What’s the scariest moment you’ve ever experienced?

What’s the scariest moment you’ve experienced? After my boyfriend died, I lay in the bed of his best buddy – the one who killed my boyfriend.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
And I forced a smile on my face, and every moment was worse than death.
I didn’t have a fit and continued to play his docile lover.
Because I had to plan how to make him, pay for his blood.
023 years old that year, I have been talking about from the university boyfriend died.
We even met both parents at the time.
Last year when he was traveling with me, he proposed on top of a mountain.
I said yes to all of them.
But he disappeared in the blink of an eye.
After he passed away, I still live in the house I rented with him.
The house was huge, with over 170 square feet on the upper and lower floors combined.
It was empty, but the fact that we had a border collie named Duo Duo and the traces left by my boyfriend made me feel safe.
Living here can sometimes make me feel that he’s still around.
So no matter how much my parents tried to persuade me, I didn’t change my house.
On my 24th birthday, I came back from an out-of-town business trip and lied to my parents on the phone that I was meeting a friend.
Then tweeted to a familiar pastry store to order myself a small portion of fruit cake.
It was one of my boyfriend’s favorites when he was alive.
That cake store is the pastry chef one person to take care of, a man less than thirty years old, dark-looking, tall and strong, but very good hand.
I said one fruitcake, please.
He said Happy Birthday.
I said how did you know?
He just laughed on the other end of the phone and didn’t answer.
I said thank you, hung up the phone, but the heart vaguely some uneasiness, but did not think too much.
Put down the phone not a moment, the house outside the rainstorm, thunder bursts attack.
The sky was already dark, and every flash of lightning looked hideous.
I was a bit scared, so I hugged my dog DuoDuo to watch a movie and wait for the cake.
After watching a good portion of the movie, suddenly the whole house went dark.
The power was out.
I turned on the light on my cell phone, but held the dog too afraid to move.
At that moment, there was a dull, heavy knock at the door, and the dog stomped me twice and quickly leapt toward the door, barking furiously.
1 “Who is it?
” I asked, standing in the doorway.
‘Your cake.
” I let out a long breath.
It was the pastry chef’s voice.
I hustled the dog into the kitchen, where she was too aggressive to shut up, before I dared to answer the door.
Receiving the cake, I realized that the portion was heavy.
“I only ordered a small portion. ……” “It’s your birthday,” I laughed.
“I laughed and said, “It’s going to be very fat.
“The chef didn’t answer, but glanced around the room, “Is the power out?
“I nodded.
I nodded. “Can I help you fix it?
“You know how to do that?
“I run a store, don’t I know how to do this?”
” He quickly got the house lit up again.
I could see that he was soaked to the skin.
I said, “Thank you.
” He looked into the kitchen.
In there, my dog was still barking.
“It’s no trouble,” his eyes flicked to me, “I haven’t eaten yet, so why don’t I stay with you for your birthday.
“2 “It’s too late today, why don’t …… we do it some other time, I’ll buy you dinner.
” I walked towards the door, wanting to open it for him.
But he took a step up and pressed against the doorway, “It’s raining heavily outside.
” I was startled by his action and instinctively wanted to get angry.
However, he was a head taller than me and had a wide stance, so I didn’t dare to anger him at all.
“I can lend you my umbrella …… How about calling a car for you?
” He didn’t answer, just looked at me.
“Xiao Chen, do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t remember telling him my name.” “What are you trying to say?
“I fell in love with you at first sight.
I’ve loved you since the first time you came to the store.
” He was staring at me dead in the face as he spoke.
It was a strange look, not a serious, or determined look, I just couldn’t read it.
“You stay with me, I’ll be good to you, I’ll be good to you ……” so good to me that you blocked the doorway of my house to confess your love?
I took a deep breath and tried to answer him in my most composed tone.
“Master ……” “I don’t call myself master, my name is Xu Hu.
” “Well, Mr. Xu, I …… have a boyfriend ah.
” He froze for a moment.
The gentle expression, in an instant, became cold.
“You …… have a boyfriend?
” “Yeah, he went to work overtime and will be back soon.
” I squeeze out a smile, “So Mr. Xu, you go first, lest he come back not good to explain.
“There are many traces of my boyfriend in this house, including the men’s slippers at the door.
And my boyfriend has been to his store.
So it should be very believable for me to say so.
But …… “Why?
“He questioned, “Why did you lie to me?
“I didn’t lie to you.
“At the beginning of the year, you went to the cemetery with this cake.
Whose tombstone is that?
“How much does he know about me?
How does he know?
When my boyfriend was still alive, we frequented his cake store.
Then we added WeChat for convenience.
But apart from ordering and paying for cakes, we never chatted.
I also never revealed the news of my boyfriend’s passing in my circle of friends.
So all this information was from his silent snooping! Thinking of this, I immediately ran to the kitchen, trying to put Duo out.
She was the only one who could protect me.
But just as I touched the doorknob, he yanked on my clothes.
As soon as he yanked, my entire body flew backwards and lay on the floor.
Immediately afterward he pressed up and covered my mouth with a towel.
That towel tasted weird.
It was probably ecstasy.
I wanted to hold my breath to break free.
But he only used one hand to hold both of my arms, sitting on my waist, no matter how much I struggled, he didn’t move.
My breath quickly ran out and I began to have to breathe in the drugged air.
Not unlike how it plays out in the movies, I breathed for a long time before I started to get dizzy.
During this time, countless horrible thoughts flashed through my head.
I was so scared that I began to sob, tears slipping down my face in big clumps.
He stared at me, just staring at me dead center like that when I was most scared, even with a creepy smile.
I read his eyes.
It was madness.
4 When I woke up, I was sitting on the couch.
The lights were bright, and there was a fruit cake on the coffee table with candles already inserted.
Xu Hu was also gone.
I then got up, wanting to quietly leave the house, but just as I took a step out, I suddenly tripped over my feet and my whole body fell to my knees.
I looked down and saw that my hands and feet were tied together.
I tried several times, but I couldn’t break free at all.
Lying on the ground, I couldn’t get up either.
I was so shocked by the situation that I couldn’t help but shed big tears.
At this moment, I heard the sliding door of the kitchen open.
Then came Xu Hu’s heavy footsteps.
He quickly walked over and helped me up, mumbling, saying Xiao Chen are you alright?
I cried and begged, I said all my money can be given to you, please let me go.
He was amused by me and said I don’t want money.
“I won’t let you go either.
” I still couldn’t stop the tears and just then I saw Duo through the kitchen door.
She was lying on the floor.
The rise and fall of her chest had been so slight as to be imperceptible.
And it was then that I realized that in the man’s hand, he was holding a sharp knife.
A sharp pain shot through my brain.
“What did you do to Duo?
What did you do to her!” He looked back, “Mesmerized, or it would have been noisy.
” “She’s not dead ……,” he looked calm, “Little Tatsu, as long as you listen, I won’t hurt you.
” He revealed a pleasing-like smile, “It’s good that you’re obedient.
” After he finished, he sat down next to me and used the knife in his hand to make a large piece of cake and served it in front of me.
” He gestured for me to open my mouth.
I obediently opened my mouth.
I watched as the tip of the knife slowly brought the cake into my mouth.
Mixed with my own tears.
“Good boy.
“5 He got wine and glasses from the kitchen and drank with me.
Let me lay on his lap and watch a movie together.
He told me that he’d had a crush on me for two years.
He kept his hands in my hair, and they were slippery and greasy and horrible and disgusting.
“So you know how happy I was that day?
It was, the day I found out that man was dead …… I thought, “This is God letting me have you.
“I missed my boyfriend again.
When he proposed at the top of the mountain, he said he would protect me forever.
He went back on his word.
He went back on his word, and now I have no one to protect me.
“Drink some more.
“I said.
“Xu Hu was very happy and poured more wine.
He helped me up, fed me a glass, and drank a glass himself.
I said I wanted more.
I purposely let a drop of wine leak from the corner of my lips, purposely wiped it with my tongue, purposely let my broken hair stick to the side of my face, and purposely looked at him with mesmerized eyes.
Let’s drink more, I said.
He began to obey, pouring one glass after another and drinking it.
I think he knows a lot about me, but he probably doesn’t know how much I drank alone in the six months after my boyfriend left.
I couldn’t get myself drunk long ago.
6 He had a few more drinks than I did, and by two in the morning, he was finally slowly falling asleep.
And with my tied hands, I took his sharp knife and let the blade cut the rope in the gap between my two hands of a few millimeters.
Luckily, the knife was sharp, and the ropes on my hands and feet were cut within ten minutes.
I turned back to my cell phone to call the police.
That cell phone I hadn’t touched since I got home, it should still be in my handbag.
I looked over to the man, who was sleeping more and more peacefully at this point, snoring loudly.
I then tiptoed towards the coat rack in the doorway and rummaged around in my handbag.
But the cell phone wasn’t there.
“Is that what you’re looking for?
” I jerked my head back.
Seeing the man’s hand, he was holding my cell phone and shaking it.
7 Although he had counted on me, fortunately, for the sake of that cell phone, the place I was standing at the moment was only one step away from the door of the room.
Being able to escape was better than anything.
After being scared and screaming, I immediately leapt towards the door of the room and twisted the lock.
But he was faster.
Like a shadow he rushed over, from the couch to the door in a split second.
The moment I opened the door to my room, he pulled me by my hair, and in his other hand, he grabbed the sharp knife.
I was in pain and fear, frantically yelling.
Just then, a high-pitched bark.
It was Duo.
She woke up at some point, leapt out from around the corner, and took a bite out of the man’s arm.
The man ate the pain and let go of my hair, instinctively struggling twice, but Duo’s bite was firm.
I shook off my hold and scrambled out the door, pressing against the doorway and yelling, “Duo! She’s got to come with me! But when I looked back, I saw that the man had stabbed the sharp knife into Duo’s stomach.
Blood gushed out and had spread across the floor.
But Duo was still biting that man’s hand and wouldn’t let go.
No matter how much he twisted his arm, how much he jerked the knife …… and Duo’s eyes, kept looking at me.
There were tears in the corners of his eyes.
Tears just like those of humans.
“You have to live a good life.
” I heard my boyfriend’s dying words again.
“I can’t be with you anymore, but you have to live!” I slammed the door and tried to knock on my neighbor’s door, but immediately realized that I might be in the clutches of the devil again before my neighbor’s door was open.
So I turned back and ran out of the building, all the way to the deserted road late at night.
8 The rain poured down and within seconds I was soaked to the bone.
But I was thankful for the rain.
In this kind of visibility, he wouldn’t be able to find me if I ran a few hundred meters.
As long as I found someone to call the police for me.
But the neighborhood gatehouse was empty, and all the stores outside the neighborhood were closed.
On the roads on the outskirts of town, there was only the ghostly yellow light from the streetlights.
Sporadic cars sped by under the rain.
I waved and yelled, but no one stopped for me.
I didn’t dare stop, I knew the man would soon catch up with me.
I ran down the road and finally saw the lights on at a gas station a few hundred meters away.
I knew that was the only way to survive the rainy night.
The rain kept rushing into my mouth and nose, choking me with every few breaths.
I was in my nightgown and barefoot.
The water was not above my ankles, and from time to time, the gravel I stepped on sent a sharp pain through my heart.
The soaked clothes were cold and icy.
But I couldn’t care less and desperately ran as fast as I could.
Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters.
I finally dashed into the convenience store in the gas station.
I fell to the ground with a thud.
The woman clerk in overalls saw me and was startled.
I said, “Help me, someone’s following me, please, help me!” 9 I hid in the warehouse of that convenience store.
The place was warm.
And the clerk panicked and called the police.
I knew that I was safe.
Hundreds of meters away, three or four forks in the road, no one in sight inside the pouring rain, it was unlikely that he would come looking for me again.
Thinking about this, I only felt that this warehouse was the warmest place I had ever stayed.
It even made me a little sleepy.
However, two minutes later, I heard the convenience store’s welcome voice ring out again, and another person came in.
“Ninety-five, plus two hundred.
” It was the man’s voice.
He drove the car! Yeah, he’ll drive after me! And the gas station was the closest place to call the police, so he would definitely come!10 “What are you looking for?
“the clerk asked.
I heard the man pacing between the shelves.
He was looking for me.
“Do you have any Band-Aids?” the man stalled.
” the man prevaricated.
“Two rows behind you, on the right.
“Okay, thank you.”
“The man’s footsteps sounded again.
Closer and closer to the warehouse door, to me.
I didn’t dare breathe, I could only cover my mouth and drop silent tears.
Snap, snap, snap.
His footsteps grew louder and louder.
When he was by the warehouse door, suddenly, he stopped.
For a long time.
He never moved.
I felt that at any moment he would open the door and come in.
“No luck?
“It was the clerk’s voice again.
“No, there’s a leak in your warehouse.
“That’s rainwater on me.
I had been drenched for too long, and the water was still running down my body, spreading, and by now it had already flowed out of the bottom of the door of the warehouse.
“Oh, it’s okay. I’ll fix it later. Thank you.
” the female clerk said.
” His footsteps finally sounded again.
Gradually walking away.
But the store was so quiet, so breathtakingly quiet.
I could clearly hear him placing something on the register as the clerk scanned the code with her laser and pressed the keypad.
A dollar, you buy that many band-aids?
” He nodded, “Bitten by my dog.
” “Huh?
Ewww, that bad!” The clerk seems to have seen the wound.
“I’m on my way to the hospital.
“Hurry up, you’ll need a couple of shots.” The man laughed.
“The man laughed, and the sound of footsteps started again.
Then there was the automated voice of welcome at the entrance to the supermarket.
He opened the door, he was leaving.
“Eh wait ……” was the voice of the female store clerk.
“What’s wrong?
” “I …… I didn’t want to bother you, and you’re hurt ……” The man let out a laugh, a laugh, a soft one.
“It’s all right, you say.
“Can you stay with us a little while longer?”
“Can you stay with us a little longer?” “You …… guys?
“Yes, there was a little girl who was followed by a pervert just now and hid in my place.
“You didn’t call the police?
“The police have been called, but they haven’t come yet. I think they’ll be here in a few minutes. …… You can stay with us for a few more minutes.
“Please, you’re so tall, the perverts will run away if they see you.” “That’s fine.
“That’s fine.
“Thank you so much, thank you so much.
By the way, I’ll give you your money back.
“No need. …… By the way, do you have any coke here?
“I’ll get it for you. “Thank you very much.
And duller footsteps.
The refrigerator door opens.
Suddenly, bang.
A muffled thud.
It was the sound of flesh falling to the ground.
Then footsteps, men’s footsteps, unhurried, coming closer.
The door to the warehouse, open.
11 I was re-tied hand and foot, taped over my mouth, and shoved into the trunk of the car.
I kept bumping around in the car.
I knew that the car was traveling towards my home.
It was my home, but I was sure that going back again would turn into my prison.
In the midst of my despair, I suddenly heard a siren.
It was the police.
At the same time, the car started to slow down.
I had to let the police know I was here! I started kicking the trunk frantically.
But with my hands and feet tied and lying on my back, I couldn’t move upward.
All I could do was kick the edges of the compartment with my feet.
The car slowly stopped, but at that moment, the sound of exciting music came from the car.
It was the man, muffling my voice with the music.
I heard the police officer across the street yelling and talking to the man, interspersed with the sound of the rain pounding on the body and the rock riffs.
I tried shaking the body of the car, but apparently that wasn’t enough to get the cop’s attention.
Half a minute later, the car was moving again.
The sirens, too, faded away.
When the trunk opened again, I saw, again, the man’s ghastly face.
“You’re soaking wet, let me help you take a bath and change your clothes.
” 12 He pushed me into the tub and rinsed me under the faucet.
Mud mixed with tears slid down my body and a little bit passed through the drain.
The floor in the bathroom was filthy, and in the corner, were large patches of dog hair.
That’s Duo’s, I think.
This time, he didn’t tie my hands and feet.
Even he realized that I wouldn’t dare resist at all.
He stopped the shower and took out the medicine cabinet.
Taking up the red drops with a cotton swab, he held my ankle in his other hand and lifted it to his eyes.
He looked carefully at the wound on my foot and then pressed on it with the cotton swab.
His hand was so strong that my ankle was raw from his grip, and a stinging pain came from the swab as he pressed it against the wound.
I instinctively shrink my foot.
“Don’t move.
“Beautiful feet,” he said.
“When we go inside, put on some makeup and I’ll help you change.
“You have a white dress, backless, one-piece.”
“I like white.”
“He was staring at my feet, talking to himself, with a terrible light in his eyes.
“After we change, we’ll spend our birthdays together.
“Then I’ll confess to you. I didn’t do so well just now, so I’ll do it all over again this time.
“This time, you have to promise me.”
This time, you have to promise me.” In fact, at this moment, I couldn’t care less about anger.
There was only fear.
I was trembling all over, not daring to say a word.
And I didn’t dare to say no.
I might as well be dead.
In that bathtub, this thought became clearer and clearer.
Might as well be dead.
Just then, I heard the sound of a key turning on the door, outside the living room.
It was the most beautiful sound I had heard all night.
It was Zhao Zhe.
13 I traveled a lot, and Duo was taken care of by my boyfriend before.
And after my boyfriend died, the only person I trusted most in this city was our college friend, Zhao Zhe.
He was quiet, honest, and kind to both my boyfriend and me.
My boyfriend once suspected that Zhao Zhe liked me, but Zhao Zhe never showed any signs of it, so the suspicion was not broken.
After my boyfriend left, I gave him the task of feeding the dog when I traveled.
He would come into my house every morning on his way to work, wipe Duo’s poop and pee, and refill his water and dog food.
And when I forgot to tell him this time I was back, he took it upon himself to come to my house.
But it’s just after five in the morning, and he’s, surprisingly, here so early.
After the door lock turns, I hear the sound of feet on the floor.
I’m coming Duo.
” I heard Jo Chul call out for Duo.
In the bathroom, the man was alert as well, one of his hands slowly raised and pressed against my neck.
As soon as I made a sound, he would suffocate me.
We both, in silence, listened to the commotion outside the room.
“Where have you been Duo, still sleeping?
” Jozhe kept pacing around the house.
Going up the stairs and coming back down.
“Uncle Cho got up early today on purpose to give you a bath.
” His tone was as calm and indifferent as usual.
It sounded down to earth.
Those footsteps, slowly approached.
“Going to the bathroom to play in the water again?
‘ Zhao Zhe suddenly asked.
A word that surprised me.
Because, Duo, never plays with water.
Why would he ask that?
He was saying it to me.
So, Jozhe knew that something was wrong with the house.
14 Jozhe’s footsteps were getting closer.
And Xu Hu picked up the knife in his hand.
He signaled me to stand up, his big hands tackling my neck as he made me step out of the tub.
I tried to land my foot a little heavier to alert Zhao Zhe.
But the moment I landed on my feet, Xu Hu’s hand suddenly lifted so hard that my breath caught and I stomped my feet.
Then he suddenly pulled me into his arms and strangled me with his entire arm.
That arm was as thick and strong as an iron bolt, and it was getting tighter and tighter, allowing me to retain only a trace of breath.
He tackled me like that and slowly moved to the door.
And Jozhe, it seemed, walked over to it as well.
” he called softly, turning his handle.
Immediately afterward, the door was jerked open at an unnatural speed.
In that instant, Xu Hu instantly threw me off while stabbing the door sharply with a sharp knife in his other hand.
I was thrown to the ground, but I was seeing …… Xu Hu stabbing empty.
From my perspective, the door was empty.
Suddenly, Zhao Zhe lunged out from the side of the door and knocked Xu Hu out of my view.
I got up from the ground and chased after the door.
I was seeing Zhao Zhe pouncing on Xu Hu and choking the other man with his hands.
But he was too skinny.
With a stomp of his feet, Xu Hu actually directly lifted Zhao Zhe to the ground.
And then Xu Hu quickly got up and frantically kicked Zhao Zhe who was curled up on the ground.
He braced his hands on the wall, and each of his kicks was lifted high, stomping down with all his strength.
And with each kick, he kicked Zhao Zhe’s two ribs.
I froze for a moment, watching Zhao Zhe being kicked two or three times before I came to my senses and realized that the sharp knife in Xu Hu’s hand from earlier had fallen to the ground not far away.
I quickly ran over and picked up that knife.
Strangely enough, it was a western-style meat cleaver that I had at home.
But I was now holding it with both hands, but my whole body was trembling.
“Stop fighting!” I shouted.
But Xu Hu was still in a frenzy, screaming and cursing from his mouth, and with each kick, he made a dull ringing sound on Zhao Zhe’s body.
I swung my knife hard twice in the air and raised my pitch.
“Stop it!” Xu Hu finally stopped.
He gasped for breath, wiped the sweat from his face, pointed at Zhao Zhe and asked me, “Xiao Chen, who is he?
” “My friend!” “Your friend?
” he stepped forward, “You’re wrong Tatsu, he’s someone like me.
“He’s not like you!” You don’t understand. You don’t understand the way a man’s eyes look at you.”
” He stepped out of the shadows and looked at the knife in my hand, “Why are you pointing a knife at me?
” He held his head up and stood up straight, looking at me condescendingly.
“I made you dessert, bathed you, healed your wounds, and you turn a knife on me!
” His eyes were, for a moment, filled with ferocity.
“You hold a knife against me, just for this man!
” The voice, too, became unusually sharp.
“Tatsu, I wanted to treat you well, I really wanted to treat you well!” He took one step and rushed over, yanking me by my hair and dragging me towards the living room.
Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.
Because I had taken the knife and stabbed it into his thigh.
But, he just stopped in his tracks, without saying a word, grabbed the handle of the knife, and pulled it right out.
Blood spurted out and splashed onto my face.
Then he pulled my hair and yanked me up, and with his other bloodied hand raised high, he slapped me across the face.
The sheer force of it slapped my entire body to the ground.
The knife fell.
I reached out to pick it up, but my hand was stomped on by his foot.
I couldn’t hold it back any longer and screamed.
Then I saw him pick up the knife, crouch down, and put the tip against my face.
“I’m asking you for the last time,” his eyes had turned scarlet, “to stay with me or not?
‘ I could feel it, on my face, growing pain.
“Say it?
“I’m scared.
I was afraid that if I didn’t say yes, my whole face would be ruined.
But if I said yes, what would happen afterward?
Who knows what he’ll do?
“Say it!” The pain was getting sharper and sharper, and a drop of warm liquid was already flowing from my cheek to my chin.
“Say your mom!” Suddenly, I heard a low growl.
16 Xu Hu turned his head back, while Zhao Zhe had already swung a golf club and hit Xu Hu on the head.
Xu Hu immediately fell down.
Then Zhao Zhe mounted Xu Hu and swung that club, hitting Xu Hu on the head one after another.
Xu Hu tried to grab his opponent’s hand, but after two heavy blows, he lost all strength in his hand.
Zhao Zhe’s club, on the other hand, was still swinging it one after another.
Xu Hu’s expression had stiffened as he lay on the ground, his eyes roundly open, his head rolling with the blows over and over again, and being brought back to its original position by his neck.
Like dead.
Instinctively, I wanted to hold Zhao Zhe down so as not to make a scene.
However, just as I was about to open my mouth, I stopped.
Surprisingly, from the inside, I wanted Zhao Zhe to continue fighting.
I seemed to be, immersed in this sound.
However, neither Zhao Zhe nor I noticed that Xu Hu’s other hand, was still clutching a knife.
Surprisingly, he hadn’t let go yet.
I only saw a flash of light.
And then Zhao Zhe stifled a grunt, covering his stomach, and the club, when it was lifted to its highest point, slipped out of his hand.
Then, clearly, I heard two more sounds, the sound of a knife piercing into flesh.
Short, and powerful.
Jo Chul fell to the ground on his side.
With his back to me, he fell between Xu Hu and me.
After a moment of quiet, I saw Xu Hu slowly stand up from behind Zhao Zhe.
He was very tall.
So tall that when he stood up straight, he covered the lights in the living room.
He stepped over Zhao Zhe and walked towards me.
Like a vicious beast.
Suddenly, he stalled on his feet.
It was Jo Chul, who wrapped his arms around his ankles.
“Go!” “Tatsu!” “Go!” 17 Xu Hu’s knife fell towards Zhao Zhe once again.
But this time, it hit Zhao Zhe right in the face.
Zhao Zhe let go of Xu Hu’s feet in an instant and grabbed Xu Hu’s knife-wielding hand with both hands.
“Go! Go!” Zhao Zhe shouted loudly, without any other words.
But …… why does it have to be like this?
After the car flipped, my boyfriend was stuck in the cockpit and told me to go.
I left, and the car’s fire flared up at once.
And then there was Duo, biting Xu Hu’s arm.
I left too, and now I can’t even find Toto’s body.
Why did you let me go alone?
Why did they all let me go alone! I scanned around and was seeing several sections of rope on the carpet that I had cut.
I copied one and wrapped it around both palms a few times.
Then pounced on Xu Hu.
I didn’t want to leave!18 The rope was wrapped around Xu Hu’s throat.
And his knife was imprisoned by Zhao Zhe with the strength of his entire body.
Xu Hu couldn’t breathe, and his only remaining hand, which tried to grab me behind him, could only flail in vain, threatening to tear off a lock of my hair at the most.
But still, he twisted stubbornly, trying to throw me off his back.
There was plenty of force, and just flinging myself from side to side had already left my arms aching and my palms bloodied from the rope.
And the most dangerous of all was Zhao Zhe.
The blood underneath him had spread out into a puddle, and it was still expanding.
Right now, I could only hope that Xu Hu would suffocate and pass out before he lost too much blood and went off the deep end.
Ten seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Thirty seconds.
After that, I lost the concept of time.
I only remember that when Xu Hu collapsed, I once again cried uncontrollably, sobbing uncontrollably.
In my tearful eyes, I saw Zhao Zhe smile at me.
That was the warmest thing the entire night.
19 That night, I tied Xu Hu up and used Zhao Zhe’s cell phone to call the police and 120.
Xu Hu was convicted on several counts and sentenced soon after.
He had no relatives and did not even appeal again himself.
Duo Duo’s body was found in the freezer and buried in the countryside on the hillside.
And Zhao Zhe lay in the hospital for two months, fortunately, four stab wounds on his body, none of them hurt the vitals.
But because of the damage to his intestines, he had to eat fluids all the time.
I’ve been to Guangdong, I know that the congee there can be made very good, so I learned it, and when I don’t fly, I make congee and send it to the hospital.
That night, the moon was very big, and I went to the hospital to see him, and we took a walk together in the hospital yard.
He said that in fact, all these years, has always been interested in me, but I am, after all, a brother’s girlfriend.
I actually knew what he was going to say.
The days he was hospitalized and spending time together, I had understood his mind.
“I know that you would think that saying yes to me would be a betrayal of him.
” Zhao Zhe’s voice was deep and gentle, “But why don’t you think of it in a different way?
” “A different perspective?
” I returned.
He laughed softly, ‘A different perspective, I’m the next one to protect you.
‘ “Let me think about it,” I said, but couldn’t help the curve of my mouth, “Let me think about it.
“20 After Jo Chul was discharged from the hospital, I finally checked out of that house and stayed at Jo Chul’s house.
He made a table of food, even though he could barely even hold a pot in one hand because of his injuries.
But he just didn’t allow me to interfere.
The flavor of the food was a little heavier than his brother, but it was also quite delicious.
That night, for the first time, I lay in his bed.
We were both very reserved, lying straight, and fell into a deep sleep in no time.
Then I had a strange dream.
It was my dead boyfriend.
He was yelling, “Go!” “Go!” I woke up in a cold sweat, with a sharp pain in my head.
It was an old migraine coming back, but I hadn’t brought any painkillers with me when I got here.
Zhao Zhe was sleeping soundly, so I had to get up and walk to the living room by myself.
But I didn’t find any medication, but in the drawer under the TV, I rummaged through stacks of photos.
Those were my photos.
Private photos.
Stolen photos taken when I was home alone.
There were living room ones, bedroom ones, bathroom ones …… and also, the ones where I was bound by Xu Hu’s hands and feet …… Where did these photos come from!
I suddenly remembered what Xu Hu had said.
“Your friend?
You are wrong Xiao Chen, he is the same person as me.
” “You don’t understand, you don’t understand the eyes of a man when he looks at you.
“The pain in my head is getting more intense.
Like a power drill went through my temples.
I understood.
I understood everything.
From the photos, Jo Chul should have installed cameras in many corners of my house.
That’s why Zhao Zhe would know that something happened in my house.
This is why Xu Hu would say that someone told him all the information about me when he was interrogated by the police.
Wait …… is that all?
No, there’s one more thing.
My boyfriend’s death.
21 “Xiao Chen?
” In the bedroom, there was a soft call from Jo Chul.
It was still that same gentle voice.
“Where are you?
” I put the pictures back in the distance and closed the drawer.
“Nothing, I’m going to the restroom.
” I took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and re, returned to his bed.
He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me in one smooth motion.
At that moment, I suddenly felt that his hands, a hundred times more disgusting than Xu Hu’s.
But I couldn’t have a seizure.
I’m going to get to the bottom of this.
I want to make everyone who hurt me, pay in blood.
22 The three days after that were the most torturous days of my life.
Sharing a room with an enemy, forcing a smile, even hugging.
Every moment was worse than death.
Luckily, I found out a lot of key information in three days.
All that was missing was the final confirmation.
And this confirmation required me to pry open Zhao Zhe’s mouth.
At two in the morning on the fourth day, I turned on the bedroom light.
I threw a cup of boiling water on Zhao Zhe’s chest.
He woke up with a start and screamed miserably, only to realize that his hands and feet had been tied.
“Don’t struggle, the binding technique Xu Hu used, it can’t be torn apart.
” I said.
“Xiao Chen, what are you doing?
” he looked at me in horror, “What are you doing!” “I’m asking you a few things.
“Let me go first and I’ll tell you everything.”
“I laughed and shook my head, “That won’t do, you’ve killed people after all.
“I …… killed someone?
” He squeezed out a smile, “Xu Hu he, still alive is not it?
“But my boyfriend is dead.
“I would have liked to maintain a cold-blooded look, but when it comes to my boyfriend, my voice still choked.
“What’s it got to do with me if he’s dead?” he yelled.
” he yelled.
I took out my cell phone and opened a video.
It was a video from when Xu Hu imprisoned me.
“Pictures, videos, you enjoy spying on me ah Zhao Zhe.
” I scoffed, “You put a dozen cameras in my house, Jo Chul, a dozen.
” “So what!” He finally panicked, “If it wasn’t for those cameras, how would I have saved you that night!
” “Yes, you saved me and got hurt for me ……” I took a deep breath, “But wasn’t it you who leaked my information to Xu Hu?
Including name, birthday, when I traveled, when I came back, even the address of my boyfriend’s grave!” “You directed all of this!” “Heroic rescue, Zhao Zhe, it must be great, right?
“I bent down and took out the golf clubs that I had already hidden under the bed.
It was the one that Jo Chul had used that night, and it was also my boyfriend’s favorite one before he died.
I sometimes felt that it was this club that had always protected me.
And now, I had it in my hands.
“Down here, answer whatever I ask you, or I’ll break your legs.
” I raised the cue high, “What were you doing from November 3rd to 14th last year.
” “Tatsu, it’s been so long, who remembers!” I shook my head, “Wrong answer.
‘ The cue falls, smashing straight into his shin.
23 I waited a while.
After waiting impatiently, he stopped screaming.
“I’ll rephrase the question. Jo Chul, on November 16th of last year, the battery of my boyfriend’s car caught fire, and on November 3rd, you borrowed the car.
” “I just borrowed the car. I always borrow his car.
I always borrow his car.” he explained in a panicked voice with a sobbing voice.
“Yes, but every time before, you were traveling or on a business trip, and I asked someone to check your records, and you didn’t check into any out-of-town hotels for those 11 days, so yeah, for 11 days, what did you do?
” He didn’t dare to speak.
“Zhao Zhe, it’s the same question, what were you doing from November 3rd to 14th last year.
” Three, two, one he remained silent, so the cue once again landed on his broken leg.
“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you Gu Chen!” “Say it! Say what you did! Say you tampered with the batteries.
“Yeah! What about it? I’m going to kill your man, all right! I’m going to play with his woman and sleep with her!” “My boyfriend treats you like a brother!” “Did you see how he laughed at me in college?
Do you know how many pranks he played on me?
“Just because of the pranks?”
“Do you know what those pranks were?
Do you know how humiliating they were?
He’s from a good family, he’s handsome, all he had to do was invite his roommates to dinner to get everyone to like him and come along with him to screw me! Isolate me! Do you understand?
“”But he’s been helping you since he graduated!”” “I don’t want his fucking charity! I want him to pay for his sins!” “So you killed him?
So you killed him?
So you killed him! “I moved the battery. I just wanted to burn him. I didn’t know he’d be trapped in the car!” “You admit it.
“You admitted it. You did all of this.”
“25 I slowly walked towards the table, placed my left arm on the corner of the table, took the cue, and slammed it down with all my might.
Sharp pain hit me, interspersed with the crunching of tendons.
I knew that my left arm should be broken.
“What are you …… doing?
” Zhao Zhe looked at me in disbelief.
I endured the pain and threw that club to Zhao Zhe.
He held the club instinctively in his hand.
That club, now, had his fingerprints on it.
“Here’s what happened tonight.
” I said slowly while combing through my thoughts, “I was lying in bed with you, and while we were talking, you slipped up, so I figured out all your plans.
” I walked over to the corner and crouched down, “You were furious and broke my arm with a club.
And in the scuffle, you took the cue from me because you were weak.
I broke your calf.
To prevent you from attacking me again, I tied you up.
“What are you talking about, Tatsu?
” I clutched my legs tightly and pulled out my cell phone, checking the time, “They, they should be here.
” Suddenly, there was a dull thud and the door was kicked in.
It was the police.
I suddenly bawled.
“Help me!” I yelled, the tears that had been brewing for so long rolling down in time.
“Help me!!!” “He killed someone! He killed someone!!!” 26 The morning of Jo Chul’s sentencing, I went to my boyfriend’s grave.
I told him two things.
“From now on, I’ll make all the cakes for you.
“And, no one will bully me anymore.

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