What’s a horror story that sends chills down your back?

What’s a horror story that sends chills down your spine?

Sister Shen is a pornography police officer, or “pornographer” as the public calls her.

This story begins with an illegal video she saw at work.

Sister Shen said she saw dead people in that video.

(A) A few years ago, the squadron received a report to investigate an illegal video website.

That website was very covert, with legal and compliant content on the surface, but after users paid to recharge, obscene videos were pushed to them in the background.

Sister Shen and several other pornography police officers in one by one review of suspected illegal video, suddenly told me, she saw one of the videos – “there is a girl, does not look like a living person.

“I didn’t believe it at first: “Could it be that the victimized woman had been drugged?

“Shen shook her head and described the content of the video to me: the video was about seven minutes long, shot by a male with a cell phone, the video environment is suspected to be like a bedroom in a home, and it is certain that it is not a hotel, because the male involved in moving the camera of the cell phone, captured a lot of furniture and electrical appliances not found in hotels, and there is a poster of the King of Thieves stuck on the wall.

The male involved used the rear camera of his cell phone the entire time, not showing his face, only inevitably filming his belly and lower half of his body.

Because the action is too large, the phone did not hold steady, in the process of moving, captured the female involved in the face of the two shots, the two shots add up to the length of time, only a second or so, but it is this second of time, attracted the attention of Shen sister.

Shen told me that the woman involved in the seven-minute video, no reaction at all, can be empirically ruled out the possibility of drunkenness, and if the use of ecstasy, in the process of being violated, the mouth will generally be open, snorting or gasping unevenly.

“I have seen many videos of female victims being drugged, and I am more than familiar with the reactions of female victims. I always felt that the girl in that video was not even breathing.

I always felt that the girl in that video didn’t even have breath,” Shen said.

The brief exposure of the woman’s face made Shen suspicious, so she reviewed the video dozens of times, and the more she watched it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

“The girl, she seemed to be all stiff and didn’t react at all.

I’ve also noise reduced the sound of the video, really, I only heard the shooter’s moans, the girl is really no sound at all.

“That image has always been reflected in Shen’s mind, she said that since that day, whenever she closes her eyes, she has nightmares about the male who filmed the video, with a dead man crushed underneath him.

I have been in contact with Ms. Shen for so many years, and I trust her business ability and experience.

It’s true that a case relies on evidence, but the first instincts and experience of a civilian police officer are also particularly important.

Not fearing the worst, but fearing the worst, and also out of the selfishness of helping Sister Shen out of her psychological shadow as soon as possible, I made a decision after careful consideration.

“I’ll apply to the detachment to review that video.

“(b) The video was uploaded to the website seven days ago.

The comrades in the technical department had already processed the sound source with noise reduction, and we could hear the filmmaker’s gasps very clearly. The male involved had a very coarse voice, and his mouth was bursting with foul language from time to time, and even though the female involved didn’t respond in any way, the male involved was still very aroused.

My colleague Lin Hui and I had seen the corpses of many victims, and having heard Shen’s description beforehand, we also subconsciously felt that the girl’s body was a bit stiff, especially the joints of her limbs, which mildly showed the characteristic of “not being able to bend”.

“Corpse stiffness” – this word immediately appeared in my mind.

Other forensic artists agreed that the woman in this video was indeed not quite the same as other female victims they had seen who had been knocked out, but still did not have the certainty to surmise whether the woman involved was dead or not.

It’s true that we don’t hear the breathing of the female involved after the audio source has been noise-canceled, but the reason for this is most likely also related to the defective cell phone used for filming.

Due to the exposure of the camera is too short, the squadron technical department comrades have been beforehand will be exposed to the camera screenshots, and through the image technology for a slightly clearer processing, we see the female involved in the medium-length hair, looks relatively clean-cut, screenshots, her eyes closed, lips also closed tightly.

“Take the video and images back to the detachment’s forensic lab and let the coroner have a look.

” I suggested.

Director Lei of the forensic lab, once he heard that we sent the video and pictures, laughed and said that after so many years, he had never been able to tell whether a person was dead or alive based on the images.

That night, I received a phone call from Director Lei, who told me with a heavy heart, “The girl in the video, the probability is that she is dead.

“I returned to the detachment for a meeting that night.

Director Lei told us that the characteristics of the body spots could not be observed, but through the degree of body stiffness it was boldly presumed that the female involved had been dead for more than twelve hours and less than twenty-four hours at the time the filmmaker took the video.

No bleeding wounds were observed within the video, and no strangulation marks were found on the neck, so the cause of death could not be determined, but the skin color of the female involved at the mouth and nose was slightly different from the rest of her face.

That is, it is possible that she was smothered to death.

Death by smothering is also a common occurrence in asphyxiation deaths, where the victim is usually suffocated by a soft object covering the mouth and nose.

In the case of a smothered body, crescent-shaped marks or abrasions, i.e., marks left by fingernails, are sometimes visible on both cheeks as a result of the force exerted by the victim, and it is clear that in the video and the screenshots, we do not observe such a feature.

In addition, bodies that are muffled due to force occasionally leave pale areas at the mouth and nose.

It was based on the difference in skin color at the mouth and nose that Director Ray gave this speculation.

The team gave us a few requirements: first, the speculation that the woman involved is dead is not a conclusion, but merely a verbal clue, therefore, this news cannot be announced to the public for the time being; second, the detachment will take over the investigation of the case of the website involved in a comprehensive manner, and must, within three days, arrest the suspects who have set up the website, and who uploaded and disseminated the video; third, to find out the identifying information of the woman involved in the case, as well as her family members, and by doing so, to Third, find out the identity of the female involved and her family members, so as to screen whether the female involved in the suspected death was intentionally killed, and if so, lock up the identity of the suspect as soon as possible, i.e., the male involved in the shooting of the video.

With the intervention of the detachment’s technical department, the website’s encryption was cracked the next day.

Colleagues in the technical department said the website’s comment function was under construction and not open for the time being.

Presumably, the suspect may log on to the website background at any time to perfect this function, so the comrades of the technical department, after cracking the encryption lock after encryption lock, covertly implanted the website background to locate the program.

That afternoon, the suspect did log on the background.

But the suspect seems to be the first time to find a problem in the background, immediately exit the login, but he still underestimated the strength of the public security technology department.

The location program ignored the offshore server and virtual dynamic IP used by the suspect, and directly sent us a very detailed address, showing that it was in another city.

That night, we deployed a joint operation with the criminal investigation brigade of that city and captured the suspect in a residential building and brought him back to the detachment.

When Lin Hui and I saw the suspect, we felt that this case, I’m afraid it’s not that simple, because the suspect is very thin, one meter seven, visual inspection only sixty kilograms less, this feature and the video shooter’s big belly, completely inconsistent.

Suspect Wu Mou, junior high school education, computer technology are all some years ago in the Internet cafe when the network manager of the time to learn.

Wu Mou self-reported that at the beginning of the year, he was obsessed with the idea of building an illegal website to traffic in obscene videos for profit.

From building the site, publicity diversion, uploading videos, and collecting stolen money, all done by him alone.

Lin Hui directly threw the video screenshot of the woman involved in front of Wu Mou, asked him to recognize the girl.

Wu looked at it for a long time and shook his head.

“The videos are all uploaded by you, this woman, is a girl in your video, how can you not recognize?

” Lin Hui was very stern.

But Wu still shook his head: “I uploaded the video is right, but those videos, are I through various channels to get.

“Wu said that most of the more than 400 illegal videos on the website were bought from other people at low prices, and some were downloaded from other illegal websites.

Wu gave us the addresses of some websites, many of which have been knocked down by police around the world. Lin Hui immediately asked people to look for illegal websites that had not yet been busted, and also asked people to contact police around the world to see if they could find the earliest source of this video.

As for those who sold illegal videos to Wu Mou, they have long been deleted by Wu Mou’s contact information, this line is basically broken.

Everyone has been busy for two whole days, not much progress.

Although the screenshot of the face of the female lead involved has been clarified, but the eyebrow and eye features are still not very obvious, we do not have a way to go through the screenshot of the facial features, to the database to compare the appropriate face.

On the other hand, the comrades in the team also focused on the missing persons information registered in various places, but unfortunately, there were also targets who found the suspected female involved.

We couldn’t even determine who the victim was, and for a while, the detection of the case hit a bottleneck.

(d) This case is very special, because there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the woman involved is dead, the detachment does not know whether the case should be opened or not, and if it is opened, whether it should be opened as a case of intentional homicide.

I’ve heard that the case has reached the provincial office, and the guidance given by the provincial office is the same as that first conveyed to us by the detachment, which is to find out who the woman involved is first, and then consider the later.

Lin Hui at the time also joked: “This is not nonsense, this case, the most difficult is not to determine who the girl is?

We can’t just take a screenshot of her face and post it on the internet for people to identify, can we?

“Of course not.

If the girl isn’t dead, how can we protect her privacy if she’s exposed on the internet?

Even if she’s dead, what if her family won’t forgive her for doing this without their consent?

While worried, Lin Hui complained, “It’s just a seven-minute video of her in bed, and I’m not even 100% sure where it is, how can I find out?

“Lin Hui’s complaint reminded me that if I couldn’t find the person directly, then I should look for the place where the video was taken.

I immediately dragged Lin Hui to the computer and opened the video again, but this time I opened the original video without noise reduction and turned up the sound to the maximum.

I handed the headphones to Lin Hui and together we watched the video screen and listened to the sound in the video.

Until that day, we had watched the video’s content no less than a hundred times, slowed it down, sped it up, and tried all sorts of methods, and this time when we watched the original video, we similarly didn’t find any new clues from the picture, but when I listened to the sound, I suddenly developed a familiar and strange feeling.

The original video was indeed very noisy, and the sounds that could be roughly distinguished were: the laughter and yelling of the crowd, the sound of stores playing advertisements, and the sound of cars honking.

After watching it once, Lin Hui took off his headphones, saying that the noise was so loud that it was about to rupture his eardrums.

“At least we can be sure that the video was shot in a very busy place.

” I said.

Lin Hui was again saying his mantra: “That’s true, but there are so many provinces in the country, and so many cities in each province, not to mention the big cities, even in a small county or town, there are all these noises.

“I shook my head, “No, did you hear the sound of “dang dang dang” just now?

“Lin Hui rolled his eyes and couldn’t hold back his laughter, “Do you know what ‘dang dang dang dang’ is?

How many times have you watched Stephen Chow’s “Journey to the West”?

Are you going to sing onlyyou next?” I simply kicked Lin Hui out.

” I simply drove Lin Hui away and continued to listen to the video alone.

This time, I was even more certain, and in the sixth minute of the video, a slow and even ‘dang dang dang dang’ sound came from the cacophony of voices.

The inexplicable familiarity in my heart came from this sound, but for a moment, I couldn’t tell what was going on.

I went back to the technical department and asked the comrades there if there was any way to split the sound in the video, separating the sound of the car, the sound of the store stereo broadcasting advertisements, and the sound of the car’s siren, and doing a little bit of clarity processing on the way, and I also specifically instructed that I had to extract the sixth-minute “dangdang dangdang” separately.

It was almost the end of the day, but my comrade in the technical department told me to go back and wait for the news, saying that he was ready to work overtime to handle my request.

After several days of busy work, I finally found time to go to Sister Shen’s home.

Sister Shen’s husband opened the door for me, forced himself to hold back the emotions that were about to be suffocated, and politely greeted me at the door while he lit a cigarette and went out.

Sister Shen sat on the sofa and cried, and I realized that the couple had quarreled.

Sister Shen told me that she and her husband might get a divorce.

It turned out that, over the years, Shen’s husband more than once asked Shen to apply for transfer away from the pornography post, but it is not not to support the public security department of this very necessary work, the reason is probably only adults will understand: Shen sometimes a day to review hundreds of films, day after day, gradually on the intimate behavior cold, and even began to exclude.

No wonder, after so many years of marriage, they have not considered having children.

Sister Shen’s husband also held a breath in his heart, to this time, Sister Shen because in the review of the film work to see the body was abused and psychological shadow, all day mental emaciation, that breath finally can not be held.

Comrades from the technical department called me, saying that my request had been done.

I had to rush back to the detachment, sat on my butt in front of the computer, put on the headset.

Comrades in the technical department of the video sound was extracted separately, I first listened to the siren, there is nothing unusual.

Immediately after that, I listened to the advertisement that came from the sound, it was the advertisement of oppo cell phone back then, endorsed by a certain star.

I googled the commercial and it was only released earlier that year.

This information is very important.

That illegal video, it was uploaded to the illegal website a week before Shen’s sister examined the film, that’s right, but no one can guarantee when the video was taken, my biggest fear is that it was a video taken years ago, tossed around for years, only to be discovered by us because of the uploading of the illegal website.

With a long time lapse, it would be even more difficult to solve the case.

Then I listened to the crowd again, a sound that I listened to several times as I tried to capture some of the dialect.

Due to the noisy environment and the distance, the crowd’s voices were not recorded very clearly, and originally I was about to give up, but as a result, in the last few seconds of the video, I heard a very dialectal expletive characterized by the Southwest region.

Suddenly, I instantly understood what the “dang dang dang” sound was.

I went to college at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and at that time, every weekend or New Year’s Eve, my classmates and I would go to the bustling Jiefangbei Monument.

This series of slow and even “dang dang dang” sounded like the bells of the Jiefangbei Clock Tower chiming at full time! I immediately called the detachment chief, a large number of police have been nestled in bed and hoofed it back to the detachment, the detachment chief immediately contacted the local Public Security Bureau Yuzhong District Branch, together with the co-inspection, the team also booked air tickets for Lin Hui and I. When we arrived at our destination, it was already after midnight.

When we arrived at our destination, it was already past midnight.

We went to the criminal investigation detachment of the Yuzhong branch to have a brief meeting and gave them a screenshot of the victim’s face, but after the other party inquired, they couldn’t find the girl in the missing persons information.

By this point, the case has made significant progress, but I don’t know why, my heart is still extremely unsettled, always feel that there will be some changes.

(E) Early the next morning, we followed the police of the Yuzhong detachment to a residential building near Jiefangbei.

That area is very busy, many residential buildings, we all traveled in plain clothes, disguised as community committee staff identity, in the name of checking, registering the degree of deterioration of residential houses, door to door, in order to look for similar environments and the video in question.

Because the video in question has the sound of cell phone advertisements, so we focused on screening out several residential buildings with cell phone stores nearby.

More than thirty police officers worked from early in the morning until late in the evening, when we were finally notified that a police officer had found a suspected crime scene.

Lin Hui and I followed the lead policeman and immediately went to the house. We were greeted by a female high school student who had just returned home from class.

Lin Hui and I walked into one of the bedrooms, took a closer look and found that the style of the bed and floor tiles were exactly the same as in the video, even the poster of the King of Thieves on the wall was exactly the same as in the video.

Just at this time, the father of the female middle school student came back, a fat man with a mouth full of scruff.

After Lin Hui and I saw the fat man’s shirt that was about to burst on his stomach, we rushed towards him in unison and pinned him to the ground.

The fat man struggled, his daughter cried, and the scene was very chaotic.

Lin Hui was controlling the fat man while winking at me, “Good guy, this time you’ve made a big achievement.

“However, after handcuffing the fat man to the detachment, Lin Hui and I were severely punched in the face once we were interrogated.

The fat man and his daughter were only tenants of the house, and had just moved here the day before yesterday. Moreover, the fat man’s voice was completely different from that of the illegal video shooter when he was so excited that he was foul-mouthed.

The reason why the fat man was fat was a complete coincidence.

Lin Hui and I were given a good lecture by the detachment commander.

Afterward, we found the landlord of that private room and asked for information about the tenants since the beginning of the year.

The landlord is a businessman, very busy, there are many sets of properties under his name, the leasing work is fully handed over to the agency, he is not clear about the specific details.

So we went back to the agency.

After running a lot of places, we finally found out the identity of the male and female involved.

The male involved Zhou Mou, thirty years old, stout, obese, the female involved Wang Mou, twenty-six years old, slender, beautiful.

They are all foreign township people, at the beginning of the year, together rented the landlord’s house.

According to the staff who took them to see the house at the beginning of the staff recalled that the two people should be a couple, behavior and demeanor more intimate.

Almost a month ago, Zhou Mou and Wang Mou quit the rent, but quit the rent formalities are handled by phone, the agent to collect the room, but also did not see the people, but the luggage has been empty.

Yuzhong detachment immediately found out Zhou Mou and Wang Mou’s phone.

I first tried to dial the female Wang Mou’s phone.

After all, Director Lei and our suspicions are speculated without seeing the body, in the investigative and legal sense, it is not yet 100% confirmed that Wang is dead.

Moreover, before everything is certain, we can’t contact Zhou hastily, so as not to frighten the snakes.

I called several times in a row, but Wang Mou didn’t answer.

Lin Hui was anxious: “Isn’t it obvious?

The person must be dead!” I thought it was strange: “Her phone can get through, but she didn’t answer, it’s not off, if someone is dead, who would keep charging her cell phone ah?

“While I was talking, the call came back, my heart thumped and I answered it right away.


Who is it?

“It was a female voice.

I tried to ask, “Is this XX Wang?

“The caller replied, “Yes, who is this?

“After I pretended to be a salesman and said something, the caller hung up impatiently.

In order to confirm that the person who answered the phone was really Wang Mou, we found the contact information of her parents in her hometown, and in the name of the census, I asked the most crucial question: “Will Wang XX go home soon?

“She called me yesterday to tell me that she won’t be coming back for the New Year.” After hanging up the phone, Lin Hui told me that she would not be coming back for the New Year.

“After hanging up the phone, Lin Hui slapped the back of his head, “Why, it took so long, but it turned out to be an oops.

I think we should tell Wang XX that his boyfriend is a scumbag, and that he took a private video of them and passed it on.” That night, we were ready to go back.

“That night, we were ready to go back, but sitting in the terminal waiting for the plane, I always feel strange in my heart.

Before boarding the plane, I couldn’t hold back and asked Lin Hui to go back first, and I went to do something.

I went back to the Yuzhong detachment and asked them to investigate Wang Mou’s bank card and payment software records for nearly a year.

At noon the following day, comrades from the detachment gave me a few organized forms.

In the past year, Wang Mou’s credit card and bank card have not stopped using them, and the last time he swiped his card, just yesterday, was when he was shopping at the supermarket.

When I saw this, I breathed a long sigh of relief and blamed myself for overthinking, but when I saw Wang’s payment software usage records, I couldn’t laugh anymore.

Records show that Wang Mou has been using WeChat Pay and Alipay before February, but after February, never used it again.

I immediately called the detachment chief and asked him to greet the Yuzhong detachment and send someone with me to arrest Wang’s boyfriend Zhou.

Perhaps the detachment chief had never seen me suspect someone like this before and agreed.

Before the operation, we tried to call Zhou, but there was never an answer, and when we called again, he had turned his cell phone off.

I presume that two days in a row, an unfamiliar number has called Wang and Zhou’s cell phone, making him suspicious.

The technical department, based on the signal base station and GPS positioning connected to Zhou’s cell phone before he turned it off, locked the location where he last appeared, a cafe, but when we arrived, there was no longer Zhou’s figure there.

We checked the surveillance.

Surveillance video, Zhou Mou a person in front of the counter waiting for coffee, after the phone rang, he looked at the phone screen for a long time, did not pick up, and finally did a shutdown action, even bought a good coffee did not take, hurriedly ran out of the cafe.

The arrest process afterward was quite smooth.

Under the net of the law, want to escape, is not easy.

It is worth mentioning Zhou’s motive for the crime.

After he was arrested, he confessed to the crime.

Zhou Mou and Wang Mou are indeed lovers, the two together from the countryside to the city to work.

Wang Mou mainly in the nightclub work, according to Zhou Mou said, he went to the nightclub several times late at night to pick up Wang Mou home, have seen Wang Mou and male customers pulling and tugging.

The two argued many times, until a late night at the end of January, Wang simply did not go home.

Zhou Mou suspected Wang Mou and other men out for the night, resentment, and eventually in the rented house to Wang Mou muffled to death.

Perverted possessiveness, so that Zhou in Wang’s death, but also forced to have sex with the body, and recorded a video.

The video was originally for their own to watch as a souvenir, until a month ago, Zhou Mou lost his job, so he went around selling this video for money, one of the buyers is to build an illegal website Wu Mou.

After Wang was killed, Zhou dismembered the body and spent many days burying the limbs in nine districts of the main city late at night.

After that, in order to conceal the fact that Wang was dead, Zhou did a lot of tawdry operations, such as using Wang’s credit card and savings card every now and then.

Originally, Wang’s WeChat payment and Alipay were also in his consideration, however, he only knew Wang’s bank card password, did not know the payment password of the payment software, and could not use the face payment, so he had to stop.

Another example, in order to create the illusion that Wang Mou is still alive, he also downloaded a lot of voice-changing software in Wang Mou’s cell phone, found the voice-changing package that is closest to Wang Mou’s voice, and took the initiative to contact Wang Mou’s parents every week in order to report safety.

After the end of this case, Sister Shen continued to work in the forensic position, did not transfer out of the post, only occasionally go to see a psychiatrist.

Her husband eventually did not choose to divorce her, but continued to support her.

Many years have passed, and Sister Shen has been able to calmly talk about that experience.

I just met Sister Shen and her wife last week, and their baby is already a month old.

So yes, we have to be truly grateful to the police officers in these special positions, who have really sacrificed their bodies and minds in their dedication to the public, and of course, to their relatives for their support and understanding.

I still remember that afternoon, before leaving the interrogation room, the suspect Zhou cried his heart out.

He said he later realized that Wang Mou stayed out all night that day to earn the money to buy him an anniversary gift, and the client muffled two bottles of white wine in one breath, drunk on the spot, and was brought home by a female colleague to rest.

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