What’s it like to meet your ex?

What is it like to meet an ex?

When I met my ex, I was about to go get a marriage license with my current one.

He suddenly appeared in my company downstairs, a grabbed me into the car when the cramped coupe, I sat in the passenger side.

But I still remember before the breakup, I just learned of his wedding news, I was in the kitchen to cook him sober soup.

Business wine will inevitably drink, Zheng Han stomach is not good, back home to drink some sober hot soup can be a little more comfortable.

Just then, the company WeChat group suddenly exploded.

The president’s office notified that the date of the wedding between general manager Zheng Han and Huo’s group’s first lady, Huo Shiao Shiao, was officially finalized, and several people from the secretary’s office were to be taken out to follow up on the progress of the wedding.

Among them was me.

The steam coming out of the soup pot smoked on my face, and my eyes were sore and a bit uncomfortable.

As Zheng Han’s secretary and secret girlfriend for three years, I think this relationship should end.

In the middle of the night, when Zheng Han came back with the smell of alcohol, I had already packed my bags and was ready to move out of his villa.

As I packed, I realized that I had very, very few things that belonged to me, and a small suitcase had packed up three years of my life.

“Zheng Han, let’s break up.

” I said, placing a letter of resignation on the coffee table, “This is my resignation letter, I wish you a happy new marriage.

”Zheng Han rubbed the corner of his forehead, it seemed like the drunkenness was giving him a headache, ”Li Sisi, I told you that what I’m getting married won’t affect you.

Shinoa and I are just a business marriage, she won’t give you a hard time.

‘ His long slender fingers pressed on the resignation letter and returned it with a gentle push, ”Take the resignation letter away, I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.

“He walked up and stroked my long hair, “Si Si, be good, no matter what you want I will give you, okay?

“He was a straight man of steel, but he was actually willing to coax me in a soft and gentle manner.

To tell the truth, I was a bit surprised.

But I’ve already made up my mind to leave: “Mr. Zheng, when I was with you, I said that not being a mistress is my bottom line.

” 2. From the first day I met him three years ago, I knew Zheng Han was a shrewd businessman.

He can accurately analyze everything around him into profit and loss, which naturally includes his marriage.

Therefore, I never had any delusion that I could marry him.

Zheng Han and together, simply because he is a good man, suitable for love.

I didn’t want to get married, I just wanted to fall in love.

He treated me very well, except for not publicizing his relationship with me, and never treated me poorly in terms of material things.

Our relationship is the most delicate time, I had wrapped my arms around his neck and asked him, around his side of the excellent woman so much, why would it be me.

Zheng Han smiled but did not say, forced to ask anxious, on the body to crush me, he said, he likes my bones of the spirit, like a proud blooming lotus.

At that time I made up my mind, as long as he has another woman, I will never stalker.

But perhaps three years I have developed a habit, accustomed to be beside Zheng Han, by his arms to fall asleep.

After leaving him, for several nights in a row, I had insomnia and tossed and turned.

It is said that 21 days can form a habit, maybe, I just need a little time to adapt to the days without Zheng Han.

  1. Resignation is a pain in the ass, and the handover will take almost another month or so.

Since I unilaterally announced my breakup and moved out of the villa, Zheng Han hasn’t said a word to me again.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but the way he looked at me was like a volcano about to erupt.

Zheng Han is the only son of the president, the future successor of the group, his wedding is a big event for the whole group.

Personnel changes and work handovers have made the originally well-organized secretary’s office a bit hectic, coupled with Zheng Han’s recent inexplicable deterioration in temper, the secretary’s office is almost overflowing with people.

It was at this time that Huo Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared and asked me to go for coffee.

To be honest, I was quite surprised, Zheng Han and I have always been in a secret relationship, and none of my colleagues around me have seen it in the past three years.

But Huo Xiaoshin found me with precision.

In the cafeteria, Huo Xiaoshine calmly pinched her coffee cup and took a sip.

“Aren’t you curious how I knew about your relationship with Zheng Han?

Zheng Han told me herself.

“She looked at me fixedly, “Zheng Han asked me to talk to you.

“About what?

“Zheng Han and I got married just to get what we wanted, and if nothing happens, we’ll get divorced in 5 years.

I don’t care how many affairs he has.

So you don’t have to worry about me targeting you.

” Putting down her coffee cup, she concluded, “Zheng Han cares about you so much that he specifically asked me to explain things to you in person.

“Huo Shiao Shiao left after saying that, leaving me half lost in thought in the cafe.

  1. That night, I was lying on my bed after washing up, thinking back to Huo Shiaoshin’s words over and over again.

Undeniably, I was swayed for a moment, but it was only for a moment, because I knew clearly that Zheng Han would not be the place for me.

For him, marriage is a transaction, without Huo Shiao Shiao, there will still be Zhao Shiao Shiao Qian Shiao Shiao …… and I, there is no bargaining chip worthy of him.

As I tossed and turned, I suddenly heard the familiar sound of an engine coming from downstairs, and my phone rang.

Zheng Han’s car has been modified, and the sound of the engine is very special.

On the phone, his voice was tired and raspy: “Sisi, I’m downstairs with you, come home with me.

“I didn’t say yes and hung up the phone.

Through the window, I saw him leaning against the door of the car, the scarlet light of the cigarette burning between his fingers flickering on and off.

Half an hour later, I heard the engine start again, and he was gone.

Proud as he was, he was slapped in the face twice in a row by me, and couldn’t possibly give me a third chance.

Between me and him, it’s completely over.

  1. After Zheng Han left, I went to a nearby bar alone and ordered two glasses of Zheng Han’s favorite whiskey.

In the glass, whiskey and ice cubes mingled together, reminding me of Zheng Han’s words: “Si Si, you’re like whiskey, on the surface it looks gentle and soft, but it’s the strongest nature.

‘ Alcohol is a good thing, it can make people put down their sanity and forget all their unhappiness.

When I came out of the bar, I was so drunk that I didn’t know where I was going.

When I woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

The sun was warmly spread on my face, and the air was filled with the unique flavor of millet porridge.

In a haze, I was still thinking, although millet porridge nourishes the stomach, but Zheng Han does not like porridge, why should I cook millet porridge.

Suddenly, I realized that something was wrong.

Opening my eyes a room of strangers.

A man in an apron stood at the bedroom door and explained, “I’m your neighbor across the street.

You were drunk last night and I didn’t have a key to your house, so I took it upon myself to take you in for the night.

Don’t worry, I’m not a bad person.

Get up and wash up, I’ve cooked you some congee.

I’ll cook you some congee.” The man said and left.

At the dinner table, I learned that his name was Cheng Yu Heng and he was a doctor.

Last night, I drank myself into a daze, and I threw my cell phone key somewhere, so I couldn’t get into my house, so I sat down in the hallway and went crazy, alerting Dr. Cheng, who had just returned home from operating on a patient after more than ten hours and was catching up on his sleep.

Out of humanitarianism and gentlemanliness, Dr. Cheng gave me his bed and spent the night on the sofa.

Broken memories, fragmented flashed in my mind, and I was so embarrassed that I could pick out a villa with my toes.

There were two boxes of pills on the table with a note underneath, “These pills will soothe an upset stomach, take them as directed.

“The handwriting on the note is iron-drawn and silver-hooked, very durable.

  1. Fortunately, the cell phone keys and bag were just thrown in the downstairs lawn greenery by the drunken me.

Something was picked up by the property security guard and sent to my hand.

The cell phone WeChat prompted me to have an unread message from Zheng Han.

It was a photo and a paragraph of text.

I was slightly surprised, I thought, he will never condescend to take care of me again.

The photo was taken in the villa that belongs to my cloakroom, a variety of brand-name clothes, bags, accessories, together worth a lot of money.

Over the past three years, he has never treated me poorly in terms of material things.

“The stuff is yours, come and take it away yourself.

” I looked at the center of the photo that perfectly interpreted the straight male aesthetic pink armpit bag, that was the first gift he gave me after he and I established a relationship, although I thought it was ugly, but I have been carefully treasured.

And now, none of that matters to me anymore “Those don’t really belong to me, do with them what you will.

“In the past three years, he has taught me many things, and not being greedy is one of them.

I didn’t sell my youth by falling in love with him on the premise of not getting married.

What’s more, the experience I’ve learned from him and the contacts I’ve accumulated are more than enough.

  1. After completing the formalities, I soon jumped to a new company, a promotion and salary increase, but the work is also heavier than before.

In order to figure out the situation of the new company as soon as possible, 996, 007 is the norm for me.

High-pressure work, coupled with irregular diet, in just after I entered the new company’s first big project, just back to the rental community, I felt a spinning, accompanied by stomach turning discomfort, I fainted directly sent to the hospital by passers-by.

I had a stomach hemorrhage, and Dr. Cheng personally operated on me.

When I woke up, the first person I saw was Zheng Han.

He was sitting in front of my hospital bed and seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

“Sisi, why torture yourself so much?

Don’t work anymore, come back, I’ll support you.” I didn’t know how he knew about me.

“I don’t know how he knew I was hospitalized.

But I didn’t want to show the slightest bit of vulnerability in front of him, “Thank you Mr. Zheng.

I’m doing fine.

‘ Zheng Han was furious and stood up abruptly, staring at me.

“It’s only been a few months since you left me, and you’ve put yourself in the hospital, so this is called a good life?

”Perhaps seeing my sick and haggard face, in the middle of the morning, he lowered his volume: ”Li Si Si, except for marriage, I can give you anything.”

“I was pale, trying to pull out a smile: “Zheng Han, from the beginning to the end, you do not understand what I want.

”What I want is equal love.

Not to be adopted, not to be given as a lover.

I decided to break up, not because I couldn’t wait for his five-year contract marriage with Huo Shiao Shiao to end, but I finally woke up to the fact that in his heart, I was never an equal.

“Mr. Zheng, you can go.

I’m sick and it’s not convenient for me to entertain you.

” Zheng Han was still going to speak.

At this moment, the door to the ward suddenly opened, and Cheng Yu Heng walked in carrying a thermos pot, “This gentleman, my girlfriend is hungry, so please come visit another time.

” Finished, he winked at me: “Si Si, I boiled porridge for you, try it, do you like it?

” 8. Zheng Han left with a black face.

After he left, I asked Cheng Yu Heng why he said that.

Cheng Yu Heng shrugged his shoulders: “Against this kind of self-conscious and persistent ex, this is a very useful trick.

“He smiled and handed the congee to me.

“I just want my patients to be able to get well in peace.

“Of course I could tell he liked me, but at the moment, I had no time or energy to deal with a new relationship.

Luckily, after I clearly and politely told him my attitude, I smiled and put the matter behind us.

If we can’t be lovers, we can still be friends.

Cheng Yu Heng was very gentle and funny, a person who made me feel very comfortable.

Exactly sixty-six days after I was discharged from the hospital, Cheng Han and Huo Shiao Shiao held their wedding.

I thought I would be sad.

But strangely, I was actually calm.

I calmly went to work, came home from work, and calmly accepted Cheng Yu Heng’s invitation to go see a movie together.

Saoirse Ronan’s version of Little Women, the story was so movingly filmed that I wet a box of tissues with tears after one movie.

When I walked out of the movie theater, my eyes were as red as rabbits.

Cheng Yu Heng seemed to understand what was going on, and had been silently handing me tissues without asking me why I was crying.

I thanked him for his thoughtfulness.

When I returned home, I slept blindfolded.

That night, I was completely over Zheng Han.

  1. That night, I dreamed all night about the past.

I have a happy family, parents love, except for my father is a seaman, often need to go to sea can not accompany me, everything is very happy.

Until that year, a fierce woman with seven or eight people beat up the door of the house, I learned from the mouths of the people watching that my father had another family.

It turned out that Dad was a liar, he wasn’t a seafarer, he worked in the next province or city.

And my mom was a shameful third party.

I will always remember, that fierce woman saw me, after a hard slap, pointing at my nose, cursing: “third party born bastard, in the future grow up you are also a third party! Her curses, like a nightmare, tormented me.

My parents used their bad experience to give me two revelations: First, marriage cannot be trusted.

Second, never interfere in other people’s marriages.

Meeting Zheng Han was the luckiest thing that happened to me in the first twenty-five years of my life.

In my sophomore year, he gave a speech as an outstanding graduate, and I was an officer of the student union in charge of the graduation ceremony service.

At that time, the school required us to wear uniforms, but coincidentally, I had my period that day and accidentally stained my light-colored uniform with blood.

Zheng Han saw my dilemma and casually threw his suit jacket to me.

At that time, I felt that he was the shining Bodhisattva.

The unique male god in my heart.

During my senior year internship, I finally got the chance to intern at Zheng Han’s company after passing five hurdles and defeating six generals.

My mindset at that time was more like chasing a star than going to work.

I was lucky enough to be assigned to the secretary’s office as an intern.

The secretary’s office and Zheng Han’s office were on the same floor, and it was a great feeling to see my idol every day.

I often found all kinds of reasons to sneak a peek at him.

Zheng Han is an extremely attractive man, watching, I fell in.

When Zheng Han offered to go out with me secretly, I agreed without hesitation.

For three years, he and I lived a romantic and exciting life as if we were underground lovers.

Just when I fell completely, Zheng Han slapped me awake with a fiancée.

He has never taken me as a lover, I am just a canary that he has adopted.

Good thing this canary woke up and crashed out of the birdcage, although the broken wings hurt, but she was free.

In any case, Zheng Han completely disappeared from my life, my feelings back to the sunshine, but also worth celebrating.

  1. It is said that the best way to forget a relationship is to start another one.

So in Cheng Yuheng once again on the pretext of passing by, offered to drive me to and from work, I did not refuse.

Sitting on the passenger side, I looked at him steadily and asked, “Cheng Yu Heng, do you still like me?

“Cheng Yu Heng was slightly stunned and nodded his head, “I like you.

“Then, let’s try to date.

“I wanted to give myself a chance.

My relationship with Cheng Yu Heng seemed to be a natural one.

There was nothing thrilling, just a little bit of getting along, and gradually people around us could see that we were boyfriend and girlfriend.

There were always people teasing Cheng Yu Heng and me: “When are you going to get married?

“To this, Cheng Yu Heng always smiled slightly: “Wait for me to raise Cissy a little fatter, wear a wedding dress to look good”.

His gentle words helped me resolve my embarrassment.

He never gave me the slightest pressure.

He was so good to me that I couldn’t help but imagine what my life would be like after marrying Cheng Yu Heng.

What made me make my final decision was when Cheng Yu Heng and I watched a movie, and a few drunken street youths clashed with us after the show broke up.

Cheng Yuheng took a bottle to the head to protect me.

The blood was all over his face, but he didn’t even bother to ask me if I was hurt.

I cried like a dog, exposing my worst side to him.

After being sent to the doctor for bandaging, he smiled at me with half of his face swollen: “Silly girl, I am the doctor, if I say it’s okay, then it’s okay,” he said.

” “I went to college can learn military boxing, is all forgotten, otherwise that group of punks can not get close to you …… ” “Look at you crying, makeup are spent, do not cry ah, I still have to accompany you a set of cosmetics …… ” “Cheng Yu Heng, you shut up! I sniffled and yelled at him, “Let’s get married!” He froze for a long time, his eyes squeezed by the bandage glittered with a fine light, and he held my hand tightly and said, “Good!” 10. After that, we put getting a license on the agenda, because the new job got busy and I started working overtime.

But when Zheng Han appeared in my company downstairs, a grabbed me into the car, I did not have a little defense.

In the cramped coupe, I sat in the passenger side, his body pressed up, and I face to face.

I could clearly see the stubble on his face, and his cheeks that were much thinner than before.

Although in poor condition, it was still striking.

“Zheng Han, what are you doing?

” My heart was pounding, it was rare for him to be so out of sorts, and it did scare me.

Zheng Han looked at me with reddened eyes, “Si Si, I regret it.

“Seeing my blank stare, he added, “I regret letting you go.

Cissy, come back to me, okay?

He said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I twisted my face to avoid it.

“Mr. Zheng, you are a family man now, aren’t you afraid that Mrs. Zheng will know if you do this?

” The sarcasm in my tone was undisguised.

Zheng Han stared at me, “I’m just in a business marriage with her.

”Zheng Han! I then felt my body’s anger and blood rushing to my heart, I forced myself to hold back the swear words to calm my mind, “Don’t say those words to me again, are you trying to insult me or yourself?

”While Zheng Han was off guard, I pushed him away and pushed the car door open and left.

Just a few steps away, his nervous voice came from behind me, “I know what you care about.

You want our relationship to be honorable, right?

What if I get a divorce?

Will you give me another chance if I get divorced?

Come back to me?

” I stopped violently, turned around and stared at him for a long time, smiled and shook my head, “Zheng Han you stop, you can’t possibly divorce me for me, nor can you possibly marry me.

Once you said to me all kinds of love words, like quenched with poisoned honey, I am willing to eat, also willing to be poisoned.

But now I’m sober.

If you have this time, go and cultivate your relationship with your wife, she is a good person.

” I really did not think about it, so easy to say these words, like all of a sudden to empty the chest, easy.

Zheng Han, that already haggard face just a little bit withered and tightly wrinkled, he hid the scarlet under his eyes, shaking, he pulled out a small book from his pocket, his voice was like plated with a layer of lead.

“I’m divorced from Huo Shiao Shiao, Li Si Si, you haven’t trusted me once since the beginning.

“That red divorce certificate does make my eyes glaze over, but that’s about it.

“Zheng Han, I believed in you from the moment I was with you until the day we broke up.

I thank you for giving me such an ending.

” His whole body seemed to be filled with electricity as if, his eyes fiercely bright, he grabbed my hand, his voice trembled with excitement, “Then you’re willing to come back, that’s great ……” “Zheng Han!” I looked up at him, gently pulled my hand away from his slender fingers, and said incomparably calmly, “I’m sorry, I’ve decided to get married.

” Zheng Han’s face looked like it was reflected in the dark night sky, until I turned to leave, he was not able to say a word in.

It was as if I heard him crying, and I thought I had misheard him.

I went upstairs in front of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows and saw Zheng Han still standing in place, slightly hunched over, motionless.

I had never seen him so pitiful.

He had been standing almost all night, and I had actually finished my shift long ago, but I didn’t go home.

I really, didn’t want to meet him at all.

At that moment, I was sure that all his apologies to me were sincere.

But some feelings, once missed, can never find the original feeling.

  1. Zheng Han divorce news made a big fuss.

Huo and Zheng’s failed marriage all kinds of storms, a few days in a row dominated the local entertainment news and economic news front page headlines.

On the same day that Cheng Yuheng and I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a license, Zheng Han’s assistant called me, Zheng Han he was in the group meeting suddenly stomach bleeding coma was sent to the hospital, said he had not eaten or drunk bar for several days.

His stomach problems were almost regulated by me before, but I didn’t expect him to make a mistake again.

The most disturbing thing to me is that just this morning, he sent me a text message.

“See me one last time and I’ll let go.

‘ Zheng Han, when did he become so childish! I subconsciously reached out to pull out my cell phone to dial out Zheng Han’s phone, the phone end has been a blind tone, no one answered.

A full dozen seconds passed before I remembered that Zheng Han and I no longer had any relationship.

I snapped back my cell phone, and when I looked up, I realized that Cheng Yu Heng was looking at me with a gentle face.

He gently let go of my hand, “Si Si, or we can come back another day to get the license?

“”Yu Heng, you misunderstood.

I’m just ……” I was just upset for a while, thinking about the past made me a little sad.

I wanted to explain, but Cheng Yu Heng just smiled gently, took my hand and walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Cheng Yu Heng took out a box, his tone was still soft: “This is the wedding ring I prepared, I originally wanted to put it on your hand after getting the license.

“He shoved the ring box into my hand, “Si Si, I love you.

I will always keep this ring for you.

But I hope you can see your own heart clearly, you married me because of love, not because you were touched.

“I was silent, Cheng Yu Heng was as gentle as a gust of wind, I knew he was talking about saving me again.

“Cissy, I’m sorry, I forgot to bring my account book, don’t blame me, okay?

“He gave me a step and I walked down.

At that moment, I decided that I had to cut through the past completely so that I could marry him without any distractions.

  1. I went back that day and went to see Zheng Han and told him refusively.

He is alive or dead, and I no longer have half a relationship.

I pulled the black Zheng Han all the contact information, changed the cell phone number, but I contact Cheng Yu Heng but can not find his people.

Some people, when he is by your side, does not seem to be eye-catching.

But when you suddenly lose this person in your life, you will feel that everything is wrong.

Cheng Yu Heng was such a person.

Although it was only a few short months, he had already invaded my life, rooted in my heart, and also passed by my world without moving, so that my life was already full of his shadow.

I went to his hospital and was told that he had gone for further studies.

I called him several times without success.

I began to miss him, and once the seed of longing was planted, it took root and soon grew into a huge tree.

I sent him a lot of WeChat, but still no response.

He was a smart man, and so was I.

Maybe it was that day that he was sad and regretful.

I even thought that he just disappeared around me and I shouldn’t bother him anymore.

Fortunes come and go.

My career was also in crisis.

The company was about to be acquired, and there were about to be massive layoffs.

The storm was coming, and for a while the company was in turmoil, and everyone was desperately trying to perform, and I was no exception.

In my heart, I thank these heavy work, it makes me busy and exhausted? I have no time to think about Cheng Yu Heng.

Half a month later, the company merger was negotiated, and the new boss parachuted into the company.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Cheng Han in the crowd.

Acquisition of the company’s mysterious capitalist, actually is he! Zheng Han has always focused on real estate, factories and industrial projects, why suddenly adjust the direction to buy our game company?

This is too strange.

Zheng Han as the head of the new company called a meeting of all department heads, after the meeting, he called me alone to his office.

Closing the door, he leaned on it with a calm demeanor, his tone light and relaxed.

“Secretary Lee, we’re finally back to our old ways, and that’s good.

“I’ve been his secretary for three years, so of course I understood what he was trying to say.

“Mr. Zheng, why do you want to acquire this company?

As far as I know, you don’t pay attention to the game industry.

‘ He smiled slightly and answered, “It’s rumored that you backtracked on your marriage with your boyfriend.

‘ He took a step in front of me, ”Si Si, come back to me.

I promise you, there won’t be another ‘Mrs. Zheng’ appearing to upset you.

Even, if you want to marry me, I will be responsible for convincing your parents to accept you.

“His words were like a compulsion: “From now on, let’s be good.

“13. This scene was like a déjà vu from back then, but completely different.

Back then, it was also in his office.

He condescendingly handed me a document, his tone of indifference to me announced: “Li Si Si, this is the love of my girlfriend’s twelve requirements.

One of the most important points, after we officially date, you are not allowed to divulge that you are my girlfriend in front of anyone, if you break the contract, the consequences will be very serious.

” Now, his eyes were full of apprehension and anticipation, and with a trembling voice he begged me, “Si Si, give me another chance.

Time has changed, and I’m not the young girl I was back then.” I shook my head firmly.

I shook my head firmly and told him in an emotionless voice, “Thank you Mr. Zheng for your love, I already have a fiancé.

I’m probably the woman who rejected him the most.”

I turned to leave.

With my hand on the doorknob, I turned back and asked him, “Mr. Zheng, do I need to resign again?

‘ Surprisingly, he actually smiled, and smiled gently.

“I won’t dismiss you just because a subordinate refuses to court you, Sisi, to pursue you again, I’m fully prepared.

“Back to work, I can’t help but feel that Zheng Han has changed a lot since he broke up with me.

I can’t guess what’s in his mind anymore.

The next few days, Zheng Han do not know from which book to chase his wife strategy to learn the old tricks, anonymous flowers, gifts, but also in the gift attached to a note written with earthy love words, the drop name is well-known.

No matter how I expressed, I have no heartfelt feelings for Zheng Han.

But Zheng Han is convinced that my resistance is just a small obstacle on the road to his wife.

As long as he keeps insisting, I will come back to him.

His confident look made me helpless.

It also made me make my final decision.

  1. I prepared a box, Zheng Han sent me gifts all packed up, along with a new resignation letter, all mailed to him.

This time I left completely.

I even changed the house, even ready to change a city.

A city where there is no more Cheng Han.

When I saw Cheng Yu Heng again, it was after I came back from a month of traveling.

I had just arrived home when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door in a hurry, and Cheng Yu Heng was standing in front of me, his right hand in a cast, the bandage resting on his slender neck.

“You, what’s wrong with your hand?

“The joy of seeing him was instantly washed away by worry.

I scrambled over and reached out to check him, but was too panicked to move.

“It’s okay now.

It’s just a little scratch.

” He grinned and I realized he was actually darker.

In his soft, rambling narrative, I realized that on the night he and I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, a serious earthquake had struck our city’s friendly African city-state, and Cheng Yu Heng had been urgently dispatched to participate in the counterpart rescue.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn’t have time to tell me.

When he arrived abroad, the communication signal was very poor, and he could not contact with his home country.

In the course of the assistance, he was accidentally injured and his arm was cracked by a stone, which made it possible for him to return home.

So much so that by mistake, he didn’t get in touch with me for so long.

“I’m sorry Si Si, I never had the chance to message you back, I saw so many messages you sent me, I was so anxious …… ” he pointed to the message I sent him with the new address, a face of guilt.

That was the only message I sent him after I moved.

“Cheng Yu Heng, I’ve never seen you so stupid …… You scared me to death, I thought you didn’t want me anymore!” Cheng Yu Heng’s eyes brightened and brightened: “How could it be, didn’t the ring all go to you, how can something given to someone not count.

“As he said, his tone changed abruptly, with a flirtatious jealousy: “But I heard that you’ve received a lot of expensive gifts lately, can that little ring of mine still fall into Ms. Li’s eyes?

“It turns out that Dr. Cheng can also be jealous ah, I covered my mouth to sneer, and quickly took his arm: “Dr. Cheng, although you are a sick man, but still have to work hard, do me a favor, okay?

” He froze and nodded seriously.

He nodded seriously. “The weather is nice, go with me to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get a license.

“Afterward, Cheng Yu Heng and I got married.

It wasn’t a big wedding, but it was exquisite and heartfelt enough.

Cheng Yu Heng held my hand and walked under the glittering lights, and he put on the glittering ring for me as he wished.

I had never been happier, as if every breath I took was a sweet flavor.

This feeling was completely different from the kind of happiness I felt during my best times with Zheng Han.

It was as if my feet landed on the ground and I had a soft wall behind me.

I couldn’t fall or plant myself.

I could hold his hand and stride through the crowd, casually cracking a smile.

In fact, I know that Cheng Han came that day, but did not enter the venue.

He watched from afar as Cheng Yuheng proposed to me on his knee, then turned around and left.

Since then, he never appeared in front of my eyes again.

All of this was just as I had hoped.

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finelightnovel's avatarfinelightnovel
Previous April 7, 2024
Next April 7, 2024


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