How accurate can a girl’s intuition really be?

How accurate can a girl’s intuition really be?

I noticed on my husband’s back, there was a pimple mark that someone had just squeezed.

I was wondering who could have squeezed the pimples on a man’s back.

At that time, I felt that he might have someone outside, at night, I took advantage of his sleep, secretly use his fingerprints to open his cell phone, I was directly dumbfounded.

Every Friday night, is my husband Chen Tao and I “deep communication” time.

However, just when the two of us candles lit, red wine poured, washed white, after the arrow on the string.

I noticed a pimple mark on his back.

A fresh, reddish pimple mark, obviously squeezed just during the day.

An ill-timed BGM sounded in my head: akai kuri monkey ya howl run …… husband has a pimple, the person who squeezed it wasn’t me.

I have doubts in my mind, but now ask, surely destroy the atmosphere.

Hesitation, I pretended to pack clothes, Chen Tao changed clothes carefully checked once, there is no blood stains on it, indicating that it is not rubbed.

This can’t be left unasked.

I pushed Chen Tao to the mirror, pointing to the pimple marks: “Who squeezed you?

“He replied without panic: “Squeezed it myself in the company’s grooming mirror.

“Good for you.

A big man, with his chest exposed, in front of the mirror in a public place, in a strange position, puffing and puffing, squeezing the boils on his back.

Can you imagine?

I can’t.

I pointed to the mirror and said decisively, “Well, squeeze it again and I’ll see.

” So he got naked, looked in the mirror, and explored the limits of twisting human joints.

After a few attempts, he actually found a position where he stretched each of his arms backward, twisted his cervical spine 90 degrees to the rear, and then rolled his eyeballs to the extreme so that he could barely touch the pimple marks on his back with the help of the mirror.

The original beautiful atmosphere completely disappeared, and looking at his posture, I was a little soft, so I hugged him and said, “Okay, I’m just asking casually.

” Chen Tao smiled and lowered his hand, gently leaning up, not blaming me at all.

I responded to his movements while secretly wondering if I was being overly sensitive.

Chen Tao is a famously honest man, married for five years, always honest with me, monthly paychecks paid in full, never like other men outside to engage in three or four.

Last year, he got the equity award after the company went public, from ordinary programmers jumped into the middle class.

Even so, Chen Tao did not like other men, as soon as the money is bad, to me as before.

In short, he is like a cup of hot soybean milk, give me full of dependence and peace of mind.

How could such a man cheat on his wife?

I must be overthinking.

I let go of my distractions and tried my best to focus.

And he, as if trying to prove something, showed off his car skills.

My newly lowered heart lifted again.

Older drivers understand that cool car skills can’t come out of nowhere.

Especially Chen Tao such honest to slightly mute man, must have a private tutor close coaching.

Suspicion once again attacked, I can no longer self-compassion, find an excuse to hastily end.

Chen Tao quickly fell asleep, but as soon as I closed my eyes, the reddish pimple marks in front of my eyes, shaking me upset.

As a straight woman of steel, I can’t stand any emotional suspense, and I can’t understand the tangled euphemism of “if you won’t say, I won’t ask”.

Emotional matters, I have always been more serious, even if the injury to the blood stabbing pull call, but also can not be green and confused.

Therefore, the derailment deterrent war, the fight still have to fight, the cell phone should be checked still have to check.

Thinking of this, I gently took Chen Tao’s cell phone, touching his fingertips, trying fingerprints one by one.

Not a few times the screen is unlocked, but I was dumbfounded.

This is not Chen Tao commonly used that desktop.

Impression, Chen Tao’s cell phone applications loaded with full, but the screen in front of me is only phone and WeChat.

More conspicuous is the cell phone wallpaper, married since his wallpaper has always been my photo, but now it is his and another woman’s photo.

This woman I have never seen, twenty-something years old, looks sweet and lovely, leaning in his arms smiling sweetly, the two people as a couple.

I was shocked and angry, I wholeheartedly trust the man, how can hide so many moths in the back?

Open WeChat, the chat record is a variety of kissing and hugging high, the two to “Tao brother”, “baby” called each other, do not look at that a few large amount of money transfers, then, thought it was two junior high school students in love.

Chat records began three months ago, that is exactly when Chen Tao bought this cell phone.

No wonder he has been doing hair and buy clothes, desperately primping himself, I also thought the elm to sprout, now I think, this is completely in love only people will have the action.

As the old saying goes, a man is only honest if he hangs on the wall! After doing a good job of psychological construction, I woke up Chen Tao and confronted him.

Chen Tao realized that he was in trouble and looked at me.

Under my questioning, he frankly confessed to the cell phone thing: some high-end models of Android have a dual-system function, set up, different fingerprints open is a different system.

“So you fucking bought a new cell phone to cheat me!” I didn’t hold back the profanity, remembering my own giddy look when I accompanied him to choose a cell phone three months ago, it was really a living example of SB.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.

” Chen Tao looked me in the eyes and said.

“Who is she?

How do you two know each other?

” Chen Tao lowered his head in silence, which meant he wasn’t going to answer the question.

This attitude accurately ignited my anger, and I yelled, lifting up my pillow and slamming it into him frantically.

He didn’t dodge at all and lowered his head like a statue, letting me vent my anger.

I cried and yelled, “Why don’t you answer?

Why did you lie to me! Why did you cheat on me? Why can’t you live a good life! I trusted you so much, you can’t stand me!” I’m sorry, I did make a mistake, I can’t even accept that I would make such a mistake,” he said.

I can’t even accept that I would make such a mistake.” He was like a child who had done something wrong, with red eyes and tears in his eyes, and he was extremely sincere in his words and phrases.

When he cried, my heart couldn’t help but start to shake, sobbing: “If you fall in love with someone else, you can tell me clearly, you can get a divorce, I can accept all of them, the only thing I can’t accept is being kept in the dark like a fool.

Immediately is our fifth wedding anniversary, did not expect, you send me such a big surprise.

” Chen Tao wiped a handful of tears, kneeling on the bed in front of my face, solemnly deleted the settings on the phone, placed in front of me.

“HanHan, I’m really wrong, I promise not to make this kind of mistake in the future, you give me a chance, forgive me, okay.

” I coldly turned my face away.

Chen Tao reached out to hug me, I pushed him away and picked up the quilt and went to the second bedroom.

In the next few days, Chen Tao went to work to report his whereabouts, but when he came home, he circled around me, grabbed the housework, a positive performance, and strive for leniency.

Although I cold face relative, but the strings of the heart has been loosened.

Anniversary soon came, Chen Tao carefully prepared, booked the Black Pearl restaurant, also bought flowers.

We have never been to this kind of high-class restaurant before, and after he skillfully ordered, he pulled a necklace out of his pocket.

A crystal platinum chain with a pendant set with crushed diamonds, small and delicate.

Worn around the neck, cool and pleasant.

I was moved to look at Chen Tao.

This man, with flowers and diamonds, with full of sincerity to beg to get back together, what reason do I have to push him away again?

He made a mistake, but as long as corrected, we can still grow old.

The food came up quickly, Chen Tao bad stomach, cooked steak half eaten on the toilet.

I put down my chopsticks and went to the car to get him some medicine, but then I received a report from a colleague asking me to revise and submit it as soon as possible.

Chen Tao’s computer is in the car, I did not think too much, direct receipt of documents.

But I did not expect, it is this decision, completely ripped the surface of the marriage, the human nature of the ugly completely exposed.

The laptop was not shut down, I woke up and connected to the hotspot of the cell phone, intending to use WeChat to transfer the file into the computer, but found that the computer end of the small number, which is full of information sent by the woman.

My head “buzzed”, and my heart could not stop sinking.

“I miss you.

” “I dreamed about you last night, and the internet says that you dream about someone because that person is thinking about you.

Is that true?

” “Actually, I know that it wasn’t you who was thinking about me, but my body, sensing my thoughts of you, met you in my dream for me.

” After reading these, my chest felt like it was clogged with a ball of cotton, depressing and crumbling.

It’s true that Chen Tao didn’t reply to these words.

But he has been silently watching, how is this not a response?

Watching for a long time, it’s only a matter of time before the ashes are rekindled.

Just when I do not know what to do, the dialog box flashed a message: I also want you.

The message that Chen Tao replied with his cell phone was synchronized on the computer side.

I lost my smile, my heart was cold, he finally did not hold back, holding her deep love.

The feeling of betrayal like a knife into the heart.

It hurts.

I sat in the car sobbing uncontrollably, but they didn’t care, the deep dialogue popping up one after the other.

“Where are you?

“At the restaurant where we had our first date, with her for our anniversary.”

“Haha, did you go to that restaurant because you wanted to see me.

“I closed my computer with a snap.

There was no need to read any further.

Chen Tao has been deceiving me, he said he would change, but he doesn’t want to change at all.

The flowers and food he gave me were just a trick to keep her company for the rest of the day.

From beginning to end, only I acted like a fool, directing myself in a lame play of deep forgiveness, and thought I could break the mirror.

This kind of shame is really enough.

I wiped away my tears, calmed my emotions, and also covered the hurt in my heart.

This is the end of Chen Tao.

I love you and believe you, you have the opportunity to deceive and hurt! If I take back all my feelings, who do you think you are? Slamming the car door, I picked off the pills one by one and threw them away along the way.

Back at the table, I held up the empty pill board and shrugged, “Why don’t I go buy you a box?

‘ Chen Tao waved his hand, “Let’s eat first.

‘ After smiling, I ignored him completely and chowed down on my food.

Fighting back against cheating is not an easy thing, how can I do it without eating a full meal.

Swiping my cell phone, the advertisement of the newly opened bungee jumping park entered my eyes.

A bold idea popped into my mind.

The elevator carried us both, slowly rising towards the 80-meter high bungee platform.

I looked out at the scenery and kept admonishing myself to be calm.

Chen Tao held my hand and asked, “Why do you want to bungee jump?

“I gazed at him, “I want to use this way to make you remember today forever.

“If you’re scared, close your eyes and hold on to me.

“When he finished speaking, he held my hand and naturally slipped it into his pocket.

My nose was sore, tears came out of my eyes, I really wished that time could stop right there.

But the elevator was already at the top and when it opened, the cold mountain air whipped at my face like a slap, sobering me up instantly.

It was just his little trick, no need to sink in.

After the staff tied the safety rope, Chen Tao and I walked onto the jumping platform.

He looked at me with an emotional face, probably wanting to give a speech or something.

But I ignored him, squatted down directly and untied the rope cover on my feet.

Unrepentant man, should taste what it is like to be hurt by someone you trust.

I took a step back, and when Chen Tao saw this, he immediately tensed up, “Wife, you ……” Without waiting for him to finish, I pushed him, and Chen Tao fell backward with an incredulous expression.

A howl echoed out across the valley.

The staff couldn’t react in time and froze in fear.

I flashed him an eight-toothed smile, “Justajoke.

He’s got a safety harness, he’ll be fine.

” After I finished, I stepped into the elevator.

Chen Tao was so shocked that he had a heart attack and went into the hospital.

His previous gastrointestinal distress caused him to shit his pants during the descent.

But that was nothing.

He made me carry green on my head and I made him stain his pants legs with yellow, fair enough.

Chen Tao’s condition wasn’t serious, and the doctor said that infusion therapy would be fine.

After completing the formalities, my mother-in-law rushed here in a hurry to make sure that Chen Tao on the hospital bed is fine, then turned her head and began to criticize me.

“What’s a good bungee jumping, thirty-something people, do not do serious work, all day demon! Whose daughter-in-law is like you?” Over the past five years, she has not been able to give me the time of day for not having a child.

In the past, I put up with it as long as I could to save Chen Tao’s face.

Now, I don’t feel the need to put up with it anymore.

“Mind your own business before minding others, ask your son what kind of demon he is working outside!” After I finished speaking, I looked at Chen Tao, who knew that he was being rude and had a look on his face like he wanted to say something.

My mother-in-law probably didn’t expect me to talk back, and after freezing for a moment, she opened her voice: “Tell me clearly, what’s wrong with Chen Tao?” Just as I was considering whether to talk back to her or not, she said, “What’s wrong with Chen Tao?

“Just as I was considering whether or not to have a big fight with her, someone pushed the door and walked in.

It was a young woman wearing a light green little scented suit, with fluffy French bangs that framed a sweet face.

I instantly recognized her as the woman in the group photo, Chen Tao’s ‘baby’.

Chen Tao’s eyes widened: “Jiaojiao?

“So her name is Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao pounced on Chen Tao’s bedside with a worried face, “I was worried that something would happen to you when you bungee jumped, so I called to ask, and they said that someone had been sent to the hospital, and I was afraid that it was you, so I rushed over to take a look.

I was so afraid that something would happen to you.

“Chen Tao had a big expression on his face, “You shouldn’t have come here.

“I understand that you’re afraid she’ll get angry and argue with you, but I’m really worried about you. If anything happens to you, what will happen to our child?

“Children?” Chen Tao and his mother-in-law instantly froze.

Chen Tao and his mother-in-law were instantly frozen.

I felt the blood rush to my head.

Jiao Jiao lowered her head and said shyly, “Well that.

“It is our first …… have, I would have liked to go to deal with it, but can not be ruthless, after all, is our child, is a small life.

“Really bare ass hanging, dead shameless! I clenched my fists, desperately resisting the urge to rush up and tear her apart.

“Now that the baby is three months old, I think it’s better to tell you, you have the right to know.

” After saying this, she stood as steady as a mountain, making it clear that she wanted Chen Tao to make a stand.

Chen Tao’s face changed for a while, while my mother-in-law looked back and forth at Jiaojiao and me.

I have been numb, did not expect my proud marriage will one day turn into a dog blood drama, or a twist and turn kind of.

In the end, it was Chen Tao who spoke up to break the awkwardness, he told his mother-in-law to go back first and said he would solve it himself.

The mother-in-law hesitated for a moment, and walked out of the hospital room three steps back.

After the mother-in-law left, I ripped off the necklace and threw it in Chen Tao’s face, and was about to curse.

But Jiaojiao picked up the necklace, and with his hand wearing a large diamond ring together.

I realized that the necklace Chen Tao gave me and the ring on her hand were actually a set.

Only, the big diamond ring is flashy and dazzling, and the small chain of broken diamonds is cheap and shabby.

I instantly lost the urge to tear, remembered the small video in the street violently beat the junior those original mate, feel like them, the more ferocious, in fact, the more pitiful.

Immediately after, Jiaojiao “flopped” and knelt in front of me.

“I didn’t know that Tao would give you the giveaway as a gift, if I had known, I definitely wouldn’t have let him do that.

Anyway, I’ll return the ring to you now, so don’t blame Brother Tao, okay?

” She took off the ring and handed it to me.

“Sister Shen, don’t hate me, I didn’t mean to break you up today, I just want the child to see his father.

Don’t worry, I’ll raise the child myself, and I definitely won’t affect your family.” I looked at her in disbelief.

“I looked at her in disbelief, how can someone be so brazen and shameless? No! This is not a human being. This is a thousand-year-old green tea that has become a spirit! She claimed that she didn’t want to hurt others, but every word was a killer! Chen Tao was obviously touched, “Jiao Jiao, you don’t need to say sorry, you go back first.

“But I want to be here to take care of you.”

”The dog man and woman were singing in unison, showing their love in front of me.

I couldn’t stand it anymore and growled, “That’s enough Chen Tao! You really make me sick! And you, you’re pregnant with someone else’s husband’s child, but you still want to come to the door to show off, do you know what it means to have shame?

“”I know I shouldn’t have come, but the child is innocent ……” I slapped her on the face and scolded, “So what if you’re pregnant, even if you give birth, you’re just a bastard, and you’ll be spurned for the rest of your life!”” A hint of ferocity flashed in Green Tea’s eyes and then disappeared.

She covered her face and cried.

Chen Tao became anxious and scolded loudly, ”Shen Han, why didn’t I see that you are a jealous woman earlier! I was so angry that I burst into laughter, “Yeah, I didn’t see that you were a sand sculpture either.

”You!” Chen Tao was furious.

“You what you, it’s you who have wronged me, I beat and scold you again, you deserve to suffer!” I pointed at Chen Tao on the hospital bed and roared for a while, but I didn’t realize that Green Tea had climbed onto the windowsill at some point.

She shouted, “Don’t you guys quarrel, she is right, instead of letting the child be scolded for the rest of his life, it would be better to …… Goodbye Tao, please remember that you once had a child.

” After finishing, she made a gesture to jump off the building.

Chen Tao exclaimed don’t.

At the moment of a thousand pounds, the mother-in-law suddenly rushed in to hold Green Tea in her arms.

Like a drowning person grabbing a lifeline, Green Tea leaned on her mother-in-law and cried loudly.

Granny comforted her gently, “Silly child, Auntie will decide for you.

“I couldn’t believe my ears and asked shakily, “Mom, what did you say?

“Granny stroked Green Tea’s back and didn’t answer.

I was so cold that I couldn’t stay any longer. I dropped the word “divorce” and slammed the door.

I was lying at home for a whole day, looking at the family portrait on the wall, my heart was like ashes.

Chen Tao cheating is certainly hateful, but my mother-in-law’s behavior is even more chilling.

Said what married is a family, but how many women will be in-laws sincere acceptance, as their own family like love and care?

Dad heard the news from somewhere and hurriedly came.

The moment I saw my dad, my heart’s aggression was like a sea of tears, and I couldn’t stop them from falling.

My father began to lecture me.

“Chen Tao cheating is not right, but you can not use such an extreme way to punish him ah, you immediately go to the hospital with me, to Chen Tao to apologize, pick him back.

Dad has always loved Chen Tao, and he is even closer to him than he is to me.

I refused to go.

When the stalemate, mother-in-law opened the door, she ignored my father, directly threw me a divorce agreement for me to sign.

Obviously is Chen Tao cheating in the first, but they are still so high and mighty, I feel suffocated in my heart, holding the agreement, signing is not, not signing is not.

Suddenly, the property allocation details into my eyes: live in the house is Chen Tao father, I have no right to, the family deposit belongs to Chen Tao equity dividends, also do not give me.

Meaning, is to let me net out of the household.

I threw the agreement to the mother-in-law, coldly spoke: “This agreement is not legal, Chen Tao is the marriage of the shares, equity earnings should have me a share.

“My mother-in-law snorted coldly: “You’re not dreaming.

“I approached my mother-in-law, “According to the law, the shareholding after marriage is regarded as joint property, what, do you want to violate the law?

“My mother-in-law took two steps back, sat on her butt, and howled, “Come and judge, you’re bullying the elderly! Soon, the old men and women in the building smelled the melons and surrounded the doorway.

I thought that the reason is not in the crowd, but who knows, the mother-in-law does not speak martial arts, raw fabricated a bunch of lies.

Said what I see Chen Tao honest, urging him to do Dink family, want to make Chen Tao extinct.

Granny patted her thighs and cried and howled, and soon gained the sympathy of the people, have accused me.

“Unfiliality is three times as great as having no descendants, this daughter-in-law should not be.

This daughter-in-law should not be allowed,” said Auntie Zhang, who is known as the long-tongued woman in the building.

With Auntie Zhang taking the lead, the old ladies chimed in.

“This kind of daughter-in-law is bad luck for anyone who wants one.

“That’s right.

“Papa’s face turned red and he tried to argue, but there were so many people on the other side that his defense was ineffective.

Seeing the effect of public opinion, the mother-in-law continued.

“My son wanted a divorce and asked me to get her to sign the papers, but she saw the shares in my son’s name and insisted on getting half of them, saying that it was required by law.

She hasn’t even had a child, so why should she get my son’s money?

” The neighbors’ emotions were once again ignited and responded, with some accusing me of being greedy for my husband and favoritism, and others outright calling me a liar and a woman raider.

Dad gritted his teeth and finally couldn’t bear it anymore, slamming the table and roaring loudly, ”My old Shen family has not yet come to the point of coveting your family’s money! Xiaohan, you sign right now and go home with dad!” I signed with a few swishes and threw the agreement to her.

After the cooling-off period, Chen Tao and I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to complete the divorce formalities.

A happy marriage of five years had collapsed in less than two months.

Sad is really sad.

Out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Chen Tao called me and said: “Han Han, you will hate me?

“I looked at him indifferently.

I looked at him indifferently. “You will definitely hate me, but she is pregnant, I have to be responsible for her.

“Chen Tao’s tone was extremely sincere.

I smiled, “Chen Tao, the person you should be most responsible for is me.

Remember our pre-marital medical checkup?

I was the one who went to get the results, do you know what it says on the medical report?

“What does it say?

“Just as I was about to reveal the secret that I had kept from him for five years, Green Tea drove a Mercedes Benz to a stop beside us.

She cheerfully got out of the car and intimately took Chen Tao’s arm, waving the ID card in her hand.

Chen Tao sighed and said to me, “All that is in the past, Shen Han, I wish you happiness in the future.

” Finished, he and Green Tea walked into the Civil Affairs Bureau, while Green Tea also did not forget to stretch up the other hand, towards the sky than a V word.

I heart a burst of bitterness.

Yes, it’s all in the past.

Where is the thousand pounds of love better than the smile of a newcomer?

I just got home, my cell phone rang an unfamiliar caller, and when I answered, it was Green Tea.

“Stay away from Chen Tao in the future.

“She is no longer tea tea gas, at the moment the voice is very arrogant.

I said coldly: “a destroy other people’s feelings of the third party, also deserve to come to teach me a lesson?

“What’s wrong with destroying someone’s relationship, what’s wrong with being a mistress, is it against the law?” “You!

“You!” I was infuriated by her, “Didn’t your mom tell you to be ethical?

“Green Tea laughed, “Ha, I think you’re the one who violates morals now. How long has it been since you were spurned by your neighbors and you’ve already forgotten?

“How do you know?

“Of course I know, this is the idea I gave to Chen Tao’s mother.

“Green Tea’s voice was full of smugness.

“I’m most tired of you stupid women, you don’t move to talk about morality, to put it bluntly, it’s not that you can’t compete with me! Anyway, Chen Tao is my husband now, if you keep pestering him like today, don’t blame me for not being polite!” After saying that, she pinched the phone.

I was so angry that I was shaking all over.

This kind of bitch, why didn’t I slap her more often in the past! To cheer me up, my dad took me and my mom to a new Japanese restaurant.

Looking at the various colors of sashimi and sushi, I was so excited that I picked up a plate and was about to eat, but I heard a familiar voice from the next box.

“My Tao Tao has finally divorced that Shen Han.

My daughter-in-law is now beautiful and obedient, and I heard that she is also a second-generation rich man.

“This is my mother-in-law’s voice.

Mom and Dad put down their chopsticks in unison.

I felt a wave of nausea in my heart.

I’m sick to my stomach! A good meal, but it stinks.

“If it wasn’t for us, your ex-daughter-in-law wouldn’t have been able to sign the papers so quickly.

“That’s right, if it goes to court, your family’s Tao Tao’s equity will have to be given to someone else.”

“Listening to these voices, they were all from the amahs who were there that day.

“Today’s meal is to thank you, here are some red envelopes, one for each of you, thank you for your help,” she said, “Although I can’t see her face, I can’t see her face.

“Although I couldn’t see her face, I could imagine how happy Granny must be at this moment.

“We’re all old neighbors, how can we be so kind?” “We didn’t spend a penny.

“We didn’t have to spend a penny to get divorced, so this is nothing.

You don’t know, Tao Tao has been honest since he was a child, if I hadn’t done this, he would have suffered a great deal.

I can’t stop the pride in my mother-in-law’s voice,” she said.

“That’s right, divorcing and dividing up the money for nothing would make anyone’s heart ache.

“This was Auntie Zhang’s voice.

Mom and Dad and I realized that what happened that day was all planned.

From the time Dad received the news, to the time my mother-in-law entered the house, to the time public opinion surrounded us, it was all a well-planned divorce strategy, just to let me out of the house.

A cold anger rose from the bottom of my heart.

For five years, I have never been respectful, spending more money on her than on my mother, but she not only pulls the strings, but also incites the neighbors to join in counting on me.

These years of filial piety, really to the dog! Over there, my mother-in-law’s voice continued, “By the way, I would like to inform you that next weekend, it will be the wedding of my son Tao Tao and my daughter-in-law Jiao Jiao, so come and have some wedding wine then! Hearing this, I couldn’t hold back any longer, and as soon as I slammed the plate down, I rolled up my sleeves and was about to rush over.

But mom and dad held me back.

I know that my father wants to save face, the divorce has been settled, and further entanglement will only be more humiliating.

In the evening, Mom and Dad early to wash up and lie down, I know they do not feel good.

From Chen Tao cheating, to the divorce, the whole thing is to let the people in the heart of the nest.

Originally, I just want to let Chen Tao genuinely admit a mistake, mentioned the division of property, but also just want to be angry at the mother-in-law only.

But I did not expect, they even designed nakedly put me together.

And the first foot divorce, the second foot ex-marriage, this seamless transition, but also too bullying! I can’t just swallow this breath.

I can’t let others disgust me. I must think of a way to disgust them.

I decided to check Chen Tao and Green Tea’s rooming records first.

On the Internet to find a hacker, half an hour after the payment, got Chen Tao and green tea’s rooming records.

Also let the hacker cracked the hotel’s surveillance, and got the video of the two people entering the room together.

Unexpectedly, the two of them only had a room once.



That’s not enough material to make a big fuss about the wedding.

After consideration, I went through the call logs and gave Green Tea’s cell phone number to the hacker.

In the digital age, a cell phone number is a black code that opens a person’s history.

I need to know from which hole she drilled out of the goblin.

Two hours later, the hacker sent a compressed file covering every aspect of information from Green Tea’s travel and consumption, to online social platforms, and even the number of times she had a miscarriage was clear.

I was on the calendar, stroked a whole day and night, linear diagrams drawn several, before the green tea’s struggle history completely clear.

Green Tea’s real name is not Jiao Jiao, but Ge Yun Di.

Er, there is no even out of the younger brother, here for the time being.

But she only used seven years, walked through the foot spa, bath center, day dish company three pole jump, from a junior high school graduation foot wash girl, transformed into the current Jiaojiao.

The hard work, no one let a man silent female tears.

The day dish company, is a high-end PUA training organization.

The girls were sent to meet all kinds of rich men after training in instrumentation, speech, temperament, and conversation skills.

Then through bloodsucking, a steady stream of profits for the organization.

And Liu Siyao after training, quickly grew into a high segment fishing girl.

How high?

While she was adopted by the gold master, she also operated a large fish pond, and sifted out four sand sculptures from the fish pond, no, four big fish, and respectively asked them for a down payment, the full amount of the joy to mention a big G.

That’s the one I saw outside the Civil Affairs Bureau.

True – high segment fishing woman – spelling eve small can – crowdfunding first-class player – Jiaojiao.

After tasting success, Green Tea broke away from the organization, she lost her bank card, which was monitored by the organization, and drove the Big G to change cities, cell phones, and a richer golden father.

Then, Green Tea got pregnant and wanted to use the opportunity to get to the top.

Unable to help the gold master’s main wife is very tough, looking for someone to teach her a hard lesson, forcing her back.

But green tea is not a person who easily admit defeat, iron will to give birth to this child, not the call of motherly love, but the golden master’s family is large, casually inherited a little bit will be enough for her mother and child a lifetime of spending.

Therefore, Chen Tao is just a temporary provider that Green Tea found.

I looked at this information and was unusually angry.

Green Tea was bitchy enough, but Chen Tao was also really sandy.

He didn’t suffer this loss unjustly.

But what’s wrong with me?

And even suffer from this nonsense?

What’s even more infuriating is that she doesn’t love Chen Tao at all, and just because she needs a temporary man, she has broken up a family.

This kind of disregard for morality, the scourge of robbing and plundering, I do not clean up her, God will not tolerate! A few days later, Chen Tao’s wedding was held as scheduled.

I have long been ready, just waiting for the time to arrive, big trouble wedding! Moreover, I’m not the only one fighting for the big revenge this time.

The grandeur of the wedding showed how satisfied the Chen family was with the marriage.

On the stage, the talented man and the beautiful woman are a perfect match; off the stage, the mother-in-law, dressed in a red cheongsam, is laughing among the guests.

Heh, laugh while you can, because you’ll be crying for a long time to come.

I wore a mask and sat in the corner, waiting to watch the show unfold.

As the wedding progressed, the first group of comrades, the “second masters”, came on stage to thank their parents.

Rural dress “second grandfather” appeared in the green tea side, grabbed the green tea, trembling called out: “Brother! Why don’t you ask your parents to come to your wedding?

“The eyes of the crowd all looked at Green Tea as soon as these words came out.

Green Tea’s face was nervous, and she pushed moncler outlet store away: “Don’t call me that, I don’t know you at all.

I don’t know you at all.” moncler outlet online, “I’ve watched you grow up in the village, how can I be mistaken.

You always wore crotchless pants when you were growing up, and I still remember that you had a mole on your ass, right?” moncler outlet online, I’m not sure if I’m right, I’m not sure if I’m right.

Chen Tao was obviously suspicious, looking suspiciously at Green Tea, and Green Tea’s ‘parents’.

He could not have imagined that his parents-in-law, who he was kneeling to worship, were just extras that Green Tea had found.

Walking in the jianghu, Green Tea’s persona was that of a rich second generation from a business family.

But her real parents, as early as when she worked as a bath lady, severed their relationship with her.

The fact that she has a mole on her butt is something I found out from her flirty selfies.

So I paid for an extra.

Before going on stage, I instructed moncler outlet store me to act well and not to pay for bad results.

At this moment, moncler outlet store I was exerting all my acting skills, playing the role of “second master”.

Green Tea got anxious and called out to the security guards, kicking moncler outlet store them out.

I sneered.

This was just the beginning, more excitement was yet to come! Then, the second group of comrades – the Plastic Sisters – came on.

Four women in tight short skirts came up and enthusiastically embraced Green Tea, asking her why she didn’t inform her former sisters of her marriage.

Green Tea obviously did not expect to run into her former sisters who used to clock together at the bath center at her wedding.

She turned pale and stared at their every move in horror, lest they shake out her past.

I watched Green Tea with a sense of comfort.

These four were the ones I ripped out of the chat logs, and it took quite a bit of effort to get them to agree.

But looking at the results, it was so worth it! The girls in the bath center are just good at living and not talking much.

After a brief greeting, they revealed the congratulatory gift they had prepared for Green Tea.

It was two banners with white letters on a red background, and after pulling them apart, it was clearly written: Congratulations to Jiaojiao for her successful landing – from all the sisters of Green Tea Foot Spa.

Wish Jiaojiao to find a husband, return to the family – all the sisters of the Spring Garden Bath.

Once the banner was pulled open, the scene was suddenly a smacking sound.

Neighborhood table, Zhang Auntie has led the melon seeds.

Chen Tao’s family’s faces were somber.

Green Tea’s ‘fake parents’ even looked at me and me, not knowing what to do.

Green Tea swept the stage in despair and looked at Chen Tao with pleading in her eyes.

Chen Tao stormed out, “Who sent you here to cause trouble?

I want to call the police, call the police!” The mission was accomplished, and the Plastic Sisters exited the stage in a sharp manner.

Is this scene over?

NO! Finally, the grand finale is a forty-something year old sister, who is the wife of the tycoon and Green Tea’s number one enemy.

I found from the information, green tea had used WeChat all kinds of provocation and abusive elder sister, personally find elder sister, with her to explain the original reason.

The enemy of the enemy is a comrade-in-arms, the same original spouse, we hit it off, vowing to hammer green tea to death on the floor! At this point, Green Tea stared at the original mate who was approaching her, couldn’t stop shaking her head and backing away, shivering, and finally got tangled up in her wedding dress and fell to the ground.

Big sister is worthy of being a big sister, people are ruthless, not a lot of words, up a straddle, directly riding on the green tea, left and right open bow, slapped the green tea nose and face.

After a slap, Big Sister got up and dragged Green Tea by her hair to the front of the stage, picked up the microphone, and began to speak.

“This bitch, seduced my husband.

Even if she seduced him, she is still like a bloodsucker, spending 20 million dollars of my family’s money in half a year.

I put up with it, but three months ago, she came straight to my door and said she was pregnant, asking me to divorce her.

“I taught her a few lessons and drove her away.

“Then my husband ignored her, and this little bitch started to make trouble, calling home in the middle of the night, sending wreaths to the house, putting up posters, all kinds of disgusting tricks.

Because of her, my husband can’t do his business anymore!” “This kind of woman is a scourge!” After that, she spat at Green Tea, dropped the microphone, and left the stage.

Green Tea herself was left, like a defeated hen, her make-up smudged, her hair scattered, standing on the stage with her back half bowed, staring at the people under the stage in a hurry, unable to cry.

Then she fell head over heels.

When she was giving me a V outside the civil office, she must not have thought that this wedding would become the dark night of her soul.

Also experiencing a dark moment in their lives is Chen Tao’s family.

Chen father character honest, sitting in the chair at the moment like a fool, not moving, not a word.

Chen Tao’s mother, who has been competitive all her life and can’t stand this kind of shame, sat on the ground and patted her thighs, crying and howling at the same time, all without the previous complacency.

Chen Tao ran around, a moment to pat dad, a moment to persuade mom.

In such an atmosphere, the wedding reached its climax.

I turned away with satisfaction, deep in my heart.

Later, I heard that the place had turned into a large cemetery, half of the people in it had died of embarrassment, and the remaining half had died from eating melons until they died.

The flowers of this amazing wedding 䋈, spread all over the local people’s cell phones.

The face of Chen Tao’s family was also completely lost to the galaxy.

I heard that someone later found Green Tea bleeding before calling an ambulance and sending Green Tea to the hospital.

Green Tea miscarried the child, lost the bargaining chip for the family property, was also Chen Tao family kicked out.

The next day, Chen Tao went to look for green tea divorce, but found that green tea disappeared.

But the storm continues.

Within a few days, men who had been cheated by Green Tea over the years came to the Chen family for money.

But no one knew where Green Tea had gone.

So naturally, the task of repaying the money fell to Green Tea’s legal husband – Chen Tao.

The child is gone and there is still a debt, Chen Tao this plate catch too real.

Be crowdfunded down payment of four buddies, choose to report the case, and some smaller amount of buddies, is every day in Chen Tao’s home, forcing Chen Tao for green tea to pay back the money.

This is Chen Tao’s mom dead will not agree.

So, Chen Tao again had to look for green tea all over the world.

He found my house.

Chen Tao bearded, haggard face, he asked me: “Can you help me find Jiaojiao, no, Ge …… Undi?

” I sneered: “You are her husband, you do not know where she is, how would I know?

“I know, you made a mess of the wedding.

If you hadn’t made such a fuss about the wedding, things wouldn’t have turned out like this.

“I lost my smile, “Are you blaming me for the wedding?

Chen Tao, she is pregnant with someone else’s child, and you believe her when she says it’s yours?

You want to marry her?

“Han Han, we haven’t had a child in five years, I love you, but I want a child too.

“Chen Tao’s eyes reddened.

I was heartbroken, opened the drawer and took out an envelope and handed it to him, choked and said.

“You can’t blame me for not having a child.

“Chen Tao opened it with a skeptical look.

It was Chen Tao’s marriage test report from five years ago, which clearly stated that he suffered from congenital azoospermia.

At that time, the doctor clearly told me that the cause of this disease was spermatogenic dysfunction, and there was no possibility of natural fertility.

Artificial insemination might be possible, but the success rate was also extremely low.

To put it bluntly, I might not be able to be a mother for the rest of my life if I married Chen Tao.

But that doesn’t change my love for him.

I thought about it for a while and didn’t want to make both of us suffer for the sake of a very low success rate.

So, after a big cry, I locked up this diagnosis and resolutely got a marriage license with Chen Tao, instilling in him the benefits of being a Dink and trying to get him to accept it.

At this moment, Chen Tao’s hand trembled slightly, the paper gently fluttered down, he raised his head, his eyes filled with tears.

I looked at him calmly, no longer having any waves inside.

“I hid it from you before because I didn’t want you to feel pressured.

Now tell you, is afraid that you will be confused again in the future as a receiver.

“Chen Tao slapped himself hard, kneeling on the ground in tears.

“It’s me who didn’t know better, I failed you, Han Han, please give me a chance, let me make it up to you, okay?

” I looked at him compassionately and said calmly, “I’m not going to be a receiver.

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