What is it like to reject someone you like?

What is it like to reject someone you like?

My roommate is the goddess I’ve been crushing on for ten years.

That morning, as usual, I was in a happy mood making her a loving breakfast.

In the next moment, I saw a handsome young foreign dude walking out of her room wearing only a pink bath towel.

And with a big grin, he said to me “Hi.

” The white guy’s lush chest hair and the characteristic thick body odor made my stomach flip.

Seeing this scene, it was clear to me.

The goddess I’ve been crushing on for ten years was being aroused by a little white pig today in the house I paid to rent.

At this time, Liang Meng, who was wearing loose pajamas, also walked out from the master bedroom.

Her hair was a bit messy and there was a very obvious hickey on her neck.

“Yihang, I’m sorry, it was raining yesterday and William was drunk, so I really didn’t have any place to go.

” Liang Meng apologized to me.

I could only nod my head, “It’s human nature, I can understand.

“Liang Meng was on the verge of saying something, but she began, “Do you have any clean clothes?

William’s clothes are still wet.

‘ Before leaving, this white dude named William winked at me to show his appreciation.

“Yihang, I want to get married.

” When I suddenly heard Liang Meng’s words, my heart was crushed, and it hurt more than a million arrows piercing my heart.

Liang Meng seemed to have sensed my abnormality and said in a joking tone, “You don’t like me, do you?

Seeing that you are not happy for me at all.

“I purposely let out a somewhat exaggerated laugh, “What are you talking about, am I not your male best friend?

“Liang Meng was relieved and patted her chest, “I was scared to death, I thought you really liked me.

“I carefully hid the loss in my eyes and congratulated her.

Putting away the unfinished dishes, I immediately turned around and walked into the kitchen, swallowing the fishy sweetness at the corner of my mouth, pretending to be busy.

The goddess that I’ve secretly loved for more than ten years actually wants to get flash-married to a foreigner that I’ve known for less than a month?

Obviously this William just came to China not long ago.

Obviously this William was introduced to her by me a month ago! Obviously Liang Meng should be able to sense that I’ve been secretly in love with her for more than ten years.

She told me not long ago that she didn’t want to fall in love, she just wanted to focus on her career.

  1. Liang Meng is my freshman year of high school desk, sweet-looking, a head of long black hair, always combed in a long ponytail.

My favorite thing about her is the smile she shows when she turns around, with a nice dimple.

That smile was like a cupid’s arrow that instantly and accurately struck my restless adolescent heart.

But at that time, I was so timid and shy that I only dared to hide that kind of hazy fondness in the bottom of my heart.

The reason why I favor liberal arts is also because Liang Meng likes language.

Because of this, the two of us will have more common language, she turned back to me to chat more opportunities.

When we were divided into classes, I heard that Liang Meng was going to choose liberal arts.

I was already hesitant, so I made up my mind.

The hard-working people were not disappointed, Liang Meng and I were assigned to the same class.

Unexpectedly, the two of us became the same table from the front table.

Like her, in my nap, secretly to my face to draw a small turtle, was found, smile playful.

Like her, in my listening to the lecture distraction, through the warm afternoon sun, can clearly see her sideburns fluffy.

Like her, seriously doing the problem, while biting the pencil while frowning tightly, muttering that it is so difficult ah.

Like her, a lot a lot …… as long as Liang Meng a sentence “Yihang, I have a stomach ache”.

I immediately topped the cold wind of minus ten degrees, the ass run out, in the water room silent queue, and then give her to make just the right mouth of brown sugar water.

Even when someone handed her a love letter, I was happiest to help her write a letter back to dislike.

Then …… I became Liang Meng’s best friend.

Of course, even if they didn’t become lovers.

But the relationship can be further, but I am still incredibly happy.

So that senior year, which was a nightmare in other people’s eyes, encompassed almost all the good memories of my youth.

At least that’s what I thought.

What I didn’t realize, however, was that June’s parting had become a decade of lost connections.

Until last month.

She came to Beijing! When I saw the goddess I’ve been secretly in love with for ten years, my heart, which I originally thought would never flutter again, suddenly resurrected! Knowing that Liang Meng had no place to stay in Beijing, I didn’t hesitate to give her my master bedroom.

Thus, we experienced a short but sweet “cohabitation” in a shared apartment.

We cooked together, walked together, sang karaoke together, fished together, watched movies together …… every day, even the security guard at the entrance of the neighborhood, Mr. Wang, are incredibly sure that we are a real couple.

In fact, during this period I have secretly hinted and tempted.

But Liang Meng said: “I just want to put together a career in Beijing, do not want to consider too much other.

“I realized once again that I am still a good male best friend of hers.

I’m still one of her best male friends.

It wasn’t until a month ago that I took her to a gathering of my own circle.

I work as a screenwriter, and within my daily contacts would be producers, directors, and some artists.

William is a newly signed artist in the company, a Frenchman.

Needless to say, his looks are absolutely exotic and handsome.

When introducing each other, Liang Meng obviously took some initiative.

But when it came to her relationship with me, Liang Meng simply said, “I’m Yihang’s roommate.

” At that moment, I suddenly felt as if my chest was blocked by something that pressurized me.

As I watched Liang Meng and William chatting at the wine table, I didn’t bother to interrupt.

I didn’t say a word that night when I came back with Liang Meng.

Liang Meng seemed to have not yet finished, and still talked eloquently.

Chatting about William’s family farm, talking about the romance of the Eiffel Tower, yearning for the elegance of the Louvre.

That night, I lost sleep.

Ten years of day and night thoughts were like countless bullets that instantly crushed my poor and ridiculous self-esteem.

I knew that if I didn’t confess, I would most likely regret it for the rest of my life.

Even if I knew it was likely to fail, I didn’t want to face my once cowardly self again.

Just the next day when I wanted to confess, the company suddenly had urgent arrangements for me to go to Sanya to focus on script meetings.

The funders demanded that the next period of time be closed for creation, and the final draft of the last version must be completed within twenty days.

When the project was over, I couldn’t wait to go to Phoenix Airport, and I wanted to fly back to Beijing to confess my love.

Before getting on the plane, I looked at Liang Meng’s friend circle.

It was a perfect selfie, with the caption: “Never been so heartbroken! 3. My heart trembled violently, I did not expect that not long ago, said that only want to fight career not to fall in love with the goddess, actually in the moment before I flew back to Beijing, so fell under the love offensive of others.

Caressing that photo in the circle of friends, her smile is so sweet and happy.

It was as if I had never seen it before.

When I got off the plane, it was pouring rain in Beijing, just out of the capital airport, I was drenched.

On the way back in the middle of the night, I also reminded Liang Meng to pay attention to safety, don’t go out easily on rainy days.

Not surprisingly, there was no reply.

When I arrived home, I noticed Liang Meng’s favorite hellokitty keychain on the shoe cabinet, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the door to her room locked, covered in a mess, I didn’t bother, thinking that it wouldn’t be too late to find out the truth tomorrow during the day.

I stayed up all night, as soon as I heard a little movement coming from the living room, I hurriedly jumped up from the bed, wanting to be the first to see Liang Meng.

Unexpectedly, what I saw was, underneath me, William who was wearing the girly pink bath towel that I had chosen for Liang Meng.

After all, it was still too late …… My true love confession that had been hidden in my heart for ten years was thus strangled in the cradle of that unrealistic fantasy by a pink bath towel.

Fuck! In that instant, I felt unprecedented remorse and loss.

But I still pretended to be calm as I finished breakfast with Liang Meng, silently brushed the dishes, and swallowed the blood on my lips.

The next moment, however, I suddenly seemed to be somewhat relieved.

Who am I to blame and resent Liang Meng?

She just fell in love freely, it was her right.

All of this crush seems to be just my self-involvement.

I am just a male best friend, just her old classmate, just her roommate, not even a spare tire.

Before leaving the house, Liang Meng covered her belly and said, “Yihang, my stomach hurts.

” “I’ll come back from work at night and bring you brown sugar water.

”After hearing this reply, Liang Meng froze for a moment.

Then she said, “Luo Yihang, thank you for taking care of me all this time.

”In all these years, this is the first time I’ve heard Liang Meng call me by my full name.”

I realized that this relationship between me and her male best friend seemed to be starting to be in jeopardy as well.

Maybe she’s about to leave again, disappear again, and go to her heartwarming love without a second thought.

  1. When I came to the company meeting, I don’t know whether it was because of the long distance running, or insomnia after the rain, my head has been drowsy.

I couldn’t listen to a single word of the entire meeting.

Even after taking the cold medicine that suddenly appeared in my hand, I didn’t feel any better.

This whole day, I was blank, as if I were a walking corpse.

At noon, I found a secluded corner in the park and smoked to refresh myself.

Coincidentally, William also came to the company today, and was returning voice messages on a cool chair not far away.

The person he was chatting with was none other than Liang Meng.

Because the distance is not far, I can even hear that sweet voice clip.

Toward the end, Liang Meng suddenly came to William with a French phrase.

“Jet’aime” (French: I love you) was the confession I had dreamed of hearing, but now it was given to a foreigner I had known for less than a month.

For this romantic confession, which I have been preparing for ten years, I have learned “I love you” in 100 different languages.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life saying “I love you” to Liang Meng one by one.

For a moment, I even thought.

If I could have confessed my love to Liang Meng in the simplest Chinese language before going to Sanya, would I have had the pampering and sweetness that I have never enjoyed before?

Or ten years ago, during the separation season, under the blazing June sun, I ran to her dormitory, which was full of cicadas, and shouted out those three words.

Wouldn’t the ending have been a little different?

William, who was finished with Liang Meng, turned around and saw me with a surprised face.

“Luo, let’s have dinner together tonight.

” I shook my head, trying to politely decline.

William looked puzzled, “Are you not going home from work tonight?

‘ I then realized that it turned out to be William who wanted to eat authentic Chinese food, and Liang Meng decided to cook it herself in the evening.

In my house, Liang Meng wanted to show her foreign boyfriend the greatness of Chinese food.

And before that, after knowing Liang Meng for so long and having shared a room for such a long period of time, I didn’t even know that Liang Meng could cook.

“Luo, thank you!” William went up to me very solemnly and gave me a hug.

The meaning was self-evident, thanking me for being a matchmaker and finding such a nice Chinese girlfriend for him.

…… When I came home in the evening, Liang Meng, who had already bought a large pile of sumptuous ingredients, was busy in the kitchen.

I thought about going up to help, but Liang Meng smiled and declined, saying she wanted to prepare a nice dinner for William.

At that moment, William also barged in, praising Liang Meng’s excellent cooking skills.

Feeling a bit redundant, I could only quickly escape from the kitchen that already seemed a bit small and cramped.

Before I left the door, I glimpsed William from behind wrapping his arms around Liang Meng’s waist and giving her a French wet kiss.

Back in the living room I opened the red wine that William had brought and took a big sip, then frowned slightly.

This wine looks like it’s very high-grade, but in reality it’s really shitty, it’s simply hard to get into the mouth.

Not long after, William, who probably couldn’t help much, also came out of the kitchen and made small talk with me.

I couldn’t help but tighten my grip on the goblet in my hand out of anger.

Because William was bragging to me that Liang Meng was somewhat surprisingly good in bed.

“Enough!” My voice was low, signaling William to stop talking.

However, this William seemed to have misunderstood my meaning.

He was still smug and quietly signaled with a dirty gesture, “If you want, the three of us can be together.

” Even though I knew that foreigners were very open-minded, the moment I understood William’s gesture, I couldn’t help but burst out, smashing the goblet in my hand hard on the tabletop.

“What’s wrong?

” Liang Meng, who was wearing an apron, heard the commotion and rushed out of the kitchen to check.

Then she saw me raise the bottle of red wine and was about to smash it on William’s head.

“Luo Yihang, what are you doing?

” Liang Meng rushed forward with an arrow step and pushed me away violently.

The red wine bottle in my hand instantly came off and crashed to the ground.

With a thud, the bottle shattered, and the dark red liquid was like the blood of my heart, waving freely and then being trampled on.

“I really didn’t expect you to be this kind of person!” Liang Meng was angry, her eyes full of reproach and incomprehension.

I thought you would at least give me your blessing.”

” A simple sentence instantly shattered all the expectations and fantasies I once had.

It turned out that Liang Meng knew how I felt about her.

She knew all along.

I was the only one who was still foolish enough to treasure this ten years of unrequited love as if it were a treasure.

“I’m sorry.

” I smiled to myself, picked up my jacket, and walked out the door without looking back.

It wasn’t until I walked out of the building that I pulled out the piece of broken glass lodged in my hand and threw it away.

The extreme depression made me unable to resist the urge to run wildly and roar, wantonly venting.

I didn’t expect that just as soon as I started, I would send a petite figure flying out alive.

“Xia Sweet?

” I rushed forward and recognized the person.

The little girl is the editor-in-chief of our company, and because of her work, she usually has a lot of contact.

However, Xia sweet do things rashly, often lost, so three years, the position step did not rise.

“Are you alright?

“Xia sweet hard to stand up, some nervous look at me.

This silly girl, I wasn’t the one who was knocked away.

“Mr. Luo, are you feeling better?

” Xia Tianran asked in a low voice, her face reddening a bit.

I froze, “How do you know I have a cold?

“Xia sweet scratched the back of her head, and answered a little too kindly, “I seem to have seen one of the cold pills on your desk being eaten.

“”Did you sneak the cold medicine in?

“I suddenly thought of something.

When I saw Natsuka nodding shyly, a warm current flowed through my broken heart.

  1. “Are your feet hurt?

“It was only then that I noticed that Xia Tian was secretly gritting her teeth and standing unsteadily.

XiaTian waved her hands, “Hehehe, nothing, nothing, just a little twisted.

“Who knew that this silly little girl was just about to take a few steps when she let out a cry of pain and almost fell down.

I hurriedly assisted her to hold, reproached: “really do not need to show off in front of a big man, right?

“Xia sweet look flustered, some stammered response: “I … I just do not want to give you trouble, Mr. Luo.

“Seeing that Xia Tian was having trouble moving and looking pained, I had no choice but to pick her up by the waist.

But I immediately clearly felt Xia Tian’s body stiffen a bit, so I had to explain, “Don’t be nervous, I’m just sending you to the hospital, after all, I’m the one who bumped into you, I have to be responsible!” 「Uh………Okay.

” Xia Sweet revealed a smile and nodded her head in an exceptionally well-behaved manner.

As I walked out of the neighborhood, I ghostly swept back and Liang Meng was actually standing in front of the fifth floor landing window.

She seems to have seen this scene, although it is hard to see, but it feels like her face seems a little ugly.

…… Arrived at the hospital, helped Xia sweet to register, took a film, and it was actually a bone fracture.

When this result was told to Xia sweet, she was a face of guilt.

“All blame me, it is my body is too weak, give Mr. Luo trouble.

” Xia Sweet apologized to me again.

I said helplessly, “Please don’t say that again, or else I’ll really be condemned to death by my own conscience.

“Natsuko was amused by the way I folded my arms and begged for forgiveness.

Later, she felt that it was a bit impolite and tried her best to hold it in, resulting in her face turning red and making it difficult for her to breathe.

I saw that her stifled laughter was too playful and cute, and I couldn’t help but curl the corners of my mouth as well.

Then the two of us looked at each other and just laughed out loud at each other.

I realized that this Xia Tian was really a bit too silly to be cute sometimes, and sloppy to the point of being heartbreaking.

Obviously, her own leg bone was cracked, and after realizing that my palm was injured, she actually wanted to get out of bed at the first opportunity to find a doctor to help me bandage it.

Almost letting my own bone crack into a fracture on the spot.

While I was treating my wounds and re-entering the hospital room, Xia Sweet found two lollipops from her carry-on bag and shared one with me.

“Here, for you.

”Seeing that I was a bit dazed, Xia Tianan explained: ”When I was little, I was especially afraid of needles, and every time I got a shot, my mom would buy me candies to eat, saying that it wouldn’t hurt anymore after I ate them.

“I shook my head and refused, “I’m not a three-year-old child.

I shook my head and refused, “I’m not a three year old.” But Xia Tian looked serious and said, “Try it, it’s very sweet! No matter if you’re hurt or in a bad mood, you’ll feel much better if you eat candy.

“Under Xia Tian’s strong request, I had to peel off the candy paper a little clumsily.

Xia sweet cheeks bulging like a small squirrel, slurred: “How is it?

I didn’t lie to you, did I?” I nodded and said, “Yes, I did.

“I nodded my head and said, “It’s really sweet.

”When I went to buy a midnight snack for Xia Tian, Liang Meng sent me a message.

She asked me where I was and why I wasn’t back yet.

I didn’t bother replying, I smoked a cigarette in front of the Convenience Bee’s store and took a long breath before returning to the hospital again.

On the way, Liang Meng gave me a voice call, which I didn’t answer.

She then sent me a string of apologies, saying that she shouldn’t have been so impulsive and lost her temper with me.

For the first time in my life, I heard Liang Meng say “I’m sorry” to me, and she also told me to be safe out there alone.

If I had been cared so much by Liang Meng in the past, I should have been ecstatic.

But today, I don’t know why, but I only felt a pang of boredom, so I just chose to turn off the phone.

Since the bone fracture wasn’t very serious, the doctor, after fixing Xia Tian with a plaster cast, suggested that she could just go home and recuperate.

As for me, the perpetrator, it was only right that I should take over the care of her for the duration of her injury.

Because of the cast, I carried Xia Tianan towards her home.

On the way, I reassured her that she didn’t need to worry about her job, and that I would help her ask the company for a sick leave.

“Why do you sound like you’re so happy to be injured?

” Listening to Xia Tian Tian humming a little song behind me, I was a little curious.

Xia sweet cheeky smile: “do not have to go to work to see the boss eyes, as usual, have a salary to get, there are people to take care of, this is not called a blessing in disguise?

“You’re very thoughtful,” she said.

“Hearing this optimistic explanation from her, I didn’t know how to refute it for a moment.

After being quiet for a while, Xia Tian suddenly spoke, “Mr. Luo, do you have a favorite person?

”When I heard this question, the image of the first time I met Liang Meng came to my mind.

I hesitated for a moment and nodded my head, ”There is a bar ……” Behind me, Xia Sweet was silent again, and in order to break the calm, I subconsciously asked back, ”What about you?

” Xia sweet hugged my neck arms a little tighter, sighed: “Unfortunately, I like the person, actually do not know I like him.

” “This guy is stupid enough.

“Xia sweet swaying his legs, waving his arms, righteous indignation, “Yes, yes, it’s been three years and still do not know, he is a big fool, super invincible big fool! Hearing these words, I vaguely felt something and was a bit stunned for a moment.

  1. When I got home, William had already left, but Liang Meng was sitting on the sofa.

“Why don’t you reply to my messages and answer my calls?

“Liang Meng’s eyes are a little red.


” I went back to my room and started to organize my clothes.

In the past few days while Xia Tian is recovering from her injuries, she has difficulty moving around, so I have to find a hotel nearby to make it easier for me to take care of her.

Liang Meng blocked the doorway of the room, staring at me.

“That girl, is she your girlfriend?

“Of course Xia Tian is not my girlfriend, she and I are just ordinary coworkers.

“When did you fall in love?

I’ve never heard you tell me about it.

” Listening to Liang Meng’s series of inquiries that looked like questioning, I was a bit distracted.

I looked at her, sighed, and said, “Liang Meng, given our relationship, there’s no need to report everything to each other, right?

“Perhaps it was the first time I saw me being so ‘rebellious’, and it was obvious that Liang Meng felt extremely uncomfortable.

A moment later, tears appeared in her eyes, “Don’t be angry, I’m just concerned about you.” “I have to move out for a few days.

“I have to move out for a few days.

” I loaded my clothes into the boarding box and said, “There’s a spare key in the shoebox.

‘ Liang Meng stepped forward, “You used to like not this type, Yihang you have changed.

” Seeing Liang Meng still blocking the door, I looked at her and sighed.

“There’s nothing that stays the same.

” I pulled my luggage and got into a cab.

I looked out the window at the neon lights that flashed on and off, my heart was full of mixed feelings.

In my mind, Xia Tian’s shy face, which was red to the ears, unconsciously appeared.

Three years ago, when I first came to this company, I met a sloppy intern.

Delivering documents, he could hit the door glass.

Pouring coffee, can accidentally poured into my thighs, panic rescue, almost stripped my pants on the spot.

When proofreading the script, she always gets the version wrong, causing me to communicate with her until midnight.

This intern, who was often confused, was Xia Tian.

Three years later, this silly girl is still in the same place, and is still just an editor.

Not long ago, when I sent the injured Xia Tian to her home, the scene in front of me surprised me.

Her income is not high, in Beijing, actually can live alone in three rooms and a hall?

“You live in such a big house by yourself?

“Xia sweet some not too good: “I live alone is a little big, but the family is the only set of houses closer to the company, will be a little more convenient to go to work.

“You graduated from Jiaotong University?

“I was shocked again when I saw a row of trophies from various competitions placed in the cupboard.

Without waiting for an answer, the next sentence from Xia Tianan made me almost choke on my own saliva.

“Mr. Luo, I like you! Liked you for a long time.

“In the face of this sudden confession, even if I had a hint of it in my heart, I was still a bit at a loss for words.

“Why do you like me?

“When I said that, I wanted to slap myself.

Because I was afraid that if I didn’t pay attention, I would hurt this girl’s heart.

Xia Sweet was unconcerned, tilting her little head and pursing her lips for a while.

“When I first arrived at the company, I was indeed very stupid.

” “But there was only one stranger who would casually bring me a box of medicine after I got hit on the head.

“The coffee was so hot, and not only did he not scold me, he even endured the pain and comforted me in return.

“When I got the script version wrong, he patiently corrected me until the early hours of the morning.”

“When I heard these words, I was a bit embarrassed.

I just did it casually, but I didn’t expect to be remembered for so long.

Xia Tianyi revealed a smile, “I was thinking at the time, who would Mr. Luo, who was so gentle, like?

“”You at that time on ……” I just want to open my mouth, XiaTian grunted, angry fierce said: “Why, not allow others love at first sight ah?

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

“I waved my hand in embarrassment.

“Later, when the work went well, the company wanted to transfer me to another post.

When I thought about it, I thought, “Isn’t this less of an opportunity to get in touch with Ms. Luo?” “So you just kept on going.

“So you just kept pretending to be confused and making the occasional little mistake?

Just to stay in this position?

“Natsuko smugly said, “How’s that?

Isn’t it a pity that I don’t want to be an actress?

“At that moment, endless feelings of emotion welled up in my heart.

I didn’t realize that this girl had silently done so much for me behind the scenes.

“On the airplane flying back to Beijing from Sanya that day, I peeped …… you were very sad, and then …… I was very worried.

“At that time Liang Meng just happened to be in the circle of friends official announcement that he is in love.

“The night of the return to Beijing, it was raining heavily, I wanted to give you an umbrella, but you ran out of sight at once.

As expected, you caught a cold the next day.” “When I came home from work, I saw you with a cold.

“When I got off work, I saw that you have not been better, I was worried, I thought to go downstairs in your neighborhood to see, I did not expect ……” I was dumbfounded, staring at Xia Tian’s leg that was in a heavy plaster cast.

The original let Xia sweet injured the initiator, or I!7. Soon I moved to Xia sweet home near a hotel, officially began to take care of the injured number of the escort journey.

Because Xia Tian’s foot is still in a cast, I will often push the wheelchair to take her out for a walk to get some air and relax.

I solemnly explained to Xia Tian’s confession to her that night.

I said that I had just gone through a traumatic experience, and that it seemed a bit irresponsible to suddenly choose to be with her at this time.

Xia Sweet waved her hand repeatedly, saying that she was only confessing, not forcing herself to buy or sell.

No one has stipulated that if you say you like someone, that person has to like you, and it has to be the ‘right away’ kind.

The days are still long! To use Xia Tian’s playful words from earlier, “A hundred days for injuries, at least for this period of time, Mr. Luo, you have to be responsible for me!” And during this period, Liang Meng only sent me one message.

The content was that William might move to her place for a few days temporarily because his own house was expiring.

To be precise, it should be to move to the house I rented for her for a few days temporarily.

It shouldn’t be for long, though, because she’ll be following William back to Paris soon.

I replied back, “Feel free.

“After thinking about it, I added, “Have a safe trip.

‘ Liang Meng didn’t say anything else, so I didn’t bother asking again.

Since moving to the hotel next door to Xia Tian’s neighborhood, I would make her nutritional rehabilitation meals from time to time if I had time.

But Xia Tian didn’t like carrots.

It was only at my strong request that she reluctantly accepted the notion that she had to take vitamin supplements in order to get better fast.

“Mr. Yihang, sometimes you really are like an old man.


Then next time you’re a picky eater, should I threaten you with a ruler?” “Aiya, Mr. Yihang.

” “Aiya, Mr. Yihang, you’re taking advantage of me when I’m leggy and my force value is greatly reduced!” I responded from the kitchen through the wall while hefting the pan, “The situation is stronger than the people, how can I not bow down?

”This is the daily routine of Xia Sweet and I right now, apart from pushing her out to sneak around, we often bicker.

As the saying goes, when masters fight, words are like sword air, you and I go back and forth, not admitting defeat to each other.

When I put up a plate of cola chicken wings, Xia Tian suddenly said, “Luo Yihang?


“I froze when I heard Xia Tian’s sudden change of title.

Xia Tianan stared at me, her cheeks slightly red, “It’s so troublesome for you to run around like this every day, do you want to move here?

There are…empty rooms anyway.

”I swept my eyes at the cast on her foot that was about to be removed, ”It’s not too good, taking advantage of someone’s danger is not what a gentleman would do.”

” Xia sweet heard, immediately a little angry, muttering small mouth: “You can not be a little …… take advantage of so a little well?

“…… Liang Meng still went to Paris, this is what I saw in her circle of friends.

Recently, her circle of friends has been updated somewhat frequently, mostly with William’s photo.

She’s got a lot of photos of herself and William.

Including boarding the plane, landing, learning horsemanship, climbing the Eiffel Tower, seeing the Louvre exhibition and so on.

“The air in Paris seems to be particularly sweet.

“After seeing this photo of the two together with the accompanying text, can not stand the frequency of her friend circle update, I then directly blocked her.

Since then, we basically cut off contact.


There was a big event in the country that made the whole nation sad.

An epidemic broke out in Wuhan, and blockades were put in place all over the country.

Supplies are in short supply, masks are in short supply, and Beijing is under especially strict control.

I went back to my hometown for New Year’s Eve, and was also sealed in the local area, so that and Xia Tian can only be separated by two places.

But the daily video has never been broken, the feelings between us did not fade because of the distance.

On the contrary, because of the longing for each other thousands of miles away, more and more solid.

Just summer sweet every day is very worried about being in the infected area of me, often in tears.

The masks and other supplies she had borrowed from all over the world could not be sent because of the disruption in logistics.

I was very optimistic, and instead I kept reassuring her that she didn’t need to worry too much.

She had to believe in the power of the country, and the epidemic would surely pass.

In the middle of the epidemic, even after a few sporadic recurrences, Xia Tian and I finally met again.

Although, it was already a year long gap.

The moment I came out of the capital airport, a petite figure pounced fiercely into my arms.

Like an octopus, it hugged me to death, refusing to let go of my hands or my legs.

“Luo Yihang, I’ll never…never…never want to see you for so long – for so long.

”Xia Sweet buried her head deeply into my chest, a hint of crying in her voice.

I couldn’t help but pat her little head, “Ms. Xia sweet, may I ask if it’s too late for me to take advantage of someone’s danger?

“8. “Yihang, I miss you.

“Liang Meng, who hadn’t been in touch for more than a year, suddenly sent me a voice message.

If I had been in the past, I would have been so happy that I couldn’t sleep for a night because of Liang Meng’s words.

After all, this is the girl I had been secretly in love with for ten years.

However, at this moment, there were no waves in my heart.

I used to think that Liang Meng was my only light, but I now truly understand that I actually had the entire sun a long time ago.

“I have a girlfriend.

” I replied so, “And, I’m going to marry her.

”When I sent this message, Liang Meng didn’t reply for a long time.

With what I know about her now, she shouldn’t suddenly contact me for no reason.

Out of the friendship between old classmates, I still took the initiative to inquire about the situation.

It turns out that France was fine before, everything was normal.

But all of a sudden the epidemic there has become very serious, the number of infected people is huge, prices are soaring, even the basic needs of life can not be met.

As for masks and other epidemic prevention materials, they are even more expensive.

“Send me the address.

” After thinking for a moment, I purchased a batch of masks and supplies online and sent them to her according to the address.

“Thank you, Yihang.

“Liang Meng was very touched.

“It’s okay, we’re all old classmates.

“Just old classmates?

” The voice came over with a soft sigh from Liang Meng.

For this sigh, I did not pay attention.

…… In response to the country’s call to catch the vaccine and establish an immunization barrier.

On the first day of the neighborhood’s notification to get vaccinated, Xia Tian and I came early to line up.

However, I still underestimated the enthusiasm of the crowd for vaccination.

During the long queue, even the lollipop candy I prepared for XiaTian almost ran out of food.

The last candy left was less than the size of a peanut.

When the vaccination was finished, XiaTian, who went out first and covered her arms, laughed and laughed.

“Haha, I didn’t realize that you, a 5’8” man, are actually afraid of needles?

“Xia sweet heartlessly laughing, flower branch trembling, not the slightest regard for the image.

I felt my face burning as I couldn’t cover up my face.

It can’t be helped, everyone has a weakness.

Fuck, a meter eight big man afraid of injections is not something to be ashamed of.

It’s just embarrassing yourself in front of your girlfriend and missing the mark! “It’s not because you ate my share of the candy too.

“I made up a poor excuse to cope with it.

Xia Tian, who was chewing and swallowing the last bit of lollipop, froze, and then kissed me in a swift and unexpected manner.

As I felt the touch of softness, I also felt the fruity sweetness.

This was the first kiss that belonged to Xia Tianan and me.

Just like the love between the two of us, it came so unexpectedly, but was as sweet as sugar.

Xia Sweet licked her lips in a victorious manner and asked, “How is it, does it still hurt?

” I hurriedly shook my head and showed a smile, “Not enough …… still almost mean.

” In I just want to come up, Xia sweet but shy seem to escape, “Aiya …… here too many people, next time next time la …… 9. To be honest, I did not think I would meet Liang Meng again.

She came back from France, alone.

I don’t know if it’s because she was isolated in the hotel for too long, at this time, her face looks a little haggard and pale.

The place where she and I arranged to meet was at the cafe across the neighborhood.

Liang Meng took off her sunglasses, looked at me quietly, and said, “William and I have been broken up for a long time.

” “Well, I heard about that.

” I responded flatly, somewhat surprised but not surprised by the outcome.

Liang Meng revealed a bitter smile, “Yihang, I’ve always missed you.

”This question may be a bit rude.

”Liang Meng put down her coffee cup and continued, ”When you chose to be with that girl, was it to get back at me?

” “Liang Meng!” I interrupted her and said, “I admit that I, Luo Yihang, had a crush on you for ten years.

“However, that was only before.”

“I never denied it in front of Xia Sweet, Liang Meng used to be my goddess, my white moonlight.

Even if it was just a glance back from her, my heart would be moved for a long time.

Once I loved her so much that I was humble to the dust.

Only later I saw the reality, youthful memories are just memories, that only belonged to the good once.

And now, even if Liang Meng is sitting in front of me, personally speaking those words that I had dreamed of.

My heart is as calm as water.

Liang Meng expression painful, eyes show a touch of hopefulness, “Can we …… start again?

” I looked at her and shook my head.

Right now in my heart, there is only the figure of one person.

“Yihang!” Just then, the voice of that figure came from behind me.

Turning back to look, it was none other than Xia Tian who was holding a cup of milk tea, biting the straw and waving excitedly this way.

I hurriedly got up and pulled out a new chair for Xia Tian.

Liang Meng seemed to be a little surprised by Xia Tian’s appearance, and her eyebrows frowned inadvertently.

“Liang Meng, my classmate, just came back from France.

“In fact, I have heard some rumors from a few classmates about Liang Meng in France.

William was indeed a Parisian, but his hometown was on the outskirts of Paris, a run-down town.

Hit by the epidemic, William’s job as a native was affected and his income was cut off.

As an Asian, Liang Meng is naturally no better.

Accustomed to the perfume of Paris, Liang Meng is also increasingly uncomfortable with the smell of cows, sheep and horse manure in the farm.

In the end, this exotic romance ended in a breakup, and Liang Meng also had to go through several setbacks, which made it difficult to return to China.

“This is Xia Sweet, summer of summer, sweet of sweet, my girlfriend.

” Liang Meng barely managed to squeeze out a smile and nodded slightly towards Xia Sweet.

“Hello, Sister Liang.

” Xia Sweet sat beside me, and I naturally held her hand.

“Your girlfriend …… is very pretty.

” Liang Meng half a day before squeezing out such a sentence.

“Thank you, Sister Liang, for the compliment.

” Xia Sweet smiled and said, “Often heard Yihang mentioned you.

‘ Liang Meng’s mouth corner twitched, “Is that so?

“Xia Tian sweet habitually handed me the milk tea that she had just bitten the straw, “I didn’t eat any of the pearls, I left them all for you.

“Liang Meng watched as I naturally drank the milk tea, lowered my head and stirred the coffee in my cup, then drank it all in one go.

“I hope I can drink your wedding wine earlier, I wish you two happiness.

” After saying that, Liang Meng got up to leave, her back slumping.

I didn’t stay and watched Liang Meng leave.

When Xia Tian walked out of the cafe with me on her arm, the sun was shining brightly and the cicadas were chirping in the forest.

“I’m not going to see her off.

She hasn’t gone far yet, it seems like it’s not too late to chase after her.

” Natsu winked and poked me with her elbow, her tone full of teasing.

I shook my head decisively and said, “I’d rather not.

” “Why?

” I took a deep breath and replied with a smile, “Because, I don’t want to miss the sweetness of this summer.

” (End)

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