What’s the most insane case you’ve ever seen?

What’s the most heartless case you’ve ever seen?

On the last night before his execution, the police asked Wang Mingwei what his wish was.

Wang Mingwei: “Don’t eat, don’t drink, don’t want to see family, only one question I want to ask.

If I can’t figure this out, I won’t be able to rest in peace.

“The police: “Go ahead and ask.

“Wang Mingwei: “How in the world did you find me?

“Wang Mingwei said he never believed that the net of justice was wide open.

That year, after he had a good time, he went far away, changed his name, changed his identity, and hid for 22 years, not afraid of anything.

He went to the street to buy food, got married and had children, exactly the same as a normal person, and even sat in jail for three years.

In prison, the guards were unable to discover his true identity.

When he was released, he was held down on the ground and taken away for arraignment just as soon as his foot stepped out of the prison door.

From interrogation to judgment to execution, the speed was like a rocket.

He hadn’t even reacted too well – obviously he was released from prison, how come he had to eat a gun and reincarnate in the blink of an eye?

He was not convinced.

The police gave him a deep look and said nothing.

I later heard that when Wang Mingwei was shot and collapsed, his eyes were wide open, answering his own words, “death does not rest in peace”.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but on the night of his execution, one of the prisoners in our cell block, Chen Rui, had nightmares all night, tossed and turned, and then got sick for half a month, couldn’t get out of bed because of diarrhea, and his whole body was so thin that he lost his face.

Chen Rui later told me that night, he dreamed that Wang Mingwei came back to him, grabbed his hand, face pale, eyes blood red, kept repeating a sentence – “Old Chen, in the end who betrayed me?

Who the hell is it?

” 2. Summer 2019, evening.

Chen Rui, a prisoner in cell 403, came to me very carefully during dinner, saying that he wanted to report and expose.

I didn’t move and told him to go back to his cell first and not to attract the attention of the other inmates.

When it was time for the evening uniform break, I pretended to organize the files and asked Xiaogang to find Chen Rui and call him to come to my office, saying that there was some information I needed to recheck with him.

Chen Rui soon arrived.

I told Xiaogang to go out first, then closed the door and poured him a glass of water.

“Tell me, what do you want to report?

‘ Chen Rui stammered, his face a little hesitant, and asked me if I could declare an additional sentence reduction for him if the report was true.

As soon as these words came out, I knew that I had estimated it well.

Not long ago, he received a letter from his family, his wife is seriously ill, a malignant tumor, found when it is already advanced, not many days to live.

He was sentenced to four and a half years’ imprisonment for provoking trouble, with more than a year left in his sentence. Under normal circumstances, he probably won’t be able to see his wife for the last time.

So I guess he wants to apply for a reduction in his sentence through whistleblowing, so that he can go out to see his wife one last time before she passes away.

“It depends on what you report. If it’s true and the circumstances are serious, it’s a major merit, so there’s a chance to reduce the sentence.

So, no one will know that I reported it, right?” “Don’t worry, the prison will handle it.

“Don’t worry, the prison will handle it properly.

It won’t leak a word.

” I was trying to disabuse him of his last doubts, and my tone was so sincere that I felt I was like the wolf grandmother in the fairy tale who coaxed Little Red Riding Hood to open the door.

“That’s fine, I’ll report Wang Mingwei,” he blurted out.

” he blurted out.

But …… Wang Mingwei?

I remember this prisoner.

He was a middle-aged farmer in his 40s, honest, caught stealing an electric battery and sent to prison for a short time.

He’s not very talkative, and his behavior in prison has been good, with less than a month to go before his sentence expires.

Chen Rui and his relationship has been very good, two people in the cell is bunk, usually eat labor are together, inseparable.

If it’s someone else, I’m still a little interested, but Wang Mingwei will soon complete his sentence, and usually there are no bad deeds, at most, it is against the rules of hiding some daily necessities and so on.

I immediately lack of interest, collapsed face took out a pen and paper, “What do you want to report him?

” Chen Rui’s next sentence, directly let my scalp exploded.

“Wang Mingwei has killed people before!” 3. Chen Rui said that he suspected that Wang Mingwei had problems, in fact, has been a long time.

More than a year ago, the two men were working in a labor group.

Our prison district is an old sick and disabled prison district, usually do not have to work, so there are not many positions that can earn points.

Chen Rui has a hand with three broken fingers, while Wang Mingwei has high blood pressure and heart disease.

Both of them are in their 40s, and are considered to be the backbone of the healthy labor force among our inmates, so they are responsible for some cleaning, pushing the food carts, and taking out the garbage on weekdays.

One time, while distributing meals, Wang Mingwei and Xie Zi in cell block 403 got into an argument.

Xie Zi is the prison district is a well-known ruthless role, former gang leader, loan sharks in order to collect debts, people locked up inadvertently killed, sentenced to come in, weekdays other prisoners are afraid of him three times.

That day’s food is good, Xie Zi like to eat, smacked Wang Mingwei gave him too little, the two people got into a verbal dispute.

Not two words, Xie Zi slap on the face of Wang Mingwei, but also spit at him.

Chen Rui while reporting to the police, while firmly held down the enraged Wang Mingwei, to prevent him from fighting with others.

The police on duty at the time after the scene, seriously criticized Xie Zi, to give him demerit points, warning treatment, so that cover the face of Wang Mingwei go to the washroom to rinse.

Chen Rui said that he accompanied Wang Mingwei to the washroom, Wang Mingwei’s face is so green.

Chen Rui advised him, said the next big deal away from Xie Zi farther, that kind of people, hands stained with human life, are hard characters, can not afford to always hide is.

As a result, Wang Mingwei blurted out – “Fuck him, who hasn’t killed anyone before! Chen Rui was shocked, and remembered the words in his heart.

After a long time, Wang Mingwei did not mention this matter, Chen Rui only thought it was Wang Mingwei was bullied, hard bragging, did not take it seriously.

But as the two people more and more familiar, Chen Rui more and more feel that Wang Mingwei hiding secrets.

Chen Rui said, at least three places, Wang Mingwei behavior is very wrong.

First, Wang Mingwei said he is a local, a lifetime of farming at home, and then went to the city to work, married and had children, never left.

However, sometimes in the prison room chatting, he was very familiar with the customs of the south, especially in the Guangdong area.

He always said that he had heard it from someone and had relatives there, but Chen Rui carefully observed that Wang Mingwei’s body carries the habits of southerners – for example, some unconsciously popped out of the accent accent, dietary habits of the subtle.

Another time, the prison played a Hong Kong movie from the 1990s, in which there were several Cantonese stems, but after translating them into Mandarin, the laughs lost their flavor, and the inmates couldn’t understand it, except for Wang Mingwei, who grinned broadly and laughed very happily.

Chen Rui felt that Wang Mingwei must have lived there, but for some reason, Wang Mingwei never admitted it.

Secondly, there were a few times when Wang Mingwei accidentally talked about how his sister used to be like that, but later when the relatives received him, Chen Rui asked Wang Mingwei if his sister came over, but he denied it, saying that Chen Rui remembered wrongly and that he never had any sister.

Thirdly, the two people in prison mixed very familiar, brother and brother, about to go out after a lifetime of brothers, together in the outside world to fight a career.

Chen Rui in the outside world some way, can do something similar to watch the scene and smuggling business, but Wang Mingwei is not willing to do this business.

Chen Rui can see that Wang Mingwei is very short of money, also want to make money, but as soon as he mentioned the gray trade that is easy to be targeted by the police, Wang Mingwei is obviously resistant.

Combined with Wang Mingwei’s offhand remark, “who hasn’t killed anyone before,” Chen Rui felt that Wang Mingwei must have a problem.

Originally, Chen Rui did not intend to report these, but now, in order to reduce the sentence, he can not care so much.

After hearing a few words, I sat on the chair, dumbfounded.

How did I not expect, simply listen to a report, actually implicated such a significant situation.

This clue can be big or small.

To small, these are Chen Rui a person’s speculation, without any real evidence, and may even be his in order to get a reduced sentence, deliberately cobbled together.

To a large extent …… what if, what if it is true?

As soon as I thought of this possibility, cold sweat seeped out of my back.

I let Chen Rui go back first, explaining that he must keep his mouth shut and not let anyone know what he said to me tonight.

After he left, without the slightest hesitation, I took the recorded materials and walked into the office of the supervisor, Lin Da.

. Soon, this clue was organized into paper materials, and it was reported upward from the supervisory district, the prison, and the provincial bureau …… layer by layer.

After the provincial bureau received the clue, it was very sensitive and immediately began to carry out research and judgment.

In the provincial bureau of the matchmaking, we and Wang Mingwei household registration where the local police station made contact.

A comparison, we found a mind-boggling fact.

The person who has been held in our prison for so long is not Wang Mingwei at all! The real Wang Mingwei disappeared more than 10 years ago.

  1. The local police station claimed that Wang Mingwei was a migrant laborer from his village who went out to work in 2002 and has not been heard from since.

He had only one mother, who died of illness not long afterward.

With no family members to report him to the police, and no local village committee to deal with him, Wang Mingwei’s identity has been left in a sort of delicate limbo.

–The locals knew he had been missing for years, but he was never listed in the police database as a missing person for processing.

After we sent Wang Mingwei’s photo, the local police station quickly replied, saying that they had compared the photos and found some local people who knew Wang Mingwei to identify him, but they all said that he didn’t look like him, and that he was probably an impostor.

After learning of this situation, we quickly contacted the local police station where Wang Mingwei was arrested.

We learned that this “Wang Mingwei” had been working in the city for many years for a living, was not married, and only had a girlfriend with whom he had a live-in relationship.

It is impossible to know exactly when he came to the city to settle down and live, but can only roughly speculate that after 2000, before 2005.

In order to avoid alerting the snakes, we did not interrogate Wang Mingwei immediately, but sent his information and photos to the relevant departments of the provincial public security department, asking them to compare with the fugitives in the wanted database.

According to our speculation, this “Wang Mingwei” has been living under another person’s identity for more than ten years, and the most probable reason is that his real identity is a fugitive wanted criminal, so he had to steal another person’s identity to make a living.

About a week later, good news came from the provincial office.

After comparison, it was found that “Wang Mingwei” and a fugitive who had committed a major gang rape and murder in 1997 – Lin Zhong – were extremely similar.

  1. 1997, summer.

It was past 9:00 p.m., and it was already dark in the south.

A young college couple, taking advantage of the night, were talking about love by the lake in a charming atmosphere.

Far away from the lake, wobbling came three people.

The smell of alcohol was so strong that they didn’t know how much they had drunk, and when they passed behind the young couple, the young couple coincidentally covered their noses and stopped whispering.

The three people, however, did not leave, but instead, through the strength of the wine, squatted to the side of the young couple, and struck up a conversation with them.

The three men were not very old and spoke in a flowing manner, even moving their hands.

They asked the couple if they were married and if they knew it was indecent to do so in broad daylight, and claimed to be from some sort of vice picket brigade that wanted to take the couple to the woods to “deal with them”.

The young couple did not take this kind of talk seriously, and stood up in disgust, ready to leave.

But one of them reached out and pulled the girl.

Boyfriend blood, how can let his girlfriend suffer this kind of aggression?

Swinging his fist on the spot, he fought with them.

But the students are not the opponent of these hooligans, coupled with the three have been drinking, no light or heavy, soon, the boy’s head was bleeding on the ground.

The girl wanted to scream for help, but was covered and dragged into the grove by the lake.

The three of them were not going to care about the boy on the ground, but one of them suggested that “it would be more exciting to fuck his girlfriend in front of this softy, and leaving him out there might call the police”, so they dragged the boy by his legs and dragged him into the woods.

With that, in front of the boy, they began to tear the girl’s clothes …… The boy was in a rage and tried to fight back, but was repeatedly knocked to the ground.

That night, the boys didn’t know exactly how much abuse they had been subjected to.

According to the later autopsy report, his body light cuts and lacerations on more than 15, of which three wounds are extremely deep, all parts of the body have been beaten by a blunt instrument traces, both arm bones broken, the palm of the hand with penetrating injuries, the back of the head was also a heavy blow, the head opened up a large mouth.

The three people just like this while torturing the boys, while venting their shameless animal desires on the girls …… sky, getting darker and darker.

A few hours later, they were finally completely exhausted.

The alcohol dissipated, and reason gradually calmed down.

Looking at the young couple lying on the ground who had already been tortured to the point of being almost inhuman, the three of them looked at each other and made the most cruel decision.

They strangled the girls alive.

Then, taking the bodies of the young couple, they threw them into the lake together.

The three of them took advantage of the night and left in a hurry, and have been far away ever since.

  1. A few days later, the school found the two missing, which led to the police.

In those days, there were no cameras in the sky, no perfect information query equipment, by the time the police recovered their bodies from the lake, things have been more than a week.

The bodies were severely damaged in the lake, leaving almost no traces that could identify the murderer.

The case was extremely bad in nature, and since the victims were all students, the province attached great importance to it and set up a special investigation team to begin solving the case.

More than a month later, the first suspect was caught.

He was a local gangster, after committing the crime, he took a chance, and after hiding for a while, he found that the wind didn’t seem to be so strong, so he returned home again, but he didn’t know that the police had already put him on the high suspicion list, and after the arrest and interrogation, he quickly admitted to the crime.

Based on his testimony, the police locked up two other suspects.

However, just as the arrest was being made, the police realized that the other two had already escaped.

The police immediately issued a wanted notice, listing the two as fugitive suspects and conducting a nationwide manhunt.

But the two seemed to have evaporated, as if, always nowhere to be found.

Police several times to check, and finally suspected that the two may be incognito, changed the false identity, hiding to start a new life.

In 2007, one of the fugitives was caught.

After being arrested, he confessed to his crime, but he didn’t know exactly where the last one had fled to.

His confession matched that of the first prisoner before him.

In addition to the two of them, the last fugitive who committed the crime together was a big local gangster named Lin Zhong.

Lin Zhong, born in 1975, elementary school education, unemployed, usually in the local gangster, by collecting protection money and help people fight for a living, parents are ordinary farmers, there is a sister at home, also did not study, to help with farming at home.

After the incident, the police questioned his family, learned that night, Linzhong hurried back to the home over a trip, took 2000 yuan and some change of clothes, did not say what happened, and left in a hurry.

From then on, Lin Zhong never came back, nor had any contact with his family.

For more than ten years afterward, Lin Zhong had been in the police’s wanted pool, but he seemed to have completely disappeared, leaving no clues.

Year after year, even many of the police officers working on the case at the time gave up hope, thinking that Lin Zhong had probably died while on the run.

And this case has also become an unsolved case in the public security department, which has been put into a deep archive, rarely mentioned again.

  1. After this conclusion, the police immediately contacted Lin Zhong’s family and took the daily photos and letters of “Wang Mingwei” in prison to them for identification.

After identification, his parents confirmed that this was their son, Lin Zhong, who had been missing for many years.

At this time, there were less than 10 days before “Wang Mingwei” was released from prison.

In order to prevent him from overreacting inside the prison after the truth was revealed, and for procedural convenience, it was decided after deliberation that the public security department would lay a dragnet at the prison gate on the day of his release, and arrest him while he was loose at the end of his sentence.

  1. On the last morning before he left prison, “Wang Mingwei” huffed and puffed, drained three large bowls of rice, ate two packages of pickles, and wiped his mouth with a look of unfulfilled desire.

With a glass of water in my hand, I sat across from him and watched him.

In the three years since he was imprisoned, he had not said much, but at this time, like almost all prisoners before they completed their sentences, although he tried to look calm, but his excitement hung in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, which he couldn’t even hide.

“Had enough?

“I asked.


“He was a little distracted, glancing at the clock on the wall out of the corner of his eye.

The release time was 9:30 a.m., less than 15 minutes away.

I noticed his right hand resting on his thigh, his fingers tapping rapidly and unconsciously, as if there was a vague anxiety in addition to excitement.

“You’ve made it through three years, and you can’t wait for the last few minutes?

” I deliberately joked with him.

He laughed.

“Jail time is hard.

It’s not like you guys work here, you don’t understand.

“Probably because he was about to complete his sentence, his tone of voice was no longer as formal as before, but much more casual, even with a hint of mockery.

To be honest, I could quite understand his mood.

It was like the last night of playing werewolf kill, he still hid well, even killed the last civilian, just wait until that moment of dawn, he could quietly, without anyone knowing, get the final victory.

But what he didn’t know was that his identity had, in fact, already been checked by the prophet as a clear card.

He had it completely reversed as to who was actually playing who.

I’ve spared many prisoners over the years.

When in prison, under the strong pressure of the high wall grid, they are honest as if carved out of a mold, see the police are full of awe, nodded and greeted.

But often only in the final moments of release, lost fear of them, will reveal the original appearance outside.

Wang Mingwei’s performance really disappointed me a little.

A major murderer of the year, I originally thought that he would be more low-key and stoic.

The hour hand moved second by second, and when there were still 5 minutes to go before the end of the sentence, Xiao Chen, fully armed and with a police uniform that was straight and stately, walked down from the upper floors.

I glanced at the bulging belt on his waist and noticed that he had stuffed the six-piece set of police equipment, which he usually never had a full complement of.

Wang Mingwei seemed to notice something, his body sat slightly upright and looked at us suspiciously.

“Then I’ll leave it to you to release them.

” I acted as if nothing had happened, handing the signed book and the release certificate to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen nodded, then raised his chin at Wang Mingwei: “Let’s go, what are you waiting for?

” Wang Mingwei, however, did not move, his eyes fiercely gloomy, like a bloodthirsty lone wolf, keenly aware of the air of danger.

“Zheng team …… how come you are not the one who released me?

” “I’m on duty today, who put you not the same, what, still have feelings for me?

” He froze for a moment and did not answer.

I smiled at him, then did not say much, waved his hand, turned around and went upstairs.

Just as I reached the second floor, I turned around with a small side step and rushed into the side monitoring room.

Supervisor Lao Lin, instructor Wen Teach, along with a few sheriffs, all stood in front of the monitoring wall, looking serious.

In the big monitor screen, Xiao Chen was leading Wang Mingwei out of the gate of the prison area and towards the prison entrance.

Lao Lin picked up the radio: “Reporting to the command center, prisoner Wang Mingwei has been escorted to the prison gate.

“Roger that.

“Outside the main gate, two police cars, six armed police officers, together with a team of armed police officers in camouflage uniforms, ready to go, had already been guarding the place.

Under the camera, Xiao Chen was not panicked, and brought Wang Mingwei to the entrance of the prison, and the colleague in charge of the gate guards to hand over with the armed police.

My heart was almost in my throat.

The gate slowly opened, and Wang Mingwei squinted his eyes and looked out the door, as if one foot had already stepped back into the world of freedom.

The next second, without any sign, suddenly Xiao Chen and the armed police, left and right, pressed his arms.

Outside the door with a bellow, broke into several special police, almost in the blink of an eye, Wang Mingwei dead control, did not give him half a chance to struggle.

Wang Mingwei’s arms and legs desperately shook, seemingly shouting something.

But nothing was of any use.

Bright handcuffs locked him backhanded, and several SWAT officers skillfully held him down, dragging him almost to the police car outside the door.

That was the last time I saw Wang Mingwei.

Shortly afterward, I heard that he was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

  1. Later, I learned from the public security authorities that Wang Mingwei, also known as Lin Zhong, had initially tried to plead guilty after his arrest, but in the face of the evidence, he had to admit his true identity, as well as the brutal crimes he had committed 22 years earlier.

He said that on that night in 1997, he was actually drunk, and a few of his friends “on the spur of the moment”, and when he reacted, he himself was scared silly.

He claimed that in the 22 years since then, there was not a single day that he did not live in fear and panic.

Especially after being imprisoned for theft, he was constantly worried that his true identity would be discovered by the police.

Seeing the imminent release of the sentence, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, have thought well, this time after the release, directly far away, home is not back, find a remote village, spend the rest of his life.

But what he did not expect is that his true identity, but has long been found by the prison and public security.

He said he did not understand, if he had known that he was a fugitive, why the public security wait until after his release to arrest him, why not give him a pain in the ass, when he was in prison to do him?

No one answered him.

Because no one told him that in fact, for so many years, he had really covered up to the point of being almost seamless, and the final exposure was not discovered by the police, but came from the report of his best ‘cellmate brother’.

  1. Just when Wang Mingwei was executed by firing squad, Chen Rui got an additional sentence reduction as expected.

Not only that, but in view of his significant meritorious performance, the prison granted him an opportunity to leave the prison to visit his family, permitting him to leave the prison under the custody of the police and return to his hometown hospital to visit his sick wife.

The mission, escorted by me and Chen together.

On the way back, Chen Rui looked very depressed, we all saw in the hospital, even if he fought for a reduction in sentence, this is probably the last time he will see his wife.

His wife was being tortured by the disease and would not last long.

Almost to the prison, Chen Rui suddenly opened his mouth and asked me: “Zheng team …… Wang Mingwei, how is he now?

” His voice was a little weak.

In fact, he knew in his heart, he got this “significant merit performance” rating, and even the prison made an exception to give him the opportunity to visit his family outside the prison, the meaning has long been self-evident.

He probably just wanted to seek peace of mind.

So I told him, do not have any psychological burden, his report is very timely, Wang Mingwei’s true identity, is a fugitive for more than 20 years of a very brutal murderer and rapist, the crimes committed by the brutal to the heinous, this time finally caught him, when the victim’s family, are considered to be a pile of many years of heart knot.

Chen Rui like to hear, but also like not hear, eyes staring straight at the floor dumbfounded.

After a while, he suddenly asked again: “That …… that he was added to the sentence?

Will still come back to us to continue squatting?

” He raised his head and looked at me, with an expression of some trepidation and some expectation.

I didn’t say anything.

He seemed to suddenly understand something from my expression, his hands clenched his fists, violently grabbed the corner of his coat, and his face became even more pale for a few minutes.

The whole way after that, he didn’t say a word.

After returning to the prison, he was much more silent, no longer have the previous color and grace, and soon after, had a serious illness.

The other inmates said that after that, Chen Rui was always alone, eating alone, folding quilts alone, working alone, no longer willing to contact any “friends”.


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