What would be the story if the abusive writer suddenly came to his senses?

What would be the story if the abusive heroine suddenly woke up?

(Completed) He brought back a woman, who, quite similar to me, said she was pregnant.

But I was tired, and without blinking my eyes, I signed the peace treaty!1 “I didn’t expect it, but you’re also a substitute.

” I said lazily to Song Cean as I lay on the toffee couch.

Song Ce’an’s face abruptly turned blacker than charcoal, and the hand he clutched the teacup with violently shrunk.

He crushed the teacup with his bare hands, the blood in his palm mixing with the tea and dripping down, his moon white cotton robe crimson.

He looked over at me and said in a cold, one-word sentence, ”So what?

Do you think that I will give you a letter of divorce just like this?

“I shrugged my shoulders indifferently, “If you don’t give it, then don’t give it, you find your confidante, I’ll find my white moonlight, how about we don’t interfere with each other?

“Song Ze’an stared at me like he wanted to poke a bloody hole in me.

I thought for a while and said, “Don’t worry, externally we are still a loving couple, and the Anyang royal residence will not be turned into a prairie by the two of us!” Song Ce’an seemed to be infuriated and laughed, ”Lin Qingluan, it’s me who underestimated you!” After he finished, he fiercely flung his sleeves and slammed the door.

I snorted, angry is angry, smash what door?

Good yellow pear wood, very expensive, okay?

2 I and Song Cean’s marriage, but also from a year ago.

A year ago, I insisted on becoming a nun.

My father and mother persuaded me to no avail, so they grounded me and had me guarded day and night, preventing me from stepping out of the Lin Mansion.

And the story of the bridge, Gu Changqing saved me, we fell in love at first sight, I have always been bold, not subject to constraints, such a thing as a private marriage is not strange to me.

But Gu Changqing is not, he is a gentleman, but unfortunately, his family is not in Changan.

He said, “Luan, wait for me for half a year, I’ll come and marry you in six months.

I waited.”

Half a year later, Gu Changqing came, but the bride was not me, he married Princess Changning, became the extra horse harnessed by the side of a team.

I was heartbroken.

That night, when they were married, I was drunk, lying on the table with a dagger in my hand.

3 Niang rushed in, gave me a slap, and heartbroken, held me and stayed with me the whole night.

The next day, I woke up with no one beside me, I waited for a while, but I didn’t see that Paeonia girl come in to freshen me up.

I took out the heavy letters in the drawer, all of which were written to me by Gu Changqing.

It turns out that two or two people who are devoted to each other will eventually become strangers.

I found a pair of scissors from under the bed that I had hidden away to cut up the letters.

“Miss!” Peony came in with the breakfast, she only saw me with the scissors, she didn’t see the letter in my hand.

She exclaimed, I was shocked, my hand trembled, the hand holding the scissors was too strong, and it went over the letter and cut off a big strand of my shoulder length hair.

Paeonia cried like a dead parent.

“Miss, no matter how sad you are, you can’t think of becoming a monk!” When did I ever want to become a monk?

But no matter how I explained, no one in the whole house would believe me.

They all thought that I was so sad that I wanted to become a monk for Gu Changqing! I’m grounded, thanks to that dead nymph.

Pao-yue looked at me pitifully, “Miss, don’t be sad, he Gu Changqing can marry a princess for you, you can also be heartless and marry Little Prince An and become his aunt! Little Prince An, Song Ce An, the emperor’s own brother, twenty-two years old, young and promising.

I slapped my head, why didn’t I think of that?

But Little Prince An can’t marry. He’s sick.

A disease that makes you nauseous and twitchy all over when you’re near a woman.

A month later, I was taken by my father to attend the palace banquet, I saw the rumored Little Prince An, my whole body as if I was being drunk on the head.

Little Prince An looked exactly like Gu Changqing.

The only difference was that Little Prince An had an extra tear mole under his left eye, which made him a bit more wicked and flirtatious than Gu Changqing, who had a clear moon and wind.

I froze in place, fixedly looked at him for a long time, there was a moment, I almost feel that the person in front of me is Gu Changqing.

But Gu Changqing never have such a cold light under his eyes, he is always warm and warm.

He also will not wear such a basalt-colored clothes, but low-key decorated with dark patterns, only in the light of the place, only to see the flow of ripples.

He is also not like the person in front of the reserved and inoffensive, lofty posture as if the gods and goddesses look down on the living beings.

How similar they are, yet so different.

I should be sad.

But the first thought that popped into my head was actually, isn’t it true that you, Little Prince An, can’t get close to women?

You throw up. Why don’t you throw up?

It’s okay if you don’t throw up. You twitch one and show me.

5 “Miss Lin?

“Honestly, Little Prince An’s voice is the best I’ve ever heard, the so-called magnetism, it’s nothing more than that.

What’s even better is him as a person.

There’s an aura between a teenager and a mature man.

His eyes just looked at me with such clarity, and underneath the deep swirls, a complex light was concealed.

Obviously the two people looked exactly the same, but it was obvious that Little Prince An was superior.

But how did he know about me?

“The prince’s side by the side of the emperor’s side is here, isn’t Miss Lin going to take a look?

”His voice was full of teasing, obviously, already knowing about my old relationship with Gu Changqing.”

I was choked by him and said with a dark face, “Young prince, the prince of Changning’s side harnessed by the side of a team of horse harnessed by the side of a team looks so much like you, wouldn’t he be your long lost brother?

Do you want me to help you recognize your relatives?

”Little Prince An laughed instead of being angry, ”My mother consort only gave birth to one of me, so I’ve disappointed you! We can’t talk anymore.

I bowed and went back to the table, and when I passed by Little Prince An, he said quietly, “Lin Qingluan, are you going back to watch them love each other?

Don’t you think it’s an eyesore?

I’m just the daughter of a minister, so I can’t just walk away from them.” he said.

Little Prince An laughed softly, “Perhaps, I can help you.

”I silently rolled my eyes, ”Fine, then I’ll thank Young Prince An first.”

”After I finished, I flung my sleeves and left Little Prince An with an incomparably dashing back.

The next day, I was still asleep when I was grabbed up by Peony to receive the decree.

I heard in a daze that I was given in marriage.

And the object of the marriage is still Little Prince An.

What did the imperial decree say?

It says that I’m the only woman that Little Prince An doesn’t reject, so I must marry him! Shit! I should have known that when I saw him, I would vomit, be nauseous, and convulse, he doesn’t nauseate me, I nauseate him, okay?

6 Three months later, I married into the Anyang Royal House and became the An Xiao Wangfei.

The wedding night, but I did not wait for the groom.

It’s not that I wanted to wait for him, but if I didn’t wait for him, I had nothing to do, and Peony wouldn’t let me sleep.

The next day, I was pushed awake by Peony.

She hugged me and cried, “Miss, why is your life so bitter?” “Is being alone in a spare room a bitter fate?

I wish he wouldn’t come.

This is my true heart.”

Pao-yao endured and endured, but couldn’t hold back, and said angrily, “Master Auntie is also too much, not to mention letting you stay alone in the empty room on your wedding night, but actually brought Princess Changning back.

“Princess Changning is his niece, what’s so strange about him bringing her back?

” I don’t think so.

Pao-yao is like a dead mother, “Miss, Princess Changning is not the emperor’s own daughter, she is the emperor’s south patrol picked up on the road, Lan Guifei was born prematurely, the child did not survive, the emperor was afraid of her grief, so the Princess Changning was carried over.

“Paeonia is from the mouth of the house steward sister heard.

“And, at the time, the aunt kneeled for three days and three nights in the Hall of Grace, just to ask for Princess Changning’s hand in marriage, but was rejected by the Emperor.

“I’ve heard about this.

I heard about it, but at that time, the story was that Little Prince An wanted to leave Chang’an to go to the frontier, and the emperor felt sorry for him, so he didn’t say yes.

I’m not sorry, but I feel bad about it.

People in Chang’an City said that the Lin Family’s first daughter’s eyes were extremely similar to Princess Changning’s eyes.

I finally figured out, that day and Song Ce’an first meeting, he stared at my eyes, under the eyes of the bright light behind the deep meaning.

It turned out that helping me was a lie.

Not rejecting me is also a lie.

The double is the real thing.

Gu Changqing married your beloved, so you want to marry away his beloved?

7 “Go and see.

” I took off my half-covered red head and went out.

I had just stepped over the threshold when I saw Song Ce’an hurrying in with Princess Changning in his arms.

When I looked at him, he seemed to be a little surprised, but then he resumed his bland and cool demeanor, ”You go back to the house first.”

“After he finished speaking, he carried Princess Changning into the next room.

Originally, she was to be carried into the wedding room, right?

Song Ce’an and I’s wedding room was set up in his house, so he should have forgotten about my existence.

I thoughtfully said, “So, no need to be so troublesome, you guys go into this room, I’ll move the floor?

“After I finished speaking, Song Ce An stopped walking and gave me a complicated look.

I said, “Why are you looking at me like that?

You and I know it very well, I have someone else in my heart, do you still expect me to be jealous of you, what are you thinking?

“Peony, go!” I am very generous, I do not admit, I want to take the opportunity to eat! Peony this niece was afraid that if I could eat too much, Song Cean would bump into my indecent image and not get married to me, so she only prepared light ones for me.

Stewed elbow, pig’s feet in sauce, stewed pork ribs, crispy chicken, seven treasures gourd duck, shrimp dumplings, egg rolls, buttermilk cake, all of them, right?

I carried my skirt and was about to withdraw when Song Cean spoke, “Go back to your room.

” I very ambiguous look at him, and his arms in her a glance, “I’m not very like three people to play!” Song Cean: “……” The Anyang Wangfu kitchen can be much bigger than the Linfu, and the cooks are also first class.

I ate and drank my fill and suddenly remembered that, today’s wedding ceremony, Song Cean hadn’t yet divided the courtyard for me.

“Peony, let’s go out for a walk?

”Paeonia was reluctant, and perhaps afraid that I would go back to be irritated by those two people, nodded in agreement.

I took peony out of the door of Anyang Wang Fu, a person came up to me, he clasped my hand and asked nervously, “Where is the princess?

”8 My entire body was wooden and froze as I looked at him.


” I heard my voice hoarse beyond words.

Gu Changqing seemed to have only regained his senses as he let go of my hand, took a step back, and respectfully said, “Imperial aunt.

“So it’s Mr. Emperor’s son-in-law.

” I said with a smile.

Gu Changqing gazed deeply at me and asked, ”Why is imperial aunt alone outside on her wedding night?

Your Imperial Uncle should be worried.

I said in my heart, “You’d better worry about your daughter-in-law.

But what came out of my mouth was, “Why?

“Gu Changqing abandoned me and married someone else without giving me a reason, and I never asked him before today.

“Do not love, do not like! Gu Changqing said in a light voice.

It turned out that such a gentle voice could also say such harsh words.

Like a sharp blade, stabbing into my heart.

You don’t like it, why don’t you just say so?

Need to make me a joke?

I lightly picked up my chin and said, “What a coincidence, so do I. It’s a pity you said it first.

”A loser doesn’t lose.

Gu Changqing raised his eyes to look at me as he said, “I’ll accompany imperial aunt inside!” ”Good.

“I smiled gently and walked over, but in the next moment, I raised my hand and slapped him hard.

My hand hurt.

Gu Changqing was staggered by my blow and took a step back.

I asked, “Do I look good or Princess Changning?

“Gu Changqing looked at me with that look in his eyes, he must have thought I was crazy.

I said, “Open your dog eyes, I’m good looking, my old lady is the brightest moon in Chang’an City, you, you don’t deserve it!” After I finished speaking, I pulled Paeonia, turned around and disappeared into the dark night without looking back.

Peony and I went to the best restaurant in Chang’an City, and asked for a private room.

Peony rare not mother-in-law, I want to eat, will buy me, I want to say paragraph, she does not mind me not reserved, want to drink, will accompany me to drink.

The result is that she herself fell down first.

I laughed, took off the big red wedding dress to cover her, carried a pot of wine, climbed out of the window and sat under the eaves.

Drinking wine to the moon! “Screw Gu Changqing, the next one is better, the next one is better behaved!” I can’t remember how much I drank, more than the day Gu Changqing married Princess Changning.

When I woke up, my head hurt and my body ached.

I realized with horror that I had put Song Cean to sleep!9 “What are you looking for?

” Song Cean’s eyes took on a bit of gloom.

I crouched down to look at the bottom of the bed, “I’m looking to see if it was the two of us or the four of us who slept together last night.

“Then I heard Song Cean gritting his teeth.

Maybe Song Cean was convinced by my sleep, from that day on, he actually came to visit me in my yard often, and would occasionally make me snacks with his own hands.

Other than sometimes undermining each other, the two of us got along quite well.

What I want, he will satisfy me.

I am also respected by all in the residence.

Moreover, Song Cean is not only a delicious person, even the things he makes are delicious.

But every time I finished eating his cooking, it was his turn to eat me.

Song Cean would stop at the most crucial moment every time and ask me who he was.

I don’t even mind you treating me like Princess Changning, what do you mind?

So I kicked him out of bed.

Song Cean was presumably ruined by my kick, and summoned the imperial physician to come that day, and still wouldn’t let me get close.

10 I waited outside his house for a while, and my conscience was very clear to go to the kitchen, and when I came back, I was also very thoughtful to bring him a chicken leg that I couldn’t finish.

But when I went in, I saw Princess Changning lying on the side of Song Ce’an’s bed, her eyes crying into a blistered pear.

I stared seriously for a while, where do our eyes look alike?

The world is blind.

“Lin …… imperial aunt.

” Princess Changning said, “Am I disturbing you?

I will leave now.

I’ll leave now.” “No, no, no.

“I single-handedly helped Princess Changning back to Song Ce’an’s bedside, and said with a smile, “Feel free to chat for as long as you want.

“It’s best to talk in bed with you.

God knows how much Song Ce’an is a tormentor in bed.

I turned around to leave when Song Ce An’s cool voice came from behind me.

“Lin Qingluan!” He seemed to be furious, his eyes were red.

I saw his hand clutching the quilt, his bones whitening.

Is this because he resents me for insulting his white moonlight?

I was very uptight and said to Princess Changning, ”I’m sorry Princess, I made a mistake just now, make yourself at home, I’ll have Paeonia keep watch outside, you can call out to her if you need her?

I’ll have Pao-yao keep watch outside, if you need her, you can call her.” Pao-yao is my person, Pao-yao will keep watch over the two of you, you don’t have to worry, right?

Alas, I’m really a good princess who is just plain sweet.

I turned around and left after I finished speaking.

Song Ce’an fell off the bed.

The fall was quite loud, and I felt pain when I heard it.

Princess Changning was in a hurry, rushed to help Song Ce’an, Princess Changning was well-bred, weak as a chicken, where to help move.

I turned around and grabbed Song Ce’an, and in the midst of Song Ce’an and Princess Changning’s dismay, I pushed him back onto the bed.

“Where did you fall and get hurt?

“I went over to look.

Song Ce An’s face became even darker, so gloomy that it could rain, he slapped my hand away in disgust, his breathing was unstable, and he looked like he was going to faint at any moment.

I touched my nose resentfully, “Then you get well.

” I left, I was afraid that if I stayed any longer, I would be widowed.

After that day, Song Cean ignored me, not even giving me the door to his room.

He blamed me for making him lose face in front of Moonlight.

In the end, that little girl Paeonia said that a man has to be coaxed.

Well, for the sake of his cooking is so delicious.

Peony gave me the idea, to catch a person’s heart, the first thing to catch his stomach, although I do not want to catch Song Cean’s heart, but the reason is right.

With twelve points of sincerity, I blew away all the cooks in the kitchen, made four dishes and one soup, and served them to Song Ce An.

Song Ce An still refused to see me, I kicked open the door and saw his deadly gaze, I hemmed and hawed and laughed twice, ”I just made it, the dishes won’t taste good if they’re cold.”

“Song Zean gave me a strange look, “You made it yourself?

“Yes, I did.

I’m making up for my sins, even though I don’t know what my sins are.”

Song Ce’an’s face looked much better, and when I put the dishes on the table, he said, “Come over and help me a little bit.

“I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I’m not sure what I’m doing.

“I’m going to go over there and hand over the chopsticks, but Song Ce’an didn’t take it, looked at me lazily, and threw out two words, “My hands hurt.

“I’m not sure how hard it is to do this.

“Open your mouth.

“I clip a piece of braised pork into his mouth, Song Cean’s face was quite normal at first, but when he ate the braised pork I made, his eyes suddenly turned red again.

I was confused.

This is touched?

There’s hope.

Feed me, feed me hard.

Song Ce’an said I would feed him even if he didn’t eat. I’ve been with him for a long time, so I don’t know his stomach, and it would be strange for him to be full if he ate so little.

I fed him all four dishes and one soup.

I think he really ate too much, I always feel that Song Cean is going to vomit the next moment.

「Song ……」 「Vomit ……」 Song Cean got up and took a big step out, I looked at him who was vomiting wildly outside, my heart was very complicated.

Song Cean was seriously ill, the kind that couldn’t even get up.

The imperial physician came, he examined Song Ce’an and his face turned white with fear, “Your Highness, food is all about compatibility, who made this dish?

This is to poison you!” I bit my lip and silently moved my small broken steps to slip out.

12 Song Cean ignored me again and again and again.

I sat on the swing and after sighing for the three hundred and thirty-fourth time, I decisively said, “Paeonia, go drink.

”Bright Moon House.

I ordered a large table of delicious food for myself, and when I moved my chopsticks, I suddenly remembered Song Ce An’s miserable white face in the mansion.

Honestly, my conscience was quite upset.

Other than Song Ce An not liking me, he’s really a wonderful man.

Sometimes his mouth is a bit harsh and his temper is a bit cold, but he doesn’t treat me badly.

I asked Pao-yao to order some light snacks and buy a food box, intending to go back and eat with Song Cean.

Pao-yang had a look like my stupid daughter had finally grown up, making me want to beat her to death.

Mingyue Lou was quite nimble and quickly sent the food up, Pao Yao also came back, and I rubbed the newly purchased food box.

“Light Luan?

” I twisted my head to look, it was Gu Changqing.

He walked in, glancing at the dishes, a sad, yet helpless look appeared under his eyes.

“Light Luan.

“Gu Changqing said, “You’ve married, I’ve married, it’s impossible to turn back, these dishes, I used to love them, but now, I don’t like them very much.

”I just realized that several of the dishes I ordered for Song Ce’an were Gu Changqing’s favorites.

I didn’t even think of you, did I?

It’s just that Song Cean likes it too.

I ordered these dishes because I miss you.

I was about to say something when I heard a thud, and when I looked up, Song Cean was standing outside.

He’s getting better, but his face is still pale.

He was carrying a bag of snacks in his hand, and his eyes looked at me coolly.

13 “Imperial Uncle.

‘ Gu Changqing seemed to not expect to see Song Cean here, he unexpectedly looked at me and said, ”It turns out that the royal uncle and the royal aunt have an appointment, I thought …… ”Why?

” Song Cean asked.

Both men were silent.

The atmosphere was a bit weird.

Paeonia frequently made eyes at me, squeezing them to the point of becoming cross-eyed.

”My stupid girl, I’m not stupid?

How can I not know that this kind of bridge is bound to be misunderstood ah, this time I should pull Song Ce’an to explain a sentence, no, I actually point to you, meet Gu Changqing is an accident.

But Song Ce’an doesn’t care about it at all, okay?

They’re swordfighting over Princess Changning.

“Song ……” Peony suddenly pinched me, I was forced to cut off my words, Peony said, “Miss, haven’t you been nauseous and wanting to vomit for the past few days?

Has it gotten better?

‘ I saw Gu Changqing’s face instantly go white.

Song Cean’s color changed.

I opened my mouth and didn’t explain.

Peony warned me with a look that if you dare to talk nonsense, I won’t even accompany you in the future to pry the kitchen door in the middle of the night to steal food.


Anyway, I don’t want to get entangled with Gu Changqing, he misunderstood him, I don’t care, as for Song Ce’an, close the door and slowly explain it.

Song Ce’an and I went back, perhaps the carriage was too comfortable, or perhaps it was because I was a little tired these days, I fell asleep on the carriage.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was lying on Song Cean’s bed, he was sitting beside me, and Peony was looking at me excitedly.

“Miss, you are pregnant.

” My mind was empty, and it took me half a day to react.

“You’re not happy?

” Song Ze’an stared at me for a while and asked.

“No, I’m not.

After all, it’s my own child, and besides my family and Paeonia, he’s the only one who’s closest to me,” I said.

To be honest, I was actually looking forward to it a little.

I smiled slightly and said to Paeonia, “I’m hungry.

」「Miss, Auntie has long had people prepare for you, personally ordered, all your favorite food, just afraid that you will wake up hungry.

” Peony said.

I responded, Song Ce’an is quite considerate.

Maybe it’s because of the baby, or maybe it’s because I just woke up from a nap, my thoughts got skewed all of a sudden, what does it feel like to be loved by Song Cean?

After I got pregnant, Song Cean and I made up.

He doesn’t go to court every day, but he really has a lot of things to do, of course, I do my job as a princess, help him deal with the affairs of the house, and won’t interfere with the rest.

But since I got pregnant, he doesn’t let me control it anymore, and only lets me rest every day.

I am speechless and look at the sky, the top of my head is going to grow grass, okay?

It’s going to blossom and bear fruit in a few days.

Luckily, Song Cean is still a bit conscientious, coming to see me every day, cooking for me, buying me food, and searching for all sorts of trendy gadgets for me.

Oh, he actually wanted to hire a theater troupe for me, but I really don’t like to watch theater, I love to read books.

I read them secretly in the Lin Mansion, but my mother wouldn’t let me read them because they were immodest.

Song Ce’an also do not let me read too long, said it will hurt the eyes, he read to me, the words from his mouth read out, ears are pregnant, read to the end, I often get distracted, do not know what is written.

When I was pregnant, I was petulant to a fault.

Not only did I throw up in a coma, but I was also a picky eater, and it was very torturous, even Paeonia was tossed by me and my face lost a circle of weight.

I’m not doing any better myself, so I’ll try to put up with it as long as I can.

Which thought Song Ce’an directly moved into my house to sleep, in my opposite side of a bed.

He woke up when I moved a little bit in the night.

Sometimes he feeds me water, sometimes he pinches my feet, sometimes he cooks me a bowl of noodles, and sometimes when I can’t sleep, he reads me a story, and the next day I wake up in his arms.

Those two months were the most carefree days of my life, and I had almost forgotten that there was Gu Changqing.

But one day, he came.

To be precise, he asked me out on a date, he knew that I didn’t see him, and took advantage of the gap between Paeonia going out to buy plums for me, and snapped her up.

Bright Moon House.

Gu Changqing looked at me with a slightly augmented belly, and a touch of divine sadness swept across the bottom of his eyes.

He said, “Light Luan, Changning is pregnant, but the baby isn’t mine!” 14 “Yo!” I gloated and laughed, “Congratulations, you’ve become a father.

“She’s pregnant with Song Ce’an’s child.” I don’t know what happened to me that day.

“I don’t know how I got back to the royal residence that day.

They say it rains when you’re sad.

I wanted it to rain, too, preferably a torrential downpour, but the sun was blazing and there was no sign of a cloudy sky.

I’m heartbroken, heartbroken to death.

I don’t understand why I feel this way.

Obviously, Song Cean’s heart has always been Princess Changning’s.

Obviously, the person in my heart has also always been Gu Changqing’s.

But how did it change?

Since when did I start thinking about Gu Changqing less and less, and not even caring about him at all?

When did it start, I would wait for Song Ce’an to come back to have dinner with me, and I would look forward to what he would bring me.

I would look forward to what gifts he would bring me.

I would look forward to the way he would read to me from a story book, thinking the story was trite, but unable to do anything about it.

I went back to the mansion like a wandering soul and sat by the window for the whole afternoon.

Pao-yung was terrified, “Miss, don’t listen to the extra horse harnessed by the side of the emperor’s side, it’s impossible for him to make a mistake.

“In Pao-yung’s heart, Gu Changqing has betrayed me, he is a complete asshole, he is not to be trusted.

“I know.

“That’s why I’m waiting for him to come back.

But today, Song Cean didn’t come back.

“Miss, why don’t you eat something first.

” Peony said.

I nodded, I wasn’t big enough to eat much.

Peony had the dishes cleaned up, and when she came in and saw that I was still sitting under the windowsill, she tentatively asked, “Miss, are you …… in love with the aunt?

“15 I was stunned.

Do I like Song Cean?

I don’t know.

I just felt that it was hard to feel empty in my heart.

I waited until the next morning for Song Cean to return.

The moment I saw him, it was as if my entire being had strength, and it was at that moment that I clearly understood that Song Cean had taken up most of my life during these days together.

“Why are your eyes so red?

“Song Ce An asked, “Did you not sleep well last night?

”It’s not that I didn’t sleep well, I didn’t sleep at all.

“Where were you last night?

“Song Ce’an and I don’t interfere with each other or ask questions, and it’s the first time in all the time I’ve been married to him that I’ve asked him where he went.

Song Ce’an was obviously a bit surprised, he said: “There was business to attend to.

He said, “I have business to attend to.” “Is it business, or have you gone to accompany Princess Changning?

“I’ll go make you some food.

I’ll go make you something to eat.

“I grabbed Song Ce An’s arm and yanked him back, my force wasn’t light, Song Ce An stumbled as I yanked him back and almost fell on me.

“What’s wrong?

“I want to take a chance.

Not just because of the baby, but for myself as well.

I anxiously said, ”Song Ce An, Gu Changqing looked for me, he said that Princess Changning is pregnant with ……” ”Imperial aunt?

“I was interrupted, I looked at the Princess Changning standing in the doorway, the pink and white dress, I couldn’t say the rest of my words.

She walked in, bowed to me, and said, “Imperial aunt, from today on, I will live with you.

”Something in my heart shattered, I froze and looked at Song Cean, I think my face must have looked ugly because my face facial expression froze off, ”Live in, what does that mean?

”Changning and Gu Changqing have made their peace, so she’s coming over to the mansion to stay for a few days temporarily.

“Just temporarily?” I asked.

“I asked.

Song Ce’an nodded, ”Temporarily.

”I snorted, trying not to let my emotions escape, ”Song Ce’an, there are a few words I would like to say to you alone.”

‘ Princess Changning blinks, ”Then I’ll go out first.

”As the door was closed, I asked, ”Did you stay with Princess Changning last night?


“Gu Changqing said that the child she’s carrying is yours.”

“I stared into his eyes, and I could clearly feel how much I wanted him to say no at that moment.

But he didn’t answer.

Was it an acquiescence?

My tears suddenly fell.

I originally thought, married to him, I just need to be a good princess of this is enough, but love one thing, who first move heart, who will lose a defeat.

I myself feel like a joke.

“Lightning Luan, what did you want to say just now?

“Congratulations!” I was suddenly glad that Princess Changning came in and interrupted my unspoken words.

I wanted to ask, is Princess Changning pregnant with your child?

If not, I’ll forget about Gu Changqing, and you try to forget Princess Changning, and we’ll be together, okay?

Song Ce’an, let’s make peace.”

“Song Ce An raised his eyes and looked straight at me, the light under his eyes all dimmed, his voice cold as if quenched in ice and snow, “divorce?

“What else?

“I turned my head and asked, “Do you still want to enjoy the happiness of your wife?

“The capital family of three wives and four concubines are not a few, but my father married my mother only one in his life, love is not condensation, I have been envious since childhood, my future husband only me.

If I don t have Song Cean in my heart, it doesn t matter how many people he marries and how many concubines he takes, I don t care.

But I …… can t accept it.

Song Ce’an looked at me for a long time, he suddenly said: “Light Luan, are you jealous?

‘ I was poked in the center, but it was such an embarrassing scene.

I suddenly laughed, “What?

Aren’t you afraid that with your identity as Princess Changning’s brother-in-law, without me as the rightful princess to cover for you, the world will find out about your incestuous love?

“”Unfortunately, do you think I’m such a loser?

“I will promise you anything except for reconciliation.”

”In the end, Song Cean and I parted on bad terms.

No matter how much I tried to irritate him, and even put words in his mouth, and when I went overboard, I was close to pointing my finger at Princess Changning’s nose and calling her shameless, but he just refused to give me the letter of reconciliation.

Paeonia was outside and heard everything.

Perhaps this matter was beyond her age, she didn’t know what to do, nor did she know what to advise me to do.

She just held my hand, her tears falling like rain, “Miss, don’t be sad, you still have me.

“What are you crying for?

“I dried her tears for her, “If he doesn’t give me the divorce letter, can’t I give it to him?

”Paeonia’s eyes lit up, “Right.

“Go back to the Lin Mansion.


Peony’s face was full of grievances, “Master Auntie has ordered that you are not allowed to step out of the courtyard, and he has even sent someone to guard you.”

He even sent someone to keep watch.” “Song Ze’an. I gritted my teeth, “Find a dog hole and go back to the Lin Mansion to look for my parents so that they can come and get me.

” “Good.

“Paeonia came back at night.

She was covered in blood and her eyes were swollen from crying.

I was startled and rushed over, “What happened?


”Peony jumped into my arms and let out a loud cry, “Master and Madam are gone.

“18 My mind went blank, my whole body was confused.

“They said that the Lin Mansion had an affair with the former dynasty and was plotting against us. The Lin Mansion was raided, and it was the Aunt who personally led the men there. The Master crashed into the wall, and the Lady killed herself… We have no home anymore.

” At this moment, I was so numb and stiff that I didn’t know what to do to react well.

When I regained my senses, I rushed out, and Peony hurriedly followed.

When I reached the entrance of the courtyard, I was stopped.

How could I care about anything else?

Song Cean only banned my feet but didn’t say he wanted me dead, I threatened with my life and the guards had to let me out.

I found a horse in the royal stables, it was Song Cean’s, his horse is the best and runs fast.

It’s funny to say that I can ride a horse, but Song Ce’an taught me.

Song Ce’an was a good teacher, and didn’t let me fall once.

I rode my horse to the Lin Mansion and saw a blazing fire.

Many guards surrounded the entrance of the Lin Mansion, Song Ce’an, Princess Changning, Gu Changqing three people are standing outside, they heard the sound of hoofbeats, have turned their heads.

They may have been surprised, but I didn’t look at them, I had no time to care about them.

I rolled over and dismounted, rushing in towards the mansion.

I lunged towards the blazing fire, it was like a moth to a flame, but there were the people closest to me there.

“Lin Qingluan!” Song Ce’an was shocked and rushed up, hugging me to death.

I couldn’t break free, so I lowered my head and bit down on his arm.

I just wanted him to let go of me, I wasn’t polite at all, my lips and teeth tasted like blood.

But Song Cean’s hand around me didn’t let go at all.

“Don’t go in there, don’t look.

” he whispered in my ear.

I lost my strength to struggle.


”Princess Changning came over and gave me a pitying look, ”Don’t worry, you’re Princess Anyang, you’re no longer a member of the Lin family, and the crimes of Master Lin and Mrs. Lin have nothing to do with you.

” “Changning.

” Song Cean gave her a warning look.

Changning didn’t speak anymore.

“Let go of me.

‘ I said to Song Cean.

Song Cean didn’t respond.

“Don’t worry, how could I possibly think of anything else before my great revenge is avenged?

‘ I said in a cold voice.

Song Ce An’s body stiffened, slowly let go of me, I asked in a cold voice, “Where are my parents?

‘ Song Ce An didn’t say anything.

Princess Changning wanted to say something, but Gu Changqing tugged on her sleeve.

I understood.

They’re in the Lin Mansion, they’re buried in the fire.

It turns out that when people are sad to the extreme, they can’t cry at all.

I knelt in front of the Lin Mansion gate and watched the guards run back and forth, carrying buckets in their hands, trying to put out the fire.

I felt the irony of it all, “It’s all burned, so why bother?

“If the fire is extinguished, will my parents be able to come back?

The fire burned for a whole day and night, I knelt for a whole day and night, Song Ce’an seems to know that I can not persuade me, and did not persuade, just silently in the side with me kneeling.

I didn’t even look at him, thought so, can wash away the fact that he is a murderer?

But why did Gu Changqing also kneel?

Look at them one by one, what kind of people have I fallen in love with?

When the fire went out, I said to Paeonia, “Help me up.

”This girl rushed behind me and has been accompanying me.”

Pao-yang answered, Song Cean’s hand was faster than Pao-yang’s, I didn’t look at him and reached out towards Pao-yang, but in the next moment, my eyes went black and I planted myself down.

19 When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Song Ce’an, he didn’t know how long he had been guarding me, his eyes were full of blood, and his chin had grown a green and ghostly stubble.

It was the first time I had seen him in such a sorry state.

“Light Luan.

“Song Ce’an leaned over and softly said, “You have signs of miscarriage, you need to recuperate.


‘ Song Ze’an knew what I was asking, he sat on the edge of the bed, his voice indescribably tired.

“The Lin family is involved in the former dynasty.” “The former dynasty?

“The former dynasty?

“I remember when I was a child, I heard that there were orphans from the former dynasty still alive, and there was a lot of fuss, but then no one was caught, and it was all over.

At that time, I was curious and wanted to ask about the former dynasty, but my parents, who had always been gentle, reprimanded me severely and forbade me to say a word about the former dynasty.

They were so careful and cautious, how could they have anything to do with the previous dynasty?

Song Ce’an, however, after hearing me say two words, grabbed my hand and earnestly urged, “About the former dynasty, you should not say a word to the outside world.

“If you’re afraid that I’ll get you into trouble, you can always give me a letter of repudiation.

“Song Cean looked at me for a while and said, “I won’t give you a letter of repudiation, you will always be Concubine Anyang.

“I just feel ridiculous.

”Light Luan, do you believe me?

“Song Ze’an asked.

I didn’t answer, I didn’t even want to talk to him.

Song Ce’an smiled bitterly, “You just have to remember one thing, no matter what, don’t give up on yourself.

”He went out before he finished speaking and called for Paeonia to come in and serve me.

This girl has lost weight again.

“Where are my parents?

What about the Lin Mansion?

“Don’t worry, Miss, the master and madam’s affairs have already been settled. When you feel better, the slave girl will take you to pay your respects to them.”

“Who else would dare to organize the funeral for my parents at this time?

“Is it him?

“It’s all done by Mr. Auntie.”

“The first time I saw him, he was in a coma for three days and two nights. In addition to handling the funeral for the master and his wife, Master Song has been by your side, not moving an inch, not eating or drinking.

”I really don’t understand Song Cean anymore.

He could have brought people to raid the Lin residence on one foot, but why is he being so nice to me on the next?

“By the way, Princess Changning has moved out.

Peony said, “When you fainted that day, Master carried you back, Princess Changning wanted to come and see you, but Master didn’t let her, and the two of them seemed to have a fight.” “Also, General Gu came to see you.

And General Gu came to see you several times, but His Majesty didn’t let him in.” “Who is General Gu?

“Who is General Gu?

“Gu Changqing.”

“Paeonia’s nose was sore, “Mr. Gu is an orphan of the Gu family, who assisted Emperor Xin Yuan in opening the country, and once his identity was exposed, the Emperor, remembering his grandfather’s kindness to Da Zhao, let him become a general.

“I know Emperor Xin Yuan.

The previous dynasty was destroyed by Emperor Xin Yuan.

Emperor Xin Yuan was a member of the royal family of the previous dynasty, and at that time, there was a General Gu who was a brave warrior, and Emperor Xin Yuan’s own sister was married to this General Gu.

Later, when Emperor Xin Yuan raised an army, General Gu followed him around.

However, I heard that General Gu was assassinated, and both his wife and husband died at the hands of the former imperial family, and General Gu had a son, whose whereabouts are also unknown.

“So, Gu Changqing also hates the former dynasty, right?

He was also responsible for the Lin Mansion incident, wasn’t he?” Peony shook her head.

”Paeonia shook her head, ”The slave girl doesn’t know.”

“I closed my eyes.

“Has the Linfu case been decided?

What’s the relationship between the Lin Mansion and the former dynasty?” “Your Highness has blocked the news.

“His Excellency has blocked the news, and no one in the house has said anything.” “Help me up.

“Help me up.

“I’m going to see Song Ce’an.

Song Ce’an was in his study, and when I got to the door, I heard him coughing. I pushed my way in and saw crimson blood on his handkerchief.

20 He was a little surprised, and without a trace, he put away his handkerchief, got up and came over to help me, “Why are you here?

“What did the Da Lisi charge you with?

“Rebellion.” “What’s the evidence?

“What is the evidence?

“We found some old belongings of the former royal family in the Lin residence.

“Song Ze’an turned to look at the table.

There was a box on the table.

I went over and opened the box. Inside were some hairpins and jade pendants, “Isn’t this my mother’s box?

”I’ve seen it once and liked it a lot, but my mother didn’t give it to her, saying that she would give it to her when the time was right, but unfortunately, there was no chance.

But even so, so what?

Do you want so many people to die just because of this?

“I’ll take you back.

” I didn’t refuse.

In the next few days, Song Cean seemed to have suddenly become idle, he stayed with me all day, and I thought about it.

Without the Anyang royal family, I am nothing, I can’t take revenge.

Besides, Paeonia is loyal, she’s the only family I have left, I can’t drag her down.

The days seemed to go back to the old days, I was still Concubine Anyang, Song Ce’an would come over every day to keep me company.

Only at night he lay on my side, several times, I couldn’t help but take out the dagger, in the end, but helplessly put it down.

On this day, Paeonia accompanied me to the memorial service.

On my way there, I met Princess Changning’s carriage.

After returning from paying homage to my parents, I met Gu Changqing again.

I couldn’t tell you how impatient I was.

“Lightning Luan, are you all right?

“Thanks to General Gu’s blessing, I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry about the Lin Mansion.

“I gave him a look, “You really want to apologize to me?


‘ Gu Changqing said.

“Then you kill yourself and go underground to make amends with my parents.

‘ I finished and got on the carriage.

Suddenly, the side rushed over a frightened horse, toward me, the horse speed is too fast, I simply can not avoid, Gu Changqing was shocked, swept body to hold me.

I was disgusted, but in the next moment, I fell into a familiar embrace.

“Are you alright?

“It’s Song Cean.

Song Ce’an glanced at Gu Changqing and brought me back to the royal residence.

His face was a bit ugly.

Ever since my father and mother died, I’ve been quite indifferent to a lot of things, “You look like I’ve done something shameful with Gu Changqing.

“Lin Chuan-Luan, do you feel comfortable saying this to yourself?

Why hurt people and yourself?

“I snorted, “I hurt you?

Song Ce An, you’re not going to say that you like me next, are you?

“What if I say yes?

“Song Ce An’s eyes were fixed on me.

The light in the bottom of his eyes was so deep that for a moment, I actually felt that he should be deeply in love with me.

“Song Ze’an, you’ve played the part long enough, haven’t you?

When you married me, wasn’t it because of my resemblance to Princess Changning?

In your heart, I’m nothing more than a double, would you fall in love with a double?

” Song Cean’s face was really ugly.

“I didn’t realize that you’re also a double.

“I lay down on the toffee couch and lazily said to Song Ce An.

Song Cean’s face abruptly turned blacker than charcoal, and his hand clutching the teacup jerked.

He crushed the teacup with his bare hands, the blood in his palm mixing with the tea and dripping down, his moon white cotton robe crimson.

He looked over at me and said in a cold, one-word sentence, ”So what?

Do you think that I will give you a letter of divorce just like this?

“I shrugged my shoulders indifferently, “If you don’t give it, then don’t give it, you find your confidante, I’ll find my white moonlight, how about we don’t interfere with each other?

“Song Ze’an stared at me like he wanted to poke a bloody hole in me.

I thought for a while and said, “Don’t worry, externally we are still a loving couple, and the Anyang royal residence will not be turned into a prairie by the two of us!” Song Ce’an seemed to be infuriated and laughed, ”Lin Qingluan, it’s me who underestimated you!” After he finished, he fiercely flung his sleeves and slammed the door.

I snorted, angry is angry, smash what door?

Good yellow pear wood, very expensive, okay?

After that, Song Ce’an did not come to me for a long time.

Until half a month later, he came, and he came with a letter of peace.

21 I took Paeonia and got on the carriage to leave the capital.

Peony holding the box to count the silver, is Song Cean give, he loves to give, I do not care.

After all, these days, I’m not completely inactive.

I usually say that although quite out of tune, but probably gifted it, always have a sense of smell different from the ordinary people.

Those days, I let the peony quietly go to inquire about the Lin House.

I never thought that I was actually not the real daughter of my parents.

It can be said that it was my existence that killed father and mother.

I am an orphan from the previous dynasty.

I was skeptical at first, but I found the letter in the Lin Mansion that wasn’t searched by the Da Lisi.

When my own mother had been tracked down, she was alone with me and couldn’t do anything else, so she entrusted me.

My own mother did not hide my identity, parents also did not because of my identity do not want me.

I used to think that with the change of dynasties, it would be the people who would suffer.

But the knife will not know the pain until it is stuck on oneself.

I do not want to change the dynasty, I just want to take revenge.

I just want to avenge my debt of blood.

So, I secretly recruited troops and horses.

It’s ridiculous to say that the silver is still given by Song Ce’an, who has never treated me harshly in terms of food and clothing, plus the dowry, I’ve saved a lot.


” Paeonia backed up a breath, “Thirty million taels of gold, aunt …… an young prince so rich?

” I frowned, the dispersal fee to give so generous?

He is not afraid that Princess Changning will make trouble with him?

I don’t know why, but my mind is a bit uneasy.

The baby in my belly is already six months old, this child has always been very good, today, for some reason, it’s very unsettled.

Paeonia and I went to an inn to stay overnight.

We both ordered food and sat in the lobby.

“Have you heard?

He failed to assassinate the emperor and was imprisoned. I heard that he is going to be beheaded.

“Why did Prince An suddenly revolt?”

“You still don’t know, Princess Changning is a fake, she is a few months ago, the rebellious minister Lin Qingshan lost his daughter, because of the coincidence, was picked up by the emperor, Prince An is angry for the red face.

” Paeonia ate the bun out of the bite of the enemy, indignation: “deserved it!” “Let’s go back!” 22 I went back to the city, where traces of the turmoil could still be seen.

Many guards were searching for the remaining members of the Anyang royal family.

Before I left, I asked Paeonia to organize a small courtyard to settle down in for the time being, and I gathered all my men to be ready to strike at any time.

Peony was so excited these days that she sharpened her kitchen knives in the courtyard when she had time.

My people poked around for news.

When Song Cean forced his way into the palace, he stabbed the old emperor, the old emperor’s life is hanging by a thread, hanging on by medicine, of course, the emperor is about to die, this kind of news can’t be spread, and the public just claimed to be in shock.

Moreover, Song Ce’an clearly had the opportunity to sit on the throne, the final outcome was imprisoned, it is really strange.

Now the Da Zhao, the second prince supervisor, the second prince is a complete straw man, eat, drink and play first, in the country a mess, good in him is able to listen to the opinion of the nature, a time also did not mess up.

That night, I found Changning.

Changning is no longer the high and mighty princess, she dressed up as a common people’s appearance, mingling in the crowd.

She was shocked to see me.

“Lin Qingluan?

Didn’t you leave already?

Why are you back?

“I didn’t say a word to her, I just told my men to take her down and keep an eye on her.

“Lin Qingluan, Song Ce’an never loved you, Gu Changqing was only using you, he approached you because he wanted revenge.

“I still didn’t say anything, peony cleanly gagged her and put her in the woodshed.

Three days later, news came out of the palace.

Song Ce’an is going to be beheaded.

Gu Changqing personally supervised the execution.

My people and I were mixed in the crowd, I looked at Song Ce An in prison clothes, the light in his eyes was gone, as if he didn’t care about anything.

I saw the killing intent in Gu Changqing’s eyes, he really wanted to kill Song Ce’an.

“The hour is up. Execute him!” “Slow down.

” I stepped out from the crowd.

The second prince was instantly agitated, he was going to order me to be arrested, but Gu Changqing didn’t know what he whispered in his ear, he didn’t care about me.

“Why have you come back?

” Song Ze’an looked at me incredulously, his eyes instantly red, holding back his emotions extremely well.

23 “Husband and wife, you’re about to die, I came to give you a ride.

“I said in a faint voice.

I said in a faint voice, “That’s fine.

”After a long time, Song Ce’an softly said.

He smiled, and I saw my small self in his eyes.

I took the wine handed over by Paeonia and walked over, Gu Changqing stopped me, worried, ”Light Luan, don’t go over there.”

“I glanced at Gu Changqing and walked straight over, Gu Changqing probably knew that he couldn’t stop me and didn’t, only the guards came closer.

When has Little Prince An ever been in such a sorry state?

Even so, it does not damage his temperament half a point, this person is such an ability, no matter what time, is the most attention.

“Song Ze’an, do you have anything to say to me?

‘ Song Ce’an looked at me steadily for a long time, his eyes descending, he asked, ”Are you and the child all right?

“They’re fine,” I said.

“I said, “Is there really nothing else?

“He shook his head gently, “I’m satisfied that you’ve come to see me off on my way to the Yellow Springs.

“I snorted out a laugh, met his gaze, and said word for word, “Song Ce An, this is the last time I ask you, do you really have nothing to say to me?

If you don’t say anything this time, don’t regret it.

”Song Ce An froze, a flash of complexity swept across the bottom of his eyes, and in the end only said: ”There is nothing to say.


“I bit my finger, stroked his eyebrows and eyes, covered the tear stains under his eyes with blood, “In the next life, you and I should not meet again.

“His expression shook with unspeakable grief, but he still nodded, “Good.

‘ He drank the wine I fed him.

I simply got up and took another bowl of wine, this time to Gu Changqing, “General Gu, we’ve known each other for a while, this bowl of wine is for you.

“Gu Changqing didn’t take it.

I laughed, “Is General Gu still afraid that I will put poison in it?

“I finished, took out a silver needle, probed inside, the needle did not change, Gu Changqing took it, “I do not mean this.

I didn’t mean that,” he said, tilting his head back and drinking, “Light Luan, after the disposal of Song Ce’an, I’ll thank you for your sins.” He had a look of guilt in his eyes.

”The bottom of his eyes were all filled with guilt, but I no longer cared.

I turned around and said in a faint voice, ”Unfortunately, you won’t have this opportunity.

“Before Gu Changqing had time to react to what was happening, his body stumbled and he half-kneeled on the ground, he looked at me incredulously.

“Light Luan.

” Song Ze’an’s complexion shook as he tried to get up, but he fell helplessly to the ground.

The Second Prince was stunned and confused, how could he think that I didn’t come to see me off, I came back to take revenge, he also didn’t think that I would actually dare to directly drug me.

My Soft Tendon Powder was all smeared on the rim of the bowl, a hundred silver needles couldn’t detect it.

“Someone come, catch her!” Unfortunately, where is the time, the long arrow came in the air and shot on the top of the second prince s head, and he was scared and immediately had no voice.

A lot of people came out from the hundreds and fought with the guards.

My men detained the Second Prince.

To be precise, my people only drew their swords, and the second prince directly knelt, “Lin …… Lin Lin Lin …… you don t kill me, I will give you whatever you want, the person who killed your parents is my father, it has nothing to do with me, I don t know anything.

I don’t know anything.” “Nothing to do with?

“I laughed coldly, “My father’s mother and consort, my grandfather and grandmother, my father and mother, all died in your hands?

You’re talking to me about irrelevance?

” The second prince was scared out of the trembling voice, “you are the father has been looking for the former former former ……” I a claw rushed to the second prince shot down, “the former dynasty orphans.

” “My father emperor will …… definitely” “will kill me?

Or put me in jail?

” I asked back, “Isn’t the old emperor dying?

Are you sure he can still move?

“The Second Prince, …… “Do you know what it means to catch the thief first?

」My men have detained the Second Prince.

I’ve taken advantage of all this turmoil, the time, the place, and the people.

I’ve taken the Second Prince hostage to order the whole court.

Oh, I also let people carry the old emperor to the great hall, in front of the civil and military officials, listed his crimes, covered his seal, but also let the historians write a record of ink and color.

The old emperor did not seem to think that he was going to die, actually left such a big stain, was reviled by the future generations, he was angry with me alive.

I know that the civil and military officials in their hearts scolded me, so what?

Of course, there are people who want to purge me, but unfortunately, I move faster than them, there are a few in the court that are following the former dynasty, inside and outside, the royal family up and down the people are all under my control.

Anyone who dares to move is equivalent to sending them to their deaths.

These days, I am very busy.

At first, I didn’t let any of them go, and I sent them all to be ghosts.

I don’t believe in fate, I don’t believe in evil, I only believe in myself, what is owed to me, must be paid back! However, there are still three people, I did not move for the time being.

Three days later, I went to see Changning.

She no longer had her old pride, and her eyes were deeply sunken in.

“Lin Qingluan, even if you get everything, so what?

You still have nothing, Gu Changqing doesn’t love you, Song Ce’an doesn’t love you, you’ll never be better than me.

“Is that so?

” I said lightly, “But I’m the one that my father and mother protect in the end!” 24 Killing people is nothing more than putting their hearts to death.

Changning broke down.

She yelled, screamed, cursed, smashed things, and used everything to vent her emotions.

I let her vent, and when she was done, I had a portrait of a ruler’s love sent to her, and all the light in her eyes dimmed.

I didn’t kill her.

Sometimes death is a relief.

I found out that the Linfu tragedy was her handiwork, so how could I possibly let her have a good time?

“Miss, Mr. Gu Changqing would like to see you.” “Bring him here.

“Bring him here.

” Gu Changqing came, he did not come to beg me to let him go, nor did he come to repent, he told me a lot of things.

He told me many things. For example, he knew that I was an orphan of the previous dynasty, and that the so-called heroic rescue was just a deliberate arrangement.

What he wants, is revenge.

Honestly, you seek revenge from me, I seek revenge from you this kind of thing is very difficult to pull clear.

But my former royal family is not wrong, because of some people’s ambition of the prodigal son, for no reason to suffer, he Gu Fu betrayal of the former royal family, only to end up like this, this is deserved.

That day, the Lin family was raided, it was my doing alone, and Song Cean had nothing to do with it.” “Song Cean actually went to the hospital.

“Song Ce’an was actually there to save the day, but unfortunately, the Anyang royal family was too popular, and Little Prince An had long been on the old emperor’s guard, so the old emperor and I teamed up in order to drag him into the water.

」Saying this, Gu Changqing smiled a little, “He knew that it was a trap, but he still came, and he also knew that as long as he appeared, in front of you, he would never be able to wash his hands of it, but he still had no choice.

” 25 Gu Changqing said a lot, I listened to a lot.

After he finished, he glanced at me who was completely unresponsive, and he froze for a while, “You …… know it all?

Then you also …… imprisoned Song Cean.

” “There is no need to explain to you what happened between me and him.

” Gu Changqing eyes have lonesome, “I finally, or lost you.

” “You are wrong.

“I looked at him, “There is only calculation between you and me, how can we talk about possession?

“Yes, there is only calculation.

“Gu Changqing smiled mockingly.

He was taken down.

The next day, news came that Gu Changqing had taken poison and killed himself.

When I heard it, I just let them handle it according to the process, and Paeonia was relieved to see that my mood didn’t fluctuate too much.

Half a month later, the new emperor ascended the throne.

The new emperor was only thirteen years old.

Xu is the old emperor sinned too much, his heir did not have a few successful, the only one successful, but he was sent to the cold palace, the seventh prince at the age of one year and their mother consort a piece of the cold palace, until thirteen years of age, have not seen their own father a glance.

He was bullied and humiliated and watched his mother consort die of illness.

I don’t deny that I have selfishness, I just want to make the old emperor have no peace in his grave.

Of course, this boy is also the only one who can fulfill a great task.

He will be a wise ruler.

Perhaps I avenged his mother’s death, or perhaps I brought him out of the darkness of the Cold Palace, this child is strangely dependent on me.

When I left the palace, he pulled my sleeve, his eyes were red: “Lin Qingluan, can you not go?

“I laughed and said, “If you don’t leave, will you support me?

I laughed and said, “If you don’t go, will you raise me?” “Raise me.

“The little boy’s eyes were firm, “Empress Dowager, Empress, Princess, whatever you want to be you can pick.

“Will you give me the throne?” I deliberately teased him.

“I deliberately teased him.

“I deliberately teased him.

“The boy’s eyes were full of sincerity.

I’d better go.

The little boy chased the carriage and cried a lot, so I thought I would never see, obviously I am in the city, I still want to fix the forest house.

The next day, the teenager directly moved out of the Ministry of Ceremony, let them help me to repair the forest house.

This kid every now and then ran to me to dilly-dally, of course, he did not forget to bring me my favorite snacks.

Until one day, this kid mysteriously said, the evening to ask me to go to a place, also said that sent a carriage to pick me up, let me properly prepare for the preparation.

I didn’t make it. I was in labor.

I was in terrible pain, and when I was unconscious, I saw Song Cean.

He hurried in and grabbed my hand, his eyes full of anxiety.

I no longer had time to ask him why he was here and how he got in.

After I gave birth to my son, my body was too weak and I fainted.

When I woke up, it was noon the next day, the sunlight poured in through the window, and Song Ce’an leaned against the side of the bed quietly asleep.

I moved just slightly and he woke up.

He looked up at me, and after the stunned and ecstatic look, his eyes were full of bemusement, “Are you not feeling well?

Are you hungry?

Do you want something to eat?

” He said a bunch of words, see me all unresponsive, he flesh eyes visible panic, “Imperial Doctor ……” “Song Cean.

” I called out to him, “Remember what I said to you at the execution ground?

‘ Song Cean’s body shook.

“I said that you should not regret it.

”26 Song Ce’an couldn’t speak for a long time, and I ignored him.

Peony brought the baby in.

A small, powdery mass.

“Miss, he refuses to drink milk from the nurse.

“Peony was very helpless, she had changed three milkmaids, but the little prince did not even look at them.

“I’ll do it.

“I’ve held him before.

Song Ce’an looked slightly unnatural, “I’ll go out first.

”The little one ate and drank enough and slept beautifully, Paeonia gave him to the milkmaid, she came in and told me, Song Ce’an has been at the door, I didn’t stop him from looking at the child, he wants to see, he wants to hold, it’s all up to him.

I was just, well, cold to him.

Song Cean came in at noon, along with Song Chengze, who is the seventh prince, the current emperor.

As soon as the two of them came in, I realized why Song Cean, who I hadn’t seen in many months, would suddenly show up when I was giving birth.

It turned out that Song Chengze was having a hard time in the Cold Palace, and it was Song Ce’an who had been secretly helping him, otherwise, he would have died in the Cold Palace long ago.

“That, I’ll go check on the baby.

” Song Chengze slipped away sheepishly.

Only Song Cean and I were left in the room.

“When did you …… know?

‘ Song Cean asked.

He had already sensed that I already knew everything that was going on, otherwise Gu Changqing hadn’t been able to make good, where could he have run to?

“You and I and divorce, I left the capital when.

“I didn’t hide it.

Before I got pregnant, Song Ce’an let me manage the Anyang Wangfu, I read the account books, how much silver does the Anyang Wangfu have I can still not know?

What he gave, was all of it.

I know that he and Changning are innocent.

I know that the child that Changning is carrying is not his.

I also know that he and I divorced, but privately for me to plan everything.

I also know that he was not actually involved in the Linfu case, he was there to save people.

I know all that.

But he really doesn’t understand me too well, if I like someone, even if it’s a mountain of daggers and fire, I’m willing to accompany him to break through it together, instead of hiding everything from me as he did.

“Song Cean, you will never know how I felt the moment I gathered enough courage to say to you that I wanted to have a future with you, and you brought her back, acquiescing to the fact that it was your child she was carrying.

“Roughly is standing in the summer sun, was poured a pot of ice water in the head, limbs and bones are cold.

“You ……” Song Ce’an looked at me incredulously, the bottom of his eyes were full of shock.

I did not say anything more, said to this point, enough.

After that day, Song Cean did not pester me, but he came to my place very often.

I began to think that he presumed to run to me here, but people come to see me, will not stay long, a very good grasp of the proportion, but to see A Heng, a stay is a whole day, and sometimes late directly accompanied by A Heng slept.

A honing is our child, Song honing, the name is he took, beautiful jade honing, I have no opinion.

One day, I just woke up, Song Cean suddenly came in.

He had some mood swings and restrained himself, I rarely saw him like that anymore.

He looked straight at me, his eyes like a lake of ink, and he said, “Light Luan, there is one thing I don’t think I’ve ever said to you.

” I vaguely felt that it was not a good word.

“My heart pleases you, this sentence, I wanted to say a long time ago.

“Song Cean …… heart to please me?

I was a little disbelieving.

Although I know that Changning and him are innocent, but the person in his heart, has not always been Changning?

I blurted out, “you are not because I and Changning eyes are very similar, you married me?

“I regretted saying it after I finished saying it, why did I do it so quickly?

Song Ce’an seemed to have just realized what was going on and asked me, “Lin Qingluan, do you really think that I’m the kind of person who can marry anyone and treat them like that?

“I don’t think so.

After I married into the house, a maid who thought her master had gotten the hang of it, boldly went to climb the bed, and was killed by him on the same day.

“I didn’t like her.

” “I also didn’t take you as her double, it was you at the beginning.

“”Then you still ……” I was halfway through my sentence, I violently stopped, I tugged on the quilt, my eyes flickered a little, “I’m sleepy, I want to go to sleep.

“I just woke up from sleep, Song Ce’an obviously doesn’t believe my bullshit, but he didn’t expose me, he said, “I’m at A-Heng’s place.

“I won’t be able to sleep.

I was in a messy mood.

Peony came in several times and saw me hugging the quilt and fidgeting.

“Miss, you still like Master Auntie, don’t you?” I didn’t answer.

” I didn’t answer.

“Miss, you should follow your heart, don’t leave yourself any regrets, no matter what kind of decision you make, your slave girl will support you.

“I don’t know.

I don’t know.

After I got out of the womb, I took the baby and went to pay my respects to my parents, Song Ce’an and I went together.

On the way back, A-Heng giggled in his arms, and the man beside me had a gentle look in his eyes, so I was in a trance.

The carriage stopped, Song Ce’an first carried the child down before turning to help me.

I hesitated and put my hand on it, “I have something I want to say to you.

‘ Song Cean was a little surprised as he nodded and said in a warm voice, ”Good.

‘ Paeonia was smart enough to carry A-Heng inside, the girl even squeezed her eyes at me as she went in.

”Song Ce An, the letter of repudiation you gave me is wrong, it doesn’t have your name on it, you have to make it up to me.”

You have to make it up to me.” I took out the letter of repudiation from my bosom and handed it over.

Song Cean’s face went a little white, he hung his eyes, and only after a long time did he say in a mute voice, “Yes.

” “Add it now, by the way, the silver you gave me you can’t renege.

“I won’t go back on it.” “I won’t go back on it.

“Outside is no pen, Song Ce’an cut his fingers, wrote his name on it, I carefully put away, “What are you going to do later?

“I don’t know.

I don’t know.” “No matter what you plan to do, stay in the capital for a few days, at least we’ve known each other for a while, I’m going to get married, so I’ll invite you to drink a cup of my wedding wine.

“Song Ce An raised his head in a daze, his eyes were scarlet, there was some emotion that seemed to be about to come out of his body, but he held it back, he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say a single word.

Only after a long time did he say, “Is he good to you?

“I said, “Yes.

I said, “At least he won’t be like you, not telling me anything.” “Oh, don’t worry, he’s good to you.

“Oh, don’t worry, he’s good to our son. Neither he nor I are unreasonable, and A-Heng is still your son, so you can come and visit him whenever you want.

” I added.

27 body ending chapter (he ending, do not like people cautious into oh) “not.

” Song Cean said in a hard way: “You …… take care of yourself.

‘ He didn’t go in.

From the time I told him I was going to marry, he rarely came, and even if he did, he only went to see Ah Heng.

The days flew by, and in the blink of an eye it was the day of my wedding.

I had already moved back to the Lin Mansion.

The Lin Mansion was restored just like before, except that there were fewer parents.

I hugged A Heng in the courtyard, was peony caught back, she said today is a good day, have to dress up, for me to hold down back to the house.

Pao-yao now can be a god, the house up and down to see her have to shout an aunt, the little girl is quite melancholy, how to promote an official still call her old?

I said in my heart that soon will not be old.

I changed my clothes, peony help me take a honk, I went out of the house.

There’s a man leaving the capital today, I’m going to give him a ride.

However, I wasn’t able to send him out of the city, and the person who was leaving was in the alley outside the main gate of the Lin Mansion at the moment.

“Why did you come out?

” Song Ze’an’s expression was a bit unnatural.

“And why are you in front of my house?

”Song Ce An hesitated for a while and spoke, “I wanted to see someone, but it wasn’t quite right to go in to see them.

“That’s why I’ve come to see you, isn’t Young Prince An leaving the capital, so I’ll give you a ride?

” Song Ce An looked up at me, his eyes full of, “Aren’t you getting married?

How can you still have time to come out?

“Let’s go. If I’m late, I won’t be able to make it back in time for my sister’s birthday.



“Song Ze’an was confused.

“Yes, Paeonia has been with me for so many years, I’ve adopted her as my sworn sister.

In the future, I’ll be able to send her off to be married in the name of the Second Miss of the Lin Mansion.”

Of course, that girl doesn’t know yet, she just thinks I’m celebrating her birthday, I want to give her a surprise.

“Aren’t you getting married?

“No, I’m not.

“I said with a smile on my face.

Song Ce’an whole person stiff in place, ink pupil slightly red, he seems to be very aggrieved, but also with a few points of helplessness, “you lied to me?

“Yes, I lied to you.

“I said.

Said when the end is generous, finished my own eyes also red, but I’m not ashamed, “Who let you before has been hidden from me?

I’m very vindictive.”

I don’t open my eyes, said: “I was thinking, since I want to cheat, I simply let you misunderstand that A-Heng is not your son either, forget it, at that time, I asked you several times, you didn’t tell me once, but I still can’t let go of it.

“I raised my eyes to look at him, “But Song Ce An, why are you so reluctant to let go?

‘ Song Cean had the tail of his eyes reddened, as if he was desperately trying to suppress something, he walked over to me to hug me, but I pushed him away.

Repeatedly several times, I did not let him close, the last time he got mad and clasped my wrist, he carefully looked at me before holding me in his arms.

“I’m sorry.

” My tears fell uncontrollably, as if to vent out all the aggression of those past days.

Song Ce An didn’t stop me, but only wiped my tears with pain.

After I had cried enough, he asked, “Light Luan, I’ll read you a book for the rest of your life, will you forgive me?

“I looked down at his sleeve, which was wet from my crying, and asked, “When?

“When did he start to like me?

I asked this question without a clue, but Song Cean still understood it.

His face flashed with a touch of unnaturalness, and he said, “Three years ago, at the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet, do you still remember that you went to the wrong toilet?

”Of course I remember.

It was too dark, I didn’t see clearly at all, and I barged in with my head in my pocket. I saw a man unbuttoning his pants, and I said that if this got out, I wouldn’t be scolded to death by my parents, and my reputation would be lost.

I looked at Song Ce’an’s eyes changed a little.

Song Ce’an cried and laughed, “did not kick in, is almost kicked by you …… cough …… anyway, that time, I remember you, I let people check, only to know that you are the Miss Lin House, and then I was sent out of the capital, came back to the Lin House I have been to once, but you did not I was sent to the capital, and when I came back, I went to the Lin residence once, but you weren’t there, and then it was about you and Gu Changqing.

” He was very lost when he said this.

“Rumor has it that you knelt for three days and three nights in order to ask Changning to marry you?

“I didn’t agree to it, so I begged him to withdraw the imperial decree.

“So that’s how it is.

You gave me your man, and you’re not afraid that I won’t come back to save you.” “That’s worth it.

“Then it’s worth it.

“Song Cean said.

I sighed despondently, “I thought I had a strong appeal, so quickly rebelled and succeeded, but it turns out that you had planned most of it behind the scenes.

“My family Light Luan is still very powerful.

“Song Cean said softly, “I’m just the icing on the cake.

“You’ve thought of so much, why didn’t you think of yourself?

“Song Ce An’s pupil was slightly dark, half a day before he said: “I did not expect that you have me in your heart.

“I didn’t realize that you had me in your heart, either.

“Song Ce An, do you want to go home with me?


“I tilted my head to look at him, smiled, I grabbed his arm, slightly on tiptoe, Song Ce’an seems to know what I want to do, leaned down, held me by the waist, covered down.

I finally, still with him.

He hid me, how can I not?

Some things gradually become clear, in fact, he several times intentionally or unintentionally test my feelings, but I did not divulge the slightest, so that when I want to say, it is always a mischievous anachronism.

Song Ce’an and I became married once more.

He was now the Regent, and I became his Regent Consort.

On the night of the wedding, he went back to his room early, and we drank fm radio, and under the candlelight, the shadowed light hit his face, and it looked good.

“Song Ze’an, that time before, you could have pushed me away, right?

“I asked him with a smile on my face.

What I drunkenly put him to sleep, complete bullshit.

Song Ce’an coughed, his brimming eyes glowing with light, he was very cheeky and said, “I can’t push away, why don’t you try again, Your Highness?

“I was pressed under him, he covered in my ear murmured, “I wish to get a heart.

“This is a happy event that lasted until the next day.

It was too tiring to be his royal consort, so I decided to move in with Ah Heng.

Song Ce’an planted an apricot tree, I always love to bring A-Heng under the cool, Song Ce’an will move the desk over, apricots are not ripe, green hanging on the tree.

Song Ce’an went up the tree and picked them for us, and they were so sour that both of us squeezed our eyes in unison.

Song Ce An kissed me, “Is it still bitter?

“I laughed.

“I laughed.

Little A-Heng is still small and still in the stage of ignorance, he stared at his father with wide, watery eyes, said: “Father, I also want a kiss.

‘ Song Ze’an’s head was filled with black lines, and I laughed out loud beside him.

Little A-Heng was caught practicing her calligraphy.

I lazily leaned back in the chair, the wind blew, knocking down a floor of light and shadow, I looked at a large and small like a face, smiled.

Song Ce’an, to see each other year after year ah.

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