What if you cross over and become a supporting character in an abusive text?

What should I do if I cross over and become the female counterpart of an abusive text?

Fairy Good Martyr (formerly known as Phoenix Emperor Brand, extremely off-topic immortal text warning) 1, when I woke up, a pair of smiling peach blossom eyes are gazing at me.

The man reclined beside me, the big red groom’s wedding dress is really not dressed neatly, the snow white chest and abdomen will have the muscle lines exposed in full view.

I panicked and looked at myself, fortunately, the clothes on my body, a goose yellow saree is still neat, but really strange, I am not the bride.


Crying all day over that barbarian woman?

My brain a burst of calming pain, this body’s original owner’s memories instantly flooded in.

I was originally the youngest daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, arrogant and rude, with no one in sight, no one in the three realms could do anything about me.

Until I met Gu Ruqing, who was my senior brother when I went to the Immortal Gate Mountain Market Virtue Heavenly Father to learn the art.

He was so smart and beautiful that I really loved him.

During the three hundred years, I realized that he also gradually fell in love with me, and I thought that we would be destined to be a couple in the immortal world.

However, the good times did not last long, when he calendar ascension to the gods, he went down to the East China Sea barbaric land robbery.

I was worried for him day and night, several times to go down to the world were stopped by the heavenly soldiers.

Later, he successfully ascended, wearing the soft light of the gods to my heavenly bedchamber to find me.

I embraced him with joy and excitement, but his hand did not encircle my waist as it had done in the past.

I sensed his perversity and let go of him, and what I feared rose in my heart.

His eyes were filled with pain as he hesitantly said, “Qingjia, I can’t be with you.

‘ He had finally failed in his vow.

When I reacted and was about to snap in anger, I only saw his departing back.

My heart inch by inch sadness, I had known that he went down to the world is a love disaster, but a lot of firm he will not shake his heart to me, but in the end is defeated ah.

Gu Ruqing, I give you three hundred years of true love, and you went down to the world in just one year even to other women heart.

Love and hate, I look for the old man Hui De want to be able to view the mortal world of the copper mirror, to see what that woman is really a beautiful woman.

Heh, I copper mirror saw a woman sleeping in a dream, the appearance of beautiful and lovely.

I laughed coldly and said, is a little bit of color, but it is difficult to beat my one thousandth.

That woman called Tong, also is not mortal, is the East Wasteland, an ancient gods of the princess, the identity of the noble, but it is also difficult to beat me one thousandth.

Gu Ruqing, you’re not going to look away, are you?

I snatched the fate book of Sifu Jun. He was naturally beaten by me plus coerced, and dared not speak out in anger.

This book is too heavy, I’m too lazy to take it back, so I ripped off the two or three pages in which Gu Ruqing’s descent was written.

I think I have just left, the back of the Si Mingjun will have to go to the emperor of heaven to participate in my book.

But I’ve done this kind of ridiculous thing so many times that I’ve gotten used to it.

I looked at the dense records of the mortal Gu Ruqing’s life, a sour and old love story, definitely more clichéd than any of the books in the mortal world.

Gu Ruqing that life is a scholar, by chance ran into traveling Tong, the two met and became good friends.

Together they went through several life and death tribulations, and then settled down for a lifetime of love.

Later on, the king of the Eastern Wasteland Divine Race will take Tong back, Gu Ruqing all his life in search of the Eastern Wasteland this place, looking for his love but not, depressed and died.

I mocked and sneered, went to the Immortal Gate Mountain to find Gu Ruqing, and threw this thin piece of paper in front of him.

“I love her.

“In the face of my questioning, his tone was bland, like a diamond finely sculpted face hanging on a gentle look.

“Qingjia, I originally thought it was love between you and me, but we’ve been living in the Immortal World, and we don’t know what love is or isn’t.” “Have you ever seen a person who is in love with you?

“Qingjia, have you ever seen a man and a woman walking across a stone bridge holding hands on the eve of the seventh day of the seventh month in the human world, and have you ever experienced that the person you love can go to danger for you, regardless of the safety of the people?

Do you know that when a person is hidden in your heart, there is no more room?

“I scoffed at every word he said, but the pain inside me continued to grow.

“Gu Ruqing, now that you’re a god, you’re going to find her and fulfill your lifelong love?

“He should know that if a god has too much entanglement in the mortal world after ascension, he will be doomed and lose his immortal status.

“She is my wife.

“Only one sentence I seem to be knocked into ten thousand years of cold ice, my pride, my disdain, all disappeared.

Like losing all my strength, I cried weakly with my most hated gesture, accusing my true love to feed the dog.

He didn’t say a word, his gaze was gentle and heartbreaking, but he didn’t come forward to comfort me.

I forget how I got back to my chambers.

In the following days, I was demoralized, with countless grievances against Gu Ruqing and even that Tong who had never crossed paths, and fearing that he would lose his immortal character for breaking his fast and being with Tong.

It was difficult for me to give up and I dared not let go.

I wanted that senior brother who had once resisted the chastisement of Old Man Market Virtue for me to come back, and I wanted that Gu Ruqing who had only me in his eyes to come back.

I had a plan in mind and resolved to go to the South China Sea to search for the Grass of Forgetfulness in person.

The Taowu that was guarding the island was a bloodthirsty and unspiritual creature, and I had to kill it before I could get the Grass of Forgetfulness.

When I came back, I was covered in bloodstains and had lost a hundred years of cultivation.

I spent two months recuperating in my chambers, not allowing anyone to disturb me.

One of the maids came to inform me of Gu Ruqing’s news twice.

First, he came to visit me, but I didn’t see him because I was angry with him.

The second was that he had taken Tong to the heavenly realm and planned to get married soon.

When I was almost healed, I couldn’t sit still any longer and went directly to Gu Ruqing’s immortal residence.

I deliberately painted thick makeup to hide my pale color, wearing a Dian red dress, a dignified and absolutely beautiful style, want to make that barbaric land of the ancient gods princess ashamed of themselves.

My purpose was naturally achieved.

Tong saw me, surprised speechless, half a long time, before saying, “the first beauty of the heavenly realm, really is not false.

‘ The dark despondency in her tone delighted me.

“Do you know that Gu Ruqing and I have been connected for hundreds of years?

If he didn’t have to become a God before he could marry me, we would have been an immortal couple long ago,” I asked with a smile.

“I asked with a smile, and her face grew more and more frightened.

“No, Ruqing wouldn’t lie to me!” “How could you know that he is lying to you?

”I pretended to be surprised, weaving a sinister lie with no drop of water, ”Seeing that you are also a poor person, I can’t bear to see you being used.

A while ago, Gu Ruqing told me about the scheme, I originally thought it was inappropriate, so I’d better say it.

“I lied to her that Gu Ruqing did not have a single emotion for her after the tribulation, but because if he had the support of the Eastern Wasteland Clan, in less than a hundred years he could be on par with the De Hui Heavenly Father, he pretended to marry her.

“According to reason, with my support, Gu Ruqing does not need to look for your barbaric clan, but you ancient gods have one good thing that we in the heavenly realm can not compare to, and that is that your godly power can be inherited.

“The implication is that when they are no longer of use, they will return to Gu Ruqing as a supplement to enhance their cultivation and divine power.

“No, I don’t believe he would be so heartless.

“Tong, who is seven or eight hundred years younger than me, sat paralyzed after hearing these words.

I knew that most of her heart was already skeptical and uneasy, but her mouth was comforting herself over and over again.

I took out a round mirror from my bosom and threw it on the ground.

The mirror shone on her weak and lifeless face.

“Think about it, in what way are you better than me?

How could he abandon me and marry you?

“I laughed and sneered, and the infinite pleasure that rose within me seemed to clear up the grievances of the past six months.

The next day, as I expected, Gu Ruqing came to my bedchamber.

One could tell that he was deliberately maintaining the anger and agitation in his chest, a look I had never seen before.

“Qingjia, stop it, where did you hide Tong?

” “I did go to your place yesterday and met that Eastern Wasteland Princess, but I never took her.

” I sipped my tea in a good mood, flipping through the pages of my book as I did so, the less hasty I became.

“Tong is the princess of the Eastern Desolate God Clan, if anything goes wrong, the Heavenly Court can’t afford to take the blame.

“How dare you!” I slammed the jade cup in my hand on the ground, “Who isn’t a princess?

Why are you questioning me?

“Gu Ruqing knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and her face was very ugly.

“If you have any grievances, come at me. I am the one who has failed you, and I am the one who has reneged on my oath.


“I stood up and handed him a long-prepared tonic, “This is the broken bowel, you drink it, and we will never be together again.

This is the “Broken Intestines Pill”, it is non-toxic, but it can attack from time to time and make people feel unbearable pain, and there is no medicine that can alleviate it.

I want you to remember the price of losing me forever.” Gu Ruqing smiled bitterly.

“Gu Ruqing smiled bitterly, “So you already hate me so much.

“He did not hesitate to drink the soup and turned away.

I hate you so much, but I also love you so much.

Do you know that the medicine you drink today is the herb of forgetfulness that I boiled down.

Later, Gu Ruqing really forgot the woman who was imprinted in his heart, but did not forget me.

My purpose has been accomplished, but I still can’t help but feel sad.

Forget love, forget love, he originally has no love for me naturally so can not talk about forgetting.

I still accompany him all day long in the immortal door mountain, spring to see the flowers and birds, summer to listen to the cicadas and frogs, autumn to enjoy the maple leaves red forest, winter with snow water tea.

The days are still the same as before, he can’t remember that part of his life, and after thinking about it for a while, he just forgets about it.

Sometimes I even thought it had never happened.

Kiri had never replaced me in his heart.

However, I have worked so hard, but it is not worth a sentence of imperial decree of the emperor of heaven.

Heavenly Emperor to borrow the East Desert clan to pacify the demonic beasts in the East China Sea, ordered Gu Ruqing to marry the East Desert Divine Clan’s princess, as a way to mend fences with the East Desert clan.

Once, that the Eastern Desert princess was I used some lies to deceive back, after three or two years grew up some, finally not so stupid, when she reacted, Gu Ruqing long ago did not recognize her.

But now, it is true that the fate of mankind, Gu Ruqing still have to marry her.

I am as good as dead, also do not go to the immortal door mountain, often sitting in the bedchamber crying.

Gu Ruqing often run to my place, take some knick-knacks to make me happy.

He told me that when he saw the princess of the Eastern Wasteland, for some reason his head would ache.

And that East Wasteland Princess, is also temperamental, sometimes even said some nonsense to him, said he failed to use her Erer, let him heart bored.

“Qingjia, I do not love her.

I don’t love her,” he said, “I love her.

I love her,” he said. “Qingjia, I won’t let you down,” he said, “I won’t let you down.

He once said, “I am the one who has failed you, and I am the one who has reneged on my oath.

This is basically the end of the original owner’s memories.

I don’t know why Gu Ruqing was lying next to me on his wedding night.

He got out of bed and straightened the clothes on his body, his back facing me.

I was still in the original master’s memories hard to pull away, in the underworld, there seems to be a hand in uncovering this layer upon layer of lies stacked up on the beautiful surface, I have a feeling that one day Gu Ruqing will fall in love with Tong again, and this Princess of the Celestial Realm called Qingjia will always end up the same way.

Because I didn’t have the original owner’s infatuation with Gu Ruqing, I was much calmer inside.

Where did the original Qing Jia go?

Then this remaining ending, should I take it?

I walked to the dresser, took out a strand of spice, and put it into the incense burner.

“Qingjia, I’ll be here to watch over you tonight.

” He sat down by the case table, his eyes gentle and divine, “You sleep, I’m sure I won’t leave.


” I went back to the bed and turned my back to his blazing gaze.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I heard the sound of a chair being knocked over, followed by the sound of a heavy door opening.

He was gone after all.

The herb of forgetfulness was burning in the incense burner, and after he remembered everything, he still had no choice but to leave her behind.

This is not to pity him and Tong’s willingness to love, nor is it to fulfill them, but I just do not intend to continue to dwell on this love injury, if you do not intend to I will rest.

Just the touch of the depths of this body, so that I can not help but tears.

That arrogant and domineering princess of the heavenly realm, her heart is aching.

When the grass of forgetfulness is burned out, perhaps tomorrow she will wake up, she can also forget Gu Ruqing.

2, I have a chaotic consciousness, a darkness in front of me.

The young girl’s silver-bell-like laughter kept coming into my ears.

“Is this your choice?

” I have a growing headache, and in the darkness, I seem to see a touch of Dian red dress.

“Who are you?

Where are you?

“The figure in front of me gradually clear, the young girl’s figure graceful curvaceous, eyes flow, white face lined with a mouth of cherry small mouth, surrounded by the upper and lower flow of noble bright bright color.

She walked towards me, until she came close to my face, so that I instantly have a kind of breathless feeling of oppression.

“Here, it’s my divine consciousness.

Your soul temporarily exists in my body, who do you think I am?

“Princess Qing Jia.

I sucked in a breath of cool air, thinking that I, a lonely soul wandering in the world for four to five hundred years, had first seen an immortal of such a high rank, and it was still due to the fact that I had taken up her body.

She revealed a nice smile arc, slender fingers brushed my face, as if measuring a piece of jade, “how to be you, can face the betrayal of the people you love so openly?

”It was only then that I remembered what I had done when I woke up in the party, I had taken the liberty of returning Gu Ruqing’s memories to him after inheriting Qing Jia’s memories and affections.

Qing Jia’s beautiful brows were already filled with an icy coldness.

“Naive to the core, you think that the Grass of Forgetfulness can still be used as an antidote?

“No, it can’t.

Forget-me-not grass is cold, but when burned together with acacia leaves, it turns hot, and is the raw material for making condensation pills.

The Condensation Pill can clear the mind and purify the six roots, so it may be able to cure the Amnesia Herb.

“I kneeled down in front of her, “I know I have sinned, and I beg the princess to dispel my spirit directly.

“I have been alone for a hundred years, and I have not been allowed to enter the path of reincarnation, so I have been seeking liberation for a long time.

Now I am in such a mess, if the princess of the heavenly realm can slap my soul and scatter it, it would be very good to get rid of it.

She raised a fine eyebrow, “You said, why did you choose to let him go?

”I shook my head and said, ”What I spared was Qing Jia.

He doesn’t love you, so any more entanglements will only be mutual torture.

‘ She laughed dumbly.

That laughter sounded very sad to me.

“Torturing each other.” She leaned down and stared at me.

“She leaned down and stared at me for a while, “Kid, you’ve never been hurt in love, right?

“I was helpless in my heart, that year in the underworld, I crossed the Naiho Bridge and drank Mengbo soup, only to realize that I couldn’t enter the pool of reincarnation, and eventually became a wandering soul without any memories, so how would I know what love wounds are not love wounds.

“Your choice has changed the destiny of heaven, and you can only walk on for me next.

“I was surprised and said, “Destiny?

Do you immortals also have a heavenly destiny?

Is the Divine Fate also under the control of the Lord of Fate?

“How dare he, a little immortal, control my Princess’s heavenly destiny?

Naturally, it’s his master, Emperor Guangxuan.

“Qingjia patiently explained to me, and I understood a bit more.

All in all, it was not by chance that I came to Qing Jia’s body, it was precisely because she had collected my soul.

Immortals have immortal destinies and are not above all things.

Emperor Guangxuan made an exception and informed Qingjia of her heavenly destiny because he favored her.

Qingjia’s early involvement in Gu Ruqing and Tong’s love affair defied the Heavenly Dao, and she will face the risk of having her spirit dispersed, so that means I’m the one she used to block the arrows.

“If you obey the Way of Heaven, there is still a way to dissolve it.

I naturally don’t want to be punished, although the main thing is that my soul is damaged, but my body will have to lose a thousand years of cultivation,” she said.

“That’s how it is.

” I frankly accept, four or five hundred years of wandering in emptiness has made me have long since no extravagant hope for all things in the world.

“Kid, what if I told you I could help you reincarnate?

“The offer she made was really tempting, even if I could not escape the punishment of Heaven in the end, wouldn’t I still end up with a dissipated spirit?

“What do you want me to do?

“She turned her back, so I couldn’t see the look on her face, “The fate of heaven is that Gu Ruqing and Tong will be together forever.

“She was an arrogant and savage princess who met Gu Ruqing first, fell in love with him first and then was let down.

She wanted to be with Gu Ruqing, but she didn’t realize that she had disturbed the way of heaven and would end up being scattered.

In order to resolve the situation, he has to guard the betrayer’s love in order to survive.

“And you?

Where are you going?

“The silhouette in front of me gradually faded, her sad smile into my mind, “I will go to the earth to reincarnate a few times, to see what he said about the real love in the world.

“Kid, don’t fall in love with Gu Ruqing again like I did, and don’t fall in love with the wrong person again.”

“I woke up again in the daytime.

In just one night, I was caught up in a love-hate strife in the heavenly realm that did not belong to me.

The spirit soul of the original owner had gone to the mortal realm, so the pain in my heart when I thought of Gu Ruqing was finally gone.

I naturally sympathized with the original owner, but I was unwilling to remain a lonely soul, and I wanted to take advantage of this to get the chance to re-enter the wheel of reincarnation.

Therefore, I had to go and defend Gu Ruqing and Tong’s love.

In order not to reveal my identity, I ran through all the memories of the original owner, it was just three things, practicing kung fu, getting into trouble and Gu Ruqing, even the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress had a hard time leaving a clear impression in my memory.

“Princess, the Heavenly Empress is hosting a banquet at the Yao Chi, inviting Princess to go there.

” A small fairy eagle who looked clear and sharp came to report, her name was Shuang’er, one of the maids of honor beside me.

After bathing and dressing, Shuang’er led me towards the Queen of Heaven’s Phoenix Spirit Hall, only to learn that the Queen of Heaven’s banquet has already started for half a day, only that I slept late because I was stimulated by Gu Ruqing’s wedding a few days ago, and the uncertainty of the weather made this girl a bit fearful, and didn’t dare to disturb me at will.

“Where is that?

“I noticed a small garden not far away is full of peach trees, like clouds of pink is very beautiful.

“Back to Princess, that’s the Garden of the Falling Eyes, the residence of Mrs. Ruqing, the Goddess.

“In my memory, I heard that Tong favored the peach blossoms of the Eastern Wasteland, so when Gu Ruqing took Tong to the heavenly realm after the apocalypse, she sent someone to plant a few peach trees and cast a spell to make the peach blossoms bloom all year round.

Once this let the original master jealousy angry almost fell in the garden of peach trees are cut to go although Gu Ruqing and Tong two people’s feelings towards the ultimate impact on my ability to enter the reincarnation, but now I occupy the identity of the princess of Qingjia, the face of these two people is still very diaphragmatic.

I originally did not want to step into the Yuying Garden, but unexpectedly, a roasted odor and smoke drifted from the courtyard.

Yo, will not be the original master did not start with the garden full of peach trees, from where ran another Gu Ruqing admirers want to burn this peach garden a fire.

Burning a few peach trees is small, if the one in the East Wasteland is in there, what can be done?

I had to go in and take a look, the garden is filled with smoke, I vaguely see a thin woman standing in the garden constantly changing gestures and casting immortal skill.

I fingertip flick, cast the water skill, the yard suddenly disappeared a little spark.

Tong excitedly ran to me and held my hand, “Thank you for saving my life.

” The smoke dissipated, I stared at her face gradually turned from surprise to stiffness, she let go of my hand at once.

This Eastern Wasteland Princess saw my face clearly, and remembered the fear that she had once been deceived and intimidated by me a hundred years ago.

“How did this fire start?

” “I, because I just, just ——” “Don’t tell me yet!” I realized that when I raised my volume, I was a bit of a non-angry bully.

“Because I was roasting groundnuts in the courtyard, and I accidentally lost control of the fire” Shuang’er, who was at the side, couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and I gave her a warning look, but in fact, I was already laughing inside.

At least you’re a fairy, why are you so heavy on the earth?

“Then what are you doing in the courtyard dancing around?

” Tong put blushingly lowered his head, “I wanted to pinch a water trick to put out the fire.

But I forgot how to —— “water trick, this should not be two or three hundred little fairy children have already made the fire perfect?

I still remember the original master’s memory of that incompetent younger brother at the age of one hundred years had pinched a water trick almost drowned his own bedchamber, and finally was saved by Gu Ruqing’s story.

“Dare I ask what kind of person your master is?

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a misguided immortal.


” She quickly waved her hand, “No, I was born with poor spirituality and weak immortal roots, it has nothing to do with my master.

“I sighed, I began to feel strange, why Gu Ruqing down to the world of robberies there will be magic spells of the Eastern Desert Princess help will also be several times through life and death robberies, it turns out that the Eastern Desert Princess of the magic spells is in the is not to be complimented.

I was about to turn around and leave, but I heard Tong call out to me.

She seems to have summoned enough courage, “last night, such as Qing came back in the middle of the night, why did you remember everything?

” “Before that, it was me who gave him the herb of forgetfulness to make him forget you.

Yesterday, your wedding, I thought that things were finally irreversible, so I stopped and gave him the forget-me-not herb.

Also, I lied to you about what happened in the past.

“A relieved smile appeared on her face, “That’s how it was, he didn’t forget me.

“Do you hate me?

“She froze and shook her head, “I don’t know.

” “If it were you, if Gu Ruqing fell in love with another woman after being with you for three hundred years, what would you do?

The price he paid for not failing you was that he sacrificed his commitment to another.

” I think I should not have said so much, my purpose is Gu Ruqing and Tong a long time, perhaps I should ease the relationship with Tong, said two apologies, but the heart can not help but hold for Qingjia.

Tong can not say a word, a long time, she actually deeply bowed towards me, almost a bow to the end.

“I’m sorry.

“3, I saw her back bent, pink and white gauze wrapped around her thin shoulders, her posture is humble, but I can see the stubbornness.

I did not utter a word, she was also as still as if she was saying, I am sorry, but Gu Ruqing and I are in love with each other.

Almost in an instant, I can see that she has the shadow of Qingjia, although the nature of the difference between a heaven and earth, but in the face of the world of love, still are moths to the flame like fiery, make me really difficult to understand.

“I said on the spur of the moment, you don’t have to take it personally.

I have already put it down, and will not dwell on it too much.

“When I was about to help her to get up, a folding fan heavily blocked my wrist in a split second, and I couldn’t help but take two steps backward.

“Princess!” Shuang’er was busy coming forward to support me.

Although just a folding fan, but this kind of power actually let my wrist very painful, I looked up to see standing in front of Tong a handsome man in a basalt-colored robe, long posture, eyebrows like a picture, under the corner of the eye there is a small mole of vermilion sand.

He unabashedly sized me up, with three or two points on his face that seemed to be smiling and not smiling.

“Master —— why did you come?

” “Yao Chi there juniors one more than a boring, not as interesting as to come to you here,” the man will folding fan with one hand a show, very dashing good-looking, “this is again the main bully you?

”Tong shook her head and said, ”This is Princess Qing Jia, she saved me when I almost burned down the garden just now.”

”When he heard my name, his eyes were slightly stunned, then he returned to his previous calm demeanor.

“Who is this?

“I couldn’t help but ask, as he called the fairy at Yao Chi a junior, making me even more curious.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Shuang’er at my side had bowed her body to an incredibly humble level, her voice trembling slightly, ”Back to the princess, this is Zeyin-kun.

”Ze Yin Jun, three words alone, as thunderous as the ears, without the need for any immortal title.

Zeyin is an ancient god of war, and nowadays, when people hear of Zeyin, they will recall the battle of Peituo Mountain 50,000 years ago, which was recorded in the Immortal Book, in which Zeyin used his own strength to destroy the seven leaders of the Demon Clan, and rendered the Demon Clan incapable of fighting back to this day.

After this battle, Zeyin Jun retired from the Immortal Register and was nowhere to be found.

I lost my thoughts for a moment, this name I have heard countless times in the mortal world as a wandering soul, at that time idle often go to the mortal world of the teahouse to listen to the book, the storyteller’s mouth Zeyin was made up to be able to go up to the sky and into the ground, omnipotent, and even occasionally can be a ghost pulled out of the three times of the love of love to abuse love, said that the Zeyin return to reclusion because of the love of a demonic woman, but two people because of the blood feud can not be kept together.

I originally thought that Zeyin Jun should be an immortal old man how to cause these flirtations, must be for the old disrespectful, but now see, only to realize that this character was arranged on how many sections of the love affair is not too much.

“Qing Jia Princess, this king is the first time to see, the first beauty of the heavenly realm said really is good,” he is estimated to see me half a day can not say a word feel interesting, and said, “but wood is wood a bit.

I thought to myself, “I can’t beat your naive little disciple,” he said.

“Qingjia is seeing Ze Yin for the first time today, but she has never had the honor of meeting him, so she lost her temper.

I can’t afford to mess with this great god that all the heavenly realms have to offer up, so I’d better leave after saying a few words and exchanging pleasantries,” she said.

“This little look is still quite enough.

“He leaned down slightly to get closer to my face and commented, “It’s not quite the same as the rumors.

‘ The scent of his body surrounded me, and those deep ink-colored eyes looked like a calm spring on the top of a snowy mountain, like they could see into someone’s mind.

I stiffened from my heels to every inch of my hair, he was so powerful, he wouldn’t be able to see through my identity as a wandering soul in one go, right?

When the time comes, it won’t just be a simple matter of my soul flying away, I’ll even be sent to the 18th layer of hell for impersonating the princess of the heavenly realm.

“Why are you so scared?

“He stood up and handed me a long sword, “But it’s only natural that you’re afraid.

I remember a hundred years ago you deceived Tong for your own selfish reasons, and on her way back to the Eastern Wasteland you went so far as to release spirit beasts to take her life, you have to pay back all these debts today.

“Zaiyin-kun, this is the Princess of the Heavenly Realm.

” Shuang’er was so scared that her legs went weak and she shivered continuously.

“Master!” Kiri cried out anxiously and was about to come and pull Zayin away but was blocked by a boundary.

For a few moments I quickly flipped through Kiyoka’s memories, as I expected, the proud and brash girl had never moved to kill Kiru even though she was trapped in love and jealous, of course there was also the fact that she never put Kiru in her sights.

“What do you mean, Sawayin-kun?

” I glanced at the longsword he handed me, a rare immortal weapon.

“If you fight me, your previous debt will be canceled.

”Surely the God of War still has such a straightforward way of settling grudges no matter how many years have passed.


Sawaiin-kun is joking.

“I followed Qingjia’s old, arrogant demeanor, and I’m afraid she’s not going to be able to change her arrogant nature even when she meets Zayin, “Tong took away my beloved, so I tricked her and drove her away, so I’m getting what’s coming to me in return.

I’m not so nasty as to hurt her life.” “Even if you didn’t release the spirit beast, you’re not the one who did it.

“Even if you didn’t release the spirit beast, it was your lies that almost cost Tong her life.

“There was not a ripple in his words, “Go ahead.

I will spare you after hurting your cultivation for 2,000 years.” “I have seen it all today.

“I have seen the heroism of the ancient god of war,” my previous fear has long disappeared, I met his bottomless eyes, extremely sarcastic smile, “even so protective, in vain you hundreds of thousands of years of false fame, the original is a martial arts can not recognize right and wrong.

“He could not have expected that a junior would say such treacherous words, and his expression moved slightly, seeming to be in a moment of reflection.

I took advantage of this to snatch the long sword from his hand and leapt into the air, cutting through the boundary he had laid down.

Although Qingjia’s body was devoid of divine consciousness, fortunately the divine power was still retained.

As the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, Qingjia’s qualifications have exceeded those of her peers, and she was born with the divine power of an immortal, plus she herself is extremely competitive and hard-working, honing her immortal skills, and is considered one of the best among the younger generation of immortals in the Heavenly Realm.

However, facing Zeyin, I don’t know how many moves Qingjia’s divine power will allow me to withstand.

The back of the Zeyin immediately catch up, his hands only a folding fan, he may be a good temperament, different from me to take into account my just bumping, and did not come down on the hard hand, a move between still have room to maneuver, but all extraordinarily skillful roundabout difficult to solve back.

Obviously he wanted to make me physically exhausted defeated, and then take me my two thousand years of cultivation, because if he is directly in the fight to hurt me, that may lose not only two thousand years of cultivation only, and may even let directly I even Qing Jia’s immortal body ashes to ashes.

I was finally defeated.

The folding fan in Zeyin’s hand was pressed against my neck, if he exerted a little force, even a bland folding fan would be able to pierce my throat.

I smiled in relief, “I admit defeat.

“I saw a ball of fire burning in his hand.

“I saw a red flame burning in his hand, which was emitted by the Flame Stone, once burned on an immortal, it would cause the immortal to lose his cultivation, and it was irreversible.

The flame gradually approached me, I silently closed my eyes, and in my heart, I only felt a little sorry for Qingjia, if she knew that her 2,000 years of cultivation had been planted in Zeyin’s hands for no reason, I don’t know how she would feel.

“It’s been 600 years, you immortals still use this method to take away people’s cultivation.

“How can you say such a thing?”

“Zayin’s voice seemed a bit dull as it reached my ears.

I, how would I know?

My memories, after becoming a wandering soul have all disappeared, how could I blurt out “600 years”, who am I really?

I immediately felt a wave of dizziness, three or two tiny silhouettes flew through my mind, I wanted to desperately grab hold of them, but they were constantly flowing away.

Suddenly, I was pulled into a warm and soft embrace, the familiar sandalwood scent from Qing Jia’s memory wrapped around me, it was Gu Ruqing.

I am not sure whether it is real or not, and my brain is buzzing with noisy voices.

Is it possible that my soul and Qingjia’s body are rejecting each other?

Or have I gone off the deep end?

“Purify the six roots and open the spiritual platform.

“A warm, cool hand supported my forehead, and I settled my mind slightly, adjusting my internal breath according to Gu Ruqing’s words, and my divine senses returned to their positions one by one.

I was busy breaking away from Gu Ruqing, and he silently let go of my hand.

When I raised my eyes, the flames of the Flame Stone had disappeared.

The man on the opposite side was currently gazing at me, his ink-black eyes seemingly able to cause one to fall into an abyss.

“What is this 600 years you speak of?

”Perhaps I didn’t hear him properly, his slightly trembling words had an inextricable bitterness in them.

Without waiting for me to respond, Gu Ruqing stopped in front of me, “Zeyin, the Heavenly Empress has an invitation from Yaochi.

”Zeyin put away the momentary loss of concentration, quite a bit of ridicule hooked up the corner of the mouth, ”Look at you two, also called a good match, although it is not a match made in heaven, but it is also quite good.

Why do you want to provoke that girl?

That girl’s heart is solid, in the heavenly realm will never be able to figure out half a good point.

“Gu Ruqing’s expression moved slightly, “As long as I’m here, I can protect Tong for one day.

”Ze Yin lazily surveyed him for a couple of moments and yawned, ”I bet you can’t.

I’ve seen a lot of flirtatious juniors like you, and I’m here to take that girl back.” “She can’t go with you!

“She can’t go with you!” I was in a hurry, but I didn’t realize how strange it was coming from me.

As expected, Gu Ruqing looked at me with puzzlement in his eyes.

Ze Yin asked with interest, “Why?

Isn’t it just what you wanted when I took Tong away?

”I don’t intend for my soul to be scattered.

I hadn’t been in this body for long, and I felt a little bit of life in it, and I was so attached to it.

There are some things that are harder to lose once you’ve gained them. I didn’t know that after 400 or 500 years of loneliness, but now I want to go back to the wheel of reincarnation.

“I don’t have to.

Previously, the heavenly world rumor that I do not treat Tong, this time if she went with you, it seems to be my reason.

“You don’t dislike her?

“I was choked for a moment, avoiding his question, “This princess has recently let go of this love, Gu Ruqing and Tong can be good to each other, so that when he is too regretful to remember the goodness of this princess, there is still someone around to comfort him.

There will always be a person who is worthy of the Princess’s favor,” said Ze Yin, seemingly amused.

“Ze Yin seemed to be amused, “What kind of person can stand it?

”I must be crazy, offhandedly said, “Zeyin-kun is good like this.

‘ His face was stunned, then as if he had heard some unknowable joke, he broke out into a cloudy smile, ‘I can wait.

”A few words entered my ears, and I felt my face burn red.

Zeyin said, “In short, Tong I take away, the marriage is over, she will have nothing to do with the heavenly realm again.

“Princess Qing Jia, these two thousand years of cultivation first sent in your body, when one day this king mood to come back to get.

” I saw that the basaltic-colored robes walked away, a hanging heart released, only to remember that just and Zeyin ghosting, next to the drying of a character.

“Thank you.

” I said my thanks and left, after all, I wasn’t Qing Jia, I couldn’t bring up too many feelings towards him.

“You said it well, I really don’t deserve your favor.

” I turned around at his words, but I saw a white-clothed young man standing at the same place, standing with his arms folded, standing upright like a pine.

He smiled lightly and said, “Sister, may you be well in the future.

“You don’t blame me?

No.” “No.

“My previous impression of him was only based on the original memories of this body, which were not very real, and it was only at this time that I realized Gu Ruqing for the first time.

There are many people in this world who are as gentle as jade, but most of them flow on the outside, and their hearts are still curved and cold and paranoid, but like him, it is rare to see him being so cheerful.

5, “Princess,” double came up to help me, she is still a look of shock, I patted the back of her hand.

Commanded, “Today’s matter, as never seen.


” Shuang’er nodded and said, “Princess must be tired today, why don’t you go back to the bedchamber to rest?

Heavenly Empress there, the princess is not obliged to go, like the old days to notify a can.

I thought to myself, “You might as well have told me earlier, I’m not going to mess with that guy Zeyin.

However, if I want to intervene in the matter of Gu Ruqing and Tong, it is inevitable to deal with Tong’s master, and thus slightly relieved inwardly.

I shook my head and continued to walk towards Yao Chi.

“How do you think the Queen of Heaven is treating me?

” “Huh?

“Shuang’er wondered, “The Empress of Heaven couldn’t be more favorable to the Princess. The days when the Princess locked herself up in her chambers, the Empress of Heaven sent people to ask about her many times.

“If that’s the case, why does Princess Qingjia’s memories of the Empress of Heaven seem so vague, unlike the impression she should have of her mother?

Could it be that Qingjia deliberately sealed part of her own memories, unwilling to let me know, in that case, it is difficult for me to look deeper, so I do not think about it, but you have to be more cautious, so as not to reveal the cracks in front of the Queen of Heaven.

Not long, traveling to the Yao Chi, purple clouds, fairy gas.

I think it has been a long time since the banquet, sitting on the seat of all kinds of immortals are in the middle of a conversation.

I picked up a seat in the middle of nowhere and sat down. Immediately, a serving fairy came forward to add tea.

“The hibiscus flowers of Yao Chi bloom once in a while, do you want to go and have a look, Princess?

“No.” I have some numbness in my legs today.

“I have some numbness in my legs today, and I saw that the girl was a little disappointed, “You go and take a look, and come back and tell me if it’s good.

“When Shuang’er heard that, her eyes were full of smiles, “Yes, sir!” Once she left, I was even more bored.

So listen to a few immortal style Taoist elders not far away arguing about Taoism, very novel and interesting.

A bald, fat old man seemed to have the upper hand, and was being pushed to the point of redness.

“You, you, you, how can you be so shallow?

“That fat old man angry directly blowing the two moustaches on his cheeks, “for the immortal, how can not be compassionate to the people, in vain by the world daily incense offerings?

How can a person who is an immortal not be compassionate to the people of the world for nothing?

“Heh, are you reading the Immortal Scriptures all day long?

In the ancient times, the gods and fathers taught the immortals that they must be pure in heart, not ask for the mortal world, and cultivate themselves in order to achieve great success.

“The old man was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and argued, “Father God never said this, it’s all made up by later people! Why did the Father God transform?

Was it not for the sake of breaking the chaos of the flood, in order to prevent demons from plaguing the three worlds, he did not hesitate to dedicate all of his divine power to the spirit of heaven and earth.

“Heavenly Father, if we talk about the past, Lord Zayin is a model for the immortal world.

He is so quiet and uninvolved that it is hard to find him outside the three worlds. Even though he has removed himself from the Immortal Register, his cultivation is unrivaled in the three worlds.

“When the fairies talked about it, they all showed envy and admiration.

Only that old man, disdainfully scolded, face fat meat shook a few times, “now the immortal world is really dirty and muddy, each eye only focus on the immortal arts and cultivation and anecdotes and jokes, which has a few for the immortal look?

It’s getting worse and worse than before–” Well said, I secretly praised.

But before the old man could finish his sentence, it was covered by someone else’s voice.

He was so angry that he took off his boots and threw them to the ground. After a moment of silence and dismay, the crowd erupted in laughter, and the whole banquet of immortals looked over at him for a few moments before drinking and laughing as if nothing had happened.

I sighed, sipped my tea, and was about to look away.

But unexpectedly, “Apprentice-” I was afraid it wasn’t a blur, the old man seemed to call out in my direction.

I looked behind me, and then looked around.

“My disciple, what are you waiting for?

Come over here and back up your master!” He was actually calling me, I got up and walked closer to see that it was indeed the Market Virtue Heavenly Father, but I was justified in not recognizing him.

I blurted out, “When did you go bald, Heavenly Father?

”Because, the original master’s memory of the De Hui Tianzun had thick hair.

“The day before yesterday, your wife sharpened a good sword and insisted on competing with me, I was giving in to her, but she even accidentally cut off most of my hair.

“The market market heavenly father laughed nervously and touched his round head, “I think also figure a cool, shaved then shaved, three thousand troublesome silk, there is nothing to be concerned about.

“By the way, why are you so good-tempered today, my disciple?

“I was busy changing my name, “Old man, give you a good face still don’t want it?

The original owner really deserves the four words “no respect”.

The De Hui Heavenly Father nodded reassuringly, turned to the group of immortals who were laughing at him, crossed his arms and said aloud, “My disciple, Qing Jia, if you offend me today, you are offending the Princess of the Heavenly Realm, and you are offending the Divine Might of the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress.

”I really don’t know how this can be related to the Divine Might of the Heavenly Empress of the Heavenly Emperor, but look at those Immortals, all of them look like pickled eggplants with ugly faces.

The name of the Princess of the Heavenly Realm works so well.

In fact, it was not, these individuals had all suffered losses from the original owner hundreds of years earlier.

The Red Feather Immortal Monarch, when his newborn grandson was held over by Qing Jia for a few days for fun, and went back for three whole years to be depressed; the Pure Equilibrium Yuanjun, one of the most valuable cranes because of pecking Qing Jia’s hand, was plucked all over the crane’s hair as a duster; and the Western Sea Water Monarch, his eldest son who was given high hopes, at first sight somehow fell in love with the mixed princess, but Qing Jia paid no attention to it! On the contrary, the mockery to the right, let a piece of true heart into the water —— sins sins sins, really sins.

“I have something to do, I have to go.

“With the Western Sea Water Monarch leaving with a black face, those immortals dispersed one by one.

“Apprentice, why don’t you come to the Immortal Gate Mountain lately?

“The Virtuous Market was a bit cautious, “Are you still thinking of Ruqing?

“Seeing that I did not say anything, he made the intention to enlighten a look, “disciple ah, this is indeed Ruqing owes you, master see him again he must scold him, and then punished him kneeling half a month in front of the master.

However, too many obsessions, their own sadness, not worth it.

“I let go, you do not have to punish him.

“Earlier that section of things, he is afraid of all know.

Though he is not in tune with the market on weekdays, but it is true that everything is difficult to escape his eyes, just willing to pay no attention to it.

“Okay, okay, just put it down.

“He unfolded a smile, will be a brocade box into my hands, “for the teacher to see you this period of time has lost a lot of weight, the spirit suffered fatigue, this is for the teacher just the day before yesterday’s medicine, you and serve down, adjust the internal breath.

“I have a sore nose, “You old man nagging, bored to death.

“He smiled sarcastically and said, “Then I’ll leave first, the immortal weapon you asked me to build will take shape in a few days, so you must remember to come and get it.

“After speaking, he picked up the pair of boots on the ground, humming a little song and walked away.

A few drops of water fell on the box, the back of my hand swept across my cheeks, and it was a bit cool.

Someone to hang on to, really good.

Even if it’s not for me.

“Princess,” Shuang’er said, perhaps because she saw that I was lost in thought, “Princess,” “You’re back,” she said.

“You’re back,” I put on a smile, “Are the hibiscus flowers pretty?” “Yes, they are!

“Yes, they’re beautiful.” “Let’s go then.

“Since you’re here, why don’t you talk to the Queen of Heaven?

“Why do you talk so much?”

“I blamed myself and walked on.

Why don’t we talk to the Queen of Heaven?

Before I left, I glanced at the one sitting on the far side of the hall, she is elegant and dignified, not angry and self-contained, is played the role of a mother of the heavenly realm, but not like a mother.

Just banquet on so big movement, she saw still not move, face hanging quietly smile, the bottom of the eye is detached.

6, “I’m so sad.

“I leaned in the bedchamber on the soft collapse, looking at the window potted peach bonsai, that is Tong to thank me for the day to save her garden to send.

The Princess is worried about it,” she said.

“Shuang’er came and handed me a cup of tea.

“What do you think of this man, Ze Yin Jun, why is it so hard for even the Heavenly Emperor to keep him in check?

“I sighed quietly, that day Zeyin said he would take Tong away, I thought in my heart that even if he was a great man, he had to give some face to the Heavenly Emperor who gave him the marriage, not to mention the fact that behind him was the Heavenly Race and the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Unexpectedly, this god, really do not know to give face this four words how to write.

Yao Chi banquet after the end of the drink, immediately disregard his little disciple sobbing and tears, and Gu Ruqing ten thousand hard to part with the appearance of his little disciple on the shoulder and go, just missing a sack set can be comparable to the kidnappers, leaving a note counted to the heavenly emperor and all the gods of the account: the marriage is called off.

So clean and sharp, let me jaw-dropping.

Once he’s gone, how can I fulfill my mission of fulfilling Heaven’s destiny?

“Lord Zai Yin has removed himself from the Immortal Register, so naturally the Heavenly Emperor has no control over him.

” Shuang’er looked at the pot of peach blossoms by the window, “The peach blossoms in this Eastern Desert are really much pinker than those in the Heavenly Realm.

” “That’s right!” I have a flash of light, “He Zeyin can captivate people without saying a word, then I can also chase to the Eastern Wasteland ah.

” “Princess you —— want to get into trouble again?

” ——–3.1 Updated “Princess you —— want to get into trouble again?

“How can you call this trouble?

I squinted my eyes comfortably, “Tong was forced to disobey the order and repudiate the marriage, as the princess of the heavenly realm, how can I just sit back and do nothing?” “Princess, don’t go to Zhaizhe again.

“Princess, don’t go to Yin Yin again. Do you remember last time he said he would take 2,000 years of your cultivation?” “Why are you afraid of him?

“Why are you afraid of him?

You can stay in the bedchamber and cover up for me.

“I don’t worry about whether Shuang’er can hide from me, I want to leave her here, so that I can act alone.

“Princess ——” she said hesitantly, “why are you still interfering in this matter?

” She may have wanted to say that it wasn’t worth it.

“Just think of it as me being bored and wanting to get some air.

“I took her hand, “You don’t have to be so tense, if it comes out, you can blame it on me and say I coerced you.

Anyway, Qingjia had done this kind of thing many times in the past.” She finally nodded.

She finally nodded, and without any surprise, she became my accomplice.

Seeing that she was still mute, I stood up, “Let’s go.

“Take care of yourself, Princess.” I smiled.

” I smiled and didn’t turn around, waving my hand at her.

In just these few days, this little fairy ee is actually the person closest to me, she is a little afraid of me, but this testament carries a rare sincerity.

Just ah, after all, I am not the princess of her family.

What I am plotting, even more so, I can’t involve others.

With my current skill, it’s not difficult for me to slip past the Heavenly Realm guards.

I am not in a hurry to go out of heaven, before this trip, I want to go to a place.

7, the south corner of the heavenly court that is the light Xuan emperor’s carefree palace, usually few people step foot, a silence.

I easily entered the gate, it is strange to say, this huge palace, but there is not an attendant.

Similar to the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress, the specific memories about Guang Xuan had also been deliberately erased by Qing Jia.

But the difference is that Qing Jia was wary and distant towards the Heavenly Empress; whereas Guang Xuan, how do I feel that this is someone who is very important to her.

So important that he seemed unwilling to share their memories with me, an alien wandering soul.

Inside the Carefree Palace, the pavilions, rockeries and stone forests are like heavenly formations, and every step I take is a good view.

Even though I had a lot of doubts, my mind and soul were also relieved at this moment.

Not long ago, I saw him at the pool, far away, clusters of pear blossoms under the light blue back without dust, ink-black silk casually bundled in the back of the head.

I opened my mouth a bit shyly, “Emperor Guangxuan?

”He turned around at the sound of his words, a man of light elegance and dust.

He wore a stunning face, and even if he had fallen into the mortal world, one could tell that he was a god.

But there were no waves in my heart, so calm that it was as if I had known him for a long time.

“You’re here.

“He sat down in the pavilion by the pool and washed up his teacups, “Come and sit down.

”Does he actually know about me impersonating the princess, since I need him to help me, should I hide it from him or confess?

Seeing that I didn’t go over, he didn’t urge me, still unhurriedly making tea.

I finally walked to sit across from him and was planning to open my mouth to test the waters.

“Are you trying to tell me that you’re not Gaga?

” He slowly added a cup of tea in front of my table, “Or do you want me to help you?

“So you know all about it.

” Listen to the meaning of Guangxuan’s words, should have long ago Qingjia is a camp, “You will not be helping ——” tea gas dense, he slightly nodded, “Otherwise, you think that Jiajia change the soul of the matter can be hidden from the Queen of Heaven?

” I muttered in a small voice, “It’s really not like the god in charge of the Book of Heavenly Orders would do.

”Shouldn’t all the gods who have gotten to this age abide by the law and be a walking standard for the immortal world?”

But when I thought of Zayin-kun, who I had met earlier, he didn’t seem to be any more out of line than he was.

“So what is a god in charge of Heaven’s destiny supposed to do?

” He looked at me, his eyes clear, mixed with a few moments of puzzled ignorance.

What a good ear, I lamented.

“Shouldn —— t you set an example?

Swap souls and not defy heaven’s order?

‘ Guangxuan thought seriously for a while, his face didn’t change: ”I don’t know, it’s not written in the Book of Heavenly Orders.

” I was abruptly amused, what he said was not unreasonable.

I didn’t forget the purpose of this trip, ”Emperor, can you tell me Gu Ruqing and Tong’s fortune?

“He lowered his head to sip tea, pondered for a moment, and finally replied, “They are destined to be together, but now it seems that their entanglements are too deep, and I’m afraid that they won’t be able to achieve good results.

“Is it because of the previous Princess Qing Jia?

“He glanced at me, his gaze soft, “Yes.

But this has nothing to do with you, she has promised you things, you listen to it, no matter how the result, I am willing to help you return to the wheel of reincarnation.” I was glad to hear this.

”Although I was delighted to hear this, I couldn’t help but guess.

He helped Qingjia to change her soul, but he didn’t expect to use me to resolve Qingjia’s karma, which is really puzzling.

“Why did His Holiness do this?

” “Only then will she willingly go to the mortal world to experience.

‘ He sighed bitterly, then thoughtfully asked, “Then again, what is your name?

“I shook my head, wandering souls in the mortal world never need a name, no mortal can see me, and wandering ghosts and monsters are usually solitary and don’t like to make friends.

As if he had prepared in advance, a wave of his right hand, the pool next to the pavilion jumped up dozens of ink characters, “with your destiny character are here, you pick one.

You can pick one.” The tone of his voice was so flat and uninteresting that it was like picking out a favorite piece of jewelry.

I walked to the pool, looked around, carefully compared half a day, and finally chose a word among a group of heroine’s names that looked like the worst of the mortal world.


“I couldn’t contain my excitement even though I was apprehensive, “I’ll be called In, how about it?

“Kougen stood beside me at an unknown time, “In… —–” “Is it wrong?

Then I’ll change it to–” “Very well.

” He paused and called out, “In.

“Yes!” A great sense of satisfaction filled me, perhaps because it was the first time someone had recognized my existence?

With a wave of Kouken’s sleeve, all the ink characters on the pool disappeared, the water receded to the sides, and a jade bracelet slowly rose up and flew into the palm of his hand.

In an instant, the pool water returned to normal.

I silently sighed, as if I had never seen the world, “This pool is so powerful.

” “The one who is powerful should be the one who casts the spell.

” He faintly responded.

That’s true, but does the Imperial Father also praise himself?

“This is for you.

” I took the indigo-colored jade bracelet and turned it around in my hand.

On the jade bracelet was engraved a small word “cause”.

I didn’t see anything remarkable about the bracelet even after all the fuss.

I used my index finger to play with the bracelet, “Is this a gift?

“It’s a magic weapon to protect you from being split apart by the heavenly calamity.

“I was busy stopping my death-defying actions and firmly clutched the jade bracelet in my hand.

With this treasure, it’s equivalent to a gold medal to avoid death, picking up a bargain for nothing.

You can stay in the heavenly realm, and on the day Qing Jia returns, I will help you re-enter the wheel of reincarnation.”

“I thought for a moment, “The jade bracelet can protect my soul from dissipation, but can it protect the cultivation of this immortal body?

“No.” I remembered what Qingjia said.

“I remembered that Qingjia said that if I were to suffer a heavenly calamity, I would have to lose at least a thousand years of my cultivation.

If this continues, what will happen to Gu Ruqing and Tong?”

“Guangxuan’s eyes were puzzled, “I don’t know, what’s that got to do with you?

What’s that got to do with you?” “Right, what’s it got to do with me?

Now all I have to do is wait, and I will realize what I want.

However, I recalled the white-clothed young man behind me who said softly that he didn’t blame me, the young girl in pink and white dress under the peach blossom tree who bowed to her rival with tenderness and firmness, and the princess who was surrounded by gorgeousness and beauty who couldn’t hide her sad smile.

If I were to give up on resolving the apocalypse because of my cowardice, what would happen to them?

I will have decided, “No matter what promises the emperor has made me today, I would like to try my best to reach the agreement with the princess.

“”You ——” he shook his head, “That’s all.

You can take good care of this immortal body, otherwise, I can’t go out of the Carefree Palace, and I can’t care about it.

I can’t leave the Carefree Palace, nor can I control anything else.” “Thank you, Emperor, I can’t repay you for your help.

“Guangxuan stared at the empty surface of the pool without saying a word. When I was about to leave, he suddenly called out to me, “You have carried Jiajia’s fortune and misfortune, but you are not her, and you don’t have to become her.

” “Chinga is Chinga, and In is In.

“These words came to my ears, and it was a bit like a lifetime ago, like a bell that woke me up from all my posturing and caution these days.

Remember, Ain is Ain.

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