What is it like to be in a relationship with a straight man?

What is it like to be in a relationship with a straight man?

The first time I went on a date with a straight man who never lets his children pay for anything, he carried a budget of 2,000 yuan, spent 686 yuan, leaving 1,314 yuan, which he transferred to me on WeChat……. What kind of invisible rich young man have I found?

Oh, not at all, is that he misunderstood my occupation, thought I every time to ask for 2000.

The root cause is the time we met, is a night.

My best friend had fallen out of love with me, and dragged me to drink with her until 11 p.m. After I kept begging, she finally let me go before the last subway came.

She finally let me go before the last subway arrived, and I fell asleep on the last subway to the suburbs.

In spite of the fact that there was no one else in the row, I lay down comfortably.

And then, because of the “strolling” motion of the subway, my head went straight into the handrail and I could not pull it out.

I tried my best to pull my head out, but I kept failing, why?



The lady on the other side couldn’t bear to see me struggling like a maggot and sympathetically dialed 119 for me.

However, the first ones to arrive were passengers from other compartments and subway workers.

Some of them knelt down to comfort me, some stood back to observe, and a few of them took out their cell phones and pointed them at me to record this unforgettable night for me.

After about 20 minutes, a few firemen finally descended like gods with their tools.

“Come on, keep hold of her head and stabilize her while we do this.

We’ll do it.” “Jabber?

Why are you talking to my neck?

My neck is always on my head! “Okay.

“Neck talking?

I saw these uniformed legs in front of me squatting down and looking at me face to face.

Oh my god, he is so handsome! His nose had a small hump, and he had a pair of clear, one-eyed eyes that shone brightly.

I looked at the clean jawline of my family with a narrow smile. I was also a man, but I had a double chin that was indistinguishable from my head.

“I’ll hold you up, don’t be afraid and don’t move.

“Then the “neck” smiled at me. I could have held it in if he hadn’t smiled, but the smile revealed his little tiger ……! It turned out that the little tiger was called Wang⼦博, and his teammates usually called him Bo Bo(博) children.

I hadn’t even been thinking for 3 seconds when I was snapped back to reality by the cool liquid on my neck.

It turned out that the firefighters were rubbing lubricant on my neck and face and, not surprisingly, my neck would be glowing like a chicken wing on the grill.

“Come on, try drilling yourself.” I did what the handsome man said.

I did whatever the handsome man said, without a second’s delay.” And then for the second time, I was like a man on his own.

Then I started wriggling like a maggot for the second time, the difference being that this time I was a maggot full of grease.

 After about two, three, four or five attempts, my wise head still did not come out.

Just as I was about to try harder to make it bigger, I screamed “Ahhhh”.

Why was Bobo’s hand suddenly touching my butt?

Did he touch me?

While I was trapped?

In front of so many people?

Just as I was about to let out the dirty words I had been thinking of, Bo Bo rushed over to me and whispered.

“You just lifted up your skirt…” …… KAM! I forgot that I am wearing a JK skirt today?

I forgot that I was wearing a JK skirt today?

I forgot that I was wearing a JK skirt today?

I forgot that I was wearing a JK mini skirt today.

The skirt is called a “gentle one”, but I really want to give myself one right now.

Because my squirming continued, my face was predicted to look mostly like this.

And Bobo couldn’t take his hands back.

The final result was a large, powerful hand of Bo Bo stretching out and tugging on my skirt with the tips of his thumb and forefinger like an orchid finger, which had to be suspended like a magnetic levitation so that it would not touch my buttocks.

It’s hard for him. I guess he can’t look much more masculine with his current gestures.

I failed Bo Bo, and after a struggle, my head was still stuck in the handrail.

My head was still stuck in the handrail. If I kept going like this, I was going to become one with the subway.

“I’m going to have to use the chainsaw.

“Bobo’s teammates were decisive.

Just when the buzzing tool was close to my face, Bobo shielded my face with both hands.

My God, after two decades of living, a man has finally shown me some affection! However, life is never a short story, and the excited cheering of the onlookers brought me back to reality from my sweet love.

“It’s almost time! It’s almost time! Almost there! “The head is coming out! “Congratulations, mom, you’ve created a baby!” I thought to myself.

But there was no father-in-law with an expression of care on his face, no bawling baby, just a few excited strangers and the sound of clicking.

My head was finally out.

3 The maggot was finally able to sit up, and Bobo’s hands moved away from my hips.

Then the good-looking hand reached out to my face.

“Here, let me help you up.

“I put my hand on Bo’s arm and stood up with strength.

However, my legs gave out, and I went down in a heap.

The firefighter’s reaction speed was remarkable, and he reached out his hand subconsciously and fished for me.

My whole body was stabilized at once, but my 34C was also stabilized.

I looked at BoBo as if I had lost my eyesight and remained silent.

I was so embarrassed that I was ready to gouge out Seijo Ancient City on the ground, but then I saw a change in a certain part of BoBo’s face.

…… His face.


When I was finally able to stand on my own, BoBo suddenly coughed and educated me in a business-like manner.

“Children should not drink so much at night in the future, look at your face, it is still red.

“I did drink red, but how did you get red?

“Oh, then why is your face red too?

“Bo Bo subconsciously touched his face, his expression stiff.

Then he said that the ambulance was waiting outside, and that I should go up on my own, while he went back to the fire station.

And then he left.

I was left with a determined look on my back.

It’s just, it’s quite sudden. Is it hard to accept that you’re blushing?

As I waited for BoBo to get away, I suddenly forgot something important, I forgot to ask him for his WeChat.

I forgot to ask him for his WeChat! 4 On the second day, the news “A woman’s head was stuck in the handrail and was successfully rescued by firefighters after an hour of shutdown on Line 3 subway” was accidentally pushed into my cell phone, in Jieyin, Weibo, and the local news portal.

The news video captured the scene of me falling into BoBo’s arms, and many people in the comment section praised BoBo for being so handsome and said that I didn’t lose anything.

For those of you who said I didn’t lose out, let’s experience it for yourselves and see how embarrassing it is! I pretended to be a righteous person in the comment section and tried to persuade my friends not to get married.

At the same time, I still …… saved the news video …… This was the last weak connection I had with BoBo.

On the tenth day after I lost BoBo, my other best friend fell out of love with her… is this thing contagious?

She called me crying and said she was going to get drunk, not just drink, but go to a bar?

In a bam bam bar.

She drinks, I discourage it.

She bounced around, I watched the bags.

I chased her away when she was hit on.

That night, I watched her, like a young girl who has been rescued from the world by the best graduates of the German Academy, until 5:00 in the morning.

On the way home, I was so disheveled that my eyeshadow had slipped into blush.

But the hissing from the street ahead caught my attention.

“1, 2…1, 2…1234,” it turned out to be the firefighters in the fire station near my home running in the morning.

I wonder if BoBo, too, goes out for a morning run at this time every day.

No…… there is a man in the group who looks so much like him.

Not …… why the closer I look, the more similar I see.

I’m knocking! It’s him.

I quickly raised my hand! I quickly raised my hands to cover my own face. The way I am now, I am afraid of myself.

I covered my face and quickly left along the wall, only to hear a voice coming from Bobo’s side.

“So, is it the card-head girl?


How can I be recognized even though I covered my face so tightly?

It’s not her, is it? “It’s not her, is it?

“It’s BoBo, with a magnetic voice! “It’s her! Her cell phone case has four big names of a rich woman, and look at that skirt, it looks like her too!” Holy shit, did you spend time in the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord?

I immediately shrank back and stuffed my cell phone into my bag in a hurry, and as a result, my face was exposed.

It was over! They all saw me! When my brother saw my face, he realized.

“Oh, it’s a mistake, it’s not her.” But Bo still recognized me.

“However, Bobo recognized me and even nodded to me.

Bobo was as handsome as ever.

I made the same …… awkward appearance.

 5 After a week of masking, I made my own face white and moisturized, put on eye shadow, lipstick and highlighter shadow, and wore a short dress.

Then I took my specially made banner and went to the fire station in Bobo.

I didn’t believe that I couldn’t seize the opportunity to get in touch with him by virtue of my own beauty! In the fire station, BoBo shook his head in amazement for less than a second after seeing me.

I was so surprised that I shook my head.

I was so surprised…?

What’s wrong with the lipstick?

Was it the lipstick?

Or did the fake eyelashes fall off?

There’s no oil on my skirt! I can’t! Whatever, I’ll take it as a straight man’s inability to express himself.

Then I took out the banner I had prepared for him, and as expected, not only Bob but also the entire fire station crew froze.

In a sea of banners that read, “Firefighting is for the people” and “True love for the people, rescue and relief”, the one I had for him stood out from the rest.

The banner has four big words ⸺ “Save my dog’s life” on it.

I don’t know if it’s because of my beauty or not, but I’m sure it will be an unforgettable memory in Bo Bo’s life.

After the photo shoot, Bobo escorted me out.

Then I added him to my WeChat account.

 6 I was a mini-cartoonist for a public relations company, and every day I faced a lot of changes from my father.

There were two or ten days in a month when I worked overtime until two o’clock in the middle of the night.

I sighed with my own large Cazenove bags under my eyes and posted a message to my friends, “It’s 4 o’clock”.

Here in the fire station canteen.

Bo Bo swiped his cell phone while eating, and his face gradually became gloomy.

The members of the team asked him what was wrong, but he didn’t answer, except that he tapped down a comment under my friend’s circle, “Can’t you change the white shift?

“Can’t you work a different day shift?

“I was so upset. Yes, I had applied for a white-shift job, but how did it turn into a “white and black shift”?

Later on.

Bo Bo’s face was grave for once, and he commented for the second time on my friend’s circle.

I commented, “The client is being tortured to death with too many tricks.

His comment was: “Can’t you say no?” I replied: “It’s all my fault.

I replied, “They’re all my own mothers.” He replied, “It’s better to say no soon.

He replied, “I’d better change my job soon.” the third time.

“The third time.

Bo Bo’s face was no longer stony, and he even clutched his cell phone fiercely.

This time, my friend’s circle read, “This day has woken me up.

“Because the weather has been so dry lately, I woke up this morning with a dry throat and a cough.

Bob commented: “You ……” me?

What’s wrong with me?

“Don’t you have nickel-hydrates?

“After I replied, Bobo didn’t care about me anymore.

 At the midnight snack stand, Bo Bo’s teammates poured a glass of Coke for Bo Bo, who was frowning and looking at his cell phone, and then started to console him: “Bo Bo, I’m not saying that you can’t look at other people with colorful glasses,” “My little girl, I can’t see other people with colorful glasses.

My little girl might have no choice but to do this,” he said, “and it’s not a bad idea to do this.

“And that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. Look at Chen Yuan Yuan, Li Shishi, and Mi Fenxian. ……” BoBo, listening to his teammate’s words, still couldn’t understand, and said to himself, “When I saw her ride the subway so late at night in a drunken stupor and return home in the early hours of the morning when her make-up was smudged, I wasn’t really so sure about it.

“However, after reading her circle of friends, I was certain that she had done this. How can a child be so depraved? “I don’t think so! I think there’s a file clerk missing in our team, so I’ll ask her if she’s willing to do it some other time. The money is a bit low, but it’s a serious job, and since we know each other, we should help her out a bit.

“When Bo Bo finished his sentence, he looked positive.

His teammates nodded approvingly.

The next day when I was passing by the fire station, the team leader who was giving me a chainsaw saw me and suddenly stopped me.

He suddenly stopped me and called me into the milk tea store next door with a serious look on his face.

I was a little bit panicked that my own banner was too trendy and hurtful.

The team leader took out their duty roster and put it in front of me, pointing out BoBo’s roster in particular.

“Bo Bo is a regular person in our team. He has been under my wing since he joined the fire department after graduation, and he’s almost three years old, but he hasn’t started a family yet.

I see that Bo Bo is quite attentive to you. If you have a single girl, you can introduce her to Bo Bo.” “Bo Bo, in my opinion, is quite attentive to you.

“BoBo, I’m a bit dull and can’t say anything romantic, but he’s really handsome, right?

“The team leader praised BoBo all over the place, not because he wanted me to introduce BoBo to his friends, but because he wanted to set me up with BoBo! This is a really good teammate! It was with great anticipation that I took on this special mission, which was incumbent on my generation to address the vitality of the firefighters.

 8 After accepting this honorable mission, I immediately tweeted BoBo to ask him to come out for dinner.

“Uncle Fireman! Would you like to come out for dinner at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday?

“After waiting for half an hour, Bobo answered me.

“Is two thousand enough?

“I don’t know what to say! The team leader called Bobo a fool, but what is so foolhardy here?

On the first date, he even asked how much money he could bring, and offered to bring so much! While respecting her wishes, she is full of sincerity! It’s just a meal and a movie, how can you spend up to two thousand dollars.

“That’s enough, I don’t need that much.

I don’t need that much.” Bo Bo looked up with a puzzled expression in his dormitory.

Bobo looked up with a puzzled expression and asked his teammate, “She said 2,000 is too much.

She said 2,000 was too much.” His teammate scratched his head, “I don’t really know what that means. Maybe she got a discount because you saved her life last time.

“On this date, we ate fire, watched a movie, and drank milk tea, but BoBo didn’t let me spend a single cent, not even giving me the chance to buy a cup of milk tea.

“How can you pay for something like that?

How can you pay for something like that? Bobo said, “How can you pay for such things?

What kind of parenting is this?

What kind of discipline is this?

Not only that, Bo Bo gave me a surprise when I got home.

I clicked on it and saw, “Oh my God! He had transferred 1,314 dollars!

How could love come so quickly?

Will I be able to go home next year and get my diploma?

In Bobo’s dormitory.

“I spent just a few hundred dollars today, and she didn’t ask me to buy her anything, so I transferred the rest of my 2000 dollars to her,” Bo Bo reported to his teammates.

“Bo Bo and his teammates reported.

Did you tell her to change her work?” Bobo shook his head.

“Bo Bo shook his head, “No, I didn’t mention it, I saw that she was quite happy today, so I didn’t open the door.

Bo shook his head: “I didn’t mention it, I saw that she was quite happy today, so I didn’t ask for it.” His roommate said helplessly: “Then you’ll have to spend another 2,000 next time.

“Bob and I went out twice a month at the most, and each time he spent the money and I wasn’t allowed to pay a penny.

Strangely enough, our relationship has not progressed at all.

No good night, no kisses, no love, just the same old heterosexual relationship.

God, is this Bobo in love with shopping with me?

No, I can’t let my love be annihilated.

I’m going to take the initiative! I’m going to make him choose! I want him to give me an answer! I open WeChat, type, and send.

“Do you like me?

I’ll see how you nerds respond.”


“Holy shit?

He admitted it?

He’s admitting it?


But why is it just an uh-huh?

Is it so hard to admit you like me?

“So what’s our relationship now?

“…… friends.”

“You only consider me a friend?

Not a girlfriend?” “I don’t know.

“I don’t know.

“You like me, I like you, isn’t that boyfriend/girlfriend?”

“What’s up with this Bobo?

What’s with this BoB? Is he under the influence of some scumbag quote?

What about “I like you but I’ll marry her” and “Like doesn’t mean we have to be together”?

“I can’t get past that hurdle in my heart, and even if I could, it’s hard for my parents.” What?





I’m full of questions.

Is this some new scumbag quote?



How can I be a burden to you if I am not a daughter?

“What kind of a problem?

“Give me a little more time for something of this magnitude.”

“And then Bobo never spoke to me again.

“And then Bobo never replied again.

 After almost a week of criticism and self-criticism, I am now beyond certain that I couldn’t have been a better girl.

BoBo the nerd was to be left to his own devices, and I had no time to think about what his children were doing.

BoBo was shelved in my WeChat friends list, and I would occasionally see his circle of friends, where he would take photos of the flowers, cats and dogs in the fire station, in addition to the files he retweeted.

A few days later, I was approached by the Fire Services Department.


Why would you alert the DGF for such a small matter?

It turned out that I was overthinking.

It turned out that they had seen my four-panel comics of paramedics on my Weibo account, so they asked me to draw a series of comics based on the life of firefighters.

Firefighters are probably the sweetest partners in the world, and they even asked me where I lived so they could let me visit the nearest support team.

Wait a minute!!! The nearest support team! No?



Here in the publicity office of the fire department.

Bobo looked at me in surprise.

“What are you doing here?

“I looked at him blankly.

“What’s so strange?

I’ve never seen a cartoonist doing private work before.

“Bobo scratched his head.

“A cartoonist?

“The publicity officer who asked me to draw for him had a complicated expression when he saw Bo Bo’s face.

“BoBo, this is a famous cartoonist on Weibo, and he has been commissioned by the Directorate General, so you have to cooperate! Bo Bo was dumbfounded.

“A famous cartoonist?

You’ve switched to being a cartoonist?” I couldn’t understand.

“I can’t tell you, what’s going on here, dear.

“I’ve been a master for ten years, so why would I change my profession? That’s what I studied in college! The publicity officer looked at Bo Bo and was speechless, shaking his head and pulling me aside.

“Don’t worry, the firefighters usually train very hard, so their brains are probably a bit lacking in oxygen.

“The brain is quite lacking in …… oxygen.” Then BoBo remained in a state of shock.

“Then Bo Bo was still looking like a goose, thinking about something.

I’ll take you around.” “Forget it, just look at him from afar. He’s the most handsome member of the support team, and he’ll give you some creative inspiration.

Let me show you around.” “Yeah, okay.

“When I was about to leave, Bo Bo saw an opportunity and pulled me in by the horns.

“You’re a manga artist by profession?” “Didn’t I just say that?

“Didn’t I just say that?

” “So do you have …… any other private work?

“Of course I do! Without private work, a comic book artist would starve to death!” “What are they?

“Why are you asking in such detail?

“Tell me!” “Well, a cartoon design for an FMCG brand, a customized avatar, and a series of posters, nothing more.

“As soon as I spoke, BoBo opened his cell phone and clicked on his cell phone.

Bo Bo opened his cell phone, clicked on the interface, and put it in front of my eyes.

“What does that mean?

“On the screen was a friend’s circle that I had posted, “It’s time to go to four o’clock.

What does that mean?

It’s a literal meaning! “I’ve been working overtime. I can’t finish my drawing.

“Then he clicked on a desktop screen.

It was another friend’s circle that I had posted, “There are so many tricks from customers, I’m going to be tortured to death.

“There’s a story to be told here: ……” Bobo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

“I’m telling you, don’t talk about how NC this client is. He wanted a cute and extremely cute female image, and I drew it for two days, and it was adorable, and then he wanted breasts, hips, and legs, so can this be both cute and adorable?

What is this?

It’s called dreaming. ……” Only Bo Bo slowly lowered his head, and a window of opportunity opened up.

“What about this?

“The current screen is still my circle of friends.

The entry, “This day has woken me up.

“What about this?


I wonder!

I wondered! What’s wrong with that?

What a normal file for a circle of friends! “What’s wrong with this one?

“You don’t know what’s wrong?

“Yes!” “On this day, who woke you up?

Who woke you up?


God! Don’t yell “God”, tell me who it is! “God!” “You’re still yelling! Tell me who it is! “I told you, it’s God!” “You won’t tell me, will you?

I told you, …… no, wait a minute, …… let me correct you, this word is pronounced once, not four times, not four times, you pronounce it in an obscene way.” “Once?

You are pronouncing it in an obscene way.” “A sound?

“Well, come on, repeat it with me, clean your soul, it’s been a long day for kiddies and nickel-and-dime me.

“……” Bobo was silent, but just put his cell phone in his pocket, then raised both hands and rubbed his own handsome face, and growled in a low voice.

“Kam!” What’s wrong with him?

It was the two ways of pronouncing the word “nickel-hydride” that he could not recall.

 12 Three plates of fattened food and three plates of lamb’s quarters.

He had not eaten enough and called the waiter to add a plate of hand-cut food.

Why does anyone want to create a boy?

Look, can they afford it?

He doesn’t eat the food, he just eats the food, and he eats so much of it.

Bobo finally finished eating, and sipped on the rest of the ice-cola until there was a shrieking sound in the can.

“I’m done.

“Yes, I’ve suffered for you.” “Do you want some milk tea?

“Do you want some milk tea?

I’ll get you some!” “No, you’ve got something to say to you.

“That’s …… I’d like to explain …… I didn’t mean to …… not reply to you before …… it was my mother who said that they had to think about it too. They’ve got to think about …… what they’re thinking about.

“Think about …… that …… think about …… their own …… acceptance of They have to think about whether or not they can accept you for themselves.

“Accept me?

“Accepting a girl in a nightclub at four o’clock in the middle of the night who has no proper occupation and is waking up to that as her own daughter-in-law!” …… what?

A club girl?


I’m a night girl almost?

My polite smile cracked.

It turned out that he, Wang sub-Bo, had thought I was just a poor girl who had fallen from grace.

The price is as high as 2,000, and I have a steady stream of customers.

Is it any wonder that the burden in his mind is so large?

Couldn’t this be a big problem for you?

I guess I’ll have to find another way through the bridges to my heart.

 With the karma of the career mystery behind us, a new challenge for us was how to establish a relationship with a child.

This nerd asks me to go shopping every time, and then we do.

Today we were in a shopping mall that we have visited a few times.

As we were walking, he suddenly stopped and looked at me with affection.

My heart skipped a beat.

Oh my god, is he going to confess in public?

As soon as he opened his mouth, the whole atmosphere changed.

“Do you have paper with you?

“Yes!” I yelled. I yelled out in a loud voice.

My mother’s mind has been broken by you. Is it necessary to stop and ask me so seriously if I want a piece of paper to wipe my ass?

But before I could finish rolling my eyes, he took my arm and started to run faster.



I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.




Are you pulling in your pants?

In such a hurry?

As I was running to keep me safe, he took me to a dimly lit stairwell in the mall.

“There’s no place to go in the bathroom…” Bobo hooked me to the side and pushed me against the wall, a hand still against the wall, his head looking down at me.

The deep look in his eyes had just appeared.

My breath, which had just been coming in and out of me, was now completely cut off.

Bob’s face was only five centimeters from mine, and I could feel his breath.

Then, this five centimeters, ah ah ah ah, how did it become three centimeters?

Ahhhhh, a centimeter.

Ahhhhhhhhh, I lost focus.

Bobo kissed me.

Oh my god.

Kiss is so sweet.

I was already spinning.

After a minute, Bob let go of me.

“Where is the paper?

“It was only with these words that Bobo brought me back to reality, I was walking on clouds.

How did he make such a romantic thing so grounded?


I don’t know.

I pulled a packet of paper out of my bag and threw it in his hand.

“Here you go!” I thought he would take the paper and run to the toilet.

Instead, he pulled out one of the papers and put it to his mouth.

But after a glance at the paper, he paused.

“Don’t waste paper.

“While I had no idea what he was doing, he suddenly dipped his head and kissed me.

This time it took even longer, turning into three minutes. …… I was already running out of breath. …… After raising his head, Bo Bo took out the paper in his hand and wiped my mouth.

Diana wiped her own mouth and shyly said, “I wanted to kiss you, but there were too many people”.

“It turned out that Bo Bo had asked me if I had brought any paper with me so that he could wipe his mouth after kissing me, lest the rotten tomato color on my mouth would get all over my face.

At this point, however, both of us were blushing like two red tomatoes.

 14 That’s how Bo Bo and I settled into a relationship.

He’s handsome, but he’s also really dumb.

Last week, a fire broke out in a nearby residential building, and he went to put out the fire.

First, they rescued my wife from the fire, and then they also rescued the cat from the fire.

As the neighborhood residents gave a round of applause to the fireman, Dennis rushed to the fire scene alone.

The family in the fire was grateful but puzzled. Was he going to take out the valuable electrical appliances in the house?

No, it’s just a few hundred dollars for the children, it’s not worth it.

After the family had waited for a little while, Bobo rushed out of the fireplace.

As he stood in front of the family, he took out of his pocket the most precious thing for the junior high school children, their summer vacation homework.

In the picture in the news, Bo Bo is smiling broadly with his right hand on the shoulder of the junior high school boy, but the boy is holding a pile of summer vacation homework, but he can’t smile anymore.

A week later, this junior high boy’s⽣ sent Bo Bo a banner, even more wordy than mine.

There were only three big words: “You are great! Bo Bo was so naive that he didn’t understand how to read those three words, and even took a picture of it and sent it to his friends ⸺ “You’ve been recognized.

I’m so proud of you!

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