Has your spouse ever behaved in a way that made you feel sick?

Has your spouse ever behaved in a way that made you feel sick?

My husband and I have an adopted daughter that we have loved for 12 years and is now 20 years old.

I didn’t realize that she had just started her first year of college, was on summer vacation, and actually came back with a pregnant belly.

I was so angry that I had to collapse, but my husband actually did not react, but also busy, dead let the child born.

Intuition tells me that there must be a problem ……. -The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you’ll be able to do that.

I asked you who the child is?

“I sat paralyzed on the sofa, looking at my daughter’s bulging belly, my heart is like a knife, she is only twenty years old, flower-like age.

Just thinking about it, my daughter lying on the operating table, my heart aches to death, I hold in my hands the precious daughter, to have an abortion, how desperate she should be, how scared, thinking about it, my breathing has become difficult.

“Speak! Whose child is it?

” My daughter’s silence made me furious to the extreme, but I just walked up to her and shook her shoulders, I didn’t dare to exert too much force, the baby in her stomach was at least five months old, I was afraid that she would be hurt twice.

Looking at my daughter’s haggard appearance, my heart was almost broken, I lowered my voice, and asked again in a calm tone “Whose baby is it?

Don’t be afraid, mom and dad are here, what happened?

“If it’s a case of you and me getting pregnant unintentionally, it’s still considered good, what I’m worried about in my heart is that someone has raped Tong Tong.

For so many years, my daughter has been my pride, she is a good student, cheerful character, in other children, in the rebellious period, do not communicate with parents, my daughter told me all the heart, I am her listener, is her friend.

However, after only one year of college, my daughter became quiet and depressed. I tried to investigate the cause of my daughter’s depression many times, but to no avail.

Now that my daughter is pregnant, I am even more certain that she must be hiding something from me.

“Tongtong is already irritated, so don’t ask.

” My husband, Ren Haisheng, pulled me away, and Tongtong took the opportunity to run back to her room, locking the door behind her.

When I heard the sound of the door being unlocked, my heart snapped into my throat, I was afraid that Tong Tong would do something stupid and commit suicide, my house was on the tenth floor.

“Let go of me!” I shook off my husband’s hand and ran to the door of Tongtong’s room, knocking hard on the door “Tongtong, open the door, obey.

“Tong Tong, open the door.

“Through the door, I heard Tong Tong’s crying, her crying was very small, I guess she put the quilt over her head, my tears flowed out of my eyes again, I was so devastated and heartbroken for my baby girl.

“Tong Tong, open the door, mommy won’t ask anymore, will you open the door?

“I rapped on the door with my hand again, and my husband stood beside me, looking at me with a sad face.

He also loves Tong Tong very much, but he did a confusing thing.

“Ren Haisheng, you’re an idiot, why didn’t you tell me when Tong Tong first got pregnant?

Are you such a father?

“I vented all my anger on my husband. In fact, I know in my heart that Tong Tong is stubborn and no one can make her decision, and it’s my fault for spoiling Tong Tong too much when she was small.

Tong Tong and my husband said this matter, has been pregnant for three months, not yet show, Tong Tong begged my husband, for her to do the suspension procedures, if not, Tong Tong will commit suicide.

My husband is a daughter slave, he for Tong Tong for suspension, for suspension of the excuse, is sick, good in the school gave leave.

My husband’s head was bowed, he reached out to hug me, but I pushed him away violently, I continued to knock on the door “Tongtong, open the door, don’t be afraid, mommy will take you out of the province to the best doctor.

“My husband is still considered smart, his daughter’s affairs, he knows on the heart, Tong Tong’s pregnancy, no one knows, he brought Tong Tong home, but also in the middle of the night into the neighborhood.

“Huairou, please stop talking and leave Tong Tong alone,” my husband said.

” My husband pulled my wrist and tried to get me to go sit on the sofa. I was so anxious after such a big incident that I couldn’t sit still.

“It’s the tenth floor. Our house is on the tenth floor. What if she does something stupid?” I said, lowering my voice.

” I lowered my voice and gave my husband a wink.

My husband sighed and raised his hand to knock on the door, “Tong Tong, open the door, you’re worrying mom and dad.

“I originally thought that my husband’s words were useless, but to my surprise, the room was quiet for a few seconds, and Tong Tong actually opened the door! When did my daughter start listening to her husband?

I was surprised.

My daughter cried like a tearful person, she looked at me and my husband with tearful eyes, and the next second, she said something that made me feel devastated.

“Dad, Mom, I don’t want an abortion, I want to have the baby.

“02 “Say that again!” My raised palm, finally put it down, I couldn’t afford to hit Tongtong, I could only use my fingers, and vigorously point at Tongtong’s shoulder.

Tong Tong leaned against the door, tears falling down in bunches, she smiled, a bitter smile.

She looked at me, her eyes full of stubbornness, rebellion, and provocation “I’m not going to have an abortion, I’m going to give birth to the baby.

” “Ren Tong Tong!” I roared, my voice echoing throughout the house.

“Luo Huairou!” From my daughter’s mouth, hearing my full name, still hissing angrily, I froze for a long time, my daughter, seemed to be a different person.

I reached out and pulled Tong Tong’s wrist to calm her down, I asked softly “Tong Tong, tell mom, whose child is this?

Is it worth it for you to be so confused?

Do you want to destroy yourself?

If you tell mom, I’ll go kill him.” “Tell me!

“Tell me!” I couldn’t control my emotions anymore, and I directly sat down on the floor.

I had thought that if I took Tong Tong to have an abortion and found a good doctor, this matter would be treated as if it had never happened, and when Tong Tong recovered her body, she could continue to go to school.

But this stupid child, even wanted to give birth to the child in her belly, what should I do?

I’d rather have Tong Tong hate me for a while, but I can’t let her hate me for the rest of her life, the baby in her tummy must be aborted.

“Huairou, get up first, don’t cry.

“My husband helped me to sit on the sofa and wiped my tears. Tong Tong was pregnant, but his reaction was so calm, he usually loves Tong Tong very much.

He usually loves Tong Tong very much. Is it because he already knew about it, that’s why he is so calm?

I didn’t feel good in my heart, and I didn’t bother to think about anything else.

Tong Tong walked to me, slapped herself twice, she hit hard, white face, instantly there are five reddish fingerprints, she looked at my eyes, choked and said: “You should not have adopted me! “Tong Tong, what are you talking about?

How can you talk to your mom?

The word “adopt” pierced my ears so deeply that my whole body was in a state of haze, and for a while, I didn’t know what to say.

Yes! Tong Tong is not my real daughter, she is adopted, she came to our family at the age of 8, and my husband and I have raised her for 12 years.

03 Hubby carefully sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder, he frowned and brewed for a long time before he spoke “Huairou, or …… let Tongtong give birth to the child, right?

Abortion does hurt the body, and there are also great risks.

“Is there no risk in giving birth to a child?

How many people have lost their lives in childbirth?

Tong Tong is only 20 years old, how can you say such things?

You’re going to ruin her.

“I vented all my anger, which I had nowhere to vent, on my husband. I hammered his shoulders with my fists, but he didn’t dodge and looked at me without saying a word, letting me vent my emotions.

My husband gently patted my shoulder and said to me in a comforting tone, “What can we do?

We only have one daughter, if you don’t follow her, what if she can’t think straight and commits suicide one day?” “Huairou, if not, I’d like to see you again.

“Huairou, why don’t we just promise Tong Tong to have the baby, and then give it away when it’s born?

There are a lot of adopters nowadays, so we can pick a good family for the child and feel relieved, right?

“My husband came to my ear and whispered to me.

This is indeed a solution, but after the baby is born, it will be a living being. What if Tong Tong can’t bear to give it up?

“Husband, do you have any other ideas?

It’s best not to let Tong Tong give birth to this child.

“I took my husband’s hand, my hand was sweaty, I was panicking.

“You can tell by looking at Tong Tong’s current state that she has to have this baby. There are many early marriages and pregnancies, many divorces and second marriages, and many single parents, so we can’t force Tong Tong to die.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m sure I’m going to be able to do it,” he said. “I’m sure I’m going to be able to do it,” he said.

“Husband, only you and I can know about Tong Tong’s pregnancy! She has to go to school. I’m afraid people will gossip.

I’d like to rent a house outside the province so that Tong Tong can live there and raise her baby without worrying.

“I want to find a place where no one knows Tong Tong, so she can relax and not feel so much pressure, which is good for the baby.

“Live outside the province?

How are we going to take care of Tong Tong?

” My husband’s question was something I had considered. My husband and I have roots and decades of life in this province, our connections and work are all here.

“I’ll go wherever Tong Tong goes. I’ll go outside the province to take care of her.

” I sighed, I care more about my daughter compared to my work, she is now at her most vulnerable and in need of company, I don’t feel comfortable with someone else taking care of Tongtong.

My husband put his hand on my shoulder and patted it, he didn’t say anything, he just nodded silently, I leaned on my husband’s shoulder and my vision became blurry once again.

I dried my tears with my hands and took a deep breath of cool air, I think I’ve come to terms with my daughter’s pregnancy.

Just as I was fretting, the door to my daughter’s room opened, she stood in the doorway with red eyes and choked for a while before speaking “There’s no need to go to the province, I’ve already sent the fact that I’m pregnant, to the family group.

” 04 “What did you say?

” tinnitus, a paroxysm of pain in my ears that lasted for a few seconds, I was so irritated by my daughter’s words that I held onto the couch and barely stood up.

“Say that again!” I yelled angrily, I dare not open my cell phone, much less click on WeChat, or my husband on the sidelines to open his cell phone and read the contents of the WeChat group.

My daughter was sent a message five minutes ago, there is no way to withdraw, the family group is silent, no one speaks.

Everyone is pretending to be deaf and dumb, but that message, right there, I think the relatives must have known about it.

I could no longer control my emotions, I walked to my daughter’s face, raised my hand, and slapped her, the sound of the slap, deafening, the left side of my daughter’s face was red.

“You’re practicing on yourself! You’re crazy!” I nudged my daughter’s shoulder with my hand as hard as I could, she didn’t dodge it and looked at me stubbornly with tears in her eyes.

“I’m not crazy, it’s you who are crazy, you want to kill my child, you want to give my child away, you want to separate mother and child, you’re the crazy ones!

” my daughter yelled as if she was mad.

The way she looked at me was complicated, so complicated that, I couldn’t guess what was going on in her mind.

“Luo Huairou, you are too strong, since I was a child, I had to listen to you in everything, this time, you must listen to me, I will not have an abortion.

” After her daughter said this, she slammed the door of the room fiercely shut.

I am too strong?

I sighed and was helped back to my room by my husband, I lay on the bed, tears kept falling down, tears were flowing into my ears, I felt pain all over my body, I didn’t even have the strength to turn over.

The wood has been turned into a boat, I can’t change it! “Hey! I regret it.

” My husband sat on the bed and sighed a long sigh, his face was red.

“Regret what?

Do you regret adopting Tong Tong?

Or do you regret that you didn’t divorce me when you knew I couldn’t have children?

“I had no place to vent my anger, so I spoke with a deliberate sting.

“I didn’t say that.

I didn’t say that.” My husband turned his face away, his back to me.

“You didn’t say that, but that’s what you think in your heart! Ren Haisheng, don’t forget, I can’t get pregnant because of who, I don’t have my own flesh and blood, you don’t want to have it either.

“I was like a shrew, cursing at my husband. In the deepest part of my heart, I hated Ren Haisheng.

At first, my husband did my family door son-in-law, he told me, want to do Dink, always live in the world of two people.

I for him, abortion twice, later, he wanted to have a child, but I because of multiple abortions, body problems, never be able to get pregnant.

“Luo Huairou, don’t go too far! All these years, you couldn’t have children, I didn’t even leave, what more do you want?

” Hubby looked at me angrily and then went to the living room.

At first, my husband became my family’s son-in-law and signed a prenuptial agreement that he would not be able to share a single cent of the property for less than five years of marriage.

After he just learned that I couldn’t have children, he called my mother-in-law and said he wanted to divorce me. I hid behind the door and overheard the conversation between my husband and my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law advised my husband not to divorce me, at least wait until five years later, the divorce can be divided into property.

At that time, I was overwhelmed by love, possessive, as long as my husband did not divorce me, and I was afraid of my husband fooling around outside, so I forced my husband to do a ligation.

Husband was dead set against it, I used the threat of divorce, and sure enough, my husband listened to me, to do the ligation, but three months after the ligation surgery, my husband felt unwell, went to the hospital for examination, and found that the infection, suffering from azoospermia.

Treatment for many years, has not been cured, gradually, the husband will no longer mention the child, because he has no fertility.

Between us as a couple, there is a disconnect, but in the eyes of outsiders, we are a couple with a very good relationship.

This night, I thought a lot! When morning came, we would hide our wounds as a couple again and live a normal life.

Four months later, my grandson was born, seven pounds, six taels, with a tiger’s head.

Seeing my lovely grandson, I began to fret. Such a lovely child, not to mention my daughter, I could not give it away myself.

I pulled my husband’s clothes, walked to the hospital corridor, my husband looked at me smilingly, he was already happy eyebrows, the corners of his mouth kept rising.

“What’s wrong?


” Hubby he seems to have forgotten, what we said before, that after the baby is born, we will give it away and find a good family to adopt it.

“What did you say?

The adoption!” When my words fell, the smile on my husband’s face instantly froze, he frowned tightly and said to me in a scolding tone “I don’t agree to give the child away, I won’t do anything that is sinful.

I don’t do sinful things.” “Sinful things?

” Because I was in the hospital, I suppressed the fire in my heart and spoke calmly to my husband.

“Huairou, why are you so stubborn?

In a few years, when Tong Tong gets married, we’ll raise the baby, and we won’t drag Tong Tong down.” My husband’s words made me feel very uncomfortable.

” My husband’s words made me feel very uncomfortable in my heart. After he said this, he went back to the maternity ward, he loved his grandchildren very much and kept surrounding them.

I took my daughter’s hand and gave her a finger massage, although I had never given birth, I knew that my daughter had walked through the ghost gate once, she was very weak.

“Mom!” My daughter, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly opened her mouth, I raised my head and looked at my daughter “What’s wrong?

Where does it hurt?

“I looked into my daughter’s eyes and waited for her to speak. She just stared at me for a few seconds and tears crackled down her face as she choked and said to me, “Mom, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry” three words, is the first time I heard from my daughter’s mouth, I heart mixed feelings.

I wiped my daughter’s tears with my hand, and when my grandson cried, my husband carefully brought the baby to my daughter, “Tongtong, give Xiao Xuan milk, Xiao Xuan is hungry.

“Ren Xuan is the name my husband gave his grandson.

“It’s better if he starves to death!” I was a little confused, my daughter looked at Xiao Xuan’s eyes with hate, she held the child in her arms and was reluctant to breastfeed.

“There is nothing …… I will go out to buy food ……” My husband is still very self-conscious, knowing that the daughter is big and avoiding the father, the daughter breastfeeds the child, he will find an excuse to leave the maternity ward.

I specifically instructed two sentences “buy some light!” 05After my daughter was discharged from the hospital, I hired a childcare worker, Lin Juan, who was about the same age as me and was introduced to me by my nephew’s wife. She was nice and clean.

She was introduced to me by my nephew’s daughter-in-law. She was nice and clean.

“Sister Luo.

“It was Lin Juan, pushing a shopping cart that was almost full.

Originally, Lin Juan was only responsible for taking care of the grandchildren, she didn’t care about the cooking and grocery shopping, but I gave her a raise, and Lin Juan, being a fastidious person, agreed.

“Sister Luo, why are you off work so early today?

“Lin Juan asked me with a smile.

“Departmental reunion, a bunch of kids, I’m too lazy to get together, so I ran out early, Juanzi, I’ll give you a half day off, leave the grocery shopping to me, you go home and rest and relax.

” I said with a smile, I glanced at Lin Juan’s shopping cart, the vegetables bought in it were fresh, with a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables.

“Sister Luo, you’re really nice, but there’s a bit too much stuff to buy, you’re in such a physical shape, it’s better if I help you to send it upstairs, and then go back to take a rest, hahaha,” “OK, haha ……” Compared with Lin Juan, I do look skinny, and I can’t really carry all these things by myself.

From the supermarket, Lin Juan and I both carried two bags, the supermarket from my home is only seven or eight hundred meters away, the two of us walking, while chatting.

“Sister Luo, my brother-in-law …… is very good to Tongtong,” she said, “He’s a slave to his daughter, and he’s much better to her than he is to me. I’m sure everyone can see that my husband is good to my daughter.

The smile on Lin Juan’s face was obviously a bit stiff after I said that. She is a real person, and her thoughts are all on her face, so what did she mean by that expression just now?

Lin Juan was introduced to my family by my nephew-in-law, he must have known my family’s situation, he knew that Tong Tong was adopted, I always felt that there was something in her words.

“Juanzi, what’s wrong with you?

“I’m a person who can’t hold back what’s on my mind, so I ask when I want to.

“No …… nothing …… Sister Luo, I went downstairs the day before yesterday to buy groceries, I seem to have seen my brother-in-law, and there was a woman standing next to him, maybe my eyes were blurred and I misread it!” When Lin Juan said this, her ears were red, no matter whether this matter is true or false, she can tell me, it proves that she and I get along with the feelings, if other people, will not care about this idle matter, work well, get a paycheck is good.

“Sister Luo, did I say something wrong?

Don’t take it personally, I might have misread you.

” Lin Juan laughed dryly twice, and I could see that she was nervous.

“Hahahahaha …… Juanzi, I’m so happy that you can tell me about this, thanks for reminding me!” My mind went back to the state of my husband in the past few days, and I didn’t find anything wrong.

Lin Juan smiled and we walked and talked.

When we got to the elevator door, I said to Juanzi “No need to see me off, I’ll just go up myself.

I’ll just go up myself.” “Okay, I’m off then, Sister Luo.

I’ll be going then, Sister Luo.” “Well, take care on your way.

“I stood at the elevator door and pressed the button.

The elevator came up from the second basement floor. The moment the elevator door opened, I saw my husband, and we looked at each other for three seconds. The way my husband looked at me was far more surprising than the way I looked at him.

“Why are you back?

” After years of being a couple, we asked this almost at the same time, and my husband subconsciously took the shopping bag I was holding and held it in his hand.

He smiled a little stiffly, and when I gave him the shopping bag, I touched his hand, and his fingers were wet, like sweat.

Although it is hot, but he is driving back, the car has air conditioning, how could he have sweat on his body?

The basement wasn’t hot, so was he weak?

What Lin Juan said to me instantly appeared in my mind.

Did my husband really have an affair with another woman?

06 “I came back to get my flash drive and left it at home!” My husband’s face didn’t change, but I could still feel him gasping for air as he spoke, as if he was panicking.

“I came back early for the departmental retreat today! Did you do something bad?

Why do I get the feeling that you’re feeling weak?” I questioned my husband.

“I questioned my husband, there is no evidence, I am not going to make a scene, after all, I am not the year that ignorant little girl, a little upset, will cry and make a scene.

“Who …… has a weak heart?

Grocery shopping is Lin Juan’s job, how do you buy groceries?

” I think my husband is changing the topic.

My home is a twenty minute drive from where my husband works, and I’m a little puzzled as to why my husband doesn’t call for a flash delivery.

Why didn’t he order a flash delivery?

I couldn’t help but ask, “Why didn’t you call for flash delivery?

Tong Tong is at home.

“The flash drive is very important, I don’t feel safe to have it flashed. Anyway, it’s lunch break now, not work time, and I want to come back to see my grandson.” Hubby’s words, though far-fetched, were not a good idea.

“The husband’s words, although far-fetched, but not ridiculous, his work is a very responsible person, there is no doubt about it.

Upstairs, my husband stood in the doorway and suddenly shouted “Tong Tong, open the door, your mom and I are back! “Keep your voice down, don’t disturb the kids. Do you still need Tong Tong to open the door with the combination lock?

Just enter the code!” I put the bag in my hand on the floor and entered the code. I heard a thumping sound coming from inside the house, as if someone was running.

“We’re both carrying something in our hands, so it’s not convenient to enter the password.

“This explanation from my husband is ridiculous, it’s good to have something in your hand on the floor, I’m getting more and more sure that my husband has something to hide from me, he’s talking with a lot of loopholes today.

I opened the door to the room and carried the stuff inside, the house was clean, but on the floor, there was a black high heeled shoe that I had never seen before, with black lace edges on it, it looked like a shoe from a role-playing, and that black high heeled shoe was right in front of Tong Tong’s room.

Tong Tong doesn’t like to wear high heels, and even more so, she doesn’t like this kind of thin heeled high heeled shoes, why would they appear at the door of her room?

“Tong Tong, mom and dad are back, is Xiao Xuan asleep?

“I picked up Tong Tong’s heels and looked at them. They were my daughter’s, and before the door was opened, I heard a thumping sound, like someone was running, could it be Tong Tong?

I brought the shoes to my husband and looked at him confused, he shrugged and put the things down before going to the study.

“Tong Tong, what are you doing there?

Open the door, why did you buy such high heels?

” I gently knocked on the door.

“Huairou, I’m leaving!” Hubby came out of the study and was in a hurry to leave.

I glanced at the time, it was only 12:20, my husband works at 2:00 p.m. Didn’t he come back to see his grandson?

He hadn’t even seen his grandson yet, and he was in a hurry to leave?

This is really abnormal.

“Stop! Don’t you want to see your grandson?

I’ll make dinner. Let’s eat before we go.

“No, something came up at work. I have to go back.” Hubby left in a hurry, closing the door behind him.

I was convinced that my husband must be having an affair with another woman. Lin Juan was very subtle in what she said, maybe she saw her husband having physical contact with another woman.

A woman’s intuition, always accurate, Lin Juan can open the mouth and I said, she must not be the first time to see, I guessed in my heart, this woman is in my neighborhood.

Just as I was guessing who this woman was, my daughter opened the door.

“Tong Tong, what did you buy such high heels for?

” “To wear, of course! I think they look good.

” Tong Tong took the high heels from me and put them in her own room, her face was expressionless, her eyes a little dull and haggard.

I touched my daughter’s little face with my hand, my heart ached, taking care of Xiao Xuan, it was indeed a labor of love.

I glanced at my grandson lying in the crib, no wonder it was so quiet, the little one was asleep.

“Let me take a look at Little Xuan! Although in my heart I suspected that my husband was cheating on another woman, I was in a good mood when I saw Little Xuan, Little Xuan was good looking, white and clean, with eyes like grapes and long eyelashes.

“Mom, why are you home so early today?

I’m not sure why I’m back so early today,” my daughter asked me as she sat on the bed.

“Today’s departmental reunion is a group of children, I’m too lazy to join in the fun, so I came back early! I whispered to my daughter, I said this, I feel wrong, I came back with my husband, why my daughter only asked me to come back early, not ask my husband to come back early?

Why did my daughter only ask me why I came back early, but not my husband? 07 Did my daughter know that my husband came back early?

“Did you know that your father came home early today?

“I couldn’t help but ask.

My daughter was stunned at first and nodded dumbly “My dad told me in advance, he was afraid that no one would be home!” “Oh, I’m going to make dinner, you have a good nap for lunch, rest up.

” I got up, just about to walk out, my daughter suddenly hugged me tightly from behind.

“Mom!” My daughter cried, her tears fell on my body, I frowned tightly, hurriedly turned back, wiped my daughter’s tears “What’s wrong?

Don’t cry, tell mom what’s wrong.

“Since giving birth to Xiao Xuan, my daughter’s mood fluctuated easily. I took her to the doctor, who told me that my daughter was anxious, but I didn’t know what she was anxious about.

I asked many times and she refused to say.

My daughter shook her head, and as before, she just wouldn’t say anything. I didn’t push her, as long as she didn’t cry, I held my daughter and comforted her for a while, and only after seeing that she was stabilized did I go to cook.

Late at night, I tossed and turned in bed, could not sleep, my mind is all about my husband cheating suspicion, I carefully get up, pick up my husband’s cell phone, my husband’s cell phone password is my birthday, I unlocked the cell phone, carefully check, I’m like a detective, carpet searches, I searched for two hours, and what clues have not been found.

When a woman has a suspicion, it will be associated, I guess in my heart, my husband has more than one cell phone, he is likely to put another cell phone in the company.

I had a plan, pretending to go on a business trip! I didn’t tell anyone about this, I wanted to investigate the matter myself.

I want to find out about it, not because I love my husband so much, but I won’t allow other women to be with him.

I told my husband, Tong Tong, and Lin Juan that I was going on a business trip, and the three of them reacted differently.

I saw excitement in my husband’s eyes, I saw loss in my daughter’s eyes, and I saw entanglement in Lin Juan’s eyes. I think Lin Juan was sad for me, she thought I was still in the dark.

I found a hotel to stay, paid for a sneak peek paparazzi, I want them to track down my husband, tell me my husband’s whereabouts, I want to see, who is that woman in the end! For three days in a row, my husband didn’t make any moves, the photos the paparazzi sent me were all of him eating near the office, useless.

I give the paparazzi two days at most, I have to go back to normal work.

My husband’s temperament, I am in the understanding but, usually he is sneaky, I’m not at home, he will definitely ask someone out to meet.

In my contemplation, the doggy called me “sister, or you give a few more days time?

We can’t really shoot anything in such a short time.

“I’ll give you extra money. I want you to keep an eye on him for 24 hours, every minute and every second.

“I gave the doggie my home address, I asked the doggie, from the husband out of the cell door of the moment, to be tracked on.

“This …… we also have to sleep at night is not …… sister, you can add how much?

” The phone came from the doggy smug laughter, I said a number, he immediately agreed.

I closed my eyes, quietly waiting for the results, I recalled and my husband’s point, 2:00 a.m., my cell phone came ringing, it is the doggy call.

08 “Hello!” With sleepiness, I answered the phone.

“Sister, photographed, no wonder he is so honest during the day, the original night time, bring people home to engage in, you see WeChat I send you photos.

” doggy said proudly.

The doggy’s words, let me instantly awake, bring people home to engage in?

I clearly have a daughter and grandchildren at home.

I hurriedly opened WeChat, the doggy sent me a photo, is indeed my home, and is my daughter’s room, through the curtains, two figures, one in front of the other, doing what, it is self-evident.

The rest of the buildings are lights out, only my house is lit up, those two figures, I really can’t be more familiar with, it’s my husband Ren Haisheng, adopted daughter Ren Tongtong.

My hand fell to the ground, my cell phone screen shattered, my whole body collapsed on the bed, breathing hard, Ren Haisheng this animal, how dare he?

How could he do such a thing?

“Ah ah ah ah ah!” I hit my head against the wall, hitting it so hard that it was a bloody mess, but I didn’t feel the slightest bit of pain, I cried until my voice was hoarse and my tears fell like rain.

Then the child born to Ren Tongtong, could it be Ren Haisheng’s?

Ren Haisheng was so good to Xiao Xuan, my heart trembled.

But Ren Haisheng clearly suffered from azoospermia and was unable to have children, could he have cured the disease?

Without telling me?

I hated my teeth, why was I so stupid, I never suspected them, what Lin Juan said that day was hinting to me that Ren Tongtong and Ren Haisheng were having an affair.

I never suspected the two of them, I’m so stupid! “Ren Haisheng, Ren Tongtong, I hate you ……” I want to see them, I want to see them now, I took a taxi all night, and when I got to the downstairs of the neighborhood, sure enough, only my house was lit up, and that shadow, was still there.

I was furious and went upstairs, opened the security door as fast as I could, and with a “bang”, the door was closed.

“Ren Haisheng, Ren Tongtong, you two bitches!” I picked up the stool on the floor and slammed the door of Ren Tongtong’s room as hard as I could, I heard panicked voices inside.

“Huairou, why are you back?

” Ren Haisheng pretended to be calm and spoke to me, I only felt sick.

“Get out, you two get out!” “Get out! Get out!” “Bang, bang, bang!” The door to Ren Tongtong’s room was smashed out of the pit with my chair.

“Ren Haisheng, if you don’t open the door, I’m going to send a report about you two to your leaders, coworkers, and family members, and I’ll see what kind of face you have left to live with.

” I was shaking with anger, my hand gripping my cell phone tightly, and sure enough, the words worked, and Ren Haisheng opened the door.

Standing behind him, Ren Tongtong was still wearing those black high heels with black lace on them.

“Hahahahahahaha!” I looked at the high heels on Ren Tongtong’s feet and cried out laughing, it turned out that I had already crashed the two of them that day when I came home early.

“Huairou, calm down! You calm down first.

“It’s this time, Ren Haisheng still licked his face and asked me to calm down, I wheeled up the stool in my hand and smashed Ren Haisheng’s shoulder.

“Ren Haisheng, you’re an animal!” I pointed at both of their noses and cursed, Ren Xuan was woken up by my roar and cried loudly, I was disturbed by his crying.

Ren Haisheng was smashed by me and his features crumpled together in pain.

“Huairou, you first calm down, let’s talk about it, we’ve been married for so many years, you can’t ruin me, this matter, can’t let my leaders, colleagues know.

” Ren Haisheng kneeled on the ground, begging me, in my circle of friends, there is his boss’s wife’s wechat, as well as some of his coworkers’ wechat, as long as I send this matter to my circle of friends, he, Ren Haisheng, is bound to lose his job.

That’s where he’s been fighting for twelve years.

“When did you fool around?

Speak!” I grabbed the teacup lying on the table and threw it towards Ren Tongtong, hitting her eyes and instantly reddening them.

Seeing Ren Tongtong being beaten, Ren Haisheng stood up and protected Ren Tongtong behind him.

“Last year, when Tongtong was nineteen.

“Ren Xuan, is it your child?

“I feel breathless and dizzy, I use my hands to hold the table, barely standing.

“Huairou, in fact …… we ……” “I’ll ask you one last time, whose child is it?

” I slapped the table with my hand three times in a row, not feeling the slightest pain.

“It’s mine.

” Ren Haisheng nodded, he finally admitted it.

09 I sat paralyzed on the sofa, my hands and feet shaking.

“Mom …… mom ……” Ren Tongtong squatted beside me, she looked very nervous.

“Don’t call me mom, lowly! Get the hell out of here.

” I raised my foot and kicked Ren Tongtong’s body without mercy, sending her to the ground.

I covered my head with my hands and wailed in pain.

“Ren Haisheng, you went behind my back and cured your azoospermia, you could have divorced me, you could have found another woman, why?

Why did you choose Ren Tongtong?

Are you still a human being?

“She’s called you Dad for 12 years. You’re worse than an animal.”

“Ren Haisheng looked as if he had suffered a great injustice, he pointed his finger at me, he choked up instead “Yes. You are right to scold me, I am not a human being! You are right, I am not a human being, in order to cure azoospermia, I drank ten years of medicine, I never dreamed that, Tong Tong is pregnant with my child, I have my own flesh and blood, do you know how happy I am?

“Your own flesh and blood?

What about me?

I can’t have any more children because of you. How can you have your own flesh and blood?

“I stood up and pointed my finger at Ren Haisheng, I hated, hated my teeth.

“Luo Huairou, back then, after my sterilization surgery, I got infected, it was you who did it, do you think I don’t know?

Luo Huairou, listen well, I don’t owe you, Tong Tong can get pregnant, it’s God’s pity for me, because I accumulated virtue.

“Ren Haisheng picked up the stool on the floor and smashed it hard on the floor, he was very emotional, the gold rimmed glasses he was wearing, he looked like a civilized scum.

I sneered a few times, Ren Haisheng, even licked his face to say such words.

“You accumulate virtue?

Having sex with your adopted daughter, how can you say you’re virtuous?

“While Ren Haisheng and I were arguing, I saw that Ren Tongtong had already hugged Ren Xuan and was sitting at the window.

She called out to me, “Mom.” “Tong Tong, come down, come down!” Ren Haisheng was anxious like an ant on a hot pan, he was most worried about Ren Xuan, his own flesh and blood.

I froze in place for a few seconds, looking at everything in front of me, I didn’t know what to say.

If this were before, I would be more anxious than Ren Haisheng.

But now, I have mixed feelings in my heart, I can’t think of anything else, the person who jumped off the building, it should be me, right?

I laughed bitterly in my heart.

“Tong Tong, come down, don’t do anything stupid.

“Mom, it was Ren Haisheng who forced me to do it,” he begged.

“Mom, it was Ren Haisheng who raped me, he even recorded a video and threatened me, I could only agree, several times I wanted to tell you the truth, but I was afraid that if you knew, you wouldn’t want me anymore.

” Ren Tongtong cried sadly, her eyes red and swollen.

My heart felt like it had been stabbed hard by a knife, the tears couldn’t stop falling down, I looked to the side at Ren Haisheng, he didn’t meet my eyes.

“Mom, now that you know the truth, I know you won’t forgive me, there is nothing I can repay you for, I will help you take revenge on Ren Haisheng, he cares the most about this child, I will let this child, give me a burial.

” Ren Tongtong threw back her head and laughed a few times, that kind of desperate laugh, makes people look at the heartache.

Things changed too quickly, I was just about to speak, when Ren Tongtong hugged the child and leaned back.

“Don’t!” I thought I would ignore Ren Tongtong jumping off the building, but my speed, was much faster than Ren Haisheng.

Lucky to the core, my hands clutched onto Ren Tongtong’s clothes, my feet against the wall.

Ren Haisheng rushed to the window and looked down.

“Quickly help!” I could feel my face turning red, I couldn’t do it, watching Ren Tongtong jump off the building, after all, I regarded her as my own flesh and blood for the past 12 years.

She must have been terrified when she was trampled on by that beast, Ren Haisheng. No wonder Tong Tong was unhappy every time I traveled.

All the faults were caused by Ren Haisheng, that beast.

“Give me the child first!” Ren Haisheng shouted out, making Ren Tongtong hand over the child in her arms, first.

Ren Haisheng was a smart man, Ren Tongtong had already talked about his rape, the only thing he cared about was the child in Ren Tongtong’s hands, once he handed the child over to him.

The only thing he cares about is the child in her hands. Once the child is handed over to him, there will be no guarantee for the safety of my life and that of Ren Tongtong.

“Call the police, Ren Haisheng, call the police.

“Give me the baby first!” Ren Haisheng roared in anger, he had no intention of helping at all.

10 “Ren Haisheng, if you don’t help, I’ll let go! One is your adopted daughter and the other is your son, it has nothing to do with me.

” I yelled angrily, Ren Haisheng’s temperament is something I really understand, I’m running out of stamina.

Ren Haisheng stomped his foot vigorously, which came over to help, the two of us wasted nine bulls and two tigers of strength, only to pull up Ren Tongtong, the child.

Ren Haisheng held the child in his arms, carefully and thoughtfully, he held the child with tears in his eyes.

“Mom! Don’t don’t want me.

” Ren Tongtong knelt in front of me, pleading, I knew that she was forced, but there was still a disconnect in my heart.

I ran my hand through her hair, I didn’t know how to comfort her.

Who will comfort me then?

Looking back on life’s little by little, there are sweet and sad and broken, I think these are some of the wood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar and tea, just the seasoning of life.

I thought of ten thousand possibilities, but never thought of this: despair.

This farce, it’s time to end! Ren Haisheng had a clear conscience and went to turn himself in, giving an account of the rape of Ren Tongtong, while I divorced Ren Haisheng and sold the house.

I put a sum of money into Ren Tongtong’s bank card to give her and her child a source of livelihood. Ren Tongtong told me that she was raising her child and studying at the same time, and luckily, she didn’t waste her education.

I couldn’t face our relationship, and I found a secluded town to live alone.

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