What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done in your life?

What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done in your life?
On the day of my confession, I stole a kiss from him and buried my head in the nape of his neck and rubbed it all the time.
I felt his body stiffen, and then he asked, “Have you washed your face?
“I:” …… “In fact, I did not dare to tell him, I not only face did not wash, at noon also ate garlic.
I flirted with a high cold doctor little brother! “Hello doctor, which department are you from?” “Which department are you from?
“Which specialty are you looking for?
“I’ll hang up whichever one you are.”
“The man in front of me was smiling, “I’m a brain surgeon, specializing in treating brain damage.
What, you want my number?” I smiled.
“I heatedly laughed, “then do not hang up the number, how about you tell me your number, doctor, cell phone, WeChat, QQ can be, you want to give all no problem.
“The doctor snorted, “My number can only be given to patients or family members.
“I had a brain fart and didn’t catch up with my mouth, “I’m your future girlfriend.
“1 was picking up medicine for a friend when I ran into a particularly handsome doctor.
I was looking down and stuffing medicine inside my bag when I felt a pair of long legs walk past me, and I looked up sharply.
Sure enough, it was a handsome man.
Eyesight is one meter eight tall, waist is thin and legs are long, thick eyebrows and starry eyes under the gold glasses.
My short legs poured out, and I followed him.
It just so happened that the big handsome man walked over to chat with the nurse, and in the process took off his mask to change, revealing his true face.
I was instantly petrified.
Those perfect lips and just the right bridge of the nose, more than a handsome man, a big handsome man, a big beautiful man.
In five minutes, I was going to get him! “Hello, this doctor. Which department are you in?
“Which one do you want?
” The handsome man raised his eyebrows.
“I’ll take whichever one you’re in.
“The man in front of him smiled, “I’m a brain surgeon, specializing in brain damage.
What, are you going to hang up on me?
“I heatedly laughed, “then do not hang up the number, how about you tell me your number, doctor, cell phone, WeChat, QQ can be, you want to give all no problem.
“The doctor snorted, “My number can only be given to patients or family members.
“I had a brain fart and didn’t catch up with my mouth, “I’m your future girlfriend.
‘ The big handsome guy didn’t react much, only narrowed his eyes slightly.
It wasn’t as bad as the little nurse next to him, who looked like she had eaten a big melon.
“Dr. Shen, this little sister, is she your ……?
“Good job, so the big handsome man’s surname is Shen.
This is the last name are known to me, rounding up is not almost become my boyfriend?
Big handsome man blanked me, lifted his leg and left, “do not know, look at is have that big disease, but not my patient.
“I hurry to catch up, small mouth bla bla bla,” Dr. Shen, you don’t worry ah, I have no disease, I came to the hospital is to help my friend to get the medicine, my body is very healthy.
“As I was walking, Dr. Shen stopped violently in front of me, and I didn’t brake the car, directly hitting him on the back.
He turned around in fear and looked at me with a look of disgust, “Have you washed your face, why are you rubbing yourself on others?
!” “Dr. Shen, don’t worry, I have washed my face, and I didn’t put powder on it, it won’t rub you dirty ……” Said here, my heart thumped, I got it, I forgot to put on makeup.
“Why is it that every time I see a handsome man, it’s always when I’m the ugliest with a disheveled face.
” I sighed in a small voice.
Dr. Shen’s eyes looked at me with contempt.
As if he was ready to admit me for cerebral palsy surgery in the next second.
“Dr. Shen, I usually put on a little light makeup, especially good-looking and cute, today in a hurry, did not have time to ……” was saying, my phone rang.
I don’t want to answer it, no one can interrupt me to hit on a big handsome man! But as soon as I saw the caller ID was “Mentor Demon King”, I immediately withered.
Hurry up and say hello to the big handsome guy, lest he think I’m cold-shouldering him.
“Dr. Shen, this is my mentor, no one else… I’ll answer it for just a second.
” Just as I pressed the answer button, the big handsome man snorted coldly through his nose and lifted his leg.
Three steps and two steps and he flipped me off.
After easily dealing with the tutor, I looked up and looked around, and the crowded hospital hall was no longer occupied by Big Handsome Guy’s silhouette.
” The tutor sent another warm reminder – “Zhou Mu Mu if you don’t submit your first draft today, you’ll be waiting for an extended graduation!” Hey, is it always so hard to have both career and love?
I shook my head helplessly, “Big handsome man, you wait for a while, I’ll come and start a family with you after I’ve established my career.
At that time, I also silly music, thought I was in the strategy of big handsome, did not expect, was fishing clearly is my own.
2 With the beauty in the heart of the tease, how can I still rest on my heart to engage in business?
The next day I looked for the past upside down.
I even put on a very cute light makeup.
“Excuse me, which clinic is Dr. Shen from your department?
“The little nurse was stuffily organizing her materials, “We have two Dr. Shen’s here, which one are you looking for?
“There are even two of them. Shouldn’t such a beautiful surname be reserved for a handsome man?
The one who is especially tall, handsome and white.” The nurse looked up.
” The little nurse then raised her head, and the light of gossip flashed in her eyes.
“You’re not the girl who molested Dr. Shen yesterday, are you?
!” “Yes, yes, yes! So you all know.
“I nodded my head like a peck of rice.
The little nurse’s eyes were full of admiration, “You’re the first one who dared to tease our Dr. Shen like this, you’re really a tiger, little sister.
“While laughing, she led me to the 3rd consultation room, “Dr. Shen, your future girlfriend is here to see you! Aiya, it’s too blunt to say so.
Dr. Shen is getting shy.
When the big handsome man saw me, he obviously paused for a moment, but raised his eyebrows and didn’t say anything.
But his ears secretly red ah, I saw it.
I happily thanked the little nurse, good behavior holding the lunch box waiting at the door.
Staring straight at the big handsome man.
If you don’t say that doctors are very calm and collected, this person is so leisurely being stared at by me until noon.
After seeing the last patient, the big handsome man got up and washed his hands, took off his glasses and rubbed his temples.
“Why are you here again?
Registered yet?
“Tsk, Dr. Shen really has a hot temperament.
Although she seems to be as cold as an iceberg to me, she has already begun to “fight with me as love”.
I held my lunchbox and handed it over, “Dr. Shen is hungry, right? I’ll bring you some food.
“The big handsome man hugged his arm, looked at me askance, and didn’t take it.
I understand that when you are fishing for a beauty, you have to let the other person do everything by themselves.
I opened the lunch box, four meat, two veggies and a soup, set him a clinic table.
“Dr. Shen, I’ll give you a number in exchange for this table of food, how about it?” “Did you make it yourself?
“You made it yourself?
” The big handsome man finally showed a hint of interest.
“Of course I personally …… ordered takeout.
“The big handsome man gave me a blank look, “Just know to eat takeout, don’t see you are popping pimples?
High salt, high oil, high sugar, easy to die early.
“Oh my god, Big Handsome is worried that I will die early, is he already thinking about our white head together.
“I’m not able to cook, after all, the first time to chase someone, the skills have not been practiced, Dr. Shen wait for me to slowly come.
” The big handsome man again cold snort, lifted his leg and walked out.
This is not good?
You can skip the meal, but I haven’t gotten my number yet! I quickly flashed to the door to block him.
“No, Dr. Shen, I’ve done everything for you, you can’t give me nothing!” As soon as my words came out, the sound of several people sucking in cool air came from behind me.
Patient: “Dr. Shen! I see you as a good doctor, I didn’t expect you to be such a person!” With a long sigh, he angrily tore up the registration slip.
Nurse: 「That, Dr. Shen, this is the slip you asked for.
” Panicked, he shoved it into his hand and fled.
Other doctors: 「Shen ah, then we’ll go eat first, won’t bother you hahahaha.
”Leaving behind a string of barbell-like laughter.
Dr. Shen smiled kindly at them, then looked down at me and slightly hooked his lips.
Then closed the door to the consultation room.
Raising his arm, he bullied his way over, trapping me in front of him.
Door…door thud?
It turns out that the big handsome guy, whose face is like ice and frost, but whose heart is like a blazing fire, is already so impatient with me!3 “What the hell do you want?
“I want your number.
I want your number.” “And then what?
“Then …… chase you.
I’m not going to be able to do that.” “I’m not going to be able to do that.
“The big handsome man sneered, “Why?
Why?” “What kind of era is this, do you still need a reason to chase someone?
“Because you are good looking.
“Because you have a nice voice, and you dress well.”
“It seems the doctor doesn’t want to go for the kidneys, just the heart.
I had an idea.
“Because you’re exceptionally kind!” “Oh?
How do you know that?
“Because you’re a doctor, you save lives, you help people, you’re noble and great.”
“Oh, you’re so shallow!” I’ve gone all the way to values, can’t I?
I consoled myself with the fact that when the handsome man said I was shallow, he was just complimenting my white skin color.
“Dr. Shen, we must enjoy life to the fullest, we don’t know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, you are a doctor, you should know best, why can’t we just follow our heart and do what we like?” I boldly held out my hand.
“I was bold enough to extend my fingertip and point to his chest, his license plate.
“Dr. Shen Shubai, why do you have to screw with yourself?
Just let me chase you~” The big handsome man looked at me with some complexity in his eyes, but without delay he slapped my hand away with one hand, coldly grunted, and pulled away from me.
It seems to be unwilling.
But I’ve already thought about it, if he tells me “No chasing”, I’ll take the next one “I don’t agree”.
“Then you’re not allowed to eat takeout anymore.” “I won’t.
“I won’t.”
“The big handsome man’s eyes were full of shock: between takeout and chasing me, you chose takeout directly, but if you hesitated for a moment?
I hurriedly waved my hand, “I said it wrong, I won’t eat it, I won’t eat it, I’ll listen to you.
“So, Dr. Shen has agreed to be with me?
I jumped up three feet. I jumped three feet high and almost jumped onto Shen Shubai.
He pushed me away with his fingertips on my forehead.
“Thinking too much, I just didn’t disagree with you chasing me.
” Using double negatives to show affirmation, it’s really a trolling beauty.
“Well well well, don’t worry Dr. Shen, I will try my best to chase you, I won’t let you down!” I’m so serious that I’m afraid the Tutor Daemon King would be jealous if he saw me.
As expected, it completely impressed Dr. Shen, he raised his eyebrows, walked back to the consultation table, took his glasses and put them back on.
Then lifted his leg and was about to walk out.
My quick eyes and hands, but also can only pull his white coat, ”Dr. Shen, you see I have bought, especially delicious, all my favorite food, let’s eat some first this time.”
“Dr. Shen disgustedly pulled away my hand, “Put it away, come with me.
‘ Sweeping a glance at my lost expression, Dr. Shen lightly coughed.
「I have seen a hundred or so patients in a morning, there are inevitably germs in the clinic, don’t eat here.
” After a pause, “Clothes too, there are germs.
” Gosh, big handsome guy he explained, must be in a hurry, must care about me.
I happily repacked the big box of takeout and followed Dr. Shen upside down, all the way to the small short legs backwards.
Along the way.
“Yo, isn’t this Dr. Shen’s future girlfriend?” “Oops, I just heard you guys did it, so fast!” “Little girl, your speed is good, keep up the good work!” Dr. Shen’s colleagues were all so enthusiastic and gossipy that they made me shy.
I jogged two steps to the side of him, want to see whether the big handsome man is also like me red face.
Unexpectedly, the big handsome man face as usual, but also calmly and calmly nodded with others.
Seems to be a little smug?
Turned the corner and arrived at the cafeteria.
Dr. Shen handed me a dinner plate and started to get me dishes.
Stir-fried tofu with small onions, hand-torn cabbage, mushroom and vegetable hearts, and wine-scented grass head, set me a plate.
We haven’t even gotten together yet, and he’s giving me all this green.
His own plate is a mix of meat and vegetables.
I squealed, nuzzled my chin and gestured madly, wanting to have a roast duck and salt water chicken, which was madly ignored by Dr. Shen.
Okay, don’t panic, I still have takeout in my lunch box, four meat, two veggies and a soup.
Unexpectedly before I sat down, Dr. Shen took my lunch box with one hand and handed it to the next table.
With his other hand, he slapped back my desperately scrambling hand.
“Xiao Liu, you’re working the night shift tonight, right?
I’ll add a midnight snack for you.
”The young man who was innocently cued took it with a puzzled face, his eyes darting between Dr. Shen and I twice.
“Okay, thank you Dr. Shen, and Dr. Shen’s future girlfriend.
“Okay, for the sake of you being so understanding, I’ll give it to you as a midnight snack.
But I can’t be so green and healthy and environmentally friendly for this meal, right?
At least give me a bite of meat.
I fixed my greedy eyes on Dr. Shen’s dish.
4 Dr. Shen looked down and ate very seriously, I saw the right time, quick as a flash, from his dish to clip away a small chicken leg.
The big handsome man didn’t react! I remember he seems to have a cleanliness fetish! I hemmed and hawed, it seems that he has taken me as one of his own.
I was about to extend my chopsticks to another dish when the opposite party coughed, “See what you can do.
” Before the words fell, the dish of mushroom chicken, which I had pinched, was placed on my plate.
“Okay, thank you Dr. Shen!” As I ate, I didn’t forget my business, “By the way, Dr. Shen, give me your number.
Why does this kid have so many question marks?”
“Give me your number so I can chase you.
Dr. Shen winked, “You’re already here, what do you need a number for.”
“He’s going to make me come here every day.
I’m also a career man.
Besides, technology is so advanced, can’t we have a little cloud flirtation?
Why does it have to be offline?
But if I come over, I’ll only see you during the day, so I won’t be able to chase you after work.”
” Dr. Shen nodded, as if he finally understood the charm of technological advancement.
“But now, I’ve both invited you to dinner and have to give you my number, so aren’t I losing out?
What’s so bad about giving a number to a beautiful woman?
What’s there to lose by giving a beautiful woman your number.
Besides, didn’t you give someone else the takeout I ordered for you as a midnight snack?
No panic, good thing I’m still prepared.
I pulled out a box of Cheerios from my backpack and respectfully presented it with both hands.
“I personally spent money to buy for you, and also hand-washed for you, this heart, change a number can always be right?
” Dr. Shen again did not answer, with a look of disdain.
I’m not happy about this – it doesn’t matter if you belittle me, but you can’t belittle the money I spent.
“Cheerios! This is the special Chelsea for the rich and famous, the Chelsea that makes people lose their money! Doesn’t it look like the color of Grandpa Mao?
If you change your number, you’ll make a lot of money!” Dr. Shen tilted his head in thought, asking a question with a clear mind, “So you didn’t buy it for someone else?
“How could I buy it for someone else?
It’s so expensive! I can’t even afford to eat it myself! I saved it out of my teeth for you.
“Dr. Shen’s face twisted for a moment.
But he still snorted coldly and took it.
“My cell phone number, take a note on a piece of paper.” “It’s okay.
“It’s okay if you just say it, I have a good memory.”
” Dr. Shen smiled, “My cell phone number is xxxxxxxxxxxx, QQ number is xxxxxxxxxx, landline number is 021-xxxxxxx, remember?
“Harm, my life good strong boyfriend ah, estimated originally only intended to tell me a number, under the desire to win or lose before a bald told me.
But I don’t panic.
Steadily recapitulate once again, by the way a war, “Dr. Shen has microblogging or Xiaohongshu or learning strong country’s account, can also tell me, I can remember.
” “No, I don’t use those.
‘ Dr. Shen smiled faintly and came closer to me, ”Zhou Mu Mu student, it seems that you are very suitable for studying finance.
”My pupils quake, when did he know my name?
And how did he know what I studied?
Dr. Shen had a smug look of having found the scene, “When you took out your fruit just now, you took out your student ID card for a second, I saw it.
I saw it.” Just that one time, he saw it and remembered it.
I hurriedly applauded and praised, “Worthy of being a doctor, sharp eyes and excellent memory.
“Dr. Shen nodded his head, “Zhou Mu Mu, you don’t have to worship me too much, just learn from me more in the future.
”That’s just right, I also have a question I would like to ask our excellent Dr. Shen.”
Who doesn’t have a little question mark?”
Dr. Shen just put a Cheerios into his mouth, obviously sweetened, in a good mood, raised his chin at me.
“Why did Dr. Shen agree to be with me?
‘ He glanced at me and laughed softly, ”Probably because of your name.
“I was delighted, “It’s particularly nice, isn’t it?
” “Not really, it just sounds like you’re very good at the seven-step cleansing method.
‘ Dr. Shen’s eyes narrowed.
“And, I only agreed to you chasing me, I didn’t agree to be with you, Zhou Mu Mu student, don’t try to set me up.
”Kam, I can’t believe he recognized it.
It seems like I should change my name to ‘Zhou Qin Washing Hands and Loving Hygiene’.
But it doesn’t matter, today’s harvest isn’t small, I’ve completed step 0 of the strategy, and I’ll be able to turn into 1 soon.
But I’m not happy for a few days, not to mention turning into 1, I directly tore up the progress bar myself – I was green!5 After getting Dr. Shen’s number, I still went to the hospital every day to look for him with my legs.
I can’t help it, he’s too cold.
“Good morning, Dr. Shen.
Is Dr. Shen there?” “What’s Dr. Shen doing?
“What’s Dr. Shen doing?
“Dr. Shen, do you want some fruit?
” After sending a row of messages, I received only one reply.
It’s rare to get a reply, so I hurriedly sent it over, “Okay, I’ll order you a takeaway, and address it to your hospital, okay?” “I can’t get it, you can send it over.
“I can’t receive it, you send it over.
“I’ll give you a service to your home.
“I’ll give you service to your home.
I carried the fruit to the hospital, just in time for noon, the clinic has closed the door.
“Aiya, Dr. Shen’s future girlfriend, you really come to see him every day.” “That’s not true.
“That’s not true, other young couples are very happy now, how sweet, our Shen is also considered to be a blossoming iron tree.
“Along the way, I was again teased by his colleagues.
Although my mouth said, “Aiya, no,” in fact, my heart has long been happy flowers.
But when I arrived at the cafeteria, the flower in my heart immediately shriveled.
Why is there a girl sitting opposite Dr. Shen?
I’m not a doctor, I’m not a patient! Not a doctor, not like a patient, and look tea tea, sitting opposite Dr. Shen, is talking and laughing with him.
Who is it?
Who is it? The whole hospital knows that Dr. Shen has been contracted by my future girlfriend, how dare anyone sit opposite him?
How dare anyone sit across from him? At this time if someone passed by me, they would definitely be able to feel the gust of coldness emanating from me.
I raised my leg and wanted to rush over, intending to take advantage of Green Tea’s unpreparedness and grab her up and wrestle her to the ground.
As a result, Green Tea seemed to have sensed the killing intent on my body.
She swept her gaze over, froze for a moment, and then actually gave me a crooked smile.
Provocation, definitely provocation! I took a deep breath and clenched my fists in preparation for a move.
It just so happened that Dr. Shen followed that green tea’s gaze and also looked over.
After seeing that it was me, he faintly smiled, then twisted his head over and flicked that little green tea’s forehead.
He, flicked, the green tea’s, forehead, in front of me.
Didn’t he say he had a cleanliness fetish?
Didn’t he say there were germs that couldn’t be easily touched?
Didn’t he say he’d given me permission to chase him?
Oh, right, just agreeing for me to chase, not agreeing to be with me.
I patted my head.
It seems that Dr. Shen is not only agreeing for me to chase him, but also agreeing for others to chase, at first glance, it’s just playing bidding game.
I laughed coldly at this pair of tea men and women, viciously took out a handful of Cheerios from the bag, and stuffed all of them into my mouth.
It was so fucking sweet.
I myself can not eat, from the teeth to him Shen Shubai save out of the Chelsea, it turned out that all the wrong payment! Also Raiders a fart, scum is not worth it.
I turned around and left, while walking angrily ate a whole box of Chelsea, if not afraid of being caught by the city police, I can still angrily spit all the way to the kernel.
Just after returning to school, I received a message from Dr. Shen.
“Where’s my fruit?
” Heh, he still has the face to ask?
“It’s gone.
“You’ve got a pretty good idea. Tomorrow?
Tomorrow I’m afraid you’ll sit opposite another girl.
“And after that, it’s all gone!” After a while, my cell phone dinged.
“You’re really just playing around.
You sound resentful.”
I was furious and picked up my clothes to go over and argue with him.
In the end, who is playing who?
I Zhou Mu Mu active to active, but a heart out, is seriously in pursuit of Dr. Shen, which can not tolerate being casually played.
Just out of the door has not yet taken two steps, received a phone call from the tutor Daemon King, bad news hit.
My thesis has been drawn and will be sent for blind review! This is my watery day, isn’t it? What about losing both the love field and the battlefield! I couldn’t care less about going to the theory with Dr. Shen’s big scum, I first went to find my tutor to go through my thesis before it was a hundred thousand times more urgent.
But will I just let the scum off the hook?
I can’t.
I hardened my heart and pulled the plug on Dr. Shen with one click.
“Aren’t you arrogant?
Then taste the taste of being blackmailed!” I muttered as I stepped onto the road to my mentor’s office with the wind and the water chilling.
Although I knew in my heart that according to Dr. Shen’s high and cold persona, he would never take the initiative to send me a message in his entire life, nor would he find out that I had blackballed him.
But I realized after the fact that I was wrong.
I thought that I was ripping him off, but in reality, he was the one who was fishing for me.
n>Now that his fish is running away, he’s just finally getting antsy.
6 I was in the middle of a liver essay heave when I received a phone call from a string of unfamiliar numbers.

“The tears were almost coming out of my eyes.
Because of the influence of a certain Zhai celebrity who did not know the influence of Zhi.com, our weight checking rate this year is required to be under 15%, which is already abusive enough.
But the papers sent for review are even more stringent, with a weight check rate of no more than 8%, is there any justice at all?
I’m even writing my own literature review.
“Don’t rush me, teacher, I have a bad cold.” I sniffled.
“I sniffled, “It’s really bad, I’ve been on saline drip for two days, and the doctor said it’s because I’ve been working too hard on my thesis every day.
The doctor said it’s because I’ve been working too hard on my thesis every day.” “Don’t worry, teacher, I’m really working on it, no donkey in the production team is as diligent as me.
I’m not as diligent as the donkeys in the production team.” The other side froze for a moment at the tearful confession.
“MuMu Zhou, how long have you had a cold?
How many days have you had a cold?
How many days have you had it?
What are your symptoms now?
” A series of questions came, I just heard out, the other end of the phone is Dr. Shen.
Heh, scumbag.
“None of your business.
“I hung up angrily.
Ten minutes later, the number called again.
I didn’t want to answer it, so I hung up.
Still calling.
Called until my roommate already complained with her eyes.
I had no choice but to pick up the phone, “It’s just a cold, it’ll go away soon.
“The other person’s voice didn’t allow me to comment, “I’ll be waiting for you at the main entrance of your school.
” “Huh?
You’re coming?
Why are you waiting for me?
I have a paper to write!” “If you don’t come, I’ll just barge in, and if I’m detained by the security guards, I’ll give your number to the security guards so that you can come and get me.
“The scummy man was still so emboldened that he made me laugh, “Aren’t you afraid that I won’t come to collect you?
” Dr. Shen paused, voice lowered, “afraid.
But I will still wait slowly.
If you are willing to come, remember to wear more, it is quite cold outside.
“I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get you out of there.
This wave of sympathy points instantly pulled full.
I skimmed my mouth, admonishing myself over and over again that I was only spoiling him one last time, and must never go soft on scum, before wrapping my coat tightly and heading out the door.
Just as I saw Dr. Shen, I was pulled into the car by his arm.
Before I could say anything, he again went up to touch my forehead, peeled my face to see my color, and pulled out a thermometer, ordering me to hold it in my mouth.
Shit, I regretted inwardly.
It’s not like I’m wearing makeup.
Wouldn’t it look like I was having a bad time since I broke up with him if he looked like I had a bad complexion?
I was secretly sulking, but I didn’t expect Dr. Shen to be even more angry than me.
“You’ve got a bad cold and you haven’t recovered from the saline drip for a few days, why don’t you come and see me?
You’re a brain-dead, no, a brain doctor, why would I go to you.” I opened my mouth to retort, but was met with a grimace.
I opened my mouth to retort, but Dr. Shen reprimanded me, “Shut up, I’m taking my temperature!” Then I came to Dr. Shen’s home turf.
“Of course you didn’t come to see me, you’ve already blacked me out on WeChat,” he said.
“Why did you pull the plug?
You don’t like me anymore?
You like someone else?
“You said you wanted to chase me when we first met?
But it’s only been a few days and you’ve lost it?
“I was right about you, MuMu Zhou. You’re really shallow. You’re just playing around. You’ll chase any good-looking guy, right?” Dr. Shen stared at me.
“Dr. Shen stared at me, “Right?
Why don’t you say anything?
“I was so angry that I pointed to the thermometer in my mouth, you were the one who didn’t let me speak, and you were the one who asked me why I didn’t speak.
I wanted to chew the thermometer and feed it to Shen Shubai.
Dr. Shen smacked his lips, looked at the time, and reached out to draw the thermometer from my mouth.
It was my turn to be the main player.
“Dr. Shen, you’re obviously the one who’s playing, right?” “Letting me bring you fruits while you dine with other girls, you’re sitting on your ass and enjoying the happiness of all.
“You’re flirting with a girl in front of me and asking me why I’m blackballing you!
I was wrong! I was wrong. I was wrong for not hitting you at that time!” “And you threw dirt on me, saying I’d chase anyone?
Shen Shu Bai, listen to me clearly, I, Zhou Mu Mu, am very proactive in my feelings, but you are the only person I’ve ever chased after!” Dr. Shen froze for a moment.
“What girl?
The one who sat across from me the day you delivered the fruits?
“You’re still asking?
I blanked him! I gave him a blank look.
Dr. Shen suddenly laughed maniacally, laughing until he couldn’t straighten up and slumped on the steering wheel, his previous high and mighty image shattering to pieces.
“Zhou Mu Mu are you stupid, if I’m really still with another girl, would I let you find out, I have such a high IQ.
”It’s because I know you have a high IQ that I think you’re deliberately playing tricks on me ah, I was so angry that I inclined my head.
Dr. Shen cupped my chin and pulled my face, “Mu Mu, that girl is my sister.
” “She came to me that day, and when she heard the other doctors say that a little girl was going to be my future girlfriend, she clamored to see you.
“Yes! She’s my sister from the same mother and father.
“So Green Tea is the future sister-in-law! So, what’s the plot?
I slapped his hand away and silently lowered my head, so embarrassed that I wanted to find a crack in the ground.
But Dr. Shen refused to do so, and even insisted on slamming my chin, forcing me to look straight at him.
“Zhou Mu Mu student, are you, are you jealous?
” A flirtatious smile shook my mind again.
This damn beauty.
I resignedly confessed that it was indeed because I thought he had his foot in two, three, four, five, six boats, and not only was he fishing for me, but also didn’t care about my feelings, that I angrily pulled the plug on him.
Dr. Shen raised the peak of his eyebrows triumphantly, ”I told you, how could you possibly meet a better man than me?
You must have backed out on yourself.
“I choked out in anger, “Dr. Shen, if you keep being so cold and toxic, I’ll really back off.
“Then I plan to open the door and get out of the car.
Don’t go, don’t you still have a cold?
I’ll take you to our hospital and find a doctor to take a look at you.
I waved my hand, “I don’t have a cold, I’m just lying to my tutor, I just can’t change my thesis.” “Then send me your thesis.
I just can’t change my thesis.” “Then send me your thesis and I’ll take a look at it for you.” “No, I don’t need to.
I don’t think you can help me.” “No, finance and medicine are still far apart.
“With that, I got out of the car.
Dr. Shen also got out of the car and followed me.
“How do you know I can’t help you?
Send it to me first.
” said Dr. Shen while taking out a scarf from the bag and putting it around my neck.
Although the posture is especially like tethering a dog, but …… this is he bought me a gift?
I stared at Dr. Shen with crystal clear eyes, looking at him as he began to dodge.
“My sister said she wanted to give you a gift, she chose it and said it’s cute and matches you.
” The voice was astringent and shy.
“Oh, so it’s not from you.
“I can’t hide the loss in my heart.
Dr. Shen finished tying, not tying, the scarf around me and rubbed the top of my hair, “We chose it together, and I paid for it.
“After buying so many Cheerios, I’m finally seeing money back! And my love is back! I covered my face with my scarf, waved happily to Dr. Shen, and then, ran away.
It’s not that I’m a wimp, I’m in a hurry to correct my thesis, but I can’t let love go to my head at a time like this.
Dr. Shen leaned against the car door, hands in pockets, smilingly shouted at me, “Send me the paper, remember to drink more hot water.
“Uh-huh!” I turned back to answer him.
For a moment, the wind didn’t seem so cold, and it even blew the small flowers on the roadside red.
In fact, I didn’t expect anything when I sent my thesis to Dr. Shen.
As a result, he came back to the school the next day to look for me.
I just got on the car, he dumped me a dozen materials, I fixed my eyes, it was my thesis.
But it seemed …… like it wasn’t.
The whole framework has been reorganized, the logic is more clear, the wording is more professional, even the innovative points are written in a high level, like it is going to run for the Nobel Prize.
There are also circles and drawings on it.
Dr. Shen pulled me over and explained everything to me.
“I’ve helped you organize the whole thing, and in these places, you can double-check the data, and here, you can double-check with your mentor to see if it can be expressed in this way.” I looked up at him in shock.
” I looked up at him in shock, as if I saw the light of the God of Learning shining above his head.
“How do you know all this?
Finance hey, and it’s also a thesis hey, it’s very difficult.
“Dr. Shen gave me a blank look, “What’s so difficult about this, I’m just dabbling with it out of interest, it’s just that you’re not very good at it.
It’s just that you’re not good at your studies.” “Okay, okay, okay, okay, bow down to the God of Learning.
I pulled at the materials and found a page in the middle.
“What’s this?
The Ten Basic Principles of Love?
“Even with the weak light in the car, I could see the pink blush slowly rising on Dr. Shen’s cheeks.
I wanted to go over and poke him in the face, but he pushed me away.
“Ten principles that must be observed, look good.
” After saying that, he even picked up a thermos and drank water, in a manner that hid his embarrassment.
“Obey!” I looked down, these ten principles, it’s killing me.
“1. Wash your hands frequently and strictly follow the seven-step cleansing method. 2.

  1. No take-out food, and eat a healthy diet.” “” “9.
    “……” “9. hygiene, go home to change clothes, bed sheets and covers changed every week.
    “10. Marriage as a prerequisite for the exclusive love.
    “Except for the 10th article, it is basically a propaganda page promoting hygiene and civilization.
    I am so nervous that I can live in a kennel, not only do I like a person with cleanliness fetish, but this person also wants to cultivate the cleanliness fetish in me.
    But fortunately, all that fretting was cured by the tenth article.
    “Dedicated love with marriage as a prerequisite.”
    I recited it three times before and after, and the more I recited it the more my heart beat, and my heart was as sweet as if I had eaten jumping candy.
    I couldn’t help but pounce on Dr. Shen and give him a passionate kiss on the cheek, and I was especially happy to bury my head in the nape of his neck and keep rubbing it.
    “Dr. Shen, you promised to be with me! Such a poisonous and iceberg big handsome guy, was finally covered by me, I was so excited that I was about to bleed lui.
    Dr. Shen’s body obviously stiffened, then slowly softened, his hand wrapped around my waist, gently pulling me away.
    Eyes staring at me for an instant, opened his mouth and asked.
    “Have you washed your face yet?
    ” I: “……” actually really did not wash.
    I smiled docilely, sat upright, and also folded those ten principles as well.
    “Don’t worry, I will strictly implement them, so you can rest assured that you will fall in love with me boldly!” Dr. Shen was noncommittal and asked me with a straight face.
    “You have to be serious in your relationship, be responsible for the other person, no double-mindedness, and you have to aim for marriage, can you really do that?
    ” “Of course I can!” I didn’t think twice.
    Dr. Shen frowned and squeezed my shoulders with both hands.
    “Zhou Mu Mu you have to think clearly, aiming for marriage is not a trivial matter.
    You’re still studying now, you might think all this is just for fun, but I’m working and a few years older than you, I’m taking it seriously.
    ” I took his hand, “I’m serious, never playing around, I was chasing you with the purpose of marriage before, and I’ll fall in love with you with the purpose of marriage in the future as well.
    “Dr. Shen stared into my eyes like he was making sure I wasn’t lying.
    I kissed him on the lips.
    I kissed him so hard that he was confused, and only then did he stop obsessing about whether he was serious or not.
    Of course I didn’t dare tell him that not only did I leave my face unwashed, but I also ate garlic for lunch.
    Although these ten basic principles, completely based on Dr. Shen’s personal requirements, did not consult my ideas, overbearing is overbearing a bit.
    But as soon as I signed them, the romance with Dr. Shen progressed by leaps and bounds.
    Within a month, I moved in with him.
    9 Later I realized, let me move to his home this matter, is Dr. Shen premeditated.
    Otherwise, why did he even agree to change clothes at home and change the bed sheets regularly in the Ten Principles of Love?
    But the whole thing seems to have been brought up by me, which is particularly watertight.
    Because the internship company I was looking for was too far away from the school, spanning several districts, it took four or five hours to travel back and forth.
    I was rubbing my wrists absentmindedly while complaining to Dr. Shen.
    Dr. Shen took me by the hand and washed me again under the faucet.
    “New X Road in Huang X District?
    My family has a house in that neighborhood, no one lives there now, it’s empty.
    “I was so happy to see you, I was so happy to see you, I was so happy to see you, I was so happy to see you, I was so happy to see you! No one lives there! It’s a waste.
    “Dr. Shen, see me every day back and forth so long it, then you can not ……” I turned my head to look at him, a pitiful look.
    “I can rent it to you, at market price.
    I can rent it to you, at market price.” Oh, at market price, thank you.
    I can’t afford to rent it, my internship isn’t enough to pay for a room for a month.”
    “Dr. Shen smiled crookedly and came close to my ear, “You can also think of some other things to do to offset the rent.
    ” My pupils quake, is this still my iceberg-like, high-cool doctor?
    Do, do what?
    ” I was so panicked that I couldn’t even speak.
    Dr. Shen nudged the tip of my nose, “Of course it’s cleaning the house, Zhou Mu Mu, are you overthinking it again?
    “You’re obviously the one who’s leading me on, okay?
    The beauty of the fishing department sure can fling a hook.
    Within a few days, I moved into Dr. Shen’s house.
    The house is not big, it’s an old house, and the layout inside is simple but cozy.
    Dr. Shen introduced this as his family’s old house, the place where he grew up.
    But because it was too small and didn’t have an elevator, he later bought a big new house in the surrounding area for his parents to live in, so this place was left vacant.
    “The rooms aren’t very big, so you can make do.
    ” Dr. Shen helped me put my luggage away.
    “Make do?
    I checked, the houses in this neighborhood are now 10W+ a square foot, I live here, it’s the house that’s treating me like a poor person.
    “This is my parents’ bedroom, and that one is mine, where do you want to sleep?
    ” I looked back and forth, sleeping in his parents’ room feels inappropriate, but if you sleep in his room, does that mean …… Seeing my hesitation, Dr. Shen smiled blankly, “Don’t brainstorm, no matter which one you choose, I’ll sleep in the other one.
    ” “Then I’ll sleep in your bedroom!” I was elated.
    Dr. Shen came closer to me, “But Zhou Mu Mu, you have to be prepared for this kind of thing, after all, we are aiming for marriage.
    “After flirting with him, he lifted his leg and went into the bedroom.
    “Okay.” I muttered, “Then it’s time to get married.
    “I muttered, then always be prepared, who is afraid of who ah.
    “The house has been cleaned, the sheets and covers are new, and the task of cleaning up afterward is yours, and remember, the sheets and covers must be changed weekly.
    “Hiss …… did not expect to expect, love ten principles, so soon to be under the eyes of Dr. Shen one by one implementation.
    “Right Dr. Shen, do you have a place where you can’t touch, or can’t look at ah?
    “After all, we have to respect privacy.
    “No, just remember to arrange them neatly after you’ve turned them over.
    “Does that mean I can just look through it?
    I don’t know! My boyfriend was so frank, I was embarrassed, “No, no, no, I won’t just go through your stuff.
    “That’s what I said, but I was still filled with the desire to explore the room that hid Dr. Shen’s childhood.
    I wanted to see if he was a cold and poisonous person since he was a child.
    As a result, I turned over a couple of things, and it really was curiosity that killed the cat.
    10 When my future sister-in-law called me, I was still looking through Dr. Shen’s high school classmates.
    When the phone rang, my hand shook, as if I had been caught doing something wrong.
    But the caller was more eager.
    “Little sister-in-law, come to the MLY bar, my brother is drunk.
    ” For a moment I didn’t care about my classmates’ records, I anxiously grabbed my clothes and ran out.
    “Why is he drunk?
    Dr. Shen doesn’t like to drink, right?
    !” When I rushed to the bar, I saw Dr. Shen lying on the bar, looking drunk.
    And beside him, in addition to his little aunt, there was also a woman standing.
    As soon as I saw that woman’s face, my heart thumped.
    It was Dr. Shen’s high school classmate, called Bai Tangtang.
    Why did I recognize her so quickly?
    Because I stared at her page of classmates for a long time.
    There was a heart drawn on her picture with a red color pen! According to my woman’s sixth sense, and considering Dr. Shen’s poisonous and cold attributes, if he can draw a red heart on the photo, this woman is Dr. Shen’s first love.
    When enemies met, I pushed away her hand that was holding Dr. Shen.
    I took Dr. Shen’s waist, “Don’t bother, I’m his girlfriend, I’ll do it.
    ”Bai Tongtang guffawed, sidestepping her body to make room for me.
    My sister-in-law and I carried Dr. Shen to the car, and this person still shouted at me in a daze, “You haven’t given me your wallet yet.
    “What wallet?
    “I pulled out his coat pocket and pants pocket, indeed no wallet.
    “Sister-in-law, can you see if he left it at the bar?” “Okay, take care of it.
    “Okay, you take care of your brother.” I went back and saw his wallet.
    “When I went back, I saw the wallet lying on the bar, and Bai Tangtang who was drinking leisurely next to me.
    “He forgot his wallet, I was going to bring it to you.
    ” Bai Tangtang smiled gently.
    I snorted coldly.
    Your ass is sitting so still, how do you look like you want to send it over to us.
    Obviously, he intentionally hid his wallet, just waiting for another opportunity to find him.
    I won’t give you that chance.
    I’m not giving you that chance.” I picked up my wallet and wanted to leave.
    “Ms. Zhou, don’t you think we should get to know each other?
    “Bai Tongtang pulled my arm.
    I’m sorry, my boyfriend is still waiting for me outside, and I don’t want to get to know you.”
    ” I shrugged it off.
    “Then aren’t you curious why your boyfriend is so drunk?
    ” Pak Tong Tong smiled provocatively.
    The tip of my tongue pressed against my back teeth, and it really spoke to my heart.
    I am curious.
    Bai Tangtang let out a light laugh, “I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Bai Tangtang, I’m Shen Shubai’s high school classmate.
    “Of course I remember you.
    “I heard Shubai say that you are also studying finance, he really can’t let go of our agreement ah.
    “Bai Tongtang look of regret,” when we were in our senior year of high school, originally agreed to go to X University together to study finance, but his parents do not agree, to him to change the volunteer to study medicine.
    If not for that, we could have continued to be classmates for many years, no matter whether we were in college or graduate school.” “Hmm.
    But that didn’t work out, it’s fate.”
    Bai Tangtang see me indifferent, and make a sorry look, “Sorry ah, today I just returned to China, want to come to find the white catching up, who knows this catching up catching up with him so sad, is really my fault, you call Zhou Mu Mu right, give you trouble.” “It’s okay, I’ll go back to comfort him,” he said.
    “It’s all right, I’ll go back and comfort him.”
    “I turned my head and left.
    Bai Tangtang laughed softly behind me, ”But the good thing is that I’ve gone back to China now, so I won’t have to trouble you anymore in the future.”
    ‘ I had a lurch in my footsteps.
    Bai Tangtang walked over to me and looked at me with her eyes downcast.
    I stubbornly stared up at her.
    So angry, she stood up and was actually half a head taller than me, height crushing can’t be tolerated.
    “You may not be happy to say it, but Ms. Zhou should also be able to see that it’s only because I’m abroad that Stated White temporarily found you for fun.
    “You are only from XX University, your studies are not good and your IQ is not high, you must be under a lot of pressure to be my understudy, right?
    “What kind of understudy is that? Do you think you are reading a romance novel?
    How dare you despise my IQ and school! “It’s a lot, sometimes it’s just not easy to control yourself.” I smiled back.
    ” I also hooked my lips and smiled.
    Picking up the half cup of wine on the table next to me that I hadn’t yet taken away, I directly threw it on Bai Tangtang’s face.
    Seeing her fine makeup, under the alcohol makeup remover directly paste out two dark circles under her eyes, I couldn’t hold back my laughter.
    “Oh gosh, I’m sorry, I’ve caused you trouble.
    But you’re such a good student and have such a high IQ, you must not be angry right!” “Zhou Mu Mu, you!” Bai Tang was so angry that she was trembling, but she couldn’t get her hands up to wipe the wine on her face.
    Instead, it attracted curious gazes from the surrounding eaters.
    “I don’t care how you guys were or will be, right now, I’m her girlfriend, you, at best, are just a third.
    “Ms. Bai Tangtang!” Deliberately saying her name super loud.
    Aren’t you a bully?
    Don’t you look down on me?
    Let’s see who is more afraid of social death.
    In the midst of Pak Tong Tong’s cursing BGM, I dashingly saluted the onlookers while walking out of the bar.
    But in my heart, it was heavy.
    “Little sister-in-law, I’ll go back first, take care of my brother.
    ”My sister-in-law even took my hand on her way out, ”It’s been hard on you, tomorrow when he wakes up, I’ll help you scold him!” I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Dr. Shen’s side face.
    But isn’t it just hard work?
    Not only do you have to pick up your drunken boyfriend, but you also have to be humiliated by his ex-girlfriend.
    “Bai Tongtang, Zhou Mu Mu.
    ” I poked Dr. Shen’s face, “What, looking for a body double you also need to find the ABB name ah, really demanding.
    ‘ I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth.
    There was no way I could admit on my lips that I was just someone else’s substitute, but in fact, my heart had already been convinced by those words of Bai Tangtang.
    Otherwise, according to Dr. Shen’s such good conditions, why would he like me, a little girl who is not good at school and doesn’t love hygiene?
    You think I’m young?
    Why don’t I take a bath?
    It must be because I’m also a finance student, because that’s what his favorite woman is studying.
    He also talks about “love for the purpose of marriage” and always reminds me not to play around and not to have second thoughts.
    He’s good, it’s true that he doesn’t have two hearts, but he loves someone else with all his heart.
    I was so angry that I pinched a red mark on his face, “Scum! I won’t serve you anymore!” The next day, I left with my luggage.
    I left Dr. Shen a bowl of sober soup with five spoons of salt and a note.
    “Break up” was so simple and concise that I didn’t even bother to write a punctuation mark.
    And blacked out all his contact information.
    I wanted to refuse all strange calls, but I’ve been looking for a job, so I have to answer the phone when I’m waiting for an interview.
    So I accidentally answered a few calls from Dr. Shen on other numbers.
    But as soon as I heard his voice, I immediately hung up.
    Until my future sister-in-law called.
    Careless, I forgot to pull the blackout together.
    But my future sister-in-law has always been kind to me, so I was too embarrassed not to answer.
    “Sister-in-law, listen to me, I don’t know what that little bitch Pak Tong Tong told you, but you can’t trust anything, you know?
    My brother doesn’t like her, he never has. She’s the one who insisted on pestering my brother! The person my brother likes is you, Zhou Mu Mu, it’s you! My brother told us a long time ago that once you graduate and get settled in your job, he will marry you! I just connected the phone, there is the sister-in-law Dudu Dudu Dudu like a machine gun like a call.
    Listening to my brain hurts, “What?
    Slow down.
    “Aiya little sister-in-law, it’s a long story, so, you come to the door of your school, we find a place to eat and talk, how?
    “Waiting until I saw the future sister-in-law, and her side of Dr. Shen, I realized that really he is borrowed the name of the future sister-in-law to see me.
    I turned my head and wanted to leave.
    Dr. Shen pulled my arm, his voice hoarse, “Mu Mu, you should at least listen to me explain to you.
    ”12 A few days after not seeing him, Shen Shubai’s state was visibly worse.
    He has a pair of dark circles under his eyes and a beard on his chin.
    How can he still look like the high-cool handsome guy he used to be?
    If at first I saw him this way, I will not be so on the head, bold and direct to start chasing.
    But if I hadn’t chased after him at that time, I wouldn’t have seen him like this, and my heart would have been throbbing with pain.
    “Mu Mu, you don’t want to see me anymore, right?
    ”I was going to say yes, but I couldn’t stand Dr. Shen’s aggrieved tone at all, so I could only incline my face.
    “Don’t you want to explain?
    Say it.
    “I regretted when I finished saying, “In fact, there is nothing to explain, just you and Bai Tangtang that matter, I bless you, you do not come to bother me on the line.
    “Dr. Shen held my hand, squeezing it so tightly that I couldn’t pull it out no matter how hard I tried.
    “Mu Mu, I don’t know what Bai Tang Tang told you, but I guess she told you that I was drunk because of her, right?” “Yes.
    “Not at all, it has nothing to do with her! Not at all, it has nothing to do with her!” That day, because a patient of mine who I’ve been following for years passed away, it was hard for me, and I didn’t want to affect you because of these troubles, so I thought I’d go to the bar and have a few drinks.” “I’ll testify!
    ” “I’ll testify!” The future sister-in-law jumped out and said, “My brother greeted me before he got off work that day, saying that he would be drinking in the evening, and asked me to come over to help him drive the car.
    “Bai Tangtang was just happened to run into later, so many years have not seen the old classmates, just sat together and drank a few cups, I did not expect to get drunk.”
    “I raised my eyebrows, “So innocent?
    It’s all a coincidence?
    The question is, what’s with the red heart on Pak Tong Tong’s photo in your high school catalog?
    “What red heart?
    “Dr. Shen’s face went blank.
    “You didn’t draw them?
    “I’m suspicious.
    “Why would I draw that?
    A high school book?
    I don’t even remember this.
    “That year is to follow the wind sent to the class to write together, after retrieved I have not seen, after all, play well with friends, has long been stored in the number has been in contact, which needs what classmate records ah.
    “The future sister-in-law jumped out, “Little sister-in-law, I testify, that Bai Tangtang was indeed very fond of my brother back then, but my brother was addicted to studying and didn’t like her at all! “Now too, she still wanted to come to my brother after she returned to China, but my brother still didn’t like her, so she was jealous of you and purposely pissed you off.
    “And do you think I would have dared to call you over that day to be with me if they really had something going on?
    Then my brother would have torn me apart.
    “That makes sense.
    And I saw Dr. Shen’s expression, it doesn’t look like it’s a lie.
    So the red heart was really drawn by Bai Tangtang herself.
    Later on, she also deliberately said that I was her double, also to stimulate me.
    I nodded.
    “I promise you, I will never see Bai Tangtang again, not only Bai Tangtang, I will stay away from all other women, especially I won’t drink with them! Dr. Shen swore with conviction.
    Then he pinched my palm, “Okay, now that our misunderstandings have been solved, don’t be angry anymore, okay, look at your haggard corners of your eyes have fine lines.
    “I just smoothed out my anger again, “You are the one with fine lines! I’m only twenty-three this year, how can I have fine lines?” “Okay, okay, you don’t have fine lines, but I do!
    ” Dr. Shen completely lowered his stance.
    But there was still a question pressing on my heart.
    “Dr. Shen, even if there is no Pak Tong Tong, I am still very uneasy in my heart because I am still not sure if you like me or not.” “Yes, of course I like you!
    “Of course I like you! Little sister-in-law, my brother likes you so much, you are his first love!” 13!!! I looked at Dr. Shen in shock.
    I was his first love.
    I was touched and wanted to laugh a little at what was going on, not mocking Dr. Shen for being older than me.
    Dr. Shen glared at his future sister-in-law.
    Laughing to death, the little sister-in-law is not afraid at all, “Brother, don’t stare at me, little sister-in-law looking at you.
    “Then pulled my hand,” little sister-in-law, you do not laugh at him, my brother this person, and high cold and poisonous, but also special sultry, and the heart is not twisted very much.
    “He doesn’t know how to speak properly when he likes someone else, so no girl can stand him.
    I glanced at Dr. Shen and smiled, “So no one else wanted him, so he got me?” “Of course not, my brother has a good eye,” he said.
    “Of course not, my brother has a high opinion of people, and he’s only ever told us he likes you.” “And you, little sister-in-law, have a very high opinion of people.
    “And little sister-in-law you are too powerful, fortunately, you perseverance to pursue him, you two became, you are my family’s female bodhisattva ah, little sister-in-law, I heard that you also before every day to my brother to send fruits right ……” This blah blah blah, I and Dr. Shen’s face can not hang on.
    Hurry up and blow away the future sister-in-law.
    “Okay, go ahead.
    ” The surrounding finally quieted down, I can properly dish it out with Dr. Shen.
    “Why do you like it, I can’t say, maybe it’s the first time I saw you, I think you’re very cute, warm and direct, that kind of feeling is different from others.
    So at that time I also asked you ah, why do you want to chase me.
    “Dr. Shen blinked his eyes.
    “So you were trying to copy the answers!” I’m afraid you were just being spontaneous, and I was stupid enough to take it seriously.”
    “You were stupid?
    You used to sneer at me, but you were always so eager to please me, but you were actually happy, right?
    “I thought about it carefully and realized that this person is the beauty of the fishing system. On the one hand, she showed a cold disdain for my pursuit, but every time I wanted to back off, this person hurriedly threw a hook up again.
    I thought I was trolling someone else, but I was actually countered by the beauty.
    Dr. Shen scraped the tip of my nose, “indeed happy flowers, especially found that you are not a whim, found that you are also very serious, I cheerfully told my family, I like you too much, already recognized the future marriage object is you.
    “As a result, you left me and ran away, and gave me a cup of salty, salty hangover tea on your way out,” Dr. Shen said with a look of resentment.
    “Dr. Shen had a look of resentment on his face.
    I pulled away his hand, in broad daylight, “Okay, okay, it’s my fault, I misunderstood you, I won’t run away again.
    “No, you have to fully realize your mistake, and you have to sign.
    ” Dr. Shen pulled out a piece of paper.
    It was the basic principles of love again, but it was changed to eleven.
    One was added to the last version, “No unilateral breakups, no randomly hacking each other, and more communication in daily life.”
    He also took out a pen from his pocket and handed it to me, “Sign, hurry up.” “Hey, don’t sign this.
    “Oops, don’t sign this.” “What?
    “What? You know you’re wrong, but you won’t change?” Dr. Shen wrinkled his nose.
    “Dr. Shen wrinkled his eyebrows.
    I rubbed his brow with my fingertips and leaned over to his ear, “Sign the principle of love, let’s sign the principle of marriage.
    “Didn’t you say you’d propose to me when I settled down at work?
    You can’t renege on your promise after what my sister-in-law said.
    “Dr. Shen’s eyes immediately flashed with light, “No reneging, no reneging, have you agreed to marry me?
    “Too much.
    “I arrogantly held up my arms, “I just didn’t disagree with you proposing to me, Dr. Shen.
    ” “Heaven’s way is good.
    Fishing system beauty, you come and take the bait yourself.
    14 “By the way Dr. Shen, you just scratched my nose.
    “Not allowed?
    “Not really. I just didn’t wash my face today.”
    “Zhou Mu Mu! You didn’t follow our ten basic principles of love!” “Your principles don’t say you have to wash your face every day.
    “…… You wait, I’m going to draft our 100 basic principles of marriage right now.
    ” “I’m wrong, I’m wrong, I’ll go wash now!”
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