What’s it like to cheat or get caught cheating on a college entrance exam?

What is it like to cheat or get caught cheating on a college exam?

In 2009, I took the adult self-test.

The exam that would decide whether or not, in my lifetime, I would be able to go to college.

That was the first time I cheated.

Invisible headphones, the size of a grain of rice, hidden in the frame of the glasses, bone sound transmission to me the answer.

Matching, there is a signal repeater, hidden in the eraser.

It’s just a small component that is basically hard to find without taking it apart.

But that day, I caught a glimpse of a police car coming outside the exam room.

My whole body started shaking.

I thought it was a defeat.

In fact, that police car was just sending late candidates to rush over.

But I was so scared that I couldn’t stop shaking.

The invigilator, noticing my strange behavior, came up and asked me quietly, “Are you not feeling well?

“I did not realize that the invigilator came, heard the voice, a shock, subconsciously, hard to hide the eraser in the hand.

The invigilator narrowed his eyes and stared at my hand.

In an instant, my cold sweat came down.

My body was still trembling, and I slowly spread out my hand.

That eraser, stained with a lot of sweat.

“I …… I just happen to be on my period.

” I lowered my voice.

This was the only explanation I could think of at that time.

The invigilator did not say anything, she picked up the eraser weighed a little, and then put in front of the eyes to scrutinize.

I kept my head down the whole time, not daring to breathe.

Finally, she patted my shoulder, signaling me to continue to answer.

I was completely relieved.

Over the invisible headphones, the answers to the multiple choice questions had begun to be reported.

I picked up my pen and looked back before realizing that the sound had become intermittent.

Looking up in dismay, the eraser, had been taken out of the classroom by the invigilator.

What was she going to do with the eraser?

Once again, I shuddered uncontrollably as, as I soon saw, she called the other invigilators and produced the eraser to them.

A few minutes later, I was taken out of the classroom.

The eraser was broken open in the blinding daylight.

Revealing the electronics inside.

I was surrounded by them and led away from the exam room.

Afterward, it’s hard to remember, except that, for a long time, in my head, there was a buzzing.

Two I thought for a moment, I would go to jail, and the final punishment resulted in: nullification of grades, disqualification from the exam.

As well as, suspended for three years.

This is the whole before and after I cheated, but also I told the reporter – early November, late fall.

Because my future was bleak, I accepted a reporter’s offer to earn some living expenses.

I accepted a reporter’s “paid interview”.

The reporter was called Lu Yu.

He wore a white shirt, his hair was disheveled, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

He was young, like he had just joined the workforce.

Beforehand, I thought well, just come to ask some, “after the regret, what are the plans for the future” and so on, published in the painless board.

When we met at my house, he didn’t say a word, but just kept checking me out.

It made me uncomfortable.

“You cheated on purpose, didn’t you?” was the first thing he said.

” That was the first thing he said when he opened his mouth.

“You wanted to cover up a murder by cheating.

” He said that.

We were sitting in my house, Mom and Dad weren’t home – I’d timed it specifically, and they weren’t very receptive to the idea of something like that being on the news.

It’s fall, in a marginal southern county.

My house, no decorations, just an old TV, muted, silent picture.

The water I poured for him was overflowing.

“If your interview is about these inexplicable things …… we can end it.

” I wiped down the coffee table, still maintaining my smile.

He, however, was in no hurry and, slowly, took a newspaper out of his bag.

The local one, on there, had a news story.

Five months ago, in June of this year, there was a boy, who went swimming in the river alone.

Due to muscle cramps, he unfortunately drowned, in that river.

He and I, were in the same class.

This news, was also reported by the local TV station, to advise the people, not to swim in the wild, privately.

“I heard that you were his girlfriend.

After he died, you were interrogated by the police as a suspect ……” “Yes. In the end, the police decided that I had nothing to do with his death.

So what else do you want to know?

Go interview the police!” I just want to end this conversation as soon as possible.

“I’m sorry,…… do I look like a good person to talk to?

” Coldly, he said that.

I froze for a moment.

“If you refuse my interview, I’m going to make a big deal out of this case.

“I’m a person with no other strengths.

I have no other strengths.

“I’ll portray you as a slut, the kind that goes into great detail; I can also write your parents as murderers, who are psychopaths and poor, unruly people …… “If you don’t want me to ruin your reputation, you’d better behave.

” I admit, at that moment, I had a slight panic attack.

He smiled, “Now, care to talk?

“What do you want to know?”

“I asked him after a long silence.

“How did your boyfriend die?

“I talked to the police.”

“Tell me.”

“III-Accidental Memories-1 My name is Yu Qiaoqiao.

I wanted to get into the provincial high school, but I dropped out.

The doctor found out that I have a mild emotional disorder.

It was not recommended that I continue my studies to avoid deterioration.

I inquired about adult self-testing, the pressure of competition is not that great.

I simply stayed at home, preparing for this fall, adult self-test.

The drowned boy …… was, before I dropped out of school, I was with him.

I loved the way he played basketball.

Tall, and when he dunked, he always caught the attention of the girls at his school.

I think the word for him was playboy.

After dropping out of school, I would still go to him, wanting to be by his side.

But he was already tired of me, and there were too many women who were better than me, waiting for him to choose.

He said: your goal, is the provincial key.

But my grades, the most college.

Since we have to go our separate ways.

Simply, do not talk about it.

I don’t want to. I just want to be with him all the time.

So I came up with an idea.

“Let’s cheat together.

” But I didn’t realize that this decision, ultimately created his death.

2 The exam he was going to take was the June Thousands of Horses and Horses Dokki; the one I was going to take was the October Adult Self-Examination.

We both cheated, this is the safest way; only in this way, can ensure that we will be able to go to the same institution, or even, the same major.

It was the end of May, around the Dragon Boat Festival.

I was on the Internet, and I contacted a person whose ID was called “Gunflower”.

He had posted in a posting bar that he sold cheating tools.

He had a wide range of contacts, for both kinds of exams.

We negotiated a price.

A few days later, this man called Gunflower came to our county.

He drove himself.

He drove a private car.

He was slim, wore glasses and had slightly longer hair, like a musician.

But what I didn’t know then was that this man, Gunflint, was a demon.

He showed us the cheating equipment: headphones, erasers.

Taught us how to use them.

One set for me, one for my boyfriend.

He said: the answers will only be broadcast once, in the exam room, listen carefully.

He also reminded us not to answer all of them correctly, lest we reveal ourselves.

My boyfriend and I were both happy – he had a future, and me, I kept my love.

That evening, the fire clouds burned the whole sky.

My boyfriend and I, in celebration, drank some wine.

At the end of May in the southern county, it was already hot.

My boyfriend suggested that I be taken to the suburbs to swim in the river to cool off.

The river is quite remote, not many people pass by.

He proposed to go there, in fact, want to do a little bit of that kind of thing with me.

3 at the river, I excuse came that, not convenient.

My boyfriend was so disillusioned that he could only go down to the river to swim.

Meanwhile, I got a call from Gunflint.

He also drove over, he came to collect my money.

His car, parked far away.

I went alone to settle the bill and got the two sets of cheating equipment.

But when I went back to the river, what I saw, was my boyfriend’s body floating in the water …… No one could have imagined that a small cramp would have taken his life …… If I hadn’t left, if I had been there, he wouldn’t have been …… IV remembering the accident, I still ooze sadness.

At my home, I stopped the narration and sobbed in a small voice.

Lu Yu commented with blissful disinterest, “You cried real tears.

” I clenched my teeth, my eyes red, “Can you leave my house now?

” “You’re not telling the truth.

‘ Lu Yu interrupted me, “There are too many holes in this story you’re telling.

「Five 「cheating equipment, why don’t you have it sent to you and have to make the trip yourself?

” Lu Yu said.

“Your boyfriend, why would he let you go alone to settle the money?

Let you, go to a strange man’s car?

“Little sister, cheating on me won’t do you any good.

” I was silent, clenching my fists, my eyes sulking.

“Look at my home.

” Lu Yu hesitated.

The old family building.

In this 2009, there are no appliances, and even the kitchen, burns honeycomb coal.

I don’t have that kind of money,” I said.

“I’m paying my own price.”

“On the evening of June 6, I got into Gunflower’s car.

This thin man had his hand on my waist.

It was suburbia, unpopulated, just a clear river.

It was getting dark.

The music in the car covered the man’s panting.

After that, he got out of the car to smoke.

“Where’s your boyfriend?

“I was asked by Gunflower.

“He’s swimming.

“Actually, he wanted to come along.

But I intentionally touched his clothes and shoes in the river.

He wanted to save face, so he had to let me pay alone.

I often regretted later, could it be that this action of mine led to his death.

Seven Lu Yu listened with interest, and it looked like he was finally starting to believe the story.

“What happened after you and Gunflower finished your business.

“My fingers, unconsciously pinched the corner of my coat.

What happened after that can be described as a nightmare.

VIII-Memories of the murder-1 That evening, I left Gunflower’s car and went back to the river.

It was getting darker and darker.

After struggling to see what was on the river, I started screaming.

It was the body of my boyfriend, who had drowned from cramps and was floating quietly.

Soon, Gunflint heard my cries for help.

Rushed over.

He was a good swimmer, and swooped down into the river, taking my boyfriend’s body, and struggling to drag it towards the shore.

“How is he?

How is he? Do you know how to do artificial respiration! …… You have a car, let’s take him to the hospital!” I rushed over in a panic.

Gunflint docked and was going to drag him up.

But, suddenly, he stopped.

The boyfriend’s body, sinking in the water.

“What are you doing?

” I was astonished.

I saw a hint of hostility on Gunflint’s face.

“Your boyfriend, is dead.

” he said, “Out of breath.

‘ He jerked his head up, “Take him to the hospital and everything will be exposed! The police find out about this cheating business of mine, I’m going to jail!” He lowered his head and looked at his boyfriend’s body.

I knew what he wanted to do.

I rushed up and tried to grab my boyfriend back.

He was strong, with one arm, firmly stopping me.

“Bitch, do you think you’re really going to be okay?

!” He cursed, “Can you afford to pay for the condition of your house?

! Money for human life!” I couldn’t care less, all I knew was that I had to get my boyfriend to the hospital.

We were close to a struggle. I bit his arm like a madman, and he let go of my hand in pain.

At that moment, far away on the shore, there was a shout, like thunder.

“Are you all right?

What’s the matter–” It was a passing peasant woman who heard the commotion by the river.

Gunflower looked back in horror as a startled bird flew away.

The night was shrouded, and no one could be seen in that shade.

But I knew that someone was there, right there! I tried to yell for help, but Gunflint grabbed my arm hard.

Gunflint stared straight at me as he lowered his voice and said to me, “Think of your parents.

“This money, it could kill them.”

“2 I admit it, I was shameful.

In that moment, all that flooded through my head was my old, dilapidated home.

And my parents, with their tired, powerless faces.

“I’m fine! I was scared by the bugs!” That was the shout I responded with, like the sound of my soul breaking.

“Little sister, it’s getting late, go home early.” “I know, thanks Auntie.

“Thank you, Auntie.”

“In the darkness of the night, only a dead silence remained.

Gunflower and I stood in the river in silence.

My boyfriend’s body was floating between us.

In the darkness of the summer night, there were only frogs chirping.

My boyfriend’s body was pushed to the center of the river by Gunflint.

The only thing I could do, was to sneak, into my boyfriend’s clothing, the cheating device.

That’s what I promised to give him, and now, it’s the only thing I can give him.

The gentle sound of the water eventually engulfed the night.

3 Gunflint and I, left the riverbank and sat in his car.

Gunflint’s eyes were bloodshot with anxiety.

He looked back and said, “If the police come and ask you, this is how you answer.

” “You came for a swim this afternoon, you had a fight, young couple, it’s normal to have a falling out.

So you went home early, and your boyfriend was still swimming in the river.

But I didn’t realize that he had an accident and drowned.

“Whoever asked, you said so I was wet, I don’t know if it was the cold, or the fear, I couldn’t stop shivering.

I couldn’t speak.

Snap! Gunflint slapped me, hard.

“Repeat it.

“Slap! Another slap.

I only stammered, “I, we came to swim, argued, I angry home …… no, did not think, I left after …… him, he accidentally ……” Gunflower nodded.

He asked for my small phone, deleted inside, all the chat records between us.

“You haven’t seen me, and we don’t know each other at all, understand?

” “Understood ……” I saw Gunflint fiddle with the rearview mirror, and he removed a small object, from the rearview mirror.


And then he turned on his cell phone, and there, on it, was a video.

Me and him in the car, us gasping for air, that thing.

I no longer had the energy to think about why he’d recorded this video in the car before.

“Don’t want me to post it on the Internet, do you?

Don’t mention me to anyone.

” He was warning me.

I nodded.

“Get out of the car.

” “I can’t take you back, you’ll be seen, walk back on your own.

” he said.

I got out of the car, it was dark and late at night.

His car had no lights, and the road in front of me was nothing but horrible darkness.

Nothing could be seen.

“Good luck, Toadstool.

” Those were the last words Gunflint, said to me.

That night was the longest night walk I’ve ever taken.

4 Probably, Gunflint had fled in his car while I was walking home at night.

He fled as soon as he could, but I, had to stay here.

All night, unable to sleep.

The next day, I gave myself all the psychological construction, wanting to pretend that nothing had happened.

But when I pushed open the door, I nearly shrieked.

Two policemen, sitting in my house.

They had found their boyfriend’s body in a river in the suburbs.

A lot of people saw me and my boyfriend go to the river together that evening.

When I was questioned by the police, I told them everything that Gunflint taught me.

“We went swimming together …… because of the quarrel, I left early …… he has not appeared today, I did not think it was he had an accident ……” Yes, I am afraid; I am afraid my family can not afford to lose the money; I’m afraid of that video being posted online.

The wild swimming drowning, almost every year, there will be so a case.

In such a small, barren county, there is nothing to be skeptical about.

The case, just like that, was closed.

Even the newspaper, also published the news, exhorting the general public, do not go into the river privately.

5 After that, I couldn’t sleep, almost, every night.

I was still lucky – perhaps, I could pass the self-test in October, in the future life, back to the light; perhaps, this case, will never be mentioned again.

However, in mid-October, the appearance of a witness shattered all my hopes.

That, under the shade of the dense trees, the peasant woman.

6 That evening, the peasant woman, passing through the shade, heard a strange noise.

It sounded like a struggle and a struggle.

She looked far away.

The night covered the bank of the river, and there was only blackness, so she could see nothing.

But she heard me yell in response, “I’m okay-” Yet, in my confession, at that time, I was on my way home.

Everyone understood immediately.

I had lied!7 Meanwhile, the adult self-examination came.

In my neighborhood, there were more plainclothes men on stakeouts; and, in advance, a summons to my parents.

And I walked into the examination center without realizing it.

Fearful days, you can imagine, I simply can not review much.

I can rely on only that cheating equipment …… until the invigilator, opened my eraser, revealing the electronic components inside.

That night, after being brought into the police station, I finally broke down and told the truth about everything.

Confessed the gun flower forced me to do everything.

…… nine Lu Yu sat in my home and listened quietly.

It was already late fall, and outside the window, there was the sound of a sharp wind.

“I have finished all of it.

You can go to interview the police, I did not tell half a lie.

“I have tears in my eyes.

Once again, the memory of that nightmarish experience still pains me.

“I understand.

” Lu Yu slowly stood up.

But only lit a cigarette.

“Great story, only, one problem.

” he said.

“The whole story, it’s all your story.

“In your story, Gunflower is the bad guy, vicious, treacherous; and you, coerced, innocent, even, you are one of the victims.

” “A little too perfect, don’t you think?

” I froze.

Lu Yu smoked a cigarette and leaned against the window of my house, watching me absently.

“Is there really such a person as Gunflower.

” he said.

My heart skipped a beat.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.

” He laughed a little, “I checked the ID Gunflower and there’s no record of any related postings.

There are ones with the same name, but none of them are the one you described.

” “He deleted them all! Just like he deleted my cell phone records!” I angrily refuted.


But the police have been looking at traffic cameras and all the recent trips from out of town and there’s no sign of him.

“Even if you delete a text message on your cell phone, it’s still on file with the carrier.

The police checked, but again, there’s no record.

“No one has seen this person called Gunflint, no one knows where he is, no one can find any record of him.” The most reasonable explanation is that there is no such person in this world.

” “Since there is no Gunflower, what is the full picture of the truth?

” “And why do you, to fabricate such a bad guy?

” Lu Yu’s eyes pierced straight into mine.

I couldn’t even meet his eyes.

“Let’s get rid of the gunflower.

” he said.

“That evening, you were the only one by the river.

You were the only one there with your boyfriend’s body.

” His eyes grew sharper and sharper.

My heart, beating wildly.

“That evening, you lied to get rid of the farmer’s wife.

“That evening, alone, you pushed the body into the center of the river.”

“There were no gunshots, no orders.

“It was you all along.”

“I raised my head sharply and stared at Lu Yu.

However, in his eyes.

I was just a doll at his mercy.

“Who the hell are you?

” He didn’t reply, reaching out to the window and flicking the ashes of his cigarette.

“It won’t do you any good to lie to me.

” The smoke lingered between his fingers.

Ten I gritted my teeth.

Reason told me not to be seduced by him, not to get into his rhythm.

I’ve faced questioning from adults, from the police.

But no one had ever given me such a sense of oppression as he did.

“What you’re saying is all speculation.

“Want proof?

“You’ve talked about your relationship with your boyfriend as if you’ve said everything.”

“Lu Yu said, “But you’re hiding the key thing.

“The conflict between you.

” “Your best friend told me that before your boyfriend died, you and your boyfriend fought almost every day.

Yes, he was a playboy who had his mind set on a new woman.

” “You told your best friend that you said he no longer had you in his heart.

You said you wished he was dead so he’d be yours forever.

“Your girlfriend’s mouth isn’t very tight.”

“What kind of evidence is that?

“I retorted to him, “It’s just my anger!” Lu Yu didn’t care about my defense, “The evening your boyfriend drowned, the two of you were drinking.

“Someone saw you crying.

You were seen crying.” “Crying very hard.

” My heart, once again, plummeted wildly.

“You said you celebrated cheating and that you were happy.

“He retold my earlier story.

“You lied about something so insignificant.


“Because, at that drink, he completely broke your heart-” “So you decided to kill him, to make him yours alone from then on.” “So you had to, to lie about it.

This is your death point.

” Lu Yu pressed on step by step, looking at me playfully.

The look on his face was like he had seen through me completely.

“Let me tell you the truth of the story.

“Eleven – Murder Speculation – 1 You, Yu Qiaoqiao, fell in love with a playboy.

After you dropped out of school, he broke it off.

He knew that there were many more women, waiting for him, to pick and experience.

He said he didn’t want a long-distance relationship, but you didn’t hear what he meant.

Or maybe, it’s a fluke on your part.

You thought that as long as you could go to the same college, you wouldn’t be abandoned.

So you went local, found someone, and bought the cheating equipment.

You went to take credit.

He seems happy too, and takes you, to the big stall.

You were full of hope, you told him: nothing can separate you.

But your hopeful face turned into helpless weeping.

2 Why?

Because he refused, he had no choice but to finally spell out the truth to you.

He simply doesn’t like you anymore.

“Just leave me alone, okay.

“Did he say something like that?

“You’re a pain in the ass.

“It was my biggest mistake to fall in love with you.”

“I have someone else in my heart.”

“…… These are the words he expressed, right?

Twelve of those words hit my eardrums.

As if, again remembered that evening, the cold eyes of the boyfriend.

I was finally enraged by Lu Yu, “Enough said?

!” “Then, why did you cry at that time?

“”I cried because ……” “That’s enough, no need to go on.

” I found that Lu Yu’s face, a strange smile.

“At that stall, people were coming and going, no one noticed you at all.

No one knew if you were crying or not.” “I lied to you.

“I swindled you.

” I looked at him fearfully.

Then I reacted, I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn’t control the expression on my face anymore.

“Thank you, you’ve made the whole truth of my speculation, all of it, stand up.

” He admired the look on my face.

At this moment, I finally realized that this man, I am no match for him.

Thirteen Lu Yu from his pocket, took out something.

A photo, on it, was a middle-aged woman, local.

“I promised her that I wouldn’t give up her cheating business, and she told me everything, everything.

” He said.

“You contacted the phone number she posted in the restroom.

From her, you purchased the cheating equipment.

“After that, you never crossed paths again.”

“This proves that there never was a Gunflint.”

“Of course, I can choose to keep this secret for you.”

“I want to hear the truth.

Once again, he said, “It won’t do you any good to lie to me.”

” I knew that I had no other choice.

After a long silence, I spoke.

XIV-Memories of Murder-1 I dropped out of school and he got tired of me.

In order to get him back, I bought cheating devices, from local women.

All of this, it’s true.

At that drink, he told me he didn’t like me anymore.

Broken hearted, also true.

2 That evening, going for a swim in that suburb, I was the one who suggested it.

I told him that we had done everything but swim together.

If you can swim with me once, I will never pester you again.

Never again.

Pretty far-fetched request, I know.

But he agreed.

How sad. It was then that I realized he really wanted nothing more to do with me.

“Kill him and make him mine.

That’s all I could think of at that moment.”

3 In a wild river in the suburbs, we went into the water.

He didn’t communicate with me the whole time, he just swam by himself, giving out his excess stamina at his age.

Later, when I got a little tired of swimming in the river, I leaned over and sat on the bank, watching him from afar.

I couldn’t think of a way to kill him.

On impulse, I wanted him to come to the suburbs, thinking that no one was here, so I could do it.

But I forgot, I am a girl, unarmed, how to kill him?

Later, it was getting dark.

He found me sitting on the shore, thought I was not swimming, and also leaned towards the shore.

We were drinking.

From a distance, I saw, his figure, sinking violently in the water.

Like being dragged towards the water by some creature.

I was startled, and then reacted.

Probably the alcohol paralyzed his nerves and triggered a cramp.

I saw that he was struggling in the water.

He was asking me for help, I think, at that moment.

I instinctively went to save him, but, recalled his cold eyes.

Slowly, I stopped at the shore.

I just sat there, quietly, sitting there.

4 It was getting darker and darker.

I could no longer see my boyfriend’s figure.

I could only hear his desperate struggles in the water.

At that moment, it was like thunder on the ground.

In the distance, came the farmer’s wife’s inquiry, “Is everything okay?

What’s the matter–” I looked back in horror, there are scared birds fly away.

The night was shrouded, and no one could be seen in the shade of that tree.

But I knew that someone was there, right there! “I’m fine! I was scared by the bugs!” I yelled.

“Little sister, it’s getting late, go home early.” “I know, thanks Auntie.

“Thanks, Auntie.”

“I stood there, my heart beating wildly.

Until, the sound of struggling disappeared and the boyfriend went into the water.

Only then did my heart quiet down.

5 The night was dead silent.

I entered the river and pushed my boyfriend’s leaning body, into the center of the river.

6 The next day, the police came to my house.

I lied.

I said we went swimming and I left early because of a fight.

So I wasn’t there when he died.

It was an incident that should have ended just like that.

7 That peasant woman, that damned peasant woman! Why is she meddling! Why should she mind her own business! Her testimony, it disproves my alibi! When fall came, I was at home preparing for my adult self-test.

Until, I bumped into that peasant woman coming out of the police station.

After that, in my neighborhood, adults appeared as if nothing had happened.

Eyes, however, always glancing at me.

And parents who went out late at night, actually being summoned.

My taut nerves told me: my lie, to be revealed! The night before the self-test, I stayed up all night.

Until, I saw my set of, cheating equipment.

In fact, it was of no use to me anymore.

It couldn’t undo my love.

And there was no one else I needed to get back.

But at that moment, I realized.

I should cheat.

9 From the moment I cheated on the exam.

Everyone, for that matter, had been misled by me.

Walking into the exam room, deliberately nervous, shaking on purpose.

The invigilator, breaking the eraser.

The electronics, reflecting in the summer sun.

A whole night of surprise interrogation, a photo delivered to my eyes.

Inside the boyfriend’s clothes, the once discovered cheating device.

A couple, one dead, one alive.

They both had the same cheating device.

Who wouldn’t suspect that there was a connection?

At the police station, I broke down.

I bawled my eyes out and confessed, to someone I had fictionalized in advance.

That night, all the guilt, all the evil, left my body.

It locked in on this person who didn’t exist.

I still occupied the status of a suspect, restricting me from leaving the county.

But the eyes of suspicion, has long been absent from me …… fifteen sitting in my home, I looked at the Lu Yu in front of me.

Lu Yu’s face, there is a little incredulous, but not to me.

“They actually believed in an imaginary person.


People don’t believe in not fighting.

People believe in exposed clues, stories that match their instincts.

And what they try to do.

And what they end up digging up, “the truth.”

“That’s the whole story, Officer Lu.”

“Sixteen Lu Yu shook the cigarette case, inside, there were no more cigarettes.

“Do I look like a cop to you?

“I laughed, more like, after telling the truth.

I said, “The woman who sold me the earphone erasers, after I was caught cheating, thought she was in trouble, and ran away in the night.

Who else but the police could have found her so easily?” “You forced me to confess.

“”You forced me to confess and said a lot of clues from the police there.

Tune the surveillance, check the operator to keep the file …… these things, how can you just disclose them to a reporter.

“You are from the city, right, before, I have not seen you.

” Lu Yu flattened the cigarette case and stuffed it back into his pocket.

He looked downstairs.

I know, probably downstairs, there are those adults who don’t care.

“Your boyfriend’s parents, they couldn’t accept their son’s death and made a scene in the city.

I was sent down here. This is my hometown.

“There’s one thing I want you to understand.

” he said.

“You’re still young and have a long life ahead of you.

I’ve come to your house to do all this in the hopes of giving you a chance.” “I’ll leave you alone.

“I’ll leave you alone with the handcuffs.”

” He stretched, “Come back to the station with me.

‘ Seventeen walked out of the old family building, and the sun was beginning to set.

Not like that evening, instead, it was relaxing.

Eighteen I was transferred to the detention center, waiting for me, is a further trial.

However, Lu Yu has come to see me.

He said a lot of terms I do not understand.

“Subjective prior behavior is not the cause of death,” “does not constitute the obligation to rescue,” and “crime suspension.”…… I couldn’t understand it, but he told me there would be no multiple sentences.

In about a couple months, I’ll be able to see again.

“Thank you.

” I said to him.

“Thank yourself for telling the truth.

“Thank you, Officer Luk.”

“I still said that, and the tone was sincere.

It was three years later when I saw Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu didn’t lie to me, and just a few months later, I was released from prison.

In three years, something not too big or small happened.

I went to Guangdong to work, earned some money, to help my parents pay off some debts.

In the third year, I wore the dress of the season and returned to the county.

Once again, enrolled in the adult self-test.

By coincidence, my teacher back then, out of the front line, is now in the self-test office.

That case was not publicly reported in the end, she only knew that I cheated back then, and now that I am back, she is very enthusiastic about me.

After finishing the formalities for me, it was just the point of getting off work.

She sent me on the way home, and we talked about the changes over the years.

“Do you still sing.

“She asked me.

“Not for a long time.

“At the end of the day, the pedestrians in the county town were lazy.

I saw Lu Yu jogging.

“It’s good that you’re still willing to study,” she said.

“He was injured at work and went back to this small county to take a vacation.

When he learned that I had enrolled in the self-study program, he said.


I nodded, “I’m a new man.”

“After some small talk, I said goodbye to Lu Yu.

Probably due to a work injury, he stayed put, rubbing up his knees and stretching his joints.

She continued where she left off earlier.

“…… I all remember, there was an arts festival, to your program.

It was a man on stage, looking quite thin, wearing glasses, hair is also long, like a music.

We were all surprised and said, “Eh, why is there a new guy?

“Then we realized it was you.

You were dressed like that.

“She said.

“I think it was a foreigner’s song.

“She remembered something.

“Don’t cry,” I said, smiling, “for the gunflower.

‘ We didn’t get very far.

Looking back, Lu Yu was visibly frozen in place.

There was more than a hint of fear in the way he looked at me.

The fear of making a big mistake.

Twenty-one – murder memories – 1 that literary festival, I and my girlfriends together to participate.

Both were girls from poor families and always had a strong friendship.

I dressed up as a guy, she was sweet and sweet, and we, together, sang that song.

Anddon’tyoucrytonight Tonight you don’t cryThere’saheavenaboveyoubaby Heaven is above you, baby GunsN’Roses song.

2 My boyfriend, is a playboy.

I’ve never lied about that one.

It’s just a matter of each getting what they want.

I enjoy his youth, his good looking skin.

From time to time we went to the countryside, by a deserted river, to do that.

I loved it, the thrill of it.

Later, he publicized that we were lovers.

Everyone believed we were lovers, and I didn’t refute it.

Sort of my reward for him.

3 That year, after finding out about that disease, I dropped out of school.

I stayed at home and prepared for the self-test in the fall.

In fact, I was tired of it, that uninteresting environment.

Me, my girlfriends, and my boyfriend, we still meet up and hang out.

That May, in order to be able to continue to be together.

My boyfriend came up with a solution: buy him and my BFF, two sets of cheating equipment.

Only in this way, they both have the opportunity, and I on the same provincial key.

I was a little disgusted that he took the initiative to seek my reward.

But indeed, I can not let go of my girlfriends, as for him, only as a piggyback.

I contacted the local woman and ordered two sets of equipment for them.

But I later realized why my boyfriend wanted to go to the same college as my BFF.

4 It was the BFF who told me.

One weekend, my boyfriend called her and told her that I was at his house and invited her to come over and hang out with him.

But when BFF went, she realized that I wasn’t even there.

The things he did to her at his house are a nightmare that BFF can’t forget.

She was timid, she was afraid, and she had wanted to hide the secret for the rest of her life.

But, June came, and there were exams coming up.

She realized that in her stomach, there were signs of life.

She didn’t tell anyone, she just cried and told me.

During that time, my boyfriend and I argued almost every day.

5 That evening, the evening when death came.

I got the cheating device, and my boyfriend called me to a big stall.

He was very happy, and he took credit for having solved that mess once and for all.


He said the bitch wanted to go to the hospital to get an abortion. Going to the hospital, wouldn’t that let the parents know?

Wouldn’t that jeopardize his career?

So, he to her, “slightly” move a little punch, no accident, that tire, has died in the stomach.

“All is well.

“He said that.

Those descriptions of him beating her, flooded into my ears.

I couldn’t control it any longer, and I hid my face and cried.

He didn’t know that my fights with him were never because he cheated on me.

Rather, it was because he bullied my best friend.

6 Later, he suggested going to the suburbs to swim in the river, and I knew that he wanted to do that kind of thing.

I said okay, after these drinks, I’ll go with you.

He is nothing but my pet.

He shouldn’t have hurt my best friend.

There’s only one thing that can happen to a pet who hurts someone.

I poured him a lot of wine.

7 That evening, we went to the river.

I kept putting it off, telling him to wait before doing it.

Finally, he gradually got tipsy, we sat on the bank, he leaned on my shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

The night grew dark.

Received my text message in advance of the girlfriends, also arrived here.

She looked at me timidly, but I did not allow her to refuse.

We took off his clothes and pushed him violently into the river.

He floated away with the current and suddenly choked, which woke him up.

It was too late; he was unable to keep his balance and was sinking and struggling in the water.


He was asking for help, that moment.

I stood on the shore, watching him coldly.

His struggles grew feeble.

My girlfriend pulled the corner of my coat, “Isn’t it just to punish him ……” “Wait a little longer.

“He’s running out of steam.” “I said, wait a little longer.

“I said, wait a little longer.”

“My best friend looked at me with fear.

Darkness encroached and enveloped everything.

We could no longer make out our boyfriend’s figure, but only heard the sound of a feeble struggle.

The sound eventually faded away, leaving a dead silence.

8 My girlfriend tried to go down to the river, but I firmly stopped her.

“Give him artificial respiration.

We have to get him to the hospital ……” She saw a hint of hostility on my face.

“He’s dead.

” I said, “There’s no air left.

” “Take him to the hospital, we’re going to shoot him!” Becoming a murderer was something I knew my best friend couldn’t accept.

She still wanted to go down to the river to save him, and I held her firmly.

“Think about it. Can we afford to pay for it with the conditions of our two families?

! Money for human life!” She resisted violently, and we were close to wrestling.

Just then, far up the bank, there was a shout, like thunder.

“Are you all right?

What’s the matter-” It was a passing peasant woman who had heard our commotion.

I looked back in horror as a startled bird flew away.

The night was shrouded, and no one could be seen in that shade.

But I knew that someone was there, right there.

My best friend tried to call for help, but I grabbed my arm hard.

I stared straight at BFF, lowered my voice, and told her, “Think about your parents.

“This money, it could kill them.”

“9 BFF stopped struggling, she was silent.

Acquiescing to my shouted response, I supported the peasant woman;10 the night was dark and dead silent.

The BFF could not stop trembling.

I said, “I’ll tell the police that I came swimming with him this afternoon.

We had a fight, a young couple, it’s normal to have a conflict.

So, I went home early, and he was still swimming in the river.

I didn’t realize that there was such an accident.

“I turned back and said, “But if the police come and ask you.

” “You’re going to tell them that during this time, he and I have been fighting almost every day.

“You’re going to tell them that I said he doesn’t have me in his heart anymore.

I wish he were dead so he’d be mine forever.

“That’s what you say to anyone who asks.

“The lady friend could not stop shivering, either from cold or from fear.

She could not speak.

I slapped her! I slapped her, hard.

“Repeat it.

Slap.” Another slap.

She stammered then, “You …… you always fight.

You wish he was dead …… so he would always be yours ……” I nodded.

I had to take her little phone, deleting the text message in it, in which I asked her to come to the river.

“You weren’t here this afternoon.

You don’t know what happened, understood.

” “Understood …… “11 “But ……” Finally, my girlfriend gathered her courage and asked me, “Why do you want me to say that you wish he was dead.

In this way, your suspicion ……” “Because, I have to tell three lies.

” I said.

“Each lie is an escalation of the last; and with any luck, the matter will be over by the time the first one is told.

“For the second lie, I’m going to make up someone who doesn’t exist.

I’ll tell the police that he forced me to tell the first lie.

This non-existent person will take all the blame.

“But a non-existent person is still a risk of falsification.”

“That’s why I need your words to the police to start my third lie.”

“In the third lie, I will admit that the first lie, and the second lie, were both fabricated by me.

I’m a criminal, and I must pay the price.

“However, I will modify part of the truth to make the price negligible.”

“For example, I’ll change intentional killing to saving lives.”

“They will believe my altered truth 100%.”

That’s where it’ll all end.

“Why ……”, my best friend wondered, “I looked straight at the river, dark and cold.

“People will only believe the clues that are exposed, the stories that match their instincts.

” I said, “as well as, what they finally dig up, after all the hard work, “the truth” I said, “the one who digs up the “third lie” …… what kind of person do you think, will it be?

” BFF couldn’t answer.

Instead, I smiled, somehow filled with anticipation.

Whoever he is, he will be, in disguise, an accomplice in getting us off the hook.

“Don’t you think that would be fun.

” I murmured to myself.

13 The darkness of the night.

I can’t take you back, you’ll be seen, walk back yourself.”

“After explaining everything, I said to my best friend.

“Good luck, Toadstool.

“That was the last thing I said to her.

I waited for my BFF to leave for a long time before I moved to leave.

I hummed as I walked home.

That’s the most serene night road I’ve ever traveled.

Anddon’tyoucrytonightThere’saheavenaboveyoubabyThe kingdom of heaven is above you, babyTwenty-two or thirty-three years later, in a small county.

At the point of getting off work, pedestrians are lazy.

On the street, Lu Yu and I looked at each other.

“Who in the world are you ……” Finally, he returned the question to me.

The body has been buried, the evidence has been destroyed by time.

Knowing the answer, after three years, what could he do.

I smiled, and that smile was sweet.

“I’m a gunflower, Officer Lu.

” -end

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