What makes you decide to give up on someone you’ve had a crush on for a long time?

What made you decide to give up on someone you’ve had a crush on for a long time? I had a crush on him for seven years and he encouraged his roommate to come after me so that his sweetheart wouldn’t get the wrong idea.

He texted me, “My roommate has been in love with you for two years, you can try it out with him.

Later, when his roommate and I got together, he came at me aggressively, red-eyed, and asked, “Did you make that box of chocolates for him yourself?”

“I suddenly remembered that I had told him that my handmade chocolates would only be given to him.

When I realized that He Shen’s confession to Lin Man Man was rejected, I felt a little bit happy.

When He Shen asked me to meet him at the water bar, I made a point to dress up properly.

After all, it was a good opportunity for me to take advantage of the situation.

Soft music was playing in the water bar, I stood at the door of the water bar, and saw from afar that He Shen was not alone, he was sitting next to Lin Manman, and his roommate Cenxi was sitting opposite him.

His eyelashes curved out in a crescent-shaped arc, the corners of his lips gently raised, his eyes were clear and bright, and his demeanor was gentle as he spoke with Lin Manman.

My eyes slightly darkened, my heart sank in a flash, He Shen saw me standing in the doorway, he smiled at me that much, the pleasure mixed in his eyes, all given by Lin Manman.

I don’t understand, didn’t Lin Manman reject him?

Why were they together?

I consoled myself, maybe they also just can’t make it as a couple, become friends, I still have a chance.

I walked over and there was only one seat left next to Cenxi.

I obediently sat down next to him, Cenxi’s face flushed, his expression slightly shortened and formal.

I looked across at He Shen and smiled in a fake natural way before asking, “What did you call me for?

‘ His gentle eyes swept over Lin Manman’s face, suddenly put down the coffee in his hand, and with his free hand, he held Lin Manman’s hand tightly in his hand, he then turned his head to me and said: ”It’s just to call you over here to clarify our relationship with Manman, I’ve always been just a friend and a buddy to you, don’t you think so?

” My eyes swept over their clasped hands, but I saw He Shen move a few times very naturally, and then the posture of their handshake turned into a ten-finger clasp.

They were staring at each other as if no one else was there, their brows and eyes overflowing with sweet smiles, just like a young couple who had just fallen in love.

My heart jerked hard, seeing that kind of picture, even if I was stupid, I realized that they were together.

I held back the sadness in my heart and pulled the corner of my mouth with difficulty, a sardonic smile flashed across my face as I said, “Of course.

” My remaining light glanced over He Shen’s face, his eyelashes curved, a clear smile crossed his deep eyes, he nudged his mouth at Lin Manman, and said with a smug look, “See, I didn’t lie to you, right, I’m really just a good friend, a good buddy with Talu.

“Watching him emphasize and explain our relationship so much with his sweetheart, watching Lin Manman grinning with a delighted smile because of this explanation, my situation suddenly seemed extraordinarily awkward.

I had liked He Shen for seven years, he was the light of my entire student life, I never stopped chasing after him, but in his eyes, the two of us were just friends.

Looking at their sweet look, in a trance I seemed to hear the sound of my own heart breaking, I used seven years, so hard to build up that side of the city that only he can walk in, collapsed.

2 The waiter brought me a cup of lemon tea, sitting beside me has been silent Cenxi suddenly looked at me with a red face and asked: “I ordered a cup of lemon tea for you, this should be your favorite flavor, right?

“I froze slightly and gave him a puzzled look, how did he know I like lemon tea?

Although I knew that Cenxi was He Shen’s roommate, the two of us weren’t very familiar with each other, but as far as I can remember, every time I met up with Cenxi, he blushed a little, his expression and movements, extraordinarily anxious and nervous.

I once teased Cenxi in front of He Shen, I told him: “Your roommate, Cenxi, is obviously tall, but why does he always blush and look shy?

“At that time, He Shen just laughed carelessly and said, “What do you care about him, do you like him?

Do you want me to introduce you?

“I immediately waved my hand and quickly changed to another topic.

He Shen let out a laugh, obviously I was sitting right across from him, but what was reflected in his deep eyes was not my shadow.

He teasingly glanced at Cenxi, and then said to me: ”Cenxi, he can ask me about your preferences, oh ……” After saying that, He Shen raised his eyebrows at me, and I instantly understood what he meant.

He was implying to me that Cenxi liked me.

Lin Manman said to He Shen in a half-joking tone, “You know quite a bit about Talu’s preferences.

He Shen hurriedly explained, “No, I contacted a lot of my former classmates, and also the best friend of Talu’s from high school, and asked them.”

“When I heard these words, my complexion suddenly stagnated, just a few days ago, my high school best friend Silk sent me a text message, she said: “Congratulations, ah, after seven years of suffering, finally He Shen to chase hands! I asked her at the time, “What are you talking about?

I haven’t even gotten to know He Shen yet.

“Silkie said, “How can that be? He Shen sent me a text message in the middle of the night yesterday, and made a long list, all about your likes and dislikes, he must have fallen in love with you.” I was really overjoyed, I thought I was really going to wait for He Shen, but it turned out that it was just a ridiculous oolong.

Cenxi took a deep breath on the side, then he gathered his courage, red-faced, looked at me and said, “Talu, I’ve liked you for a long time, can you be my …… girlfriend?

” When Cenxi spoke, He Shen on the opposite side lowered his head, he picked up his coffee and took a slight sip, then turned his head to look at Lin Manman on the side and smiled, his eyes were extremely gentle.

I looked at Cenxi and saw his red face, his bright eyes were filled with an expectant light, obviously nervous, his hands were shaking, obviously even stuttered, but he was still waiting for my answer.

My taut heart suddenly loosened up at that moment, and I looked at him and said, “Yes!” On the opposite side, the smile in He Shen’s eyes, slightly lagged, replaced by a flash of dismay, but in a moment, the smile in his eyes returned to normal.

Cenxi stared at me with wide eyes, full of unbelief, “You …… you promised me?

” The corner of my lips slightly raised, and I let out a smile, “Well, promised.

” Cenxi was full of ecstasy, he hurriedly turned to look at He Shen again and said: “He Shen, thank you ah, if you did not encourage me, I do not know when I can wait until when I can have the courage to confess to talk about it! I glanced at He Shen in surprise, at that moment, I finally understood that He Shen really never liked me a bit in his heart.

In order to prevent Lin Manman from misunderstanding, he encouraged Cenxi to chase me, and he even spared no effort to help Cenxi go to Silk to inquire about my preferences.

Across the street, Lin Manman took He Shen’s arm, she smiled and said: “We said we were going to see a movie, the movie is about to start, we should go too.

He Shen smiled and pursed his lips: “Good, it’s time to go.” Then Lin Manman looked at He Shen again.

“Then Lin Manman looked at Cenxi and I and said with a smile, “Congratulations, you two have a good chat, He Shen and I will go watch the movie first.

“They had already left, but within a few steps, He Shen suddenly turned back.

He had a faint smile on his face, and gave me a meaningful look, as if he was hiding some guilt for me, but also as if he was wishing me well.

He walked to Cenxi’s front, followed by patting Cenxi’s shoulder and said, “You kid is lucky! Treat her well!” Cenxi laughed, “She’s my girlfriend now, I’m sure to treat her well.

“I picked up the lemon tea on the table and took a sip. Today’s lemon tea may be bad, obviously it should have a sour flavor, but it is a bit bitter.

3 Soon after, Cenxi said he wanted to thank He Shen for helping us both get connected, so he wanted to treat He Shen to dinner with his girlfriend.

Cenxi found a Korean barbecue restaurant near the school and said he wanted to take us to eat barbecue, and I wanted to persuade him to change the place, but in the end I didn’t say anything.

He Shen and Lin Manman came to the barbecue restaurant hand in hand, talking and laughing together, I unexpectedly looked at He Shen, I remembered that I had asked him to eat barbecue, but he told me: “I hate going to barbecue restaurants, every time I eat, I am covered with the smell of fumes.

As soon as Lin Manman came in, she said happily to Cenxi, “I love eating meat, especially barbecue meat, I feel like I can smell it even before it’s barbecued.” He Shen stood at her feet and said, “I’m not going to eat barbecue meat.

”He Shen stood beside her, his gentle gaze following her closely, overflowing with a doting smile.

It dawned on me that he would come to the barbecue restaurant because of Lin Manman, and I almost just realized that although He Shen hated the smell of grease and smoke from the barbecue restaurant, he was perfectly happy to go there if it was with someone he liked.

My heart was sullen, sour, and astringent, and it wasn’t until the meat in the roasting pan began to emit a ‘zippy’ sound that I slowly came back to my senses.

After the first plate of pork was done, Cenxi hurriedly put a few pieces of meat on my plate and smiled at me, “You eat first, I’ll grill some more.” Across the table, Lin Manman had a look of dismay on her face.

“Across the table, Lin Manman looked at me with an envious expression, nudged her mouth and said, “Talu, Cenxi is so nice to you!” However, He Shen beside her gently raised the corners of his lips, his gaze swept over the meat on my plate, his eyes slightly indifferent, and the smile hanging at the corners of his lips seemed to have a hint of mockery and disdain mixed in.

He reached out and picked up a piece of clean and refreshing lettuce and spread it on his plate, then he picked up a slice of roasted pork and placed it on top of the lettuce, followed by him carefully brushing a bit of sauce on the meat and then wrapping the lettuce around the meat completely, after which he pushed the plate to Lin Manman’s face.

His eyebrows arched up, his eyes gently looking at Lin Manman, his slender knuckles retracting from the edge of the plate.

Lin Manman raised the corners of her mouth, her face full of sweetness.

He Shen smiled and said, ”I know you like barbecue meat, so I made a strategy before I came here.

”Lin Man Man decisively ate a few bites, and immediately her eyes lit up: ”This is the flavor, it’s so delicious!” He Shen looked at her, his eyes extremely doting, he laughed in a light tone: ”I’ll pack a few more for you, you eat first.”

“Lin ManMan is really a roast meat lover, when she eats meat, her eyes are glowing, in a short while the tip of her nose are eating sweat, she originally looks white and beautiful, at this moment, the tip of her nose seeps a layer of fine beads of sweat, a small mouth is obviously all greasy, but looking at it is not even a little bit feel greasy and ugly, on the contrary, it is through a lovely flavor.

He Shen was at the side, the smile at the corner of his mouth didn’t go down, he said: “You can’t eat slowly, no one is robbing with you, look at you, you can eat barbecue meat once, you can eat your face! After he finished speaking, he took a paper towel and helped Lin Manman wipe the sweat from the tip of her nose, and also helped her wipe the residual stains from the corner of her mouth, his expression seemed helpless, but between his words, he mixed it with endless indulgence towards her.

I’ve never seen He Shen be this considerate to any girl, and it’s clear that he’s really different to Lin Manman.

Suddenly, there was also an extra piece of lettuce wrapped pork on my plate, and I twisted my head in bewilderment to look at Cenxi, only to see him grinning a simple and innocent smile as he said, “Try some too, I’ll wrap up a few more pieces for you as well.

” I smiled, but turned my head but caught a glimpse of He Shen’s action of brushing the sauce on the barbecue meat slightly paused, then his indifferent eyes swept towards me but quickly retracted, I froze for a moment, and quickly felt that the glance He Shen just gave me was just an illusion on my part.

After we came out from the barbecue restaurant, it was already dark, on the way back, Cenxi said he was going to buy us water, I immediately suggested to go with him.

After we bought water to go back to find He Shen and Lin Manman, far away, but saw the two of them standing under a sycamore tree, He Shen wrapped Lin Manman’s waist, head down, Lin Manman also slightly tiptoe, the two are no one else kissing entwined, hard to part with.

I stupidly looked at the scene in front of me, caught off guard, tears fell so restrained.

My heart felt like it was being gouged out by a knife, and I shivered in pain.

Cenxi glanced at my expression, a flash of loss in his eyes, but quickly returned to normal.

He walked forward, using his tall body to help me block the scene not far away, and then faced me with the most gentle, bright smile, calmly and naturally said, “It’s about to be the final exams, let’s go to the library together to study tomorrow, so that I can go earlier to help you take a seat.

“I looked at him with dismay, and when I touched the expectant gaze in his eyes, I gently nodded my head, and I said, “Okay.

” He instantly grinned, revealing a row of big white teeth, and smiled not to mention how happy he was.

Sometimes people’s feelings are really subtle, the night before, I saw He Shen and Lin Manman kissing romantically under the sycamore tree, heartbroken, but when I got through that sad night, my heart suddenly didn’t feel the pain anymore.

4 After being with Cenxi, I realized that Cenxi didn’t really blush easily, he would only become cautious in front of me.

That weekend, we had arranged to go to the library to study together, and he went to the library early in the morning to take a place for me.

Our dormitory is close to the side door of the library, when I went to the library, I went straight to the side door of the library, but in the end I saw Cenxi and a girl standing at the side door talking.

I didn’t recognize the girl, but at a glance, she was quite pretty, but she didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

She asked Cenxi, “Why did you reject me?

Even if you don’t accept me, can’t you just be friends?

“I froze for a moment, but I was actually quite calm in my heart. Although I had been with Cenxi for a while, I was still far from saying whether I had that kind of favorite feeling for him.

Even though a girl confessed to him, Cenxi didn’t even blink, and the expression on his face was even more indifferent, like he was rejecting others.

He said to the girl in a very serious and earnest manner, “I already have a girlfriend, if she knows that I’m friends with a girl who confessed to me, she’ll be upset, and I don’t want her to be upset.

” I was standing not far away, what Cenxi said, clearly fell into my ears word for word, my heart slightly moved, like a calm lake, was thrown a seemingly small, but powerful stone, and then set off a burst of increasingly large waves.

That girl was Cenxi’s words angry tears with golden beans like, big big falling down, but Cenxi always board a face, ignore.

In the end, the girl covered her face and ran away, she ran away from the direction just with me face to face, Cenxi turned his head and saw me, suddenly his expression was stunned, and then his eyebrows curved, his eyes through the clear and bright light, just a few moments later, he seemed to be afraid of me misunderstanding something, he raised his hand and scratched his head, his expression was slightly shortened, and the whole person appeared to be embarrassed for a few points.

I smiled and walked towards him, and then took the initiative to reach out and took his arm, to say the least that was the first time I took the initiative to take his arm, his complexion was stagnant, his eyes widened, his cheeks quickly dyed with a touch of redness, the whole person looks dull and stupid.

I smiled and said to him, “Let’s go, there’s still a week left before the final exam, hurry up and go in to study.

“He just stared blankly, and then I dragged him into the library. When he reacted, the corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising, and he wanted to laugh out loud, but because it was in the library, he held it back and didn’t dare to laugh out loud.

5 I don’t know what he said to He Shen that day after Cenxi and I each went back to the dormitory after reviewing from the library.

But that night, I was already asleep when I was woken up by a text message from He Shen.

He said, “Cenxi has had a crush on you for two years, you guys can try it out.

” I sleepily looked at the text message he sent, and for a moment my head was still a little confused and didn’t respond.

Immediately after that he sent a second text message, he said, “I heard that you and Cenxi have made new progress, I hope that you are truly with him and not accepting him because of some other reasons or gambling.

“After reading the second text message from He Shen, my head gradually cleared up.

What did He Shen mean by what he said, what was some other reason, what gambling?

I suddenly wanted to laugh a little, he actually knew all along that I liked him, so he thought I was gambling with him to be with Cenxi, right?

I sent him a text message back, and when I was editing the text, my mood wasn’t really calm, Cenxi’s appearance flashed in my mind from time to time, and inexplicably I felt my heart burning.

I told He Shen, “You misunderstand, I just think, I’m a sophomore in college, I’ve never been in love before, it’s time for me to fall in love now, and the timing of Cenxi’s appearance is just right,” I texted him.

“After I sent the text message, I saw that He Shen’s status showed that he was typing, so I sent another text message, “It’s getting late, you should hurry up and go to bed, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine with Cenxi, I have to go to bed too, bye bye.

“After a few moments, He Shen also sent me a text message back, “Well, good night.

“When I suddenly saw the words “good night”, I was stunned. Some people say that when men and women send good night to each other, there is a hint of ambiguous relationship between them.

In the past, I took the initiative to send him a good night, but I was careful to hide the little bit of caution I had for him, but every time, he returned to me with a hard “88”, or no reply.

I naturally do not think that He Shen suddenly sent me “good night” with other intentions, the previous things, in my case, have already turned the page, I casually threw the phone aside, closed my eyes, and then a good night’s sleep.

6 Cenxi and I studied together in the library every day, and our relationship during that period of time skyrocketed.

The night before the exam, it was already nine o’clock when we both came out of the library.

Cenxi took my hand, her face flushed, and said nervously, “The dormitory will close in two hours, so let’s not hang out for a while.” It was summer, and the weather was still warm.

“It was summer, and the weather was quite hot, and even though there was a final exam the next day, I felt that I had studied quite well during that period of time, and I was very confident about the exam, so I casually agreed with him.

He kept holding my hand while walking and chatting with me. After we walked for a while, he saw a milk tea store not far away, and only then did he let go of our sweaty hands and said, “Wait for me.

“He ran quickly to the milk tea store and bought me a strawberry yogurt and himself a peach watermelon juice.

When he ran over and handed me the strawberry yogurt, he explained in passing, “Milk tea contains theophylline, which makes it easy to lose sleep if you drink it at night, and I remember that you also like this strawberry yogurt.

“He only jogged a short distance, and already had a line of sweat on his forehead. I smiled and took a piece of wet towel from my bag, then unwrapped it and handed it to him: “Wipe off the sweat.

“He took the wipes and wiped his sweat, while I lowered my head and took a sip of the cold strawberry yogurt, I always remember that night’s yogurt, oddly enough, had a strong honey flavor.

After not a moment, I glimpsed his neck sweat flowed down, then casually took another piece of wet towel, by hand, to help him wipe the sweat on his neck, he immediately froze, stupefied, looked at me, the knot in his throat also rolled back and forth a few times, his eyes more and more fervent.

I hastily withdrew my hand, but he suddenly held my wrist, red-faced, said: “Help me wipe again.

” I pursed my lips, always feeling something festering, my heart beating faster and faster, and the air I breathed, becoming sweet.

When I helped him wipe the sweat off his neck, I snapped and withdrew my hand, my cheeks rolling, and my afterglow glimpsed the knot in his throat at his neck rolling a few more times.

Cenxi was no better than me, his hands were shaking with nervousness, and the way he looked at me was unusually hot.

His tongue seemed to be tied in knots, a little incoherent, and a little stuttering, he said, “That …… me …… you …… could you . …” said half a day, he was a little anxious: “No, no, it’s me, can I …… kiss you?

” I lowered my head, feeling that my heart was about to jump out, I nervously bit my lips, my cheeks were red and especially hot.

Seeing that I did not open my mouth, he pursed his lips in urgency, and then summoned up a great deal of courage and said, “If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your default.

” He finished, stretched out a trembling hand a hand into my arms, and then lowered his head, especially gentle and fast in my lips fell a kiss, followed by panic and let go of me.

At that instant, I only felt that my lips were like electrocuted, numb for a while, crispy and soft especially marvelous.

Suddenly a silhouette came out, he yanked me away from Cenxi’s arms, followed by a hard punch to Cenxi.

I turned my head to look in dismay, but I saw He Shen’s complexion obscure, a pair of eyes covered with a shadowy color, his gaze looking grimly at Cenxi, his expression huffing as he rebuked, “What are you doing?

“7 After Cenxi was punched by He Shen, he couldn’t help but go up and return He Shen’s punch.

After I reacted, I rushed over and separated the two of them.

I looked at He Shen with uncertainty and questioned, “He Shen, you should ask yourself, what are you doing?

”He was looking at me with a particularly incomprehensible look, his eyes welling up with an unknown look, as if I had done something particularly wrong to him.

I told him, “Cenxi is my boyfriend, we were just doing something that any couple would do.

”He Shen looked at me with eyes that suddenly appeared stunned and panicked, I frowned and looked at him, I just felt puzzled, what was wrong with him?

Cenxi held my hand tightly at one side, his icy gaze swept over He Shen’s face, a mocking smile skimming the corners of his lips.

When he turned his head to look at me, the gentleness in his eyes returned, “It’s getting late, we still have to take the exam tomorrow, let me send you back to the dormitory.

“Cenxi held my hand, and He Shen brushed past the moment, He Shen’s empty eyes, suddenly bright, he caught my wrist, his voice consistently low, said:” Talu, I broke up with Lin Manman.

“8 My complexion slightly lurched, and I looked at him in surprise.

He raised his eyes to look at me, his eyes containing anticipation and pleading as he said, “I regretted pushing you to him.

‘ I was stunned for a moment when I suddenly heard him say that.

He had never liked me, could he also feel regret?

But at that time, I saw for the first time from his deep eyes, only belongs to my reflection, his eyes eagerly staring at me, eyes surging with intense deep feelings, he showed me that deep love and affectionate appearance, really out of my expectation.

But at that time, in the face of that kind of him, my heart, but without any fluctuation.

Cenxi jumped to her feet beside me, “He Shen, what do you mean?

“In the face of Cenxi’s questioning, He Shen fell silent, he looked disheveled, his lips pursed, but always held my wrist tightly, unwilling to let go.

I glanced at He Shen lightly, then pushed his hand away, and then I said to him calmly and seriously, “He Shen, I actually sincerely thank you for letting me know Cenxi, I’m fine with him now, and I hope that I won’t be disturbed by you in the future.” After the final exams were over, He Shen said, “I’d like to thank you for letting me know Cenxi, and I hope that you won’t be disturbed by me.

“After the final exams were over, the school had a summer vacation.

I talked to my family about staying in the area for the summer to work a summer job, and then I applied to the counselor to stay at the school during the summer vacation.

When Cenxi heard that I wasn’t going back for the summer, she stayed with me as well.

I found a part-time job at a local dessert store, and Cenxi worked as a cashier at a McDonald’s store not far from me.

We both commuted at about the same time, so almost every morning, he bought breakfast and came downstairs to our girls’ dormitory to wait for me to go to work with him, and then we went back to school together in the evening.

About a week later, I was sound asleep when my cell phone rang in the middle of the night.

I pulled my cell phone out from under my pillow in a daze, really sleepy after a long day at work.

I answered the phone, and soon He Shen’s usual low voice came over the line.

He said, “Talu, I’m having a hard time, you forgot my birthday.

” I froze for a moment, then glanced at the time, it was almost 1:00 a.m., He Shen’s birthday had passed an hour ago, and for the first time in seven years, I had forgotten his birthday.

I remembered, the summer after my senior year of high school, He Shen’s birthday, he only asked me out.

He said his mom and dad got divorced, still on his birthday, and they completely forgot that it was his birthday.

That night, I lied to my parents for the first time, saying that I was spending the night at Silk’s house, but in fact, that day, after I dropped He Shen off at home, he said that his dad had moved in with an outside woman, and his mom had her own fling, and hadn’t been back in a while.

He hugged me and pleaded with me to stay with him for a night. At that time, that independent, sunny and handsome boy showed his fragile side in front of me for the first time, and as I watched him suffer, I also shed tears with him.

That should be a past that makes people feel sad when they think of it, but I yawned heavily, I spoke with one mouth, and my voice was still mixed with the thick nasal sound of not waking up, ”I’m sorry, I’m really too tired today, I still have to go to work in the morning, if there’s nothing else important, I’m going to hang up first.”

“He Shen went silent, I heard him did not say anything else, then hung up the phone, and then fumbled a few times, from the bedside to touch a short time ago Cenxi accompanied me to the shopping mall, in the doll machine that caught an oversized Totoro doll, and then I cuddled Totoro soon fell asleep again.

10 this year’s Tanabata Valentine’s Day happens to be in the summer vacation, I think Valentine’s Day is coming, should give Cenxi to prepare a gift, but I have not thought of what to send him it, he asked me for it in advance.

He said, “Will you make me a box of chocolates with your own hands?

I froze for a moment and looked at him in disbelief, “How did you know I could make chocolates?” He laughed sardonically.

“He smiled back and didn’t hide it from me, telling me, “Last year, right after freshman year started, Valentine’s Day came, and you gave He Shen a box of chocolates you made with your own hands, but He Shen didn’t eat them, and after he brought them back to the dormitory, I ate them all.

“In fact, before that, every year on Valentine’s Day, I will make a box of chocolates to give He Shen, I can do chocolate, at first also for He Shen learn, before He Shen has no girlfriend, so the two of us are joking, said people have Valentine’s Day, we have friendship festival, so I sent him chocolates every time he accepted.

Cenxi took my hand and nuzzled, “Just make me a box, I’ve been thinking about that flavor for two years.

”He obviously looks so tall and handsome, but in front of me, always like a child, will be pampered with me.

I nodded and agreed to him, and he immediately hugged me and laughed, “Where can I find such a good girlfriend?

I’m so happy!” He Shen returned to school two days before Valentine’s Day. I came back from work with Cenxi that day, and he sent me to the dormitory entrance, and we parted ways.

Not long after, He Shen called me and said, “Let’s meet up, I’ll be waiting for you downstairs in your dormitory.

“It was already 8:30 p.m. and dark, and I had just opened the door to my dormitory and hadn’t even had time to turn on the lights.

I didn’t want to see him, so I found an excuse and said, “You went back to school early, didn’t you?

But unfortunately, I wasn’t in the dormitory alas!” He Shen’s voice sank and said, “Tan Lu, don’t lie to me, I just saw Cenxi send you back.

“I hung up the phone helplessly, then walked out of the dorm again.

I hadn’t seen him for more than a month, but He Shen still looked as handsome as usual, only that his eyes seemed to have a few more hints of haggardness in them.

When he saw me come out, the corner of his lips lifted up, his eyebrows curved, with a faint smile on his face, then walked towards me, then handed me two tickets: “There will be a festival in Wuhan in the next few days, I have failed to make an appointment with you once before, this time I will definitely accompany you.

“I looked at the two music festival tickets he handed over, my eyes slightly trembled.

A few moments later, I raised my head and said with a smile at the corner of my mouth, “No need, during the May 1st vacation, Silk had already accompanied me to the Strawberry Music Festival in Shanghai, and I also saw my favorite band perform.

“I remember, before May 1st, I had made an appointment with He Shen to go to the Shanghai Strawberry Music Festival during the vacation, and He Shen also promised me, so I mobilized all my friends who could help me to grab the tickets on the Internet, and fortunately, I really grabbed two tickets.

Tickets snatched, is in the middle of the night, I was excited about the night did not sleep, the next morning ran to the boys’ dormitory downstairs, want to personally tell the good news to He Shen, the results of He Shen came out, heard about this, the mood is very calm and said to me: “Music Festival you about other people to go to see it, I have other arrangements on May 1st.

“Later, when I came back from Shanghai on May Day, I learned from my roommate that He Shen accompanied Lin Manman to do part-time work and sent out flyers for five days during the May Day holiday.

At that time, He Shen hadn’t confessed to Lin Manman, but the two of them had entered a period of ambiguity.

I really didn’t think that He Shen’s so-called alternative arrangement was so important, but in the end, he just stayed at school to accompany Lin Manman to do part-time work and send out flyers, how ridiculous! He Shen’s eyes slightly darkened for a few minutes, his eyebrows slightly knitted, after a few moments of silence, he added: “I’ve checked the guest list of this festival, and there are bands you like, and it’s just a few days later, anyway, the summer vacation isn’t over yet ……” I immediately interrupted him, looked at him with a pale expression and said: “He Shen, I have a boyfriend, you Is it appropriate for me to go to a music festival with you?

“The palms of He Shen’s hands were clenched tightly into fists, and he stared at me with a furtive gaze, asking, “Are you really going to come to the real thing with Cenxi?

Talu, you’ve loved me for so many years, this feeling, you’re really going to let it go so easily?

“I raised my eyes, a mockery crossed my eyes, see, he really knew all along that I liked him for many years, but he knew it clearly, but he still asked me out in the beginning, in front of Lin Manman, personally admitted that he and I are just friends, buddies, laughable, not laughable?

Seeing me laughing, his eyes flashed slightly, suddenly he reached out and grabbed my wrist, his deep eyes looked at me lovingly and seriously and said, “Talu, the person I like is you, come back to me, okay?

” I don’t open my eyes, and his deep eyes, followed by reaching out and pushed his hand away.

I took a few steps back and told him, “He Shen, I put it down, in fact, I have long stopped liking you so much, it’s just that I have been chasing you for seven years, and I have made liking you my obsession, but that day I saw with my own eyes, you and Lin Manman stood under the sycamore tree, kissing with such affection, and I was sad for a night, but I realized that the point of my sadness wasn’t that you were with Lin Manman, but that I found that my obsession disappeared! ……” He Shen shook his head in panic, his gaze fixed on me, his eyes reddened and said, “No, you won’t dislike me.

“I looked at him indifferently and said, “It’s true, I don’t have to lie to you, but that previous obsession doesn’t matter to me anymore, because I have Cenxi.

“He Shen hugged my arm, his eyes flashed with an obsessive look, he kept denying it, he told me, “You’ve liked me for seven years, you’ve only been dating Cenxi for how long, how could you possibly like him?

“He held me in his arms, afraid that I would leave him, but I used the greatest strength of my life to break away from his arms.

I seriously and earnestly told him, “He Shen, don’t come over again, I don’t like you means I don’t like you anymore, even if I say it many times it’s still the same answer!” He looked at me with a dazed gaze and staggered back a few steps, looking wretched and pitiful.

I said, “It’s getting late, I’m going back to the dorm to rest, you go!” After I said that, I turned around and walked towards the dormitory, as for He Shen, the feelings I had for him had long since gone with the wind.

On Valentine’s Day, Cenxi asked me to meet him at the water bar where I promised to go out with him.

On that day, the water bar had been playing a variety of sweet songs on a loop, and the surrounding area was decorated with pink balloons, making the atmosphere romantic and cozy.

Cenxi that a pair of bright eyes, staring straight at the gift in my hand, I handed him my handmade chocolates, he received the chocolate, can not wait to open.

I made three colors of chocolate, white, black and pink, in the middle of a circle of pink chocolate arranged in the shape of a heart, and on both sides of the carving Cenxi and I two people’s names.

Cenxi’s eyes lit up and he was so happy that he immediately took out his cell phone and took a picture and posted it on his friends’ circle.

He said, “This is my girlfriend’s handmade chocolate for me, I really love her to death.

” I couldn’t help but laugh and scolded him, “You’re too meaty!” He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed, “What’s so mean about it, I wish the whole world knew that I, Cenxi, love Talu, I love Talu to death.

”As my relationship with Cenxi became sweeter and sweeter, I realized that his mouth was also getting poorer and poorer.

But the feeling of being with him is what I want in a relationship.

That day I gave him a box of chocolates, but he gave me a scarf, and I froze when I looked at it.

“Do you know what season it is?

You’re giving me a scarf in the middle of summer?

” Cenxi shrunk his head, deflated his mouth, and then said to me aggrievedly, “Didn’t you send a scarf to He Shen last winter, and he knew that I had a crush on you for a long time, and he gave it to me, and I could see at a glance that it was hand-knitted by you, and I thought that I would also hand-knit a scarf for …… you, and it wouldn’t be bad, and when it got cold, it would be useful. When it gets cold, it will come in handy.

“After hearing his explanation, I looked at the red scarf and was suddenly moved.

Last winter, I did knit a scarf and gave it to He Shen. It was my first time to learn how to knit a scarf, so I often knit it wrong, and then I took it apart and knitted it again and again.

Then I probably knitted for half a month, before I knitted a scarf that satisfied me, when my fingers were really red and swollen, but also rubbed out the callus, touching it all feel pain.

I was full of joy to give the scarf to He Shen, He Shen was pale and did not show any special expression, but he accepted it, I was satisfied.

I just didn’t expect that the original scarf, he went back and gave it to Cenxi.

I reached out and yanked Cenxi’s hand over, and at a glance I saw his red, swollen, and even calloused fingers.

My eyes were sore, and I asked him with a smile, “Do your fingers still hurt?

“He suddenly pouted at me, “It hurts! Knitting scarves is too difficult to learn, every time you knit a stitch, your finger has to be poked by that steel wire needle, and it gets swollen after poking and prodding…….” I couldn’t help but laugh and scold Cenxi, “Cenxi, I suspect that you’re driving a car.

” Cenxi: “…… “12 After returning to the dormitory that night, I put the scarf that Cenxi gave me around my neck and looked at it in front of the mirror for a long time.

It was obviously in the middle of summer, but I didn’t feel hot at all wearing the scarf; instead, I felt cool and refreshing, nice and comfortable.

However, right then, He Shen suddenly called me.

He spoke with a crying voice and was a bit incoherent in his speech, which should be due to his drunkenness.

He cried and accused me, “You said …… you clearly said! Talu, why did you send him chocolates that you made with your own hands?

You told me, you said that your handmade chocolates would only be given to me alone …… ” I still remember the last time I gave him chocolates, it was that Valentine’s Day when I first enrolled in my freshman year of college, and after he accepted it, he told me, “I’m getting tired of chocolates, so don’t give them to me in the future, giving them to someone else is also good.

“I didn’t say a word and hung up on He Shen, after which I blacked out all his contacts.

I glanced at the time, it was still early, so I called Cenxi again.

“I just got separated, I miss you again.

He was so happy on the other end of the line that he said, “Then go to the window and look down.”

” I froze for a moment and walked toward the window, only to see a circle of heart-shaped candles behind him, holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his hand, and shouting loudly at me, “Tanlu I love you!” I hurriedly ran out of the dormitory, he saw me come out, put down the roses, hands to meet, I ran into his arms, he picked me up.

I asked him, “What are you doing? I’ve given you a gift.” He smiled and said, “I love you.

“But he smiled and said, “I just suddenly wanted to give you a surprise.

” I cupped his face, and took the initiative to lower my head to give him a hard kiss on his mouth that was used to being poor, and then leaned into his ear and whispered to him, I said, “I love you too.

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