How do all the mom-and-pop guys end up?

How do all the mombo men end up?

1 Lu Zihao and I were in love in college, the first time I found out that he was a mom’s treasure, was after attending a graduation party.

Lu Zihao was drunk at the time, we took a taxi back to school, he called his mom in the car, “Mom, I have no underwear to wear, Jiajia bought uncomfortable ……” a big man of more than 5 meters, because there is no underwear to wear and mom wooing pouting.

At that time, I just thought he was drunk and didn’t think too much about it except that I found it a little funny, because when he was sober, he was a big, mature and sweet warm man who spoiled me in every way.

Not long after graduation we got a license, I went back to his hometown with him, and together they took a job in the system.

He was really good to me, often cooking for me and taking the initiative to take care of the housework.

My mother-in-law, on the pretext that I was pregnant, asked me to move out of my and my husband’s bedroom and she moved in.

When I pushed the door in, my husband, Lu Zihao, was attentively rubbing his mom’s calves on the bed: “Mom, you’re exhausted from moving, right?


At that moment, I felt that I was the third party in this family.

It’s just that, occasionally, when I hear him and his mom talking on the phone, I feel a little uncomfortable with his wooing tone.

In this regard, Lu Zihao explained, his parents divorced early, his mom had depression in the early years, and was also domestic violence, a hear men speak loudly will be afraid, so, he has to be more gentle.

I understand this, just did not expect, the next six months, we will frequently quarrel, and all because of his mother! “Honey, my mom just told us not to do it too often, our bodies are important, so once a week is enough.” “Honey, this is a set of moisturizers.

“Honey, my mom likes this set of skincare products, can you please use the original first?” “Honey, my mom says that Sheng Sheng is the best skincare product.

“Wife, my mom said Shengshihuating two-bedroom quite good, or we still buy there!” …… Eventually, the two families pooled their money and bought a small two-bedroom.

Soon after we moved into our new home, we finally had time to go on our honeymoon, but my husband said to me, “Jiajia, can we bring our mom along on the honeymoon?

“We had another fight about it, and afterward he fell on his knees in front of me in tears and begged me to sympathize with him, and I finally gave in.

I spent seven days of my honeymoon just watching the two of them chatting away.

I can not insert the whole conversation, every place, my mother-in-law as long as I see a mouth to speak, either to change the subject, or instructed me to buy this and that.

My husband, on the other hand, pretended to be blind the whole time.

I thought this is already excessive enough, but never thought, than this more excessive there are many.

2 end of the honeymoon, back home that night.

My husband suddenly carried a plate of cut fruit, especially attentive to my side, “wife, eat fruit.

“He wagged his head like a little puppy, put down the fruit and began to stick to me.

As naive as I was, I thought he was trying to be cute with me to please me for the unpleasantness of the honeymoon.



“I need to talk to you about something.”

“Say it.”

“I had a sneaking feeling that something wasn’t right with this guy, and sure enough, when he opened his mouth, he almost sent me away.

“My mom said that the house she’s living in is too old, so why don’t we bring her over for a while?

“When I heard that, I wanted to slap him in the face! Before we got our license, we had three rules, one of which was not to live with both parents.

So I rejected his request.

That night, we had another big fight, and in a fit of anger, I packed up my things and ran off to stay in a hotel.

Eat a lot of things, and so I gradually calm down, the more I think about the more angry, why do you have to obey his mom in everything?

The next morning, I woke up dizzy, for the first time the idea of divorce.

But I did not think, I ate a bad stomach, get up and began to vomit and diarrhea, I feel like pulling off, in the end, I can only hit the 120.

However, after a checkup at the hospital, the doctor told me with a smile on his face, “Girl, you’re already three weeks pregnant. I was lying alone in a cold hospital room, and when I heard this news, I was dumbfounded.

I’m going to be a mom?

I touched my slightly bulging belly, and my feelings at that moment were incredibly complicated.

To be honest, I was very unprofitable to withdraw the idea of divorce, I want to give the child in the abdomen a complete home.

In the end I couldn’t help myself and went home alone before the dog man called for me.

I decided to have a serious talk with him because I felt that his mom and his attitude had seriously affected our relationship.

I didn’t want to affect the future environment of my child’s upbringing because of these trivial matters.

However, as soon as I opened the door, I found an unfamiliar pair of lady slippers at the door.

At that time, my heart thumped violently, and I felt that all the blood in my body was cold at once.

From the slippers littering the doorway to the pajama pants and duffel bag littering the couch, with every step I took, I found details that made my nerves snap.

Finally, I broke into the master bedroom door …… My husband Lu Zihao, wearing only a pair of underwear, was attentively rubbing his mom’s calves on the bed, “Mom, exhausted from moving, right?

“At that moment, I felt like a third party who suddenly appeared, even though it was clear that I was the mistress of the place!3 My mother-in-law was first stunned to see me, and then, smiling, slowly sat up from the bed, “Jiajia, you’re back?

“Hao Hao was so anxious. Besides, you’re a woman, you’re married and you still go out to stay in a hotel by yourself, if people see you, it’ll be a bad rumor.

“I was so angry that I almost vomited blood! I was almost out of breath! This is a way of scolding me for my indiscretions! I still think about this power of reversing black and white and insinuating, and I am sweating for myself, who was powerless to fight back at that time.

My husband nodded his head repeatedly, not caring about my mood or health, but only focusing on agreeing with his mom: “Jiajia, mom is right, you can’t be so capricious in the future.

”If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d really want to tear these two mothers’ mouths apart.”

Lu Zihao saw that I was about to explode, and hurriedly pulled me to the small bedroom next to him, “Jiajia, my mom is straight-talking, don’t think too much about it.

“Lu Zihao, I’m pregnant.” I told him word for word.

” I told him word for word that we were having a baby.

Lu Zihao was obviously surprised, but before I we could communicate properly, the door to the second bedroom was pushed open by his mom.

She must have heard it from outside the door, and as soon as she ripped my husband away from me, her eyebrows flew up as she said, “Jia Jia, you’re really pregnant?

That’s great. How long has it been?

What do you want to eat, mom will go buy it for you!” Honestly, her surprised attitude didn’t look like she was faking it, I was shocked by how happy she was.

“Go, go, go, brat, from today onwards, don’t bother Jia Jia, you have to take care of yourself when you’re pregnant!” In front of my husband, my mother-in-law straightened her back and said with a straight face, “Jiajia, from today onwards, you’ll sleep alone in this room, you mustn’t mess around when you’re pregnant, mom will squeeze in with Hao Hao first, and when the baby is born, mom will take care of the baby for you.

“Letting a pregnant woman sleep alone in the cramped second bedroom while my mother-in-law and husband sleep together in the master bedroom?

My husband immediately said, “Mom is right, Jia Jia, during this period of time, you must listen to mom.

“I felt something was wrong at that time, but my mother-in-law’s tongue was so brilliant that I couldn’t find a reason to refute her.

After more than two months, we were having breakfast that day when my mother-in-law suddenly said to me, “Jiajia, you and I will go to the hospital later. We have a relative who works in the hospital, so we can help you find out if the baby is a boy or a girl.

“Her tone was unquestionable, but I felt awkward when I heard it.

Lu Zihao and his mother hadn’t shown any clear signs of son preference before, but their behavior at this time is son preference.

I asked my mother-in-law, “Mom, why are you looking at this?

“She explained, “Jiajia, I want to prepare things for the child in advance, knowing that boys and girls it is not convenient to choose things for the child.

“My husband chimed in with a smile and said, “Yes, Jiajia, don’t you want to buy a baby stroller for your child? Knowing that it’s a boy or a girl will also make it easier to choose the color, so it’s better for your mother to have foresight.

“Jiajia, don’t think too much about it, I like both boys and girls, I’m just looking forward to this baby, so I thought of checking the gender, I even gave two thousand cigarettes to that relative for this! The two of them sang in unison, blocking my mouth tightly.

Although I felt uncomfortable, I couldn’t resist these two people, and they didn’t give me a chance to refuse.

After the ultrasound in the hospital that morning, that cousin nephew of her mother’s family, told me it was a girl.

My heart thumped, as a mother, regardless of the birth of a boy or girl, I am the same pain.

But Lu Zihao and his mom will definitely be unhappy.

To my surprise, the two of them were overjoyed when they found out the result, especially my mother-in-law, who kept saying that a girl is good and a girl is good, and the people around me who came to do the checkup heard it and kept praising me for being blessed.

My husband was also happy to go to work, and incidentally also bought candy, said that now also March, to publicize the news of my pregnancy with his colleagues.

To be honest, I was very happy at that time.

Who doesn’t want to get some more love for the flesh and blood in their womb?

After coming out of the hospital, my mother-in-law was so excited that she left the pregnant me alone to go to the temple to burn incense, saying that she asked Buddha to bless the smooth birth of the child.

I foolishly believed the words of my mother-in-law and husband, thinking that things would just go away, but the result was that when I returned home, I saw the pile of things that made my hair stand on end.

I came home alone that day, and when I was cleaning up the house, I saw my mother-in-law’s suitcase.

I rarely touch her things, but that day I ghosted and opened it by hand.

And you know what I saw?

A plastic bag full of saffron! And next to it, a prescription for abortion with saffron! A strong sweet and sour smell came over me, and I picked up the prescription and looked at it, and I was dumbfounded.

I’m no stranger to saffron, my old aunt’s side of the family is rich in this stuff, and I sent a lot of it to my family when I was a kid.

In the past, some pregnant women in our village want to abort the child, do not want to go to the hospital, directly take the saffron bubble water to drink or directly added to the soup, not ten days and a half months, the child quasi! Some are not familiar with the nature of the drug, under the fierce, a few times to take down, not only the child is gone, even their own can be sent away.

At my mother-in-law’s age, there’s no way she doesn’t know the power of this stuff.

This is a big no-no for pregnant women! The most important thing is that I was born with a thin uterine wall. When I first found out that I was pregnant, the three of us went to the hospital for a checkup together, and Lu Zihao and his mom were present, and the doctor clearly told me, “Girl, once you have a miscarriage with this body type, it will damage your uterus, and if you’re not careful, you may not be able to have a child in the future.

“The doctor’s words were still ringing in my ears, but with such a large packet of saffron sitting in plain sight in my bedroom suitcase, couldn’t my husband see it?

He must know! When I think about how they were in such a hurry to bring me here today to check the sex of the baby, their intentions were obvious! Before my mother-in-law came back, I put everything back in its place, pretended not to see anything, and walked out of our bedroom.

It was at that moment that I deeply understood that in the world of mom’s baby boy, even the life of his own child has to be his mother’s say.

4 I had only one thought at the time, and that was – escape! Before my months were too young, before my mother-in-law made a move on me.

Instinctive fear made me not hesitate for a second, I changed my clothes and shoes, then rummaged through some important documents, grabbed the car keys and headed out the door.

Along the way, my hands holding the steering wheel were soaked.

I didn’t dare to go straight back to my mother’s house, I’m a single parent, my mom left when I was very young.

My dad wasn’t in good health, and he would definitely see something if I went back so abruptly.

Thinking about it, I went to a relatively close single female coworker’s place.

As soon as I arrived at her house, I received a life-threatening serial CALL from my mother-in-law.

“Jia Jia, where have you been?

Mom bought your favorite pig’s feet and roasted sea cucumber, when are you coming back for dinner?” “Should I pick you up?

“Why don’t mom go pick you up?” “You’re such a child, why do you dare to drive alone when you’re pregnant, it’s so dangerous!” …… I was in a state of shock, my whole heart was hanging in the air, and I couldn’t listen to anything at all.

My mother-in-law urged me to hurry back on the phone, and finally saw that I did not agree, the tone of voice became very fierce, like a different person.

After hanging up the phone, I had no strength left in my body, as if I had been jerked, the whole person was paralyzed.

When my colleague Wang Lin saw my reaction was not right, she stared at me with a strange face, “Xiao Jia, are you alright?

Should I send you to the hospital?

“I’m fine, Linlin, I’m sorry to trouble you.

“During this period of time, many people in the unit have rumored that you are getting a divorce, you came out in such a hurry today, is your husband bullying you again?

“As soon as I heard this, my heart thumped, rumors of divorce?

My husband and I do fight, but we have never said we want a divorce, how could there be such rumors?

Wang Lin saw that I was confused, and she was also confused.

Under my repeated questioning, Wang Lin stammered out the truth.

“Someone in our unit is in the same neighborhood as you, Sister Fan in the next building. She said that the rumor in your neighborhood is all over the place, that after you quarreled with your husband, you went out to have a room with another man and stayed out for several days, and was also bumped into by an aunt who works in a hotel in your neighborhood several times.

“Seeing that my face was not looking good, Wang Lin tentatively came over and asked: “Xiao Jia, I don’t think you are this kind of person, this is someone’s intention to slander you, right?

” My mind exploded when I heard her say that.

More than two months ago, I just quarreled with Lu Zihao and gambled to go out and stay in a hotel for one night, this matter is besides my own family, no one else knows! “Wang Lin, what else have you heard?

Tell me everything.

Wang Lin was probably shocked by my attitude, she gently pursed her lips and slowly said: “There’s not much, it’s just these, oh yes, they should, they should have heard it from your mother-in-law, Xiao Jia, did something happen to your family?” “Xiao Jia, are you okay?

” “Xiao Jia, are you okay, don’t worry, I won’t believe these rumors …… ” I was really mad! No wonder, there were some old people in the unit who looked at me strangely, and I stupidly thought that it was because I didn’t do my job well.

Dare I say that it is my mother-in-law, who is corrupting my reputation! I don’t understand, Lu Zihao’s mom, why would she do that?

Corrupting her daughter-in-law’s reputation, taking the initiative to put a green hat on her own son’s head, okay?

5 I gradually calmed down after being pacified by Wang Lin.

Wang Lin said, “Xiao Jia, does your husband have someone else?

Otherwise, why didn’t he step in for this kind of thing?

“Her words woke me up, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt that something was wrong.

Lu Zihao and his mom were doing one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, what were they up to?

After staying at Wang Lin’s house for two days, I made up my mind to get a divorce. On my way back, I received a call from the hospital that my dad had an accident! A few days ago, my dad is still discussing with me, he is now living in that set of house to my name.

When we met again, my dad was already lying in the morgue.

That day, I held my dad’s cold hand in the hospital and cried to despair for the first time.

The doctor said, my dad is a heart attack, emotional overload caused by high blood pressure complications, in layman’s terms, is to be alive and dead, sent to the hospital, the person has not.

The person who sent him to the hospital was no one else but my mother-in-law and my husband Lu Zihao.

When I think of my father is the two of them angry death, I will heart blocked panic, brain extremely lack of oxygen.

That day, under the extreme anger, I felt a spinning of the sky and earth, and then fainted.

When I woke up, I was the only one in the hospital room, and the doctor told me that my coma had caused my uterus to contract strongly, resulting in a miscarriage, and the baby was already gone.

My baby, my daughter, who had survived in my womb for just over three months, was gone.

According to the nurses, my husband never came to see me.

How ironic that this was completely to their liking.

The time after I was discharged from the hospital was the darkest and most powerless time of my entire life.

The man who used to love me the most has already joined hands with his mom and hired a lawyer to fight the divorce lawsuit in advance.

The complete and utter tearing down of the face came faster and more violently than I had ever imagined.

I was recuperating in the house my dad left behind when the lawyer those two bitches hired contacted me.

The lawyer told me that the marriage was falling apart because of my cheating.

They had worked so hard to take care of me as a pregnant woman, but I ended up being ungrateful, going out to hang out with my lover and not answering my phone, and running away from home.

My father was pissed off at what I did and had nothing to do with them.

Lastly, she also said that if I wanted to get divorced soon as well, I would have to get a clean bill of health! In other words, the house after the marriage, to be owned by Lu Zihao.

The car that we both bought together, also has to belong to Lu Zihao.

What makes me feel even more disgusted is that the suite where my dad lived before he passed away, Lu Zihao also asked me to share half of it with him.

They shamelessly made these robber baron demands without being able to produce any evidence of my cheating.

I immediately called Lu Zihao, and the result was a direct call forward to his mom.

His mom was on the other end of the phone and said, “You’re such an unclean woman, whoever marries you will be out of luck.

You don’t have to look for Hao Hao in the future, I’m in charge of his affairs!” The old woman used all her vicious words to humiliate me on the phone.

And I changed my number to call Lu Zihao afterward, but I still couldn’t get in touch.

That mom’s baby husband of mine, even the divorce was handled by his mom.

I won’t go into detail about the process of the lawsuit, in short, it was disgusting and lengthy.

I paid a big price in the divorce lawsuit because of the windy rumors they had slandered me with before.

It took me four whole months, half of my real estate and my few savings to get rid of that mother and son.

I could never figure out why Lu Zihao, who used to love me so much, would hurt me to such an extent! After grieving for a long time, I made up my mind to get back at them, why did they have the right to hurt me so much?

After thinking about it for some days, I didn’t think of a way to cure them. Coincidentally, one night when I was off work, Lu Zihao, that mama’s boy, came to my door.

I was so happy to see you, and I was so happy to see you, and I was so happy to see you.

That will be the whole person with bewitched like, state is very terrible, work overtime during the day, night planning revenge.

At that time, I just walked to the downstairs of the unit, full of thoughts, or how to take revenge.

As a result, a drunken man suddenly appeared next to me and hugged me, “Jiajia, I really feel so bad, I miss you so much.

” I was scared out of my wits and my back was soaked in an instant! It was my ex-husband, Lu Zihao! He was drunk, his eyes looked like he had been crying, he couldn’t even stand up, and when he hugged me, I could clearly feel that he was shaking.

Immediately after he kneeled down, hugged my legs while crying and said: “wife, I miss you ah ……” I did not hear what he was saying, it should be some very disgusting and fleshy words.

He used to be like this, after a fight, kneeling in front of me to soften, soft heart I will always forgive him, but now I will not! But in order to get my revenge, I got my act together.

I also knelt on the ground, and reached out to hug him.

Lu Zihao obviously didn’t expect me to be like this, his body had a moment of obvious stiffness, and then hugged me tighter.

He buried his head in my shoulder, and his voice hoarsely shouted, “Jiajia, I’m sorry, I was wrong.

‘ This was a good time to latch on.

I tried to break his hand away from my waist, but I inadvertently touched a hard object on the ring finger of his left hand.

It was a ring! Full stop, it’s only been a month since I divorced him! You found a new love so quickly and even put on a wedding ring?

So it seems that this dog man probably hooked up with another woman before the divorce! If you’ve got a new girl, why did you come to see me?

I was just wondering when his mom called.

Lu Zihao instantly sobered up, bounced off of me and answered the phone, “Mom, it’s okay, I’m almost home, I went out to drink with some brothers.

“I vaguely heard his mom scolding him on the phone, “You bear child, what time is it, people Nan Nan has been waiting for you for half an hour, get back here right now! 7 I couldn’t help but sneer in my heart, it’s worthy of being a mom’s treasure, fucking words, better than sobriety pills.

“Jiajia, I’m sorry.

” There was obvious guilt in his eyes, and then, like a thief, he fled.

But I remembered the name mentioned on the phone: Nan Nan.

Later, I asked around Lu Zihao’s circle of life, and I did find out about that girl.

That girl is the daughter of Lu Zihao’s superior unit’s hand, called Meng Nan.

She was thirty-five years old and never married until she met Lu Zihao.

From the time Lu Zihao to work in that unit counting, know less than a year, it is said that these two people have been licensed.

Wang Lin has a relative with the girl a unit, she told me that the girl looks particularly ugly, and can not give birth to children, or else married out.

Wang Lin also said that Lu Zihao has been promoted.

I don’t even have to think about it, it must be his mom forced, I can only say, he is really obedient, really open-minded! I can’t forgive Lu Zihao, it’s not about filial piety, he’s a complete baby! At that time, I had no money and no one to help me.

The only way I could think of was to start with Lu’s new love.

During that time, I was never good at socializing, and I spent two weeks mixing with all the old men and women in the unit to become good friends.

Relying on human relationships and various means, I found out the girl’s work information and family information.

That girl, Meng Nan, turned out to be a poor person.

She was sick from her mother’s womb, as if she had some kind of chromosome deletion, resulting in abnormal looks, but she was very smart and went to college like a normal person.

She had a relationship in college, was cheated of her money by a man, and was later cheated on, and was so mentally stimulated that she attempted suicide at home.

At the time, the medication she took left her with after-effects.

It seems to be some kind of immune problem, and pregnancy is a big risk.

Her parents had only one daughter, so naturally they couldn’t let her go.

She probably couldn’t have imagined that the husband her parents had chosen for her was actually a scumbag.

It’s time to let Lu Zihao’s good days come to an end, so I held back my nausea and tried to contact Lu Zihao.

As expected, he took the bait.

Before the Spring Festival, I asked him to meet in a bar, pretending to forget him, I hooked his neck, gently in his ear so ask him, “darling, I miss you, you do not come to see me, is it too hard recently?

” Under the effect of alcohol, the man started to say something interesting.

“Baby, I know you still love me, let’s forget about all the bad times we’ve had before.

” I heard the heart just want to laugh, the original two lives in his eyes, just some unpleasant.

“Well ……” I put my arms around him and asked in a small voice: “I heard that you married that ugly bitch Meng Nan, which bit of me is not better than her?

I’m sorry, it’s all my mom’s fault, I don’t love her, I just love you.” “We’re divorced.

“We’re divorced. What’s the use of loving me?

“Baby, believe me, I only have you in my heart ……”…… That day, under the effect of alcohol, coupled with my step by step guidance, Lu Zihao said a lot of explosive content, all of which was recorded by me.

8 We did not go to bed, but I specifically gave him a lot of alcohol, and in the end, he was dragged into the hotel by me.

In the end, when he was about to pass out in consciousness, he told me the truth about my dad.

“Jiajia, I’m not mad at your dad, it’s my mom, it’s all because my mom lied to him, he was in a hurry and that’s why the accident happened, don’t blame me.

Don’t blame me.” “Do you know what happened to the saffron?

I know, it’s also my mom, she thinks Meng Nan is ugly and can’t risk having a baby, she said if she has a grandson she’ll let you have a baby, but if she has a granddaughter she’ll abort it.” “” Lu Zihao said.

“……” Lu Zihao this sandby, the old habits still haven’t changed, drink some wine, then all the words spilled out.

That night, I almost settled him with a knife on impulse.

But in the end, I held back.

From beginning to end, I am playing the image of a silly white sweet who is letting men play with me but is still dead set on it.

Lu Zihao believed it.

After he passed out, I found a lady specializing in special services through a friend, had her strip naked, and then held Lu Zihao without showing her face and took a lot of explicit photos.

Together with this recording, and dozens of previous chat records of this mama’s boy, as well as photos of saffron, I made a full 65-page PPT.

I’m going to give him a big surprise at his wedding with Meng Nan.

Lu Zihao’s wedding was scheduled for the sixth day of the first month of this year.

On that day, I put on heavy makeup, and then wearing a mask, covered tightly, slipped into the scene responsible for the audio-visual cubicle.

He and I did not have a wedding, and now he did, how ironic.

The guests who came to drink the wedding wine, there are hundreds of people.

I secretly listened to the wedding site gossip that Lu Zihao tall handsome, but also a warm man, the bride especially love him, and even ready to risk having a child.

I heard in my heart just want to sneer.

I told the staff responsible for playing the video of the new couple at the scene that I was a friend of the bride and wanted to play a surprise for them, and also stuffed him with some cash and two boxes of Chinese cigarettes, and then he was very sensible to go away, and I smoothly added the PPT that I had made.

I want everyone to see that this man in collaboration with his mother to bully his wife, forced the death of his father-in-law, the death of his daughter, and then climbed the nobleman to cheat the marriage of the evil behavior! When the PPT was played out through the big screen, across the gathering crowd, I saw my former mother-in-law’s face turn purple with anger.

And the bride, after witnessing a picture of her new husband and WW intertwined, was unsteady on the spot and fainted.

That leader of the Meng family, his face was also hard to see.

Before the Lu family rushed over to get their hands on the flash drive, the bride’s father, the first to react, rushed over to that computer.

I watched him get those things with my own eyes.

As the saying goes, good things don’t go unnoticed, but bad things spread a thousand miles.

Almost everyone in the city knew that Mr. Meng had found a wolfish brute for a son-in-law.

Within days of the incident, Lu Zihao was fired from his organization, and the only thing I didn’t expect was that Meng Nan committed suicide because of it.

I only wanted to use this way to let her know what kind of goods Lu Zihao is.

But I didn’t realize that this stupid girl, who chose to end her life for such an unworthy man, was my lifelong guilt.

But because of this, the Meng family, laid a death sentence on Lu Zihao.

He was accused of several crimes by Meng Nan’s parents, in one breath. The Meng family has deep connections, and in the end, Lu Zihao was sentenced to life imprisonment.

As for my ex-mother-in-law, she went completely crazy.

The day after my son was sent to prison, this old woman was sent to a mental hospital by the police as a coercive measure because she indiscriminately attacked innocent passersby on the street.

Every year at Ching Ming, I will go to pay tribute to my father, alone.

I will live well, and perhaps sometime in the future, I will start a new relationship and have a real happiness.

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