What suddenly makes you give up on a relationship?

What suddenly makes you give up on a relationship?

I broke up with my ex the day after 5.20.

The reason for the breakup is a bit hard to talk about.

On the day of 5.20, I paid for the room, and that’s fine; we didn’t bring anything, and temporarily used the hotel’s, but my ex, in line with the principle of not wasting, forced me to use up the second piece in the box together, and the experience was very bad, and that’s fine; the next day, the deposit for the check-out was actually put into his pocket without blinking an eye.

The action was so seamless that the ex just became an ex.

In a fit of anger, I packed all my bags and ended my seven-year-long drifting life in the north, returning to the third-tier city where my hometown is located.

I soon found a job and took on management responsibilities in an Internet company.

After a short period of integration with the team, I got involved in a new project.

One of my colleagues made a mistake in a parameter, which caused a delay in the whole project.

I hurriedly apologized to the client leader of the A-party, and led the team to work overtime for two whole weeks, finally catching up with the project schedule.

The client leader of Party A was very lenient with me.

He looked at me with a bit of trepidation, patted my shoulder and comforted me, “Your ability is obvious to all, relax, the project will eventually go smoothly.

“ I was so moved that I almost burst into tears.

The third-tier city is good, even the leader of the A side have become good to talk.

The work side of things is still going well, but the pressure of being an older single has exploded.

Female, twenty-nine years old, in our city, many people have finished having their second child.

As for me, I turn thirty next week.

In ancient times, thirty-year-old prostitutes were either promoted to mamasan or were planning to resign from their jobs.

But I am still a single dog.

After work, I’ve been dating a lot.

But the middle-aged blind date, is really difficult to say.

Either too ugly, pot-bellied or bald; either divorced with children, background is too complex; either the family conditions are too poor, I have not been noble enough to want to help the poor; either the character and I’m not quite on the plate, the communication barriers; either the family conditions are okay, but spend too stingy; there are also four stable can not be picked out what’s wrong, but the looks of me and I do not feel.

Of course, after the ex, I can’t stand, or stingy man.

Despite the fact that all the blind dates ended in failure, I am not excluded from the blind dates.

Because, I put every blind date, are turned into an opportunity to develop customers – our company is relatively small, the boss encourages each employee to do their jobs at the same time, by the way, pulling business.

On this day, when my mom and I were taking a walk, we bumped into one of my mom’s old sisters, Auntie Wang.

The two elderly women chatted about the introduction of the matter.

Auntie Wang said: “This young man this year thirty-five, tall, a talented look, the work is also doing well, in the company’s position to do the old high, the income does not have to say.

The only thing is that he is divorced and has a child.

But there is no need to worry, because the child lives with her mother.

“My mom was not happy when she heard ‘divorced with a child’, ”Don’t introduce a man with a child to our Liang Xiaoyu.

“I didn’t want to give up this chance to get business, so I asked Auntie Wang to push the man’s WeChat card to me.

When I clicked on the WeChat business card, I was dumbfounded – wasn’t this person the client leader of Party A, Liu Zhanyui?

I can not help but search up his image in my mind, every time I see him, he is a suit, clean and fresh look, not greasy at all, it looks like a man with a wife at home to clean up.

He is actually thirty-five years old and divorced with a baby?

The last time I made a mistake, he Xu Xu enlighten me attitude is still vivid in my mind.

I suddenly recalled his warm and powerful palm when he patted my shoulder, and his low, thick, magnetic voice when he spoke.

If the blind date is him …… I suddenly moved inside.

For the first time since the breakup I felt, is it possible to break the rules and regulations of their previous choice of spouse?

This time I decided to believe in my own feelings, make IT straight woman’s flood force to tease him, “Liu, I did not expect me this single dog blind date to you here.

“My heart was pounding in the minutes I waited for a reply.

How can you call it a blind date if you don’t meet?” he replied.

“He replied with this sentence.

Before I could react, he called me directly to ask me to watch a movie and have dinner on Saturday afternoon.

I didn’t hold back and said yes right away.

That afternoon, Liu Zhanhui told me that he had to work overtime.

He suggested that we should change the day, otherwise we might have to wait for him for a long time.

I said, “It’s okay, I’ll wait.

“So I went to see a movie by myself. It was a romantic movie with a lot of emotions.

As the couples next to me looked up to each other, I fantasized about how he and I would be so close one day.

After the movie, I went to the shopping mall near their company.

Passing by the first floor cosmetics showcase, unprecedentedly, I was cabinet sister fooled.

She gave me a free eyebrow trim and makeup – I bought foundation, eyebrow pencil, concealer, and a whole lot of other cosmetic ingredients and equipment at their house.

When I picked myself up and relaxed at the mall cafe drinking coffee, I couldn’t resist sending a selfie to my bestie, Fanfan.

Fanshan replied in a second, “You’re wearing makeup?

You’re finally getting the hang of it?

What’s the situation, tell me the truth! I briefly described Liu Zhanhui’s situation, but Fanfan’s side did not move.

I called her and asked her to tell me what she wanted to say.

Only then did Fanfan say, “Xiaoyu, before you officially start this relationship, end it now and leave.

I said, “Just because he’s married and has a baby?” “Yes, just because he’s married and has a baby.

“Yes, just because he is married with a baby.

“I still don’t know what his situation is.”

“The tone of Fannie’s voice was imperturbable, ”No need to ask.

As a married woman with two children, I tell you, they have children, as long as he and his ex-wife back then is not to the extent that the old dead to divorce, you will feel all your life can not get rid of his ex-wife and children.

“I’m not convinced, ”These days, don’t think that after having a child with a man, how is it, a child and a daughter of the divorced couples are many! Fanfan didn’t make a sound for a long time over there.

I also felt that I had gone too far in what I said just now, so I hurried to make up for it, “Except for you and your father, of course.” “You were married for two years before.

“In the past, didn’t you never consider a man with a child from a second marriage?

“The sail sail sighed, ”must grow a little heart, find out the reason for his divorce, the distribution of property from the previous marriage, as well as the responsibility for child support.

“2, after seven o’clock that night, I waited for Liu Zhanyuanhui.

As soon as he arrived, he apologized and ordered a large table of food, fearing that I would not have enough to eat.

I joked with him, “I ordered so many dishes, you will not sneak away and let me pay the bill, right?

“Liu Zhanhui laughed loudly and seemed to realize something as he laughed, and asked tentatively, ”Has your boyfriend ever done this?

“I admitted with embarrassment, ”When it’s time to check out, he often pretends to play with his cell phone, and then I silently go to pay the bill.

“Liu Zhanyui looked at me with a smile in his eyes.

Embarrassed by his look, I picked up the cup on the table and drank water with my head down, but I felt my hair being gently touched.

Review my resume, I studied computer science and technology in college, and then graduated into the IT factory, and then to the current company, the proportion of boys in the IT department has always been much higher than the proportion of girls.

Over the years, the boys in my class basically called me “Xiaoyu brother”.

“ The frequency of the opposite sex jerking my hair is not low, but the treatment is usually my backhanded slap, and then spit a few words in passing.

Instead, this moment of head groping made my whole body go limp.

I immediately reminded myself to be awake, it’s not just a head butt! A set-up! It’s all a ruse! Don’t be such a loser and snap out of it! I tried to shake off my little emotions and turned to ask him the reason for the divorce.

This night, Liu Zhanhui said all his situation to me openly.

Due to personality reasons, he and his ex-wife after marriage often cold war, to the back of the two feelings gradually fade.

Ex-wife proposed to break up, divorce house and daughter to the ex-wife, the family cash in half.

In the past few years, he worked hard and bought a suite of mortgage.

I remembered the words of the sail, so I asked for clarification, “I have the liberty to ask, how much alimony do you give your daughter every month?

“ A hint of guilt welled up in his eyes, ”Now Xixi is in elementary school and attends two extracurricular interest classes.

Her mom and I made a deal, big expenses like education and medical care are split 50/50.

There’s also three thousand dollars a month for living expenses for Xixi.

Every two weeks, I’ll take one day out of the weekend to pick up Xixi to play.

“ When he finished, he looked at me rather helplessly, ”Have you been scared off?

“ I shook my head.

If I hadn’t had my ex to bottom out with, maybe I would have been put off by the amount of money he thundered out every month on his ex-wife and daughter.

However, after the experience of the former, that moment of Liu Zhanyui, I only saw him honest, frank, responsible, responsible, and special man.

A man who is kind to his ex is no worse to his present.

My eyes must have betrayed me at that time.

Because, he rubbed my hair again, sighed, and said dotingly, “In today’s society, there aren’t many simple girls like you.

”I deliberately said the opposite of what I said, “You’re looking at it wrong, I’m actually a gold-digging girl!” The corner of Liu Zhanyui’s mouth floated up with a smile, “After we get married, apart from subsidizing the money for them, all the rest of the money I earn will be handed over.

“His words made me feel a little shy, ”You’re not thick-skinned, you’re still married, who promised to be with you?

“Despite his words, we kissed that night.

His kisses were moist and hot, full of desire.

I, for one, couldn’t stop.

Our relationship skyrocketed.

Shortly after we got together, I met his five year old daughter, Hirsi, with him.

The little girl was smart and clever, and her little face was especially white.

The first time we met, she secretly told me, let me not worry, rest assured that when her father’s girlfriend, because her mother also has a boyfriend, no time to pay attention to her father.

Liu Zhanhui learned that: “Xi Xi’s mother has a good point, especially a sense of boundaries, never say bad things about me in front of the children.

She and I never contact each other on weekdays, except when we have to exchange information about our children.

“All in all, there is absolutely no disconnect.

After talking for almost half a year, the relationship gradually stabilized, and both Liu Zhanhui and I have plans to get married.

The sail is puzzled, “you and the ex together for so many years, and did not intend to get married, how with the old Liu together so little time, intends to get married?

“Rationally speaking, there is the reason of age, and also the reason of mature material conditions.

But the more important reason is: when I was with Liu Zhanhui, I didn’t think for a moment that I was “Brother Yu”.

I don’t remember that my name is Liang Xiaoyu and that I am a female IT coder.

When we were together, I completely forgot my name, occupation, age, history,……, and the words he said to me and the way he looked at me made me feel strongly that I was just a woman in love with a man.

This kind of feeling has nothing to do with the length of time of acquaintance, nothing to do with external conditions.

It happens unexpectedly, breaking all frameworks, rules, worldliness, self- preconceptions and others’ preconceptions.

If this is not love, what is?

And it was only after we were really together that I really understood what the line “Every time I’m with Lao Yi, it’s like taking a hot bath” in Eileen Chang’s Lust and Caution meant.

There’s one more sentence I didn’t mention, the two loaded T’s, we use them with no pressure at all.

Fanfan was already smacking his lips as he listened, “You should hurry up and marry him.

After all, not everyone has the luxury of a hot bath in marriage these days.

“3, the biggest voice of opposition came from my parents.

Before I brought Liu Zhanhui home, I communicated with them.

They said no in unison.

Especially my mom, almost chest thumping, “At that time, Auntie Wang want to introduce you to this person, my heart sank hard, and now it seems to be pure foreboding bad! You said at first in order to expand the business to know, I did not block, really regretted my death ……” I heart snickering, ”you were forcing me to get married, did not you say that men, live can be?

“My mom turned her back on me and glared at me fiercely, ”I was just angry, can’t you hear me?

She sighed. She sighed and asked about Liu Zhanhui’s situation.

After listening to and then lamented, “He is a person, but also a good person.

But his daughter is too young, the stepmother is not good, you can have to grind.

“I can’t help but defend Liu Zhanhui, ”His ex-wife has a good sense of boundaries and generally doesn’t come to disturb our lives.

“My mom just laughed coldly, ”Don’t talk too early, that’s when you don’t have a problem! Once something happens to the child, it’s a big deal. You’ll see if she comes to disturb your life!” “What can happen to a child?

“Children have a lot of things, headaches, fever and illness when they are small, adolescent quarrels and fights with people, early love, failing exams, cheating ……” I rolled my eyes, the more my mom went on the more exaggerated.

My dad waited for my mom to finish before saying, “Xiaoyu, every marriage has its difficulties.

With a second marriage, there may be more difficulties – are you really thinking about it?

“My mom slapped my dad hard on the back and said loudly, ”You agree?

My mom slapped my dad hard on the back and said loudly, “You’re agreeing to this? My dad’s voice rose, “What if the kids are older and don’t agree?

When a girl grows up, she doesn’t want to stay in the family, and staying in the family will turn her into an enemy.

Xiaoyu is so serious about this relationship, if we don’t agree now and she refuses to marry in the future, will you be responsible?

“My mom was so angry that she slapped my dad a few times.

After my dad finished, he calmly sipped his tea.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Liu Zhanyui had taken me to their home a long time ago.

His parents, his sister, and his seven aunts and uncles were all very satisfied with me.

I did not expect, his family is quite reasonable, any housework do not let me do, but also a force me to eat eat eat eat.

The first time he went to his home, Liu Zhanhui his father made fried prawns too delicious, I can say that the first plate basically I finished alone?

As a result, his father saw me love to eat, and gave me a second plate of fried.

The second plate did not finish, Liu Zhanhui his mom took the lunch box to me back, but also incidentally loaded a good marinated beef, chicken wings, chicken claws, tofu, a pile of marinated goods.

Seeing as they are so enthusiastic, I did not take myself as an outsider, all received.

Every time I went to his house, I ate and carried.

Even Fanfan envied me, and it was good that her mother-in-law didn’t dig things out of her family’s refrigerator.

After my parents agreed to open their mouths, a large group of relatives from Lao Liu’s family went to the door to propose marriage in accordance with the custom, but also took the initiative to mention the bride price, words, fearing that I would be wronged as a big girl to marry over.

In short, although our situation is a marriage to marry a second marriage, but instead of couples both sides are a marriage on the Internet often see because of the bride price, house, wedding ceremony and other issues of tearing.

Before receiving the license, we got a lawyer notarized.

Liu Zhanhui that set of house real estate license, added my name.

And my set, he said to leave me as pre-marital property.

His words were, “My wife is mine, the house is not mine.

“ I have never been so at peace.

After the license, we are busy preparing for the wedding of all sorts of trivialities, take wedding photos, choose a wedding company, decoration of the new house, order wedding dresses …… In addition to taking wedding photos, I myself personally, other things, either my parents, or Liu Zhanhui their family to help deal with the link to the wedding dresses, are all the sails to accompany me to buy and try on.

Unexpectedly, I almost do not pay attention to the romantic engineering woman, actually have a fairy tale wedding.

At the wedding, when my father handed my hand over to the old Liu’s hand, I could not help but leave tears of happiness.

The only thing that is lacking is that Liu Zhanhui is too busy, we did not immediately honeymoon.

He said, and so busy after this burst, the New Year when we go on vacation to Sanya to play.

I did not put too much on the mind, as long as the two people feel good, when to go out to play are the same.

On the contrary, the whole wedding, let me feel bad about things is, Liu Zhanhui their family in order to take care of my emotions, did not let Xixi attended the wedding.

Later I learned that Xixi had a high fever on the day of our wedding, and tossed and turned all night.

The fever didn’t go down until morning.

I feel very guilty.

4, I do not know whether it is because children are difficult to accept their parents have a new family, the last two months, I often hear Liu Zhanhui said Xixi is not feeling well.

I also pay a smile.

Life after marriage, although there are some small bumps and bruises, but overall still calm and happy.

Until in my mom and sail all day to urge the birth of a baby, urged me to have to start soaking feet, drinking Chinese medicine to regulate the body, an incident occurred.

On this day, I came out of the Chinese medicine department on the fourth floor of the largest tertiary hospital in our city with a big bag full of boiled Chinese medicine.

The medicine was too heavy, just arrived at the first floor outpatient hall, the plastic bag containing the medicine on the hand broke.

I was ready to go back to the nurse for a stronger bag, suddenly saw a familiar figure – my new husband, Liu Zhanhui.

Opposite him stood a middle-aged woman, plainly dressed, hair disheveled.

I do not know what the two said, the middle-aged woman’s emotions suddenly broke down.

Her shoulders shrugged, and her body leaned forward violently, leaning up toward Liu Zhanyuanhui.

Liu Zhanhui, however, did not push away her intention at all, but instead to free a hand, hard back to hold her, but also patted her back a few times.

I looked confused.

The hand is loose, the plastic bag containing Chinese medicine “tearing” broke, the medicine inside scattered all over the place.

Who is this woman?

The two of them were as concerned and natural as relatives, belonging to the atmosphere that only old couples have.

My intuition is that she is Liu Zhanhui’s ex-wife.

Liu Zhanyui wouldn’t have rekindled his relationship with his ex-wife so quickly, would he?

If that’s the case, then what am I to him?

My mom asked me to go to her place for lunch at noon, and I went there in a daze.

My mom really saw that something was wrong with me, “Did you have a fight with Xiao Liu?

No.” ”No, I didn’t.

“I didn’t want to say anything because the facts were not conclusive, but my emotions betrayed me and I cried.

My mom asked me what was wrong.

I couldn’t hold back and told her what I had just seen at the hospital.

My mom was furious, immediately called Liu Zhanhui over.

I was sad, upset, half-collapsed, waiting for him to reveal the bottom.

In the evening, Liu Zhanhui arrived.

When I looked at his gray face, my heart sank.

My mom didn’t care so much, “I’ll get straight to the point, what do you mean by hugging a woman at the hospital this morning?

‘ Liu Zhanyui moved his lips and spoke with difficulty, ”I’m sorry, mom.

I was with the child’s mother today.

Doctors suspect that the child has …… leukemia.

“5, this news is like a thunderbolt from the ground.

My mom and I in unison “ah”, I can not help but think of Xi Xi always pale face.

My dad repeatedly chanted, “How could you get sick?

“ My mom asked, ”Has it been diagnosed?

How is the child doing now?

“Liu Zhanhui voice choked: ”Not yet, but a lot of symptoms, a variety of indicators are not good …… child has been hospitalized.

“I suddenly felt that I was making a fuss about the crime.

I wiped my tears, “Why didn’t I hear you talk about it before?

I only heard that Xixi has often had a fever in the last two months.

“Liu Zhanhui sighed, ”We all thought that she just had a cold and fever body pain, has not gone to the hospital, did not think about that.

Until yesterday, her mother gave her a bath when she found her body petechiae, only to take her to the hospital to see, who knows …… “That day, I went home with Liu Zhanhui, he closed the door and played for a long time after the phone.

Old Liu was so guilty that he blamed himself all night.

He always felt that he did something wrong Xixi sick, “I still accompany the child too little.

Once Xixi told me she was dizzy, and I blamed her mom for not paying attention to her nutrition.

Now that I think about it, she was sick at the time,” Lao Liu told me.

“Liu told me that since Xixi got sick, Liu’s ex-wife’s boyfriend ran away.

He said in a consultative tone, “Grandma and Grandpa took three hundred thousand dollars as medical expenses in one breath, saying that they would pay again if needed.

I’d like to give XiXi an extra two thousand dollars a month for living expenses – you don’t mind, do you?

“I actually minded a little bit, but I said I didn’t mind.

Because I knew that even if I minded, according to Old Liu’s character, he would compensate them in other ways.

Old Liu was tired and finally fell into a deep sleep.

And that night, I lost sleep.

I was awake to realize that because of Xixi’s illness, the family of Old Liu and I could never be as calm and happy as usual.

Xixi was diagnosed.

I told Fanfan about the recent events at home, she looked at me with a heavy gaze and let out a long sigh.

I couldn’t help but say, “I should have listened to you and never started.

She said, “I should have listened to you when I started, but I shouldn’t have started.” Fanfan sighed, “Fate comes, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

In a Chinese family, children are the biggest thing in the world.

What is Old Liu going to do?

“Cure him.

“Fanfan looked at me, her eyes red, ‘You’re just a little bit better ……’ I shook my head, not letting her say it.

Old Liu was already very busy, and now he is even busier.

In addition to being busy with work, he is also busy running the hospital.

I was at home, and the frequency of seeing him dropped drastically.

When I saw him, I would double check his face before I dared to cautiously ask a sentence or two about Xixi’s condition.

I took the initiative to propose that I wanted to see Xixi, but Lao Liu said that during the epidemic, to avoid cross-infection, the hospital did not allow visits to patients, and there could only be one parent accompanying them.

She can’t go to work, can she?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I couldn’t help but ask.

“Xixi’s mom took a long vacation, and the child’s grandparents took turns to accompany her.

“Old Liu hugged me vigorously, ”This period of time, you’ve been wronged.

“I have no talent, he just so a sentence, the heart warmed up again.

Just a few months, the sea has changed.

It’s almost the New Year.

Before I did not expect, the first new year after the newlyweds, will be so heavy and vicissitudes of life, middle-aged flavor full.

The previously planned honeymoon trip to Sanya is, without a doubt, on hold.

With so much going on at home, I understand that he was not in the mood.

Although I really want to relax, but I knowingly did not even mention.

When I followed Old Liu to my in-laws’ house, their family would discuss the illness.

Everyone was making all sorts of speculations about how Xixi could have such an illness, and would recall all the adorable behavior of Xixi when she was a child.

As they talked, my mother-in-law and my elder sister-in-law would not be able to stop wiping their tears.

My father-in-law shouted, “She’s fine, don’t talk about such nonsense!” I couldn’t intervene, and felt a strong sense of being an outsider to the family.

After a while, I heard that Xixi’s condition had stabilized and she was discharged from the hospital.

Old Liu would occasionally take time to go shopping and watch movies with me.

We haven’t made out for a long time.

I admit that I was deliberate that day, letting him accompany me to watch “Lust, Caution” on the computer.

After watching it, I told him the classic hot tub line.

So we took a hot bath that day, after a long and painful absence.

I nestled in Old Liu’s hot embrace unwilling to get up, “Isn’t Xixi out of the hospital? I didn’t see her when she was hospitalized.

Why don’t we bring her over for a few days?

“Old Liu’s body obviously tightened.

He stroked my hair and said, “She’s very fragile right now, the doctor said she needs to be protected.

Her mom won’t let her see anyone else, and even I can’t see her until the kid makes a fuss.

“I was a bit lost, but at the same time I felt a sense of relief.

Frankly, I hadn’t figured out how to deal with a sick child.

The last person XiXi wants to see right now is the woman next to his father – me.

Xixi was hospitalized again.

I was very worried, but Liu Zhanhui comforted me instead, that is the next stage of treatment.

He didn’t see people as often as he did when Xixi was only sick.

He makes time for me.

Last weekend, we went shopping at the mall together, and when he saw that I liked the blind box, he made a big gesture and actually bought me a whole set.

I even laughed at him, thus losing the essence of buying a blind box: uncertainty.

But he said, “Life has given us both too much uncertainty, so let’s pursue a little bit of certainty in this matter that everyone pursues uncertainty.

“ I looked at him and a steady feeling of solidity welled up in my heart.

Even with his ex-wife and daughter, I believe that he will definitely take care of me.

During that period of time, I lived a peaceful and fulfilling life, with everything in order.

One morning I woke up, I suddenly realized that my great aunt had been late for half a month.

The pregnancy test stick appeared eye-catching two bars.

I wanted to tell Liu Zhanhui right away, but he had already driven out.

I simply went to the hospital for a checkup to confirm it, and when the time came, I put the hospital’s test report form in front of him to make him happy.

I took the morning off, and went out to the hospital.

Hospital crowd, I drew blood in the hospital neighborhood blindly waiting for the results.

Unexpectedly, but saw Liu Zhanhui from the hospital next to a neighborhood out.

I am full of suspicion, he came to this neighborhood for what?

He walked in a hurry, toward the direction of the subway station.

Not waiting for me to slow down, his ex-wife also walked out of the neighborhood.

Unlike him, his ex-wife walked directly toward the hospital.

I was busy pulling down my hat and putting on a proper mask, as if I had done something unseemly.

This scene ruined my good mood for the morning.

Later, when I got my results and the doctor congratulated me on my pregnancy and gave me all sorts of precautions, I didn’t even feel excited.

I hesitated and didn’t tell Lao Liu about the pregnancy diagnosis first.

I felt that I needed to confirm something first.

I started looking for evidence like crazy.

After taking advantage of Lao Liu’s sleep, I took his finger to unlock the phone, and I couldn’t find any evidence of cheating in WeChat.

My mom has never been optimistic about my marriage, and I didn’t dare to tell her this.

But I really need an outlet, there is no way, I had to tell Fanfan, “Is it possible, I think too much, they just go to discuss things?

“ Fanfan sucked in a breath of cold air, ”Even if it is the two of them discussing the matter of the child, there is no need to go to the neighborhood to discuss it, right?

Can’t they just go to a cafe?

“I couldn’t figure it out, ”Even if they were rekindling their old feelings, they could have just gotten a room, why would they go to a neighborhood near the hospital?

“Fanfan thought for a moment and said, ”Nowadays, you need an ID card to get a room.

Old Liu’s mind is too meticulous, he went to a room, is bound to leave records.

“I wailed, ”Are you that careful?

‘ Fanfan was also helpless, “What do you think yourself?

Why don’t you just ask him directly?

“I don’t dare.

I was afraid that the happiness that I had so easily held in my hands would just fall apart.

This time, I plan to find the truth first.

But how should I start?

Fanfan’s words reminded me that there must be a record of the room.

Regardless of whether Lao Liu had opened a room or not, I had to check carefully.

The matter is urgent and significant, I spent a high price to find a private detective.

A week later.

Detectives find out the results, worse than I imagined.

My husband, Liu Zhanhui, indeed did not have a room with his ex-wife.

He just, a few days a month, thundering to the neighborhood near the hospital, to meet with his ex-wife.

Yes, it’s the same neighborhood where I saw him and his ex-wife coming out one after the other last time.

They rented a small apartment together.

I looked at the time of the rental, and it was about the same time that Hsi found out she was sick.

And he hadn’t spilled a word of this to me.

A chill ran down my spine, what did he think I was?

I asked the detective, “What does he do in that house besides spending time with the kids?

“The detective said, ”There were no cameras in his house, so I couldn’t find out what he was doing there.

But I did find out a little about his ex-wife.

“The detective hacked the account of Xixi’s mom and slid his finger on the iPad, sliding the photos one by one in front of my eyes.

Ovulation test strips, pregnancy test strips, imported folic acid, imported milk …… I have to say, her Somewhere shopping list is quite similar to mine.

I almost fainted, “She’s planning to get pregnant?

“ The detective nodded, ”It seems so.

‘ The detective added, ”She also changed the shampoo and body lotion in the house, as well as a full set of skincare products.

”I fixed my eyes on all the brands I use.

Dare I say that she was afraid that I would smell her scent on Liu Zhanhui?

No need for the detective to explain anything further.

Xixi’s father and mother, in order to hide it from me, an outsider, really went to great lengths.

My hand gently caresses my still flat belly, my heart is full of mixed feelings, this child came at a really bad time.

But the cards that must be spread, must be spread.

6, I tone serious, said to Liu Zhanhui, something to talk to him.

It is rare for him to see me serious, and he even joked with me.

I waved my hand, let him sit down face to face, told him, “First thing, I’m pregnant.

“Liu Zhanyui was ecstatic and came over to hug me, asking when I found out.

I pushed him away and said in a calm tone, “A week ago.

“Liu Zhanyui sensed something was wrong, he slowly sat down, ”Why didn’t you tell me first?

“I fixed my eyes on him and threw out my first card, ”Because my new husband has rented a house with his ex-wife and set up a new home, planning to have a second child.

“Liu Zhanhui’s face changed dramatically, he took my hand, ‘It’s not what you think!’ It’s not what you think!” ”Then what is it?

“It’s a long story.

“It’s okay, I’ll listen to anything longer.”

“It turns out that shortly after Xixi found out she was sick, the doctor advised them that it would be best to rent an apartment near the hospital.

This is because blood diseases are chronic, with long treatment times and complex conditions.

Living close by makes it easier to take care of the child when he or she is hospitalized; it is also easier for the child to see the doctor after he or she is discharged from the hospital.

That’s why they rented a house near the hospital.

I nodded and threw out my second card, “But Hitch’s mom, why do you buy ovulation test strips and stuff like that?

Don’t tell me she measures for fun, that’s a reason I don’t believe.

“ Liu Zhanhui’s lips trembled a few times, did not make a sound.

It seems to be true, I am completely desperate.

Liu Zhanyui came over with a big stride and hugged me, “It’s really not what you think!” “Then are you going to have another child?

“ I struggled to say.


“He admitted it painfully.

“We’re trying to save the baby.

“Save the baby?”

“Xixi’s mother has looked up a lot of literature, and in Xixi’s case, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the most thorough treatment.

It is said that umbilical cord blood from siblings with the same father and mother is the most effective treatment.” ”So you two secretly created the blood cells.

“So you two are secretly making a baby?

!” Old Liu was silent.

“Do your parents know about this?

They’re still silent. Liu was still silent.

Tears were pouring out of my eyes, “How dare the whole family hide this from me?

So how did you do it?

You slept with her and then slept with me?

No matter what noble reasons you guys met for, I really feel dirty now!” Old Liu also cried, “You’re not like her.

Whether you believe it or not, I did that thing with her, completely without feelings, purely to fulfill the mission …… I only have affection left with her, long ago there was no love.

“ I heart like a knife, asked a I very reluctant to know but had to ask the question: ”She …… pregnant?

“Old Liu said:” now do not know.

“I wiped away my tears and laughed coldly, ”If you’re not pregnant, how many more times do you have to play noble P?

“Old Liu ignored my meanness, ”no.

There won’t be another one.

“”I’m sorry, Xiaoyu ……” Old Liu was still apologizing, but I couldn’t hear a word of it anymore.

I was torn, checked the relevant information, treatment of this disease, depending on the matching results.

Even if Lao Liu’s ex-wife succeeds in giving birth to a child, what will happen if the match is unsuccessful?

Is it possible to have another one?

What if she succeeds?

Together with the child in my stomach, old Liu will not have to bear the cost of three children, one sick child and one illegitimate child.

Old Liu’s income is good in our local area, but with three children, the family is struggling.

If, I am not pregnant now, I will not hesitate to divorce.

Out of the spirit of humanitarianism, before he promised me what half of the house, what salary to pay, I can all do not want.

But …… the child in my stomach, is also a life, can say don’t want to don’t?

7, when I saw the ultrasound list on the small black spot like fetal buds, I can not help but cry and laugh.

At that moment, I suddenly understood the old Liu’s ex-wife.

When the child is a fertilized egg, the mother cares so much, so ecstatic, not to mention their own children raised for so many years, where can I watch her go to death?

But in my understanding not five minutes, the same hospital gynecology waiting room display screen, I saw the old Liu’s ex-wife’s name.

I directly questioned Lao Liu, yes, Lao Liu’s ex-wife is also pregnant.

I couldn’t make up my mind and asked Fanfan out to discuss it.

Fanfan’s eyes almost glazed over, “There’s nothing else she can do?

Don’t tell me that in order to save a child, all such cases require another child.

“ I read the information to read half understand, reluctantly explained: ”This treatment is related to a what the similarity of the matching type.

Listening to Lao Liu said, their whole family went to do the matching, but also strange, no one can match.

The only way to use a stranger is to wait for a notification from the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank.

If none of them are available, they’ll have to look for umbilical cord blood.

”Fanfan shook her head, “So she took the risk of stealing another one?

“All I could do was sigh.

Sailor said, “I suddenly remembered, aren’t you pregnant too?

If she just needed cord blood, she didn’t have to give birth at all.

“I recalled the information I had read, ‘In the case of umbilical cord blood, the probability of successful matching of half-sibling umbilical cord blood is not as high as that of half-sibling umbilical cord blood’.

Sailor remembered something, “It seems so.

Do you remember a TV series called ‘Blood Linglong’?

The mother in it was planning to have another child to find cord blood in order to save her child, but the last child wasn’t her husband’s ……” Said Fanfan, who also sighed, ”What do you think?

“ ”Reason tells me that if I don’t want to have all these hooks and subsequent troubles, I should decisively abort the child and divorce.

But in that case, I am worried that I won’t have a chance to be a mom in the future; and secondly, I am a bit reluctant to give up this marriage because it took me so many years to meet Old Liu.

“I’m torn. If I don’t get a divorce, should I let his ex-wife give birth to the child?

Shouldn’t I talk to Lao Liu about how much to spend on this matter of saving lives, up to a limit?

“ Fanfan shook his head, ”This matter is a bottomless pit, there is no upper limit.

Legally, if her ex-wife does give birth to the child, you can gather evidence to sue Old Liu for bigamy.” ”So that child can’t be born.

“So that child can’t be born?

“I can’t bear it.

“As a mother, I understand what she did.

But what she’s doing is really jeopardizing your interests.

This child, for sure, can’t be born.

You have to make your point and advise them to wait for a match from the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank.

This is a matter of principle.

”I’m still wavering.

Sail rolled her eyes, ”Get your head on straight, will you?

You’ll be stirring up trouble for the rest of your life if you live your life so uncertainly.

You have to think about it, it’s fine for you to be the stepmother of one child, are you really sure that you want to be the stepmother of two children?

And one of them is an illegitimate child, and one of them is a sick child, are you really sure?

“ I let out a long sigh and lamented, ”I didn’t realize that real marriage is like this.

If I had known it was like this, I wouldn’t have envisioned it at all.

“Fanfan also let out a long sigh, ”Do your parents know that they stole the baby?

“I smiled bitterly, ”I haven’t said anything yet, I guess my mom would jump up and down if she knew.

“While I was still struggling, I didn’t expect my mother-in-law to come to my door, carrying a big basket of eggs and two catfish.

The first thing she said was why she hadn’t told her about the big event of being pregnant.

Then she asked about my reactions and told me to take a good rest, then the topic turned to the matter of Xixi inadvertently, first affirming my grievances, then praising my generosity, and finally asked: “What do you think?

“What do I think?

Do they really care what I think?

I said calmly, “I sympathize with Xixi and her mother.

However, that child cannot be kept.

‘ Liu Zhanhui looked at me in surprise.

My mother-in-law slapped her thighs and almost jumped up in shock, “You’re going to be a mom yourself, how can you be so cruel?

”Am I really the cruel one?

I want to ask, “Aren’t you cruel to me?

My mother-in-law continued to advise me bitterly that one should not see death.

When Xixi’s mom gives birth to the baby, she won’t need to be in charge of Liu Zhanyui, the baby will be in the hands of her grandparents.

When I give birth to the child, she will help me to take care of the baby, and do not want me to worry, “You and Jim Hui is a legal couple, mom’s heart is definitely toward you.

“You remember that your son and I were married.

You still remember that your son and I are legally married?

Then what does it mean for your son to have a child with his illegitimate ex-wife?

“My mother-in-law was obviously blocked by my words, she changed her mind and talked about ‘saving someone’s life is better than building a seven-story pagoda’, ”You are pregnant now, so think of it as accumulating blessings for the baby in your belly.

I’m too lazy to spit it out.”

My mother-in-law continued, “Sometimes you have to look at things in the long run.

When Xixi gets better in the future, things will slowly get better.

When the child you give birth to grows up, he’ll have two siblings.

Even though they have the same father and mother, they are still siblings.

In this day and age, three sisters are too precious.

“I don’t mind too much what my mother-in-law said.

What I minded more was Liu Zhanhui’s attitude.

From the beginning to the end, he kept his mouth shut.

This meant that he had acquiesced in all of this, or even that he was in full agreement.

I speculated maliciously, in this matter, did he suffer?

Not really.

Although I joked before the wedding that I would be a gold-digging woman, in reality, I have always been financially self-sufficient and never asked him for money.

Instead, he gained an extra child because of it.

A cold sweat broke out on my back, and my mother-in-law was still rambling on and on.

I just felt the air was filthy, a stream of air was running around in my body, I couldn’t sit still, I couldn’t hear what my mother-in-law was saying anymore.

Suddenly, my abdomen a sharp pain, I can not help but scream out in pain …… What happened behind, I do not quite remember.

8, I opened my eyes, a pure white in front of me.

White blinding.

The infusion bottle, the syringe in the hand.

The background sound is the “drip” sound of the monitoring instrument.

I was lying in the hospital bed, my mom and sail sail are there, two people red eyes.

When I woke up, Sailor was in tears as she said, “Great, you’re finally awake.

“I realized what had happened, and tears came to my eyes.

My mom hurriedly said, “Don’t cry in the small moon.

“ Yes, in the midst of intense conflict and the ups and downs of great emotions, I had a miscarriage.

And the person who was the most upset in this matter was my mom.

She said, “If I had known, I wouldn’t have forced you to go on a blind date.

“She also said, ”In hindsight, it’s good not to get married.

“Liu Zhanhui came to see me a few times, but neither my mom nor Fanfan gave him a good look.

He offered to stay in bed with me at night, but my mom wouldn’t let him, “You’d better stay with your little girl.

“After being rejected a few times, he stopped offering to stay in bed with me.

He only came to see me twice a day.

Once in the morning and once in the evening.

And I don’t want to see him.

When he came, I turned my face away from him; when he talked to me, I didn’t bother.

On the third day, he finally couldn’t take it anymore and said to my mom, “I want to talk to Xiaoyu alone.

I want to talk to Xiaoyu alone,” he said to my mom, ”I want to solve the problem that is between us.

I thought about it and agreed.

Before he could say anything, I told him that his ex-wife had to give birth to the baby to save her life, so that I could live with myself.

Old Liu was very touched, comforted me and said, will give me love will not be less.

He also advised me that I am still young, and we will definitely have another child, “The key now is that you have to get well first.

“I did listen to the advice to get well.

I had already made up my mind.

9, a year later, Lao Liu posted a status in the circle of friends.

He wrote, “With the help of the medical staff, the matching was successful and Xixi has been saved for the time being.

He posted another one, only a few words, “Thank you everyone, especially you.

“ I understood that I was the one he was thanking.

Not long after my miscarriage, I formally filed for divorce with Old Liu.

Old Liu refused.

He said he would work harder to earn money.

He said that the child’s grandparents would definitely help out in every way, and that it wouldn’t affect our lives too much.

He said, his family have seen me aggrieved, and will compensate me doubly in the future …… He finally said: “I will coordinate all aspects of the relationship, will not let you be aggrieved again.

“I’m not going to be able to do that,” he said.

“I can’t believe it.

We divorced soon, old Liu remarried, his ex-wife had a daughter.

He sold the house, but he still insisted on giving me half.

However, I didn’t ask for any of the money because I thought it was for the treatment of my illness.

It is said that everyone in the Liu family is touched when they talk about me.

Sailor said I was Teresa Leung.

I understand very well that I am not great, I just don’t want to get involved in this matter anymore.

If I had to say, what I learned from this relationship.

That is, the love of a man and a woman is as light as a feather and not worth mentioning in front of blood kinship.

Old Liu’s state, I neither left a message, nor did I like it.

He small window to find me, left a sentence, “my life, the most sorry person is you.

In my next life, I’ll make it up to you.

“But is there a next life?

I got a new message on my cell phone.

It turns out to be my ex, who I haven’t talked to in years.

He asked me how I was doing.

I said I was fine.

After I talked to him for a few minutes, he said he was planning to get married, and recently he wanted to renovate his house, so he asked if he could borrow 20,000 dollars from me.

I wasn’t angry.

I wasn’t angry.

Borrowing money is nothing compared to what I’ve encountered.

However, I don’t intend to be the wrongdoer anymore – this is also a lesson that my last relationship taught me.

I thought about it and replied, “No money, congratulations on your wedding, give you a small red envelope.

I gave him a 200 dollar red envelope.

The ex took it in seconds.

For the first time since the divorce, I laughed out loud.

Laughing, I actually laughed out tears.

In the blur of tears, I looked at the neat row of blind boxes in front of my desk.

Each blind box has a human face drawn on it, they seem to be laughing at me, do you see your feelings like dismantling a blind box?

This set of blind boxes was given to me by Liu Zhanhui.

When I divorced him, I took nothing but this set of blind boxes to remind me of the uncertainty in life.

Relationships are like opening a blind box, no one can guess what relationship script they get.

I thought my script was a romantic comedy, but I didn’t expect my ex to turn it into a black humor absurd drama; and when I met Liu Zhanhui, it was a downright ethical family soap opera.

And I, surprisingly, am still the annoying second female.

In our story, there is not a bad guy.

Yet it takes one person to pay the bill.

Unfortunately, that person is me.

Regret, a little.

Who let too many people stand between me and Liu Zhanhui.

His two daughters, his ex-wife, his parents, my parents …… In my relationship with him, it was as if I was stranded with this group of people in an elevator that had come to a sudden stop, sharing thin oxygen, waiting for help, and struggling to breathe.

My love for him was overcrowded.

Only because at the time, I didn’t understand: when choosing a man with a history, his history will one day come to you by surprise and catch you off guard.

Fingers across the screen, I once again clicked on that familiar WeChat avatar.

At one time, I would share everything with him, and that last message of his, I didn’t reply and never will.

I completely deleted him.

I love him, but I want to live more easily and frankly.

Let’s just say goodbye and live happily ever after.

(End of article)

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