What moment made you feel like you didn’t need to wear makeup anymore?

Which moment makes you feel like you don’t need to wear makeup anymore?

I am the roommate recognized false face girl, make-up is like a change of head, belong to the kind of face 3 points, make-up after 8 points.

Then I was hung on the school confession wall, and even hung seven days …… confession is the same anonymous person, confession wall, seven days in a row are hung with a different picture of me.

Just so inexplicably, I was on fire.

The main thing is …… that every photo, I am eating lollipops, and then – the comments below the wall wall clear to me a nickname: stick sister.

I’m helpless, it’s fine to be called Sister Sugar, why Sister Stick?

Anyway, thanks to that anonymous person, I was mobbed eight times in seven days.

On the eighth day, I finally sullen, also hung the confession wall: trouble that male students to add my WeChat: **** add me please and wall wall chat records as the basis of identity, thank you.

As I expected.

After the confession wall posted my pitch, the comment area blew up.

My WeChat also blew up.

In just one afternoon, dozens of hilarious guys added me, all saying they were the one who made the pitch.

Until – a black anime avatar of a boy to add me, friend request only two words: is me.

It’s me?

I raised an eyebrow and quickly passed his application.

After becoming a friend, the first thing he did was to send a few screenshots of his chat with the confession wall, and yes, he was the one who anonymously hung me on the confession wall for seven days.

I even wondered if I had offended him in some way and was being pranked by him.

Clicked on his friend circle, is only visible in January, but there is nothing substantial to find, nothing more than a few songs, a game screenshot.

The only one selfie, has not shown his face, only reveals the jaw and throat knot, added filter, looks like some feeling.

But …… I just had an inexplicable intuition that the other person might be a ‘see the light’ greasy lewd man.

I asked him to meet me and made it clear – I’m actually kind of ugly in person.

Maybe not ugly, but in any case, I was one of those ordinary girls who couldn’t be found if you threw her into a pile of people.

However, the class very tacitly said that I was the class flower, except …… my housemates.

My roommates say I am a masked girl, make-up is like a new head.

I do belong to the kind of face 3 points, makeup 8 points.

So, except for my roommates, I am always exquisite and good-looking when my classmates see me.

Including the series of his photos of me hanging on the confession wall, all of them were me after makeup, fresh and unassuming, which led to the comment section from time to time people exclaimed “stick sister is so beautiful”! Finally, we arranged to meet at 7pm.

The meeting place was the school’s basketball court, underneath the No. 1 basketball frame.

Song Zhe said he would wear a white T-shirt with khaki shorts underneath and white boardshorts.

I sat in the dormitory and slowly removed my makeup, washed my face, and casually put on a piece of clothing and left the house.

It’s no exaggeration to say that along the way, not a single person recognized me.

Including a fellow classmate I met on the way.

Just like that, I went to Song Zhe’s appointment with my face uncovered.

His name was Song Tsu.

Listening to his self-introduction, he was also my junior.

At seven o’clock, I stepped on my flip-flops and appeared at the basketball court on time.

Sweeping towards the number one basket – there was really a boy standing with his back to me, white T-shirt, khaki pants, white shoes.

Yes, it was Song Zhe.

His back looked good, he was tall and long, but not too thin.

I walked over slowly and cleared my throat, “Hello, may I ask if it’s Song-” The second half of the sentence, I didn’t say out.

Because …… he is too handsome.

Help, he’s really handsome! That 「柘」 word was like a fish in my throat, I couldn’t even spit out half of it again.

Returning to my senses, I violently pulled the mask out of my pocket and put it on, hurriedly turning around, “Sorry, I recognized the wrong person!” After saying that, I turned around and ran.

Behind me, Song Zhe seemed to say something else, the wind was too loud, I didn’t hear it.

I ran back to the dormitory in one breath.

When I entered the door, I was still panting heavily.

My roommates were puzzled, “Didn’t you go to see an online friend?

” I was silent for two seconds, then rushed into the shower – bathing, shampooing, blow-drying, putting on makeup, and changing clothes.

In less than an hour’s time, I completed a series of operations and jacked myself up with a rather careful makeup.

Looking at the sweet and lovely girl in the mirror, I pursed the corners of my lips, and only then did I walk out of the dormitory with satisfaction.

Not to mention Song Zhe, even myself, it was hard to associate that delicate and sweet girl in the mirror with that ordinary girl who just stepped on flip-flops.

I walked quickly to the basketball court.

Luckily, Song Zhe was still waiting for me there.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked over, straight behind him, and patted him on the shoulder, “I’m sorry, I was just taking care of a little thing off-campus, I got stuck in a traffic jam, and I’m late.

”No way, for the sake of the handsome guy, I can only lie.”

He turned around, and despite being prepared, I couldn’t help but get excited the moment I saw that face.


He was really handsome! Four eyes met.

Unexpectedly, I saw a few moments of amazement under his eyes.

He slightly leaned down to look at me, ”Senior sister, if you look at it up close …… you look even better than in the photo.

” I pretended to be shy and said thank you, but in my heart, I silently rolled my eyes, can not look good, my sister has been practicing hard for many years of make-up skills.

“By the way,” he handed me a few delicately wrapped lollipops, “I just saw someone who looks a bit like my sister.

“”Cough……cough……” I instantly choked on my saliva, my schoolmate was still considerate, and thoughtfully patted me on the back.

I quickly shook my head, “No way, I just came back from off-campus, I ……” Song Zhe lightly laughed, “I know, I just feel a little bit like a senior sister.

“Said, he very naturally took my hand, then turned his head to look at me, slightly raised his eyebrows, “schoolmate do not mind, right?

“My heart was beating uncontrollably.

I admit it, I’m just a face dog, growing up to be a senior like this, not to mention holding hands, even if he kisses me right now, I’ll definitely shyly agree! I’ll be damned.

As if Song Zhe had the function of peeping into my heart, he held my hand and slowly leaned down.

I held my breath nervously.

However, instead of kissing me as expected, he suddenly smiled and said, “That girl who kind of looks like a schoolmate just now, she’s pretty cute too.

” I completely froze.

Quite cute …… means …… veiled face of me?

Before I had time to return to my senses, Song Zhe held my hand and walked towards the outside of the school, ”Let’s go, I’ll treat my senior sister to a meal.

“I was stunned to look at the two of us holding together go, some back to God.

This progress …… will not be a little too fast?

Pursing my lips, I tentatively withdrew my hand, “Song Tsu, the first time we meet, we are not too …… good like this.

” The words fell, he stopped and turned back to look at me.

Under the streetlight, he suddenly smiled.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, at the moment he smiled, the lights above his head seemed to be a few points brighter.

「Thump-thump-」 In the midst of my steeply accelerated heartbeat, he asked with a light smile, 「Then-sister is it that you want me to confess my love now?

“Do you want me to confess now?

”A short sentence, but it hit me hard in my heart and threw the ground.

I have to admit, I have lived for more than twenty years, but in the end, I was teased by a junior high school student.

However, who could refuse a such a handsome elementary school boy?

The moment I blushed, like a little girl in love, I flung away his hand with a red face, then stammered and turned my head, “Go …… to eat, I’m hungry.

“Being shaken off my hand, Song Zhe also just pursed his lips aggrievedly, and did not say anything.

Nor did he come over to hold my hand again.

We walked side by side towards the outside of the school.

On the way, I took advantage of Song Zhe’s gap in looking down at his cell phone to secretly take a picture of him, and then sent it to our roommate group.

As soon as the photo was posted, a wave of emotion immediately came from below, “Crap!” “Crap!” “Crap, he’s so handsome!” …… Our whole dormitory is this atmosphere, a line of lying in the world.

Because of the two stolen photos, the dormitory group instantly exploded.

And then – I managed to get blackmailed for a few meals.

Because these girls threatened to intimidate me, if I do not invite them to dinner, I will send my face photo to the elementary school brother.

After a glance at the handsome elementary school brother beside me, as a face dog, I still compromised.

But I never expected that when Song Zhe and I sat in a certain restaurant at the back door of the school.

The restaurant door opened and my five good roommates leisurely walked in.

I froze instantly.

As a result – those people glanced at me in a feigned manner, and then …… sat down at the table next to Song Zhe and me.

Help! Can you take these few scourges away?

「Buzz-」The cell phone placed on the table vibrated and the screen lit up with a message from the group of housemates.

Little A: “Have a good date, don’t mind us.

「Small B: 「Yes, just pretend we don’t exist, and remember to pay the bill for us when you’re done eating.

“「Small C: 「Thanks Sister Stick! “……” Is it too late for me to change dorms?

Here’s the menu. What do you like to eat?” I was looking at my phone.

‘ I was looking at my cell phone out of my mind when Song Zhe suddenly handed the menu to me, his voice still gentle.

I came back to my senses and scanned down the menu – huh?

This …… is a hot pot restaurant?

Eyes averted, sure enough, this is a hot pot restaurant at the back door of our school.

Just now, I was so focused on admiring my elementary school brother’s divine face that I didn’t even notice which restaurant I entered.

I have an incomparable headache, had I known …… that I would use makeup that doesn t take off today.

Seeing that I didn’t look quite right, Song Zhe tentatively took the menu from my hand, “I’ll order then.

‘ I nodded and handed him the menu.

“Do you like meat, or vegetarian?

” I froze for a moment, somehow getting the wrong idea, and my eyes subconsciously flicked to him.



‘ He laughed softly, “Good.

” After ordering, he closed the menu and handed it to a waiter, not forgetting to say thank you.

Well, the favorable impression of him had increased a few more points.

If you ignore the roommate at the next table who kept poking his head in, the date was quite successful.

Song Tsu’s younger brother was mild-mannered but funny, and we had a great time chatting.

The atmosphere was getting better, and I was relaxing a bit.

The hot pot restaurant was very tasty, Song Zhe ordered a table full of meat, and he hardly moved his chopsticks, but kept giving me meat to cook.

Gradually, I will also have no scruples, burying my head and eating.

However …… the air conditioner in the store did not know that it was broken, and it was sweltering and abnormal, and I ate with pleasure and casually wiped the sweat on my forehead.

Sweat soaked into my eyes, I rubbed my hand again, and when I put down my hand, I realized that something was wrong – my hand haloed a black mark, it seems, is my eyeliner fainted makeup …… I instantly panicked, and hastily put down my chopsticks, one hand blocked in front of my eyes, the other hand grabbed my backpack I hurriedly said, “I’m going to the restroom,” and got up to leave.

In the restroom.

I drew out a tissue and carefully wiped the black stains that were haloed at the end of my eyes, and then hurriedly took out my cell phone to call my roommate, Little A.

“JH, did you guys bring any eyeliner?

‘ Little A froze for a moment, inquired in a low voice, and then whispered, “None of them brought it, what’s the matter?

‘ I sighed, “Little A, can you go to that cosmetic store on the adjacent street and buy a waterproof eyeliner for me?

“After I finished, afraid that she would refuse, I added, “I’ll treat you to a meal alone, okay?

“There was a few seconds of silence on the other side of the room, and then came Little A’s promise, “Okay, I’ll go right now.

”When the words fell, Little A hung up the phone.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Little A went into the ladies’ room.


“A handed me a small bag.

“Thanks!” I reached out and took it, but I felt that the weight of some not quite right, open a look – ooh, it is loaded with ten or so eyeliners, black, brown, soft-tip, hard-tip,…… almost every style have bought a.

I froze, “This ……” Little A smiled, “His family just happened to have an event, the rest are ours, you just jump a bar.

“I picked one and opened it, “I told you earlier, I told you earlier to help me buy two more!” There was still lipstick and foundation in my bag, so I simply touched up my makeup and hurried back to my seat.

“I’m sorry, my stomach is a little upset.

” Putting down my bag, I looked at him and smiled apologetically, once again telling a little lie.

“Is it serious?

” Song Tsu said, pouring me a cup of hot water, “Do you need me to get you some medicine?

”No need,” I hastily took the glass of water, ”It’s already better.

“The rest of the meal continued to be harmonious.

Song Tsu and I seemed to get along well, and whatever I talked about, he was able to pick up on it.

In the hot air, Song Zhe looked at me across the table, “Sister Chen Yi, as far as I know, you don’t have a boyfriend, do you?

My heart suddenly skipped a beat, “No.” he laughed, “Coincidentally, I don’t have a boyfriend.

“He laughed lowly, “Coincidentally, I don’t have a girlfriend either.

“I thought he would say, “Why don’t we make it work”, but no, he looked at me with his eyes hanging down, the bottom of his eyes were full of smiles, and his expression was serious and solemn.

“So, can I go after you?

“Before I had time to answer, the next table suddenly issued a wolf cry – “Promise him!” “Promise him!” I was instantly out of the scene, glaring at them, then red-faced and pretending to be high and mighty, “I’m hard to chase.

“Song Zhe was still smiling, “I’m not afraid.

“I’ve never been one of those dainty, shy little girls, but I always blushed easily in front of Song Zhe.

I reassured myself that it was probably because he was so handsome.

Well, that must be it.

The next table was too obviously exposed, so I could only stiffly introduce them for him, “I’m sorry, they’re my roommates ……” “I know.

” Song Zhe laughed softly, “I paid for the meal at that table.

“I froze.

Song Zhe winked at me, his tone of voice contained a few points of ridicule, “They all confessed publicly on the confession wall, of course, they have been secretly in love with schoolmates for a long time, so they have also seen them at school.

” I froze, unable to speak.


In a flash of lightning, I suddenly remembered one thing, one thing that I just didn’t think about in detail – “That eyeliner pencil ……” Sure enough, Song Zhe admitted it with a big smile, “I went to buy it.

” Said he, he scratched his hair, low laugh, “Because I do not understand these, so each style bought one.

‘ I couldn’t come back to my senses for a long time.


Song Zhe’s voice once again came through the hot air, “However, I think senior sister will look better without makeup.

“I was instantly stunned by this short sentence.

If I had said it to someone else, I might have found it provocative, but it only felt ironic to my ears.

Song Zu may not know, in front of him, this bright and beautiful girl, after removing the makeup will be lost to the public.

After the meal, my roommates greeted Song Zhe and ran off in a huff in order not to be a light bulb.

Song Zhe walked me back to the dormitory.

On the way, we walked side by side, and he didn’t come over to hold my hand like he did before.

“Sister, are there many people chasing after you?

“I froze at his sudden question, then laughed lightly, “There’s been quite a few since college.

“What about before college?

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, “No, not a single one.” he was stunned for a moment, “No.

“He was stunned for a moment, “No way, maybe someone has a crush on you and you just don’t know it.

“Crush on me?

Before I learned how to put on makeup, I was a mediocre girl at best, the kind that wouldn’t even get a second glance when I hid in a pile of people.

On the way, I opened a lollipop, as was my habit.

It seems that very few people still love lollipops in adulthood, but I am particularly partial to it.

When I was in junior high school, I was beaten up in school for no reason, and a little fat guy protected me and brought me a lollipop every day.

He was the one who told me that no matter if I was happy or unhappy, eating something sweet would make me feel happy.

Then, I developed this habit.

We were almost at the dormitory building.

Song Zhe turned his head to look at me, “Sister, can I ask you out for lunch tomorrow?

‘ I froze for a moment, “Sure!” Who would turn down such a handsome junior?

However, Song Zhe got the better of me and took a step forward, inclining his head to look at me, “So, can you be my girlfriend?

“I froze for a couple seconds and pushed him away with a smile, “You want to buy away a schoolmate with one hot pot meal!” Song Zhe also laughed, “I thought I could rely on face painting and a meal.

“As we joked, we arrived at the dormitory building, Song Zhe stopped, “Okay, see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow.

“I waved my hand at him and turned around to enter the dormitory building with fake elegance.

Being chased by a handsome guy of this caliber, it’s a given that I’ll be in a good mood, but – I don’t feel too happy about it.

It is because Song Tsu is too handsome, I will instead worry too much, worried that he is the king of the sea, worried that he is just teasing me on a whim, worried that …… later he will dislike my plain face.

Back to the dormitory, after being coaxed, I took out my cell phone and hurriedly transferred a sum of money to Song Zhe.

It’s the money for the meal at my roommate’s table, and half of what we spent at our table.

Song Zhe’s message came back quickly: “I’m chasing after my sister, so of course I’ll pay for the meal.

” said the transfer was returned.

I didn’t want to go back and forth with him, so I searched Alipay directly on his cell phone number, and after confirming the name and the avatar with his photo, I transferred the money directly to him.

Not more than a few minutes later, the windowsill suddenly came from the small A’s alarmed voice – “Chen Yi! Your elementary school brother is still waiting outside!” I ran over and looked.

Well, it was indeed him.

I had originally thought that Song Zhe would be the kind of good boy who was clean and tidy, but it turned out that he also smoked.

It was already dark, and he was squatting under the tree outside our dormitory with a cigarette in his fingers.

It seems to be playing with a cell phone.

I lay in front of the window, leaning on my jaw to look at him, and tugged on Little A’s cuffs in the process, “Little A, do you think …… such a handsome boy will really like me?

” Little A hesitated for a moment, but still said sincerely, “Of course! As long as, if you don’t remove your makeup.

“I tugged on her cuffs hand instantly lost strength, yes, as long as do not remove the makeup words.

That night, after transferring the cost of the evening meal to Song Tsu, I accepted Song Tsu’s invitation for lunch the next day with a clear conscience.

However, I did not agree to Song Zhe’s advances.

I admit that I’m a face dog, so I suddenly backtracked the moment I met Song Zhe in the first place, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to start an unexplained relationship because of his face.

I’m going to take the initiative to AA all the expenses anyway, so let’s just get in touch a little more.

One week later.

Song Tsu and I both happened to be invited to a departmental fellowship, and when I heard me say I was going, Song Tsu immediately signed up as well.

At dinner that day, Song Zhe walked around half the table and sat down next to me, which instantly drew a sigh of relief.

In the midst of the uproar, someone else’s face sank.

That person just happened to sit across from us, is younger than me one level of schoolmates, seems to be called Shi Yue, I heard …… that she chased Song Zhe for a long time.

I also heard that her family is well off, pampered since childhood, want the wind to get the wind to get the rain, usually act also quite domineering.

The other table, I was glaring at her not too comfortable, if the eyes have substance, I’m afraid that I have long been killed by her a few times back and forth.

At the end of the meal, the young lady didn’t make any trouble, but only said a few words in a conspiratorial manner when Song Zhe gave me some food.

The next activity was originally scheduled to go to the ktv, but Shi Yue insisted on going swimming, and the crowd didn’t dare to offend her, so they could only nod their heads in agreement.

Moreover, due to her temporary change of mind, everyone did not prepare swimsuits, Shi Yue directly waved her hand – everyone’s swimsuits went to the scene to buy, and she paid for it! Well, grandiose.


I froze for a moment, and then settled down.

In order to avoid the situation from last time, I used waterproof products in my makeup today, not to mention going swimming, even going for a scrub I dare.

Thinking of this, I agreed to it painfully.

However, what I didn’t expect was that Shi Yue was much more rampant than I thought.

Inside the women’s locker room.

Shi Yue brought a group of girls around, carrying a bottle of liquid in her hand.

My heart sank, what kind of hatred and what kind of grudges, not to throw sulfuric acid, right?

When I got closer, I could see that it was makeup remover.

Shi Yue carrying makeup remover came over, there is no TV series of those school violence sarcasm, there is no abuse and ridicule, they even came over from the beginning to the end of the sentence did not say a word, a few girls will directly press me.

Wet makeup remover cotton pressed on my face, Shi Yue only opened his mouth to say the first words, “Chen Yi sister, I have long heard some people say that you make up before and after the two people, today why not let us all meet sister’s face?

“I frowned, I wanted to swear, but a girl behind me tightly covered her mouth.

What a big battle, in order to remove my makeup, a few people surrounded me, pressing my arms and covering my mouth.

Just like that, I was pressed and forced to remove my makeup.

A few moments later.

The few people led by Shi Yue surrounded me, their arms wrapped around their chests, smilingly looking at my face.

“Senior Sister.

” Shi Yue clasped her arms and looked at me joyfully, “Tsk, if I hadn’t removed the makeup myself, I really wouldn’t have recognized that this person in front of me is actually my Chen Yi senior sister.

“She laughed and slowly leaned down to look at me, “Where is the promised class flower?

“There was a loud bang.

Shi Yue, unprepared, was heavily pushed down by me, knocking over the locker behind her, and the whole person lay on the ground in a sorry state.

A group of lapdogs were instantly in disarray, busy helping her.

Shi Yue stood up, indignantly glanced at me, and did not come over to make accusations like I imagined, but instead held her arms and looked at me.

“Senior sister, there is no makeup here, while we will firmly guard the entrance and won’t let anyone in.

” After a pause, she smiled softly, “Whenever you’re ready, you can come out with your face on,” she said.

‘ Finished speaking, she turned around and went out with a group of people.

In the empty locker room, I was the only one left.

I stared blankly at the mirror in front of me, in which stood a girl wearing a black swimsuit – she has a slender figure, barely a pair of thin and long legs, but …… that face, but exceptionally ordinary.

Slightly round face, still with a few points of baby fat, inner double, eyes still look a little slightly puffy, nose should be the only still good-looking features.

I carefully scrutinized myself in the mirror, not too ugly to make people’s stomachs turn, but compared to my usual appearance of exquisite makeup, how to say, it is a world of difference.

The cell phone kept ringing.

Song Zhe originally just told me that he was waiting for me in the neighborhood, so that I didn’t have to rush.

Then when he saw that I hadn’t replied to the message, he seemed a little anxious, and the phone dialed directly.

I hesitated for a long time until the phone hung up.

But immediately afterward, a second call came in.

I carefully connected it.

“Hey ……” Song Tsu seemed to be relieved, “Sister, are you okay?

Why haven’t you returned the message.

“I don’t know what’s wrong, just now, I didn’t cry when I was forced to remove my makeup by a group of people, but the moment I heard Song Zhe’s voice, I instantly choked up.

“Song Zhe ……” I couldn’t help but feel a sourness in my nose, “I can’t get out, I …… I’ve had my makeup removed by them, there’s no way I can see anyone ……” In fact, one of my girlfriends who has known each other for many years had this Said I – Chen Yi, the current you, is not the real you, make-up is not wrong, all people want to become more beautiful.

But you can’t be too stubborn. I hope you like the exquisite and beautiful yourself after make-up, and I also hope you can accept the plain-faced yourself.

In fact, I understand.

But the disguise for a long time, I have some no way to accept, no way to accept others to see my face when I have a huge sense of difference in appearance.

Especially Song Zhe.

I hope that in his impression, Chen Yi is the one who wears a small skirt, pretty and loves to smile, not this girl who is so ordinary that people don’t want to look at her any more.

Sometimes, being ordinary is an original sin.

Years ago, I was once bullied in school just because I was ordinary – ordinary looks, ordinary grades, ordinary family, even my nature was so ordinary that it couldn’t be any more ordinary, dull and weak.

Just because of this alone, I became the target of those bad kids’ bullying.

Just because of this …… I was stunned back to God, only to realize that the call had been hung up at some point.

I pursed my lips, and was hesitating whether or not to muster up the courage to go out with my veiled face on top, when a noise suddenly came from outside the door of the locker room.

I seemed to hear someone shouting, “This is the women’s locker room, you can’t go in!” Song Tsu, are you fucking crazy?”

” The moment the words fell, the door was heavily pushed open and Song Zhe ran in.

4 “Chen Yi!” Song Tsu’s voice sounded in the doorway, and I panicked, subconsciously taking half a step back and reaching out to cover my face.

What to do.

There was still no way to break through the mental barrier, still no way to face Song Zhe with a plain face.

He was so good looking, I even felt as if standing in front of him with a plain face would be a kind of defilement to him.

I buried my head and covered my face, only to hear the sound of footsteps approaching.

Then, it was embraced into an embrace.

In my ears was the sound of a violent heartbeat, and Song Tsu’s voice rang above my head, “Sister, I’m here.

“I was stunned for a long time, and finally did not say anything.

Since I was a child, no matter what kind of emotional lines were said on TV, I always believed that the most beautiful love words were not ‘I love you’, but ‘I’m here’.

Simple yet powerful.

The satisfaction of always having someone behind you is something I’ve never had before.

At the moment, it seemed like I had.

In the middle of the day, Song Tsu took my hand and tugged it down a little.

I hesitated for a moment, and ultimately didn’t refuse.

Both hands were yanked down by him, and I was exposed in front of him with a face that was so plain and ordinary that it couldn’t be ordinary anymore.

With my head hanging down, I could feel Song Tsu’s gaze slowly sweeping over my face, but I didn’t dare to look up to see his reaction.

“Isn’t it, especially ugly?

” I asked him in a low voice after a moment of hesitation.

Song Tsu, however, suddenly laughed.

He reached out and pinched the tip of my nose, his expression and movements were particularly natural, like that of an ordinary couple.

He laughed, “I thought it was so ugly, so afraid of me seeing it.

” Said Song Tsu, his body slightly leaned back a few points, much more calm than I thought.

“Isn’t this quite cute.

” I stared blankly at the boy in front of me.

It was only then that I noticed …… what we were both wearing, both swimsuits, and that we were skin to skin when Song Tsu barged in and hugged me just now.

Face instantly reddened.

Song Zhe also seemed to realize this problem, he coughed lightly and took a small step back, “Then …… let’s go out.

” I hesitated again.

Saying it out may not be believed, since I went to college, I never once went out of the dormitory without a face.

Even when I went downstairs to change the water at the hostel aunty’s place, I was wearing makeup.

Practice makes perfect, my make-up speed is also very fast, other people half an hour to a little bit of make-up, I can easily handle ten minutes.

When I think of going out with my face uncovered, I’m still a little bit scared.

Seeing my hesitation, Song Zhe didn’t push me, he said softly, “Or if you don’t want to, I’ll go buy makeup for you now.

‘ “No need.

” I shook my head.

“Song Tsu, are you disappointed to see me like this?

‘ He froze for a couple seconds, then laughed softly, “Why should I be disappointed?

‘ Song Tsu passed his hand in front of me, his knuckles long and slender, his fingertips rounded, quietly waiting for me to move.

I swayed a little, then slowly passed my hand over.

Song Zhe held my hand and smiled, “Sister, you have to believe that not everyone in this world loves the glamor of your make-up, there will always be someone who loves the reality of your make-up after it is removed.

” said he, raising the hands we were holding together, his smile not half diminishing.

“Apparently, I’m the latter.

” It was a bit of a literary statement, and it took me a long time to come back to my senses, but I didn’t know what to say, so all I could do was ‘hmmm’ in a nasal voice.

Song Tsu laughed lowly and gripped my hand a little tighter, “Then let’s go out.


”I answered, and only then did I realize that Song Zhe had unlocked the door to the women’s locker room when he came in.

No wonder, Shi Yue and the others should have rushed in by now.

Song Zhe led me by the hand to open the door.

When the door opened, I saw a group of people waiting outside to see what was going on.

Shi Yue stood at the front with her arms wrapped around her, looking as if she was waiting to see a good show.

However, after seeing the hands that Song Zhe and I clasped together, her face suddenly changed.

“You ……” She only had time to say one word, then Song Zhe coldly glared at her, and the words behind her quietly stopped.

Knowing that she was at a disadvantage, Shi Yue closed her mouth and resentfully didn’t open her mouth again.

Instead, it was her little sister who spoke up, “Song Zhe, aren’t you looking for Chen Yi?

Who’s this next to you?

“When she said this, there was an instant burst of laughter.

I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, and subconsciously clutched Song Zhe’s hand.

Song Zhe’s fingertips tightened a few points, and before anyone could react, he fiercely picked up a bottle of water that was on the side of an unknown person, and smashed it towards the side of the girl who was talking without any warning! 「Ah ……」 a cry of surprise, the bottle of water hit the ground hard.

Song Zhe coldly glanced at, did not make a sound, dragged me to the side of the pool.

There was silence behind us, and no one dared to say another word.

Not to mention those girls, even I, who was always clutched by his hand, felt a chill down my back.

I’ve never seen Song Zhe like this.

Cold and indifferent.

Not like him at all.

“Chen Yi.


” I came back to my senses, only to realize that it was Song Tsu calling my name.

This time, he didn’t call me senior sister again, but frowned at me and whispered.

“I want you to be yourself, I want you to be happy, and I want you to wear makeup because you like it, not to please others or with the intention of covering it up.

” He took my hand in his, his palm warm.

“I want you to understand that you’re not ugly at all when you’re naked, you’re especially cute.

“As if he was afraid I wouldn’t believe him, he added, “Really.

” I looked at him in a daze, and inexplicably, my eyes became wet.

I lowered my head and rubbed my eyes, saying softly, “The wind is too strong, it’s confusing my eyes.

“But now the sky is clear, and there is no wind at all.

There’s no wind, it’s just a girl with low self-esteem and sensitivity who’s been poked in the heart.

Song Zhe held my hand, suddenly came over, low smile and asked, “Sister, we …… this is considered officially together, right?

” My action of rubbing my eyes paused.

Looking at the two of us tightly holding hands together, I pursed my lips, although I have not formally said such words as together, but …… it does seem to be the default.

After hesitating for a few seconds, I nodded my head.

Song Tsu suddenly smiled, also seems to be relieved, he asked me softly, “Then I tell you a secret.

” “Good.

‘ I obediently waited for his secret, but suddenly I heard him ask, ”When you were a little girl, did you know a little fat boy who gave you lollipops all day long?

“I froze.

How did he know?

I stared at him in a daze, inexplicably, this face in front of me seems to overlap with the face in my memory that is so fat that I can’t see the contours of my features …… I steeply guessed a possibility, “Are you …… you are that little fat guy?

” He laughed lowly and reached out to scrape the tip of my nose: “No.

“”But …… I know him.

“5 Song Zhe looked at me, hooked his lips and smiled, the bottom of his eyes can not hide the smile – “Sister, in fact, I have a crush on you for many years.

” I was stunned by this sudden confession of his, and I couldn’t return to my senses for a long time.

Song Zhe took hold of my hand and gently rubbed his fingertips on the back of my hand, “In fact, that little fat guy who protected you in the beginning was something I traded my pocket money for.

The lollipops he gave you, I fooled him into delivering them.

‘ I still couldn’t respond, “So …… we knew each other back then?

“Song Zhe smiled, “To be more precise, I know you.

” He held my hand and smiled gently, then, told me a story.

A story that goes back many years.

At that time, Song Zhe had just started his first year of junior high school, his features had not yet grown, he was still a slightly clean-cut little boy.

And his best feature was – short.

According to Song Zhe himself said, at that time he himself in the not far away secretly measured, he was shorter than the girl I was half a head.

Short and thin figure, let himself some inferiority complex.

Therefore, in the crush of the neighboring class little girl was bullied, he rushed to launch his tall and strong diehard to heroically save the beauty, instantly let the little fat man shaped an image of being bullied because of fatness, with the same disease as the entry point, let the little fat man and the little girl to be friends smoothly.

Song Zhe originally wanted to wait until the little fat man and the little girl were thoroughly familiar with each other, and then he gradually approached her as a friend, but …… before he could wait for that day, the little girl he had a crush on transferred to another school.

Since then, he can only occasionally hear her news, she went to so-and-so high school, and admitted to a certain university.

Speaking of this, Song Zhe’s voice paused.

“Just to get into this school, I repeated a year of schooling and hardened myself to become your schoolmate.

” Looking at Song Tsu’s gritted teeth, I just felt cute, “So can I ask you a question?

‘ He looked down at me, his eyes gentle, ”You say.

“That little girl is so ordinary, so ordinary that she’s forgettable, why did you fall in love with her?”

“And, it was for so many years.

In the past, I always thought that this kind of plot should be limited to movies.

Song Tsu laughed, and then raised his hand to rub my hair, looking natural, not like he was faking.

“What’s so ordinary about her?

” He smiled gently, the bottom of his eyes seems to have light, “Others say she is ordinary, bullying her, teasing her, but I clearly see a gentle and sensitive little girl, will save their ham sausage to feed the stray cats, will be gentle and fine-tongued for people to solve the problem, will be painstakingly and painstakingly for my die-hard little fat guy to find all kinds of weight loss recipes, but also in a short boy was joked and mocked when he stood up to speak on behalf of him! ……” He lifted his hand, fingers scraping the tip of my nose.

“She’s obviously just fine.

” I had to admit, I did get turned on by Song Tsu’s words.

Heartbeat thumping.

Looking at this tall and handsome, and the point is that he’s also a very infatuated schoolmate in front of me, I can’t help but secretly feel in my heart that I really did get lucky.

However, if you want to thank, thank myself back then.

Looking at Song Zhe who was seriously confessing in front of me, I finally remembered a small thing that was buried in the depths of my memory – when I was in the first year of junior high school, I was a new transfer student, at that time I hadn’t experienced campus violence, although my nature was dull, but I would occasionally be enthusiastic about a handful of things.

On the first day of my transfer, I met a group of people jokingly taunting a short boy.

The boy was indeed very short, even shorter than me by half a head, being teased about his height, he lowered his head and did not say a word, surrounded by a burst of laughter.

I endured and endured, but still could not resist relieving him.

To be honest, after all these years, I don’t even remember what I said at first.

However, I did have some impression of that boy’s gaze.

I vaguely remembered that the moment I relieved him of the situation, he looked up in dismay, his gaze clear and bright.

That’s right, according to Song Tsu, he was that boy.

Turns out, sometimes people’s brains really do come with their own filters, Song Tsu said, that was the first time I appeared in his world, with my own filter, different from all the other girls.

At the moment, Song Zhe was sitting in front of me, gently rubbing my hair, his voice was very soft: “Maybe it’s because of the filter of the first encounter, after that, I saw you as different from other girls, but regrettably, you don’t remember me at all, and I’m too embarrassed to take the initiative to contact you.

I’m sorry that you don’t remember me at all, and I’m too embarrassed to reach out to you.”

For a boy who is still in puberty, how is he going to face his favorite girl who is half a head taller than him?

So, he snubbed his best friend to protect me, and pretended to give me lollipops under his hand.

Including those words of eating something sweet if you’re in a bad mood, it was also Song Tsu who passed it on through the mouth of the little fatty.

Hearing the story from the beginning to the end, I had trouble returning to my senses, my mind filled with the imagined appearance of Song Zhe’s one meter five.

I narrowed my eyes and sized him up, and then, I had to sigh – with Song Tsu’s current face, even resting on a five-foot-five frame, he was still handsome.

“I suddenly remembered something and tugged on Song Zhe’s arm, “Why did you hang up the confession wall to confess your love for me in the first place?

“Song Zhe pursed his lips, seemingly a little embarrassed at the mention.

“Because I saw you post a friend’s circle, saying that you wanted to have a great love affair.

“Well, it’s really something.

It wasn’t right, huh?

I froze for a moment, then looked up at him, “Didn’t you tweet me after you put up the confession wall?

How would he know about the circle I posted before that?”

At that, Song Zhe smiled, his fingers curved slightly, gently scraping from the tip of my nose, “If a guy really wants to chase a girl, he can think of a way to do it no matter what, and getting a small number to add to her WeChat is basically the simplest operation.

” This does not sound right, I quickly sat up straight to look at him, “Listen to your tone …… has chased many girls?

” He instantly restrained his smile, “How can that be!” Song Zhe held my hand, looking solemn, “Sister, in order to prevent you from questioning, I have decided to-” he deliberately pulled a long tone, and then slowly said, “Tomorrow, I will hang the confession wall to confess to you once again.

” “Don’t!” I was instantly afraid, and quickly pacified him, and in passing asked again, “Do you and the wall wall …… have any untold secrets?

“Otherwise, how could you let him hang the wall of confession for seven days in a row in the first place.

Song Zhe looked at me and smiled, “This person you are no stranger.

“In the moment I was stunned, Song Zhe continued, “The person who is responsible for running the confession wall now is Little Fatty.

”Oooh, what a little fatty.

I’m afraid that he’s been the strongest assistant between Song Zhe and me since the first year.


“Song Tsu called me in a low voice.


” He suddenly leaned down to hug me and sighed softly in my ear, “After all these years, I’ve finally caught up with you.

” “Sister, I super like the way you look when you’re veiled.

” said he, he pinched my face, “Although the nose is a little shorter, the face is a little rounder, the eyes are a little smaller, but I especially like it, really.

“I hugged him back, my mouth was not polite, “Song Zhe, I also like your appearance when you were 5 meters tall, really.

I really did.”

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