What’s it like when a guy is too handsome?

What kind of experience is it for a man to be too handsome?

I had a crush on him for two years, secretly took a video of him playing basketball, sent it to a short video platform, and it accidentally caught fire.

So, countless netizens know that I like him.

Most importantly, after the video burst into flames, he suddenly added my WeChat.

1 Because of a short video, the boy I like is on fire.

And the person who secretly recorded and released the video was me.

I swear, it was an accident, I posted the video with a small number – an account with a total of only 3 followers, two of which are still zombie fans.

It was an inexplicable fire.

In fact, in the two years I’ve been crushing on him, I’ve secretly taken a lot of pictures and videos of him in unnoticed corners.

I had also used my trumpet to post some photos of his back, secretly poking and prodding and stabbing my crush’s heart.

This was the first time I couldn’t resist posting a video with his face on it, but it somehow caught fire.

It caught me off guard.

Coincidentally, that night my best friend’s birthday, I happened to drink too much wine, slept until noon the next day, and did not pay attention to the video platform news.

It wasn’t until I woke up at noon to wash up and eat that I realized something was wrong – my background was bursting at the seams.

All the messages and private messages were related to him.

Reactions are always slower after a hangover, and I froze for a long time before reacting to the fact that Shen Snap was on fire.

Shen Snapdragon is the boy I’ve had a crush on for two years, and I’m in the same department and different classes, and is recognized as the department grass.

The video was secretly recorded two days ago, a group of boys playing basketball, Shen Snap is the most conspicuous one.

Tall, long legs, skin color than the surrounding boys are a few points on the white, but not half a bit show off.

A meter eighty-eight head is also particularly conspicuous, black short broken hair, eyebrows and eyes.

In the video, Shen Snapdragon brought the ball to shake people, three-step layup, the action is crisp and clean.

In the crowd’s cheers, he turned around, just facing my direction, eyes and my camera have a moment of confrontation.

It was this not-quite-HD video that caught fire.

What surprised me the most was the line in God’s comment, “Trust me, from the look in his eyes, this guy definitely likes you.

” This comment had a total of 2.3w likes, more than two thousand likes more than the one praising Shen Snap.

Although I knew that it was unlikely that the big god comment said that, I was still very happy.

Hearing someone say that their crush might also like them, regardless of whether it’s true or not, anyone would be happy to hear that, right?

I thought that was the end of the matter, however, after 8:00 pm, I was hugging my phone and swiping Korean dramas when my phone suddenly vibrated and I received a WeChat friend verification.

I originally didn’t want to pay attention to it, but the moment I saw the additional information, my body suddenly froze.

I hurriedly clicked on the friend request, which was clearly written: Hello, I am Shen Snapdragon.

Shen Snapdragon?

Shen Snap! I froze for a long time, then tremblingly clicked accept, but then hesitated because of the remarks.

What should I say?

Future boyfriend?

No, no, no, that’s kind of embarrassing.


No, it would be a bit of a contradiction to my usual “high maintenance” image if someone saw it.

After much hesitation, I moderately annotated “Shen Snapdragon”.

Just after changing the note, Shen Snapdragon’s message was sent over.

“I watched the video.

”Well, getting to the point and being concise seems to be Shen Snapdragon’s usual style.”

My heart trembled for a moment.

I couldn’t figure out what Shen Snap meant for a moment, did he come to beg me?

Or did he come to let me die?

Or, just like what happened in the TV series, he actually has a crush on me, and wouldn’t it be nice if we were in love with each other …… I fantasized about countless possibilities, but the only thing I didn’t expect was that his next words would be, “Chu student, I’ll give you publicity money, so you can make a few more videos for me.

” “……” After a thousand calculations, the only thing I didn’t count on was that he actually wanted me to be his photographer.

What a sin.

After a long silence, I silently replied, “Classmate, my last name is Chen.

“”…… Excuse me, can you take a few more videos for me?

“Pulling back the curtains of the bed on the upper bunk, I stomped my hands into a ball and leaned back against the pillow out of my mind, both nervous and helpless.

I was a little nervous at the thought of having to make videos of my crush in a bright and colorful way afterward.

But when I thought that Shen Snap had watched those videos of my crush on him and knew about my crush on him, I was a little frustrated again.

It looks like flowers falling, but in reality, it’s running water.

After a long period of silence, I silently typed “Okay”, and after thinking about it, I added the word “bar” after it.


This always seems like I’m not so proactive, right?

In between waiting for Shen Snapdragon to reply to the message, I looked through his friend circle, but found a little abnormality.

Shen Snapdragon he …… , seems to like Tan Xiaobai.

Tan Xiaobai, my classmate and roommate, there is only one person in the whole school BFF.

Because I usually take the high and cold route, classmates in addition to Tan Xiaobai, are not too close to me.

She is a cute girl, and I happen to be good complementary.

I am tall and thin, she is not tall, with a cute baby fat.

I have a cold temperament, talk to other people can say one sentence never say two sentences; and she is a small talker, free time can pull me to chat for a whole day.

In short, everyone thinks that the two of us are not the same, is a particularly good friend.

Shen Snapdragon’s circle of friends, there is a photo of the sunset, with the text: I have a crush on a girl, she is too good to be true.

The photo of the sunset is not important, the important thing is that the bottom left corner of the photo reveals half of Bai’s face.

I stared at the out-of-focus photo for a long time.

Until the cell phone vibrated.

It was a message from Shen Snap, who asked me, “How come you never brought me water?

?” ?


This topic was a bit big, and I couldn’t get back to my senses for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, I slowly typed out, “There are too many people who bring you water.

“I don’t drink it,” he responded almost immediately.

“The response was a bit of a reassurance and an explanation, and I stared at those four words for so long that my heart actually raced.

It wasn’t long before his message came back, “Tomorrow night, remember to come to the basketball court and bring me water.

“2 I stared at these words for a long time, and before I had time to type, Shen Snap’s message came again: “Come with that roommate of yours.

“I froze instantly.

A basin of cold water was poured over my head, and I had to admit that I was indeed the kind of person who was high and cold on the outside, but actually had a lot of inner drama.

It took a few rounds before I slowly replied, originally typing a long string of words, then deleting them and replying with just three words, “Okay, good night.” And that was the end of the conversation.

” All conversations end here.

But I took my cell phone and turned Shen Snap’s friend circle upside down, carefully grabbing every clue in his friend circle.

I could tell from between the lines of his words that he did have a sweetheart.

However, I could almost be more certain that the person he liked was Xiao Bai.

Because in the comment section of one of his friend circles, our mutual friend asked him what kind of girl he liked after being single for so long.

He replied with three words: moe.


Then Xiaobai couldn’t be more in line.

A bit of baby fat, dark and round eyes, fair skin, pure natural and not pretentious loli voice, as well as daily loli wear, no one will deny that the word “moe” is embodied in Xiaobai.

I’m a little frustrated, it turns out, Shen Snap likes Xiao Bai this type, then I’m almost hopeless.

The grandest crush of my life was over before it even started.

Just as I was lost in thought with my cell phone, the door to my dorm room suddenly opened, and Xiaobai came bouncing back – she had gone on a date with a boy god today, of course, with her boy god.

Xiao Bai likes a boy named Xiao Xiao, is the school basketball team, not very handsome, but a very sunny one.

I’ve seen him a few times, and when he smiles, he reveals a row of white, neat teeth, and Xiaobai is a good match.

I hurriedly pulled open the curtains, lying on the edge of the bed and asked her: “Xiaobai, how is the date?

“She was holding a cup of milk tea in her hand, with a happy face: ”It went super well, I’m telling you, Xiao Xiao said today that I’m actually quite good, and he quite likes me.

‘”I can see that Xiao Bai is really happy, she is a person who can’t hide her heart, when she is happy the corners of her mouth rise, when she is sad her whole little face wrinkles into a ball.

I hesitated for a long time, taking advantage of the dormitory at this time there is no one else, quietly asked her: “Xiao Bai, if …… , if Shen Snapdragon likes you, will you be heartbroken?” She gave a “hmm”.

“Xiaobai just happened to drink a mouthful of milk tea, talking directly choked, after coughing hard for a while, she looked at me with a shocked face, “Shen Snapdragon and I?

” I nodded.

“Are you kidding me?” She panicked and waved her hand, “There’s no way Shen Snapdragon’s kind of straw man could possibly look at me, not to mention, that kind of flowery, pretty-boy type of aegyo face isn’t my cup of tea either.

” ”I know that Xiao Bai is telling the truth.”

While breathing a sigh of relief, I was more or less heartbroken, heartbroken that a boy as outstanding as Shen Snap actually liked someone who couldn’t possibly like him.

The whole night, I spent in such emotions.

With the next night’s date on my mind, I was a bit distracted in class the whole day.

It was hard to get through until the afternoon, when I accompanied Xiaobai to the cafeteria to get a serving of rice noodles to bring back to the dormitory, and then began to wash up and put on my makeup.

Just like Xiao Bai said when he advised me: love? It’s always something you have to fight for yourself.

Even though Shen Snap likes Meng Meng, but if I’m always dangling in front of his eyes, what if I see eye to eye one day?

When I finished packing my things, it just so happened that Xiao Bai had also finished eating, she was wiping her mouth with a paper towel in one hand and carrying a garbage bag with rice noodle soup in the other.

The moment she saw me, Xiaobai froze, and the next moment, she ran over with glowing eyes.

After looking me up and down, Xiao Bai tsked and sighed, “Chen Chu, I’ve always known that you’re pretty, but I really didn’t know that you’re still so pretty with makeup on!” I smiled and didn’t respond.

In fact, ever since I was a child, I’ve always known that my appearance belonged to the upper-middle class, and I often received some compliments on my appearance in my life.

However, this really doesn’t affect me having a crush on someone.

I don’t know why, maybe Shen Snapdragon is too dazzling, when I met him in school, I would always subconsciously avoid him.

When you like someone, it’s probably like this, nervous, shy, and inevitably a bit inferior.

Anyway, that’s how I am.

Xiao Bai took my hand and pulled me all the way to the basketball court, passing by the kiosk and buying two bottles of ice water.

Smiling and handing me the water, Xiaobai raised her eyebrows at me, “Xiaoxiao is here today too, in a while you’ll give water to your family’s Shen Snapdragon, and I’ll give water to my family’s boy god!” I smiled, but was still a bit nervous, “Okay.

”We went at just the right time, a lot of people had already gathered on the basketball court, and I saw Shen Snapdragon at a glance.

They hadn’t started playing basketball yet, and he was standing underneath the ball frame, his eyes searching around.

I subconsciously stopped in my tracks.

Shen Snap’s gaze turned, and I tugged at my skirt uncomfortably.

In fact, I usually rarely wore skirts, and the most I wore was basically a white T and shorts.

Passing through the crowd, Shen Snap and I exchanged glances.

He suddenly smiled, then raised his hand and waved it in my direction.

I was a little flattered and hurriedly waved my hand at him as well, and after putting my hand down, I couldn t help but spit in my heart that my actions just now should look silly ……. Shen Snapdragon and I didn’t say a word since the beginning, but it was Xiao Bai’s male god who walked over holding a basketball.

“Xiao Bai, who is this?

‘ Xiao Xiao glanced at me and turned her head to ask Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai enthusiastically introduced me, “This is Chen Chu, my roommate, the notorious beauty of our class!” Xiao Xiao’s gaze landed on me, then smiled and rather formally extended his hand towards me, “Hello, my name is Xiao Xiao.

“When I heard his gesture, I froze for a few seconds and hurriedly extended my hand to exchange a handshake with him, “Hello.

“In fact, I originally wanted to say a few more words to him, such as being nicer to Xiaobai, but it’s really not my character to say so much to a stranger, I opened my mouth, but in the end, I couldn’t say a single word.

Xiao Xiao stood in front of us and chatted with Xiao Bai a few more times, while I subconsciously raised my head and looked for Shen Snapdragon’s figure in the crowd.

However – the moment I saw Shen Snapdragon, he happened to be looking our way as well, his gaze focused.

My heart sank, instantly reacting, Shen Snapdragon should …… , be jealous.

Seeing Xiao Bai and Xiao Xiao standing together talking and laughing, his heart shouldn’t feel too good.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao didn’t talk for too long and soon went over to play basketball.

Xiaobai held my hand and stood outside the court, very actively shouting cheers to Xiao Xiao.

I have to say, Shen Snap, an amateur, played basketball no differently than Xiao Xiao, the basketball team members.

Several parties blocked the defense and he still scored a beautiful three-pointer.

The moment he hit the ball, the court cheered, although I acted calmly, but in fact, the heart has long been gongs and drums.

I quietly watched the figures on the court, although Shen Snapdragon does not like me, but I still think: look, I like the boy, how powerful.

At halftime, Shen Snap walked straight towards us.

I was a little nervous, and was hesitating to pour water for him when Xiao Xiao suddenly came over, however – Xiao Xiao ignored the water that Xiao Bai handed him and actually took the water bottle in my hand.

3 I froze, and so did Xiao Bai, including Shen Snap, who had just walked over to me and Xiao Bai, and was similarly frozen.

Overall, only Xiao Xiao was calm.

He extraordinarily naturally took the bottle of water in my hand, directly unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then, pulling out a self-proclaimed sunny smile at me, he shook the water in his hand again, “Thank you!” “……” I frowned, and did not give him face, directly “poke”: “No need to thank, this water is not for you.

“With that, Xiao Xiao’s “sunny” smile then froze on his face, more or less blushing.

I gave him a blank look, ignoring Xiao Xiao’s instantly changed face.

Xiao Bai’s water was handed to him but was ignored, he didn’t give Xiao Xiao face.

At this time, Shen Snap walked over as well.

I came back from the shock and speechlessness just now and quietly looked at Shen Snap, although my face was calm, my heart was a little nervous again.

Shen Snapdragon he …… , won’t misunderstand, right?

I looked at him again, wanting to explain, but did not know where to start.

Is hesitating, the side of the small white suddenly elbow gently touched me, and then, the hand of the water quietly handed me.

I received the water, but my mind is blank, obviously usually also considered a lively thinking little girl, see Shen Snapdragon, always easy to brain short circuit.

Until – Xiao Bai reached out and gave me a heavy push on my back, my center of gravity was unsteady, and my entire body flew out, pouncing in front of Shen Snapdragon.

He also reacted quickly, directly reaching out and holding my arm.

Just after playing basketball, his palms are still permeated with a layer of thin sweat, but I actually do not feel sick at all.

Sure enough, as long as the face of Shen Snapdragon is on top, even if I sit on the ground and pick my feet, I feel good looking.

Well, I am a face dog.

After standing steadily, Shen Snapdragon immediately gentlemanly retracted his hand, I was a little nervous, subconsciously turned back to look at Xiaobai, but just bumped into Xiaobai’s hateful gaze.

Comparing a “punch” gesture towards me, Xiao Bai hurriedly twisted his head to stop looking at me.

I bit my lip and twisted my head to look at Shen Snap.

The girls around me were either too shy to pour water for the boys, or they were also shy and gentle.

And after hesitating for a long time, I still strained my high and cold persona and threw the water bottle in my hand directly to Shen Snap in front of me, and opened my mouth in a way that I used to be ashamed of before, “This is your water.

“”……”” There was clearly no one behind me speaking, yet I seemed to hear the voice of breathless emotion within Xiao Bai.

Hmm, chasing after a male god like this seems quite silly.

The water bottle drew a beautiful arc in the air, then landed steadily in Shen Snap’s hands.

He wasn’t surprised, took the water, directly unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then smiled at me: “Thank you.

“I also smiled at him and didn’t say anything.

Soon, it was time for the next match to start, and Shen Snap handed the water back.

I blinked my eyes, a little confused.

What, he had to return this water after drinking it?

Seeing that I didn’t take it, but Shen Snap smiled: ”Hold it for me again, after the game is over in a while, I’ll treat you guys to dinner.

”I came back to my senses and obediently took the water, of course I didn’t ignore the point in his words.

It was ‘ye’, not ‘you’.

Before I had time to consider whether to agree or refuse, Shen Snap was called away by his pals.

Halfway there, he suddenly turned around and smiled at me, ”Xiao Zhu, remember to record this for me.

”I nodded in shock and subconsciously pulled out my cell phone.

However, this video is not good to record, in the second half, Shen Snap and Xiao Xiao, these two actually barreled into each other.

This wasn’t a basketball game, it was clearly just a weekday pastime, a casual game, but the two of them got into a fight, a look of incompatibility.

Onlookers look confused, but I know the reason – these two people this is in the jealousy.

That Xiao Xiao may be interested in me, see me take the initiative to pass water to Shen Snapdragon, the second half of the game is always aimed at Shen Snapdragon.

Shen Snapdragon also did not give an inch, I guess, should be just saw Xiao Xiao ignored the water handed over by Xiao Bai, give his crush girl to find the scene to go.

I sighed and talked to Xiao Bai about my heart, as a result, Xiao Bai looked at me with a shocked face.

That expression, seems to be looking at a …… stupid X.

Sure enough, Xiao Bai opened his mouth, “Chen Chu, are you stupid?

” “?


” I looked down at her with a puzzled expression.

Xiao Bai looked at me hatefully, raised her hand high and poked my forehead, ”Can’t you really not see that Shen Snapdragon actually likes you?

”Shen Snapdragon, likes me?”

After a long silence, I silently spoke, “I think he likes you.

“……” Xiao Bai did not continue to argue with me, just tugged on my hand holding the cell phone, and raised it in the direction of Shen Snapdragon, ”Forget it, it’s too hard to point at you to get the hang of it, you video it first.

”After she reminded me of this, I just remembered that for today’s main event, I had to record a video for Shen Snapdragon.

Every time I recorded a video for Shen Snapdragon, I was extraordinarily serious, my eyes and the camera were all on him, there was no way I could share it with anyone else.

As I was filming, I lamented, “I should buy a video camera.

“Shen Snapdragon is so handsome, it seems a bit aggravating to take pictures of him with a cell phone.

That’s all.

Xiaobai and I always stood at the side of the basketball court, I looked at my Shen Snapdragon, she looked at her Xiao Xiao, other than that, I was busy videotaping Shen Snapdragon.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I seemed to feel that Shen Snapdragon was always watching me.

Every time he hit the ball or paused, he would turn his head, sweep his gaze around the crowd, and then land on me.

But then quickly moved away.

So fast that I couldn’t tell if he was intentionally looking at me in the crowd or if he was looking at me unintentionally.

The sky was getting darker and darker.

Just when I was about to be unable to sit still, Shen Snapdragon and the others finally finished.

After saying a few words to his brothers, Shen Snapdragon turned around and walked towards us.

I didn’t react, still sitting on the steps next to me with Bai, but my heart was pounding.

Shen Snap walked over to me, squatted down, and in a natural movement took the water bottle from me, tilted his head, and drank half the bottle in one gulp.

When he capped the bottle, a drop of water dripped down the corner of his lips.

My brain jerked, and before I had time to react, I raised my hand towards Shen Snapdragon – I reached out and used my fingertips to dry the droplet for him.

The air instantly froze.

Shen Snapdragon’s action of unscrewing the cap of the bottle seemed to stiffen for a moment, and I blinked, reacted, and immediately withdrew my hand.

It’s so embarrassing.

However, there are actually times when I quite admire myself, really, no matter what level of shame and anger I have in my heart, I can do it without changing my color.

Just like at this moment, obviously in my heart, I already hate to dig a hole in the ground, but I can still pretend to be calm and say “There’s water, I’ll help you wipe.

“Shen Snapdragon seemed to smile: ‘Thank you.

‘”A hint of embarrassment faintly filled the air.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai jumped out at the right time to warm up the scene: ”By the way, do you want to watch the video that Chu Chu took for you?

” Shen Snap hurriedly picked up the conversation and nodded with a smile: ”Yeah.

” I let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly took out my cell phone and flipped to the video I just took.

Shen Snapdragon was watching very carefully, he stood beside me, slightly bent over, looking at my cell phone seriously and intently.

Xiao Bai on the side blinked at me, not forgetting to help out: ”Look, our Chu Chu’s shot is much more handsome than you yourself, it’s worthy of being a lover’s eye, right? Xiao Bai’s words were meant to directly add fuel to our fire, yet they somehow woke me up.

From the time Shen Snapdragon added me to WeChat until now, a whole day has passed before I finally realized the problem: how did he know that I took those videos?

Strange, that is only my small number, all the videos in it are Shen Snapdragon backstage secretly shot, never sent half of the information about my identity.

This is because I have preconceived notions, as soon as I saw him add me yesterday, I subconsciously assumed that because the video was on fire, my crush on him would be known to everyone, and Shen Snapdragon would know about it.

But – apparently no one knew that the owner of that account was me.

And how did he know that?

I was secretly wondering, when my phone suddenly vibrated, and then a message suddenly popped up, catching the three of us in the eye – “Chu Chu, have you slept with that Shen guy of yours yet?

/bad smile/”4 Silence.

Deadly silence.

This message came from my dear loud-mouthed cousin, the two of us have been close since we were young, and I was uninhibited in front of her, telling her whatever was on my mind.

For a moment, I even wondered if she had installed surveillance on me, otherwise, how could this message have been sent so promptly?

My face was a little embarrassed, and I hurriedly glanced at Shen Snap beside me.

He was also a little uncomfortable, and his gaze shifted over me a few times before clearing his throat to hide his embarrassment.

I took a deep breath, debating how to explain, yet when I opened my mouth, it was the same salty tone, “She’s talking nonsense.


‘”Shen Snap nodded and didn’t say anything more.

In a trance, I even had an illusion, as if I was the cheating man who was currently pretending to calmly explain to her, while Shen Snap was the aggrieved daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, the message alert quickly disappeared, and I stood up straight, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

However, when I raised my head, I suddenly saw someone in the crowd – my dear cousin.

She was standing at the side of the basketball court, looking over at my side and smiling happily, and when she saw me looking over, she hastily raised her cell phone towards me.

“Shit!” I couldn’t hold it in any longer and cursed.

Seemingly able to see my mouth, my cousin laughed even more happily before wiggling her ass and staggering away.

Before leaving, the guy actually poked his hand behind his back and made a cheering gesture towards me.

Really good.

I retracted my gaze, saw Shen Snap looking at me with a puzzled expression, and glanced in the direction of my cousin’s departure: ”What’s wrong?


“I answered and casually excused myself, ”I was startled when I saw a big black dog running past just now.

My dear cousin was wearing a plain black dress.”

“A big black dog?

“Shen Snap was a bit puzzled, but didn’t ask any more questions.

Fortunately, Xiaobai jumped out to save the day at the right time again, she wiped the sweat on her forehead and fanned herself with her hand, “I’m a bit hungry, why don’t we make a date for a late night snack?

“Saying that, Xiaobai glanced at me.

I pursed my lips, always feeling a little embarrassed, that word “okay” was stuck in my throat, how could I not exit.

Fortunately, Shen Snap replied before me, “‘Good.’

” The words just fell, he turned his head to look at me, I don’t know if it is not an illusion, the gaze seems to have a few tender: “What do you want to eat?

“Shen Snapdragon and I are still almost just shoulder to shoulder posture, the distance is so close, I am a little nervous, pursed lips, said casually: “Barbecue.

“Shen Snapdragon smiled:” I know there is a store near the school is good, go, I will take you to eat.

“Just finished, Xiaobai’s cell phone suddenly rang “at the right time”, picked up the phone, Xiaobai face exaggerated:” What?

You are hospitalized?

Where are you? I’ll go over right away! After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bai glanced at me, then said to Shen Snap: “My friend is hospitalized, I’ll go over to take a look.

“You guys eat!” After saying that, he didn’t care if Shen Snap answered or not, turned around and ran away.

I quietly looked at the direction that Xiao Bai left, a black line, this guy …… , her alarm clock page can not be exposed so obviously?

In a flash, only Shen Snapdragon and I were left.

He looked at me and asked in a low voice, “Then let’s go eat?

” I don’t know if it’s because my liking has added a filter to him, whenever he looks down at me, I always feel that there seems to be starlight emerging from the bottom of those dark eyes.

It made me afraid to look at him.

I averted my gaze, ”Good.

”Just like that, Shen Snap and I arrived shoulder to shoulder at the rather famous barbecue restaurant outside the school gates.

Shen Snap seemed to be a regular customer of this restaurant, and the boss’s wife seemed to be familiar with it, in the time I was lost in thought, he had already ordered a bunch of specialties.

Seeing that he was still ready to order, I hurriedly stopped him: ”Enough! It’ll be a waste if you can’t finish it.

” Shen Snapdragon didn’t say anything, but the boss’s wife who was memorizing the menu on the side smiled slightly and looked at me with a smiling face.

After ordering, Shen Snapdragon and I sat face to face, neither one of us spoke first.

I was actually a little nervous in my heart, but, thinking that it’s not the same thing for two people to keep sitting so dryly, I took a sip of tea and could only open my mouth stiffly: “How do you know …… How do you know that those videos were shot by me?

“Hearing me ask about this, Shen Snap first froze for a moment, then took out his cell phone and scratched to a page and handed it to me.

He pursed his lips and his voice was low: ”This is me.

”I looked in the direction of his hand, and the moment my gaze was fixed, I couldn’t help but freeze.

It turned out to be him.

How could it be him?

Of the three fans of my trumpet, other than those two zombie numbers, the only real fan was actually Shen Snapdragon.

To be precise, it should be his trumpet.

I’ve gone through the works of this number, and there are only two landscape videos, so I can see that he’s from the city, but I can’t even find out half of his identity information.

I am a thousand calculations, but also far from calculating that this fan who has been following me for a few months is actually Shen Snapdragon.

Doesn’t that mean that Shen Snapdragon had already seen the video I posted?

I was so shocked, happy and ashamed that I didn’t know what to say.

After more contact, I realized that Shen Snapdragon seemed to be a sulky person just like me.

Moreover, Xiao Bai seems to be right – Shen Snap seems to like me too.

Because he took the initiative to show me his big number, there weren’t many works on it, but this avatar and id were familiar.

I thought for half a day, then hurriedly took out my cell phone and flipped out the video I posted that made Shen Snapdragon explode in popularity.

Clicking on the comment section, the comments were still god comments: “Trust me, judging from his eyes, this boy definitely likes you.

” Black male head, ID name “C”.

It’s Shen Snap.

Even with the slowest reaction, I should have guessed it, maybe out of excitement, my heart was pounding.

I was so nervous that my fingertips holding the phone were trembling gently.

I raised my hand and handed him the phone, pointing to the memo and asking, ‘Is that you?

‘ He just scanned it and nodded with a smile, ‘As fake as it gets.

‘ I took a deep breath, suppressing my gradually stronger heartbeat, and looked at him quietly.

”Should I believe that assessment?

‘ Shen Snap still smiled, but the tension under his eyes and the unconsciously clenched hands betrayed him.

He rubbed the tip of his nose with his fingertips and said slowly, ”I should.

”I never thought that the standard plot in an idol drama would one day happen to me.”

At the beginning of the night, under the warm yellow light, Shen Snap looked at me quietly with a gentle brow.

He smiled and said, “Believe me, he really likes you.

“5 I looked at him in a daze, and everything was like a dream.

It was all too good to be true.

This kind of plot, I seem to have only seen it in TV dramas and various small sweet essays.

Shen Snap still looked at me quietly, his expression bland.

But – I glanced again and clearly saw his slightly reddened ears.

The moment I looked at him, Shen Snap smiled gently: ”So, it’s my turn to ask you now.

” ”I nodded, inexplicably a little nervous.”

He folded his hands, his expression extraordinarily serious, his eyes staring at me: ”Those videos you posted, saying that you like me, are they true?


I really didn’t expect him to ask so directly.

So direct that I was even a little embarrassed to admit it.

After a long period of silence, I gritted my teeth and nodded my head in acknowledgement, ”Uh-huh.

‘ Shen Snap smiled, seemingly relieved.

Across a table, he held my hand, his palm warm, sighing, Shen Snap lowered his voice and lamented: ”Finally waited for this day.

“I didn’t hold back and retorted in a low voice, ”I should be the one to say that.

”Shen Snapdragon has seen those videos, he knows I’ve liked him for a long time.”

However, he shook his head, “I’m much better than you.

“No way!” “It’s true.

“Shen Snapdragon looked at me with a serious and certain face, “I’ve been counting on you since the day I started freshman year.

“Counting …… , he still knew how to use words.

Later, Shen Snap told me a version that I never, ever knew.

On the day the new students started school, he went through the enrollment procedures, was assigned a dormitory, and then wandered around the school alone.

But in a corner of the school, he saw a girl.

According to him, this girl was tall and thin, exceptionally pretty, but a bit strange, muttering incessantly at a wall, with some garbled words coming out of her mouth.

For example, “Xiao Zhu, you should talk to your roommate more.

“Take the initiative to share with everyone if you have something delicious to eat.”” Be gentle in the morning and evening.

“Be gentle in the morning and evening, don’t disturb others.

“Just like memorizing the “house rules”, at that time, he thought the girl was a bit special, even a bit cute.

At that time, he happened to be smoking behind a tree, and fearing that going out too quickly would scare her, he quietly stood behind the tree and watched until the girl left.

From then on, he had an extremely deep impression of the girl.

He couldn’t help but pay attention to her, began to secretly look for her figure in the crowd, and then, slowly fell in love with her.

Of course, that tall, thin, somewhat good-looking girl with a naive demeanor was me.

When Shen Snap was describing it to me, he even memorized the words I muttered at the beginning, which made me feel embarrassed.

But I have to admit, that is indeed me.

I this person, in fact, a little strange, since childhood, all the people I know of my impression are only one word: cold.

Two words: cold.

When I was in high school, my classmates said behind my back that I was an ice beauty.

In fact, there is no childhood shadow, it is really just a character problem, I am not really high cold, just …… The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are talking about, and that you are not afraid to express yourself, and that you are used to pretending to be calm.

Over time, people subconsciously alienated me, and I was more reluctant to communicate with people.

Thus, this part of my character flaw became more and more serious.

So, before I went to college, due to nervousness, before I went to the dormitory, I hugged my suitcase and found a corner and muttered to myself for half a day, with all kinds of cheering and extra reminders.

But I never dreamed that the scene at that time, will be a little bit not fall in the eyes.

What’s more, this person also happens to be the object of my crush for the next two years.

It was so bloody.

After finishing organizing the emotional line from the beginning, Shen Snap and I looked at each other for half a day and remembered some doubts.

“Then you ……” I blushed a little, and after a pause continued to ask, “Then why didn’t you confess?

” Shen Snapdragon honestly returned: “You are too cold, I dare not.

“Don’t dare ……. I stared at him with wide eyes, not believing that the boy in front of me, who looked like a little daughter-in-law who had made a mistake, was Shen Snapdragon, who was usually crowned as “Grass Department”, and was the man of the moment in the eyes of the whole school.

“You know I like you.

” The words almost came out of my mouth in my haste.

He froze for two seconds and suddenly smiled, then said softly, “But I only realized a few months ago that you like me too.

” “About three months ago, once I found you seem to be filming me, that day there were few people, and you were the only one who raised his cell phone to record it.

When I got back to my dorm room, I found a video of me playing soccer.” “I secretly created a video.

“I secretly created a small number to follow you, because I wasn’t sure, so I wanted to observe more to make sure that the person who said he liked me was really you.

“I listened quietly and asked one last question: ‘How did you know my Weibo account?

‘”But Shen Snap laughed: “‘Don’t you know that you’re actually quite famous?

“I licked the corner of my lips and didn’t say anything.

By and large, I was aware of it.

Shen Snapdragon laughed and rubbed the tip of his nose: “Actually, I came to your micro-signal a long time ago, but I just haven’t dared to add it.

“I don’t have the guts to add.

I also couldn’t help but laugh, originally, our department’s grass in the relationship actually also so “sheep”.

After resolving all the misunderstandings and doubts, the boss’s wife happened to come up carrying a barbecue.

I don’t know why, seeing Shen Snap and I holding hands together, she looked particularly excited and directly added many dishes to our table.

Seafood barbecue, specialties, whether we ordered them or not, they were all served in front of me.

I was stunned until – I heard Shen Snap shout “mom” at her.

The boss’s wife answered and looked at me with a joyful smile, then sat down beside me, took my hand, and looked me up and down.

“This girl is not bad, looks like me when I was young, I like it.

” Shen Snap timely demolished the stage: “Mom, I’ve seen pictures of you when you were young, you gained weight for a while, eyeballing a hundred and seventy-eighty pounds.

” “Scram!” The boss’s wife cursed angrily, pulled my hand and chatted for a couple of minutes, and persuaded me to eat more, before she went to busy herself with her business.

However, before I could breathe a sigh of relief, a man sat down at the table.

I looked up and immediately got a headache.

It was my cousin.

I really wondered if she had planted a monitor on me.

She sat down and winked at me before extending her hand towards Shen Snap, ”Hello, I’m Chu Chu’s cousin.

”Shen Snap shook her hand, but only shook his fingertips in a gentlemanly manner and quickly withdrew it.

My cousin was in the same school as me, only one grade above us, and she was the best at socializing, and it didn’t take long for her to sit down and chat with Shen Snap.

Shen Snap is far from being her match.

In just a few rounds, the past relationship history, family situation, etc., all by cousin sister inquired about a clear.

Cousin smiled and winked at me, looking very satisfied.

I couldn’t listen any longer, so I went to the restroom.

However, when I came back again, the atmosphere seemed to have changed a bit, and my cousin lowered her head and played with her cell phone silently, as if nothing had happened.

But in reality, with my understanding of her over the years, the more she was like this, the more it meant something was wrong.

Shen Snap’s expression wasn’t quite right either.

However, before I could ask, my cousin stood up, “I have to go beforehand, you guys have a good meal.

“After saying that, she didn’t hesitate to ask the waiter for two plastic bags, and didn’t forget to pack ten skewers of barbecue tendons.

Carrying the barbecue tendons, cousin left in a huff.

A night of twists and turns.

I looked at Shen Snapdragon and asked cautiously, ”What did cousin say to you?

‘”Shen Snapdragon smiled without saying anything.

It wasn’t until he sent me back to the dormitory, on the way that I forced out the reason – just now, in between my toilet breaks, my dear cousin used those salty chat records between the two of us as a bargaining chip to get Shen Snapdragon to push his handsome roommate’s WeChat to her.

Shen Snapdragon’s roommate I know, my cousin has been drooling over him for a long time, long legs, eight-pack abs, looks like Lee Min Ho.

At my request, Shen Snap handed me his cell phone and flipped through those chats his cousin had just sent him.

“…… “It’s really unpleasant to look at.

The chats were several pages long, and generally consisted of us discussing Shen Snap and his roommate.

For example, my cousin asked me if I had any confidence in him, and I replied with a categorical answer: sooner or later, I would sleep with him! In short, Shen Snap already knew full well that I coveted his body and beauty.

I patiently went through these chats sent by my cousin, my brows furrowing, but in the end I handed him my phone, pretending to be calm and said: ‘Just kidding.

‘ Shen Snap but laughed.

Under the streetlight, he gently held my hand, his eyes full of laughter: ‘I know.’

” I “hmm”, suddenly remembered another thing.

Flipping out Shen Snapdragon’s circle of friends, I pointed to the photo in which Xiaobai revealed a small half of his face: ”I thought at first, you like Xiaobai.

” Shen Snapdragon froze, seemed a little surprised: “Heaven and earth conscience, I am obviously talking about this person.

“His fingertips fell on the screen, and where he put it, only the back of a person was revealed, hidden in the light, not too clear.

But I still recognized that this back was me.

The bottom of my heart steeply softened a few points, so his circle of friends, but also everywhere left traces of liking me.

We walked hand in hand toward the dormitory.

Walking to a street lamp, Shen Snapdragon suddenly stopped, he turned his head to look at me.

Under the streetlight, the light fell on the tips of his hair and the corners of his eyebrows, coating him with a layer of warm yellow light.

Shen Snapdragon was a bit taller than me, and when he looked at me, his eyes were slightly lowered.

I thought he was going to say something to me, but I didn’t expect him to open his mouth and almost startle me.

He asked, ‘Can I kiss you?

” it was clearly an inquiry, but before I could make a statement, he suddenly kissed me.

Shen Snap didn’t choose a dark, unoccupied corner, but on the road where people were coming and going, under the streetlight, in front of the students coming and going, he lowered his head and kissed me.

Before the kiss, he somehow stuffed a piece of strawberry-flavored candy into his mouth, and my first kiss with Shen Snap was strawberry-flavored.

Sweet and sticky.

The day after I got together with Shen Snapdragon, I was also on fire.

The reason was that Shen Snapdragon recorded a video as the person in question, in which he carefully recounted bits and pieces of our past.

Including our mutual crushes.

It also included what we did together last night.

At the end of the video was a photo someone took of Shen Snap and me yesterday standing under a streetlight kissing.

The photo was taken at just the right angle, Shen Snapdragon and I had our eyes closed, kissing earnestly and reverently, and the warm yellow light revealed a bit of warmth.

Without a doubt, this video is on fire again.

The comment section wailed, countless people marveled that this was a dog slaughter, while others lamented “What kind of divine couple is this!” In short, there were many different opinions, and there seemed to be some bad voices, accusing us of showmanship and hype.

However, we do not care.

Because, after reading the comments together, Shen Snapdragon cupped my face and whispered to me, “I don’t care if the video is hot or not, I just want to tell everyone that this relationship is not an unrequited love for you alone, and at the same time that you like me, I also secretly like you.

” Shen Snapdragon held my hand, and although his words were spoken calmly, the roots of his ears quietly reddened.

He walked over and kissed me on the lips, the bottom of his eyes sparkling with starlight, and winked at me, “I want everyone to know-” “It’s a two-way love.

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