What’s the most flirty thing you’ve ever done with a friend of the opposite sex?

What’s the most ambiguous thing you’ve ever done with a friend of the opposite sex?

Sex male, and female friends open video, the screen on her body only a thin skirt, while twisting waist limbs and ask me, “how is it, good looking?

“Although her skin is white and thin, and her body is also front and back.

But I still want to yawn.

It’s the relationship with this woman that I can’t sort out that nearly gave away my true love.

1 “Alright, Jingjing.

” After ten minutes, I finally couldn’t help but say to her.

This beautiful woman in the screen is my old classmate Jin Jingjing.

Today it just so happens that both of us are free, at her strong request, I am video chatting with her.

Jin Jingjing has a superior family background, and usually her biggest hobby is buying famous brands.

This twisted around, is to show me she just bought silk halter dress it.

I guess this broken skirt how also have to three to five thousand.

It’s a bit ridiculous.

I’m such a pure loser, by Jingjing such white rich beauty love for seven years.

When I was in college, we were in different classes in the same college.

One day under a thunderstorm, Jingjing did not bring an umbrella, I’m a good man in front of the school to see her a big girl drenched like a drenched chicken, very intolerant, on their umbrellas to her.

She even looked at me because of this?

Later I learned that Jingjing’s dad is our local famous real estate developer, the family is very solid.

When my buddy and colleague Liu Peng heard about this, he exclaimed, “You’re a contemporary Xu Xian, brother! Now, despite years of graduation, this girl hasn’t given up on me.

One time at noon, she sent me a video.

I opened it quickly, and Liu Peng came over from the side to watch.

In the video, Jingjing wore a semi-transparent loose white shirt, not only “missing underwear”, but also half exposed breasts.

Looking at her from time to time to shake out of the two long legs, Liu Peng are fast spraying nosebleed.

“Such a good-looking girl, or a rich second-generation, why you just do not on ah! Is not pretending to be sexual?

“Once in the kebab store near the company, Liu Peng drunk, drunkenly asked me.

This question should have been in his heart for a long time.

I glanced at him, “What do you know?

I’m looking for such a woman, right?

This is not adding to my own problems!” Liu Peng’s eyes are rounded: “A big man, other girls do not mind you, you look down on yourself?

“I waved my hand and said it’s not like that.

Liu Peng does not know.

Jingjing this person, is really a bit strange problem.

In fact, when I was in college, long before the incident of borrowing the umbrella, I had heard that there was this person in this hospital.

She is pretty and her family is rich, but she is a bit strange.

What’s so strange about her?

There is a legend circulating among the boys in our college – after class, if you are the last one to leave the classroom and you are a boy, then you may meet a girl in the classroom.

This girl had white skin, long hair, and red lips – but she wasn’t a female ghost! “She’s Jin Jing Jing.

” The boys mingled, “If she thinks you’re good-looking, she’ll ask you, ‘Do you want to come to my house for a bath tonight?’

My bathroom is very luxurious, and you can even enjoy the air-conditioning afterward.’

“Not only is there no air conditioning in the boys’ dormitory, but even the electric fans are often out of order, making it very hot in the summer.

Of course, air conditioning is not the point.

When we were in school, the social culture wasn’t as liberal as it is now, but we all knew what we needed to know.

A girl, inviting a boy to her house to take a bath after dark?

What that meant was self-evident.

“You’re not a nymphomaniac, are you?” Most of the boys muttered in their hearts, but there were really one or two fierce men who had accepted Jin Jingjing’s invitation.

Of course, there could be more than one or two.

It was said that everyone who came back had a satisfied look on their face.


So …… this girl is addicted to that?

” Liu Peng’s jaw dropped and his wine sobered up most of the time.

I’m not sure if I can move a girl like that who’s pretty and rich,” he said.

“The more I speak, the more sober I am.

Liu Peng nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

I’m really afraid of what’s coming.

Just a week after Liu Peng and I drank this time, Jin Jingjing sent me a WeChat, saying that she will come to B city to find me in a few days.

Said what old classmates to catch up.

I asked her which hotel to stay, but she pouted: “With you, I still live in a hotel?

Why are you so cold-blooded to me?” My head was numb.

“I live in the house is shared, you come also live not open ah! I said.

I said, “It’s okay, we can sleep in the same bed.

“Jin Jingjing said and smiled.

“That’s no good, that’s no good!” “Ni Zhongsheng!” On the other end of the phone, Jin Jingjing seemed to be angry.

“Don’t pretend to be a grandson! When I say it’s okay, it’s okay, you only have to receive it, understand?

“Then she sent me a flight number and asked me to pick up the plane.

“What if I’m not available?

“I’ve always given her the benefit of the doubt, but now I can’t hold back my anger.

“Then I’ll die at the airport. I’ll die for you! Before I die, I’m going to yell so that everyone will know that it was Ni Zhongsheng of the Hai Chang Group who forced me to die!” Jin Jingjing seemed to be more angry than me, her voice got higher and higher, and she even cried when she said the last few words.

After that, she hung up the phone.

Hai Chang Group is my organization.

A state-owned enterprise.

In the beginning, it was my parents who entrusted seven turns of relations to send me in.

I can be shameless myself, but my parents can’t.

Once I heard what happened to me, even Liu Peng couldn’t sit still.

In the office, he sat on the workstation next to me, with a worried look on his face.

“Alas, it’s a pity.

“I frowned, “Pity what?

“If this girl wasn’t a nymphomaniac, I’d be willing to take her on for you.”

” Liu Peng said in a serious manner.

I was furious and punched him, “What nonsense!” Liu Peng’s expression became serious, “But seriously, this lie you casually told people has inspired me.

“I went up to him, “How do you mean?

“Didn’t you tell this Jing Jing that you shared a room with her?” said Liu Peng.

“Liu Peng said, “You’re going to rent a room in the next few days and really move in, right?

At that time, when the girl comes, see you still have to share with others, not even independent space, even if she is pestered again, she is a rich white beauty, certainly can not stand it! I heard, this kid said really have some sense.

I now live in the place, is the unit of the single dormitory.

Although the condition is simple, but I can live in a big room in B city with cabbage price, for me and other pure losers, it is already considered as smoke from my ancestors’ graves.

If Jin Jingjing classmates into my private, safe, undisturbed dormitory, it is estimated that immediately have to be stripped naked,……, I not only did not move half a bit of lust, but also scared to want to shiver.

What if I really go to share a room?

Although Jin Jingjing is a nymphomaniac, she is not to the point of insanity.

In the face of my roommate, even if she’s crazy and wild, she’ll have to keep her tail between her legs.

Liu Peng probably saw the calculations in my heart, then said: “Hey, do you remember I told you, my daughter-in-law is now doing real estate agents ……” I turned my head to look at him, waiting for him to finish the second half of the sentence.

What he said was pretty much what I guessed.

“…… I’ll let my daughter-in-law recommend good properties for you, and you don’t let this rental agency fee go to the outside world, so let her earn it.

Also help her punch KPI!” Liu Peng playful smile.

I glared at him.

2 Although Liu Peng is a man who is not in tune, his daughter-in-law is still very reliable.

She recommended a few properties to me, and they all looked pretty good.

I’m looking at houses on the app, and Liu Peng is still pointing and commenting on the advantages and disadvantages of each house.

Nowadays, it’s not easy to find a good roommate when you’re sharing a room in a big city.

So, many rental platforms will mark the identity of the existing tenants of the shared house in the APP.

In this way, later tenants will be able to have a brief understanding of the future roommate, and the probability of choosing the right roommate will also increase.

Liu Peng’s daughter-in-law recommended to me a few listings, shared roommates are both male and female, occupation to company staff, age in the 25 to 30 years old range of the majority; most of the room type are three-bedroom, and even a four-bedroom hall.

I haven’t shared a room with anyone since I graduated from college, and now I live alone in a dormitory.

So I don’t want to live with too many families.

“Are there any two-room apartments?

It’s enough for me to have a roommate as a shield.

” My hand scratched on my cell phone screen.

Even if it’s a temporary rental, I don’t want to bunch up and get together.

Liu Peng sighed, “You’ve got a lot on your plate.

“He pointed to the last set of listings, “My daughter-in-law said, she also wants to find you a house with fewer tenants.

But it’s hard to find this kind of house nowadays, and she only found this one.

“It’s in the Garden District, two rooms and one living room, 90 square feet.

The decoration is okay, and the price is acceptable.

I continue to look down.

The master bedroom is already occupied.

“Female, 25, marketing.

” Still a girl.

On the day Liu Peng’s daughter-in-law, Xiao Wang, took me to the Garden District to look at houses, the girl who lived in the other room was not at home.

The door to the master bedroom was closed.

“If you’re sharing a room, you have to lock the door when you’re not at home.

You should do the same in the future.

“Wang told me.

I nodded.

I’m quite happy with this apartment.

Speaking of which, I’m only staying here for a while, so that when Auntie Jin Jingjing returns home, I can avoid her harassment and go back to my singles’ dormitory.

However, after visiting this house, I felt that the place where I used to live was not like a home at all.

The living room in front of me was bright and clean.

The sofa is warm yellow, with clean light green plaid towels; the TV hangs on the wall, and there are a few small pots of succulents and a wooden photo frame on the wooden shelf above; there is a fish tank on the window sill, in which there is a Brazilian tortoise, but the water in the tank is very clear, and it looks like it is changed very often.

Wang smiled and introduced me, “This is a good property, and the quality of the tenants is high.

Generally speaking, very few tenants are willing to clean up the common areas.

But look at this girl, she is so careful, decorating the living room as if it were her own home.

My house doesn’t even look like her home!” I nodded.

Xiao Wang was very honest.

I’ve been to Liu Peng’s house and it’s as messy as a pigsty.

I went over to the TV wall and took a close look at the picture frame on the wooden shelf.

Inside was a photo of a girl.

She was at the beach, wearing a straw hat decorated with yellowish egg flowers, a delicate little face facing the sun, smiling brightly.

I don’t know why, but this smile made my heart skip a beat.

Xiao Wang came over to me, “This is the girl who rented this room from me.

“I subconsciously looked at the closed door of the master bedroom again.

Sunlight was filtering through the cracks on all sides of the door.

I felt a stirring in my heart.

“Okay, I’ll rent this place.

“I said to Wang.

The day after I signed the rental agreement, I moved in.

Rather than “welcoming” Jin Jingjing, I had an ulterior motive – I admit, ever since I saw the picture of the “Egg Flower Girl”, her face had always been in my mind.

Unfortunately, seven days after I moved in, “Eggplant Girl” didn’t show up.

One day at noon in the cafeteria of my flat, Old Liu and I were sitting opposite each other.

“Why don’t you see my roommate?

“I muttered.

Old Liu looked wilful, “What, look at a picture and fall in love with him?

“I shook my head hurriedly, “Not really, not really! I just think it’s a bit strange.

“Old Liu did not think so, “What’s so strange, isn’t this girl a marketer?

I guess a lot of business trips, socializing, a few days not at home is not very normal.

“I heard him say the words “business trips and social functions”, and I somehow felt a little bit bad about it.

So good-looking and pure girl …… hard to imagine, she accompanied the customer “entertainment” will be what it will be like.

3Another day or two passed.

My roommate still did not show up.

This evening after work, I bought some duck necks, intending to eat a couple of mouthfuls of the beer I bought the day before.

Opened a can of Qingdao, butt on the sofa has not yet sat on the hot, I heard someone outside the house clang knocking on the door.

“Who is it?

“It’s me, open the door!” A woman’s voice.

A young woman.

I jumped up with a jolt.

At that moment, my first thought was: is it Eggplant’s sister back?

But after a little pondering, I felt that something was wrong.

I tentatively asked again, “Who are you?

‘ As I asked, I moved towards the door.

There was no need to wait for an answer.

Through the cat’s eye, I saw that there was no one else standing outside the door, it was none other than Jin Jingjing.

She seemed to know that I was right behind the cat’s eye and made an exaggerated flying kiss at the cat’s eye.

As things stood, I could only welcome Jin Jingjing in.

She sat on the sofa, I moved a folding chair and honestly sat on the opposite side.

The rich white beauty stared at me.

“Ni Zhongsheng.

“She held her tongue for a long time before she could get out these three words from her teeth.

“Hey, go ahead.

I don’t know what I can do now except to act like a grandson.”

As a matter of fact, Jin Jingjing had tried to contact me and ask me to meet her many times in the past few days.

I didn’t pick up her cell phone, but I answered her calls out of respect and lied that my organization had asked me to go on a business trip and that I really didn’t have time to pick up the phone.

Jin Jingjing said that she was generous, and the matter was settled.

Then continue to try to ask me, a moment to call and say they have stayed in B Sheraton, will not come to my home, just want to eat a meal with me, a moment and said that the credit card was frozen by his father can not live in the hotel, I do not accept her, she will become a refugee gold …… she knows my unit.

If you have to play jerky, she went to the unit with my colleagues who are not strict with their mouths to inquire about the dormitory address, it may not be difficult.

But I didn’t expect her to be so powerful that she even knew where the room I rented was.

I felt something was wrong.

“Liu Peng told you, right?

“I glared at Jin Jingjing.

Jin Jingjing was smug: “I don’t know what Liu Peng Wang Peng, anyway, it’s that very black and tall skinny monkey in your unit, he told me! I gritted my teeth.

My acquaintances in the unit, only Liu Peng is a black tall skinny monkey.

You must have pestered him to ask, didn’t you?” “I didn’t!

“I didn’t!” Jin Jingjing whined, “As soon as he saw me, his eyes straightened, said he knew me, and asked if I was looking for you.

I chatted with him for a couple of minutes and he gave me the address.

“I knew that this grandson, Liu Peng, could not be relied upon.

I was so angry.

Jin Jingjing smiled, stood up and leaned over, wrapping her long and slippery arms around my arm.

“What’s wrong?

Are you not happy to see me?

Why are you making a stinky face ……,” she said while bringing her face in front of me.

It was an extremely well made-up face, so close that I couldn’t even see the pores on her face.

The smell of perfume pushed right into my nose.

I subconsciously wanted to push her away.

But although she is thin, her strength is quite big, I pushed a hand but did not push.

“You self-respect can not ……” Jin Jingjing changed her face faster than a Sichuan opera singer, and immediately burst into tears again: “Do you really hate me so much?

” Looking at her bright, slightly open lips and smelling the scent of her body, I was embarrassed to feel that I was changing somewhere.

I haven’t let this woman get the better of me for so many years, am I going to lose it today?

“Ni Zhongsheng, you are good at everything, but you are too cold-blooded.

I’m a girl who came all the way here to see you, but not only did you not give me a warm reception, you even rejected me?

After all, I’m a woman, and I’m also your old classmate, can’t you take pity on me?

“Jin Jingjing whispered in my ear and kept stroking my front and back.

Her breath sprayed into my ears, and her hand movements were getting bolder and bolder.

Amitabha Buddha! Come and save me! At this critical juncture, the door rang.

This time it wasn’t a clanging knock, but the ‘snap’ of a fingerprint door lock being opened.

The sound was very soft, but in my ears, it was more alarming than a thunderbolt on a clear day.

In addition to me, there is only one person who will have the fingerprint door lock …… egg flower sister of this home! In that short one or two seconds, several thoughts turned within my head.

Isn’t my current outfit a bit sloppy?

How do I greet her with my first words?

Should I offer to shake her hand?


…… I snapped back to my senses.

None of the above mattered, the most frightening thing was – Jin Jingjing was still wrapped around me! I hurriedly twisted my body furiously, trying to shake this woman off.

It was too late.

The door was slowly opening.

At this moment, I hated Liu Peng to death.

He was the one who betrayed me and ruined my long brewing, first meeting with Sister Egg Flower.

But I never expected that my roommate would appear in my life in such a bizarre way.

4 When I saw “Eggplant Sister,” my first thought was: it’s a beautiful woman.

A big beautiful woman.

If Jin Jingjing was considered a 10 out of 10 beauty, then the sister in front of me would have to be a 12 out of 10.

Although her appearance in my opinion is quite alternative – patent leather Martin boots with studded leather jacket, navel dress can not cover the belly snow white eye-shattering.

The gothic makeup on her face is also frighteningly thick.

But nothing could hide her natural beauty.

The girl’s eyes are large and round, with slightly upturned corners that are incredibly seductive.

The nose was high and straight, and the mouth was slightly large though, while the lips were plump.

I don’t know what she just went through, now her clothes are a bit messy, revealing half pulled breasts.

Seeing this piece of white flowers, I just calmed down a certain place and some exuberance …… but soon, my hot blood and cold down.

Not for anything else, just because she really stinks.

A stench laced with the smell of alcohol and vomit swept over me with the opening of the door to the room by Egg Blossom’s sister, nearly choking me.

Now, as if trying hard to keep from falling asleep with her eyes wide open, her whole body was poking straight out of the doorway, her face red and a large patch of still-drying vomit smeared across the front of her leather jacket.

Goth makeup dark circles under his eyes had long since rubbed off.

Mascara was smeared all over her face, mixing with traces of lipstick that had also been smeared indiscriminately, creating a muddy mess on the girl’s small, white face.

The eggplant sister I had been pining for was clearly drunk.

Such a first meeting was clearly not what I expected.

I was dumbfounded.

Not to mention me, even Jin Jingjing, the wild bee, seeing this scene and this girl, was so shocked that she let go of her grip on my arm.

After going through such a long string of mental activities, I had already regained my composure.

Thus, I took the opportunity to shake off Jin Jingjing and greeted the ‘rotten egg flower’ at the door.

“Are you alright?

” said I, reaching out to assist her.

Who knows, as if Egg Blossom’s sister had been triggered by me, as soon as I assisted her, she immediately jumped into my arms and bawled her eyes out.

I am a man with a mild cleanliness fetish.

Being covered in a girl’s vomit, even if she was a beautiful woman, my goosebumps would inevitably rise all over my body.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry!” I was about to faint, but still tried to maintain my gentlemanly demeanor, “Sit down first, sit down first!” While saying that, I also gave Jin Jingjing a wink and nudged my chin towards the tea cup on the table.

Only then did Jin Jingjing come back from her shock, poured a cup of water and handed it to me.

I assisted Eggplant Sister to sit down.

She stuck to me, even after sitting down she still maintained the posture of her head arching in my arms and her arms hugging my waist.

Jin Jingjing stood frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

I had a flash of insight in my head.

It seems that my beautiful roommate is drunk and confused.

Why don’t I use this as a trick …… “Jingjing.

” I put on a sullen expression, “Look, my girlfriend is in a bad mood, why don’t you just go back first?

Next time, we’ll meet again, okay?

“Jin Jingjing first stared, then pointed her finger at me, “You?

Ni Jong Sheng?

“Then she pointed at the girl in my arms, meaning, can this girl be your girlfriend?

The scene was frozen for a while.

In the living room, there was only the continuous and continuous crying of the egg flower girl.

While I was thinking hard about how to continue to stall Jin Jingjing, Egg Flower Sister roared out a stone-cold sentence, “Our child is gone, and you’re still fooling around with someone else!” The roar was so loud that it shook the four walls.

Those who were equally frightened were Jin Jingjing and me.

Then, only to see the egg flower sister stood up shakily, turned around, and walked towards Jin Jingjing with three steps: ”You this little three …… I have to beat you to death today!” After that, she threw up her fist and smashed it on Jin Jingjing.

Jin Jingjing was caught off guard and punched.

She was bold in the face of men, but small in the face of madness, screamed and fled.

I jumped up and pulled my sister Eggplant, who was about to chase her out of the room, “Don’t chase her!” She fell into my arms.

I entered Eggplant’s boudoir.

Her master bedroom was only a few square meters larger than my second bedroom.

But because the furniture was well placed and the girl was good at organizing, the space in the house looked almost twice as big as mine.

Nonetheless, the bed she sleeps on is still just a tiny single bed.

The full set of light pink bedding was spread on it, looking soft and cozy.

“It must be very comfortable to lie on it.

” I thought.

I helped her into the room, sat her down on the bed, and fed her some water from a teacup.

She grunted and managed to take a couple of sips, though she was dazed and confused.

I tried to get her to lie down on the bed.

But her leather jacket was too dirty.

Looking at the clean sheets and bedding on the cot, I was in a bit of a dilemma.

“Girl, let me take off your coat, it’s too dirty.

Don’t get the bed dirty.

“I asked her in the gentlest tone of my life.

It amounted to a disclaimer, whether she could hear it or not.

–Don’t blame me when you wake up and realize your coat is gone.

I don’t mean any harm, I just don’t want you to sleep dirty all night! After saying that, I stared at her face, watching her reaction.

As long as she didn’t struggle and cry, I took it as her acquiescence.

Unexpectedly, Eggplant Sister replied with her eyes closed, “Take it off for me, thank you, I’m really out of energy.

” OMG! I almost automatically bounced away from her, “You’re awake?

“She spoke after two seconds, and her tone seemed helpless, “I was awake just now when you grabbed my finger and unlocked my room’s fingerprints.

” My face heated up.

Yes, I did do that.

Although it was out of good intentions to send her in to rest, the act itself was indeed obscene.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything else, I just wanted to ……” “It’s okay, I understand.

I understand.” Eggplant’s sister put it succinctly, “Help me take off my leather jacket and throw it in the restroom sink.

“She’s not very old, but the words she said to me were like an order from a leader, making it hard for me to refuse.

I had to do it.

The leather jacket had no elasticity, and it was more or less difficult for the next person to help take it off.

I also had to try to avoid getting my hands covered in vomit in the process.

Eggplant’s sister was sitting on the edge of the bed, and the bed was narrow.

I inevitably touched her body as I moved.

I pranced around in the small space and gradually broke into a sweat.

I managed to take off one of her sleeves, and the latter steps were carried out with difficulty.

As I tried to help her remove the other sleeve, I felt that a soft mass was rubbing against my upper right arm.

I couldn’t help but look sideways.

I saw my sister, Eggplant, leaning forward as if she was sleepy, with her forehead just next to my arm.

Her entire body is petite, her arms, waist, and legs are thin, but her “white flowers” are full, and her touch is even more marvelous …… “What are you doing?

” the girl cooed, a pair of charming eyes slowly opened.

“No no no ……” I obviously did not intentionally do anything, but still have a bit of weakness, scared to copy the leather jacket and run.

When I put the leather jacket in the bathroom and came back, I found the master bedroom door closed.

I was left alone and locked out of her territory.


” came her voice through the door, she must have heard my footsteps.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.

” I mumbled, “Oh, I’ll see you tomorrow ……” That night, lying on the bed in my room, I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep.

In my mind, “White Flower” appeared at one time, and her crying face appeared at another time.

Gradually, my upper and lower eyelids fought fiercely, and sleepiness finally came.

That night, I had a dream.

The bright smile of the girl wearing a straw hat, the tragic appearance of the girl wearing gothic makeup with her crying face, the two images overlapped together, becoming more and more blurred……. Finally unable to resist the attack of the sandman, I fell into a deep sleep.

5 In the haze, I felt someone patting me hard.

It took me a lot of effort to open my eyes.

She, Eggplant Sister.

She was the one who was patting me.

“Wake up, your alarm clock has gone off several times!” I crawled and got up to look at my cell phone.

It’s already quarter past seven.

I have to leave home at 7:30 at the latest every day, otherwise I’ll be late for work.

“Hey!” Just before I was about to rush out of the house to wash up, she called me from behind.

It was then that I remembered her presence.

“Sorry ……” I turned my head.

I saw her in a sleeveless floral nightgown, her slender arms and legs glowing white.

The girl just stood still in my darkened bedroom.

“I should be the one to say ‘thank you’ to you.

” She held out a hand to me, “Let’s make it official.

My name is Zheng Xiaozhi, small as in size, sesame as in sesame.

“Her voice was so delicate and translucent that just by listening to her voice, one would probably think she was a teenager.

Only then did I have the courage to look directly at her expression.

Her brow was relaxed and she didn’t look like she was upset.

I panicked and extended a hand, “Nice to meet you, Little Sesame ……” I wanted to smack myself as soon as the words left my mouth, “Don’t get me wrong, my slip of the tongue, pure slip of the tongue – my name is Ni Zhongsheng.

I’m glad to be your roommate!” I don’t know if Chi is also happy to be my roommate, or if she thinks I look like a simpleton.

Anyway, she revealed a bright smile.

The smile made my heart flutter.

It felt exactly the same as when I first saw her picture, exactly the same.

According to Liu Peng, I had been inexplicably giggling in the unit that day.

When we ate in the cafeteria at noon, he was a bit sullen, poking at the rice with his chopsticks.

“The difference between people is too big.

“Liu Peng long sigh in the sky,” look at me, this life has talked about an object, graduated from college directly into a family, dragging the family.

You are almost thirty, not only did not concentrate on solving the life matter, but also mix with the birds and swallows all day! I quickly told him to stop, “Don’t fart.

It’s not good for me if people hear you! Liu Peng squinted at me, “You weren’t afraid that people would see you when you were giggling in the air just now, weren’t you afraid that it would be a bad influence?

“I was about to say something, when I suddenly heard someone shouting my name not far away: “Ni Zhongsheng, someone is looking for me!” I immediately had an ominous feeling.

In City B, most of my acquaintances are coworkers.

Who else could be looking for me?

The answer was coming out.

As expected, before I could go over to greet them, a white hand rested on my shoulder.

I helplessly turned my head and saw Jin Jingjing standing at my side, wearing a red dress.

She was indeed very beautiful, described as voluptuous, and her dimpled figure attracted the eyes of many male colleagues.

Such a beautiful woman was out of place in the simple environment of our unit, and therefore looked particularly eye-catching.

But to me, she smiled like a Bodhisattva of compassion, as if she wanted to overpower my humble soul for free.

“Would you like to come with me for a moment?

” Jin Jingjing’s attitude was polite, but it made my heart flutter.

I followed Jin Jingjing out of the cafeteria amidst the attention of my colleagues.

Jin Jingjing wanted to have a chat with me in the courtyard of the unit.

I smiled and said, “The sun is so strong, don’t get tanned.

“After a lot of persuasion, I persuaded her into a nearby cafe.

We sat by the window.

Jin Jingjing smiled with a smile on her lips, but her eyes hid a knife.

“That girl last time, is she really your girlfriend?

“She couldn’t wait to ask me when my butt was just next to the chair.



“I had no choice but to lie about it.

If a lie can help me send away this plague that has been around for many years, then it would be considered that Zheng Xiaozhi has not sacrificed her honor for nothing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as my words left my mouth, Jin Jingjing fell on the table and cried bitterly.

“Ni Zhongsheng, you are such an asshole!” She scolded me while crying.

Seeing her like this, I was still more or less intolerant in my heart.

No matter what, she had insisted on me for so many years and spent so much effort on me, as a seven-foot man of flesh and blood, I couldn’t say that I wasn’t touched.

But I still have to take this opportunity to make things clear to her.

“Jing Jing.

“I said, “You have to understand one thing, a twisted melon is not sweet.

“Jin Jingjing looked up sharply.

She didn’t wear any makeup today, and after crying, her plain face looked even more haggard.

“I don’t care! Ever since I was a child, no matter what I want, there is nothing I can’t get! You, Ni Zhongsheng, are just a loser, why did you reject me for so many years!” She shouted louder and louder.

I panicked and looked around to see that I didn’t know anyone, then I felt relieved.

It was now noon on a weekday, the store was not crowded, and the only two or three customers also turned their heads to look at us.

Jin Jingjing continued to cry and scold: “You do not just have a girlfriend, she is not just for you to abortion! I can also carry your child, I can also get an abortion! She’s only known you for a few days, I don’t believe she loves you more than I do!” The more she cried, the sadder she got, snot and tears running down her face, where was the half of a rich white woman left?

I had a splitting headache.

Although Xiaozhi was not my girlfriend, but only my roommate, for some reason, hearing these words from Jin Jingjing, I felt extremely twisted from the bottom of my heart.

But again, I really didn’t know how to refute her.

After all, the matter of abortion was what Xiaozhi said herself that day.

Originally I had already forgotten about it, but now that Jin Jingjing mentioned it, it was like I had been stifled and poured a bottle of boiling vinegar into my head, and my chest burned with an excruciating pain.

“Listen up.

“I stood up, lowered my voice, and looked into Jin Jingjing’s eyes, “It’s not your turn to comment on my affairs with her.

‘ I don’t want to stay here for another second.

After saying this last sentence, I immediately left the cafe.

6 On that day, I went back to the shared house very early in the morning.

As I expected, no one was home, and Chi was not yet back.

At dusk, the sunlight was soft and crisp.

My heart was swarming with wonderful emotions, hoping to see Chi soon, but also hoping that she wouldn’t come back so soon, so that I could enjoy the quiet time waiting for her.

For the first time in my life, I experienced the pleasure of waiting for someone.

What would she look like when she appeared at the door later?

Still dressed as cool as last time?

Or like an officelady in a form-fitting suit sheath?

I couldn’t help but close my eyes.

The image of Chi standing in my bedroom in a floral nightgown came back to me.

In the picture, the light was dim.

Her dark, thick eyelashes were hanging down, and her long, soft hair was tucked over her right shoulder and curled gently.

The look on her face is ambiguous and unspeakable, as if she is making some kind of invitation to me with her eyes …… “Snapping.

“A familiar ringing sound.

I hastily opened my eyes, sat upright, and in the midst of all the busyness, I also grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV.

In the remaining light of my eyes, a beautiful little head poked in first.

“What are you doing, meditating?

“She laughed when she finished her sentence.

My heart had already melted, but I had to pretend that nothing had happened.

“I’m back.” I turned my face to look at her.

“I turned my face to look at her, a decent smile on my face, my heart beating wildly in my chest.


My suspicions were all wrong.

Chi was wearing a pale yellow bubble-sleeve dress, her bare arms and legs glowing white.

She was also wearing the straw hat with egg flowers that was so familiar to me.

Looking at the small flowers on the hat, I felt a wonderful tingle in my heart.

Xiaozhi was carrying two large plastic bags stuffed to the brim in her left hand, and as soon as she took off her sunglasses with her right hand, she smiled sweetly at me.

“Come on, help me with this.

” she said, slightly raising the two big bags in her hand.

I woke up in a dream, hurriedly ran to her, took the bag.

When I opened them, they contained a wide variety of ingredients such as tomatoes, asparagus, live shrimp, raw meat, and so on.

“Brother Chung Sung.

” She softly called out in my ear, “To thank you for taking care of me that day, and to welcome you as my new roommate, I’m going to cook you a big dinner.

”This dinner is the most comfortable meal I’ve had in several years.”

Xiaozhi was very thoughtful.

In addition to making a four-course meal, she also contributed craft beer that was chilled in the refrigerator.

I’m a brown guy and usually drink only regular Tsingtao beer.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good the beer was.

The food she cooked was also delicious.

Especially the asparagus and shrimp dish, which I devoured in less than 10 minutes after it was served.

We were both on opposite ends of the couch, burping.

At this moment I wanted to say to her that particularly cheesy sentence: whoever marries you in the future, will be really lucky.

Of course, I didn’t say that.

Such heartfelt words are not so precious when spoken.

I just asked her a question, a question that I wanted to know the most at this moment – “Xiaozhi, I saw your profile in the carpooling platform, it says that you are doing marketing ……” There is actually half a sentence behind it: do you have to accompany clients to socialize often?

Before I could finish, my words were interrupted by her.

“What camp not marketing, is the miscellaneous.

I, Zheng Xiaozhi, authentic strong social animal!” Her face was flushed and she spoke with an odor of alcohol, waving her thin arms as she spoke.

I knew she was drunk.

I didn’t realize that this girl looked quite valiant, but in fact her drinking capacity was so shallow.

I was somehow relieved.

She was at least not a ‘drunken putty’, nor did she look like someone who often accompanied people to socialize.

Taking advantage of her drunkenness, I looked at her face and body steadily, my eyes bolder than at any previous moment.

The blush on her face was more than enough to stir up the love in one’s heart, making my heart surge.

Her breasts, on the other hand, kept rising and falling and trembling slightly as she talked, drank and laughed.

It was as if there were worms burrowing around in my heart, eating away at my remaining sanity.

“So, this is the sister of a social animal.” I teased her.

“I teased her.

She immediately rounded her eyes and turned to stare at me with a ‘what’s up’ expression.

“What industry is your company in?

” Xiaozhi pressed her chin and threw out a three-part funny, seven-part seductive wink, “We’re in the music business.


Is that so great?

“Yes!” Chi looked proud, “Music festivals, livehouses, have you heard of them, Uncle?

These are the places where we young people go to play.

Our company is in the music business.

“I didn’t care about the context.

I only caught one word.


I feigned anger and asked her, “Aren’t I a young man?

Xiaozhi smiled cheekily, stopped talking, and stifled her head for a few more ‘ton-ton-tons’ of beer, before deliberately letting out an exclamation, “Ah-!” indicating that she was drunk.

She’s so cute.

I can only think of one word that can be used to describe her: nubile.

I boldly put my hand on the back of hers.

Instead of ducking, she smiled at me and blinked her big eyes.

My hand began to move out of control, pushing slightly harder, pulling her toward my arms.

She didn’t cooperate with me, a flicker of confusion in her eyes.

But as I continued to put more force into my arm, her body seemed to get lighter and lighter …… When the distance between us was only half an arm’s length away, I saw that Chi’s expression froze.

I looked into her eyes, and she looked into mine.

My mind went blank.

After several seconds, when her small face was only two or three centimeters away from me, I whispered to her, “I’m not an uncle, I’m young and physically fit.

” Her eyes were a little scattered.

“If you don’t believe me, let’s try it.

“I leaned over to her.

The couch was soft.

Even softer were Chi’s lips and body.

Her mouth smelled of beer malt mixed with girlish scent, and her body was hot.

We were both a little drunk, drunk enough to be extra bold, but not so drunk that we missed the peak of pleasure.

What a blessing.

…… When it was over, she curled up in my arms like an innocent lamb.

“Well ……,” Chi mumbled, as if she suddenly remembered something, and as if it took a great deal of determination to speak up, “Why is it that I seem to remember you as having a girlfriend?

Am I misremembering?

”My heart thumped.

I almost made a mistake that day when Jin Jingjing pestered me here.

Then Chi rushed through the door.

She was drunk at the time, so I think she probably can’t remember anything …… but it’s hard to say.

The fact that Chi was able to take the elevator up and fingerprint the door all by herself meant that she wasn’t really drunk.

I looked at her little head hanging down on my chest.

Instead of meeting my eyes, she lowered her head.

I couldn’t tell how much she remembered.

I also do not want, she remembered those things that are not necessary to remember …… Xiaozhi, forgive me for avoiding the important.

I really like you.

So I spoke, “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.

You may have remembered wrong.

‘ Xiaozhi raised her head, her big eyes full of anticipation and delight: ‘Really?

‘ I nodded firmly.

Yes, I didn’t lie.

Although my relationship with Jin Jingjing is more or less unclear, she is indeed not my girlfriend.

Chi didn’t say anything, her arms wrapped around my neck and her soft lips printed on mine.

I returned the kiss with even more passion.

That night, Xiaozhi once again entered my room.

My second bedroom was a little smaller, but the bed was huge.

The two intertwined and separated.

After a few times, I was finally exhausted.

Xiaozhi stroked my eyebrows with her slender right index finger and flirted softly, “You say, why did you get such a big bed?

” I looked at her half-angry, half-shy look, couldn’t help but smile wickedly: “Of course it’s for …… comfort.

“Xiaozhi punched me hard.

I hurriedly begged for forgiveness, but also did not forget to find a complementary sentence: “You’re a lecherous person to see lechery, I’m saying that I sleep and sleep comfortably, is there a mistake ……” Immediately after, I seem to remember something.

This big bed, is Liu Peng to help me buy from the second-hand furniture market.

Move the bed into this room that day, the two movers spent a lot of effort, because the door of the second bedroom is narrow, the bed is wide, they have to move the bed sideways upright, little by little, to move in, in order to move into the house.

In order to move this bed, the four of us big men worked for half a day.

And Xiaozhi has no impression?

…… I immediately remembered that that day was one of the days in the week when I moved in and Xiaozhi hadn’t shown up yet.

So where had Shiba gone on those days?

Was she on a business trip?

My heart suddenly sank.

Liu Peng’s words echoed in my ears like a magic spell: “Isn’t this girl a marketer?

I guess a lot of business trips, socialize more ……” and her own words of drunkenness – “both of our children are gone, you are still here fooling around! The truth comes out when you’re drunk.

Xiaozhi looked at me with affection in her eyes, “What are you thinking?

“How can I open my mouth?

7The next day, as soon as it was time for lunch break, I dragged Liu Peng to the courtyard and told him about my love affair.

When I heard the part about my love affair, Liu Peng’s eyes were wider than bronze bells.

And when he heard about my “journey”, Liu Peng seemed to want to slap me very much.

“I mean, you’re such a nasty person.” He held back until he finally exploded with a roar, scaring the unfamiliar coworkers who passed by to look sideways.

I hurriedly asked him to lower his voice.

He was obedient and lowered his voice, but his expression was even more hideous, and he looked like a would-be murderer: “The girl has a crush on you, and she’s with you, but you don’t know enough, and you think she’s casual.

What do you want?

Do you want someone to kick you in the ass and tell you to get lost?” I was helpless, “I’m not.

“I helpless: “I’m not smacking her, I just feel weird in the heart …… you think about what I just said before and after the process, in your place, the heart will not commit muttering?

“Liu Peng sneered: “If I have you so bullish peach blossom luck, I will only mutter to myself, muttering I am not overdrawn the luck of the next few decades! But in the end, my buddy still expressed “a certain degree of understanding” to me.

I also listened to his advice.

Here’s what Liu Peng said: “Do good deeds and don’t ask about your future, right?

Now that you two are in love, isn’t this good, let’s try to get along more.

Other things will be said later! I nodded my head and said yes.

After all, my relationship with Xiaozhi is still a real one.

Maybe the girl saw me as a poor man, and just didn’t hold on for a while, and didn’t want to be my girlfriend at all?

When I got home from work that day, I was a bit apprehensive.

When I opened the door of my home, I was surprised to find that Xiaozhi had already returned.

From the kitchen, there was a strong aroma of food, and it smelled like braised fish or braised meat.

“You’re back!” Xiaozhi greeted me as she brought several plates of food to the dining table.

“Wash your hands and you can eat.

“She smiled brightly at me and went back into the kitchen.

For a moment, I felt like I was dreaming.

It was like a young couple living together.

I couldn’t tell you why, but a wave of sadness and a deep sense of inferiority overflowed from the bottom of my heart.

I felt that I was not worthy.

Since I was a child, I have never had anything to do with the word “excellent”.

Ordinary to almost mediocre life, has been from a hopeful teenager for the future, polished into a blurred face, boring to some hateful ordinary man.

Ordinary, in the sense that I’m not confident.

How could a nice girl as beautiful and intelligent as Chi be a part of my life?

How could I be so lucky in my mediocre, ordinary life?

Another thought emerged from the bottom of my heart like a devil’s curse – if Xiaozhi is really “that kind of woman”, would I, Ni Jongsheng, be the “receiver”, the “honest man” in her eyes?

We honest people are always regarded as the receiver.

But does being honest mean that we deserve to take over?

When I thought of this, the several times the previous day when I was in heavenly bliss almost immediately turned into a sword of pain, stabbing me from my front to my back, piercing me through and through.

No, at least for now, I can’t.

I can’t be this girl’s boyfriend.

I had to spend more time figuring out what kind of person she was and what kind of woman I wanted for myself.

I mustered up enough courage to rush over to Chi, who was preparing dishes in the kitchen, and said, “I …… want to talk to you for a minute.

” Xiaozhi froze for a moment and turned her head to look at me.

Probably my expression at that time was too stupid, she looked for two seconds and couldn’t help but laugh out, and then said in a serious manner: “OK, let’s eat and talk.

Xiaozhi’s cooking skills are really something.”

I was in a heavy mood.

But after eating two bites of her braised fish, all the pressure in my heart seemed to be alleviated a lot.

“Tell me, what do you want to tell me?

” Xiaozhi asked me vaguely while chewing her rice.

It looked like a look of indifference.

I watched her demeanor for a while before I spoke with deliberation.

“I wanted to talk to you about our relationship.

“Chi looked at me with a strange expression.

“What’s wrong with our relationship?” I snapped.

” I snapped, “Would you think ……” When I said this, it was as if an invisible hand was stuck in my throat.

The words that followed were clearly drafted, but I couldn’t get them out.

I originally wanted to ask her if it was because of that day’s ‘forgetfulness’ that she wanted to take our relationship further.

But the more I thought about it, the more wrong it was.

As a big man, isn’t it a bit too brazen for me to say that to a girl – as if she was begging me.

Xiaozhi pursed her lips and looked at me.

From the expression on her face, I couldn’t tell what was going on in her mind.

“Are you trying to ask me if I would think that after we’ve slept together, you have to be responsible for me and fall in love with me?

” she asked me after a long time.

I mumbled half-heartedly, only to feel my face burning.

“I can tell you that I don’t think so.

That day was between you and me, and …… it meant nothing.

” Xiaozhi smiled slightly, then quickly lowered her head and focused on eating.

I was stunned.

Although she was smiling, I always felt that this smile was a bit different from the smiles she used to show me.

In any case, Xiaozhi and I continued to share the apartment without incident.

Every day after I got off work, I could have a meal cooked by Xiaozhi’s own hands.

We would chat together and sit on the sofa together to watch TV.

But there was no more ‘transgressive’ behavior.

There was no longer even any physical contact.

This tacit sense of distance, the intentional rustiness of intimacy, was like a huge and transparent wall of separation.

Chi and I stayed on two sides of the wall, seeing each other but not touching each other.

I don’t know how Chi felt at that time.

At least, for me, this kind of marvelous relationship made me feel very solid in my heart.

When I think about it now, that “cohabitation time” was the happiest time in my life.

Peaceful, happy, and accompanied by someone.

The innocence and beauty of Chi made me crave for it, and made me want to take care of it carefully.

Because I tasted the sweetness of happiness, I even forgot that the original reason for coming to share a room was to avoid the difficult Jin Jingjing.

However, what’s meant to be is always meant to be.

8 After the last disagreement at the café, Jin Jingjing and I didn’t contact each other for a long time.

I also hate myself for being weak and not having the courage to pull her WeChat black.

With her wealth and her family’s social status, it was better for me to try not to offend her.

Two months later, I had gotten used to working from nine to five and going home to spend peaceful time with Xiaozhi.

One day after work, after dinner, Chi went into the kitchen to clean up the pots and pans.

I was on the sofa looking through my friends’ circles when I saw a post from Jin Jingjing: “New city, new beginning.

” The accompanying picture is a nine-panel selfie.

My pupils quake.

The background of these selfies is clearly …… “Hai Chang Group”.

In one of Jin Jingjing’s selfies than yeah, these four words were posted on the wall behind it.

It’s my unit.

What the hell does she want?

I hurriedly put on my jacket.

When Xiaozhi saw me going out, she asked me, “Where are you going?

“It’s an emergency,” I replied.

” I replied, then turned around and went out the door.

Downstairs, I called Jin Jingjing’s voice on WeChat.

It was connected almost in the next second.

Before I could speak, a sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone.

「Hello-」 「You ……」 For a while, I actually didn’t know where to start.

I quickly organized my thoughts and opened my mouth to say, “I saw your friend circle.

” Jin Jingjing laughed over there, “If you didn’t see it, you would never take the initiative to find me, right?

‘ She was smart enough to know what I wanted to ask.

She was also very honest, and took the initiative to tell me what happened.

It turned out that Jin Jingjing used her dad’s real estate company to negotiate a big deal with Hai Chang Group.

The Jin family’s company gave our group a big discount.

As a condition, Jin Jingjing offered to come over to Hai Chang Group’s B city headquarters for an internship.

“I told the leaders here that I am an artist and need to experience life.

“I don’t want a penny of internship pay, I don’t want any treatment, I just want to come and sit in a shift.

“I am going to be driven crazy by this woman.

“What do I have to do for you to let me go?” I was almost hysterical.

However, Jin Jingjing did not slow down, and by the sound of her voice, her emotions did not seem to fluctuate at all.

“Ni Jong Sheng, I have told you many times.

I like you, I want to be with you.

I’ve always treated you with sincerity, why don’t you believe me and can’t give me a chance?

“”……”” “I know.

” She ignored my brief silence and continued, “You’re a man who isn’t confident enough, and you think that a rich girl like me is something you can’t afford to reach.

But I don’t even dislike you, so why should you dislike yourself?

” I hesitated and decided to repeat that lie one more time.

“I have a girlfriend.

You’ve seen it before.

‘ On the other end of the phone, Jin Jingjing’s laughter was full of sarcasm, “Ni Zhongsheng, have you forgotten what my family does?

Do you think I can’t find out?

“Yes, Jin Jingjing is a real estate agent.

If she wants to investigate by all means, she will naturally find out the truth behind my shared room, and she will naturally know that Xiaozhi and I are just heterosexual roommates.


What do you want me to do?

I really can’t do anything about Jin Jingjing now,” she said.

“You can be my mentor and familiarize me with the work.

“Ms. Kim’s voice was suddenly softer.

So gentle that it was hard for me to refuse.

When Liu Peng saw me walk into the office with Jin Jingjing, both of his eyes went straight.

Other coworkers were also surprised.

I heard someone exchanging words, “Isn’t this the pretty girl in red who went to the cafeteria to see Ni Zhongsheng last time?

” I turned my head to look at the person who was talking, and the other person wisely shut up.

Missy was placed by the personnel in a window seat in the office.

With good ventilation and quiet surroundings, it was the best workstation in the whole room.

Liu Peng and I sat far away from her.

Liu Peng secretly stared at Jin Jingjing, who was packing up her things at her workstation, and then quietly turned his head, lowered his voice to a very low level, and asked me, “What’s the situation?

“I sighed and didn’t say anything.

Liu Peng seems to understand, also sighed, and whispered in my ear: “People are like this, you give people a chance! In the past, that was all when I was a child, maybe they have changed their sex now.” He saw that I didn’t say anything, and thought that I had changed my sex.

“He saw that I did not say anything, thought I listened to it, and said: “are a little free-spirited girl, you and your roommate is not quite good together?

You still like them, don’t you?

How to turn to the white rich beauty instead of not, you this is too confused ……” He did not mention Xiao Zhi okay, a mention of her, I heart more annoying.

“I’m not sure if we can talk about this anymore, but I’m not sure if we can talk about this anymore.

“I was in a hurry, and I spoke a little too loudly, causing a few coworkers around me to look this way.

I subconsciously glanced in Jin Jingjing’s direction.

Unexpectedly, she was also looking at me with a smile.

Jin Jingjing smiled beautifully, with a kind of flirtatiousness that was rare to see in everyday life.

This was different from Xiao Zhi’s innocence and cleanliness, it was a different kind of heart-stopping beauty.

This smile reminded me of that year in front of the school when I lent her my umbrella.

That day, she smiled at me while saying thank you.

I don’t remember how I felt in that moment.

Looking back now, I can only remember my anger when a boy in the same class told me that “Jin Jing Jing is a nymphomaniac” one day later.

After hearing those words, I beat up that boy and almost got a demerit for it.

It would be a lie to say that I was not attracted to Jin Jing Jing.

I’m a normal man who likes beautiful women, especially beautiful and pathetic women.

When she stood in the summer rain curtain, tilted her head and looked up at the sky that kept falling rain.

When she is lost in thought, disappointed and hurt by the world.

How could I not reach out to her?

At the same time, it is true to say that I dare not take another step forward.

After all, I’m not Superman, just an ordinary man.

I wasn’t sure that I could always cover for this special woman.

I was afraid that the monstrous waves would swallow us both up together, and there was nothing I could do about it.

9 For the next few days, I stayed with Jin Jingjing all day as I had to be her ‘master’.

I was an employee of the group’s publicity department, and usually wasn’t too busy.

The group’s internal and external public documents, leaders’ speeches and so on were all written by me or other colleagues in the department, and then exchanged for revisions.

In addition, I also have to do promotional video shooting, editing and other work.

To my surprise, Jin Jingjing followed me very seriously.

The way she was taking notes and writing documents, she looked like a female student who was about to take the college entrance exam.

You know, she and I are classmates of the same grade, and we are not young at all.

Mixing up to this age, plus the fact that she came here 80% to get close to me, I originally thought that this so-called internship was just a game for rich girls.

Who knew she was playing more seriously than anyone else.

On this day, she grinded me to teach her to cut videos, and she taught me until after nine o’clock at night.

In a state-owned enterprise like ours, there are basically not many people in the office by this point.

Today is the same, other coworkers went back to their homes an hour or two earlier.

In the large room, only Jin Jingjing and I were left with the desktop computer for editing, one teaching and one learning.

In fact, after spending some time together, I gradually felt that Liu Peng’s words were justified.

Jin Jingjing really seems to be different from the past.

In addition to being a “nymphomaniac”, she used to have a really bad temper.

When other students did something that was not to her liking, she would be furious.

At that time, there was a boy in the College of Chemical Engineering who wanted to pursue her and sent her a bouquet of pink roses on Valentine’s Day.

Unexpectedly, Jin Jingjing threw the flowers on the ground and crushed them with her feet, reasoning: “Pink is my stepmother’s favorite color, and she’s a bitch! So I hate pink the most.

“…… In the empty office, I remembered this past event and was suddenly awakened by something.


” I called out to her.

Jin Jingjing’s body was very close to me, there was probably only two or three centimeters between us.

She was originally looking at the computer screen.

Hearing me call her, she turned her head.

Long, slender strands of hair swept past me, if anything brushing against my cheek.

Her hair looked full of luster, very soft, and smelled so good that it gave me the urge to kiss it.

Those peachy eyes gazed at me, “What?

“”Do you …… still hate the color pink now?

” I asked this sentence out of nowhere, and after asking it, I simply wanted to hit myself.

Jin Jingjing froze.

Immediately afterward, she actually laughed out loud.

I was dumbfounded by her laughter.

She sat in her office chair and continued to laugh for ten seconds or so, hanging her head and then bending over.

“Is that so funny?

” I was almost a little discouraged.

I didn’t know how to express my pity for this woman.

I was afraid that the slightest excess would make her think otherwise.

But I couldn’t ignore the sympathy I felt for her.

The emotion was so strong that it was difficult to suppress.

I lamented my stupidity and hindsight.

Jin Jingjing’s bitter pursuit of me was just like a drowning person desperately trying to grab the most reliable and stable looking piece of ‘wood’ beside her as a way to launch an emotional escape.

I, on the other hand, was trying to escape from her with even greater force.

Yes, I am indeed the log.

In the past, I couldn’t understand why Jin Jingjing, who grew up in a family consisting of a rich father and a mistress stepmother, would pursue an ordinary me so hard.

The answer to this is clearly in front of me.

Jin Jingjing this woman lacks love, needs love.

And she thinks that I am the man who can give her love and make her happy.

I myself treat myself as a wood, but people treat me as a treasure.

I simply feel ashamed.

Jin Jingjing finally stopped laughing.

She raised her head.

I saw that her face was full of tears.

I took Jin Jingjing to the nearby barbecue restaurant, the one Liu Peng and I used to go to before.

On the way, I didn’t forget to quietly send Xiaozhi a WeChat: ”I’m having a gathering with my coworkers tonight, so I might not go back.

You go to bed early.

”I didn’t want anything to happen with Jin Jingjing.

But I guessed that she would probably get drunk tonight.

At that time, I will be next to her to keep watch all night.

Jin Jingjing is staying in a hotel for her internship.

It was the “B City Sheraton” that she had previously babbled to me about.

However, even the best hotel can’t provide 24-hour full service, so I’m worried that no one will take care of her if she gets up in the middle of the night or vomits.

Chi didn’t reply to me for a long time.

After about half an hour, I received a message from her, “Okay, be safe.

”Jin Jingjing and I walked into the barbecue restaurant one after the other.

I am a familiar customer here, the owner’s wife greeted me warmly as soon as she saw me: ”Handsome guy didn’t come with another handsome guy today.

“Then she saw Jin Jingjing behind me, her eyes lit up, turned her head and asked me with a smile, “This is your girlfriend, right?

She is so pretty!” I was a bit embarrassed and was about to explain.

Jin Jingjing smiled and said, “Hello, Mrs. Boss! You are pretty too!” The boss’s wife laughed happily.

We ordered skewers and beer.

When I opened the bottle of Tsingtao, I inexplicably thought of the craft brew that Xiaozhi had once prepared for me.

The Miss Kim in front of me was a bit like Aoshima-kun to me.

I’m used to her, I don’t feel good about her, and often times I even feel bored.

Shizuku, on the other hand, was like a surprise from destiny, an unprecedented brew that smelled of flowers, but which I could never quite grasp.


“As soon as Jin Jingjing sat down, she poured herself a lot of wine, and now her eyes were a little out of focus, “Tell me about that roommate of yours.

“Tell me about what?

“I don’t know for what reason, but I felt a little weak.

“I can tell you’re more than just roommates,” she said.

She said, “Is it that you’re interested in her and she’s not?” I laughed.

“I laughed in anger, “Do you look down on me that much?

Then why have you been chasing me for so many years?

“I’ve been drinking a lot of wine and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it to the next level.

I drank more than one bottle of wine and let go of my words.

Jin Jingjing’s eyes widened, her lower lip pursed up slightly, “Because, you are the only man who makes me feel secure ah.

” I said, “It’s because you think I’m frustrating and no one likes me, that’s why I’m safe, isn’t it?

“She replied, “How can I put it? You are a man who radiates an air of stability.

It’s like you don’t get particularly anxious or scared when anything happens to you, and that appeals to me.

“After a pause, she added, “You and my father are two completely opposite people.

“I didn’t say anything.

We chatted about work and life.

After three rounds of drinking, I drunkenly told Jin Jingjing that I was indeed in love with my roommate.


” she asked, but her tone was calm.

Maybe she was too drunk, she didn’t have the strength to think anymore.

I nodded my head.

Jin Jingjing also stopped talking, revealed a charming smile, and continued to drink again.

As I expected, Jin Jingjing really drank too much that day.

In the end, I carried her into a cab, and she dazedly guided me into the hotel room.

That night, she threw up in a stupor.

I also guarded her all night on the sofa in the room, just as I expected.

After that time, Jin Jingjing seemed to start intentionally distancing herself from me.

She didn’t ask me too much about specific things at work, and if she needed help, she would go to Liu Peng or someone else.

Liu Peng scowled at me, “What’s wrong with you two?

“It’s none of your business.

“I didn’t bother with him.

Liu Peng shrugged his shoulders, “I think you should also think about it, these two girls who you really choose.

Don’t eat from the bowl and look at the pot, it’s not appropriate.

“He is right.

To be fair, Jin Jingjing constantly awakens memories of my past, making it impossible for me to ignore her existence.

But she was beautiful and rich.

She grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth, and as she said, from a young age, she could have anything she wanted – except maybe love.

But there are countless people who want to give love to a girl like that.

I even thought that if Jin Jingjing hadn’t met me, she would have found a man who was truly in love with her and capable of protecting and loving her.

And behind me, there is a small flower is weak and pitiful, waiting for my love and care.

That person is not Jin Jingjing, but Xiaozhi.

As we got to know each other better and better, I felt more and more ashamed of my previous lewd speculations.

Not only was Xiaozhi not a “casual” girl, but she was even quite traditional at times.

Once I couldn’t help but ask about the clothes I had worn when we first met, “Why haven’t I seen you wear them since?

“Gigi smiled and said, “It was just a performance outfit.

That time I went out to do a gig and was missing a harmony angel on stage, so I was asked to fill in.

After the show I went straight to the group’s dinner party, and I didn’t expect to drink …… too much.” Looking at her delicate face, all that was left in my heart was guilt.

My possessiveness and villainy was ridiculous.

But no matter what, it was difficult to take my relationship with Chi any further.

The best time had obviously been missed.

There was no longer any reason for me to open my arms to Xiaozhi.

There are only two choices in front of me, either give up or wait.

I chose the latter.

Soon, the peak season came, and Xiaozhi’s pace of work became faster, and she had to go on business trips every now and then.

Although she was only gone for two or three days at a time, I always felt that something was missing when I couldn’t eat her cooking on the days she wasn’t there.

When she was at home, I said to her, “I feel sick if I don’t eat your cooking.

“Xiaozhi smiled shyly.

That day I came home from work.

There was no one in the house, and the suitcase by the coat rack in the foyer wasn’t there either.

Chi must have gone out of town again.

I saw a note on the refrigerator: “There’s food, just heat it up and eat it.

” I opened the refrigerator.

Sure enough, she had used a tupperware box to separate several different dishes that had already been prepared.

There was my favorite, her braised fish, shrimp with asparagus, and a couple of other dishes.

It looked like a two or three day’s worth.

The thought of not seeing Chi’s lovely face for the next two or three days made me feel a little lost inside.

Our relationship had been stagnant, but the sense of peace and tranquility she brought to me had become a part of my life.

Even, I retired that single dormitory in advance with my unit.

I had decided to stay here all the time and ‘share’ the room with Chi.

I think I was actually waiting for an answer, for her answer to our relationship.

Maybe I should take the initiative to ask, to seek definite information from this girl I like.

But so far, I’m still not ready.

Previous misunderstandings and prejudices diluted the courage in my heart and made me more and more cowardly.

I took out several boxes of meals, warmed them up in the microwave, and brought the boxes directly to the dining table.

Xiaozhi usually serves her meals on very nice rough porcelain plates.

But in her absence, I didn’t even feel like using them.

I was about to start, when my cell phone rang.

It was Jin Jingjing.

I picked up the phone, “Hello?

“The sound of Jin Jingjing’s voice that came from the other side was a tone that I had never heard before, with an indescribable weirdness and sadness: “Is it convenient to meet?

” “…… I’m quite tired today.

” I subconsciously uttered words of refusal, with a thought deep inside: Xiao Zhi is not at home, I do not want to see Jin Jingjing.

“My dad’s gone.

” the woman on the other end of the phone said.

Twenty minutes later, Jin Jingjing appeared at my door.

As soon as I opened the door, she jumped into my arms.

Her low sobs rang in my ears.

Those meals on the table that I had heated up were about to get cold again at the moment.

I reheated them once more and greeted Jin Jingjing to take two bites.

“If you are in a bad mood, you need to eat.

“I handed her a pair of chopsticks and served her a bowl of freshly steamed rice, placing it in front of her.

Jin Jingjing stared at the rice.

Her appearance made me worried.

“So, when are you going back?

“I asked her tentatively.

Jin Jingjing smiled sadly, “I don’t plan to go back.


“My dad has been gone for half a month.

My stepmother only told me the news yesterday.

“It took Jin Jingjing a while to stabilize her emotions, and then she briefly described the whole story to me.

It turned out that her father had strongly opposed her coming to Hai Chang for an internship because at the time, he already knew that he was terminally ill and would not live long, and he wanted his daughter to be by his side all the time.

But Jin Jingjing is a very stubborn person.

Whether it was because of me or because she wanted to escape from the home that had suppressed her for so many years, she left that city without looking back and came to B City.

Unexpectedly, this decision caused her to be separated from her father forever.

“For so many years, my father and I never had a good relationship.

” Jin Jingjing took out a cigarette from her bag, lit it up and took a drag, saying slowly.

This was the first time I saw her smoking.

I accompanied her to finish smoking in silence.

Jin Jingjing stood up and patted my shoulder, “Let’s go.

“Where are you going?

“Back to the hotel to check out.

“She answered.

“I’ve changed my mind.

I have to go back.

“I said, “I’ll give you a ride.

“Jin Jingjing smiled back, “No need.

I’ve thought it over, I can’t always rely on you mentally.

Sooner or later, we have to say goodbye.

” After saying that, she walked to my side and stared into my eyes.

“You must have no idea how much meaning your existence has brought to me over these past years.

Even though you never responded to me, it seems that I don’t need you to either.

As long as you ‘exist’, that’s enough for me.

“After saying that, she closed her eyes and kissed me.

This time, I didn’t hide.

I knew that this would most likely be the last time we would see each other in this life.

Her lips were cold.

It was a long, drawn out kiss that made me dizzy.

So much so that I didn’t even hear someone open the door.

“Zhong Sheng ……” Someone was calling my name, the voice was timid.

I was jolted and subconsciously pushed Jin Jingjing away.

Turning my head, Xiao Zhi stood at the door with her suitcase.

This scene was very much like a replica of the first time I met Chi.

The difference was that this time, the “drunk” ones were Jin Jingjing and I, while the sober one was Xiaozhi.

In most situations in life, the sober ones suffer more than the intoxicated ones.

Xiaozhi’s big eyes quickly filled with tears …… Jin Jingjing hurriedly said goodbye to us and left.

Only Xiaozhi and I were left sitting on one side of the sofa each.

“I want to explain.

” I said to her after a long silence.

Xiaozhi interrupted me, “Actually, you don’t need to explain to me.

I’m not your girlfriend, I’m just your roommate,” she said.

” This sentence was like an incredibly sharp and pointy knife, stabbing me straight in the heart.

“Xiaozhi ……” I called her name.

I couldn’t say anything else but those two words.

Chi smiled at me.

It was the most beautiful and saddest smile I had ever seen in my life.

11 My life as a co-tenant came to an early end.

The day after my last chat with Xiaozhi, I arrived home from work to find that all her things had been emptied.

She was a simple person, and her belongings weren’t much to begin with, so it wasn’t difficult to move them all.

Later, Liu Peng’s wife, Xiao Wang, told me that since Xiaozhi had moved out early, according to the rental contract, the platform and the landlord would not refund her the remaining rent and service fee.

I knew that Xiaozhi’s salary was not high.

The rest of the money could not be considered a small amount of money for her.

But even so, she couldn’t care less.

She just wanted to leave me as soon as possible and didn’t want to see me again.

My world, once again, became bleak.

Jin Jingjing didn’t contact me again even after she left B city.

Perhaps she had already inherited the family business in her home city and become a female real estate king?

Or busy competing with her stepmother and brother for the inheritance left by her father?

Of course, all this has nothing to do with me anymore.

I’m still the same obscure, small-time employee of a state-owned enterprise, the man who walks in the crowd with no presence.

Only one thing had changed.

Instead of retiring the house I once shared with Chi, I paid the rent alone and rented it.

The furnishings in Shizuku’s room, except for the things she took with her, are still arranged as they were when she lived here.

The rent for this apartment was not cheap for me.

My salary was meager, so after work, I worked part-time at a fast food restaurant and even made deliveries.

If you don’t want to leave here, you have to suffer a little.

While eating these hardships, I felt an inexplicable sense of solidity in my heart again.

This is the last little thing I can do for Xiaozhi – if one day she has nowhere else to go, she can still come back to this hut.

She will always be welcome here.

Perhaps my sincerity touched the heavens.

One late afternoon, I received a weibo message.

It was from Xiaozhi.

The previous message of this WeChat was the same one she said to me a few months ago, “Make braised pork tonight!” Seeing the two WeChat messages on my cell phone screen, my nose was slightly sour.

We arranged to meet at a cafe.

Originally, I wanted to ask Xiaozhi to go straight home, wanting to show her the room I had reserved for her.

But I was worried that she was being paranoid.

The Xiaozhi in front of me was more mature and beautiful compared to her half a year ago.

She told me that she had changed her job and was no longer in the performance market.

Now this job is mostly sitting in the office, and she enjoys the sense of stability.

We exchanged a few more pleasantries.

I was a little lost.

I wanted to tell her that I still retained some of my old habits without her.

I bought a straw hat adorned with egg flowers and hung it on the entryway coat rack.

I’ll remember to water the succulents she didn’t take with her.

I would also still nestle down at one end of the couch to watch TV after work, fantasizing that she was still sitting at the other end.

I learned to make braised fish and shrimp with asparagus.

Sitting alone at one side of the dining table and eating these dishes, day after day, I felt that my craftsmanship was getting closer and closer to Xiaozhi.

I even fantasized about what Xiaozhi’s face would look like if she tasted my handiwork one day.

Would she be happy?

Or, would she be a bit touched?

Of course, at this moment, I can’t speak of these.

The self-respect of a man and the inferiority complex of an ordinary man make me unable to speak.

Now, the exquisitely made-up white-collar woman, Xiaozhi, was silently sipping a latte.

I asked, “How have you been?

‘ Xiaozhi smiled, “Isn’t that a question you just asked?

‘ The way she looked at me was a bit subtle.

“And you, what about you and that girl?

” My heart started to thump wildly.

I think that’s probably why she came to see me today.

“We weren’t together.

That time, it was her farewell to me.

We haven’t been in touch since then.

” I told her word for word.

Every word I said carried a rolling sincerity.

Chi, can you hear me?

The answer surfaced immediately.

Her white ears flushed a nice shade of red, followed by her cheeks.

I thought that she must have heard my strings.

She looked at me, her large, clear eyes containing three parts searching and seven parts anticipation.

“I may be a bit reckless in coming here today.

I want to tell you about my past.

” she said.

I nodded, “Please, go ahead.

‘ Xiaozhi hesitated for a moment, fixed her mind, and said, “Actually, before I met you, I had just ended a very unpleasant relationship.

‘ I said in my mind, “I know.

I remembered the drunken Chi that I had seen the first time I met her, puking all over herself and crying and cursing at the same time.

“That boyfriend of mine was a bass player.

I met him at work.

” Chi’s tone was calm, like she was telling someone else’s story.

“I love him so much, I’d do anything for him.

I followed him around the country on tour, and I took care of his daily life.

I thought this could go on forever, that I would be able to marry him and have children.

But I didn’t expect that one time, I followed him to Hangzhou to perform.

After the show, he said he had to leave first and asked me to follow the band to clean up the scene.

But I was in order to get something, early back to the hotel, a room, I found that he is taking off a girl’s skirt ……” She said not to go on, hung his head.

I looked at her and waited in silence.

Finally, Chi made another effort to compose herself, sighed deeply, and continued, “I just told him I broke up with him, and then I found out I was pregnant.

My parents are both in the old country and are very honest people.

They didn’t know about this matter from the beginning to the end.

When I went to the hospital to get a medical abortion, I felt like a very rotten person.

Doing something wrong and involving the little life in my belly.

No, you’re not a rotten person. That man is.”

“Chi-chan, you know what.

“It took me a while to speak up, “What you’re saying is making me hate myself.

“I hate myself for being so selfish in the first place.

I knew that she had suffered from misfortune, but I never thought to ask and help her out.

I only coveted the happiness and peace that she brought to me, but I never considered the pain that she had buried deep in her heart.

“I only think of myself ……,” I said.

Chi shook her head.

“It’s not like that.

You don’t understand, before I met you, I thought there were no good men left in this world.

But with you, I’m so solid and comfortable in my heart.

” Her face suddenly blushed a little, “After that …… time between the two of us, I was actually looking forward to it a little bit.

I wanted you to give me a clear answer.

But I feel like I’m too stupid of a person, and that previous relationship made me ashamed.

I don’t deserve a clean and good man like you.

” My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard those words.

“Don’t say it again.

Chi, I love you.

” My hand crossed the round table and grabbed hers.

12 One year later, Chi and I got married in B city.

To commemorate our meeting, I asked a designer to use a large number of egg flowers to decorate the wedding site.

The designer was highly skilled and the visual effect of the scene was excellent.

Parents, relatives and friends of both sides arrived one after another.

The guests praised the venue and said it was like a wonderland.

Half an hour before the wedding, I was busy preparing for the stage at the back.

My second aunt, who was in charge of registering the red envelopes at the entrance, suddenly came to me in a hurry, pulled me aside and whispered, “Zhong Sheng, do you have any friends who are particularly rich?

I was confused: “No.” Liu Peng accompanied me throughout the day.

“Liu Peng accompanied me throughout today.

He is a married man, so he didn’t act as my best man, but he acted as a big manager and stage manager in front of and behind the stage, directing all the staff.

At this moment, he also came over to eavesdrop, and also answered: “Why not, you forget Jingjing?

“I was instantly uneasy.

On this big day, my old friend, whom I haven’t seen for a long time, won’t come to make trouble again, right?

Er Gu was anxious: “Hey, I’m busy over there, so I’ll make it short! Someone sent a gift half a person high by courier, and the courier said it was fragile and valuable! I can’t deal with this, so take the time to go and have a look.

“When I finished, Ergo left in a hurry.

Out of caution, I personally went to the place where the package was stored to take a look.

With the help of my relatives, I unwrapped the large box.

It was an ornament half a man high.

A golden crystal stone.

There was also a card inside that read, Happy Newlywed.

Golden crystal stone.

I smiled bitterly.

I still can’t stand this kind of sentimentality.

Xiaozhi also heard the news and came over.

She looked at this shining stone and teased with a smile, “Tomorrow I’ll find someone to carve a ganoderma lucidum out of this and display it in my home.

” I burst out laughing, “Carving a big sesame seed would be fine too!” Xiaozhi and I looked at each other and laughed.

The smile of my beautiful wife made my heart feel stable and steady.

No matter how luxurious the crystal is, it doesn’t belong to me.

Ordinary happiness is enough for me.

Eggplant girl, I wish you were always in bloom.

I will always protect you from the wind and rain.

(End of article)

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