What weird or gross roommates have you seen?

What weird or disgusting roommates have you seen?

When I was still pondering whether to go to the spicy bibimbap in the first cafeteria or the grilled cold noodles in the South Gate, my roommate asked me to accompany her to the …… Obstetrics and Gynecology Department ……DT …… All thanks to my roommate, my eyes were ‘widened’ by an unknown number of levels in the past four years. I’m not sure how many levels my eyes have been “opened” in the past four years, but I’m sure I’ve seen a lot of things.

1That day was the first time in my life that I came to the OB/GYN.

I thought I was just accompanying my roommate to see a menstrual irregularity or something, but after the blood test, my heart was broken when I helped her get the lab results.

The human chorionic hormone was over 8,000, and the normal range on the back was within 5. My God, was my roommate suffering from some kind of terminal illness?

I shakily handed the list to her, feeling my heart jumping out of my throat at that moment.

I said let’s hurry to let the doctor to see what the situation, I did not expect to look like a heavenly girl, but she pulled me down, let me sit down and wait for a person.

Anxious I took out my cell phone to enter the text of the laboratory test a check …… this value, even on behalf of pregnancy?

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.

I’m not sure if this is the case, but I’m sure it is.

My goodness, it’s not a terminal illness, it’s just a little baby! I’ve never had a boyfriend before, and my roommate is two or three steps ahead of us… Pregnant?

To be honest, I was envious for a moment. My roommate is going from school to marriage with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend, Sam, loves her so much that it’s a blessing to get married and become a mom early.

“Oh my god, it looks like you’re going to get married! With you and Brother Sam’s face value, this child will definitely look good in the future, and it’s even better if the eyes follow you ……” I blabla drew the blueprint of my roommate’s life, but she, the person in question, was very calm, and didn’t even smile much.

I know, it’s anxiety, after all, there’s a little baby in the belly, surely you’ll be nervous.

When Brother Komori arrives in a moment, he’s sure to happily pick her up and spin her around in circles, so I’ll have to stop him.

2 Not long after, a man ran over.

This man who looked like a lower-quality version of Lin Feng ran to us, and when my roommate saw him coming, her eyes reddened and she stood up with a pang.

The two of them stood a meter away in front of me, looking at the lab sheets together.

Looking at their excited look, I thought to myself, really good ah, the family also the first time to arrive, it seems to have agreed, roommate and Xiaoshen brother this pair must be locked up, I have to prepare a share of the money …… can be a low match Lin Feng opened the first sentence is not right – “Don t worry about it , I will be responsible for you.







Did you steal Sam’s line?



“I’m sorry, who are you?

“I’m her boyfriend.

” The other guy looked at me with a stupid look on his face.

My “stupid pig” look lasted for a long time, because the six words “I’m her boyfriend” were so hard to understand, more confusing than the word melancholy in the GRE.

The three of us were stuck here, me looking at the lowly Lin Feng, him looking at his roommate, and his roommate looking at me.

Turns out it wasn’t stealing Brother Sam’s lines, it was outright stealing his girlfriend.

I had just been immersed in the doubt that the kid wasn’t Brother Xiaoshen when the plot instantly pulled me back into a luxury family feud.

A middle-aged woman dressed in an aristocratic manner stepped on a thin high heel and walked through the sea of people in the hospital hallway in the direction of the three of us.

After standing still, she gouged out a dead look at the lowly Lin Feng, then looked at her roommate and her stomach.

“You’re Catherine Hsu?

” The roommate’s name is Xu Jiaxin, not this Xu not this Jia nor this Xin.

Before the roommate could open her mouth to answer, Low-end Lin Feng rushed to the front, and a hint of a trembling voice opened her mouth.

“Mom, why are you here?

“You rebellious son, if I don’t come again you might bring me home how many wild children!” Crap, I’ve caught the heat! Are you going to pull out a bunch of cash and throw it in your roommate’s face?

Or maybe take out a card and throw it on the floor?

Then you say to your roommate, “Leave my son,” and then your roommate will say, “I don’t agree,” with determination.

Sure enough the plot of life doesn’t generally proceed like a little kid like me brainstorming, it omits the first half of “take the money and get out” “take the money” and just “get out”.

The middle-aged woman held up her sunglasses and looked at her roommate.

“Abort the child in your belly as soon as possible, and then don’t contact Lu Jian again.

”The roommate lowered her head and didn’t say anything, low profile Lin Feng drummed up courage to his mom.

“Mom, don’t be like this, I’m sincere with Jiaxin.


Who’s a good girl who got pregnant blindly without graduating?

What kind of good girl secretly gets a license?

Do you think both parents are dead?

“No, wait, a license?

A license?

A plot of tens of thousands of words was written in just a few dozen words?

This plot is a bit too fast! While I was still running around in the library and internships every day, and while I was jumping between conch chili noodles and Chongqing noodles, my roommate had already quietly gotten a license and got pregnant in one step?

My roommate has been scared to tears at this point, God, every time she cries, it is a fairy tears, anyone who looks at it is deeply sympathetic.

I thought that the next roommate would beg this rich mother to let go of their bitter lovebirds, but I did not expect her to say the most disliked words in the softest tone.

“But …… we …… are already licensed.

” “Don’t think I don’t know what you are counting on, little girl, you are still tender.

” The middle-aged woman looked at her son when she finished speaking, and her words were resounding.

“If you don’t get a divorce, don’t even think about spending a penny of the family’s money again.

“Said the middle-aged woman turned around and left.

Low-end Lin Feng simply comforted his roommate with two sentences, and immediately ran out to chase after his mother to apologize.

The roommate saw his man did not stay with him, suddenly sat down and cried, crying for more than half an hour did not stop.

I had to sit next to her, at a loss for words, as if I were the one who had been wronged.

3 I really can’t restrain my inner question.

Last week Xiaoshen brother also gave his roommate express snacks, it was me who went downstairs to get the express together, how come this week is …… “Jiaxin …… you …… when did you break up with Xiaoshen brother?

“We haven’t broken up yet!” What?

We haven’t broken up?

Sam is so generous?

I was speechless for a moment.

“He doesn’t know anything.

“My roommate, seeing that I couldn’t figure it out, answered my question for me.

What I got in return was a world of speechlessness.

It turned out that my roommate, while continuing her relationship with her long-distance boyfriend of three years, was also secretly dating another man?

And pregnant with his child?

And got a license?

And seamlessly?

My goodness! In the evening, I sent my roommate back to her dorm room, the other two roommates had already interned their senior year, so they were out of the house.

I was a little tired from bouncing around this whole day, this Badger in the melon field, so I went to bed and laid down after settling Jiaxin.

But I can’t sleep at all, in my head is that 188 tall, thick eyebrows and small eyes Xiaoshen brother, read through the life group cuckold incident, this time all have to lose to him.

This science and engineering difference of 15 points full points of the school bully, like the roommate for many years, you remember when he first met us, directly with the four people in the dormitory ate iron pot stew, spent several hundred, that time is our ordinary students more than half a month’s living expenses.

And roommate want to buy what cosmetics, small Sen brother also try to meet, roommate really visible become fashionable.

As a result, now the roommate of this scum girl in order to marry a rich second generation, to the small Mori brother so a Schrödinger’s green hat, as long as not observed as non-existent?

So good little Mori brother, roommate so let down, this big mouth cuckold how he is going to digest … I lost sleep, in this obviously only two people, but there are three people heartbeat dormitory.

4The next day, Brother Komori came.

When my roommate told me, it scared me.


Is this hearing something?

But when Brother Komori appeared downstairs in the dormitory with all sorts of snacks and fruits as usual, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Looks like it’s just a daily routine to meet his girlfriend.

Brother Komori smiled as brightly as ever and invited us to dinner as usual.

But the meal was so good that I couldn’t lift my head up, I kept pretending that I was busy with my head down and swiping my phone to reduce the chance of communicating with the duo in front of me.

What a god, Xu Jiaxin you cheated on me and made me nervous, I’m an innocent young girl who can’t even pronounce what hormones are in human fluff, now I’m dying of nervousness!!!! Luckily, Xiao Sen brother’s attention is on his girlfriend, did not notice my weirdness, just when this knife-edge meal is almost over, the roommate went to the toilet in the middle of the meal.

Leaving me alone to face Brother Komori?

I lol.

I had to get another bowl of rice and keep dry! That way I could keep my head down without a trace.

At that moment, Brother Komori suddenly said something that I almost choked on.

“Are you sympathizing with me?

” After I heard it, I raised my head violently, but I couldn’t see any difference in the expression on Little Sam’s brother’s face, so that I couldn’t guess what he was thinking at all……. At this time, my roommate came back, she saw that Little Sam’s brother and I seemed to be talking, and she should have feared that I would accidentally leak out the information, and panicked and walked back.

I guess it is to see my mouth stuffed full of rice, also does not seem to be able to say the words, and then resume elegance.

The meal was finally over, and my acting skills were all exercised.

After parting with the two of them, my mind kept echoing the words at the dinner table – “Are you sympathizing with me?

” Is Brother Komori …… aware of something? But it’s not like …… Is it sympathizing with him for running around to meet his girlfriend?

Ah ah ah burning brain, pig brain can not be used so ah! 5 since the hospital back, the roommate’s “legitimate husband” is nowhere to be found, WeChat does not return, the phone is turned off, look at him at that time in the hospital that wimpy, in fact, I more or less have a hunch about the outcome.

But the roommate does not stop, after all, her “legitimate father-in-law” but the local powerful people, the family’s mansion also has a few sets, the opportunity to marry into the family is not much, so it is in a hurry to sneak a license, so they and the child in the womb by the “law” to protect.

But now I see this situation, the roommate is afraid to plan to fail.

I asked my roommate if she wanted her parents to talk to the other parents, and if she could talk, she might be able to get married.

The result was that my roommate refused before I could finish my sentence, and she was very determined.

“No way! I won’t let my parents know about this, and I won’t let Lu Jian’s parents see my parents either.”

“Is the roommate afraid that her parents will beat her up?

I guess not.

Because she has always been ashamed of her parents for being so vain and not worthy of her fashionable self at all.

So she didn’t even want Lu Jian’s parents to meet her parents who couldn’t hold a candle to her.

I still remember the opening day of the university, one meter six roommate stepped on a pair of high heels, wearing a lace dress, carrying a small crossbody bag, in the September sun to give themselves a parasol.

Behind is shorter than her half a head wearing floral stretch shirt mom, pulling a large suitcase behind her, as well as with her about the same height of the father left and right with a large bag, both husband and wife in the sun …… exposed to the sun.

The roommate’s parents are ordinary workers, from their dress can be seen at a glance, but they are for the roommate to live in what to have what life, bitter who can not suffer their own daughter.

But the roommate where is the average daughter, not long after the start of the school year, she had to buy coconut shoes, and then called her mom.

“Mom, I want to buy a pair of shoes, you just gave a little enough for what?

Why don’t you go to the bank and transfer 800 dollars for me?

“Because her parents don’t know how to transfer money by cell phone, they have to go to the bank every time they transfer money, and even then, her roommate made her mom go to the bank three times that day.

Just to buy a pair of shoes?

Just to buy a pair of shoes?

What’s the point?

What’s the matter?

Before the week was out, my roommate had spent all of her allowance and turned to me, who was in the middle of a dry meal.

“I’ve spent all my money… I’m counting on you for the next month’s food, sis!” Me?



Luckily, Brother Sam came along later, and he went to hell so we didn’t go to hell.

6 When the baby in my roommate’s belly had grown from an embryo to the size of a grape, Lu Jian finally showed up.

“There’s finally a new development on my side, are you at school?

I want to tell you in person!” My roommate was so excited that she suddenly shouted “I’ve won”, which startled me.

This small-town girl is finally going to marry into a rich family, and she’s just about to send out a friend circle to announce the happy news.

Then she immediately started putting on her makeup and curling her hair, waiting for her ‘legal husband’ to arrive.

But as I watched her on the bed waving her make-up around, all I could think was “Can a pregnant woman use so much make-up?

“It wasn’t long before Lu Jian sped downstairs to the dormitory, and his roommate was happily rubbing his hands together as he waited.

The two of them are quite compatible with each other, who let Xiaoshen brother is not as rich as other rich second generation, wealth determines the choice of spouse.

Lu Jian walked in front of us, usually love the end of the roommate unprecedented positive, blinking their starry eyes: “is your mom agreed to us together?

“Lu Jian did not answer, but from his handbag to pull out something, my mother, diamond ring is too big to fit in the pants pocket?

Why did he have to pull it out of his handbag?

I raised my cell phone, ready to record this rare moment, but Lu Jian took out a pile of A4 paper?

He threw it directly on his roommate’s face, and a piece of his foundation was wiped off.

“Xu Jiaxin, you’re really something, you like going out to a room so much?

“What do you mean?” “Don’t you understand?

What do you mean?” “Can’t you understand human language?

Pick it up and take a look at your rooming records for this year.

“The roommate froze, didn’t dare to pick it up, didn’t even dare to look at the paper on the ground.

Bean-sized teardrops keep falling down, dead hold Lu Jian’s wrist, “not what you think, not ……” grief, but half a day did not say a reason.

I am also biased, light care about Xiaoshen brother.

Xiao Sen brother head cuckold, Lu Jian why not! You’re not going to tell me that it’s inconvenient to take a shower at your school, so you’re getting a room just to take a shower, are you?”

” The roommate didn’t know how to answer and was still sobbing.

By now, a crowd of spectators had gathered around the room, and Lu Jian deliberately looked up.

Then he called his roommate’s full name out loud.

“Xu Jiaxin, this year, you went out to a room 20 times, including the days you were pregnant, whose baby is in your belly?

” “It’s yours! It’s yours! I’m sure!” I had a black face after hearing that.

What’s the difference between this answer and blowing yourself up! Your roommate looks smart, but when it comes down to it, she’s a total retard. Your “I’m sure” is the same as admitting that you’ve slept with someone else.

It’s just that you can tell who got you pregnant.

Some of the surrounding students had already silently pulled out their cell phones, also ready to record this rare moment, Lu Jian himself picked up the paper on the ground, opened it and placed it in front of Jia Xin’s eyes.

“If you’re so sure, then let’s explain it one by one, you don’t want to be wronged by me again.

“Come on, March 12th, this hotel, just 3 kilometers from your school, what are you going to do?

With whom?

“My roommate yanked me after hearing that, “Her, I went with her, it was dry and we wanted to take a bath!” What?

I’m a shield?

“Oh, okay, what about this?

April 2, same hotel, same bath?” “Yes.

“Yes, it’s the change of season. Dry skin.”

“Didn’t you tell me you went home to visit the graves on Ching Ming Festival that day?”

“……” “What about this one?

May 2nd, a hotel in another city.

“「This one, this one I went with my family! “Really?

Didn’t you tell me you went home to be with your parents on Labor Day?

In a room?

” “……” roommate in the successive interrogation face three rounds did not carry over, can only keep crying, keep saying sorry.

Lu Jian a read more or less, the onlookers of the students material is also shot more or less, directly to the roommate said: “next Monday at 10 o’clock, the Civil Affairs Bureau to see, bring your account book, I give you enough time, by the time if you do not cooperate, these room record I will be directly mailed to your school …… and your parents.

” Finished, Lu Jian turned around and left without leaving.

Roommate anxious to run over to chase, but Lu Jian has already got into the car, and locked the door, do not care whether the car next to the person will be pressed to the feet, directly drive away.

And the onlookers students, the hands of the cell phone raised more steadily.

7 I don’t know who it was, hacked out more than 100,000 hotel stay records, and I don’t know who it was, sent these records to the Internet, and as a result, Lu Jian also received it.

“Click to inquire about the other half of the open record → guaranteed true and free!” This fun gossip who will miss, Lu Jian would have liked to see how messy those rich generation rich second generation around him are living, looking at looking at their own room collapsed.

He found that in addition to his own and his roommate often go to the hotel, his roommate also has a lot of mysterious room record.

Lu Jian which swallowed this breath, before in order to keep Jiaxin and the baby, he and his mom pleaded in a low voice, like a grandson.

As a result, this side has got a handful of gossip about Jiaxin’s cheating.

That night, “a college senior girl cheating pregnant cheat marriage, open room evidence by the rich second-generation boyfriend read out in public” video spread throughout the school, video to do the old exquisite it, big flower characters, Chinese and English subtitles a not fall.

This incident even alarmed the school senior leadership, overnight ordered not to spread this kind of smear school video, if found violators, will be written off.

The wind of this incident was slightly suppressed some, but the school’s rules can not control the school internal word of mouth, this matter is still being spread by everyone knows.

My roommate didn’t even dare to go out of the dormitory for a few days for fear of being recognized.

I guess it was Lu Jian’s mom who did it. After all, on the day of the hospital, she said, “You’re still too young to fight with me.

“Then I realized I was wrong.

On Monday, my married roommate was upgraded to a divorced teenager.

My roommate wanted to stay with Lu Jian for a while, but the reality was that she couldn’t afford to delay any longer, and the baby in her tummy was getting bigger every day.

I marveled at the rich people against people really a variety of ways, threats and avoidance of the two-pronged approach, successfully dumped the roommate, not even an abortion fee, the roommate can only be turned out of his “luxury goods” one by one to the idle fish, in exchange for a little money to do the operation.

“The new unopened LAMER face cream, 800 out.

“Lancome small black bottle essence, only used twice, 500 包邮”。

“She took photos and posted them all night, and then after the next bargaining and mailing and other trivial things, she put it all together for two weeks to come up with a sum of money for the operation.

So for the second time in my life, I went to the OB/GYN to accompany my roommate for an abortion.

Thanks to my roommate, my life experience was enriched.

The next day Brother Komori arrived again as scheduled.


Coincidence can doublekill?

That “sympathize with me” at the last dinner scared the shit out of me, what’s the reason this time?

Is it because he saw those videos on the internet and came to my door to ask for a statement?

But Sam always surprises me.

After he saw his roommate, he was still no different, as always concerned and considerate, could ……2G surfing be him?

In the evening, in the small Mori brother’s enthusiasm, we have to go to the school near the newly opened Western restaurant dinner, the roommate also do not know how to refuse can only go out together, but once out of the door she regretted.

Along the way the school students are with a kind of contemptuous eyes sideways glance, and then also strange to look at the small Mori brother, but the small Mori brother’s eyes only roommate, does not seem to feel the emotions of other people.

At the dinner table, everyone was silent, or Brother Komori broke the awkward atmosphere first.

“There was a girl who jumped off a building on our campus recently, how are you guys doing?

Is everything okay?

“When I heard this, I didn’t know how to answer, so I could only look up at my roommate.

“Nothing’s wrong,” my roommate said, looking as if nothing had happened, but I could see that her hand under the table was already clenched into a fist.

9 After the meal, Komori brother took Kahn out to stay.

I thought my roommate would confess everything to Brother Komori, but she didn’t.

I thought that my roommate, who had just had surgery, would reveal anything, and she didn’t either.

On the contrary, when she returned to the dormitory on Sunday, her roommate even looked grateful, and a sense of pride came through in her words.

“I did a pretty good job of hiding it, and Little Sam didn’t find out anything!” I was originally distressed that she had undergone such a major surgery at such a young age and had no one around to take care of her.

This one sentence made all the few remaining sympathies I had for my roommate disappear in an instant.

How can you be so unkind and unrighteous and not be ashamed of it, but be proud of it?

Look at people, no matter how big things happen, they can keep themselves in good shape to attract the next guy, and there’s always an ungrateful honest guy willing to take over anyway.

I’m farting with my pants down – redundant.

Roommate is pants down on a merry-go-round – spinning around in circles of shamelessness.

What about Brother Sam?

Meh, man, looking for a girlfriend is probably all about taking off your pants, how can you even think.

Roommate continued to happily share with me, “Xiaoshen brother received an offer from a large factory in Shenzhen, graduated directly into the job, the salary is particularly high, he asked me to go with him! At this time, she was somewhat glowing.

And I have been unable to continue to swallow this bloodshed experience of her, I do not know whether I am too timid or I am too simple, abortion, married, room, cheating, these things, roommate is really not afraid of small Sam brother found out?

Doesn’t she know that the Civil Affairs Bureau has a record of divorces before marriage?

Doesn’t she know that during the marriage examination, having had a miscarriage is likely to be shown in some of the examination reports?

“Brother Sam said that no matter what happens, he will love me for the rest of my life.

” The roommate still had a face full of concern.

The micro-minister can only shake his fist and claim a word of admiration! This innocent man, you are planning to count and pinpoint for the rest of your life.

10 cheating things no more.

In the blink of an eye graduated, roommate as she initially planned, and Xiaoshen brother went to Shenzhen.

Because not in a city, I and her contact gradually become less and less, often by looking at her friend circle to learn about her recent life.

Roommate has not been looking for a job, in Shenzhen every day’s expenses are responsible for the brother of Xiaoshen.

After going to Shenzhen, her parents 10,000 do not rest assured, have to go over to see if their daughter is living well, to see Lin Sen this young man in the end is not reliable.

So the eleventh holiday time, Jiaxin’s parents went to Shenzhen to visit, and Xiaoshen brother saw them for the first time, treat to eat an old street roadside congee bottom hot pot.

This meal ate the roommate’s family of three faces unhappy, four people only spent less than 200 dollars.

Her parents could not help but mutter in their hearts, this is still they personally come to Shenzhen, usually?

Daughter is not in a foreign land is not living quite bitter.

After the meal Xiaoshen brother and roommate to send them back to the hotel on the road, the face of the old couple can not hang up, roommate father first mentioned, half jokingly asked Xiaoshen brother: “Lin Sen, I heard that your company salary is very high, usually is also so bad treatment of my daughter?

“Uncle, you misunderstand, I recently prepared to settle in Shenzhen to buy a house, so may be a little frugal.

” Roommate’s mom and dad’s expression immediately changed after hearing these words from Brother Xiaoshen, and their eyes were glowing.

“Good boy, ambitious, I know my daughter will not see the wrong person! …… Is there any less people your daughter has misjudged?

The next few days, even if the travel needs to squeeze the bus, the two old people did not have half a complaint.

After the end of this inspection, roommate parents satisfied and assured back home, and roommate on the small Sen brother’s attitude has become more and more good, after all, soon, she will be able to settle in Shenzhen with the small Sen brother.

So during that time in Shenzhen, in addition to daily food and housing expenses, Xiaoshen brother did not even buy a lipstick to the roommate, Jiaxin is also completely tolerant, but also often to Xiaoshen brother to do love bento.

The circle of friends is no longer visible for three days, and uncharacteristically took the initiative to send a photo of the two of them together, showing all kinds of love, which is considered to be a break with the possibility of other men.

You should know that before when she went to school, in addition to showing off the new bag, new jewelry, Komori brother almost never showed up in her circle of friends, has been “snowed in”, and now “finally see the light of day.

11 Under the impetus of Komori, the roommate’s life can be seen to be on the right track.

As Komori continues to work hard on himself, he suggests that his roommate should follow suit by studying something or going abroad for a year.

When his roommate heard “study abroad”, he immediately became interested in the idea. A bag is nothing, but to go abroad is completely superior.

Komori even promised his roommate that he would cover the costs of going abroad, so she began to unhesitatingly into the preparation for going abroad.

Maybe it was because she had relied on men for so long that she never thought about how expensive the trip abroad would be, and how a beginner boy would have to bear the burden for you, and she never thought that was a problem, nor did she think she was a burden.

Once the idea of studying abroad is implanted in the mind, the roommate can no longer pick it out, so she asked her parents for fifty thousand dollars to enroll in IELTS study classes and report for the exam.

Next, every day, the circle of friends into a word punch card, or pick the lamp hard reading.

I would have laughed at the roommate to go abroad, thought the test results will teach this scum to be a person, did not expect ah did not expect, half a year later, a screenshot of an all-English mail appeared in the roommate’s circle of friends, with the text is “share today’s portion of the joy”.

I took a close look at the content of the e-mail, incredibly rubbed my eyes – a British university master’s degree offer! DearMissXu, Congratulations!…… She really got into the exam?

It’s a real shock to me! At that time, when I didn’t graduate, I was divorced, pregnant and had an abortion, but now I’m a graduate student at a university in the UK.

After I graduated, I’ve been working as an accountant in a small company in my hometown.

My worldview was almost shaken, it seems true that good looks can change your fate! Then my roommate sent me an invitation, “Honey, I’m leaving the country, come over to my hometown on the 6th of next month to join the celebration party~Sen wants to meet my family too, he’s hosting it!” I wanted to find a reason to put it off, but I couldn’t resist her, my home is indeed not far from her hometown, although it is a different province, but I can get there in an hour and a half by train.

I’ll book a ticket tonight, congratulations.” “Thank you.

I’ll book the tickets tonight, congratulations.” “Thank you.

” In the later chat, I probably knew about my roommate’s arrangements for going abroad this time.

Because Brother Sam’s money to buy a house, and he calculated the fluctuation of the cycle of housing prices, ready to start when the trough, so the money to buy a house can not be touched, the roommate’s own loan to pay tuition fees, until the time to pay back the money, Brother Sam will help her to slowly pay back.

The roommate also told me, “In Shenzhen this time I learned a truth, the girl is to be independent, rely on yourself.

“I fucking want to laugh, other people to help you pay back the loan called your sister’s independence on their own ah!12 I had thought that little brother Sam in this life can not get out of the identity of the wrongdoer, but the day of the banquet, he is really teach me what is called “the honest man’s counterattack”.

This science bully’s revenge was laid out a few years ago.

The banquet site.

A big red banner at the entrance of the hotel was impossible for me to ignore.

“Celebrating the talented girl, Kathy Hui, for her success in getting a master’s degree from a British university!” The row was huge, at least 8 tables were all relatives of my roommate’s family, another 5 or 6 tables were friends of my roommate’s mom and dad, my roommate’s friends of the same age from my hometown and I sat at one table, and there were 2 more tables for young people like us.

My roommate and her mom stood at the door to welcome the guests, and Komori was scurrying all over the place, wondering what he was doing.

There was also a table in charge of collecting money at the first entrance, and besides us young people, every relative who came to the party was wrapped in a thick red envelope.

“First of all, let’s invite the father of our talented girl Jiaxin to come on stage and say a few words!” Listening to my roommate’s uncle’s impassioned voice on the stage, I thought I was attending my roommate’s wedding.

This is the first time I’ve seen a study abroad program organized with such a great deal of fanfare, so I guess I didn’t receive a lot of money for the gift.

I saw my roommate’s father wearing a tight black shirt that didn’t match his figure, with the collar up and the corners of his shirt tucked into his pants with a solid gold buckle belt, and a big gold ring on his hand that made him stand out.

“Welcome all friends and relatives to attend the celebration banquet of my daughter, my girl can have such an achievement today, I as a father feel very proud! She is also about to compete for the honor of our old Xu family as the first of our family to study abroad!” After the entire crowd of family and friends had almost finished feeling the joy of their roommate, Brother Komori walked onto the stage, clutching the microphone in his hand.

I don’t know why, but my heartbeat suddenly sped up.

“Hello, friends and family.

“I’m Jiaxin’s boyfriend, and I’d like to thank you all for coming to Jiaxin’s celebration banquet today.

“The applause of the elders and the cheers of the youth were all over the stage, so maybe I was overthinking it.

My roommate’s mom and dad were so happy to see their son-in-law on the stage that they almost went up and kissed him.

“I’m sorry to tell you all, but I’m breaking up with Kathy Hui.


The people in the room who had their heads buried in their mouths to eat had stopped chewing and fixed their gazes on Brother Sam’s face.

The roommate’s parents didn’t seem to have time to react yet, the smiles from the last moment hadn’t completely dissipated, and they just froze with seeming smiles.

Ignoring the attention and pretending not to see his roommate waving anxiously at him from the stage, Brother Komori said something that shocked the entire room.

“Jiaxin, I used to like you very much, I thought I could grow old with you, but I never thought that you would go behind my back to have a room, rendezvous and cheating with Lu Jian.

“If it’s because you love him, it’s fine, but you sold your flesh just to marry a rich second generation, and secretly got a license with the other party, and you’ve been deceiving me the whole time, treating me like a fool.

” “Girls can do you like this, tutelage is really extraordinary, I dare not have any involvement with your Xu family, I am afraid …… dirty me.

“So, I and you, it ends here.

” I froze, the original sentence “you sympathize with me” really has another deep meaning! Brother Komori knew it from the beginning, even from before his roommate got pregnant, but he kept it hidden.

The guests in the room had gone silent.

The roommate’s mom and dad were also so shocked by the scene in front of them that they forgot to tug at the microphone wires, all they could think about was digesting what Brother Komori had just said.

And the roommate?

The whole person sat on the chair and kept shivering, staring at Brother Komori in a daze.

Brother Komori looked at her as well, watching as his roommate continued to lick a handful of firewood.

“People may not realize how clever Koh Ka Yan’s tactics are, how come the rich second generation is willing to get a license with her?

It’s because she’s raw and pregnant.

” “Ka Yan, I don’t mind that you weren’t a virgin when you were with me. I bought the house second-hand, but I can’t accept that someone died inside the house.

“Holy shit, Brother Sam is getting tough, that’s a really dark statement! Instantly, the place was abuzz with people talking about the shocking things they just heard.

I also heard the scalp numb, roommate’s mom and dad began to swear at Brother Xiaosen, saying that he slandered his daughter.

But Brother Komori was simply fearless and gave them the final and hardest blow again.

“In fact, Xu Jiaxin didn’t even get into any British universities, with her academic performance, she only passed the school line in Grade 4, how could she pass any IELTS exams.

“At this point, the crying roommate instantly stopped.

“Everyone’s gifts that should be received should also be taken back, of course, those who are willing to help the poor is another story.

“I was completely confused. I could understand the first part, but what does this last part mean?

Is studying abroad a fake?

Isn’t there an offer?

My roommate suddenly burst out screaming and ran to the stage, tugging at Komori’s clothes.

“What did you say?

What did you say?

“What did I say that you didn’t understand?

Do you want me to repeat it?

” Brother Sam looked at his roommate and asked with a smile on his face.

“Oh yes, the pile of things you have in Shenzhen, I’ve asked my friend to help me pack up and send it over, it should be delivered here tomorrow, this banquet today, it’s also done with a loan in your name, remember to pay it back yourself.

“Then, Brother Komori pulled on his clothes and left the venue without looking back.

After he left, the whole venue was a mess, I listened to the headache, but also gray withdrew.

13 high speed train station I met Xiao Sen brother.

He was at KFC, nervously nibbling on a burger.

It looks so ordinary, even the salad dressing rubbed on the face did not notice, who would have thought that he had just ruthlessly revenge a woman who has been together for more than five years.

He saw me too and told me to come over and sit down.

When I sat down, I even grabbed my cell phone because that incident at the party had made me really a little scared of him, but I spoke calmly.

“When did you find out about all this?

“Two years ago.

“Two years ago?

Two years ago?

Even I didn’t know then! How did you know?

“I thought I was the only one who knew my roommate’s secrets, but I didn’t realize that the joker was me.

“Because once when we went to a hotel, she connected to the hotel Wi-Fi right after she walked in the door, and we’d never been to that hotel.

“That’s it?

That’s so arbitrary. What if it’s just because Karen was quick to connect?

“Of course it wasn’t just the Wi-Fi, I went downstairs to the front desk while she was in the shower and made a reservation for another night at the hotel. ……” Huh?

What do you mean?

So your roommate brought another guy?

“I used Jiaxin’s cell phone number to make the reservation, but it turned out that after I reported my cell phone number, I found out that she’s a platinum member of this hotel, and you can’t upgrade to the next level until you’ve stayed 25 nights.

” “Ah ……” I instantly came to a realization.

Yeah, there’s no such thing as seamless cheating, it’s been fucking discovered and verified for a long time.

Brother Komori had known for a long time that Jiaxin had secrets behind his back, and might have even gone overboard, but he had never poked and prodded, still wanting to leave Jiaxin a chance.

Unfortunately, Ka Xin didn’t appreciate his good intentions and instead intensified her behavior.

So Brother Komori stopped sitting on his hands and planned out all his combos.

The first move, creating something out of nothing.

The person who sent Lu Jian an anonymous email at that time was none other than Brother Xiao Sen. He made a list of the records of his and his roommate’s going out to a room, and since he didn’t understand the quantity, he made a webpage with real and fake data mixed in.

As long as you input the name, you can check the rooming records within a year, Lu Jian just input the roommate’s name and you can check it immediately.

Lu Jian immediately blew up after reading it, what girlfriend, wife, children, all do not want, immediately dumped the roommate.

Brother Sam knows that his roommate doesn’t have a spare tire anymore, so as long as his years are quiet, his roommate will definitely jump.

The second move is to smile.

Xiao Sen brother to Jiaxin as always good, so that Jiaxin believe in the truth, firmly grasp the small Sen brother this straw, far away from Shenzhen.

While in Shenzhen, life was still a struggle at first.

After all, Xiao Sen brother is also a fresh graduate, working while supporting Jiaxin.

In order for Jiaxin’s parents to let down their guard on him, he played the image of an absolutely reliable boyfriend.

A young man who is about to buy a house and settle down in Shenzhen, even if he treats his future parents-in-law to a congee-bottomed hot pot that is less than 50 per person, so what?

The old couple is the best face, they recognize this future son-in-law in their heart, praise.

The ultimate trick is to turn the tables.

When the time was right, he drew a ‘big pie’ for his roommate.

As long as the roommate was willing to work a little harder and pass the IELTS, he would help the roommate apply for a school in the UK.

Of course, he would pay for the expenses.

The roommate thought that if he went abroad, it would not only help his future development, but also make the whole family feel better.

In fact, the IELTS test was not passed, and the university in the UK did not send an acceptance email.

My roommate didn’t know how to do this, so I left it all to Sam.

A fake IELTS score screenshot and a fake offer were enough to fool Jiaxin.

Under his personal guidance, his roommate took out a lot of loans on various platforms.

First, she gave her parents 50,000 yuan for the cost of the training course, and then later on, the exam fees and all sorts of miscellaneous things were paid with loans.

It also includes the designer bags and clothes that the roommate prepared for her trip abroad, and this unforgettable celebration banquet.

Xiao Sen brother told me, he calculated, these money, almost the money he spent on his roommate over the years, after all, they are dating a, these money he does not want to come back, but he must also make his roommate pay the same price.

After hearing this, my whole body was messy and clear.

Who said that licking dog licking to the end of nothing, Xiaoshen brother, a former small licking dog, now completely come to a turn over the serf to sing.

14 roommate’s circle of friends was silent for several months, and basically cut off contact with everyone.

Then one day, she began to send beautiful photos again.

I know.

She has a new goal.

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