How easy is it to destroy a parent?

How easy is it to destroy a parent?

I had just turned eleven the year my mom took me to the river to jump to my death.

She didn’t know how to swim, and as soon as she hit the water, she started choking and sinking, and was on the verge of drowning almost immediately.

But even in this moment of fear and panic, she did not forget to hold onto my neck.

She was afraid that if she let go, I would have a chance to escape.

She was already on the verge of death, but she still wanted to pull me as her back, she had always been this way as a mother.

I struggled as hard as I could, and finally broke her hands, which were losing their strength.

Her face, choked by the river water and twisted like an evil spirit, disappeared below the surface of the water in just an instant.

I frantically flailed and cried out for help at the same time.

It was at this point that the man rushed into the river and rescued me.

I was dazedly brought back to the shore by him, and only then did I see his face clearly.

He was actually the policeman who had come to us a few days before.

I was already soaked to the bone and instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

If he had appeared one minute later, all my plans would have been in vain.

2Three days later, after I had recovered, the policeman named Ma Da came to see me again.

He took me to a cafe near the hospital.

I asked him what was the matter.

He said that he was just looking for me to find out what was going on.

But when we sat down in that quiet cafe, he looked at me like I was a criminal.

“Did you know that your dad had just bought a personal accident insurance policy with a one million dollar coverage shortly before he died?

” he asked me, getting right to the point.

“I knew that.

Did you know that he was suspected of committing suicide to defraud the insurance company?” “I know.

“I know.

I know.” “What do you know?

“He didn’t allow me to be vague.

“I knew he was trying to cheat the insurance.

“But you didn’t know he was going to kill himself?”

” I was silent for a moment, made a show of being poked by him, and then whispered.

“He told me that he wouldn’t die …… “3 My name is Lu Ting, my dad’s name is Lu Changfeng, and my mom’s name is Zhong Yu.

We were originally a very happy family of three, not much money but peaceful and happy.

My dad worked in the back kitchen of a big restaurant, and my mom worked in a textile factory, working three shifts all year round.

I did well in school and never let my parents or teachers worry about me.

We were supposed to have a good life until I got sick.

The doctor said that my illness was called epilepsy and convulsive brain injury.

Truth be told, I didn’t really know what that meant, all I knew was that I needed to go to the hospital a lot after that.

I was in the hospital even longer than I was at home, even.

My mom took care of me personally, and my dad went to great lengths to raise money for my medical bills.

When I would fall into a coma, my mom would always hold me in her arms, gently stroke my head, and sing me lullabies.

Our family was soon emptied by my illness.

We moved out of our rented two-room apartment and into a neighborhood that had long been abandoned.

It was called Yongan Garden, and many years ago it was the most expensive residential area in town, but now it had long since fallen into such disrepair that only the poorest of the poor would live there.

My parents’ bodies and spirits have been emptied as well.

The nerves of the three of us were always on edge, and we were all really, really tired.

My mom quit her job a long time ago to take care of me, and my dad was fired from his job as a chef because he was always running to the hospital.

If our family wasn’t desperate, my dad would never have taken the step of faking his own death to get insurance.

It was my eleventh birthday and they bought me a small cake.

After eating the cake, my mom went to bed first, leaving my dad to watch over me.

I closed my eyes early, ready to fall asleep.

As long as I fell asleep, it wouldn’t hurt.

My dad thought I was asleep, so he whispered to me.

“Ting Ting, dad is going to die.

” he said.

4 He said that he had taken out insurance, and that if he died in an accident, mom and I would get a million dollars.

He said he would drive the car down the hill, but he wouldn’t be in that car, which would only have his clothes and papers in it.

He said he would disguise it as an accidental crash to avoid pedestrians.

After that, he said, he would completely disappear from our lives until four years after his disappearance, when he would be legally recognized as dead.

He said he’d already checked, and that would also be counted as an accidental death, which would also be covered by the insurance company.

When that happens, he said, the three of us will be reunited as a family again.

He said this while crying.

He thought I was asleep, so he dared to say these words to me.

He didn’t dare to tell me, let alone his mom, he was afraid that we wouldn’t be able to cope with the insurance company’s difficulties if we knew the truth.

Only if we also thought he was really dead could we maximize the assurance that our pain and grief were real, and get the million dollars more smoothly.

But again, he really couldn’t let go of me or my mom.

That’s why he secretly poured it all out while I was asleep.

Otherwise, he might have really suffocated.

I was half asleep, and I wasn’t at all sure that I understood.

As a result, the next day, the police came to tell us that he was dead.

Didn’t he say he faked his death?

Didn’t he say there would only be his clothes and papers in the car?

Didn’t he say we’d be reunited in four years?

Then how did the police find his body in the car?

Could it be that he didn’t have time to get out of the car and accidentally sank into the wild lake with it?

I don’t know, I really don’t know.

But I was so scared, I had no idea what had happened.

In those days, I was not in very good health, and every day I slept and woke up in a daze.

The hospital room was full of police and doctors, and I didn’t find a chance to tell my mom what I knew.

Besides, I wasn’t sure what I knew.

Unexpectedly, my mom soon took me to jump into the river to commit suicide.

If you hadn’t passed by the river and saved me that day, I would have drowned in the river by now.

Of course I didn’t dare to tell this to the police, after all, cheating on the insurance is a felony, dad said so.

5 “You mean, you don’t know why your dad actually killed himself, do you?

” he said with an expressionless face.

“He told me he faked his death, he told me there would only be his clothes and papers in the car.

” I spoke sharply.

“Lu Ting, do you know that you can’t get a claim for suicide?

” “I don’t know …… I don’t know anything about that ……” I know, of course I do.

“But murder has a very high probability of being counted as accidental death.

“What do you mean?

“”We found that Lu Changfeng was stoned to death before he was stuffed into the car and pushed down the hill.

“I was silent.

In other words, he died of murder, and the murderer has been captured by us.”

“I remained silent.

“He admitted that he killed Lu Changfeng.

“Silence, silence, silence.

“But what’s even better is that this murderer, he’s still an acquaintance of yours, no, he’s an acquaintance of your whole family, and he appears at your bedside almost every week.

” His expression was so chesty, as if he himself was in full possession of the truth.

“And he was completely absent from this story you just told me about your father trying to fake his own death to get insurance.

“He gazed deeply at me.

I pretended to be panicked at being exposed, my head, hands, and back were all covered in cold sweat.

But I knew in my heart that he was falling into the trap I had already set.

6 “A middle-aged woman named Lori called us and said she saw the whole process of Lu Changfeng’s murder.

“Although her voice was very low and hoarse, she spoke very clearly.

“She described in detail the man’s build, his looks, his physical features, and she even told us where he went after he killed the man.”

“According to Lori, Lu Changfeng did not intend to die at that time. He put his clothes and documents into the car and planned to push the car down the hill.

However, while he was pushing the car, a man appeared behind Lu Changfeng and grabbed a rock, knocking him unconscious.

After Lu Changfeng fell to the ground, the man smashed him a few more times until Lu Changfeng was completely dead.

That man stuffed Lu Changfeng into his car and pushed it down the mountain.

Only after the car slowly sank into the wild lake did the man turn around and leave.

Luo Li hurriedly then called the police.

Because she was too scared, she never dared to testify, and only dared to contact the police by phone.

The police didn’t take her words seriously at first; after all, they often received ridiculous calls.

So they didn’t tell my mom and me about it in time, only that dad died in a car accident.

But after that, they conducted a manhunt for more than two days based on the clues provided by Luo Li, but they really caught the murderer.

That man confessed to killing Lu Changfeng.

He said that he killed Lu Changfeng in order to get the woman he loved.

“That man’s name is Liang Dong.

” I feigned a full body shake.

“He was your mom Zhong Yu’s first love.

“The Uncle Liang Dong who often visits you in the hospital.”

“You’re not saying you don’t know him, are you?”

” Motor said with a smile.

After a long silence.

“I know him.

“I said.

Uncle Liang Dong was my mom Zhong Yu’s first love, they fell in love when they were in junior high school.

But later, in order to study, in order to ideal, the two people long separated two places, in the end did not be able to together.

Uncle Liang Dong thought that when he made a name for himself, he would come back to marry my mom.

But by the time he came back, my mom had already married and given birth to me.

He wanted to leave it at that. It was enough for my mom to live a good life.

After I got sick, he often came to visit me, and when my parents were too busy, he would come to the hospital and help take care of me.

He sent money, medicine, and did his best, he was really a very good person.

But my dad didn’t appreciate it. He always thought that Uncle Liang Dong would be so nice to me because he hadn’t died for my mom.

So, he was on guard against Uncle Liang Dong in every way.

Uncle Liang Dong didn’t think it was a big deal, he was still very nice to me and my mom.

But the more tolerant he was, the more he didn’t care, the angrier my dad got.

I was sick and he couldn’t take it out on me, so he used my mom as a punching bag.

He started drinking a lot, and when he got drunk, he beat my mom like crazy.

My mom tolerated and compromised for a long time, expecting him to change, but he hit her harder and harder.

In fact, I know that in the beginning, my mom and Uncle Liang Dong really didn’t have anything.

It was my father’s suspicion and violence that pushed my mom little by little towards Uncle Liang Dong.

Uncle Liang Dong soon found out about the injuries on my mom’s body, and he was heartbroken and angry.

He wanted to go and settle the score with my dad, but was stopped by my mom, which only made my dad’s violence worse.

This is when the two of them got back together again.

It’s not hard to understand, both are sentient.

One had been holding back for years and the other was all over the place, it was easy for two people like that to come together.

My mom just mentioned divorce with my dad, of course, did not mention the matter of cheating, only said that the personality is not compatible, break up.

My father stormed out, people are still in the hospital room, began to beat my mom.

My mom cried so loudly that the doctor rushed to the fight.

I remember very clearly that my dad said in a very harsh tone that as long as he was still alive, my mom would never be able to escape from him.

At that time, our family’s situation was so bad that we had no money for food.

So my dad came up with the idea of cheating on the insurance.

He told my mom about it.

On the one hand, he really didn’t have any other tricks up his sleeve, and on the other hand, he secretly expected that he could use this as an opportunity to win back my mom’s respect from the bottom of her heart, not just a forced submission under violent duress.

He said that if the empty car plus clothes and documents can be cheated to the insurance company, it is naturally the best, if not, he will disappear for four years, four years later, my mom can go to court to apply for a request to recognize him as dead, and by then, a million dollars will be ours.

He said that this is all for our family of three.

He didn’t know that this just gave Uncle Liang Dong the opportunity to kill him.

8 My mom turned around and told Uncle Liang Dong about this, and Uncle Liang Dong decided to kill him on the day he faked his death so that he would really die.

That way, we would not only be able to get the one million dollar claim, but we would also be able to get rid of him completely.

On that day, Uncle Leung Tung asked my mom to wait for him downstairs in the hospital.

As soon as he finished killing my dad, he would come to join me and my mom.

But my mom waited for him the whole night and he didn’t show up.

Calling his phone, at first there was no answer, then it became unavailable.

Uncle Liang Dong just disappeared.

How could we possibly know that he was being hunted by you guys and couldn’t contact us.

Both of us thought that he was on the verge of fleeing and abandoning us.

After another day, we received the news that our dad had died.

You police told us that my dad died in a car accident.

We just assumed that my dad had faked it and didn’t have time to escape the car.

My mom couldn’t reach Uncle Liang Dong, and now she’s without my dad.

Even though my dad wasn’t a good man, he was always the pillar of the family.

Now that even this terrible pillar is gone, my mom is completely desperate.

She was never a weak woman, she couldn’t and didn’t dare to face life alone.

So, she took me along with her and jumped into the river to commit suicide while I was asleep after taking my pills.

How could she not know that my father had faked his death to cheat the insurance? She knew everything.

It was because she knew all this that she was more desperate.

Her husband died, her first love disappeared.

She feels abandoned by the whole world. She can’t survive.

But even if she was going to die, she didn’t dare to do it alone, and she had to let me die with her.

While I was drowsy from the pills, she carried me on her back and jumped into the river.

If you hadn’t saved me, I would have died in the river with her.

I didn’t tell the police the truth because she was my mom after all, no matter how cowardly and selfish she was, she was my mom.

I couldn’t bear the thought of letting her die and having to bear the reputation of being a red herring.

What’s more, I don’t want her to become a vicious woman who murdered her husband in the eyes of everyone.

She’s dead anyway, and Uncle Liang Dong is gone anyway.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just let everything go like this?

How could I have thought that you would catch Uncle Leung Tung.

How could I have imagined that Uncle Liang Dong would really kill my dad?

There were three adults who could take care of me, but now all of a sudden, none of them are here, so I’m scared too.

I don’t know what I should do next, and now you’re forcing me and scaring me.

I’ve already told you everything I know.

While listening to me, Ma Da lowered his head and thought.

“Are you saying that Liang Dong killed Lu Changfeng in order to be with Zhong Yu?

” “Well ……” “And the reason why you would lie is to save your mom’s reputation.

」 「Yes ……」 「But that doesn’t make a bit of sense.


“Zhong Yu could have left you and your dad and gone far away with Liang Dong herself.” “She is my mom after all.

“After all, she is my mom, she can’t leave me like this.

“Then take a look at this.”

“He handed me a stack of printed chat logs.

It was clearly written that my mom wanted to run away with Liang Dong without me.

Not only did she not take me with her, she made me out to be a useless drag.

She really wants to abandon you. The one who doesn’t want to abandon you is Liang Dong.”

“Motor is pressing on, staring at me without giving an inch.

“But he is not related to you, why does he care about you so much.

” “Maybe …… because he is a good man ……” I said in a wandering, flustered tone.

“Then he could have taken you away, though at the risk of being sued by Lu Changfeng for abducting women and children.

” “Perhaps …… he is in love with the house …… ” “That’s right, in love with the house, only he says that you are the house, and Zhong Yu is the one who is the crow that goes along with the hand.

” “The person he wants is you, only you.

” said Mada seriously.

“Impossible! How dare he admit such a thing!” Turbo laughed.

He thinks he’s finally caught me saying the wrong thing.

“Yes, he didn’t admit it, and he wouldn’t dare admit that he’s a pervert obsessed with young girls.

“But you did.”

” The air froze.

“The way you just reacted just confirmed that it’s you, not Jong Yu, who he wants.

” The music in the café drifted lazily.

I let my tears build up to fill my eyes.

“Lu Changfeng refused to get a divorce, so he couldn’t get you by marrying Zhong Yu.

“Then he can only have you reasonably and legally and for a long time by killing Lu Changfeng and then marrying Zhong Yu.

“Right, Lu Ting?”

” My tears fell at just the right moment.

I just wanted him to think that he had completely crushed me.

I wanted him to think that he had it all figured out, that he had won, that he had reasoned out the whole truth.

Only then will he fall completely into my clutches.

“Let me tell you about my reasoning,” he said complacently.

” he said complacently.

10You, Lu Ting, were born into a poor family.

You have a pair of ungrateful parents, both of whom tried their best to give you a better life.

To add insult to injury, you were sick, and the illness took all your family’s money.

At the same time, your mom’s first love, Liang Dong, appeared in your life.

He seems to be a good-looking, well-mannered man, but in fact he is a pervert.

When he himself was a junior high school student, he was in love with the young girl Zhong Yu, that is, your mother.

When he himself is over thirty, he is still in love with the teenage version of Zhong Yu, that is, you.

He approached your mom as Zhong Yu’s first love, and approached you as a family.

He treats Zhong Yu as he always has, he treats Lu Changfeng with courtesy and respect, and he is even more patient with you.

He even volunteered to come to the hospital to help take care of you when your mom and dad were too busy.

Since then, he’s had his way with you.

On the surface, he is maliciously trying to reconnect with your mom, Zhong Yu.

But in reality, his real target is you, the person who looks the most like the young girl Zhong Yu in this world.

But he is not satisfied with seeing you once in a while like this, he wants to have you for a long time, legally.

So, in order to reasonably and legally get you, he initially wanted to encourage Zhong Yu and Lu Changfeng to divorce.

But he didn’t expect Lu Changfeng to die and refuse to let go.

So he could only choose the second option, which was to kill Lu Changfeng.

At this time, Lu Changfeng just came up with a “fake death to cheat insurance” this stupid trick, so he followed Lu Changfeng’s back and climbed up the mountain.

When Lu Changfeng was about to push the car down the hill, he struck from behind and smashed Lu Changfeng to death on the spot.

Then he stuffed him into the car and pushed it down the mountain with him.

If not for the accidental appearance of that witness, the middle-aged woman with the husky voice, Luo Li, this plan would have been perfect.

Lu Changfeng did die in an accident, no matter if he died in a car accident or a murder.

As long as it wasn’t a suicide, then it would all be counted as an accidental death, and you would all get the million dollars.

Then he’ll marry Zhong Yu and become your father in the legal sense.

At that point, he’ll probably find a way to take out Jong Ok and become your sole guardian.

However, this is all an afterthought.

Because of Lori’s sighting and report, he was forced to start running around so much that he couldn’t even inform you and your mom about it.

Your mom, in despair, took you and jumped into the river to kill herself.

And he soon fell into the net and confessed to the crime he committed.

But the only thing he dared not admit was that his real target was actually you.

He could go to jail as a “man who killed for his first love”, but he would never want to be tried as a “heartless pervert”.

That would really be the end of his life.

So, he admitted his affair with Zhong Yu, admitted that he killed Lu Changfeng, but only dared not admit, or even mention, that his target was you.

And it’s even more unlikely that you’ll make this public.

Because he has, most likely, already sexually assaulted you.

You didn’t tell so many lies to protect your mom, you did it to protect yourself.

Right, Lu Ting.

11 Mada looked at me and said all of the above word by word.

Big tears came out of my eyes.

I looked like I had finally broken down completely.

I sat across from him in this empty interrogation room and cried until I couldn’t catch my breath.

“Why! Why! You’re making me do this!” I yelled as I cried.

“Just let him die as my mom’s lover, can’t you! Why are you being like this!” Motor looked at me heartily and patted my head gently.

12 Motor took a new statement from me.

That truth was even more brutal than what he had surmised.

I have been sick since I was a child, and I have exhausted my family s wealth, and my parents have long since lost patience with me.

Lu Changfeng and Zhong Yu were the worst parents in the world; they were poor, lazy, selfish and hypocritical.

They both wanted to get rid of me, but they didn’t dare abandon me for fear of going to jail for abandonment.

But they didn’t want to keep raising me either, because they had long been sick and tired of me.

At this time, Liang Dong appeared.

He pretended to be a kind-hearted person and helped to take care of me in the hospital while they were busy fooling around and having fun.

But in reality, Liang Dong had no intention whatsoever to do with me.

How many nights did Liang Dong say he was helping with the night watch, but he let me sleep in his arms.

Sexual assault, is that called sexual assault?

I don’t even know what the hell he called what he did to me.

I told Mom and Dad about all of this, and they didn’t believe it at all.

Or, if they did believe it, they didn’t even care, I guess.

Not only did they not care, they even wanted to sell me to Liang Dong.

Only Liang Dong, a poor man, couldn’t afford the money at all either.

He was so spirited and wanted to go out and make a big career, but now he came back in disgrace and was ridiculed as a poor man by a couple who were even poorer than him.

“If you can’t afford it, don’t even think about touching my daughter, you poor bastard.

“Lu Changfeng laughed at Liang Dong in this way.

However, because of Liang Dong, my parents discovered a way to make money.

They began to secretly look for buyers who, like Liang Dong, were only interested in little girls.

They could buy me out, and they could buy me once.

My dear mom and dad, thus took my body and used it as a tool to make money.

My health got worse because of it, and I had to make the hospital my home.

Even so, they were still not satisfied and came up with such a money-making method as “faking my death to cheat the insurance”.

13 They had it all figured out.

Lu Changfeng would fake his death and disappear, and Zhong Yu would take care of the insurance company.

If that doesn’t work, then Lu Changfeng will be missing for four years until the court determines he is dead, and then Zhong Yu will claim the one million dollars in compensation.

As a result, they didn’t expect Liang Dong, the poor man they had mocked and ridiculed, to follow Lu Changfeng up the mountain and kill him.

He wanted to kill Lu Changfeng and then take advantage of the situation to take care of the weak Zhong Yu.

As a result, he didn’t expect to be accidentally seen by a witness who saw his killing process and reported to the police on the spot.

Without Lu Changfeng, Zhong Yu was simply a useless and weak woman.

So she took me with her and jumped into the river to commit suicide.

What happened after that, you cops know all about it.

I was rescued, and Officer Motor forced the truth out of me step by step.

I originally didn’t want to recall those dark and painful days.

The three of them were like hungry ghosts, trying to eat and squeeze every inch of flesh and blood out of me.

Lu Changfeng and Zhong Yu were already dead, and Liang Dong had been caught, so I thought everything could end like this.

Unexpectedly, Officer Ma Ma refused to give up on tracking down the truth and pressed for the truth step by step.

In fact, what difference does it make if one knows the truth or not.

The outcome won’t change anything, will it?

Perhaps for you police officers, the truth is the most important thing.

Even if the price of that truth is that the deepest scars of a girl’s heart are uncovered, and then poked down hard, it’s still in the cards, right?14 Although a long time has passed and all the physical evidence has been obliterated, they still did forensics on me.

Unsurprisingly, there were already almost no traces left by Liang Dong on my body.

But it didn’t matter anymore, his intentional homicide was a nail in the coffin, plus a rape charge, which was a count.

In the end, Liang Dong was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

And I got the million dollars, after all, my dad did die of murder, and murder is considered an accident.

The day Liang Dong was executed, Ma Ma came to visit me.

I told him that I was going to treat my illness well and would also just study hard.

He nodded his head and thought that was good.

He sat down briefly, then got up and left my house.

As I walked him downstairs, I ran into my former homeroom teacher.

She saw me and Motor and stopped to say hello.

Learning that Motor was a police officer, she even exclaimed to him that I was a kid who knew what he was doing.

“It’s not easy for Ting Ting. Her family is so poor, but she never lets adults worry about her.

” said the class teacher.

“Yes, she’s much more sensible than the average kid,” echoed Motor.

“Motor echoed.

“When she was in school, she worked so hard to join the swimming team, saying that she wanted to get stronger so that she wouldn’t cause any more trouble for the adults.

” the homeroom teacher continued.


That’s pretty rare.

“She’s the worst physically, but she trains the hardest, and none of the boys in her class can swim as well as she can.” “That’s really something.

“That’s really something.”

“They chatted for a few more minutes, and when the homeroom teacher saw that Motor wasn’t interested in talking anymore, she said goodbye.

He also turned around and said goodbye to me.

I stood at the door of the building and watched him leave.

After he walked out a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

He turned around and looked at me quizzically.

“Did she just say that you’re a good swimmer?

” “Oops, you caught me.

“15 “Faking death to get insurance” is true.

Only, it wasn’t because my mom and dad were insatiable.

It was the only way they could think of to get money at my suggestion.

Those two idiots.

They gave birth to me, but only treated me as a plaything, never as a person.

Lu Changfeng drinks every day, and Zhong Yu just knows how to cry.

When Lu Changfeng gets drunk, he beats people up. He beats up Zhong Yu, and he beats up me too.

As long as I can remember, there has never been a good piece of ground on my body, and I have been injured all year round.

The only reason they are still willing to heal me is because they don’t want to lose such a good, obedient, defenseless plaything like me.

From beginning to end, they only treated me as a kitten and puppy that could be bullied and played with at will.

Our family is not poor because of my treatment.

This family has never been poor and collapsed because of the greed, selfishness and stupidity of the two of them.

I counted on Zhong Yu to protect me, but she couldn’t even protect herself.

And not only did she not protect me, she had to hurt me with Lu Changfeng.

She was weak, so she came to hurt me, who was even weaker than her.

She took out all her pain and unwillingness on me.

Lu Changfeng blatantly beat me, but she just hid in the dark and beat me.

She was even more terrible than Lu Changfeng. After she beat me, she had to hug me and cry.

While shedding tears hypocritically, she said that it was for my sake that she didn’t divorce my father, and that I must remember to repay her.

But who can’t see that she never dared to get a divorce, and she has lived on men all her life.

Divorced from a man, she simply can’t survive, she has long since lost the ability to live independently.

However, it is true that they never sold my body.

I lied about that.

I only told the police that because I needed to make myself look more miserable and pathetic.

I just had to make all the cops feel sorry for me.

I was to make everyone see what a miserable, ill-fated young girl I was.

I was to make the world get out of all the way for me.

I had already been thinking of ways to leave them for a long time, and Liang Dong’s arrival gave me the chance.

From the very beginning, I could tell that Liang Dong was coming for me.

Zhong Yu, that stupid woman, still thought that Liang Dong was coming for her.

She was intoxicated by Liang Dong’s long lost sweet words, but didn’t even realize that Liang Dong was playing with her daughter’s mind.

And that’s what I took advantage of.

Liang Dong has always wanted to make a move on me, but I have never let him get away with it once.

Whenever he dared to touch me, I screamed and called all the doctors and nurses on duty.

He was so distressed that he questioned me, if I liked him too, then why not let him have me.

I said, that will be after I am free, not yet.

He said, really?

I said, of course, by then my whole being will be yours.

I looked like such an innocent girl, and Liang Dong trusted me completely.

He thought that after many years, he had finally found his teenage bride again.

Little did he know that I was preparing a huge death trap for him.

16 Insurance salesmen would often come in to sell at the hospital inpatient department.

They usually don’t dare to stay longer, they just put down the leaflet and leave.

I purposely asked for one and put it on the table next to the hospital bed, so that Lu Changfeng and Zhong Yu could see the “way to make a living” by cheating on their insurance.

The two of them were cowardly, stupid and greedy; they were already at the end of their tether, and they would not miss this way of making money.

On the other hand, I told Liang Dong that only when Lu Changfeng died could I belong to him completely.

He was very timid, and what he always hoped for was that Lu Changfeng and Zhong Yu would divorce and then award me to Zhong Yu, and then he would marry Zhong Yu.

That way I would belong to him.

But I told him, not to mention that Lu Changfeng is not likely to agree to a divorce at all, even if he agrees to a divorce, then I will most likely be awarded to Lu Changfeng.

After all, Lu Changfeng is the one who can make money and has an income.

The likelihood of the court awarding me to Lu Changfeng is much greater.

At that time, Liang Dong will never want to see me again.

Liang Dong was anxious when he heard this and hurriedly asked me what he should do.

Only then did I tell Liang Dong all about Lu Changfeng’s preparation to fake his death to cheat the insurance.

I made him understand that if he wanted to kill Lu Changfeng and get away with it, then this was the best and only chance.

Liang Dong believed it.

Men are really pathetic, when they are overwhelmed by desire, they can do anything.

And they actually think that it’s for love, what bullshit love, it’s just a disgusting pervert.

I didn’t even let him touch my hand.

I took hold of him.

His only obsession in this life is to have a teenage version of Zhong Yu.

And in this world, there’s no one more like a teenage Jong Yul than me.

So I was reckless with him.

That’s how he went to the mountains, killed Lu Changfeng, and was arrested.

Of course he would confess to the crime, but I calculated that he wouldn’t tell the truth and confess about me.

He’d rather admit he’s a murderer than a pervert.

As for Zhong Yu, it’s even easier.

Without Lu Changfeng and without Liang Dong, she was just a worthless and stupid cowardly woman.

I kept crying to her, “We don’t have a home anymore,” “Is Dad coming back?” “What are we going to do?” She just collapsed.

Her whole body just collapsed.

When she decided to jump into the river to kill herself, I was so happy when I was on her back that day.

I knew that my freedom was coming.

I had practiced my swimming skills so well in school that I wasn’t afraid of the water at all.

And by taking me to jump into the river, not only could she clear me of all suspicion, but she could also make me look more and more pathetic.

But after jumping into the river, this woman but dead grip on my neck refused to let go.

I really took some effort and strength to break away from her hand, and I watched her die in front of me.

Then, I turned around, towards the shore, and shouted for help.

Actually, my strength was about to run out at that time.

If you had gone into the water a minute later, you would have seen me swimming, Officer Ma.

17 “You know all about what happened afterwards.

” Mada’s entire body froze in place when he heard me finish.

“So that’s how you played the three adults and then sent them to their deaths one by one?

” He was already expressionless from my shock.

“What, you don’t think they deserve to die?

” He didn’t say anything.

“One of them is a violent maniac who beats up women and children for fun, one of them is incapable of saving herself and is dragging her daughter along with her to death, and another one is simply a pervert.

“Don’t they deserve to die?

” I looked up into his face without fear.

“Then you should have asked for help too.

‘ A look of pain appeared on Mada’s face like he had never seen before.

I knew that pain meant he had admitted defeat.

“You think I didn’t look for it?

Family, teachers, the police, do you know how many times I’ve asked for help?” “But who cares?

“But who of you will pay any attention to what an eleven year old says.

“All you do is tell me to be obedient, to behave myself, to go home.”

“You grown-ups, you’re all in this together.”

“Mada stopped talking.

He was one of the grown-ups, and he was speechless.

“This is the only way I can escape this life.

“I laughed bitterly.

“Aren’t you afraid?

” Mada said, staring at me.


I’ve seen the scariest things in this world a long time ago.

“After all you’ve said to me, aren’t you afraid I’ll arrest you?”

” Mada took a step closer.

“I’m only eleven years old, so I’m not even old enough to be sentenced, and even if I am, what have I done?

Even if I did, what law would I have broken?”

“Is it illegal to show someone an insurance flyer, or to jump into a river on my mom’s back, or to talk to a perverted man?

“Officer Ma, tell me, what law have I really broken?”

“Even if I did break the law, Officer Ma, do you have any proof?”

“Ma Ma Ma finally fell silent.

He finally realized that there was nothing he could do about me.

In this battle, he has already lost completely.

“Who are you?

” he finally asked the stupid question.

“I’ve left you such obvious clues, but you still haven’t guessed.

” “What?

” I lowered my voice so that I sounded like a middle-aged woman with a raspy voice.

“I’m Lori.

“Lori as in Lolita.

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