How do you write a story that starts with ‘Woke up a crown princess’?

How to write a story that starts with “I woke up and became a crown princess”?

The night market of the Lantern Festival was extremely lively with clusters of lanterns and hustle and bustle.

I in Fu Hanchi to sugar gourd payment time, quietly from the opposite stall to take a ghost face fangs mask over the face, and then stood behind him, lightly patted his shoulder, to be his unsuspecting turn back, suddenly screamed close, solidly scared him jumped up.

The prank succeeded, I took off my mask and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Good for you, you little devil.

” He slowed down and angrily nudged the tip of my nose, “Why are you so naughty!” I smiled smugly, but I felt an itchy nose, sneezed several times in a row, reached out and touched it, only to find that he secretly dipped the powder in the fingertips, deliberately smeared on my face.

I called on the bait, took a box of powder to blow to him, he rushed to avoid, but not enough to avoid flashing, and then full of head and face are white powder, I can not help but laugh back and forth: “such a good time and beautiful scenery, should be so scented wind attacking people! I can’t help but laugh my head off, “This is a beautiful day, it should be so fragrant!

“He said and touched his face, then he poked his hand covered with fragrant powder towards me, I dodged and made a mess with him.

Waiting to stop, both of us are already full of powder, look at each other for a moment, are pointing at each other laughing straight up.

It is easy to stop laughing, will grooming clean, powdered sugar gourds can not be eaten, but also have to compensate people for the mask and powdered money.

And laughing and joking to the market, passing by a fortune-telling stall, the fortune-teller will be compelled to me to greet: “Little girl want to ask for a marriage on the sign?

I bear blind fortune-telling accurate very! I looked at his gleaming eyes, issued a question from the soul: “Where are you blind?

“He answered with extraordinary certainty: “I heart blind.

“I: “……” I believe you a weasel! But it’s not easy to come to a festival, and he’s not a child. Since he’s mercifully allowed me to be invited, I’ll ask for one in good faith.

But I had another question: “I’m only seven years old, can I ask for a marriage?

“The fortune teller was stunned, and just when he was about to speak with a puzzled look, Fu Hanchi had already taken out his silver and slapped it in front of him: “Yes, come on.

“Fortune-teller saw the silver will no longer say, flattering smile will sign cylinder handed me, I shook a few times will fall out of a bamboo stick, he took the fortune-telling sign according to this look for a long time, stroking his beard said:” strange, strange, really strange.

“I asked, “What is strange?

“He looked at me and said: “Buddha said, can not be said.

“You must not say a duck! I felt a great sense of deception: “Do not say what you interpreted the sign, return the money!” “Hey, hey, hey, don’t be so hasty.

“He put away the sign and gave me a sign to solve the confusion: “This is a kind of introduction, what can be realized depends on your enlightenment.

“I took it with skepticism, only to see that it read: Spring rain, a tree becomes a forest.

This is really too simple, it’s just the character “Qin”! But Qin is a national surname, and it’s a marriage sign, so isn’t it me marrying myself?

What a giraffe, I believe you, brown fruit bat! I rolled up the paper and threw it back to him, “Not at all!” After saying that, I pulled Fu Hanchi away without noticing his changed face.

After walking a short distance, we stopped in front of the center of the lantern collection, a wide range of different shapes and colors of lanterns, almost shook my eyes, I looked around in a circle of curiosity, tugged on the corner of Fu Hanchi’s coat: “Let’s buy one.

He looked at me with downcast eyes and curved his lips indulgently, “As long as you like it, you can buy several,” I pointed to the lanterns hanging in the center of the room.

”I pointed to the phoenix lantern hanging in the center and said excitedly, ”Then I want the biggest one!” The owner of the lantern collection smiled: “That one is this year’s lottery, only for free, not for sale, for several years in a row no one has guessed, you can try.

“Can you do it?

“I turned my head to look at Fu Hanchi, as a famous illiterate, I am famous for not being able to do it, even the riddle of the sign that solves the puzzle just now is only remembered after listening to my elder brother.

I can’t even remember the riddle just now because I heard it from my elder brother,” he said.

“Fu Hanchi smiled and nodded his head, then the lantern collector pointed to the two Qilin lanterns behind him that were slightly smaller than the Phoenix lanterns and said, “These two are the first layer of riddles, guessing will release the second layer of riddles, and when the second layer of riddles is solved, only then will you have a chance to get the Phoenix lanterns.

He said, turning the lantern on the left, and saw the inscription: “Fragrant Rain, Hidden Eastern Smoke; Leaves Fall Yellow, Geese Move South.

The lantern collector said, “Please.

“Fu Hanchi thought briefly: “It’s the word ‘autumn’ for autumn.

“The lantern collector nodded, and then turned the right lantern over: head wearing broken grass strange guest, Tianshan seven swords handsome.

I was inspired and immediately said: “I know this one, it’s the word ‘flower’.

“Lantern set master immediately laughed:” know no use, need to make up a new riddle face on this riddle to count, unfortunately, you do not have the opportunity.

“Ah this …… this rule is complicated like a dog! It is simply a billet for making bricks, a sheath for inserting knives, and a box and a set! “You also sister said in advance ah!” I argued.

The owner of the lantern collection was stunned: “That’s true.

“So ……” I was happy, but halfway through the words on the lantern set behind the master of the strong man grabbed white, “so the festival is organized by us, naturally, by us to say, go go go, the back of the people are still waiting! He was impatiently waving his hand to drive us away.

Dabaa! Not giving me the lanterns already upset me, to be even more of a bully than me, this cannot be tolerated.

However, I have always been a kind person, and before I started to do anything, I would advise him sincerely, “Shut up, I have a bad temper, if you make me angry, I will ask someone to beat you up.

“He immediately angry, open mouth to curse, but body shaking, only issued a “um” sound, no longer able to speak, wide-eyed gasping, throat hissing sound like a broken bellows, unpleasant to hear.

Fu Hanchi looked at him indifferently, the color of his voice vaguely with coldness: “Since the brother committed a mouth disease, or less talk, beware of flashing the tongue.

“# ¥ & % ……” strong man tendons are up still can not make a sound, angrily took a pen and paper aside to write the word, hate to raise up: you count what things! How dare you instruct your grandfather! After showing us, he began to continue to write.

Oh, this way of arguing is quite deafening.

I looked down and saw that the writing was really amazing.

My illiteracy is a drop in the ocean compared to yours.


I even used three idioms in a row, write it down write it down, my elder brother will reward me again when he finds out! Fu Hanchi also lightly swept a glance at him, not slow and unhurried said: “In my Fu Hanchi.

“Before the words fell, the strong man’s hand trembled and stopped writing, and the people around him suddenly began to gasp in amazement, and the voices of “Immortal Physician”, “Living Bodhisattva”, and “The Most Beautiful Man in the World” were heard endlessly, and I was surprised to hear that this degree of popularity was comparable to that of my elder brother.

What, my elder brother is not your favorite moonlight anymore?

Then how can I still run amok under his banner?

I was walking in the god, the strong man already will his quarrel small book up, fixed eyes to see, is a sprawling hundreds of words of the review, shocked me on the spot want to leave his name post in the future for me to write, after all, I every time to write a review of the speed is always unable to catch up with the speed of the elder brother found out that I get into trouble.

Fu Hanchi took the brush to give him circled a series of misspelled words, and then said: “brother do not make a sound for half an hour, since it will return to normal.

‘ The strong man hastily arched his hand and slipped away as if he were fleeing.

I couldn’t help but look at Fu Hanchi with admiration, is this the cultured man’s bloodless murder?

Then the more cultured one came, he smiled warmly at me and softly said three words, the lantern collector immediately clapped his hands and ordered people to put down the riddle hanging in front of the phoenix lantern.

I wondered, “How come the fireflies can match the riddle of the word “flower”?

“He said softly, “The decaying grass becomes fireflies.

It was only then that I responded, “The decaying grass turns into fireflies, one grass turns into another, which is the word “flower”! Before the words left my mouth, a new riddle was already displayed: a man with a bow hanging from his waist, speechless.

The owner of the lantern collection stroked his white beard and reminded: “This riddle is not that simple, the riddle is a word, you only have one chance, use it with caution.

“I looked at Fu Hanchi exploratory, there is a say one, my lack of text library can only guess a person hanging a bow on the waist should be a “razor”, but with the back of the “speechless” is redundant, and does not become a word.

Fu Han Chi silently think for a long time, eyes swept around, decisively picked up the bow and arrow hanging in the corner of the edge, long arm a pull will be the bowstring collapsed full, with the clang of the sound, to the internal power of the invisible arrows will be towards the phoenix lights shot over, and then he stretched up to a leap, flying up, such as the falling geese in the air to catch the falling lanterns, on the elegance of the bamboo dew wind, look at the style is fluttering like a shocking.

When he landed on the ground steadily, the lantern set owner smiled and said: “Why did you do this?

“Fu Hanchi was confident: “Autumn flowers for thanks, no words for shooting, should be struck with the bow.

“You are indeed a good writer,” he said.

“The owner of the lantern collection ordered people to bring paper and pen, “Please write on the lantern.

“Fu Hanchi looked at me with a smile, “What do you want to inscribe?

“I said, “Since you gave it to me, naturally you decide.

“He nodded his head lightly, “Good.

“I looked down at the lanterns with his movements, he just put down the pen, but I was suddenly yanked from behind, I was not on guard, staggered back a few steps, and then there was a large group of people in costume layer after layer, hard to separate me and Fu Hanchi, I only had time to see him suddenly turn back to the face of the urgent change of color, and was wrapped up in the crowd stumbled forward, my mouth screaming “Fu! Brother” was also drowned in the clamor of the gongs and drums.

I had been walking for half a day, and when I saw that I had almost reached the moat, the people around me gradually dispersed, and I stood there all alone, looking at the dark river, feeling a sense of emptiness.

At this time, I do not know where to appear a person, he wore a black clothes, dragged me by the hand, without saying on the way forward.

I struggled, but his strength was too great, I simply couldn’t get rid of it, looking at his back, this déjà vu scene, let my mind for a while in a trance, my mind suddenly went crazy, only one thought remained: “Is it my elder brother who asked you to come to me?

“He immediately replied, “Yes, he is waiting for you and asked me to bring you there.

“I was relieved to hear that my brother had finally returned.

However, I soon realized that this is not the way back to the Regent’s residence, and after a few dark thoughts in my head and a few steps along with him, I suddenly stopped and squatted on the ground: “I …… can’t do it anymore.

” He was dragged by me and had to stop, his tone was very impatient: “What’s wrong with you?

” I looked at him pitifully: “I have a stomachache, I can’t walk.

” He anxiously glanced back, frowned and lowered his body to check, I saw the opportunity and violently sprinkled the fragrant powder in my sleeve to his eyes, he was unsuspectingly mesmerized, raised his hand and forcefully wiped his face, and then screamed and lunged towards me who turned to run away.

I fell hard to the ground, instantly feel all the body pain scattered, he also relentlessly reached out to strangle my neck, I desperately struggled but difficult to shake the slightest bit, panicked in the hands of the hand felt a brick, do not even think about it will be smashed to him, he was hit in the head, muffled grunts, the body shape shook, the body was crooked planted on the side of me.

I have no strength, gasping for breath, watched his blood gurgling out, sticky soaked through my shirt, stained my hands red.

Countless fragments flashed through my mind, and I suddenly remembered that I had seen this much blood before.

The Lantern Festival when I was seven years old, I didn’t wait for my elder brother to come back.

But the day before the Lantern Festival, my nanny found me in the broken temple outside the city, and she urged me to go to the Lantern Festival, and to be sure to wait for her at the ferry.

I obeyed and went, but I didn’t wait for her, I waited for a rough man who savagely grabbed me by the hands and dragged me onto the boat, cursing that he had already bought me as a child bride for his son.

I managed to escape with great difficulty, and when I was in a state of fear, I met my nanny, thinking that I had met my savior, but my nanny sent me to that rough man again, urging him to take me away quickly with an anxious face.

In the end, it was my elder brother who came in time to save me, and when I asked incredulously why the nanny sold me, she said that she was saving me, saying that I would die sooner or later if I stayed in the royal palace, and that it would be better to send me to the countryside, and that the money from the sale of my body could also be used to pay off the debts of her gambling son.

She has been in the royal family for seven years and has taken care of me since I was born, but now she wants to sell me.

I was painfully upset, and pulled at her relentlessly to ask why.

I clearly, clearly have always treated her like my own mother.

In the argument, she backed up to escape, but a foot stepped in the air and fell into the river, I didn’t even have a chance to pull her, and when the underlings finally rescued her, she only had one breath left, but she still struggled and crawled to my feet, humbly begging me to save her son.

I looked at her from above, the wound on her head that was knocked through flowed blood all over her face, rustling down, and instantly soaked through the entire top of my shoe, coloring the white gardenia into a demonic scarlet.

That was the first time I killed someone, so that I finally understood the meaning of death.

I deeply into the memories, did not notice behind me steeply cut the cold knife, is life hanging moment, only feel the face of the wind whisked, there are people long arm to reach, will be my waist, spinning back to avoid the attack of the cold knife, and then that the killer was when the chest of a hard kick in the heart, suddenly flew out, fell to the ground.

And I looked at my hands stained with blood, looking at the ground seems to be never-ending pools of blood, only to feel the sky and the ground waves of blood from all directions, in a moment will be engulfed and drowned me.

I fell back into the nightmare, surrounded by the usual sky and earth, endless snow, and the seven-year-old me, as well as my father with a knife.

My father since I was a child is not much good, but also not much bad, just ignore me, but at the age of seven on the anniversary of my mother’s death, he drank a lot of wine, drunkenly waving a knife to kill me, and since then, year after year, the anniversary of my mother’s death is the time when his killing intent is the most powerful, so that the cold night of seven years old, has become my lingering nightmare, a permanent cage.

I always watched him in dream after dream as he stabbed the knife into my chest, unable to struggle, unable to escape, watching as my blood slowly dried up and drained away, leaving only a field of blood red, but unable to move in the slightest.

I once asked my elder brother, why the nanny can do everything for her own child, can die for him, but my father wants me to die?

My elder brother was speechless, and in the end, he just let out a long sigh and took me into his arms, “Father …… probably misses mother too much.

‘ A thought has not yet finished turning, I saw the snow curtain in front of me was suddenly torn open, the milkmaid’s blood red eyes glaring at me, full of bright red resentment: ”Return my life! I violently woke up from the dream, gasping for breath and sat up from the bed, cold sweat from the forehead, like a dense small insects crawling through, wherever they passed, all the chills, so that I couldn’t help but screaming: “Don’t! Don’t kill me! Fu Hanchi had been guarding the bedside, and hurriedly hugged me to pacify me: “I’m here, it’s okay, it’s okay.

“My cold sweat and tears mingled together and fell, and I looked at him with horror: “Blood! There’s so much blood! There’s blood all over my hands! There’s blood everywhere!” “There’s no blood.

“He took hold of my wrist and held my hand up in front of him, “Look, there’s nothing.

“I stared blankly at my own palm, clean, white and tender, there is indeed nothing, which trance murmured: “There is no ……” He immediately nodded, holding my hand came ironic warmth: “Yes, it is just a nightmare.

“”Just …… nightmares?

” I turned my palm over and over a few times, a little bewildered.

“Yes, it’s all fake.

” He looked at me with firm eyes, “I carried you back after you fell asleep from wandering around, you didn’t kill anyone, and there was no blood on your hands.

“His gaze was clear and penetrating, with its own power to soothe people’s hearts, I slowly calmed down, finally believing that it was just a nightmare.

After a long time of silence, I suddenly remembered: “Where are my lanterns?

“He smiled gently, “I knew you would be looking for it when you woke up, so I put it at the foot of my bed.

“I immediately looked at his inscription: Frost falls on the Jingmen River, the trees are empty, the cloth sails are safe and hang in the autumn wind.

Although I am illiterate, I can tell that he is wishing me a safe life.

But sorry, I just want good people to be rich in life.

My mind turned, and I said with a smile, “Since you write so well, why don’t you do me a small, not-so-mature favor?

” He agreed without thinking, “Anything you want.

“”It’s not difficult, it’s ……” I smiled more and more harmlessly, “Copy the Analects for me.

“He didn’t know why, but still got up and sat down in front of the table, and asked while mimeographing, “Why do you suddenly want to copy it?

‘ I was slightly embarrassed: ”My elder brother assigned me homework before he left, and now that he is almost back, I, I haven’t …… ” I showed a not-so-good smile and didn’t continue, but he already understood what I meant, and didn’t say anything more, but only curved his lips indulgently and favorably: ”Copying just the Analects is fine?

“Seeing that he is not like others to be intimidated by the power of the elder brother and prevaricate or to educate me, I instantly feel that his image is a little more tall and handsome, and hastily nodded a nod, it is not possible to accept the good, not only do not accept it but also to climb up the pole: “Copy three times.

“He lightly raised his eyebrows, the corner of his lips deepened the color of the smile: “How many times short?

“I weakly compared three fingers: “Three times.

”One word short of a penalty of one or two silver, I apologize for my procrastination.

But one thing is for sure, of all my schoolwork, calligraphy is the worst, but God is fair, although I am not good at calligraphy, I am just as bad at the five scriptures and six arts, poorly balanced.

He smiled, “I copied them all, what are you doing?

“My heart is very weak, but the gas is still strong: “Of course I am to give you tea and water, pinch the shoulders and back, as long as I do not write anything.

“I’m mainly afraid that the more I write, the more money my brother will be fined. The fine is already unacceptable, and it would be even worse if my windy, goose-stepping words made him angry.

Said I looked at Fu Hanchi’s handwriting, said: “Your words are too flowing, not in line with my manic and unrestrained style, elder brother will know at a glance that it’s not written by me, it should be like this ……” I took the brush over to him as a demonstration, but found that I fell down the pen and actually wrote a good handwriting, and at a closer look, it can’t be very similar to the handwriting of my elder brother. Rather, it is exactly the same.

Ah this …… is this a word I can write without reincarnation?

Is …… it possible that my previous handwriting living like a dog gnawing was done on purpose, to hide my strength, to avoid attracting my father s attention?

So I write ugly, I pretend, eh~ I just don’t write well, just play! It feels as if I have that big disease! —— inscribed poem inside the word “恙”, the upper side of the “sheep” is the right side of the “Xiang”, implying that there is Xiang on the heart, a hidden confession.

Chapter 12: Sugar Triangle As soon as I woke up in the morning and opened my eyes, I was scared by the person lying on the side of the bed, and lifted my leg and kicked the past: “Bold fanatic, how dare you trespass the Regent’s residence! That maniac is really crazy, sleep can dodge my Foshan is full of shadows of the foot, to be more hanging more hanging.

When I saw his face, I instantly felt that he was even more hanging, accompanied by a strong sense of emptiness as well as a stutter that came out of my mouth: “Brother Fu Fu Fu, just now there was a madman who kicked you and then ran away, I couldn’t even stop him!” His eyes were slightly stern, his figure swayed out of the door, so fast that there was a shadow, which I really can’t stop.

Then outside the courtyard came the sound of cups and lanterns breaking, I myself admire myself, so I am with the prophet?

Just walked out, I heard Fu Hanchi lowered his voice and asked: “I said no orders shall not go to the island, what are you doing here?

“The woman standing across from him was about sixteen or seventeen years old, and with her head lowered she whispered, “I heard that the young master was sick, and wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help.

“”You ……” Fu Hanchi only opened his mouth, the woman had already glanced at me, and immediately her eyes lit up, and smiled innocently at me: “The young master has woken up?

I am Zhao wrong wrong, wrong again and again wrong wrong.

”Your parents are really thoughtful.”

Before I said anything, Fu Hanchi had already turned around and walked quickly to me to drape the clothes over my body, carefully organizing them, “It’s windy outside, go back inside first.

”Tak, this is not want me to be present, I understand.

I immediately nodded my head and was about to walk back, but I saw Fu Hanchi hold his breath and then open his mouth with a bit of ethereality, “Uncle Fu, send Miss Zhao away from the island.

” I was surprised and round eyes, could …… this be the legendary thousand mile sound transmission?

Cow beer PLUS! How many more surprises do you have that this Sheriff doesn’t know about?

Without a moment Fu Bo gasped and appeared, tired forehead a dense layer of sweat scrambled outward, hastily answered yes.

Zhao wrong wrong bites the lip, the color of the look at the Fu Han Chi a glance, and sadly lowered his eyes, full of teardrops in the eye socket turn ah turn, that is called a Hyun want to cry, Chu Chu poor.

Wow, good kung fu, pear blossom with rain, breathtaking! Let’s not say anything and let her be embarrassed.

After a few moments of silence, it was Uncle Fu who had a good heart and spoke up to break the silence, “Miss Zhao, please.

“Zhao wrong wrong did not move, only looked at Fu Hanchi, eyes diffuse on three points of weakness, three points of vulnerability and four points of breakable.

Fu Hanchi, however, like an old monk into the calm, the well without waves, Liu Xiahui did not he Xiahui led me to the house, but also did not forget to order Uncle Fu to prepare meals.

When I entered the house, I couldn’t help but wonder, “It’s been a year, why am I still sick here?

” His surprised expression flickered, as if it was just an illusion that I didn’t see clearly, and asked softly, “You …… should be eight years old this year, right?

” I nodded once, gleefully said: “In a few days is my eight year old birthday, elder brother will definitely come back before that, I have to go to Xing Ya pavilion to wait for him, where is the closest to the city gate.

“He was dumbfounded, and after a moment of silence, he softly said, “I’ll go with you.

“I am naturally happy to eat breakfast, I ordered people to take the ink, paper and inkstones to the Xing Ya pavilion, while waiting for my brother while copying the posters, Fu Hanchi see me practicing long time wrist has begun to shake, then took the initiative to say: “Let me help you?

“I can’t.” I shook my head firmly.

“I shook my head firmly, “Brother said, I’m not a seven-year-old child anymore, I can write like a dog crawling, but not like a dog digging, I have to practice! However, the word post practiced for half a day, I also stared at the window along the city gate for half a day, but there has been no movement, I really can’t sit still, put the brush down, instructed Fu Hanchi to help me watch, and went downstairs to the market to stroll around, but unexpectedly is holding a cinnamon cake back to the back, it was suddenly from the back of the arm was clutched by a person.

Turned his head to look at, is a very handsome man, sword eyebrows phoenix eyes, angular, but the gas force is very intimidating, dark eyes such as a cold star flashing cold light, fearful.

How is this scene confusingly familiar, I subconsciously shrunk my neck, and abashedly handed over the cinnamon cake in my hand: “Want …… to eat it?

” His face color is cold, cold as ice, looks like do not want.

Not only don’t want, but also hard bite teeth: “with me back.

“Oh yo dare to fierce me?

It seems that the freedom given to you by my honorable Lord Shuo Ning has gone too far.

I immediately flinched: “Let go of me!” He didn’t let go of me, he even grabbed me tighter.

He was really hanging himself, and he thought he had lived a long life.

I spoke angrily, “Do you know who I am?

Do you know who my brother is?

Do you believe he can beat you twenty-five times in place with one punch!” After hearing that, he was even angrier than me, and the anger in his eyes became even more intense. It seemed that he didn’t believe me, and when I looked at his casserole-sized fists, I suddenly felt that before my elder brother could hit him, he could definitely hit me two hundred and fifty times before he could spin me around in the same place.

Well, I’m under the roof, I have to bow my head: ”I, I’ll do whatever you say, can you be a little lighter?

I, my hand hurts ah ……” He half did not let go, only hard teeth: “go back.

“Good, I’ll go back with you.

“I show a good and harmless smile, to be his eyes in the fire slightly extinguished, turned around and pulled me want to go, suddenly said loudly:” what red hall?

Why do we have to go to the Red Mansion?

” He turned back and frowned at me with a knowing look of seeing what tricks I was trying to pull again.

Now that you’ve seen through me, it’s all the better for me. Seeing that the people around me were already flocking to me, I continued to yell, “My brother is going to join the army, so why are you looking for him in a brothel?

He’s the most honorable man in the countryside, don’t slander his innocence out of thin air! Immediately, there were whispers from all around, and some people came forward in a righteous manner: “Miss, don’t listen to him, he must be an abductor, if you go with him, you don’t know where you’ll be sold to! Immediately, someone else chimed in, “He’s a brother defending his country, but you’re hitting on a military man, it’s really disgraceful! “That’s right! Don’t go with him, don’t worry, we’ll protect you!” “Don’t be afraid! As more and more people surrounded me, the man’s face became more and more blue, and his eyes glared at me sternly: “Qin, Ah, Xiang!” Eh, hey, wrong, right! I’m not called Qin A Xiang, I’m called Qin Bu Xiang, the Bu Xiang of bad omen, look at your smart face, abducting a person but even remember the name wrong, are you not dedicated! But his aura is too strong, I unconsciously retreated, very strange, although I do not know at all, but I have a strange sense of déjà vu to him, like every time to do bad things were caught by the elder brother’s embarrassment.

Seeing that I couldn’t break free, I smiled at him in an extremely well-behaved manner, turned my head and rushed towards Xing Ya Ge and shouted with all my might, “Help! Brother Fu!” But in an instant, Xing Ya pavilion of the second floor of the swish fly out a folding fan, as with the cold air of cold darts to attack that noble man, he dodged, knuckles instantly loosened a few points, I took the opportunity to draw back the hand on the back to run back, goodbye, see you in the next life! The next instant, the light goose pear fragrance fluttering brush, I headlong into the Fu Hanchi arms, his long arm a wrap will protect me behind, face cold to meet that with a stern gaze, eyes burning, but the bottom of the eyes seems to have quenched the ice of frost.

The noble man’s eyes slightly convergence, slowly walked up, stood in front of him, but regarded him as nothing, only the ink as if the sunken pool of the eyes to me: “A Xiang, with me to go home.

“Fu Hanchi shielded me more tightly: “She will not go with you.

“The noble man’s eyes darkened and he spoke with contempt: “It’s not up to you.

“You can try.

“Fu Hanchi slightly hooked his lips, elegant, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

“It’s really suicide.

“Qing noble man raised a brow, the bottom of the eyes suddenly emerged a dangerous atmosphere, the scene for a moment as if the quiet before the storm, I silently watched from the side of the two, inexplicably feel that this scene as if it is not a noble man looking for my trouble, but he and Fu Hanchi have a grudge?

That …… can not affect the innocent me?

Can not help but try to speak: “You …… know each other?

“I don’t know! The two people in unison face away.

I don’t know a big white goose! I have not finished turning a thought, the noble man has moved towards me to snatch, Fu Hanchi hold my swift turn to avoid, avoided away, the noble man naturally refused to give up, in hot pursuit, fists like iron attack, Fu Hanchi out of the palm phase wrapped, sharp counterattacks, the brake is like a sudden wind, the two people in a row over dozens of strokes, entangled in the fight.

And I was wrapped in the middle of the two grabbed to grab to go, turn to head dizzy, Fu Han Chi has been protecting me, only one-handed battle, it did not take long to gradually lost the wind, was Qing Gui man punched back a few steps, he lowered his head and hurriedly rushed to me commanded: “hide.

“I nodded in a hurry, saw the opportunity to hide to the side, while the crowd were all attracted by the fight, they slipped into a steamed bread stall under the shelf.

In fact, I’m not worried about Fu Hanchi, after all, he is a famous figure in the martial arts, the general public is not a rival, I just think that if they are fighting to expand the scope of the fight, the steamed bread stalls are lifted is really a waste, after all, Qizhou this year, a great drought, grain harvest, the people can’t even eat …… Wait a minute, Qizhou is where?

Wait, when did I start to care about the people?

Wait again, why would I know about this kind of court politics?

Is this the kind of thing I’d worry about if I wasn’t paid?

How is that possible! Wealth obsessed people, wealth obsessed souls, wealth obsessed money making forever dropping God! I can’t figure it out for a while, so I don’t want to, eat a steamed bun to calm down, I fumbled and reached out, put the copper plate on the shelf surface, and quietly pinched a steamed bun down, and so on to get in front of my eyes, only to realize that it is not a steamed bun, but sugar triangles.

This I know, delicious! I use my fingertips glistening rounded sugar package on both sides, gently break, there will be crystal thick and clear brown sugar juice from the soft sugar belly dripped out, eat in the mouth, sweet and sweet.

My father had mentioned that this was my mother’s favorite food after she married him, so every year on the day of my mother’s sacrifice, he would prepare some as an offering.

But he didn’t know, sugar triangles are a specialty of Jiangyi, Prime Minister Fu is the elders of Jiangyi, so when my mother ate it was not to eat, but in reminiscence, reminiscence of the year that love to eat sugar triangles, smile with two small pear swirls, and she will look at her eyes will be shyly lowered eyes, ears are red through the teenage scholar boy.

So, the other Prime Minister Fu is handsome and talented Fluttering Prince, my father is Fluttering Prince accounted for the word Gong.

Is eating happily, then listen to the surrounding watching the discussion voice louder, the tone is also more enthusiastic, the crowd pushing and shoving in the bumped cover my shelf, a moment will be my top out.

I: “……” The city gates are on fire, don’t spill over to me! I hurriedly picked up the sugar triangle that was knocked off and blew it out, as the saying goes, you can still eat it within three breaths, wasting life is OK, wasting food is shameful! I’m just slandering, but there is still that good man who dragged me up: “You still don’t want to control it! But I am still more self-aware: “The masters are dueling, it’s good that I don’t add to the chaos, what do I care?

How can I control it?

“We do professional waste, the most important thing is to know their own a few kilograms, nothing do not cause trouble, something do not get involved in things, the jungle is dangerous, things first withdraw, this is the life of the world view and values.

The man but a look of the past: “the bell must be tied, since they are fighting for you, naturally, only you can persuade.

“Wow, sounds so reasonable! But I won’t listen.

On the clear noble man that the hell cultivation Luo aura, ghost temple Yan Luo spirit, which is care about me, obviously want to destroy me, now the four guards did not follow, brother is not with me, why do I want to put death after death?

That man still want to say again, I have been next to the pull of the two attracted the attention of the two, the two are all dressed in black, posture upright, keen eyes, at a glance is a practitioner.

I looked carefully, their clothes with the unique brocade silver dark pattern material made in the big inner, the heart will have a few guesses, the big inner guards …… my father s people.

That should not hurt me.

Ah no, it is my father’s people more want to kill me.

Sure enough, my father wants to get me dead heart resolute as iron, let a person have a kind of achieve the purpose but also to whip the body, storm, hang the city gate illusion.

On the side of the men in black, a little shorter has long been unable to hold back, wanting to go forward to help, but the taller one raised his hand to stop him: “Chasing Shadow, don’t do too much, Fu Hanchi has suffered internal injuries, won’t last long.

“I immediately turned my head to look at Fu Hanchi.

I immediately turned my head to look at Fu Hanchi, suddenly flashed in my mind a figure in white soaked in blood, my heart steeply sank, and could not think fast enough to grab the taller man and asked anxiously: “What do you mean?

What internal injuries?

“He did not have time to answer, suddenly someone pushed me in the back, and I was violently thrown forward, staggering to the middle of the two people who were fighting fiercely.

At this time is Fu Hanchi can not defeat, the noble man swings fist attack, they suddenly see me, both were greatly surprised, but the incident suddenly, the noble man’s fist has reached his body, he was completely too late to withdraw his strength, right on my chest, I spit out a large mouthful of blood with a sweetness in my throat.

“Sister!” Fu Hanchi was shocked.

“Ah Xiang!” The noble man was enraged.

I covered my heart and fell into Fu Hanchi’s arms, he held me with one hand and took my pulse with one hand, while the man in Qinggui looked at his own palms incredulously, and also hurriedly lowered his body to check my injuries.

I tugged Qing noble man’s sleeve, full of arduous opening: “I am afraid that …… can not, you …… you promise me, do not make it difficult for brother Fu …… OK?

” He was full of remorse, sniffing about to nod, but suddenly his eyes flashed, suddenly gritted his teeth and called me: “Qin, a, Xiang, you lied to me again! It’s over, I secretly pull Fu Hanchi’s sleeve was seen by him.

It was that close! I rather regretfully lowered my eyes and tactically behaved myself and bowed my head, Ah Xiang’s mouth, the ghost of deception, this person is more than a ghost, can’t be deceived to deceive.

“You ……!” His palm cupped my chin to force me to look up, angry hate will be my mouth corner of the blood wipe away to survey a glance: “What is this?

“Brown, brown sugar.

“Where did you get it?

“From the sugar triangle.”

“I behaved like a quail with its feathers plucked.

He looked as if he didn’t know how to scold me, choked for a long time, didn’t want to look ignorant, but was really puzzled, and asked impatiently, “What is a sugar triangle?


“I curtly handed him the remaining half of the piece in my hand, “Taste, taste?

”He disgustedly took a bite from my hand and immediately frowned, ”Too sweet! Fu Hanchi’s face was cold, he lowered his head and took the remaining snack in my hand into his mouth, smiling gently, ”I like the sweet ones.

“I couldn’t help but mutter in a small voice: “But no, what’s a sugar triangle if it’s not sweet.

“You!” The noble man looked at me angrily, and pulled me up by my arm: “You are reckless!” I stood upright and said, “I was wrong, I’ll change.

I’ll change.” “I’m surprised you’ll change!” He glared at me in annoyance, looking as if he was about to be infuriated by me but could do nothing about it.

Look, this is that you can’t afford to play a child is not! I secretly slander in my heart, a bit unable to understand his temper, so I can only hang my head and pretend to recognize the wrong dog hook, turning my brain to think of countermeasures.

He spoke again, his tone is still not good, but contains ten percent of the concern, and there are even a few confused tenderness: “really not hurt?

“No.” I mouthed, “No.

“I moufou spoke, he closed the force quickly, Fu Hanchi also in time to pull me back, in fact, did not touch much he gazed at me with a deep color for a long time, and finally just helplessly sighed deeply: “…… future are not allowed to frighten me like this! I saw him a look of fear, as if he really cared about me, the heart somehow suddenly some tight, rare to have a few points of conscience, but conscience of this kind of thing, like chicken ribs, tasteless, discarded on the abandonment of it.

So I decisively utilized his guilt: “Then I don’t scare you, can you let me and brother Fu go?

“”Brother Fu?

” He repeated word for word, suddenly tightened his eyebrows, voice also raised, a grabbed my hand: “You call him Fu brother, call me what?

“I …… I don’t even know you I still call you what, I ask you to let go of me are you willing?

You are not willing, you only care about yourself.

I saw him fierce, unconsciously backed up behind Fu Hanchi: “Why don …… we start with self introduction?

Brother, brother your name?

“He was stunned: “What are you playing again?

I was wronged,” said Mr. Pao! I shrank back again and said the most childish sentence of my life: “I …… really don’t know you.

“He abruptly widened his eyes, the look is also a great pain, instantly lost the calm self-possession of the appearance:” you! Just because …… just because I ……” he seems to be difficult to speak to the extreme, only a pair of eyes Friesian looked at me, voice mute and intermittent: “just because …… just because …… you have to be cruel to erase all the past?

” Lord Bao, I can not understand what he is saying! But his heartbroken gaze made me a little bit of intolerance, mouthing the words, but no matter how a word can not be said.

“Yes, yes!” His eyes abruptly red, the bottom of his eyes vaguely seem to have rippling tears, both hate and love extremely gritted teeth: “that also do not want me to let you go! Lord Pao, help me! It was as if he had that big disease! He said he was going to pull me away, I was tugged by him to take a step forward, my arm was tugged by Fu Hanchi again, he tightened his grip on my knuckles, his tone cold: “I said, with me, you can’t take her away.

”Qing noble man has all the patience, cold voice drank: ”Chasing shadow, moon by moon! Before his words fell, he saw that the two men in black who had been watching the battle immediately surrounded Fu Hanchi.

My heart was tight, subconsciously want to go to help him, but suddenly by the noble man shoulder shoulder, he stepped meteor forward, the atmosphere are not with gasp.

I struggled for a long time, useless, his arms like a thick chain, firmly confined me to the shoulder.

I anxiously looked over towards Fu Hanchi, only to see that he was surrounded by two people, gradually at a disadvantage, coupled with the onset of internal injuries, although he tried his best to hold back, but still “uh”, the corner of the lips will spill bright red blood.

I was in a hurry, but the noble man is still tightly banded me not to let go, in the heat of the moment, I rushed to the side of his neck and bit down hard, he grunted and held back, only raised his head to expose his neck veins even more thoroughly: “Bite down on this! Come on! You bite here!” This man really has some serious illness! I was so scared that I let go of my mouth, but his feet were like the wind, striding forward.

I heart burning fire, while desperately struggling while looking towards Fu Hanchi, he was already suffering from internal injuries, but also in the shadow chasing under the siege of the moon, obviously not exhausted, again and again was beaten back, but again and again desperately to go forward, straight to be forced to a few powerless, is still gritting his teeth and refused to admit defeat.

Fortunately, at this moment, Fu Bo a flash in front of him, hard to take down by the moon’s flowing clouds palm, the two groups of people immediately formed a confrontation situation.

Fu Bo one side to prevent the shadow chasing month-by-moon again attack, while whispering to persuade the Fu Han Chi still want to go forward.

Fu Hanchi refused without listening, “No. I promised her that no matter what happens, she will be safe! I promised her that no matter what happens, I won’t leave her behind.

” Uncle Fu bitterly persuaded: “Prince should take the big picture into account …… ” “I said no! Fu Hanchi’s always clear voice was suddenly solemn, and his brows were tightly locked, “If I let her be snatched away by a strange man, she will definitely feel that she has been abandoned, and will never forgive me.

” I heard a tremor in my heart, my eyes will have a slightly warm touching warmly diffuse on, when he just casually responded, we just a few face to face, he really promised me words as a serious commitment to comply with, really …… stupid ah! And Fu Bo glanced in my direction, persuaded to argue: “But that person is not a stranger ……” “For now she is!” Fu Hanchi yagyu cut off his words, revealing a look of determination that he would no longer discuss, and then he forced his luck, but counter-injured his tendons and veins, and more blood gushed out of his mouth.

See him like this, my heart is very difficult, my throat is too bitter to speak, the noble man’s footsteps suddenly beat, put me down, face like a sunken pool of expression finally had a gap, even surfaced a few strands of bemusement, baffled, said: “you cried ……” he reached out to wipe my tears, I subconsciously avoided, his hand lurched, frozen in mid-air, no longer forward, but the hand was not in the middle of the air. I subconsciously avoided, his hand stood still, frozen in mid-air, no longer forward, but also stubbornly refused to put it down.

I touched my face in slight embarrassment, my fingertips were moist, my mind turned back a few times, I felt that looking at his reaction, I seem to be able to take advantage of it, so I immediately deepened the look of watering on my face: “Let me talk to him and I won’t cry anymore.

But he repeated: “You cried for him ……” I nodded my head: “Yes, look at how pitiful I am.” He seemed to be still in some kind of mood.

“He seemed to be caught up in some kind of emotion, “You’ve made exceptions for him repeatedly, you’ve held your heart for him, and you’ve cried …… for him.” He was silent, his eyes looking straight over, “…… And what about me?

” “You …… you are a good man never let a lovely woman like me shed a single tear.

” I don’t know why I was singing out, but I could see my little eight year old head flashing with a light of wisdom that I’ve never seen before, and sure enough, I’m a daddy! He sniffed and revealed a thunderous expression, I immediately took advantage of the situation and persuaded, “You just want to take me back, and don’t want to cause more trouble, if he keeps pestering you, it’s also a trouble for you, just let me ……” “It’s not a trouble when you’re dead.

” His eye color then sank, the bottom of his eyes killing intent rampant.

This student you can really not get along with! I think he really will do what he said, then hurriedly said: “It is very simple to solve things, why make a human life, and he said I will obediently go back with you, I promise you with my personality.

” But I’m sorry, I don’t have a personality, I should run away when I have the chance.

He quietly stared at me, without saying a word, I also looked at him, can see his own pearly face in his eyes, don’t say, I cry really beautiful.

I think he is also really really think, silence for a long time, suddenly can not bear to turn away from the eyes: “go.

“I immediately gave him a thumbs up: “real man!” But he steeply obscure eyes, silent, helpless murmur eerily dispersed in the wind: “…… I’m still not all listen to you.

“I patted him on the shoulder with understanding: “Why, we men are not all like this! After saying this and not waiting for him to answer, I pulled my leg and ran to Fu Hanchi.

However, time is running out, Fu Hanchi is stubborn, he has always emphasized the promise, no matter how I persuade him refused to let go, only want to take me away, my attitude is also very resolute, can’t let him get involved in Kyoto’s strife, because although I’m very pitted, but I don’t pitted friends, in the past I don’t have friends, but now I want to be a good person.

Besides fight and can’t fight, escape and can’t escape, I haven’t caused any trouble lately, my father hasn’t arrived at the day to chop me up yet, on the whole it’s able to reach nine deaths won’t be unaccounted for.

Finally, after I exhausted my lips, Fu Hanchi seems to have a hint of relaxation, but that noble man is an impatient, directly over the color of the language is not good to interrupt: “said enough, go home.

“Fu Han Chi eyes sank to snatch body and on, but by my sudden sharp eyes stopped the action, I turned around and followed the noble man left, walked a few steps or could not help but look back, only to see him look disheveled looking at me, the figure of all alone, shaky, as if abandoned in the rain in the lonely dog.

I couldn’t bear it in my heart, and stepped on the pedal in front of the carriage, suddenly remembering that my calligraphy post was still in Xing Ya pavilion, and was about to use it as an excuse to go back to get it, but the noble man seemed to have anticipated it, and rolled me into the carriage with an arm, and then pushed me onto the soft cushion.

I got up in a hurry, only subconsciously called a “Fu brother ……”, heard a bang, the noble man swept off a table full of tea paper and ink: “You only have your Fu brother in your heart, is not it?

You still have me in your heart?

You see me?

“This is really shocked my whole clan, and my whole clan I have no balls and goat, brain in no word post penalty money or get his fist in the tangled for a moment, immediately weakly said:” …… saw.

“He seems not to hear, continue to ask:” I do not do well?

I can’t satisfy you?


I’m not sure if you’re a good person or not.

I’m not sure if you’re a good person or not.

What kind of a wolf word is that?

You’re not right! “Uh …… full, satisfied, satisfied ……” I’m sorry I’m only eight years old, to protect young children, on you have the responsibility, please don’t teach me these things I shouldn’t know.

But he snorted coldly, his arms firmly trapped me in front of his body, condensed and solemn eyes staring at me, as if he had been holding back for a long time: “Who is important to me and Fu Changqing?


“Which one do you care more about, me or Prime Minister Fu?” “What?


“Fu Hanchi and I fell into the water at the same time, you save who first?” “”.

“……” Did Fu kill your family?

Before I answered, he came closer and pinched my face with his knuckles, “Have you ever thought about me these days?

“I don’t even know you, and I still think about you?

Which one of us has an IQ problem?

If it wasn’t for the fact that I’ve lost my fox-fake tiger buff now, you’d be on your knees right now talking to me with your legs broken! He did not say more, only a pair of dark eyes staring at me, deep as if a thousand years of deep pool, wrapped in a storm of cold, I intuitively should give him an affirmative answer, but the moment I hesitated, his complexion was even colder: “You have not thought about me, right?

”Right is right, but obviously that’s not the answer you’re looking for.”

He laughed softly and looked at me with a cold stare, his fingertips caressing my sideburns as if he had a mouthful of blood in his mouth, “When I was worried about you, when I couldn’t sleep at night, when I was looking for you so much that I went crazy, you were with him in the beautiful scenery, the wind and the snow, and you didn’t think of me for a single moment, didn’t you?

” I shook my head in horror, feeling in my heart that either the world had gone mad or I had gone mad.

But looking at the behavior, it should be him who is crazy.

”Lord Pao, save me! But he was really warm in his arms, and hugged me and refused to let go, and kept saying something I couldn’t understand, and soon I was a bit drowsy.

When I think about it, it seems to be like this from time to time lately, always sleepy, most of the hours in a day are in the dream, every time I wake up, my mind is just a piece of chaos, and even sometimes I can not distinguish what things are really happened, what is asleep and dreamed.

In a trance, it seems that someone will carry me off the carriage all the way into the inner hall, my back only next to the bed, a jolt woke up, sharply from his arms to break free, and even retreated to the corner of the bed, angrily reprimanded: “Unbridled! He suddenly laughed, the corners of his lips spread a sneer: “More wanton, it’s not like I haven’t done it before.

“As he said this, he loosened his neck collar and sat down on the side of the bed, looking at me for a long time, he said, “You call him Brother Fu, it’s not too much to call me Brother Lian, is it?

I’ll call you “Grand Master! As soon as he spoke, the palace staff brought a bowl of tea over: “Your Majesty, it’s late and the dew is heavy, drink a cup of ginseng and ginger tea to get rid of the cold air.

“Crouching Drain?


What’s that?


Is it really my grandfather?

I didn’t mean to light up the moon, but the moon is my grandfather! I had no intention of illuminating the moon, but the bright moon is my grandpa?

No way, my grandpa can’t be so young.

———- Explain a throwback, our side of the moncler has two meanings, one is big grandpa, one is big uncle, in colloquial language according to the light and heavy distinction of the word “爷”, the top “大爷” is the meaning of big uncle.

It’s just a terrier, it’s just a terrier, the bar is you’re right, and I’m not changing it anyway.

———- He took a cup of ginseng tea with a black face and handed it to me first, while I looked at his handsome and martial face, full of brains in addition to the pitfalls are pitfalls pitfalls, accidentally also asked out: “What’s in this?

“He looked at me coldly with cold brows and cold eyes, and said coldly: “There is a piece of my good intentions.

” I: “……” you’re talking about an octopus! The atmosphere is awkward, a long white man was brought in by the chief eunuch in a hurry, I looked up, I did not even bother to put on my shoes and ran towards him, pulling his arm and shouting joyfully: ”Elder brother, you’re finally back! He bullied me, hit him! The man in white suddenly stunned, eyes layer after layer of shock and surprise, but in an instant and was suppressed by him, only convergence of the eyes, towards me bowed: “Poor Road …… Dharma name Companion Qing.

“I froze on the spot, up and down will he measured a few times, suddenly felt that elder brother seems to have no white hair, also seems to be really not long like this, but elder brother exactly what kind of long, I actually already do not remember.

I froze and let go of my hand, he touched his palm on the place I just touched without any trace, rubbed it twice, and said softly, “Please sit down.

“I obediently sat on the bedside, although I do not know him, but inexplicably feel that he is very kind, so he asked me what I would answer truthfully, he listened to more and more serious look, and finally gestured to my moncler outlet store with him out, I quietly followed the front with the ear to listen to, not very clear, only vaguely heard some of what is “away from the soul disease,” “thoughts are not meticulous,” “memory chaos,” “one day will be equivalent to a year! ……”.

I thought they were talking about me, so I was the one who had a serious illness?

It sounds so serious, it seems like I’m going to die soon, so where should I choose for my mausoleum?

Should I choose my mother’s mausoleum or the Little Queen’s mausoleum? Wait, who is the Little Queen?

Why would I want to be buried next to her?

Something’s not right with me! Just as I was puzzled, I heard the companion secretary say, “If it comes to Miss Sheng’s nineteenth year, I’m afraid ……” “I’m afraid of what?

” My lord’s tone suddenly tightened, as if he had been violently strangled.

But I caught the key word, Miss Sheng?

Turns out it wasn’t me, scared me.

“…… Or allow the poor road to think of another way.

” Companion Qing paused, his voice even lower, “she can not be stimulated, now the plan, can only be everything by her, and then a little guidance, so some of the old stories, Your Majesty should know …… ” the words behind gradually lowered, has been completely inaudible, I contemplated for a long time, I was thinking about this Sheng girl which girl, how to be so unlucky, and how to be so young to suffer from such serious illness. I was thinking about this Sheng girl which family girl, how can she be so unlucky, how can she be so young and suffer from such a serious disease, then I heard the night drums outside sounding three times.

My heartbeat stagnated for a moment, and then violently beat wildly up, the brain is more like suddenly by the cold ground knife gouged out a hand, suddenly countless fragments flashed, the mind drifted for a moment before regaining clarity, today …… is the death anniversary of the mother.

According to the usual practice, at midnight …… my father will carry a knife to cut me.

I instantly panicked, fearfully looked around, lifted his leg and ran toward the closet in the corner of the inner room, only to shrink and hide in, I heard the temple door was pushed open, I immediately held my breath, did not dare to move.

The person’s footsteps are very light, step on the soft carpet almost no sound, seems to be afraid of waking up someone, but in a few moments, he realized that there is no longer my silhouette on the bed, alarmed and anxious voice: “A Xiang! I trembled violently, clenched my knuckles tightly, but could not suppress the rapid breathing, since I was a child, I am not afraid of the world is afraid of my father in the middle of the night to step into my room.

And the inner room is not big, that person steps hurriedly turned around, footsteps suddenly stopped, and then sounded again, toward my direction, I dead clutch chest clothes, only feel that the heart is going to jump out of the throat, subconsciously look out, in front of the eyes only hard mahogany cabinet door, can not see who is coming.

But as he gets closer and closer, my eyes down, looking at the skirt was hidden in the closet gap, black, almost directly fainted, hurriedly grabbed the hem of the clothes to pull in, but heard a creak, the cabinet door suddenly opened a gap, a small sound fell in the silence of the inner room, straight as a thunderstorm on the ground in general.

My breathing stagnation, a hand picked up the side just to use as a defense of the glazed jade bottle vase, dead hold tightly in his arms, if he dares to open the door …… I’ll …… I’ll …… I’ll …… I cover my mouth! Clenched his teeth, shivering and trembling shrunk into a ball, eyes filled with tears, rustling from the eyes slipped, in the jade vase smashed out of the despair of the snapping sound, elder brother …… elder brother why do not you come back yet?

Outside the footsteps stopped in front of the cabinet, silent for a long time, sounded the rustle of clothing friction, I was careful to look out from the doorway, the man was lifted up the hem on the ground to sit down, leaning against the wall, curled up long legs, elbows casually resting on the knees, demeanor is the world’s rare flow of wind.

I hang tight heart only slightly put down, as long as it is not my father, other situations I can cope with.

Fixed my mind, I realized that this is the palace, my father again lawlessness will not wear in to slaughter me, is under the recklessness.

But in this recklessness, I realized the trick to escape from my father’s pursuit, when my brother is not there, just hide in the palace can be.

Life, indeed, is all uphill, downhill and not expecting it.

I looked outside again, my older brother was still out there, but I was a little torn because my brain told me it couldn’t actually tell if this was my older brother or my cousin.

After a few moments of silence outside, he spoke softly, even with the patience of a good man, “Do you want to come out and get some air?

“I would have liked to, but when you said that, I didn’t dare.

“I’m sorry if I scared you.

“He added.

I corrected him, “You weren’t scaring me, you were trying to kill someone.

” He was silent, astringent: “I am worried …… worried that you were abducted by bad people …… and never come back, it is me who is concerned.

” I retorted offhandedly: “Fu brother is very good, he is not a bad person!” He was dumbfounded, thinking for a long time, finally sighed: “Yes, he is not a bad person, it is my misunderstanding.

”It seems that this student isn’t that difficult to get along with, since you apologized with great mercy, I’ll sincerely forgive you.

But, “Who are you?

“Who do you think I am?

” he asked without answering.

“Look at the age …… you are a cousin, but I remember that the one who is in charge now should be the eldest uncle.

” A thought suddenly flashed through my mind, and I exclaimed, “Could it be ……” I could not help knocking my head, “that I seem to have forgotten many things.

」「You haven’t remembered wrongly,」but he affirmed me, 「It’s just that now that the war is tight, in order to stabilize the dynasty, the mourning is kept secret, and it is only declared to the outside world that I am acting as the dynasty’s ruler.

” My eyes widened in surprise, was this something I could hear without being martyred?

I know too much, I feel that I am a bit dangerous, so nervous that I stuttered, “Ah this …… me …… you …… how can I be virtuous enough to know this secret secret . …” “No harm done.

“He did not think, “sooner or later is to be announced to the world, but before that, you are afraid that you can not leave the palace.

I’d like to do that,” he said! The temple is locked with me, the key was swallowed by me, please limit the scope of my father’s activities in the Chongzheng Hall Thank you! A moment of no words, the atmosphere is silent again, a long time, he said: “you do not want to come out, but let me stay here with you, OK?

“I don’t know if it is my illusion, he said the last word, his voice seems to be mixed with some low and pleading, listening to my heart sour, then did not make a sound, only to do the default.

He was outside, I unconsciously feel at ease a lot, although there are still some faint palpitations, ultimately can not resist the gradual emergence of sleepiness, sleepy often nodding, forehead is accidentally knocked on the cabinet door, will be the gap hit more open, in a daze, only to feel a wide hand slowly probe, with careful probing, blocked between my head and the cabinet, gently hold my head swaying to and fro.

Maybe after a quarter of an hour, maybe after an hour, I suddenly woke up from a deep dream, cold sweat beaded down, a big mouthful of gasping for breath, he immediately noticed: “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.

“Short five words, but seems to have the power to pacify the heart, will be my heart of the haze of fear in a moment dispersed, I hesitated, gently raised his hand, carefully held his index finger, only to feel his fingertips slightly trembled, a long time, only mute voice said: “rest assured, I will protect you …… always protect you.

“My heart is slightly warm, like flowing through the hot springs like a trickle, spreading all the way to the limbs and bones, born Ning soft roots.

Wake up again the day is bright, and soft daylight from the window pane through, squeezed into the gap in the cabinet, brightly reflected in our hands, dense with a soft warm color.

My face suddenly a heat, then loosened the strength, he immediately sensed, slightly Lang sound color came low: “Wake up?

‘ I nodded, suddenly remembered that he could not see me, and hurriedly softly hmmm again.

His voice was not slow and unhurried: “Do you want to come out?


“Push open the cabinet door, I moved some stiff legs to step out, do not want to shoes just landed on the toes of the foot suddenly jumped up needle prick like itching, a soft leg will be planted forward, he was quick to help me, to be I stabilized mind, raised his eyes to look, he is also looking at quietly, full of eyes in the warm smile will be that sharp eyebrows between the biting cold are all dissolved, but also added a little tenderness and love: “Be careful.

“I blushed and lowered my head, looking at his palm and his hand, the thought of a slight movement, just want to draw back, he will suddenly pull me a drag, long arm from the side of the rapid probe to the waist around me a wrap, as I exclaimed, fell into his arms.

He carried me all the way to the bed, kneeling on one knee on the floor for me to take off the show shoes, I was a little blushing shrink, but he held my ankles, gently rubbing my stiff legs, warmth along the fingertips slowly penetrate into the tendons and veins, all ironic.

I just want to speak, the next person has been served breakfast in, he will take over the bowl, scooped a spoonful of glutinous porridge to my mouth, I pursed lips, looking at him through the gentle hope of the dark eyes, how to excuse words can not be said, had to open their mouths and eat it.

He was very patient, I chewed slowly, he will be a spoon to feed, do not see half a bit of annoyance, to finish the meal, he served me clean hands and rinse his mouth, all personally, even if I was used to being waited on since I was a child, but also some uncomfortable, not to mention that he also smiled calmly and asked me: “Do you want to rest for a while?

“I was indeed also a little tired, so I nodded, he pulled over the quilt to cover me, gently caressing the quilt surface: “Sleep, I’ll stay with you.

“I closed my eyes, the brain is a little heavy, haze seems to feel someone walked to his side and said something low, vaguely heard the words “North Desert” and “military emergency”, he nodded with a solemn look, but does not move like a mountain, my heart is at peace, I feel the sudden onslaught of drowsiness, and then fell into the darkness of the chaos.

A dream of snoring sweet, and then opened his eyes, the sky has been a little dark, the sound of rain coming from the window.

I sat up, my thoughts were a little misty, seemed to hear and see a burst of cries coming from outside, mournful, mournful, mournful.

In a trance I remembered.

My elder brother had died.

He died when I was nine years old.

Died the day before the anniversary of my mother’s death.

When the news came in the morning, everyone was lamenting, everyone was mourning, everyone was hating the heavens for their injustice, for the untimely death of a brilliant man, for the whole of Kyoto, for all the ages, for all the sadness in the world.

But I don’t believe it.

He promised me a safe return.

He never goes back on his word.

So I thought, I should go and wait for him, go and wait for him at the place I had agreed to long ago.

I put on my shoes and walked out in a trance, a narrow silver lightning bolt struck down from the dark cloudy sky, illuminating my pale face, and with the roar of thunder, the rain became heavier and heavier, hitting my body like a stone, which I didn’t feel, and the sound of weeping lingered in my ears, which I ignored, only walking with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

As far as the eye can see, all empty, I can not even see the clear road, I do not know how long to walk, a trip under the feet, the body fell violently, only to feel the rain curtain from all directions, pouring into my nose and mouth of the five inside the sky, endless waves of fishy salty water in the moment will be drowned me, closed all perception.

But the broken cry in my ears is more and more clear, but also more and more bawling mournful, my feet were countless pairs of slippery hands wrapped and clenched, uncontrollably sinking downward, deeper and deeper, but also more and more difficult to breathe, the body seems to be countless hands desperately tearing, will be twisted and stirring my internal organs together.

I have long been all thoughts, let my eyes black, no struggle, consciousness is gradually collapsing, between the flash of lightning, an arm suddenly behind itself to stop the waist of a fierce, without saying that will pull me upward.

I was muddle-headed sick for three days, high fever, medicine and stone is ineffective, in a daze, seems to have been someone talking to me, but I don’t want to wake up, only aimlessly walking forward, soon saw a secluded and rustic hut, mother, elder brother, and even my last life always want to replace Baili Muyun, are in it.

When they saw me coming, they all looked at me with smiles on their faces, and I knew that as long as I stepped through this door, I would be able to meet them and never part again.

But the voice in my ear rang again, he said over and over again, his voice has been from warm to hoarse, from hope to pleading, every word is heartbreaking, as if the soul are peeled off piece by piece, mixed with the woozy mantra murmuring sound into the ear veins, penetrate all the skeletons, into a rope wrapped around the mouth of my heart, little by little back to tighten.

I hesitated for a long time, finally, my heart can not bear it, and then raised my eyes unwillingly towards the wooden house, my mother, they are still smiling, but more and more far away, more and more far away …… Chapter 13: Much trouble When I saw the bearded, withered face of the Qin Box Lian, I didn’t recognize it for a moment, and looked at him for a long time, and asked a rather level-headed question: “I’m afraid this man has just escaped from the Beggar’s Association.

“He looked at me in a daze, silent for a moment, lips open and close, muttered my name, as if that is what life-saving good pills, in a moment in his silent eyes seem to suddenly be injected with a strange luster, but then instantly red-eyed, clutched my hand on their cheeks, almost crying with joy: “A Xiang …… A Xiang! ……” I looked at him at a loss for words, not knowing how to comfort, but he suddenly remembered something, and asked nervously: “How old are you this year?

“I thought about it, I just feel chaotic brain, thinking for a while, only said: “I thirteen.

” “Thirteen ……” he like violently is hit by what, stunned for a long time, before the eye color disheveled murmured to himself, “…… six days, there are still six days left ……” The words did not fall, the temple door was suddenly Push open, a person look hurriedly came in, I recognize him, he called Cheng An, is the chief eunuch, he has not yet arrived in front of the face has been as earthy as kneeling down: “Your Majesty, Ningguo Marquis Shizi …… was killed in action.

‘ The emperor’s complexion was a moment, lifting his steps, he went outside: ”Summon all the ministers to Chongzheng Hall! He said and remembered something, turned to look at me hesitated for a moment, lightly said: ”If there is anything, order the palace people, do not run around, wait here for me to come back.

‘ I knew that the situation was urgent, and quickly nodded obediently.

He gave me another grave look before turning to leave.

Not long after he left, I was eating my evening meal when I heard a cry of “Water! The cry sounded quite close to me.

I just wanted to run away, but the Emperor’s words that I should wait here for him to come back came to my mind, so I picked up my food and ran even faster, after all, I can only wait if I have a life, but what do I have to wait for if I don’t have a life?

Waiting for death?

Outside a fire, bright blinding, I can not help but close my eyes, the confusion was hit several times, and so only to adapt to a little, and was a small eunuch pulled the arm of the anxious: “Someone wants to be unfavorable to the girl, the girl quickly with me! I’ll believe you if you’re attentive in the middle of the night! Not to mention that I just heard my father’s voice, my ears are good! A sound I gave that little eunuch a punch in the face and scurried far away, and hurriedly found a dark hidden corner to hide, and then began to regret just now should not give that little eunuch a punch, should be stripped of his clothes, so that I will not be frozen into a dog now.

I don’t know how long, the distant clamor slowly subsided, but the near clamor is gradually rising, far a near a “A Xiang” called my heart and liver trembling, see a figure is getting closer and closer to me, I before he opened his mouth to call me a hand to pull him into my shelter.

My father is so crazy that he can’t even be stopped by the emperor, and he’s still calling me here because he’s afraid that I’ll live long.

But I was hasty, and I pushed so hard that he stumbled and pinned me against the wall, and I caught him off guard and nibbled on his neck, causing him to let out a low whimper of surprise.

I wanted to die, I really did.

I would have preferred to be peacefully hacked to death by my father than to die in such a transcendent way socially, but obviously I had to play dead now.

Yet some part of him didn’t allow it.

How much does it not allow it?

It’s that I’ve only just had the thought of moving when his breathing suddenly intensifies and the sound of his throat sliding and swallowing is clearly audible in the stillness of the air.

It’s true that whenever someone else is more awkward than me, my awkwardness is even more awkward.

I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn’t have read the storybook in the first place, if I didn’t read the storybook, I wouldn’t have known too much of what I shouldn’t have known at my age, if I would have known too much of what I shouldn’t have known at my age, I wouldn’t have heard the heartbeat echoing all over this ten miles of the countryside that was taking over the shoots.

Close at hand, body close to each other, his hot temperature through the thin material seeped in, my face has been red like a cooked but still in the naked run shrimp.

If I could do it all over again, I would choose to leave this beautiful world.


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