What’s the scariest story you’ve ever heard?

What’s the scariest story you’ve ever heard?

When I was in college, I met a rich young woman on the Internet who was especially nice to me, always giving me money to spend and calling me a good brother.

She said she was from the same rural area as me and liked me very much, and would take me to be rich when I graduated in the future.

I originally thought she was joking, who knows that after I graduated, she really drove a Porsche Cayenne to my hometown.

I call her Aunt Chen, she in order to support me, in the village to get a kiosk, let me work in it, but also said that every month to give me five thousand dollars.

It was a good salary, but it was a kiosk after all.

I was a little disappointed at first, but she said it was to let me familiarize myself with it, and later planned to get a few large wholesale foodstuffs in the city for me to manage, which I immediately agreed to.

This kiosk is different from others, very much like the flavor of my childhood.

Here also sell firewood, rice, oil and salt, but are weighed in pounds and sold in large sacks, just like the old-fashioned grain and oil stores.

The store also sells cigarettes and alcohol, but cigarettes are sold only one brand, that is, China.

I said I could get some cheaper cigarettes because there weren’t many rich people in our town, but she disagreed and said she only sold Chinese.

She was the boss, so naturally I had nothing to say.

Auntie Chen also told me that she wouldn’t pay me directly, so if I wanted to spend money, I would just spend what the customers gave me and keep my own books.

Because she has to be busy with her business outside, but she trusts me.

She also told me not to show the money to other employees, so as not to make people jealous.

I would never let her down, and I vowed to do a good job.

The first night the kiosk was opened, I came straight in. The employee who helped watch the store during the day was an old woman, and it was very hard to talk to her, she didn’t even have a good ear.

The old woman could not even open the door, the door is two old wooden door, open half cover half, I want to open the door, the result is that she pulled me gibberish a whole lot of dialect, but that is not the local language, and I do not understand, but also almost and she lost her temper.

So I called Auntie Chan, but she told me not to open the doors, and said it was good feng shui.

I heard that it was Auntie Chan’s request, so I didn’t open the door.

When I took over the shift, it was 8:00 pm.

When I turned on the lights, but found that here is the old-fashioned incandescent lamps, hanging high on the ceiling, so that the store a yellow dim.

I didn’t care, and it wasn’t long before the first customer came in.

It was a young man, he asked me for a pack of Chinese, I handed him the cigarettes, heart a little uncomfortable.

His hands were dirty, and there was black mud under his nails.

I muttered in my heart that he really didn’t like cleanliness, but after that, several customers came over, but they were all the same as him.

Some bought cigarettes, some bought rice.

Everyone’s fingernails were covered in dirty black mud, even the girls.

I wondered if there was some kind of factory where the work was especially dirty.

In the middle of the night, an old acquaintance came.

It was my high school classmate, Huang Cuicui, and I didn’t expect her to come to my place to buy something, and her fingernail crevices were also dirty.

This made me a bit strange, because from memory she was a very clean girl.

Seeing that she was an acquaintance, I couldn’t help but ask her, “Old classmate, are you from one of the nearby factories?

“She didn’t recognize me at first, so she took a closer look at me, finally endured me out, and then smiled at me: “It’s Li Ping ah?

I do clothes in the factory …… Is this store opened by you?

” I heard more puzzled, there are indeed a few clothing factories nearby, but never heard of making clothes can make the nail seam so dirty.

I told her: “A friend opened it, I work here.” She suddenly said, “Then, I’m not going to be able to get a job.

“But she suddenly said: “Then you don’t work here, working in a kiosk is no good, you’re mixed up really bad, you’re the bottom of that kind of society.

Huang Cuicui’s words made me feel uncomfortable, I remembered that she wasn’t the type to speak so harshly, so I casually and politely said, “I’ll see what I can do, you smoke less, I haven’t seen you for years, you even learned to smoke.” “Thank you, please have a cigarette,” she said.

“Thank you, please have one. It’s been a few years since I saw you.”

“Huang Cuicui unwrapped the cigarettes and gave one to me, then said she had to be busy, so she left first.

I leaned on the back of the chair and lit the cigarette, but just after I took a drag, I was choking.

This is a cigarette?

Smoking taste is also too strange, all moldy.

It felt like the cigarette was particularly soft to the touch and damp, it felt expired.

I coughed several times and put out the cigarette.

Aunt Chen wouldn’t be selling fake cigarettes here, would she?

Wouldn’t that be the end of it? What if the customers come to get me then?

Especially since Huang Cuicui is my old classmate, this is too embarrassing.

I was a little worried about Cuicui coming back, but the whole night passed and she didn’t come back.

The next morning, the old woman came to turn in her shift.

I took the money from the counter to keep score, went to eat some breakfast, and then went to the bathhouse to sleep.

There was no overnight fee for sleeping during the day in the bathhouse, and I also got free lunch and dinner, which suited me best right now.

When I came back to work in the evening, Huang Cuicui came again.

When I saw her, I was a little embarrassed: “Old classmate, I’m sorry about the cigarettes yesterday,” “What happened to the cigarettes?

“What happened to the cigarettes?

“She asked me.

“Don’t you find it strange?

“No, it smells good.”

“Smells good?

It’s not a good smoke?

I can see the point.

Maybe she doesn’t know how to smoke at all. She just buys them and bites into them.

Some people who don’t know how to smoke like to do that. No wonder she didn’t taste anything weird.

She asked me for another pack of cigarettes, and I threw them to her, “If you don’t know how to smoke, don’t, it’s no fun to learn this stuff.

“She said thank you, gave me another one, and then looked me in the eye: “You’re not quitting yet?

What?” “You’re a loser.

“You’re too useless to work in a place like this. Didn’t you say yesterday that you’d leave the job quickly?

“I said helplessly, “They pay me a good wage, so don’t talk too much, you’re hurting people.

“She looked like she was about to say something, and finally said: “I used to see you get good grades, and I thought you’d have a future, but working in a kiosk is the lowest level of society, and it’s the lowest level of poor people, so if you’re mixed up like this, don’t mix it up in the future, and hurry up and leave the company.

If you’re going to be like this, don’t do it anymore and leave your job.” Why is this getting worse and worse?

I was about to debate with her, but she said she had to be busy again and left in a hurry.

After she left, I took a drag, the flavor was still disgusting, and directly extinguished it.

After Huang Cuicui left, I went about my business as usual until almost morning when a pretty sister came in.

Unlike other customers, this beautiful sister is clean, wearing a flowery dress, long hair cape, look different from ordinary people, especially good-looking.

She looked familiar to me, but I couldn’t remember who she was.

Maybe I’ve seen her somewhere before, after all, such a good-looking person, not easy to forget.

She also asked me for a pack of cigarettes, I did not expect such a pure and beautiful sister also smoke, feel a little interesting.

She paid the money, said thank you and left.

Pretty sister just left, my cell phone rang.

It was Auntie Chen.

I picked up the phone, Aunt Chen asked me how I was doing at work, and I said I was fine.

I said I was fine. She then asked, “How much did you spend yesterday?

“Eighty dollars.

“I opened the counter and counted the money.

“I opened the counter and counted, “Nine hundred and thirty dollars.

“Auntie Chen told me that there wasn’t enough wine in the store, so she would take the money from the counter to buy a thousand dollars of wine after sunrise, and let me make up for the extra money first, and then take it from the counter afterward.

I naturally said yes.

Just hung up the phone, but Huang Cuicui came back.

I thought she was coming back to apologize to me, but as soon as she walked in the door she said, “Li Ping can you treat me?

Give me back the money I just gave you.

” I was surprised, she had just spoken so harshly and now she wanted me to treat her?

She was buying soft Chinese, so I held back my anger and returned the sixty-five dollars, only to have her say, “I’ll let you treat me when I come to buy in the future, okay?

“When I saw my chance, I said sarcastically, “Old classmate, didn’t you say that I am the bottom of the social ladder?

You’re doing well in the factory, and you want me, the bottom of the social ladder, to treat you, it’s not appropriate, is it?

“Huang Cuicui paused for a while, and finally shamelessly said to me: “Stop nagging, quickly return the money to me, how can you accept money from a female classmate?

How can you take money from a female classmate?

“This guy! So annoying! I was so angry that I didn’t want to argue with her, so I just gave her the money back, “Don’t come to buy from me anymore.” She said, “I’m going to.

But she said, “I’ll buy from you, and I’ll let you treat me, because you’re a man.” She left again.

“After that, she left again, which made me particularly annoyed.

Shame on you.

I waited in the store until dawn, and then took the money to buy goods, because of Huang Cuicui’s relationship, I originally wanted to make up sixty-five dollars, but it turned out to be a hundred and thirty-five dollars.

But it’s fine, just take it from the counter tomorrow.

Auntie Chen gave me the address of the goods, it is a remote and uninhabited alley in the town, the wholesale of non-staple foods here, there are not many customers.

She told me that this place is opened by her friend, and it is cheaper to get goods here.

I entered the wholesale store, inside is a young man, I said it is Aunt Chen side to get goods, he also and I smiled and chatted for a while, let me call him Sun brother on it.

I went back from the Sun brother that into the goods, do these only feel sleepy and hungry, thinking of the bathhouse buffet, just simply go to the bathhouse took a bath, sleep to the evening.

When the bathhouse buffet in the evening, I went to eat, suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder, I turned around and found that it was my high school classmate Liu Gao.

I was surprised: “What a coincidence?

I was surprised, “What a coincidence?

“Liu Cuo laughed and said to me: “The town is so big, we go out and see each other, this can also be called a strange encounter?

“I thought about it, so I sat down with him and ate, and Yoo Gwak asked me colorfully if I came for a massage, and I said I just came to sleep.

He lamented: “Time has gone by, how many years have passed since graduation, the reunion is not organized.

“I ate and ate, suddenly some discomfort.

My stomach hurts.

I don’t know if I caught a cold.

I rubbed my stomach, feeling that it was rising and hurting, and muttered, “I don’t want to have a party, but some of my classmates are annoying to look at.

“Who can annoy you?” “Just Cecilia Wong.

“Just Cecilia Wong, I always feel that she is particularly shameless.” “Cecilia Wong?

“Cuicui Huang?

Liu Cuoco shook his head and said: “You are talking too much, at least the dead are great.” “What?

“What is the dead?” I asked in surprise.

“I asked in surprise.

Liu Cuo said, “Huang Cuicui, didn’t she pass away a long time ago?” “Bullshit!

“Bullshit!” I said, “I don’t know when she passed away.

“It was during my sophomore year of college. Maybe you didn’t know that when you were away at college.

Huang Cuicui dropped out of high school to work in a garment factory, but the factory caught fire and she died inside.” He said with a straight face.

“If I hadn’t seen Cuicui Huang with my own eyes in the past two days, I would have believed him.

I scoffed: “It’s all nonsense, I just saw her two days ago.

“Liu Cuo was surprised: “So she’s not dead?

I’m not sure I can believe the rumors! I told you that rumors can’t be trusted. When I talked about her with my classmates earlier, I really thought she was dead.

“I don’t want to continue to talk about it, even though it’s a rare meeting of old classmates.

My stomach was in pain and I wanted to vomit.

I stood up and said I would go to the restroom, but when I entered the restroom, I couldn’t help but vomit.

But after I vomited, I was dumbfounded.

Inside the toilet, a red red piece.

This is …… blood?

How could I vomit blood when I was in a good mood?

I was terrified, hurriedly wiped my mouth, simply could not wait to say goodbye to Liu Cuo, went directly to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, I did a checkup, the doctor looked at it, said I was a stomach hemorrhage, let me drink less, pay attention to diet health.

I was puzzled because I don’t drink, maybe it was because I stayed up late every day before graduation to chat and play games with Auntie Chen.

The doctor gave me some medicine and told me to take it for a week.

I took the medicine and went back to work in the kiosk, but how long Huang Cuicui came again.

When she came over, she brought a few friends with her, and they were all customers I had met earlier.

“Li Ping, get us all a pack of Soft China, it’s on the house.

” She opened her mouth and asked me to treat her, which pissed me off enough.

I’ve already invited her yesterday, but she’s still here today! And she even brought someone with her! I was already having a hard time with my stomach, but now I couldn’t suppress my anger, so I grabbed her and dragged her to the back of the kiosk.

I said in annoyance, ”Do you want to be shameless?

You six people, if I were to treat you, how much would I have to hitch a ride alone do you know?

“Yes, three hundred and ninety-nine.

“Who am I to pay you three hundred and ninety-nine dollars!” “You’re a man, I’m your classmate.

What the fuck is this?” I said angrily! I said angrily, “You’re my classmate, but you’re not my woman, so why should I pay for you?

“Huang Cuicui looked at me and asked, “Can you pay because you’re a woman?

“What do you mean?

Don’t joke with me.

“I can be your woman for a while, as long as you don’t kiss me.”

This Cuicui Huang, you’re out of your mind.” I was about to scold her! I was about to scold her, but she suddenly grabbed my hand and put it on her breast! In an instant, my entire being was petrified.

Maybe the night turned cold, she was cold, at this time she looked at me and said: “For you to touch, I now count you woman, you treat.

” This …… I can t curse out.

Even if I am not voluntary, this moment also completely cursed not exported, replaced by an unprecedented embarrassment.

I returned to the store, my heart filled with shyness, and took six packs of China for them.

I’m not the type to spend a lot of money just to touch a woman.

I just feel that all touching people, even if it’s not voluntary, at this time if you still refuse, it’s too hurtful to the girl’s self-esteem.

So I wanted to wait until the next time when there was only Huang Cuicui alone to make it clear to her, so that she would never do it again.

When they left, my heart was still aching.

It’s so expensive.

It costs a small four hundred dollars to touch a breast.

I sat on the chair and sulked in annoyance, only when that pretty sister came over did I look slightly better.

I am not horny, but see her will feel very comfortable, she really has a kind of pleasing beauty.

The pretty sister noticed that I didn’t look right, she asked me, “What’s wrong with you?

“Naturally, I wouldn’t say anything about Cecilia Wong, so I rubbed my stomach and squeezed out a smile, saying, “My stomach is bleeding, I’m not feeling well.

“Oh, very uncomfortable?

I almost thought I was going to die.” “Are you afraid of dying?

“Are you afraid of dying?

“Of course I am. Who isn’t?”

She stood still for a while, seemingly thinking, and then returned the cigarettes to me: “I won’t buy them then.” I was puzzled.

“I was puzzled.

What does my bleeding stomach have to do with buying my cigarettes?

But she didn’t want to buy them, so I couldn’t force her to sell them, so I gave them back to her.

In the morning, Aunt Chen called me again and asked me how much money I had.

I said I only had less than four hundred today, and she told me to take it to buy wine first, and then get some more goods.

I realized that the wine was sold quite a bit, it should have been sold during the day.

Naturally I agreed and took the money from the counter.

When daybreak came, I turned in with the old woman and went out to buy wine outside.

Just a few steps out, I suddenly heard someone calling me.

I turned around and realized it was Huang Cuicui.

She was standing under a shadowy roof, and when I got closer, she asked me, “What are you going to do?

“To buy goods.

“What kind of money is this?

“It’s for the store.” She shook her head.

“But she shook her head, “Buy with your own money, not the store’s.

I’m bringing a friend over tonight, so make sure you treat her, and then you’re out of a job tomorrow.

“I was annoyed, “Are you sick?

Is it that you’re getting an inch?

Don’t think I have to give in because I touched you, you forced me to!” “You’ll have to leave your job, and you’ll have to give the money back!” “On what grounds?

“Huang Cuicui was speechless, she was silent for a moment, and finally said, “Tonight at work, secretly bring a small mirror, whoever buys cigarettes from you, use the mirror to peek at him, don’t get caught.

Don’t get caught.” “What’s wrong with you?

“Just do as I say, go, and remember to buy the mirror! And don’t use the money from the counter to buy them!” Sick.

I had to take a few steps outside, only to have her say after me, “If you don’t do as you’re told, I’ll hate you so much that I’ll even hate you because you lied to me.

” I said impatiently, “I’ll just do what you say!” Annoying.

It was already hard on my stomach …… and so on.

I rubbed my stomach and suddenly realized that my stomach wasn’t that uncomfortable and the symptoms were greatly reduced.

That doctor’s medicine is really effective.

I went to stock up again, but with my own money.

Honestly, it’s the same as using anyone’s money, it’s just like putting money from the left pocket into the right pocket.

After stocking up, I bought another small mirror and rested until night to go to work.

Soon the first customer came to the door.

He bought some oil from me, while I secretly looked at him with the small mirror and found nothing.

More and more I thought that Tricia Wong was a psychopath.

Not true.

He was buying oil, and Tricia Wong had said she would keep an eye out for cigarettes.

After the customers left, I sat in the store and waited, but it turned out that the pretty sister came first.

She came earlier than ever.

Today her face was haggard: “Take a pack of cigarettes.” “Why don’t you look well?

Why don’t you look well?” “Because I didn’t buy cigarettes yesterday.

“Because I didn’t buy cigarettes yesterday.

“I secretly lamented that this pretty sister was really addicted to cigarettes.

She took the cigarettes, seemed to be in a hurry, and opened the pack directly here.

After lighting the cigarette, she didn’t inhale it, but quietly held it and watched the smoke mesmerizing.

She suddenly asked me, “I don’t want to pay, can you buy me a pack of cigarettes?

” I was a little swollen face, smilingly said no problem.

After all, she is not like Huang Cuicui always say I, she is a very gentle girl.

To be honest, who wouldn’t love such a girl?

Pretty sister is still there clamping the cigarette does not smoke, she seems to smell like this, but also gently closed her eyes.

I remembered Huang Cuicui’s words, and took this opportunity to secretly use a small mirror to observe her.

Once I looked at the mirror, I was dumbfounded.

In the mirror, there was no reflection of her face! I was so shocked that I hurriedly used the mirror to look at myself, and I quickly appeared in it.

Odd! I once again secretly used the mirror to observe her, only to find that the mirror was empty, where was there any figure?

The pretty sister suddenly opened her eyes, she noticed my behavior and smiled, “Don’t shine it, I won’t take it personally, but don’t do it to others, they might not leave you alone.

” I stupidly and she asked, “Why are you ……” We were talking when suddenly a man came into the store and asked me to get him a five dollar pack of cigarettes.

I put away the mirror and said, “Sorry, I only sell Chinese here.

“The man looked at the middle-aged, but also perm-dyed hair wearing a gold necklace, body fancy, live off the second-rate look.

When he heard that, he was very unhappy, cursing and saying that I am sick, just such a broken kiosk also sells only China.

This guy should be in the middle of the night addiction committed no place to buy cigarettes, after all, we are here is a small township, there is no 24-hour convenience stores.

His temper came up, the more he cursed the more unpleasant.

I got tired of listening to him and said, “There are still girls here, why are you talking so harshly?

If you want cigarettes, I’ll give you some. Don’t be a jerk.

“I never want to fight with this kind of person because if I hurt him, I will have to pay for it or be detained.

But if he hurts me, what’s he going to pay me with those two dimes in his pocket?

It would be too much of a loss to make a scene.

I handed out two of my Red Tashan cigarettes to him, and he felt a little more comfortable, taking the cigarettes and muttering, “Where are the girls?

If a girl dared to come out in the middle of the night, I would have taken off my pants and taught her how to be a human being.

“I especially didn’t like this guy’s dirty talk, and pointed to the pretty sister and said, “Can’t you see such a big girl?

“He looked at me in shock, and then looked at the pretty sister next to him.

At this moment, the pretty sister looked at me with a smile, she suddenly picked up the cigarette, and made a move that I could not have imagined.

I only saw that she even extended the burning cigarette to the eyes of that dilettante, which scared me enough, what was she trying to do?

Suddenly, the cigarette unexpectedly and bizarrely went straight through the erlouzi! I was stunned by this scene, the dilettante walked out of the room, still muttering, “Stupid, where is the girl?

“At that moment, the pretty sister smiled at me and also went straight out, and before she left, she also instructed me, “Remember, don’t accept money for cigarettes.

“I just felt my head was blank.

After the pretty sister left, Huang Cuicui soon came.

She still brought a few people with her and told me to bring out the cigarettes and asked me to treat her.

I couldn’t stand the doubt in my heart and gave them a few packs of cigarettes, then grabbed Cuicui Huang’s hand and pulled her towards the inner room.

Huang Cuicui’s hand was still so cold, she followed me into the house, and I asked, “Will you come back tomorrow?

” I looked at Huang Cuicui’s eyes, and summoned up the courage to ask her: “Liu Cuo said you died …… a few years ago is it true?

” She froze.

Then she asked, “It’s true, so will you be afraid of me?

” Sure enough …… I shook my head and said, “I’m not afraid, I just will be heartbroken you.

You used to be a very good person, and if this news is true, I’m very sorry for you.

But can you tell me what’s going on here?

“I’ve vaguely guessed.

Cecilia Wong and Pretty Sister were both ghosts.

But in front of Cecilia Wong, I couldn’t be afraid.

I firmly believed that I had no grudges against her, and that she would not harm me.

Huang Cuicui said, “Do you see that door in your store?

It’s half open and half hidden, so it’s not for the living, it’s a house of the dead, specializing in entertaining the dead.” “The people who come to buy cigarettes are all dead.

“Those who come to buy cigarettes aren’t living people?”


“After you buy the cigarettes, you only smell them, not smoke them. ……” “Don’t ask!” Lin Cuicui interrupted me, she was very serious and said to me, “I won’t be able to see you in the future, there’s no need to explain so much to you.

」 “But I really want to know ……” Huang Cuicui suddenly pinched my neck, her eyes were actually gradually fierce: “Don’t let the dead people realize that they are dead, otherwise you will be very dangerous!” She glared at me viciously before going out with those friends of hers.

After discovering this, my mood became weird, but I tried to calm myself down.

Because no matter what, the guests here didn’t hurt me.

I got through the night, and the next morning, when the old woman came to take over, I looked the old woman dead in the eye and asked her, “Do you know what this store is for?

“The old woman and a bunch of croaking dialect, I listened to too much effort, so I took a pen and paper in the kiosk, wrote a line on it: “I do not understand your words, you can write it?

“The old woman took the paper and looked at it, and finally nodded her head.

I was relieved, it was good that she could write.

So I wrote and exchanged words with her, “Is this store for ghosts to buy things?

” “Not during the day, but at night.

” I pondered for a while and finally wrote, “Can I take the money from the store and spend it?

“When the old woman saw my words, she immediately became extremely anxious.

She kept waving her hand, and finally wrote two big words on it: “No!” These two words took up almost an entire page, and then, as if she was afraid that I would take the money and spend it, she gurgled in dialect and brought a lock and locked the drawer.

Realizing that things were bad, I tugged on the old woman to communicate again, asking her what was going on with the store.

After a long exchange of words, I finally knew the situation.

The house of the dead, as the name suggests, is to entertain ghosts with the house, here selling incense, that Chinese cigarettes are not cigarettes at all, but on the supply of incense to the ghosts.

Ghosts who have died horribly come here to buy incense, but the money they give is not real money, but money to buy their lives.

This is a good deed, and the store owner is usually sheltered by Yin virtue and has good fortune.

But buying life money is something you can’t touch, and since the House of the Dead is a good deed, it’s not a business.

The shopkeepers would keep the life-buying money untouched and make offerings.

Anyone who dares to spend the money left by the ghosts will lose their life expectancy, and when they spend a certain amount, they will be trapped in the House of the Dead forever after they die, serving the ghosts in the neighborhood for eternity, and will never be able to leave.

This is in the past, or a kind of punishment for thieves of the evil way.

Thieves loved to steal and stole life-buying money to spend, only to end up trapped in the House of the Undead, forever working for the shopkeeper and the ghosts, using their lives to keep the shopkeeper in line.

I read the old woman’s explanation and cursed the fucker in my heart! I thought that Auntie Chen was a good person! I told you how internet dating could be so good, how could a rich woman look at me and give me such a huge sum of money, she clearly wanted me to stay and work in the house of the dead for the rest of my life, so that she could even save my salary for the rest of my life! That explains it.

Cecilia Wong refused to pay for her cigarettes and wanted me to treat her friends for her.

And Pretty Sister, she didn’t buy cigarettes from me that time when she heard I didn’t want to die, and then she wanted me to treat her too.

Both of these two were trying to save me! I asked the old woman what would happen to those ghosts if there was no such house of the dead.

The old woman writing told me that people who died horizontally had deep resentment and usually did not want to return to their own homes.

They repeated the pain of their death every day and suffered a lot.

Only by getting incense offerings can they feel better.

I was heartbroken to hear this.

In other words, without the incense offerings, Huang Cuicui would repeat the pain of being burned to death in the first place day after day, year after year.

At this time, Aunt Chen called me again, she shushed me on the phone while I sneered in my heart.

After speaking on the phone, she really wanted me to go out and get into the wine.

This bitch.

I want her to pay the price! I agreed to Auntie Chen’s request and then asked the old woman one last question, “How does the House of the Dead change owners?

‘ The old woman looked at me suspiciously, not understanding why I asked this.

I then showed her the chat records of Auntie Chen and I over the years, telling her that Auntie Chen and I were a couple, and that the store would be given to me after it was opened.

When the old woman saw the many “I love you” and “I miss you” that Aunt Chen had sent me, she finally believed me.

She pointed to the ground, and then wrote to tell me that when it was time to renovate, she would have to bury a box underneath that incense, and that box would have the store owner’s name and birthdate written in it.

If you want to change the owner of the store, then you have to ask the owner to write a deed of exchange, and then sign and draw, and put the new owner’s name and birthdate in there as well.

After talking with the old woman, I paid another thousand dollars out of my own pocket to buy wine.

After I bought the wine, I went to the electric car store and bought the cheapest used electric car that cost me four hundred dollars, which was enough to completely empty my pockets.

When I got back to the store, I didn’t go to bed, but hid in the alley outside the store, looking dead at the door.

Near noon, a young man entered the store, but when I saw him, I had a gloomy look on my face.

This was the owner of the wholesale store, that friend of Aunt Chen’s, Brother Sun! He soon came out, carrying several bottles of wine, all of which I had just entered from him.

I sneaked behind him, and this guy didn’t expect me to follow, and hit a tricycle and left.

Luckily I bought an electric car, otherwise I really can’t keep up.

Waiting for the destination, I realized that Sun actually went all the way back to the remote and uninhabited wholesale foodstuffs, and put the wine back! Sure enough, there is a trick! I do not dare to follow too deep, because I saw Aunt Chen’s Cayenne parked not far in front, fortunately it is the car butt to me.

After Sun returned the wine, he got into the Cayenne, at this time I sneak close, through the window I saw him in the car and Aunt Chen passionate kiss.

I coldly smiled, increased the horsepower of the electric car, directly into the Cayenne.

After crashing, I fell to the ground and pretended to fall, Sun quickly cursed and came down from the Cayenne to check the situation.

When he saw me, his face was immediately full of dismay, I kicked as hard as I could on his calves, he immediately lost his balance and fell down towards me.

I wasn’t expecting him to fall on me, but it was for the best, and I brought my elbow up and slammed it hard into the bridge of his nose! His nose blood spurted out, and he couldn’t move at all as he covered his nose, lying on the ground and howling in pain.

I seized the opportunity to get into the Cayenne, Aunt Chen was looking back in wonder, when I pulled her hair, she noticed that I was at the side of the car.

Aunt Chen was startled, while I grabbed her hair and slammed it hard twice into the steering wheel, yelling at her, “Bitch bitch, you’re hurting me?

” She shouted misunderstanding, where I will listen to her kind of people to explain, grabbed her hair and pulled her to the street, ruthlessly several kicks on her face.

This time, Aunt Chen completely had no strength to resist, her incisors were kicked out by me one, her nose was bleeding, she kept choking and coughing on the blood, begging me not to beat her anymore.

I ignored her, because I was now one against two and had no time to talk to her.

I kicked her in the nose again, then pulled out the car keys and went back to the back of the cayenne, that Sun was about to get up when I took hold of the car keys and smashed him hard in the middle of the head and the bridge of his nose a few times.

He collapsed again, constantly bleeding from the nose and tears, his mouth could not shout anything but screams.

Only then did I return to Auntie Chen’s side, pulling her hair and laughing fiercely, “If you want me to die, I won’t let you get away with it either!” I unbuckled the waistband of my pants and pressed her hands behind her back, tying them extra securely, before shoving her into the trunk and starting the Cayenne.

I wasn’t very good at driving this car, so I had to drive as slowly as I could, and I took her out of town, halfway to buy a duct tape, and then parked on the side of the road on the provincial highway.

Aunt Chen kept begging for forgiveness with me, saying that she was smothered by benefits, and asked me to never take it out on her for the sake of past friendship.

I just gave her a sneer.

Her friendship with me was a fake to begin with.

I was so close to death! She almost got me killed, so what’s the point of me even calling the police?

People would definitely call me an idiot.

I could only solve it myself! I wrapped the tape around her body many times to make sure she could never break free again, and then I put down the chair and took a nap.

By the time I woke up, it was dark.

I drove back and turned in my shift with the old woman, and when that old woman was gone, I ripped Auntie Chen into the store and said coldly, “Give me the House of the Dead, and then you can get the hell out of here.

I’m not interested in getting you killed, but people like you don’t deserve the Yin Virtue Shelter! If I don’t, even if I escape unharmed, you’ll get someone else killed!” I took the hammer in the kiosk, moved the cigarette cabinet and started smashing the floor.

There was indeed a spot on that floor that was empty, and it was cracked open in three or two blows.

I dug out a wooden box from inside, and inside was written Aunt Chen’s birth date.

Aunt Chen’s face was ashen, while I looked into her eyes and said coldly, “If I can, I really want to get you killed.

Because I know that if I let you go today, you will probably open undead houses in other places in the future to harm people, just for your own glory and wealth alone! I really want to smash your head with a hammer and make all your brains spew out, you’re a bitch who can kill innocent people’s lives for the sake of profit!” The more I spoke, the more excited I became, and I couldn’t help but walk over to Auntie Chen.

I wanted to smash down with a hammer! If she didn’t die, if she got out alive, how many people would die because of her! Aunt Chen was so scared that she sat on her butt on the ground and directly whimpered, ”I was wrong! I will never harm anyone again, please let me go!” She was trembling, and a streak of water came out from underneath her skirt, she had actually peed her pants in fear.

I can’t trust her.

She just doesn’t want to die now, it doesn’t mean she won’t go out and harm people in the future! But …… what right do I have to take away a person s life?

Aunt Chen cried and said to me, “Please …… I can’t be in the House of the Undead, something is looking for me …… Please, let me leave, I can give you my car!” I couldn’t help but cringe, what kind of talk was that?

She’s the owner of the House of the Dead and she can’t stay here?

I contemplated things, the silence in the house was so great that I could hear even a pin drop on the floor.

Suddenly, the village dogs barked.

First one dog barked, and then along with the others, they all barked along with it.

A cold wind blew through, and the half-open, half-hidden door shook slightly, making me shiver with cold.

The dogs let out whimpers and more ferocious barks, alternating between the two sounds, and I wondered what made them run, rustling on the ground.

I watched as a pack of dogs ran quickly past the front of the store, and behind the pack was a white figure, slowly making its way this way.

It was that pretty sister.

But she completely lost the elegant posture she had before, at this time she was walking lightly, with a somewhat shaky feeling, that body couldn’t walk steadily on the road, twisting and turning as if it was not upside down, acting like a snake, practically sticking to the ground, floating along towards our side.

The pair of originally beautiful eyes, at this time has become a dark pupil, simply can not see the white of the eyes! Auntie Chen was horrified and shouted to me, “She’s coming! Quickly take me away! She’s coming! Burn her with fire, ghosts are afraid of fire, burn her with fire!” I looked dead at the beautiful sister coming from the distance and suddenly remembered.

No wonder I thought I had seen her before.

She had once appeared in Aunt Chen’s circle of friends, and at that time, Aunt Chen hugged her and said that this was her best best friend.

It’s just that I was in an online relationship with Aunt Chen at the time, and even though I thought she was pretty, I didn’t take her to heart, and was all too concerned about seeing Aunt Chen! The pretty sister entered the house of the dead, and the pair of dark pupils stared at Aunt Chen.

I swallowed my saliva and said, “You had known her, so are you …… also victimized by the purchase of life?

” “The two of us share the same disease, both are the target …… of her eyes,” the pretty sister’s voice was a little hoarse, “It’s good that you caught her …….

” I couldn’t help but ask, “If you were also victimized, what about your house of the dead?

What about the group of ghosts you enshrined?

” “They have already let go of their grievances and reincarnated.

I, on the other hand, have become a lonely ghost with a heart full of grievances, all from this bitch!” The more the pretty sister spoke, the more hideous she became, she suddenly stretched out her hands, those finger nails were sharp and long, viciously stabbing at Aunt Chen’s neck! As I watched her nails being stabbed into her neck, I quickly said, “Don’t! She is a human scum death is not enough to be spared, but if her body is left here, I am afraid that I will have to go to jail, and she ……” I was halfway through my words, but I could not help but be dumbfounded.

Beautiful sister suddenly opened her mouth, that mouth opened so big and big, actually from the corner of the mouth cracked, all the way to the root of the ear, biting Aunt Chen’s head! She was really like a snake, her throat and cheeks were propped up, the skin on her cheeks and throat became very thin due to the propping up, dark veins were clearly visible, and her eyes seemed to be bursting out in a vain attempt to swallow Aunt Chen whole into her stomach! My God! Is this how ghosts eat people?

I watched too much TV when I was a kid, and I always thought they dug up their internal organs to eat! I stared blankly at Auntie Chen, she had said that ghosts were afraid of being burned with fire.

There was a lighter right next to me, but I was hesitant to do it.

This is a sin in my heart …… Pretty Sister was killed by her, and I almost died in her hands.

Aunt Chen had already tasted the benefits of victimizing others a long time ago, and if she was let go, she would definitely continue to do so! If I have mercy and save Aunt Chen s life …… then how can I explain to the next innocent dead soul! There will be people who will lose their children, their loved ones, and even innocent children who will lose their parents because of Auntie Chen! How can I save a great evil because of shallow kindness! Evil people still need evil spirits! I watched as Aunt Chen was swallowed whole by the pretty sister, that originally pretty person became bloated and fat, from her stomach to her throat, all bulging.

She didn’t speak to me, but slowly walked over to the box and suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a limp arm.

The arm still had blood on it, and the pretty sister grabbed the limp hand, wrote Aunt Chen’s name on the paper in the House of the Dead, and pressed her handprint again.

This scene was extremely bizarre.

After signing her name, she swallowed the hand again and left the House of the Dead.

I walked over to that piece of paper, foolishly picked up a pen, and finally made up my mind and wrote my birth date.

At this moment, I was considered the shopkeeper of the House of the Dead.

I carefully put away the wooden box, and when I re-moved the cabinet back, Huang Cuicui came in.

When she saw me, she was filled with anxiety, “Why are you here again?

I’ve been talking to you at least, why don’t you listen!” I looked into her eyes and said with a smile, “Someone told me that the ghosts here will repeat the pain of dying day after day if they are not worshipped.

Old classmate, your love for me is so deep, how could I treat you poorly?

“She looked at me blankly, while I handed her a pack of cigarettes and said with a smile, “Where exactly do ghosts get the money to buy their lives?

“She said, “How can a ghost have money, when you spend it, others will realize the next day that the money has turned into plutonium.

“Oh, no wonder that wholesale Sun never came to trouble me, he was already in league with Auntie Chen.

” Huang Cuicui ordered a Huazi and smelled it, while I ordered myself a Red Tashan.

The two of us were quiet for a long time, when the cigarette was almost burnt out, I sincerely said with her, “Thank you, you saved my life.

I want to continue this house of the dead with that old woman, she should know how to get incense for you.

You said not to let the dead realize they are dead or it will be dangerous, but I am not afraid of danger because you are a very good person.

” She asked, “So what?

” “You can come to me often in the future, and we will talk and chat, and I am bored with watching the store at night anyway, my old classmate …… stop saying that I am the bottom pig of society.

” She puffed and laughed, and then shook her head and walked out, her mouth still muttering: “I used to think that your grades are quite good, but now it’s an open kiosk …… really no class.

” I laughed and watched her leave.

The house of the dead, completely belongs to me.

That old woman does know how to make incense and smoke, and can open the House of the Dead down with me.

But I also knew that I needed to live.

I asked my parents for some money and rented the store next door, and since I had nothing to do at night anyway, I learned to make breakfast.

Every time I watched the store at night, I would make the buns and have my parents come over in the morning to help me sell them.

Not to mention, maybe it was because the owner of the House of the Dead had good fortune, the breakfast store did quite a brisk business, and people in the neighborhood often came to buy them.

I also bought an urn and offered it to Huang Cuicui’s spirit, which of course contains not ashes, but money to buy a life, which I did only for fear of people stealing it, because I can’t do harm to people.

I’m still thinking, if the urn is full how to do, is it replaced with a coffin?

Every night, Huang Cuicui would come to me to chat and relieve her boredom, we would talk about the interesting things we used to do in school, and I would also talk to her about what I had seen and heard during the day.

When there was nothing else to talk about, I would read books and tell her stories.

In my company, Huang Cuicui no longer said I was a bottom-feeding pig, and she became more and more cheerful.

Until one day, after we had finished chatting, she smiled and hugged me for a long time, saying that she had spent enough time on earth and was going to reincarnate and would never come back.

I was a little saddened, but also happy that she had made this decision.

As Huang Cuicui reincarnated and left, the guests became fewer and fewer.

Until one night, there were no customers for the whole day.

It was only then that I suddenly remembered that after that pretty sister ate Auntie Chen in the beginning, she never came back.

Perhaps it was on that day that her grudge was removed.

Before the urn was full, I had no more customers in the evening, but the breakfast store was still doing well.

I just figured out that warmth and companionship can remove all the negative energy in the world.

Hmmm …… I was overthinking it.

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