What’s a pity?

What’s a regret? I had a crush on a girl and held off confessing for a long time.

As a result, ten years later I received a love letter from her.

Received a package in the morning, opened and found that there is a letter and a few small objects, including my high school basketball wear wrist guards, play guitar plectrum, a few group photos …… I thought this is which comrade with me to play nostalgia, pick up the envelope to see froze.

This letter was actually sent ten years ago, the beautiful and dynamic handwriting looks very familiar, a look at the sender’s name, my heart skipped a beat, a tomboy’s face appeared in front of my eyes.

“No way, it’s been so long and you’re still messing with me?

“Ten years ago, I was still in my third year of high school, and because of my bad grades, I was banished to the last row by the homeroom teacher. No one wanted to sit at the same table with me, and I had to be alone with the garbage baskets.

Three days after the start of the school year, a new student was transferred from another school.

The student dressed very neutral, hair half-short not long, fair skin and bright eyes, wearing a denim jacket, the class girls are showing peach blossom eyes, I guess it is thought that the class finally came to a handsome man.

The homeroom teacher seems to know her well, with an ironic face: “Wei Ziyan, you can see your house from here, and you’re late for your first class?

“The student raised her eyebrows and said back to the homeroom teacher: “You can still see the sun from here, why don’t you try going up?

“The whole class took a deep breath, thinking that this dude is cool, our homeroom teacher is famous for his violent temper, once in front of the school gate with one against three to beat away the punks outside the school, the scene is quite violent.

Who did not expect, the class teacher just waved his hand: “Find yourself a place to sit, now start the math class.

“The student walked straight to me, stuffed her bag into a drawer, took off her earphones, took out her math book and stared at the podium, I greeted her: “Dude, you have to be careful, our teacher loves ……” She glanced at me disdainfully: “Who’s your buddy?

“My mouth can almost be stuffed with an egg, she is actually a girl, damn she is also too drag it.

Even though we were at the same table, we didn’t talk more than ten times a week, and the girl was always cool, either listening to the cassette player or reading comics, occasionally scribbling in her notebook.

Thursday afternoon, she made herself a bowl of noodles, spilled a little of the broth on the table, and she said to me, “Fuckin’ hell, get me a piece of paper.

“I almost vomited blood and protested very loudly, “My name is Jiao Xiaohai, not fucked up.

” She impatiently raised her hand, “Paper!” I handed her the paper towel with great displeasure, she wiped the table, crumpled the paper towel into a ball and threw it into the trash basket, and shot back at me with a louder decibel: “Why are you shouting so loudly, is it a big deal that you’re a fucker?

“The students around me started to laugh, so this unpleasant and pornographic nickname followed me to the college entrance exam, and this was the first time she and I got into trouble.

The second time was in the microcomputer class. At that time, boys loved to play computer games, and every time the teacher talked about something, we would play CS online.

While we were having fun, my best friend Zhou Tong raised his hand, “Teacher, my computer is dead.

“As soon as Zhou Tong’s words left his mouth, the classroom was filled with complaints: “Mine’s dead too,” “This whole row is dead.

“Me too me too ……” The microcomputer teacher was a half-wit, and after half a day’s work, he couldn’t get it to work, and his face turned red with anxiety: “Is there anyone who isn’t dead?

“I was very embarrassed, looked around and realized that my computer was the only one in the entire microcomputer room that was still good.

Wei Ziyang, who was sitting on my left, stood up and said, “Jiao Xiaohai is still alive.

“The teacher stomped up behind me and asked a soul-stirring question: “The whole class is dead, why aren’t you?

” I showed a pale smile and said, “Maybe …… I am tenacious.

“I didn’t expect, Wei Ziyang snatched my mouse, clattered and clicked on my browsing interface, and righteously said: “Teacher, the virus is what he brought here, he is looking at yellow websites.

“In that moment, countless heads came together, and the foreign girl in my screen was unclothed and in a voluptuous pose, so I couldn’t wait to find a crack in the ground.

That afternoon, I watched pornographic pictures in the microcomputer room, causing the microcomputer room collapse of the matter of the whole school, the girls see me have to go around and away, the boys encountered will pat my shoulder: “I can’t imagine that your taste is quite heavy, like the big horse ……” My reputation has always been bad, but it is limited to the academic aspects of my reputation due to the emergence of Wei Ziyang, I am completely ruined. My reputation has always been bad, but only in terms of academics.

Looking at her tugging face, I thought to myself, “You forced me to make a move haha.

2 “Xiao Hai: Long time no see, I’m Wei Zi Yang, your most hated classmate.

If I’m not mistaken, you should be twenty-eight years old now, right?

How are you doing? Have you accomplished your dreams, or have you become the adult you hate the most?

You should be surprised to receive my letter. We’ve been at the same table for a year, but we’ve never had a serious conversation, so it’s a shame.

I always make a fool of you, and upset you time and time again, you should be very annoyed with me in your heart, right?

You always say that I am a weird girl, hanging like a boy, without a bit of girl’s reserve, but these are my ways to protect myself.

When I meet something I like, I will only stand and watch from a distance, I don’t even dare to reach out and touch it. When I meet someone I like, I don’t dare to show my feelings, I’m afraid that those people and things will disappear because of my proximity.

You are the warmest person I have ever met, you are happy every day, and when I am with you, it seems that I can forget all the troubles in the world.

Because of this, so many times you greeted me, and I was so happy in my heart, but I put on an impatient look on my face.

When you lent me something, I thought of saying thank you, but I scolded you for moving too slowly.

When I walk with you on the road, I want to be closer to you, but my footsteps unconsciously speed up.

I’m a coward, aren’t I?

“3 After my meticulous observation, I found out that Wei Ziyang had the habit of running in the morning, so on a certain early morning with fresh air, I wore sweatpants and overtook her with wind-like speed while letting out a despicable nasal sound.

Wei Ziyang frowned and accelerated her pace to follow me, looking like she was signaling with me. Kidding aside, when I was a kid, my dad used to chase me all over the street, and had long since trained me to be the king of escape.

I accelerated my speed even further, and at the same time I turned my head and said to her with a smile, “Don’t try to be brave, you won’t look good if you fall and break your face.

“Wei Ziyang’s forehead was sweating, and she arrogantly shot back at me: “Are you a man?

Are you a man? You’re out of breath already after just a few steps?

“And so, we raced like pairs of pins and needles, lap after lap, until the bell for morning study rang, but Wei Ziyang still had no intention of stopping, so I had to grit my teeth and keep on running.

Unexpectedly, the homeroom teacher saw that we did not come from the study, but also in the playground to play marathon, actually the whole class shouted down to watch, the scene can be described as gongs and drums and firecrackers ringing red flags displaying a sea of people, the girls are all in the Wei Ziyang cheering, and my diehards are not afraid of the stage high, and I shouted: “Lao Jiao, do not lose the face of our men …… I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to do, but I’m going to be able to do a lot more than that,” he said, “I’m going to be able to do a lot more than that,” he said.

I’m not sure what I’m talking about, but I’m not sure what I’m talking about,” he said.

” I cursed in my heart.

Finally divided, my feet a soft fall on the grass, the group of girls erupted a cheer, my diehard friends not only do not come to help me, but also kicked me in the ass, Wei Ziyang bent down to catch a few breaths, shake off the sweat on the forehead, walked to me, let out a contemptuous snort, and I provoked her at that time the same.

After the play, the homeroom teacher blew us back to study hall, after entering the classroom, the homeroom teacher pointed at me: “Jiao Xiaohai do a week of corridor hygiene.

“I said, “Why?

“The homeroom teacher said, “Because you didn’t go to morning study hall.

“I said indignantly, “Then Wei Ziyang didn’t go to morning study either.

“The homeroom teacher said in a mocking tone, “But he won the championship, who wants you to lose?

“The class laughed, and Wei Ziyang also smiled. The morning sun shone through the window, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and her eyes curved into a nice arc, but that expression was only fleeting, and when she realized that I was looking at her, she reverted back to that arrogant look, looking at the blackboard with her head held high.

Finally one day, I caught Wei Ziyang’s handle, that day Wei Ziyang’s behavior was very strange, from morning to noon did not stand up, her face was a little bad, after class everyone went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, she was still sitting straight up.

I glanced with my eyes and found that her jeans had blood stains, and immediately understood what was going on, I pretended to be very enthusiastic, and rushed to Wei Ziyang and said: “Wei Ziyang, I invite you to go to the cafeteria to eat, right?

Wei Ziyang quickly refused me: “No.” I was laughing in my heart, and then I picked a few more words.

“I laughed in my heart and provoked her again: “I was not convinced that I lost last time I ran, the night before last I was at the Internet cafe all night, let’s go running again.

“Wei Ziyang said: “If you are not convinced, we will compete again tomorrow morning.

“I said: “If you want to compete, let’s do it now, are you afraid?

“Wei Ziyang glared at me with hatred and wanted to scold me, but he didn’t dare to stand up, and his look of displeasure at me, but he couldn’t get rid of me, made me very satisfied.

After a few seconds, I felt it was about time, I took off my school uniform and threw it to her, I lowered my voice and said, “Tie it around your waist, there’s blood on your pants.

‘ Wei Ziyang’s face turned red with a complicated expression, but she still took my school uniform, I asked again, “Did you bring it?

I asked again, “Did you bring it?” She said as she tied her waist, “What?

“I said, “What else, sanitary napkins.

“She stood up like a cat blowing up its hair, and I thought she was going to hit someone, but I didn’t expect her to just turn red and say, “Don’t worry about it.

“I was really convinced that a woman is more facetious than a man, I pressed her back to the stool: “Sit down, you, wait.

“I went to the kiosk to buy two packs of sanitary napkins, coincidentally, I was bumped into by my buddies again, and they used nasty words to satirize me again, I ran back to the classroom after a few moves with them, and Wei Ziyang was the only one left in the classroom, and I handed her the stuff and asked her to go to the toilet to change it.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but her face seemed to turn redder, she pouted but didn’t thank me.

The next day, she returned the uniform to me, it should have been washed by her, there was a smell of laundry detergent on it, the girl reverted to that arrogant look, counting me: “Your clothes are so damn dirty, a pot of black water.

“Although the words say so, but from that day on, we became good friends, oh no, is a good buddy.

4 “I am a timid and cowardly person, so I can only disguise myself with an icy appearance.

Remember that time we ran?

I know you let me on purpose, the games you can run 5000 meters can take the first, how can you not run me, just the whole class is watching the joke, you do not want to make me lose face, so you would rather admit defeat yourself, you are so gentle people.

And that time I came to menstruation, although you want to see me laugh, but still lent me the school uniform, stupidly went to the kiosk with me to buy tampons.

When I went to the restroom, you even made noise on purpose so that my classmates wouldn’t notice my embarrassment.

In class, I would always sneak a peek at you sleeping, you stacked your books high, rested your head on your arm, and sometimes you would even laugh, you were such a happy person, as if you had countless happy things in your dreams.

Hai, sometimes I wonder how great it would have been if the first person you liked was me.

“5 In our high school, only the handsome ones deserve to be called “seniors”, otherwise they can only be called “senior”, “scruffy”, “skinny bamboo poles” …… By the same token, only the pretty girls are qualified to be called “schoolmates”, otherwise they are “sophomores”, “like a ball”, and “with pockmarks on their faces”.

According to this statement, Gu Yue Yue should be regarded as a serious schoolmate, she has a head of beautiful long hair, fair skin, red lips and white teeth, seventeen years old, just the right combination of a young girl’s youthfulness and a woman’s gentleness, every time in the cafeteria, there are a large group of boys sneak a peek at her, and sometimes in order to snatch a good position to get a glimpse of the beauty of the girl, and will even fight.

“Old Wei, grab a seat for me at the cafeteria later, I need to buy something.

“Wei Ziyang and I had gotten very familiar and started calling each other by our code names.

“No problem. Whose seat do you want to grab?

‘ Wei Ziyan rolled up his sleeves.

I almost spit out blood, there was definitely something wrong with this person’s brain circuit.

“What I mean is to go ahead and take a seat, just the row near the left window, grab any one.

” “You’re going to spy on Gu Yue Yue too?

“Wei Ziyang saw what I was trying to do.

“How come you’re so nasty when you say something like that? It’s called “My Fair Lady”, “Marty”.

“Lady, my ass!” Wei Ziyang was full of contempt: “How come your aesthetics are so low?

If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll think you’re buying and selling outside the school.” “You’re just jealous of others.

“Jealous, you’re just jealous of other people’s femininity.” “Brain-dead.

You’re just jealous of other people’s femininity.” “Brain-dead.

Wei Ziyang said her mantra: “You go grab a seat yourself, I’m going back to my dorm room.”

“I made a joke at noon that day, when I was smoking behind the cafeteria after dinner, and a janitor ran over to me, full of anger, and said, “Who told you to come here to smoke, go to my office to write a review later.

“I didn’t care about him and put the cigarette in my mouth, “You have an office for a sweeper?

“Later, I realized that the man was the vice principal who had just been transferred here, and the whole school was engaged in sanitation to cope with the city inspection, so he also changed his clothes and did the work together.

As a result of that incident, I was given a demerit, and read a review in front of the whole school.

At that time, I was so talented and dreamy, I wrote a brilliant review, and read it forcefully on the platform: “I was blind to the fact that the vice-principal was a sweeper, and I made the ideological mistake of not recognizing the situation, and I hereby promise that I will never smoke on the school grounds again. Gu Yueyue stood in the third row and was also smiling at me, I was a little smug.

The vice principal was generous and waved his hand for me to go down.

When the winter vacation was about to end, Wei Ziyang seemed to have something on his mind, and was silent all day long, so I asked, “What’s wrong with you?

I asked, “What’s wrong with you? Is your period coming again?

“I asked, “What’s the matter with you? I said, “What’s wrong? You look a little off these days.” She was silent again.

“When class started, she suddenly grabbed my arm and said, “Can you help me beat up someone?

“Shit, I’m on the verge of dropping out of school, and she wants me to fight someone.

“Fight who?

“I frowned.

“Gao Tianqun.

“I know that guy. I heard that he has a brother who is a gangster, and he is a lawless bully at school.

“Why do you want to fight him?

” I was nodding my head.

“He ……” Wei Ziyan rarely showed hesitation, bit his lip and said: “He bullies me.

“This reason is enough, after the next evening study hall I found Gao Tianqun’s dormitory, kicked the door open, Gao Tianqun is playing poker with a few people, thought it was a teacher checking the dormitory, put the poker to the underwear stuffed, see it was me, Gao Tianqun roared: “You fucking sick ah?

“I did not say a word, put him in a chokehold, the whole person from the bed, right hand punch on the bridge of his nose, nosebleed quickly splashed out, his roommates want to help, was Zhou Tong they stopped, the small dormitory room became noisy, about a minute of the fight, Gao Tianqun snot and tears came down, begged me for forgiveness: “Don’t hit, big brother, I’m wrong … … …” I thought to myself, “You’ve got the nerve to be a gangster with that kind of behavior.

I kicked him in the stomach: “Next time you bully a girl, I’ll fuck you to death.

“I did not expect, after I left Gao Tianqun actually reported to the teacher, the next morning, the director of the teaching staff with a blue face called me out of the classroom, and called my parents, in the office to discuss for half an hour, decided to give me a suspension of disciplinary action, to stay at home until May, and then come back to participate in the college entrance examination.

I packed up my things and left the school, stuffing my books and messy things into my bag. Wei Ziyang’s eyes were red, she gave me her treasured cassette player, biting her lip and said, “Xiao Hai, I’m sorry, I didn’t know things would turn out like this.

“I smiled sagely, “It’s none of your business, I can’t stay here any longer anyway.

“She wanted to return my smile, but as soon as she skimmed her lips, tears fell like crystals.

6 “One of the things I regret the most is letting you get into a fight. At that time, there was a female student in our class named Lin Qi, Gao Tian Qun often scared her outside the school and forced her to take nude pictures. I found out when Lin Qi tried to commit suicide, and she knelt down in front of me and begged me to save her.

I wanted to report it to the teacher, but I wasn’t sure if the teacher would care, and I was even more worried that Gao Tianqun would spread those photos, so I wanted you to beat him up, so he wouldn’t mess with Lin Qi anymore.

But I didn’t expect that you would be kicked out of school.

When you left, I saw that you still had bruises on your face, I think it was your dad who beat you up, right?

But you still smiled and said you don’t blame me, said you can still play games at home, and it doesn’t matter if you can take the college entrance exam anyway, you are such a gentle person.

Hai, if we were given three more months, would we have ended up differently.

I always mess things up, we had countless opportunities to be together, and all of them were messed up by this idiot of mine.

Getting a fifty-nine on a test is more upsetting than getting a zero. The biggest regret is not not having it yet, but being so close, but not doing it.

“7 the second day of winter vacation, someone called my name downstairs, I was wearing fall pants probe look, actually is Wei Ziyang.

She was wearing a white down jacket, a red scarf, and a plush hat. In the cold early winter sun, I thought for the first time that Wei Ziyang was quite good-looking, if she dressed up properly.

“How did you know I live here?

“I scrunched my neck and asked.

“Looking for the homeroom teacher to ask, do you live a savage life at home, look at your look, it is simply Mr. Fujino two grandpa ……” she began to poison her tongue again.

“Why are you looking for me?

” “Change your clothes, let’s go out and play.

” Wei Ziyan harrumphed and smiled at me.

The winter vacation I played very crazy, parents are out of town, New Year’s Eve will not come back, I and Zhou Tong and their bubble in the Internet cafe billiard hall skating rink, Wei Ziyang also followed us crazy.

Every time we play the game, she ran up and down to buy us a drink; playing billiards, she took the book to us to score; ice skating, she always want me to take her.

This girl is brave by nature and not afraid of pain, not even learn to stand firm to pull me forward, often I also pulled the dog gnawing mud.

When you smoke, don’t you ask the people around you?” Wei Ziyang pinched his nose.

I can’t help but complain to me,” Wei Ziyan pinched his nose.

I was probably playing silly buggers and handed her the cigarette case, asking very sincerely, “Want one?

“Zhou Tong, they heard the conversation between the two of us, slapping the keyboard laughing wildly, Wei Ziyang snatched my cigarette case and threw down from the second floor of the Internet café, not yet relieved, and then in my keyboard a flurry of press, resulting in us playing a copy of the group was wiped out.

At this moment, a female voice came from downstairs, like a shrew scolding the street: “Who the hell throws things, there is no quality?

“I looked down, actually saw Gu Yue Yue, there is a woman standing beside her, I quickly ran downstairs, Gu Yue Yue forehead a little red and swollen, presumably smashed by the cigarette box, I quickly apologized: “Sorry, sorry, friends fooling around, all right?

“The woman next to Gu Yueyue said: “What do you mean by joking around? Throwing a cigarette case is joking around, if you throw a lead ball down and smash someone to death, are you responsible?

“I blurted out, “There are no lead balls in Internet cafes, don’t worry.

“The woman was stunned by my anger and opened her mouth to curse, but Gu Yueyue pulled her back and said in a soft voice, “This is my classmate.

“This is an opportunity, I apologize in the name of Gu Yue Yue dinner, dinner on the way I realized, Gu Yue Yue is just a shallow little girl, full of Korean stars and shopping malls in the clothes, can not help but be disillusioned.

Distance is the best filter, far away, are advantages.

It is only when you take a closer look that you realize how obvious the flaws are.

When I came out of the restaurant, Gu Yue Yue wrote her cell phone number on a piece of paper and secretly handed it to me, she said she could call her when she had time, I took the note and smiled at her, and then dumped it into the trash can when I got home.

New Year’s Eve, I was at home cooking dumplings, New Year’s Eve is my parents are the busiest time, I have long been used to spending New Year’s Eve alone, turn on the TV and turn up the volume.

When the door was slammed, I opened it and saw Wei Ziyang, I said, “You knocked on the door like this, are you looking for revenge or debt?

“Wei Ziyang held up the bag in his hand, “I’ve come to spend New Year’s Eve with you.

“The bag is some food and a few bottles of wine, Wei Ziyang changed into slippers, rolled up his sleeves to boil water, I was a long time to see, she poured the Coke into the kettle to boil, and then and two pots of head blended together, a person poured a large cup of the Spring Festival show is playing a boring skit, she rushed to me and said: “What are you waiting for, come and drink ah.

“I looked at the cloudy liquid, the heart a little scared: “This stuff drink will not be poisoned, right?

“She said: “No, my father often drink this, said this drink body warmth.

I said, “Forget it, I’ll just have a beer.” Wei Ziyang raised his eyebrows.

“Wei Ziyang raised his eyebrows, I thought it was bad, I was about to run, she pounced on me, I smelled her aroma, she pinched my neck, forcibly pried my mouth open, half a cup of wine down my throat, I did not react, my stomach was warm, and then a sense of vertigo, Wei Ziyang laughed: “You this person, it is really a toast to do not have to eat the penalty wine.

“In this way, we drank from eight thirty to twelve o’clock, on the way Wei Ziyang answered a phone call, it should be her family called.

Wei Ziyang lied and said that he was at his female classmate’s house, and that it was too late to go back in the morning.

We are all red in the face, watching TV and squinting.

In the early morning I was frozen awake, see Wei Ziyang also shrinking body sleeping on the sofa, there is still a vague sound of firecrackers outside the window, I picked her up and put her on the bed, pull the quilt on her, just at this time, she suddenly opened her eyes, I was scared to sit on my butt on the floor.

“What do you want?

” The redness on her face had not dissipated.

“I …… what can I do, I’m afraid you catch a cold ah.

“I stammered.

“Do you want to try?

“Her clear eyes stared straight at me.

“What do you want to try?

“Make …… love.

” she spat out two words.

I fuck, my whole body jumped up, this crazy bitch must be drunk and disorderly, I treat her as a brother, she actually want to sleep with me.

“You’re drunk, aren’t you?

” my whole body was so flustered that I didn’t know where to put my hands.

“What are you afraid of? I don’t want you to be responsible for me, just this once.

“Her expression was actually very serious.

“You go to bed, I’m going to sleep in the study.

” I turned around and walked out, and almost caught my hand when I closed the door.

Early the next morning, Wei Ziyan walked out of my room, she stretched and shouted at me, “I’m hungry, is there anything to eat?

” I looked at her in shock, she became that tomboy look again, looking around for snacks, I said, “Last night you ……” “What happened to me?

” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Sure enough, that’s when she went on her drunken rampage.

“Nothing, let’s go down for breakfast, there’s a bun seller downstairs.

” I breathed out.

After New Year’s Eve, Wei Ziyang looked for me twice more, probably because of the influence of that incident, whenever she was close to me, my heart was in a panic, but she didn’t find anything unusual.

After the start of the school year, the pressure of the college entrance examination is smashed down, only one vacation a month, again and Wei Ziyang meet, has been in May when I returned to campus.

8 “Xiao Hai, you know, that New Year’s Eve I was not drunk at all, you are my favorite person, so I would say that.

When I was young, I read a story about a hedgehog who fell in love with a rabbit, but when the hedgehog got close to the rabbit, it would hurt it, and the hedgehog was very sad.

Then the hedgehog came up with a good idea, which was to roll around in the forest in the fall, with its thorns stuck in fruits, so that it embraced the rabbit, and the rabbit wouldn’t hurt anymore.

After the fall all those fruits withered, and the hedgehog tried to roll all those fruits, but he couldn’t do it, and he got uglier and uglier, and no one wanted to be near him anymore, and even the rabbit left him.

But at the end of the story, the hedgehog was still happy because he finally hugged his favorite person.

Xiao Hai, I am that hedgehog, I want to give you all the best, the best looking, the youngest body, and the gentlest heart, I want to give it all to you.

I have passed by your heart, and I wanted to stay so much, but you wouldn’t take it in.

“9 Wei Ziyang stayed long hair, dress is no longer neutralized, I almost did not recognize when I walked into the classroom, I do not know if the pressure of the college entrance examination is too much, she lost a lot of weight, and her face is not very good.

I’m Hu Han San, I’m back again.” I shouted from the podium.

” I shouted from the podium.

The class teacher kicked me in the ass: “What’s wrong with you, go to your seat and sit down.

“The class burst into laughter, and the corners of Wei Ziyang’s mouth rose slightly. I put my things away and whispered to Wei Ziyang, “I bought you some candy canes, I’ll give them to you later.

‘ Wei Ziyang likes to eat sugar gourds from the old street corner, this should be her only remaining girl habit, pulling me around three times to buy them during the winter vacation, at that time, when I finished a bunch of sugar gourds in less than ten seconds with a bite, Wei Ziyang angrily punched me, she said that I was a waste of natural resources, piggyback eating ginseng fruit.

Wei Ziyang’s eyes reddened slightly and said, “Thank you.

“At that time, I thought I was dreaming, this crazy bitch will also say thank you, if not to see the class teacher is still on the podium, I really want to reach out and touch her forehead to see if she has a fever.

At noon, I went to the cafeteria to eat, Wei Ziyang no longer and I talk to the sword nonsense, she is silent a little abnormal.

“Old Wei, what’s wrong, is someone bullying you again?

“No,” she replied reflexively.

“She replied reflexively.

“Then why are you acting weird? This isn’t your style.” “The homeroom teacher gave me a lecture.

“The homeroom teacher gave me a lecture.

She spilled the beans: “She said it’s hard for me to get into a second-year college with this score.” “Hey, I thought that’s why.

“Hey, I thought what’s the matter? If you can’t get into college, let’s move bricks together. ……” “Get lost.” She scolded me with a smile.

“She scolded me with a smile, I put my heart down, and ate with a big mouthful of food.

Ten days before the college entrance examination, the homeroom teacher in order to encourage morale, we have to write one person to inspire their own words, this thing is obviously self-deceiving, is to write a few words on the college entrance examination can be a few more points.

I casually wrote a few sentences on the book, never thought that the class teacher actually want us to read it out loud on the podium, they all wrote the sea of learning, the fragrance of the plum blossom from the bitter cold and so on the sentence, my turn, I begged for forgiveness like a look at the class teacher: “not read it okay?

“The homeroom teacher glanced at the words in my notebook and scolded me as if I was watching, “No, read it out loud.

“I coughed, “I want to study hard and improve every day so that I can contribute to society in the future.

“The homeroom teacher slapped me: “Read what you wrote.

“I couldn’t muddle through, so I had to read out loud, “I’m the man who will become the King of Thieves, how can I fall here!” Zhou Tong and the others applauded loudly, even their tears were about to come out of their eyes as they laughed, and Wei Ziyang was also lying on the table, his body shaking slightly.

I couldn’t wait to find a block of tofu to crash into, the homeroom teacher kicked me off the stage again.

“Xiao Hai, what do you want to do in the future?

” Wei Ziyang asked me as he sat next to me in the playground late at night.

“I don’t know, I want to play music, but college is boring.

“You play the piano?

“You don’t know about the guitar? I’ve been learning it from my neighbor’s uncle since I was twelve.

“Really?” She stood up excitedly.

She stood up excitedly and said, “Play it for me.”

“We don’t have guitars at school.” I flicked my cigarette away.

“I flicked my cigarette away.

Mr. Lin, the music teacher, has one. It’s in his office.” “What time is it?

“It’s already late, he’s gone home already, right?”

“Wei Ziyang pulled me up and slipped to the office on the third floor, and as expected, Mr. Lin had locked the door and left, Wei Ziyang pushed back a few steps and asked me to get out of the way, and I had a bad feeling in my heart, and I didn’t have the time to dissuade her from doing so, and she kicked the door of the office, sending out a loud bang, and I almost went crazy, and I guess I’ll have to yellow the college entrance exams if I’m caught, and Wei Ziyang kicked open the door and took Mr. Lin’s guitar and ran upstairs, and I was so happy. Wei Ziyang kicked the door open and grabbed Ms. Lin’s guitar and ran upstairs, I hurriedly followed her up to the rooftop.

“Come on, try it.

I followed her up to the rooftop, “Come on, try it.” She panted and handed the guitar to me.

“Remember, if I get fired, this will be my funeral song,” I said, taking the guitar in a huff.

” I took it without a second thought.

That quiet night, I played a lot of songs, Gunflint’s Knocking on Heaven’s Door, the Beatles’ Yesterday, the Eagles’ California Inn …… Wei Ziyan leaned against me, occasionally humming softly along with a few phrases, and under a head full of stars, I smelled her hair again.

Her head nestled in my shoulder, my heart began to tremble violently again, I twisted my head to look at her, and I was seeing her gentle look.

“Clang ……” the guitar strings crumbled, Wei Ziyan looked like he remembered something and stood up hurriedly.

“Hurry back to the dormitory.

” she said as she ran, “The dormitory is closing soon.

“Old Jiao, are you in love with Wei Ziyang?” said Zhou Tong as he finished his shower.

” Zhou Tong said as she finished her shower.

“Get lost.

“I scolded him in a bad mood.

“What’s the big deal, if you like it, you like it, if you don’t, you don’t.” He put on his tracksuit and stood up.

“He put on his tracksuit and stood on the balcony blowing in the wind.

“None of your business.

You’re trying to make fun of me again,” I thought to myself.

“We’re best friends.

” Zhou Tong turned his face to look at me, “So I will only ask you this once, I can tell you first, I like Wei Zi Yang, but if you also like Wei Zi Yang, I can give up, but if you say you don’t like her, then I’m going to chase after her after the exams, think about it clearly and answer me, don’t make yourself regret.

」「……」My heart clenched into a ball, spitting out a sentence: 「Why are you giving up?

“Because she’s happier with you. You don’t know, she didn’t smile much in the first few months.

“I don’t know, maybe a little bit like it, I can’t tell.” I answered truthfully.

“I answered honestly.

“Then seize the opportunity.

“Zhou Tong patted me on the shoulder, “She’s a good girl.

“That night I had a sleepless night, eighteen-year-old me, to love is still just a vague concept, full of thought is how to play, to sex is not without fantasy, but those are hormones.

Do I like Wei Zi Yang, does she like me?

These two questions were like the final finale, pestering me to the point of tossing and turning.

It was only in the early morning that I found the answer, those heartbeats don’t lie.

I like Wei Ziyang, I want to confess to her! The night the college entrance exam ended, our dormitory had a break-up dinner, and we all drank a lot of wine.

Under the effect of alcohol, I mustered up enough courage to stop a taxi, full of alcohol, and went to another restaurant, the place where Wei Ziyang had her farewell dinner, and I pulled her out of the private room.

I pulled her out of the private room. “Why are you drinking like this?

” Wei Ziyang pinched his nose.

“Don’t talk, you let me talk.

” Damn it, the heart is going to jump out of my throat.

“Wei Ziyang.

“I’m a huge decibel.

“What’s wrong with you, do you want me to take you back?

“Wei-Zi Yang tried to come over to help me.

I stubbornly stood across from her and looked into her eyes as I confessed, almost yelling, “Wei Ziyang, I like you.

‘ That sentence consumed almost all of my energy, all I felt was the world swaying around as Wei Ziyang’s figure turned into three.

After a long time of silence, Wei Ziyang coldly gave me an answer: “You are drunk, go back.

” “You …… don’t like me?

” I do not die to follow up.

“I don’t like it.

” Wei Ziyang stopped a taxi and tried to push me into the back car, I shook off her hand and jumped out of the car again.

「You don’t like me, why did you give me things, why did you spend New Year’s Eve with me, why did you …… have to do it that night」I was simply furious.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?

Who are you, why should I like you?

” Wei Ziyan eyes red, I guess this time is really angry, she rushed me to finish this sentence twisted her head and left, walked around the corner, I saw her wiping tears.

I sat on the side of the road, smoked a cigarette, and began to laugh, the pedestrians who hurried past, all looked at me like a monster.

I thought I was the protagonist of an idol movie, but in fact I was a self-involved loser.

I laughed so hard that tears flowed out of my eyes, stood up crookedly, despite the danger of crossing the street, only to be hit by a motorcycle, I heard a lot of shrieks, and then lost consciousness.

I spent almost all of my vacation time in bed, with a broken calf and a broken face.

Zhou Tong and the others came to see me while I was in the hospital, Zhou Tong pointed at the door, “Wei Ziyang is also outside, she doesn’t dare to come in.

“I smiled in relief, “It’s okay, ask her to come in.

“Wei Ziyang scowled and walked to my bedside, perhaps because my rashness made her feel guilty, I told her: “It’s okay, the doctor said that in half a month, you can get out of bed.

“Wei Ziyang seems to be even thinner, a bit emaciated, eyes swollen, she said: “I’m sorry, I should send you back.

I should have given you a ride back.” “What’s it got to do with you? It’s my own carelessness… No, it’s that motorcycle-riding douchebag who’s blind… Turning corners and speeding up.

“Wei Ziyang stopped talking until my parents came in, she turned around and wanted to leave, I called out to her, took out a box from under the bed and handed it to her, inside were the wrist guards she had given me, the guitar plectrum, the big head sticker we had taken together……. “I’m sorry, we’re really better suited to be buddies.

” Wei Ziyan body shuddered, took the box and left silently.

It’s over, it’s just a comical relationship drama from my teenage years, the main character is me, the female lead doesn’t exist.

Let me reminisce, have I seen Wei Ziyang since then, it seems like there was one more time, it was the moment before I took the train to go out of town to go to college, I saw Wei Ziyang on the platform, she was wearing a white dress, her hair could already be draped over her shoulder, under the golden sunlight, she was wearing very beautiful makeup, her skin was snow white and tall, her eyes were curved like a bridge, and her smile was brilliant and incomparable, she was waving goodbye at me.

I was stunned by her appearance, she was more beautiful than any girl I had ever seen, even Gu Yue Yue, who was called the pure school flower, would pale in comparison when standing next to her at the moment.

I just wanted to say something to her, the train had already started, and her figure slowly retreated to a place I couldn’t see.

11 Cell phone ringing pulled me back from the memory, I glanced at the letter in my hand, the yellowed letter paper had a little tear stains, I have been sure that this letter is not a prank.

But why, when I confessed to her did she reject me?

Or in that cruel way.

“Hai, I think you must be sad that I rejected your confession.

That night when I watched you sitting on the side of the road and crying, I couldn’t help but rush over to hug you, but the reasoning in my heart stopped me in my tracks, who am I to disrupt your life?

I’d rather have you hate me, hate me, than have you fall in love with me and end up losing me again.

A gentle boy like you, even if your confession is rejected, I believe you will be able to walk out soon, but if you fall in love with someone and end up separating from her, how can you bear those pains?

It’s been ten years, I believe you’ve gotten over everything.

Writing this letter, I just want to tell you that in your teenage years, there was a girl who liked you a lot, she was a person who was not good at expressing her feelings, if you perceived a trace of her liking you, magnify that feeling ten thousand times, that’s the extent to which she really liked you.

She likes to chat with you in class and laugh at your jokes.

She likes to go shopping with you, watching you have no money and still want to face the look, rather walk home to buy her candy canes.

She likes to listen to you sing, when you sing, there is a light in your eyes.

She likes to stay with you, even if nothing to do, she can feel the happiness that comes to her.

She likes to change for you and become the person you think you are.

She likes to give you the best of everything, just like that last image that you will feel so good when you remember it.

Hai, live happily, I’ll be in the corner where you can’t see, sincerely wishing you the best, this is my first love letter and my last, wishing you all the best.

Wei Ziyang “12 I almost forced my way into Zhou Tong’s company, he was in a meeting at the time and was ripped out by me with a tug.

“What the hell, your house collapsed?

“Zhou Tong scolded me in a bad mood.

“Where’s Wei Ziyang?

“My voice was trembling, “Where is Wei Ziyang now?

“How should I know, it’s been so long since I graduated.

” Zhou Tong twisted his head and said.

“Look at me!” My voice was so loud that Zhou Tong’s coworkers looked over, “If you think of me as a friend, tell me the truth.

“What’s wrong with you?

“Zhou Tong’s eyes were panicked.

“Take me to her, take me to her.

” My nails were sinking into Zhou Tong’s arm.

Zhou Tong sighed, “Okay, but promise me you won’t do anything stupid.

‘ I finally met Wei Ziyang, the black and white photo on the tombstone, she smiled peacefully, the grave was cleaned, it should be someone who visited her often.

“In the Spring Festival of her senior year of high school, a tumor was found in her head. The doctor said it was malignant and she had to be operated on, but she insisted on doing it after the college entrance exam.

“On the day you took the train to the university, she went to see you and had to undergo chemotherapy that night, saying that it would be good for you to remember how beautiful she looked.

“Then her health got worse and worse, she called all the students in her class and pleaded with us to keep this a secret, not to let you know, she said she had already hurt you once and couldn’t let you be sad again.

“”It was late at night when she left, she said she wanted to look at the stars, the nurse opened the window, she said she missed someone, the nurse asked who it was, but she didn’t answer.

The nurse looked down and realized that she had closed her eyes, as if she were asleep ……” Zhou Tong sat beside me and narrated in a low voice, the girl in the photo was gentle and peaceful, just like the way she watched me sleep.

“Xiao Hai, people will become stars after death, right?

“Under a head full of stars, Wei Ziyang snuggled up to my shoulder.

“Shit, the strings are broken. Let’s put the guitar back.

“I was thumping in my heart, but on the surface I was still pretending to be calm.

I’m going to turn into that star, you recognize it, when you see that star again, it’s me saying hello to you,” Wei Ziyang pointed to the southeast direction.

“Wei Ziyang pointed to a star in the southeast direction.

I’m nearsighted, so I don’t think I’ll recognize it.” “Silly.

I’m not sure I’ll recognize it.” “Silly.

“Wei Zi Yang smiled gently and moved his head closer to my neck.

Tears finally broke out, the best girl in my life, gifted me all the tenderness, and then quietly left when I didn’t realize it, how lucky I was to get this angel’s favor in my teenage years.

I bawled unimaginatively, the breeze brushed my face like a caress from the sky.

[Epilogue] “Hello, can I help you?

” I stood up.

Walking into the store was a skinny girl in a sweatshirt and black hat, she didn’t look too good, she could barely see the blood.

“Time Inn, what’s this for?

” she asked me softly.

“Simply put, it’s a place where you can write a letter or leave a little something, and then agree on a time, and I’ll send it out at that time… like a promise to your future self, or some words to a friend, for example.

“I patiently explained.

“How long is the time limit?

“Up to ten years, but customers usually choose three or five years. Ten years is too variable and expensive.” The girl seemed interested.

“The girl seemed very interested and sat down to pick out the letterhead.

Her health was not very good, she wrote a letter many times, and had to rewrite it if she made a punctuation mistake. I didn’t realize that it was already dusk, but she finally finished the letter, and she smiled at me, “Sorry to delay you,” “It’s okay.

“She smiled at me and said, “I’m sorry for the delay.

“I put the letter away, as well as those small things she left behind.

At 10:30 p.m., I had already closed the store when the girl came by again, knocking urgently on the door and bending over when I opened it, “Excuse me, can I have that letter back?

“Are you worried we won’t deliver it?

Don’t worry, I’ll deliver it with you even if the store closes down.

“I joked.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

“The girl’s strange behavior caught my attention, I returned the letter to her, and after she took the things away I quietly followed, partly out of curiosity, and partly because she was in such poor health that I was afraid she would have an accident.

She cried almost the whole way, holding the letter in her arms.

Later, when she walked to the main street and saw a big tree, she picked up a branch and slowly plowed a small pit, burying the letter and the small things in it.

I have never seen such a sad girl, she looks less than twenty years old, should be sunny and happy age, why would she be like this?

When she was gone, I dug up all those things and took them back to the store.

The back of the envelope was dirty from the dirt, good thing it was special paper that could be cleaned, I pulled the letter out to clean the envelope but glanced at the contents of the letter, I’m not a sentimental person but I was struck by this girl’s story.

Even in the end, she preferred to bury the secret in her heart rather than disrupt the boy’s life again.

Such a wonderful girl’s heart shouldn’t be buried.

I selfishly made the decision for her, storing that letter and the things in the time cabinet, marking the time on the door, and ten years later, I would deliver it for her.

Time will take away all the suffering and hurt, and love will live on, I believe so.

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