What does it feel like when your secret is discovered?

What does it feel like when your secret is discovered?

My secret was discovered by my boyfriend.

He turned up a record of the passionate licking I used to do for a certain fitness section upvoter on a small, shitty station, shamelessly and furiously.

At the moment he was sitting on the sofa opposite me with his iPad, his tone didn’t rise and fall much, reading out the words I left in the comment section word by word, “Brother, it’s raining heavily here, is it heavy there?

” As he read the last few words, he deliberately slowed his voice and slowly looked up at me askance.

I shrank my shoulders weakly and helplessly, not daring to look him in the eye.

“Growing up, nostalgia was a tiny screen with me on the outside and my husband on the inside.

” He tugged the corner of his mouth coldly, “Okay, Cheng Yu, you can call someone your husband.

” I shivered all over in shame, “Oooooooooo don’t read …… it,” he said faintly, “Even I didn’t get to hear those two words from your mouth.

” “No, not, I that is to learn from others ……” my Sven handsome boyfriend followed my dynamic click on that uploader’s video, slightly lowered his head, the demeanor seriously staring at those robust and beautiful muscles, that picture let me two ears dripping blood, can not wait to immediately roll over the window and jump to end their young lives.

After watching a video, he pondered, “You like this kind of body?

“In the face of this kind of question, I am so witty, “not as good as your body.

“You’ve seen it?

” “…… haven’t.

“He inhaled lightly, “Cheng language, in front of me you are not this look.

Your mom said you are honest, from childhood to the good girl, before graduating from college did not talk about a relationship, I even hold your hand have to think long and hard, paved the way for half a month.

” I twisted my fingers in shame, “I also only dared to get high online …… and that was most of the year ago, I haven’t even left this kind of comment since I met you …… ” “You’ve just been casually looking at all of them since you’ve known me, haven’t you?

” I choked, ooooohhhh he understands me so well.

I never should have just left my phone on the table and let him see my little shitty website account and touch my homepage.

It was a real fly in the ointment.

“I just happened to swipe on it and clicked on it.

“I whispered in my defense.

He Yu didn’t say anything and continued to swipe through my old updates.

When he didn’t say anything, I got nervous.

I wanted to grab the iPad, but I didn’t dare.

As I watched, He Yu’s eyebrows jumped, and I was surprised to find that his ears were also red.

Finally, he put down the iPad and got up to look at me with a very cold expression.

It’s over it’s over.

In his heart, my persona had definitely collapsed.

The reason why He Yu chose to date me was because I was a bit similar to the goddess he grew up with.

Lv Rou, as her name suggests, is one of the few gentle and elegant girls nowadays, with a touching demeanor when she raises her hands and puts her feet on the ground.

It can be said that Lv Rou influenced the formation of his choice of spouse.

As for me, just in my mom’s oppression of life is more suffocating, but let him mistakenly think that I am well-behaved quiet, in the family arrangement and I came together.

Now that he’s seen through my true colors, I think he’s going to break up with me.

“He Yu.

” I called out his name with emotion, “Don’t you tell my mom ……” “……” He glanced at me coolly and slammed the door with his tablet.

I looked in the direction he left in a daze.

Just leave, why did you take my iPad with you.

  1. With a saddened heart, I didn’t sleep well for the whole night.

The next day when I went to work, my colleague saw that I was not in the right state and kindly made me a cup of coffee, “Why do you look so bad?

Why do you look so pale? The bags under your eyes are all coming out.

“I’m even more upset, I’m only twenty-three and I’ve got bags under my eyes.

“I’m only twenty-three and I’ve got bags under my eyes.

“I said sadly.

My coworker gave me a “I see” look, patted my shoulder, and left with a sigh.

In less than an afternoon, the news of my breakup spread throughout the department, and I was so bathed in pity that even when I went to the restroom, I was told to squat first.

At the end of the day, a kind female coworker offered to let me rub the car and advised me with experience not to be too sad; she had long since seen that He Yu couldn’t be relied on, but luckily my little cabbage hadn’t been arched by him yet.

“Xiaoyu, it’s time to get off work,” said a familiar male voice from the front.

“A familiar male voice rang out from the front.

He Yu, dressed in suit pants and shirt, walked up to me, and in the glow of the evening sun, he was a bit too handsome to be seen, “Are you hungry?

‘ The female coworker’s expression visibly dazed for a moment, probably redefining who was the cabbage that was spared.

He nodded to the person next to me and naturally took my bag, “Let’s go, take you to dinner.

” So I stiffly got into his car in the sight of several coworkers stopping to stare.

He Yu didn’t say anything, so I had to speak in a low voice, “It’s a bit hot.

” He didn’t even raise his eyelids, “Take off your coat if it’s hot ……” The old him would have turned the air conditioning down a bit to accommodate me.

I shut my mouth in aggravation.

He’s just impatient with me, heh, scum.

He Yu took me to the Japanese restaurant I always go to, and I had a feeling that it was a break-up meal.

Thinking about it, I had a sour moment and ordered more bottles of wine.

He Yu frowned, did not stop.

I don’t actually know how to drink, but just looking at them made me feel like I was drunk.

The meal was as quiet as a chicken, neither of us had the desire to speak, and after swallowing the last piece of sashimi without tasting it, I felt it was time for He Yu to open his mouth.

He Yu stared into my eyes, his tone light, “Do you want to go see a movie again?

” I froze and hesitated, “But it’s late after the movie.

It’s okay if it’s a little late, I’ll give you a ride.” “” I thought that I would be able to get a ride.

“……” I thought it was some kind of sentimental love movie, but when I sat down and saw the opening credits, I realized that it was a Thai horror movie.

Good for him, it’s a Thai horror movie.

He knows I’m afraid of ghosts! And he’s still showing me ghost movies! I turned my head towards He Yu, and I was afraid to back out of the movie.


He whispered, “It’s starting, watch carefully.”

“Seeing that I still looked like I wanted to leave, he reassured me, “It’s actually a funny movie, not very scary.

“I’m not going to be able to get a lot more than that, but I’m going to be able to get a lot more than that.

…… I’m so stupid to believe a man.

The movie came to the high-energy part, I shrunk my neck, very goose-stepping to close my eyes do not dare to see.

There is a warm breath floating in my ears, and He Yu’s voice sounded, “Okay, it’s okay.

‘ I opened my eyes reassuringly and was immediately given goosebumps and chills by the sudden appearance of a ghostly face.

A muffled laugh resounded from my side.

This is too much, he did it on purpose.

Return my gentle and considerate He Yu to me! When the show broke up, the lights slowly came on, and I stood up from my seat in shock, seeing a pair of young couples walking out snuggling together, thinking that He Yu would also hold me up, knowing how timid I was.

Instead, I heard him coldly say, “Go, if you don’t go, you will have to stay here alone.

” …… Mom a chicken.

I can only retract the hand that probed at him and follow him closely.

On the way home, I was sullen.

He Yu was holding the steering wheel and didn’t seem to notice my emotions.

He had changed.

In the past, no matter what, he would always rush me home before eight o’clock.

Sometimes when he was late with his friends, he would even make a special trip to pick me up.

Knowing that I am afraid of the dark, timid, will hold my hand and walk through the neighborhood section of the street lights out of the road, behind the lights repaired, I am still a little lost.

Now that I realized that I am not the same as what he thought, the attitude is a hundred thousand miles away.

Could it be that all his previous gentleness was for Lu Rou 2.0?

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside the neighborhood.

He Yu turned his head, saw my red eyes, swiped at the corner of my eyes, a little lost in laughter, “scared to tears?

“I complained, “I won’t be able to sleep at night.

“He said, “What should I do then?

I’ll sleep with you?

‘ My eyes widened.

He patted my face, a smile hidden in his eyes, “Okay, I’ll see you in.

‘ I got out of the car dumbfounded, unable to calm down for a long time.

Is this considered hooliganism on He Yu’s part?

When I arrived at the door of my house, I realized something big.

I was so sad this morning that I forgot to bring my keys with me.

He Yu had the only spare key.

I had no choice but to call He Yu back.

The voice call went through, and it took a moment for the other end to pick up, “What’s wrong?

“I don’t have my key. I’m locked out of my house.” I said weakly, “I don’t have my key.

” I said weakly, “You haven’t gone far yet, can you send me yours ……” He Yu was silent for two seconds and sighed, “Why are you so stupid?

” “Can you ……” I begged in a small voice.

A low, soft female voice came from the other end, “Is it Cheng Yu?

” I suddenly realized that Lu Rou was beside him.

A tightening sensation came from my heart, and I tried to hide my panic, ”Otherwise, you can take a taxi where you are and ask the driver to bring it here.

‘ He gave a ‘hmm’ and hung up.

A few minutes later, He Yu sent a message, “I’m here.

Me: What’s the license plate number?

I’ll go down and get it.

Just as I got to the elevator, the doors opened and there was He Yu standing inside.

Me: “Huh?

Why are you here in person?

‘ He spoke, “Lost your keys?

‘ I shook my head, “Left it at home.

“He walked straight to my house, reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a key, “You should be glad I have it with me.

“He Yu, have you lost weight?” I looked at him.

“I looked at his small, narrow waist, “Have you been lifting iron lately?

He said lightly, “All the time.” “Then you have abs too.

“Do you have abs too?” he said.

” he said with a hint of relief in his tone, “You want to see them?

” I: “……” It seemed like ever since He Yu knew my true colors, our conversations had gotten awkward.

He stood in the doorway with the key in his hand, not sure what he was thinking, and was slow to move.

“Hurry up and insert it.

” I said, and my face just turned red.

He gave me a meaningful look.


I can’t go back to the simple and beautiful past anymore.

  1. He Yu inserted the key and gave it a twist.

The door finally opened.

I hung my head and walked past him in a very low profile.

The moment before I closed the door, He Yu said, “Won’t you let me in for a drink?

” I was stunned, my heart was not very happy, but people worked hard to give me the key, and it was not good to refuse …… He Yu’s long legs, stepped into my house, his eyes swept over the sofa in the living room, and his eyes changed a little, presumably because he remembered yesterday’s situation again.

He was just about to open his mouth when a phone call suddenly came.

As soon as I saw his suddenly softened expression, I knew who the person on the other end was.

Sure enough, he put down the phone and said to me, “Forget it, we’ll drink next time.

” Then, glancing deeply at the couch again, he turned his head and left my house.

Heh, going to another woman in front of me and informing me to come back next time.

When I Cheng language is what?

Before going to bed, the scum sent a message: sleeping?

I didn’t reply.

He Yu: Still scared?

After two minutes, he sent a video with a cute cover, and with the previous experience, I timidly clicked in.

It was a funny cat compilation.

Luckily it wasn’t one that scared me.

I felt a little better after watching the video, but I still wasn’t going to ignore him.

The next day, he didn’t send me any more messages.

For three days in a row, He Yu didn’t contact me.

I heard from my friends that Lu Rou had a disagreement with her fiancé and ran off to another city by herself, her whereabouts unknown, and her family was desperately looking for her.

Her family is desperately looking for her. They say she has a baby in her belly, so everyone is worried that she won’t be able to survive.

He Yu must be the most anxious, no wonder he didn’t pay any attention to me.

I was upset that my boyfriend’s true love was someone else when my mom called and asked me why I didn’t return Xiao He’s messages.

Was the Xiao He she was talking about the Xiao He I knew?

I was surprised, “How do you know?

“My mom snorted and said that on her birthday yesterday, He Yu came all the way to the door with a gift, so where could she find such a filial and understanding son-in-law?

She told me to get along well with him and not to have second thoughts.

I was wronged.

“You don’t know, I’m not the one who’s having second thoughts.” My mom refused to listen.

“My mom refused to listen, and ordered me to say yes to He Yu’s date. He’s on a business trip, and he took time out of his busy schedule to celebrate her birthday.

Was it a business trip?

You’re not looking for Lv Rou?

As soon as my mom hung up, He Yu sent me a message asking me to meet him tonight.

Due to my mom’s coercion, I had no choice but to agree.

Whenever I saw him before, I would dress up like a little lady to his liking, but this time I came down in a gray sweatshirt without combing my hair.

I walked up to him with my pockets in my pockets, a look of laziness with a hint of stubbornness.

He measured me from head to toe, the corner of his lips slightly hooked, but did not say anything.

As a result, this bastard booked a particularly upscale and expensive western restaurant, candlelight dinner, flowers and wine, others are all dressed to attend, the waiter stared at me red in the face.

The waiter stared at me with a red face. He Yu was calm and relaxed, and didn’t feel that I had disgraced him in the slightest.

I was so angry that I secretly pinched him on the arm, “Why didn’t you warn me?

”He grunted in pain and pulled out a leather band from somewhere to smooth and tie up my hair for me, ”This is also very good.

Well, it’s casual.

‘ Sipping my pre-dinner drink, I suddenly remembered and thought I should show some concern, “How’s Lu Rou?

Is she alright?

“I couldn’t see any expression on He Yu’s face, “We’ve found her, she’s fine.

“He Yu’s face didn’t show any expression, “We’ve found her, she’s fine.

He Yu said, “Isn’t there anything else you want to ask?

He Yu said, “Is there anything else you’d like to ask?” He Yu probably thought I wasn’t concerned enough.

So I asked again, “Has she lost weight?

“He Yu’s face twitched and he spat out two words, “She’s gained weight.

“She’s pregnant, so it’s normal for her to gain weight.

“How many pounds did she gain?

“I asked, blinking.

He Yu looked at me, “I’m not sure.

“He Yu doesn’t even know how his sweetheart’s baby is developing.

Unexpectedly, He Yu shifted his fire, his line of sight stopped on my slightly plump chin, “But you should have gained three or four pounds.

“”……” Because of his words, I decided to preemptively break up with him.

I brewed my lines, brewed my momentum, and my gaze gradually sharpened and forced.

He Yu: “Fatter, comfortable to hold.

” My face heated up and I forgot all about my prepared words.

He started again! After dinner, He Yu again said that there was an escape room in the neighborhood that was a popular TOP, and asked me if I wanted to experience one.

I decisively refused and said that he should have a good rest after his recent business trip, and that playing something so exciting as soon as he got off the plane was not good for his heart.

He stared at me for a while and agreed.

Maybe he was not in a good mood after being rejected by me, He Yu didn’t say anything on the way back.

When I got to the neighborhood, I didn’t expect him to follow me out of the car.

I said, “What are you doing?

“He said, “The streetlights are out again.

I’m used to it,” he said.

I waved goodbye to him as we made our way to the house without incident.

I waved goodbye to him. “Bye, He Yu.

” He gave a “hmm” and put his hand on my waist.

I was instantly uncomfortable.

In the past, he had always been a gentleman in front of me, never making physical contact without my consent.

He Yu has changed! He’s changed! He’s become frivolous! I was flustered and shy, terrified and expectant.

He slowly lowered his head, the two of us were so close that I could even feel the frequency and temperature of his chest.

It’s so big, it’s going to be as big as me.

He cupped my face and gently stroked my hair, “That’s good, I was too good before, I couldn’t even touch you,” I said.

I couldn’t even touch it.” I was numb.

He kissed me.

Lips and teeth, soft and smooth.

He kissed me for a long time, my heart was about to jump out of my chest, it felt like he was going to eat me up, so scared that my tongue desperately dodged.

He Yu’s grip on my waist became harder and harder, it turned out that body temperature really rises when kissing, I was so numb that I couldn’t even feel the pain very well.

Finally, he let go of me.

I struggled to keep my eyes open, they were too foggy to see anything clearly.

He brushed his lips against mine again before letting go of my waist.

“Get in there.

” He pinched my face, his voice a little muffled, “No not answering messages.

” And then it was gone.

Gone …… away.

I was red in the face before I remembered.

What happened?

I’m not Lv Rou that he doesn’t care anymore?

At ten o’clock in the evening, He Yu gave me a voice call.

I didn’t want to answer it, but I was afraid that he would go and tell my mom again, so I answered it anyway.


He seems to be laughing.”

I blushed at the sound of his voice, “Why are you calling me?

“Did you watch any of those videos while I was gone?”

What do you mean by “videos”? “No!” No!” “Don’t watch those.

“It’s not good for the body and mind,” he said seriously.

“I grunted, but I didn’t think so.

“If you really want to watch them,” he said.

If you really want to see it,” he said, “I usually work out, so I can record it and send it to you.

‘ I gulped, “Really?

“He slowed down, “That’s it?

“Realizing I was being played, I huffed, “Hang up!” The next second, I received a picture from him.

It was a selfie of him unbuttoning his pajamas and standing in front of the mirror.

He Yu was surprising! Sending me! A picture of his muscles! Damn it! When did he develop such a sexy body behind my back! It’s so hard and white, it makes me dizzy.

It’s the kind of thing that you can put on a small station and wave a pregnancy test in the pop-up screen, and you’ll get two bars right away.

Of course I couldn’t part with it, I had to keep it for myself.

“Do you like it?

“He Yu asked.

I struggled to hold back a scream and let out a heavy ‘hmmm’.

“Tell me those things you said to them, too.

” Without thinking, I said, “Husband sleep with me!!!” I don’t know if it was just me.

The breathing on the other end seemed to have gotten a little rougher.

  1. When I came back to my senses, my old face was so hot that I almost bit my tongue off.

He Yu must have taken the opportunity to mock me again.

“That’s awesome.

” His low, laughing voice came out, “What else?

”My mouth is tightly closed and I don’t want to speak.”

He lightly, “Brother I’m raining heavily here, are you big there?

” I exploded in shame, “…… I know it’s wrong, don’t say it.

” “Do not say such things to others in the future.

“He said, “You’re the one who has a boyfriend.

If you want to look, you can look at me.

“Because of his words.

I set that picture of He Yu as the background of my chat with him, and then I bought an anti-peeping screen cell phone film, so from then on, I could look at his abs to relieve my boredom while I was at work.

Even with the chat with him are a lot of positive, good sense of value rubbing up.

But Lv Rou is always a thorn between us, the thought that he may only treat me as a substitute for Lv Rou, I am heartbroken, so sad that I can not eat.

This low and irritable mood reached its peak during my aunt’s period.

I began to think of various ways to test He Yu.

“What will you do when you scurry thin with only the tie Lv Qing gave you and the engagement handkerchief I gave you in your hand?

He looked at me speechlessly, “Who would send a handkerchief for love?

“Answer the question, and don’t blur the point.” I urged.

” I urged.

He thought about it for a few seconds and frowned, “Use hand towels.

‘ “Good.

He really loves her more than he loves me.

He’s even willing to use the hand towel he got from his girlfriend.

I was depressed for two days, but once my aunt left, I decided to pull myself together! The two of them are just childhood sweethearts, with more than ten years of love than me.

I just need to seize the time to cultivate more affection with He Yu, and use my beauty and soulful charisma to make him experience joy and happiness, and not be able to leave me, okay, after a flurry of analysis, I really don’t have any chance of winning …… the weekend.

He Yu and I strolled through Mingchuangyoupin, he does not like shopping shopping, think it is a waste of time, I know that I strive to bring him here once a week, try to change this bad habit.

When we passed by the jewelry section, I casually took off a cat ear hair band and put it on my head, and meowed at him.

He Yu blushed and pulled me to buy the hair band.

I was puzzled.

Do all men eat this?

Because I didn’t eat dinner to lose weight, I had low blood sugar and fainted at work.

I didn’t realize I was so weak. I stayed up until two last night to catch up with the program, and I seemed to have forgotten to eat breakfast, so I just ate something at lunchtime to get by.

Although he quickly recovered, He Yu was still very angry when he found out, and on the way home from work, he kept a dark face, exuding low air pressure.

He brought me back to his house.

I was placed on the sofa, with an apple and a piece of mousse cake shoved into my hands.

He coldly reprimanded me, “Why don’t you eat properly?

“You said I was fat.”

” I commiserated.

“……” He was speechless as hell.

He Yu went to cook for me, and I followed him around, not wanting to be left alone.

He told me to go back and lie down.

Maybe it’s because people are more emotionally sensitive when they are sick, but my tears fell.

I didn’t even understand why I was crying.

He Yu froze for a moment.

He came over and wrapped his arms around me, lowering his head and kissing me.

When he coaxed me, I cried even more, my tears pouring out.

He had to hold me and say sorry over and over again.

His voice was low, like he was sighing.

Only after he had cried on his chest and made it wet, did I raise my head shakily, “He Yu …… I am hungry.

‘ He Yu cooks well, and this meal was extraordinarily bracing.

Looking at my rounded belly, I knew that the efforts of the previous few days were all for nothing.

I’ve gone back to my pre-liberation days overnight.

“You’re not allowed to lose weight recklessly from now on,” he said, looking at me seriously.

“He looked at me seriously, “You’re not fat.

‘ I was shy, ‘Well, you’re not fat either.’

“He rolled his eyes.

“You have a superb body,” I complimented sincerely.

” I complimented sincerely.

He took a deep breath, “Again?

‘ I stayed until almost eight o’clock when I told He Yu that it looked like I should go home.

He glanced at the time, got up and walked into the room, then brought me a set of his pajamas, “Sleep here tonight, I had a drink with dinner and I can’t drive.

“My mom will yell at me if she finds out,” he said.

She won’t yell at you for flirting with muscle men on the internet?” “I don’t flirt with muscle men on the internet now.

“I don’t molest on the internet anymore ……” I always molest face to face.

I won’t do anything.”

” He softened his voice, “Behave and supervise your breakfast tomorrow.

” I couldn’t hide my disappointment and let out an ‘oh’.

He Yu laughed at my exasperation.

After taking a shower and coming out, He Yu’s pajamas were too big and I felt like Wu Da Lang. Seeing that no one was in the living room, I walked over and knocked on his room door.

Afraid that I would feel embarrassed, he stayed in his room.

There was no response, so I pushed the door and went in.

He Yu was in front of the computer dealing with his work, when he heard the commotion he looked up at me, “Finished washing?

‘ I nodded.

I am now, smelling of him from head to toe.

He waved me over and rolled up my extra sleeves for me.

I told him the idea.

He gave a chuckle, “It does kind of look like that.

‘ Suddenly, I glanced at something on the nightstand, a small quadrangle that looked a bit like …… I was about to go over to check it out when He Yu caught me, ”Go to bed when you’re done washing.”

” He pushed me outward.

“What about you?

I’ll go wash up later.” “Can I see it?

“Can I watch?

“…… No.

“Just the top half.”

“I’ll talk to him.

Damn, he locked me in my room.

That’s so mean. It’s not like I’m going to do anything.

The next morning, I told him I had to go to work.

He Yu wanted me to take some time off work. He thought my health was so bad that it would be best if I went to the hospital for a checkup and recuperated for a while.

His concern was warm, but I still had to do my work, and I was an idealistic person.

He Yu still frowned.

Fearing that he would scold me, I couldn’t help but feel my eyes reddening, as if I had opened my tear ducts last night, the tears came as soon as I said they would.

He Yu seemed like he couldn’t stand it when I cried, he immediately agreed and even went to the kitchen to work on my breakfast.

“If you’re not feeling well, you have to tell me.

I said, “Okay.”

“I’m falling in love with him.

This time it’s for real.

But is He Yu doing this for me, or does he like Lv Rou’s shadow in me?

I conveyed my confusion about love to my best friend.

My best friend, who has always been a dog, gave me a trick, saying that she could help me figure out what status Lu Rou and I have in He Yu’s mind.

  1. So a week later, on my twenty-fourth birthday, was the day I was ready to break up with He Yu.

I had been brewing my emotions since before I went to bed, fearing that I might not play well at that time.

On the day of my birthday, Lu Rou also came, she smelled good, and her whole body exuded a serene yet beautiful aura.

Without saying two words, I felt like I was falling in love with her.

No wonder He Yu took her as his choice of spouse, I didn’t even feel like I was qualified enough to be her stand-in.

I’m the one who touched the porcelain.

I recited “I’m also my mother’s beloved baby” five times in my heart before I didn’t continue to feel inferior.

I don’t know if it’s just my preconceived notions.

I always felt that He Yu looked at her with a faint regret in his eyes, and his attitude was different, even peeling an orange for her with his own hands.

He hasn’t even peeled an orange for me.

I thought sourly.

My best friend also saw the scene and handed me a ‘love rival is so strong, take care of yourself’ look.

The emotions that I had been brewing all night but hadn’t brewed were instantly satiated.

After the party, He Yu drove me home.

In the car, I said in a serious tone, “I think there are some problems between us, why don’t we take some time apart and calm down?

“It was a red light, and He Yu paused, looking at me with the steering wheel in his hand, “You want to calm down?

“He didn’t sound too good.

He didn’t follow the rules. Shouldn’t he be asking me something at this time?

“I mean, let’s both calm down ……,” I explained.

He Yu’s eyes were shockingly cool, and he didn’t say anything.

After dropping me off at home, he drove off without saying a word.

On the day of my birthday, my first love and I fell out of love.

I didn’t dare tell my mom.

It was the idea of my best friend, who had been single for twenty-eight years, for me to preemptively break up with He Yu, cold-shoulder him, and ignore him, so that he would cry in pain and torment, and finally realize my importance and irreplaceability.

At the same time, I also took this opportunity to test his sincerity, to see if he would go to Lv Rou, who is also on the verge of breaking up due to her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problems.

Give them space and I’ll take the initiative to withdraw.

Well …… this move is very level-headed and very much in line with her intelligence.

I am also really sick and desperate.

After breaking up with He Yu, I fell into loneliness, emptiness, and cold.

For the first time in my life, I feel that men are so important to me.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes every day is think about him.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been thinking about him so much that sometimes when I’m walking outside, I even think I’m seeing him.

When I look at him again, it’s just a similar silhouette.

But while I am trapped in love here, he may be renewing his love with White Moonlight.

Otherwise how come for so many days, not a single message has been sent to me.

That night, I drank three taels of white wine and dizzily gave him a voice call.

He Yu quickly picked up, but did not say anything.

I cursed angrily, “You stupid dog.

‘ He Yu’s voice immediately went cold, “What did you say?

‘ I grunted, not bothering to repeat myself.

“Since when do you curse?

‘ I could imagine He Yu frowning on the other end.

Is that rare?

I’m too good at cursing.

“Where are you?

” he asked.

“What’s it to you?

“I said.

“Then I’m coming to your house.

“I was shocked, “What are you doing here …… Don’t come!” I muttered, “I’m not wearing underwear ……” His tone eased considerably, “No more drinking, go wash your face, go to bed and have a good night’s sleep.

“Drinking wine is so hot.

“”…… Covered up.

“The next day I woke up, recalled last night’s experience, blindfolded.

Then I took a look at the chat logs, good job, we talked continuously for more than three hours.

I vowed never to drink recklessly again, and by the way, I blacked out He Yu.

In the afternoon, I suddenly remembered something and released him from the blacklist again.

I asked him to return the iPad and spare key he had taken in the first place.

He Yu was indifferent and told me to pick them up myself.

How bad is it to go to your ex-boyfriend’s house after a breakup.

Before I had time to refuse, He Yu spoke again and asked me to return the birthday gift he gave me last time.

Damn …… I was so angry that my beard was crooked.

I did not expect He Yu to be this kind of petty person.

I sadly copied the unopened gift box and furiously rushed to his home.

When the door opened, He Yu looked puzzled and told me to wait in the living room while he went into the study.

I waited for a long time but didn’t see him come out.

Could it be that he was taking a dump?

When my best friend called, she told me that she had finally suffered the pain of love.

This period of time she talked about a little milk dog, handsome people live good, is too sticky, every day to eat flying vinegar, even the girl’s vinegar to eat, today because she and others shopping without him and angry.

She’s getting older, she’s a little out of it.

I educate her, “I tell you, new boyfriends can not be spoiled, the moment you cry, hugging, certainly not.

My best friend asked for advice, “What should I do then?” “First, give him a cold shoulder.

“First, we’ll give him a cold shoulder, and then we’ll teach him to call out to his father, so that his father can serve him.

“As soon as the words left my mouth, He Yu came out of the study, holding my tablet in his hand, his eyes a little strange.

  1. “The key is on the nightstand in my bedroom, go get it yourself.

” he said.

How lazy.

I spat.

Then took a reserved step into his bedroom, was about to pick up my keys from the nightstand, but was next to the small four-square package attracted attention.

I couldn’t help but feel a shock in my heart until I confirmed what it was, even in my calves.


How could He Yu, a single lost love, have this?

Since it was not used with me, it was …… My eyes were sour, my nose was blocked, and tears were about to fall out in the next second.

They actually developed to this point.

There were footsteps approaching behind me, and I forcefully collected my emotions and hung my head to pick up the key to leave.

He Yu stopped me with his body.

He was holding a four-square box in his hand, I fixed my eyes on it, it was the gift box I just returned.

He opened the gift box, inside lay a pair of …… white men’s underwear.

I: “?

” wait, this underwear seems to be a little different …… “What are you crying about?

” he wondered.

Shocked, I briefly forgot the sadness I had just felt, and remembered again when he asked, “That thing on your bed …… who have you used it with?

” “I haven’t used it yet.


“He said, “That one’s new.

“Nonsense, can I not know it is new?

“Then who are you going to use it with?

He Yu was silent for a moment, “I was going to bring you here on your birthday.” Wait, I think I get it.

“…… Wait, I think I get it.

On my birthday, he was going to give himself to me?

With a new package attached?

I was remorseful.

“But then you said that you wanted to spend some time apart from me.

” He trailed off.

“So during the time we were apart, did you go looking for Lu Rou?

‘ I asked a little nervously.

He frowned, “What would I look for her for?

“Didn’t you have a crush on her since you were a kid?

“Who told you I had a crush on her?”

“He Yu seemed to understand, his face was full of gloom, “Is that the problem you’re talking about?


I opened up, “Didn’t you stay with me because I kind of look like her?”

He Yu pinched my cheeks and turned left and right, “Your nose, eyes and eyebrows, which bit is like her?” “I mean the character .

“I mean the character ……” He Yu’s expression was subtle.

“Forget it ……” not to make a fool of myself, “Then since you have nothing to do with Lu Rou, why don’t you come to me at all?

” He Yu tone calm, calm and a hint of aggression, “because you said you want to be alone to calm down, afraid that you annoy me.

He said, “That’s why I followed you secretly.”

”It turned out that the silhouettes I saw those days were real.”

I thought I was blind.

I didn’t realize that He Yu could be such a fool.

“Why did you think I liked Lu Rou?” he asked seriously.

“He was asking seriously.

This time it was my turn to be aggravated, “That night I called you for the key and heard her beside you.

Why were you together?

“I just happened to meet her on the road.

“He patiently explained, “She had just checked out her pregnancy and didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

Out of concern for her as a friend, I took her to a tea store next door and sent the location to her husband.

“But then you said you wanted to come into my place and sit down, and she hooked you up with a phone call.

“I was depressed.

“I rushed over to give you the key, leaving her alone in the tea store. Gu Wei came over, but she didn’t want to go with him no matter what.

She had no choice but to call me again.

“I was there for half an hour as a mediator of family conflicts.” he spread his hands.

“I was a little more comfortable in my heart.

That’s a good reason, isn’t it?

“And you peeled her an orange.

‘ I felt too sour myself, and lowered my tone in a not-so-nice manner.

He Yu froze, then curved his lips, ”She got her nails done, it’s not too convenient.

‘ He pinched my chin, his tone soft, ”From now on, I’ll only peel them for you, okay?

‘ I couldn’t stand him talking like that, my tailbone was crispy.

“Make up?

“He asked in a low voice.

“Yes!” He laughed and wanted to hug me, but then he gritted his teeth as if he was a little angry, “You’ve never been very attentive to me, and it’s only after seeing my body that you’re slowly getting a little bit better.

” said I seem to see colorful scum …… I am not interested in him?

“I’m obviously very interested in him.” His eyes curved, “Really?

“Yes!” He pulls out the contents of the box, “Wanna try it?

I huffed, “Is it too late?”

“He Yu is really a smart ass! He’s so serious and polite on the outside, but in private he secretly prepares this kind of stuff. For this kind of man, I just want to say …… I like it too much.

I superficially disgusted, “Will it not be too good, I am a very conservative girl ……” He murmured, “Indeed, it is me who did not think carefully.

” He picked up the little four square thing from the nightstand and tore it open with his teeth, “Then let’s propose first.

“Damn, take TT with me to propose, later how can I tell my children about the romantic process of mom and dad from love to marriage …… I was very reluctant, but he still pressed over.

I was just having a good time, I didn’t even think about the real thing.

“He Yu! You’re so frivolous!” I rebuked him loudly, trying to wake up his conscience.

“What about you?

“He ignored me and reached into my shirt, “Didn’t you type those on a certain website?

” He was going to do all the things I had posted in the comments.

“I’m afraid, I don’t want to.

“…… Speak properly.

” End

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Next April 26, 2024


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