Are there any bland looking tie-ins?

Are there any bland and good looking female supporting texts?

I was probably a furtive lover in the eyes of Song Jincheng.

At that time, I had already done a few small hit dramas in which I played either a vicious or a petulant and capricious female second, third, or fourth, and at the end of the year, when the company’s betting agreement didn’t go through, and was acquired by him at a low price, and at the end-of-the-year tailgate he came over to show his face in a big way, that was my chance.

My agent must not have expected me to be so bold. In fact, she identified other gold masters for me.

No one dared to put the screws to him, he was extremely powerful, rumored to be not easy to mess with, and not a kind and well-tempered man.

Before she appeared, everyone thought I was taking the female lead script, and when she appeared, they realized that I was also just cannon fodder.

Ridiculous I thought I was through, but I was too deep into the drama, even a moment of trance up.

But I really didn’t want to spend the rest of my life bouncing from one fat-headed gold-digger to another spoiling myself, and that was the first time I had the courage to plan for myself.

When he went to the garden terrace alone to wake up, I followed him, when I had the courage to stand in front of him with a red face, he looked at me with a sullen gaze without saying a word, I shivered under the gaze, but I still forced myself to introduce myself with shame, I said: “Hello Mr. Song, my name is Qin Shi.” He was tall, and his eyes were disdainful.

“He was very tall, his eyes looked down out of the corner of his eye, and he did not move to scan me from head to toe, and finally pinched my jaw to lift my face up, and I looked back at him with trembling eyelashes, and I knew that I was very beautiful, and that my eyes were the most beautiful when they were flowing, and sure enough, he squinted, and then waved his hand at the bodyguards who had gathered around him.

Later in his side for a long time, only to find that he is not a person who will indulge in female sex, self-nomination of people like that, down the years, but also only I came to his side in this way, I in his side of the third year, his side of the mouth has always been very tight-lipped assistant said with emotion: “Ms. Qin, you are very fortunate.

” According to the development of idol drama plot, I should be his destiny choice, even if it is not the main female character, it should be the supporting female character who has a few similarities with the main female character to the point that he is willing to soften his heart.

But I was really just cannon fodder.

Then a long, long time later, I boldly asked him, “Why, why me?

” He was in a good mood, so he narrowed his eyes at me and finally returned, “You should be glad you’re lucky.

“My luck was pretty good, I was young at that time, so I was ignorant and fearless. If I were to do it again, if I were asked at this age now if I still dared to hit on Song Jincheng in this way, I would have answered that I didn’t dare to do it.

The first time Song Jincheng and I had a date, he took me to the Colosseum.

In addition to television, it was my first time to get involved in that kind of place, Song Jincheng took me to stand in the highest floor of the private room, looking down on the past, the black crowd below in the fierce noise and fanfare roar, the center of the arena is a man and a tiger, almost one-sided sadism, I can not help but want to nausea, but I do not dare.

I inclined my head to look at Song Jincheng’s expression, he gazed intently at the arena, his expression hardly changed at all, but his eyebrows slightly jumped, and later on when I became familiar with every micro-expression of his I realized that it meant he was getting excited.

Killing can always make people excited, that day is very coincidental, and of course do not know whether this is the gladiator intentionally, the beast in the arena of the tiger jumped out to pounce on the previous second was still next to the hissing excitement of the crowd, everyone panicked and fled in all directions, and finally that tiger is in our two meters before the position of the knocked unconscious.

Warm blood splattered on the back of Song Jincheng’s hand, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was frowning at the drop of blood on his hand when the owner of the gladiatorial arena personally came over to make amends, and I think all of my life’s wisdom was embodied in that moment, as I obediently leaned over and meekly licked the blood off his hand for him.

He raised his hand and ran it along my hair to the back of my neck, touching the soft flesh and squeezing it, like he was jerking a cat.

So when Song Jincheng later said that I was lucky, I couldn’t help but surmise that if it hadn’t been for this, I probably would have been thrown into the center of the colosseum to wrestle with the tigers and lions.

He’s a bit of a puzzler.

Sometimes he rested at my place, and when I woke up in the morning in a daze, I often saw him smoking on the terrace.

It would be light, the thick inked, ghostly blue sky chaotic on the line between light and dark, and he’d be sitting sideways on the terrace in his silky, silver-gray pajamas, smoking, a touch of pale red flickering brightly on his fingertips.

He did not smoke much, more often on the fingertips hanging eyes, dark hair messy ride in the corner of the forehead, handsome side of the handsome face, eyelashes lowered, as if sad.

He is the pride of heaven, business empire is unimaginably large, rich and powerful, everything is at his fingertips as long as he wants.

I didn’t know who could make him look like that, or what could be bothering him with sadness.

He had always been a man of great self-control, and there was a time when he smoked so much and drank so much that he finally tossed himself into the hospital.

At that time, his family was in the hospital to watch, I pretended to be a passer-by passed by his ward once, he was lying in the hospital bed, bedside surrounded by a pair of young men and women, was holding a cell phone to show him something, he was holding a peeled apple, his eyes gentle, while looking sideways at the cell phone, his face suddenly blossomed into a happy smile.

He rarely smiled in general, and when he was with me, I had seen very few smiles.

The truth was that he was just very serious, and when his gaze sank over, you just got too scared to meet it.

So at that moment, I was really especially, especially curious as to what it was that he saw.

It could make him smile.

2 I am a woman who has stayed by Song Jincheng’s side for the longest period of time, I think this should stem from two points, the first point is that I am indeed very beautiful, in the beauty of the entertainment industry, I have also been in the “showbiz value ceiling” nomination for a long time to occupy a place, the second point is that I am indeed very obedient and well-behaved, we must know that, but all the women, especially Song Jincheng’s side of the women, because of too much bows, so always can not help to be flattered! The first thing you need to know is that Song Jincheng is willing to be perfunctory when he favors you, and when he gets impatient, you should never see him again in your life.

I never too much contact with his subordinates, occasionally someone wants to ask him to do something to me here, I also smile and nod without saying no, the most exaggerated time, is someone with half an arm’s height of the whole piece of jadeite over, transparent, excellent color, to the center of the hall a put, almost warm surplus light, the leader of the people smiled politely and said: “Ms. Qin, do not have to trouble you what, just ask you to help me and Mr. Song see! I just want you to help me meet with Mr. Song.

“said not moved is false, as if the inner heavenly war, but I still smile on the face of calm, after all, good at acting, I did not even look to the emerald on the afterglow, the end of a look of not eat earthly fire, and then the man left also praised the praise of my two sentences, said: “worthy of being Mr. Song side of the people, what big storms have not seen, I even take these small things to ask you to do things, it is really abrupt.

“If this piece of jade had been born with a spirit, it might have vomited blood when it heard itself being addressed as “small things”, in fact, he didn’t know that my heart was also dripping blood.

Later, this person found other ways to meet Song Jincheng, he knew about this matter, that night that jade was sent to the high-rise apartment along the river he gave me, he smiled and looked at me: “such a piece of jade, it is really hard for you not to be touched.

“After that, he laughed again, “I don’t know how he dared to come to me in the first place to present himself.

“Sometimes accompany him out to socialize, he looked at the following people bows to my appearance, will also be smiling and not laughing to tease me: “You can not scare her, my little girlfriend guts than the mouse is even smaller ……” Oh yes, he called me his “little girlfriend”, in his female companion over the years, I am probably the only one who has this honor, I was at his side for the fifth year. In my fifth year by his side, it is said that the underground casinos also set up a special bet on whether I will fly up the branch to become a phoenix, and finally turned to the right.

The odds of the bet were as high as 1:350, and this bet lasted for two years, and in my seventh year by Song Jincheng’s side, I went to bet – betting that I wouldn’t, and I was happy to think that I could earn an extra pocket money after the breakup.

I don’t think anyone knows better than me that the reason I could stay by Song Jincheng’s side for so long was because I didn’t love him.

Of course, he was the one who thought I didn’t love him.

It’s a thousand times harder not to love Song Jincheng than it is to love him, and if you were me, you’d know that with his charisma, it’s hard for anyone to remain unmoved by him.

In Song Jincheng around for a long time, I certainly had a whimsical fantasy, I followed him around the second year, that year I have a real life adventure variety show, there is a desert adventure, stupid crew will be four people in the vast Gobi, give a little survival supplies, and then let us survive for two days and a night, but the crew protection measures did not do well, the night of a sandstorm swept in, we and the crew lost contact, I hard to stay up! After a day and a night, when I thought I was going to die in the desert in the middle of nowhere, Song Jincheng sent someone to fly a helicopter to find me in the desert.

Of course he himself did not come, but that does not delay his image in my eyes into the heavenly god down to earth, you see how simple it is to move the heart, as long as a point, in a split second, will be able to day and night to build the psychological defense of the psychological line will be crushed.

When everyone is saying “Mr. Song seems to be serious about you”, “Mr. Song has never treated anyone else like you”, “Mr. Song is probably obsessed with you, but it’s no wonder, you look so beautiful, if I were a man, I would not be able to help but be tempted,” and so on and so forth, you will also be able to create a luxury of hope in the bottom of your heart: he is to me, in the end, is not there a few points of sincerity?

Luckily, during the time when I was in the throes of love, there were other people around him.

May be Song Jincheng really has the capital of philandering, leading to everyone may think he has a lot of women around, but in fact he is not very keen on female color, probably too much trouble, at the same time, fixed female companion will not be more than two, and can be in his eyes and well-behaved to feel through his mind and not bullying and not to him up to the crooked mind of the design of him, these years down there is only one of me.

That woman is and my same period of a small flower, debut that is the pinnacle, made a campus drama, pure and simple image of the depth of the people, the fire throughout the country, of course, she is really very simple, Song Jincheng on the side of the people have always been generous, generous to the small flower may be so that the small flower to produce some kind of illusion, so and Song Jincheng together with the first month she came to find me to the posture of the girlfriend of the main house to warn me: “I tell you, Jincheng! I’m telling you, Jincheng is with me now, so you’d better be smart.

“I was really confused at that time, thinking that Song Jincheng was also conquered by this pure flower, and the little bit of heart that had just sprouted at that time withered in an instant, until three days later, Song Jincheng summoned me to go to a certain banquet with him, and when I went out, the overbearing flower that stood in front of me was blocked by the bodyguards, and she asked hysterically, without any image at all, “Why, Song Jincheng, how come you suddenly said you don’t want to leave me? What did I do wrong?

“Song Jincheng frowned, and then I never saw that little flower, she did not even shoot the film again, so silent, that period of time I dreamed every day, dreaming of this little flower tearful stop Song Jincheng look, so unseemly and undignified, but dreaming dreaming, her face that cried hoarsely into my own.

And Song Jincheng looked over with his eyes downcast with cold indifference and said, “Pull down.

” I was awakened every time in this kind of eyes, and then inwardly repeatedly admonished myself, must not become the second Xiaohua, because crying is really too ugly, detrimental to the image.

Then gradually, the woman who fixedly accompanied him was only me, everyone said Qin Shi was really a good tactician, Song Jincheng was also taken in by me, only I laughed it off when I heard it, that’s because the women beside him were always too restless, he was too troublesome, if I really took it seriously and ran to him and said, “Mr. Song, I like you.

” I believe that would be the last thing I would ever say to him.

The only reason I’ve been able to stay by his side for such a long time is because I’m decent.

From the age of 22 to 29, a woman’s most beautiful years are here.

3 Before Dong Yun appeared, everyone thought that I took the script of the female lead, and when she appeared, they came to a realization, because every cannon fodder, at the moment the female lead appeared, is to return to its original position, like Cinderella’s crystal shoes after twelve o’clock, with nothing to hide.

At first the tip is in the business financial newspaper headlines, the cover is he and a woman side by side with an umbrella, the following detailed eight out of the woman’s background family, that Song Jincheng this is to business marriage, this is not the first time he was rumored to want to business marriage, but in the end it is all unsettled.

I have more than once fantasized about his future wife standing tall in front of me, dumping me an unlimited bank card to send me off, but not once realized, I did not take it seriously.

The second time they were on the entertainment news, he was holding her hand, inclining his head to look at her intently, because it was a sneak peek, so it was far away, the picture quality was so blurry that I couldn’t see the expression, but I had a chill in my heart, the moment I put down the newspaper I just felt my mind go blank, and my body might still be shaking slightly, this time it’s different, and I heard another voice in my head say to me.

I don’t know why, I suddenly remembered a long time ago an irrelevant thing, at that time I was just emerging in the entertainment industry, the circle are curious about the gold master behind me, the paparazzi days and nights squatting me, but I’m not afraid, no one dares to explode Song Jincheng’s material, but there are exceptions, there is a paparazzi photographed a photo, in the photo, Song Jincheng didn’t show his face, just stretch out from the car with a hand, I will put my hand on the top, another hand Carrying the hem of the skirt is about to bend into the car.

This photo on the hot search, they from Song Jincheng leaked half a wrist suit style guess to his wrist ten million watch to notice his long bony hand, countless people I do not know in the comments were nominated, and this thing on the hot search after the first thing I did, is to go to see Song Jincheng, standing outside his door I think I must be very hasty, pale, I said: “not me.

” – there have been celebrities who have paid off paparazzi to intentionally take pictures of Song Jincheng to blackmail him, only to end up not so good, so I tried hard to explain, “It’s not me.

“He looked at me, absently murmured, and then said, “I know.

Then he said, “I know.” My heart slowly dropped.

The entertainment industry is not short of news, this matter slowly also no one asked, after I became hot, some people to dig this matter, but also quickly by my fans anti-black cover over.

Now Song Jincheng and a woman’s photo so blatantly placed in the center of the entertainment news, I can only think of one possibility, is that this is through his permission.

He allowed this woman to be blatantly placed next to him.

I went online and searched Dong Yun’s Baidu encyclopedia, she is the only daughter of a large enterprise in A city, since childhood she has been very good, knows six languages, graduated from the United States of America, majoring in finance, and likes extreme sports.

Along the way, I found her personal account, on which she shared a lot of photos, there and friends party, there are meetings, there are extreme rock-climbing sports, in fact, she looks is not the traditional meaning of beauty, but enthusiastic and confident, hanging on the rock back to the powder not Shi a face with a bright smile, so that inexplicably think of summer sunshine under the sunshine blooming sunflowers, the same brilliant rich vitality.

I have never been in front of Song Jincheng face, this is probably the self-cultivation of an adopted mistress, but I really envy this kind of frankness Dong Yun, of course, she has in front of Song Jincheng frank capital.

Dong Yun, completely in the case of I have no mental preparation, it was in a circle party, I was Song Jincheng’s female companion, dressed in full makeup, exaggerated almost every hair strand in its place, I stood in the side of Song Jincheng, do not need to speak, as long as the smile is good.

Dong Yun came at this time, she was dressed simply but graciously, when she passed by us she took the glass of wine handed over by the waiter on one side, looked me up and down and then playfully winked with Song Jincheng, with the unspoken smile of their class at the corners of her mouth, she said, “This one’s not bad, you have an eye for it.

” I tried my best to control my eyebrows that wanted to furrow at that moment, holding back and holding back, I subconsciously looked up to see Song Jincheng’s face, and his gaze sank onto Dong Yun’s face with an unfathomable probing.

Probing what?

I’m asking you, have you ever seen an idol movie?

In idol movies, the CEO usually brings his female partner to a party and the heroine bumps into him. When the heroine smiles and says, “You guys look good together,” the CEO looks at the heroine’s face with a gloomy expression, what is he probing?

Of course, he is probing whether the heroine is jealous or not! Unfortunately, Dong Yun is really free, while Song Jincheng?

He was really probing Dong Yun’s reaction when she saw him with another woman.

Soon after I couldn’t help but poke around his relationship with Dong Yun, jokingly asking me if it was time for me to retire, Song Jincheng just flicked the ashes of the cigarette in his hand carelessly, and said to me in a nonchalant manner, “We’re just friends.

“Friends, this is really an ambiguous and serious word, it can be generalized to summarize all the relationships that you can not define, I was gently oh a sound, and then lowered his head to concentrate on peeling the orange in his hands.

Song Jincheng likes to eat oranges, but he has a problem, is not eat knife cut oranges, must be peeled by hand, at first I was very disappointed, because the girls, like to do beautiful nails, peeling oranges can not stay too long nails, because of a hard nails will be chipped, but also dyed yellow, and Song Jincheng together, I have never stayed long fingernails, when I was young and strong, I also mourn for their own nails. I’ve never had long nails since I was with Song Jincheng.

But now, sometimes I think vaguely, in the future, if he and Dong Yun together, probably never need me to peel oranges again.

When I think about it, I feel a little depressed, so I peeled one more for him.

When I talked to my good friend Mo Bei about this, she kept scoffing, thinking that I was overthinking and worrying too much, and she had a classic quote, which was, “Can there be true feelings in a business marriage?

It’s just an unreliable bond of marriage between one evil capitalism and another. It’s weaker than paper burnt to ashes, and will be gone as soon as the wind blows.

” I smiled and didn’t say anything at the time; I’ve always believed that a woman’s sixth sense, especially a beautiful woman’s, is often more accurate than radar.

I was so sure about this, or because one day there was a rainstorm night.

It was about two o’clock in the morning, I was woken up by Song Jincheng’s cell phone ringing in a daze, at first I was not particularly conscious, when I opened my eyes, Song Jincheng had already sat up, he answered the phone while saying in a warm voice to the other side, “Don’t panic, speak slowly.

“Where are you now?

“It’s okay, what landmarks can you see now?

“When this house was being renovated, Song Jincheng only made one comment, that is, privacy and confidentiality, so this house is extremely very soundproof, but now, in the silence of the room, I heard the sound of the wind and rain whistling from the other end of the phone, mixed with a panicked woman’s voice, like a heavy gavel, knocking hard on my brain, buzzing.

I heard Song Jincheng’s very gentle voice, he said, “Yun Yun, don’t be afraid, wait for me.

” The bed beside me was light, then the door lock rattled, and then I couldn’t hear any more sound.

The soundproofing in this house is really too good, and once the bedroom door was closed, I couldn’t even hear his footsteps, but I closed my eyes and could imagine him going down the bedroom corridor, passing through the living room on the first floor, and then picking up his car keys, changing his shoes at the foyer, and then walking to the underground garage.

I lifted the covers and walked to the window to pull open the curtains, the torrential rain pounded noiselessly on the window, a line of rain slid down the polished window, but was quickly washed away by another line of rain, I gently counted 123 to open my eyes, a headlight drove out from the underground garage, I raised my hand and touched the headlight through the window, my eyes blinked, and a line of tears fell so silently.

Later on, Song Jincheng had a friend with a broken mouth around him who intentionally or unintentionally leaked to me that night’s heavy rain and wind, Dong Yun’s car broke down halfway on Guangzong Road.

Guangzong Road has a characteristic, that is, the road is complex, a lot of trails, known as the city center of the labyrinth, Dong Yun himself do not know the specific location, she panicked to Song Jincheng call, waiting for half an hour, Song Jincheng magically appeared in front of her.

Guangzong Road, I read silently, from our house to Guangzong Road is usually at least a forty-minute drive, in the case of not knowing the exact location of Dong Yun, he found her in half an hour, I can not help but think, this is really a damned friendship ah.

His friend Zhanqi ended up half leaning on the sofa, squinting his eyes lazily, pointing out to me: “Qin Shi, honestly, among these people around Ah Cheng, you are one of my favorites, Dong Yun is back, you do something for yourself earlier to plan for.

“You can’t compete with Dong Yun, she doesn’t have to do anything, just standing there, you’ve already lost.

“I raised my hand and raised a glass of beer in front of me, smiled at him and then drank it down as a toast to him.

4 I heard that Song Jincheng and Dong Yun initially met in the United States, Song Jincheng as a specially invited alumni to return to the school speech, how the two people know each other and know each other, I do not know, but I know, Dong Yun first encounter Song Jincheng earlier than me, and more moral than me than I am decent.

Zhanqi told me that I can’t compete with Dong Yun, she doesn’t have to do anything, just stand there and win, if I say I never want to compete with others, he will not believe me.

In the eyes of these people, even if they say on the surface of me again appreciate and like, but also can not hide their contempt for my bones, people have to pay for what they do, I myself is not pure purpose close to Song Jincheng, this is not I can choose.

When I met Song Jincheng, he is not married without a girlfriend, in the moral and ethical, I do not have any faults, I just want to work hard, hard, so that I live a little better, a little bit of decency is not trampled on by everyone.

I don’t feel that I am at fault.

They feel that the lightness like a chrysanthemum that I show in front of Song Jincheng without fighting is just a persona that I have taken the trouble to build up, and when Song Jincheng abandons me, I will definitely show my vixen tail completely, or pester me, or stalk me, and instead of his group of friends who are lifting me up, they will be knocking me down.

The way a person’s friends around you treat you determines your position in that person’s heart, and from the moment Zhanzaki said those words to me I thought, I’ve been apprehensive for seven years, and finally I’m going to get my own grand finale.

A long, long time ago, I have fantasized countless times about the final moment of the end of Song Jincheng and I. In countless idol dramas, such a scene would undoubtedly be accompanied by a ladybug looking up at the sky to keep the tears from flowing down from my eyes, and looking miserably at the back of Song Jincheng’s determined head,……, however, in reality, it was just a very ordinary and very Common sunny day, Song Jincheng rare noon to eat, the nanny made a very simple four dishes and a soup, I remember very clearly, a compote ribs winter melon soup, a plate of braised pork, a dish of fish, a plate of lettuce, a fried shrimp with eggs, Song family has its own farm, specializing in planting vegetables, fish and shrimp, captive cattle and sheep, chickens, ducks and geese and other livestock, all of which are organic and ecological.

These food raw materials only supply the Song family’s daily meals, and do not do business with the outside world, so although it is only a simple four dishes, but better in the original taste of freshness.

Halfway through the meal, I began to give Song Jincheng hand peeling oranges, the faint orange fragrance in the air diffused, Song Jincheng suddenly opened his mouth and said to me: “The villa in the western suburb of the city, I’ve already found someone to transfer to you.” “Last time, your favorite villa, the one that you love so much,” said Song Jincheng.

” “Last time, your favorite sports car, I found someone to order it abroad, and it will be sent to you in a few days.

“He took a sip of water from his water glass, then wiped his mouth slowly and methodically, and continued, “The rest has been put into your account, so you can take a look at your account.

“I lowered my head and carefully, intently, meticulously peeled the oranges bit by bit, as if this was the most important thing for me at the moment. After a long, long time, I heard Song Jincheng say to me, “Do you need anything else?

“I handed the fully peeled orange to him and said, “Eat this orange.

‘ He looked at me for a long, long time, then took it and ate it bit by bit.

I smiled slightly, I knew that I looked best when I smiled, so I smiled at him extremely softly and shallowly, and I said, ”I still have a scene in the afternoon, so I won’t keep Mr. Song.”

‘ He nodded, his face dripping with emotion, his eyes running over my face for a moment, his eyes scrutinizing, but quickly skimming over, and with that, he stood up, picked up the jacket that was leaning back in his chair, nodded his head at me and said, ”I’ll be going now.

‘ I sent him out, standing by the door to see him leave, he suddenly turned around, handsome eyebrows slightly frowned, he said: ”If there is anything in the future, you can go to Zhanqi.

‘ I smiled and nodded.

I know that this is his last indulgence to me, he is such a dry and sharp person who will never drag his feet, to be able to say such a sentence is already a great difficulty, after all, he hates to be separated and still have contact.

I have been standing at the door, watching his car ride away, gradually turning into a small black dot, slowly disappearing from sight.

I was surprised when the nanny came over at night, it was around 10pm, she was used to coming at this time to make Song Jincheng a midnight snack, I didn’t turn on the lights, she was shocked when she turned on the lights and saw me sitting at the living room table, she asked, “Ms. Qin, are you okay?

“I moved my stiff bones and realized that I had been sitting like this for hours without realizing it. I smiled reluctantly and before I could say anything, the nanny asked again, “What’s wrong with Nong Sang Sa?

“The nanny is an old Shanghainese aunt, because Song Jincheng is Shanghainese, she likes to speak Shanghainese when she is in a hurry, I rubbed my brow, wearily shook my head back: “My body is fine, auntie.

“After a pause, I added, “You don’t have to come here anymore.

“She was so shocked that she stopped speaking Shanghainese and asked me, “What about when Mr. Song comes?

He’s used to my cooking style.

」There were no outsiders here, so I let myself furrow my brows fiercely, my voice almost a murmur as I shook my head and said, “He won’t be coming back.

“5 Mo Bei and I went out for a year, no destination, south of the sky as we pleased, the craziest thing we ever did was to still soak in wild hot springs under the snow-covered mountains of Albania at night, and the next day we bought tickets on a whim and flew to Iceland to see the Aurora Borealis, and anyway, we had a lot of time – and money – on our hands.

Brush to Song Jincheng wedding news, I and Mo Bei is in Marrakech’s Medina to stroll the old city, open-air market is bustling with people, everywhere in the colorful silk and spice baskets, noisy and dirty, but there is a kind of fascinating ancient century charm, I stood on the side of the road waiting for Mo Bei in the stalls to pick silk fabrics, absentmindedly open the phone, the latest news from three days ago from my agent, the latest news. There were only four words: “Are you okay?

“I changed all my contact information after I separated from Song Jincheng, and drew a deep gulf in my circle of friends with Song Jincheng.

But almost by heart, I opened the news tweeter and saw Song Jincheng and Dong Yun’s wedding of the century, the cover was a wedding photo, Song Jincheng inclined his head to look at the side of the snow-white wedding dress wearing Dong Yun, overflowing between the eyebrows, is deep love and tenderness.

My brain went blank for a split second, until Mo Bei came to push me, I realized that my hand holding the cell phone had been shaking, I think my face must have been very ugly, because Mo Bei’s look was panicked, she asked me, “What’s wrong with you Qin Shi?

Don’t scare me!” Later, Mo Bei accompanied me to lie down in the hotel for three whole days, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, in fact, reason is incredibly clear to tell myself, what kind of scallion are you, even if you’ve been with Song Jincheng for seven years, but do you have the position to be sad?

But I am just tired, from the depths of tiredness, this tiredness spread to the limbs and bones, so that people do not even want to move a finger.

I am incredibly grateful to Mo Bei for tolerating me.

After returning to China, I began a normal work, even if I detached from the resources of Song Jincheng, my daily work is still scheduled very full, I have no strength in acting and singing, but fortunately good-looking, these days, the public on the good-looking people are extraordinarily tolerant, coupled with the fact that I have a sense of self-awareness, do not make a demon, not a big name easy-going and modest and low-profile, big directors and brands are willing to look for me to work together.

Met Song Jincheng again, is in his marriage two years later, the top domestic variety show investment meeting, I am a fixed guest, Song Jincheng is probably investors, the circle is so small, we did not meet for three years, probably also because he secretly authorized.

That time we would meet, perhaps he felt that, after three years, there was nothing left to avoid suspicion.

I was generous to follow the creative team together with the toast, to his front is still decent, the wine glass low him half a cup, polite and detached self-awareness called him: “Mr. Song.

“I used to call him Jincheng in his ear when I was extremely close and in the thick of it, and my face went white after I called him, but he laughed and laughed lowly in my ear and asked me, “What are you afraid of?

“That intimate time, now think of it, like a person in the Huangliao burning to do a good dream, so I have rarely think about it.

After three rounds of wine, a very care of my producer sister let me send a set of clothes to the upstairs room 302, I carry a dress stepped on the thick carpet, so that high heels on the foot are silent, the entire third floor is empty, push open the door, and not surprisingly saw a familiar silhouette.

Song Jincheng leaning against the window, is smoking, curling smoke from his mouth, his side face is still handsome, I knocked on the door before going in, he turned his face to look at me, and then pressed the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray next to him, his voice hoarse, said sorry.

We were silent when he spoke first, “You changed your cell phone number?

Azaki and the others couldn’t even find you when they tried to contact you.

‘ After a pause, he added, “I heard you sold all those houses, where are you living now?

‘ I let out a hmmm and explained, ‘I was just afraid that old things and old people being brought up after Mr.’s marriage would cause him trouble, so I disposed of them all together.’

”He should be drunk, his eyebrows deeply knitted up, I looked at the crease between his eyebrows, couldn’t help but think, married your favorite person, why on earth, you are still so unhappy.

He looked at me with a deep gaze, when the four eyes were facing each other it was as if I had been pressed the pause button, his eyes moved, he slowly leaned in and leaned over towards me, I wanted to escape, but my legs felt like they were being humped to the ground in death, and when his warm exhale pounced on my face I closed my eyes in despairing obedience and my hand pulled at the front of his lapel in near panic.

He was married, and it was an immoral thing to do, and my inner reason was screaming hysterically, but I couldn’t refuse him.

I could never refuse him.

The defenses I’d worked so hard on for three years collapsed in just one moment, in just one look from him, as long as that person was him.

I tilt my face back and close my eyes, feeling his lips brush past mine and bury themselves in my neck and shoulders, his exhale warm as he says, “I’m sorry.

” and then he pushes me away, his eyes seeming chagrined, it’s not often that he loses control and self-control like this, he rubs the corner of his forehead and says again, “I’m sorry, I’m drunk.

” I tried to tilt my lips up and smile, like a clown, and I said, “It’s okay.

” 6 The next day I was on the gossip headlines, and it was then that I realized what Song Jincheng’s sorry really meant.

There is not a single person on the third floor, the entire venue is to make friends with the media, but Song Jincheng and I was photographed in a photo, high-definition, I tilted my face and closed my eyes, he lowered his head and leaned over my shoulders and neck, the hair in front of the forehead is slightly drooping, covering his eyebrows and eyes, if it is not extremely familiar with the people, it should be unrecognizable that this is Song Jincheng’s. But such ambiguous photographs.

But such ambiguous photos, without Song Jincheng’s authorization, even if the media photographed it, no one would dare to put it out.

My agent’s cell phone was busted, all on the sidelines of who this is, is not my boyfriend, overwhelming curses transmitted along the network line, Mo Bei called over to Song Jincheng doggedly scolded, but I do not grieve and not terrified, I just sincerely puzzled, why?

I don’t understand the significance of Song Jincheng doing this.

A few days later I realized, because I met Dong Yun at an event.

When she saw me, she smiled, a genuine smile, and secretly poked fun at me: “I saw that photo, it’s a good one. Back then, when I made a bet with Zhanqi that you were his true love, Zhanqi laughed at me, but after all these years, you guys are really a good match.

“I realized at that moment, and after I realized it, my heart ached for Song Jincheng.

You see, this is the sweetheart that Song Jincheng wants to marry, but she doesn’t love him.

She doesn’t love him.

I remembered Song Jincheng’s furrowed brows that day, he deliberately authorized the release of this photo, only to use me as a raft to test Dong Yun’s attitude.

I was still wondering why a top variety show like that would find me as a regular guest, but now I think it was Song Jincheng’s way of compensating me. I think he must be very frustrated at the moment, and when I saw the smiling Dong Yun in front of me, I was incredibly sure as well as certain that she didn’t love him.

Dong Yun turned to go, I do not know why, I suddenly called her, she turned around suspiciously, I quietly looked at her, word by word to explain, I said: “Miss Dong, Mr. Song and I in the year before he married you broke off, and since then never met contact, that day that photo, just a misunderstanding.

“After a pause, I added, “You have to remember, from the time he married you, Mr. Song has never betrayed you.

” She looked at me with her mouth open in surprise, like she didn’t know what I was talking about.

Only I know why, I think Song Jincheng can use me as a raft to test Dong Yun, but I can’t bear to let the person he loves speculate and misunderstand him like this, if a long, long time later, there is the slightest possibility that he and Dong Yun have a chance, I can’t let me become that old thorn between them.

If you truly love someone, then you must be able to understand my feelings at this moment, but where Song Jincheng can have the opportunity to hold happiness, I want to fulfill him.

I really, really, really want him to be happy.

7 I officially announced my relationship six months later with a nationally recognized actor who was in a variety show with me.

He knows all about me, very tolerant and gentle, life and work can give me very good advice, like an elder sage advice, and with him there are no big waves and ups and downs, but very at ease.

A year later we got married, the day of the wedding I received a gift in the dressing room, my agent swallowed it to me.

I opened it and looked at it, it was a very ordinary crystal ball, the crystal ball saved the complete fireworks framed moments.

It must have been a long time ago when Song Jincheng and I were standing on the top floor of the World Trade Center watching the fireworks on the Bund, and I sighed with emotion, “Glass is fragile and colorful clouds are scattered, all the beautiful things in this world are fleeting.

“I didn’t expect him to remember, and now he keeps the fireworks in this crystal ball, with a hand-written wedding greeting underneath: “May you be as bright and long-lasting as these fireworks, and be happy.

“The agent Xiao Ai stammered anxiously next to him: “I know it’s very touching, don’t be impulsive, don’t be foolish.

“As the door to the dressing room was pushed open, my groom stood by the door waiting for me to pass, I smiled, covered the box and walked towards him.

Toward my own future.

Just like Song Jincheng’s words, I want to be radiant and long-lasting and happy with him.

Extra – Song Jincheng 1 When I locked myself in my study to concentrate on making the crystal ball, Zhanqi came over to find me.

He looked at the table full of materials, and the garbage cans, the floor I threw everywhere on the discarded semi-finished products, look very incomprehensible and incredible, he asked me: “Cheng, what are you doing?

He asked me, “Shing, what are you doing?

When the news of her marriage was leaked to me by the familiar media, I flew back from Los Angeles overnight, and when I came to my senses, I had already parked my car under her house, and when I sat in the car and looked at the lights in her house, I asked myself the same question, Song Jincheng, what are you doing?

To be honest, I have always hated women stalkers, at that time and Qin Shi separated, I did not think she could quickly deal with that clean, she changed all the contact information, sold a few properties I bought for her, dealt with clean.

I didn’t realize it at first, or one day, when a partner at the time gave me a box of pearls, the quality of which was claimed to be comparable to the Oviedo pearls discovered in 1520.

I’ve never had much of a concept of these things, but at that time I don’t know why I opened it and took a look at it, and the pearls were all rounded and set in the box.

I suddenly remembered Qin Shi, she has never liked to wear gold and silver, but very much like pearls, slender neck wearing round pearl necklace, skin white as if through the light.

Occasionally in her side of the night, sometimes early in the morning will be interested in leaning on the door to see her sitting in front of the dressing table make-up, dark eyebrows, upturned corners of the eyes, red lips, and finally she unfolded the jewelry box, long, slender, snow-white fingers along the luscious jewelry box, one frame by one frame of the past, a variety of pearl earrings, a pair of picked out in the ear to gesture, and then slightly sideways body turned to me, a warm and soft voice to ask: “Do these look good?

“The delicate, rounded pearls swayed under her ears, and with that face, they were the icing on the cake.

I don’t have a lot of women around me, but I’ve never had a break, and Qin Shi is considered extremely beautiful among my many women, just like the first time we met, when she hurriedly avoided the bodyguards to come in front of me, and looked at me with a strong shyness to introduce herself, saying: “Hello, Mr. Song, my name is Qin Shi.” My displeasure was not fully realized when I saw her.

‘ My displeasure dissolved the moment I saw her face.

At that time she was still small, it seems that she was only in her early twenties, green and tender can pinch out water, far from today’s light, I still seem to be able to remember the blush on her face, from the ears until the middle of the neck, all the body is afraid of trembling, but it is absolutely beautiful.

I immediately recalled a just-full-month leopard cat I had before, a tiny ball of fried hair trembling and shrinking in the heart of a man’s palm pretending to be ferocious and showing its teeth, Qin Shi and that leopard cat were just like that, so I waved at the bodyguards lurking around the garden and slowly leaning over, reached out and cupped her chin and lifted her face up.

She obediently closed her eyes at my fingertips, her long eyelashes closing like a butterfly with wings spread.

Seeing this box of pearls made me think of her again, so I left the pearls alone and handed them to Zhanqi, saying to him, “Give this to Qin Shi for me.

“After a pause, I added, “Don’t tell her I gave it to her.

“I gave her a gift after we parted simply because I thought the pearls suited her, but I don’t want her to misunderstand that this is some kind of hint of my coupling.

I’m a person who never eats back the grass.

I just didn’t expect that after Zhanqi made a call, then looked up at me with a wry smile and said, “It’s an empty number.

“He looked me up and down with an uninterested look, his tone flirting: “You can’t do it, Ah Cheng, your little lover changed her cell phone number and didn’t even tell you?

“Not only her cell phone number, but also her WeChat private number.

I don’t remember what kind of mood I was in at the time, probably a bit of a laugh, Zhanqi threw the box over, and I said: “You can send it yourself, I’m too lazy to look for people everywhere, just to send a box of pearls alone.

“I held that red velvet box upside down, and then do not know what to think, actually really drove to her place.

I knew she had no notice during that time, and I had bought her properties ranging from a villa in the suburbs to a flat in the center of the city, and that day I drove around the whole city and found out that she had sold all her houses.

When the car stopped on the side of the road I laughed in anger, raised my hand and put on the passenger seat to contain the pearls of that box thrown out of the car window, drove the car without turning back.

To do her this degree, fools also know what she means.

Later, Zhanqi mentioned her, also said with emotion: “that Qin Shi usually silent, but also a ruthless person, we originally guessed that she is long enough in your side because she is honest, now looks like, she is honest because she really does not love you ah, ah Cheng.

“He always likes to watch and talk, catching the opportunity to make a few sarcastic remarks, I ignored him.

The last time I saw her was at a promotional event for a variety show in which I was the biggest investor, and she and the creative team came over to toast. Later, in a room on the third floor of a silent, deserted building, I pretended to ask her carelessly, “Did you change your cell phone number?

Azaki and the others couldn’t find you even if they wanted to contact you.

‘ After a pause, I added, “I heard you sold all those houses, where are you living now?

‘ She hmmm’d and softly explained, ‘I was just afraid that old things and old people would cause you trouble if I brought them up after Mr. Marriage, so I took care of them all together.’

” She went on and on without answering me where she lived.

I was a bit disillusioned, there were many things that I needed to concentrate on, and I had no time to think about a woman that I had casually left behind.

Time went by until today, when I learned that she was getting married.

2 Qin Shi didn’t tell me where she lived, but there was nothing I couldn’t find out.

I lit a cigarette in her downstairs, curling smoke rose, the faint smell of smoke in the small space filled, I do not smoke much, I hate everything that can be addictive out of control, more often than not, I just light the cigarette watching and smelling the smoke, such an environment allows me to calm down, to think about a lot of things.

This cigarette burned to the end of the time I saw Qin Shi, followed by a tall figure, two people dressed in a very casual, the hands of a large bag, should be just back from the supermarket, honestly, I have not seen this look Qin Shi.

She was wearing a loose T-shirt, jeans, flat white shoes, black mask covering most of her face, but a pair of eyes in listening to the man next to her, revealing a serene smile, a very strange look.

This was a her I hadn’t seen before.

She was never like this when she was in front of me, always in full makeup, even her posture was elegant when she wore a bathrobe.

In front of me to say a sentence have to deliberate for a long time, lest which sentence make me unhappy, Zhanqi said she fake, in my side every moment, her state can be carried directly to walk the red carpet.

Now such a scene is not suitable for catching up, I did not let her see me, drove away.

When I went back, I sat in an unoccupied room and drank, casually turning on a TV that hadn’t been turned on in years, flipping to the variety show that they fell in love with back then, and when I saw the sponsorship logo at the beginning of the film, I remembered that I had invested in this variety show.

The man with Qin Shi is a well-known actor, the two of them have a very large group of CP fans, do not need me to find frame by frame, someone cut the two of them alone CUT.

I sat alone in a darkened video room to watch her and his final cut.

There were a lot of sweet CUTs, and I can’t rule out the fact that the show’s team intentionally edited for it, but there was one scene that stuck in my throat.

Her group lost the game, and the punishment was to jump from a 5-meter-high diving board into a swimming pool. Qin Shi was afraid of heights and water, and after a long time, she was still frozen on the diving board and didn’t move.

The guests of the game were coaxing from the side, only the man got up and walked to the pool, stood below her, looked up at her and said: “Qin Shi, don’t be afraid, I’ll be here to catch you.

‘ With the impact of the 5-meter height, the game guests were all up in arms as he joked, but only Qin Shi, looking down from the 5-meter-high diving board, looked at him with extreme seriousness.

The CP fans of the two probably loved this scene, and the edited freeze frame was filled with constantly overflowing pink hearts, pink filters, and a sweet, drop-dead love song of unknown name as they looked at each other in all directions.

I was reminded of an incident many years ago when she was filming a costume drama in Fujian, and on a whim I went to visit her, and there was a scene where she flew from a cliff to the riverbank below while hanging from a wigwam.

At that time, the commissioning of the malfunction of the wigwam, she suddenly landed in mid-air at the bottom of the cliff, and then rolled down, and finally stopped at the bottom of the cliff about 5, 6 meters up the position of the dead climbed on the protruding piece of stone prongs, the tears of fear has been flowing.

Below the cliff is a deep bottomless lake, rescue is not good to start, can only be jumped from the top to the boat, when the crew used all the ways she did not dare to jump, and finally I followed the rescue boat with the bottom of her location, tilted his head to look at her, stretched out his hand toward her and said: “I’ll catch you.

“She looked at me with tearful eyes, and I didn’t know why she, who had been advised by the crew for more than an hour not to dare to jump, put so much trust in me. She closed her eyes almost instantly and jumped towards me.

With a huge rush, I stumbled backward and fell into the cabin with her unsteadily in my arms, but I held her firmly in my arms and coaxed the shivering woman, “Don’t be afraid, look, didn’t I catch you here?

“Her eyelashes trembled twice, and she looked at me with her eyes wide open, my smiling face clearly reflected in her dark eyes.

I’m not a very patient person, but strangely enough, I’m willing to coax her once in a while.

When I’m with Qin Shi, besides being afraid of trouble, in the final analysis, I’m actually a very qualified lover.

I don’t know where the opportunity for Qin Shi to want to marry that man is, but with my understanding of Qin Shi, the swimming pool scene should be a huge opportunity for the two of them to turn their feelings.

After turning off the TV, a nameless fire rose from nowhere, and I called the person in charge of the variety show, sending out an angry rant, and the chief producer kept apologizing coyly on the other side of the phone.

However, the anger in the bottom of my heart was still hard to dispel, and I didn’t sleep a wink.

3 I didn’t get a good night’s rest, so I was in a bad mood the next day.

When I drove to pick up Dong Yun, she still looked at me and smiled: “No, senior, no need to be so angry, you think you have not encountered any setbacks in this half of your life, you think I’m trying to make you more connected to the human world, just smile and get over it.

“She thought my face was dark because we were going through a divorce today.

Regardless of my true feelings, I was always a gentleman in front of a lady and rubbed the corner of my forehead and apologized, “I’m sorry.

” She shrugged and looked at me with some concern, asking, “Are you okay?

“This kind of nameless agitation and depression can’t be told to outsiders, so I politely replied, “I’m fine.

I politely replied, “I’m fine,” and she was too sensible to ask any more questions.

Dong Yun and I got married three years ago – about three years ago, I don’t remember too clearly.

She was a perfect person, a very qualified wife, with a good family background, and she was also smart, generous and capable.

The first time I met her was when I was invited to give a speech at the college where I graduated, and she was still a graduate student at the time.

My speech was very successful, successful career people have this privilege, no matter what I say, a group of students under the stage as my words are the most important words.

At that time, only she raised her hand and stood up, tilted her head and fluttered her big eyes, and said with a big smile, “Senior, I don’t agree with your concept.

That was the first time anyone had called me “senior” since graduation.

I also remembered her, a girl with a particularly bright smile.

Our families are family friends, then she returned to China after our contact opportunities began to become more, I found that she is a very interesting person, enthusiastic and cheerful, smiling easily make people’s mood also follow the bright up.

When talking business with her father over dinner, her father would sometimes laugh, “My daughter, I don’t know what kind of person she will marry, only the father knows, what kind of person she will marry is not assured.

“Then he added, “Mr. Song can be reassuring.

“I looked at Dong Yun who was standing in the distance, she was about to be bored, she was looking down to molest the small child at the next table, holding the candies sent by the hotel in her hand, shaking them in front of the child’s eyes, causing the child to look blearily with his fingers in his mouth.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

I truly liked Dong Yun, but at that time, I heard that she had a favorite person and was trapped in love, so I faded away at that time.

Then, later on, I met Qin Shi.

Qin Shi had been with me for seven years, seven whole years and three months, and sometimes I wondered to myself how any woman could stay by my side for such a long time.

But for so many years, such an exception should be the only one, except for her, probably no woman can be by my side for more than six months.

At the end of the fact that she is the only one, there is a period of time the most outrageous, are rumors that I took heart, one of my friends Shen Mu specifically opened a bet on Qin Shi can not be subdued me, and finally on the throne to become the rightful Mrs. Song.

I laughed and scolded him at the time, and didn’t take it seriously. Then one day, he called me in amazement like he was telling me a joke, and he said, “Holy shit, Ah Cheng, that little girlfriend of yours, what’s her name again?

Yes, Qin Shi, she even came over to place a bet, hahahaha this can be too funny, guess what she bet on?

“It should be that it won’t.

Will not fly to the branch to become the rightful Mrs. Song.

Shen Mu watching the heart fade down, did not have the good sense to ask me: “Damn, how do you know?

”Because I know Qin Shi well enough, before we parted, I have always been so convinced.

She is one of the most understanding and agreeable of all my women, I don’t know how anyone can be so agreeable to me, except for the initial bonding and adaptation, and then every time I raise an eyelid, I feel she knows what I want.

She is not always obedient to obey, occasionally some women’s little pouting and pouting, but all in the scope of my willingness to tolerate, good time to let a person’s heart ache, when the time to let a person’s heart soft, pretend to be angry is also appropriate, I am also willing to coax her.

I treat her as my girlfriend love, sometimes I like to add a small word, because she will occasionally emerge out of the anachronistic childish and silly, for example, sometimes she will have the courage to ask me: “you will go bankrupt?

“What kind of talk is that? At my level, I’ve made more than just money; in the words of the city’s mayor, if I go bankrupt, the city’s GDP will regress by at least ten years.

When I asked her why she asked such a question, she would pout at me as if it were true: “Because I’ve thought about it, and unless you go bankrupt, I won’t be able to get my hands on you in this lifetime.

“The corners of her eyes went up when she said these words, with a lingering smile, so I couldn’t tell if she was sincere or not.

But I did not pursue the matter.

Between a man and a woman, you can’t really go into a question without a long-term plan.

Year after year, year after year, when I decided to marry Dong Yun, I separated from Qin Shi.

Playing is playing, but once I get married, I will give my lawful partner a basic right – respect.

The decision to get married was a hasty one. It was on a rainy night when I found a lost Dong Yun on Guangzong Road, and with her face tilted up in tears, she said to me, “Will you marry me?

“There are only two possibilities for a woman to ask you this at any time with tears streaming down her face: one is that she loves this person miserably, and the other is that the person she loves miserably has broken her heart, so she is ready to find someone else to make do with whatever she can.

Dong Yun is undoubtedly the latter.

I did not think that one day, I will be associated with the word make do, Dong Yun is the only one let my heart moved, then conceited, that the world does not have I can not get things, plus there is no better than Dong Yun and I married the object, we all aspects of the incomparable fit, the family status, family concepts, and so on, all of it.

I agreed.

Settling on a female companion before marriage is my respect for my future wife.

I hesitated for a long time before separating from Qin Shi, and it was one of the few times I wandered from one thing to another.

My first acquisition as a teenager had made me famous, and I seldom made the wrong decision, but I was uncertain then.

Zhanqi couldn’t bear to see me like that, so he went to knock Qin Shi first, and later he came back and said to me, “Ah Cheng, Qin Shi is different, if you say you’re separating from her, she won’t cry and upset you.” This comment didn’t make me feel any better.

“These words did not make me relieved, but rather suffocated me, but I had to admit that he was right.

The day we parted was beautiful, and for the first time I drove the car as slowly as I did, and all the way I thought of a million things to say, how to say them, what I would say that would be less desperate.

I have not been so considerate, before this kind of thing, I do not have to come out, there will be someone special for me to solve, but I do not want others to see Qin Shi’s embarrassment.

After all, together for more than seven years, I want to give her the last decency.

As a result, the wording I prepared on the way didn’t even make it, I just explained to her while eating.

“The villa in the western suburb of the city, I’ve already found someone to transfer it to you.” “The villa that was your favorite last time.

“I’ve already found someone to order that sports car you loved so much last time, and I’ll send it to you in a few days.

“The rest has been put into your account, you can check your account.”

“Finally, I asked her, “Do you have any other needs?

Whatever it is, I’ll fulfill it.

“Ever since I started talking she was peeling oranges with her head down, I don’t know why she was so happy to peel oranges for me with her hands, I was under the impression that girls are usually very precious about their nails, doing all kinds of manicures, but not her, her nails were cleanly cut, with very healthy crescent moons, and she was white with pink.

The night we first got together she was peeling oranges for me, in a sealed room, she sat at the dining room table, a little uneasy.

She was so cute in that way that one couldn’t help but want to tease her, so I purposely looked at her without saying a word, she was very apprehensive, as if to ease her nerves, she foolishly took out an orange from the fruit plate on the dining table, and said with a forced smile, “Mr. Song, I’ll peel an orange for you.

“I couldn’t help but laugh lowly, then went over and leaned in to kiss her, she subconsciously tried to push me with her hands, but realized that her hands were stained with orange juice, so she helplessly used her wrists to rest on my shoulders, and struggled helplessly between kisses, murmuring, “Wait, my hands are dirty, Mr. Song.

‘ I laughed, “Then you have to be careful not to get it on me later.

“That was her first time, because she was too nervous, half-peeled oranges were held in her palm all the time, and finally the room was full of orange fragrance, the whole bed sheet was orange juice, of course, I inevitably stained, and more orange fragrance from her fingertips on the neck of her hair, she shrank under me, smooth round shoulders naked outside, eyes still contain tears, to fall in the hold, like mercury, namely Shy and terrified, asked me: “How to do Mr. Song, all stained you.

“She is literally killing me.

Perhaps I fell in love with the orange flavor after that.

I didn’t like eating hand-peeled oranges because I thought they were dirty, but I loved watching her peel them for me bit by bit with her head down.

After letting her peel them for me twice, she probably thought I liked eating them that way, so every time I went, she peeled them for me.

Then it became a habit.

Now on the day we parted, after I asked her what else she needed, she handed me the fully peeled orange and said to me, “Eat this orange.

“After Dong Yun and I came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she patted me on the shoulder and said, “Senior, I’m sorry, I’ll treat you to dinner.

“I couldn’t help but laugh and cry. In fact, there was no question of who had wronged whom between the two of us.

Three years of marriage was not a good experience for either of us. I always thought that I liked Dong Yun, but on the first night of our wedding, when Dong Yun closed her eyes and tilted her head back as if she were dying, I realized that I couldn’t kiss her.

I never embarrass myself, so I quickly let go of Dong Yun, rubbed my brow, and apologized to her, and she also took a long, soft breath, opened her eyes to look at me, and said, “I’m sorry, too.

‘ The awkward atmosphere was swept away, and both of us couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

There are some people that might just be good for friends, not for more intimacy.

Later I asked myself why I couldn’t kiss, and in a certain moment I didn’t want to admit, I thought it was probably because I thought of Qin Shi.

The first time I kissed Qin Shi was on the next day after we first met, her eyes closed in shock and fear, her body tensed as she clutched the buttons of my shirt.

I whispered against her lips, “Relax.

” and she struggled to relax, but seemed to tense up even more, with this look of death on her face.

I don’t know why I thought of her so often after we parted.

When I was talking about my love life with Dong Yun over dinner, she didn’t know what came to her mind and suddenly said to me, “Do you remember that time you and Qin Shi were on the news?

“At that time, we met within a few days, and she explained to me very solemnly that she had nothing to do with you, and that she had broken it off a year before we got married, so that I would not misunderstand you.

“Senior, the marriage thing I have been feeling very sorry for you, but Qin Shi I feel is a pretty good person, if ……” she wanted to say, finally point to point drink a mouthful of wine to cover up the past, “hahaha my own feelings are in a mess, how can I qualify to advise you.

‘ I remember this thing.

It was that variety show’s recruitment meeting. After I asked Qin Shi Xin for her home address and she didn’t answer, I leaned over and kissed her.

At that time, Dong Yun and I had already decided to divorce, but after all, we weren’t divorced yet, and when I was about to kiss her I used my greatest strength to restrain myself from inclining my head because she was shaking with fear as she held my hand on my front flap.

I can’t be this shameless.

At least not until after the divorce-that’s what I thought at the time.

Later, I authorized the media to circulate the photos of me and her in the room, because a certain investor behind that variety show, when I was going upstairs, I heard him say to the person beside me, “Hey, that Qin Shi, I didn’t know it before, but when I saw it up close, I thought, wow, she’s really good-looking.

“I glanced at him coldly at the time, and later authorized the media to release that photo.

She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, I buried my head between her shoulders and neck, my hair hung down and covered my features well, but enough for me to open a protective net, not moving to bring her under my wings, not moving to warn those unsuspecting prying eyes.

I just don’t know how she met Dong Yun and why she said such a thing to her.

But it was all too late, I had been certain that she wouldn’t leave, I hadn’t imagined that she would decide to marry someone else so soon.

Such out-of-control emotions are only momentary, and Dong Yun and I separated back to the residence, lit a cigarette, stood on the platform overlooking the scenery of the city center, in my heart silently told me so.

I was born with a cold personality, and I really seldom get attached to anything. If there is no one around Qin Shi after the divorce with Dong Yun, I will go to look for her, but I am sure that I won’t marry her.

If I couldn’t marry her, I wouldn’t bother her when she was about to have a perfect marriage.

Because I can’t afford the responsibility.

After all, it’s been seven years, so how about a little nostalgia.

I am ready to send her a wedding gift, gift list one by one to send over, I picked a long time are not satisfied.

Zhanqi came over to see and laughed at me: “What are you doing, Cheng, not just a woman, you make a big fanfare to search everywhere, just to send a wedding gift?

“After a pause, he purposely insulted me, “Did they send you a wedding invitation?

I didn’t get it anyway.

“I didn’t come clean about what I had in mind, but found a reason: “After all, it’s been seven years, so it’s good to get together.

“In the end, I decided to send her a crystal ball because someone was setting off fireworks by the Huangpu River at night, and I remembered something in the midst of the fireworks.

One year, I took her to the top floor of the World Trade Center to watch the fireworks, and she lamented, “The glass is fragile, the colorful clouds are scattered, and all the beautiful things in this world are fleeting.

“At that time, the disappointment and regret in her eyes were so obvious that it made me think of a lifetime ago.

Suddenly I wanted to send her a firework that would never die.

I made the crystal ball myself. I studied chemistry in college, and the color dots of fireworks are too complicated, especially in the crystal ball, and the colors are not easy to show.

I tried about hundreds of materials, just barely picked one, and then it is a little bit of tracing points on the color.

Back in the day, the Wall Street merger battle was also easier than this.

But in the end still made it, in her pre-wedding I let someone take this crystal ball to her agent, let the agent to Qin Shi, in addition to hand-written a wedding message: “May you like this fireworks, bright long, happy and fulfilling.

” She accepted it and asked someone to pass on a word of thanks to me.

It was another sleepless night.

I was in the U.S. on the day of their wedding, and I was busy from early morning until late at night. I can’t say if it was intentional, but Zhanqi forwarded me a video of her wedding.

Many years ago Zhanqi was cheated by a woman who cheated her money and her heart, and was also cuckolded, at that time I ridiculed him inhumanly, after many years, he finally succeeded in his revenge.

I actually never, ever, ever once thought about what Qin Shi looked like in a wedding dress before this, but the video was very visual and caught me off guard.

She’s beautiful, and she cries beautifully, in a snow-white wedding dress and a ring given to her by another man.

She’s done many wedding scenes, worn a wedding dress more than once, and only this one was the most real.

As I forked off the video, I raised my hand to my heart, as if silently telling myself that this was just a scene, a realistic scene, and that when they were done exchanging rings, someone would give the marriage a shout of “ka-“.

I tried to ignore the dull ache at my heart.

I said I hated anything that could be addictive and out of control, and since Chin-Shi was like my cigarette addiction, I believed I could control that control.

And I did.

At this point, she was completely gone from my life.

But there was a follow-up, a hidden pain that doesn’t go away, but pops up again for a bit after you’ve ignored it for a long, long time.

The first time I looked at her squarely as a real wife was three years later.

At that time just bored a little bit of interest, so accompanied by a female companion shopping, buy bags buy shoes buy cosmetics, walked to the children’s clothing area, she made a show of looking at the children’s clothes, and then cover the corners of the lips smile: “so cute ah.

” When it was really stupid, I face sank, turned around and walked away, and then I saw Qin Shi.

She and her husband were holding hands, and her husband was holding a powdered girl in his arms, with eyes much like hers, round and dark, looking at me without blinking, while she and her husband were bending together, picking out a dress for their daughter.

I stood still, my brain buzzing as if struck by lightning.

The female companion behind me, who couldn’t read the colors, stuck over like a cowhide, glanced suspiciously at Qin Shi, and then asked me, “Mr. Song, what’s wrong?

‘ Qin Shi was probably startled by the commotion and looked my way, I felt like I had nothing to hide, but fortunately looked impassive.

She was startled for a moment, her eyes traveling from me to the female companion next to me, then paused.

I explained extremely quickly, “I got divorced three years ago.

‘ It was a strange and abrupt thing to say, I hadn’t done anything stupid like that, but Qin Shi froze, smiled at me, and we parted with a brief exchange of pleasantries.

I was furious when we got back, the female companion pulled at my sleeve in fear and was slapped on the ground, I knew in my heart that I was relenting, but I was out of control.

Eight years ago, I didn’t feel anything when Qin Shi and I were separated, that heartache-like emotion I thought was just habit.

Getting used to having someone by my side, and being uncomfortable when she was away from home.

Three years ago, when Qin Shi got married, I thought the pain that filled my heart was simply out of control, but I was good at controlling it.

Three years later, when I saw Qin Shi’s whole family standing in front of me, the anger and jealousy that had been suppressed for so many years steamed up from the bottom of my heart, and I had to admit it.

I like Qin Shi, no habit, no time, like to have exceeded the scope of control I can handle, if you can not control this kind of loss of control, you have to satisfy their own desires.

I called Shen Mu, he privately has some unseen channels, can deal with some gray things.

For so many years, I have rarely dabbled in illegal things, after standing at a certain height, many things are insignificant.

But this time, I want to strike.

When the phone is connected, I directly said: “Make a deal, you help me deal with one thing, the tail get cleaner.

“The other side of the silence for a long time, and then snorted out a laugh, he asked me: “can not help it?

“The next day, I don’t know where Zhanqi found out about this, and hurriedly came over: “Jin Cheng, are you crazy?

“I was silent and slowly drank a mouthful of water before replying to him: “Zhanqi, you have the least say in this matter. I remember that Jiang Man’s concubine had her legs broken by you back then, and it was the time of the crackdown. If I had been there a little later, I would have had to help you collect that person’s body together.

”I have never poked him with such hurtful words, brothers will always know the limits and bottom line, but this time, I quickly began to attack him, not wanting to hear him poke at the truth.

After so many years, that incident still had a great killing effect on Zhanqi, he had red eyes, didn’t say anything more, just finally patted my shoulder heavily, and said one sentence on his way out: ”Jincheng, Qin Shihneng cut you off cleanly as soon as we broke up, such a person doesn’t love you, if you don’t want to regret it, don’t touch her husband.”

” I didn’t say anything.

7 I scoffed when Zhanqi said she didn’t love me.

It wasn’t that she didn’t love me, she was just too through.

In her third year with me, I was a little half-drunk one night, and when I woke up in the middle of the night in a daze, I realized that someone was touching my face.

Her hand is very light and light, along my eyebrows across the bridge of the nose, inch by inch traced over, and finally stopped at my lips, warm exhale slowly close, she is very light and light will head snuggled in my chest, the whole person curled over.

I heard her murmur, she was calling my name in a single voice.

Song Jincheng, Song Jincheng, Song Jincheng, Song Jincheng …… These love that can not be explicitly said stops in the lips and teeth, hidden in these years and years in which she accompanied me.

I don’t like the women around me, because once the heart wants to get more and more, want to get more and more demand more and more, will begin to have expectations, this expectation in my case, is a kind of burden.

I got up and left that morning without her waking up.

I didn’t contact her for more than three months. In the fourth month, she gave my assistant a call and didn’t say anything else, but just asked, “The farm has a bumper crop of oranges, and the people in the farm have sent all the oranges to my side, so I’ll have someone send them over to you, sir.

“There was once a woman who threatened me with suicide after we parted, crying and asking me hysterically, “Do you have a heart?

“I just feel annoyed, some women think too much, if you want to stay by my side, you have to be ready to realize that you have to pay for everything.

We are all adults, it’s clear, you love me and I love you, don’t want to get anything else from me except money.

But Qin Shi was different, it was like a ghost, that night I told myself to give her another chance.

I returned her call and told her I was going to dinner tonight.

The moment I hung up the phone, it seemed I could hear her sobbing voice.

Then later she kept to her roots and we stayed together.

Soon after one of her starring works won the Golden Broom Award, she came back with the trophy began to hold me crying, when I carelessly comforted her for a while, and was about to be impatient when she figured it out, looking at me with a smile, said: “Oops, forget it, anyway, I’m not the best acting skills on the screen.

“She didn’t use it on the screen, she just used all her best acting skills on me, doing her best to play someone who didn’t love me, thinking it was her secret alone.

And I turned a blind eye to her faulty acting, being a passable spectator who pretended to be deaf and dumb, never trying to poke at those little thoughts of hers.

But after so many years, I suddenly don’t want to be a qualified audience playing deaf and dumb anymore, I want to continue to “invite” the main character of the end of the curtain call back to me, this time she doesn’t have to do her best to play a person who doesn’t love me, I want to give her the grandest love.

Perhaps one can only know what one wants most after actually experiencing loss.

It was only after I lost her that I finally realized.

What I want, is very simple.

It’s still like before, just the two of us.

I want her, forever and ever, to belong to me alone.

8 Shenmu had arranged it seamlessly, her husband had recently been filming an ancient costume drama somewhere deep in the mountains, equipment malfunctioned, the wyvern didn’t work, he lost his footing and fell down the mountain, there were just too many ways to make it look like he had died in an ‘accident’.

I don’t know why, but I took the opportunity to meet her before doing so.

As if it was a normal ‘coincidence’, I pretended to run into her with my female companion.

She was at the playground with her daughter, and when we went over to greet her, she was half crouching in front of her daughter, holding an ice cream in her hand, and her tone was stern: “No, I promised to take only one bite.

“The little girl was wearing a pink bunny ears hair band on her head, tied in two ponytails, soft and cute, shaking her arm and twisting on her like a candy: “No, no, no, no, give me another lick, okay?

I wasn’t ready.

“She spat out the tip of her tiny pink tongue to show her mom, “Mu Mu just licked the tip of her tongue a little bit, this bite doesn’t count, okay?

“I looked at Qin Shi, and in the face of this little girl’s pouting, she immediately stuffed the rest of the ice cream into her mouth, and opened her mouth to show the little girl, “No, mommy has eaten all of it.

” The little girl was shocked, disappointed, and wailed.

I only feel heartache, pain with angry jealousy, I can not contain the thought, if …… if this is my daughter with Qin Shi, she asked me for ice cream to eat such a petulant, I probably will be unprincipled to the world’s best ice cream are held in front of her.

If …… unfortunately there is no if.

Qin Shi got up and turned to see me when there was a moment of stunned stunned, and then natural, generous and decent and I greeted: “Mr. Song.

“Her eyes were calm as if I was an ordinary friend who hadn’t seen each other for many years and was not familiar with me at first sight.

A burst of heart seized up, I try to control their emotions, coincided with the fairground float parade, her daughter quickly from the sadness of the ice cream out, pulling her hand excitedly shouted: “Mom, float -” the crowd surging, her small body drowned in the gap, I bent down to pick her up and let her sit on my shoulders, she was not struggling. Surprisingly, she didn’t struggle.

Her body is small, fragrant, small hands softly tower on my ears, let out a sound of amazement: “Wow – mom look -” Qin Shi looked at me in surprise, expression slightly terrified, uneasy, said: “Mr. Song ……” I actually do not like children, only feel raucous and noisy, I myself is very strange why I would do this, did not have time to look deeper, the little girl on my shoulder suddenly reached out towards her mother shouted: “Mom, let’s give dad a video phone call, okay, I want to dad.

” Qin Shi looked at me.

In the end, she couldn’t help making a fuss, she made a video call to her husband, the little girl was very excited, sitting on my shoulder holding up the cell phone to show her father the float, and finally softly pouting: “Daddy, I miss you so much.

“When I inclined my head to look at Qin, she stood beside me, looking at her husband and her child with a smile on her face, her eyes gentle.

When her eyelashes were lowered, she looked like the time she peeled an orange for me, and when I looked down, I saw her long fingernails.

She had loved me.

I am sure.

But while Qin Shi, when she was by my side, was always cautious and insecure, she was now very stretched and relaxed.

I had to admit that she had lived a happy life after leaving me.

I looked at the smile on her face and compromised with myself, and I thought forget it, forget it.

Forget it. Let her stay happy like this.

Crowd boiling, joyful and open, I in this surge of people happy in the long quiet gaze at her, to do the last goodbye.

I don’t think I’ll ever eat another orange in my life.

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