Is there any kind of novel where the heroine is very cool?

Are there any of those novels where the heroine is very cool?

I can’t love it anymore.

My first sister became the Empress in place of me for saving the Emperor’s life, my mother was killed by my first mother, and I was left to fall in the mud and be scorned by everyone.

What do I need love for?

Isn’t the throne of the Empress Dowager more desirable than love?

If the abusive heroine wakes up, then this article should be renamed, all have to die.

[“Summer Bugs Prefer to Speak Ice” is finished ~ crazy criticized female main character, ruthless] 01. My first sister was poisoned to death by me.

Her face was hideous when she died, her lips and nose were all a bloody color, and she fell to the ground in convulsions.

I brushed away the hair on her face and said in her ear with a smile, “Sister, the way you died was really ugly.

”I’m the best at killing people and putting them to death.”

Her eyes were glaring at me, forlorn and unwilling, as if she couldn’t believe it, how did I, the always stupid and foolish concubine sister, notice the poison in the cup?

Even changed the cup without moving under her nose.

I think if I could, Ah Sister would be so angry with me that she would come back to life, but unfortunately she can’t come back to life.

The poison was the Intestine Breaking Powder that she had prepared for me, and what she gave up in life was her own life.

The following day, at the funeral of the late Empress.

Duan Yan’s narrow sword was at my throat, his eyes as scarlet as the blood around my neck.

He said, “Xia Yubing, I want you to accompany Ah Li to the funeral.

”He wasn’t even this agitated on the day his Ah Li died, but now he is acting so angry and pained in front of the courtiers, which is really ridiculous.

I wanted to ask my sister, who had died in peace, and even more so, I wanted to ask myself, what is there to look forward to in the love of an emperor?

I converge my eyes, in his heavy gaze in the Ying Ying worship, not humble and not supercilious answer: “Thank you Lord Longyi.

”Before he made any reaction, I turned around and said in a loud voice: ”I will bury the Empress with the child in my belly! The anger of his beloved ministers just now rushed back like a tidal wave.

They all fell to their knees, begging the Lord to spare the life of this unborn, only dragon seed.

And my own father, Zhen Guo General Xia Qingping, was green and white, daring to speak out in anger.

Heh, very well, everything was as I expected.

I smiled and flaunted my arms as I turned my head back to look at Duan Yan’s face.

Against the morning light, his eyes were closed and his expression was uncertain.

In that moment, I was somewhat dazedly reminded of Zhilang, and I think I was overwhelmed by victory.

My name is Xia Yubing, I am one of the many concubine daughters of the Zhen Guo General’s House, the General’s House disliked my mother’s humble origins, and “graciously allowed” me to grow up in the countryside with my mother from a young age.

At the age of sixteen, I first met my father whom I had never met before, and the first thing I did was to be forced by my first mother to change my name.

I still remember the contemptuous look she gave me when she looked at me: “Summer insects can’t talk about ice, and those who can’t make it to the top will never make it.

“It’s a shame that not only did I make it to the stage, but I also made it to her precious first daughter’s wedding bed.

And I am obviously more fortunate than her short-lived daughter.

I gently stroked the child in my abdomen that had yet to make any movement and smiled faintly.

With this child, what can Duan Yan do to me?

Who doesn’t know that His Majesty is the most affectionate of all, except for my Empress sister, he hasn’t even honored any concubines.

Oh, except for me, I was lucky to have the emperor’s favor for one night.

Duan Yan hates me so much that he once said my face made him sick.

Should be, after all, that night of spring night, genus is not a good memory.

He and Xia Xiguang, one is the first daughter of a general, and the other is the new king of iron blood.

It should be a match made in heaven, but the commoner daughter of the general’s house ate the leopard’s gall and wanted to borrow him to fly up to the branch, and poured him a pot of hot wine on the night before their marriage.

That concubine daughter is me.

That night, I do not want to recall, I think he is also.

He embraced an unseemly commoner’s daughter and called her “Ah Li” for a night, sank with her, had fun with her, offered his virginity to this lowly commoner’s daughter, and made this commoner’s daughter pregnant with his only child.

Duan Yan from the birth mother of the lowly unpopular prince to the new emperor in power, the first twenty years of life can be said to be a nine deaths, against the wind to turn the tide of the paradigm.

Who would have thought, a gutter overthrow, actually planted in the hands of a concubine daughter, this should be his long so big biggest stain, no one.

But I remember, I still remember.

That night will be spent, the distant sky will dew white, he satiated sleep, skin glistening like jade, but the eyebrows have a faint wrinkle.

I gazed at him for a long time, and finally couldn’t help kissing his brow, murmuring in a low voice: “Ah Li is here…”. …… don’t be afraid ……” Just like when I was in the countryside village, holding the dying boy, crying and begging him not to die.

That teenager forced a broken and quiet smile: “Ah Li girl, in fact, I …… would like to see your appearance ……” I whimpered and went to kiss his lips, he stared into nothingness for a long time, cold fingers just slowly slid over my face.

He said, “Ali …… I haven’t seen your face …… I don’t want to die.

“If he had died at that time, I believe I would have loved him for the rest of my life.

But he didn’t die.

Not only did he not die, but he also became the Nine to Five, and returned this favor to my first sister by naming her queen.

I think I was better off picking up a dog than him.

That night inverted phoenix, the second day I was caught in the secret room tortured him for more than half a month, I have not yet healed wounds all over the body.

New wounds add old scars, I have been gritting my teeth to today, even the water of the bath dip a dip body, all the pain I shuddered.

02 “Your Highness, the water is cold–” Rustling called out softly, I collected my mind and asked softly: “People are coming?

“Rushing nodded her head with a pale face, but she wanted to speak again.

She probably could not understand, once upon a time so gentle and timid Xia third miss, how step by step to today, ruthless, met with the wind flow.

How did she get to this point?

Let me think.

Did it start when I watched Qilang tenderly call Xia Xiguang as Ah Li, or when I watched my mother die in my arms?

Or did it start when he pinched my face in the water prison and told me that I really called him disgusting?

It’s just that the end is the same, so why bother with the process?

I inclined my head to look at her, smiled and said: “If you talk too much, the Palace will pull out your tongue.

“Rustling put down the flowers and ran out crying, I sighed and let myself sink into the bath, the warm water wrapped me until I suffocated.

“Your Highness is pregnant, why make such a fuss?

” The visitor’s eyebrows burned, dressed in a eunuch’s uniform, leaning in the doorway, bringing a puff of lazy air full of carelessness.

Seeing that I did not respond for a long time, he flew over, gripped my shoulders and lifted me out of the water, saying sternly: “Do you want to die?

“I closed my eyes and just laughed: “Junior uncle, if I die, who will make your Duan family extinct?

“This is really vicious, but Duan Yi laughed instead of being angry: “Little Auntie, you’re not a big person, but you have a big mouth.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with a smile on my face, my arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers crossed over his lips, my breath brushed against the tip of his ear: “Then you say, do you like it?” Duan Yi looked at me with a smile on his face.

” Duan Yi looked at me, the peach blossom eyes that were flooded with luscious colors looked at me emotionally, he picked apart my wet hair, closed his eyes and sniffed a bit, frivolously said: “Good fragrance.

“I was immediately disgusted by him a little stomach, break away from his hand will swim back.

But he went down to the water, a pull me back into his arms, repeatedly caressing my flat belly, eyes curved like a curve of rippling lake water, this charming juvenile gas.

By and large, brothers …… have some godlike strikes.

I can not help but get lost in thought.

When I came back to my senses, he actually sank, and the soft warm lips rubbed his dream.

From my point of view, I can only see his hidden underwater long and slender eyelashes like butterflies and the delicate bridge of the nose.

At this moment, what I thought of was actually …… Duan Yi, he will be a good father.

“His Majesty arrives!” Li Fu’s sharp voice was like tearing a corner of my heart, I had a moment of hoarseness, and even a blackness in front of my eyes.

Duan Yi raised his head, his loving and dense eyes looking straight at me.

“Why don’t you quickly hide?

!” Duan Yan came in and stood at a distance, not even bothering to look at me squarely.

I put my hand on the edge of the pool, smilingly asked him: “How, failed to give death to my concubine, your majesty long night sleepless?

“Even if he iron blood wrist, at this moment less than a year on the throne, the foundation is not yet stable, the Empress Dowager’s party has not been scattered and not completely clear, Xia Qingping and the eye of the tiger, even if my father Xia Qingping do not look at me, I still have half of the child is still surnamed Xia, Xia Qingping can not not be guaranteed.

Just think of them hate me to the bone at the moment, but had to wait until I gave birth to the child, endured my fox fake tiger bully that kind of difficult strength, feel happy! It’s really enjoyable! Duan Yan laughed coldly and walked straight towards this side! Duan Yi clutched my ankle in the underwater hand more and more forceful, I was in a hurry to create chaos, angrily said: “Stop! Duan Yan’s footsteps did not hesitate, he slowly squatted down, the corner of his lips always contained a smile, but the light of his eyes was as cold as floating ice, making people not dare to look directly at him.

”Xia Yubing,” he asked softly, ”I have given you too much face, right?

”Not giving me the chance to not dare to look at him directly, Duan Yan reached out and lifted my chin forcefully, and I stared at him defiantly.

The Duan family is good-looking, and Duan Yan is not inferior.

Under the clear light of the moon, the snow skin will be born to the moon color than down, his phoenix eyes slightly pick, obviously full of flavor, but by the cold, hard and hostile temperament to the pressure of a head.

When he topped this face fainted in the deep forest, but I mistook him for a beautiful tender woman, will pick him up home.

Same face, what’s the difference?

Probably the difference between being an emperor and not being an emperor.

He is really beautiful, just looking at this face, I once again feel the suffocating feeling underwater.

Damn …… Duan Yi! The hand that held my ankle grew weaker and weaker.

I clenched my teeth and violently stood up, my body cold and trembling as I forced myself to look directly into Duan Yan’s eyes.

Duan Yan was first slightly stunned, then his eyes deepened and darkened.

「Your Majesty,」I smiled through clenched teeth, 「The Imperial Physician said that it is possible.


”He frowned and spat out these two words in disgust, whisking his sleeve away.

I was like a dehydrated fish, dying for a few breaths, still feeling a huge stone weighing down my heart, it was unbearable.

I wanted to cry, but I had to swallow.

Duan Yi attached himself to me and hugged me tightly, tightly and soothingly, and I was wildly enamored of the suffocating feeling.

I gasped warily in his ear, but his face was as white as jade throughout, without a hint of other distracting colors.

“Xiao Li, you can cry if you want to.

” His voice was a little low.

I didn’t cry, Duan Yi uncharacteristically didn’t say anything, I don’t know when he quietly left.

The next day, I had a terrible headache, Rustling combed my hair with extra care: “Your Highness, the slave girl has already found out, last night was Liang Guiren’s abdominal pain, even said that she had eaten the red eggs that our palace had sent out, and falsely accused people of red-tongued, alarming His Majesty.

“I closed my eyes and grunted: “What did His Majesty say?

“His Majesty came to our palace, went out and ignored Noble Person Liang who was kneeling outside waiting for justice, Noble Person Liang didn’t get the letter, she didn’t dare to get up, and was kneeling at the entrance of our palace all night.” “Oh, he’s a capable person.

“Oh, it’s something he can do.” He doesn’t care about nobles.

“He will not care about the life and death of the concubines, but it is a pretext to teach me a lesson, it is really boring.

  1. I picked a clean clothes to change into, came to the former residence of the former Empress, Li Fu saw me, surprised look directly on the face: “Your Highness, why are you here?

“I don’t know whether he is saying I’m pregnant shouldn’t come to this kind of place, or he is saying that I killed my first sister luckily didn’t die actually dare to appear in front of her spirit, in short, my face hangs on the forlorn and bitter smile a trace of not collapse: “I heard that the Empress Dowager for the Palace of the death of the sister’s death of her heartbroken, lingering sickbed, even if it’s for the sake of her old man, the Palace can’t help but to make this trip.

” In fact, I am nonsense, the Empress Dowager is Duan Yi’s own mother, Xia Xiguang died, the Xia family grudges Duan Yan, she is estimated to be happy are able to live a few more years.

I didn’t move to gauge Li Fu’s expression.

Li Fu sighed thoughtfully, ”Then, Your Highness, please follow me.

” I smiled and nodded my head, signaling Rustling to wait right at the door, lifting my skirt to follow Li Fu into the inner hall.

Duan Yan has always favored A Sister, what A Sister has, there is nothing in heaven or on earth, I have seen it earlier, I just lightly glanced at it for a few moments, and my eyes fell on the spirit tablet.

“I’m not sure what I’m talking about, but I’m not sure what I’m talking about, and I’m not sure what I’m talking about.

”Really earthy, isn’t Duan Yan known as a man of unrivaled talent?

Just, this?

Li Fu cautiously said, “Your Highness, I will dust the incense for you.

“I gave a hmmm, but my eyes flickered to the rustling outside.

I took the incense with both hands and respectfully inserted it, kneeling on the futon and quietly gazing at it.

Within a few moments, Li Fu under the small eunuchs to report, I slowly open my eyes, Li Fu face difficult: “Your Highness, slave ……” “Li have something to do, then go and get busy.

“I pulled up a reluctant smile, the hand closed inadvertently held the stomach, “This Palace half incense incense will go.

“Li Fu’s cautious gaze swept over my stomach, nodded and quietly retreated.

A room is quiet, only the remaining incense mist faintly lingering, I slowly climbed up, stretching the stiff body, ”Sister, it’s me.

” I smiled and leaned down to face her spirit tablet directly, as I had pressed my face against hers when she was dying, obsessively feeling her dying struggle, her unwillingness and indignation as I wildly enjoyed my victory.

“Good sister, I have, at last, won you too.

” I laughed.

How could I not send you on your last journey, the good sister who has bullied me, humiliated me, and replaced me?

“It’s good that my sister is dead.

‘ I curved my eyes, ”Sister is a blessed person ah, died when Duan Yan loved you the most, died on the throne of the Empress, it’s so good ah …… ”If there is a future life, you’d better pray you don’t run into me again, otherwise I will never let you die so painfully.”

I was just about to approach that golden nanmu coffin, when a sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside.

I only gave a beat, and then rolled into an exceptionally skillful hiding underneath the offering table, as if I was hiding in the Xia residence when I was severely beaten by my first mother.

The difference is that now I am not panicked and very calm.

Shoes of gunmetal and black description.

I clutched the tablecloth tightly, knowing that being as cautious as Duan Yan could not possibly say anything at all to a person who was already dead, but I just had a premonition that what I was about to face was a raging storm.

“Your Majesty, thank you for allowing the old woman to come to see the Empress Mother off for a …… pity the Empress Mother ……” this choked and feeble female voice.

My heart pounded violently.

I clenched my hands and bit my lips to death to be able to suppress the sound of cackling in my throat.

First Mother, it would be a real pity for Yubing not to see your grief-stricken appearance.

Duan Yan was silent for a long time before he spoke faintly: “Xiguang was my first wife, I will let her be buried in a beautiful manner, with all the sorrow and honor.

“The first mother paused for a moment and said in a low voice: “I have an unauthorized request, I wonder if I can see Lady An for a moment?

“The Imperial Hospital said that Bing’s fetus is not in the right position and needs to recuperate, so it’s better to wait until Bing’s fetus recuperates to see her again.

“Duan Yan has always been calm and steady, and his words are even more inscrutable.

When did the Imperial Doctor say that my fetus is not in the right position?

I still haven’t regained my senses after the two of them went out for a long time.

The sky is falling, Duan Yan actually for me to refute the face of Mrs. Xia?

Or was he trying to save the baby in my belly?

How could he be so attached to this child?

In that case, it’s going to be a good show.

“Mother–” I chased after her, pretending to be calm and relaxed when I met her on the promenade, and said softly with a white face, “It’s not easy for mother to come to the palace, why don’t you come to see my daughter?

“The first mother’s face is green with anger, the whole palace, who does not know that Xia Xiguang’s death has nothing to do with me, Xia Yubing?

She probably never would have thought that I would dare to show up in front of her.

I took her hand with concern and smiled as I pressed it towards my stomach, “But mother, you don’t have to worry too much, you’re going to be a grandmother soon, are you happy?

”Your daughter died and I’m pregnant, it’s really a double happiness.”

Duan Yan’s eyebrows haven’t stretched since I came here, at this moment, when he saw Mrs. Xia coldly draw back her hand, his eyebrows wrinkled even tighter: ”I still have important matters to deal with, Li Fu–” Li Fu busily answered, bowed down and raised his eyes to look at me, and I winked at him.

”Send Mrs. Xia out of the palace.

”Duan Yan didn’t want to stay with me for even a moment, turned around and left.

I affectionately wrapped Mrs. Xia’s hand, looked into her eyes and smiled, slowly pressed into her ear: ”Mother ah mother, why are you too sad?

Anyway …… you are going to go down to accompany her sooner or later.

” Mrs. Xia stared at me incredulously, red eyes, ferociously raised her hand to slap towards my face, I obediently leaned back, screamed, protecting my stomach rolled down the white jade steps.

My shoulder hit the railing as I landed, and a sharp pain shot through all my bones, and I let out a deep breath, not forgetting to look at her panicked old face.

It was funny enough that I wanted to laugh, but tears fell uncontrollably from the corners of my eyes.

Duan Yan reacted faster than the rest of the people, he flipped over the railing and dashed over to me, wrapping me tightly in his arms and angrily rebuking me, ”What are you guys still waiting for, why don’t you quickly take this poisonous woman down for me?

!” Now I really can’t help but laugh.

Regardless of other things, Duan Yan and I, on the subject of acting with this piece, can be really unrivaled excellent partner.

Noticing my laughter, Duan Yan’s body stiffened slightly.

I wrapped my arms around Duan Yan’s neck and cried: “Your Majesty …… Your Majesty, my concubine’s stomach hurts so much ……” Panic of the crowd in a hurry, Duan Yan picked me up and ran straight toward the Imperial Hospital.

Away from the eyes of many people, I retracted my sobs and laughed with a calm demeanor: “Duan Yan ah Duan Yan …… You also want me to die, right?

I won’t let you have your wish.

“Duan diffractor depressed look at me, always calm and self-possessed, he was actually some unexpected anger.

His hand probed my face and ruthlessly wiped away the tears at the corners of my eyes, gritting his teeth, he said: ”Who do you think let you know that that glass of wine was poisoned?

Xia Yubing, I advise you, don’t be too smart for your own good.

“I was so cold that it was as if a basin of ice water had been poured over my head.

When the doctor left, he only said that I had moved the fetus and needed to stay in bed to recuperate, I listened with my eyes closed, of course I knew that nothing would happen, my child, how could it be so fragile?

If a fall will fall, then there is no need to be born in this thorny harem, so as to save a lifetime to be a stepping stone for others, or a lifetime of being counted on, not to turn around.

I lay still, but I still realized that someone was gazing at me for a long time in the quiet of the inner palace.

“Go away.

“I rolled over, my voice hoarse with exhaustion, “I don’t want to see you.

”I never thought of that, never thought that the original Duan Yan was also so heartless to his A Li.

He’s cutting off my last thought with his own hands.

I was really hoping that he would treat my first sister with deep love and affection.

At least …… that proves that Qilang is really love A Li, just love the wrong person, love still exists.

He borrowed my hand to get rid of my first sister, what should he do next?

“You have a good rest.

‘ Duan Yan’s voice was a bit icy with weariness, ”Always thinking about these calculating things, can the child born be normal?

“I rolled over and looked at him with a cold smile, “You still want a normal child?

Duan Yan, do you deserve it?

” Duan Yan’s dark eyes stared fixedly at me, his lips trembling slightly, and finally he left without saying anything.

Tonight, Duan Yi’s good brother, Chief of Guards Gao Qi, was not on duty, but he ventured here as well.

I was lying on my couch, pretending to sleep, while Duan Yi was standing right beside my couch, gazing at me silently and stubbornly.

I sighed and reached out my hand to hold his fingers tightly.

Duan Yi’s hand was extremely cold, and I couldn’t help but hiss. He broke away from my hand and said in a deep voice, “I know you hate her, but there are thousands of ways to get back at her, so why do you have to choose the one that hurts you the most?

” His eyes were red and his showy eyebrows slightly furrowed, and I was too soft to do anything about it.

“Duan Yi ……” I stroked his bony hand over and over again, “You like me, don’t you?” Duan Yi sucked in a breath and inclined his head without saying anything.

“I also like you, but remember, my revenge, only I can avenge myself.

” He jerked his head back and stared at me with a frown.

I laughed, “You want to go kill her for me?

No, I want them alive.

Only by staying alive can they eat all the pain my mother and I have ever suffered, and I, with my own eyes, want to see them dog-eat-dog and not die a good death.

”Duan Yi curved his lips like he was mocking himself, but his eyes were without any ripples, ”Your mother is wise.

”I looked at him and sighed slowly.

You won’t understand, there is only one person in this world who can understand me, he and I are the same kind of people, the same disgusting vengeful body, the same sinking and degrading soul.

And I, from this moment on, will never spare him.

  1. “The month is still small, and can not see the sex of the fetus.

“The doctor withdrew the pillow cloth and bowed his body, “I am incompetent.

“I slowly withdrew my wrist and said in a deep voice, “It’s just that the time hasn’t come yet, why should Lord Xu be so presumptuous?

“The doctor in front of me, surnamed Xu, is my father, Xia Qingping, highly recommended people, although Xia Qingping is not a good bird, but in the matter of the child, I can still be considered the same front with him.

A few days ago, Mrs. Xia has just been Xia Qingping took back home, Duan Yan to manage his wife’s faults, mutilated the heir of the emperor as a reason to take away the Xia Qingping East Camp soldier, and half of his military power, has always been meticulous so that people can not find fault of Xia Qingping finally hurt a great deal.

Although see their dog bite dog really cool, but the military power upward, the regime is centralized, for me is not really a good thing, which means that down Duan Yan need more a force, I would have been burnt out enough.

I can’t help but scold myself again, what a fool, give up the child to lasso the wolf, but let Duan Yan receive the benefits of fishing for nothing.

However, when Duan Yan was dying, I brought him to the general’s residence to beg my father to diagnose him, it seems that this is the doctor Xu to diagnose the pulse, no wonder he is now in front of the Duan Yan is a red man, but Xia Qingping was able to buy him, the original two people are acquainted with the friendship in the end.

I’m not sure if you know Li Fu, the head of the inner service,” I asked, looking him in the eye.

” I looked at his eyes and asked.

I was squinting for a nap when I felt something slowly rubbing on my stomach.

When I woke up with a start, I met Duan Yan’s face, and he withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, his voice a little low, ”Awake?

”You want to scare me to death?

”Duan diffractor hooked his lips at that: ”Xia Yubing, you have this kind of guts, and you still think of regicide?

”My throat tightened, my mind quickly recalled when I had leaked my intention to kill, but my face was calm and cheerful: ”Your Majesty is joking, if I win, I will be the only one to gain the Dao; if I lose, the Xia family will be buried with me.

Isn’t this deal a sure thing?

“He quietly looked at me for a long time, and finally raised his eyebrows: “Really good ambition, I will wait for you.

“When Duan Yan left, my clothes were soaked through, Rusty changed my clothes for me, amused and helpless: “Your Highness, you have a body, why are you so cautious?

“I glanced at her and suddenly remembered that Rustling had never been afraid of Duan Yan.

It’s raining outside.

I remembered that when my mother was poisoned by that bitch, Mrs. Xia, it was also a rainy night with lightning and thunder.

I held my mother, who was moaning in pain, and was so anxious that I couldn’t think straight, but Rustling clutched my hand and reminded me, “Miss, you should go and beg His Majesty. …… Maybe he can see that you are his future wife and sister’s points …… to send people to save.

“At that time, I naively thought, maybe he will help me, I am A Li ah, if not to save his life, if not he . …… I would still be the carefree Xia Yao Li! I even thought that the Xia family had threatened me with my mother’s life to prevent me from telling the truth, and now that my mother was in danger, why couldn’t I just tell him that I was the one who saved his life, and that I was Ah Li?

I recklessly rushed out of the door and knelt in front of the Qiankun Gate in the pouring rain for two whole hours, finally expecting Li Fu.

He held a garment, the little eunuch is incredibly cautious for him to play the umbrella, Li Fu sticker on the flying fish pattern Lingling flash, probably with what is made of the finest satin.

And I was in a sorry state kneeling in the rain, head and body full of mud and water.

At this moment, I feel that I this general concubine daughter do, really is a wimpy through.

Even a eunuch who was heavily utilized by him was born several heads above me.

I wiped my face and said in a loud voice, ”Eunuch please stay–” Li Fu sighed and looked at me compassionately, ”Miss Xia, what are you doing?

” As soon as I opened my mouth, the hot tears in my eyes couldn’t help but roll down, it’s a good thing that the rain was falling this hard, I think he couldn’t tell the difference.

“I want to see ……” “Ms. Xia ……” he interrupted me, his expression I still remember.

It was a gaze that contained pity, sighs, and sorrow, and he said, “You don’t need to say any more, please go back, the slave is going to deliver the wedding clothes to Miss Xia.

‘ I froze there until his back was no longer visible.

The wedding dress in his hand was a cloud embroidered needle, the one that my first sister Xia Xiguang was most pleased with.

I suddenly understood everything.


I knew that this night Duan Yi would come to find me, but with my body, I couldn’t stay up at night, so when Duan Yi came, I was sleepy, and was made to laugh and cry by a series of questions from him.

“I heard Gao Qi say that you turned Li Fu, and even let him be your spy?

” Duan Yi frowned tightly, ”What on earth were you thinking?

Aren’t you afraid that he’s actually a counter-spy?

“I leaned into his arms and lazily said, “All people have soft spots, and eunuchs are people too.

“How did you do it?

“Duan Yi screwed my face, “Tell me quickly.

“It’s nothing, but I just slept with him for a while.

“Duan Yi held down my shoulders, so angry that a pair of peach blossom eyes red, he looked at me tightly, lowered his head to bite me, hated: “Eunuchs you do not let go?

” His slightly cool soft lips brushed my face, calling for a jolt.

Boy, who can resist a beautiful boy?

I raised my face and looked at the beautiful face in front of me that was plated with moonlight, and slowly said, “Actually …… I miss you a little bit.

” His slightly drooping eyes are like a thick fog in a cloud stream, unfathomable.

“Xiao Li–” “Hush ……” I put my fingertips on his lips and whispered, “Did you hear something?

” He was a little puzzled to listen intently, slowly shook his head: “No.” I put down some heart.

“I put down some heart, pursed lips a smile, changed the topic, “you regret, Duan Yi?

“No,” he replied briefly.

“He answered briefly.

“No?” I tilted my head to look at him.

“I tilted my head to look at him, “I heard that in that year’s battle to seize the throne, it was you who risked your life to save Duan Yan and sent him to Yunzhou, if you didn’t save him back then, perhaps I would still be happily working as a village girl in Yunzhou at this moment.

“If you hadn’t saved him back then, maybe I’d still be a happy village girl in Yunzhou.

“He said lightly, “If there really is an if, I only wish I had met you earlier.

“You’re the sweetest one.”

” I ended the conversation wisely.

He sighed.

  1. “It seems like Duan Yan really has a lot of love for my first sister, how many days has it been since she stepped through the door of the harem?

“I listened to Rustling talk about the information that Li Fu passed over, while supporting my hand to fake sleep.

“Your Highness, you don’t have to be sad, His Majesty must be thinking of you in his heart.

“I swept her a glance.

I swept her a glance.

Rushing scratched her head and hurriedly added, “After all, we have the only heir to the throne in the palace.

“I rolled my eyes, muttered: “Li Fu gave this called what kind of information, children play like a house, Duan Yan daily eat a few mouthfuls of food, such as a few times the toilet are recorded so clearly for what, who cares about these ah?

Who cares about this?” Rustling laughed, his eyes curved.

“No good, no good!” The little palace maid stumbled in and fell to the ground, lifting her face in horror, “Princess Cheng …… Princess Cheng has entered the palace–” “What’s so unusual about Princess Cheng entering the palace?

“Duan Yi’s consort Lin Wuyue and Xia Xiguang are bosom friends, and in the early years did not do less to humiliate me and my mother, I was so busy that I forgot about her, and she was good, she sent herself to the door.

“Cheng Wangfei …… Cheng Wangfei went to the palace to expose you and Cheng Wang fornication, human evidence and material evidence …… are all together!” “What?

” I stood up violently.

“His Majesty is thunderously angry, and right now the decree to abolish the consort has already come to the Weiyang Palace!” “How can this be?

It’s a complete mess ……,” Rustling asked anxiously, “His Majesty didn’t even ask, how could he?

“Rustling,” I closed my eyes, almost unsteady, “help me to go to the upper study room.

“Your Majesty, listen to my concubine’s explanation.

“I clutched the hem of his sleeve tightly and crumpled the black and gold dragon pattern on it, “Lin Wuyue was close to the former Empress, and my concubine and the former Empress have always been at odds with each other……. Your Majesty should have heard about this, how can you believe her words?

This is slander.

” Duan Yan raised his eyebrows very lightly and did not break away from my hand.

It’s really strange that he gave the order to abolish me, and then quickly agreed to my request for an audience.

I’m really getting confused about him.

He slowly gathered my sideburns, slightly cool fingertips against my lips: ”Look, my An Er …… came in such a hurry that his hair was messed up in a hurry.

” I continued to explain stiffly: “My concubine and Gao Qi never knew each other, why did he take the risk of helping my concubine to fornicate?

His death may not have been a suicide for fear of crime, it may have been the work of a villain. Your Majesty is wise, you must not make any rash judgment that would cause your servant to be wronged.

“I kowtowed deeply, “I am innocent with His Highness King Cheng, the sun and the moon can tell, if there is any false statement, I will not be able to die well.

” Rustling exclaimed, kneeling down, choking and calling me: “Your Highness ……” is not just a poisonous oath?

It doesn’t matter, as long as Duan Yan dies in front of me, I am willing to die any way.

I only need him to die in front of me.

“You know what?

” Duan Yan stood in front of me and faintly said, “There were two cups of poisoned wine, sent to the Weiyang Palace and Cheng Wang Fu respectively, I gave him the choice, so you can stand here unharmed.

‘ I clenched my fingers, the gauntlet dug into the flesh, bloody pain: ‘ Your Majesty …… Cheng Wang was meritorious in saving the emperor back then, how can Your Majesty be cruel to this?

” He smiled contemptuously: “If I am really cruel, I should also give you this choice, and ask you to be a pair of dead lovebirds.

“He looked into my eyes, his voice dropped abruptly, and his lips drew a vicious smile, “But I am not willing to do that, I want to see you separated from each other, never to see each other again.

”I can no longer hold back, climbed up and glared angrily at him: ”Where is the evidence?

The witnesses are dead, where is the physical evidence?

I’m asking you where is the physical evidence?

‘ Duan Yan looked at me calmly, his eyes as dark as wild waves, the corners of his mouth smooth, without a trace of expression.

“You can’t get it out, can you?

”I let out a loud laugh, pointing at him and saying maniacally, “Duan Yan! When did you ever care if I killed Xia Xiguang, if I really fell, if I really met, you only want the result you want, you only want them to die! You’re an emperor in vain, you’ll only ever kill people with a borrowed knife! Do you dare to do it yourself?

You don’t dare. You want your reputation! You want your thousand years of empire! So all you do is hide behind others and snoop around, picking at their bodies and sucking their blood, like a disgusting bedbug! You’re a rotting bedbug!” I took a step closer to him and stared coldly into his eyes, “Kill me, Duan Yan, kill me now if you have the ability!” I pulled a gold hairpin from my head and shoved it into his hand, holding his hand against my throat, ”Don’t you want me to accompany Xia Xiguang to his funeral?

Do it! I told you to do it!” He shook off my hand so fiercely that I stumbled two steps and fell to the ground.

He condescendingly looked down on me, killing intent in his eyes appeared at first, but in the end it gradually faded away, leaving only a cold chill.

An Concubine’s disrespect in front of the temple was dragged into the Cold Palace and relegated to the status of a commoner.

Duan Yan loathed me, all know, they single know will have this day, but they do not know this day will come so fast, and even I have not even had time to give birth to a child, Duan Yan can not wait to throw me into the cold palace.

Into the cold palace I instead calm down, Duan Yan does not kill me, since I did not die, then I still have a chance to turn around.

To be able to avoid those eyes, this is a heaven-sent opportunity.

The Cold Palace is not an easy place to stay.

All of the laborers, Noble Liang and Noble Concubine Xu, rushed to come and ‘visit’ me.

I’ve seen a lot of people, and there are all sorts of people who are just trying to be nice, but when it comes to who’s the most shameless, these few people together don’t even deserve to be mentioned in Duan Yan’s shoes.

When I calmly ate the rancid food they sent me, I scared them into running away, and they all said that I had gone crazy because I was relegated to the status of a commoner and couldn’t take the blow.

I spit out the contents of my mouth and raised my eyes to see the man standing in the attic in the distance.

It is meaningless.

The day I went into premature labor Duan Yan was not in the palace, and went out to survey the flooding.

The clothes sent by the House of Internal Affairs had labor-inducing incense, and those people wanted to take advantage of Duan Yan’s absence to take my life, but they also indirectly helped me.

“Listen carefully. If anyone comes, just yell here! I’ll nail all the doors and windows shut, got it?

” I clutched the palace maid’s hand, shaking a little in pain, “No matter what happens, don’t stop!” That maid is summer light peacefully inserted over, some hands, sniffing heavily nodded: “slave girl must not live up to the trust of the young lady.

“Miss …… this long-lost name makes past events resurface in front of me, this moment but I can not care too much, put on the eunuch clothes that have long been prepared to sneak out of the Cold Palace.

“What day is today, how come the guards are so slack?

“All the way is dead silence, the guards dead silence general eyes swept over my slightly hunched body, but as if they do not dare to stay, hastily moved away.

I just think of it as the blessing of the Empress Dowager, coupled with the abdominal pain is becoming more and more obvious, do not care to think about these, and soon returned to the Weiyang Palace.

Rustling whispered: “Eunuch Li has been in accordance with the Queen’s orders, with feeding those women ate some labor-inducing drugs, a little bit, it does not matter.

“I listened carefully to the sounds coming from the ground, faint cries and screams.

I slowly let go of my heart, at the same time the pain in my abdomen became more and more unbearable, blood snaked down my legs, I gritted my teeth and moved into the side hall, lying on a small couch with my eyes closed.

I thought of my mother, she once told me that a woman giving birth is like stepping into a ghost gate.

I clutched the covers so tightly that my entire body shivered.

As my sanity blurred and my lips and tongue turned a bloody color, I said silently: In heaven’s name, please bless my daughter to have a smooth delivery and kill my enemy.

I feel like I had a long, long dream.

I dreamed of Duan Yi.

It was the night we first met, a young man with clear eyebrows and a look of wonder, smiling like the peach blossom wine I brewed, infused with a cold, sweet aroma.

He tilted his head and looked at me with a profound meaning, “So you are the Third Miss of the Xia Qingping family.

“He said this in a rude and strange way, but I didn’t know him at that time, so I just gave him a cold, hard look and continued to burn my paper money.

He quietly came up behind me to watch the wind for me, his face clean and clear in the warm embers of the burning.

As if by magic, I asked him, “Hey, do you have a brother named Duan Yan?” He was slightly surprised, smiled and said, “Yes, then your former maiden name …… is not called Yao Li?

“I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a good time, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a good time.

I should have asked him, “Hey, why didn’t you show up earlier?

‘ Why didn’t you show up earlier, Duan Yi?

“Your Highness–” Someone jumped over and strangled my chin, pouring in warm water, “Your …… Highness, hold on! His Majesty will be back soon!” His Majesty.

The images of every meeting flashed in my mind: Duan Yan, who was weak and dying in the countryside, but still smiled quietly at me; Duan Yan, who was lying in the general’s residence with his eyes shut tightly, dying; Duan Yan, who was rising again, but was laughing and joking with my first sister; Duan Yan, who was kneeling in front of the palace, ordering people to deliver the wedding clothes, and watched my mother die; Duan Yan, who was torturing and humiliating me in the ice-cold water prison; “Miss! …… The wind is picking up–” under the peach blossom tree, Duan Yan who inclined his head and smiled faintly; …… I haven’t killed Duan Yan yet.

Duan Yan! Duan Yan! I can’t die! I must not die! “Duan Yan–” I couldn’t hold it in any longer and screamed out, a burst of heart-rending pain, and there was a faint cry that finally rang out.

I struggled to catch my breath, tears slowly slipping from my eyes.

Duan Yan, you didn t get me killed …… You are finished.

06.I clenched my teeth, the crushing pain in the abdomen sinks in, as if the body has been soaked through the general wet.

Daylight will be bright when my child was born.

It was a daughter.

Perhaps because of the oxytocics, she looked very weak, even crying like a kitten humming.

Sweating profusely, she came out of the chamber, the baby in her arms was white and clean, sleeping soundly.

“Two hours earlier.

“Rushing quietly said, “There is only this one baby boy.

“That was close.

I don’t know what kind of feeling I had when I took the baby and let go of my real daughter, but I whispered, “Let’s send her away.

I whispered, “Let’s send her away.” I was shocked, “How can I do that?

Why not? Why not?”

I said, “If she’s here, how can Duan Yan let her go?” I was pressed for time.

“I’m running out of time, and Duan Yan will never give me another chance to get pregnant.

Besides, having only a daughter would mean that I would lose the Xia family’s only support and be completely trapped in this palace.

I can’t even defend myself, let alone take revenge.

“I can pretend to be a twin, and I can keep the little princess.

” Rustling fell to her knees anxiously, “Your Highness, please think twice! Leave the princess!” “Do you think Duan Yan is stupid?

“I frowned, it was almost dawn, but Rustling was against me, I gasped for breath and sat up, “Give me the child!” Rustling knelt in front of me, holding the child and crying, “Your Highness …… please don’t do this!” I lifted the quilt and stood up, pointing to the burning smoke in the sky outside and said in a stern voice: “Do you see there?

”I clutched her chin, ”That’s the Cold Palace! We just escaped from there! Do you know who was burned to death?

It was the maid who called me Miss. You two went to the palace together, and you were separated only a few hours ago. …… Do you remember her face?

Can you hear her cries of pain?

Tell me, do you want me to die too?

“I think I must be very crazy and confused at this moment, otherwise why would Rushing cower in the corner shaking her head desperately?

“Behave yourself.

I squatted down and looked her in the eye, my voice trembled slightly from the pain, but I tried my best to say softly, “Rustling …… I am doing this for the good of the little princess, with a mother like me, she won’t be able to live on in the harem.”

” Rustling red eyes shook his head: “will not, you and the little princess will be good …… you will live well -” “Duan Yan will not let me go.

” I laughed and shook my head, “You are so naive, haven’t you seen how powerful he is?

” “Your …… Majesty …… Majesty …… Duan Yan he actually has you in his heart!” Rusty shouted with his eyes closed, “He knows that you’re the one who saved him! He actually knows everything!” There was silence in the Weiyang Hall for a long time, I looked at the smoke in the distance and the rising sun together, and softly said: ”How did you know that?

” After a longer silence and intermittent confidences, I only felt absurd: “You mean, everything …… here is created by you?

” I’m the abusive heroine and she’s the author of the book, and while I’m crying in pain and throwing away my dignity and desperately trying to stay alive, she’s upholding the disgusting creed of “a little abuse is good for the soul” and “chasing after your wife’s crematorium” and trying to steer us towards a happy ending.

No wonder, no wonder she was never afraid of Duan Yan, no wonder she was always in favor of Duan Yan, maybe in her eyes, as long as I wasn’t tortured to death by Duan Yan, there was still a possibility for us to reunite.

Maybe in her eyes, as long as I wasn’t tortured to death by Duan Yan, we still have the possibility of reuniting.

“The creator is trapped in a world of his own making.

” I repeated her words, only to find them laughable, “You want a happy ending for all, you want to go home, this palace understands, and please understand, now it is this palace, who is dominating your life.

How about it, is it good to be dominated by someone?

” Rustling did not dare to raise his head, just weakly whispered: “You will have a very, very good ending, as long as you stop now …… or disguise the little princess and that child as a twin fetus, just like what I wrote …… ” “Why should I go the ending that you set?

” I raised my eyebrows and laughed frivolously, “Even though you are a million divine strokes, when you come here, do you know what it means to be beyond your power?

”Rustling glanced at me in horror and quickly lowered her head again, ”Yes.

Back then, the fifth lady was severely poisoned, if I did not advance the plot and let you go to Duan Yan, the fifth lady would not have passed away, and you would not have learned ahead of time that Duan Yan was faking illness.

“”Pretending to be sick …… Heh–” I laughed coldly, but my heart twinged, “I only know that he has been pretending to be stupid, but I don’t know, he also has the ability to pretend to be sick, it’s really good.

“Think about it I am also really stupid, when he pretended to “recognize” the wrong person, and Xia Xiguang love lingering time, I do not know how many tears in the general’s house on the pillow.

My mother touched my head and told me, “Let’s go back to Yunzhou, I don’t want to be the general’s concubine daughter.

“Unfortunately, Xia Xiguang and Mrs. Xia thought that the marriage was settled and they had no more worries, so they poisoned us.

In this life, I will probably never be able to return to Yunzhou.

“It’s not all pretend ……” “No need to say more!” I interrupted her in a loud voice, “I will definitely not keep this child! Give it to me!” There was a bustle outside the door, it was Duan Yan who had rushed back in the night, I could even hear his low angry voice outside.

Rushing cried out something, I only saw her lips move, I stood blankly, she took the opportunity to pick up the child and fled outside.

Only a moment, and then turned back to …… me when the clippers in my hand had been inserted into the back of her neck.

I am sorry rustling, since you have peeped into the fate of heaven and tried to make me conform to the ridiculous fate of heaven, I can t keep you as a scourge.

This time, I want Heaven’s Fate to prostrate itself at my feet from now on.

Her hand was pressed against the door, but her body fell limply before the dawn, she looked back at me with tears, my eyes were flashed by the light of the morning for a moment, and finally fell back into the endless darkness.

  1. The rustling blood is hot, sticky, and something you can’t get rid of.

I smeared her blood on the child’s face, the peacefully sleeping child was steeply awakened, let out a loud cry, really a strong little emperor.

I slowly picked up the child, slowly voice: “Good child, don t cry, this little blood is afraid of what …… the Jiangshan of Daning, still refers to you.

” Someone violently pushed open the door, fixedly looking at me.

I raised my eyes to look, the light of the pale gold morning light shone in, and his eyes were deeply obscure and appallingly bright.

”Your Majesty,” I raised my eyebrows while slowly picking the child up and smiled, ”Look, our child is crying …… ” Duan Yan slightly stiffly lowered his eyes and glanced at the child, moved his lips, and softly said, ”Are you okay?

‘ I was a little puzzled: ”How could my concubine not be okay?

‘ Duan Yan came forward and slowly covered my hand, his hand was cold, and there was some false cold sweat on his palm.

“It’s good that you’re okay.

” he said.

“Look, the little prince is smiling so happily when he sees his father coming.

‘ I hooked up the corner of my lips, “He …… has a great affinity with His Majesty.

‘ This child does have a destiny with Duan Yan, but one day after his birth, the flooding in Jiangzhou was calmed down, and the people have rumored that the little prince is the reincarnation of a lucky star, and that it is the fate of heaven to bless Daning.

I naturally know whose credit this is, but I still went to a letter to Xia Qingping, knocking him down, telling him not to go too far.

Duan Yi life and death is uncertain, I am trapped in the palace, have to be careful, the slightest mistake is to fall into the abyss, how can not call a person’s heart is exhausted?

Duan Yan attitude is still ambiguous, from morning to night, he has been staying at my side, even reading the scrolls must be in my temple.

But how he refused to hug the little prince, there is a natural resistance to the little prince.

After all, it is separated from the blood and water, how are not as pro-life children pro.

And my own daughter has been entrusted Li Fu sent out of the palace, I’m afraid that this life is no longer able to see.

I clenched the wrist of the little prince, eyes a gloomy.

I did not expect goodbye to come so quickly.

This night, Duan Yan stared at his eyebrows and pondered for a long time, and when he finally left, he covered up the corner of the quilt for me and touched my face like a child: “I still have some things to deal with, so you go to sleep first.

“I was somewhat uncomfortable in silence and did not respond.

When he left, his back was lonely and forlorn, and I called out to him as if by magic, “Duan Yan.

”He didn’t care about my name calling, he just slightly stiffened and turned back, his deep fog-like eyes flickering slightly.

I was a bit embarrassed and casually found a topic, “Are you coming back?

” He sniffed as if suddenly relaxed, whispered: “Will.

“I didn’t believe him, so I quietly stood at the door and looked around for a long time.

Li Fu had told me, this palace is full of secret passages, some secret passages even the emperor may not be able to know all, at that time I will have pregnant women hidden in the secret room, now those people are sent out, just do not know whether those traces to clean.

I hold the door of the secret room, and finally looked back at the position where he sat during the day.

The paper was slightly flicked, and I remembered that his white moist fingertips had lightly scratched.

My heart suddenly moved, this night Duan Yan was too strange, his eyes made me very uneasy.

I followed the direction in my memory and slowly touched the wall and walked forward, a gust of gloomy wind blew, I wrapped up my clothes tightly and walked towards the location in my memory with difficulty.

“Ah ……” The mournful female voice resounded steeply, just a wall away from me, I immediately stopped, holding onto the wall, I took two deep breaths and poked my head out.

The tortured woman raised her head high, and the prostrate courtiers trembled in fear.

Duan Yan sat demurely, still holding something in his arms, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, absently listening to the woman’s curses.

“Duan Yan! You shall not die!” The blood in my body boiled and froze for a split second, then quickly decayed.

I won’t forget this voice even if it turns into ashes.

My first sister, Duan Yan’s Empress – Xia Xiguang! 08. “You shall not die a good death! Duan Yan, you beast, you shall not die!” Xia Xiguang’s mournful screams echoed in the large secret room, it was really creepy.

Duan Yan slowly opened his lips, “You are the one who shall not die.

“The faint cry of a baby suddenly rang out, and the string in my head suddenly snapped, and I rushed out regardless.


“Duan Yan’s gaze on the baby in his arms shifted dangerously upwards, then stopped.

When he saw me, the smile returned to his face, “I’ve been discovered.

“Give me the baby.”

“I said, suppressing my anger, “What do you want?

“What do I want?

”Duan Yan repeated my words, a flashy smile curling up on his lips, ”Naturally, I want to avenge us.

“You’re crazy.

You’re crazy.”

“I spat out these words and gritted my teeth, “Give me the child! Immediately!” Duan Yan handed my daughter over to Li Fu, gently and carefully as if he was really an ordinary father who was a first-time father.

And Li Fu bowed his body, not daring to look directly at me at all.

It’s him, he clearly promised to send the little princess out of the palace, this traitor.

Li Fu walked straight toward the further mile.

I had nowhere to vent my anger and rushed up to snatch back the child.

Duan Yan very gently pulled my hand and spun me around to face the woman who was nailed to the torture rack.

She simply can’t be called a human being, even though I once wanted to cut her into a thousand pieces, I could never think of such a sinister method.

Hanging her by her breath for half a year.

She glared at me, her gaze condensed as if it were a sharp sword, and I couldn’t break free from Duan Yan’s hand, so I could only let him hold me in his arms, provocatively facing Xia Xiguang.

Duan Yan lowered his head and lightly sniffed the nape of my neck, and said in a soft and gentle tone like a pet, “I didn’t want to leave her with a cheap life, but you’re sure you’ll like this gift I’m giving you, aren’t you?

“If it’s about revenge, I’d actually prefer it if you died in front of me.”

I asked in a cold voice, “Are you going to give it to me or not?”

”The smile at the corner of his lips did not diminish, and he nodded his head dotingly, ”You kill her first, and we’ll talk about the rest slowly, okay?

”Xia Yao Li, your little sinner is going to be finished.

”Xia Xiguang suddenly laughed out loud with abandon, laughing so hard that her tears swung away from the blood stains, ”Your and Duan Yi’s little sinful seed, is about to die! I hadn’t reacted yet, when suddenly her face abruptly zoomed in front of my eyes, and there was even a reflection of my astonishment in her dying eyes as she stared.

Duan Yan slowly covered my eyes, then whispered: “This time, she is really dead, hanging her life really cost a lot of doctors, how is it, now feel the pain?

“I tried my best to control my trembling body and said calmly, “Duan Yan, what exactly do you want to do?

”At this moment, I felt that the person in front of me was so unfamiliar, so fearful, or rather, I never really recognized him from the very beginning.

“I really like you.

” He let go of the arrow, and the blood-stained arrow fell to the ground.

He rubbed the corner of my lips and slowly dropped a light kiss, “Yubing, I really like you.


“I mockingly asked back, “You don’t like your A Li anymore?

“It was never any Li that I liked.

” He held my shoulders, his eyes flowing, “Can you understand?

‘ His hand gradually tightened and a pain shot through my shoulder as he forced me to look straight into his eyes, eyes as cold as deep pools of water.

“What are you doing?

” a strong sense of foreboding surged through me.

“Do it.

“He suddenly hugged my body tightly and slowly said in my ear, “I can spare Duan Yi from dying, but that child of yours and Duan Yi’s must not be spared.

”Only then did I react, that ‘Do it’ wasn’t addressed to me, I panicked and struggled desperately, ”Don’t! You don’t–” The baby’s cries in my ears grew more piercing and shrill, and I broke down and cried, “You don’t want to do this! Duan Yan, she’s still just a child! Don’t!” Duan Yan lowered his head to kiss my tears, Jie Ran laughed: “I did not want to tell you to see …… the language of ice, but unfortunately you are really too smart.

“You already know everything, you accompany me in the play, why?

!” I hissed and bit his arm hard, as if using all my strength.

“To make amends, of course.

” He gently brushed the hair from my face and murmured in a low voice, “I thought I could hold it back, Yubing …… I thought I could hold it back …… but I overestimated myself.

“She really makes me crazy with jealousy, how I want to hold her and teach her to call me father, but you know what?

You and his child really love to cry ah, not like you at all, I can see from her face only the shadow of Duan Yi …… I can endure to this day, hehe, didn’t you say that you want us to go to hell together?

Yubing, since I promised you, of course I want to start over with you in hell together.

“”Ah–” I cover my head, I seem to be able to hear the baby’s cry faint down, like a pinch, I madly cover my ears, “You go to hell Duan Yan! You go to hell! You go to death ……” “Of course I will die.

” His eyes were gloomy, and he pulled my hand away from me in death, and he went …… so far as to …… let me watch how my own child was broken.

“I will die, you do not want to escape.

” He whispered lingering, as if the evil spirits from hell.

“Don’t, want to, escape.

“You don’t want to escape.

You too.

09.Tianqi five years in October, the new queen recovered from the disease, the emperor and the queen of the relationship is more and more.

“A Niang …… A Niang, look at my flowers ……” milky little group of people barged in, crouching at the head of my bed smiling and laughing, “Look at –” “Little Highness, in future You should change your name to mother.

“The maid smiled as she held Duanjin up and urged with concern.

“I know, Aunt Susu.

I know, Aunt Susu.” Duanjin replied.

This name, however, inexplicably caused the smile on my lips to stall slightly, and some vague fragments flashed through my mind.

“Why did you insist on doing this?

You know the end! You knew it!” Who is it?

Who’s speaking?

That heartbreaking female voice.

It was a rustling sound.

I closed my eyes and pressed my slightly aching head.

“Mother, I heard something strange today.

“Duanjin looked at me, his black grape-like eyes clean and clear.

I touched his head and asked, “What is it?

“Mr. Duanjin mentioned that my son has an uncle, King Cheng, whom he has never met in Qiongzhou all these years,” he said.

“He raised his little face innocently, “Why have you and Father never mentioned it?

”When this statement came out, the atmosphere immediately became grave, and I noticed that some of the little palace maids were even shivering slightly.

I wondered, “Is that so?

This King Cheng …… I have also never heard of it.

‘ So when I went to bed at night, I turned this query to Duan Yan.

Duan Yan’s eyes flickered, and he said softly, ”A person of little importance, there is nothing to mention.

“I was so happy to hear that His Majesty has been treating me better and better over the years, but he has been extremely tyrannical to the outside world, and he has sent many people into exile.

I don’t know if it is my illusion, this night he held my hand extraordinarily tight, tight to the pain.

On the second day, during Duan Yan’s morning court, I got up as usual to drink the medicine, and I almost threw up after just one sip.

“What’s wrong?

“Duan Yan frowned and gently patted my back.

“Why is it so much more bitter than before?

“I frowned and looked at him pitifully, “I’ve gotten better, I don’t need to drink any more medicine.

”Duan Yan sniffed and immediately refused in a cold voice, ”No.”

“Doctor Xu said, “If I keep drinking medicine, I won’t be able to get pregnant.

“I put my arm around his waist and whispered, “Jin’er is already older. …… Doesn’t His Majesty want to add another little princess?

“Duan Yan’s body stiffened slightly, and when he lowered his eyes to look at me, there was already a smile in his eyes: “Then you have to obediently drink the medicine and then say it again.

”It’s no fun, I picked up the medicine and drank it all in one gulp.

Duan Yan leaned down and kissed the corner of my lips, very distressed: “Soon, very soon.

“I can’t stand up because of his kisses.

I was so kissed by him that I could hardly stand on my feet, where was my mind to listen to him?

Once upon a time those nobles and concubines are now all locked up in the Cold Palace, the Harem is really cold and quiet.

Susu listen to me complaining, can not help but smile and say: “the mother of the sole favor, should not be happy?

“Happy …… naturally happy, but unfortunately, such a warm favor, my stomach has been no movement.

Just after the morning court, I heard that His Majesty dismissed Mr. Duan Jin for no reason.

How strange.

However, His Majesty’s arbitrary rule, combined with the great power, he wants to do what his subjects have long been no room for others to intervene, I really do not know whether it is good or bad.

At midnight, I probed his thin sweaty back, biting my lip and begging him to end it quickly.

Duan Yan but uncharacteristically, not the slightest pity, but more hostile sink.

Afterwards, I expressed my anger and did not want to pay attention to him, so he pampered me by rubbing his gelatinous face against my neck.

I’m afraid of itchy laugh up, and then remembered what, put on the clothes and ran into the yard to dig out my peach blossom brew.

Duan Yan stood by and teased me with a raised eyebrow, “You’ve become the Empress, but you haven’t changed even when you’re a drunkard.

“I remembered how I used to get drunk in Yunzhou and had to ask him, a patient, to come and cover me with a blanket, so I couldn’t help but blush a little.

“You don’t drink, do you?

I held the altar and brushed off the dust for it, “Then it’s mine alone.” “I remember the peach blossoms in the past years.

“I remember that the Peach Blossom Brew from previous years was not as sweet as this.

“After three rounds of drinking, Duan Yan’s eyes and face were all colored with brilliant red, and his eyes were burning, which was very beautiful.

I said in a serious manner: “It is the sweetness of the drinker’s heart, isn’t it?

“This Duan Yan ear tip more and more red, he converged jokes look, afraid to break the silence of this moment like a quiet voice: “You guessed it.

“I smiled and arched my eyebrows.

He embraced me into his arms and whispered, “It’s probably time.

“After that, he stopped giving me pills, and more often than not, he took me with him, and even when he was busy, he would take the time to talk to my empty stomach at night.

They were just childish words like “come soon” and “you better look like your mother”.

As spring and fall passed, he longed so much for a new life.

I could even feel that this longing exceeded his expectations of Duan Jin a hundredfold.

However, this longing failed again and again, and on countless silent nights, he tossed and turned, keeping his eyes open until dawn.

Sometimes when I got up with my clothes on, I would see the tears slipping down from the ends of his eyes, quickly hiding in his hair.

He’s not even thirty, and he’s already starting to get gray hair.

He is an emperor, and he once said that an emperor should have no fear of gods and ghosts, and look down upon the world with disdain.

But I clearly saw him kneeling in front of the Goddess of Mercy, with his hands together, his eyebrows full of worry, while the side of his face is calm and pious.

The emperor asked the ghosts and gods, not for the wind and rain, not for the prosperity of the country, but for a child.

Dr. Xu said that his body that year in Yunzhou has not healed, already weak, and now day and night thinking, I am afraid of hurting the heart and mind.

I leaned on his body and innocently asked, “We already have a Jin’er, why is Your Majesty so anxious?

“Duan Yan poured a mouthful of cold wine and didn’t answer. After a long silence, he lowered his head and kissed me, with peach blossom fragrance on his lips, teeth and tongue.

“Maybe it’s because of Princess Jingmin.

” Su Su Su said.

When I gave birth to a twin child, the youngest daughter was weak and died, heard that Duan Yan extremely sad, exceptionally the youngest daughter of premature death will be buried, but also gave a significance of such a good title.

As for why it is heard, only because after giving birth to a child I fell into a strange disease, from the past all sorts of things have been forgotten, I only remember that I had hugged two children, they all love to laugh.

No wonder, no wonder, when I woke up and asked his majesty where the other child had gone, he looked at me with such indifference.

  1. This year’s winter night New Year’s Eve banquet was just a walk in the park.

The ministers and women kneeled down to see Duan Yan and me off with derision, thinking that we were eager to take advantage of this great day to add a younger sibling to the little prince.

Only I know that Duan Yan’s body is declining day by day, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to have an heir.

Duan Yan stood under the peach blossom tree in my yard, tilted his head and closed his eyes to take a deep breath, such cold weather, his face is also as white as jade, not a trace of blood.

“You know what?

“He suddenly said, “The first time I saw you, it was under the peach blossom tree.

“I was a bit puzzled, he asked not “do you remember”, but “do you know”.

I shook my head, ”I don’t remember.

‘ Duan Yan slowly hooked his lips, his dark eyes full of laughter: ”I saw you burying the wine jar, so I chose you.”

”Two words that I can’t understand.

He smiled quietly at me, ”Do you still have that very sweet peach blossom wine?

I want to drink it.

”I remembered Eunuch Xu’s advice and hesitated a bit.

However, he gripped my hand tightly and said in a single word, ”I want to drink it.

”Flower wine is hard to get drunk, but Duan Yan talked a lot of nonsense.

He said that he never liked A Li, she was too timid and naive, and that what he liked was always Yubing, the Xia Yubing who didn’t put anyone else in her eyes.

I poked the holes in his words without mercy: “You know that this is a person.

” His fingers slightly stiffened: “Yes, I know …… I have always known ……” During the night, Duan Yan vomited blood, it was strange, the blood he coughed up almost spread all over the mattress, and he gasped fiercely, his eyes were wide open, and there were even tears sliding down, which he couldn’t even wipe away.

And all of this chaos was because of one word from me.

I remember leaning into his arms and innocently counseling him, “Your Majesty must treat His Highness King Cheng well.

“Duan Yan’s voice dropped abruptly, “Why?

Dr. Xu said that when His Majesty was in danger in Yunzhou, King Cheng sacrificed his life to save His Majesty’s life, and that his wife’s lack of children over the years was due to the fact that King Cheng was seriously injured, and that it would be difficult for him to have an heir.” “What did you say?

“What did you say?

“Duan Yan held my wrist, his eyes reddened with horror, but he didn’t have time to listen to my answer, as if blood was spewing out of his mouth, crimson stains stained his snow-colored blouse.

I let out a ‘yah’ and tilted my head in agony, “It’s time to wash the quilt again.

”I’ve never seen Duan Yan look like this before.

Despair, disbelief, and a heart ashen.

The bright light in his eyes gradually shattered, and I wrapped my arms around his half-cooled body and quietly told him, ”What did I say, Duan Yan?

You’re not getting away with this either.

”He seems to be really unwilling to do so.

So I said, “In fact, I should have told you, but in that case, even if I said it, you will not believe it, and pity our children …… who were probably still crying when they died ……” I pinched my hands on my neck, and mimicked grotesquely with a shrill voice, “Father, save me! Father save me ah – Father save me -” he gushed out a mouthful of brighter red blood, I wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes, and said softly, “No, no …… you don’t deserve it.

” Finally he tilted his head, the blood stains on his lips colorful burning, open that pair of love-bearing eyes died in my arms when I tightly embraced him, his weak voice will be strangled in his chest, his trembling fingers were clutched by me to death.

He is really love me ah, the bedchamber even not allowed to stay bystanders, live cut off his last bit of hope for life.

“Language ice …… you ……” this is his last words.

“I’m here.

“I just should be I am, I want to win, so I will always be before you die.

I carefully stared at his eyes that had lost their vigor, pampered his face, and laughed, “I told you to die so beautifully, when it is really cheap for you.

”Is it raining outside again?

Heavy rain and fog shrouded, and his eyes permanently closed, will never open again, can never be like that night, standing in the rain curtain cold eyes watching me tumbling and crawling in the abyss of mud.

I fell to my knees like a dislocated, how much I wanted to let go and laugh, but unfortunately my chest seemed to be heavy as a thousand pounds.

I don’t dare to think, don’t dare to think carefully, did I really win?

Did I really, did I win?

Duan Yan died suddenly.

Suddenly to the point that I even did not have time to prepare the peach blossom wine to feed him to finish drinking.

When Dr. Xu came to the courtyard burning peach wine, the air is filled with a sweet intoxicating aroma, and the day I gave birth, the cold palace of the burnt stench is not quite the same, I think of that call me Miss maid, for me to stay in the cold palace results in being burned to death of the maidservant.

After shedding so much blood and sacrificing so many people, did we get anything in the end?

No solution.

Xu Tai doctor was very frightened to crouch down: “This wine …… dosage ……” How did I forget, he is a doctor of medicine, a sniff will know how much I put the phase of the medicine.

I held my forehead and said in a faint voice: “I am sorry, I really can not wait.

” He opened those cloudy eyes wide and froze for a long time without being able to speak.

I thought he was afraid, so I calmed him down, saying that you are still useful and I won’t kill you easily.

To my surprise, he sighed, shook his head, and hobbled out the door.

I remembered in a trance that year in the general s mansion, I had tearfully begged him to cure Duan Yan, and I also said that I would go through fire and water for Mr. Xu.

This can not blame me, can not …… everything is his Duan Yan self-inflicted.

National mourning grand and long, Xia family see us orphans and widows, then again a mind to play the idea of resurgence and rise again.

Unfortunately, although Qiongzhou is far away, the national mourning has arrived, using the excuse of mourning, Duan Yi came back.

The day he came back I should have gone to meet, but I looked in the mirror, the woman in the bronze mirror corner of the eye is all penetrating fatigue, tightly wrinkled eyebrows, under the eyes of the faint lines, joy then a little bit of retreat, only confusion and sighs.

I then said: “or Jin son to go to pick up your uncle, right ……” Duan Jin came back to the face is not good, asked him what is wrong, he replied slightly gloomy: “mother may guess, uncle see my son’s first sentence is what?

“I was so nervous, I didn’t have time to squeeze out a smile, Duan Jin looked at me and turned around and left.

Before Duan Deng was reluctant to establish a crown prince, and now that he is dead, the ministers have seen Duan Yi come back and secretly divided into parties, and have many thoughts that should not be there.

But I know very well that Duan Yi will never compete with Jin Er for the throne, even if he has the ability and prestige.

I saw Duan Yi again at the new emperor’s enthronement ceremony.

Jin child is young, but probably because of the years not treated by the Duan Yan, has a different calm, a set of tedious and complex process down the ceremony, even if the adults to do are sweating, gasping chest, he is calm and relaxed, and even quite a bit of the world of the temperament of the king.

In full view of the public, Duan Yi’s attitude fell in the eyes of many people is really respectful, flat a lot of people running around the small mind.

He straightened his spine, his face like a crown of jade, with my memory is no different, only that pair of peach blossom eyes lost their brilliance, dead silent, see me, but also just a faint glance.

“I pay my respects to the Empress Dowager.

” He respectfully saluted, calling people can not pick the slightest fault.

“It’s been seven years since we parted, but King Cheng’s appearance has not changed.

‘ I smiled.

Duan Yi was silent for a while, and just when I thought he wouldn’t speak again, he suddenly said, ”Your Highness’ gorgeous hair has grown prematurely, like she’s too tired.

‘ I curved my lips, since I became the most powerful woman in this harem, no one had ever dared to say that about me.

“Sometimes, I wonder ……” I looked at the branches of the delicate flowers faint voice, “Xia Yao Li actually existed?

Perhaps it is simply a dream I had, Xia Yubing actually never saved anyone at all, and never lived in Yunzhou at all.

“”Of course it exists.

“Duan Yi replied, “Your Highness just hasn’t been herself for too long.

”I was silent for a while, somewhat incoherent, ”No one likes Xia Yao Li, so I wonder …… if she shouldn’t be …… at all,” ”She should.”

” Duan Yi suddenly interrupted me and looked at me firmly.

All kinds of heartache surged up to my heart, and in the end, it only turned into one sentence: “Thank you, thank you, Duan Yi.

“Three years after the death of the late Emperor Duan Yan, I fell ill without warning.

In fact, it was not without warning.

Duan Yan’s heart is exquisite, it is not easy to pretend to be a naïve and innocent Xia Yubing in front of him. After seven years of trembling and treading on thin ice, how am I different from the hanged Xia Xiguang?

She is the skin and flesh pain, while I am the inner torment, hard bite a breath to live.

When I was suddenly relieved of this breath, the disease came to me like a mountain.

Duan Jin has been serving in front of my bed day after day, I didn’t pay too much attention to him before, but now when I take a closer look at him in the dusk, he is as tall as this, long and erect, a grown-up.

“Go and call King Cheng here, I want to see him.

“I ordered in a low voice.

Duan Jin turned his head to look at me, his eyes deep: “Mother, why don’t you take care of your body and see me again when you are well?

“I frowned, very unhappy with his disobedience, “Go, I have something important to see him.

“Duan Jin looked at me blankly for a long time, but finally got up and went to call Duan Yi.

Duan Yi came when it was already dark, I slept in a daze, and stood up to see the beauty under the lamp, it really felt like a lifetime ago.

He is still the same Duan Yi, and I, has long been not the former me.

I opened my mouth, not yet speak, there are tears slipping down, originally straight back kneeling Duan Yi panicked to come forward, speechless hold my hand.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, but he couldn’t say anything.

“Duan Yi, in fact, I can’t bear to die,” I said in a low, broken voice.

“I said in a low, broken voice, “It was not easy for me to come this far, how can I let go of death?

”However, just like running out of gas and dying, I’ve gone to great lengths to bring down Duan Yan, but I’m not forcing myself to die step by step, and I’ve really drank a lot of the medicine in that wine.

I’m too tired, and I really deserve to die.

I’m sorry,” I said, “I’m really sorry.

” I said, “really sorry, when I should not provoke you.

“”Actually ……” he spoke lowly.

I smiled and interrupted him, “I only have one wish, I know you have no heart for the emperor, so I want to ask you to assist Jin’er well, he is a good child ……” He looked up at me, the candlelight shadow leaped on his handsome face, as when we first met.

I slowly lowered my head against his forehead and said as if we were meeting for the first time, “How come I didn’t meet you earlier, Your Highness?

‘ Of course I knew what he wanted to say, that year his own brother, Prince Duan Cheng, was killed by the Third Prince, and during the chaotic and bloody forced palace massacre, Duan Yan was seriously injured, it was he who saved Duan Yan, brought Duan Yan to Yunzhou, and caused Duan Yan to appear on the road I had to take to get home.

Rustling sincerity does not deceive me, how can a despicable and shameless person like me have innocent people around me?

Even so, I am still grateful to Duan Yi.

If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have known that there were people in the world who had treated Xia Yaoli with sincerity.

Outside, the forbidden guards were quietly hibernating, ready to strike.

I was lying on the couch, looking at his back disappearing into the large chambers, melting into the desolate night scene of the palace.

After Duan Yi left, Duan Jin came out from behind the screen, with a cold smile on his face that did not match his age: “I thought that my mother really had a heart of stone, but it turns out that she is only doing this to my son and my father.

“I let out a long breath and said with great effort, “Is that so?

You think you can rest easy after killing Duan Yi?

Dream–” Perhaps my rhetorical question finally angered him, he couldn’t help but flick the table, the small tiger paperweight rolled down at my feet, tilting his head to look at me innocently.

I wanted to pick it up, but I was too tired to lift my hand. This little tiger was made for me by Jin’er when she was a child.

Little children, especially little children who grew up within this deep palace, why are they always so unlovable when they grow up, or have I never been able to see through him since I was an hour?

“Does Mother still remember Jingmin?

” he suddenly spoke.

I froze slightly, and my chest suddenly gasped for air.

Duan Jin, however, looked at me forcefully, his eyes horrifyingly glowing at first glance, and he said aggressively, “Mother, my son just wants to know, every night when you go to sleep, do you sleep peacefully?

」「You ……」「Mother Empress, in fact, you knew everything early on, right?

“I stared at him, feeling weak, but my mind has never been sober: “What did you say?

“I and Jing Min, not at all what twin birth, your child since the beginning of the only Jing Min one, and you …… personally killed her, am I right?” he tilted his head and smiled at me.

” He tilted his head and looked at me with a smile, his scattered ebony hair hanging down by his cheeks, the declining sun’s rays becoming more and more provocative.

“She was killed by your father! What on earth are you talking about?

“I couldn’t stop my hands from trembling, “Who compelled you?

Who is talking nonsense?

Tell me!” Duan Jin couldn’t help but smile with his lips, “No one is talking nonsense, everything is what I saw with my own eyes.

“It’s impossible–” I cried out in disbelief.

”Rustling told you back then that if you had stopped there, or even if you had softened your heart a little bit and disguised Jingmin and I as twins, you would have had a good ending.

I saw it all, how you killed Rusty and how you hid Jingmin, I saw it all.” “Impossible.

“It’s impossible.

“Of course it’s impossible!” He lifted up my head slowly, and smiled, “Look at me carefully.

“You’re not Duan Jin?”

“I remembered Rusty’s bizarre yet weirdly reasonable identity, could Duan Jin also be a traveler?

“Yes and no.

“He took my hand and caressed his face, and said softly, “If you had chosen to keep Jingmin, you know what kind of ending you would have had, right?

” I said in a deep voice, “You and Jing Min would have become true twins, and Duan Yan and I would have been reunited.

”I haven’t forgotten a single day of the ending that Rustling said, but if I had to choose again, I would still choose the other path.

There’s no other way, this is what Duan Yan owes me.

Not only that, Father would even choose to let Jing Min ascend to the throne, even if she is a woman.” he laughed miserably.

” He laughed miserably, “and I, just because it is not your own biological, will never have a heavenly day, be buried in the famous, even if I blood wash the palace, Jing Min she has never put me in the eyes of the past, I died under her sword, mother ever for me to fall a tear.

…… In fact, I saw everything, rustling aunt clearly told you, send away Jingmin will be what the end.

…… mother heart what all understand, mother ah, you really my good mother ah, you for me in addition to my life’s biggest rival.

” Outside the temple came a sound of blades meeting, it was Duan Yi was surrounded by Duan Jin s people …… I was furious, but he was close to my ear and said, “Since the mother queen is so unscrupulous to achieve her goal, as your child, how can I dare to fall behind you?

…… In fact, my son always woke up in a dream, as that year, you will rustling blood smeared on my face, I seem to be able to smell it, fishy, sweet, hot.

You hugged me and said …… good boy, don’t be afraid, the world is mine, right?

” He buried his head in my arms and asked softly.

“Mother …… you look at my eyes and say it again, whose is this world …… really?

” This rebellious son.

Sure enough, how could there be an innocent person by my side?

The sky, suddenly bright, and suddenly darkened down.

Duan diffraction extras: ultimately an empty] Duan diffraction has a dream that has been repeated for many years.

A nightmare.

He still remembers that it was a stormy evening, he hid behind the beaded curtains, watching the woman he usually called his mother’s consort personally strangle his mother.

Last night, A Niang had also whispered to him that he was about to have a sister, and little Duan Yan was overjoyed.

The people in the palace are all fierce and vicious to make things difficult for him, telling him to kneel down, slapping him, making fun of his origin, these people are harsh, cold-blooded, but they are the only ones who take good care of their own siblings, who are from the same mother.

Duan Yan was happy that he also had someone he could protect, and he was going to be a brother.

But now, looking at A Niang’s permanently hanging head, he only wanted to tell A Niang that A Yan didn’t want his sister anymore, A Yan only wanted A Niang.

He began to stay awake all night, because he often pondered the question, why is it that he doesn’t have what others have, and he can never keep what he wants to keep?

For example, by the father praised the third brother’s lowercase, that is clearly his writing; for example, they threw into the bottom of the lake jade bracelet, that is the only thing left by his A Niang; and then for example …… mother consort day by day bulging belly.

It wasn’t fair.

That should have been his sister, but if he had to crawl out of the mother consort’s belly, that would be his enemy.

It is his enemy.

The seeds of hatred took root in his heart and grew along with him, never stopping spreading wildly.

Later, the mother consort accidentally fell down the steps, fell into a dead body, the sole of the shoe is still stained with her favorite cinnamon head oil.

Third brother fell off the epileptic horseback, and since then can no longer hold the pen steadily, the father sighed really a pity for a good hand of calligraphy.

A few emperors encouraged Thirteen to go and fish for the bracelet, and Thirteen really went.

He frowned, thirteen innocent, but he also just cold eyes, did not take action to stop.

Who called thirteen is the crown prince’s younger brother, calling his amah as a cheap servant girl, is not precisely the crown prince started?

But Thirteen leapt up from the bottom of the lake, holding the bracelet in his hand and shouting, “Seventh Brother! I have found it!” At that moment, he had to admit that he had a moment of weakness.

Later, Thirteen became his only close friend, saving his life in danger, and even after his own brother, Prince Duan Cheng, was killed by the Third Prince, bent on helping him to ascend the throne.

Duan Yi will never know, the crown prince and the third prince stalemate for a long time, the third prince coveted the crown prince position for many years delayed to dare to take action, how will suddenly have the courage to kill the crown prince, regicide emperor …… However, this is not important.

What is important is that the two tigers fought while he watched and finally became the absolute winner.

Duan Yan has no relatives in this life, no faith, not even one thing that can be called beautiful, enshrined in the law is only one sentence: rather I negative people in the world.

What a beautiful wish, but unfortunately, he ran into the only person in his life who can be called his arch-enemy.

He really hated Xia Yao Li, whenever he saw that kind of heartless stupidity of hers, he felt an urge to strangle her from the bottom of his heart.

How could she be so stupid?

Climbing trees will fall, burying wine will fall, and doing anything will end up falling into dog shit.

In the palace, how many days can she live?

He had to rely on her when he was in Yunzhou, relying on her to climb up to that old fox father of hers.

He had to pretend to be deeply addicted, he always scoffed at the love of men and women, pretending is not like, good thing she was stupid, so that everything went smoothly and smoothly.

Xia Qingping was originally the third prince party, now the third prince fell a regicide charge, and was the crown prince’s remaining party beat up, his appearance is undoubtedly the destiny.

He patiently held Xia Xiguang’s hand and unsurprisingly ran into Xia Yao Li.

She was so innocent, but he didn’t feel guilty at all.

Duan Yan had probably never felt such a thing as ‘guilt’ before.

It was a rainy night when he saw Xia Yaoli again. He put down the folding paper in his hand and quietly went up to the attic.

The rain that night was really too heavy.

It was so big that he couldn’t even bear to look at it anymore.

He ordered Li Fu to send the eunuch to the Xia Mansion, secretly pretending to be a eunuch.

“But on what pretext?

” Duan Yan chose what he thought was the best reason, to deliver the wedding clothes.

What kind of person delivers wedding clothes in the pouring rain?

But he didn’t care, he even deliberately inquired about Xia Xiguang’s favorite flower color and found a dust-eating garment from the storehouse.

He guessed that Xia Yao Li could understand, right? He was telling her the cruel truth, he was telling her to die.

But what he never expected was that not only did she not die of heart, she even hit her idea on his body once again.

He was furious, and the intimate collision, the mingling of lips and tongues made him feel sick.

Some kind of hidden feelings that had arisen abruptly in his heart made him even more terrified beyond measure.

Last night she called him Qi Lang in his ear, he knew that she was testing whether he was sentient or not, she was disgusting him, then he naturally did not let her have a good time either.

He had called her A Li all night, even though he knew full well who the person he was entwined in love with really was.

He should have killed her, but at the last moment, he finally went soft, couldn’t say why.

Later, Xia Xiguang into the main Palace, he also sealed Xia Yao Li for An Fei, the reason why the title for An, moral in the call her peace, do not fool around.

But who knows, the first person who couldn’t help himself was Xia Xiguang.

The secret agent came to report that the empress prepared the broken heart loose, he wooden thought, really enough, why my harem in the woman a more than a stupid?

They are simply different from the concubines of the late emperor who were vicious and cunning and killed people without a trace.

Almost without hesitation, he chose to let Xia Yubing live, but at the same time, he did not let Xia Xiguang die.

His original thought was that with the death of the Empress, Xia Xiguang’s own death or not was secondary, leaving her a cheap life to check and balance Xia Qingping was not bad.

He has always done things cleanly, but where to stay alive is absolutely still useful.

But he did not expect, Xia Xiguang’s life, stay is just for him to take offense.

Whenever the scouts to report, Duan Yi and into the palace, An Fei Palace lights to a few hours, his heart inexplicable cynicism and jealousy will make him want to go crazy.

Obviously, it’s just a woman, what’s the harm in giving it to someone else, anyway, when did he, Duan Yan, ever talk about propriety, righteousness, integrity and ethics?

But why, why did he keep his eyes open until dawn once again?

Just like that sleepless night of thinking when he was a child, at dawn, he was determined to take back what originally belonged to him.

Even if he didn’t like it, it was still his, and even Duan Yi couldn’t snatch it away.

How could he not know that he was already trapped.

But he did not want to think deeply, rather comfort himself, his care is just …… out of the anger of his own things being coveted by others, yes, just anger.

He sent Duan Yi to the edge of the bitter far away Qiongzhou, he wants to master his own things.

That day was the day he truly faced his inner fears head on.

The month was too big, and abortion would hurt the mother, so he tried his best to hold back his revulsion, pretending to look as if nothing had happened to him as he watched her carry her pregnant belly with a child that belonged to someone else.

Duan Yan thought coldly, it does not matter, the child is born, not more than can not live?

The doctor’s prediction of the birth date is still early, but outside the palace, but the flooding, the people’s heart is not sure, he had to persuade himself to go out of the palace to go.

Duan Yan looked at her sitting on the swing in the Cold Palace, just sitting dumbfounded, without a trace of the previous day’s glimmer in her eyes.

Duan Yi told her to be so hung over.

He really deserved to die.


It was too late to take action against Duan Yi, outside the palace, he heard the bad news of Yubing’s premature birth and the fire in the Cold Palace, and at that moment, the busy man who had been busy for days was struck by lightning, and his eyes went black.

In the endless darkness, he couldn’t help but admit that he was probably in love with Xia Yubing.

He decided not to run away anymore.

When he returned to the palace, he mercilessly decimated a few outcasts in the harem, regardless of what kind of power or background was behind those concubines.

He only wanted to make Yubing’s life a little cleaner, she looked so tired.

She looked really tired when she held that child that didn’t belong to her and tried to smile.

He didn’t poke at her, he was just too enamored with this fleeting and deadly coziness, he even thought, just pretend like this for the rest of your life, Yubing.

But this is doomed to be impossible, as she is cruel to change her son, the next step must be regicide.

They share the same bed, each with their own agenda.

Her fake meekness at the moment is just lowering his guard, is to confuse him, and how much he indulges, how much he hates that her own child.

How could he pretend he didn’t care?

He’d even imagined in his mind what his daughter with Yubing would be like, and he’d drifted off from time to time while holding Yubing’s daughter, and then gotten a headache from the crying.

Children can be so fragile, such a soft face, such small hands and feet …… How good it would be if this were his daughter.

In the end, he finally had a cruel heart, and he thought maniacally that by getting rid of this sinful obstacle, he and Yubing would be able to have a fresh start.

Get rid of her, get rid of her, get rid of this evil obstacle …… Dr. Xu’s medicine will be useful, will definitely be.

The medicine does work, but also only stole seven years of short good times.

Can not say when he began, he perceived her warm smile under the deep tiredness, like a mask, quietly and silently broken open a corner.

He also wanted to be alert, but he was too tired.

Having a child of their own became a paranoid thought, but it always fell short, fell short, fell short.

He was exhausted, he had survived all the hooking and all the scheming in the first half of his life, except for this moment, he felt exhausted.

So the last time he drank her wine, his heart was bitter, but he had to wear a smile on his face.

Until she said in her own words that he had killed her child.

He could no longer laugh.

He thought of the child’s penetrating eyes.

Everything was too heavy, he was just too tired.

Finally he tried to keep his eyes open and tilted his head back, but there was still an endless darkness in front of him.

No one knew that he was actually afraid of the dark.

No, maybe someone knows, one year, there was that light that was always on whether he could see it or not, the small flower lamp …… that relieved the bitterness of Qilang was retribution, he somewhat wanted to laugh, who asked him to pretend to be blind that year.

There was cold liquid dripping on his face.

A suffocating, stifling pain in his chest, and he hardened his lips and teeth to squeeze out a word, saying, “You–” Then he closed his eyes forever, and his life came to an abrupt end.

She wouldn’t know that what he wanted to say was actually–Yu Bing, don’t cry, the root cause of your pain in this life is that goodness and wickedness, both are not pure enough.

You should have been more vicious.

Don’t cry.

He remembered that year again, the wind had picked up, blowing the dark hair at her temples.

The end is also.

Duan Yi extra: want, but a A Li] Duan Yi and Xia Yao Li’s first meeting, he gave her a gift that changed her life.

He will be seriously injured dying Duan Yan placed in Xia Yao Li home on the road, dragging the body of the seriously injured only went to lead away the pursuers.

First of all, according to the spies, Xia Yaoli’s mother was a healer, and Xia Yaoli was a naive and foolish person. Secondly, Xia Qingping could never have imagined that the person he was chasing with his own dragnet was actually at his own daughter’s home.

When he left, he only gave the young girl a distant glance. How could he have known that he would regret his meticulous plan for the rest of his life?

When we met again, he looked at the girl’s face calmly burning paper for her late mother, saying that there was no guilt in his heart was deceiving himself and others, but the palace was like the Cultivation Ground, and the process of chasing the throne had already killed so many people, so how could it be easily stopped?

Xia Yao Li is not as stupid as the seventh brother said, she has a pair of misty eyes, when looking at you, you feel as if she is smiling, but in fact not.

She was snooping.

At the first glance, she decided that Duan Yi was the first stepping stone on her path to revenge.

She bent her eyes, but they had no ripples in them as she smiled down at him.

He then planted himself.

She said she wanted to ally with him and didn’t even ask him what he wanted, in her subconscious mind, he should be obedient and compliant.

Duan Yi was sometimes a bit inexplicably aggravated, but he didn’t dare to say anything more.

He was not interested in the throne, he was not even interested in everything.

Except for her.

He was born a happy and lively child, ranked the smallest, and is the first born, everyone has to let him.

It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been a bully, it was just that he couldn’t help but stand up for Seventh Brother when he saw him being bullied, even though Seventh Brother was ungrateful most of the time.

This does not delay him like the seventh brother, he has so many brothers, but none of them with the seventh brother general, high talent but introverted, cautious and overbearing.

He is a contradictory person.

He has known since he was a child that seventh brother is a man who wants to do great things.

His admiration for him never changed until he met Xia Yaoli.

He began to doubt seventh brother and himself.

Why should he use other people’s lives to fulfill his own glory?

Why is cold-bloodedness set in the imperial family?

This was an unsolvable puzzle.

During the seven years in Qiongzhou, he had thought that he had already thought it through, but when he saw Ah Li again, he still couldn’t help but redden his eyes.

Because the one who caused all this suffering was no one else but himself.

The past and the past were all gone.

What he wanted was just a Xia Yao Li.


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