn’t matter whether she will forgive me or not, you see I have been hurt by life so many times, have I said forgive it?

6 Song Yi after the divorce, stalemate for a year, his that year, the high and mighty mother, but also can only resign themselves to fate.

I married Song Yi, Song family life is not good, I’m not used to such a life, openly and secretly cynicism, a large family of transparent people, Song Yi friends see me with each other unspoken disdain contemptuous smile.

I pretend to be invisible.

Such eyes, such treatment, I have long been accustomed to, I thank fate, it is hard to my chest in the heart of the soft flesh and blood made of mud practiced into a worthless diamond, I will never be hurt, which is probably considered to be the gift of it to me incidentally.

Song Yi and I have a salty marriage, he is a good father, days just like this day by day, we never talked about his ex-wife.

Until one day, I learned that An Qin had remarried.

Song family someone deliberately mentioned in front of me, seemingly unintentionally in front of me to show a wedding photo.

A very beautiful woman, gentle and generous, eyes like containing water, bright amazing, in fact, the wedding photo of the expression are not too much, the corners of the mouth of the smile of a thousand, but she laughed very pleasantly, the man beside her also brow smile, very handsome and subtle look.

Probably happy, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Later on the way back I suddenly remembered that I had met this woman, in the airport on one of the outings, we bumped into each other face to face, she and Song Yi are both pale, slight pleasantries, I brightly try to find out her name, however, she just smiled back to me: “just know.

‘ A very cultivated woman.

If it wasn’t for the fact that her hand was shaking as she held the book, I probably wouldn’t have noticed, after all, she was so generous.

At that time, in fact, there is no other meaning, just want to apologize to her, now well, she is very happy, I also do not have to think about this sorry to give people a blockage.

Back when Song Yi in the study, I gently pushed open the door, he did not find me, dark room, a faint smell of smoke, he has actually quit smoking for a long time, because there are children in the family, he held a cigarette and closed his eyes, I saw two tear tracks on his face.

Gently close the door, xiao xiao will be back from school soon, I have to think about what to eat tonight, to start cooking.

However, my thoughts were uncontrollable, and I was struck by the memory of a rare heart-to-heart talk between Song Yi and I when we got married, where we asked each other a question that had been hidden in our hearts for a long time, and I asked him, “Do you regret getting divorced?

I asked him, “Do you regret the divorce?” He looked at me frankly and said, “I regret it, but it’s what I should do, I have to atone for my sins, Zhao Jing, it’s me who is sorry for you, and I’m sorry for xiao xiao as well.

“Then he asked me, “If you realized later that you were living in such misery, do you regret giving birth to Song Xiao?

“I looked at him for a long, long time, and finally I said, “I regret it.

“He smiled in relief and I didn’t say anything.

Because of the two of us, one of us lied.

I don’t regret it, even if it was bitter, Xiao Xiao’s existence accompanied me through those days, I loved him, I never regretted it.

But he regrets should be, he and his ex-wife, that fit, spirit soul appearance family interests fit all, if he did not provoke me back then, did not provoke an innocent person, then he would have a very happy family now.

He could have been happy too, but he missed out.

Just like he put on the nightstand that can never send out the pink diamonds, just like his study that the whole two rows of identical will never be accompanied by someone to play with him with mini Lego, just like his wallet most intimate place placed in the no longer can be shown in front of the people of that he and his ex-wife’s wedding photo …… this is his retribution.

I kept quiet, yet fate was fair for once, taking the hurt I had suffered all those years ago and sticking it into his own heart all those years later in the form of a boomerang.


I’ll never heart him again.

I always thought you were the absolute sugar in my life, only to realize that you were arsenic wrapped in sugar paper.

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