What’s it like to have a boyfriend who’s a doctor?

What is the experience of having a boyfriend who is a doctor?

My boyfriend, in person, did my gynecological surgery.

This is fate, wonderful ah ~ bared …… the blue partition curtain was pulled open.

The young male doctor adjusted the disposable medical gloves, raised those deep and cold eyes and looked at me, his tone was impatient: “Why are the pants still not off?

“The female intern beside me looked helpless, “I’ve just been trying to persuade her!” I pinched the side of my jeans tightly, licked my lips, and winced as I opened my mouth, “Can I …… get a different female doctor?

“”Can’t!”” He refused with an expressionless face, “Today is March 8 Women’s Day, the female doctors in the department have a half day off.

Hurry up, there are many patients behind you.

“Dying, why didn’t I think of this one.

My eyes reddened, “Then can I trouble you, doctor, to carry me there?

“The male doctor seemed to be trying his best to hold back, his dark jewel-like eyes a mixture of impatience and anger, he began to take off his gloves: “If you are not satisfied with me, you can go to the next room!” Next door is a greasy, middle-aged, bald uncle! I let out a wail in my heart and hurriedly tugged on his sleeve, my voice was very low: “Doctor, I haven’t been in love or had sex, I …… am a little nervous.

“Especially still surrounded by a combination of men and women.

I think I’m a sophomore who is not yet under twenty years old, motherhood single for so many years, but I got a gynecological disease! When the school nurse asked me to go to the regular hospital as soon as possible for examination and treatment, I was about to explode in place.

It was hard to muster up the courage to come over, but it turned out to be a male doctor.

Of course I know that in the eyes of their professionals, this is no different from pork in the market, but I can’t get over this hurdle in my heart.

He was stunned, put his gloves back on, turned his back, and his tone calmed down a bit, “Relax, our doctors are professionals, it won’t have any effect on you in the future!” A few minutes later, I lay back with my eyes closed, such a shameful position simply made me so embarrassed that I could not wait to screw up my head and stuff it under the blanket.

Well soon, his cool voice with a metallic texture rang out, “It’s ready!” I quietly opened a crack to find him tidying up with his back turned, while the female intern winked playfully at me, signaling that I didn’t need to be so concerned.

I pulled on my pants in a flash, scurried out of bed, whooshed through the curtain, and sat down demurely in the chair where I’d been questioned earlier.

Pretending nothing had happened.

He soon followed suit, in a formulaic tone, “Go out and wait for the lab results, and bring them straight to me when they come out!” The results came out already dark, I took the list over and found no one in his office.

Maybe he’s off duty.

Then let the next door uncle look, anyway, the most humiliating part has already passed.

I was about to knock on the door of the middle-aged doctor next door when a cool voice rang out, “Didn’t I tell you to look for me?

“When I turned around, I saw him standing behind me.

He was at least one meter eight, with an excellent jawline, the curvature of the raised knot in his throat was like a small hill, his nose was high and straight, his eyes were narrow and upturned, and his eyelids were deeply lined.

When gazing at people, there is an ineffable flavor in the coldness.

The setting sunlight through the window will wrap him, pulling out a long shadow, will be my all pouring in.

Before, I was so focused on being nervous that I didn’t realize he was so good looking.

And this eyebrows and aura, with my ten or so years old when I liked the next door brother is still a bit like.

I followed him into the consultation room with a red face like a little daughter-in-law, and the female intern was not there.

I whispered, “I thought you were off work!” His voice had little ripple, “No, I’m still waiting for you!” Ah …… this! If you hadn’t given me a gynecological exam, I should have had a heart attack.

“Moldy vaginitis!” “Based on your previous description, it would be caused by going to a pool with substandard hygiene and not wearing the correct swim trunks.

“He made the diagnosis, and prescribed a lot of medicines, dictated some precautions, eat a light diet, pay attention to personal hygiene, don’t wear too tight pants and inferior underwear, keep it ventilated and breathable, and so on.

“Thank you doctor!” I lowered my head, silently thinking in my heart: how does this keep ventilation?

But I didn’t dare to ask more, it was too shameful.

On the contrary, he seemed to be because close to the end of the day, the whole person relaxes quite a lot, the tone of voice is clear and cold, the tone is still mild: “With the medication, you can get well soon, do not need to have too much pressure, this kind of disease is also very common!” “Oh!” He tapped the table again, signaling me to look at the QR code on his cell phone, “This is my WeChat, you add it, you can come for a review if you feel no pain, and if you have any questions during this period, you can consult me at any time!” Ah?

Doctors are so responsible nowadays?

I wrung my hands and tried to refuse, “Do you have to add every patient?

“He frowned and knocked on the table impatiently, “Hurry up, I’m getting off work.

“The moment he had a bad attitude, I wimped out, hurriedly scanned the code, sent a friend request over, and then left in a hurry with my health insurance book.

I deliberately glanced at the electronic screen at the entrance of the clinic when I was leaving, and it turned out that his name was Meng Zhi.

Quite a nice name.

It was only after ten o’clock in the evening that he passed my friend request, and his WeChat name turned out to be his real name.

It must be to fulfill the hospital’s mission, and it’s still a work number, so I didn’t take it seriously and let him lie in the address book.

I took the medicine on time for five days, felt the pain greatly reduced, the physical state is also much better.

This evening from the library out, roommate girlfriends asked me to go to jerk.

Because of the discomfort, I have not eaten a snack for half a month, and now that my body is quite comfortable, I can’t help but feel a little light.

Not only did I order the spicy chicken wings, but I also asked my best friend to take a picture of me with the caption, “Dry these four big chicken wings ~ save your weight loss for tomorrow!” After I finished my meal, I hadn’t even swallowed it yet, when a voice call came in on my cell phone.

It was from Meng Zhi.

My hand shook and the chicken wings fell on the table.

Ever since fourth grade, when I didn’t follow the doctor’s instructions to take my medication, causing my condition to recur, and was lectured by the doctor for a full twenty minutes, I’ve had a psychological shadow over doctors.

Especially doctors with bad attitudes.

I’d immediately wimp out if they gave me a hard time.

I cleared my throat and pressed the answer button.

Before I could say hello, his voice came over, fast and vaguely impatient, an affirmative, “You’re having a barbecue!” “Ah …… me ……” “I have instructed you to eat a light diet, you eat chicken wings accounted for spicy greasy two, which is not conducive to your physical recovery, the And it’s also baked and burnt, it’s easy to cause cancer if you eat it.

“”What doctors hate most is patients like you who don’t follow medical advice!”” The chicken wings in my …… hand suddenly don’t smell good, I laughed dryly two times: “In fact, I’m just posing for a picture, our young people are like this.

“You already have a generation gap with our young people.

Heh …… phone over there came a cold laugh of unknown meaning, followed by a ruthless questioning: “Is your disease well?

“”I don’t feel any more pain!”” In fact, there is still a little pain, but I am afraid that he will scold, so I told a small lie.

“Why don’t you come for a review if it doesn’t hurt?

“”I ……” his tone could not be refused: “Come tomorrow, I will be there!” After saying that, and without waiting for my refusal, he hung up the phone.

My girlfriend disliked the chicken wings to my mouth, “Eat it!” I shook my head with a pained face, “I can’t eat it, you can eat it slowly by yourself, I’m going to the road to slow down.

“Girlfriend tugged me, raised eyebrows:” You ordered your own share, to pay oh! I can bear the risk of getting fat to help you digest it.

“Ah! What kind of world is this! I can’t eat and I have to pay for it and watch people get it, so angry.

Damn Dr. Meng.

My best friend ate too much, when she went back, she hung on my neck and walked, listening to me spit, she inhaled, “Ting’er, he wouldn’t like you, right!” “No way! What kind of person likes someone in that tone?

He’s very mean.

“”But how come I’ve never seen such a responsible doctor?

“”He’s quite young, maybe he just joined the workforce, so he has the passion to perform!”” The next day to follow-up, called my number is actually a female doctor, I was overjoyed, the beauty of the clinic, nimbly ready to go to their own behind the curtain to take off their pants.

Just at this time, the rear collar was lifted and held.

Meng Zhi’s cool voice rang out, “Elder sister, this patient was previously seen in my place, this time also handed over to me!” Before I could resist, I was dragged into his consulting room and the door snapped shut! There was the usual questioning, and I was in a familiar bed again, with the same familiar female intern.

She remembered me and winked at me with a smile.

Dr. Meng’s deep eyes ruffled my legs and frowned, “Why are you dressed like that?

“Right now, it’s still March, the sky is still cool, but both of my legs are naked and exposed to the air, and what’s even more embarrassing is that my legs are still dry with white flakes of skin vaguely visible.

I smiled sarcastically, “I was wearing a pair of pantyhose, but they were scratched by a boy’s umbrella while I was squeezing the subway.

“A big hole was unsightly, so I simply took them off, and the boy insisted on paying me a hundred bucks, and I even made sixty! I couldn’t find a place to buy socks along the way, and I was afraid I’d miss my appointment, so I had to just come to the hospital first.

Dr. Meng let out a long breath, looked at me with a look of powerlessness, and finished his examination in a numb manner.

When I went out he had a bad tone, “Go buy a pair of pants and put them on, if you catch a cold it’s bad for your recovery.

“Oh …… fierce! I got up and opened the door, and the next patient rushed in, and I heard him say gently, “I’m sorry, that patient just now was a repeat visit and took up your time.

“Big sister smiled:” Nothing nothing, I understand!” I frantically spit inside: I don’t understand ah, why are you so gentle to others and mean to me ah! I turned around and found a pair of stockings in the hospital’s kiosk, thin, at most 28 at somebao, here they are going for 68.

My heart was dripping blood, but I was afraid that I would be thrown off again if I took the list to him later, so I endured the pain and bought them.

But wear is a lot of warm.

As usual, I didn’t get the report card until it was almost dark, and there were no more two patients.

I took the list and handed it to him, his eyebrows immediately frowned: “The recovery is not very good, have you taken your medication on time?

“I cut to the chase, “Yes!” He raised his head from the diagnostic sheet, and those black eyes fell on me fixedly, as if he wanted to cut open my soul, and asked, “Yesterday’s barbecue, are you not ……” “No no … …” I hurriedly waved my hand, “I really did not eat, I swear, if I lie, I end of the period all hang!” This oath of mine was too lethal, he finally averted his gaze, his slender fingers tapping on the desktop, seemingly pondering why.

The air fell into an eerie silence, I licked my lips and was about to open my mouth when he suddenly asked, “Have you always worn these pantyhose?



I was confused, but answered truthfully, “All the little girls at our school wear them like this!” How nice it was.

My legs still look good in socks! “Do you wash your socks separately from your close-fitting pants, if you mix them, it’s likely to cause the condition to move away.



“Yes, yes ……” I hesitantly replied, “but I throw them in a basin to leave them overnight after bathing.

Then rinse under running water the next day.

“”Why don’t you keep it separate ……” Oh my God! Is this a questioning or a forced confession.

I was weak and wimpy: “Uh …… because I only have one basin!” Originally there was another one, accidentally broke, I was too lazy to buy, anyway, the dormitory building has a washing machine, other clothes are thrown in, only intimate clothing to wash themselves.

He let out a short, helpless sigh and started prescribing medication.

I took my health insurance card and fled the scene at a rapid pace, and after taking the medicine I was ready to go back to school, when Dr. Meng suddenly appeared behind me in a mysterious manner.

“Let’s go, take you to the hospital cafeteria for dinner!” Every cell of mine wrote refusal, but his reason was very grand: “To demonstrate to you what is the correct diet.

“I …… you give others to demonstrate to go ah, I am not a three year old child.

But I see his cold and impatient eyes on the goat ah! Complained to follow him.

The whole time I have no right to choose.

Even the bill was refused, because the internal cafeteria all swipe the employee card.

The food is cheap, a meat cake and steamed egg is only three dollars.

Our cafeteria sells it for eight dollars! So cheap, Dr. Meng actually only ordered four dishes, and one was vegetarian.

How can this small portion be enough for two people? You don’t want me to watch him eat, do you? Stingy.

It turns out I was overthinking it. He’s the one who’s watching me eat.

He didn’t even take off his mask! Is he so ugly that he can’t see people?

“Dr. Meng, aren’t you going to eat?

“”I had a late lunch and I’m not hungry yet!”” “You wear a mask in the cafeteria, don’t you feel stuffy?” “Used to it.

“”I’m used to it!”” His tone was flat, dragging the steamed egg with meatloaf in front of me over to him, meticulously picking at the scallions sprinkled on top with the extra pair of chopsticks he had asked for.

I was shocked, “Dr. Meng how did you know I don’t eat scallions?

“His movements froze slightly, and he was silent for about five seconds before he said, “Scallions are also an irritant, eat them sparingly!” Is that so?

I always felt that things were a bit off! Could it be that this Dr. Meng really likes me?

It couldn’t be! We haven’t met before, and although I’m a little cute, I’m by no means the type to let someone fall in love with me after seeing me twice.

Don’t get carried away, young lady! Forget it! For problems I can’t figure out, my rule is to think about it tomorrow.

Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many more tomorrows until one day I forget about it! He finished picking the scallions and handed me the steamed egg with meatloaf, “You eat first, I’m going to go do something!” So it’s time to go?

I was filled with joy and watched his departing back, leaving behind the tears of a dry cook.

Having someone to stare at was just too much to let go.

Now I can finally bring out my true strength.

I puffed and puffed and ate very well, the taste was much better than our school’s cafeteria, and I wouldn’t dare to order four dishes in the cafeteria with bravado.

Dr. Meng is actually quite generous! My mouth was stuffed like a goldfish, and when I raised my eyes, I found that the disappeared Dr. Meng had reappeared.

He was standing on the opposite side of the room looking straight at me.

I wrapped my mouth around a mouthful of rice and let out a long, frightened burp, accidentally leaking out the rice.

Oh, my God! Find a hole and bury me! My face reddened all the way to the base of my neck, “Dr. Meng …… burp …… why are you back …… burp… … “He took out a gaudy rose-red basin with a diameter of about forty centimeters from behind his back and put it on the seat next to mine: “This is the basin you’re missing, bring it back and remember to wash your clothes separately.

“On the subway, almost everyone stared at the big basin in my hand.

I have no waves on the surface, inwardly crazy roar: why buy me this kind of grandma with foot wash basin?

A fairy like me doesn’t deserve a pretty pink basin with a diameter of twenty-five centimeters?

When I entered the school, I met a lot of acquaintances.

I couldn’t wait to clasp my head with this basin, which was deep enough anyway! Back in the dormitory, a few roommates heard about the origin of this basin commanded emotion: so romantic, this is your love token ah! I’m going to blow up! Plug them into their arms, to give them this embroidered good luck, but they do not want …… big basin or my! Ou …… this soulful love token.

Before the end of the sleeper session, I solemnly said, “I think Dr. Meng is very much like my first love, you guys say it can’t really be him, right?

“Cut …… everyone scoffed:” “You last time on the road to see a big brother also said so.

“”And the last time ……”” “What does the person look like, in fact, you have forgotten it!”” Speaking of this first love of mine, it was really a poignant love story.

He is my neighbor’s big brother, called Shen Ru.

Seven years older than me, I was in fourth grade that year, he had already been in the second year of high school.

He was white, thin, tall and cold.

At that time, the little girl already has the concept of like, friends have said they like who who who, I in order to be able to blend in with everyone but also appear to be a maverick, said that like Shen resignation.

Everyone thought I was cool.

A group of little girls got together to write a love letter, saying whoever doesn’t send it out is a puppy.

I also copied a copy of it, probably meaning, brother Shen Zhi, you wait for me, I will marry you in the future, to be your wife to give you children.

In fact, I was a little bit old at that time, and I didn’t know what the process of giving birth to a child was.

I sent the letter out that night.

The next day, when I went to school, I found that all of them did not give it to me! I was the only one who did.

They even laughed at me: they said you are so tigerish, but really gave ah.

I’m not a tiger I don’t know, but I would like to call them a slap.

After waiting for a few days, Shen Zhi actually moved away.

I realized that he had to go back to his hometown to participate in the college entrance examination, in order to adapt, a year in advance to go back.

Hey! My youthful love ended this way, how pure and poignant.

Since then, I have decided, even if I can not remember what he looks like, but he is my first love never waver.

This night I also dreamed of him, I called Shen Zhi brother, he turned around, wearing a mask, holding a large red basin, alive to scare me awake.

I felt out my cell phone and found that he sent me a weibo at eight: what to wear today, remember to take a picture and give it to me! This is all to check?

I washed up and took a full body photo in the mirror.

He quickly returned the message: jeans are too tight, wear loose, in addition, below the waist on the line, do not need to show your face.

I …… so are you cutting me in two?

The next few days, I put those two pressed sweatpants over and over again.

Once a day on time for his waist cut.

I was beyond looking forward to the follow up appointment because never again did I want to wear sweatpants.

Finally, a week later, I was feeling much better and went to the hospital first thing in the morning.

My girlfriend said that Dr. Meng was cold-hearted and asked me to bring something to thank him, after all, he even bought dinner.

It makes sense! I then spent a huge amount of money to buy a pocket of pears from the school to squeeze the subway to bring over.

Pears are the symbol of departure, what a good sign! Of course there is near the hospital, but the thief expensive, I a student party, of course, can save.

When I arrived at the place, he was not there.

The woman who called the number was the same doctor who called me last time, and she communicated with me in a nice voice, with a very good attitude.

But I was inexplicably a little lost.

Carrying the pear around the whole department, I couldn’t find him. While waiting for the report, I went to the hospital’s mini-mart and found the same big face bowl he gave me, a big pile of it was there! I scanned them, and ghostly asked, “No rose-colored ones?

The young clerk shook her head, “No, it was the last one left, but it was bought out last week.”

Dr. Meng bought it?” “How do you know?

“”How do you know?

“Ah …… my heart can not say what kind of feeling.

It turned out that he had picked the unique enamel-red one out of thousands of ugly washbasins.

Was it deliberate, or just random?

The results of this review were good, and the doctor said that the medication could be stopped, and the next step was still to pay more attention to diet and hygiene cloud.

I couldn t help but send him a WeChat: I am well! Dr. Meng, the river and lake will not see you again.

He replied: Uh-huh.

Tch! Pluck that what ruthless, performance to the hands of the no matter what I have, do not care about my favorable comments?

All the way grudges squeeze the subway, to the school gate found him ten minutes ago there is another: “hospitals do not need to see you again, Jianghu or have the opportunity.

“There is a fart chance oh.

Our lives did not intersect at all.

The next evening, my mom called me and said Shen Zhu contacted her and learned that I was also in CS and wanted to ask me to meet! What kind of divine drama is this.

Our entire dormitory is high, together for me and my first love god after eight years again reunited excited, all out for me to create a fresh and sweet but not lose a little sexy look.

About in the school neighborhood Starbucks, he said he was on the second floor, wearing a black jacket.

I took one step in my heels and eased my way up the stairs and caught a glimpse of the man sitting by the window.

He has a clean short black hair, sitting straight, white and long fingers, and dark coffee cups reflect, there is an indescribable beauty.

There is also the half side face, high nose, perfect lip line …… I am going to die! About hearing the movement, he turned his face.

I clearly saw his facial features, and then, time was frozen in this instant.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief.

It can’t be! It couldn’t be such a coincidence.

He stood up and smiled slightly, as if 10,000 years of ice melted, “What are you standing there for, come and sit!” This familiar voice line.

I’m going to blow up.

I’m going over my ass! I grabbed my bag and fled, today for the sake of beauty, wearing a girlfriend’s eight centimeters high heel, downstairs when an excited, only to hear a gada sound, foot seems to be broken.

I do not care about the pain to continue to flee, but my arm was held by a person, Meng Zhi’s tone returned to impatience: “Just now is not a broken foot, come over and let me see!” I don’t! . who is this one?

“I lowered my eyes and looked, what a coincidence.

This pair of people below is Zhang Zhao, the class grass of our class, and his girlfriend Su Qing.

Freshman year that will, I and Zhang Zhao relationship is good, there is a period of time is very ambiguous, everyone thought we will be together.

But I did not expect a summer vacation past, he suddenly had a girlfriend, and also several times implied that I do not like him, looking for their own happiness.

I …… haven’t actually confessed to you, right, you don’t want to be so self much OK.

What is even more hateful is Su Qing, has been treating me as an imaginary enemy, even if the two of them together on the road ran into me, all collapsed face contemptuous look at me.

This piece of shit of yours, I still can’t look at it.

Right now, the two were looking at me with burning eyes.

I stood up straight and kept my smile, “Ah …… he is my happiness ah!” Zhang Zhao’s face became ugly in this instant, while Su Qing pulled the corner of his mouth with a leathery smile, “It’s your boyfriend ah, looks a few years older than us!” “Older is good ah, mature and stable, you don’t understand la!” I deliberately whined and shook Meng Zhi’s next door, “Ah Zhi, my feet hurt, you help me to sit over there!” I didn’t even dare to look him in the eyes, only silently praying in my heart that he must cooperate with my performance.

People fight for their breath, I’m just so naive.

Between the apprehension, I felt him leaning close to me, and the familiar smell of disinfectant wrapped me up.

I don’t like this smell very much, just think so, I feel my body a light, my whole person was his horizontal hold up.

He looked very thin, but hugging nearly a hundred pounds of me, surprisingly no effort.

I subconsciously want to struggle, but he came to my ear and whispered: “Don’t move, I’m cooperating with you to act.

“The tone is still a little impatient.

I immediately wimped out and was obediently carried to his position and sat down.

He crouched on one knee and retired my high heels.

The hand that had been holding the coffee cup earlier took hold of the ball of my foot and gently rotated it, asking, “Does this hurt?

“”This way it ……” hissed …… me lightly inhaled, he immediately eased the action:” It should be no big deal I’ll go buy some medicine and spray it in a while, and before that, change your ill-fitting high heels.””I’ll go back to my house and spray it.

“I’ll go back to the dormitory to change.

“”Change them now!”” Where to change now, there is no place to buy shoes here …… I was bellyaching, I saw him take out a bag from the side of the table.

Open the inside is actually a pair of deep pink sneakers, the most basic style, pink intolerance, straight male aesthetic, square dance aunts may not like the kind of color.

He explained succinctly, “A meet and greet gift, and ……” He drew out another bag, which was actually three pairs of identical pink branded cotton socks.

“Often wear chemical fiber socks easy to have foot odor, cotton socks are more suitable for you!” I …… this instant, I don’t even know in addition to thank you, what else can I say.

Too touched, you sent me a big basin before, now send me shoes and socks, next time is not a bath towel?

He bought medicine in the pharmacy next door, sprayed and helped me change shoes in Zhang Zhao and Su Qing complex gaze downstairs, sitting on his Audi A3 parked downstairs.

During the epidemic school control, foreign vehicles can not enter, he stopped in front of the school, but also said to help me back to the dormitory, where I dare ah! I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m sure I’ll be able to do it.

Back to the roommates said, we are touched wow wow wow wow.

Said that you are destined destiny, completely is the hero and heroine of the romance novel ah! I rolled my eyes: can’t you guys see his killer aesthetic?

And don’t you guys feel super awkward?

He is, but he has examined me in that area me! I don’t have any secrets left in front of him.

Roommates laugh and laugh: flaws don’t cover up excellence, if you don’t like it or share his contact information ah! I can’t do that.

How can I share it with you hungry wolves?

This bad temper, this aesthetic that makes people’s souls tremble, it is better for me to bear it alone.

But Zhang Zhao and Su Qing’s shocked, disbelieving, and slightly envious expressions today are so relieving.

Roll aside.

Noble fairies can not look at mundane people like you, I have a prince who drives an Audi pull.

Although I was spitting mad with my roommates, I was blushing with shame when I thought of the way he squatted down and held my feet.

I disliked my foot to my best friend’s face in the next bed and asked, “Do you smell my feet?

” which resulted in a few fat punches with a pillow from her.

His status changed from doctor to deceased, as if something was different.

I realized that it was after his aunt remarried that he took his stepfather’s last name, and according to him, his stepfather was also very good to him, treating him as if he were his own.

As long as they don’t meet, chatting along the net seems to be less awkward.

But he is busy, every time I returned my message is very concise.

Chatting I really can not help, a slight accusation: “You before every time I let me take a half-body photo, it’s very ugly, next time to other patients do not be like this.

“”I don’t add other female patients microsoft!”” Ah …… So I’m the unique one?

My heart thumped.

“Also, if you show your face, it will affect my judgment and work.

” he added.

I rolled on my bed with my phone.

This was teasing me, definitely! But I was a wimp, so I could only silently rejoice and didn’t dare tease back.

The next day I went to class and realized that my health insurance book had actually been left in my book bag and I forgot to take it out.

I pulled it out and other books together on the table, recess when I went to the bathroom with my girlfriends, came back to see Su Qing actually in the flip my health insurance book.

I immediately rushed over and snatched it down: “Su Qing you are sick ah, you do not go through my things without my permission!” Su Qing sneered, “Casually flipping, I didn’t think you actually got an STD!” Saying that, she pulled out wet tissue out to wipe her hands, a look of fear of being infected by me.

“What are you talking nonsense, I’m just a common disease ……” There are boys in the class, I have a thin skin, gynecological disease three words can not speak, only angry eyes red.

The girl friend will protect me behind: “Su Qing you don’t full of shit, you didn’t go through Tingting’s permission, privately look through her medical insurance book, this is an invasion of her privacy! If you keep whining, we’ll sue you, my boyfriend is in law school!” Zhang Zhao also went and pulled Su Qing, who temporarily settled down.

But this matter didn’t go away.

People in the class looked at me with a strange gaze, especially Su Qing also told people that I found an older boyfriend who drives an Audi.

People had rumors in private: that I had contracted the disease because I was indiscreet outside.

Gynecological disease is also a little shame, I am a fairy can not pull the face of loud defense, explain these people do not believe, maybe can copy my medical records, but I do not want to expose their privacy.

Rumors of this thing, the source can not be found, I just feel aggrieved and speechless.

Emotions are very low.

Couldn’t help but send a friend circle with resentment, of course blocking our classmates.

More than an hour later, Meng Zhi’s call came in.

“You’re not happy?

“”Uh, a little!” My tone was wilting and spiritless.

“I have ten minutes, tell me why you’re upset?

“I …… had thought he was going to be warm and soft to comfort me for a few moments, I was expecting too much.

“No, your time is precious, I won’t take it up, bye!” I was ready to hang up the phone, there came his slightly elevated voice: “Wait, I carefully calculated, I can actually move out twenty minutes.

“He slowed down his tone, “You can take your time, I’m listening!” It’s extra impressive when cold people occasionally goad people.

I reddened and whispered all about the past few days.

I choked up when I got to the end, “I’m sorry, I, am I particularly useless, I simply couldn’t stand up in front of everyone and shout: shut up you guys, I don’t have that what’s wrong with me.

“”Shouting doesn’t always help.

This rumor thing is a pain in the ass, don’t mind those people, clear your mind!” His comforting words were a bit dry, but I felt a lot of relief in my heart.

On the other end of the phone came the voice of urgent urging: “Meng Zhi, I’ve been looking for you for half a day, why are you hiding here, all waiting for you!” Ah! It turned out that he really had something important.

I said a thank you and hurriedly hung up the phone.

His WeChat soon came in: I’m attending an important further education, these days not CS, do not think too much, wait for me to come back! A few hours later, the takeout called me and said I had something arrived.

The school recently epidemic control, I repeatedly confirmed that it was my stuff, doubtful to the north school gate to get it.

OH…… was two cases of glucose rehydration solution.

Kinda fits him as a doctor.

But it was 24 bottles! A certain group of errand boys looked at me with a complicated look, “Your boyfriend also had a message saying that drinking something sweet when you’re depressed will make you feel good, I really don’t know whether to say he’s considerate or has a low IQ!” I panted and carried the whole way, thinking about this in my mind.

By the way, I had just forgotten to explain that Meng Zhi wasn’t my boyfriend.

I couldn’t carry it anymore and was ready to call my roommate for emergency help.

At this time, a boy suddenly stopped opposite me, hesitantly opened his mouth, “Are you the …… girl whose stockings I broke?

“Indeed, is so coincidental, he actually is also our school.

Next he easily picked up the two drinks and took it in stride, “Which building do you live in, I’ll help you send it back!” “How embarrassing!” “If you’re embarrassed, then buy me a drink later!” I wanted to carry one myself, but he refused, saying it was nothing to him.

When we arrived at the dormitory, I opened a bottle and handed it to him.

He unscrewed and took a sip, his expression had a moment of speech: “Your taste, quite special!” I laughed a few times.

The special one is not me, it’s Dr. Meng.

He took out his cell phone, “Leave a WeChat, my name is Li Liang, in the future, what physical work, you can find me!” We added WeChat and he saw me enter the dormitory building before he left.

Roommates came to share my glucose drink.

One by one, they lamented: wow …… This is the sweet taste of love.

But if it’s so sweet, why do you guys stop drinking after one sip?

You guys instead drink it all! I opened a bottle myself and slowly sipped it.

It was quite a bit better than expected, and it was really quite sweet.

I laughed silently, sweetness turns out to really make people feel better.

Rumors did not stop, but I myself is much more calm.

Two days later, the class president notified that next week there is a lecture on women’s physical health, it is best for female students to attend, the speaker is our school medical school graduates, is now the chief physician of ** hospital.

The speaker is a graduate of our school’s medical school and is now the chief physician at **Hospital, which is the hospital where I see patients.

Because it counts as an activity credit, and because this kind of lecture is closer to the daily life than others, a lot of people signed up, and there were actually male students.

We all went to the dormitory.

The speaker was Meng Zhi’s senior sister, the doctor who treated me.

When she saw that there were boys there, she smiled gently and said, “All the male students here have a very high level of awareness, and your future girlfriends will all be very fortunate.

“Everyone laughed and the awkward atmosphere eased.

She explained in detail the difference between sexually transmitted diseases and general gynecological diseases, transmission channels, preventive measures.

Finally, she pointed out: “Many people have the misconception that if you don’t have sex, you won’t get these diseases, which is actually a wrong concept. In fact, there was a patient of mine who went to a swimming pool with substandard hygiene and got infected without paying much attention.” “After you get sick, you will be able to get infected.

“”Don’t be shy about getting sick, go to the hospital in time for treatment, and you will soon be cured, and your future life will not be affected in any way. ……”” Said she, she also looked at me with a smile.

The lecture ended in a pleasant atmosphere, the rumors surrounding me do not break down.

Sister after the lecture there are still leaders of the hospital pulling her to talk, I have been waiting in the corridor she must pass through, want to say thank you to her in person.

When she came out, she was answering her phone.

There was no one in the corridor, and her voice wasn’t low enough for me to hear her clearly through a pillar.

“Ah Zhi, you’ve been gone for more than a week, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you!” “You have to treat me to dinner when you come back, I’ve done you a big favor, if you hadn’t asked me, I wouldn’t have come to give this lecture, I’ve been busy as hell.

“”You have to come back soon, I really miss you!”” Elder sister had to rummage for something and put her cell phone on speaker, I heard Meng Zhi’s slightly tired voice coming from the phone, “Tough for you, I also want to come back early, don’t be anxious, it’s almost time.

“At this instant, I only felt that my entire being was splashed with a dipper of ice water.

Froze so hard that I shivered fiercely, my eyes reddened at once.

Elder sister looked over in the direction I was, and I hurriedly shrank my neck, lest I be seen by her.

At night, I hid under the covers and looked through the chat records.

All along, it was always me who said more, and he simply had a few words each time.

A big washbasin, shoes and socks, and a case of drinks meant nothing at all, just the concern of a big brother for his sister.

Mom also said that she asked Meng Zhi to take care of me more.

It is me who overthinks and thinks …… that I am making a fool of myself.

I turned over the chat records again and again, the more and more I felt that his simple replies revealed impatience and perfunctory.

And he often is delayed reply, perhaps is hoping that I can know difficult to retreat.

The next day, my girlfriend heard the story, encouraged me: “Do not make a decision so quickly, you ask him ah! Maybe you misunderstood it.

“I summoned up the courage to send a message over:” resignation brother, do you have a girlfriend ah!” He replied, “Not at the moment, but I have a favorite.

“At the urging of my girlfriends, I continued to ask with red eyes:” Who is it, do I know?

“”Sort of!”” He returned, “As for who it is, I’ll tell you when I get back!” I looked at my best friend with tears in my eyes, and she sighed and hugged me, “Hey, it’s hopeless, cry if you want to!” I cried out with a wow.

It was only at this instant that I realized that even though he had a lot of grooves in him, I really liked him.

This feeling was so strong that I couldn’t eat for several days with a face, and I lost a full three pounds in a week, causing my classmates to ask me what meal replacement I ate to cultivate what kind of fairy.

During this period, Li Liang suddenly appeared in my life.

I could see him in the mini-mart, I could see him in the cafeteria, and I could run into him in my classes.

He also added my girlfriend’s WeChat.

He even invited the whole dormitory to drink milk tea.

The people said that he absolutely wall like me.

Oh,…… I’ve already done it once, do I dare to do it again?

And so what if he likes me, I don’t like him! Dr. Meng will still occasionally contact me, the content is very simple, once also mentioned that he wanted to quickly end the further study.

Probably because he misses his sister.

I don’t want to reply to him, but every time I see his message, I can’t help it.

He does not have a girlfriend, I should not be considered a third party now! He did not return my message, I feel bad, he returned my message, I feel even worse.

So it’s May 1st, my 20th birthday is here.

Roommates intentionally want me to have fun, set the cake and dinner and KTV, a whole set of processes.

Two son-in-laws also came, Li Liang actually also in.

I am not interested, but in order to cooperate with them, or try to keep a smile throughout the whole process, pretending to be very happy look.

After dinner, we all moved to KTV.

Dr. Meng asked me to send him a location.

I didn’t think much about it, so I sent him the location of the KTV and also gave him the box number at his request.

It’s possible that the delivery rider sent me a “special” gift.

I had just sent a message to my friends saying Happy Birthday and thank you to everyone while I was eating.

After we sang a few songs, the music in the box suddenly stopped.

Li Liang, with a red face, held up a Swarovski box and knelt down on one knee: “Yun Ting, I like you, be my girlfriend, okay?

I promise I’ll always be good to you, and I’ll be with you on every birthday you have in the future!” The people in the box started to coax: together together together.

I licked my lips, thinking about how to open my mouth to refuse, when the door was suddenly pushed open.

Meng Zhi, who was holding a large handful of red roses, came in dusty.

Although a glance showed that he was tired, his eyes instantly lit up when he looked at me.

In that instant, he compared the few boys in the box.

He walked straight to me and shoved the large bunch of wilted roses into my hand with a slight smile.

It was as if a dark night had given birth to a pearl: “I came right away as soon as I got off the plane, happy birthday, my future daughter-in-law!” Me?


When did I become your future daughter-in-law.

He pulled out a small self-sealing bag from his pocket, and took out a yellowed letter from inside: “You wrote it yourself, I can keep it all the time, you won’t deny it!” He said, also unfolded to read.

I go, that can be too shameful, I hurriedly tugged his wrist: “Don’t don’t don’t, I recognize I recognize.

“My whole person is dumbfounded, let him hand me the letter, let him take a yellow flash bright blind necklace to me to wear, let him drag me out of the box.

After the KTV, he found a corner to avoid people, and pressed me against the wall and kissed me.

*** A long time later I recalled that kiss, will also laugh at him: your technology is really bad, several times touch my teeth.

In fact, I’m not much better, accidentally also bit his mouth.

He said: is too anxious.

He didn’t expect to go out for further study for less than two months, and there were other wolves coveting my side, and he thought he was the only one who had his eye on my piece of meat.

He was afraid that I would run away with someone else, so he wanted to quickly put his own brand on it.

As for that ambiguous phone call, it was entirely my misunderstanding.

Sister and he is a distant relative, and Sister has been married with children, the reason why he said he wanted him, because he went to further study, Sister scheduling significantly more, work pressure increased, so ……* his taste is still not very good, every holiday gift aesthetic is twisted outrageous.

But I am happy to accept every time, because he put what he thinks is the best thing to me, the heart is expensive, taste can be slowly cultivated.

Although it is a bit difficult.

I guess there’s no such thing as a perfect person, and I should be thankful that I was able to lose it and get it back.

There’s a downside to having a doctor for a boyfriend. He’s too busy and has very little time for dates.

Maybe that’s why every date is precious and fresh.

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