What happens when social terrorism meets a sick girl?

What happens when a social terrorist meets a sick girl?

On my birthday, my roommate asked me what I wanted as a gift, and I blurted out, “Give me a strong man.” That night, KTV psychedelic lights, a strong man appeared in front of me, through the opposite wall of the mirror, I saw my roommate full of surprises, as well as …… full of horror himself.

Me: ?

Me: Help! One the day of my birthday, which happens to be 520.

You know, when a six-person dormitory, there are five are off the single, the remaining one I, automatically categorized as a small animal.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of the critters.

So my five roommates all coincidentally gave up accompanying their boyfriends today and chose to spend their birthdays with me instead.

So righteous, then I have to treat my sisters to a meal, I boldly slapped the table: “Go! Let’s go to a restaurant tonight–” “Wait!” I do not know why, looking at Comrade Wen Lina, she looked as usual, asked me: “My treasure, what do you want for your birthday?

“I haven’t really thought about it.

The King of Talking Heads spoke in a droll manner, “Can I have a strong man?

“After I finished, I rummaged through the closet and found my hottest …… doll dress.

Focusing on changing my clothes, I naturally missed the eye contact of the other five, which caused me to be unprepared for the social death that occurred next.

Yes, they really did send me a man.

A, lean, strong man.

I should have sensed something was wrong when we finished eating and Comrade Lena Wen said she had ordered a box to sing in, but I didn’t.

Not only didn’t I, I ordered a song called “Pink Memories,” a beautifully named birthday girl opener, and when I finished howling in a quirky, whiny manner, my roommates stood next to the big screen and lifted up a black cloth.

“To be honest, if they hadn’t lifted the black cloth, I would have thought it was a stool.

I should have been wary again by now, but I wasn’t, I’d forgotten all about the sniping I’d done and looked at my roommates with a smile on my face.

It would be a lie to say I wasn’t touched by the sight of such a large gift box tied with a bow.

I can t wait to untie the bow, move nimbly to open the box, want to see what is inside what east …… a man?

The smile on my face solidified.

The box is silent, only the happy birthday song ordered by Wen Lina is still playing on a loop.

I was embarrassed to scalp numbness, toes scratching the ground, subconsciously want to close the box original return, but Wen Lina comrades quick to hold down my hand, warmly greeted the stout man: “Brother do not mind, she is the mother of the widow too long, a little shy hahahaha! Shy?


No, I’m not shy, I’m embarrassed! However, I immediately caught another message in her words …… School, brother?

The second society died.

However before I could react, my roommates’ boyfriends suddenly fishtailed in and picked up my five rebellious girls.

Before leaving Wen Lina also threw an ambiguous look at me: enjoy ~ I use my heels to think all know, shooting fire head mastermind is absolutely this dog thing.

Son of a bitch Wen Lina son of a bitch Wen Lina ran away with her boyfriend, son of a bitch Wen Lina you’re not you’re not you’re not a person! The only people left in the large box were me and the sturdy schoolmate.

The schoolboy stood up from the gift box, two piles of round pectoral muscles, forcing my eyes nowhere to rest, I quickly picked up the black cloth that fell on the floor and threw it to cover his naked upper body, awkwardly explaining with a smile: “turned on the air conditioning, a little cold ha! My brother nodded obediently, and I breathed a sigh of relief at his cooperation.

However, the next moment, he pointed to the big screen and said, “Sister, it’s time for the song you ordered.

” I then realized that the cozy Happy Birthday song had stopped at some point, and the big screen was brightly displaying a few red characters on top – “The Liar of Love I Ask You” eh?

It was indeed the song I ordered, but the question is, is this the time to sing?

! I decided to make a preemptive strike.

Accompanied by the BGM of “Gong Shrimp, I Kiss”, I calmly brought my schoolmate to sit down on the sofa, I poured him a cup of plain water, and before I could say anything, my schoolmate said, “Sister, your hand is shaking.

“My hand slipped and spilled the water.

He should cooperate with my performance, he acted blindly, just, let me add to the embarrassment.

But I held on.

I was distressed: “Brother, if you have any difficulties at home, you can approach the organization-” “No difficulties.

I was interrupted by my younger brother, who looked at me with innocent and shy eyes: “If having only two suites in the Second Ring Road can barely be considered as not difficult,” I said, “It’s not difficult.

It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult at all.” I was dumbfounded! I was dumbfounded, a long time, only to try to open the mouth: “Then …… you are not owed online loans or something, need to …… sell their flesh, pay back the debt?

“Sister, you have misunderstood.

” Unknown schoolboy opened his mouth to seriously explain: “Wen Wen said, you birthday gift want a strong man, I think I happen to be able to meet your needs, and then I came.

”Wait you explain first, what do you mean – fulfill, satisfy, my, needs, wants?

Make it sound like I’m one of those lustful people.

Yes I am.

I silently glanced at his collarbone, remembering that I still don’t know his name, in order to cover up my embarrassment, I seemingly unintentionally picked up the cool white water that I had originally poured for him, and blew on it, while asking him, “I still don’t know your name, what’s your name again?

I asked him, “I don’t know your name yet, what’s your name?” “Zhou Shujie.

“I sprayed out a mouthful of cold white wine.

Did Wen Lina check her account when she was looking for ducks?

Even if I again with a quail like, shrinking in the dormitory two ears do not hear outside the window, but also know that our hospital has a school brother is very bullish and handsome, often appear in the school confession wall, coincidentally not, he is also called Zhou Shuji and.

I don’t think there is a second person in the hospital named Zhou Shu and – not to mention so handsome, damn it! I can’t figure it out.

I pinched the center of the human body, suffocated and looked at him: “Why is it you?

Why are you here?

“Zhou Shu and looked at me, with a light smile on his face – “I came because I like you.

“I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good look at you, but I’m sure I’ll be able to get a good look at you.

The speed of Zhou Shujie was so fast that he couldn’t even catch up with me.

Very unimpressive right, yes, is so unimpressive.

It seems that I have been a widow for so long that the first thing I feel when someone flirts with me isn’t surprise or excitement, but rather – embarrassment! Really, full of embarrassment, especially after experiencing several social deaths in a row, I feel that Zhou Shujie and I shouldn’t see each other again.

Because from now on, I will definitely not appear anywhere there is him, I go around him! But when I opened my cell phone.

I:(I resolutely pretend that I didn’t see it.

I crave his body again, I will not add his WeChat.

So ten minutes later, Wen Lina’s call came.

I picked up the phone: “Hey–“”Xiao Zhou said he added your wechat, why don’t you go through people?

!” I was just about to argue, and then she interrupted: “Don’t make up that you didn’t look at your phone – as soon as your hook pouted, I knew what kind of five-spiced spicy fart you were going to let out!” The faint sound of water coming from her side, it seems that it will not come back, as for the other few, the group is as quiet as a chicken, I guess I will be alone again tonight.

Just when I was silent, Comrade Wen Lina changed her tone again, and she persuaded me with all her heart: “Bao’er, don’t we like male moms the most?

You look at people Xiao Zhou that chest practice, tsk tsk tsk …… you have not even touched a man’s small hands, do not want to pinch a pinch?

I want to.”

After hanging up the phone, the first time I passed Zhou Shu and the friend request, mainly because it is really rude to leave others hanging, definitely not because I crave his pecs Orz.

The first time I passed the friend request, Zhou Shuyi sent me a message with a simple greeting, and I responded accordingly.

The conversation between me and him was awkward and impolite.

Until the next time he enthusiastically invited me to go to the cafeteria for breakfast together tomorrow morning, and used the cat head emoticon.

Me: ?

……! I immediately and sternly rejected him and unilaterally ended the conversation, after washing up, I peacefully laid down on my bed, picked up my beloved little tablet, and clicked on my beloved little game – Angry Birds 2 after defeating the King Pig with the fifth stamina, I looked at the time, it was past eleven o’clock, and if I didn’t go to sleep I might die suddenly too! So I decided to close my eyes and go to sleep immediately, not even thinking about it, maybe Zhou Shuji will send me other messages, such as – I’ll buy breakfast and wait for you downstairs in your dormitory, right?

Three the next day I was woken up by the ringtone of Comrade Wen Lina’s incoming call, and angrily opened my cell phone, I would like to see, which ungrateful dog dares to disturb my aunt and grandma to sleep! Oh – it’s Xiaowen, it’s okay then.

I yawned sleepily, “Hello…” “What the hell are you still sleeping?

!” I’m confused, I don’t sleep on Fridays, do I have to get up and work out if I don’t?

I’m not sure I’d be up for a workout if I didn’t sleep on a Friday! But soon I couldn’t laugh anymore, because Wen Lina told me: Zhou Shuji had bought breakfast and had been waiting for more than an hour downstairs in our dormitory.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I clicked on the microblogging, and was surprised to see three unread messages: then I will buy breakfast and wait for you downstairs in your dormitory, right?

Sister, are you up?

Cat head pity.JPG The first one was sent last night, right after I rebuffed him, and the other two were sent at eight in the morning, well, it’s now nine forty-three in the morning.

After waiting nearly two hours, he was being a little too persistent.

I stepped off the small ladder, not even bothering to put on my mop, and glanced through the window at the bottom of the building, where people were coming and going, and all the passers-by were staring at him – fuck me I’d actually been spotted by him! Seeing that he rushed at me to reveal his mouth of big white teeth, I hurriedly pulled the curtains, and suddenly caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror next to me.

My hair was sleep-fried again! Now I could no longer pretend I hadn’t seen the message, after all, he had already seen me in person, with my hair blowing out on my face.

But going down with such a big grin, I was already anticipating the scene of the biggest social death of my life.

Darn it! I couldn’t be so hasty, and seeing as he wouldn’t leave until I went down, I thought I needed to disguise myself and go back down to politely talk him out of it.

Put on a long gray sunscreen, put on a mask, then put on sunglasses, and finally add a black fisherman’s hat, I was dressed up like a starlet out on the street, covered up and went down.

I firmly believe that as long as I cover up tightly enough, absolutely no one will recognize me.

But the plan can not catch up with the change, I just received the breakfast in the morning of Zhou Shuji, and then in the afternoon, I saw myself on the confession wall.

Zhou Shuyi, what’s going on here?

Is he going to be single?

Two crying emojis plus a photo of a really bad sneak peek.

I showed the expression of the subway grandpa, the mood is particularly complex, especially when I saw myself standing next to Zhou Shuzhan in the photo, the whole person looks gray, feet also shuffle a pair of pineapple slippers, it is even more complicated.

I didn’t realize that in my barren college career, the first time I went on the confession wall was because of this reason.

Not happy :) and the thought that I owe Zhou Shu and a breakfast, I’m even more head, I least like and others have interests involved, this breakfast is bound to return.

srds I also have an amazing plan brewing in my heart: I – must pinch Zhou Shu而の胸肌! Four my intention is very simple.

I have to pay back Zhou Shu and the breakfast, pinched Zhou Shu and the pectoral muscles, and finally – deleted Zhou Shu and the WeChat! Three in one go, quick and easy, to avoid all the future social death intersection, of course after this I also want to tell Comrade Wen Lina, the future dormitory old death in the list of people, in addition to her ex-boyfriend, but also can be added to this fine and strong schoolmates.

As for Zhou Shu and said he likes me.

Heh, ridiculous! Do you see me believing it?

Taking advantage of the fact that a few roommates, especially Comrade Wen Lina, won’t be back until Monday, I’m going to smother this sinful relationship between myself and Zhou Shuyi in the cradle! So I decadent in the dormitory for two days, during this period refused countless times Zhou Shu and about meals, and in order to prevent him in the dormitory downstairs blocking me, I decided to open the United States group, ordered two days of takeout.

By the way, the dormitory direct is really cool.

Sunday I slept until eleven o’clock, got up and quickly cleaned up their own, plus to Zhou Shu and sent a WeChat: in?

The afternoon please ooh milk tea to come?

Zhou Shu and a second back: to ~ plus cat cat head happy emoticon package.

I frowned like an ice cream girl, why does he like to use cat head emoticons so much?

This is too much of a contrast to his own temperament, and he uses a lot of my resident guests in the emoji column, really hell.

“Hello, your cassoulet takeout–” I put down my phone and went to get the takeout, cassoulet is the biggest thing in the world.

When I ate and drank and then took a nap, well …… five o’clock …… I was not vain, clicked on Zhou Shu and the conversation column, found that he sent me a bawling cat head at two thirty, look at the harm quite aggrieved.

But am I the kind of person who has a conscience?

“I’m sorry, Aang, I forgot the time for my project, are you still free?

“I pressed the send button, believe it or not, if he asks me what project I’m working on, oh, the experience and implementation of human beings falling into the dream world.

But Zhou Shu and very understanding did not ask, this is very good, we are all adults, this tacit understanding is still there.

I casually fixed the slightly fried hair, to prevent the payment by Zhou Shuzhan to steal the order, I was the first in the small program before leaving the dormitory, ordered the door to pick up, Tea Baidao’s super fruit tea, interesting enough, right?

The first step of the implementation is completed, the next step is the second step.

At the first sight of Zhou Shujie, I couldn’t help but feel: it seems that God is on my side.

He wore a gray short T, not loose or tight, ordinary, but because of his good body, but also called this gray short T looks so different, through which I can clearly see Zhou Shuzhe’s hidden pectoral muscle outline, damn ah.

I can clearly see the outline of Zhou Shushi’s pectoral muscles through it, damn it! Dressed like this, who are you trying to seduce?

家银們,我不知道别人遇到这种情况会怎么办,但就我自己而言,我完全没办法拒绝周述而……的胸肌啊! So after handing over the fruit tea to Zhou Shuzhe, I, who had originally planned to immediately implement the second step and then quickly escape, ghostly agreed to walk around the school with him.

I convinced myself that pinching a man’s breasts is not something honorable after all, so it’s better to keep it hidden.

Then Zhou Shu and I walked to the school’s small park, really dozing on someone to send a pillow, wonderful wow.

I don’t know if there is a small forest in every university, anyway, our school is.

As a preferred place for lovers to make soup, this place is always “crowded”, but today it is anomalous, except for Zhou Shuji and I, there are actually not many couples.

(Why does that sound weird?) I decided to make quick work of it.

“A student inside–” Zhou Shuyi stopped.

“Ah! Don’t get me wrong, the scream, oh no, the two screams were not from Zhou Shuji, he was just surprised for a second then quickly blushed and silently gave in.

The one who screamed was my classmate, classmate, classmate, classmate :) they were standing not far away, full of panic and excitement, looking at my …… hand on Zhou Shu and chest.

Well, one of them also held up a cell phone.

Me:! I was a little nervous, and then because of the nervousness, I actually under the gaze of the two of them hand uncontrollably rua again two Zhou Shu and …… I shit I really want to social death this time KAM na!!!! “Sister, you ……” Zhou Shu and the words are not yet finished, I immediately let go of the claw as if on fire, and then quickly cover the face, with a kind of inhuman, incredible speed to escape the scene of the crime.

And I should add that the reason I realized it was time for me to let go was: Zhou Shuzhan was extremely rabbitish, huh?

I covered my face and cried: I do not live miles ~ five originally I was planning to, back to the dormitory room the first time to delete Zhou Shujie while the WeChat, but good death, Wen Lina came back.

She was wearing her pajamas and pointed to the box on my desk, “I brought you a taro clay boo boo cup.

“But is this the time for boo boo cups?

I hugged her, sniffling about what I’d done, but she was only slightly surprised and then immediately regained her composure: “With your recklessness, it’s perfectly normal.

Obviously she was more concerned about something else: “You pinched it through your clothes?” I nodded tearfully.

“I nodded with tears in my eyes, and she immediately looked at me with hatred: “You actually pinched it through your clothes, so you didn’t touch it for nothing, did you? Not really, after all, I also rua two times.

But Wen Lina then asked me, “Can you still recall the touch of his pecs?

“I thought about it seriously and then shook my head honestly, I only remembered that his chest was bigger than my hand.

I can only remember that his chest was bigger than my hands! Porky Pig ate a ginseng fruit, I’ve lost a lot of money! I pounded my chest, practically puking until I vomited blood, and then suddenly remembered: “Then, do I still delete his WeChat?

“Delete my ass!” Commander Wen waved his hand, “If you’re craving his body, just take him down, why be reserved!” I was a bit hesitant, but soon I stopped hesitating.

Ten minutes later, Commander Wen held up his cell phone to show me the latest confession wall, and I was once again on the list.

Shockingly, Zhou Shu while tragically being assaulted on the chest!!!! The accompanying picture was my back, my hand was resting on the indescribable position on Zhou Shuyi’s body, Zhou Shuyi was blushing with a shy face.

At this moment, I am incredibly thankful that the school assigns dormitories on a class basis, so that I can directly kill from 131 to 125, and find those two sons of bitches to settle the score! But they denied it.

“I shit really is not the two of us, you left the Zhou Shu and came over to say that fear you shy, we deleted the photo! We didn’t delete it to turn me into a mangy dog! Besides, we were standing on the left, how could we take a picture of your back?” I was confused.

“I’m lost, family silver.

If not them, then who?

But soon Zhou Shu and the voice call request came, I held the phone trembling as if rheumatism, rushed back to their own dormitory, constantly guessing that this time he called the voice over, what do you mean?

Look at me delayed not to press the answer button, Wen Lina than I was more anxious: “Damn you are pick up ah! In her urging, my reckless attributes were once again inspired, so I did not do anything to point the answer button, voice like a bell: “I will not be responsible for -” the world fell silent.

Wen Lina shocked eyes: you this cow horse! She really did not think I can beast to this point, well, I myself did not expect.

And I held up the cell phone after yelling this sentence, I feel as if I entered the Mickey awkward house, awkward to the old home – I am now sophistry is a moment of passion is still too late?

After a long time, Zhou Shu and laughed softly.

He said, “Sister, you are so cute.

“Sister, you’re so cute ah – I’m sorry Iron Juice, I shamefully blushed, not to blame my will is not strong enough, is really the enemy is too cunning.

“I’ve already contacted the confession wall to delete that message, don’t worry, it’s just a picture of your back, no one will recognize it.

” Zhou stated and seriously comforted me, his voice is so gentle ah, finished, too poke me.

So there are times when Wen Lina says I’m reckless is actually justified, because the next thing I did was to short-circuit my big tits and say to him, “Then can you touch my pecs again?

” After saying that I still felt like being polite and using the “Can you give me ……?

” sentence instead of “at?

Feel the pecs?

” Wen Lina: ?

Zhou Shu而:…… My brain: very good, the “lady awkward” achievement has been achieved.

Six Zhou Shu而 didn’t explicitly say yes.

But he put up a smoke bomb: “Then tomorrow at noon, can senior sister have dinner with me?

“I asked him in return, “Can I touch you after eating?

“Zhou Shuzhe laughed aloud and didn’t answer positively, “How do you know if you don’t try?

‘ Help! What kind of devilish conversation is this?

What kind of devilish conversation is this? Wen Lina was on the verge of fainting next to me, she looked at me in shock as if she had just met me on the first day.

I gave her a look full of shame and picked up what little reserve I had left, “I’ll think about it (zhun),” I said vaguely, “I’ll think about it (shi),” I said.

“I hung up my voice quickly after a few vague sentences, Wen Lina looked at me with complicated eyes: “I did not expect ah did not expect, my treasure, you have made progress, will tease men.

“I still have the warmth of embarrassment on my face, and then I heard her add: “But you don’t want to be responsible for this, why didn’t I see before that you still have the attribute of a sugarcane woman?

“What do you mean by “I’m warning you, I don’t want to be in a relationship with a man or a woman, I’m only dealing with Zhou Shuji for the sake of the flesh! I was so weak, trying to find a justification for what I just did.

But it was no use, Wen Lina was still condemning me with her contemptuous gaze.

I couldn’t stand it any longer, and grumbled out what was in my heart, “He’s so handsome, and he has big pecs, I know I won’t be able to delete him, but-” “Because he’s so handsome, who knows if he’s a sugarcane guy?

“Wen Lina answered firmly: “Xiao Zhou this child is absolutely not scum! He’s still a yellow-bloomed man!” Lu Yu: Really?

I don’t believe it.

I don’t care about his father, even if he is a scum, I jacked his pectoral muscles and retreated, it’s not a loss, it’s as a justice for those who have been scummed by him! Seven and Zhou Shujie arranged to meet in the third cafeteria, I have to endure until almost two o’clock, only to dawdle out of the dormitory.

The main reason is that there are too many people at the meal time, in case I am recognized, I will only be left to carry a rocket to escape from the earth overnight.

In the window after choosing a good dish I was agile, rushed to Zhou Shu and raised the meal card before he swiped the card, as a new era of independent women, I only ate Wen Lina’s soft rice, after all, the wool to catch a sheep gripping.

(Wen Lina: stupid roommate, I beep – you beep -) “Sister, I got you a spoon.

” He so understand me, iron juice guys, he is a Fangxin arsonist, even I this beautiful girl like to use a spoon do not like to use chopsticks have observed, but also with a paper towel to wipe before handing me, really careful ~ I scooped up a piece of winter melon, just put into the mouth, face green, surprisingly, three cafeteria at large white Luo Bei …… me: hard swallow.

  In the spirit of not wasting food, I was going to force myself to finish eating, but Zhou Shu and see that I look wrong, thoughtful and I exchanged the plate: “I have not moved, sister, you eat my this.

” I did not refuse …… because the cafeteria white Luo Bei really huge fucking difficult to eat! Don’t be a jerk to me, you’re right.

(Carrots are yyds!) After eating, Zhou Shu and looked at me very seriously: “Sister, I want to talk to you.

“I’m not sure what I’m talking about, but I’m sure I’m not sure what I’m talking about.

What do you want to talk about?

Popping away crow’s feet hahahahahahaha ……” The sound of laughter is getting smaller and smaller, and then came to a screeching halt, I saw Zhou Shu and a face of helplessness, as if to say: really can not do anything with you.

Yes, this bad joke is cold and awkward.

It’s not funny, it’s not funny, it’s not good, it’s not funny :) Zhou Shuyan stroked my head, probably because I was the one who was involved and I had a certain illusion, why did I feel as if he was stroking a dog.

He ordered me a bowl of rose ice powder, I accept is not, refuse is not, I am always in these small things above the twist: this seven dollars, how in the end I should pay him back?

But buy all bought, I refused, will not let Zhou Shu and very face, and then he was annoyed, my five roommates will be bailed out of graduate school?

A bowl of ice powder is just, compared to our dog’s life, it is really too worthless.

I picked up a plastic spoon and scooped up a raisin, I was so sour that I grimaced, but by the time the sourness passed, my mouth was full of sweetness again, and I went back to scooping up a second one in a bitchy way.

I concentrated on eating, Zhou Shu while concentrating on watching, then he asked me: “Sister, do you know when we first met?

” I: …… Inexorably, I recalled the psychedelic lights in the KTV that day, and at the moment I hated myself for possessing such a strong memory, and if I could, I would rather lose my memory immediately! Maybe my expression was too distorted, Zhou Shu and instantly guessed my difficult answer, but he denied me: “Not that time.

I was so confused, but he denied me, “It wasn’t that time.

My black question mark face: “Then which time?

So Zhou told me about the love-hate (fog) relationship that he and I used to have that no one (I) knows.

It turns out that when I was a freshman, he had already seen me, according to his description, when I went to their school to do admissions promotion, happened to have been to their class, and then he was studying in the third year of high school, he fell in love with me at first sight, and decided to test here to find me.

At the end, he also asked me if I remembered.

Oh, yes, I do.

How can I not remember it, because – this is another piece of my unforgivable social death past :) I’m ashamed to say, when the freshman winter break, followed the Wen Lina enrolled in the admissions promotion team, I was completely for the five hundred dollars to go.

At that time, I especially wanted an iPad, but I was still five hundred dollars short, I thought I was an adult, I should earn my own living, so I just bit the bullet and signed my name on the enrollment form.

Unfortunately reality gave me a big slap in the face.

Rely on others, you’re a princess.

Rely on yourself, you might as well rely on others! Stumbling body like a sieve chaff after publicizing the first class, leaving their QQ number, I walked out of the classroom, hugging Wen Lina crying silently, telling me the most humiliating moment in this short life.

The only consolation is that, fortunately, in my life, I will never have the opportunity to step into this classroom again.

And for the remaining seventeen classes, all of them were taught by Wen Lina, with me as the underling.

I used practical action to prove a theorem: rotten mud can not paste the wall.

Perhaps it is in front of Zhou Shu and social death too many times, when he this witness to bring up this past, I was surprised that I was already lying flat, but I still want to say a word: really sinful fate! Ice powder inside the raisins has been my choice finished, I wrinkled a face, listen to him say: “In fact, I would have wanted to appear early in your side, but heard that you like fine strong and delicate boy, and I except abs, nothing …… so I did the gym card, until now only dare to come to you, fortunately, you are still satisfied with me.

“Lean, strong & delicate.

I’m sorry, may I ask in broad daylight, these two words, do they have a dime’s worth of relationship with me, a beautiful girl?

I had a wooden face, don’t get me wrong Tomoyo, I’m not angry, I just really don’t know what kind of expression to put on strike liao.

Furthermore – not him and from what I can tell that I’m still satisfied with him?

Is it confidence in his pecs?

Heh, it’s just a little trick to please me, am I that easy going?

Yes I am.

I’m a lsp who is greedy for male sex.

Zhou Shu and serious confession: “Sister, can you give me a chance?

Me: “You said yesterday that you would touch my pectoral muscles if I came, does that still count?”

“If Wen Lina were here, she’d be marveling at what a bull’s-eye speech this is to arouse my temporarily dusty sense of shame, but – she’s not here.

Which meant that no one could control me when I got reckless, no one! So I added shamelessly with a red face, “…… It’s just, well …… let’s do it this time, I don’t want to do it through my clothes ……” Zhou Shu and froze, I suddenly reacted and rushed to talk : “You didn’t hear anything just now!” I lowered my head to suck the ice powder, hate to die a death.

“I can.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Me: “Don’t do it! Me: “Don’t force yourself, I don’t have to–” “I’m not forcing myself.

“Zhou Shu and laughed lightly, “It’s meant to be practiced for you.

“I swallowed the words “touch, you,” and blushed again, he is really good at it, how do I do it, I can’t resist anymore.

But shy only a few seconds, I heard Zhou Shu and added a sentence: “…… do not like my people, like my body is also quite good.

“The two words “body” are very spiritual.

I laughed awkwardly twice, but unfortunately, the floor of the third cafeteria does not have a seam, otherwise I would like to show him a hole in the ground on the spot.

I had to ask him to ooh and ahh milk tea again because Zhou Shu had invited me to seven ice powder.

Of course, want to find the opportunity to rua his pecs is also part of the reason.

A day later, we went to the familiar Cha Ba Dao again.

The soymilk unicorn is a bit more expensive, but there are no other cat cakes.

This point in addition to me and Zhou Shu and this kind of no class, no other people will come, I can not help but secretly for my own resourcefulness point of praise, not worthy of me.

However, the fact that the estimation is wrong, this university has no classes, far more than me and Zhou Shuzhe.

I was sitting at the bar, and Zhou Shuyi had just brought the milk tea over and sat down, when I heard someone behind me call out to him, “Hey?

Zhou Shujie?

” and the voice …… was inexplicably familiar.

Three seconds later, I reacted, SOS, this is not my one-on-one activities of the elementary school girl, right?

What should I do? How to do how to do I must not let her see my face! I can’t let her know that the hentai who attacked Zhou Shu and is actually her gentle and reserved, shy and coy cute school sister! Yes friends, I think we all already know that I am very reckless, especially when various emergencies, I will be inspired and then come up with a brilliant idea and will immediately implement it.

(To put it plainly, it is broken :) For example, at this moment, I have a hot brain directly to Zhou Shu and a paste on the body, attempting to hide my identity as a starlet.

QQ Bounce, the heat came from my face.

In the flash of light I realized: I was chest thumped! Ah no, Zhou Shuzhe was face thumped by me! Jia Yin么, I’m out of luck, I’m really competitive! Who would have thought that I, the mother-fetus widowed king, directly jumped over the hand that pulled the man and directly hit the man’s chest.

Comrades, you do not ask me to hit the pectoral muscle is what feeling, I do not know how to describe, if hard to say, I can only tell you, is the soul has been sublimated, is from the depths of the soul of the tremor, really, in this life, if you can’t continue to feel it, it must be the biggest regret in life.

Zhou Shu while covering the back of my head with his hand, and elementary school sister to talk to.

“What a coincidence to meet here.

” “O, I ordered the door to pick up, this is ……” I shook a little, heart wish: Goddess of Mercy in the above, the letter of the girl willing to vegetarian for three days, in exchange for the schoolgirls do not recognize me.

Zhou Shu and chest vibration, seems to be laughing, he “hmm”, frankly replied: “a shy little friend.

” I blushed, my face absolutely red! Face: Didn’t you throw me in the third cafeteria a long time ago?

Me: Didn’t I pick it up again?

Sent away the schoolgirls, I quietly rubbed Zhou Shu and the chest, before moving my face away from him, do not give up.JPG really fine and strong and delicate ah, this is the only antidote in the world, young male college students?

I epiphany, home silver guys, I was enlightened.

Zhou Shu and looked at me, full of favor, but quickly changed his face – “Sister, you have a nosebleed!” Me: Huh?

Confused I touched the tip of my nose and took a look, I really had a nosebleed! I thought nosebleed was an adjective before today, but after experiencing it myself, I realized: it’s a gerund! Thinking about the five pounds of lychee that Wen Lina carried back yesterday, and the half-bucket of lychee shells in my trash can, I understand why the old patriarchs used to say, “Self-inflicted sins are not to be lived.

So humiliating duck, how about dying immediately :)Nine milk tea store bathroom.

I bent over, Zhou Shu and turn on the faucet, help me wash clean nosebleed, and with a hand dipped in cool water gently patted me fate の back of the neck.

This scene is déjà vu, Zhou Shu and gentle and careful, I really moved.

When the nosebleed stopped, I held the toilet paper in my left hand to cover my nose, pulled his clothes with my right hand, and looked at Zhou Shuzhi with special seriousness: “You know what?

“Zhou Shujie:?


Me: “You look like my father.

Zhou Shujie: “You look like my dad.” Zhou Shujie: “You look like my dad! ……∩_∩I hurriedly explained, “I don’t mean you’re old! What I mean is that you are so gentle and attentive, just like when I had a nosebleed when I was little and my dad patted me down with cool water! “I know.

I know.” Zhou Shu and laughed, and rua rua my head, “I know what you mean.

“Mom’s absolute great handsome than, not greedy is not Chinese.

I surrendered, I was defeated.

“Zhou Shujie!” I called out to stop the delicate schoolmate who was ready to go out, wriggling to speak, “…… what you said, still counts?


“He didn’t react for a moment, but the next second he smiled at me, “Of course, so you want to give me a chance?

“My damn shame suddenly appeared at this time, and I started to grunt and refused to speak, Zhou Shuyan also didn’t rush me, patiently waiting for my answer.

Seeing that my nosebleed started again, he bent down and changed my tissue.

Four eyes opposite each other, the atmosphere is getting more and more ambiguous and weird, suddenly, the bathroom door was knocked, the person outside also intentionally coughed loudly twice, I was shocked and had a kind of weakness of doing something bad and being caught.

I was so anxious that my brain rapidly filled with blood, so I directly kissed the side of Zhou Shuzhe’s face, he froze, and his cheeks began to blush.

Heart a cross, I stammered and spoke: “I, I will be responsible for you ……” how this sounds how no bottom, but Zhou Shuyi just good-naturedly looked at me: “Then I’m your boyfriend now?

”I nodded my head, and a few more coughs came from outside, Zhou Shuyan pulled up my hand and walked straight out, but was tugged by me again, he turned his head, unsure.

「That’s……..」My eyes darted around, and I inadvertently scratched across the upper half of his body, 「I became your girlfriend, meaning, is it possible to just pinch your pectoral muscles?

‘ The obsession can be very deep.

My hot, delicate boyfriend slowly turned his body and reached out for a bear hug, I sank into his arms and was chest thumped again, my nostrils starting to flare up again.

His nice voice rang in my ear, “Sure.

“I consummate the family silver guys.

Because Zhou Shu and also said – “As long as you want, you can pinch for life.

” [Extra] “…… Huan Huan Huan, welcome everyone, home enrollment …… This is my QQ number, there are, what do not understand can ask me! I’m sorry to bother you, bye!” The person on the stage stammered and finished the last sentence, red faced and fled, followed by a burst of laughter in the classroom.

Zhou Shu and the corner of his mouth curved up, he was the only one in the class who listened carefully to her propaganda.

“Hahahahaha too funny …… blind guess the Shandong onion in the vegetable market is higher than this school sister! I rely on – Zhou Shu while you laugh!” The words just fell, the man and immediately returned to a dead face.

The next student muttered: “…… really boring!” Zhou Shuyi said nothing, took out the paper and began to calculate, he was not a funny person in the first place.

Friday night back home, a large room only he, but he is also used to, he has been living alone for several years, he is now only happy that his parents divorce who refused to give in, the result is that the two sets of houses in his name, thinking that one day he can ask for it back.

But Zhou Shu and has no intention of returning them.

His reaction to his parents’ divorce was cold, and he didn’t see them much whether they were divorced or not.

When his grandmother was still alive, he still had a few smiles on his face, but after she left, he didn’t smile much.

When he occasionally saw his parents, they would only scold him for putting on a dead face all day.

Picking up his cell phone, somehow, Zhou Shu and remembered the string of numbers on the blackboard.

He was obsessed with applying for a QQ number, and then add friends, fill in the verification message hesitated, wrote schoolmate.

Soon there passed the friend request: hello ah, the school girl moumou ~ plus a cat cat head emoticon bag.

Zhou Shu and thought of her red face that day, that was the first time he felt that other people cute, he rarely want to chat with others desire, but also want to talk to her.

He sent over a sentence: Sister, will you still come to our school to promote?

Over there immediately sent a cat crying: no, I will never go again! The face is lost to the grandmother’s house I! Zhou Shu and a light laugh, fingers on the screen tapping: no, you are very cute.

After this, every week and her chat, became Zhou Shu and the most looking forward to things.

With the two people more and more familiar, Zhou Shu and also more and more understanding of her, and finally took the test to the university where she is, but in the first day of the university report, he did not go to her, but took the money from the summer part-time job to do a fitness card.

“I like young and delicate men, preferably still the kind with super good body and super big boobs hahahaha because I don’t have ……” Listening to the voice note sent by his schoolmates, Zhou Shu and looked down at himself, except for the young and delicate and flat eight-pack abs, he had nothing.

So he decided that he would turn himself into the appearance that his schoolmate liked before he went to make his feelings known to her.

In order to make his appearance does not seem abrupt, when he learned that the school sister’s best friend in the Red Society work, he joined the Red Society in the first semester of the sophomore year, in front of the literature sister brush full of goodwill, and inadvertently revealed that he likes the school sister news – successfully turned the school sister’s five roommates.

On her birthday, Zhou Shuyi gave himself to her as a birthday gift, looking at her strange and shy eyes, he quietly said in his heart, “Sister, I am Zhou Shuyi.

“This was his first real meeting with her.

She didn’t even know his name.

In her mind, he was just a schoolmate she didn’t even know.

But he had already known her for two years.

He knew all her preferences and all her resistances.

Zhou Shu and once thought of making her his own, using those small and not so honorable means to satisfy his possessiveness.

But he pressed on.

School Sister was like an awkward little snail, immediately shrinking into her little shell when frightened.

If his own presence would make her unhappy – and he didn’t want her to be unhappy.

Zhou Shu and was patient, so he waited until she held out her hand and told him, red-faced, that she would be responsible for him.

How lovely.

Zhou Shu and took her into his arms, she still thought that all was a coincidence, but what she called a coincidence was actually all his premeditation.

Introduce yourself.

Hello senior sister – I’m your boyfriend, Zhou Shuyi.

(End of text)

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