What are some high-quality first marriage novels that you can recommend?

What are some high-quality marriage-before-love novels that you can recommend?

My boyfriend of nine years in a relationship fell in love at first sight with another woman on a business trip.

He brought up the breakup, saying he had found the muse of his heart.

I smiled and nodded, and on the day of the breakup, I turned my head and accepted another man’s marriage proposal.

Lin Yiyi’s microblogging trumpet posted a video.

In the video, he was holding a woman tightly, from the bungee jumping platform, a leap down, suddenly the fear and excitement of the screams deafening.

After watching the video, my heart was surprisingly calm.

I as usual, the night and Lin Yiyi text message contact, the two have a ride without a chat a few sentences, they said good night to each other, the end of the chat.

Lin Yiyi when the business trip back, I do not know, he just gave me a phone call and said: “After work, I’ll pick you up, I have something to say to you.

“Lin Yiyi took me to a restaurant, he sat across from me, silent, but the phone has not left the hand.

Between meals, his cell phone’s beeps rang from time to time, and every time he read a text message, his eyebrows curved up, and a pleasant smile naturally played at the corners of his lips.

After finishing his meal, he opened his mouth, “Tonight this meal, even if it’s a farewell dinner for the two of us.

”I slowly and methodically took a napkin and wiped the residue at the corner of my mouth, while he continued, ”I’m in love with a woman who matches all of my imaginations of what a woman should be, she’s my muse, and if you meet her, you’ll surely understand me too.”

” I looked up at him and smiled faintly, “Okay, let’s split up then.

”He was momentarily stunned, and only reacted a moment later, his face was instantly happy, ”You’ve at least followed me for nine years, if you have any conditions, you can just mention them, and I’ll definitely satisfy you.

“I laughed, “No need.

‘ I stood up, picked up my bag, and politely said goodbye to him, ”There’s nothing else, so I’ll leave first.

“2 I have been dating Lin Yi since I was twenty years old, nine years now.

As I grew older, I was caught in the anxiety of being unmarried at an older age, which reached its peak at the beginning of this year.

I got married because of the matter, urged Lin Yiyi many times, we also argued about it many times, after the argument is the cold war, we cold war is the longest one is more than a month, from that day, to June 25, his birthday, I sent him a gift, and took the initiative to him to bow his head.

It should also be from that time I took the initiative to bow down, we and well, my heart also slowly followed the cold.

I promised to break up with Lin Yiyi that day, after returning home, I gave my high school classmate Xu Mo Yang called.

I said: “At the end of last year, when my mother was hospitalized, you said that if I was thirty-five years old and not married, you will marry me, was it a joke with me or serious.

‘ Xu Mo Yang was silent for a moment before asking me, “What happened?

“I calmly recounted, “I’m completely finished with Lin Yiyi, so if you don’t mind me, you can marry me back earlier.

“He then asked me, “Where are you now?

Send me the address.

“So I sent him the location of my home address.

He quickly texted me back, “Wait for me.

“3 I waited for Xu Mo Yang for three hours and he never showed up.

I texted him and he didn’t reply, and when I called him, his phone went unanswered.

It looked like my desire to get married was dashed again.

But I don’t blame him, in fact, I want to get married, not because I like him, but another reason.

I had just fallen asleep when the doorbell at home rang.

When I opened the door, Xu Mo Yang was sweating profusely and panting as he stood in front of my house.

He was holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his hands and hurriedly apologized to me.

“I’m sorry, the hospital happened to have a car accident patient who needed immediate surgery, and time was running out so I didn’t have time to call and explain to you.

“I expressed my understanding and smiled at him.

But I didn’t want to, he suddenly kneeled down in front of me, and took out a diamond ring from his pocket: “Chang Jing, will you marry me?

The first thing I did was to ask my mom to do something about it, and she said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I don’t know what I’m going to do.

I said, “Classmates, do you know anyone at the People’s Hospital?

“At that time and I have been five or six years without contact with Xu Mo Yang suddenly replied to me:” I am the people’s hospital doctor, what is the matter, you add my WeChat, said in detail.

“Later Xu Mo Yang helped me contact the experts, the end of my mother had surgery, the recovery is not bad, during the Xu Mo Yang as long as a free time, go to the hospital room to see my mom, he and I will slowly get acquainted again.

Once, the two of us sitting on the bench in the corridor to chat, chatting about Lin Yiyi.

He said, “You’ve been talking to your boyfriend for many years, why haven’t I seen him come to see my aunt?

“I was really disappointed in Lin Yiyi, but I could only smile and help Lin Yiyi excuse: “He also wants to come back, but there is no way, the company this time sent to his task is very important, the work can not be completed, he can not come back.

“Xu Mo Yang nodded, a few moments later said: “Auntie’s health is not good, fortunately the cancer was found in time, recovered a life, I heard her several times said that she hoped that you get married, want to hold a grandchild sooner.

” His words instantly poked in my heart, I had wanted to hide, but the result was that my eyes were indisputably red.

I was silent for a long time, holding back my tears, I sniffed my nose and said, “I want to get married, but he doesn’t want to yet.

” Xu Mo Yang’s eyebrows frowned, perhaps to relieve me, he quickly smiled and told me: “It’s okay, you can always get married, if you get to thirty-five and he doesn’t want to marry you, you come to me, I’ll marry you!” His words immediately caused me to break into tears.

I agreed to Xu Mo Yang’s proposal, and as if he was worried that I would back out, he dragged me to the Civil Affairs Bureau the next day to get a marriage license.

After we came out of the marriage license, he pulled me along again, and we took a picture of each of us with a marriage license and a cell phone camera.

He smiled and said to me, “From today, you are my wife!” On the way back, Xu Mo Yang driving on the side, I have nothing to do, took out the phone to play a while, coincidentally, I inadvertently found just a few minutes ago, Lin Yiyi sent a circle of friends.

He said: “My muse.

“On the photo, he was holding hands with the woman, sweetly staring at each other, and I instantly recognized that the woman in the photo was the one who was bungee jumping with him.

I scanned through his friend circle at a glance, and underneath Lin Yiyi’s friend circle there were quite a few questions from our mutual friends.

“Did you break up with Chang Jing?

“What’s wrong with my memory?

Isn’t your girlfriend Chang Jing?

“I remember that at the beginning of the year, Ms. Chang said she was planning to get married to you.

“Lin Yiyi himself posted a comment underneath his circle of friends, replying in unison, “I broke up with Chang Jing a long time ago, so please don’t mention irrelevant people to me again, my girlfriend will be upset.

“After seeing his unified reply, I couldn’t hold back my joy.

I only broke up with him yesterday, but he said today that it was a long time ago.

Xu Mo Yang casually asked me, “What are you laughing at?

“I said: “Brush the circle of friends, brushed to a young age with Alzheimer’s two fools.

“Xu Mo Yang laughed softly: “Then you have to tell him, there is a disease to be treated, can not be delayed, if you need your husband’s help, just say a word.

“I laughed, “It’s too late, I’ve already blacked him out.

“6 After I married Xu Mo Yang, I moved in with him.

A grown man and woman, and a married couple, even if we were just flash married, there was nothing I couldn’t let go of.

About a month or so later, I went shopping with Xu Mo Yang in the supermarket and coincidentally bumped into Lin Yi and his so-called muse.

Lin Yiyi walked in front of the shopping cart pushed shopping, the girl stopped at the back of the refrigerated cabinet in front of the selection of yogurt.

Lin Yiyi took the initiative to walk up and greeted me with a smile: “Coincidence.

“I swept a glance at the things in his shopping cart, there are instant noodles, cookies, chocolate …… is also, the girl looked at the early twenties, young girls like to eat these things is not understandable.

I used to also like to eat these things, but Lin Yiyi every time without my consent, I took those snacks privately back to the shelves, and when I found out, he said: “You take things are junk food, I am also for your own good.

” Before I had a chance to speak, Xu Mo Yang suddenly took a packet of chili fries on a shelf aside and asked me with a smile, “I remember when I was in high school, you often bought chili fries to eat, do you still eat them now?

“I immediately brightened up: “Eat! I’m going to buy a few more packs of different ones, and that pickled pepper phoenix claws!” Xu Mo Yang smiled dotingly at me and walked to the front, sweeping the shelves of all kinds of chili fries and phoenix claws according to my request.

Lin Yiyi’s brows furrowed tightly, “Your boyfriend?

” I casually responded: “No, he is my ……” I have not yet had time to finish the sentence, Lin Yiyi is a look of understanding said: “Oh …… spare tire?

Or ambiguous stage?

” I slightly shrugged: “As you think, I first past, wish you and your muse happy ah! After saying that, I turned around and ran towards Xu Mo Yang’s side, but I could feel that there was a gaze behind me that kept following me without moving away.

7 When I caught up with Xu Mo Yang, he asked me, “Is he the idiot you were talking about before?

”I froze for a moment and couldn’t help but laugh as I punched his arm: ”Nothing can be hidden from your fiery eyes.”

‘ Xu Mo Yang faintly raised an eyebrow and didn’t say a word.

When I got home, Xu Mo Yang sat quietly on the sofa, looking at his lonely back, I felt like I was looking at a lonely and miserable little pitiful creature.

I walked over, sat next to him, and asked him, “Were you jealous just now at the supermarket?

“Xu Mo Yang slightly pulled the corner of his lips faintly said: “Well.

“I looked at him with surprise: “Are you really jealous?

“He sighed helplessly, raised his hand and touched my head: “That is at least your ex-boyfriend who you have dated for nine years, it is okay for me to be a little jealous, right?

“I smiled and asked him, “Is it good?

He gritted his teeth: “Sour.” I hugged him.

“I hugged him and buried my face in his chest and asked, “Do you want to change your taste?

As I said that, I reached out and poked him in the chest, then said, “I think I’m kinda sweet, you want to try it?” he froze for a moment, then poked him in the chest.

“He froze for a moment, and then pushed me onto the couch with a hand, and a strong hormonal odor came over him.

8 Xu Mo Yang is usually very busy at work, so busy that sometimes he can’t even care about eating.

I usually work from ten to six, and I have quite enough time after work.

That day I was also on a whim, knowing that Xu Mo Yang had to work a big night shift at night, I made soup for him and fried two small dishes.

By the time I delivered the meal to the hospital, it was almost nine in the evening.

When I arrived at his department, I didn’t see him, but I saw a lunchbox on his desk, and the food in the lunchbox was still warm.

Most importantly, there was a note on the lunchbox.

“Dr. Xu, this is a love bento I made for you, I hope you like it, love you, mwahahaha.

” Signed: a cute rabbit.

I couldn’t help but shiver, it was so fleshy.

At the same time, I was inexplicably a little upset.

At this moment, a nurse passed by the door of the department, saw me and said with a smile: “You also like Dr. Xu, right, but I advise you not to come to send food to Dr. Xu, Dr. Xu will never eat the food sent by others, the food you send, Dr. Xu has given to the nurses in our department to eat.

“I froze for a moment, so it was me who misunderstood him.

I then smiled and put the thermos box on his desk, “It’s okay, he doesn’t eat other people’s food, but he’ll eat what I make.

“Once that nurse heard that, she smiled helplessly, “Fine then, whatever.

“When Xu Mo Yang came back from his room check, he saw me in his office and brightened up, “Xiao Jing, what are you doing here?

“I patted the thermos box on his desk and laughed, “I thought you’d be working the night shift tonight, so I made you some delicious food.

“He grinned, “It’s good that you didn’t say anything, I feel hungry when you did, I obviously had dinner.

“As he said that, he came over and opened the thermos box, lowered his head and sniffed a few times, praising, “Fragrant!” However, he soon swept over to the lunch box with a sticky note on the side, and suddenly his expression froze.

I looked at him with a smile, ”Dr. Xu, do you want to explain?

He said helplessly, “It’s just that some of the girls from other departments always like to do this, and one by one, they all bring it in when no one’s in my office.”

“I raised an eyebrow lightly, “Then you always give people’s boxed lunches to others to eat, it’s too much of a waste of their intentions, isn’t it?

“Xu Mo Yang laughed, ”Wasting food is shameful, as for whether or not I’ve wasted other people’s thoughts, it’s not my responsibility.

“After Xu Mo Yang finished eating a few mouthfuls of food, he drank a large mouthful of soup, and then his action suddenly froze: “How do you know that I gave the boxed lunch that people sent me to someone else to eat?

“Before I had time to answer, I saw the nurse who advised me not to send Xu Mo Yang’s meal walk in.

The nurse was dumbfounded before she had a chance to speak.

I looked at her and laughed, “See, I told you he would eat my cooking.

“When Xu Mo Yang looked up and saw her, he casually said, “This is my family member.

“The nurse looked at me with an incredulous expression, her eyes wide, “Dr. Xu, you are married?

“While he was busy picking up his meal, he said, “Well, what do you want to see me about?

”The patient in bed #1 is looking for you.”

“Xu Mo Yang nodded as he ate, “Okay, I’ll be right there.

“Xu Mo Yang hurriedly took a few more mouthfuls of rice, then looked at me and smiled, “Wait for me to come back.

”He was wearing a white lab coat, and when he walked, his steps were windy, and the way his white lab coat floated up, he was simply handsome.

I looked at the back of his departure and started to stay, I thought, why didn’t I realize Xu Mo Yang was so handsome before?

But I waited for him for a long time, but I didn’t see him come back, and it turned out to be the same nurse from before who came over and looked at me with a warm smile and said: ”Dr. Xu’s family, you’d better go back first, just now we received an ambulance call, and Dr. Xu didn’t have time to come over to notify you, so he just followed the ambulance and went away.

“He was really busy, but I didn’t feel disappointed at all. On the contrary, I felt quite proud to be the family member of such a doctor.

10 Xu Mo Yang didn’t hide the fact that he was married from his colleagues at the hospital, but he couldn’t just tell everyone that he was married.

So while he had a day off, I took him to a goldsmith’s store to buy a men’s wedding ring.

Xu Mo Yang usually have to operate on patients, wearing a wedding ring is not very convenient, but I gave him a request.

I said, “I don’t ask you to carry your wedding ring with you all the time, but for this week, put it in your pocket, and whenever you run into those little girls, take it out and put it on.

” Xu Mo Yang’s lips overflowed with a smile of incomparable pleasure, and he said, “Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.

“11 About three months later, one night we had just finished a good workout when my cell phone suddenly rang.

The blush still on my cheeks, I gasped heavily and brought my phone over to look at it, and it turned out to be a text message from an unfamiliar number: “How have you been?

” I guessed who the person who sent this text message was almost immediately.

I used to date Lin Yiyi for nine years, nine years, we split up several times, I pulled his number black several times, every time he begged to get back together, is to come to such a trick.

Immediately after my cell phone beeps constantly began to ring, one after another text message sent over.

“I think you’re still my favorite person.

I shouldn’t have gotten carried away and broke up with you, let’s make up, okay?” “We’ve been together for nine years.

“We’ve been together for nine years, nine years of feelings, it’s not like we can just put it down, don’t you think so?

Xu Mo Yang asked me, “Why does your cell phone keep ringing?” I directly handed my cell phone to him.

“I handed my cell phone to him directly: “Look for yourself.

“He took the text messages sent by Lin Yiyi, read them one by one, and then coldly hooked up the corner of his lips and snorted, without making any statement.

I said: “I pull black him.

“He said: “No, open mute let him send, even if you pull the black this number, he next time and then change a number, as usual, can still send you a text message.

“When I woke up early in the morning, Xu Mo Yang was still asleep next to me, I reached for my cell phone and took a look, only to find that after I turned on the mute last night, Lin Yiyi sent more than thirty text messages in a row.

However, my eyes were fixed on the last text message he sent, and he said, “As long as you’re willing to get back together with me, I can consider us getting married.

” 12 “What are you looking at?

” Xu Mo Yang’s voice came from my ear.

His sleepy eyes looked at me, and I handed him my cell phone and said with a smile, “The second idiot said he wanted to get back together with me and said he could consider marrying me, do you feel a strong sense of crisis?

” Xu Mo Yang took the phone and looked at it, he sneered and casually replied a text message over: “Get lost!” I smiled and reached out to hook his neck and said with a smile: “angry?

He pulled the corner of his lips, “I’m not angry, I just regret that I didn’t marry you earlier.” I buried my face in his hands.

“I buried my face in his arms and said softly, “It’s not too late now! However, it seems that a lot of people still don’t know about our marriage, why don’t we send it to our friends?

“Xu Mo Yang looked at me with a surprised face, “Are you really willing to announce our marriage?

“I was puzzled, “Why wouldn’t I?

“His somewhat dark eyes suddenly flashed with a great deal of light, he smiled and hugged me tightly: “So for so many days, it was me who was in a quandary, you are obviously so good.

” A minute later, I sent a circle of friends.

I said, “Mr. Xu, the rest of your life, please teach me more.

“And I attached the photo we took in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau that day, with a marriage license in hand.

I sent out this circle of friends probably only two or three minutes, I and Lin Yiyi’s a common friend suddenly called me.

I just picked up the phone, but the phone came Lin Yiyi decadent questioning voice: “Your circle of friends photos are fake, right?

Are you deliberately trying to irritate me?

“I was really amused by Lin Yiyi’s words: “Can a marriage certificate stamped with the official seal of the Civil Affairs Bureau be faked?

Can you make one for me?

“Lin Yiyi, however, didn’t give up: “Obviously, when we met in the supermarket last time, you weren’t together yet, and he wasn’t even your boyfriend! I couldn’t help but snicker, “Who told you I wasn’t with him at that time?

The night I broke up with you, my husband proposed to me, and the next day, we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a license.

“Before I like Lin Yiyi when I think he is excellent in all aspects, now also somehow, the thought of Lin Yiyi, at the same time think of the word “stupid”.

And then look at the man next to me, topped with a just woke up chicken nest head, can show a strong ascetic temperament to.

Ha! I was really blind in the past.

Xu Mo Yang hugged me as he leaned into my ear and said in a low voice, “Call me husband a few more times.

“My cheeks blushed, “I haven’t hung up the phone yet.

“Xu Mo Yang lips tugged, smiling more and more pleasant:” I don’t care, you call a few more husband to me to hear …… “The phone end Lin Yiyi should have heard Xu Mo Yang’s voice, he immediately hung up the phone, think it is being angry.

I put down the phone, Xu Mo Yang pressed me on the bed, eyes containing a thick threatening color: “call or not?

” I bit my lip, a time some embarrassed, after all, I married him since, I have not called him a husband, just now is also the mouth of the ladybird, and Lin Yiyi said fast.

He slightly narrowed his eyes, smiled and said: “Do not call, I have to do it.

” I hastily reached out and hooked his neck, hard, red face, a call up: “Husband, good husband, pro-husband, the best husband under the sky ……” 14 Xu Mo Yang really good coaxing, as long as I am a pampered, he will all give up his arms and surrender.

I’m also surprised that the skill of pampering was originally lost during my previous relationship with Lin Yiyi.

That long and divided several times the relationship, has long been tortured me to lose themselves.

I suddenly realized that since I got married to Xu Mo Yang, I have become the same enthusiastic and cheerful person who was once full of hope for life.

There’s a saying that goes: who hasn’t loved a few scumbags when they were young.

I also loved, but looking back, did not experience Lin Yiyi’s scum, how can I understand Xu Mo Yang’s good?

But the reason why the scum is scum, because they have an extraordinary thick skin.

According to Lin Yiyi since I know that I am married, should be put down in the past, no longer entangled in me, the results of his usual childish and capricious, and even blocked the place where I work.

He called me and said: “I’m downstairs in your company, you come down and we talk! I laughed mockingly and said, “What’s there to talk about, I don’t want to see you.

” But he said, “Then I’ll come up to you.

“I rolled my eyes helplessly, “Okay! You wait downstairs for me!” 15 As soon as I went downstairs, I saw him waiting for me today with a bouquet of brightly colored roses in his hand.

When he saw me coming down, he smiled and walked up to me, handing the flowers to me, “This is for you.

“I clasped my hands on my chest and made a gesture of refusal, looking at him with extremely calm eyes: “Lin Yiyi, you don’t come to me anymore.

“He heard, then anxious: “We do not just break up a hand only, so many years and is not not not divided, and finally we are not and good?

In order to stimulate me, do you have to make fun of your own life’s happiness and marry someone else on the spur of the moment?

“I couldn’t help but laugh: “Then if I really get back together with you, or maybe marry you in the future, I’m not joking about my own life’s happiness?

“Lin Yiyi’s expression froze, he frowned tightly, “What do you mean by that?

Dare you say that we have been dating for nine years, do you think that these nine years I’m just playing around, if I don’t like you, I can talk to you for nine years?

“I swept a mocking glance at him, “Don’t make yourself sound so noble, the one you cheated on is your muse, the perfect woman who can fulfill all your fantasies about women! What are you doing here in front of me now, hitting yourself in the face, doesn’t your face hurt?

” An embarrassed look welled up on Lin Yiyi’s face, he clenched his teeth and didn’t say a word.

I looked up at the dark clouds in the sky: “a moment there is a rainstorm, you hurry up and go, don’t really come to me in the future, I’m married, I just want to live our clean days with my husband.

“Lin Yiyi also do not know what madness, he said: “I will not go, unless you collect the flowers.

“I’ve really spoiled him in the past nine years, and look at this silly look.

I sighed, “Whatever. I’m going back to work.

“In the evening, a heavy rainstorm fell, I was busy working, early Lin Yiyi busy forgotten to the clouds.

Near the end of the day, Xu Mo Yang gave me a phone call: “Outside the rainstorm, I will drive to pick you up.

“I was surprised: “You do not have a night shift at night?

“He laughed and said, “I switched shifts with my coworkers.

“After hanging up the phone, I suddenly heard a few colleagues around the gossip: “Just downstairs there is a fool holding a bunch of roses, drenched into a soup chicken, and finally the building’s security guards could not stand to see, to drive him away.

“I faintly raised an eyebrow, let him go he did not go, and so was driven when the face is also lost, simply self-inflicted.

16 When Xu Mo Yang came to pick me up, it was raining hard.

He parked his car in front of the door, saw me out, he immediately got out of the car, held up an umbrella toward me to come over.

I don’t know why, looking at the way he walked towards me, my heart, beating unusually fast.

I can’t help but think of a time last year when there was a torrential downpour, about the same size as today.

Lin Yiyi in the middle of the night with friends drinking, and then let me go to pick him up, I was disturbed sleep not to mention, the middle of the night car so difficult to beat, I stood at the intersection with an umbrella waiting for the car, and the wind and rain, I even umbrella can not play, clothes are also wet.

When I received him later, instead of being grateful, he looked at me with a displeased face and scolded me, saying, “Why did you wait until now?” At that time, I was already in a mess, and when he said that, my heart was sad and aggrieved, but because his friends were also there, I couldn’t not give him face, so I swallowed all the aggrievement in my stomach.

Xu Mo Yang reached out and handed me the umbrella: “You take the umbrella first.

“I took the umbrella with my hands, and in a moment my body was warmed up, and it was him who took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders: “It’s cooling down at night, don’t catch a cold.

“He said as he took the umbrella over again, I looked at him in a daze, my heart suddenly felt warm, so this is the feeling of being taken care of.

17 That night when Xu Mo Yang and I were in the thick of it, I gasped and hugged him tightly and said, “I find that I seem to like you more and more.

“He heard, thick handsome eyebrows lightly raised, reached out to hold me tightly in his arms:” just like words, is not quite enough ah ……” I red face, buried in his chest, feel his heavy breathing, I asked him: “then you like me?

” His expression froze slightly, a moment later, he reached out his hand and heavily pinched my face: “To be fair, I’m not telling you right now, wait for you to have all of me in your heart one day, then I’ll tell you the answer.

” I deflated my mouth, a little dissatisfied, so I lowered my head and bit hard at his chest, leaving two rows of shallow teeth marks.

He hooked his lips, and in a good mood, he tightened his grip on me again, a pair of deep eyes overflowing with laughter.

18 two days later, I received a phone call, is Lin Yi’s buddy called.

I just picked up the phone, I heard him say: “Chang Jing, can you come to see Lin Yiyi, he got caught in the rain two days ago, and his fever has been high for a few days, and when he was confused, all he could say was your name.

“I frowned slightly: “If he’s sick, then treat him properly, I’m not a cure for his illness.

“He sighed helplessly, “But after all, you’ve been together for so long, can you really let go of him completely in such a short period of time?

”I have never seriously considered this question, simply because I have long since completely let go of Lin Yi.”

I froze for a moment, and then calmly explained: “I am with him in thousands of days and nights, every time I need him the most, he always happens to be absent, I will completely put down, because I really do not love him, even if he did not cheat, even if he did not take the initiative to break up with me, but sooner or later, one day, I will still leave him.

“19 that day I hung up the phone not long after, Lin Yi called me again.

His voice did sound a little hoarse, but it wasn’t so burnt out.

He said, “I’m sick, but you can’t coax me?

And say such heartless things to irritate me.

” I cringed tightly, surprised that he still felt there was room for maneuver between the two of us after what happened.

I was silent and didn’t say anything when he added, “Can’t I promise you?

I will never cheat again, my eyes and heart only you alone, you do not get angry with me, with your spare tire clear, the divorce, come back to my side.

“What is he talking about?

Spare tire?

Xu Mo Yang was never my spare tire.

In my heart, he was my high school classmate with whom I had a good relationship, my benefactor who helped me when I was most lonely and helpless, and my husband whom I respect and love today.

I told him, “Let’s meet when you’re better.” He smiled quickly and said, “I’m sorry.

“He laughed hurriedly and said, “No need to wait for me to get well, let’s meet today.

“He arrived earlier than I did and ordered me a cup of Americano, which I often drink.

I sat across from him, facing his smiling face, I said lightly, “What is there to say, let’s make it clear today and make a clean break.

‘ His eyes flickered slightly and he smiled, “Have you moved, I’ve been to your house before to look for you, the one who opened the door was the new tenant.

“I nodded, “Well, after I got married I returned the house and moved in with my husband.

“Lin Yiyi was a bit flustered and confused, picked up his coffee and took a sip, and smiled sarcastically, “It’s okay, we’re kind of even, so it’s good to start over again.

“I calmly looked at him: “Lin Yiyi, I hope you listen carefully to what I said, I got married, and not on impulse, I wanted to get married a long time ago.

“Lin Yiyi said unwillingly: “Then you just casually find someone to get married?

“Maybe I didn’t even know myself before, am I really just looking for someone to marry?

But now that I think about it, the answer is no.

I looked at Lin Yiyi said: “We have been together for nine years, I remember one time I was shopping mall when I broke my foot, give you a phone call to let you come to pick me up, the results of your busy day just arrived home, do not want to move, so I top of the other people’s different eyes, limping out of the mall, and limping to the side of the road to take a taxi back to the home.

“I paused and said: “There was another time, I was hospitalized for appendicitis surgery, my mother came from home to take care of me, and you came to see me after work, and on weekends when you were on vacation, you preferred to sleep at home alone and play games, but also did not want to come over to accompany me.

“In the past, when I thought of the grievances I had suffered, I would always feel sad and want to cry, but now my mood is extremely calm, just because I don’t care anymore.

I looked at him and continued, “In fact, in the past, I was able to digest all those things on my own, but last year, when my mom found out about lung cancer, where were you?

I just felt like the sky was falling, I didn’t know what to do, and you weren’t there when I needed you the most.

“I was away on a business trip, and you know I couldn’t come back to be with you at that time,” he explained hastily.

“I smiled faintly: “Yes, you are not able to accompany me, but you travel halfway, in fact, also returned to the company a few times, you are so busy, busy to even if you came back, but also did not have time to come to the hospital to see my mom, even if you carry something over, put down on the way out, but you have always lied to me, that you can not come back.

“Lin Yiyi moved his lips, in the end, or silently hung his head.

The reason why I will be completely dead heart, only because time and time again on his expectations, but time and time again disappointment, long time, but also numb, numb, slowly also do not love.

21 early in the year, I have repeatedly urged Lin Yiyi, only because I am older, coupled with my mother’s poor health, want to see me get married earlier and have children, I will be eager to get married.

And at that time, Lin Yiyi is my boyfriend, I want to get married, naturally, I have to find him to knot, but also fortunately he did not agree.

Now recalling the situation last year when my mom found out about lung cancer, my heart is still very hard, hard to cry.

I sniffed my nose, red-eyed smile: “in my desperate time, is XuMoYang has been around with me, he helped my mom to find the most authoritative experts, a free time to go to the ward to see my mom, I’m sad, but also he has been comforting me, coaxing me to be happy.

“Lin Yiyi suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes shadowy, “He is simply taking advantage of the situation! I laughed: “Even though he took advantage of the situation, wasn’t the opportunity for him to take advantage of the situation given to him by you?

But if you really couldn’t stay with me in the first place, it’s not like I can’t understand it, but that’s not the case, you’re just used to putting me at the end of all your plans, or maybe I’m not even in your plans at all.

“He can fall in love at first sight with another woman, cheat on her and break up with me without any guilt, and when he loses his freshness with that woman, he takes it for granted that I will come back to him as long as he wants to get back together.

Love may look like many kinds, sometimes we will love a lost self, but sometimes we will love a person harder to do self.

Before I left, I looked at him very seriously, I said, “No one will stand still forever doing hopeless waiting, if I didn’t meet Xu Mo Yang, I may never see that a good love is something that will make people feel happy, thankfully, I met him.

“22 After I left the cafe, I made a call to Xu Mo Yang.

After the first ring, he didn’t answer.

He had once told me that when he was on the operating table, he would leave his cell phone in the lounge, but he wouldn’t turn it off because he was afraid of missing important calls, that way as long as he waited for him to get off the operating table and saw that there was a missed call on his cell phone, he would be able to call back at the first opportunity.

But he never called me back that day, and I waited from day to night for over ten hours.

I’ve never missed someone like this, even though he wasn’t by my side, even though I waited for his call, but I didn’t feel aggrieved at all.

I knew he was doing what he had to do, and even though he hadn’t given me any promises, he was giving me complete security in an invisible way.

I slept until midnight when Xu Mo Yang finally called me back, “Sorry, I’ve been so busy that I didn’t call you back until now.

“I laughed softly, and when I opened my mouth, I still had a nasal voice that hadn’t woken up, “Did something happen today?

Why are you so busy?

“There was a car accident on a viaduct in the Eastern District, three seriously injured patients, but fortunately with the efforts of our entire department, we were able to save them all.

“When Xu Mo Yang spoke, I could clearly hear his heavy breathing, which should have just gotten off the operating table, and he called me back.

He then asked, “Is there something you want to call me about today?

“I pursed my lips slightly, a little embarrassed, a few moments later I mustered up the courage to say to him: “There is no important thing, just suddenly want to tell you, I love you.

“He suddenly fell silent, and after a long time, he said, “You know what?

I’m suddenly full of energy again.” He said, “You know what? I didn’t understand what he meant at first, but later I realized that he had stayed in the operating room for eleven hours that day.

That eleven hours, he did not eat a mouthful of food, only drank some glucose water, and then he got off the operating table, tired eyes, legs are unsteady, but the heart of the first thing to remember is to give me a call back.

23 Soon after, Lin Yiyi sent a text message to me: “I’m sorry, I was wrong.

“I read the text message, then his number deleted, I know this time after deleting his number, he will not change the number to find me.

Three months after Xu Mo Yang and I got our license, he made up a wedding for me, symbolizing the night of the wedding, he lay beside me and tightly encircled me in his arms.

My ears are his warm breath, he told me, his biggest regret is not in high school as soon as he graduated from the confession with me, and then when he finally got up the courage to want to confess to me, my side has been Lin Yiyi.

Later he also had a love affair, also had a heart love others, but round and round, he went back to the original starting point.

He said that he never thought that one day in the future, he was fortunate enough to meet me and spend the rest of his life with me.

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