Do college students use the pill or condoms for birth control?

Do college students use the pill or condoms for birth control?

Hello, I am an Associate Chief Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) Hospital.

Here, I would like to tell you about condoms and birth control pills, which are the most commonly used contraceptives, their respective advantages and disadvantages, as well as the misconceptions about their use, and introduce the long-acting reversible contraceptive methods that the World Health Organization has been committed to promoting.

I hope it will be helpful to you.

First, before and after, the correct use of contraceptives.

First, let’s talk about the pill.

Condoms work by smothering sperm, while the pill has two types.

One is to give the egg confinement, so that the egg girl door does not come out of the two doors, about the meeting, that also what pregnant ah.

This kind of it, corresponds to the oral short-acting contraceptive pill, to eat every day, to raise the army for a thousand days, with the army for an hour, to prevent the problem that may occur at that moment.

Another kind of it, is acute, you really did not intercept the egg, and did not intercept the sperm, that can only be intercepted in the middle of the road, this situation, we have to rely on the emergency contraceptive pill after the fact.

But many people say contraceptive pill, no other things in the brain, are the emergency contraceptive pill, he simply does not know the oral short-acting contraceptive pill is what concept.

Often asked, this emergency contraceptive pill after the fact is not always eat ah?

The emergency contraceptive pill is used in two situations, one is that you have already taken a contraceptive method, did not avoid into, for example, the condom broke.

The second is when a woman has had unwanted sex, which translates to rape.

The emergency contraceptive pill, why is it called emergency, it means it’s a first aid, a remedy, it’s not something you can “always take”.

You let an emergency every day to play the regular army, this weapon configuration are different, the dose size is also different, your little body how to stand ah.

Taking it multiple times in a row, firstly, it will easily lead to irregular menstruation, and secondly, the failure rate of contraception will increase, which can’t play the role of effective protection.

So, don’t take Yutin as you want just because you can easily buy it at the drugstore.

If you can only take it as an emergency measure, remember that there is a time limit for the use of Yohtex as an emergency measure, and you have to step on the right moment.

The sooner you take it within 72 hours of having sex, the better.

If you take Yohtek and get nauseous or throw up, remember to take a refill within two hours.

Think about it, the medicine hasn’t even been absorbed yet, it’s been thrown up, so of course it’s not effective.

Many women say, “I know all this, and I’ve been taking short-acting oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, but why did I still get pregnant?

In this case, we must first ask ourselves, is it a missed dose?

Is it an irregularity in the use of medication?

Like we usually say these short-acting compound oral contraceptives, such as: Yosmin, Yosiyue, MaFuLong, XinMaFuLong, DaYing-35, etc., their contraceptive effect is %, but in the actual use of the process, the biggest problem is the missed dose.

These short-acting contraceptives, to take from the 1st day of menstruation, one tablet a day, on time, 21 days in a row, counting a cycle.

If you do not eat on time and on schedule, this drug is a setup, this effect will be greatly reduced, but instead of blindfolded, you self-hypnosis that “I’m taking the pill, will not get pregnant”, so, originally should have brought the condom does not bring, should do the protective measures also do not do it, enjoy, like the emperor’s new clothes, that do not get pregnant is strange.

So you remember, if you choose to take birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, first of all, it must be a short-acting compound contraceptive pill, must be taken according to the instructions, in a fixed period of time regularly.

If you start taking from the first day of menstruation, then eat enough for seven consecutive days before the contraceptive effect, if it is really not possible to use the emergency contraceptive pill afterward, it must be remembered that within 72 hours after sex, the earlier the effect of taking the better, so it is very important to choose the right medicine, the time to step on the right point.

Since the emergency contraceptive pill can not always eat, that oral compound short-acting contraceptive pills and easy to miss the service, then there is no eating a tube of three months, or a shot tube six months, there is, but because of the side effects are more, such as will lead to class early pregnancy reaction, menstrual disorders, etc., long-acting contraceptives have been withdrawn from the stage of history.

Second, the scientific use of condoms a condom, we all think, this who do not understand ah?

But why do some people use a condom, or contraceptive failure?

Because it is in the details of the problem out of the moth.

This condom ah, first, to buy the right number, too big, too small are not good.

Too big if easy to fall off, too small and will affect the pleasure, and easy to rupture.

Second, to buy the right amount.

Don’t buy too much at once, and have a correct estimation of your sex life frequency.

If you buy a lot and don’t keep it well, then hot sun exposure, or expired, it will all fail.

Third, use it correctly throughout.

Never let yourself off the hook at the drop of a hat, running around naked for the first half and with a condom for the second.

The little sperm isn’t going to follow in your footsteps, and it may bleed out before you ejaculate.

Fourth, take it while it’s hot.

Always take out the condom while it’s hot after sex, and hurry up before the organ goes soft, otherwise it’s very easy to leak sperm into the woman’s vagina.

Otherwise, it is very easy for sperm to leak into the woman’s vagina. It is also easy to leave the condom in the vagina and not be able to get it out.

You may not know this, but in our OB/GYN emergency room, the most common vaginal objects that need to be removed by a doctor are condoms that you can’t remove yourself.

In short, remember these 4 things – don’t be overconfident in your size, frequency, duration, or hardness, buy the right size, buy the right amount, use it the whole time, and take it while it’s hot.

If you want to contraception, wearing a condom every day is too much trouble, it is difficult to adhere to the pill every day, I also have a long-acting reversible contraceptive method – LARCS recommended to you.

Third, the long-acting reversible contraceptive method.

LARCS is a long-acting reversible contraceptive method vigorously promoted by the World Health Organization, which mainly consists of subcutaneous implants and intrauterine devices.

What is long acting?

Subcutaneous implants are easily enjoyed for 3 to 5 years with a single placement, and IUDs are effective for 5 to 10 years with a single implantation.

What is reversible?

This is as opposed to a ligation procedure, where you simply remove the subdermal implant and IUD when you want to get pregnant.

Aren’t these two methods much more efficient and convenient as opposed to the pill, which you can’t miss a single dose, or condoms, which you have to wear every time and use correctly the entire time?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement in 2011 that doctors should encourage sexually active teens to use LARCS.

The American Academy of Pediatrics even recommends the use of IUDs or subdermal implants for girls who have been sexually active since they were 12 or 13 years old.

Parents of girls may not understand why the two professional societies in the U.S. are giving such advice, as the child is so young and has not yet gotten married or given birth to a child with an IUD.

In fact, a teenage girl who has begun her sexual life every time she applies condom self-control is relatively poor, and once she begins to have sex, she may have many sexual partners at the same time, and at the same time, this age of the girl she may also be subjected to coercion, the partner may be an adult, and once an unplanned pregnancy, it will give rise to more social problems, so this professional advice is more for the sake of preventing unwanted pregnancies and reducing the social problems of single mothers and teenage mothers. social problems for single mothers and teenage mothers.

Subcutaneous implants are hormone-containing rods buried in the inner upper arm, through which the rods slowly release progesterone to act as an ovulation inhibitor to achieve contraception, which is simple to operate, has few side effects, and lasts for at least three years with a single placement.

The intrauterine device is commonly known as the IUD, which is a birth control ring placed in the uterus, through the active copper ions, so that the endometrium produces a sterile reaction, so that the fertilized egg in the uterus can not take root.

Notice it’s can’t get rooted, not the old internet rumor about how placing an IUD is the equivalent of scraping the uterus and scraping out a child as soon as it’s conceived, which makes women feel very cruel, as if they’re killing their own children in their own uterus every day.

I said in “Only Doctors Know 2” that you think the birth control device is swinging in the uterus, but also to come a child swing out one, such rumors are really enough.

Speaking of which, I would also like to introduce you to a new type of intrauterine device, which is called levonorgestrel intrauterine slow release system, which is a very long and awkward name, and the trade name is called Man Yue Le, which is used to release 20ug of levonorgestrel per day, which continuously acts on the uterine lining and causes it to stop proliferating in synchronization with ovarian ovulation, and therefore the uterine warm bed becomes dry and no longer suitable for embryo growth. It is effective for 5 years and has been proven to be a contraceptive.

It is effective for 5 years and has an efficiency rate of over 99%.

Many women who choose this IUD are especially worried about whether it will affect their fertility if the drug is placed in the uterus.

I tell you, don’t worry, the growth of the uterine lining depends mainly on hormonal regulation, when the IUD is removed, the drug will be rapidly metabolized, the uterine lining will soon return to its original functional state, and the uterus will regain its ability to conceive, or else why is it called a reversible form of contraception.

If you are looking for a long lasting contraceptive method that is relatively “once and for all”, then the IUD or subdermal implants are good choices.

To summarize well, let me summarize.

With condoms remember to strive to use them the whole time.

Take birth control pills to know that the daily short-acting compound oral contraceptive pill is the regular army, the use of the main points are four words – regular use; emergency contraceptive pills can only be used after the failure of contraception or after experiencing rape, you can not always be commonly used, but if you have not taken any contraceptive methods or after the failure of contraception, and this year, you have probably taken the emergency contraceptive pill four times, then it doesn’t matter if you take it this one more time.

After all, a failed attempt at birth control can have a much greater impact on your body if you have to have an abortion.

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