When does a relationship feel like it’s time to stop and break up?

When to fall in love feel that the timely stop loss break up? The evening dinner, my husband’s cell phone rang, I just want to go to take his phone next to the water cup, just a reach out to see his body stiffened a bit.

Finally see me just want to drink water, the tension in his eyes before unloading, perhaps because he felt that his performance just now is too obvious, he picked up the phone smoothly and got up, “you eat first, I go to the bathroom for a while.

‘ I pretended not to notice that something was wrong and nodded with a smile.

I’ve known Xu Yi for twelve years, I know the meaning of all his actions too well, and through that one just now, I know that there must be a secret in his cell phone.

The two of us just got a license last month, the wedding is also scheduled for the end of the year, friends and family have been notified, I really do not want to make any jokes at this juncture, so I decided to wait and see what happens.

After dinner, I began to make wedding invitations, Xu Yi sitting on the side of the cell phone, I saw him from the reflection of the TV screen quietly typing.

I was about to call him over to help, when he suddenly sat up, and without waiting for me to say anything, he said, “Honey, Xiao Zhang said that there’s a temporary problem with the project, so I’m going to go to the company, so you can go to sleep first, don’t wait for me, good girl.

“After he finished, he kissed me on the cheek and left without even giving me a chance to speak.

I stood at the window and watched him run all the way to the car, this is already nine o’clock in the evening, I thought about it and called Zhang.

Zhang on the other end of the phone was obviously a bit flustered: “Uh, sister-in-law, is there a problem with the project?

I’m not sure what to say! There’s a problem with the project. I asked Xu to come over and take a look at it.

“If I had any hope for this twelve-year relationship at first, my hopes were dashed after talking to Xiao Zhang.

What in the world could make Xu Yi, who has never been a liar, go out rather than lie?

I began to secretly observe his every move.

Precisely, I found that his time off from work was getting later and later, even when he came home to me it was also formulaic to say a few words and then go into the bedroom on the pretext of being tired, sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night, but he was still awake, still playing with his cell phone.

I can’t make a big fuss, I told him on the side to let him rest earlier, who knows he even went along with the idea of sleeping in a separate room, the reason is that he has a lot of business to deal with recently, and I have a poor quality of sleep, for fear that it will affect my rest.

My heart completely cold, although there is no conclusive evidence, but recently all the signs have indicated that he is cheating in all likelihood, in order to get closer to the truth, I decided not to move for the time being.

Recently, his group does have a project to follow up, the work is busy, overtime is also a common occurrence, in the past, I understand his hard work, home affairs never let him worry about a point, but now I know I can not let him continue.

I began to frequently “trouble” him.

For example, today, I went to the home town to look at furniture, at noon I deliberately called him to pick me up.

His tone of voice was obviously delayed for a moment, but in the end, as usual, his tone was soft, “wife, you find a cool place to wait for me.

“Xu Yi smart here, even if he no longer love me, he will not let me notice.

He came very quickly, just opened the door, I smelled the car there is a seemingly invisible aroma, I pretended not to notice, and so on the car, I almost in the seat just to find the passenger seat has been adjusted.

Looking into his focused and affectionate eyes as he looked over, there was a moment when I wanted to slap him hard across the face.

“My cell phone is out of battery, let me borrow your cell phone.

” I looked at him with a smile, and as expected, the smile at the corner of his mouth froze slightly, and then handed over his cell phone.

I habitually input my birthday to unlock the phone, after three times, the system prompted me to input the wrong password, the phone can only be unlocked after 30 seconds.

In fact, I want his cell phone is just a kind of test, but in the end, the sadness is still my own.

I think the most wrong decision I’ve made in my life is to promise Xu Yi to quit his job and go home as a full-time wife on the day I got my license.

Xu Yi’s annual salary of nearly seven figures, really can let me have a relatively rich life, and I was his sweet words and head, think of our love for ten years, I finally respected his decision.

After quitting my job, I had a lot of time to organize matters related to our wedding, and I also felt lucky and happy that he was still as good as ever to me with no income.

And now, thanks to my full-time job, I could spend a lot of time watching Xu Yi’s every move.

In the morning, I watched him contentedly drop a kiss on my cheek after breakfast, and I smiled to meet him, wiping my face fiercely when he was out the door.

The thought that he might have kissed another woman or even done something worse with that mouth made me sick.

I followed him out the door, all the way to the south of the city, and finally drove into a townhouse, the cab could not get into the upscale neighborhood, I could only stand guard at the cafe across the street from the neighborhood.

In the morning he said that today’s all-day meeting can not use the phone, but I did not know that their company moved to the villa area.

Fortunately, he did not stay inside for too long, about ten minutes, his car re-drive out, only the passenger side of a woman.

The co-pilot opened the window, and I saw who the woman was at a glance.

Ironically, the woman was the one that Xu Yi had said he hated.

That woman and Xu Yi is the same batch of colleagues into the company, older than us two years, called Li Qing.

She could be said to have fallen in love at first sight with Xu Yi, and on countless late nights, Xu Yi’s eyes were filled with contempt when he shared with me the deep little essays she sent.

I kept following his car.

Today is White Valentine’s Day, I saw Xu Yi accompanying Li Qing to watch a movie and go shopping, during which the two of them had been holding hands tightly, and when crossing the street he thoughtfully let her walk on the inside, just like an ordinary couple, sweetly doing all the things lovers do, everything was so natural.

Through the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the side of the road, I saw that Xu Yi had a smile on his lips all the time, a smile that was significantly more heartwarming than the standard fake smile he had when facing me.

There were several times when I wanted to rush up and question him, to see what his expression was after I found out he was cheating on me, whether he would be flustered or not, whether he felt guilty or not, but in the end, I still didn’t take action, I just silently photographed the two of them in an intimate manner.

Then I gave him a call.

I only saw his footsteps pause for a moment, and he subconsciously looked at the person beside him.

Li Qing knew almost instantly whose call it was, and she smiled and said thoughtfully, “You answer it first, I’ll evade it for a bit.

”Xu Yi pulled her hand, as if he was afraid that she would get angry, the force was so great that he almost yanked her down, ”It’s okay, I won’t answer it is all.”

”The next second, he hung up on me, and immediately after that I received his WeChat.

–Wife, I mention I’m still in a meeting, I’ll call you back when I’m done.

Then he put his cell phone away, re-took Li Qing’s shoulders, and the two of them entered the theme hotel.

I just felt as if my face had been slapped hundreds of times in a row, I was ashamed and embarrassed, I didn’t have the courage to go in with him, I was afraid of seeing a more unpleasant scene, but reason told me I had to go in.

The hotel was not upscale and the soundproofing was poor, my heart twisted together as I listened to the sounds of my husband making love to another woman next door.

I was like a robot, numbly holding up my cell phone to record the sound, listening to Li Qing forgetfully calling Xu Yi’s name, clenching my fists tightly.

I don’t know how long it took before the next door finally quieted down, and after about half an hour more, the sound of the door closing resounded from there.

I still followed behind the two.

At noon, Xu Yi accompanied Li Qing to meet her friend, which was another couple.

I was like an outsider, watching their joys and sorrows on camera.

At the end of the day, I saw Li Qing looking towards my camera.

She didn’t seem surprised to see me, and even slowly unfurled a smile at me.

3, I was certain that Li Qing was deliberately letting me know of her existence, she was trying to force me to leave of my own accord.

I looked at the photo I took a few days ago, the image of my husband holding another woman’s hand tightly, I smiled to myself.

I had thought before that if one day my marriage with Xu Yi broke up, then I would definitely not take advantage of him for a single penny, but if the reason for the divorce was that he cheated on me, then don’t blame me for not being polite.

I looked at the red blinding invitations on the table in the living room, looked at the photo of the two people snuggling tightly, I just want to destroy all the invitations.

A sudden knock on the door pulled me back into my thoughts, I hesitantly walked towards the door, it was almost evening now and I had no idea who would be looking for me.

Looking out through the door mirror, for a moment I was a little dizzy.

Outside the door of Li Qing smiling, strapless shirt with small leggings, clothing simple and stylish, the whole person is generous, and then look at me, a home dress face to face, with a face full of spring compared to the junior, really don’t know how many streets she threw off.

I opened the door and forced myself to smile.

“Hello, you are Han Min, Xu Yi’s lover, right?

“When Li Qing saw me open the door, she took the initiative to greet me and handed over the fruit basket in her hand.

“And you are?

“I stood in the doorway without moving, pretending not to recognize her.

I’m Xu Yi’s colleague, we’ve been working on a project together lately, and Xu Yi has been worrying a lot because of me.” she said, staring intently at me.

“She was staring at my eyes as she spoke, as if she wanted to get negative feedback from me to declare that her presence had successfully affected me, and thus gained a sense of satisfaction.

I still didn’t react.

She added, “Actually, he’s been taking care of me ever since I joined the company, so I’m free today and thought I’d come by and thank him, but he’s not home?

“Of course I couldn’t do what she wanted, and I almost crushed the doorknob before I could maintain my demeanor.

Taking the fruit basket in hand, I let her in.

“You’ve got me there, it’s true, for a while now he’s been coming home saying he can’t do his job, he’s in trouble everywhere, and he doesn’t have his right hand man, I wondered what was wrong.

I also wondered what was going on.” I finished smiling more sincerely.

My intuition told me that Li Qing’s visit today was hidden from Xu Yi, so I didn’t greet Xu Yi, and I was even vaguely looking forward to what Xu Yi’s reaction would be when he saw Li Qing appear at my house.

I was cooking in the kitchen, when I saw Li Qing standing in the living room looking at our wedding photos.

After a while, she walked over and smiled brightly, “Let me help you, I’m too bored to stay alone, I especially like to have someone to keep me company, don’t treat me as an outsider, I’m close to Xu Yi.” I tried my best to restrain myself from fanning myself.

”I tried my best to restrain the urge to slap her, and smoothly shoved the muddy dish directly into her hand, ”Sister Li, then I’m welcome.

‘ She visibly froze for a moment.

I continued, ”Xu Yi is a person who loves to make friends, before my mother-in-law always said that all his friends are foxes and dogs,” Li Qing’s face stiffened.

“Li Qing’s face stiffened.

I pretended not to realize it, and continued, “But Sister Li is not that kind of person.

Your age is right there, you’re old, you’ve seen a lot of things, and you’re naturally experienced.

But then again, nowadays the quality of everyone has improved as a whole, how many people would not have the cheek to hold the scale?

“Li Qing did not say anything, turn the water flow bigger, after a while, another topic: “We all say Xu Yi family, it turns out that there is a good wife at home, if it were me, I will also be off work to go home.

If it were me, I would have come home as soon as I got off work.” “My hand shook slightly as I gripped the spatula, and I was about to say something when I heard the sound of the door opening at the foyer.

Xu Yi’s speaking voice was getting closer and closer, ”Wife, I’m back, what did you cook today, why is it so ……” The person walked to the kitchen doorway, and his words came to an abrupt end.

The house was suddenly silent.

I think, Xu Yi this will be afraid to panic to the extreme.

Looking at his face turned white, I secretly happy after, smiling to solve the problem: “Is not feeling very surprised?

“He was hit by lightning, the panic in his eyes was very obvious, instinctively wanted to reach out and pull me.

I pretended to avoid, said: “Sister Li said thank you for your usual help, it seems to be a number of times to invite you to dinner you also refused to go to the appointment, so I had to chase to the house.

“I pushed him into the kitchen, “You’re back just in time, you accompany Sister Li for a chat, I’ll go downstairs to buy a bag of salt.

“I finished without paying attention to them, back to the bedroom, the tablet computer recording function open, while the two people do not notice, put on the dining room chair.

  1. When I came back, Li Qing was already fully dressed and standing at the door waiting for me.

I walked to the front, she was full of apologies: “I’m sorry, I would have liked to taste your cooking, but the company has something temporary that I need to deal with, so I’ll come back to visit when I have a chance later.

“The joy in her eyes was so obvious that I couldn’t ignore it, and Xu Yi, standing behind her, had returned to his usual calm state.

I pretended to stay for a while, and finally sent the person out the door.

Xu Yi smiled and waved his hand to Li Qing, acting like nothing happened, if I didn’t know the truth, I would have thought that these two were just ordinary friends.

In the evening, Xu Yi was unusually clingy, he even took the initiative to help me make the invitations and accompanying gifts.

I looked at him with a smile, “You’re tired after a long day of work, go take a break, I’ll do it myself.

“I really don’t want him to dirty my things, looking at his moralistic demeanor makes me nauseous, I clutched the paper cutter tightly, the thought of him disappearing into the world nearly uncontrollable.

Xu Yi as if he did not hear, very persistent sealing beeswax, after a while, and then suddenly put me in my arms, tone anxious: “wife, we will be happy, is not it?

“If I don’t know about him and Li Qing, I would still foolishly think that he loves me very much.


“I responded perfunctorily.

He also explained: “Just now that is I just came to the company that moment with you spit that colleague, recently she has grown a lot, may be that I usually do not help her, so I feel bad.” Xu Yi as if inviting credit.

“Xu Yi seems to invite credit: “Every time she invited me to dinner, I refused, because I have a wife, to know the limits.

“Now every word he says sounds like noise to me, and I cut the greeting cards with hatred, thinking of the colorful paper that has been cut to pieces as just him.

When it was time for bed, Xuyi broke down and asked to go back to the master bedroom.

“I’m not feeling well with my period today.

“I excused my period to avoid contact with him, and every time I thought of his hands touching something they shouldn’t have, I hated that I couldn’t chop those hands off.

“I’m not doing anything, I just miss you.

” Xu Yi got on the bed without saying a word, laying down and wrapping me in his arms.

The moment he touched me, my scalp suddenly tingled like an explosion, and I froze in his arms, listening to his gradually calming breathing.

Confirming that Xu Yi was asleep, I took out my tablet and got up to go to the bathroom.

From the recording, Xu Yi’s voice sounded angry, “What’s wrong with you?

What are you doing?

If you keep this up, we’ll stop contacting each other, you’ve passed.

“Li Qing: “I’m sorry Xu Yi, I was wrong the other day, I just love you too much, Han Min is right, I really am too cheap.

“Li Qing sobbed in a small voice, Xu Yi may have softened his heart, and when he spoke again, his tone was much gentler: “She scolded you?

‘ Li Qing did not speak, just sobbing louder and louder, she answered: ”Han Min is really quite good, originally is what I did wrong, today I really do not want to come, but since that day I impulse to let you marry me, you no longer care about me, I am really too scared.”

”The next second, the sound of two people kissing came from the tablet, and my stomach flipped.

Xu Yi’s voice was slurred, “As long as you don’t leave me, I will definitely not leave you, our relationship goes beyond that piece of paper, Qing Qing, you know I love you.

” Putting down the tablet, I went around the kitchen, touching the sharp blade on the knife rack that glowed in the moonlight, I stoically poured myself a glass of cool water, and then transferred the recording to my cell phone.

It was all premature now, and there was still a need to hold back.

Xu Yi observed me for several days in a row, commuting to and from work on time every day, even deliberately placing his cell phone in front of my eyes as a show of loyalty, and then saw that I was still as good as ever to him, and only then did he stop paying more attention to me.

This day, he was off work as usual, dinner time although I did not look at him, but still can detect the two lines of sight glued to the top of my head.

After a while, he said tentatively, “Honey, I’m going on a business trip to Linshi tomorrow, for three days.

“I answered, thinking of a good excuse for him, “Is it a business trip?

” He responded carelessly, “Take care of yourself at home, and send me a video if you miss me.

”The truth is, I’m only burdened now that he’s at home.

During this time, I secretly collected some information about Li Qing.

I learned that she has a boyfriend in her hometown, and the man is a lawyer named Jiang Huai, with a good family background and very good personal conditions.

The two have held a wedding ceremony, just delayed the license, coincidentally, her boyfriend just came to Hohhot in the past few days, I decided to meet the same person.

I dialed Jiang Huai’s phone, briefly explained the intention, the other party did not hesitate to make an appointment with me to meet.

Compared to Xu Yi’s handsome, Jiang Huai is more tough, not like a lawyer, but more like a bodyguard.


He greeted me and got right to the point: “You said that Li Qing intervened in your relationship, may I ask if there is any proof?”

“I showed the videos and photos that I had taken recently one by one.

JAC was worthy of being someone who had seen the world, and I couldn’t even see a single change from his face.

After he looked at the stuff, he calmly thanked me, “Okay, I understand.

“My first meeting with him only these two words, before leaving, he left me a business card: “If you need in the future, feel free to contact me, your evidence of these infringements and does not have the force of law, I will then provide evidence.

“5, Xu Yi “business trip” back, the state is getting worse and worse, I care about him as usual, every day to think of ways for him to do nutritional meals to supplement the function.

“I’ve been thinking about making nutritious meals for him every day to replenish his energy levels.

I asked him, “What’s wrong with your work?

Xu Yi lowered his eyes, covering the green color under his eyes, and said lightly: “Nothing, just a little busy.

“He finished by touching the top of my head as if to soothe me, “Good wife, don’t worry about me.

“I smiled hypocritically, and after a few more words of advice, I excused myself from cutting fruit and went into the kitchen.

I knew that Xu Yi wasn’t on a business trip before, the day before yesterday was Li Qing’s birthday, and the two of them should have made a date to go out and play.

Now when I think of the picture of the two together, my heart has calmed down a lot.

Xu Yi is still sitting in the living room, I went into the bedroom, from the bottom of the nightstand took out a cell phone, WeChat is still stuck in my Xu Yi and Li Qing dating photos sent to Xu Yi’s leadership page.

I told his leader that if I didn’t fire Li Qing, I would make a big deal out of it.

I guess businessmen weigh the pros and cons, not to mention that Li Qing’s personal abilities are only average.

Outside the living room, Xu Yi’s cell phone rang again, and I heard his deliberately light footsteps moving toward the bathroom.

I secretly followed him, and as expected, Li Qing’s voice came from the other end.

“It’s also because I was too careless, but I don’t regret it, I can lose anything for you, as long as it doesn’t affect you, I’m not afraid of anything.

“This is a bit out of my expectation, I had thought that Li Qing would be hysterical and lash out at Xu Yi, apparently, her Dao is much higher than I had imagined, but it doesn’t matter, the more thoughtful she is, the more guilty Xu Yi will feel, the more he will self-torture, and letting Xu Yi live in torment every day is my ultimate goal.

Xu Yi came to the master bedroom again tonight, and when I heard the noise I pretended to wake up, and when I saw him come in, I gave up some of the space beside me.

“Did I wake you up?

”He’s always had a good attitude when he talks to me, although it’s a little less genuine.

I shook my head busily, and after some thought, said, “If you’re free in the next couple days, we’ll go home and visit?

Mom and Dad even told me a few days ago that they missed us, and I see that you haven’t been in a good mood lately, so you should go out for a break.

“Xu Yi pursed his lips tightly, the bottom of his eyes are full of complexity, seems to have a thousand words to say to me, I just pretend not to see.

Xu Yi’s parents are the most good at doing superficial work, usually see me a mouthful of a daughter, but I know that love is all false.

I and Xu Yi before is not without trouble, that will Xu mother can not gather the whole family to blame me, saying that her son has more excellent, mistakes are also my reasons, and even behind the back to tell Xu Yi, talk about the bride price if you can not give as much as possible not to give, to give the dowry to my family to pay back more dowry.

This is also the reason why I want to take revenge on Xu Yi, their family are not good things.

Perhaps the recent pressure is too much, Xu Yi the next day after work to give me an answer.

“Wife, I’ve taken a few days off from work, let’s go home and have a look around, back to your house first or my house first?

Let’s go back to your house or mine first?” “Your house.

” Since Li Qing can be so high-minded, I have to be more considerate as well.

Our hometown is more than an hour’s drive from where we live now.

We didn’t say hello to our family beforehand, mainly because Xu Yi wanted to surprise her parents.

As expected, after seeing us, Xu’s mother held Xu Yi’s hand tightly and stammered in excitement.

“Son, you, why are you so thin?

Are you under a lot of pressure at work?

“After she finished speaking, she glanced at me again, “Did Xiao Han not take good care of you?

“At the end of her sentence, she began to speak in a gloomy manner, “Didn’t she say she quit her job and let you take care of her?

Why are you being taken care of like this?

“Although it was getting late, Xu Yi’s mother still cooked a nice dinner.

I could tell that Xu Yi had something to say to his parents, so I intentionally finished my meal slowly under their cold faces, then pushed the chopsticks away and said, “I’m a bit tired, I’m going to take a rest.

” Of course, after entering the house, my ears weren’t idle, their house is a two-bedroom, after Xu Yi went to work, his room was converted into a utility room, so the family could only talk in the living room.

I lay with my back to the door, and noticed that someone behind me quietly pushed open the door of the room, and then stood for a while, and then quietly left.

In the next instant, Xu’s mother’s somewhat mean voice came from outside: “If it wasn’t for the fact that her family has a few bucks, I’d let my son marry her?

She’s lazy all day long, she eats and uses my son’s money, and she even takes care of my son like this.

“Father Xu was busy saying, “Keep your voice down, don’t let her hear you.

“I snorted.

The next moment, I heard Xu Yi’s deliberately lowered voice: “Mom, I don’t want to get married.

“The living room was quiet for a moment, and when Xu mother spoke again, her tone was full of skepticism: “Did she make you angry again?

I said I didn’t agree with you two being together, but you were dying to have her, weren’t you?” She was obviously shocked.

“She was obviously shocked: “Besides, I’ve notified all the people I should have, and I’ve received all the gifts, so isn’t this a joke to people?

And her father will be promoted soon, which will help you in the future.

“Xu Yi did not speak.

Xu father took over the conversation: “What is the reason you do not want to get married?

You chose this path yourself, didn’t you?

“Xu Yi was like a spring being crushed under his feet, bouncing back from the bottom with explosive damage.

“I don’t love her anymore!” He roared out in a low voice, thinking that there was still a trace of sanity left in him, his tone was stoic, “I’ve fallen in love with someone else, okay?

“When I heard him say he didn’t love me, I didn’t feel sad, I was relieved to think that I was about to be relieved of having to be an actor.

The living room was quiet for a long time, Xu mother repeated Xu Yi’s words: “You’re in love with someone else?

That person is better than Han Min’s family?

“Xu Yi was silent.

Xu mother said again: “I do not care who you fell in love with, this marriage you can not divorce now, you two are registered, you divorce at this time she blackmailed you how to do?

“Xu father responded: “Who you love is your business, do not let Xiaohan know how you can mess up, do not spread the matter on the good, I can not afford to lose that person.

“The more I hear, the more I want to laugh, really is not a family not into a door, this family of three a more than a shameless.

Xu Yi didn’t enter the room all night.

When I got up in the morning, only Xu mother was drying clothes on the balcony, seeing me up, she piled up a false smile, the dissatisfaction in the bottom of her eyes, although hidden deep, was still captured by me.

“Daughter is up?

Mom has already sat the meal down, so go ahead and eat.

” I responded, maintaining the false cozy moment.

While I was eating, Xu Yi sent me a tweet.

“Wife, I’m having dinner with Old Donkey and the others tonight, it’s been a long time since we’ve gotten together as brothers, let’s go back to mom’s house tomorrow.

“The old donkey is called Lv Zhihe, is our college classmate.

My house is not far from Xu Yi’s house, so I decided to go home first.

I hadn’t heard from him all day, and I didn’t want to focus too much on him.

At nine o’clock in the evening, I was lying in bed looking at the circle of friends, a refresh without warning to see Lu Zhihe just sent a dynamic.

That is a very smoky photo, six people sitting around the table, everyone’s face is overflowing with happy smile, even Xu Yi who has not laughed for a long time in the corner of the eye are hanging faint smile.

Six people I know, the only woman present – Li Qing, smiling sitting next to Xu Yi, although the two did not have physical contact, but Xu Yi’s body is tilted towards her, I was about to zoom in to take a closer look at the photo, but was prompted by the other party has been deleted from the dynamic.

Soon, Xu Yi made a phone call over.

The background sound on his side was quiet, not like a party at all.

“Wife, what are you doing?

” he asked.

I tried to make my voice sound as normal as possible, “I’m washing up and getting ready to rest.

“Xu Yi asked again, “You’re not playing with your cell phone?

“No.” I laughed a little.

“I smiled a little, “Did you finish eating?

“Uh-huh.” He answered.

He answered, “I just got home. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.” He put down the phone and said, “I’m sorry.

“Putting down the phone, I decided to drive to the new house to take a look.

Before I left, I sent Xu Yi another WeChat, I told him I seem to be sick, he did not pay attention to me.

7, I am in the new room downstairs guard, at this time I heart is still indisputable hold a glimmer of hope, I think in the end is more than ten years of love, Xu Yi and how excessive is also not so much as to bring the little three to me little by little to build out of the small nest to go.

I was thinking, suddenly, a headlight from the cell door irradiation, and then in front of my car not far from the slow stop, the car then walked down a man and a woman.

The temperature in the morning and evening of Hohhot is still on the cool side, especially late at night, I saw Xu Yi get off the car and take off his jacket and drape it over Li Qing’s shoulders.

I’m tired of saying the word “tired”, I don’t even have the strength to make a noise, although it’s not very generous, but I still called Jiang Huai.

Soon, another car came from the entrance of the neighborhood.

It was Jiang Huai.

This time he didn’t wear a suit anymore, just a simple sweatshirt with jeans, finally allowing a hint of youthfulness to be seen.

His figure quickly disappeared into the building.

I stood guard downstairs.

It wasn’t long before I saw the lights in my bridal room suddenly come on, followed by a jarring cacophony lighting up the sound-activated lights in the hallway.

I saw more and more tenants turn on their lights and the hallway was filled with people.

I took advantage of the chaos and went upstairs.

I saw that the door to my wedding room was wide open, and Jiang Huai was standing in the doorway looking at the flustered pair of dogs in the house.

Li Qing’s face is still not dissipated flushing, hair is not the usual sharp, and then look at Xu Yi, he has a hickey at the neck, there are still residual lipstick marks on the mouth.

There is no need to say more about this scene, everyone is a veteran and understands it.

“Yelp, this is not the old Xu family’s big boy, that woman does not seem to be the old Xu’s daughter-in-law,” Xu Yi’s face slid over.

“A trace of embarrassment slipped across Xu Yi’s face.

He coldly tried to close the door, but Jiang Huai blocked it and said, “The one who is illegally cohabiting with you is my wife, and she probably hasn’t told you about the wedding that we’ve already had.

“Xu Yi’s face turned from white to black, looking at the cell phones everyone was holding up, he still insisted, “We are just ordinary colleagues, you have no evidence.

I really didn’t realize that he was such a stiff upper lip before.”

Li Qing’s face was also a little hard to bear, she said: “But it was just a wedding, I didn’t get a license with you, and we’ve already broken up.

”Jiang Huai raised his eyebrows: ”The problem now is that you are legally responsible for intervening in someone else’s legally protected relationship.”

”As soon as Jiang Huai’s words fell, a girl rushed out from nowhere and went up to shine two slaps left and right on Li Qing’s face.

Xu Yi subconsciously protected the person in his arms.

The crowd of onlookers took pictures and shot more vigorously.

I also followed the crowd back to the scene, the two embraced the moment fixed into eternity, and then took advantage of the chaos to leave.

I waited for Jiang Huai downstairs.

About ten minutes or so, I saw the crowd gradually dispersing, Jiang Huai slowly came downstairs, he originally wanted to get into the car, but then paused and turned toward me.

It seems that he realized I was there when he came just now.

I was a little embarrassed.

He walked up to my car and knocked on the window, “The amount of compensation you get for a divorce now and a divorce after the ceremony is the same.

” He gave me advice from a professional point of view.

I knew he meant well, after all, if I only got a license and divorced after the ceremony, it would hurt me less.

I shook my head, “The wedding must be held as scheduled.

“On the day of the ceremony, all of Xu Yi and Li Qing’s leaders and colleagues will be present, as well as members of the Xu family, so this is the only chance to insult Xu Yi and Li Qing in person, and I’m bound to return the harm they’ve caused me a thousand times over.

After saying that I realized that Jiang Huai was also a victim, and how hiring him as my lawyer wasn’t a kind of cruelty to him, I couldn’t help but give him a look.

“Don’t look at me like that, I feel pretty good about myself.

”Reading the meaning of my sight, JAC smiled a little, his facial lines softening quite a bit, ”Speaking of which, I should also thank you.

”I have to go now, if there’s anything I need, you can contact me anytime.” he said, standing up, ”I have to go now, if there’s anything I need, you can contact me anytime.

“After he got into the car, the little girl who had just slapped Li Qing twice in the chaos jumped out from the shadows and ran out, saying, “It’s too good to be true, brother, I’ve gotten a kick out of it for you.

“Then she got into the car in a huff.

It turned out that the girl was actually JAC’s sister.

Our wedding house in the old housing area, this piece of living are Xu Yi’s parents’ colleagues.

I deliberately went to the community the next day around, I do not know what measures the family has taken, everyone recognized me, but there is no one to tell me Xu Yi cheating thing.

I smacked my lips, such a family, really outrageous.

As the wedding date is approaching, Xu Yi face smile less and less, as for the time with me, less than his smile, looking at his increasingly thin face, I feel a lot better.

“Tomorrow I have an appointment to try on wedding dresses, are you free?

” I gave Xu Yi a call at noon.

Without waiting for him to speak, I heard Li Qing’s voice come first.

“Xu Yi, is this Han Min?

“Honey, the phone is on speakerphone.

“Xu Yi was busy explaining, “We’re in the middle of a meeting, I’ll get back to you in a bit, okay?

“I took a few deep breaths and smiled, “Was that Sister Li?

I’ve been meaning to ask her if it’s convenient for her to be my maid of honor for the past few days. You know, everyone around me is married, but Sister Li seems to be single?

” The telephone side was completely quiet, perhaps even Li Qing did not expect me to have this move.

“She is not ……” Xu Yi instinctively wanted to refuse.

“Good,” Li Qing said, “I don’t know.

“Li Qing agreed.

In this way, Li Qing and I somehow became friends.

I went to try the wedding dress, she carefully helped me organize the straps, said softly: “Han Min, I think our tastes are quite similar, all your things I like.” she smiled and looked at me.

” She smiled and looked at me, this is said from the heart.

I looked at her in the mirror and said, “You have a beautiful smile.

“She accompanied me to the wedding rehearsal.

I stood at the bottom of the stage and watched as she and Xu Yi stood opposite each other on the stage looking for the right position to pass the wedding ring.

Li Qing looked at Xu Yi with deep affection in her eyes, while Xu Yi’s eyes dodged and tried to move away, but in the end, she was attracted to Li Qing again.

I laughed out loud, this will be the last moment of tranquility for the rest of their lives.

In the blink of an eye, the wedding has arrived.

I woke up early, according to the process to carry out all the links.

People around me kept congratulating me, thinking of the scene in a while, I felt happy from the bottom of my heart.

After a busy morning, I finally arrived at the wedding site at noon.

At this time, the hall is already full of guests, the screen in the center of the stage, cyclically playing the wedding photos of Xu Yi and me.

I stood in the doorway, quietly watching everything in the room.

As the lights dimmed, the screen changed, and the wedding photo became a photo of Xu Yi and Li Qing dating and getting a room.

The scene was silent, and even the emcee froze.

Xu Yi’s father and mother went to turn off the projector switch like crazy.

Xu Yi’s entire body froze at the side of the stage, like a puppet.

After the photos were shown, the camera suddenly focused on Li Qing’s face beside me, and in the next second, her oblivious shouts while having sex with Xu Yi came from the stereo.

Xu mother was so anxious that she fainted on the spot.

I saw Xu Yi’s leader whisk away with a black face, leaving him staring vacantly at everything in front of him.

In the crowd’s sudden explosion of discussion, I quietly left the scene.

Our ridiculous wedding ended with the distinctive sound of 120 honking horns.

I didn’t see the Xu family again, but only entrusted Jiang Huai to handle the relevant matters for me.

Jiang Huai didn’t say much about the process, but I only knew that the compensation I received was almost all of the Xu family’s assets.

See Xu Yi again, is we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau on the day of the divorce, but it is more than a month no see, he bearded, where there was when the elegant look.

When he saw me, he rushed towards me like a madman.

“Wife, listen to my explanation.

“I avoided his touch with a look of disgust.

He stood there dumbfounded, his eyes seemed to be even more stagnant than the wedding scene.

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he still wanted to come and pester me.

“I’ve already broken up with Li Qing, honey, can you give me another chance?

“I heard that the wedding day was in the newspaper, and gradually fermented on the Internet, Li Qing was cyber-violence and even flesh, suffering from severe depression, this will be in the psychiatric hospital treatment.

I frowned, bypassing Xu Yi to take a taxi.

Suddenly, a black SUV stopped in front of me.

The window rolled down, revealing Jiang Huai’s resolute face, “Get in.

“I opened the door without hesitation, leaving the frozen Xu Yi where he was.

In the rearview mirror, I saw Xu Yi’s silhouette getting smaller and smaller until it was no longer visible, just like my love for him.

I retracted my eyes and when I looked up, I unexpectedly bumped into Jiang Huai’s slightly worried eyes.

I laughed a little, “Don’t look at me like that, I feel pretty good about myself.

‘ JAC was stunned at first, then burst out laughing.

I’ve always thought that misfortune is temporary, and that people who betray their trust never have a good ending.

This is true for everyone in the world.


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